HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890461 Ver 1_Complete File_19890101• DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CAMA MAJOR. PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAA: / COUNTY: V PROJECT #: D o 7 7 STREAM OR ADJACENT WATER BODY: CLASS:__,5?-_ BASIN: /111=-U OPEN OR CLM(Y = ?? (FOR SHELLFISHING) -4 S TORMWATER PLAN REQ' D : OR, D IF YES, DATE/APPROVED• . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: V a- /o !a - - ?- - - - n ASSIGNED TO: DATE APP. REC'D.: 1 6 D70_3 (YY/MM/DD) JOINT NOTICE (Y/N) INITIAL REPORT: A.d _) (YY/MM/DD) RECOMMENDATION: eN FINAL REPORT: lo l Co D (YY/MM/DD) (ISSUE/DENY/OTHEPJ) WATER QUALITY CERT. (401) CERT. REQ'D: (Y OR N) IF YES: G NERAL CERT: (Y OR N) TYPE GEN: (INDIVIDUAL CERT:_ (BULKHEAD, BOAT RAMP, ETC.) SEWAGE DISPOSAL TYPE OF DISPOSAL PROPOSED: ! STI G. PROPOSED SEPTIC TA. , ETC.) TO BE PERMITTED BY: (ICI, DHS, COUNTY) IF-BY DEM, IS SITE AVAILABLE _ _ PERMIT ISSUANCE PROBABLE?_(Y OR N) AREA OF FILL: WATER: WETLAND: IS FILL ELIMINATING A SIGNIFICANT USE? (Y OR N) 5 6 7 8 910 DREDGING IS DREDGING ACTIVITY EXPECTED TO CAUSE A SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF RESOURCE? (Y OR N) JUN 1990 .a IS SPOIL DISPOSAL ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED? _ (Y OR N) o ' rn V/ A --MARINA TER QUALIfv ARE THE FOLLOWING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED? plannino SEWAGE DISPOSAL: MARINA SERVICES : OXYGEN IN BASIN: CLOSURE OF SHELLFISHING WATER: (ATTACH A MARINA USE ATTAINABILITY EVAL.) cc: WaRO -Mills Central Files - DCM: J. Parker, Morehead City, Washington, Elizabeth City .0P? yy A Sa SrATF State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Northeastern Region 1424 Carolina Avenue, Washington, North Carolina 27889 James G. Martin, Governor Lorraine G. Shinn William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 6er /990 ?fv; Josc,?? L .Ewa 1?4 y Ro 32 or.'er?fp./ ?t/C 2,857/ SUBJECT: Determination of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations Project (so tii S Count . .elm y-G,p y Dear /fir i?gt,?a? The Washington Regional Office received your Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan (or Stormwater Management Plan) submittal for the subject project on AV ,? s ? Z / 4 90 Based upon our review of the project, the doc ent comp ies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15 NCAC 2H .1000. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Bill Moore at (919) 946-6481. Sincerely, Roger K. Thorpe, PE Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Bill Mills / Xo se 4 Assoc,:e Te s P.O. Box 1507, Washington, North Carolina 27889-1507 Telephone 919-946-6481 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Submittal Form for Projects Using Density Limits for Stormwater Control' PROJECT DATA Name of Project: Good Winds Subdivision Location (County, Township/Municipality, Address): Pamlico County, Township #5, North Carolina Applicant Name: Joseph L Gwaltney Mailing Address: _PO Box 329 Oriental NC 28571 Phone No: 919/249-1221 Submittal Date: June 12, 1990 Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings): 198 Slip marina, club house and parking for marina Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Name of Water Body: Greens Creek - Classification of Water Body: SC Waters Total Area of Proposed Project (acres): 9.15 acres State/Federal Permits and Approvals Required: (CheckAppropriate Blanks) CAMA Major X Sedimentation and Erosion Control x 404 Permit X DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal X Other (specify): CALCULATION OF BUILT-UPON AREA (Built-upon area means that portion of an individual development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, etc. but not including decking.) a) Built-upon area: 88,065 sq.ft. b) Total project area:398,778 sq.ft. '/, built-upon = built-upon area / total project area * 100 % built-upon area = 22.08 /. If the water body receiving Stormwater runoff is classified as SA, is the % built-upon area _ 25'/. ? Yes No If the water body receiving stormwater runoff is classified other than SA, is the % built-upon area ,< 30 '/, ? Yes X No STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Is the only kind of stormwater collection system grass swales? Yes X No (Grassed-lined swales should have a side slope of 3:1 (H:V) or less.) y' If no, please provide a detailed description. BUFFER AREA Is the built-upon area at. least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes X No If no, please provide a detailed description. (Note: Only boat ramps, public roads, public bridges and walkways to water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of mean high water if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits.) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Do the deed restrictions and protective covenants ensure that subdivisions maintain the development consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the division and include the State as a beneficiary of the restrictions? They will be incorporated in deed description after Yes No CAMA Approval. - (Include.a copy of the restrictions and covenants with this form.) CERTIFICATION I, Joseph L. Gwaltney. , certify that the information included on this submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information and that to the best of my knowledge, the the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirement of 15 NCAC 2H.1003 (b). -_ ?. 6/11/90 i ?ture-Ownnerro?rr t Date PO Box 329, Oriental, NC 28571 Address If agent, please list owner's name'and address below. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN-OFF Regional Office D to Individual Eva] tin Forms / Plans Date Reg- ions Water Quality Supervisor „a SU7f o ww State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor March 9 1990 George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director MEMORANDUM TO: 7ill Parker FROM: Mills avo SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit Goodwinds Subdivision Pamlico County The. Subject application has been reviews- -for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: In addition to the additional information requested in our previous letter to the applicant (January 26, 1990), we have also requested more information needed to make any conclusion as to the adequacy of the design to comply with stormwater runoff rules in 15A NCAC 2H .1000. A copy of Mr. Moores letter of March 5 is attached requesting the needed information. It is recommended that the application be considered incomplete until the requested information is provided. Attachment BM/jho goodsub.cama/d-1 cc: Jim Mulligan Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer s „a STAlF' o State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Northeastern Region 1424 Carolina Avenue, Washington, North Carolina 27889 James G. Martin, Governor Lorraine G. Shinn William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT /?/tG+. role -sT 990 ?joocl Wi+?S ?6cf!%??S?oti SUBJECT: s7?oYr».•i?tTer c o r(r. ?"o F? L • w? /f•+< go-/- 3-2-11 411 y ; e 114C 57/ PC,.?, • ?A County Dear Mr. The Division of Environmental Management has received a copy of your Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plan (or Stormwater Management Plan) for the subject project. At this time your submittal concerning Stormwater Management: Appears to be complete, and your project will be reviewed as soon a possible. v? Is not complete. The following information is needed to complete your submittal. Please submit the following items within 30 days, or your project will be returned as incomplete. 1 7 V, 1r- vD0?-L a. eaiSv 2 3. Please be reminded that construction of the subject project may not commence prior to approval of the Stormwater Management Plan. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (919) 946-6481. cc: Bill Mill / Au. /{5So c ? :t Te t -- Sincerely, William J. Moore Environmental Engineer P.O. Box 1507, Washington, North Carolina 27889-1507 Telephone 919-946,6481 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • b t. - d?a 57ATF4 a4? ° >+a v State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources . Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor February 15, 1990 R. Paul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director MEMORANDUM TO: J71, Parker FROM : mills SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit ry,. GQOdwinds Subdivision Pamlico County The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: a) We find that application information is deficient in some areas to allow us to complete our review. our field staff has written Mr. Gwaltney requesting the specific information which is needed (letter attached). b) It is requested that final action on this project be withheld until the requested information is provided. BM/kls Attachment cc: Jim Mulligan P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 ! d„aSfATF State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Northeastern Region 1424 Carolina Avenue, Washington, North Carolina 27889 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary c Lorraine G. Shinn Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ??z1.4?-195 SUBJECT: CAM Application . County Dear 121 ?:.,'. The subject application was received at this office on ?,2G ZF?YQ The Division of Environmental M agement, ter Quality Section, is one of several State agencies that provides comments and recommendations to the Division of Coastal Management in Raleigh, NC. An evaluation of your proposed project has been conducted in order to identify potential impacts on water quality. The following information is needed in order to complete our evaluation of the proposed project: If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at 919/946-6481. Sincerely, Deborah A. Sawyer Environmental Technician cc: Bill Mills DCM P.O Box 1507, Washington North Carolina 27889.1507 7Tclcphone 919-946-6481 DF/CAMA/401 REV PROJ# : 00'77S4 PROJECT: /?oa COUNTY: Pa-r? REGION: 0 ASSIGNED TO: DEBORAH SAWYER JOINT NOTICE:/ TYPE CERTIFICATION RECOMMEND DATES 404 PN 401 REQ: ISSUE: RECEIVED: g66163 LAMA ONL GC: ?-? DENY: INITIAL REPORT:400/.Z DF/CAMA SWPRE HOLD: FINAL REPORT: RECEIVIN STREAM. CLASS:L'r BASIN: /?G=L.?, . COMMENTS: I?•w:P l (,?? 2Z Copies: WaRO - Central - Mills - DCM Washington Elizabeth City Morehead City John Parker, Raleigh Central 14 V o „a STATE State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Northeastern Region 1424 Carolina Avenue, Washington, North Carolina 27889 James G. Martin, Governor Lorraine G. Shinn William W_ Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager 0 G DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT M SUBJECT: CAM Application 66 774/,_ ?•.?, ==,a County Dear _ f . The svrbje t?- appaication was rece yed , at -.this office- _.on L A ?. a ter thei' an of Envi ree;eal M a ity Section, is one of several State agencies gement, (Ou that provides comments and recommendations to the Division of Coastal Management in Raleigh, NC. An evaluation of your proposed project has been conducted in order to identify potential impacts on water quality. If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at 919/946-6481. Sincerely, Deborah A. Sawyer Environmental Technician cc: Bill Mills DCM P.O Box 1507, Washington North Carolina 27889.1507 Telephone 919-946-6481 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer The following information is needed in order to complete our evaluation of the proposed project: s V MEMORANDUM DIVISION OF ENV 0 ENTAL MANAGEMENT 10 6 TO: Bill Moore, Environmental Engineer Water Quality Section, WaRO FROM: Deborah Sawyer, Environmental Technician Water Quality Section, WaRO SUBJECT: Dredge and Fill Reviews on Hold for Stormwater Review Project: Project No.: -t* n 62 2 V Comments: n o r f 3 t/4* o E 319,91V State of North Carolina 4. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director ;: December 21, 1989 Mr. R. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: The attached copy of an application submitted by: GOODWINDS.SUBDIVI.SION ORIENTAL PAMLICO Location of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... . - is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than January 5, 1990 Sincerely, h R. Parker, Jr., Chief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 RO. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer .`'r. 51ATj `1 y?NF?Fi r ?', ??? croNFo 1199d Opp, 10 State of North Carolina 4 M Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street 0 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor I William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary George T. Everett Director December 21, 1989 Mr. R. