HomeMy WebLinkAboutU2579DEF_Hydro_4C_Meeting_Minutes_10_10_2018.docTO: Craig Lee NCDOT Hydraulics Unit FROM: Brian Steffen, PE / James Rice, PE (HDR) DATE: October 10, 2018 SUBJECT: U-2579 DEF — 4C Meeting Agenda Meetin� Attendees: Nicole Braspennick, USACE Robert Patterson,NCDEQ-DWR (via phone) Dave Wanucha, NCDEQ-DWR (via phone) Marella Buncick, USFWS Donnie Brew, FHWA (via phone) Bill Barrett, NCDOT-EAU Carla Dagnino, NCDOT-EAU Jorge Maturano, NCDOT John Jamison, NCDOT Environmental Policy Michael Shumsky, NCDOT-Design Build Karen Capps, NCDOT-Design Build Tucker Martin, NCDOT Utilities Craig Lee, NCDOT-Hydraulics Amy Euliss, NCDOT-Division 9(via phone) Mark Staley, NCDOT-Roadside Environmental (via phone) Jason Mroz, Flatiron James Rice, HDR Brain Steffen, HDR Vickie Miller, HDR Kathleen Bell, HDR Edward Vance, STV The meeting was held on October 10�h, 2018 from 1 am to 4pm in the NCDOT Structures Conference Room. The meeting was opened with introductions and the following items were covered with James Rice facilitating. A full set of PDF drawings was projected on screen as well as via skype for those on the phone to follow along. These resources will be made available to all attendees. The meeting attendees sign in sheet is attached. The italicized text indicates notes from the meeting discussion. General • Future I-74 Winston-Salem Northern Beltway from west of NC 66/SR 4000 to US 311. Approx. 7.0 miles of a six lane divided highway in new location. • 3 major interchanges: University Parkway, Germantown Rd, and Baux Mountain Rd. 1 bridge over Mill Creek. • Located within the Yadkin River Basin, there are no specific stormwater requirements for this area, but will follow MEP. • Stormwater BMP locations have been finalized. • Median ditches may provide some treatment and lateral ditches were flattened where feasible to provide grass swale treatment. • Some outlets of large pipes and culverts have high velocities due to steep terrain Additional rip-rap placed in the bed of the jurisdictional streams is shown for mitigation of velocities. Rip-rap in streams will be embedded flush with existing stream bed • Many of the steep pipes and culverts will not be buried, and pipes have been labeled as such. • Break out bank stabilization and show in impact summary sheets. • Details that tie to jurisdictional features to be included in permit drawings. • NCDOT-EAU noted to provide a table of buried pipes in the permit application. • NCDOT DEO request to add enlargement boxes to plans to help avoid confusion. • Locations where impacts are present but the design calls to embed rip rap and leave the channel open instead of piping will be analyzed further to see if lower mitigation ratios are viable. • Utility impacts to be accounted for in impact drawings and permit application. • Add 10' of bank stabilization impacts downstream of all energy dissipators. • Place permit impact site labels closer to impact locations. PSH 5-A — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional stream Impacts • Site 1 (ES-S1) 0 54" RCP o Roadway Impacts: 2:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts Wetland Impacts • Site lA (ES-W44), 1B (ES-Wl), 1C (ES-W2), 1D (ES-W43) o Due to roadway fill for ramp, loop, and mainline Basins • Y1LPD 14+00 LT o Dry Detention basin location ■ Class C receiving waters, dry detention deemed MEP for this project o Forebay and berm have been lined with riprap o Receiving drainage from loop and University Parkway PSH 5-B — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional stream • Site 1(ES-S1), Site 2(ES-67), Site 3(ES-65), Site 4(ES-S2), o Due to outlet channel protection for proposed culverts and roadway fill o Flattened slopes to close in Ramp A gore due to steep terrain o Flattened last run of pipe to 0.5% to help with outlet velocity o Change ES-65 label on plans to ES-S65. Wetland Impacts • Site 2A (ES-W46), Site lA (ES-W44) o Due to roadway fill where 2:1 slopes and guardrail used to minimize impacts Basin 2 YlLPA 15+00 RT — Dry Detention Basin o Moved basin from Loop A to Ramp A gore to eliminate long run of pipe, better constructability o Detaining University Parkway, mainline, and YlLPA o From 4B, we have shown a forebay and rip-rapped berm PSH 6 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 5 (ES-S3) o Intermittent, JS starts just off the page, has steep terrain. o Culvert is not buried, inlet and outlet channel protection added