HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181720 Ver 1_Restoration Plans_20181218NW Maynard Rd.Sudbury Dr.Northwoods Dr.NW Maynard Rd.Harrison Ave.N. Harrison Ave.Laurie Ln.Whittington Park TownhomesStream Restoration PlanSheet 1: Cover SheetSheet 2: NotesSheet 3: Existing ConditionsSheet 4: Erosion ControlSheet 5: SchematicSheet 6: GradingSheet 7: Section ViewsSheet 8: Impacts MapSheet 9: Greenway FeasibilitySheet 10: Stabilization TimeframeSheet 11: Planting and DetailsSheet 12: DetailsSheet 13: Details Cont.Property Owner:Whittington Park HOAMailing Address:2180 W SR 434 STE 5000Longwood, FL 32779No Changes to an aspect of this site plan, including but not limited to, landscaping, grading,or utilities shall be mad without the approval of the Development Review Committee of the Town of Cary.Unless explicitly specified in the notes on this development plan, this project, including and subsequent development plans,shall comply with the Cary Land Development Ordinance (LDO) and all other applicable regulations and guidelines.In the event of a discrepancy between this approved development plant and the applicable regulations orguidelines, and absent clarification or approval of such stated on this development plan or other related approval,the applicable regulation or guideline shall apply.Site Data TablePhysical Address:0 Grande Meadow WayCary NC 27513Wake County parcel identificationnumber (PIN10):0764371056, 0764274140Wake County real estate ID(RealID) number:0236040, 0236039Total deeded acreage of theproperty:3.78 acres, 1.09 acresBase zoning district(s):Planned Development District(PDD): NorthwoodsAll overlay zoning district(s):Mixed Use OverlayDistrict-CommunityExisting square footage ofbuildings on property:N/AProposed square footage ofbuilding:0 square feetLand area to be disturbed:32,123 square feetArea of proposed impervioussurfaces:0 square feetLinear footage of proposedroads, fire lanes, water lines,sewer lines, and reclaimed waterlines:0 feetNumber of proposed water,sewer, and reclaimed water taps:0Feet0 200 400The following modification(s) to the Town's development standards have been approved in accordance with applicablesections of the LDO:a.) Replacement caliper for champion trees removed from the site will be met by seedlings proposed for stream corridor revegetation, the cumulative caliper of which greatly exceeds the replacement caliper required.b.) No modifications requestedTrees identified as replacements for Champion Trees tobe removed from the site shall be, per Section7.2.5(E) of the LDO, maintained through anestablishment period of at least three years, except thatreplacement trees located on individual detacheddwelling lots shall be maintained through anestablishmentperiod of one year. Replacement trees that do notsurvive the establishment period shall be replaced by thedeveloper. FHPROJECT NARRATIVEThis project involves the restoration of a section of Black Creek. This tributary runs along the western edge of WhittingtonPark Townhomes community located in Cary, NC. The completion of the work involves grading, the building of in streamstructures, the installation of riprap, and planting of a small impaired stream reach. All work shall be subject to thedirection and inspection of the Project Engineer.This project is located in the Crabtree Creek watershed and there are no FEMA regulated floodplains in the project area.Construction for this project should last from 5 to 10 days with all work being completed in dry weather conditions. Theentire construction site will be surrounded with tree protection fence. The tree protection fence must be installed andinspected prior to the issuance of a grading permit for the project site. Also any trees that shall not be removed inside theconstruction limits will be surrounded with tree protection fence. This project is proposing the use of silt fence on all downslope areas to ensure that no sediment leaves the site in a potential rain event.DETAILED STREAM CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING1) All work is to be done in the dry. The existing channel is to be left open and flowing while the proposedchannel is graded. A pump around can be used whenever needed to ensure all work is done in dry conditions.2) Remove and stockpile all woody vegetation within the limits of disturbance. Woody vegetation to