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: The attached copy of an application submitted by: GOODW.INDS..SUBDIVI$ION :gi?Pl•-caai?? Name, ORIENTAL PAMLICO Location of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... . ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than January 5, 1990 Sincerely, h R. Parker, Jr., Chief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 P.O. Box 27687, Ralcigh, North Carolina 27611.7687 Telephone 919-733.2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer (A) this agency has no objection to the project as proposed. (B) This agency has no comment on the project as proposed. (C) This agency approves of the project (or project concept-) and/or recommends these minor refinements for project management. (D) This agency objects to the project and recommends permit denial based on a finding of: (1) adverse impacts under G.S. 113-229(e) 1-5 (the dredge and fill law)as enumerated below: (e) (1) ... that there will be significant (e)(2) ... that there will be signifi- adverse effect of the proposed dred- cant adverse effect on the value ging and filling on the use and enjoyment of the property of of the water by the public; any riparian owners; (e) (3) ... that there will be significant (e) (4) ... that there will be signifi- adverse effect on public health, cant adverse effect on the con- safety, and welfare; servation of public and private water supplies; (e) (5) that there will be significant - advert effect en wrldhfe,nor frb water, estuarine or Wine fisheries; (}) Inconsistency with Rules of the Coastal Resources Coirunission as enumerated in 15 NCAC 7H (or other). Please site rule. (3) Inconsistency with the local Land Use Plan (Please elaborate). (4) Inconsistency with Rules, Guidelines or Standards of this agency or a finding that the project is in conflict with other authority or interest as stipulated below. (E) Attachment. Include memorandum or other documentation that support findings relating to D1-4 or provide general comments. Signature ate DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Lat:35°01'20" FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Long:76042114" 1. APPLI -NAME_r ?a • sien CANT I 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE SR 1308, northwest side of high-rise _bridge in Oriental, Pamlico County; *SEE 1984 AERIAL PHOTO #52- 1234 (I-2) (J-1) 3. 4. INVESTIGATION TYPE: DREDGE & FILL X INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: LAMA X (A) DATES OF SITE VISIT 5-18-88 5-24-88 (B) WAS APPLICANT PRESENT NO NO COMPLETED: NOVEMBER 22, 1989 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: APPLICATION RECEIVED November 13, 1989 OFFICE Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) LOCAL LAND USE PLAN Pamlico LAND CLASSIFICATION FROM LUP DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS IDEN ountv Transition FIED IN LUP (E) TYPE OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT: EXISTING NONE PLANNED sub-surface public utility (F) TYPE OF STRUCTURES: EXISTING asphalt road/curb & gutter PLANNED 210 slip commercial marina, clubhouse, 8 single-family homes (G) ESTIMATED ANNUAL RATE OF EROSION 1-2' SOURCE?ersonal estim. 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: AREA (A) VEGETATED WETLANDS DREDGED FILLED OTHER NONE (B) NON-VEGETATED WETLANDS: docks - public trust waters 1.7 ac. (C) OTHER: highground -__graded 16 ac. (D) TOTAL AREA DISTURBED: Approximately 17.7 acres 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: Applicant proposes to construct a 210 slip com- mercial marina, clubhouse and 7 single-family homes. T-I-ON-R"6RT- - -GOOD FeN??b . GWALTNEY, PAMLICO COUNTY PAGE #2 NOTE: A PROJECT UNDER THIS SAME NAME WAS DENIED ON OCTOBER 27, 1989. THE HIGHGROUND DEVELOPMENT HAS CHANGED, BUT THE PROPOSED MARINA IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS IN THE ORIGINAL PROPOSAL. 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Applicant's property is a 17.9 acre tract located on Greens Creek, on SR 1308, on the northwest corner of the bridge going into Oriental, Pamlico County. The name of the proposed project is Goodwinds Subdivision. Elevations on the property range from 0-8' above MSL. The property currently is vegetated by pines and broomsedge, and the primary man-made features existing on the tract are an approximately 500' cul-de-sac and scattered riprap along the shoreline. The property has approximately 2000' of shoreline with a 0-25' fringe of Spartina alterniflora, Spartina cynosuroides, Juncus roemerianus, Spartina patens, and Sair s gpp. occurring aloi* much of the shoreline. Scattered areas of rock riprap and rubble occur along the shoreline also. Greens Creek is classified as - ' SC' by `the` ISivislon""off " Environmental Management and is closed to shellfishing by the Division of Health Services. Pine Tree Creek, which borders the northwest side of the property, is classified as a Primary Nursery Area by the Division of Marine Fisheries. Water depths in Greens Creek range from approximately 1-61. The proposed project is a residential development consisting of 8 single-family homes and a 210 slip commercial marina. Previously, the applicant had proposed 54 condominium units. The applicant is also proposing to bulkhead 910' of the property along Greens Creek. The proposed bulkhead is a wooden bulkhead with sand backfill which will be constructed completely above MHW and landward of all marsh. Marsh has stabilized the majority of the shoreline and there is minimal shoreline erosion. A 1-story clubhouse of approximately 1500 sq. ft. is also proposed, as well as, a 3,000 sq. ft. pool and deck area. All of these facilities are proposed to be constructed outside of any Areas of Environmental Concern. A 6' wooden walkway approximately 1200' in length is proposed along the outside edge of the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. As previously discussed, a paved road currently exists on the property and there is no proposal for any additional road extension. Impervious surface area for the entire 17.9 acre tract is approximately 83,221 sq. ft. or approximately 0 r;rm,=v??pQRT - ['.[X?i?wT S SUBDIVISION/JOSEPH L. GWALTNEY, PAMLICO COUNTY PAGE #3 100. No impervious surface area is proposed for the estuarine shoreline area since the only development taking place there will be elevated docks and gazebos. A Stormwater Management Plan is being submitted to DEM. Asphalt and concrete are proposed for parking services. Proposed sewage treatment for the site is a sub-surface mound system for 8,000 GPO with a 53,400 sq. ft. repair area. Potable water will be provided through the Pamlico County water system. The proposed marina will provide 210 slips and also fuel services. The marina will have 5 piers extending out into Greens Creek with the longest one being about 410' from the bulkhead. Lengths of the other piers are 3601, 4051, 380' and 3501. Proposed widths of the docks are 10' x 5' wide finger piers. Two (2) €uel pumps will be located at the end of the docks with the storage tanks being located underground-'on h-ig4ground outside,.of any AEC's. Water :. depthsn a;t the ..ends-tf the ,doXrr;ge from about 5-52' . 11 lTestroom Tacilittes for the- j),r©posed_-marina wi- 1.,• ,gin the previously described clubhouse. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: No dredging is proposed for the marina since water depths appear to be sufficient. The proposed bulkhead is 910' long and will be completely above MHW and landward of all marsh. A wooden bulkhead is proposed with sand used for backfill. There is a minimal amount of erosion occurring at the site. The houses, clubhouse and pool all are planned for construction outside of the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. The total project area will disturb approximately 16 acres of highground and will require a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. No impervious surface areas will occur within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, but outside the AEC, approximately 10% (83,221 sq. ft. of the site will be impervious). The docks will cover a Public Trust Area of approximately 74,700 sq. ft. (1.7 acres). PREPARED BY: W. DAVID NOBLE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1989 Please type or print.-Carefully describe all an, d. Describe the planned use of the project. ticipated development activities, including construe- Marina and clubhouse tiop, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is - --not-relevant-te-year-project,-vsim N/A (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for 4 LAND AND WATER all projects. CHARACTERISTICS I APPLICANT Good Winds Subdivision a. Name c/o Joseph L. Gwaltney Address PO Box 329 City Oriental State NC Zip 28571 Dayphone 919/249-1787 x Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any) Good Winds Subdivision c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. N/A 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WE T a., Street address or econdary road number b. City, town, community, or landmark Oriental, NC c. County Pamlico d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? No e. Name of body of water nearest project Greene's Creek & Pine Tree Creek 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. Size of entire tract 17.9 acre b. Size of individual lot(s) 3/4 of an acre c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum4 to 5 feet d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Altavista loamy fine, sand e. Vegetation on tract yes f. Manmade features now on tract Street .g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation Ill Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? No zoning i. How are a4jacent waters classified?. Sc _j Has a pt__dfessiona, archaeological survey been sattaecl :gut . Ilie ti?. Y If so, by whom? NC Dept. of Cultural Resources 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT Complete this section if the project includes any land development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed Single family homes and 1 single story frame clubhouse b. Number of lots or parcels 8 lots a. Describe all development activities you propose c. Density (Give the number of residential units (for example, building a home, motel, marina, and the units per acre.) 8 homes and .45 bulkhead, or. pier). homes per acre Construct - 1 clubhouse facility d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed and 210 boat slip marina ±16.0 acre e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land If you plan to build a marina, also complete Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- and attach Form DCM-MP-2. tation control plan at least 30 days before land b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a istin pro)ect, new work or both? Single family subd. sedimentation and erosion control plan been & curb & gutter asphalt existing _-Marina & clubsubmitted to the Division of Land Resources? c. Will the project be for community, private, or new work No commercial use? f.. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet high water to be covered by im- Dean eable surfaces, such as pavement, ings, or rooftops. 0% g. List the materials, such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved ' surfaces. Asphalt & Concrete h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? In Process i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste mater treatment facilities. Subsurface j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? No k. Describe existing treatment facilities. None L Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). Surface discharge over 1.5" rainfall Public m. Water supply source County of Pamlico n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that.will be taken to main- tain estabtished publi Nbeeach accessways or pro- vide new access. n. