HomeMy WebLinkAbout External U-5892 (US 220 Widening Greensboro) - Merger ScreeningCarpenter,Kristi From: Gresham, Teresa <Teresa.Gresham@kimley- horn.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2018 9:46 AM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; joseph.geigle@dot.gov; Norton, April R Cr. Lewis, Ed F; Evans, Jennifer A; Parker, Jerry A; Frosch, Colin; Hunt, Rhodes Subject: [External] U-5892 (US 220 Widening, Greensboro) - Merger Screening Attachments: U-5892 Purpose and Need Statement.docx; U-5892 Environmenta) Features Figure.pdf; U-5892 Logica) Termini Discussion Figure.pdf; U-5892 Public Meeting Handout.pdf; U-5892 Draft PreJD Package 2018-11-08.pdf Good morning, NCDOT would like to determine if Project U-5892 should go through the Merger process. Kimley-Horn is the planning and design consultant for this project. Since you have all received information about the project previously, we are starting this conversation via email. Please let us know if you would prefer to schedule a meeting to discuss further. IIV'���'��iu�m�miu�m�m�iu�i�'������iii�iu�iW NCDOT recommends that this project does not go through Merger. Additional information is below. Il�lls ��u��s� u�s l�ull�� ���IIII �;���°Ih� ��RuuQir�u��Ihir��uQp�„„Ih��°u������� Purpose and Need: The proposed project purpose is to decrease congestion through the design year of 2040, achieving LOS D or better at all signalized intersections. A secondary purpose is to improve safety along the corridor. Additional benefits are to improve multi-modal connectivity along the corridor and to provide consistency with local transportation plans. See attached RRlf�u.�ir�������m�� ��ir��� II������� ":»�:���:��irm���ir��"" for more detail. Logical Termini: NCDOT proposes to widen U.S. 220 from approximately 0.25 miles north of Westridge Road to the eastbound I-840 ramps. • This southern terminus is proposed because of an adjacent project, STIP U- 5306B, which proposes to improve the U.S. 220/Westridge Road intersection (construction beginning in Spring 2019). Project U-5892 is proposed to tie into the Westridge Road intersection widening project. See the attached RRII_��g�li����ll ����IY"'ll"�`11IIIC�11 I�_kllza�':'U.�Izazall4;'DIC� I�'II��U.�IIY"'��`` for project location. • There have also been two other recent intersection projects, U-5306C and U- 5306D that improved individual intersections. Those projects were designed with the long-term vision of widening U.S. 220 in mind, and so Project U-5892 will require minimum additional improvements at those intersections. • On the northern terminus, the future I-840 loop (STIP U-2524C) is under construction; it is partially open, and anticipated to be completed by early 2019. Protected Resources: Natural environment resources include jurisdictional streams, wetlands, and a pond. The attached ��If��=ir��liir���:�ir�irm°���ir���:��ll I��������:u.�ir�������m I��lig�u.�ir����"" shows the delineated streams and wetlands adjacent to the corridor. The RRIf�°kir����: If�ir��.ulf�°k If�����ll���g���"" is attached for your reference — please note this was submitted on Nov 8 to USACE and NCDWR, and a field review is scheduled for Jan 8. Human environment resources include a City park (British Woods Park), a federal park (Guilford Courthouse National Military Park), and several known or potential historic resources. The parks and historic resources are on both sides of U.S. 220 between New Garden Road and Downing Street (Figures 2C and 2D). Guilford Courthouse National Military Park is also a Section 4(f) resource. Minimization Measures: • For impact calculation purposes at this phase of design, we have assumed a 25' buffer to account for drainage and utility impacts. However, we have committed to reducing that buffer to 15' in several locations with sensitive resources. The attached ��If��=ir��liir���:�ir�irm°���ir���:��ll I��������:u.�ir�������m I��lig�u.�ir����"" shows the size of the buffer at each stream or wetland impact location. Retaining walls have been proposed in several locations to further minimize impacts, shown on the figure. Additional retaining wall locations will be considered as the project moves into the next phase of design. The typical section has been narrowed slightly between New Garden Road and British Lake Drive to minimize impacts through that section. Anticipated Impacts: Below is a list of potential impacts based on the current preliminary design, using the minimization measures described above: Potential lmpacts to Resources Type Name Impact Stream Horsepen Creek 230 ft Stream SB 280 ft Stream SE 12 ft Stream SG 51 ft Stream SD 47 ft Stream SA 153 ft Wetland WB 0.3 acres Wetland WC <.1 acres Wetland WA <0.1 acres Pond PA <0.1 acres Park British Woods Park 1.1 acres Park Guilford Courthouse 0.9 acres National Military Park Competing Resources: In the section between New Garden Road and Downing Street, there are competing resources (parks, historic resources, Section 6(f) resource, and streams). The current design widens approximately symmetrically through this section, and narrows the typical section. NCDOT has initiated coordination with the associated agencies (NPS, FHWA, USACE, and SHPO), and will continue to work with them to achieve an acceptable design. Anticipated Permits: Although the initial impact numbers are just below the Individual Permit threshold, we do not know for sure at this time if a Nationwide Permit will be feasible. We will work with permitting agencies and the National Park Service to evaluate minimization and avoidance measures through the design process. Public Outreach: A public meeting was held on November 13, 2018 (see attached ��If�u.�l�°�Illi���� Il�l������:liir�g� IF�-Il��ir�����:�u.���:""). Comments are due Dec 7. Based on initial input, the public generally supported the project. Some specific concerns included reduced access onto U.S. 220 from the British Woods Neighborhood (Downing Street and Devonshire Drive), impacts from widening towards some residential townhomes, and impacts to the parking areas and properties of several businesses. Thanks, Teresa � mmm��oo�,ssti�,�m.�o,����o�o����MAa.` °��°�ir��� �ir��llh��irrr�� Ilf�wllf;;;;w imley- orn ���k.1 I��y��k�k�vill� ��kr���k, ��ui�k� �iCiCi, I��I�igf���, IhJ(� �k.��i�iCi1 If;bir�e:,k: �31 �3. �iT 7-�>.1 �3� � IV�c�N::�il�: �31 �3. �> I�-f:��f:�Ci � IV��ir"�: �31 �3. �i T 7-�>.CiCiCi Celebrating 11 years as one of FORTUNE magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For 3