HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020451_Responses to ATC Comments_20181211December 11, 2018 West Jefferson WWTP Floating Aerators Responses to Comments Comment: The most recent copy of the NPDES permit is not included in the application package. Please submit a copy of active NPDES permit. Response: The most recent available copy of the West Jefferson WWTP NPDES Permit is provided herewith. 2. Please revise the Section 4, Part C of the Application form to only include new components (two new aerators in this project). Response: Section 4, Part C of the Application Form has been revised to include only new components (two new aerators). 3. Comment: What is the capacity of proposed floating aerator? In the engineer calculations 1,300 lb/day of 02 is required. However, in the Specs (Page 2 of Section 11000) each aerator is required to provide 414 lb/day of 02. Please explain and confirm the capacity of the aerators. Response: Originally, the calculations neglected elevation correction for oxygen transfer and included an influent BOD5 concentration of 240 mg/l. The provided calculations take into consideration the elevation correction for oxygen transfer and a higher influent BOD5 concentration based on actual measured influent conditions. The original calculations resulted in an 02 demand of 414 lb/day per aerator. This resulted in a 7.5 Hp motor for each of the 2 new aerator motors (only in the outer ring). The outer ring has a volume of approximate 0.3 MG. After including the elevation correction and the higher influent BOD5 concentration, the motor Hp was increased to 10 Hp. At 10 Hp per aerator, each aerator is capable of meeting the required 02 demand of 650 lb/day. Together, the 2 aerators can provide 1300 lb/day of 02, which is noted in the calculations as the required daily 02 demand. This change was not included in the specifications as submitted. Specification Section 11000 has been revised to reflect an 02 transfer rate of 650 lb/day per aerator and 10 Hp for each motor. The revised Specification Section 11000 is provided herewith. .4 0 j• � ice, At 9 r. 480 N SiI�CQ�'ee; 12/11/18 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION A. The Division of Water Resources will accept this application package for review only if all of the items are provided and the application is complete. Failure to submit all of the required items will result in the application package being returned as incomplete per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(b). B. Plans and specifications must be prepared in accordance with 15 NCAC 02H. 0100. 15A NCAC 02T, North Carolina General Statute 133-3. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. and Division of Water Resources Minimum Design Criteria for NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facilities. C. The plans and specifications submitted must represent a completed final design that is ready to advertise forbid. D. Any content changes made to this Form ATC-12-14 shall result in the application package being returned. E. The Applicant shall submit ONE ORIGINAL and ONE DIGITAL COPY (CD) of the application, all supporting documentation and attachments. All information must be submitted bound or in a 3-ring binder, with a Section tab for each Section, except the Engineering Plans. F. Check the boxes below to indicate that the information is provided and the requirements are met. G. If attachments are necessary for clarity or due to space limitations, such attachments are considered part of the application package and must be numbered to correspond to the item referenced. H. For any project that requires review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), an Authorization to Construct cannot be issued prior to the completion of a State Clearinghouse advertisement period for a FONSI, EIS, etc. unless the project qualifies for a Determination of Minor Construction Activity. I. For more information, visit the Division of Water Resources web site at: https:Hdeci.nc.gov/about/divisions/`water- resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/npdes-wastewater/authorization-to-construct. J. In addition to this Authorization to Construct, the Applicant should be aware that other permits may be required from other Sections of the Division of Water Resources (for example: reclaimed water facilities permits; Class A or B biosolids residuals permit). SECTION 2: APPLICANT INFORMATION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. APPLICANT Applicant's name Town of West Jefferson Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Dale Baldwin Signature authority's title Mayor Complete mailing address PO Box 490, West Jefferson, NC 28694 Telephone number 336-246-3551 1 Email adares admin(CD-townofwj.com B. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Professional Engineer's name I Michael s. Acauesta Professional Engineer's title Senior Project Engineer North Carolina Professional Engineer's License No. 9480 Firm name Municipal Engineering Services Firm License number C-281 Complete mailing address I PO Box 349, Boone, NC 28607 Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 1 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) Telephone number 828-262-1767 Email address macquesta@mesco.com C. NPDES PERMIT NPDES Permit number NCO020451 Current Permitted flow (MGD) — include permit 0.500 MGD flow phases if applicable D. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief description of the project: Project includes the replacement of two (2) fixed oxidation ditch aeration rotors with two (2) new oxidation ditch floating aeration rotors The existing fixed aerators will be removed once the new floating aerators are installed and fully operational. SECTION 3: APPLICATION ITEMS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL FOR ALL PROJECTS A. Cover Letter ® The letter must include a request for the Authorization to Construct; the facility NPDES Number; a brief project description that indicates whether the project is a new facility, facility modification, treatment process modification, or facility expansion; the construction timeline; and a list of all items and attachments included in the application package. ❑ If any of the requirements of 15 NCAC 02H. 0100. 