HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050732 Ver 03_COMPLETE FILE_20060912Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. V5 DS-0132 BRIAR CHAPEL CHATHAMCOUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITYPOND #4 NEW-05043 Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361.2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Suite 66 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 800-733-5646 704-527-0800 704-527-2003 Fax www.johnrmcadams.com August 2006 Jeremy V. Finch, PE Stormwater Project Manager Comprehensive Land Development Design Services We help our clients succeed. NEW-05043 BF?? CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS M W05043P04-V INC. COMP ANY, F .• NC CHATHAM COUNTY ENGINEERS/PLAN/SURVEYORS ? _ 30 , I RESEARCH TRIANARK, NC .ATE WQ POND #4 - OUTLETVELOCPIY EXHIBIT P.O. BOX 14005 27709-4005 : 8-15-2006 (919) 361-5000 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description V orksheet Flow Element Nethod Solve For WQ Pond #4 Pipe Outlet (?? ?,py Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Nannings Coefficient 0.013 Slope 0.000100 ft/ft Diameter 12 in Discharge 0.24 cfs Results Depth 0.60 ft Flow Area 0.5 ftz Wetted Perimeter 1.77 ft Top Width 0.98 ft Critical Depth 0.20 ft Percent Full 60.1 % Critical Slope 0.005756 ft/ft Velocity 0.49 ft/s VEtot.tT`? Velocity Head 3.68e-3 ft Specific Energy 0.60 ft Froude Number 0.12 Maximum Discharge 0.38 cfs Discharge Full 0.36 cfs Slope Full 0.000045 ft/ft Flow Type Subcritical Project Engineer: Jeremy Finch x:\...\design files\levelspreader velocity.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 8/15/2006 2:27:46 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (919) 361-5000 (919) 361-2269 Fax PAGE OF J R McA JOB NO. Nft4k- 0:Z43 DATE 8 LS ?L BY SF CHECKED BY (Date) CLIENT PROJECT SUBJECT W61 POND (-EVEI- 509WE9 0-71,6T VEu-C.rTV cA4LCut AT1WS (?,1 Q ?ON D ? y it (evooFF oam Pf+vC FU"ZO L = 0.401 cf pET?iemuve VEPTR OF FWL---j 0,66- LFuEf.. 5eeC-A0F C O•`i°I . (3.o)&t575) R"17- H-= 0.0,-rd r- 1+ea V'e"r = 3/3' ff = z/30.0H81\ = 0.032/ -0 Dmiemove up'a- °r`r OF FLO -- OvEre t'FVF'C 5pP-Efg-JoEe- w6te . as VA O. 'M = V(0-0321)(t-5-15) V = D. `h ?/s BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #4 J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 VEGETATED FILTER STRIP WIDTH CALCULATION . Calculation of Precipitation that Generates V of runoff The precipitation that generates 1" of runoff on the watershed is calculated using the SCS curve number method. No infiltration calculation will be provided for these areas. 'From SCS Soils Survey map, predominant hydrologic soil type = B. Using basic SCS runoff methodology, with no adjustments made to initial abstractions (0.2*S and 0.8*S). Composite Curve Number Calculation ==> Impervious Area = 10.57 acres @CN= 98 Other areas draining to pond = 13.72 acres @CN= 64 Composite Curve Number = 79 Calculation of Precipitation that Generates V' of runoff ==> S (Ultimate Soil Storage Capacity) = 2.691 inches (calculated) Q* (Runoff Depth) = 1.00 inches Therefore, total precipitation that generates, 1" of runoff = 2.90 inches Calculation of Vegetated Filter Strip Width The precipitation that generates 1" of runoff on the watershed is input into PondPack and fitted to an SCS Type II storm. The peak flowrate resulting from the rainfall that produces 1" of runoff from the watershed is computed using PondPack. Precipitation (Input as SCS Type II) = 2.90 inches 1" Runoff Storm Peak Inflow into WQ Pond #1 = 45.00 cfs 1" Runoff Storm Peak Outflow leaving WQ Pond #1 = 0.33 cfs The ratio of the pond outflow to the pond inflow is then computed. This ratio can then be multiplied by the total watershed area to determine what equivalent area would generate the peak flowrate that results from a rainfall event that produces 1" of runoff. Ratio of Pond Outflow/Pond Inflow = 0.007 Equivalent area that generates 1" runoff = 0.18 acres According to the NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices" manual (April 1999 edition), the width of the filter strip perpendicular to flow must be 100 feet for each acre of drainage area. Therefore, to obtain the required width of the vegetated filter strip, simply multiply the calculated equivalent area above times 100'. Minimum Required Vegetated Filter Strip Width = 18 feet • General Description BRIAR CHAPEL - PHASE IV Final Design - Water Quality Pond #4 Located off from US Highway 15-501, north of Andrews Store Road and south of Mann's Chapel Road in Chatham County, NC is the proposed development known as Briar Chapel. Phase IV of the proposed development is approximately 140-acres and will consist of mostly single-family lots, along with the associated utility, parking, and roadway infrastructure. This report contains the final design calculations for water quality pond #4, which is located within Phase IV of Briar Chapel. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River Basin, and drains to streams (Pokeberry Creek & Wilkinson Creek) classified as Water Supply IV (WS-IV), and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). As a result of the proposed development exceeding the maximum allowable limit for stream impacts, an individual permit issued by The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required (Clean Water Act Section 404 permit). Also, a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ will be attached to the individual permit. Under the 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ, the proposed site will be required to comply with the stormwater management requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402). WQC #3402 has the following water quality requirements: 1. Site specific stormwater management shall be designed to remove 85% total suspended solids (TSS) according to the latest version of DWQ's Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual at a minium. • 2. In watersheds within one mile and draining to 303(d) listed waters, as well as watersheds that are classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NSYT9, water supply waters (WS), trout waters (Tr), high quality waters (HWQ), and outstanding resource waters (ORI9, the Division shall require that extended detention wetlands, bioretention areas, and ponds followed by forested filter strips (designed according to the latest version of the NCDENR Stormwater Management Practices Manual) be constructed as part of the stormwater management plan when a. site-specific stormwater management plan is required. In addition to the above stormwater quality requirements, the following stormwater quality and quantity items are required per Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance: 1. Control and treat the first inch of runoff from the project site and from any offsite drainage routed to an on-site control structure. Ensure that the draw down time for this treatment volume is a minimum of forty eight (48) hours and a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. 2. Maintain the discharge rate for the treatment volume at or below the pre- development discharge rate for the 1 -year, 24-hour storm. To address these stormwater requirements, a water quality pond with a preformed scour hole/level spreader outlet that will provide sheet flow of the 1" runoff volume into the stream buffer is proposed for construction as part of the development of phase IV of Briar Chapel. This report contains the design calculations for water quality pond #4 only. This water quality pond will be designed so that both the water quality and water quantity requirements described above are satisfactorily met. Calculation Methodolo ? Rainfall data for the Chatham County, NC region is derived from USWB Technical Paper No. 40 and NOAA Hydro-35. This data was used to generate a depth-duration-frequency (DDF) table describing rainfall depth versus time for varying return periods. These rainfall depths were then input into the meteorological model within HEC-HMS and PondPack for peak flow rate calculations. Please reference the rainfall data section within this report for additional information. ? Using maps contained within the Chatham County Soil Survey, the on-site soils were determined to be predominantly from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `B' and HSG `C' soils. Since the method chosen to compute the post-development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, all hydrologic calculations are based upon the assumption of HSG `B' and HSG `C' soils. ? A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for the post-development condition using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the post- development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. ? The post-development time of concentration to the water quality pond was assumed to be • 5 minutes in the post-development condition. ? All on-site topo was taken from a topographic survey performed by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. The drainage map for the post-development condition has been included in this report. ? HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was used to generate post-development peak flow rates for water quality pond #4. Routing calculations for the pond were also performed within HEC-HMS. ? Pondpack Version 8.0, by Haestad Methods, was used to generate the stage-discharge rating curves for the proposed water quality pond. These rating curves were input into HEC-HMS for routing calculations. ? The stage-storage rating curve and stage-storage function for the proposed water quality pond were both generated externally in a spreadsheet and then input into HEC-HMS. ? A velocity dissipater is provided at the end of the principal spillway outlet for the water quality pond to prevent erosion and scour in the downstream areas. The dissipater is constructed using riprap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric. The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the riprap apron. The dissipater is sized for the 10-year storm event using the NYDOT method. It is a permanent feature of the outlet. 