be used tobuild instream structures.3) Remove and stockpile all stone within the existing channel. Stockpiled stone to be used to build reinforcedriffles in the proposed channel.4) Cut proposed channel and move. Do not open proposed channel for water to flow through. Leave existingchannel open to allow for water to flow as it normally would.5) Build instream structures within newly constructed channel. Fill channel bottom with stone.6) Cover inner bench, side slopes and floodplain terrace in coir matting.7) Open new channel for water to flow through. Fill in the existing channel to direct flow into the newlyconstructed channel.8) Plant wetland plugs on the inner bench, live stakes on the side slopes, and tree saplings on the floodplainterrace. (See planting plan)9) Request a final inspection by the Project Engineer.MATERIALS ESTIMATES1) Earthwork: 1,080 CY2) Boulders needed: 30 TN3) Matting: 12,720 sf4) #57 Stone: 12 CY5) Tree Fence: 2000 LF6) Silt Fence: 360 LFENGINEER"S NOTES:The location and alignment of all improvements shown are approximate. The final location and alignment shallbe determined during construction using best professional judgment and approved by the Project engineer.Materials lists are provided as an approximation only. Contractor shall independently verify the number andamount of stone, backfill, or other items necessary to properly complete the job.The latest version of the following standards applies to these specifications:A.NCDOT “Standard Specifications For Roads and Structures” dated July 2006B. NCDENR “Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 2006”The Contractor shall call the “Call Before You Dig” toll free number to make sure that all utilities are located andmarked. Any damage to existing utilities is the responsibility of the Contractor.Any damage resulting from actions of the Contractor to structures or grounds on site will be repaired or replacedat the expense of the Contractor, to a quality meeting or exceeding their previous standards.The Contractor is to ensure public safety during all phases of construction.The Contractor is responsible for clearing and disposing of any man-made materials or other debris that lie withinthe construction limits, as requested and approved by the Project Engineer.The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the streets in front of the construction site will be kept clean at alltimes. If needed to accomplish this task a wash station may be required.SEEDING NOTES:Re-seed all disturbed areas and slopes as directed. Permanent seeding(Spring/Summer only) of: 50lbs/acre tall fescue, 5lbs/acre centipede, 25lbs/acre bermudagrass (hulled) Apply fertilizer (10-20-20) at a rate of500lbs/ac and lime at 4000lbs/acre. Spread straw mulch on any disturbedareas at a rate of 1.5 tons /acre.EROSION CONTROL NOTES:1.All erosion control must be set-up and inspected prior to commencement of gradingoperations.2. All slopes shall be seeded and stabilized with a dense coverage of grass. Any exposed or bare slopes shall bere-seeded or protected with erosion control matting. Erosion control matting shall meet the requirements of Rolanka coirmat 70 and include openings of no more than 0.5 inches.3. All backfill shall be suitable for plant growth and generally free of debris or other material greater than 2 inches insize.4. All elevations and channel dimensions shall be met within a tolerance of 0.1'5. Stabilization measures shall be implemented as soon as possible following completed areas of construction.Specific seeding requirements are provided in the planting plan.6. Provide temporary or permanent groundcover on all exposed areas within 7 calendar days following completionof any phase of grading. Provide a permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 14 working days or within 90calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development.7. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be inspected every seven (7) days or after each rainfall occurrencethat exceeds one-half (1/2) inch. Damaged or ineffective devices shall be repaired or replaced, as necessary.8. All erosion control devices shall be properly maintained during all phases of the construction until the completionof all construction activities and all disturbed areas have been stabilized. Additional control devices may be requiredduring construction in order to control erosion and/or off-site sedimentation. All temporary control devices shall beremoved once construction is complete and the site is stabilized.9. The contractor must take necessary action to minimize the tracking of mud off site areas. The contractor shall dailyremove mud/soil from pavement, as may be required.10. The contractor shall accomplish all streambank excavation from outside the active channel whenever possible. Alldisturbed streambank must be stabilized with seeding, Mulch and erosion control matting by the end of each workday.TOWN OF CARY CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING1) Request preconstruction meeting.2) obtain grading permit.3) install all erosion control measures as shown.4) obtain certificate of compliance through on-site inspection by Stormwater Engineering Technician.5) Proceed with grading.6) Clean sediment basins when one-half full.7) Seed and mulch denuded area within 15 calendar days after any phase of grading.8) Maintain soil erosion control measures until permanent ground cover is established.9) Request final approval by Stormwater Engineering Technician.10)Remove soil erosion measures and stabilize these areas.TOC SEEDING NOTES:All disturbed areas shall be dressed to a depth of 8 inches. The top 3inches shall be pulverized to provide a uniform seedbed. Agriculturallime shall be applied at the rate of 95 lb/1000 sq. ft. immediately beforeplowing. Grass seed shall be applied at the rates outlined in thefollowing tables.10-10-10 (Fall) / 5-10-10 (Spring) fertilizer shall be applied to all disturbedareas at a rate of 2 tons/acre and mulching shall consist of small grainstraw applied at a rate of 1-2 tons/acre. Mulched areas shall be tackedwith asphalt at a rate of 435 gallons per acre, or other approvedmethod sufficient to hold the straw in place.If active construction ceases, meaning no substantial or significantprogress is made in any area for more than 15 days, all disturbed areasmust be seeded, mulched, and tacked unless written approval isgranted by the Stormwater Engineering Technician. Incidental gradingshall not constitute substantial or significant progress in constructionactivity.As a part of permanent seeding, maintenance may be required tomaintain vegetation for 12 months (including mowing and watering).This maintenance shall be considered a part of establishing permanentground cover.Shoulders, Side Ditches, Slopes (For Slopes Between 2:1 and 3:1)DateType Planting RateMar 1 - June 1 Sericea Lespedeza (scarified)and50 lbs/acreMar 1 - April 15 Add Tall Fescue or120 lbs/acreMar 1 - June 30 Add Weeping Lovegrass or10 lbs/acreMar 1 - June 30Add Hulled CommonBermudagrass25 lbs/acreJune 1 - Sept 1***Tall Fescue and***Browntop Millet or***Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids120 lbs/acre35 lbs/acre30 lbs/acreSept 1 - Mar 1 Sericea Lespedeza(unhulled/unscarified) andTall Fescue70 lbs/acre120 lbs/acreNov 1 - Mar 1 Add Abruzzi Rye25 lbs/acreShoulders, Side Ditches, Slopes (For Slopes 3:1 and Flatter)DateType Planting RateAug 15 - Nov 1 Tall Fescue300 lbs/acreNov 1 - Mar 1 Tall Fescue and Abruzzi Rye300 lbs/acreMar 1 - Apr 15 Tall Fescue300 lbs/acreApr 15 - June 30Hulled Common Bermudagrass 25 lbs/acreJuly 15 - Aug 15 Tall Fescue and ***BrowntopMillet or ***Sorghum-SudanHybrids35 lbs/acre***Temporary - Reseed according to optimum season for desired permanent vegetation.Do not allow temporary cover to grow over 12 inches in height before mowing to keepfescue from being shaded out. Feet01020 Feet02040CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOTES:1. Only small construction equipment (skid steer, mini excavator, etc.) tomake multiple trips across the access path. .2. Larger excavator to be allowed down access path once at the beginningof construction and once when construction has been completed3. Dump trucks to be loaded and unloaded in the designated materialstaging area.4. Existing sewer manholes and cleanouts should be avoided at all times.5. Any damage caused to the existing sanitary sewer system will be theresponsibility of the contractor.STAGING AND FILL AREA NOTES:1. Staging of all construction materials shall be limited to the designatedstaging area as shown on plans.2. Only small construction equipment to go beyond the designated stagingarea.3. All excess sediment to be evenly distributed throughout designated fillareas as shown on plans.4. Designated fill areas to be raised by a maximum of 1.5 feet. All sedimentshould be graded evenly throughout the designated fill area andre-established in a dense stand of permanent grass.5. Proposed access path to be protected using Duradeck DD1 HDPE boardsor another equivalent product.’’ Feet01020 0+00.001+00.002+00.003+00.003+34.221+57.700+00.001+00.000+00.001+00.001+84.98Feet01020 Elevation StationMain Channel Profile View376.00377.00378.00379.00380.00381.00382.00383.00384.00385.00386.00387.000+00.00 0+05.00 0+10.00 0+15.00 0+20.00 0+25.00 0+30.00 0+35.00 0+40.00 0+45.00 0+50.00 0+55.00 0+60.00 0+65.00 0+70.00 0+75.00 0+80.00 0+85.00 0+90.00 0+95.00 1+00.00 1+05.00 1+10.00 1+15.00 1+20.00 1+25.00 1+30.00 1+35.00 1+40.00 1+45.00 1+50.00 1+55.00 1+60.00 1+65.00 1+70.00 1+75.00 1+80.00 1+85.00 1+90.00 1+95.00 2+00.00 2+05.00 2+10.00 2+15.00 2+20.00 2+25.00 2+30.00 2+35.00 2+40.00 2+45.00 2+50.00 2+55.00 2+60.00 2+65.002+70.002+75.002+80.002+85.002+90.002+95.003+00.003+05.003+10.003+15.003+20.003+25.003+30.003+35.003+40.003+45.00 Elev. = 381.448Elev. = 380.023Elev. = 380.023Elev. = 378.673Elev. = 378.500Elevation StationStormwater Outlet Channel Profile View375.00376.00377.00378.00379.00380.00381.00382.00383.00384.00385.00386.000+00.00 0+05.00 0+10.00 0+15.00 0+20.00 0+25.00 0+30.00 0+35.00 0+40.00 0+45.00 0+50.00 0+55.00 0+60.00 0+65.00 0+70.00 0+75.00 0+80.00 0+85.00 0+90.00 0+95.00 1+00.00 1+05.00 1+10.00 1+15.00 1+20.00 1+25.00 1+30.00 1+35.00 1+40.00 1+45.00 Elev. = 379.992Elev. = 378.858Elev. = 385.000Elevation StationCross Section A-A'380.00381.00382.00383.00384.00385.00386.00387.00388.00389.00390.000+00.00 0+05.00 0+10.00 0+15.00 0+20.00 0+25.00 0+30.00 0+35.00 0+40.00 0+45.00 0+50.00 0+55.00 0+60.00 0+65.00 0+70.00 0+75.00 0+80.00 0+85.00 0+90.00 0+95.00 1+00.00 1+05.00 1+10.00 1+15.00 1+20.00 1+25.00 1+30.00 1+35.00 1+40.00 1+45.00 1+50.00 1+55.00 1+60.00 1+65.00 1+70.00 1+75.00 1+80.00 1+85.00 1+90.00 1+95.00 Elevation StationCross Section B-B'378.00379.00380.00381.00382.00383.00384.00385.00386.00387.00388.00389.000+00.00 0+05.00 0+10.00 0+15.00 0+20.00 0+25.00 0+30.00 0+35.00 0+40.00 0+45.00 0+50.00 0+55.00 0+60.000+65.000+70.000+75.000+80.000+85.000+90.000+95.001+00.001+05.001+10.001+15.001+20.001+25.001+30.001+35.001+40.001+45.001+50.001+55.001+60.001+65.00 Feet01020 0+00.001+00.002+00.003+00.003+99.830033+Feet02040 STABILIZATION TIMEFRAME NOTES:1. This page is submitted to comply with NPDES General Stormwater PermitNCG010000;2. This page can be approved by the City pursuant to NPDES GeneralStormwater Permit NCG010000 only;3. This page of the approved plans is enforceable exclusively pursuant toNPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG010000;4. The City is not authorized to enforce this page of the plans and it is not apart of the approved plans for purposes of enforcement action under theCity Code.5. All disturbed areas shall be seeded according to compliance with thestabilization time frames laid out in the NPDES table.Feet01020 LIVE STAKELIVE STAKE DETAILPLAN VIEWCROSS-SECTIONTOP OF STREAMBANKNOTES1. STAKES SHALL BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY.2. STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT SHALL BE REJECTED ANDNOT USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.3. STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH BUDS POINTINGUPWARD.4. STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK.5. STAKES SHALL BE 0.5" - 2" INCHES IN DIAMETER AND 30" INLENGTH MINIMUM.6. STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 3" OFSTAKE REMAINING ABOVE GROUND.7. STAKE SPACING SHALL BE 3' ON CENTER.STAKES SHALL BEPLANTED & INSTALLEDFROM TOP OF BANK TOTOE OF SLOPE2.1'1' MAX3.0'ANGLE CUT TO45 DEGRESSLIVE CUTTING 0.5" - 2" DIABUDS FACING UPWARDSQUARE CUT TOP30" IN LENGTHMINIMUMTOP OFSTREAMBANKTOP OFSTREAMBANKTOE OF SLOPETOE OF SLOPESLOPE BANK PERPLAN SHEETS2'-3' BETWEEN STAKES,DEPENDING ON LOCATION,SEE NOTE 7 BELOW1' MAXTREE PLANTING AND GUYINGDETAIL No.TREE PROTECTION FENCE1871EFFECTIVE: 12/10/09TOC SEEDING NOTES:All disturbed areas shall be dressed to a depth of 8 inches. The top 3 inches shall bepulverized to provide a uniform seedbed. Agricultural lime shall be applied at the rate of 95lb/1000 sq. ft. immediately before plowing. Grass seed shall be