HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0079740_Staff Report_19930520To Permit and Ennineerin a TTni t 6+Tat er nU 1 i t y Section Attention: Susan Robson Snr PR?nRTTv EDT?nJEr'T ; No I f y e S ; Gnr TVo , N / n_ Date: M�1' ?�, 1a93 NPDF.S ST�,FF R_F.PnR'?' +Ar1T� RErnMnrFnjnpyTI�N� County: Cleveland NPDES Permit No.. Nr_.n079740 MRn No,i 9?-95 PnR'T' I - GENERAL TIVFQR!�ATTnN 1 • Fa�i�ity and Ad�?ress, T. 7 El 1Z�hn ��T?ter Trpa f menr nl an+ rift' of Kinds Mountain 1 Post nffice Rev 4�a Kings Mountain, N,r. ?Rngti 7 T1nfc nf Tpt7pc4mif7a4'i on, jv(atr 1 9 1 9Q2 � R_pn f- p o.rPrep pry Rtr • ; -�- .r_ �.1 . M_chael L ; Parker . � ►, ,- � L:n•: on Ennr: TT 4. Person C".nntmr.And Telephone Number: J1.1ni or Ni nSon� 5. DlrertZonc +n Site: From the JUnrfinn of TTr.71'a I Qfl ?nra ��? �(1P2 l(l�lr (;rntrp T�!'� tr�irp1 cn�itrp�`f �n 02^ - - SR L01-+ annrnv n mi i e The i�Tp 1 OL- -% : • s wi11 he on the left � n o rt �ci Aa, _ 2n33 immediatel_1= after passing r,trcr the nutlet of the Mns� J Lake Dam. 6• Discharge s PLint( ), List for all diE.charge Points; - Latitt?de ; 3.5� l5 ► ���� Lonnit1.1de. R1 0)7 Attach a LTSGS Map Extract and indicate treatment Flant site and discharge Feint on map. TTSGS nuad No., F SW 7. Site sZze and. expansion area ror,�i�tent �alith, 3pFlZrati nr„ Yes• - R• ToFography (relationshiF to flood 1ai Zri or� toponraphy. The WTP was not located � naf1 noid._ j Rol I inn °. r Location of Nearest Dwelling. No dwelli;� �r+L r.a T.;� .i �. 1. _ t e rJ i 1 n 500 feet of the site. - Page O'mTwo In . RPcei ��i n Stream or Af f ect e Surface Wafers; Buffalo (~reel: a, rlassifiratlOn: WS-jjj - b: River Basin and Stthhasi n No. : Rroarl 03�$Q5 c : T1Psrt-i be reremmm i ��mmmi n J st ream featur4mmes anr3 pertinent downstream uses : The recPi vi nrg st r pain i .s made up of flow released from the dam estimater3 at 13 cfs, Downstream users are general_1 a_rir.iltt Y �_ t _ tral . No ntj�)e,- dischargers are known. DESCRIPTInN OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WnRuS �Iol time of Wastewater: 0 , 3 MGD (DP$1 cJn <'apari ty) What is the current permitted ("Aparity* rmi tta �' ity: There i s no p p___.._ _ _-d flow listed in the Permit, Actual treatment capacity of current Y far_'i 1 ity (current r�e.smufti gn canamm city) ; Q , 3 IKr_,n Date (s) and c oris t rttc t OWN&i on c t 1 V1 t Z es ? 1 1 oT•�pr7 1,I� i t ���; nLts, ATrs i SL.ttPrl i n the previous two Years' N / n -- o• DE'SCrZntZo�l ^f Pi;Z�tZI1(7 or 0 1 � 1 ._ c• n- L tt ._ . e ._ TITIA?T fari I1t1Ps: The cvi�tinr� WWT fari 1 i ti os r1r) o+ r,f g baSin. Superna+ant from thi s t rep amen unit i S !