HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 1_MB Prospectus and RBMBI_20081205t r Kimley-Horn O E L .5 2008 and Associates, Inc. UENk. yv;.:l `F; QUALITY WETLANDS AND STOR;AIAIATER BRANCH kff October 31, 2008 Mr. Eric Kulz and Ms. Amy Chapman O 13 1 2008 NC Division of Water Quality M DENR - \NACER QUALI i Y P.0 Box 33068 2321 Crabtree Blvd. WETLANDS AND STORWNATER BRANCH Raleigh, North Carolina Suite 250 27636-3068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank Jones, Johnson, and Wayne Counties, North Carolina Dear Ms. Chapman and Mr. Kulz: Please find the attached Addendum to the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus and revised RBMBI. Note that in addition to the inclusion of nutrient offset credit in the instrument, we have amended the credit yield for the riparian buffer mitigation as well. The changes to the riparian buffer ?s mitigation are the result of update information regarding the easement boundary locations. This resulted in a decrease of projected yield from the Marston Site rorl and an increase at the Nahunta Site. The increase at the Nahunta site is the result of the fact that less stream was backfilled than originally indicated. Therefore, the amount of existing wooded riparian buffer was over-estimated at the site. The updated riparian buffer credit yield reflects the fact that the over-estimated existing wooded riparian buffer amount is, now, not subtracted from the total yield from the Nahunta Site. If there is any additional information you need or any way we can assist in expediting the processing of this application, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 653-2950. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Todd St. John, PE Attachments: Revised RBMBI (Version 2.0) Addendum to the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE EBX NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK IN JOHNSTON, WAYNE, AND JONES COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA This EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (RBMBI) is made and entered into on the day of , 200_, by EBX Neuse 1, LLC, hereinafter Sponsor, and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). WHEREAS the purpose of this Agreement is to establish the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) providing compensatory mitigation for unavoidable riparian buffer impacts and/or nutrient offsets separately authorized by Authorizations or Variances to impact Riparian Buffers and/or stormwater management requirements per 15A NCAC 2B .0200; WHEREAS the Sponsor currently controls through the purchase and recording of a permanent conservation easement, certain parcels of land as described in the Neu-Con Wetland and Stream Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument ( Neu-Con MBI), the RBMBI Prospectus with Addendum, and in the Neu-Con Wetland and Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank Restoration Plans (Restoration Plans) that are located in the Neuse Basin in Johnston, Wayne, and Jones Counties, North Carolina (Appendix A), and as shown in Figures 1 through 4 of the RBMBI Prospectus and Addendum; WHEREAS NCDWQ agrees that the Bank site is a suitable riparian buffer mitigation bank site, and that implementation of the plans as described in the Restoration Plans is likely to result in restored and protected riparian buffers at the Bank site; WHERAS the Sponsor may acquire additional buffer mitigation sites in the Neuse River Basin and submit each such site to NCDWQ for review and approval for inclusion in the Bank; THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the following provisions are adopted and will be implemented upon execution of this RBMBI. General Provisions 1. The goal of the Bank is to restore, enhance, and preserve stream systems with the adjacent riparian buffers and their functions and values to compensate in appropriate circumstances for unavoidable stream buffer impacts and nutrient reduction requirements authorized by 15A NCAC 213 .0233, 2B .0234, and 2B .0235 in circumstances deemed appropriate by NCDWQ. 2. Use of credits from the Bank to offset riparian buffer impacts and nutrient reduction offsets authorized by 15A NCAC 2B .0233, 2B .0234, and 2B .0235. Approvals must be in compliance with said Rules. (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) 3. NCDWQ shall make final decisions concerning the amount and type of compensatory mitigation or nutrient offset to be required for authorized purposes, and whether or not the use of credits from the Bank is appropriate to offset those purposes. 4. The initial Bank sites have previously been restored and are protected by permanent conservation easements. A more detailed description of the baseline conditions of the initial sites is contained in the Monitoring Plans in Appendix A. 5. A Restoration Plan for each proposed additional site shall be submitted to NCDWQ for review and approval prior to each such additional site being included in the Bank, and such submittals shall include a site-specific Monitoring Plan. 6. The Sponsor shall perform the work described in each site specific Monitoring Plan until success criteria have been met. 7. The Sponsor shall monitor the Bank sites as described in the Monitoring (or Restoration) Plans, until such time as the NCDWQ determines that the success criteria of a density of 320 trees per acre after five years have been met. The monitoring period shall be a minimum of five years. 