HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181416 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20181217NOR7H CAROLINA ROY COOPER Env(ronmenrof Qrealfty GOYMIM MICHAEL S. REGAN src.era.y. U1JDA CULPEPPER lrtlertm O+rMar December 17, 2018 Mc Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Emironmental Analysis Uni[ North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1598 Subject: Proposed improvements to NC 24/27(R-2530B, B-4974, R-2527) in Stanly and Montgomery Counties, Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0024(083) State Project No. R-2530B, B-4974, R-2527. Dear Mc Harris: The Division of Wa[er Resources has reviewed your submit[al for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the aforemen[ioned project. Review of your application revealed it lacking necessary information required for making an informed permit decision. The permit application was deficient in the following areas: • Anywhere within the W S CA that has a sediment basin proposed that receives runoff from the roadway should be converted to hazardous spill basins. (oce such example is on sht. 26 at approx. sta. 326+60 RT) • The splitter box details show that the weirs are only 6" tall. • Sheet 22-The proposed hazardous spill basin (swale) at site 33 should be enlarged to meet the design criteria. Current size is only 7% of required size. • Provide 1' for freeboard for alternative spill basins • Provide a detail for bentonite lining of any hazardous spill basin located in fractured rock • Documen[a[ion was provided to support the use of deck drains that discharge into the PeeDee River , however a variance was no[ requested. Please specifically request a variance for the use of deck drains. • Site 1, Sheet 5-Provide class 2 riprap at the downstream 90 degree tum in the stream for additional bank stability • Site 2, Sheet 6, provide bank stabilization for s[ormwater swale to adjoin existing stream on the upstream area • Site 4, Sheet 7, provide a de[ail for embedding riprap so the stabilization does not impede aquatic passage • Site 5, Sheet 7, provide slope and toe protection detail to use if needed where the stream runs adjacent to the fill slope and then tums 90 degrees as well as a detail for embedding the riprap so the stabilization does not impede aquatic passage • All sites with relocated streams—remove rock check dams orjustify their existence with a detail for embedding to ensure aquatic passage • Request waivers for specific impact sites where the pipe burial requirement is desired to be waived. It was observed in the structure inventory, but no specific request for a waiver was observed �:�_.� Q�r North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 The direct discharge to the lake with a very andersized alt. spill basin around 334+00 LT is of concem. is only sized to hold less than 10% of the recommended size. Please consider underground storage with oversized pipes (or vault) with a sluice gate to provide increased storage. Sheets 2D-7 and 2D-9--Add a sluice ga[e on the outlet structures so these two filtration basins can also serve as hazardous spill basins since they discharge at or very near the lake. Sheet 30-There appears to be adequate room [o increase [he size of the spill basin parallel to the road. Therefore, pursuant to I SA NCAC 2H .0507(a)(5), we will have to place the permit application on hold until we are supplied the necessary infortnation. You have 21 days to respond in writing with [he requested infortna[ion or notification to this office Ihat the information is forthcoming. If, at the end of the 21 days, [his office has not received this information in writing, we will assume you are withdrawin� your application and it will be returned. Furthermore, until the information is received by the NC Division of Water Resources, we request (by copy of this letter) [hat the US Army Corps of Engineers place the permit application on hold. If you have any questions or require additional information, please wntact Donna Hood at (704) 235-2193 or d onna. hood @ncd en r. go v. � Smcerely, �� � ����� �- � Linda Culpepper, Director � � � Division of Water Resoumes Electronic copy only distribution: Andrew Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office Larry Thompson, Division 10 Environmental Officer Carla Dagnino, NC Department of Transportation Marella Boncick, US Fish and Wildlife Mada Chambers, NC Wildlife Resources Donna Hood, NC Division of Water Resources �..�.... � Q�,� Nonh Carolina Department of Emironmen[al Qualiry I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-16P 919.707.9000