due to discharge coming to each point (Shown embedded in detail) o From 4B meeting, at outlet of culvert ■ 18" - outlet taken to existing channel to allow dissipation before main channel ■ 24" — ditch was added at flatter terrain to allow for dissipation before main channel protection o Add a note on the plans to indicate the stream near Site SB is not jurisdictional. Wetland Impacts — L 78+00 LT • s�te sa �Es-wa��, s�te ss �Es-was� o Roadway fill and ditch impacts PSH 10 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 6 (ES-S4 (Trick-um Creek)) - Perennial o Proposed 42" RCP-N — 550' and steep slope — Not buried. o Looked into ditching to energy dissipator, due to terrain would have ROW impacts on nearby house o At 42" pipe inlet, ditch added in wetland to make sure only 1 low point o Change ES-SS label on plans to ES-S4. • Site 7(ES-S5 (Trib to Trick-um Creek)) - Intermittent o Proposed 5'x6' culvert not buried, 330' long at 1.6% slope o Outlet channel protection on proposed culvert outlet and embankment rip-rap on culvert inlet. o At culvert inlet, filling in headcut with Class II rip rap. Detail added to plans o Energy dissipator and overwidened ditch with permanent rock checks to stream. ROW impacts and nearby property owner o Add note on plans to indicate start of jurisdiction. o Add a cross section detail to the plans for culvert inlet channel. Site 8 (ES-S� - Perennial o Proposed 42" and 30" outlets. o Flattened the last section of the 42" pipe to reduce velocity Wetland Impacts • Site 6A (ES-W3) o Roadway Impacts: 2:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts PSH ll-A Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 9 (ES-S7) — mostly perennial o Proposed 42" outlet with energy disspator 3 o Outlet protection in stream bed and banks o Slopes in interchange interior were flattened to 4:land energy disspator added to outlet due to high velocities PSH 11-B Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 8 (ES-S� o Flattened the last section of the 42" pipe to reduce velocity Wetland Impacts • Site 8A (ES-W38) o Roadway Fill PSH ll-C Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 8 (ES-S� ■ Inlet of 42" pipe under —L- Not buried due to slope ■ Provided a ditch from the 36" pipe. Wetland Impacts • Site 8B (ES-W4) o Proposed 36" RCP-N outlet, and 15" RCP-III outlet at spring locations o Energy dissipator was added at 36" outlet, along with ditch between outlet of 36" RCP and 42" under —L- o Calling for a total take of this wetland even though the plans just show ditch work. Since NCDOT is already mitigating for its loss, water quality will be protected downstream at the pipe outlet during construction. PSH ll-D Jurisdictional Stream Impacts Site 9 (ES-S7) o Spring site and 36" under proposed roadway PSH 12 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 10 (ES-S8) o Outlet channel protection 0 42" pipe not buried o Location of pipe inlet based on larger drainage area of the breached pond. 0 18" pipe downstream of project was left in place o Impacts to be extended to the PDE limits. Wetland Impacts • s�te ioa �Es-w36�, s�te ios �Es-w3�� o Roadway Impacts: 2:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts PSH 13 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 11 (ES-S9) — jurisdictional upstream / Site 34 (ES-562, Buffalo Creek) 0 48" cross pipe not buried due to slope o Energy dissipator, over widened ditch and permanent rock checks o Connection of ES-S9 and ES-S62 was improved with grading o Upstream: 24" that was perched, a drop box was added and ditch graded between Ex. 24" and 48" inlet C! o Break in stream is in question, a connection was not shown in the provided WET file. Final decision to leave the plans as shown in the WET file. o Concern over angle of rip rap placement. The angle shown is due to ditch grading, this is where it ties into natural ground. Wetland Impacts • Site 11A (ES-W33) o Roadway Impacts: 2:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts o Wetland was taken as a total take PSH 15 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 12 (ES-S58) - comes out of Pond 9(P9). Perennial o Proposed stream relocation with ditch block o Lined with class I rip-rap o Stream relocation tied at a better angle to existing JS o Add leader line to plans to channel block callout to clarify location. Wetland Impacts • Site 12A (ES-W31) o Roadway Fi112:1 and guardrail for minimization PSH 16 