0 ? Water quality sizing calculations were performed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater • Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR April 1999). The normal pool surface area for the water quality pond was sized by calculating the average depth and then selecting the appropriate SA/DA ratio from the water quality pond section of the NCDENR manual. A temporary storage pool for the 1" runoff volume is provided in the pond, to be drawn down in 2 to 5 days using an inverted siphon. ? For 100-year storm routing calculations, a "worst case condition" was modeled in order to insure the proposed pond would safely pass the 100-year storm event. The assumptions used in this scenario are as follows: The starting water surface elevation in the pond, just prior to the 100-year storm event, is at the top of the principal spillway structure. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged siphon or a rainfall event that lingers for several days. This could also occur as a result of several rainfall events in a series, before the inverted siphon has an opportunity to draw down the storage pool between NWSE and the riser crest elevation. 2. An attempt was made to achieve a minimum of approximately 0.5-ft of freeboard between the peak elevation during the "worst case" scenario and the top of the dam for the pond. ? The downstream tailwater elevation for the pond was assumed to be a free outfall condition during the 1-year storm event (a conservative assumption). ? The 100-year tailwater elevation for the pond was assumed to be free outfall because the 100-year floodplain elevation downstream of the pond is below the invert out elevation. • Discussion of Results As previously stated, this report contains the final design calulations for the proposed water quality pond #4 located within phase IV of the Briar Chapel development. Ultimately, there will be a total of six (6) water quality ponds for phase IV of Briar Chapel. The final design for the remaining water quality ponds is under separate cover. These ponds will function as "dual- purposed facilities" by providing both water quality and water quantity (for the 1-year storm only). Please refer to the Summary of Results tables for additional information. Conclusion If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402) and Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance will be met with the proposed water quality pond. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. • BRIAR CHAPEL SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 Water Quality Pond #4 8/15/2006 is Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] 1-Year 47.9 0.6 421.21 10-Year 114.1 41.7 421.94 100-Year (Siphon Clogged) 181.1 120.6 422.89 Design Drainage Area = 24.29 acres Design Impervious Area = 10.57 acres To of Dam = 424.00 ft Required Surface Area / Drainage Area Ratio = 1.49 Surface Area at NWSE = 36163 sf Required Surface Area at NWSE= 15742 sf Siphon Diameter = 3 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Length = 6 ft Riser Width = 6 ft Riser Crest = 421.25 It Barrel Diameter= 42 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 414.30 feet Invert Out = 414.00 feet Length = 54 feet Slo e = 0.0056 ft/ft • ...• • • 1 RAINFALL DATA 2 SOILS DATA 3 US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP 4 FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 5 CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY POND #4 FINAL 6 DESIGN CALCULATIONS i RAINFALL DATA J 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 W 0 o N_ a, h l ai ") IrrIN N:ol:•r:^N r ;ci 4.. N .. ci ---- --- ----- H ? a ? ?? w . O ° , I C ti:N in ? a 2 U z ? A O ? q 3 ? oa z ? ? Ley y : CC : : ;; •-+: O : •--? a O : O : (71 V'7 00:0 N : O ' 0: O:O O o : h : M '+ G7 OO?V X00 ?D ?A:O:? [- 00;0 r-: N N;Y1:O h 0?: ?/'1;M p .? O:-:... N M;V:V 'ri ?6:0o p 0:00 h vn:tM:N --? O:O:O R h; 00 \o : O h ?•:?O O? O;r+ y L ?:•--? O: h:•--? v'1 ?O:N:O ',may •V N:?O V •--!; ?D:O N:N ',y O?:l? ?O 00;.--!;00 M 007 hM h ; O .? O : ?-+ --? N M ; M : <f v1 : h 00 : r- ? d' : M ; •--? •--' O ; O : O tn kn y d O:h:r+ ?D Cl 7M;N N;- co }" O??^? M N;V:N •--? h:?D;h 00; N; ?o ?o tn:zr O M;O;?D N h;V;N .? O•-?:•-? N N; cl;: to V h:?6 ?O 7:N;?-• O N N r h'h MGM .'?: 'x; ?' Z: z h M x z z ? c^ y y N:•-+ ? .? ?D; O;M h 00 :V':h V;I?;O N;N1M O O? M 00 ?:M :h ? EI C, y ? >y C f?1:M N:•--• h:?0 ?/'> N N : :h C?7;M M:N:-? N O •--• h:0?: (`I ?jM:N O:O:O • O h; N:O V N:O;00 -+ '?7?0 00 t N:?/1 O:?O C W 00 N:h 1-1 OO:N:O Cli 00 V1;M •-? 0:--+ M OC ? O:O:•-? '-+ ; N; N:N o M 4: IT a ?o:t1 : d' M:N;? O O:O:O V1 • ....t .... ..... ..... 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FOR IIOAIDA KEYS. y 2.5 24 \`2.21 ` a cr L r 0 I A = 1 0 22 V :. 6s75 2.2 2E? 2.5 I ¦ .?•.?:- ye).0 precipitation (inches)--adjusted to partial duration series. page blank i s I • a 1 ^:?? 1"?.•?? .... ?':9.+»'?`3»4??•.4*?a:?%'r?1!1."•vi.T.?^.4rf?:; Nt w++s+ . • 21 - w t? f_ r ----------- -- r. 90 l 0.81 If Legend:? ec 100-YEAR 5-MINUTE PRECIPITATION 1 (INCHES) KEY WEST. vLon10A VALUE 1.!!S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FLORIDA KEYS. - - T ........... . 6-minute precipitation (inches) --adjusted to partial-duration series 75 :• /`' 11: fi? 1- F---r ti 1.4 ! 14 1) • -^1.7 1.7^? 1 1.4 ?('_.{- `• . ,? •- ;?, t.e rte.---- - _r ? ? ? -r '`,` ?14 _^'•-, ;1.94: ..-,---- -`- - '![1?..?, _ :1?1?':rr•_ j; ••? } ?• ? `-' •?.,^ f?-tom-7• r .r;??- r ?.. :•' •?: a ?-? __A L ':t ru .. 13 1 r 0 • 1 `t1l 100•YEAR 15-MINUTE PRECIPITATION .j-?.,:.? -' ' l ' :. i { 1? 2p (INCHES) ' S, a?• 1 ?..C .• 1. ?'?•`? •I r.r-• i "•..i i? *KEY WEST. ilORIOA VALUE RE"ISENTATIVE FOR FLORIDA KEYS. t r, "?-1? .I i k r 2.66 i n O __ L0 G U ,? 2.T' 11l t .un• ...... i 1 ?^- ,, IS-minute precipitation (inches)--adjusted to partial-duration series. 25 _ y . .k-`- iscwlihJ:':w ..o$Mr..-. ..'r"•'? 17 f 7i r Z i PI / . Legend: IOp•YEAR W MINUTE PRECIPITATION " (INCHES) *KLY WEST. 1LOR10AVALUE _ ?.? •; ,,t" Sl N1AT1V! FOR ilOR10A KLYL. ' T 4 TS / f ,' st K ?( 0 ?rJ I l 5 L .. 4 5 c V L , 0 ?. t7 S01 I ute recipitation (inches) --adjusted to partial duration aeriFS. oar 60-min p 70 \ . ' .r? ?•1 1 ? I` - ?s 1 • i i i I f i i a _ t I 1 r .t 11 ...? 1 1 1 J 11 W O ` 1 1 1 1 _ ?! . / Q 1 f r .. I I I 1-01 ? v •? 1 1 •• ? I ?. 1 I I 1 ? W I x? y I .?; I .. - 1 a a d ' w 1 ^V a a x 0 N a ? p J ... r •• 1 • i y . O p .. J O Y L ? a u ? < Or P YM.. pp ?] i A?w /CMN ? a ? e s s00 ° -1- ? , > ? s:Mc 9 Pa?89oi?g - - 0 b?2 0 y y ? s b Y 0 O ? ? s>si>i al? x o .t C t t C 0 o ? V 1 4 1 1't • 11 o ? =1 0 1 8 E SOILS DA TA • • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 BRIAR CHAPEL WATERSHED SOIL J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 INFORMATION 8/8/2006 WQ POND #4 __> Watershed soils - To WQ Pond #4 SymUol _ _Name _ Soil Classification 37C Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37D Wedowee Sandy Loam B 57B Vance Sandy Loam C References: 1) SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. ????% HSG B - ?? 98% `%o HSG C = 2% ==> Conclusion Watershed soils are.from 'HSG B' and 'HSG C'soils. The relative percentage Qf each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite curve numbers. • Cover Condition f SCS CN - HSG B SCS CN?- HSG C Impervious ,_, ,?,..,. ...?,.?..n. ,9?8 98?..?..? Open. _ 61 74 Woodcd 55 70 Cover Condition Composite SCS CN Impervious, Wooded 55 0 BRIAR CHAPEL WATERSHED SOIL J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 INFORMATION 8/8/2006 WQ POND #4 0, > Watershed soils - To WQ Pond #4 Symbol Name Soil Classification 37C Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37D Wedowee Sandy Loam B 57B Vance Sandy Loam C References: 1) SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. % HSG B = 98% HSG C = 2% _> Conclusion Watershed soils are from 'HSG B' and 'HSG C'soils. The relative percentage of each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite curve numbers. Cover Condition SCS CN - HSG B SCS CN - HSG C Impervious 98 98 Open 61 74 • Wooded 55 70 Cover Condition Composite SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 0 0 US GEOLOGICAL S'URVEYMAP BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 r? POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-Development-To WQ Pond #4 Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 61 Assume good Wooded 55 Assume ood Water 100 11, POST-DEVELOPMENT _> To WQ Pond #4 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Number of 50' Residential Lots = 28 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 50' Residential Lot = 2200 square feet Total Impervious Area from 50' Residential Lots = 1.41 acres Total Number of 60' Residential Lots = 41.5 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 60' Residential Lot = 2600 square feet Total Impervious Area from 60' Residential Lots = 2.48 acres Total Number of 70' Residential Lots = 