� 0 C^rar�ed , f , jlcksr'rint; on ^f PoSslhl� tnvir lmnartS to surface t�aterS . A T�i Sri jinn ctLt`1' ham mum Ottrid the nowSZbZ1i+:� {>f tnvir+ i per+a fv m �MOM 7TP Pffl t1PntS. Anprnnri ate Son 1 imitMW ati nos sho„ld t,e cnsidered by TSB. h : Pret re•atment Program (PQT[�.?c. ReSId u a hand1. 1. n gov and utZ 11 Z a t Z on /�?1SP0 ^I cr!hp,7,p cl ttrl,-rp J produced at this f_a^ON&1 i tv is r3i s.nnser3 at the county i WMIM UP udfii _- _ Treatmont P1 ant Class i fi rat i �n ; r�tirig (i P_C1tidP rati nn shaft) , t h mi n i mtiim nu'"':''her cf not n t t o ratinn, Wastewater C^de (`') pri m.ar�T � i 1 SPC_'Conr3a Y�� ; 1 5 . MTTT rWft vnAp(` ) , 5nmp nn1 T.Acc + � 5 r.r�i nts This fari l i t 1d^es n^t hat.,e lP�� 1 r*nPr3 r� �cc T Pare Three PP_F.T III - nTHER PERT I PIE�TT I NFnRMAT I CN 1 . Is this facility }?ei ng const runt ed with Conat ruction Grant Funds or are any Public monies involved only) ? )? (municipals i No - �= Special monitoring or limitations <,Inc Iudlnn tovir.ity) requests . None, PendinC7 receipt and approval of the WT,A. 3 . Important SOC,/ JnC or Compliance Srhedu l e d a t es , n1 /A 4. Alternati��e Analltsis Et�al11atinn a= Spray Irrigation: N,/A b . Connect to regi ona l sealer cyst erm : None a17ai l abl e �. Subsurface: iCAFhP?" rli a oral ontinn � p L NI PApm I�� - EVALTTATION AntD RECO_M_ME:�?DATICr1S The C_.i ty of K•.i ngs Motintai n. requests that the �ubiert pe►-rr�i � J l.$P renewed for the AiScharge of wa tewater (%SL7pPYneqtallf ; from an alum S1ur.1ge settling basin. At the time the perms t was last lsSued (August n, lggi 1 the r•ity had rery�]P�te that their fI nr.T be increased from 0.19 MGD to 0.30 MGD, however, the proposed fl ow ;Jas not l �.sted in the Permit up^n renewal The existing fa^il i ti es. apPaarAd to be Well oparated and maintained. It is recommended that the NPDE� D t t P ermi.t for his f arl lit V!a renewe 1 Si 3tZ�ti)rP �f Report pre±�arer �1!atPr nil= l l tV Poi on=1 Guper��i snY J - y Dat LINN- of • 821 � . %goIN lf • :� ,�� I i' Course i- _ . ` 4 IN INN, N NN NN _ _ t r / \Nj s`\ _ _ NNIN • \� ' ' i�J _ _ -J =-' a 19 Ito —� A Tao t' - A '. ' - Trailer•`• ! J \ / No C n mpGreek ' NORMAL POOL ELIEVATION 736) > j •• i - Park.' ''No - N. i kit NN jolor kokNNj �_ ,•/, W Filmsplant ; ' zI Ej? /I/ IIINNO 4 1 71 INNN NN IN =u3I to rN 09 kNNNN NT I. Oakgrove 5 �, l N _ r c, • �i� j l �_ v°'�� i i L ;\ I ^\ I �j o /. 1 ��� �— �' Potts 784 �� r l\ Holy Memorial J \ • . Ch; _ �� ' Sewage Ilpcasal • • �' •� o J„ I� , ,,. coM 668 .. A \ i 1 j! v -� - \,a - • • _ fGROVERI 461 45 27 30 459 _ ' ' •'' 4754 ill NW 00 FEET 457 SCALE 1:24 000 1 0 1 2 r 4000 5000 6000 700 FEE MN 1000 0 1000 2000 3 J00 GN 1 5 0 I KILOMETRE _ 3' CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET 53 MILS uW15— a MILS NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 _ _ nuAr_KjPTir NORTH _ .,.r,, cTAKinAAr1C