15A NCAC 02T, North Carolina General Statute 133-3. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and Division of Water Resources Minimum Design Criteria for NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facilities are not met by the proposed design, the letter must include an itemized list of the requirements that are not met. B. NPDES Permit ® Submit Part I of the Final NPDES permit for this facility that includes Part A (Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements) for the monthly average flow limit that corresponds to the work that is requested for this project. C. Special Order by Consent ❑ If the facility is subject to any Special Orders by Consent (SOC), submit the applicable SOC. ® Not Applicable. D. Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision ❑ Submit a copy of the Finding of No Significant Impactor Record of Decision for this project. ❑ Provide a brief description of any of the mitigating factors or activities included in the approved Environmental Document that impact any aspect of design of this project, if not specified in the Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision. ® Not Applicable. E. Engineering Plans ® Per 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(1), submit one set of detailed plans that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Engineer. Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 2 State of North Carolina K ;�� Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) ® Per 21 NCAC 56.1103(a)(6), the name, address and License number of the Licensee's firm shall be included on each sheet of the engineering drawings. ® Plans must be labeled as follows: FINAL DRAWING — FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY— NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. ® 15A NCAC 02H .0124 requires multiple (dual at a minimum) components such as pumps, chemical feed systems, aeration equipment and disinfection equipment. Is this requirement met by the design? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide an explanation: Plans shall include: ® Plans for all applicable disciplines needed for bidding and construction of the proposed project (check as appropriate): ❑ Civil ® Not Applicable ® Process Mechanical ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Structural ® Not Applicable ® Electrical ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Instrumentation/Controls ® Not Applicable Controls will be provided by the floating rotor manufacturer ❑ Architectural ® Not Applicable ❑ Building Mechanical ® Not Applicable ❑ Building Plumbing ® Not Applicable ® Plan and profile views and associated details of all modified treatment units including piping, valves, and equipment (pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, etc.) ❑ Are any modifications proposed that impact the hydraulic profile of the treatment facility? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, provide a hydraulic profile drawing on one sheet that includes all impacted upstream and downstream units. The profile shall include the top of wall elevations of each impacted treatment unit and the water surface elevations within each impacted treatment unit for two flow conditions: (1) the NPDES permitted flow with all trains in service and (2) the peak hourly flow with one treatment train removed from service. ❑ Are any modifications proposed that impact the process flow diagram or process flow schematic of the treatment facility? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, provide the process flow diagram or process flow schematic showing all modified flow paths including aeration, recycle/return, wasting, and chemical feed, with the location of all monitoring and control instruments noted. F. JE Engineering Specifications Per 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(2), submit one set of specifications that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Engineer Specifications must be labeled as follows: FINAL SPECIFICATIONS — FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY — NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. Specifications shall include: ® Specifications for all applicable disciplines needed for bidding and construction of the proposed project (check as appropriate): ❑ Civil ® Not Applicable ® Process Mechanical ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Structural ® Not Applicable ® Electrical ❑ Not Applicable Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) ❑ Instrumentation/Controls ® Not Applicable ❑ Architectural ® Not Applicable ❑ Building Mechanical ® Not Applicable ❑ Building Plumbing ® Not Applicable ® Detailed specifications for all treatment units and processes including piping, valves, equipment (pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, etc.), and instrumentation. ® Means of ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product including leakage testing requirements for structures and pipelines, and performance testing requirements for equipment. ❑ Bid Form for publicly bid projects. N/A G. Construction Sequence Plan ® Construction Sequence Plan such that construction activities will not result in overflows or bypasses to waters of the State. The Plan must not imply that the Contractor is responsible for operation of treatment facilities. List the location of the Construction Sequence Plan as in the Engineering Plans or in the Engineering Specifications or in both: _ H. Engineering