17 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 70' Residential Lot = 3200 square feet Total Impervious Area from 70' Residential Lots = 1.25 acres Total Roadway/Alleyway Impervious Area = 4.33 acres Total Sidewalk Impervious Area = 1.10 acres J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Contributing Area SCS CN Area jacresl Comments On-site open 61 12.84 Assume good condition On-site impervious 98 10.57 - On-site wooded 55 0.00 Assume goodcondition _ On-site water 100 0.88 Off-site open 61 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site impervious 98 0.00 - Off-site wooded 55 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site water 100 0.00 Total area = 24.29 acres 0.0380 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 79 B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration was assumed to be a conservative 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS La 0 • HEC-HMS Project: NEW-05043 Basin Model: SWMF To WQ Pond #4 fil WQ Pond #4 0 HMS * Summary of Results Project : NSW-05043 Run Name : 1-Year Post Start of Run : 25Ju106 0100 Basin Model : SWMF Design End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Met. Model : 1-Year Storm Execution Time : 28Ju106 1007 Control Specs : 1-Minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) To WO Pond #4 47.944 25 Jul 06 1257 2.4053 WQ Pond #4 0.63648 25 Jul 06 2327 0.40000 • 0.038 0.038 0 • WATER QUALITY POND #4 FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS 0 • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Briar Chapel Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 419.0 0.0 36163 420.0 1.0 38543 37353 37353 37353 1.00 422.0 3.0 43604 41074 82147 119500 2.96 424.0 5.0 48782 46193 92386 211886 5.04 Storage vs. Stage 250000 200000 1 0752 y = 37188x i 150000 R2 = 0.9998 -- m 100000-- U) 50000-- 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • __> Stage - Ks = b= Zo = Storage Fu 37188 1.0752 419 nction Elevation Sto rage [feet] [cQ [acre-fe 419 0 0.000 419.2 6590 0.151 419.4 13885 0.319 419.6 21472 0.493 419.8 29255 0.672 420 37188 0.854 4_20.2 420.4 45242 53397 1.039 1.226 420.6 61641 1.415 420.8 69964 1.606 _ 421 421.2 78356 86811 1.7_99 1.993 421.4 95325 2.188 421.6 103892 2.385 421.8 _ 112509 2.583 422 121172 2.782 422.2 129879 2.982 422.4 138627 3.182 422.6 i 147414 3.384 422.8 156238 3.587 423 165096 3.790 • 423.2 173988 3.994 423.4 1 423.6 182912 191867 4.199 4.405 423.8 ; 200851 4.611 424 209863 4.818 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 • • Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 1.01 Name.... WQ Pond #4 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 419.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 424.00 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 419.000 424.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 421.250 424.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 414.300 424.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • L' SIN: 6217012070C3 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 The John R. MCAdams Company Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.02 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, El Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 . Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 419.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RI Structure Type ----------------- = Inlet Box ------------- ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 421.25 ft Orifice Area = 36.0000 sq.ft orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 24.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 • is SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.03 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ----------------- = Culvert-Circular ------ - No. Barrels ---- -- = 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 3.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 414.30 ft Dnstream Invert 414.00 ft Horiz. Length 54.00 ft Barrel Length = 54.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00556 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .005885 Kr .5000 HW Convergence = .001 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 • Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ, below Ti elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 418.35 ft ---> Flow = 63.00 cfs At T2 Elev = 418.86 ft ---> Flow = 72.00 cfs SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.04 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 • Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • • SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.10 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ----------- -------------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- 419.00 ------- .00 ------ Free -- ----- - Outfall ------------------------- (no Q: OR,RI,BA) 419.20 .06 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 419.40 .12 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) 419.60 .16 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) 419.80 .19 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) 420.00 .22 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 420.20 .24 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 420.40 .27 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 420.60 .29 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 420.80 .31 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) 421.00 .32 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 421.20 .34 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) 421.25 .34 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 421.40 4.54 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 421.60 15.28 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 421.80 29.75 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 422.00 47.17 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 422.20 67.08 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 422.40 89.22 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 422.60 118.22 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 422.80 120.19 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 423.00 122.13 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 423.20 124.05 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 423.40 125.92 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 423.60 127.77 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 423.80 129.59 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 424.00 131.40 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 Project : NSW-05043 • Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Execution Time : 28Jul06 1007 Computed Results Run Name : 1-Year Post Basin Model SWMF Design Met. Model 1-Year Storm Control Specs 1-Minute dT Peak Inflow : 47.944 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow : 25 Jul 06 1257 Peak Outflow : 0.63648 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 25 Jul 06 2327 Total Inflow : 1.19 (in) Peak Storage 2.0068(ac-ft) Total Outflow : 0.20 (in) Peak Elevation 421.21(ft) • 0 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 Project : NEW-05043 . Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 End of Run : 26Jul06 0100 Execution Time : 28Ju106 1007 Computed Results Run Name : 10-Year Post Basin Model SWMF Design Met. Model 10-Year Storm Control Specs 1-Minute dT Peak Inflow : 114.08 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow : 25 Jul 06 1304 Peak Outflow : 41.698 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 25 Jul 06 1316 Total Inflow : 3.13 (in) Peak Storage 2.7195(ac-ft) Total Outflow : 2.13 (in) Peak Elevation 421.94(ft) 0 BRIAR CHAPEL 100-YR-SSFXN J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 7/28/2006 • => Stage - Ks= b = Zo= Storage Fu 37188 1.0752 419 . . nction Elevation . .. . Sto rage [feet] f cf] [acre-fe 419 0 0.000 419.2 6590 0.151 _ 419.4 419.6 13885 21472 0.319 0.493 419.8 29255 0.672 420 37188 0.854 420.2 45242 1.039 420.4 53397 1.226 420.6 61641 1.415 420.8 69964 1.606 421 78356 1.799 421.25 88934 2.042 421.45 97462 2.237 421.65 421.85 106042 _ 114671 2.434 2.632 422.05 123345 2.832 422.25 132063 3.032 422.45 422.65 140821 149617 3.233 3.435 422.85 158449 3.637 423.05 167316 3.841 • _ 423.25 176217 4.045 423.45 185148 4.250 423.65 194110 4.456 423.85 203101 4.663 424 209863 4.818 421.25 0 0.0000 421.45 8527 0.1958 421.65 421.85 17107 25736 _ _0_.39_27 0.5908 422.05 34411 0.7900 422.25 43128 0.9901 422.45 51886 _ 1.1911 422.65 _ 60682 R 1.3931 422.85 69515 1.5958 423.05 78382 1.7994 423.25 _ 87282 2.0037 423.45 96214 2.2088 423.65 105176 2.4145 423.85 114167 2.6209 424 120928 2.7761 ? 