HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-17_U-5733_CP 1-2 Merger Meeting Summary_with Concurrence Forms"'�,. SIATf �y:�, /�+ p .-.... �.U�. -i �y/t Y \S:: j� � � = p��. � ,y � �^, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR Project Date: Meeting Summary October 29, 2018 STIP Project No. U-5733 October 17, 2018, 10:00 a.m. JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY Place: Century Center A, Structure Design Conference Rm, 1000 Birch Ridge Road, Raleigh Purpose: Concurrence Point 1& Concurrence Point 2 Merger Meeting Attendees: Name Organization Email Address Brad Shaver USACE brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil Ron Lucas FHWA-NC Division ron.lucas@dot.gov Joanne Steenhuis NCDWR joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.�ov Krista Kimmel NCDOT-Division 3 khkimmel@ncdot.�ov Amanetta Somerville* EPA somerville.amanetta@epa.gov GaryJordan USFWS gary jordan@fws.�ov Stephen Lane* NCDCM stephen.lane@ncdenr.�ov Curtis Weychert* NCDCM-MarineFisheries curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov Cathy Brittingham NCDCM cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov Travis Wilson NCWRC travis.wilson@ncwildlife.or� ReneeGledhill-Earley* NCHPO renee.�ledhill-earley@ncdcr.�ov Fritz Rohde NMFS fritz.rohde@noaa.�ov David Leonard* NCDOT-Division 3 dbleonard@ncdot.�ov Mason Herndon NCDOT-Division 3 tmherndon@ncdot.�ov Harrison Marshall NCDOT-PICSU hmarshall@ncdot.gov Jim Dunlop* NCDOT-CM jdunlop@ncdot.gov Hardee Cox NCDOT-STI P hcox@ncdot.gov John Vine-Hodge NCDOT-Bicycle& Pedestrian javinehod�e@ncdot.�ov Anthony Prinz City of Jacksonville —JUMPO aprinz@jacksonvillenc.gov Deana Trebil City of Jacksonville —JUMPO dtrebil@jacksonvillenc.gov Ben Warren* Onslow County benjamin warren@onslowcountync.�ov James Byrd HNTB jabyrd@hntb.com Ken Gilland HNTB kgilland@hntb.com Douglas Wheatley HNTB dwheatley@hntb.com MattQuesenberry HNTB mquesenberry@hntb.com Adam Archual HNTB aarchual@hntb.com RobertTurnbull ESI rturnbull@esinc.cc *Attended via phone Ma i[i ng Ad d ress: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT[ON PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1548 Telephone: (919)707-6000 Fax: (919) 250-4224 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH,NC27610 NCDOT-Division 3 opened the meeting and led introductions. HNTB led the MergerTeam through a PowerPoint Presentation (availableon-line at xfer.services.ncdot.�ov/pdea/Mer�erMeetin�s/). The purpose of the meeting wasto reach agreement on Concurrence Point 1(Purpose and Need and Study Area Defined) and Concurrence Point 2(DetailedStudy AlternativesCarried Forward). Project Back�round JUMPO explained thatthe New River crossing evaluated in the 2007 NCDOT Feasibility Study for the "Northwest Connector" (FS-03030C) was ultimately not pursued due to the cost ofthe bridge and the potential environmental impacts. The current proposed project (U-5733) was developed as an alternative to the Northwest Connector. JUMPO stated that based on current information, the Gum Branch Road widening project is expected to be funded in P5. Concurrence Point 1: Purpose and Need - EPA asked whether a level of service (LOS) would be included in the project's purpose statement. o NCDOT-CM responded that there is not a hard rule for including LOS in the purpose and need. The goal is typically LOS D, though a lower LOS may be accepted if benefits are demonstrated to the overall network. o HNTB noted that other measures of effectiveness (MOEs), i.e., travel time and vehicle hours traveled (VHT), better illustrate the regional traffic benefits of the project. JUMPO stated that in the recent hurricane event (Hurricane Florence), many area roads flooded. US 258 was the only route to accessthe Jacksonville area, and portions of that roadway were also inundated and impassable. Re-entry afterthe hurricane event proved more criticallyimportant than hurricane evacuation. Should hurricane evacuation and/or re-entry be included in the need and purpose? o Itisgenerallyagreedthatbotharecriticallyimportantconsiderationsandmay be documented as secondary benefits in the environmental document. o NCDOT'scurrent design standards dictatethat roadway projects be designed for 50-year storm events. It is noted that the North Carolina coast has been exposed to two 500-yearflood events in the past three years. ■ Any design variance may be directed through a project-specific commitment (e.g., greensheet commitment). - JUMPO stated thatfrom the regionaltravel perspective, the connection to Ramsey Road is critical. The widening of Ramsey Road is identified as a long-range transportation project. Should the connection to Ramsey Road be included in the