HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181664 Ver 1_040023 - Ashe Co AR17-06-0007noeligiblesites_20181207Project Tracking No.: 17-06-0007 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES •oQ�'� ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ,.,�:��.�^��,� ,. �.p,�... i��'' � � �� �`�' PRESENT FORM ��;� , � ' _4��' ��:� : _. � ,� �'a:..,. :�: s� This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;�•..`. :� � ���`:� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �� Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No: F.A. No: Bridge 23 17BP.11.R.142 na Federal Permit Required? County: Ashe Document: Minimum Criteria Funding: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP# 3 or 14 Project Description: The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 23 on NC 194 over Old Field Branch in Ashe County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as a 600 foot (182.88 m) long corridor running 300 feet (91.44 m) northwest and 300 feet southeast along NC 194 from the center of Bridge No. 23. The corridor is approximately 200 feet (60.96 m) wide extending 100 feet (30.48 m) on either side of the road from its present center. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: // ■ /1 // ❑■ There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT` form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-06-0007 SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: NC DOT has conducted an archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 23 on NC 194 over Old Field Branch in Ashe County, North Carolina. The project area is plotted in the northeastern corner of the Warrensville USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). Background Research A map review and site iiles search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on June 16, 2017. No previously recarded archaeological sites are identified within the APE, but three sites (31AH145. 31AH289, and 31AH290) have been recorded within a mile of the bridge. Sites 31AH289 and 31AH290 were identified by archaeologists with NC DOT during an investigation for the replacement of Bridge No. 273 on SR 1347 (Teaberry Road) over Big Horse Creek in 2007 and 2015 (TIP B-4016) (Smith 2017). Both sites are located along the Big Horse floodplain and stream terraces south of the current project area. An unknown prehistoric component consisting of lithic material makes up both sites with 31 AH289 yielding a 20th century historic component as well. These sites were recommended as ineligible for the National Register. The third site, 31AH145, is situated in a similar setting to the north along Big Horse Creek. It was recorded by a land owner in 1985 (site form on file at OSA). It too consists of lithic material that could not be dated to any particular prehistoric period. It eligibility has yet to be assessed. The identification of three nearby sites in a similar setting as the current project area suggested a high probability for archaeological resources in the northwest quadrant if undisturbed. OSA also reviewed a stream restoration project for Big Horse Creek (ER 16-0234) in February 2016. Although they made no recommendation for archaeological investigations due to proposed work being confined within the stream channel, the Big Horse Creek floodplain and its stream terraces which includes the current project area were recognized as high probabiliry locations for significant archaeological resources and would require surveys if impacted. According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online data base (HPOWEB 2017), the properties east of the road are part of the Lansing Historic District (AH 476), which is on the National Register. Nine contributing buildings fall within the archaeological APE including the Lansing Garage (AH 689), the Lansing Service Station (AH 678), French Young's Barber Shop Building (AH 677), Hart's Store Building (AH 676), Clark's Furniture Building (AH 671), and four unnamed commercial buildings (AH 674, AH 675, AH 679, and AH 680). The four remaining buildings are non-contributing. Due to impervious material covering the surface, no archaeological testing could be conducted along this side of the road. As long as structures and pavement remain in-place, no contributing archaeological resources to the historic district will be affected by this proposed project. Most