61 • • I• Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 1.07 Name.... WQPond #4(100Yr) File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes --------- ------- ----- --- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- 421.25 ------- .00 ----- Free --- ----- Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: RIBA) 421.45 6.44 Free Outfall RIBA 421.65 18.21 Free Outfall RIBA 421.85 33.46 Free Outfall RIBA 422.05 51.52 Free Outfall RIBA 422.25 72.00 Free Outfall RIBA 422.45 94.65 Free Outfall RIBA 422.65 118.28 Free Outfall RIBA 422.85 120.23 Free Outfall RIBA 423.05 122.14 Free Outfall RIBA 423.25 124.03 Free Outfall RIBA 423.45 125.90 Free Outfall RIBA 423.65 127.72 Free Outfall RIBA 423.85 129.53 Free Outfall RI,BA 424.00 130.88 Free Outfall RIBA 5rka SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:17 AM Date: 7/28/2006 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 0 Project : NEW-05043 Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Execution Time : 28Ju106 1018 Run Name : 100-Yr Post Basin Model SWMP Design (100Yr) Met. Model 100-Year Storm Control Specs 1-Minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 181.06 (cfs) Peak Outflow 120.59 (cfs) Total Inflow 5.50 (in) Total Outflow 5.48 (in) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 25 Jul 06 1304 Date/Time of Peak Outflow 25 Jul 06 1310 Peak Storage : 1.6344(ac-ft) Peak Elevation : 422.89(ft) J BRIAR CHAPEL Below NWSE J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 Stage-Storage Function • Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 • Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn 413.0 0.0 i 19559 414.0 1 1.0 1 21120 20340 20340 20340 1.02 416 0 3.0 24394 22757 45514 65854 2.92 417.0 ; 4.0 26107 25251 25251 91104 3.90 419.0 i 6.0 I 36163 31135 62270 153374 ? 6.22 Storage vs. Stage 180000 160000 140000 1 1151 y = 19966x U 120000 RZ = 0.9983 d 100000 80000 2 N 60000 40000 20000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 19966 b = 1.1151 BRIAR CHAPEL Forebay J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 Stage-Storage Function • Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S-S Fxn (feet) 413.0 0.0 6896 414.0 1.0 _ -7524 7210 7210 7210 1.00 416.0 ; 417.0 3.0 4.0 8854 9557 8189 9206 16378 9206 i 23588 32794 2.98 4.03 C, Storage vs. Stage 35000 30000 y = 7196.4x10"' 25000 R2 = 0.9999 LL 20000 - d c 15000 N 10000 5000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 7196.4 b = 1.0888 0 BRIAR CHAPEL Volume Check J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 BRIAR CHAPEL - WO POND #4 DESIGN • Per NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices ", the forebay volume should equal about 20% of the total basin volume. A. Water Quality Pond - Below Normal Pool Volume Volume = 153374 cf B. Forebay Volume Forebay Volume = 32794 cf Forebay = 21% Impervious Area = 1(; 1 acres Drainage Area = 2.1 ?'. acres % Impervious = 43.5% Total Below NP Volume 153374 cf Surface Area 36163 sf Average Depth = 4.24 ft From the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Handbook (4/99), the required SA/DA ratio for 85% TSS Removal in the Piedmont is as follows: • 4.0 4.24 5.0 Lower Boundary => 40.0 1.43 1.25 Site % impervious => 43.5 1.54 L49 1.34 Upper Boundary => 50.0 1.73 1.50 Area Required = 15742 sf Area Provided = 36163 sf YES BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 1" RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION SHEET • Project Name: Briar Chapel - Phase IV Checked by: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 419.0 0.0 36163 420.0 1.0 38543 37353 37353 37353 1.00 422.0 3.0 43604 41074 82147 119500 2.96 424.0 5.0 48782 46193 92386 211886 5.04 • Storage vs. Stage 250000 200000 " 0752 Y = 37188x LLi 150000 R2 = 0.9998 m rn 0 100000 50000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for Storage The runoff to the water quality pond for the I " storm runoff requirement is calculated by simply multiplying the total watershed area draining to the water quality pond times the runoff depth. Total Drainage Area to WQ Pond = 24.29 acres Runoff Depth = 1 inches Therefore, total runoff from precipitation in question = 88173 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the pond above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Calculation of depth required for runoff storage pool (above normal pool) • Normal pool depth (above invert) = 0.00 feet Storage provided at permanent pool depth = 0 CF (calculated) Total storage required for normal + storage pool = 88173 CF Stage (above invert) associated with this storage = 2.23 feet Therefore, depth required above normal pool for storm storage = 2.23 feet 26.78 inches Set crest of principal spillway at stage = 2.25 feet and EL = 421.25 feet At principal spillway crest, storm pool storage provided = 88934 CF 0 • Drawdown Time = 4.22 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 1.063 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 1 - 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ft2 Q = 0.2436 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 4.23 days BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 WATER QUALITY POND #4 Inverted Sip hon Design Sheet D siphon = 3 inches No. siphons = 1 Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 419.00 feet Volume @ Normal Pool = 0 CF Siphon Invert = 419.00 feet WSEL @ V Runoff Volume = 421.25 feet WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored (cf) Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. W) Incr. Time (sec) 421.25 88934 0.344 421.05 80524 0.328 0.336 8410 25048 420.85 72175 0.310 0.319 8349 26184 420.65 63893 0.292 0.301 8282 27514 420.46 55686 0.272 0.282 8207 29102 420.26 47563 0.251 0.262 8123 31046 420.06 39536 0.228 0.240 8027 33509 419.86 31622 0.202 0.215 7914 36781 419.66 23845 0.173 0.188 7777 41458 419.46 16245 0.137 0.155 7600 49033 419.26 8893.4 0.088 0.113 7352 65275 Conclusion : Use 1 - 3.0" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 " storm runoff, with a required time of about 4.22 days. J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 0 E • BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #4 -12" DIP NEW-05043 Anti-Seep Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements => Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Anti-Seep Collar Design ==> WQP h Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (feet) OK? 4 - 12" DIP 39.0 1.50 1.95 21 2.00 13 YES Note. If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. 11 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • Input Data =_> Square Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Inside length of riser = Inside width of riser = Wall thickness of riser = Base thickness of riser = Base length of riser = Base width of riser = Inside height of Riser = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) _ Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present in Riser Structure =_> J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 6.00 feet 6.00 feet 6.00 inches 8.00 inches 7.00 feet 7.00 feet 6.95 feet 142.0 PCF Note: NC rroduas Iis,6 unit w.. of 52.50 inches m::nb:;1c an:etLtz a; 242 P.-F. 8.0 inches 79.39 CF Total amount of concrete: Base of Riser = 32.667 CF Riser Walls = 90.350 CF Adjust for openings: Opening for barrel = 7.517 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF • Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 115.326 CF Weight of concrete present = 16376 lbs Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure =_> Displacement by concrete = 115.326 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 250.200 CF Displacement by trash rack = 79.390 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 444.916 CF Weight of water displaced = 27763 lbs Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser =_> Safety factor to use = 1.15 :..s w lugherl! Must add = 15551 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 224.668 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 32.667 CF of concrete • Therefore, base design must have = 257.334 CF of concrete 1 OF 2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • Calculate size of base for riser assembly => Length = 10.000 feet Width = 1.0.000 feet Thickness = 31.0 inches Concrete Present = 258.333 CF OK Check validity of base as designed => Total Water Displaced = 670.582 CF Total Concrete Present = 340.992 CF Total Water Displaced = 41844 lbs Total Concrete Present = 48421 lbs Actual safetyfactor = 1.16 OK Results of design =_> 17? Base length = 10.00 feet Base width = 10.00 feet Base Thickness = 31.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 9.57 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF • J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 2OF2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs : 42 Flow depth (ft) = 1.87 slope S in %: 0.56 Outlet velocity (fps) = 8.034 pipe diameter D in in.: 42 Manning number n : 0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe diameter (ft) 3.5 Outlet velocity (fps) 8.03 Apron length (ft) 21.00 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/06 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) 3 A 9 >> 6 B 22« 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 CALCULATION: Minimum TW Conditions: W = Do + La = 3.5'+ 21' = 24.5 ft CONCLUSION: USE NCDOT CLASS `B' RIP RAP 211L x 251W x 22" THK • Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. %V/ 3 oS-o?32 BRIAR CHAPEL CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITYPOND #4 NEW-05043 August 2006 Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361-2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Suite 66 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 800-733-5646 704-527-0800 704-527-2003 Fax www.johnrmcadams.com Jeremy V. Finch, PE Stormwater Project Manager Comprehensive Land Development Design Services We help our clients succeed. \ I I I \ I I I I 1 I I I ? I I ? I I I 50' COUNTY STREAM I I BU?FER (E?HEMERAL) I I I \ I I I ?' I I I ``?'?? I I I /? I I I }? z .: I I ? I I I mom= 1 li I ? 1 \ PIPE EXIT VE'OCITY I \ \\ ,1 4 'r ty / II(1" RUNOFF STORM)/ I \ a ` ?= APPROX. 0.49 FT/S 1 \ \ 1 EVEL ? ?1? - \ \ I \ GOUR HOLE s \\ \ \ \ 44i,}4 \ \ EXISTING WOO\DSLINE \ 5? OFvEO?T AT10 ' \ \\ \? \ ? ? F F PREADE LOCI TY\ I ~? OF $ , I \ I? x ROX 9' I 1 ® PROJECT NO. NEW-05043 ? CHAPEL ©THE JOHN R. McADAMS ? 