HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_Modification_20181206DUKE EN E RGYa Garry A. Whisnant Plant Genera! Manager PROGRESS Asheville Steam Electnc Plant Duke Energy Progress ASVL PLT1200 CP&L Dr Arden. NC28704 o. 828-687-5211 File No.: 12520$-01 f. 828.687.52D4garrywhisnanWduke-energycom December 4, 2018 Ms. Julie Grzyb Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section - NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: NPDES Permit Modification Package Resubmittal of Form 2C Asheville Steam Electric Plant NPDES Permit # NC0000396 Buncombe County Dear Ms. Grzyb, Duke Energy Progress, LLC is providing this resubmittal of the Form 2C for the Asheville Steam Electric Plant Combined Cycle Modification submitted on 11/30/2018 with a delivery date of 12/3/2018. A signature was inadvertently left of Form 2C Section IX. Please use this submittal as the replacement of the Form 2C of Attachment B in the Application. If you have any questions or need additional information or clarification, please contact Tina Woodward at tina.woodward@duke-enerp_v.com or 704-382-4585 1 terrify, carder penalty of lam, that this document and all attachments it -ere prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a syslenn designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directhy responsible for gathering the infonnation, the infanrration submitted is, to rite best of uty Amo►vledge and belief, tnre, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infonnation, including the possibility of fines and innprisonnrent for knowing violations. Sincerely, /1�7_ A kL(�— Garry Whisnant Plant Manager Asheville Steam Plant — Combined Cycle Duke Energy Progress, Inc. Asheville Steam Electric Generating Plant Notice of pending wastewater Facility closure NPDES Permit No. NC0000396 Buncombe County cc; Sergei Chernikov Complex NPDES Permit Supervisor 16I7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Landon Davidson Asheville Regional Office Supervisor 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 EPA I D. NUMBER (cupyfmm Item ! afForm I) Form Approved Please print or type In the unshaded areas only INCO000396 OMB No. 2040-0086 Annrnval exeiras 3-31-AR FORM U S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2C ,,��� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS NPDES Consolidated Permits Program I.OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall, list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water A. OUTFALL NUMBER (list) B LATITUDE C LONGITUDE D. RECEIVING WATER (name) 1 DEG. 2 MIN 3 SEC, 1 DEG 2 MIN 3 SEC 001 35 28 26 82 33 16 French Broad River 001A/001C Internal Outfalls 001B/0011) Internal Outfalls It. FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility Indicate sources of Intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flaws between intakes. operations, treatment units, and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined (a g , for certain mining activities), provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B For each outfall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2) The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets it necessary. 1. OUT- 2. OPERATION(S) CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3 TREATMENT FALL NO. (hu) a. OPERATION (fisr) b. AVERAGE FLOW (include units) a DESCRIPTION b LIST CODES FROM TABLE 2C-1 001 Combined cycle plant processes 570 gpm D acharge to surface waters 1 U 4A including: Cooling Tower Slowdown 470 gpm teat.) Waste hater Flow (unit owoa] 50 gpm (eat,] Oil water separator Discharge 50 gpm (eat.] OFFICIAL USE ONLY (effluent gtddel+ncr suh•vaicg(yrics) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described In Items 11-A or B intermittent or seasonal? ❑ YES (amiplete th f,llax urg table) m NO (go to Seetiun 114 3 FREQUENCY 4 FLOW a DAYS PER WEEK 01-0. uven+AYJ b. MONTHS PER YEAR � v�rb' a. FLOW RATE (iu,ngo B. TOTAL VOLUME (aprct&withuniu) C DURATION (in-41) 1 OUTFALL NUMBER (list) 2 OPERATION(s) CONTRIBUTING FLOW {livl 1 LONGTERM AVERAGE 2 MAXIMUM DAILY 1 LONGTERM AVERAGE 2. MAXIMUM DAILY Ill PRODUCTION A. Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility? m YES (evmplele ltern W-11) ❑ NO (ga to Section III B. Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)7 ❑ YES (wmplete Item ul-0 ® NO (go u, Section 11.) C If you answered 'yes' to Item III-B, list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production, expressed In the terms and units used In the applicable effluent guideline, and indicate the affected outfalls. 1, AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2. AFFECTED OUTFALLS (list ourfall numbers) a_ QUANTITY PER DAY b UNITS OF MEASURE c. OPERATION, PRODUCTr MATERIAL, ETC (specify) NA IV IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to. permit conditions administrative or enforcement orders. enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions ❑ YES (nimpletethefr,lluuirrgtable) [21 NO (go to Item IrB) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, AGREEMENT, ETC, 2_ AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4. FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE a. NO. b SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a. REQUIRED b. PROJECTED B OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) you now have underway or which you plan Ind,cate whether each program is now underway or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. ❑ MARK "X- IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA I D NUMBER (cupyfrnm liens l ufl-(jrns 1) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 NCO0003 96 V INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A, B, & C See Instructions before proceeding— Complete one set of tables for each outfall —Annotate the outfall number in the space provided NOTE: Tables V-A, V-B, and V-C are Included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9 D Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed In Table 2ca3 of the Instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall. For every pol'utant you list, briefly describe the reasons you bel eve it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession. i POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE 1. POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE HA VI. POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in hem V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ YES (list al! such pd1urmur helux) NO j} n ro liens 1'1-8) NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? m YES (identify the tao(s) and describe their purposes below) NO (gm to Section 1'llf) Current NPDE;S permit requires quarterly chronic toxicity testing. Permit NC0000396 issued November 8, 2018 with an effective date of December 1, 2018 requires monthly chronic toxicity testing. Vill. CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? YES (list the name, address. and lelepb(me number (o, and pollarann anal}:ed by ® NO (F n ro Awamn 1.11 each such laboratory or firm helm-) A NAME B. ADDRESS C. TELEPHONE D. POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area code h na.) (list) NA - All values in Item v are estimated values. IX CERTIFICATION 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and aB attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the iniormation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurate, and completei am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A. NAME & OFFICIAL TITLE (t),o or print) B. PHONE NO. (amw erode h no.) Garry A. Whisnant, Plant Manager (828) 687-5211 C SIGNATURE D. DATE SIGNED iq 'fr R- EPA Form 3510-2C (8.90) PAGE 4 of 4 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY. You may report some or all of this information EPA I.D. NUMBER (copyfrom Item ! of Form 1) on separate sheets (use the same forman Instead of completing these pages NCO0003 96 SEE INSTRUCTIONS. OUTFALL NO. V INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) aoi PART A —You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. 