early maps from the 18th and 19th centuries provide only general details concerning the region illustrating just major roads and settlements. An approximate location for the project was first identifed on the 1902 USGS Cranberry topographic map (Figure 2). This map depicts roads in the vicinity that appear to following the alignment of A Street, South Horse Creek Road, and the northern portion of NC 194 that runs east to west. There is no crossing over Old Field Creek at or near the current bridge site. The nearest crossing is along A Street to the east. Although structures are plotted, only one at the corner of South Horse Creek Road and NC 194 is likely within the APE. This is the current location of an unnamed commercial building (AH 679), which is not the same structure that appears on the 1902 map. The later 1912 Soil Map for Ashe County illustrates a more modern lay-out for NC 194 but lacks details for structures (Figure 3). The 1938 North Carolina Highway Map for Ashe County shows much the same with no structures depicted within Lansing due to their high density (Figure 4). It is likely the remains of former historic structures are within the APE on the east side of the road, but these remains are under existing structures or pavement and cannot be accessed. Due to this access restriction, contributing archaeological deposits to the histaric significant of the district are unlikely to be affected by the proposed bridge "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-06-0007 replacement project. The USDA soil survey map for Ashe County shows the APE composed of Colvard fine sandy loam (Co) and Braddock-Urban lands complex (BuC) (Figure 5) (Brewer 1985). The Colvard series covers the floodplain and is considered well drained and nearly level. The Braddock-Urban lands complex makes up the terrace and covers a much wider area. This is a gravelly loam that is well drained with a slope of 2 to 15 percent. These soils have the potential to yield signiiicant archaeological resources due to being dry, fairly level, and located near fresh water. Fieldwork Results The archaeological field survey was carried out on August 31, 2017. This included systematic shovel testing at 15-meter (ca. 49 feet) intervals in the northwest quadrant. A surface inspection could not be performed due to low visibility across the APE. No shovel testing occurred in areas with impervious surfaces such a pavement or existing structures. A total of six shovel tests (STs) were excavated (see Figure 5). All were negative for cultural material. The APE runs from the southeast to the northwest along a stream terrace that slopes onto the floodplain to the southwest (see Figure 5). The Old Field Creek drains along this slope and joins with Big Horse Creek approximately 160 feet (ca. 49 m) from the bridge. These waterways are part of the New River drainage basin. Properties in the northeast, southeast, and southwest quadrants consist of standing structures and pavement (Figures 6-8). The northwest quadrant is open and is used as a park (Figure 9). Development in the park includes a paved greenway and gravel parking lot. These do not appear on the aerial image and have recently been added. As a result of these obstructions, only one shovel test (#1) could be placed on the terrace. It along with ST #2 displayed a layer of modern fill extending to at least 60 cm (ca. 24 in) below the surface. Attempts to reach a greater depth were hindered by a rock layer. This disturbance is most likely related to modification to Old Field's stream channel during the 20th century. The soil stratigraphy in the remaining shovel tests (#3-6) were fairly consisted with two soil layers. The upper is a brown (lOYR 4/3) loam that is approximately 20 cm (ca. 8 in) thick. Modern 20th century discorded items such as brown bottle glass and plastic was found throughout. The second soil stratum is a dark yellowish brown (lOYR 4/4) sandy loam that extends to at least 85 cm (ca. 33 in) below the surface. This layer was sterile for any cultural material. Subsoil was not encountered. Summary and Recommendations The archeological survey for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 23 on NC 194 in Ashe County confirms that the APE contains no signifcant archaeological resources. All shovel tests were negative as no cultural materials were identified. No further archaeological work is recommended for this bridge replacement project, unless design plans change to affect areas outside of the APE. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info Signed: � C. Damon Jones NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST � Photos ❑Correspondence 9/5/17 Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-06-0007 REFERENCESCITED Brewer, Edward 1985 Soil Survey ofAshe County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Services in cooperation with North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and Ashe County Board of Commissioners. Hardison, R.B., Hugh Bennett, and Samuel Perkins 1912 Soil Map for Ashe County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Argiculture, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. On file at North Carolina Collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. f:il� � :, 2017 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Ofiice GIS Web Service. http://�isNCDCR. o�v/hpoweb/. Accessed June 16, 2017. North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission 1938 North Carolina State Highway Map for Ashe County, North Carolina. On file at North Carolina Collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Smith, Caleb 2007 PA No. 15-03-0006. Programmatic Agreement for Minor Transportation Projects Annual Report for Review Year 2016-207, Multi County, North Carolina. NCDOT, Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1902 Cranberry, North Carolina 60 minute quadrangle map. Washington, D.C. Reprinted 1938. 1959 Park, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map. Washington, D.C. Photorevised 1978. 1966 Warrensville, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map. Washington, D.C. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amerzded Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of10 Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-���% �,�.•�� �M���;.Z� T�� ��_.�:1 I ` � �� [ �' I �S ��� / � j� I� , �':� � � f �7 i�I f r`_� 1! 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Topographic Setting of the Project Area, Warrensville (1966) and Park (1959; photorevised 1978), NC; USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadrangle. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportafion Po�ojects as Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatic Aor�eement. Sof10 Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-���% 1 ^ _�_ �_.� �_ � � � � :-���' � - �_� �, � ,� :�.���+ i� �V �7 � 1_� ,1 � � t,? �` -��- � �� • �� � ��t) ' � R• .} . r_ �' � • `�1.s ti�y� -}' ' ' ��+ ■ # � , t � --'r" %—" 1 � � ` .'. � � . . .�� � �.` �'��_ f � -, � • "�a:�� l� � �� ,��. - r �..r-. �' ` + " � ' J .w�. .� . . � .._ -. _ + ti. � . , •� -� �,�- _ � • .,a ,��� f�. � y�-.-_ -l�� - ,� ��� ��(,)�'L !�� i; �'- � f \ -.f - `�� _� r � � _ ` � � . r. , .1�� , } � f _, �. � . ��__� -� ._ ��.�� ,�:�.� .-. ' .. � ' P ro ect Area ' I R , !, � '", `� _,-. 1 , �/ • t S� `. � � 1 ~� � r � . 1i � � � � , . . ~ 4 ��� •. , t • • . , �t���"� - � r-� , � � Figure 2. The 1902 USGS Cranberry topographic map showing the approximate location of the project area. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportafion Po�ojects as Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatic Aor�eement. 6of10 Figure 3. The 1912 Soil Survey Map for Ashe County showing the location of the project area. Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-���% )� � � - • • ' � • .,•z ' � ` t � Z • `� •� - � ,1i � • � i • �, � �� �� � � � � f ' �, • f _ �� ` ♦ � � � ■#w � �r � _ ' r � Z �s � _ • . a r"'� • I b 2� s� ,� ��'� �i� " � �� . � •'`� , • �� � 9 a a __._ r� , r!-• I , � !'' �' U ; • ' - r � ��� ' � f � 1 • � � i F S � �� • �� ,��, - � _ � ".I S i'v • ; +�` ` o. ,�� . • .. �- �,.�� 'I �' �67 �,� �'� � s 'J�''�r . � = 1'�~� * Q �'i �- -�� � r � � ♦ � f1� � � � � � w ^, . � � *��81NA ' t� .��_ �� � , ProJeCt � � . • ti s ' • � �� Area �/ �.�� . • ,, _ s � , � ,��� -. -� r" { - . , � . r" w � /� * � � � ��- � r f Figure 4. The 1938 North Carolina State Highway Map for Ashe County showing the location of the project area. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportafion Po�ojects as Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatic Aor�eement. 7of10 Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-��0% `f� r � : � ;. � ' ��, ; � � L r ' �� } � W , �n . [ q • � 4 ,�- . - ti \:d� y ;,. � ti.. . . k� s � - - �y._ � .:y� � '.. ..