8. The Sponsor is responsible for assuring the success of the restoration, enhancement and preservation activities at the Bank site, and for the overall operation and management of the Bank. 9. The Sponsor shall provide to NCDWQ the annual reports as described in the RBMBI Prospectus and Addendum (Appendix A). The Sponsor shall also copy NCDWQ on correspondence that documents the sales of credits to applicants. 10. NCDWQ shall review said annual reports, and may, at any time, after consultation with the Sponsor, request the Sponsor to take remedial action at a Bank site designed to achieve the specified success criteria. 11. The Sponsor shall implement any remedial measures necessary to achieve the specified success criteria. In the event the Sponsor determines that remedial action may be necessary, it shall provide notice of such proposed remedial action to NCDWQ. No remedial actions shall be taken without the concurrence of NCDWQ. 12. NCDWQ shall be allowed reasonable access to the Bank sites for the purposes of inspection of the Sites and compliance monitoring activities. The Sponsor shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any such NCDWQ inspection. (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) Use of Mitigation Credits 13. The Geographical Service Area (GSA) is the designated area wherein a bank can reasonably be expected to provide appropriate compensation for riparian buffer impacts or nutrient offset payments. The GSA for this Bank shall include the Neuse River Basin Hydrologic Units 03020201 for the Westbrook Site, 03020203 for the Nahunta Site, and 03020204 for the Marston Site. Additionally, other Sites, if approved by NCDWQ, in different 8-Digit Hydrologic Units may be added in the future. Credits generated from such Sites will apply within the 8-Digit Hydrologic Units in which the Sites are located. Use of credits from the Bank to compensate for impacts beyond the GSA may be considered by NCDWQ at an out-of- HUC multiplier of 1.5 on the mitigation or nutrient reduction credits. Separate ledgers shall be developed and maintained for each Site to track mitigation or nutrient reduction credits. 14. The buffer mitigation credits generated by the initial Bank sites shall be as specified in Table 1, below. The nutrient reduction credits are summarized in Table 2, below. TABLE 1- Buffer Mitigation Credits Zone 1 (sq ft) Zone 2 (sq ft) Total (sq ft) Total (acres) Nahunta 428,000 250,000 678,000 15.5 Marston 211,000 114,000 325,000 7.4 Westbrook 226,000 131,000 357,000 8.2 Total 865,000 495,000 1,360,000 31.2 TABLE 2 - Nutrient Reduction Cre its J Nutrient Reduction Buffer (fC) Nitrogen Offset (pounds) Nahunta 33.6 76,000 Marston 32.4 74,000 Westbrook 19.5 44,000 Total 85.5 194,000 15. It is anticipated by the parties to this Agreement that use of riparian buffer mitigation credits shall be "in-kind;" that is, that riparian buffer credits will be used to offset riparian buffer impacts. For nutrient reduction credits, the Sponsor and NCDWQ agree that the pounds of nitrogen offset per acre of restored riparian buffer shall be 2,273 pounds per acre as established by NCDWQ and applied to existing riparian buffer-based nitrogen abatement sites across the State of North Carolina. 16. Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits- Riparian buffer mitigation requirements and riparian buffer mitigation credits will be determined according to the procedures described in 15A NCAC (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) 2B 0.233 and .0242. Buffer restoration and buffer enhancement shall be defined per the Memorandum titled "NCDWQ Buffer Interpretation/Clarification #2008-17, January 25, 2008". 17. Nutrient Reduction Credits - Nutrient offset payment requirements and nutrient reduction credits will be determined according to the procedures described in 15A NCAC 2B .0234, 2B .0235, and 2B .0240 provided such use has met all applicable requirements and is authorized by the appropriate authority. 18. Notwithstanding the above, all decisions concerning the appropriateness of using credits from the Bank to offset impacts to riparian buffers or offset nutrient reduction shall be made by NCDWQ or NCDWQ's designee. Any necessary notice to and consultation with NCDWQ or NCDWQ's designee for use of credits shall be through the riparian buffer impact or appropriate stormwater review process. 19. Twenty percent (20%) of the riparian buffer mitigation credits and nutrient reduction credits for each Bank site shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following: a. Execution of this RBMBI by the Sponsor and NCDWQ; b. Approval of the Restoration and Monitoring Plans by NCDWQ; c. Delivery to NCDWQ of the financial assurance described in paragraph 24 of this RBMBI; d. Recordation of the preservation mechanism described in paragraph 23 of this RBMBI; 20. The Sponsor must complete the initial physical and biological improvements to each Bank site pursuant to the Restoration Plans no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank. The Sponsor shall provide a record drawing or as-built survey to provide a record of the amount and nature of buffer restoration and enhancement completed. 