HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890342 Ver 1_Complete File_19890101DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Date: September 11, 1989 To: Bill Mills Planning Branch r From: James H. Gregson Wilmington egional O i e Through: Donald Sa it Wilmington Regional f c jr Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 8908-M CD89-10 / M.O.S.T.U. Repairs Brunswick County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, Brunswick County, North Carolina proposes to upgrade the existing water system. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. 1. The project will not require a 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction are to exceed 25 NTU. 3. A State Non-Discharge permit will be required for the filter backwash treatment and disposal system. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. JHG:8908-M.SEP cc: Jim Gregson WiRO, CF DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 11, 1989 To: Bill Mills Planning Branch From: James H. Gregson Wilmington,56gional O i e Through: Donald Sa i_t '' Wilmington Regional"Oq c Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 8908-M CD89-10 / M.O.S.T.U. Repairs Brunswick County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, Brunswick County, North Carolina proposes to upgrade the existing water system. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. 1. The project will not require a 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction are to exceed 25 NTU. 3. A State Non-Discharge permit will be required for the filter backwash treatment and disposal system. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. JHG:8908-M.SEP cc: Jim Gregson WiRO, CF CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION REPAIRS TO THE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND CONNECTION TO THE COUNTY WATER SYSTEM MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL, SUNNY POINT, NORTH CAROLINA 31 July 1989 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, Brunswick County, North Carolina proposes to upgrade/rehabilitate the existing water system by connecting to the Brunswick Water System and rehabilitating Booster Pump Station No. 2 (BPS2) which will use wells no. 2 and no. 3 as water sources. The project is discussed in further detail in the attached Water System Upgrade, Concept Design, dated May, 1989. The majority of the work will be performed within the reservation boundaries. In accordance with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program (15 CFR 923.33(a)), MOTSU is excluded from the coastal zone as a listed Federal land. However, a small portion of the work will be performed outside of the reservation (the access road from MOTSU to N.C. Highway 133) which is not excluded from the program. This consistency determination has been prepared for that portion of the work which lies outside of the reservation boundary. Work''outside the reservation=boundary will consist of connecting to the Brunswick County Water System. Brunswick County operates an existing 24- inch water main near the entrance to MOTSU at the intersection of N.C Highway 87 and N.C. Highway 133. A 12-inch water main will be provided along the MOTSU entrance road connecting the existing 24-inch County main to the existing MOTSU system (see exhibit a of the attached Concept Design). Approximately 7,400 linear feet of 12-inch water main will be required and valves and hydrants will be installed at intervals no greater than 1,000 feet. A. Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's): The work will not involve any work within the AEC's; therefore no impact to AEC's as a result of the project will occur. The work will not violate water and air quality standards. The project does not involve placement of material in waters or wetlands of the United States. An archeological/historical reconnaissance of the area between the reservation boundary and N.C. Highway 133 will be performed prior to performing the work. This area lies within the N.C. Department of Transportation Right-of-Way and has probably been disturbed by construction of the entrance road. B. Land Use Plan: The work is located entirely within Brunswick County, North Carolina. In accordance with the Brunswick County Land Use Plan (1987), the access road leading to N.C. Highway 133 is designated as "undeveloped." The Land Classification Map classifies the access road as "transitional industrial." MOTSU and the access road are classified as a "man-made hazard area." No impacts to the designation of the project area cited in the Brunswick County Land Use Plan will occur. C. State Guidelines: 1. For AEC's: See paragraph A. 2. For Land Use Plan: See paragraph B. 3. General Policy (15 NCAC 7M): Not applicable. D. Other State Policies: Review of the State policies found in Chapter 3 of the Coastal Management Program document indicates that the proposed work is in accordance with policies on water supplies and waste disposal, Federal consistency and national interest. E. Conclusion: The proposed work is consistent with the Coastal Management Program of the State of North Carolina. 