HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 1_Public Comments_20090413di- IH?3 v Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director April 13, 2009 Alissa Bierma Upper Neuse Riverkeeper 112 South Blount Street Suite 103 Raleigh, NC 27601 Heather Jacobs Deck Pamlico Tar Riverkeeper 108 Gladden Street PO Box 1854 Washington, NC 27889 Larry Baldwin Lower Neuse Riverkeeper 1307 Country Club Road New Bern, NC 28562 David Merryman Catawba Riverkeeper 421 Minuet Lane Suite 205 Charlotte, NC 28217-2784 Dear Ms. Bierma, Mr. Baldwin, Ms. Deck, Mr. Merryman: 1Z V3 Dee Freeman Secretary Thank you for your letters dated March 4 and March 10, 2009 to Secretary Freeman concerning assignment of nutrient and buffer offset credits and the validity of the EBX buffer bank credit award. The Secretary forwarded your letter to Bill- Gilmore, Director of the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), and me to answer. As you know, the Division of Water Quality agreed in writing to allow nutrient offset credits from the EBX bank site. We have met with representatives from another private banker (Restoration Systems) who also expressed their concern with this decision. As a result of that meeting, I sent a letter dated February 16, 2009 to Mr. Steve Levitas (who represents Restoration Systems) stating our position on the matter (see attached letter). The letter states that the Division will begin an in-depth internal review of the underlying issue (often called "additionality") over the next few months in coordination with the Corps of Engineers and US Environmental Protection Agency. In the meantime, we will not approve any similar crediting until that review is complete and the results receive public review and comment through our 401 Water Quality Certification Mailing List. With respect to future EEP-related actions, we have discussed the matter with EEP staff with respect to our conclusion that these credits from the EBX site are legally legitimate credits. Please note that DENR cannot comment on an active Request for Proposal for mitigation. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 NOrt1Carofina Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org l??'"'/ An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer ?i?t ?Z11r?/ Alissa Bierma Larry Baldwin April 13, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Thank you again for your concerns. Once this new policy is developed, we will make certain that you receive a draft copy of it for your review and comment before it becomes final. Please call John Dorney at 919-733-9646 of my staff or Suzanne Klimek of the EEP program at 919-715-1835 if you have any questions. SinceqSu eecc: Secretary Dee Freeman Bill Gilmore, EEP Pete Peterson, EMC - WQC Matt Matthews, DWQ John Domey, DWQ Suzanne Klimek, EEP Eric Kulz, DWQ Norton Webster, EBX ?C Yncttt- March 10, 2009 4. sue' NEUSE RMRKEEPER. FOUNDATION Advocate I Educote t Protect LOWER NEUSE RWERKEEPER® Larry Baldwin 1307 Country Club Road New Bern, NC 28562 252-637-7972 252-514-0051 fax riverkeeper d(?i teuseriver.org UPPER NEUSE RIVERKEEPER® Alissa Bierma 112 South Blount Street Suite 103 Raleigh, NC 27601 919-856-1180 919-839-0767 fax alissa(grieuserlver. org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Natalie Bagged Phil Bowie Tames Boyd Richard Dove Richard Goodwin Marilyn Grolitzer Tom Hardin Jeffrey Harrison Mary Ann Harrison David McCracken Wil- liam Olah Sandra Parker Jim Starr Earth Share ...,;.11. ,1-- Is your voice being heard? Join us, or renew your membership here. www.neuseriver.org Secretary Dee Freeman N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Re: Validity of EBX Buffer Bank Credit Award Dear Secretary Freeman, 1 MAR 12 2Q09 rr n--' f As you will likely remember from our prior letter, the Neuse RIVERKEEPERV Foundation opposes the use of acreage that has already been used to offset stream or wetland impacts to obtain riparian buffer or nutrient offsets, as this results in re-crediting of the same nutrient removal function already allotted to the existing offset credits and in a net degradation of water quality. In addition to the concerns expressed in our joint letter (Re: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Assignment of Nutrient and Buffer Offset Credits) of March 4', 2009, the Neuse RIVERKEEPERV Foundation would like to express our great concern regarding a specific decision which will impact the health of the Neuse River and tributaries. According to our information, in November of 2008, private mitigation bankers Environmental Bank and Exchange (EBX) were given approval to derive greater than 250,000 pounds of nutrient offsets from a previous N.C. DepartmQ of Transportation (DOT) compensatory mitigation project. As we understand the situation, the DOT mitigation project completed by EBX utilized the entire project to fulfill compensatory mitigation for DOT wetland and stream impacts; the action by DWQ to then release nutrient offset credits from that same site is certainly re-crediting of the same ecological and