11LENAIIE: NEW05043PD4-V COMPANY, INC. Y t=l SCALE: " ' CHATHAM COUNTY NC ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 9 ? =30 , /? wg POND #4 - OiT= VEWCnY EXHIBIT RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP. 27709-4005 DATE: 08-15-2006 (919) 381-5000 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet WQ Pond #4 Pipe Outlet (n?O (,p #y Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Slope 0.000100 ft/ft Diameter 12 in Discharge 0.24 cfs ?"- ?I) ?vntc?FF 5W-M e6ik Results Depth 0.60 ft Flow Area 0.5 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.77 ft Top Width 0.98 ft Critical Depth 0.20 ft Percent Full 60.1 % Critical Slope 0.005756 ft/ft Velocity 0.49 ft/s Velocity Head 3.68e-3 ft Specific Energy 0.60 ft Froude Number 0.12 Maximum Discharge 0.38 cfs Discharge Full 0.36 cfs Slope Full 0.000045 ft/ft Flow Type Subcritical e---V Etoc-tT? Project Engineer: Jeremy Finch x:\...\design files\Ievelspreader velocity.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 8/15/2006 2:27:46 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 0 9 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (919) 361-5000 (919) 361-2269 Fax PAGE OF J R McA JOB NO. Nfw 0,5643 DATE 8 /t,5/0(.. BY Uf CHECKED BY (Date) CLIENT PROJECT SUBJECT CA61 PON C> LEVE[- 5AQWEoe 0-71.6T V6WCITY CA&cux,A-ntAjS ?t?J 6Z po" b y jeufjoFF Sln ?_ plc Fco F 0.47 cfj pG-asemwe r)erP4 of FwL o,cR_ Vie. 5e(eeA0Eic cc-i,e CC,,, Ll-f 3/y 0. ©`t$ Z1 (.? 216 0.0.181) = 0-032-/ OFTFA)i(eve VFtor-a r OF FLOW OvEv2 c,svFi- 5peeeaEee wftr.' QS VA 0-119 V (0-032)(t-5-15) 0 - BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #4 J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 VEGETATED FILTER STRIP WIDTH CALCULATION Calculation of Precipitation that Generates V of runoff The precipitation that generates 1" of runoff on the watershed is calculated using the SCS curve number method. No infiltration calculation will be provided for these areas. 'From SCS Soils Survey map, predominant hydrologic soil type = B. Using basic SCS runoff methodology, with no adjustments made to initial abstractions (0.2*S and 0.8*S). Composite Curve Number Calculation ==> Impervious Area = 10.57 acres @CN= 98 Other areas draining to pond = 13.72 acres @CN= 64 Composite Curve Number = 79 Calculation of Precipitation that Generates V of runoff ==> S (Ultimate Soil Storage Capacity) = 2.691 inches (calculated) Q* (Runoff Depth) = 1.00 inches Therefore, total precipitation that generates 1" of runoff = 2.90 inches Calculation of Vegetated Filter Strip Width The precipitation that generates 1" of runoff on the watershed is input into PondPack and fitted to an SCS Type II storm. The peak flowrate resulting from the rainfall that produces 1" of runoff from the watershed is computed using PondPack. Precipitation (Input as SCS Type II) = 2.90 inches 1" Runoff Storm Peak Inflow into WQ Pond #1 = 45.00 cfs 1" Runoff Storm Peak Outflow leaving WQ Pond #1 = 0.33 cfs The ratio of the pond outflow to the pond inflow is then computed. This ratio can then be multiplied by the total watershed area to determine what equivalent area would generate the peak flowrate that results from a rainfall event that produces 1" of runoff. Ratio of Pond Outflow/Pond Inflow = 0.007 Equivalent area that generates 1" runoff = 0.18 acres According to the NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices" manual (April 1999 edition), the width of the filter strip perpendicular to flow must be 100 feet for each acre of drainage area. Therefore, to obtain the required width of the vegetated filter strip, simply multiply the calculated equivalent area above times 100'. Minimum Required Vegetated Filter Strip Width = 18 feet ,• BRIAR CHAPEL - PHASE IV Final Design - Water Quality Pond #4 General Description Located off from US Highway 15-501, north of Andrews Store Road and south of Mann's Chapel Road in Chatham County, NC is the proposed development known as Briar Chapel. Phase IV of the proposed development is approximately 140-acres and will consist of mostly single-family lots, along with the associated utility, parking, and roadway infrastructure. This report contains the final design calculations for water quality pond #4, which is located within Phase IV of Briar Chapel. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River Basin, and drains to streams (Pokeberry Creek & Wilkinson Creek) classified as Water Supply IV (WS-IV), and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). As a result of the proposed development exceeding the maximum allowable limit for stream impacts, an individual permit issued by The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required (Clean Water Act Section 404 permit). Also, a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ will be attached to the individual permit. Under the 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ, the proposed site will be required to comply with the stormwater management requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402). WQC #3402 has the following water quality requirements: 1. Site specific stormwater management shall be designed to remove 85% total suspended solids (TSS) according to the latest version of DWQ's Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual at a minium. 2. In watersheds within one mile and draining to 303(d) listed waters, as well as • watersheds that are classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NS99, water supply waters (WS), trout waters (Tr), high quality waters (HWQ), and outstanding resource waters (ORTP), the Division shall require that extended detention wetlands, bioretention areas, and ponds followed by forested filter strips (designed according to the latest version of the NCDENR Stormwater Management Practices Manual) be constructed as part of the stormwater management plan when a site-specific stormwater management plan is required. In addition to the above stormwater quality requirements, the following stormwater quality and quantity items are required per Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance: 1. Control and treat the first inch of runoff from the project site and from any offsite drainage routed to an on site control structure. Ensure that the draw down time for this treatment volume is a minimum of forty eight (48) hours and a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. 2. Maintain the discharge rate for the treatment volume at or below the pre- development discharge rate for the ]-year, 24-hour storm. To address these stormwater requirements, a water quality pond with a preformed scour • hole/level spreader outlet that will provide sheet flow of the 1" runoff volume into the stream buffer is proposed for construction as part of the development of phase IV of Briar Chapel. This report contains the design calculations for water quality pond #4 only. This water quality pond will be designed so that both the water quality and water quantity requirements described above are satisfactorily met. Calculation Methodology ? Rainfall data for the Chatham County, NC region is derived from USWB Technical Paper No. 40 and NOAA Hydro-35. This data was used to generate a depth-duration-frequency (DDF) table describing rainfall depth versus time for varying return periods. These rainfall depths were then input into the meteorological model within HEC-HMS and PondPack for peak flow rate calculations. Please reference the rainfall data section within this report for additional information. ? Using maps contained within the Chatham County Soil Survey, the on-site soils were determined to be predominantly from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `B' and HSG `C' soils. Since the method chosen to compute the post-development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, all hydrologic calculations are based upon the assumption of HSG `B' and HSG `C' soils. ? A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for the post-development condition using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the post- development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. • ? The post-development time of concentration to the water quality pond was assumed to be 5 minutes in the post-development condition. ? All on-site topo was taken from a topographic survey performed by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. The drainage map for the post-development condition has been included in this report. ? HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was used to generate post-development peak flow rates for water quality pond 94. Routing calculations for the pond were also performed within HEC-HMS. ? Pondpack Version 8.0, by Haestad Methods, was used to generate the stage-discharge rating curves for the proposed water quality pond. These rating curves were input into HEC-HMS for routing calculations. ? The stage-storage rating curve and stage-storage function for the proposed water quality pond were both generated externally in a spreadsheet and then input into HEC-HMS. ? A velocity dissipater is provided at the end of the principal spillway outlet for the water quality pond to prevent erosion and scour in the downstream areas. The dissipater is constructed using riprap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric. The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the riprap apron. The dissipater is sized for the 10-year storm event using the NYDOT method. It is a permanent feature of the outlet. • ? Water quality sizing calculations were performed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater • Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR April 1999). The normal pool surface area for the water quality pond was sized by calculating the average depth and then selecting the appropriate SA/DA ratio from the water quality pond section of the NCDENR manual. A temporary storage pool for the 1" runoff volume is provided in the pond, to be drawn down in 2 to 5 days using an inverted siphon. ? For 100-year storm routing calculations, a "worst case condition" was modeled in order to insure the proposed pond would safely pass the 100-year storm event. The assumptions used in this scenario are as follows: The starting water surface elevation in the pond, just prior to the 100-year storm event, is at the top of the principal spillway structure. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged siphon or a rainfall event that lingers for several days. This could also occur as a result of. several rainfall events in a series, before the inverted siphon has an opportunity to draw down the storage pool between NWSE and the riser crest elevation. 2. An attempt was made to achieve a minimum of approximately 0.5-ft of freeboard between the peak elevation during the "worst case" scenario and the top of the dam for the pond. ? The downstream tailwater elevation for the pond was assumed to be a free outfall condition during the 1-year storm event (a conservative assumption). ? The 100-year tailwater elevation for the pond was assumed to be free outfall because the • 100-year floodplain elevation downstream of the pond is below the invert out elevation. Discussion of Results As previously stated, this report contains the final design calulations for the proposed water quality pond #4 located within phase IV of the Briar Chapel development. Ultimately, there will be a total of six (6) water quality ponds for phase IV of Briar Chapel. The final design for the remaining water quality ponds is under separate cover. These ponds will function as "dual- purposed facilities" by providing both water quality and water quantity (for the 1-year storm only). Please refer to the Summary of Results tables for additional information. Conclusion If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402) and Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance will be met with the proposed water quality pond. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become • apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. BRIAR CHAPEL SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 Water Quality Pond #4 8/15/2006 Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] 1-Year 47.9 0.6 421.21 10-Year 114.1 41.7 421.94 100-Year (Siphon Clogged) 181.1 120.6 422.89 Design Drainage Area = 24.29 acres Design Impervious Area = 10.57 acres To of Dam = 424.00 ft Required Surface Area / Drainage Area Ratio = 1.49 Surface Area at NWSE= 36163 sf Required Surface Area at NWSE= 15742 sf Siphon Diameter = 3 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Length = 6 It Riser Width= 6 ft Riser Crest = 421.25 ft Barrel Diameter= 42 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 414.30 feet Invert Out = 414.00 feet Length = 54 feet Slope = 0.0056 fl/ft 0 1 RAINFALL DATA 2 SOILS DATA 3 US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP 4 FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 5 CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY POND #4 FINAL U DESIGN CALCULATIONS 0 ©1991 Wilson Jones Company Auick Reference Index System PAM NC 8C1 s' 1'=200• CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA L ?URCH T /PUNMRS/SURW DATE: Wg POND #4 DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709005 08-11-2006 (919) 361-5m PRwzcr so. NEW-05043 CHAPEL _ THE JOHN R. McADAMS fow NEwo5043-504.3COMPANY, INC. BRIAR PHASE IV IM :• RAINFALL DATA 0 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 W 0 ? o N a ., h l ai W ca z ;CI:n ° cv:N;.a c? v .20 C. N N A E ? a o O?O zz O z W F U + oo oo 'n Co W ? p O , •••+ M 00 ti LTi E k+ z w co ' "'.. ? z o 0 F A y; ) A u O H b A N a •-O-• 0: 010 .n 0070 oogv,:oo ?:o;a 1-1: 00:0 o o:?:a V v, x:00 cE ?q u a'n00 Doh ?Orno€ C; C-i ":14 14 L y d O:N: - In r: r- O c* F U W w y E GC 6> w?:N:00 i NCO; 00 00 i ":,n D co O. CD ; •--• •--? N; N: N M V: v ....... .. .... t.. O C? 00: Q?:•-r vy O:•--?:N N ?'O N O;Oi :N N M;M A o? o sl i i1 .s7 :.s7 .q : A M .M N IC %0 d N ~'N : 0? N'O?; oo N C'i O?tA O ? m ? OO.O O C O ?"' i b ,? w ? b 60 z r W:, N:?-+ - 010?O O O ? :a t,4: O U: W:tJ N r Lft U N:..-?: ?•-' O 01010 O O k : W : tJ IO 00 .PV4 O? ?D:J:N w :.? 00 U p7 f+ O NO O O:O:O O O ?0:A:00 w A?.;;1 N::10 K U:N;00 w O% A W 1 w ? U : N:?--??O C, : 00 . : DD: O:W O N : 1 OOO W : lJ ; .-. U:W:J O A O .? 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A t C t" (t) r r I?Y + • 0 d j;j 1,1 a lxxql IN '311" SIN 1$111 l 111 18a M;A 8 119F fix 10 go Air "All R jai R 9? •• ?RHI lid ?q R21 11 1 1111- F1 ?E AP ?a am 1XIM HIP Aa i ha RI NI ? R p. gig ?A Is,: vjx l qaA??? R? R All, 1 4 .y?.i`v`?'y„i."_.'?-a.+ a (1M?1, .. "_ •'° f 1 x ? t [ fit. r ..s I 1 i ? I I I ?? ) er I r ?^ aa Y I/ {? . ?' r`tY 1 r , ? ? ?a I ? 117 I I b 1 ,( 1 n B 0 , 111 11 1 ? I I ; I i ' *00 , so r I\ E I 1? ? I 1 -= ---------- ° 1 ? 1 1 1 ?f f \ Will, -----7 11 ?\ i ? R I l0 1 11 > _ 11 I II I I 1 `? , 1 I ? \ 1 1 1 1 1 ? i ? 1 I ? 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 ? i 1 , ? I 1 ?-? ow --- 111-? N 1 • , ' j 1 ? I t I ? - 1 / ss , 1 1 ? I I E BRIAR CHAPEL °' `?"°"°' THE JOHN R MCADAMS a a NN P Dium MA L '?h s' . a PHASE 4 CONSTRUCTION PLANS - R . c. I„ "201 5,5, ,..? ROAD = - COMPANY, INC. ?, 0 r, U•8. HWT. 10601 $ MMrS CEiAFMRCLADDALDWIN Q W=AM$ . DIIMML NOKM CLMUZ(A M13 5 ENCII(Etl?9/P!.?NNEIt9/3[AiPiY0IL9 l 7VWISU.CHMEM000N17.NORM CAROEM , RCMURM TRUNGIE PART. NC a '' BO X ZIP M09-4005 WA=QUAISIYPOND "DZrAM (919) 3 8L-5OOO ?x r ; 1 1 , 1 I , '1 I 1 , I ? I 1 I ? I I , I • FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 ?; : • SOILS DA TA I " ?,? o BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 i 1 MILES j l BRIAR CHAPEL WATERSHED SOIL J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 INFORMATION 8/8/2006 WQ POND #4 > Watershed soils - To WQ Pond #4 Symbol Name Soil Classification 37C Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37D Wedowee Sandy Loam B 57B Vance Sandy Loam C References: 1) SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. E %HSGB= 98% % HSG C = 2% Conclusion Watershed soils are from 'HSG B' and 'HSG C'soils. The relative percentage of each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite curve numbers. Cover Condition SCS CN - HSG B SCS CN - HSG C Impervious 98 98 Open 61 74 . Wooded 55 70 Cover Condition Composite SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 sue: 1"=200• CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RESFASER4/PLAN LE PARK. NCORs DATE: 08-11-2006 WQ FOND #4 DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT P.O. X 14005 GZIP 2777009-4005 (919) 381-8000 Paoracr No. NEW-05043 I I NJ THE JOHN R. MCADAMS m'a'"'a` NEW05043-DWQ CHAPEL - E COMPANY. INC. E US GEOLOGICAL SURVEYMAP • -0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 BRIAR CHAPEL HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 Post-Development-To WQ Pond #4 7/28/2006 • 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition -MMYOSITE SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 61 Assume good Wooded 55 Assume good Water 100 II. POST-DEVELOPMENT => To WQ Pond #4 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Number of 50' Residential Lots = 28 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 50' Residential Lot = 2200 square feet Total Impervious Area from 50' Residential Lots = 1.41 acres Total Number of 60' Residential Lots = 41.5 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 60' Residential Lot = 2600 square feet Total Impervious Area from 60' Residential Lots = 2.48 acres Total Number of 70' Residential Lots = 17 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 70' Residential Lot = 3200 square feet Total Impervious Area from 70' Residential Lots = 1.25 acres Total Roadway/Alleyway Impervious Area = 4.33 acres Total Sidewalk Impervious Area = 1.10 acres is Contributing Area SCS CN Area nacres] Comments On-site open 61 12.84 Assume good condition On-site impervious 98 10.57 - On-site wooded 55 0.00 Assume good condition On-site water 100 0.88 - Off-site open 61 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site impervious 98 0.00 Off-site wooded 55 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site water 100 0.00 Total area = 24.29 acres 0.0380 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 79 B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration was assumed to be a conservative 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 0 HEC-HMS Project: NEW-05043 Basin Model: SWMF WQPond #4 e • WATER QUALITY POND #4 FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 Stage-Storage Function • Project Name: Briar Chapel Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 • Storage vs. Stage 250000 200000 , 0751 y = 37188x ? 