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 13 (ES-S10) - Intermittent in wetland, perennial outside the wetland o Proposed 5'x6' culvert not buried due to slope o Channel improved on upstream side of the culvert to eliminate bend o Outlet channel velocity in 10-Year storm is same pre vs post 50' downstream of culvert o Concern over non-JS outlet at 208+40 RT in 4B, drainage layout has been updated to send more drainage through culvert and reduce discharge at 18" outlet more similar to existing conditions o Maintaining same ditch elevation so do not anticipate draining the wetland Wetland Impacts • New site location: Site 13A. Mechanized clearing to be added to wetland located to the northeast of Site 13. PSH 17 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 14 (ES-S13) o Embankment rip-rap for outlet of 48" contractor design o Downstream channel has be updated to improve bend Pond Impacts — Grubbs Lake • Site 14A (ES-P2) o Roadway Impacts. Pond to be drained. Location and stabilization of channel to be adjusted in the field as needed o Pond plan will be provided by the design build team for NCDOT approval 5 ■ The pond is more than 20 feet deep so dam safety would need to be involved to build a new embankment. o Even though the pond is located on a NCDOT parcel, TDE is being shown to reserve this area for the project in case anything should happen with the property. PSH 18 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 15 (ES-S14) - Intermittent o Proposed 5'x6', not buried o Bank Stabilization at inlet and channel protection at culvert outlet o Longer wing walls to be shown on the plans or reconfiguration of the ditch tie in to provide a better angle. Embedded rip rap to be provided in the channel for long term stability. o Pre vs post analysis to be taken at the IS" CMP located downstream to determine if there are any potential property impacts. Wetland Impacts • Site 15A (ES-W28) o Roadway Fill 0 2:1 slopes with guardrail for minimization PSH 19-A Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 17 (ES-S1� o Proposed 6' x 6' RCBC, not buried o Bank Stabilization at Inlet o Ditch was added to 24" outlet to dissipate some energy before culvert inlet, at 4B showing pipe directly into stream. No ditch was shown at 4B.3 o Rip rap to be provided at culvert inlet since stream is intermittent. o Add note on plans to indicate start of jurisdiction. PSH 19-C Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 16 (ES-S15) o Proposed 42" RCP inlet and outlet protection, not buried 0 42" Outlet Ditch - realigned outlet ditch to line up with existing stream o Ditch was added between 30" outlet and 42" inlet inside interchange due to temporary impact concerns PSH 19-D Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 17 (ES-S1� o Outlet protection for 6' x 6' RCBC o Add embedded rip rap at culvert outlet for long term stability. PSH 20 — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 18 (ES-S68) o Proposed 42" RCP outlet — Not buried due to steepness and JS starts under alignment � o Detail added for outlet channel protection Site 19 (ES-S19) o Proposed 5'x7' culvert buried 1', no baffles ■ Sill added to inlet and will be backfilled with native material o Looking at possibly lowering culvert in order to have a more defined channel downstream where 24" CMP is being removed o Embankment rip-rap and outlet channel protection o Removing 24" CMP downstream of culvert outlet o Downstream channel is shallower than upstream so outlet channel improvements will be provided. NCDOT owns parcels in this area (187, 188) but their extent is unknown. Parcel ownership to be confirmed. NCDOT to determine if 24 "pipe downstream will be removed. Site 20 (ES-S20) o Removing 2 x 72" CMP ■ Detail added to plans showing excavation and stabilization since 4C set was uploaded — New sheet provided o Large scour hole present due to undersized pipes o Will improve floodplain and floodway width o Downstream of Mill Creek crossing o Site to be monitored in the field. If head cutting is an issue changes will be made as needed. PSH 21 — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 21 (ES-S53) o Embankment rip-rap and bank stabilization for lateral base ditch o Need to do a stream relocation due to bridge pier o Revise ditch to provide a better tie in angle with Mill Creek. • Site 20 (ES-S20) Mill Creek o Anticipated temporary crossing added at Mill Creek ■ Adding pipes to stream covering