HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051278 Ver 1_Initial Interest_2005071407•'1d•'~i~i~a 13;31 FAl D{i't~ Di rFtNEi' [~ ii U 1 1278 Steil ~ ~nvi>ro~mental Go~~sultar~ts, ~'A 11010 Raven Ctidge Rood Rulcigh, North Cmrolina 27b14 ~ Phone: (919) li4fr590U Fax- (y19) !t4{i-9467 www.Sand EC.carn TO: NAME: (~L CC: _~b!'G ~.GI V11~ 1'G"~ S COMPANY: FA.X. NUMI~ER: ~U'J~_ FROM: ~ ~ l~rn~_ SC7$JECT: ~~V~t,~ FDr~ The following itFtzas are being fay ed. Number of pages including trat~szx~ittal sheet: la For Your [;anzmeuts/Approval Foz• Four lnformatian Per Our Conversation Per Your Request Please Advise __ _ Please Call __ Would Like To Discuss 'Please dandle LARD COPY SENT: US Regular Mail and Delivery Overnight •/ Na ar h d C opy Sent _"~~. REMARKS: G0~ rv't~ ~7C SGf'"K ~ ~ _ j 1/fQ C~1I14.L..>f . ~1Yinnl/_ ~inA . it YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEI\iS W1TH TI-l1S TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CONTACT ~'~f~1 .El.~' (919 8485900. *COI~I'FIDENTiALITY NQTICE~` This tt-~nam;ssion is intended only for the u:.e of the irxlivi(iual pr entity to which it is addressed and may contain ini'ortnation that is prtviiegei and confidential- Il`~c rca~er oFrhis message is not the intended recipient, yuu are hereby notilicd that eny disclosure, distribution or copying ~f this information is strictly prohihited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the tax ;d documents to us at the above address via the Un;ted States Postal Service. Chaslotic U~cc: C,rcrnshctro O(tice 236 LcFhillip Cc+un, Sufic L ,x$17-F Z~unttlalr. 17~•iv~ Cnu~ord, f~C 28D25 ~rcans~x,~rti, N1~ ^_7~k55 .Phone; (,7114) 720-tJ4{)i }yltnue; (330) 54(3~52~~ Fo-tx: (7()•11 720.9+1(?tf Fay: {3?GJ it(I-~'~,?3 _TI_IL-14-~~=~~_~~ THI_I 1i:~T TEL:'?1'±7'=~J~,J FJHIYIE:DWGi-t•JETLHFJC:~'=~ F'. 1 FACSIMILE S~IEET ~~ ~v~ (~IS~ ~~~ ~~~ ,Dr~TE: ~ ~ ~_ ~__ Project Number: ~~' ~~ piilti~0[~5 1~:~~ FAl µ UtVQ DUR:~EI (~ji~i~~ iNiTiAi, TNTEREST I v PARTICIPATION IN 1'R;JN EXPRESS REVIEW PRaGR.AM ti~"1'r)fiI1V 1'1''l)E 4U1 bVERSITE/EXPRESS PERMITTING UNIT September 1, 2044 Version 3 Applicant Nait~e~ GFD Developrrcttt. Attn: Mr. Vt'illiam Daniel Applicant Address' 1.150 S.L. ~Iavt and Road, Suite 260 Garv. NC 2751 Applicant's phone number: 919~4G7 97U~ Fax number: 914-4G0-75$5 Applicant's email address Lidaniel'i Vb'n~C,rI7A,corn Consultant Nazne (if applicable}; Soil & Envirdrunental Consultants P A. Consultant ~~ddress (if applicable): 1 010 Raven Ridire Road R_leigh, NC 27614 Consultant's phone number: 919-84E-5900 Fax number: 9198469447 Consultant's i:mail address: kmartin ~.r.~andec.com Type ofaetion requested under the E~ press Review Progam (check all that applyj: ^ 401 Water (duality Certilicati~ar ® Scream (Jrigin Detet~nination ^ Isolated Wetland Fenrut 3 # ~~fDeterminatian~ Reyuesied ^ Riparian Buffer Approval D Internvttent,~Percnnial Deternunation © Stonnwater 14lanagement Flan # of Deterntinations liequested ^ Mitigation Plan ^ s±ream ^ wetland ^ t uffers (check all appropriate) Nsrne af' Prc)jec[~ Go~~dson Assernbla~ County: Franklin 7-otal pruject acreage: 72 .