HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-6081, Onslow County, Start of Study.pdfROY COOFER Governor MICHAEL S. FZEGAN Secretary Bi�AX7'OIV C. DAVIS Director Trace R. Howell, PE NCDOT Division 3 Design Engineer SSQl Barbados BauIevard Castle Hayne, NC 28429 NORTH CAROLINA Environmentrr! Qualtty August 30, 201 S RE: Project Start of Study, NC 53 (Western Baulevard) from SR 1305 (Gum Branch Raac�) to US 17 (Marine Boulevard), �nslow County, TIP No. U-6081. Dear Mr. H�weIl: The N.C. Divisian of Coastal Management (DCM} appreciates the opportunity to cornment on the N.C. Department of Transportatian (NCDOT} Project 5tart of Study letter dated July 9, 2018, including the attached project data sheets, vicinity map, and envirar�mental features map, for the above referenced project. DCM has reviewed th� infarrriation that was provided by NCDOT to determin� if there are any potential Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA} Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's) within the praject area. Based upon the information received from NCDOT, it appears as though there are not any CAMA AEC's within the project area. If a project impacts a CAMA AEC, then a CAMA permit is required. If a project ddes nat impact an AEC, but it requires a fed�ral license, ar it receives federal funding, then a determination of federal consistency with the N.C. Coastal Management Program is required. Ti�e process for obtaining a federal cons�steney determination from DCIVI is dependent upon the type af Section 4p4 permit that is appxopriate for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A DCM Fisheries Resource Specialist has also reviewed the information that was provided by NC1�OT. It appears as though the project will not hawe any direct impacts to Coastal Waters as defined by the N.C. Divisian of Marine Fisheries, therefore the N,C. Wildlife Resources Com�nission wi�l likely be the Iead state fisheries agency duz-ing project develop�xtent and environmental analysis. In additian, DCM re�ommends that the following NCD(�T projects be added to ihe list of ather TIP projects in the area: U-4007B and U-5951. �'�FTSlCA{i(i.ir.�q� �� ��� Oew�mentoe EnNrwsrnenni 4wa� Norfh Carolina Department of Environmental Qualiry j Division of Coasta[ Management DWR Wetlands Unit � 512 North Salishury Strect � 1b17 Mail Serviee Center � Raleigh. Nnrth Carol9na 27699-1617 919.707.9149 During the federal consistency detez-�ination process, DCM may have additional comments on the project's environmental impacts, and may place conditions on any federal consistency deter�nination to minimize any environmental impacts. NCDOT must also demonstrate that the project is consistent with all certitied CAMA land use plans that are current at the t�me of �ermit application. The information provided in this letter shall not preclude D�M �irom requesting additional info�nation throughout the federal consistency determination process, and following norrnal procedures. Thank you for your eonsideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, Please contact me or Steph�n Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Projects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at (919) 707-9149 or via e-inail at Cathy.Brittingham�ncdenr.gov. Stephen can be reached at (252) 808�2808 ext. 208 or via e- mail at Stephen.Lane(ci�ncdenr.go_v. Sincereiy, >� Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coardinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steenhuis, DWR Masan Herndon, NCDOT Travis Wilson, WRC N��T,���� ��D_EQ�� ao:�� �w����� aw�� Nnrth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality �, Division of Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit � Sl2 North Salisbury Sireet I 1617 MailService Center I Raleigh, NortE� Carotina 27b999b17 919.7D7.9149