3. UNITS 4. INTAKE 2. EFFLUENT (specify ifhlank) (oplinnan b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE a. LONG TERM a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifavailahle) (ifatimlable) AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF 1 d. NO, OF a. CONCEN- 1.POLLUTANT CONCENNTRATION (2)MASS CONCEftNTRATION (2)MASS (1)CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCE(NTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a. Biochemical Oxygen 2.8 27.1 mg/L lb/day All values est. Demand (809) b. Chemical Oxygen 23 222.6 mg/L lb/day Demand (COD) c. Total Organic Carbon 8 77.4 mg/L lb/day (1'OC) d. Total Suspended 9 87.1 mg/L lb/day Solids (7S5) e. Ammonia (as N) 0.12 1.1 mg/L lb/day f.Flow VALUE 1.16 VALUE 0.69 VALUE 0.21 12 MGD N/A VALUE g. Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE oC VALUE (winter) 22 h. Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE �C VALUE (summer) I. MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM STANDARD UNITS pH 7.21 (est.) PART B — Mark W in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark 'X* in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly, or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a, you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 2. MARK W 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) 1 POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AVERAGE AND a. b. a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (favailahle) (ifavadahle) VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO, OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. OF f1) (1) (1) 11) (ifatwilahle) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION t2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES a. Bromide X X < 0.10 < 1.0 mg/L lb/d All value est. (2495"7-9) b. Chlorine. Total v c 0.05 c 0.5 mg/L lb/d Residual e. Color X 20.00 N/A SU N/A d. Fecal Coliform X 10.00 N/A Co/100mL N/A e. Fluoride (16984- ") �/ /\ 0.28 2.7 mg/L ib/d f.Nitrate•Niltite �/ X 0.032 0.3 mg/L lb/d (as N) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE ITEM V-8 CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2. MARK W 3. EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5. INTAKE (orwonaO 1 POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE a. LONG TERM AND a b. a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifmarlahle) (ifavadahle) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO OF a. CONCEN- b NO OF 11) (fawadahle) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION ( r) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES g. Nitrogen, ` / Total Organic (at X 1.00 9.7 mg/L lb/d all Value est. N) h.ONand X <5.00 < 48.4 mg/L lb/d Grease I. Phosphorus ` , (as P), Total 0.231 2.2 mg/L lb/d (7723-14-0) /�[\ J. Radioactivity (1) Alpha. Total X < 5.00 N/A pCi/1 N/A (2) Beta, Total x 0.62 N/A pCi / 1 N/A (3)Radium, Total < 1.00 NIA pCi/l N/A (4) Radium 226. �/ x < 1.00 NIA pCi/1 N/A Total Sulfate OJ (atSw0d X 120.00 1161.E mg/L lb/d (148116-79.6) L Sut6de i-S) �/ x 1.20 11.6 mg/L lb/d M. Sutrde (-SOJ c 2.00 c 19.4 mg/L lb/d (1426r45.3) n. Surfactants x 0.072 0.7 mg/L lb/d o. Aluminum, TOW X 0.17 1.6 mg/L lb/d (7429-WS) p. Barium, Total (7440-39-3) 0.094 0.9 mg/L lb/d q B=n. Tote) (7440-42.8) x x 0.327 3.2 mg/L lb/d r Cohalt,Total (7440-48.4) X < 0.001 < 0.0 mg/L lb/d s.Iron. Total (743"") X 0.262 2.5 mg/L lb/d 1. Magnesium, Total X 9.82 95.1 mg/L lb/d (7439-95-4) u. Molybdenum, Total X 0.024 0.2 mg/L lb/d (7439-9&7) v. Manganese, Toted X 0.101 1.0 mg/L lb/d (7439-96-5) W. 7""1�' I X < 0.01 < 0.1 mg/L lb/d X. Titanium, Total X 0.007 0.1 mg/L lb/d (7"0.32-6) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 EPA I D. NUMBER (copyfrom hem 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C NC0000396 001 PART C - 1f you are a primary industry and this outfall contains process wastewater, refer to Table 2a2 in the instructions to determine which of the GC1MS fractions you must test for Mark'X' in column 2-a for all such GC1MS fractions that apply to your industry and for ALL toxic metals, cyanides, and total phenols. It you are not requ:red to mark column 2a (secondary industries, nonprocess wastewater outialls, and nonrequired GGMS fractions), mark 'X' in