purpose statement? o There is general agreement that "connectivity" adequately addresses this purpose. The MergerTeam agreed to the project Purpose and Need at the meeting. Concurrence Point 1: Studv Area Defined The MergerTeam did not agreewiththe study area presented in Figure 2 of the Merger Meeting Packet and described in the PowerPoint Presentation. It was agreed that the "study area" shown on Figure 1 meetsthe expectations of the MergerTeam. The CP 1 signature form was revised to describe the study area illustrated in Figure 1 of the Merger Meeting Packet. The MergerTeam agreed to the study area shown in Figure 1 of the Merger Meeting Packet and duplicated in attachments. Pa ge 2 of 4 - The CP 1 Signature Form is attachedtothis meetingsummary. Concurrence Point 2: Detailed Study Alternatives - NCWRC noted that the inclusion of Gum Branch Road in the "northern" and "middle" concept alternatives increases the potential impacts. o H NTB noted that at this stage of development, NCDOT is assuming that improvements would be required to Gum Branch Road. Gum Branch Road is currently at or over capacity, and tying U-5733 into Gum Branch Road will increase trafficvolumes on Gum Branch Road. The project would not have independent utility if U-5733 stopped at Gum Branch Road in either the northern or middle concept. Ramsey Road is the logical eastern project termini. ■ JUMPO also noted that Ramsey Road serves as the "urban" northern extent of Jacksonville. The MergerTeam agreed to drop the northern concept alternative from further consideration. o HNTBstatedthatthe northern concept does not fully meetthe connectivity purpose of the project. Trafficanalysis concluded thatthe northern concept does not offer an attractive route for travelers to/from the northwest part of Onslow County. The MergerTeam requested that a"new" third alternative be studied, a variant of the southern concept alternative. This new concept is referred to as "Alternative 16" and generallyconsists of a new location alignment between the southern concept alternative (Alternative 1A) and the middle concept alternative (Alternative 2). The Alternative 1B concept joins the Alternative 1A concept alignment near the Briarneck Road alignment, west of the New River crossing. (See attached CP 2 Signature Form and exhibits.) o Note: In laying out Alternative 18, HNTB identified the following constraints and attempted — to the extent practical at this concept level of design — to avoid impacts to two mobile home parks east of US 258 and parallel impacts to an unnamed tributary that roughly parallels Spring Leaf Lane to the north then erown Road to the south. o Note: Moving forward, the detailed study alternatives have been numbered as follows, with their former designation in parentheses behind: Alternative 1A (Southern Alternative), Alternative 18 (newJ, Alternative 2(Middle AlternativeJ, and Alternative 3 (Northern AlternativeJ. H NTB stated that the project would have to bridge the floodway and a portion of the floodplain toachieve a No-Rise. General Discussion - USACE requested that a copy of the PowerPoint be made available to the MergerTeam. Update (10/17/18J: a PDF of the PowerPoint has been uploaded to the Merger File Transfersite (xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/MergerMeetings/). - NCDCM asked when the CP 2A (Alignment Reviewand Bridging Decisions) meeting would be held. o HNTB anticipatesan early 2019 CP 2A meeting. o It is agreed that the CP 2A will be a field meeting. o NC Wetland Assessment Method (WAM) classifications and scores will be available atthe CP 2A meeting. NCDCM—Fisheries is not required to sign the merger documents and will defer to NCDWR and NCDCM. Pa ge 3 of 4 - The Indirect Land Use Effects Screening Tool completed for the project's Community Characteristics Report (CCR) resulted in the "possible" need for a Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA). NCDOT-PICSU asked whether a LUSA would be of use to the permitting agencies. o It was agreed that a LUSA will not be needed for this project. NCDCM noted the project will have to document compliance with the CAMA Land Use Plan. Post-Meetin� Notes The New River, at all crossing locations, is part of an old Federal Navigation project (as evidenced by its straight nature); therefore, a Section 408 review would be required by USACE-Operations. This review is typically routed through USACE-Environmental, which would serve as the clearing house to solicit comments from other branches of USACE (e.g., Navigation and Operations). This will need to be addressed following selection of a corridor and before a USACE permit can be issued. The New River at this location is navigable and therefore would