21. Subject to the Sponsor's continued satisfactory completion of all required success criteria and monitoring, additional buffer mitigation credits shall be available for sale by the Sponsor in accordance with the schedule specified in Table 2, below: 4 (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) Riparian Buffer Restoration and Enhancement Credit Release: Table 2 - Credit Release Schedule Task Project Milestone % Credit Available for Sale 1 MBI and Prospectus Approved by NCDWQ, Conservation Easement or Restrictive Covenants Recorded and Financial Assurance Provided to NCDWQ 20 2 Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 20 3 Approval of As-Built Report 10 4 Submit Monitoring Report #1 to NCDWQ (meets success criteria) 10 5 Submit Monitoring Report #2 to NCDWQ (meets success criteria) 10 6 Submit Monitoring Report #3 to NCDWQ (meets success criteria) 10 7 Submit Monitoring Report #4 to NCDWQ (meets success criteria) 10 8 Submit Monitoring Report #5 to NCDWQ (meets success criteria) 10 Total 100 22. Monitoring of the riparian buffer restoration and enhancement shall be based on the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only Version 4.0, as indicated in the Restoration and/or Monitoring Plans based on a success criteria of 320 trees per acre after five years. 23. The Sponsor shall submit separate, annual ledgers for each Site documenting riparian buffer credit releases and debits and the nutrient reduction credit releases and debits to NCDWQ for maintaining accurate records of credit transactions made from each Site of the Bank. The ledgers will reflect the amounts of riparian buffer mitigation credits and, separately, the nutrient reduction credits. The buffer mitigation areas generally comprise the restored buffer Zones 1 and 2 adjacent to the various streams. The nutrient reduction credit areas generally comprise the restored riparian buffer areas that are adjacent to streams from the outside edge of Zone 2 to 200 feet from the stream bank but within the easement boundaries. The nutrient reduction credit areas also generally comprise restored buffers along ditches from the top of bank to 200 feet but within the easement boundaries. The credit areas shall not overlap. Credits can be converted and transferred from buffer mitigation to nutrient reduction credits, but the opposite shall not occur. Accounting procedures shall include the generation of a report by the Sponsor showing credits used each time they are debited from the Bank, which the Sponsor shall provide within 30 days of the debit to NCDWQ. In addition, the Sponsor shall prepare an annual report, by the end of (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) each calendar-year, showing all credits used, and the balance of credits remaining to NCDWQ, until such time as all of the credits have been utilized, or this Agreement is otherwise terminated. All reports shall identify credits debited and remaining by type of credit (e. g. riparian buffer), and shall include for each reported debit the NCDWQ ID number for the Authorization for which the credits were utilized. Property Disposition 24. The Sponsor has recorded a Permanent Conservation Easement for each initial Bank site in the County where each site is located. The Sponsor shall record similar easements for each additional site approved for inclusion in the Bank. Financial Assurances 25. The Sponsor will provide to NCDWQ financial assurances for the pre-construction release of credits in the form of performance bonds or letters of credit. Such financial assurances shall be in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the credits anticipated to be generated for each site multiplied by the NCEEP price for riparian buffer mitigation in the Neuse River Basin. Such financial assurances shall be retired upon submittal of the as-built report for each site. For the initial Sites of the Bank (Marston, Westbrook, and Nahunta), no financial assurances are required as the Sites have completed or are in the monitoring period. Miscellaneous 26. Any delay or failure of Sponsor shall not constitute a default hereunder if and to the extent that such delay or failure is primarily caused by any act, event or conditions beyond the Sponsor's reasonable control and significantly adversely affects its ability to perform its obligations hereunder including: (i) acts of God, lightning, earthquake, fire, landslide, drought, hurricane, storm, flood, or interference by third parties; (ii) condemnation or other taking by any governmental body; (iii) change in applicable law, regulation, rule, ordinance or permit condition, or the interpretation or enforcement thereof; (iv) any order, judgment, action or determination of any federal, state or local court, administrative agency or government body; or (v) the suspension or interruption of any permit, license, consent, authorization or approval. If the performance of the Sponsor is affected by any such event, Sponsor shall give written notice thereof to the NCDWQ as soon as is reasonably practicable. If such event occurs before the final availability of all credits for sale, the Sponsor shall take remedial action to restore the property to its condition prior to such event, in a manner sufficient to provide adequate mitigation to cover credits that were sold prior to such delay. Such remedial action shall be taken by the Sponsor only to the extent necessary and appropriate, as determined by NCDWQ. 