�'`,r,,• , . �C�'�4 t�' : � �. _ �2fi M1�� �,�,, ��f. � r [�� � ,\ r,�M*��� _ �'�. . , '- . '� , . ., v ,,- ++F } ,. . . � . F �. . � �.. . '� ' 4 . �' r� : 'dr.' _+ � ... • _N �M, �• f . � '{�'� •�� .4 , 1�. *�. . . � ��.� - '�y<,` � " � , ' ����. { � • . • d' .,6�5 � -.��� , ; �� -�� y. t, p � . r � � � ' 4•� • fi � � ��`- � �•,��Y � - � ����.. > �d �� . ,: } �..�..Jy ' 1 � +- + -^+� ,•, � ' s i*=•k 0. 6ridge 23 - ,►I } _ r � APE (Redj ,��g � �:� � � }� � , • , i i�,. �_� �yy � ` �.� ��: . . 'V � � �4,�: i� �F}h~ . �' ' -:.\ � . � . .� � ` � � Y �r. � r: .;:: � L ti . L " s -- ��' � _ ,�: . ,r `�'� `� _�� �°f • ,* ' ;.�. .. . ..4 . �'.' � RY i.�• ..�, ' ' '� l , •. - �., ' . �: � �, �.. � c. ti � � `"._' P� _ �:, �tr ,� ' � ¢�g,� � ilf�► � . . ��'.; '1 ' $.: * r'_ VJ r � p4 � yt' . M.��. ,'�� �, �S. r.7 � t ; �� _ c' , p, i � ne1 � ''�� �; . s';. . ';;� � �� *y � �., '-�•'•. `.� ,t.. a:` �� JR4'3�',i . ,. . z � � 4 /j� "`. y L� + � 6 .i� � I �• � � 4 �• i'. . ,.� V i � � . '` � \ + � 'Z 1S �� , ? '�Y \ � ` i ,�9 ���y� , q�� �\ � � 4 R � �T� •aJ �'�. b` � ' �.�, �\ '� _ S�� � � . �:�� , ?1`""'��� �"i. .,�y�' :� '� . ' r -. { ��,� _: � �•�.; ,. � - �, ' � \ .� �, v S� - - �"� .,�: _ .. �� � , �. • • � .. • , `: ' _ Y ��,• . s � �6 I� STs � :� •;s � c . � •\ f ''.r 4' x, � :: '. •� � Contour at 4 feet r ..:� � �� i• • : ,�; �. � , •\ . , �1 \.. : .� ��01�5 �'� \ ��' i.� �i,•- �. � � .u� `����. ��'y� 8 27" \ 7 .�. `,3f'` i�. 0 300 � 0 Feet 100 � E Ashe Cour7tl� h�leters 5 Figure 5. Aerial view of the project area showing landforms, soils, and STP locations. "NO NAT/ONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOI OCICAI, SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Pr�ojeets a,s Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatic Agreernent. 80f10 Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-���% s � ��� - ,�. --� � � � -�._� � - �``_ � - _ -�� _ " � �.� €�, �"R� ~ f --� T—��� �'_ -� � �= ,��kii � _ ���` =�' : _ fn..�� .y,� � :' ����; y - --a:: � -�• -- • � � �� �-� � r ?�'� � � � , � �:.b ..� �i� II _ �� - - � --- - __ �- � _-_ � � � �4� � - _.. Figure 6. General View of development in the northeast quadrant looking northwest. .� �� � �, ti, �' '-��- = :� ��- - - -`—.--,,_� ,' - -�v-. :��-- �� _ --,-� ��=�g �a�, -= •: � �?� 'x=`� ===-`_ __- _ - �' _�' - -- '- ___- � � . _ . � _ _- --- r -ti ' . � _ - � � '�E " � �,: _ - — ;� 1 � �jF I_ _ __ .. � i � � !. -Y•�� ,. :li 1 . . �- ��' -� '• � i ---_ �r ��.` �� Y R `;�' ..� � j � - - �s _ - Ilr = '- - - - — - ^ - , ��• �',r . �-� � h �� � ' , - � =�� � � ; -- x _. a - � r - -,� _ �r- -- ���r - -�. - 4 �=_ _ ':� • J n . .+ Figure 7. General View of development in the southeast quadrant looking southeast. "NO NAT/ONAI, RF.GISTF_R F.I /GIB/,F_ OR IISTF,D ARCNAF,OIOCICAI, SITF.S PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transporkation Pr�ojects a,s Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatie Agreernent. 9of10 � Project Tracking No.: 1 %-�6-���% �� �f� � uo � � .._ ._ ��T:; ��-�-.=:�, _� _ - - �'�� _ - - :��,�� '" -°� ;�-� . -�. -- . fi �F�: f�,�� � _- - - - - - - - - �: � -- �. _� r . . ;; :�- -. :,Y: . -- - _ _ _ -�;,: .._. _ -. . .. - -: - _ _- - _ _ _ -- _ .��-�` . '��� ..�- - _ _- � ..— --i'_' - _ _ �:;r.'::. r:,N .r•'-�� �`:.' . ' '.` - . - - -- - �����. • -. - _ -' �•�...� __'� _ - ._�. - - 'y t�. . „'fi_•' . - - - ;�. � - —. ' _ `- -. ` '�:i� . _ - _ .S ' � �h �'S y•��L.rL . __ •;�� y.. "". _ __:.�_'V _- Y�,., . . _ _ . - . .. � . '��:.fr' � . _ . "l M .= - .i77Prr.: _ _: �•M'i.'�' :� . - - _ T��.:�r a _ .`� `9 n'�:;�,�~ � - •:� ' . - - - � �# Y$ .� h;r�i`: �Y.+�� - . _ _ - _ - • K��'• . � �� - ' ��� - . . . . - _ .: - _ = r:•.vr. . .. :s a; `` .�_'f7�k.:A� �. . • �f . �•yt;�-•' •- ���`` �l.�=Y'. . , - . - .� � _. - r�< -�i ��- y • ;. -_ _. : . .r � r. • t ., - .^f _ .r � -.a4Y„C ' . . • . ��.. - - _ ..,:��-.. _ - -:, �'�F.,S . ,,, . : �,. Fiburc 9. Ga�cral vicw oCtl�c parl< in thc northwcst quadrant lool<ing southcast. � ,��� �`� -_--___, "'" " .[. ` . � � �' ' _ r "NO NAT/ONAI, RF.GISTF_R F.I /GIB/,F_ OR IISTF,D ARCNAF,OIOCICAI, SITF.S PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transporkation Pr�ojects a,s Qualified in the 2007 Pr�ogrammatie Agreernent. 10 of 10 Figure 8. General View of development in the southwest quadrant looking southeast.