Calculations ® Per 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(3), submit one set of engineering calculations that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Engineer the seal, signature and date shall be placed on the cover sheet of the calculations. For new or expanding facilities and for treatment process modifications that are included in Section 4.C, the calculations shall include at a minimum: ❑ Demonstration of how peak hour design flow was determined with a justification of the selected peaking factor. N/A ® Influent pollutant loading demonstrating how the design influent characteristics in Section 4.13.2 of this form were determined. ® Pollutant loading for each treatment unit demonstrating how the design effluent concentrations in Section 4.13.2 of this form were determined. ❑ Hydraulic loading for each treatment unit. N/A ® Sizing criteria for each treatment unit and associated equipment (blowers, mixers, pumps, etc.) Total dynamic head (TDH) calculations and system curve analysis for each pump specified that is included in Section 4.C.6. N/A EJ Buoyancy calculations for all below grade structures. N/A Supporting documentation that the specified auxiliary power source is capable of powering all essential treatment units. N/A Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources " ?ter R,= r'crr-cc:: - , - APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) I. Permits J. ® Provide the following information for each permit and/or certification required for this project: Permit/Certification Not Applicable Date Submitted Date Approved Permit/ Certification Number If Not Issued Provide Status and Expected Issuance Date Dam Safety XX Soil Erosion and Sediment Control XX USCOE / Section 404 Permit XX Water Quality Certification (401) XX USCOE / Section 10 XX Stormwater Management Plan XX CAMA XX NCDOT Encroachment Agreement XX Railroad Encroachment Agreement XX Other: XX Residuals Management Plan ❑ For all new facilities, expanding facilities, or modifications that result in a change to sludge production and/or sludge processes, provide a Residuals Management Plan meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T .05040) and 15A NCAC 02T .0508; the Plan must include: ❑ A detailed explanation as to how the generated residuals (including trash, sediment and grit) will be collected, handled, processed, stored, treated, and disposed. ❑ An evaluation of the treatment facility's residuals storage requirements based upon the maximum anticipated residuals production rate and ability to remove residuals. ❑ A permit for residuals utilization or a written commitment to the Applicant from a Permittee of a Department approved residuals disposal/utilization program that has adequate permitted capacity to accept the residuals or has submitted a residuals/utilization program application. ❑ If oil, grease, grit or screenings removal and collection is a designated unit process, a detailed explanation as to how the oil/grease will be collected, handled, processed, stored and disposed. ® Not Applicable. Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 5 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) SECTION 4: PROJECT INFORMATION A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW INFORMATION — COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES 1. Provide the following flow information: Plant Flows Existing Plant Design 0.50 MGD Current NPDES Permit Limit 0.50 MGD Current Annual Average (past 12 months) 0.249 MGD For Past 12 Months: Start Date: September 2017 End Date: August 2018 For Past 24 Months: Start Date: September 2016 End Date: August 2018 Maximum Month .317 MGD .348 MGD Maximum Day 1.095 MGD 1.095 MGD Peak Hour MGD MGD 3oplication for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 6 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN INFORMATION — COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES AND FOR TREATMENT PROCESS MODIFICATIONS 1. Have all of the requirements of 15 NCAC 02H. 0100, 15A NCAC 02T, North Carolina General Statute 133-3, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, and Division of Water Resources Minimum Design Criteria for NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facilities been met by the proposed design and specifications? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide justification as to why the requirements are not met, consistent with 15A NCAC 02T .0105(n): 2. Provide the design influent and effluent characteristics that are used as the basis for the project design, and the NPDES permit limits for the following parameters: Project Basis of Design Design Influent Design Influent Influent Concentration Load Concentration - (Must be (Must be Current Annual supported by supported by Average (past Engineering Engineering Design Effluent 12 months) if Calculations Calculations Concentration and/or NPDES Permit Limits Parameter Available [Section 3.H1) [Section 3.H1) Load (monthly average) Ammonia Nitrogen 1.6 mg/L Summer 1.6 mg/L Summer (NH3-N) 984 m .g/L 20 mg/L 330 Ib/day 3.6 mg/L Winter 3.6 mg/L Winter Biochemical 5 mg/L Summer 5 mg/L Summer Oxygen Demand 343 mg/L 375 mg/L 1820 lb/day (BODS) 10 mg/L Winter 10 mg/L Winter Fecal Coliform per 100 mL 200 per 100 mL Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen (NO3-N + mg/L mg/L NO2-N) Total Kjeldahl mg/L Nitrogen mg/L mg/L Total Nitrogen lb/year lb/year mg/L mg/L Total Phosphorus 11.41 mg/L mg/L lb/day lb/year lb/year Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 185.1 mg/L 250 mg/L 1042 Ib/day 10 mg/L 15 mg/L 3. Based on the "Project Basis of Design" parameters listed above, will the proposed design allow the treatment facility to meet the NPDES Permit Limits listed above? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, describe how and why the Permit Limits will not be met: For Information Purposes - The plant currently has no TP or TN limits. Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 7 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) 4. Per 15A NCAC 02T .05050l. by-pass and overflow lines are prohibited. Is this condition met by the design? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, describe the treatment units bypassed, why this is necessary, and where the bypass discharges: 5. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0505(k), multiple pumps shall be provided wherever pumps are used. Is this condition met by the design? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide an explanation: N/A 6. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0505(I), power reliability shall be provided consisting of automatically activated standby power supply onsite capable of powering all essential treatment units under design conditions, or dual power supply shall be provided per 15A NCAC 02H. 0124(2)(a). Is this condition met by the design? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide (as an attachment to this Application) written approval from the Director that the facility: Has a private water supply that automatically shuts off during power failures and does not contain elevated water storage tanks, and Has sufficient storage capacity that no potential for overflow exists, and rl Can tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. 7. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0505(o). a minimum of 30 days of residual storage shall be provided. Is this condition met by the design? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, explain the alternative design criteria proposed for this project in accordance 15A NCAC 02T .105(n):1A 8. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0505(g), the public shall be prohibited from access to the wastewater treatment facilities. Explain how the design complies with this requirement: Existing fencing will remain in place. 9. Is the treatment facility located within the 100-year flood plain? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, describe how the facility is protected from the 100-year flood: The existing oxidation ditch is not located within the 100-year flood plain Portions of the existing WWTP are located within the 100-year flood plain but have never been flooded C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT UNIT AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT INFORMATION —COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES AND FOR MODIFIED TREATMENT UNITS 1. PRELIMINARY AND PRIMARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical removal operations and flow eaualization): Treatment Unit No. of Type Size per Unit Plan Sheet Specification Calculations provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Manual Bar Screen MGD at peak hourly flow Mechanical Bar Screen MGD at peak hourly flow Grit Removal MGD at peak hourly flow Flow Equalization -- gallons Primary Clarifier Circular ft diameter; ft side water depth Primary Clarifier Rectangular square feet; ft side water depth Other Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 8 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUAL17 Y State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) SECONDARY TREATMENT (BIOLOGICAL REACTORS AND CLARIFIERS) (i.e., biological and chemical processes to remove organics and nutrients) Treatment Unit No. of Type Size per Unit Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Aerobic Zones/ Tanks Anoxic Zones/ Tanks gallons i Anaerobic Zones/Tanks gallons Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) gallons Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) - gallons Secondary Clarifier Circular Secondary Clarifier Rectangular Other 3. TERTIARY TREATMENT Treatment Unit No. of Type Size per Unit Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Tertiary Clarifier Circular ft diameter; ft side water depth Tertiary Clarifier Rectangular square feet; ft side water depth Tertiary Filter Traveling bridge Tertiary Membrane Filtration square feet Post -Treatment Flow Equalization -- gallons Post -Aeration gallons Other 4. DISINFECTION Treatment Unit No. of Type Size per Unit Plan Sheet Specification Calculations I Providedd Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Ultraviolet Light In Series Chlorination (Gas; gallons of contact tablet; liquid) tank/unit Dechlorination (Gas; gallons of contact tablet; liquid) tank/unit Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 9 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUAL'TY 5. RESIDUALS TREATMENT State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) No. of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit � Units Type Size per Unit Reference Reference Provided? (Yes or No) Gravity Thickening Tank Rectangle Mechanical Thickening/ dry lb/hour Dewatering Aerobic Digestion Rectangle Anaerobic Digestion gallons Composting dry lb/hour Drying dry lb/hour Other 6. PUMP SYSTEMS (include influent, intermediate, effluent, major recycles, waste sludge, thickened waste sludge and plant drain pumps) Location No. of Pumps Purpose Type Capacity of each pump Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference GPM TDH I 1 7. MIXERS vocation No. of Mixers Purpose Type Power of each Mixer (HP) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Aeration Basin Outside Ring 2 Oxygen Transfer and Mixing Floating Aerators 10 C2, C3 11000 i Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 10 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 8. BLOWERS State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) Location No. of Blowers Purpose Type Capacity of each Blower (CFM) plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference 9. ODOR CONTROL Location No. of Units Purpose Type Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference D. SETBACKS —COMPLETE FOR NEW WASTEWATER TREATMENT STRUCTURES — N/A The minimum distance for each setback parameter to the wastewater treatment/storage units per 15A NCAC 02T .0506(b) are as follows: Minimum Distance Is Minimum Distance Setback Parameter Required from Nearest Requirement met by the Design? If "No", identify Treatment/Storage Setback Waivers in Item D.2 Unit Below Any habitable residence or place of assembly under separate 100 ft ❑ Yes ❑ No ownership or not to be maintained as part of the project site Any private or public water supply source 100 ft ❑ Yes ❑ No Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, perennial 50 ft ❑Yes ❑ No waterbodies, and wetlands) Any well with exception of monitoring wells 100 ft ❑ Yes ❑ No Any property line 50 ft ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Have any setback waivers been obtained per 15A NCAC 02T .0506(d)? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, have these waivers been written, notarized and signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide an explanation: N/A Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 11 c State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of YY,ater 11 Resources Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) SECTION 5: APPLICATION CERTIFICATION BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Professional Engineer's Certification per 15A NCAC 02T _0105. I, Michael S. Acauesta, attest that this application package for an Authorization to Construct (Typed Name of Professional Engineer) for the West Jefferson Wastewater Treatment Facility (Facility and Project Name) was prepared under my direct supervisory control and to the best of my knolA✓IPdge is accurate, rnrr�piera and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans, specifications, calculations, and all other supporting documentation for this project, I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with all applicable regulations and statutes, 15 NCAC 02H. 0100, 15A NCAC 02T, North Carolina General Statute 133-3, North Carolina General 'Statute 143 -GJ.1, and DIVISIVI7tWater Resources nn:nlm�n___ VVC�1V-[I Criteria for NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facilities and this Authorization to Construct Permit Application, except as provided for and explained in Section 4.13.1 of this Application. I understand that the Division of Water Resources' issuance of the Authorization to Construct Permit may be based solely upon this Certification and that the Division may waive the technical review of the plans, specifications, calculations and other supporting documentation provided in this application package, I further understand that the application package may be subject to a future audit by the Division. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been prepared, signed and sealed by other professionals licensed in North Carolina, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed the materials and have determined that the materials are consistent with the project design. I understand that in accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal with written signature placed over or adjacent to the seal and dated: Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 12 State of North Carolina Kz-;- Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) SECTION 6: APPLICATION CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT Applicant's Certification per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b): I, Dale Baldwin. Mayor, attest that this application package for an Authorization to Construct (Typed Name of Signature Authority and Title) for the West Jefferson Wastewater Treatment Facility (Facility and Project Name) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T ,0120(b). the Applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of environmental crimes, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been abandoned or exhausted, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and does not have any overdue annual fees. I understand that the Division of Water Resources' issuance of the Authorization to Construct Permit may be based solely upon acceptance of the Licensed Professional Engineer's Certification contained in Section 5, and that the Division may waive the technical review of the plans, specifications, calculations and other supporting documentation provided in this application package. I further understand that the application package may be subject to a future audit. I understand that in accordance with General Statutes 143143-215,6A and 143ag1S,60 any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine nQt to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: J Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES/NPDES By U.S. Postal Service By Courier/Special Delivery: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY STREET, 9TH FLOOR RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 707-3610 Application for Authorization to Construct Permit (FORM ATC-12-14) Page 13 SPECIFICATION SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL FLOATING AERATION ROTORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: There shall be furnished two (2) 10-HP electric horizontal -rotor floating aerators for operation in the outer ring of the West Jefferson wastewater treatment plant oxidation ditch. Aerators shall be the S&N AIROFLO 2200 Series Stainless Steel Floating Brush Rotor, as manufactured by S&N AIROFLO, Inc. or Engineer approved equal. Each aerator shall consist of an electric motor, gear reducer, flotation devices, mainframe, cradle frame, adjusting linkage, anchoring system, control panel, and access systems. 1.2 REFERENCES: A. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) B. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D. American Welding Society (AWS) G. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1.3 SUBMMITALS: A. Shop drawing submittals shall include at least the following: 1. Certified shop drawings showing all details of construction, dimensions, anchor bolt location, and field connection. 2. Descriptive literature, bulletins, and catalogs of the equipment. 3. Installation, operation, and start-up procedures including lubrication requirements. 4. Complete motor data. 5. Total weight of the equipment including the weight of the single largest item. 6. A complete bill of materials for all equipment within the O&M manual along with maintenance schedules and procedures. No samples will be required. 7. A list of spare parts that are supplied with the equipment. 8. Aeration equipment manufacturer shall provide documentation of experience including, but not limited to, twenty-five (25) years or more of aeration equipment manufacturing experience and installations treating municipal wastewater of equivalent nature. Aeration equipment manufacturer shall provide documentation of five (5) or more referenced aeration installations having been in continuous service for three (3) years or more. SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 1 OF 6 Based on motor output power and field transfer conditions, manufacturer must provide a minimum of two (2) separate installations demonstrating the desired treatment having used an SAE at field conditions of 2.7 lb 02/HP-hr in the design. B. Submit operations and maintenance manuals for the equipment in compliance with the Contract Documents, 30 day prior to shipment. Manuals shall include: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of the nearest competent service representative who can furnish parts and technical service. 2. Pictorial illustrations of handling, installing, preventative maintenance, and major component replacement. 3. Operating, maintenance and troubleshooting information. 4. Complete maintenance parts list. 5. Complete connection, interconnecting and assembly diagrams. 6. Complete bill of materials. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Consideration will be given only to the aerators of well -established and reliable manufacturers who are regularly engaged in such work and thoroughly experienced in the design and manufacture of aerators for the type of aeration basin geometry shown on the plans. The manufacturer shall have a basic aerator design that has eighteen (25) years' experience. The manufacturer shall certify to not less than five (5) successful operating installations in the United States meeting the performance specifications as evidence of meeting the experience requirement. 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. The aeration equipment, as installed, shall comply with the following: Each aerator shall provide an oxygenation capacity of 650 lb 02 per 24-hour period of continuous operation at standard conditions. 2. Each aerator shall develop an oxygen transfer efficiency of no less than 2.7 lb 02/HP-hr based on motor output power at standard conditions. 3. The performance requirements for each aerator must be met at an amp loading no greater than 90% of full load amps. PART 2 PRODUCTS The 10-HP mechanical aerator units shall include (but not be limited to) the following components: 2.1 MOTORS: A. Each aerator shall be driven by single speed, Premium efficiency, minimum 1.25 SF (at full load amps, not to be confused with operational loads) horizontal shaft electric motor. The electric motor shall be an induction motor ,3-phase, 1800 RPM, 60 Hertz, 230/460 Volt, TEFC, NEMA PREMIUM Efficiency. Motor shall operate at 90% or less of its rated full load during normal operation. The aerator manufacturer shall provide certification that the nameplate data affixed to SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 2 OF 6 the aerator's electric motor is valid, specific data applicable to that particular motor. The motor shall carry a manufacturer's warranty from the date of installation. 2.2 GEAR REDUCERS: A. Each aerator shall have a new constant -duty AGMA class III gear reducer possessing a minimum 2.0 service factor based on manufacturer's recommended loads. The gear reducer shall connect directly to the rotor shaft by twin tapered bushing. The gear reducer shall be connected inline to the electric motor and driven by a coupling with an elastomeric element. The coupling shall be attached to the motor & gear shafts by a taper lock bushing instead of set screws, to prevent damage to the shafts. B. Each gear reducer shall be equipped with a Vent Breather modified to attach to the gear reducer to extend the life of the gear oil and reduce maintenance costs. As the thermals change in the cavity of the gear reducer, moisture vapor is trapped in the proprietary media to be released through the bottom of the vent housing. This prevents the accumulation of moisture in the cavity of the gear reducer reservoir. The Modified Vent Breather lowers and stabilizes the relative humidity inside the reservoir leading to a lower dew point. Lower dew point means no condensation, even when the machine is shut down. Neither diaphragm nor desiccant style breathers shall be acceptable. Breathers shall operate at ambient pressure. C. Each gear reducer shall be fitted by the aerator manufacturer with external seal guards to provide a labyrinth of protection to the gear reducer seals. Protection of the seal must include not only protection from splashed water but also protection form atmospheric moisture. Experience has shown that "off the shelf' gear reducers with no additional protection for the seals will lead to accelerated seal failure, thus leading to leaks, contaminated lubricants and eventual gear reducer failure. Experience has shown that an unprotected seal without the benefit of a breather will allow a gear reducer to pull moisture from