27. No third party shall be deemed a beneficiary hereof or shall be entitled to seek enforcement hereof. 6 (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) 28. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this RBMBI are held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceablility will not affect any other provisions hereof, and this RBMBI shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. 29. This RBMBI shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina and the United States as appropriate. 30. The terms and conditions of this RBMBI shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors. 31. All notices and required reports shall be sent by regular mail to each of the parties at their respective addresses, provided below: Sponsor: Mr. Thomas Rinker EBX Neuse I, LLC 10055 Red Run Boulevard, Suite 130 Owings Mills, MD 21117-5822 NCDWQ: Ms. Coleen Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement entitled "Agreement To Establish The EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank In Johnston, Wayne, and Jones Counties, North Carolina": Sponsor: EBX Neuse I, LLC By: North By: Date: I r Division of Water Quality: Date: ? ??U (Revised Version 2.0 October, 2008) List of Appendices Appendix A: RBMBI Prospectus and Addendum Addendum to the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus Johnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina Prepared for: EBX Neuse I, LLC October 2008 ©Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2008 Addendum - EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Johnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina EBX NE USE 1 1 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................3 2.0 Riparian Buffer Restoration and Available Credit .............................................................3 3.0 Service Area .....................................................................................................................4 4.0 Credit Tracking and Credit Release Schedule ...................................................................4 5.0 Success Criteria and Monitoring .......................................................................................4 List of Figures Figures 1 through 4 Buffer Mitigation/Nutrient Reduction Areas List of Appendices Appendix A Detailed Nutrient Reduction Credit Yield for Each Site Addendum - EBX Neuse &parian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Johnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carokna EBX NEUSE I 2 1.0 Introduction EBX NEUSE I, LLC (Sponsor) has determined that, in addition to riparian buffer mitigation credit, the Neu-Con Wetland and Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank in Johnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina has potential nutrient reduction credit assets available based on certain restored buffers that were not included as riparian buffer mitigation assets. These buffers may extend from the outside edge of Zone 2 (50 feet from the stream bank) out to as much as 200 feet from the restored stream banks and from the bank out to 200 feet along ditches and streams that were not restored (See Figures 1 through 4). Therefore, the Sponsor is submitting this addendum to the Prospectus dated September 2008 for the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) as well as a Revised Riparian Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (Revised RBMBI Version 2.0) for approval by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). The rules for providing nutrient reduction credits in the Neuse basin are found in 15A NCAC 2B .0240 (Nutrient Offset Payments). This document proposes to establish a method for establishing, accounting for, and debiting nutrient reduction credits at the Bank. 2.0 Riparian Buffer Restoration and Available Credit For the purposes of this document, buffer restoration is defined as the planting of areas within 200 feet of the stream banks that contain less than 100, 5-inch DBH trees per acre at the densities and species composition described in detail in the Monitoring Reports. The Zone 1 buffers have been quantified by determining the area between the stream bank to a line 30 feet from the bank and parallel to the bank as displayed in Figure 1. Zone 2 has been quantified by determining the area between the 30 foot line described above and a line 50 feet from the bank and parallel to the stream bank. The remaining buffers (50 to 200 feet or from the ditch bank to 200 feet), within the easement