150000 RZ - 0.9998 0 -- d rn 100000-- U) 50000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feetl (feet) (SR (SR (CF) (CF) (feet) 419.0 0.0 361.63 420.0 1.0 38543 37353 37353 37353 1.00 422.0 3.0 43604 41074 82147 119500 2.96 _ 424.0 5.0 48782 46193 92386 211886 5.04 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • => Stage - Storage Function Ks= 37183 b = 1.0752 Zo= 419 Elevation 419 1 0 0.000 419.2 1 6590 0.151 419.4 _ ] 3885 0.319 419.6 21472 _ 0.493 419.8 29255 0.672 420 37188 0.854 420.2 _ 45242 1.039 420.4 53397 1.226 420.6 61641 1.415 420.8 69964 1.606 421 78356 1.799 421.2 86811 1.993 421.4 95325 2.188 421.6 103892 2.385 _ 421.8 112509 2.583 422 121172 2.782 422.2 129879 2.982 422.4 138627 3.182 422.6 M- 422.8 1474_14 156238 3.384 3.587 423 165096 3.790 • 423.2 173988 3.994 423.4 182912 . ~ 4.199 4.405 423.8 200851 4.611 424 209863 4.818 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Copyright (C ) 1998, Maptech, Inc. Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 1.01 Name.... WQ Pond #4 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 419.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 424.00 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 419.000 424.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 421.250 424.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 414.300 424.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver: 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 C, Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.02 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, El Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 419.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RI Structure Type ----------------- = Inlet Box ------------- ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 421.25 ft orifice Area = 36.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 24.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 • SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 1 7_J Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.03 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = ------------------- Culvert-Circular ---- No. Barrels ------- 1 ------ Barrel Diameter 3.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 414.30 ft Dnstream Invert = 414.00 ft Horiz. Length 54.00 ft Barrel Length = 54.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00556 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA ... Mannings n .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .005885 (per ft of full flow) Kr .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft E • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below Ti elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 418.35 ft ---> Flow = 63.00 cfs At T2 Elev = 418.86 ft ---> Flow = 72.00 cfs SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.04 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 • Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • • SIN: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... WQ Pond #4 Page 1.10 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 419.00 ------- .00 419.20 .06 419.40 .12 419.60 .16 419.80 .19 420.00 .22 420.20 .24 420.40 .27 420.60 .29 420.80 .31 421.00 .32 421.20 .34 421.25 .34 421.40 4.54 421.60 15.28 421.80 29.75 422.00 47.17 422.20 67.08 422.40 89.22 422.60 118.22 422.80 120.19 423.00 122.13 423.20 124.05 423.40 125.92 423.60 127.77 423.80 129.59 424.00 131.40 SIN: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes ----- --- Converge ---------- --------------- TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures ----- Free --- ----- Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: OR,RI,BA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI,BA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA Free Outfall OR,RI,BA The John R. McAdams Company Time: 10:04 AM Date: 7/28/2006 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 Project : NEW-05043 is Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Execution Time : 28Jul06 1007 Computed Results Run Name : 1-Year Post Basin Model : SWMF Design Met. Model 1-Year Storm Control Specs 1-Minute dT Peak Inflow : 47.944 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 25 Jul 06 1257 Peak Outflow : 0.63648 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 25 Jul 06 2327 Total Inflow : 1.19 (in) Peak Storage : 2.0068(ac-ft) Total Outflow : 0.20 (in) Peak Elevation : 421.21(ft) 0 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 Project : NEW-05043 Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Execution Time : 28Ju106 1007 Computed Results Run Name : 10-Year Post Basin Model : SWMP.Design Met. Model 10-Year Storm Control Specs 1-Minute dT Peak Inflow 114.08 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow : 25 Jul 06 1304 Peak Outflow 41.698 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 25 Jul 06 1316 Total Inflow 3.13 (in) Peak Storage : 2.7195(ac-ft) Total Outflow 2.13 (in) Peak Elevation 421.94(ft) • 0 BRIAR CHAPEL 100-YR-SSFXN J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 7/28/2006 • __> Stage - Ks= b = Zo= Storage Function 37188 1.0752 419 Elevation Stora e [feet] [cfJ [acre-fei 419 0 0.000 419.2 6590 0.151 _ 419.4 419.6 13885 21472 _ 0.319 0.493 419.8 29255 0.672 420 37188 0.854 420.2 45242 1.039 _ 420.4 53397 1.226 420.6 61641 1.415 420.8 69964 1.606 421 78356 1.799 421.25 88934 2.042 421.45 97462 2.237 421.65 421.85 106042 114671 2.434 2.632 422.05 123345 2.832 422.25 132063 3.032 422.45 _ 140821 3.233 422.65 149617 3.435 422.85 158449 3.637 423.05 167316 3.841 • 423.25 423.45 176217 185148 4.045 4.250 423.65 194110 4.456 423.85 203101 4.663 424 209863 4.818 421.25 0 0.0000 421.45 8527 0.1958 421.65 - 17107 0.3927 421.85 25736 0.5908 422.05 34411 0.7900 422.25 43128 0.9901 422.45 51886 1.1911 422.65 _ 60682 1.3931 422.85 69515 1.5958 423.05 78382 1.7994 423.25 - 87282 2.0037 _ 423.45 96214 2.2088 423.65 105176 2.4145 423.85 114167 2.6209 424 120928 2.7761 0 J Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 1.07 Name.... WQPond #4(100Yr) File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-05043\Storm\Design Files\WQPOND#4.PPW Title... Project Date: 7/18/2006 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya, EI Project Title: Briar Chapel - WQ Pond #4 Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures - 421.25 ------- .00 -- - Free -- ----- - Outfall ------------------------- (no Q: RIBA) 421.45 6.44 Free Outfall RIBA 421.65 18.21 Free Outfall RIBA 421.85 33.46 Free Outfall RIBA 422.05 51.52 Free Outfall RI,BA 422.25 72.00 Free Outfall RIBA 422.45 94.65 Free Outfall RIBA 422.65 118.28 Free Outfall RIBA 422.85 120.23 Free Outfall RI,BA 423.05 122.14 Free Outfall RIBA 423.25 124.03 Free Outfall RIBA 423.45 125.90 Free Outfall RIBA 423.65 127.72 Free Outfall RIBA 423.85 129.53 Free Outfall RIBA 424.00 130.88 Free Outfall RIBA I0c) • C J SIN: 6217012070C3 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 10:17 AM Date: 7/28/2006 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #4 Project : NSW-05043 Run Name : 100-Yr Post • Start of Run : 25Jul06 0100 Basin Model SWMP Design (100Yr) End of Run : 26Ju106 0100 Met. Model 100-Year Storm Execution Time : 28Ju106 1018 Control Specs 1-Minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 181.06 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 25 Jul 06 1304 Peak Outflow 120.59 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 25 Jul 06 1310 Total Inflow 5.50 (in) Peak Storage 1.6344(ac-ft) Total Outflow 5.48 (in) Peak Elevation 422.89(ft) • 0 BRIAR CHAPEL Below NWSE J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 8/15/2006 Stage-Storage Function • Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 413.0 0.0 ? 19559 414.0 . 1.0 _ ' 21120 20340 20340 20340 1.02 416.0 3.0 24394 22757 45514 65854 2.92 .11 417 0 z _. 4.0 26107 25251 25251 --- 91104 3.90 419.0 6.0 i 36163 31135 -- ---- -- - 62270 i 153374 6.22 0 Ks = - 19966 b = 1.1151 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 Forebay Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S-S Fxn (feet) 413.0 OA 6896 - 414.0 1.0 V 7524 _ 7210 7210 7210 1.00 416.0 1 417.0 30 4.0 8854 9557 8189 9206 16378 9206 23588 32794 2.98 4.03 • Storage vs. Stage 35000 30000 y = 7196.4x""' 25000 R2 = 0.9999 LL. v 20000 - rn a`o 15000 N 10000 5000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 7196.4 b = 1.0888 J. FINCH, PE 8/15/2006 BRIAR CHAPEL Volume Check NEW-05043 BRIAR CHAPEL - WO POND #4 DESIGN • Per NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices ", the forebay volume should equal about 20% of the total basin volume. A. Water Quality Pond - Below Normal Pool Volume Volume = 153374 cf B. Forebay Volume Forebay Volume = 32794 cf Forebay = 21% 77-1 Impervious Area = 1 t;. S7 acres Drainage Area = 24 29' acres % Impervious = 43.5% Total Below NP Volume 153374 cf Surface Area 36163 sf Average Depth = 4.24 ft From the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Handbook (4/99), the required SA/DA ratio for 85% TSS Removal in the Piedmont is as follows: • 4.0 4.24 5.0 Lower Boundary => 40.0 1.43 1.25 Site % impervious => 43.5 1.54 L49 1.34 Upper Boundary => 50.0 1.73 1.50 Area Required = 15742 sf Area Provided = 36163 sf YES J. FINCH, PE 8/15/2006 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 1" RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION SHEET • Project Name: Briar Chapel - Phase IV Checked by: J. Finch, PE Job Number: NEW-05043 Date: 7/25/2006 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 419.0 0.0 36163 420.0 1.0 38543 37353 37353 37353 1.00 422.0 3.0 43604 41074 82147 119500 2.96 424.0 5.0 48782 46193 92386 211886 5.04 F- I L Storage vs. Stage 250000 200000 0752 y = 37188x LLi 150000 R2 = 0.9998 0 -- m 100000-- U) 