column 2-b for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark W in column 2-c for each pollutant you believe is absent. It you mark column 2a for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. If you mark column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater. It you mark column 2b for acrolein, acrylonilrile, 2.4 dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4, 8 dinitrophenol, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or have reason to believe that you discharge in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater. Otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark column 2b, you must either submit at least one analysis or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this part; please review each carefully Complete one table (all 7 pages) for each outfatl. See instructions for additional details and requirements. 2. MARK'X' 3. EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) 1. POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG, a. LONG TERM AND a b. C. a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifavailahle) VALUE (of available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BEUEVED BELIEVED d. NO OF a. CONCEN- (I} b_ NO. OF (1} (I} (1) (ifavailahle) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION 1 (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES METALS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS IM. Antimony, Total �/ X 3.01 0.03 ug/L lb/d all Values Est . (7440-36-0} 2M. Arsenic, Total 36.7 0.36 ug/L lb/d (7440-38-2) 3M. Beryllium, Total < 1 < 0.01 ug/L lb/d (7440 41-7) 4M. Cadmium, Total < 0.1 < 0.00 ug/L lb/d (744043-9) SM. Chromium, < 1 < 0.01 ug/L lb/d Total (744047-3) 6M. Copper, Total (7440.50-8) v < 0.005 a 0.05 mg/L lb/d 7M. Lead, Total V t 1 < 0.01 ug/L lb/d (7439-92-1) SM. Mercury, Taal 0.000663 0.00 ug/L lb/d (7439-97-0) 9M.Nickel,Total 5.97 0.06 ug/L lb/d (7440-02-0) 10M. Selenium, 1.5 0.01 ug/L lb/d Total (7782-49-2) 11M. Silver, Total v c 1 < 0.01 ug/L lb/d (7440-224) 12M.Thallium, v < 0.0002 < 0.0 mg/L lb/d Total (7440-28-0) 13M. Zinc, Total v 0.006 0.06 mg/L lb/d (7440-66-6) Total Cyanide, Total (57-12-5) < 0.010 < 0.10 mg/L lb/d ISM. Phenols, Total < 0.00 5 < D . D mg/L lb/d DIOXIN 2,3,7,8•Tetra- DESCRIBE RESULTS chlorodibenzo-P- X Dioxin (1764.01-6) EPA Farm 3510.2C (8-90) PAGE V-3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE G19121 1114114:Ie]Lil:l41;:ie1W 2. MARK'X 3. EFFLUENT 4, UNITS 5. INTAKE (n1Nrr» rat} 1. POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. a. LONG TERM AND a b. a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (dmwrlable) VALUE (fmwdable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO. OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. (1) 11) (1) (1) (fararlable) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS E NALYSE GCIMS FRACTION -VOLATILE COMPOUNDS 1V Accm1eel < 5 < 0.05 ug/L lb/d All Values Est. (107-02.8) 2V Au"itnle < 5 < 0. 05 u L g/ lb/d (107-13-1) 3V. Benzene (71-43-2) �/ /� < 2 c 0.02 ug/L lb/d mrrlryi) Ether (542418-1) ,][` SV B ow X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (75-25-2) 5V Carbon Tebarhbdda < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (56-235) 7V Chbmbenzene < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (1118-90-7) 8V Chbrodi- ` / bronummthane X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (124-48-1) ' ` 9V. Chbroethane I7�-31 �/ /� < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d 10V 2-Chbro- ethylvinyl Ether < 5 < 0.05 ug/L lb/d (110.754) 11V. Chloroform (67-66-3) �/ x < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d 12V Dkhbro- bfOmomel18f s < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (75-27-4) 13V. Dirhbro- dinuorarnethane < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (75-71-8) 14V.1,1-Dkhlora- �/ < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d ethane (75-14-3) 15V 1.2-Dkhbro- < 2 < 0.02 u L 9/ lb d / ethane (1074)6-2) 16V.1,1-Dkhloro- v < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d ethylene (75-35-4) 17V. 