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? N/A 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheajs, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Boat basin Other (break- 5-dock water, pier, total 10' boat ramp, 2180' rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill areas b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards None c. Type of material None d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? No ' e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards None f. Dimensions of spoil disposal aide None g. Location of spoil disposal area None h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? N/A If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so, where? --- j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps, or water areas? No _ k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? No 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A m. Type of fill material N/A n. Source of fill material N/A o. Will fill material be laced on marsh or other wetlands? o p. INmens tts of the wetland tube filled NIA q. How will excavated or fill material` be kept on site anti erosion controlled? N/A r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site? NO if yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en. vironmental impacts.- N/A 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. b. C. d. e. MR 3 1989 Length.,of bulkhead ISKIijiF:>w 910' Average distance waterward of mean high water or normal water level 0 Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet - N/A Type of bulkhead material treated wood Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed 410W mean high water None pe of fill material Sand M 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted. A copy of the deed (with staLC application only) or other instrument under which the applicant.claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 V2 x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accep-ed. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently, ddetailed to guide agency per- to the _,site Include sarune)rafsirraaaat wttis the area caurat rcaaid (iartils„ 18?aFlc?, is- dike. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the -proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of that opportunity. Name Address Mr. William H. Barker PO Box 1339 New Bern, NC 28560 Name Mr. William H. Hard Address 1205 Hunting Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. A check for $100 made payable to the Depart. ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. - A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMIS- SION TO ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will Abe conducted in a manner consistent with ouch program. 1 furrher certify that 1 am -authorized ;to grant, and- - do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the 8 day of November 19--L9-. ? agent Land ner IT 'Authorized Send the completed application materials to: Division of Coastal Management N.C. DNRCD Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 „Form DCM-MP•2 .MARINA DEVELOPMENT Attach this form to the Application for Permits to Develop in North Carolina's Coastal Area. Be sure to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including upland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based facilities must be included in application and work plats. 1 MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina proposed. Commercial X Public Residential b. Will the marina be open to the general public? Yes c. If there is residential development associated with the marina I , how many o is or lots are planned? 44-44" L a T e, d. Check all of the types of service. to b,e 4 .prc v- ded?. _ .. u. mice, including travel lift and/or rail X Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies X Dockage ("wet slips") onlyO Number of slips 1 Dry storage Number of boats Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) e. Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin . and/or channel X Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex- ample, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, or mixed types). Mixed Types g. Typical boat length 20 h. Maximum boat length 2 i. Are any floating buildings planned? No If so, describe. 2 MARINA OPERATIONS a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities which will be included in the proposed project. Office toilets X Toilets for patrons Number Location Clubhouse X Showers Boat holding tank pumpour Type and location b. Describe treatment type and location for all sanitary wastewater. Pumped to subsurface field c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and trash disposal. contract pick-up d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled?Vessel ead facilities discharge lines will be closed and owners shall be required to sign ease agreements disallowing direct discharge of sewage e. Give the location and number of "No ;,swage Discharge" signs proposed. Five Refer to attached plan ME 11111 F.1, NOV 1 3 1989 f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- ducts. None g. Where will residue be disposed of? N/A h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. None Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad- ditional approval by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. J. Clive the location of fuel handling facilities and describe the safety measures planned to protect urea water quality. Located at Pnd of _ dock with emergency lock out valve. j. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and reduce water quality impacts. , Tidal Flushing k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? None Permitted 1. Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leases? No if so, give the name and address of the leaseholder. I 7?5 NOV 1 3 1939 '? ui T17 } -P) A m GO CoUivT?' ?y V ?'yiq Y? ?R Eas c?a??G ORI EN TI At- SITE, SUF3DIVISION. 'a \ JANE) fO LOCA-TIDW MAID FOR G OO-DW I ND 5. SUBD. SCALD : 1 it = ZODD` TPAMLICO Co. ?4.C- N \ r v c' -4-- -r- i N 4 V 1 3 1989 p?wrrtrwrrwwrwrrrrrrwrrrrrrr j ? HOSE AND c,A SSOCIATES, P. A. New Been N C PAGE I OF 7 «KE?SN?W ?-??? ?i G?-KEENS c.KE.E K ??, SR ?3 ZONE AS (El.. 8 } I? I ?I 11 SITE ZONE G ZONE. AS (EL. t? INFORMATION TAKE:U FROM MAC B'*{ THE FE'DEF AL EMERGENCY 1 MANAC%GMENT AGENCY PANEL. NO. 37(01&1 0290 $ ,1 ZONE AS TW R"i ,07 s 10189 -zoNe ,mss (EL. 9) u ?1?Ci'C! jJ FLpOU ZONES AN-D D - E LE VAT I O Q S `t7 ROSE AND GOO"DWINUS SU13?. D RNw N -f?Y : S+f- 7AMLIC..0 CO. r,4.c. v4 SSOCIATES, P. A. PRPRO)..SCALE.: 10 1000 New Bern. N C 3 PAG E 2 OF 7 ZONE A5 (F- L . 8) PAGE 5 OF 7 r BILE WATER LEVEL BULKNEA-D -DETAIL C?po?w?N?S Su?-D. _a I? ?I I? SF-C-TIOW VIEW (TI M"BE?', S>a?ET-?1 t_E ??ILKi?tA-p MOTE : FOR 'P?-Ate ELEVRT"i0r l 55F- -PC,. 11-I??, ??I} ?? err--??-r-L.:,-c,-,-r•,-: ?? ?+ ; AMLICO CO. )J, C -D RA W N T?>`( : 54 I rI L.TE F C-1- C- -rH TAE ,oz vq "SE AND 4aa> c.A SSOCIATES, P. A. New Bern. NC 3-1(1- 88 PAGE 4 OF 7 VIA -e S>1EETWI ill LE l1yLt= l U SA T? tAG f fly ? ???!. V l 3 1989 ELEVATION VIELI (N. 7, 4S sr.?..?......w••?rwrrrrrr,rrl -bUL-K HEAD -DETTAK-5 e?oo-n w I N D 5 sv ?? . Uq I"rOSE AND -PAM LIGO ASSOCIATES, P. A. -DRAWN -f3Y: ! New Been N C 3-I(- -E6 6 PAGE 5 OF 7 . + L? hv?Q p,??- 'F i, r, f X00 Cl.u3 Nousc- Jim 13 F0Y 1 3 19 +? u ?o \ O?i l< _REV/5ED /l a7 - eq RAY 15 7- l 3 - BS 7aoG K 4 'PARK l hl Cv "QI.AN Fns C,00'DW1l'Ab5 SUBS BRAWN 1'al': c? -PAMwcD Co, Q. C. 3-?8-88 a ?q DOSE AND v4SSOCIATES, P. A. New Bern, NC PAGE G OF '7 i I rA c), 5Q ?. ? ?RF GPP P?t!kU? 50 P-0 60 „.A ,SIP .h SEPT/G 1 T 9-N0000 G L06 DOSING TANK 2000 GA ONS A WI-STAN OY POWER SUBSUP, FNCE ? O?? ? ,_ 1 j sE??.4?c -D I s r?,? ?I % N OV 1 3 188 GIoODvlI I Nib SL) P1'v . '? z::?•U C -PA M L I CO CO. . G. ».............,...? *? REVISED H -07- 89 FILE NO. PoSL+ AND DRAWN BY 5 C?+ DATE 3- IG - tRc3 cASSOCIATES, P. A. SCALE I"= 100' New Bern N C JOB NUMBER' 7LG-8702- Al"" 7" ?_ ? _ _ ? ,; ?'?. .., :,_ --- -- . _ ?- i? ?? ._? i II DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Water Quality Section February 3, 1989 M E M O R A N D U M TO: John arker r FROM: - 1 Mills I SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit Joe Gwaltney Pamlico County The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: a. The proposed project does require a 401 Water Quality Certification but does meet the requirements for General Certification No. 1272 for bulkhead construction. b Acco?rding_,to information available to our office, the ;are.a are closed to shellfishing primari-iy mpa:ctsr ;of other marinas in the area and increased development -" runoff. These conditions are not expected to become improved over time; therefore, the use of shellfishing in this area is probably irretrievably lost. Thus, the location of a new marina in this area is not an antidegradation violation. C. Stormwater is satisfied by density requirements. d. In order to assure protection of the water quality standards from potential sewage discharges from boats using the marina it is imperative that no overboard discharges of sewage be allowed. A sewage pumpout facility should be provided and signs posted on the docks prohibiting overboard discharges with directions to the pumpout facility. e. The proposed project does have the potential to create additional water quality degradation in this area but violations of water quality standards cannot be reasonably projected due to the construction and operation of this project with safeguards against sewage from boats and stormwater runoff. Therefore, no objection to the permit is offered. BM/dbp cc: Jim Mulligan 1 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Water Quality Section January 6, 1989 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Deborah Sawyer FROM: ai-Tl Mills SUBJECT: Marina Projects - Closed SA Waters The Joseph Gwaltney project in Pamlico County needs to be evaluated with respect to use attainability. Please find attached the original file on Gwaltney, a copy of the MOA on marinas, and copies of the Use Attainability form. Section C of the MOA and Section III of the Use Attainability form specifically address the concerns in the Gwaltney project. Please complete the Use Attainability form for this project and supplement your original comments or revise them n. asmagpropr;at..;. .I f_. you have. any.. questions concerning' these -. T matters, please contact me. BM/dbp Attachments All '?'t KEXS8/MF' 02/21/89 CO MPLI ANCE EVALUA TION A NALYSIS REPORT PAGE 'i M1' I r'',f": i :.; P IPE--001 REPORT PERIOD: 8801-8812 LOC -- - 1T ACTLITY--ORIENTAL WWTF' DESIGN FLOW-- '1000 CLASS-4 '.. 1I.i.l.:i'i . +i':;.t,'.•.,. kj.:;! REGIO N/COUNTY--07 i::ti:.,!'v!I +!':i-'i 50050 .... H , ' ;•a j ' • i 003 i.: 10 i ! !.'', 005 RES/T 30 EE N11 00610 M .... 31616 50060 00300 FIT i., CIA. .i. i.., i.. t i:::. E O 0001(..) ..i. I.:... i.., rr: 8/01 .1593F 14. 00 24 .5 .63 17.31::' 14.30 9150 8/02 .1322F 8/03 0834 20. 19 50 00 60 83 .0 0 109 12 130.8F' 16.64 11.4(-.) . 8/04 .0950 27. 50 69 . .5 . .12 .. .. .. 10,55 10 (..'i 3.85 13 .. '.. `.. 18 1 8 8/06 .074 13, 00 2:} K O .06 i o ., o K30 2 9 8/07 C:; 8/08 0432 13. 23 50 00 27 44 .2 0 f:t 2 ' 1 _ :t!::' ' ' . . . .1 14l.4F 5.6 29.6(-. . i 8/10 M65 24. 50 31 .0 .12 616.41::' 7.97 1B.M-*5* 8/11 .0313 23. 00 44 .5 109 9150 16.80 802 .... AXIMUM r•, r 1NIMUM r.lr 17. M 50 oo 20 9 .0 0 .60 M 14. 1 F' 1010 '80 . ... .. ....... 6.0'.) s i'i'i ,•:: ,,,., .. t : ,.,• ?:..:...!... ?. ; : ........I..ii'•..t.;...i. vJ?ia f t !.!1::.:.: ........ i •..: i..1 i.... "':.F : S..' i'?i f?' i t............ (.. ' '? '': :9 ., ,... 9... 0 Division of Environmental Management Use Attainability Analysis for Proposed Marina Projects in Class SA Waters (Check all Appropriate Boxes or fill in Blanks) Project Name f Section I. Project Description A. fVew Marina Marina Expansion B. New Basin (dug out of high ground) (Include Specifications and Sketch) Existing Basin Expansion (Include Specifications.and Sketch) Natural Waters Others (Please describe below) E. Description of Any Unique Characteristics or Operational Proposals. Section II. Existing Use Determination (for waters outside of marina basins) A. Closure Status (Check One) Open Waters Closed Waters (By Data) Date Closed Closed Waters (DHS Marina Policy) B. Will the Proposed project Result in Additional Closed Acreage? (Please attach analysis showing calculations for area of closure.) Yes -zNo Not Clear c' K 10? 