1 Attachment / .Q Concept Design U Michael S. Featherston Colonel, U.S. Army Commanding DATE: 2 CONCEPT REPORT WATER SYSTEM UPGRADE MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL SUNNY POINT, NORTH CAROLINA prepared for l U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT MAY 1.989 WM. F. FREEMAN ASSOCIATES Architects-Engineers-Planning-Surveyors 7823 National Service Road Greensboro, N.C. 27409 I. INTRODUCTION Wm. F. Freeman Associates has been contracted by the Wilmington District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, to provide Architectural/ Engineering Services for the design of Water System Upgrade at Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, N. C. (MOTSU). Prior to contracting for design services, the Wilmington District prepared a report entitled "Evaluation of Potable Water System", dated September 1988. This report provided an evaluation and recommendations for improvements to the water system including the supply, treatment, pumping, storage, distribution and all associated structures and appurtenances. In the report, four alternative recommendations along with preliminary cost estimates were developed. The alternatives are briefly described as follows: Alternative No. 1: Rehabilitate the existing system Alternative No. 2: Connect.to-the Brunswick. Water System and rehabilitate BPS2 for fire protection Alternative No. 3: Connect to the Brunswick water system and rehabilitate BPS2 using wells #2 and #3 as water source Alternative No. 4: Rehabilitate the existing system and connect to the Brunswick system as back-up The user (MOTSU) has chosen to proceed with the design using Alternate No. 3. The recommendations in Alternative No. 3 include: .Connect to the existing Brunswick County water distribution system .Abandon well numbers 1, 4 and 5; .Rehabilitate Well Numbers 2 and 3 as follows: Abandon chlorination system -Replace well pump, motor and controls Replace engine generator and fuel system at well house number 2 and replace with new fully automatic system Paint interiors, add lighting and remove asbestos materials -Replace water meters with new propeller meters .Abandon tray aerators and replace with greensand filters .Rehabilitate 500,000 gallon reservoir at Booster Pump Station 2 .Replace reservoir controls -1- .Abandon Booster Pump Station 1 and reservoir .Rehabilitate BPS2 as follows: -Replace fire pump engines with diesel generator -Relocate fire pump motor from BPS1 to BPS2 -Rehabilitate fire pump motors -Replace fire pump controls with new fully automatic -Add space for manganese greensand filters -Add filter disposal system; -Replace gages -Replace relief valves -Paint interior and remove asbestos materials -Repair leaking pipe sleeve from reservoir -Add pressure relief valve to hydropneumatic tank -Make required piping and valving changes for water supply to reservoir -Add chlorination system In addition, the report contains recommendations which were common to all alternatives. These recommendations included; .Rehabilitate the remaining fire pumps and motors to current standards .Loop the remaining three wharves potable water systems and upgrade to fire protection capacity. .Loop 10" water main from classification yard to well house No. 4 for system dependability and for increased water quality and capacity .Replace galvanized steel service lines and add meters .Relocate fire hydrants within locked fence areas .Install new 1411,gate valve at BP32 .Parallel water mains identified as undersized with additional mains and cross connect .Place utility warning signs at all locations where waterlines pass under roads carrying explosives The recommendations, which ones will be incorporated into the design, and how. they will be incorporated into the design, are discussed in greater detail below. A second report was prepared by the U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, (EHA) dated 2 June, 1987, which addressed the potable water quality of the wells and reservoirs utilized at MOTSU, and assessed the distribution system and alternative water sources. This report included an analysis of the -2- water quality and provided some good recommendations concerning maintenance, inspection and testing requirements which need to be addressed by the Corps of Engineers and MOTSU personnel. In addition, the EHA report made recommendations concerning, regulatory re.qui-rements and--engineering considerations, some of which were incorporated into the Wilmington District report. Both reports are to be utilized as guidance for establishing the scope of work for the design phase. -3- II. CONNECTION TO BRUNSWICK COUNTY WATER SYSTEM Brunswick County operates an existing 24 inch water main near the entrance to MOTSU at the intersection of Highway 87 and Highway 133. A 12 inch water main will be provided along the MOTSU entrance road connecting the existing 24 inch County main to the existing MOTSU system (See Exhibit A). The scope of work associated with this connection would include the following: 1. Provide a 24" x 12" tapping sleeve and valve. The tap can be made by the Contractor. 