1,2-Dxhloro- < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d propane (78417-5) 18V.1,3-Dkhloro- \ / propylene X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (542-75-6) Ethylbenzene X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (100-41�} (10 Methyl X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d Bromide Bromide pa-63.9) 21V. Methyl < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d ChbriMe (7447-3) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-4 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-5 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V4 2. MARK W 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (opeiona! 1. POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. a. LONG TERM AND a b. a a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifavarlahle) I VALUE (ifavailable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO. OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. OF (�} (1) {t1 (ifavailahle) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2} MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS NALYSE GC1MS FRACTION -VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (canrinued) 22V Methylene Chloride (75-09-2) < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d All Values Est 23V.1.1.2,2- ` ' Tetrachloroeihane X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d 79-34-5 24V Tetrachlaro- < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d ethylene (127-18,4) Toluene X < 2 < 0. 02 ug/L lb/d (105.88-3j (108 26V. 1,2-Tmns- 01chloroethytene X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d 156G0-5 27V 1.1,1-Trichtaro- ethane (71.55-6) 2 < < 0.02 u L g/ lb /d ro < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d a (79-WS) ethane ethane (79-00.5} 29VTrichloro- ethylene (79-01-6) < 2 < 0.02 u L g/ lb/d 30V Trichbro- ftuaromethane X < 2 < 0.02 ug/L lb/d 75.69.4 31V Vinyl Chloride X c Z < 0.02 ug/L lb/d (75-01�) GC1MS FRACTION -ACID COMPOUNDS 1A.2-Chloophenol (95.57-8) x < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 2A.2.4-Dichtoro- < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d phenol(120-83-2) 3A.2,4-Dimethyt- phenol(105.67.9) < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 4A.4,6-Diniho-O- < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d Cresol (534-52.1) 6A. 2,4-Dln&o phenol(51-28-5) < 50 < 0.48 Ug/L lb/d (as - °phenol X < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 7A. 4-Ni mphanol X < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 8A. P-Chbro-W Cresol (59-50-7) < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 9A. Pentachtoro- phenol (BT-86.5) < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 10A. Phenol (1 ae 9s2} < 10 < 0.10 ug/L lb/d 11A. 2,4,6-Trichbro- phenol (88-05.2)i < 10 < D . 10 u L g/ I lb d / EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 2, MARK W 3 EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (aplaural) 1 POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. a_ LONG TERM AND a b. c a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (rfaaadahle) VALUE (rfmarlahle) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO. OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. OF (t) (t} (t) (t) fmodahle) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION {2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION {2) MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION - BASEINEUTRAL COMPOUNDS 1B. Acensphthene �/ All Values Est. (83.329) /� 2B. Acensphtylene v (208-�) 3B. Ardhracene �/ (120.12-7) x Q. Benzidine �/ (92-87-5) x 5B. Senzo (a] Anthrocennacene {S&55.3} fib. Benzo (a) �/ x Pyrene(50-32-8] 7B_ 3,4-8enzo- Ouoranthene (205-99-2) 80. Benzo (ght) �/ x Perylene (191-24-2) 99. Benzo (1) Fluoranlhene (207.)6.9) 10B. Bis Q-Chlam- rrhax3) Methane �/ x (111-91-1) I IB. Bis (1-Chlom- rrh}•!) Ether �/ x (111-44-4) 128. Bis ( thlnrortnprolry4) Ether 002-a0-1] 138. Bis (2-Edoi- hayi) Phthalate {117 81-1j 14B. 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether (101-55.3) ISB. Butyl Benzyl �/ x Phlhalale (85-88-7) 188. 