boundary, are shown in Figures 1 through 4 as described above. The riparian buffer mitigation credit areas are described in the Prospectus and the buffer mitigation credit areas and nutrient reduction credits areas do not overlap. Table 1 below reflects the amount of buffer restoration that will be used for nutrient reduction credit (and does not include the riparian buffer mitigation credit areas described in the Prospectus). In order to determine the amount of mitigation credit in terms of pounds of nitrogen, the amount of 2,273 pounds per acre as established by NCDWQ and as applied to existing riparian buffer- based nitrogen abatement sites across the State of North Carolina shall be used. Addendum - hBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, John ton, Wayne and Jones Counties, Nortb Carolina EBX NE USE 1 3 Table 1- Nutrient Reduction Credit Yield Summary Nutrient Reduction Buffer (acres) Nitrogen Offset (pounds) Nahunta 33.6 7fi,3-1-1 vv? Marston 32.4 tLI v Westbrook 19.5 4 , G c, Total 85.5 19 ?y 10.0o T` 1 JB The vegetation monitoring has established the current success status of the re-established buffers. Both the Marston and Westbrook sites have met the success criteria of 320 trees per acres after five years based on their fifth year of vegetation monitoring as required by 15A NCAC 2B .0240. The Nahunta site is currently meeting the success criteria based on the third year monitoring report. The most recent reports are contained in Appendix A of the Prospectus. In addition to the Westbrook, Nahunta, and Marston sites, the Sponsor may submit to NCDWQ additional Neuse buffer mitigation sites at a later date for approval and inclusion into the Bank. 3.0 Service Area The service area requested for the nutrient reduction credit is the same as that for the riparian buffer mitigation described in the RBMBI and Prospectus. 4.0 Credit Tracking and Credit Release Schedule The credit release schedule and credit tracking are described in the Revised RBMBI Version 2.0 and the Prospectus. Figures 1 through 4 depict the location of the nutrient reduction buffer restoration areas as they relate to each Site's easement boundaries, existing forest vegetation prior to Site restoration (not included in the credit areas), and previously established riparian buffer mitigation credit areas. 5.0 Success Criteria and Monitoring The Success Criteria and Monitoring requirements are provided in Appendix A of the Prospectus. It is assumed that the vegetation monitoring and success criteria applicable to the Neu-Con Wetland and Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank are acceptable for buffer mitigation purposes. The Sponsor will submit a separate Buffer Monitoring Report to NCDWQ at the end of each remaining monitoring year for the Nahunta Site and for each of the five vegetation monitoring years for any future, additional Bank sites. The buffer mitigation will be considered successful if, five years after the original planting date, there is an average of 320 tree species per acre. Addendum -EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Johnston, Vayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina EBX NE USE 1 4 Figures -1-iaaenaum - cnn lveuse ivpanan buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Johnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina EBX NE USE I Post-Construction Streams t& Post-Construction Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 Pre-Construction Streams } Pre-Construction Buffer ._.?.. _._...?._. '.,. Zone 1 ,.: ? .. ? Zone 2 1 Pre-Construction Vegetated Buffer Estimate Title ),larston Bufier Restoration (Pre-Construction 1998 Aerial Photograph) Prepared For: EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument 100 Project Jones County, North Carolina Date Project Number Figure 10/31/08 012620018 1 Prepared by Laura Thombrough CC" ? = k. Prepared by Laura Thombrough Con oy? iz Prepared by Laura Thombrough r_zn =,i Prepared by Laura Thombrough Con wwvan?.irc. APPENDIX A - Detailed Nutrient Reduction Credit Yield for Each Site Addendum EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Jobnston, Wayne and Jones Counties, North Carolina EBX NE USE I a Appendix A Detailed Nutrient Reduction Credit Yield for Each Site Nahunta Site Post Construction Buffer FID Shape * Id Site Zone Area (ftz) Acres 2 Polygon 0 Nahunta Bankfull 31129.8 0.714642 3 Polygon 0 Nahunta Bankfull 13640.6 0.313146 4 Polygon 0 Nahunta Bankfull 15952.3 0.366214 5 Polygon 0 Nahunta Bankfull 27871.6 0.639844 6 Polygon 0 Nahunta Bankfull 58638.6 1.346156 Total 147233 3.380002 0 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 1 53723.5 1.233322 1 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 1 172456 3.959037 15 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 1 146538 3.364052 17 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 1 66416.9 1.524722 19 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone1 109974 2.524649 Total 549108 12.60578 13 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 33262.2 0.763594 14 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 29826.5 0.684723 16 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 