(acres) Tota] built out izrtpervidus area: unlulawn (acres j ltiearest t-arned stream (;corn USES tcpo map): W'ol1`pen Creek Please prc;vide a brief descriptipn oftl~is project (attach site plan if available): 17eternune ari~ins fc+rproject„plamunl,. Please attach a map of site location us ng I15G5 I :24,000 map and county soil survey. 1 .TIJL-14-Et_iLi~ TH~_I 11: ~ i TEL:'~j`?T^^r~~°~1 hJAME: C?4.11!!-I~JETLHhaC1=; P. c lit - 1ti~iriiS 13:3 FAT ~ D(t'W Di~RNEI C~IpU~ l~ication of project site -please inclwie reference to the county, nearest Warne town and highway mnT~ber° S~7uthcast quadrant of Hw~56 and H vv 401 south of Louisburg _ 13roposed impacts () 0 0 0 U Act'es of'4U~ wetlands Acres of isolated wetlands Linear feet of streams Linear feet of isolated streams Square feet of protected stream buFfer Has consultant ar applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past twa years'? If so, please list ~s~laicr, ones. Yes, 10i31/Q3 McKimtn m Gtr Has any DVV(~ staff visited the site?Ni~ , if yes, please provide DWQ staff name, and date ~~f visit: W~}~ich other etxvirotztnental permits f`r_~rn other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits attd issuing agencies be;lbw: Utllin«wn Does this project require approval under the State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental 1}olicy Act? Nn fs this project ati Af~er-the-fact application or has this project rrceived a previous Notice of Violation ti•om pW`Q? No Does this project require approval bf ~ ~"ariarice from the NC Environrrtetttal Management Comnussion? urilzn~wn !1re you aware of any local eontrover~y concerning this project? If so, please descrilie the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement- This fonn must be subnutted via ema 1 (e`o 41~1express(uincmail.getl fa7ted (919-733-6$931 or hand~deiivered to the Parkview F3uilding, '321. Crabtree Blvd., P.aleigh, NC 27604. Applicants who are seEeeted to participate in the Express Review Pri,gram will be notified via email or fax within 2 clays. Succcssfu! applicants wi?1 then be instructed regarding detailed proci;dures for fal' application (Please Nate: Subnuttals of the review packages ~~n Fri.day after 1 ~:0O pm will be skamped as received ~n the next business day). Please contact Debbie Edwards at yl9 733-9502. if you have any questions regarding thi. Porrrt. 2 JUL-14-~~=tt_rc THII 11:~;=; TEL:'~1~+i.~r,'?ti^ t~lAh~IE:DI~U=!-IJETLHhJD'=; F~, _ Qi'1~'~q[~5 17:x.', F~1 t i - ~~. a ~~ ~, '" ~ -+ ~ .•- .~ ~ j ''`. ;~~ ~~••. ~, ~-~'"~ ~~ r~= ~,\ _> ~ ,:- t r ~ \'~, t . i I, ~, f ~' '~ I '~ '1 JUL-1-~-L4_1G_l~ THI_I 11:c1.. TEL:'~1~_aT.^=;~,_Iti~ hJAf~1E:Dl•lr~-IJETLHhaCi~_~ F'. V ____ ~x a ~` ~~ ~ ~ ~- ~a ~~~. ~i7. 1-~- 2iiti5 1~: 3~ FAl i ~~ ~wuc .: UVVt~ UDRiVEI ~] t)05 ,. ~ „~ ~ i 56 t Project NQ. FI uCe 2 - 501 $UIrV@ Ma 4969.W1 g y p - --------J Goodson Assemk}lage Project Mgr.. William Daniel & A5; OCi~t~s Jason Qayne~ Franklin County, NC Scale: ~" ~ 2,000' .. JI_IL-14-Et=tt=~c THLI 11:~ti TEL:'~1'~t'^~~,'~_ ~ Soil 8z Enviro>iimental CnrtstrYtants, PA, 11090 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 846-5900 • (919) 84fr94fi7 W®b Page; wwiw.SandEC.com hdHf'IE: C?lJG!-~dETLHh•ICi'=~ F' . c Site E VF/,, i S& EC —%cm— , 46. A01m.L31 LL, I �CJ aPA&I i7o A� PAN 41, 4d