HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_U-5706 SWIT Forms.pdfNC Division of Water Quality —Methodology for ldentification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.11 r^ NC DWQ Stream Identi�cation Form Version 4.11 5!f�"'� � Date: •l �: ;�,��, ProJecUSite: l l. 1 JUb Latitutle: �,j=>' - v7 . e�awaco.: ���r�.�;���, i,✓.r�. co��ry:/{���ir,/r,A Longitutle:�Ii.�IZ/�?% C. Biolo Sublotal = F 18. Fibrous roo�s in s(reambed �3 1 0 �9. Rootetl uplantl plants in streambed � 2 1 0 20. Macmben�hos (note tliversiry ana aeuntlance) �0" 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks � 0 1 2 3 22. Fish �.0 0.5 1 1.5 23.Creyfis� 0 Q5 1 iS 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 t5 25. Algae '� 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetlantl planls in sireambetl FACW = �75; OBL = 1.5 Other 0 'perennial streams may also �e itlenli(etl using olher met�otls. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketctr S/aTM J�, ;NS� P�i.l�.r ;��'�`��✓'ci .�Y� � �. � 41 Total Points: Stream Determination (circle one) I Other ea P.,7'.✓p�' I Strcamisat�eastinrermittent Ephemer errtyRent Perennial e.g.OuadNeme: a� ro.,.,,<,a„�r�in� vn- i � _ r�l� _ ..I 1 � NC DWQ Stream Iden[ification Form Version 4.11 �ate: � ' J ProjectlSite: . � ' Latitude:o� � ` Evalualor. r_ � ,..i � County: � . � Longitutle: qa,y� .� To[al Points: �, Stream �etermi9aUQp (circle one) Other StreamisaNeastinteimittent � `.�� Ephemerol IrtfetmHtalit Perannial e.g.QuatlNleme:� �� t i/i 19 or erennial Mi 30' A. Geomomholoov lSubtotal =�' �� l . Absent Weak Moderate Strona Continuity of channel betl antl bank -�,.. , 0 ' 1 2 3 Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 2 3 In-channel siructure'. ex. riffie-pool, step-pool, p � � p� 3 ripple-pool sequence - � Particle siza of stream substrate 0 .� 2 3 7. Recen� alluvial 1 3 10. ailches are no� ratetll Na=O I Ves=3 V�G.� 1 . ' . . � �' V I,1' a'\ )� ,(� o� J.i,cY' � 1c'} �Y� �� ��_ v�C�� — (��-f c..� �I • NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: Projectl5ite: '/ �. " Evaluaror. � � Counry: Total Points: � � / ! Stream Determination H Stream is a! least inrertnittent L, v� •� il>_19or0erennialil>_30' / I�j G A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = : �i 1a Continuiry of channel bed antl bank 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3. Imchannel stmcture: ex. rifFle-pool, step-pool ripPle-pool sequenGe 4. Particle size of stream substrate 10. NaWral valley 11. Second or greater ortler c a�ificlal ditches�are no� ratetl si B. Hydrology (Subtotal = 12. Presence of BaseFlow 13. Iron oxidizinq bacteria ,6 17. lines or ence of �� i�/ Latiwde: jy, =i S' c_ _ � Longitude:- ��.',' _ . ircle one) Other '-�P� .. _ — Perennial e.g.QuadName: � Absent W ak Moderate o i z 0 1 2 0 1 �2� 0 2 0 1' 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0.5 1 a os i No=O, Yes= 0 1 2 0 1 2 i_5 1 0.5 a o , 3 3 3 3 Q 0 0 C. 8iolo (Subtotal = � 18. Rbrous roots'm streambetl 3 �2 t 0 19. Rootetl upland plan�s in streambetl i� 2 t 0 20. Macmbenthos (nole Diversity antl abundance) 0 �,]i 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks ji' 1 2 9 2Z Fish �$ QS 1 1.5 23. Cray(sh :b 0.5 1 iS 24. Amphibians �0 ,.0. 1 t5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetlantl plants in streambed FACW = 075', OBL = 1 S O�her = 0 'perennial sVeams may also be Itlenlifietl using o�M1er meR�otls. See p. 35 ot manual. Noles'. Sketch: _ . � _ Data: NC DWO S[ream Iden[ification Evaluator. � ' _ �. To[al Points / Sfream is at leasf iMermittent Version A.17 I ProlecUSite � � � � i_ Latitutle: � �; 9cr^n +` — County: � � Longitutle:' ' '✓ . Stream Determinatlon (circle one) Other ��'1("�I �,-� Ephemeral,luteYidit�nt Perennial e.A-QuadName: NC Division of Water Quality —Methodology for ldentification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.11 NC DWQ Stream Identifica[ion Form Versiun 4.)1 oate: � �� aroje�us�te.. �.. , �ata�ae:�,y,qSnSbS Evaluator: I. . . County: LongiWtle: -!��." _ . �. — TOtal Points: Stream Determination (circle one) Olher �'�''rf. �, c� StreamisaNeastinte�mittent ' Ephemeral Intetmiftent Perennial eg.QuadName: � J>_t9oroerennialiR30' � .- � 4� Date: Evaluatoc � � � Total Points: Stream is af leasf infermittenf � �rY�4�. Version 4.11 Projectl5ite . i Latilude:?d -3� `'-/o' Counry: . , ��� Longitutla: -�� ? � `.;�� Stream Determination (circle one) Other "'.'�(j, l.� " Ephemeral Inlermikent Perennial e.g. OuaaName: � 1 `. ��-`✓ / , , . -.,���� � �t(. � � � /��S 'i D�. /`.. ' .