the atmosphere around the seal into the gear cavity as units are cycled on and off. The seal guards provide an extra layer of protection to each of the three seals in a gear reducer. The seal guards consist of a rubber or Teflon seal plate (depending on the gears design) with and additional barrier of grease over the seal area for extra protection from atmospheric moisture. Each gear reducer is drilled and tapped to accept a UHMW hold down ring to stabilize the seal plate. Gear reducers without external seal guards will typically have a shortened seal life, thus usually resulting in a shortened gear life. Simple v-rings or slingers do not constitute the same protection as described above. D. Gear reducers shall be mounted in an open area to allow convenient access for maintenance and for a free flow of air in order to prevent heat buildup and the possible need for external cooling devices. 2.3 DRIVE ASSEMBLY A shaft mounted gear using a face mounted plate, is attached to the frame with heavy pins to allow tri-axial movement. The movement allowed by the pin and plate arrangement eliminates critical alignment issues, thus eliminating misalignment pressure on the bearings in the gear reducer. Further reduction of possible alignment issues is greatly reduced through the use of an elastomeric coupling between the motor & the gear. Drive assemblies with rigidly mounted gear reducers will not be accepted. 2.4 SHIELDS AND MOTOR COVER A. Splash Containment Shields (SCS) consist of a pair of 10' wide shields and structural frame work, attached to the main frame, on either end of the rotor. The SCS is designed for operation in cold weather and to provide a clean dry area around the motor and gear reducer and around the tail end work platform. Thus eliminating winter freeze-up and solids accumulation on the ends of the unit. The rotor cover material is XR-5 UV resistant geomembrane using textile style double diamond SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 3 OF 6 construction. The rotor cover is used in conjunction with the SCS Shields and serves to contain all mist, reduce heat loss and reduce aerosols. B. Each rotor cover will be constructed of non -corrosive laminated polyester fabric XR-5. Each unit will be equipped with a rotor cover for aerosol control and heat retention. This fabric is commonly used for covers and floating baffle systems. All of the service points are outside of the rotor cover, but for visual inspections, the cover can be easily opened or removed using spring tensioned connections when necessary. All fasteners will be 304L stainless steel. The design allows for enough space around the rotor that an 02 deduct is not required as is common with some of the tighter fitting fiberglass covers. 2.5 HORIZONTAL -ROTOR ASSEMBLY: A. The Rotor assembly shall consist of an 8-5/8" O.D. flanged torque tube with a 41 1/2" overall diameter. The flanges shall be indexed to fit the stub shaft hub. The rotor stub shafts shall consist of a fabricated hub stress relieved to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit and fitted with a 1045 carbon steel shaft. The shaft to hub fit shall be a heavy shrink fit, performed as the final step of the fabrication. A specific combination of rotor length and number of blades will provide the required HP to meet the performance requirements of the aerators called for in this specification. B. All blades shall be C-shaped, reduced -impact blade design. The blades for a 41 1/2" diameter rotor shall be attached in banks of four blades of the same length, with the length of the blades in each bank alternating between 16-3/4" and 13-3/4". Rotor assembly shall be balanced to prevent vibration. Each bank of blades shall be welded to the torque tube using a specific off set to form a helix design to eliminate shock loadings. The vertical sides of the C-shaped rotor blade shall serve as gussets to reinforce the vertical strength of the blade and to relieve pressure on welded connections. Bolt -on blades are not acceptable. C. Rotor and blades shall be constructed from 304 stainless steel. D. The Rotor shall be supported by a tail end stub shaft and a face mounting plate designed in conjunction with an elastomeric coupling to allow tri-axial movement of the gear to avoid undue misalignment pressure on the bearings in the gear reduce 2.6 ROTOR TAIL BEARING Each unit shall possess a waste water lubricated tail bearing, requiring no greasing or any other source of additional lubrication. The body of the bearing is constructed of UHMW polyethylene. The shrink fitted bronze bushing is designed to wear against the ultra -high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene. The inside of the bi-metallic bushing, also shrink fitted to the shaft is carbon steel and serves as a visual indicator of wear and as additional mass to extend the normal wear process and to protect the stub shaft. The manufacturer shall supply instructions for the replacement of the bi-metallic wear bushings. The bearing shall be constructed of UHMW polyethylene, with a minimum bearing surface width of 4".The top side, of the outboard side, of the bearing is cut away for easy visual inspections. Mechanical bearings requiring greasing, either manual or automatic, will not be accepted. 2.7 FLOTATION DEVICES: Each unit shall contain two (2) stainless steel flotation devices capable of floating and stabilizing the unit. Each float shall be fabricated from 304 stainless steel having a minimum thickness of 0.0625 inches. All seams shall be welded for strength. Floatation devices shall be internally reinforced and filled with high -density polyurethane foam and completely sealed from the environment. Flotation stability is mandatory. Prior to assembly, flotation devices shall be sealed and pressure tested at 3.0 psig. SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 4 OF 6 2.8 MAIN FRAME: The horizontal beams of the main frame shall be constructed from 2" x 3 " 304 stainless steel structural tubing. All frame connections shall be welded for strength. The main frame shall have lift brackets sufficient for handling purposes. Each end of the frame shall have a non-skid platform, welded in place for added structural integrity and to provide convenient platforms for inspections and maintenance. A splash guard shall be welded to the main frame and extend downward into the water to help protect the drive assembly from splash created by the rotor. 