then covering over ■ Pipe sizes will be determined later for appropriate temp design year o Embankment rip-rap and bank stabilization for lateral base ditch o Beaver dams should be removed before construction ■ Beaver activity is causing the high water surface elevation shown in the profile. o Change temporary work bridge label on plans to causeway or temporary work pad. o NCDOT request to place the causeway in a location that is not over widened. ■ A causeway was provided as the worst case scenario but impacts will be minimized to the extent practicable. PSH 22 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 22 (ES-S52) o Added energy dissipator basin due to outlet velocities o Add embedded rip rap to culvert inlet channel. o Add 10' of impacts past energy dissipator for possible bank stabilization. Need for stabilization to be determined in the field. � PSH 23 — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 23 (ES-S21) 0 6X6 RCBC, not buried o Ditch added at 18" outlet at culvert to help with dissipation o Inlet and Outlet Protection for RCBC ■ Revised drainage coming to outlet. • Site 24 (ES-S22) - Intermittent o Proposed channel relocation at inlet based on 4B o Change standard rip rap pad to rip rap at embankment. • Site 25 (ES-S23) o Bank Stabilization at 24" outlet PSH 24 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 25 (ES-S23) • Site 26 (ES-S24) — JS ends on the page o Proposed SX6 RCBC, not buried o Outlet channel protection o Impacts will be updated • Extend impacts to end of rip rap. • Change jurisdictional rip rap pad to standard rip rap pad at —L- Sta. 332+00 LT. PSH 25 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 26 (ES-S24) o Bank Stabilization at RCBC inlet o Bank stabilization needs to be separated on impacts sheet for Site 26 PSH 26 — New Sheet Provided Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 27 (ES-S25) - Perennial with pond upstream o Proposed 7x7 RCBC, 1' buried no baffles o Dry detention basin ■ Overflow ditch added ■ Added bank stabilization o Bank Stabilization at inlet, rip-rap in stream at outlet o Fill in gap downstream of culvert with rip rap. Extend to overfZow ditch tie in. o Add bank stabilization past right wing wall on the culvert inlet. o Utility easement to be explored to see if it will remain. • Site 27A (ES-S26) o Bank stabilization and channel improvements Permit Sites 1-S of the C project were modified under R-22478 and U-2579 (Application dated October 2, 2017, 404 Permit Modification dated .Ianuary 22, 2018 and 401 Permit Modification dated December 21, 2017. PSH 29 (Point where proiect overlaps with the C Proiect Sites 1 to 5) Reference will be made to original site numbers in U-2579C Phase II Permits in cover letter and impact summary sheet. Wetland Impacts • Site 28 (ES-W6) o Roadway Fill PSH 30 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 29 (ES-S48) o Large pipe with bad skew was broken up into two smaller cross pipes with a skew more perpendicular to the alignment Wetland Impacts • s�te zs �Es-w6�, s�te z9a �Es-w��, s�te z9s �Es-ws� o Roadway Impacts: 2:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts PSH 31 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 30 (ES-S27) o Energy dissipator basin was added with over widened base ditch with permanent rock checks PSH 44 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 31 (ES-S60) rip-rap and proposed ditch tie in PSH 50 Jurisdictional Stream Impacts • Site 32 (ES-S17) o After detailed analysis, no supplemental pipe was needed o Added detail showing channel improvements, plan is to excavate down to a 1'bench, no sills in the culvert since that is how the culver was designed o Stream improvements and proposed lateral ditch tie in o Update culvert bench detail on plans. Coir fiber matting to be shown on top the bench with rip rap armoring along the stream side. o Change Mill Creek label on plans from SE-17 to ES-17. PSH 51 Wetland Impacts • Site 33 (ES-W24) o Cul-de-sac is being moved to miss the gas line. Will work to shift cul-de-sac off the wetland and avoid impacts. o Jurisdictional stream is running through the wetland. Change line style on plans to refZect this and add stream label. C PSH 7&42 Historic Property • This project is federally funded so there is a green sheet commitment to have no permanent easements on the Clayton Family Farm property. Design will be reviewed to see if impacts can be minimized. 10