1 • D. Does the area to be effected by any closure have significant shellfish resources? ? Yes No Unknown Briefly provide description of resource and any other characteristics. E. Has the area to be impacted by the proposed project been available for shellfish harvesting and has shellfish harvesting occurred since November 28, 1975? Yes No Unknown F. Is the entire area to be impacted by the proposed project currently unavailable for shellfishing because of the DHS Marina policy or other irretrievable man induced. impact? V/ Yes No ' If y.?s, briefly describe. below. Section III. Attainable Use Determination (To be completed only if the answer to II.A is Closed Waters (by Data), and if the answers to II.D and II.E are No) A. What are'the major sources of pollution causing the closure? B. What actions are required to reduce or eliminate these existing sources of pollution? C. Can the areas be expected to be open for shellfishing given reasonable efforts to control the existing sources of pollution? Explain. i. Section IV. Project Decision A. Recommend Project Denial There has been a recent shellfishing use (Answer to II.E is Yes) and the area is not currently irretrievably closed (answer to II.F is No). OR Shellfishing is a reasonably attainable use according to Section III. OR Insufficient information (Answers to II.D and/or II.E are Unknown) B. Recommend Project Approval There has not been a recent shellfishing use (Answer to II.E is No) and shellfishing is not a reasonably attainable use according to Section III. OR The entire area is irretrievably lost to sh'ellfishi'ng` as 'a result of the DHS policy or ,o..ther. ireversibl'e man lnducted° 'mpac;t. (Answer to II.F is Yes) C. Conditions to be included in permit (check appropriately) -? Pump-out Facilities i/ Locked-head Policy /No Transient Docking ? / No Live-aboards Only boats w/o heads D. What additional Information is required to make an informed permit decision? This evaluation of the tainability of shellfish uses in the waters in the vicinity of art1 4 CAS is approved by: Water Quality Section"` ?l Date Director's Office Date R. Paul Wilms, Director 11 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Water Quality Section October 24, 1988 M E M. O R A N D U M TO: ;,n Parker . ""' FROM: ll Mills SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit Goodwinds Subdivision - Joe Gwaltney Pamlico County The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: b. The developmerit of tm marina can potentially cause degradation of water quality. Surface waters in this area are known to experience algal blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels during certain times of the year. In addition, these areas are designated as Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas, and have exhibited numerous fishery related problems, such as fish kills and fish disease. New marina development in these waters would likely contribute to already existing problems. Also, the applicant has not adequately addressed fueling facilities and pumpout facilities in the application. a. The proposed project does meet the requirements for General Certification No. 1272 for bulkhead construction. c. The application does not adequately address control of stormwater runoff from the proposed development project. Our discussions with the, applicant's consultant, Mr. Rose, we understand that the developed areas will total 15% built-upon. Mr. Rose indicated that he would be providing additional information regarding stormwater runoff control. - 2 - d. We have concern over the proposed means of sewage disposal for this project. Information available to us indicates this site is unsuitable for subsurface disposal due to the poor soils, high seasonal water table, and potential for flooding. Although no permit application has been submitted to our offices, our field office has indicated that this site would not be recommended favorably for an approval. e. Based upon the items in (b) , (c) , and (d) , we recommend that the permit not be issued. BM/dkb cc: Jim Mulligan .r%.- „ I f& DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 21, 1988 UV MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Mills, Operations Branch THROUGH: Roger K. Thorpe, kfte_ Qua ity Supervisor Washington Regional Office FROM: William J. Moore, Environmental Water Quality Section Washington Regional Office SUBJECT: DF/CAMA Review Joseph Gwaltney - Goodwinds Pamlico County A! Engineer !t/d;W,- - Mr. Joseph Gwaltney owns an 18-acre tract of land located off SR 1308 near oriental, North Carolina. The site is adjacent to. the western- end of the w Oriental bridge-_and is, bordered by Green's Creek and Pine Trg G- Rath strews _are : classA-fied.°SzC?NS-I,_= tAad? tiaYta? ly F_i N6 he 7 e Creek is elas f f ied as a -..? pr.imar rsep Area -by .DMF. The applicant proposes a commercial/ residential type development consisting of (1) 54-condo units, (2) septic tank with subsurface disposal, (3) 900 L.F. wooden bulkhead, (4) commercial marina with 210 slips and fuel services, and (5) a clubhouse and pool. There are several aspects of the proposed project that could have adverse impacts on water quality. The activities associated with the marina development can cause a degradation of water quality. Surface waters in this area are known to experience algal bloom and low dissolved oxygen levels during certain times of the year. In addition, these waters are designated Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas, and have exhibited numerous fishery related problems, such as fish kills and fish disease (personal communication with Terry Sholar, DMF). New marina development in these waters would likely contribute to already existing problems. With regard to the marina, the application does not adequately address fuel services and pumpout facilities. The application does not adequately address control of storm runoff. After talking with Joe Rose (applicant's engineer), it is my understanding that the developed areas will result in 15% built-upon. During my site visit on October 20, 1988, I observed an existing paved street with curb and gutter. Mr. Rose indicated that he will be sending additional information regarding stormwater control. Bill Mills Page 2 October 21, 1988 A third area of concern relates to the proposed septic tank/nitrification system. With the assistance of Dr. Bob Ubeler, Soil Scientist, DHS, the Pamlico County Health Department has previously evaluated the site for septic tank use and found the soils and water table conditions to be unsuitable for subsurface disposal. A site investigation was conducted to verify the information submitted by the Health Director. The soils were evaluated at several points in the area designated for subsurface disposal. The surface soils (A horizon) are approximately eight inches deep and consist of dark grayish brown loamy sand. The sub soils (B horizon) extend below 48 inches and consist of clay and clay loam. The clay sub soils were plastic and exhibited poor drainage. Gray mottles were observed at approximately 12 inches. The seasonal high water table was estimated to be about 12 inches. The Pamlico County soil survey, USDA, classifies the soils in this area as Altavista loamy fine sand. The survey indicates that seasonal wetness and rare flooding limit the use of these soils for sanitary facilities. The application indicates an elevation of eight feet at the site. Based on USGS topo maps and information furnished by N.C. Geodetic Survey, elevations at the site are four to five feet. The four foot elevation certainly appears more reasonable as documented in the attached photographs a?:f furnished by Mr._ Jim Baluss, Pamlico `County Health Director -The,_. tczg aphs - were taken on Apr1- ,8,. F at -the proposed stg_ and show severe -foodilg due T _ _„_7: ' ,. ..n? - to.._raa.xifall and wind- hides. In my opinion, the site is unsuitable for subsurface disposal due to poor soils, high seasonal water table and potential for flooding. Although, no permit application has been submitted, I do not feel that this office can make a favorable recommendation on this site. The construction and use of a subsurface disposal system on this site would eventually degrade water quality in the adjacent surface waters and result in standard contraventions. It is recommended that this Division object to the issuance of the CAMA permit. WJM:ekw NKDATA DF/CAMA/40i REV DATE i 0/0/8`3 .E..1 i•?..+..I., •. ACTION .t.t'?#I:i FILE ? "' i"':`.:?{:t t_?1° l.: F•`t1"t ::? ..?•1 D `' `t rt:°l..i`:. r,, FORMAT !. f•': i'ti. . 4 t"1: , N EXT R CD ++?:000451 .% RECORD HAS BEEN CHANGED, RECORD NO 00450 FRD DATA ,.. F'0.; 50 # t:?:.# : GWA#...•T•NE`r' . JOSEPH COUNTY: PAM#...:#:CO REGIO N: 0..r, ASSIGNED TO: WiM J OIN T NOTICE: N TYPE CER TIFICATION RECOMMEND DATE,.-,' YYMMDD 404 I°'N : 01 E t::.+.:.: ISSUE: RIr:T'#::::CV#: D : 880721 f ; ' ' ONLY: GC: BULKHEADS D E N Y : 'r INITIAL REPORT : t:. <:. 7:... r DF/CAMA: Y SEC P: SWPREQ: Y 1-401 D: FINAL R EPORT: 88i021 STREAM: RECEIVING COMMENTS CLA SS: .: • f:' w'•!;'•>' #,:T BASIN: NE U : SITE LOCATED OFF S R 1300 NEAR ORIENTAL 8 ACRE TRACT TO r 1.?'::.VI::.#...t...l"'#::.i.l AS COMMERC IAL MARINA AND 54 CONDO UNITE PROJECT ALSO INCLU DES :.:#...i..l.t:{#"#t.ii_,.>'E, #'';.iOL... 2 10 :.. :?Ofit3 SLIPS. .... FUEL FACI LITIES, 900 +,:t L F OF WOODE N BULKHEAD. PUBLIC UTI LIT Y SYSTEM WITH 137,000 SO.FT, NITRIFICATION F IELD SITE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED i0/20/84'il SEE ATTACHED MEMO FOR COMMENTS COPIES: Wi^, i O -C E:: N TEi As...', I) t: M i WASHINGECEI?u TO!4V OFFICg LL ZA& August 17, 1988 PAMLICO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 306 BAYBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 28515 TELEPHONE: 745-5111 HEALTH DIRECTOR: JAMES R. BALUSS Mr. Bill Moore Division of Environmental Management Washington, North Carolina RE: GOODWINDS SUBDIVISION, JOE GWALTNEY, OWNER 54 UNIT CONDOMINIUM: 210 MARINA SLIP ORIENTAL, NORTH CAROLINA 28571 Dear Mr. Moore: I have been advised by Mrs. Vickie K. Deal that your office has received an applic,ati,9n for a permit for an on-site sewage _Aystea 4n _: the -above noted px,; c 4 s depar# ,n=t lima recei?i ?_ E oa?• ?• ifi"t 11 Ii,nA c:omen a-aa° tf>ris proposal. We have developed a significant amount of site and soils information which cause us to seriously question the suitability of the proposed site for a ground absorption sewage treatment system. We will be happy to share this information with you. Additionally, I am enclosing photographs of this site following a recent rainfall. Several letters from concerned citizens are also included. We look forward to consulting with you in this proposed project. I believe it has serious implications for the entire "Green creek", (and it's tributaries) region of Oriental, North Carolina. Sincerely, Mr. James R. Baluss, Health Director CC: Mr. Allan Prospt, Mariner Realty Mr. Bill Rice, County Manager WASH NGi,o OFFICq A00 19 9988 a& J& August 13, 1988 Mr. Jim R. Baluss Pamlico County Health Department Courthouse Bayboro, NC 28515 Dear Mr. Baluss: Enclosed please find a copy of the application form and working plats for Good Winds Condominiums and Marina in Pamlico County. Also enclosed, please find three (3) photographs taken on April 18 1988 during a Northeaster. The average wind tide for this storm, in the Oriental area, was..about four (4) feet. These photograph ;9.xere:-=taken at the entrance of, Good- Windssliow the road-, as-well as the nitrification field, submerged, under water. I live in Mainsail Point Subdivision on Green Creek approximately one-half mile by water, or one mile by land, from this proposed development. My concerns are twofold: 1. Part 4. Land and Water Characteristics, Subpart C. "Elevation of tract above mean sea level or National Geodetic Vertical Datum 8 feet". This is incorrect, and must be verified by the reviewing agencies involved in this application permit. The uplands in question, including the nitrification field, probably varies from four (4) to five (5) feet in elevation and is subject to periodic flooding from Northeasters. In my opinion Rose and Associates, who did this report, failed to do a correct topographical survey. The elevation for a nitrification field of this magnitude (20,000 gallons per day) should be at an elevation that is not subject to periodic flooding. 