2.9 CRADLE FRAME: A cradle frame shall attach the Flotation devices to the main frame and provide adjustment points to allow adjustments to rotor blade operating depth and respective motor operating amperage.. Cradle frames shall 304 stainless steel. The frame shall be connected to the anchoring system in a way that the forces resulting from wave action and other movement are not transferred to the Flotation system. Rubber pads shall also be provided for isolation of the floats from the cradles. 2.10 ADJUSTING LINKAGE: Each unit shall have adjusting linkage attached to each corner of the main frame. Adjusting linkage shall be capable of changing the operating depth of the horizontal -rotor blades, the horsepower requirements, and amp draw, and provide leveling of the aerator. Adjusting linkage shall be fabricated from 304 stainless steel rods with brass adjusting nuts to prevent seizing. Adjusting linkage shall not be connected directly to the anchoring system nor shall it mechanically depend on the anchoring system for it to be effective. These adjusting points are necessary to adjust rotor submergence, thus operating the rotor at the performance levels for oxygen transfer and mixing, as prescribed by the specification. Floating rotors without these adjustments will typically under perform. 2.11 ANCHORING SYSTEM: The anchoring system shall secure the main frame of the aerator in the desired position and limit its lateral movement potential. It shall not restrict the unit's flotation and shall allow for continuous aerator operation with fluctuations in water surface elevation required by the specific application. The anchoring system shall be supplied in accordance with the engineer's specifications. In this specification, bridge anchoring systems shall be included. The anchoring system will be constructed of 304 stainless steel. 2.12 ACCESS SYSTEM: The access system shall provide for safe convenient access to the units for the performance of scheduled maintenance inspections and simple repairs. The equipment access system shall include (but not be limited to) the following components. A. Float Mounted Platforms (IMP) attached on the ends of each float to allow safe and convenient access to both ends of the rotor, without using a boat. The IMP is strapped around the end of the floats and provides a non-skid surface and a hand rail, for easy on & off access. B. Safety Masts; (2) Per Unit. The Safety Masts is an "L" shaped bracket attached to the frame at each end of the rotor for the attachment of a safety harness, supplied by the customer. A chain allows linkage adjustment to allow the operator the bend as low as required, but limit movement beyond a certain point. SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 5 OF 6 C. Vertical Hand Holds (VHH): (2) Per Unit. VHH is simply a vertical bar attached to the frame in a location convenient to operators for the transition step from the float platform to the frame. D. Drop Steps: Bridge mounted drop steps provide elevation adjustments to optimize the ergonomics of safe and convenient access to both ends of the floating rotor. They are constructed of A36 steel with non-skid surfaces and handrails and hot dipped galvanized after final fabrication. Adjustable linkage to secure and stabilize the floating rotor is included with the drop step assembly. 2.13 INSTRUMENTAION & CONTROLS 150 feet (75 feet per -unit) of # 10 pre -wire will be included to supply the connection from the motor to the to a disconnect or panel located near the anchoring point of the aerator.. 2.14 SPARE PARTS & HANDLING TOOLS A. Includes one (1) spare elastomeric element for the coupling on the rotor. B. One (1) Lifting Bar to ensure the safe and proper handling of the aerators during unloading and installation. PART 3 SERVICE OF MANUFACTURER 3.1 EXECUTION: A. The floating aerators shall be installed by the manufacturer's service team. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for providing proper installation instructions to assure proper alignment and tolerances. B. Upon completion of installation, the manufacturer shall conduct installation certification, start-up, O&M review, and the initial inspection of the unit. It will be the on -site personnel's responsibility to conduct the 60 day inspection and return a completed inspection form (inspection form shall be provided in the O&M manual) to the manufacturer. The 60 day inspection and completed inspection form returned to the manufacturer is required in order to execute warranty. C. The aerator manufacturer shall warrant their equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year following operation start-up and acceptance. During this one (1) year period, aerator manufacturer shall replace or repair (F.O.B., factory) any part (or parts) returned that have failed under normal use and service. The electric motor and gear reducer warranties shall be as stated by the manufacturers. D. The warranty period ends twelve (12) months after the start-up date or eighteen (18) months after delivery, whichever comes first. E. Any damages resulting from acts of God, vandalism, animals, or high or low voltage will not be covered under warranty. END OF SECTION 11000. SECTION 11000 ELECTRIC HORIZONTAL -ROTOR FLOATING AERATION EQUIPMENT PAGE 6 OF 6