2. Bore and jack approximately 50 linear feet of 24 inch steel encasement pipe under Highway 133 3. Provide approximately 7,400 linear feet of 12 inch water main 4. Provide a master meter/backflow preventer vault within the Highway 133 right of way. Per Brunswick County, the meter must be a 6 inch Kent combination meter (or equal) and the backflow preventer can be - - a double check valve assembly. All of the -items"assddiatedwith the vault must be provided under the construction contract. 5. Provide valves and hydrants at intervals no greater than 1,000 feet 6. Provide a connection to the existing MOTSU water distribution system -4- III. UPGRADE/ REHABILITATION OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEM The scope of work for the upgrade and rehabilitation will include the following; 1. Abandon and leave in place well numbers 1, 4 and 5. The work will include sealing off the wells and disconnecting the electrical services. 2. Rehabilitate Well Number 2 a) Abandon chlorination system. Disconnect from water distribution system and remove chlorine gas cylinders. b) Remove existing well pump, motor and motor controls. c) Provide new well pump, motor and motor controls. d) Remove existing generator set and fuel supply system. e) Provide new diesel generator set with automatic transfer switch. f) Remove asbestos materials, The government will perform asbestos investigation and provide A/E with data on asbestos containing materials. - g) Paint interior of building. h) Provide new interior fluorescent lighting fixtures and associated wiring and switching. i) Remove existing water meter and provide new propeller meter. 3. Rehabilitate Well Number 3 a) Abandon chlorination system. Disconnect from water distribution system, remove chlorine gas cylinders. b) Remove existing well pump, motor and motor controls. c) Provide new well pump, motor and motor controls. d) Remove asbestos materials. The Government will perform the asbestos investigation and provide A/E with data on asbestos containing materials. e) Paint interior of building. -5- f) Provide new interior fluorescent lighting fixtures and associated wiring and switching. 4. Abandon BPS1 and Reservoir The demolition of these items may be included as an optional bid item. The Wilmington District needs to provide A/E with further guidance on abandoning versus demolition of these facilities. 5. Rehabilitate Reservoir at BPS2 a) Remove existing coke tray aerators b) Repair cracks in structure c) Repair or replace leaking pipe sleeve connecting reservoir to pump station. d) Remove existing and provide new float control system to control well numbers 2 and 3. 6. -Rehabilitate -BPS2 a) Provide new filtration system. See the paragraph IV. (4) entitled "Filtration System" for further discussion. b) Construct addition to building to house new filters. c) Provide treatment system for filter backwash wastewater. A subsurface system including flow equalization, septic tank and-=d tainf,eldlis..the:prefer.red system. d) Provide new chlorination system. A Chlorine gas system will be designed since the operating personnel are familiar with using a gas system. e) Remove , existing and provide new pressure gages and relief valves in the pump station. In addition, provide a pressure relief valve on the hydropneumatic tank. f) Remove asbestos materials. The Government will perform the asbestos investigation and provide A/E with data on asbestos containing materials. g) Paint the interior of the pump station. h) Remove two existing engines from fire pumps. Relocate 75 H.P. motor from BPS'1. i) Remove existing switching system and provide new automatic transfer switch. -6- j) Provide new diesel generator set. k) Revise piping and valving as necessary from Well Number- 2 - and 3 to reservoir. 1) Provide new 114 inch-isolation valve between pump station and distribution system. 7. Replace water service lines in Administration Area. a) Provide new plastic service lines from water main to existing point of connection immediately outside building. b) Provide meter setting, meter, and meter box on each service line. 8. Relocate fire hydrants which are not readily accessible to the Fire Department. This involves hydrants located within locked fence areas or behind buildings. 9. Provide water mains which parallel and connect to existing lines to improve flow capabilities. See Exhibits B and C. 10. Provide warning signs at all locations where waterlines cross under a roadway- utilized by vehicles carrying explosives. Phasing of the work is an important consideration. The facility must have water service at all times-during construction. Therefore, the design will set forth phasing requirements which will have to be followed during construction. The connection to the Brunswick County water system would have to be installed, tested, approved and put into operation prior to upgrading the existing supply system. . -7- IV. DESIGN CRITERIA The following design criteria will be utilized during the design; 1. Water mains: Ductile iron with cement mortar lining and push-on joints. 