HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181666 Ver 1_940278_Permit Cover Letter_20181210. '�'„STAYEo, - „� , �m� �O. ,� � �y3 t�����:, ��1� ; ���µ+� � STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA'TION ROY COOPER Gov��uvox December 10, 241 S Mr. Steve Kichefski U. S. Army Carps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Roo�n 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 JAMES H. T�OGDON, �II SECRE"IARY Subject: Na#�onwide Peimit #14 Replace Bridge #278 w�th RCBC, B-5177 Watauga County, North Carolina Project Number: 17BP.11.R182 {DWR Pexmit Fee $570) Dear Mr. Kichefski: The North Carolina Depaa-�ment of Transportation is scheduled to replace Bridge #278 on SR 1504 in front of Tweetsie Railroad with a tripTe batreled xeinfarced concrete box culvert. The culvert will be instaJied downstream. af the existing bridge to maintain traff c during construc#ian as weli as realign the new park entrance with SR 153 L The existing structure is a 4b' long x 30' wide timber bridge with steel I-beams. The proposed tripie barreled culvert has inlet szlls to isolate baseflow ta the center barrel along with inte�ior sills to retain natural bed r�aterial in the cen.ter barrel. The culvert will have one base flow bar�rel, one stormwater barrel and a third barrel at a higher elevation to facilitate future greenway foot traffic. The culvert wiil have short retaining walls on either end to support the gr'eenway at a slightly higher elevation than the other barrels. Some of the riprap totai will be �or bank stabilization at �he oId bridge site once the bridge is removed. A temparary diversian char��.el will be used so the cuJ.vert can be constXucted in the dry. A temparary strea.m crossing consisting of two 60" pipes wiil be placed in irhe temparary diverszon to facilitate equiprnent movement back and forth (see plan details). There is a second sh'ea.r� crossing an the western end of the entrance realignment caixying a UT to the Middle Fark of the South Fork New River (Class: W5-N; Trout �-). This stream crossing will be shifted siightly downstream so there will only be a partial overlap between the existing and proposed pipe. T`lie "daylighted" portion of this creek will be seeded and matted with coir fiber. Floodplain wetlands are present at the existing pipe A�ariling Address: NC DEPAATMENT OF TItANSPORTATTON DIVISION 1 ] 801 STATESV[i.LE IiOAD NORTH V1'II.KESBORO, lYC 28659 Telephone: (336) b67-91 ll Fax: (336) 667-4549 Customer .Service: 1-877-36$-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Mr. Steve Kichefski Watauga Bric��e #278 on SR 1504 December l �, 2018 inlet but they will not be iilled since the new alignment is shifting downstream_ Siream impacts are ta�ulated below. Stream Impacts: This project was reviewed �or the presence o� threatened and endangered species in the field and I have also included a query of the NCNHP database. Based on the project area mapped witk� my request, the database search indicates thai there are no recards af any f�derally listed threatened or endangered species, important nat�ral communitzes, naturai areas, or conservatianlmanaged areas within the propose� project boundary. There will be 8 trees cut at the pro}ect location due to cut and fill work. The NLES is lisfed as a protected species in this county but the project does nat fall within 0.25 miles af any red HUC identified in the SLOPES spelled out in the Nationwide Perrnit Regional Conditions. We da not anticipate any impact to any other federally listed species_ The project will �e constr�acted irnmediately adjacent to the Tweetsie Railroad theme park. This facility is eligible far listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Cultural resource com.p�ianee work has been eompleted. No archaealogical resourc�s or historic properties will be affected by this praject (see attached). The project impacts are not significan� in nafi�'e and shauld not alter the best usage �or thi� stream. All appro�riate BMPs will be used during construction. Attached is a Preconstruction Notification Form, plan sheets, and a�naz�ked topography map. By cnpy of this electronic letter, rt is reques�ed that the Division of Water Resources, �O11Wetlands Unit, iss�e the appropriate permit far construction of tl3is praject. It is requested that any comments related to the 401 certification be eiectror�ically forwarded directiy to me with a copy sent to the US Army Corps of Engineers. Construction of this project wi11 require im.pacts to waters of the United States in the New River Basin. The existing bridge crosses the Middle Fork of the South Fark New River {Class: WS-IV; Traut +). The project is located within a traut watershed. This project does not drai� to designated critical habitat for the elk toe �nussel. Mr. Steve Kici�efski Watauga Bridge #278 on SR 1504 December 1Q, 2018 By copy of this letter, it is requested that Mrs. Marla Charr�bers, Mountain Region Coordinatar, with the Noxth Caxalina Wildlife Resource� Comrr�issian com�r�ent directly to you cancerning the 404 Nationwide Permit applicatian with a copy sent to rrae. We would like to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early revzew and cansideration will be appreciated. Sincerely, Heath Slaughtier Division Environmental Officer Enclosures ce: Marla Chambers, NCWRC �niy Chapman, Divasion of Water Quality Dave Wanucha, Division of Water Quality Joe Laws, PE, Division Bridge Program Manager Mark Joh.nsan, Division Bridge Pragram Technician Heath Slaughter, Division Envirorunental Officer Todd Hiatt, Roadside Environn�ental Field Operations Engineer