require a Section 9 Permit (Rivers and HarborAct) facilitated bythe US Coast Guard (USCG). This will need to be addressed following selection of a corridor. USACE would reach out to USCG for their input asto what authorizationwould be necessary. The above summarizes the germane discussion and decisions reached at the meeting based on my best recollection. Sincerely, Adam J. Archual HNTB North Carolina, PC Deputy Project Manager Transportation Planning Pa ge 4 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: DFADC015-2D75-444E-8541-6B7C5795ECB9 Section 4Q4/NEPA Merger Pro�ect Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 1 Project PurpoSe and Need ar�d Study Area Defined Project Name/Description: US 258 (Richla�ds Highway} to SR 1308 (Gum Branch Road). Construct ExtenSipn of NC 111 on new location. STfP Prpje[#: U-5733 Project Need: The need to �e addressed by the proposed project is to irr�pro�e network mobility and connecti�ity between Gum Branch Road and US 258 in the project area. Projett Purpose: 7he primary purpose of the proposed project is to improve the transportation network in the project study area to benefit mobility and connectivity. The project will achie�e improvecf rr�obility by reducing overall �ehicle hours tra�eked (VHT) in the transportation network. The project will achie�e impro�ed connecti�ity in central Onslow County by reducing trave� times in the project vicinity and pro�iding a roadway connection closer to acti�ity centers in lacksonville. Project Study Area The project study area boundaries are shown o� Figure 1, dated March 2018. The study area is roughly bounded by NC 111 and U5 258 to the west, Rhadestown Road (SR 1316) to the north, Gum Branch Road �S�t 1308) to the east and Ramsey Road [SR 1324J and NC 111 to the south. Each boundary is buffered 250 feet. The Merger Team has concurred on this date af Qctober 17, 2018, on the above project purpose and need and the study area as shown in �igure 1 for 571P Praject U-5733. USACE � �LU/•�A11�`�. '�rl�rl�' DocuSigned by: USEPIAIIw�a,�,t,�a �Dw�t.l�.t�,t, 10/23/2018 USFWS /v�l� �20�8 NCD � ' � � ' G' � /�' NCWR � � .. � NCDCM �%LL�L-L `t-"V�- � S71P Project U-5733 Concurrence Poir�t 1 F H W A �Cf�"�" � G�' �--L�- —_ NCDO7 DocuSigned by: NQAA Fisher e�V'lf�h i�b�� 10/23/2018 —� DocuSigned�I�tOD31C923E4AC... NCHf�O�-� ���_y_<<' Q.e� . 10/23/2018 I1��l�Il Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 58FC6D1A-69CA-4FDE-8462-FBC380252E6D Section 404/NEPA Merger ProjectTeam MeetingAgreement Concurrence Point No. 2 Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Project Name/Description: US 258 (Richlands Highway)to SR 1308 (Gum Branch Road). Construct Extension of NC 111 on new location. STIPProject: U-5733 � Alternative 1A (Southern Alternative)- realign NC 111 to a new intersection with US 258; construct new alignment roadway to cross the New River on new location to the existing Ramsey Road and Gum Branch Road intersection; purchase right of way for a future multi-lane roadway. (See attachedfigures.) � Alternative 1B - realign NC 111 to a new intersection with US 258; construct new alignment roadway to cross the New River on new location to the existing Ramsey Road and Gum Branch Road intersection; purchase right of way for a future multi-lane roadway. (See attached figures. ) � Alternative2 (Middle Alternative)- realign NC 111 to intersect BriarneckRoad; improve Briarneck Road for approximately one mile; construct new alignment roadway to cross the New River on new location to a new Gum Branch Road intersection; purchase right of wayfor a future multi-lane roadway. (See attachedfigures.) Alternative 3(Northern Alternative)- realign NC 111 to intersect Rhodestown Road; improve Rhodestown Road to Gum Branch Road intersection; purchase right of wayfor a future multi- lane roadway. The MergerTeam has concurred on this date of October 17, 2018, on the above identified detailed study alternativesto be carriedforward for STIP Project U-5733. DocuSigned by: USAC �V'a�, �u,a�n�,v� 10/23/2018 667 7a �c��'�i 9�h e4cQ �Y: USEPA aw��la �Ow�t,V�t�,c, 10/23/2018 oo��`�'�����i?as�aos.. n 10/23/2018 USF S�� C/a^�'-'� 501BAD677C42452.. DocuSigned by: l��z 3�Z�18 N CD W R oa.,�..�.� S'fi�W,'y Docu aig�e6��9��D340F... NCW C"�Cfav�'s W�Csoti 10/23/2018 31585D06682E436... DocuSigned by: 10/23/2018 NCDCM V't �� _ _ DE36D6781D634D1... DocuSigned by: FH Al�bl�t, �,U.f,c�.S 770 B.Z1Bb�Q��F�ed by: NCDOT ��a �'"""w� 10/23/2018 10/23/2018 10/23/2018 STI P Project U-5733 Concurrence Point 2 - - - - - - - �ocuSigned by: NOAA Fisheries ��f �4�� DocuSigned by �D10D31C923E4AC... NCHP �-� ���-�-"" X 10/23/2018 �Docu559ned by64_. JUMP ��y 0��� 10/23/2018 64ECBF31B6414CC... Page 1 of 1