2. The nitrification field, as shown on the last page of this report, is suppose to handle 20,440 gallons per day of effluent from the 54 condominiums. After speaking with the Pamlico County Health Department, the assumption in this report is that the soil type necessary to properly manage this discharge would be a Class I soil. In my opinion, however, the soil type for this nitrification field is a Class IV soil which is unsuitable as a 41 Letter to Mr. Baluss August 13, 1988 Page 2 nitrification field for this project. Six to seven hundred cubic yards of dredge material was dumped in the area of the nitrification field in 1984 when parts of the Oriental Harbor were dredged for Chris Fulcher and Bill Harris. This amounts to 60 to 70 truck loads at 10 cubic yards per load. The classification and suitability of the soil in this nitrification area needs to be verified by reviewing agencies. The bottom line of this letter is to make the public aware of the discrepencies found in this report and to have the reviewing agencies involved to verify this application report. If in fact the nitrification field is unsuitable for both soil and elevation, then the life of Green Creek is in jeopardy from pollution. The residents of Green Creek have a great deal to lose if this septic system is doomed to fail - there are no alternatives! Once this project is approved, there is no turning back! I am relying on the reviewing agencies involved to certify that this septic system will function properly and will not harm the environment. The residents of Green Creek are relying on you to preserve the quality of our future! Sincerely and. with respect; a&? Allen Propst P. 0. Box 458 Oriental, NC 28571 pcipatA development activities, including construc- tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write NIA (not ap- plicable). )terns 1.4 and 8.9 must be completed for all projects. I APPLICANT Goodwinds Subdivision a. Name r 1n ocgnh L_ Gwaltney_ Address PO Box 329 City Oriental State NC Zip 28571 'Day phone 919/249-1787 X Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any Goodwi nds Subdivision c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. N/A 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT - a. Street address' or secondary road number b. City, town, community, or landmark Oriental, NC c. County Paml i co d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? No e. Name of body of water nearest project Greene's Creek 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). Construct - 6 condominiums w/9 units each - 1-clubh)use f aci 1 i ty I. you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? new work c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? commercial ro orovi de condominium units for resale to public 4 LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract _ 17.9 Acre L b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 8 Feet d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Cl ay and Sand e. Vegetation on tract Yes f. Mari-made features now on tract N/A g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation III Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tit toned by local government? No Zoning i How are adjacent waters classifieds ,.,s-- =-- j. Has a° prof sonaC archaeological' suti+ey been carried out for the tract? No If so, by whom? 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT Complete this section if the project includes any land development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed 6- 3-story frame bl das. and 1 -Si nal a story frarr clubhouse b. Number of lots or parcels 1 C. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) _J. Q_ Units /Acres d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed 16.0 Acre. e. If the proposed project will u?sturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, hat, a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? No f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to he covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. --0%- asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved surfaces. Asphalt & Concrete h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? In Process i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. Subsurface Public Utility j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? No It. Describe existing treatment facilities. None 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). Surface discharge over 1.5" rainfall m. Water supply source County of Pamlico n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain establisW public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. N/A_ - P. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? N/A 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheals, which are covered in Section 7). Access channel WLW) or (NWL) Boat basin Other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rack jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill below water level in cubic yards None c. Type of material None d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? No e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards None f. Dimensions of spoil disposa'I area None g. Location of spoil disposal area None h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? N/A If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so, where? --- j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps, or water areas? No k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? No 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A m. Type of fill material N/A n. Source of fill material N/A o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? No P. Dimensions of the wedend to be filled _dL9 q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and -erosion controlled? N/A Sr 1t°?'fences r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site? No If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. N/A 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Length of bulkhead %xm4= 910' b. Average distance v:aterward of mean high water or normal water level 0 c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet _N/A d. Type of bu'khead material treated wood e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water Nom f. Type of fill material Sand Length Width Depth ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 % x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7].0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of 1 drawings.) A site or lowton map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per sonnel, unfatnO*uwith.the--area to-the4ite? Include counr-yrioad-(SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list- of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of that opportunity. 'dame Mr. William H. Barker Address 5116 Meadowbrook Dr. New Bern, NC 28560 Name Mr. William H. Hard Address 1205 Hunting Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds; at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMIS- SION TO ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Ca"Aina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent -with I further certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the day of 19,?r-. X Lan n or Authorized agent Send the completed application materials to: Division of Coastal Management N.C. DNRCD Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 MARINA DEVELOPMENT Attach this form to the Application for Permits to Develop in North Carolina's Coastal Area. Be sure to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including upland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based facilities must be included in application and work plats. I MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina proposed. Commercial X Public Residential b. Will the marina be open to the general public? yes c. If there is residential development associated with the marina, how many units or lots are planned? 54 units d. Check all of the types of service, co-be ,. ? provided. Full service, including travel lift and/or rail _ X Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies Y._ Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips 210 Dry storage Number of boats Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) e. Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin and/or channel X Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex- ample, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, or mixed types). mi xed types g. Typical boat length 20' h. Maximum boat length 25' ?. Are any floating buildings planned? No If so, describe. • 2 MARINA OPERATIONS a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities which will be included in the proposed project. Office toilets _ X Toilets for patrons Number 2 Location Clubhouse X Showers Boat holding tank pumpout Type and location b. Describe treatment type and location for all sanitary wastewater. Pumped to subsurface field c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and trash disposal. =r, -contrac_t-pack=uu d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? Vessel head facilities discharge lines will be closed and Owners shall be required to sign lease agreements disallowing direct discharge of sewage. e. Give the location and number of "No ;,vwage Discharge" signs proposed. Fi ve f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- ducts. None g. Where will residue be disposed of? N/A h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. None Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad- ditional approval by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. des fi' the safety measures planned to protect area grata quality. Located at end of dock with emergency lock out valve. j. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and reduce water quality impacts. Tidal Flushing k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? None Permirtea 1. Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leased No if so, give the name and address of the leaseholder. I m. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types ?services are currently per; t Naue -1 n. Ho-wi many slips are now availalsle. o? ti¢ Id 'PA M L I GD cout,cry Lt Air- v F v GR?Ew1'Y C(C?1??? v? d-- OKI ENTAL SITE t:OODW I NDS SUF3piVfS10N, JANSlRQ roc FoR MAC 2 OSE AND Gom\NjmDs SU80, SCALE : I " - Zooo' C.ASSOCIATES. P. A. "PAMLICO CO. ?(. C. New Bet n. NC ?AC? E 1- of OF r ,-? I ?E? CREE pe pir ? EQp1R r 75? --?, CA Llr1E J L2jaR?,ir BZ np, rr0? U13OEKGRO?.LN'p FucL. TANKSZ_ clogttvmz aft ao ts. F` aw S i TE PLAN FOR OODkn NUS Su?'D. G ""'SE AND DKAwN B?: s+4 - sc?,"? ` 4s c/? SSOCIATES, P. A. 'F'A?ILICo CO. til.c. New Born. N C a-is-a3 ?tt.?d6 ?O j w{T FLORTI 4C, --j,4yyS, CT'`(R ) 11tj L K %4E R?b T I MT3ER SHEET PILE rtlIn n k ,. .. .. _ :I K SACE 3 OF A F.F.S.=8.1 BARKING LOT q -a 1L -.P- -U. CLUB "OUSE CROSS- SECTloq N. T. S. -t AR1/-%uJc- LoT ?????;????? ? 11 1 .?. ?.. 1l 1L ll WATER CoNDOM1 IUP'l ?-RO55-S?CTIaN SCALE 1 = 30' CROSS - SEC710 NS FOR CONDOMINIUM5 aND vq HOSE AND CSUBWOUSE-GWDW//vZ5 tTAMLICO CO. N. c. v4 SSOCIATES, P. A. -DRAWN $Y: SN- Now Bern. NC -T Ial.7 M T V t^ r7 1111-5 lit I' $ WOVEN ?LA5 ri C, FII..TER C•LOT1-1 -p I? TIE -R Oa f (??? ( -017 I -RrPl?A I ANCVAOR -PILE I IT WATER LEVEL SECTION VIEW C N. ?. s.) (T{M-bE'R SPEET-TI L.E -5LlI.KlkEA-ID ) NOTE : FOR ?LQIS k ELEV4-r/0 J 5EF- -'GI. Co BUL.KUEA-E) Suem. HOSE AND Ca00'D W 1 NHS -QAML?CO Co. M. c. v4 SSOCIATES, P. A. -D RA W N DY : !54 New Bern. N C 3-1(,o- 88 =PAUF_5 eZl?- a WA I, a SUEETIAIG W,41-9 0-10 0 WALE ? o -71P 1 LE -bU1-K NEAU -DETML..S c3tOOTD W I N D 5 SU S-. -PAM LI CO CO. IV . G . -DRAWN 13-(: !5+ -PILE 0 111 0 lip I SNELTI IJG ELEVATION VIEW (N. + :5.) i JOSE AND ?4 SSOCIATES, P. A. New Bet n N C -'{'AGE G OF ALAN VIEW (N.-r,s.) F '?" PINE TRcE n` ??afs SEQ?`` -CP?? 5U850RFACE .5E'4Ji4&G 7Di5PD5o4L- AREA ?ot:Z, GOOD?I I nll? 5 5'v Rib . "PAMLI co CO, 14. c. A FILE NO. ROSE AND DRAWN BY 1544- DATE 3- 14P-96 C,4SSOCIATES, P. A. SCALE Ill. 100, New Bern NC JOB NUMBER' TLG-R7DZ /FH ?v Q .Jr i• Mrs. Marguerite Garrett 76 Sloop Drive Oriental, P.C. 28571 Yr. David Owens, Director Division of Caostal ?anagement P. 0. Box 27689 Raleigh, P?. C. 27611 Subject: Nctice of Filing of Anplication for CAPA Major Developanent Permit by Joseph L, Gv;altney, Goodrinds Subdivision, Oriental, '.orth Carolina. Dear ? r. Owens: It is as a resident of Oriental i-fl,o is concerne?2 for the natual environment end resources of the area that I address my co;,l eats to you. The proposal to build a 210 slip commercial marina raises more than a few questions: l-Wi11 there be parking facilities for 210 cars of boatowners and 54 cars of condominium owners? The proposal dries not indicate that one boat slip will go with each condo, and even if it did, that condo owner may not have a boat and choose to rent his allotted boat slip; ergo, ther4exists a need for 261 parking spaces at the maximum and 146 at the minimum. Theathere is the question of more than one car per family, guests and boat trailers. In 1987 a precedent for this requirement was established when Mr. RayyCreech acs, dock ?i -Ult 6ff E`hi Treek. In view of this, adequate parking facilities ARE NOT provided. 