nutrient removal function. Specifically, the acreage comprising the original "EBX Neu-Con Umbrella Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration Bank" (Neu-Con Bank) restored in or about 2002 with NCDOT funds designated specifically for compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts. Now, we understand that the Department of Water Quality has approved the use of portions of this same site for Nutrient and Buffer Mitigation Credit under the auspices of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Buffer Bank). By providing additional offset credits where no additional offsets were generated, a substantial environmental debt has been created. Recently EBX proposed to provide 60 acres of riparian buffer mitigation credits to the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) as part of the request for proposal process. Given our current information we believe it is likely that the environmental benefits of that acreage have already been allocated to offset the impacts of previous DOT projects. In this case, use of the EBX Buffer Bank credits by EEP would violate the intentions of the nutrient offset program by using the fees generated from the program to purchase credits which resulted in no additional improvement to or protection of water quality. Advocate I Educate I Protect As DENR maintains the authority to decide whether or not the use of these credits is appropriate to meet mitigation requirements, it also has the ability to prevent the public outcry we will lead, should an expenditure which does not result in environmental benefit be made using EEP funds. In order to protect water quality and the appropriate use of public funds we strongly suggest that, at a minimum, these credits be removed from consideration for purchase by EEP until the circumstances surrounding the award of these credits are more fully understood. In addition, the Neuse RIVERKEEPER® Foundation respectfully requests that DWQ produce documentation demonstrating no prior allocation of the environmental benefits associated with the Neu-Con Bank, or pursue every possible legal avenue to revoke approval of the 250,000+ lbs of nutrient offsets created from acreage within this bank that has already been used to provide compensatory stream and wetland mitigation credits to DOT. These credits represent no real protection or improvement to water quality in the Neuse Basin and amount to nearly 20% of the total mitigation obligation accepted by EEP since its inception. The continued existence of ecologically meaningless credits will negatively impact our ability to comply with State and Federal water quality standards and to protect our waters for future generations. Sincerely, Alissa Bierma Upper Neuse RIVERKEEPER'R' Cc: Colleen Sullins (NCDWQ) Bill Gilmore (NCEEP) Pete Peterson (EMC WQC) Norton Webster (EBX) Larry Baldwin Lower Neuse RIVERKEEPER'"-' ' March 4 2009 ??"-.• ?? ' s pp- ___1qNE1WW NEUSE Secretary Dee Freeman Lj N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resourc s RI D AT y ,PER 1601 Mail Service Center --_w - - ?/? PC ?.f' E-' DA.f- , f?1' f\ oI4fIJ, - IV I f,i,tUT Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Advocate I Educate ! ?recct Re: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Assignment of Nutrient and Buffer Offset Credits Lower Neuse RIVERKEEPER'"' Larry Baldwin Dear Secretary Freeman 1307 Country Club Road , New Bern, NC 28562 252-637-7972 The Pamlico-Tar River Foundation (PTRF), Neuse RIVERKEEPER® Foundation (NRF) 252-514-0051 fax riverkeeper@neuseriver.org , and Catawba RIVERKEEPER® Foundation (CRF) are writing to you today to express our concern over the Division of Water Quality's (DWQ or Division) recent policy decisions addressing the calculation of both nutrient offset and buffer credits for restoration sites. Upper Neuse RIVERKEEPER'"' The undersigned organizations strongly oppose any policy which allows a single A lissa Bierma 112 South Blount Street mitigation action to provide multiple credits which offset the same treatment I function and believe that such a policy would contradict the i t t f th Suite 103 n en o e enabling legislation. Raleigh, NC 27601 919-856-1180 919-839-0767 fax It is within the intent of wetland and stream impact mitigation to provide the same water alissa@neusriver.org quality benefits, including a reduction in nutrient loading to the receiving waters, as was provided by the existing stream or wetland. Therefore, both stream and wetland m itigation credits have an intrinsic. nutrient offset function in addition to their replacement of equivalent habitat and other ecological function. The use of acreage that has already offset stream or wetland impacts to obtain riparian buffer or nutrient offsets results in re-crediting of the same nutrient removal function already allotted PhMl WD/1no1v 11 to the existing offset credits, resulting in net degradation of water quality. Any policy which encourages or allows this type of dual credit assignment contradicts the Pamlico-Tar RIVERKEEPER'?' intent of the nutrient offset program's enabling legislation which was designed to support Heather Jacobs Deck the General Assembly's goal for the reduction of nutrients in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico 108 Gladden Street Basins. Allow us to explain, in de th wh a p y policy of dually crediting the same Po Box 1854 ecological benefit violates the intent and reality of the various mitigation/offset programs Washington, NC 27889 at work in the State of North Carolina 252-946-7211 . 