HomeMy WebLinkAbout External U-5733 CP1-2 Merger Meeting Summary & CP Signature Forms Carpenter,Kristi From:Adam Archual <aarchual@HNTB.com> Sent:Monday, October 29, 2018 5:36 PM To:'brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil'; 'ron.lucas@dot.gov'; Steenhuis, Joanne; 'somerville.amanetta@epa.gov'; 'gary_jordan@fws.gov'; Lane, Stephen; Weychert, Curtis R; Brittingham, Cathy; Wilson, Travis W.; Gledhill-earley, Renee; 'fritz.rohde@noaa.gov'; Leonard, David; Marshall, Harrison; Dunlop, James H; Cox, Hardee R; Vine-Hodge, John A; 'Anthony Prinz'; 'dtrebil@jacksonvillenc.gov'; 'benjamin_warren@onslowcountync.gov'; 'Robert Turnbull' Cc:Kimmel, Krista H; Herndon, T. Mason; James Byrd; Kenneth Gilland; Douglas Wheatley; Matthew Quesenberry; 'Chris Militscher'; Hite, Katie E; Ray, Carl E; Spirakis, Kirsten L; Rivenbark, Chris; Robbins, Jamille A; Marshall, Harrison; Pair, Missy; Moore, Brenda L; Twisdale, John W; Fischer, Kevin; Pilipchuk, John L; Hemphill, Bo; McIntyre, Ray; Alavi, J S; Cockburn, JoHanna I; 'skutz@jacksonvillenc.gov'; Leonard, Jessi L; Lopez, Bryan A; Kreider, Christopher A Subject:\[External\] U-5733 CP1-2 Merger Meeting Summary & CP Signature Forms Attachments:2018-10-17_U-5733_CP 1-2 Merger Meeting Summary_with Concurrence Forms.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Team: Please find attached the final Meeting Summary and the signed CP 1 and CP 2 Signature Forms for your files. Please note that “Post-Meeting Notes” have been added to the final Meeting Summary. Brad offered the following post-meeting notes: - The New River, at all crossing locations, is part of an old Federal Navigation project (as evidenced by its straight nature); therefore, a Section 408 review would be required by USACE-Operations. This review is typically routed through USACE-Environmental, which would serve as the clearing house to solicit comments from other branches of USACE (e.g., Navigation and Operations). This will need to be addressed following selection of a corridor and before a USACE permit can be issued. - The New River at this location is navigable and therefore would require a Section 9 Permit (Rivers and Harbor Act) facilitated by the US Coast Guard (USCG). This will need to be addressed following selection of a corridor. USACE 1 would reach out to USCG for their input as to what authorization would be necessary. Thank you, Adam J. Archual Project Manager Transportation Planning Tel (919) 424-0442 Email aarchual@hntb.com HNTB CORPORATION 343 E. Six Forks Road Suite 200 | Raleigh, NC 27609 | hntb.com 100+ YEARS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram From: Adam Archual Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 3:21 PM To: brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil; ron.lucas@dot.gov; joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov; somerville.amanetta@epa.gov; gary_jordan@fws.gov; stephen.lane@ncdenr.gov; Weychert, Curtis R <curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov>; cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov; fritz.rohde@noaa.gov; Leonard, David (dbleonard@ncdot.gov) <dbleonard@ncdot.gov>; Marshall, Harrison (hmarshall@ncdot.gov) <hmarshall@ncdot.gov>; jdunlop@ncdot.gov; hcox@ncdot.gov; javinehodge@ncdot.gov; 'Anthony Prinz' <aprinz@jacksonvillenc.gov>; dtrebil@jacksonvillenc.gov; benjamin_warren@onslowcountync.gov; Robert Turnbull <rturnbull@ESINC.CC> Cc: 'Kimmel, Krista H' <khkimmel@ncdot.gov>; Herndon, T. Mason <tmherndon@ncdot.gov>; James Byrd <jabyrd@HNTB.com>; Kenneth Gilland <kgilland@HNTB.com>; Douglas Wheatley <dwheatley@HNTB.com>; Matthew Quesenberry <mquesenberry@HNTB.com>; Chris Militscher <Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov>; Hite, Katie E <kehite@ncdot.gov>; Ray, Carl E <eray@ncdot.gov>; Spirakis, Kirsten L <klspirakis@ncdot.gov>; Rivenbark, Chris <crivenbark@ncdot.gov>; Robbins, Jamille A <jarobbins@ncdot.gov>; Marshall, Harrison <hmarshall@ncdot.gov>; Pair, Missy <mpair@ncdot.gov>; Moore, Brenda L <blmoore@ncdot.gov>; Twisdale, John W <jtwisdale@ncdot.gov>; Fischer, Kevin <wkfischer@ncdot.gov>; Pilipchuk, John L <jpilipchuk@ncdot.gov>; Hemphill, Bo <bohemphill@ncdot.gov>; McIntyre, Ray <rmcintyre@ncdot.gov>; Alavi, J S <jalavi@ncdot.gov>; Cockburn, JoHanna I <jicockburn@ncdot.gov>; 'skutz@jacksonvillenc.gov' <skutz@jacksonvillenc.gov>; Leonard, Jessi L <jleonard6@ncdot.gov>; Lopez, Bryan A <balopez@ncdot.gov>; Kreider, Christopher A <ckreider@ncdot.gov> Subject: U-5733 CP1-2 Merger Meeting Summary -- DRAFT Team – 2 Thank for your attendance and participation at the U-5733 Concurrence Points 1 & 2 Merger Meeting held last Wednesday morning (10/17/18). Attached, please find a DRAFT Meeting Summary (MS Word File) for your review and comment. Please let me know if you have any comments or concerns on the summary prior to finalizing Monday, October 29, 2019. The Merger Meeting sign-in sheet is attached for your records. CP 1 - The CP 1 Signature Form has been circulated via DocuSign to collect a few signatures following the meeting. The executed form will be provided for your records upon completion. CP 2 - A revised CP 2 Signature Form that includes the variant concept alignment proposed at the meeting is also attached to email. A series of maps depicting all concept alternatives, followed by the three individual concepts carried forward, accompanies the revised CP 2 Form. The revised CP 2 Signature Form will be distributed to the signatories via DocuSign directly after this email. Please keep an eye out for an automated email from DocuSign for those whose signature is required. I respectfully request that signatures be completed by Monday, October 29, 2019. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing, or do not receive. NOTE: Following the CP 2 discussion, the detailed study alternatives to be carried forward have been numbered as follows: - Alternative 1A (former “Southern Alternative”) - Alternative 1B (“new” alternative agreed to at meeting) - Alternative 2 (former “Middle Alternative”) - Alternative 3 (former “Northern Alternative”) – screened out from further consideration. Thank you, Adam J. Archual Project Manager Transportation Planning Tel (919) 424-0442 Email aarchual@hntb.com HNTB CORPORATION 343 E. Six Forks Road Suite 200 | Raleigh, NC 27609 | hntb.com ■ 100+ YEARS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient and receive this communication, please delete this message and any attachments. Thank you. 3