39698.4 0.911351 18 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 33380.7 0.766316 20 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 103771 2.382264 21 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 40696.3 0.934258 22 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 17597.3 0.403978 23 Polygon 0 Nahunta Zone 2 31633.4 0.726203 Total 329866 7.572687 Pre Construction Vegetated Buffer FID Shape * Id Zone-ID Site Area (ft2) Acres 0 Polygon 0 Zonel Nahunta 2321.186 0.053287 1 Polygon 0 ZoneI Nahunta 2144.631 0.049234 2 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Nahunta 7195.156 0.165178 3 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Nahunta 59260.04 1.360423 4 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Nahunta 5521.587 0.126758 5 Polygon 0 ZoneI Nahunta 4487.928 0.103029 6 Polygon 0 Zonel Nahunta 11586.84 0.265997 7 Polygon 0 Zone1 Nahunta 1690.216 0.038802 8 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Nahunta 24590.3 0.564516 24 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Nahunta 2654.883 0.060948 Total 121453 2.788172 9 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 1609.68 0.036953 10 Polygon 0 Zone2 Nahunta 1349.949 0.030991 11 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 18142.63 0.416497 12 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 15.16634 0.000348 13 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 9313.584 0.21381 14 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 1053.957 0.024196 15 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 17680.38 0.405886 16 Polygon 0 Zone2 Nahunta 3986.292 0.091513 17 Polygon 0 Zone2 Nahunta 20081.1 0.460999 22 Polygon 0 Zone2 Nahunta 2911.518 0.066839 23 Polygon 0 Zone2 Nahunta 1795.553 0.04122 25 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Nahunta 1385.796 0.031814 Total 79325.6 1.821066 Nutrient Offset Credit FID Shape * Id Stream_Ne Length BUFF_DIS' Area (ftz) Acres 2 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 188201.1 4.3205 3 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 4582.454 0.1052 4 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 20167 0.46297 5 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 9.378071 0.00022 6 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 54654.19 1.25469 7 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 25835.36 0.5931 8 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 223.6741 0.00514 9 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 1761.729 0.04044 10 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 64841.96 1.48857 11 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 370875.9 8.51414 12 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 193704.2 4.44684 13 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 139075.3 3.19273 14 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 106114.2 2.43605 15 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 91421.93 2.09876 16 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 143602 3.29665 17 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 1.761543 0.00004 18 Polygon 0 Nahunta 9924.36 200 57354.16 1.31667 Total 1462426 33.5727 Net Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credit Yield Area (ft') Acres Zone 1 427655 9.81761 Zone 2 250541 7.54087 Total 678196 17.3585 Net Nutrient Credit Yield Area (ftz) Acres Pounds Total 1462426 33.5727 76310.7 Marston Site Post Construction Buffer FID Shape * Id Site Zone Area (ft2) Acres 8 Polygon 0 Marston Bankfull 134617.91 3.0904 9 Polygon 0 Marston Zone 1 423811.35 9.72937 10 Polygon 0 Marston Zone 2 250112.06 5.74178 Pre Construction Vegetated Buffer FID Shape * Id Zone-ID Site Area (ftz) Acres 21 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Marston 212576.03 4.88007 20 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Marston 136571.8 3.13526 Nutrient Offset Credit FID Shape * Id Stream_N z Length BUFF_DIST Area (it2) Acres 0 Polygon 0 Marston 9924.36 200 1413603 32.4519 Net Riparian Buffer M itigation Yi eld Net Nutrient Credit Yield Area (ft') Acres Area (ftz) Acres Pounds Zone 1 211235.3 4.8493 Total 1413603 32.4519 73763.1 Zone 2 113540.3 2.60653 Total 324776 7.45582 Westbrook Site Post Construction Buffer FID Shape * Id Site Zone Area (ftz) Acres 7 Polygon 0 Westbrool Bankfull 65949.588 1.51399 12 Polygon 0 WestbroolZone l 321063.63 7.37061 11 Polygon 0 WestbroolZone l 193510.69 4.44239 Pre Construction Vegetated Buff er FID Shape * Id Zone-ID Site Area (ft2) Acres 18 Polygon 0 Zone 1 Westbroo194901.052 2.17863 19 Polygon 0 Zone 2 Westbrool62249.786 1.42906 Nutrient Offset Credit FID Shape * Id Stream_Na Length BUFF_DIST Area (ftz) Acres 1 Polygon 0 Westbrool9924.36 200 848601 19.4812 Net Riparian Buffer Mitigation Y ield Net Nutri ent Credit Yield Area (ft2) Acres Area (ft') Acres Pounds Zone 1 226162.6 5.19198 Total 848601.5 19.4812 44280.8 Zone 2 131260.9 3.01334 Total 357423 8.20532 Total Bank Yield Net Riparian Buffer Mitigation Yield Area (ftz) Acres Zone 1 865053 19.8589 Zone2 495342 13.1607 Total 1360395 33.02 Net Nutrient Credit Yield Area (ft') Acres Pounds Total 3724631 85.506 194355