252-946-9492 fax riverkeeper@ptrf.org State Riparian Buffer Protection Rules ??.Nffl The Tar-Pamlico, Neuse and Catawba River basins all have rules requiring the protection RIVERKEEPER` of or mitigation for impact to riparian buffers. The purpose of these rules is "to protect and preserve existing riparian buffers ...to maintain their nutrient [pollutant] removal functions," therefore any mitigation for impact to riparian buffers must include Catawba RIVERKEEPER* mitigation for the lost nutrient removal function (15A NCAC 2B .0233, 15A NCAC David Merryman 02B .0259, 15A NCAC 02B .0243) 421 Minuet Lane, Ste 205 Charlotte, NC 28217-2784 Under these rules, impacts to buffers that require mitigation can be fulfilled via three 704-679-9494 alternatives: 704-679-9559 fax david@catawbariverkeeper.org 1) Payment of compensatory mitigation fee to Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund 2) Donation of real property, where buffers can be restored Re: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Assignment of Nutrient and Buffer Offset Credits 03/04/09 3) Restoration or enhancement of a non-forested riparian buffer The buffer mitigation must take place the same distance from or closer to the estuary or river as the impact and as close to the location of the impact as feasible. Federally-based Stream and Wetland Protection Rules The objective of the Clean Water Act, and delegation of action to the States, is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of waters of the United States." Pursuant to that objective, for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts, DWQ requires compensatory mitigation at a minimum of 1:1 ratio for losses of streams and wetlands (for both 404 jurisdictional wetlands as well as isolated wetlands) (15A NCAC 2H .0506(h)). Stream mitigation for 401/404 impacts requires a minimum 50-foot buffer to assure stream bank stabilization; this buffer is a required component of 404/401 stream mitigation which compensates for the loss of nutrient removal function due to the stream or wetland impacts associated with the project requiring the subject mitigation. Compensatory mitigation can be achieved via: 1) Project-specific mitigation 2) Mitigation banks 3) In-lieu fee mitigation via EEP State Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy & Nutrient Offset Payments The Tar-Pamlico and Neuse Basins' Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategies both allow dischargers to provide payment in-leiu of nutrient offsets that cannot be reasonably accommodated on-site. The nutrient offset in-lieu fee program (NOP) provides both the private and public sectors opportunities to "purchase" nutrient mitigation to assist them in meeting compensatory nitrogen- or phosphorus-mitigation requirements for new construction. In the Neuse basin the NOP is also utilized to offset nutrient impacts from the point-sources. Once fees are received, the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) or private mitigation bank assumes the responsibility for conducting the required mitigation. Internal Conflict and Violation of Intent In January, 2007, DWQ released a buffer interpretation clarification memo relating to stream restoration and buffer mitigation. This memo has allowed for riparian buffer credit to be generated from stream mitigation projects. The rationale behind this policy by DWQ is that stream mitigation and buffer mitigation programs are requirements under two separate laws (federal clean water act and state buffer law). However, the mitigation of stream impacts (with associated buffer impacts) requires mitigation of the stream channel and a minimum 50-foot buffer, so the "credit" generated here includes the buffer. Therefore, if the state or a private bank utilizes previous stream mitigation projects to generate the buffer credits, an environmental deficit is created, generating two credits of nutrient removal function from a single improvement to that function. This scenario results in a net loss of riparian buffer acreage and function, violating the intent of the rules outlined above and cheating the public out of the water quality benefit they promise. Page 2 of 4 Re: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Assignment of Nutrient and Buffer Offset Credits 03/04/09 The NRF, PTRF and CRF also have concerns related to the Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation rules that would allow "stream and riparian wetland mitigation credit for the construction of headwater wetlands in subtle stream valleys in the outer Coastal