applied at the rates outlinedin the following tables.10-10-10 (Fall) / 5-10-10 (Spring) fertilizer shall be applied to all disturbed areas at a rate of 2tons/acre and mulching shall consist of small grain straw applied at a rate of 1-2 tons/acre.Mulched areas shall be tacked with asphalt at a rate of 435 gallons per acre, or otherapproved method sufficient to hold the straw in place.If active construction ceases, meaning no substantial or significant progress is made in anyarea for more than 15 days, all disturbed areas must be seeded, mulched, and tackedunless written approval is granted by the Stormwater Engineering Technician. Incidentalgrading shall not constitute substantial or significant progress in construction activity.As a part of permanent seeding, maintenance may be required tomaintain vegetation for 12 months (including mowing and watering). This maintenanceshall be considered a part of establishing permanent ground cover. APLAN VIEWFLOWPROFILE A-AHEAD OF RIFFLEELEVATION POINTAHEAD OF RIFFLEELEVATION POINTGLIDERIFFLESECTION B-BBBTOP OF BANK(TYP)TAIL OF RIFFLEELEVATIONPOINTTOP OFBANK (TYP)TOE OF SLOPE(TYP)TOE OF SLOPETAIL OF RIFFLEELEVATION POINTRIFFLE STONETO TIE INTO CHANNELBANKS 0.5'12" DEPTH OFEQUAL PARTS CLASSA, B, AND 1 STONEREINFORCED RIFFLE5' MINLOGBOULDERMIX IN RECYCLED EXISTINGSUBSTRATE AS POSSIBLEDETAIL No.STANDARD TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING OPTION1871EFFECTIVE: 12/10/09NOTES:FLOWSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TYPICAL PUMP AROUNDPUMP AROUND PUMPBASEFLOWIMPERVIOUS SHEETIMPERVIOUS DIKE1. EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ONLY DRY SECTIONS OF CHANNEL.2. IMPERVIOUS DIKES SHOULD BE USED TO ISOLATE WORK AREAS FROMSTREAM FLOW.3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB MORE AREA THAN CAN BESTABILIZED IN ONE WORKING DAY.4. THE PUMP AROUND PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY X CFS FOR MILLCREEK.5. THE PUMP AROUND PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY X CFS FOR SALEMCREEK.6. THE PUMP AROUND PUMP SHOULD ADEQUATELY CONVEY X CFS FORUT-SALEM CREEK.7. PROVIDE STABILZED OUTLET TO STREAM BANK.FILTER FABRICFOR DRAINAGETYPE 2(NON-WOVEN)SPECIAL STILLING BASINEXISTINGGROUNDEXISTINGCHANNELTEMPORARYFLEXIBLEHOSESPECIAL STILLING BASIN(SEE PROJECT SPECIALPROVISIONS)DEWATERING PUMPIMPERVIOUS DIKE (SEEPROJECT SPECIALPROVISIONS)TEMPORARYPIPINGIMPERVIOUSDIKE (SEEPROJECTSPECIALPROVISIONS)SANDBAG/STONEWORKINGAREATOP OF STREAM BANK1. INSTALL SPECIAL STILLING BASINS AT THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE DESIGNATED PROJECT WORKING AREA.2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL THE PUMP AROUND PUMP AND THE TEMPORARY PIPING THAT WILL CONVEYTHE BASE FLOW FROM UPSTREAM OF THE WORK SITE.3. INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN PUMPING OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION.4. INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED TO DEWATER THEENTRAPPED AREA. THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO DEWATERTHE WORK AREA. THIS WATER WILL FLOW INTO A SPECIAL STILLING BASIN.5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM STREAM RESTORATION WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN ANDFOLLOWING THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE.6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THEIMPERVIOUS DIKE. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES, PUMPS, AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE/PIPING STARTINGWITH THE DOWNSTREAM DIKE FIRST.7. ONCE THE WORKING AREA IS COMPLETED, REMOVE THE STILLING BASINS AND STABILIZE DISTURBED AREASWITH SEED AND MULCH.12" MIN. CLASS A STONEFLOWCLASS I RIPRAP SPLASHPADPROVIDE STABILIZEDOUTLET TO STREAMBANKTYPICAL PUMP AROUND OPERATION DETAIL No.STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE1871EFFECTIVE: 12/10/098' MIN4' MINNOTES:1. MATTING TO BE DURADECK DD1 OR EQUIVALENT PRODUCT2. MATTING TO BE CONNECTED SECURELY AND TO SPAN THE ENTIRE LENGTH AND WIDTH OF THEACCESS PATH.3. MATTING SHOULD BE RATED TO HOLD A MINIMUM OF 40 TONS.4. THE MATTING SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWINGOF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS OR EXISTING PAVEMENT.5. ANY SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MUST BEREMOVED IMMEDIATELY.8' MINACCESS PATH MAT 0.5" MIN