2. Service lines: Polybutylene or polyethylene with copper and/or brass fittings. 3. Valves and fittings: Iron body with bronze/ stainless steel components. 4. Filtration system: Greensand (potassium permanganate) filters have been called for in the two previously mentioned reports. This type of a system will remove iron. and manganese from the water. However, the iron and manganese levels in well numbers 2 and 3 are ..below,--the _.existing -.allowable -limits of 0:30 mg/1 and 0.05 mg/l respectively. It is anticipated that the State will be reducing the allowable limits on iron, possibly as low as 0.05 mg/1. Therefore, it is desirable to have a treatment system installed and ready to go when the allowable limits are lowered. The A/E is investigating other treatment options, in particular pressure aeration followed by dual media (anthracite and sand) filtration. This „type.,of system may be more economical initially as well as long term, than a greensand system. Information on-sev&r-a`1 different treatment systems is included in the Appendix. 5. Electrical: In accordance with National Electrical Code, applicable Army Regulations and local codes. 6. Fire pumps: Upgrade of the fire pumps at BPS2 will be in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association. 7. Design of water system upgrade will conform to the following: a) N. C. Department of Human Resources, Rules Governing Public Water Supplies. b) N. C. Department of Human Resources, Rules for Ground Absorption Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. c) N. C. Division of Environmental Management, Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters. d) The Department of Transportation, Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way. -8- V. PERMITS The following permits will be required for the project: 1. Well approvals. The wells will have to be permitted the same as new construction. The process of approval will include; a) The Greenville Office of the N. C. Division of Health Services (DHS), Water Quality Section, will visit the well sites to determine if the sites meet DHS requirements. A letter of site approval is issued by the local DHS office. No Fees. Contact: Mr. Mike Bell, 919/733-4283 b) An Application for Permit to Construct a Well is submitted for each well to the local office of the N. C. Division of Environmental Management (D.E.M.) Records of construction aquifer data and the site approval must be provided along with the permit application. No Fees. Contact: Mr. Rick Shriver, 919/256-4161 e) Water analysis data, well drawdown data, plans and specifications on the well system must be submitted to the Raleigh Office, DHS, along with a signed Application for Approval of Plans and Specifications for Water Supply Systems. No Fees. Contact: Mr. Wally Venrick, 919/733-2460 2. Water distribution system approvals: a) The existing water distribution is not permitted as required by the State. Therefore, plans and specifications on the existing system myst be submitted to the Raleigh Office of DHS along with a signed application form for review and approval. No Fees. Contact: Mr. J. C. Lin, 919/733-2460 b) Plans and Specifications for the new water lines being installed to upgrade the system must also be submitted to the Raleigh Office DHS along with a signed application for for review and approval. The applications and approvals for both the existing system and new construction can be combined as a single submittal. No Fees. 3. Subsurface treatment system. This system will be permitted by the local office of D.E.M. A site inspection will be made by D.E.M. -10- r,gig p�day m N� a n` �y 0 0 z ZI �m m O 0: i D -1 33 O 31 < :0 Z C W\ \ z 1wy W RRV,�TIOry Z m mm BOLN c W \ p�day m N� a n` �y 0 0 z ZI �m m O 0: i D -1 33 O 31 < :0 Z C W\ \ z 1wy W RRV,�TIOry Z m mm BOLN c W \ J iz 1, m O0 '0 Ic n a ' < I� z D D Cl) g� x cil) r z Cl) O O .� iz 1, '0 Ic n a ' < I� Cl) g� x cil) 1111'1 Y 1 lil ? ?1. • 14 .` I. .? 'III' ? ? ?_I•- !. ' ?? 1 i?.. 1 II ;III ' LLI ;}? , Il ; / ••, / i? III , III. '? :1 ,?I? , 1?'! 1 1 '' ? ; Y I c 1 ` ; II'' .... N _ r?ll? ? EC 1 ? -?_ I I ?? , ?1 t 1 ?.1 I (I? t? \ /\\ u J lry I?f\I?T' II. N M . b • I'I. ?I f : I ® V r\\ ° ?"' ! !?I 'il;;l'I,I''?11` a>°??14`• II o I IS i ?? I ;' \\ `• 1•\I •" (?:i--:ct?,?y.- I;?? i;?"?• ?r ? li!?il 1? ? . I ? cs-'t'sbr ?' ' \? \ ? ? l tr I !I II ". .T i ? i l?fl n `' I I "• 11 ?\ ? If ' 11 ''!II I•I ' ,. I. ? l ``JI'??•^'_' .- I .? I• a ? ` 1\. .. \. 1"?J j/ -? ?t11111\ 1,111. ,Ili ,!I?;I''?;111 i, 1'11' , J ss`tf ys3' II 1 /' 111 1\I. 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