2-Chbro- naphthalene (91-58-7) 178.4-Chloro- phenyl Phenyl Ether �/ x (7005-72-0) 188. Chrysene �/ x (2la-01-9) 190. Dibenzo (a,h) Anthracene �/ x (53-70-3) 208. 1,2-DirhWo. �/ x benzene(95-50-1) 218. 1,3-Di-chlom. v benzene(541-73-1) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-6 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 2. MARK W 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS S. INTAKE (alxiana(} 1 POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. a. LONG TERM AND a. b C. a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifavnilahle) VALUE (ifavadable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BEUEVED BELIEVED d. NO OF a. CONCEN- b. NO OF (I) (1) (1) (1) (ifavadahle) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2}IJlASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS NALYSES GC1MS FRACTION — BASEINEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (caminued) 22B.1,4-Dichlorc- v All Values Est. benzene (1D6-46-7) 238. 3,3-Dichloro- benzidine (91-94-1) 24B. Diethyl Phthalate (84-66-2) 25B. Dimethyl Phthalate (131 -11-3) 26B. Di-N-Butyl Phthalate (84-74-2) 27B. 2,4-Dinitro- \/ x toluene (121-14-2) 28B. 2,6Ainibo- v toluene (606-20-2) 298. DI-N-Octyl Phthalate (117-84-0) 30B. - hydr zine(asAz hydrazine {as Azo- benzene)(t22-b&7) 31B. Fluoranthene I�/ (206-44A) 32B. Fhtorene {86-73-7j 33B. Hexachloro- �/ benzene(118-74-1) 348. Hexachloro- �/ butadiene (a7-68-3) x 355. Hexachloro- cyck4mtadiene (77-47-4) 36B Hexachbro- ethane (67-72-1) 370.Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrone �/ (193-39-5) 38B. Isophorone �/ (78-59-1) 399. Naphthalene v (91-20-3) 40B. Nitrobenzene (98-95.3) 41 B. N-Nitro- sodimethylamine (62-75-9) 42B. N-Nilrosodi- N-Propylamine (621-W7} EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON REVERSE rnMTINl1Fr1 FR UA T14F: PPnMT 2. MARK'X' 3. EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5. INTAKE (opruuran 1. POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE C. LONG TERM AVRG. a. LONG TERM AND a b e a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (rfmarlahle) VALUE (rfararlahle) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO. OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. OF (1) (1) (1) ��� (Iifavailable) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS ANALYSES TRATION b. MASS CONCENTRATION (2) MASS NALYSE GC/MS FRACTION — BASEINEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (amanaal) 43B. N-Nitro- sodiphenylamine v All values Est. (88-30.8) ^ 449. Phenanthrene �/ (8"1-8) 45B. Pyrene {129-00.13} 488. 1,2,4-Tr1- chlombenzene �/ x (120-a2-1) GCIMS FRACTION —PESTICIDES 1P. Aldrin \/ (30SM-2) x 2P. n-SHC �/ x (319-84-ti) 3P. p-BHC �/ (31 "5.7) x 4P 1-BHC (5&89.9) 512 &BHC v (319-SG-8) 8P ChWWe \/ x (57-74-9) 7P 4,4'-DDT (50.29-3) SP 4,4'-DDE �/ x (72-55-9) 9P 4,4'-DDD �/ x (72-54-8) 10P. Dieldrin �/ (W57-1) 11p. c-Ermutlan (115.29.7) X 12P. (S-Endosutlan (115.29.7) x 13P EndesuHan SuMate (103"7-a) 14P, Endrin �/ (72-20.8) 15P, Endrin Aldehyde (7421-93-4) 16P Heptachlor (7fi 44 B} EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-B CONTINUE ON PAGE V-9 EPA I D. NUMBER (copyfmm Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-8 NC0000396 001 2. MARK W 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) 1. POLLUTANT b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c. LONG TERM AVRG. a. LONG TERM AND a b. a a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if—flahle) VALUE (ifavarfahle) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED d. NO. OF a. CONCEN- b. NO. OF (Ifamrlablr) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2►MASS CONCENITRATION (2)MASS CONCENITRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MA55 CONCENITRATION (2)MASS NALYSE GC1MS FRACTION — PESTICIDES (connnuern 17P. eptadilrx d Ep01�0 X All Values Est. 41024-57-3) 1BP. PCB-1242 v (53469-21-9) 19P. PCB-1254 \/ 111097.69.1) x 20P. PCB-1221 v (11104-28-2) 21P. PCB-1232 (11141-16-5} 22P. PCB-1248 (12672-29.6) 23P PCB-1250 (1109"2.5) 24P PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) 26P Toxaphene (8001-35-2) EPA Forth 351D-2C (8-90) PAGE V-9