2-Why not a dumping station? There is an existing law that requires the use of holding tanks on boats but because there are no local facilities for dumping, the Coast Guard cannot enforce the law and the pollution continues to go to the river. Green Creek is already classified as 'C' waters, The introduction of more pollution into the creek may, in the future, inhibit and/tr destroy the spawning and developing in the fisheries nursery area, At some point, our waters will no longer be able to filter out these wastes and the natural resources that so many local fishermen depend on will be destroyed. Therefore, any positive argument of 'a commercial facility will provide jobs' is negated multi-fold by the number of crabbers, shrimpers and fishermen who will be the ones to suffer from the lono term effects. In view of this, pumping facilities should be required. 3- How can such a facility be constructed with no dredging? The indication of 9-5226t at the end of the docks may be accurate, but at the end of a 410' dock one is close to the channel. I would recommend that some extensive poling of the area be done for a truly accurate picture of the depth of the water. For a developement of such magnitude, I feel a more complete study should be made to determine, in fact, if there really is enough water and not just an indication that "water depths appear to be sufficient" as was set for in the Field Investigation Report for t-is Major Developement. 4. Will a 910' bulkhead change the topography of the bottom? Are there any possible reprecussions from silting and redistribution of bottom s:,ils that will require continued dredging in the future? Any change in the environment has a domino effect somewhere and there are existing homeowners who will also want to continue to use their docks. The impact of redistribution throughout the entire creek must be considered. 5- Will tidal flushing be enough to maintain unpolluted waters? With a wind tide there is no guarantee that regular circulation of water will occur. There have been extended periods of no tidal movement and wbo is to say that when the wind comes, it will blow the waste out? There exdsts an -2- 4 equal chance that a North-Easter could come in and circulate that water, with its pollution, up the creek and onto existing homeowners properties and then blow out, leaving the waste behind, 6- Will the existing channel in Green Creek be big enough to handle the increased boat traffic? With only one opening under the bridge designated for boat traffic, the question of turn around room for a holding pattern on both sides of the bridge must be considered. This could entail future projects of gigantic proportions when one considers that those surounding waters are very shallow and still contain pilings from the old bridge and piers, The proposal to build 54 condominiums on a tract of land that floods during a good Nor'easter raises another set of questions: 1-What is the potential for the septic system flooding and Polluting the surrounding waters during such storms? 2- Will there be trained personnel to handle such an 'accident' and who will be ultimately responsible for the handling of such a potentially dangerous substance as the chlorine needed for this system? 3-'Who will be responsible for the safety of the occupants on the third floor when there is no fire fighting equipment in the county that can go that high? It is time for all of us to start thinking about the repercussions some of our actions will have on those coming after us. We have to take the responsibility now to control pollution in our waters, There is already concern that the Neuse River a::_d its surrounding waters are beginning to show signs of deterioration. It would be a shame to let that happen and then face the awesome task of reversing the process.. They say hindesight is better than-foresightt Surely weNcan, look around;-p d=, earn from TMthbs a?? sry liat d dnIt heed =We reali'ig,.sign -and. suffered untold miseries and losses on the road to recovery. I feel some responsible decisions must be made here that require consideration to the environment and not the pocketbook. I ask, therefore, that you do not give approval to this developement proposal. Thanking you for your time in and consideration of this matter, I an, Sincerely Yours3 (Mrs.) Marguerite Garrett Copies to: CAPA, Morehead, N. C. FRO, Washington, N. C. CRC, Pamlico County HEALTH DEPT., Pamlico County C011I:ISSIONER, Pamlico County, Louise Muse -2- this size will almost certainly destroy the crabbing in Green Creek and have an adverse effect on the shrimp. The report states that there will be five docks (4101, 360', 4051, 380', j501) which tota1,1905' in length, however, the proposal under #6a lists the total length as 21801. Which one is correct really doesn't matter, as docks of this length extending into a public waterway is wrong. The increase of boat traffic through the 0:^iental 3ridge would necessitate the dredging of another channel under the bridge as one opening cannot handle such an increase. Also, the waters in Oriental Harbor and around the Wildlife Ramp would have to be cleared of sunken pilings from old bridges and piers or there will be a lot of wrecked boats littering these waters. Also you might expect to rexeiae alot more requests from single family residences along Green Creek and its adjacent waters for dredging permits to combat the rapid silting of their private slips from the increase in boating traffic. It is also reasonable to believe that the influx of small, fast boats (,6+ ich is what a development like this attracts) will hasten the erosion of the shore line and destroy our already fragile ecology. Putting underground fuel tanks in an area that floods is not a good idea. The developer states in #2 Marina Operations,# a, that there will be no overboard discharge of sewage. How will he enforce and police this and also the statement that the maximum boat length will be 251? Under #2 Yarina Operations, the developer states that "tidal flushing" will circulate the water around the boat basin. There are no moor_ tides in Oriental. 'We only have a wind blown tide that at tunes there is no water movement for days at a time. It has also come to my attention that part of the land area is comprised of fill dredged from the harbor area, I don't know-how much land is involved, however, several people have .reported this to me,;. Even though your Department has specific guidelines to follow, government should have an "instinct" as to what is right or wrong for a given area, Your professional and personal attention to this matter will be evident for many years to come. Sincerely, iha e JGarrett Copies to: W,1A, Morehead, N.C. NTRCD, Washington, N. C. CRC, Pamlico County HEALTH DEPT., Pamlico County ColliISSIOEIER, Pamlico County, Louise Muse Mr. Charles J, Garrett 76 Sloop Drive Oriental, N. 28571 Mr, David Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27689 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 a August 11, 1988 RE: Notice of filing of application for CA11A Major Develop4ment Permit for Joseph L. Gwaltney, Goodwinds Subdivision, Oriental, North Carolina, Dear Mr. Owens: Having reviewed the Division of Coastal Management Field Investigation Report, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on same. The proposal to build 54 condominiums in an area that is susceptible to flooding during strong North-Easters and storms is not in the best interests of any potential owners or to the other residents along Green Creek and its adjacent waters who will be exposed to the overflowing of a large septic area and the accompanying litter and pollution that are common with a development of this magnitude. As I under- stand the sewage plan, it requires pumps, *echanical equipment, chlorine, and electrical energy to operate.- What happens when, not if, but when one,or more of these. zsystems. hree s 0Wn?; `T%7&M1°an Flee al. °Comp ri ± Us_ r ord o, t t siupteid service is riot very impressive I, iTe are all aware that chorine is a hazardous substance and is not for the amateur or Volunteer Fireman to contend with:, Also, the fish, crabs, shrimp and those who make their living from these waters will be affected. As a retired professional firefighter with over 25 years experience and with over 2 years as a volunteer in Oriental, I am appalled at the idea of building any residence over the height that existing fire fighting equipment can be effective in. A height of 32, to the eave is the maximum that any ladder in the County can reach. Having tested the pressure and flow from Pamlico County fire hydrants in the surrounding area, I don't believe there is sufficient pressure or volumne to service buildings of this height and density. Parking spaces to accomodate 318 vehicles (not including boat trailers)-that allows 1 for each boat slip and 2 for each unit (2car families/guests) should be the minimum number required.Mr. Ray Creech was compelled to provide a parking space for each slip for property he owns on Smith Creek, so a precedent has already been established. Under #49 Land and Water Characteristics (c) Elevation of tract above MSL,..,81 is suspect as none of the adjoining properites are that high and yet they appear to be higher than Goodwinds. Adjoining property owner, William Hard, has an elevation of 4.99'. The proposal to build a 210 slip commercial marina, is, in my mind and that of every other resident that I have spoken to ludicrous. The report states that, "no dredging is proposed''. I find that hard to believe as I have a 291 sailboat that draws 316" and cannot get close to Goodwind property with it, Since many adjacent waters are declared as shrimp nursery areas, any dredging would be detremental to the wildlife. We have seen otters, porpoise, blue herons, kingfishers, etc, all around this area, Will they still be here with such an increase in boat traffic, litter and unavoidable petroleum spills? A marina of /YY t 13 August 1988 Mr. David Owens Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27689 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Re: Division of Coastal Management Field Investigation Report Goodwinds Subdivision - Joseph L. Gwaltney Dear Mr. Owens: Residing near the proposed subdivision and having read the Field Investigation Report, we wish to place on record our objections and concerns as follows: I. Goodwinds Subdivision A. It is our understanding that the ground in question does not perk. A full disclosure of the septic system should be made. It should be a proven system of disposal, and then, a study should be made to determine,how much,pfflue.n.tcan the disposed of in ground of this elewati-on and cha.r_ acter, keeping in mind that Pine Tree Creek is a primary nursery area and Green Creek secondary. When this quantity is established, then the number of housing units allowable can be determined. B. It appears from examination of pages 7 and 8 that the septic tank/dosing tank is under the parking lot - certainly not an ideal location. C. The fresh water runoff from the paved parking area must be disposed of in a way that will not impact the creek nursery areas. II. Marina Development A. Sanitary wastewater from the clubhouse facility should be included in the study in Part I.A. (above). B. There should be a boat holding tank pump-out facility (also to be included in study Part I.A. (above)). C. The number of slips requested is excessive for the reasons below: 1. There is no way the head closing rule will be enforced, nor the "no living aboard". Tidal flushing is minimal. If a marina that size is permitted, Green Creek will forever he closed to shellfishing. ?t w -2• 0 13 August 1988 Re: Division of Coastal Management Field Investigation Report Goodwinds Subdivision - Joseph L. Gwaltney D. In summary, facilities question. served and 2. If 54 housing units are allowed on that property, even 54 boat slips will have their impact, if we are only talking about gas and oil leakage. Half that number might be reasonable, if the ecology can survive the wastewater from that much housing. 3. With ground that wet and susceptible to flooding, is it safe to store petroleum products in under- ground tanks? 