Plain..." (DWQ, 3 Dec 2008). The division must be careful to separate wetland mitigation credits from buffer or nutrient offset credits to avoid another scenario of double stacking or double crediting the ecological function and nutrient removal function of a single mitigation site. Problems Already Underway According to our information, in November of 2008, private mitigation bankers Environmental Bank and Exchange (EBX) were given approval to derive greater than 250,000 pounds of nutrient offsets from a previous DOT compensatory mitigation project. As we understand the situation, the DOT mitigation project completed by EBX utilized the entire project to fulfill compensatory mitigation for DOT wetland and stream impacts; the action by DWQ to then release nutrient offset credits from that same site is certainly re-crediting of the same ecological and nutrient removal function. Specifically, the acreage comprising the original "EBX Neu-Con Umbrella Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration Bank" (Neu-Con Bank) restored in or about 2002 with NCDOT funds designated specifically for compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts. Now, we understand that the Department of Water Quality has approved the use of portions of this same site for Nutrient and Buffer Mitigation Credit under the auspices of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Buffer Bank). By providing additional offset credits where no additional offsets were generated, a substantial environmental debt has been created. The division's explanation, provided via email, was this: Environmental Bank and Exchange has three sites that were constructed as stream and wetland mitigation sites for NCDOT. These sites were constructed between four and six years ago, and their contractual obligation to DOT was settled. EBX owns the sites. EBX has submitted a Prospectus and Mitigation Banking Instrument to operate an Umbrella Bank for buffer and nutrient offset credits at these sites. Neuse riparian buffer credit will be generated within the first 50 feet of buffer along the restored streams. From 51 - 200 feet, nutrient offset credit will be generated. There is no "double-dipping", as it has been decided previously that 404/401 relate to federal regulations, while the riparian buffer and nutrient offset programs are state programs. DWQ's rationale and explanation is insufficient to explain how this policy does not re-credit the same buffer acreage and nutrient removal function already allotted to the existing offset credits, resulting in net degradation of water quality. In addition, this response and award of these credits runs contrary to other DWQ nutrient offset positions. Other division policies work to avoid any double crediting or double dipping. One such example is the Tar-Pamlico Basin Association (TPBA) trading program. If the TPBA exceeds its nutrient cap, then a payment is made to the agricultural cost-share program to implement nutrient reducing BMP's on agricultural land. The agricultural community also has Page 3 of 4 Re: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Assignment of Nutrient and Buffer Offset Credits 03/04/01 the same nutrient reduction requirement; they must first meet their nutrient reduction goals (30% for nitrogen) before payments from the TPBA can be. used for BMPs. In simpler terms, the agricultural community must meet their offset requirements as well as those of the basin association. The agricultural community cannot utilize the TPBA funds to meet their nutrient reduction requirements. Therefore, all offsets are met and an environmental debt has not been created. In summary, the Pamlico-Tar River Foundation, Neuse RIVERKEEPER® Foundation, and Catawba RIVERKEEPER® Foundation are opposed to any policy that creates an environmental debt where new impacts to water quality occur without any new corresponding mitigation being performed, including the retroactive award of nutrient off-set credits from projects previously performed to offset 401/404 compensatory mitigation. Furthermore, we respectfully request that the Division 1) reassess the January 2007 policy that provides for both buffer and stream mitigation credit, and 2) provide official clarification of how and why different types of mitigation credits may be gained from the acreage on which the mitigation is implemented so that mitigation of a single ecological function results in off-set credits for only that single function. We would be happy to arrange a time to discuss this matter in person should you require further explanation. Please do not hesitate to contact the below signatories with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Alissa Bierma Upper Neuse RIVERKEEPER"' Neuse RIVERKEEPER"'Foundation v Heather Jacobs Deck Pamlico-Tar RIVERKEEPER'"' Pamlico-Tar River Foundation Cc: Colleen Sullins (NCDWQ) Bill Gilmore (NCEEP) Pete Peterson (EMC WQC) Larry Baldwin Lower Neuse RIVERKEEPER"'.' Neuse RIVERKEEPER" Foundation David Merryman Catawba RIVERKEEPER'"' Catawba RIVERKEEPER`. Foundation Page 4 of 4