4. With fuel and marine supplies available at Whittaker Creek, Oriental Marina, Minnesott Beach, Green Bay, etc., what need is there for this facility in light of the environmental impact. Keep in mind also that there is a State-sponsored marina planned for. Minnesott Beach. "No Wake" or speed limit signs shouldbe established. With the number of boats increasing, shoreline erosion i-s increasing.. we want to be assured that the number of housing units and sanitary do not produce more wastewater than can be managed on the land in We also feel that the propsoed marina is far too large for the area for the good of the estuary. The time is now. If we don't impose sensible limits on development in this area, we have only to look north to see what the future will be. Sincerely, LG'?iylrJ? ?l Helga and Arnold Sanders P.O. Box 807 Oriental, N.C. 28571 Copy to: David Noble, Div. of Coastal Mgmt, Morehead City, NC NRCD, Washington, NC. 27889 (Attn: Bill Moore) Reg Caroon, Box 103, Lowland, NC 28552 Pamlico County Health Dept, Bayboro, NC 28515 (Attn: Jim Baluss) Commissioner Louise Muse, Route 1, Oriental, NC 28571 t 15 August, 1988 Mr. David Owens Division of Coastal Management P. 0. Box 26789 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Ref: Goodwinds Subdivision Joseph-L. Gwaltney SR 1308, N.W. High Rise Bridge, Oriental, Pamlico County, N. C. Dear Sir: After reading your "Field Investigation Report" of the above project the following items have been listed as being cause for concern on my part. Our home is on Green Creek approximately one-half mile from the proposed development. x 'T`Idal-flushng is not present in Green Creek. 1. 2. No pump-out facilities are to be provided. 3. Extension of piers into the creek would be more than one-half distance to channel. 4. This facility would have a detrimental effect on the shell fishing and shrimp nursery areas. 5. The elevation of existing tract is not f8.0 MSL but closer to /4.0 MSL. I feel threatened by this encroachment on the environ- ment and hope these points will be considered when you make your decision on this application. Ve truly yours, pp /I ???d - ?_ eta- M? 1, Pis- aw,? LEONARD J. AND LOIS W. BERGMANN Cc Walter B. Jones, U.S. Congress William Barker, N. C. Senate Beverly Perdue, N. C. House of Rep. David Noble, DCM Bill Moore, NRCD Reginald Caroon, CRC Jim Baluss, P. C. Health Dept. Louise Muse, P. C. Commissioner 13 August 1988 Mr. David Owens Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27689 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Re: Application for CAMA Major Development Permit by Joseph L. Gwaltney, Goodwinds Subdivision Dear Mr. Owens: We believe the following questions should be answered before any consideration is given to subject application. How will the estimated annual erosion of 1-2 feet be controlled? Will dredging be required in the future to remove silted-in areas to allow the marina to continue operation? This property is located off the Neuse River on Green Creek. Polution has already increased dramatically from a sewage treat- ment outfall. from the town of Oriental and th..e town's yacht: basin The water is classified as "SC". Is there any reasonable guarantee that pollution increases won't occur from water runoff of this property and the high density of boats docked thereat. Please note: THIS IS A NON-TIDAL AREA WITH NO CLEANSING CURRENTS. It seems a bit presumptuous,to proposesuch a development for the. dockage of boats on marginal property requiring the docks to extend far out into public trust waters. Neither the "no living aboard" nor the head closing rules are en- forceable. By the time a perpetrator has been identified the damage will have already been done and cannot be "undone". "No Wake" zones or speed limit signs should be erected in both Green and Smith Creeks. Such a large scale marina will mean a larger number of boats (mostly motorboats as inferred by the area's water depth) which will only accelerate the already eroding shoreline. The application indicates the septic tank/dosing tank will be located beneath the parking area - such a location seems impractical. It is a locally known fact that the proposed area is very susceptible to flooding, yet it is indicated that the petroleum products will be stored in underground tanks. Freshwater runoff from the paved parking lot should be channelled so it will not infiltrate the creek's nursery areas. 13 August 1988 Re: Application for CAMA Major Development Permit by Joseph L. Gwaltney, Goodwinds Subdivision A full study of the septic system should be made as most areas near the water have trouble perking lately. With Pine Tree Creek a primary nursery area and Green Creek a secondary, great care must be taken not to disturb the ecology of the.area. Such a study should prove the amount of development this marshy area can take. It would seem the clubhouse facility would generate enough wastewater to be included in the septic system study before receiving favorable consideration. If the marina were not part of the application, we would still question the impact of 54 housing units and accompanying boat slips on the ecology of the area. We moved here from an area in Florida which permitted unrestricted development. The resulting air, water and traffic pollution brought about strict burning regulations, water rationing and constant road repairs, none of which solved the problems. The saddest part was the impact such "progress" had on the ecology, and the' wi l dl i fe. Oriental As--now i n-the ."before" . stag.es:,. we need help to make sure it doesn't end up in the "after" like the area we left We would appreciate learning what the final decision in this case is. Sincerely, . ?Luisl e?anyd Robert icrchyar s 9211 Hornigold Avenue Oriental, N.C. 28571 Copies to: David Noble, Division of Coastal Mgmt, Marine Fisheries Bldg, Morehead City, NC NRCD, POB 1057, Washington, NC 27889 (Attn: Bill Moore) Mr. Reg Caroon, Box 103, Lowland, NC 28552 Pamlico County Health Dept, Courthouse, Bayboro, NC 28515 (Attn: Jim Baluss) Commissioner Louise Muse, Route 1, Oriental, NC 28571 2 15 August, 1988 Mr. David Owens Division of Coastal,Management P. 0. Box 26789 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Refs Goodwinds Subdivision Joseph;L. Gwaltney SR 1308, N.W. High Rise Bridge, Oriental, Pamlico County, N. C. Dear Sir: After reading your "Field Investigation Report" of the above project the following items have been listed as being cause for concern on my part.. Our home is on Green-,Creek aPPr tel .0 !:ha =,A l. . _f .m _the _propo ed»d ?elc a ?w 1. Tidal flushing is not present in Green Creek. 2. No pump-out facilities are to be provided. 3. Extension of piers into the creek would be more than one-half distance to channel. 4. This facility would have a detrimental effect on the shell fishing and shrimp nursery areas. 5. The elevation of existing tract is not /8.0 MSL but closer to /4.0 MSL. I feel threatened by this encroachment on the environ- ment and hope these points will be considered when you make your decision on this application. Yew truly_ yours, Cc Walter B. Jones, U.S. Congress William Barker, N. C. Senate Beverly Perdue, N. C. House of Rep. David Noble, DCM Bill Moore, NRCD Reginald Caroon, CRC Jim Baluss, P. C. Heelth Dept. Louise Muse, P. C. Commissioner i• t DA i A i7{°'!'l.rA ?°f,.a,:40i REV DATE 07/27/8,B ACTION ; ADD FILE F? is CAi°i F: , 401 ?.: , Ord:(? `. FORMAT . NR) Fi:; F::i MA NEXT f R C D . 00451 ACTION ADD. ENTER DATA, REC . ADDED 19 00449 F RD DATA , PROJO: 00450 , ? COUNTY: I"F.;ci'}I....I: t: O REGION: • -? 404 i t•ss 40i R::. t:. S. •, i+.. RECEIVED: 88072i (:;{iMA ONLY: GC : BULKHEADS DENY: INITIAL REPORT: 88072-7 {fI::'r' CAt iFt Y : I::.t.:#" :::.!rdl''RI::.t: : HOLD: Y FINAL REPORT: RECEIVING STREAM: GREENS CREEK CLASS: ,.: BASIN: `s`•i t::... t COMMENTS: SITE LOCATED OFF SR i3O8 NEAR OR IENTA! S At.:l°iE TRf"tC O t{I..: DEVELOPED AS CO:"t1'.t::.{=, i.::._F.:rL ?tAR1.i•:A AND ...=.. CONDO UNITS :'±•_:, j.°.t.: { A:...,:• INCLUDES CLUBHOUSE, POOL, 06 :? BOAT SLIPS, t..:...... FACILITIES, 900 L F O WOODEN BULKHEAD, PUBLIC UT ILITY SYSTEM ... 137,000 , : Q NITRIFICATION FIELD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PENDING SITE V I S I T AND REVIEW !_i OF ..... ? ?::. • . PLAN •. COPIES: .r•: i'i .;.. C?::. t`v T'S A}... r t .... ,... ,•.: RECEIVED ! L!, L 2 8 1988 WNTEF (VT "rv ..ECTIC T DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Lat:3500112.0" FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Long:76042-14" 1. APPLICANT'S NAME Goodwinds Subdivision - Joseph L. Gwaltney 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE SR 1308, northwest side of highrise bridge in Oriental, Pamlico County; SEE 1984 AERIAL PHOTO #52 (I-2. J-1). 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: DREDGE & FILL X CAMA X 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: (A) DATES OF SITE VISIT 5-18-88 5-24-88 (B) WAS APPLICANT PRESENT NO NO (REVISED) 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: APPLICATION RECEIVED June 1, 1988 OFFICE Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) LOCAL LAND USE PLAN Pamlico Co./Oriental LAND CLASSIFICATION FROM LUP Transition/ Transition Residential DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS IDENTIFIED IN LUP NONE NOTED (B) AEC(S) INVOLVED: OCEAN HAZARD ESTUARINE SHORELINE X CORSTAL X P IC TRUST i4ATERS X ESTUARINE WATERS X OTHER (D) INTENDED USE: PUBLIC PRIVATE X COMMERCIAL X (E) TYPE OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT: EXISTING NONE PLANNED subsurface public utility (F) TYPE OF STRUCTURES: EXISTING NONE PLANNED 210 boat slip commercial marina & 54 condominium units (G) ESTIMATED ANNUAL RATE OF EROSION 1-2' SOURCE personal estim. 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: (A) VEGETATED WETLANDS NONE AREA DREDGED FILLED OTHER (B) NON-VEGETATED WETLANDS: docks - public trust waters (C) OTHER: highground (D) TOTAL AREA DISTURBED: 17.7 acres (covered) 1.7 ac (graded) 16 ac 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: Applicant proposes to construct 54 condominium units and a 210 slip commercial marina. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT - GOODWINDS SUBDIVISION/ JOSEPH L. GWALTNEY PAGE #2 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Applicant's property is a 17.9 acre. tract located on Greens Creek, on SR 1308, on the northwest corner of the bridge going into Oriental, Pamlico County. The name of the proposed project is Goodwinds Subdivision. Elevations on the property range from 0' to 8' above MSL. The property currently is vegetated by pines and broomsedge, and the primary man-made features existing on the tract are an approximately 500' cul-de-sac and scattered riprap along the shoreline. The property has approximately 2,000' of shoreline with a 01-25' fringe of Spartina alterniflora, Spartina cynosuroides, Juncus roemerianus, Spartina patens, and Scirpus spp. occurring along much of the shoreline. Scattered areas of rock riprap and rubble occur along the shoreline also. Greens Creek is classified as "SC" by the Division of Environmental Management and is closed to shellfishing by the Division of Health Services. Pine Tree Creek, which "blrs tie rirthvveE `side of F the ° proper, t y,..; is clan 3 ed &s--- a Primary Nursery Area by the Division of Marine Fisheries. Water depths in Greens Creek range from approximately 11-61. The proposed project is a residential development consisting of six (6) 3-story, nine (9) unit condominiums and a 210 slip commercial marina. The applicant is also proposing to bulkhead 910' of the property along Greens Creek. The proposed bulkhead is a wooden bulkhead with sand backfill which will be constructed completely above MHW and landward of all marsh. Marsh has stabilized the majority of the shoreline and there is minimal shoreline erosion. The proposed buildings on the site are six (6) 45' tall, 3-story, nine (9) unit condominiums which will have a footprint of approximately 4100 sq. ft. A 1-story clubhouse of approximately 1500 sq. ft. is also proposed, as well as a 3,000 sq. ft. pool and deck area. All of these facilities are proposed to be constructed outside of any Areas of Environmental Concern. A 6' wooden walkway, approximately 1200' in length, is proposed along the outside edge of the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. As previously discussed, a paved road currently exists on the property, and there is no proposal for any additional road extension. Impervious surface area for the entire 17.9 acre tract is approximately 119,034 sq. ft. or 16%. No impervious surface area is proposed for the estuarine FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT - GOODWINDS SUBDIVISION/ JOSEPH L. GWALTNEY PAGE #3 shoreline area since the only development taking place there will be elevated docks and gazebos. A stormwater management plan is being submitted to DEM. Asphalt and concrete are proposed for parking services. Proposed sewage treatment for the site is a subsurface public utility system with a 137,000 sq. ft. nitrification field. Potable water will be provided through the Pamlico County water system. The proposed marina will provide 210 slips and also fuel services. The marina will have five (5) piers extending out into Greens Creek with the longest one being about 410' from the bulkhead. Lengths of the other piers are 3601, 4051, 380' and 3501. Proposed widths of the docks are 10' x 5' wide finger piers. Two (2) fuel pumps will be located at the end of the docks with the storage tanks being located underground on highground outside of any ANC's. for depths at the end.of the docks range from about 51-51'. - Restroom-facilities for the proposed marina will be in the p ieu? ,dessra,-bed c?u"b Ouse".. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: No dredging is proposed for the marina since water depths appear to be sufficient. The proposed bulkhead is 910' long and will be completely above MHW and landward of all marsh. A wooden bulkhead is proposed with sand used for backfill. There is a minimal amount of erosion occurring at the site. The condominiums, clubhouse and pool all are planned for construction outside of the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. The total project area will disturb approximately 16 acres of highground and will require both a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan and a Stormwater Management Plan. No impervious surface areas will occur within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, but outside the AEC, approximately 16% (119,034 sq. ft.) of the site will be impervious. The docks will cover a Public Trust Area of approximately 74,700 sq. ft. (1.7 acres). PREPARED BY: W. DAVID NOBLE DATE: JULY 15, 1988 Please type or print. Carefully describe all an- ticipated development activiti n, including construc- tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write NIA (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. I APPLICANT Goodwinds Subdivision a. Name c/o Jost-ph L_ Cwat they Address PO Box 3 29 City O r i en t a t State NQ Zip 28571 Day phone 919/249-1787 X Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any) Goodwinds Subdivision c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. NIA d. Describe the planned use of the project. To provide condominium units for resale to public 4 LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract _ 17.9 Acre b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 8 Feet d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Clay and- Sand e. Vegetation on tract Yes f. Manmade features now on tract N/A g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation III Transitional Developed Community 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED Rural Other PROJECT h. How is the tract zoned by local govemment? No Zonins i. How are adjacent waters classified? SC a Street address or secondary road number ' j• Has a professtonal archaeological survey been b S R 1 3 08 gar laradmar + e carried out for the tract?,.._ Na • > , Oriental, NC r if so, by whom: c. County Paml i co d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT jurisdiction? No e. Name of body of water nearest project Complete this section if the project includes any G r e en e' s Creek land development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED structures proposed 6 - 3-story frame USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT bl dgs. and 1 -Si ngl a story f rame clubhouse b. Number of lots or parcels 1 a. Describe all development activities you propose c. Density (Give the number of residential units (for example, building a home, motel, marina, and the units per acre.) . 0_ InitsJAcres bulkhead, or pier). Construct - 6 condominiums w/9 d. Size of area to be graded or d*sturbed units each - 1-clubhouse 16.0 Acre. - faci 1 i ty e. If the proposed project will aisturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land If you plan to build a marina, also complete Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- and attach Form DCM-MP-2. tation control plan at least 30 days before land b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a isting project, new work, or both? sedimentation and erosion control plan been new work submitted to the Division of Land Resources? c. Will the project be for community, private, or No commercial use? Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet commercial of mean high water to be covered by im- AP W" 2 ng 8 v permeable surfaces, such as pavement, •------------------- -- buildings, or rooftops. g. List the materials. such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete, to he used for paved surfaces. Asphalt & Concrete h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? In Process i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. Subsurface Public Utility j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? No k. Describe existing treatment facilities. None 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). Surface discharge over 1.5" rainfall m. Water supply source County of Pamlico n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. N/A n. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? N/A 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL INFORMATION a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheajs, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Boat basin Other (break- water, pier, boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill 'ar,-- b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards None _ c. Type of material None d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? No e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards None f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area Non e g. Location of spoil disposal area None h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? N/A If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A if so, where? --- j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, _ swamps, or water areas? No k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? No 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A m. Type of fill material N/A n. Source of fill material N/A o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? No p. Dimensions of the wetland to be filled N/A q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled?_ N/A Silt Fences r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site? No If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. N/A 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION Length of bulkhead xxxyp= 910 Average distance v:aterward of mean high water or normal water level 0 Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet N ZA Type of bu'khead material treated wood Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water None Type of fill material Sand 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 Vh x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accep-,ed. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- . sonnet unfamiliar with the area to-the site. Include county roadF(W) numbers, ° landmarks; °and -the "like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of that opportunity. Name Mr. William H. Barker Address 5116 Meadowbrook Dr. New Bern, NC 28560 Name Mr. William H. Hard Address 1205 Hunting Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. A check for $100 made payable to the Depart. ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean. front and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMIS- SION TO ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify than I am authorized t..gran 'and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the 14 day of. ??_ 19-.?. X Lan nor Authorized agent Send the completed application materials to: Division of Coastal Management N.C. DNRCD Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Vin FP CrZ? 2 0 APR 2 6 '988 ---------------------- Form DCM-MP-2 MARINA DEVELOPMENT Attach this form to the Application for Permits to Develop in North Carolina's Coastal Area. Be sure to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including upland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based facilities must be included in application and work plats. I MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina proposed. Commercial X Public Residential b. Will the marina be open to the general public? yes c. If there is residential development associated with the marina, how many units or lots are planned? 54 units d. Check all of the types of :service to be .,provided... , . Full sevice, iuding travel _ lift and/or rail X Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies Y_ Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips 210 Dry storage Number of boats Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) e. Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin and/or channel X Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex- ample, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, or mixed types). mixed types g. Typical boat length 20' h. Maximum boat length 25' i. Are any floating buildings planned? No if so, describe. Fn FR or-P m a Fa aDR 281988 2 MARINA OPERATIONS a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities which will be included in the proposed project. Office toilets X Toilets for patrons Number 2 Location Clubhouse X Showers Boat holding tank pumpout Type and location b. Describe treatment type and location for all sanitary wastewater. Pumped to subsurface field c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and trash disposal. contract pick-up d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? Vessel head facilities discharge lines will be closed and _ -Owners shall be required to sign lease agreements disallowing direct discharge of sewage. e. Give the location and number of "No (swage Discharge" signs proposed. Fi ve f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- ducts. None g. Where will residue be disposed of? N/A h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. None Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad- ditional approval by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. i. Give the location of fuel handling facilities and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. Located at end of dock with emergency lock out valve, j. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and reduce water quality impacts. Tidal Flushing k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? None Prm; rrPri L Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leases? No If so, give the name and address of the leaseholder. m. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? N/A n. How many slips are now available? None G ti 77) ? i r? [IV 1 n -P. A as 2 $ 1983 ............ r .r ?pD h¢ -PA MLtCD COUNT y y? Of w 1 tih ?R DNS Comm< ?--- OR( EN I AL SugOtVlStoN. F JANU-' i Rp \ \? \v? DP 2 8? -t7 -t, ---------------------- LOC F R MAP G 00-D W I MD 5 5L)8D, HOSE AND c? SCALE : I 't = 2000` CA SSOCIATES, P. A. -F'AMLICO CO. ?4. C. New Bet n NC T-' AG E 1. OF -P??a - 2 0 F ?5 ??r1E TR?E CREED, 75 cQHa I-,,4E ?EPp J, 1 Q? n. J ------------------ 4 --- i SF'F?aS ?+.t6. ?Q i NT Y s . FLOATj qG ?pG??S FUC0- TANKS 'PSULK ?4E A? ao 75' T 1 Mf3ER SHEET PILE ? Zs. ? ? n? n n n s F? \g ?o i's e(i S 1 T E PLAN FoR 400D I D-5 s a-D' R' ?4 ?,OSE AND KAWr4 SC-AI-E, 45' c,ASSOCIATES, P. A. -'PAMLICO Co. tel. C. New Bern. N C o F. F.E,=8.1 ?AV, KIr.1G L -0-r q V019 R CLUB WOUSE CR055- $EGTiOf? N, T, 5 I._ mT WATER COWDOMI KIIUM CR055- 5ECTON SCALE ? r = 30 CROSS - SECTIOW5 FOR COWDJMIMIUMS ,4r1? C LUB uoUSE-GonDw/,vbS ?AMLICO Co. ?q.C. -DRAWN BY: SI?- R' IvUSE AND ?--?p SOCIATES, P. A. New Bern. N C Ft, -UT ,IUt. 1 4 im Y -PILE {I I? I_ WATER LEVEL its ++ - ,1i11 I, WOVEN -'PL.AS TI G FILTER GLO-r. rIE -R aD SECTION VIEW (TI M-BER S14EET-711_E -:F>uLKtAept-D NOTE,. FOR - 1'L4j 1 ? E LEV?4T"io rJ 5EE ? . iced 7-/3-8g Bl-1LKNEA-U -DETAIL C;oo-Dwlt-4t?.S SuRS-D. -'1AMLICO Co. 1J.c. -D KA W N Dom(: 5,4 <Ka2> ItOSE AND ASSOCIATES, P. A. New Bern. NC 6 i7:: Y,/A l- e -'1 Ak tfk l^ -P I L E SUEETIn)G - T) C. `R G-D W,4LL ANCuo? ?t ILES 1 WALE -"bUL.K NEA1'3 -DETRtLS GoC?DWIND5 50(YD. -PAM a CO CO, -DRAWN T3Y: 3-i(- -SB FLAN VIEW (u.-r,S.) i SI?NEETi 4G ?IIIM_.I c? HOSE AND U20200 17W SOCIATES, P. A. I _ _ _ _ AAA III New Bern N C ?ACa E G OF ?ELEVATION VIEW (N. i 5.? k L -11 t444-H ' t Irr. ]? 0 v r+? r PRoPo5E7 Co.upps JuL 14 198 ?-7 ?PROPoSet+ ?Q CLCd?Novs? ?Q R?YIS?? 7'/3-88 -DOCK b -PARKING 1"? L. A. 1.1 F C:) V-1, CaO0DWjNDS 5UL3'D. SAW t,I P.,Y : S4-- ?A?''?4IC0 CO. Q. C. 3-i8-88 r• HOSE AND ? 4:,,4SSOCIATES, P. A. Now Born. NC PINL Tk?? ' cRG? K a 5UBSI)RFi S8"4/A-GE _ AR E A P7o T--, 0oobvcl I t ,3b S -PAM(-l Co CO, 5- Li P-;D. l?l G . .DOSE AND SOCIATES, P. A. New Bern NC FILE NO. DRAWN BY 5" DATE 2- 1 G - f36 SCALE I"= I00r JOB NUMBER' TLG-8