50000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for Storage The runoff to the water quality pond for the 1" storm runoff requirement is calculated by simply multiplying the total watershed area draining to the water quality pond times the runoff depth. Total Drainage Area to WQ Pond = 24.29 acres Runoff Depth = 1 inches Therefore, total runoff from precipitation in question = 88173 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the pond above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 0 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Calculation of depth required for runoff storage pool (above normal pool) • Normal pool depth (above invert) = 0.00 feet Storage provided at permanent pool depth = 0 CF (calculated) Total storage required for normal + storage pool = 88173 CF Stage (above invert) associated with this storage = 2.23 feet Therefore, depth required above normal pool for storm storage = 2.23 feet 26.78 inches Set crest of principal spillway at stage = 2.25 feet and EL = 421.25 feet At principal spillway crest, storm pool storage provided = 88934 CF • i BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #4 J. FINCH, PE NEW-05043 7/28/2006 Inverted Sip hon Design Sheet • D siphon = 3 inches No. siphons = l Ks = 37188 b = 1.0752 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 419.00 feet Volume @ Normal Pool = 0 CF Siphon Invert = 419.00 feet WSEL @ l" Runoff Volume= 421.25 feet .7 WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored W) Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. W) Incr. Time (sec) 421.25 88934 0.344 421.05 80524 0.328 0.336 8410 25048 420.85 72175 0.310 0.319 8349 26184 420.65 63893 0.292 0.301 8282 27514 420.46 55686 0.272 0.282 8207 29102 420.26 47563 0.251 0.262 8123 31046 420.06 39536 0.228 0.240 8027 33509 419.86 31622 0.202 0.215 7914 36781 419.66 23845 0.173 0.188 7777 41458 419.46 16245 0.137 0.155 7600 49033 419.26 8893.4 0.088 0.113 7352 65275 Drawdown Time = 4.22 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 1.063 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 1 - 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ft2 Q = 0.2436 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 4.23 days Conclusion : Use 1 - 3.0" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 " storm runoff, with a required time of about 4.22 days. 0 • Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 Anti-Seep Collar Design => • BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #4 -12" DIP NEW-05043 Anti-Seep Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements => WQP 3 Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (feet) OK? 4 - 12" DIP 39.0 1.50 1.95 21 2.00 13, YES Note: If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • Input Data ==> Square Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Inside length of riser = Inside width of riser = Wall thickness of riser = Base thickness of riser = Base length of riser = Base width of riser = Inside height of Riser = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) = Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present in Riser Structure ==> J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 6.00 feet 6.00 feet 6.00 inches 8.00 inches 7.00 feet 7.00 feet 6.95 feet 142.0 PCF i` aEc _ NC' Pr-)ducts lists ut t wt. Of 52.50 inches nVinh+,lc am+::itc at 142 K.F. 8.0 inches 79.39 CF Total amount of concrete: Base of Riser = 32.667 CF Riser Walls = 90.350 CF Adjust for openings: Opening for barrel = 7.517 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF • Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 115.326 CF Weight of concrete present = 16376 lbs Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure ==> Displacement by concrete = 115.326 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 250.200 CF Displacement by trash rack = 79.390 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 444.916 CF Weight of water displaced = 27763 lbs Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser ==> Safety factor to use = 1.15 (rcw -YY;mi 1.1.5 w 3vnc?x) Must add = 15551 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 224.668 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 32.667 CF of concrete • Therefore, base design must have= 257.334 CF of concrete 1 OF 2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • Calculate size of base for riser assembly => Length = 10.000 feet Width = 10.000 feet Thickness = 31.0 inches Concrete Present = 258.333 CF OK Check validity of base as designed ==> Total Water Displaced = 670.582 CF Total Concrete Present = 340.992 CF Total Water Displaced = 41844 lbs Total Concrete Present = 48421 lbs Actual safetyfactor = 1.16 OK Results of design ==> • • Base length = 10.00 feet Base width = 10.00 feet Base Thickness = 31.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 9.57 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF J. FINCH, PE 7/28/2006 2OF2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-05043 • NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs : 42 Flow depth (ft) = 1.87 slope S in %: 0.56 Outlet velocity (fps) = 8.034 pipe diameter D in in.: 42 Manning number n : 0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe diameter (ft) 3.5 Outlet velocity (fps) 8.03 Apron length (ft) 21.00 J. FINCH, PE 7/28/06 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) • 3 A 9 >> 6 B 22« 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 CALCULATION: Minimum TW Conditions: W = Do + La = 3.5'+ 21' = 24.5 ft CONCLUSION: USE NCDOT CLASS `B' RIP RAP 21'L x 25'W x 22" THK • NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor August 21, 2006 NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC Attn: Mr. Mitch Barron, Vice President Newland Communities 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201 Durham, NC 27713 William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director DWQ Project # EXP 05-0732v3 Chatham County Subject Property: Briar Chapel Community Phase I, Stormwater Plans Part 2 APPROVAL OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Dear Mr. Barron: The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has reviewed the Storm Water Management Plan dated August 16, 2006 prepared by your engineer, Mr. Jeremy Finch, P.E., of John R. McAdams Company, Inc. This Plan has been approved the DWQ and partially satisfies the stormwater conditions required by the Individual Water Quality Certification issued on May 9, 2006. You are required to meet the following conditions: 1. The storm water treatment system, which includes the extended detention pond, preformed scour holes, and forested filter strips, as approved by this Office, and the drainage patterns depicted on the plan sheets, must be maintained in perpetuity. No changes to the structural storm water practices shall be made without written authorization from the Division of Water Quality. The storm water easements shall allow for the ability to maintain the structures, perform corrective actions, and shall provide protection of the structures from potential alternations by future property owners. 2. You must submit three (3) copies of an executed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions- Riparian Areas document within thirty (30) days of recording with the Register of Deeds, Chatham County, North Carolina. 3. You must submit the remainder of the stormwater management plans as clarified by the correspondence from DWQ dated August 11, 2006. You may submit these plans to DWQ in phases provided that no impact to wetlands or streams occurs in a phase until written approval for the stormwater plan is provided by DWQ. 4. The applicant and/or authorized agent shall contact the DWQ Express Review Program in writing at the letterhead address within ten (10) days of the commencement of construction. 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 / FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncweUands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolina Nahmaliff Page 2 of 2 August 21, 2006 This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Karoly at 919.9721 or Cynthia Van Der Wiele, Ph.D. at 919.715.3473. Sincerely, C di Bell Karoly, Program Manager 401 Oversight, Express Review Program CBK/cvdw cc: Rick Shiver, DWQ Todd Tugwell, USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Eric Kulz, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office John Holley, DLR Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files Jeremy Finch, P.E., John R. McAdams Co., Inc., 2905 Meridian Pkwy., Durham, NC 27713 SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE AUG-21-2006 MON 13:49 NAME DWQ-WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE : 93612269 PAGES : 3/3 START TIME : AUG-21 13:48 ELAPSED TIME : 00'29" MODE : ECM RESULTS : OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED.. 0? DG wiri-u V-h,S- 1 y G T N.. W K3-, P F Dns;w pi.m.ien M wab, Qualify EXPRESS PERNtff REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 bia3l?ne Address 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Wormatioo: Phone #: 919-733-0203 Fax 9: 919.733-6693 Fax To: Kevin Yates Fax #: 361.2269 Mitch Barron, Newland Comm. 361.7011 ZI Subject: Briar Chapel, Phase 1, SW Part 2 Date: August 4?, 2006 Number of pages including cover sheet: 3 Notes or special instructions: rlrlogsi-CAUL?ll be sent lathe Lf yov hate anestons Dleaee enntaet C+n3lh'a Van Der ?l'ie'e at 919-715-3473. h"?`rhC.vn as .?t?rr6au9y wip=. vie. -mg - 1mvwJ $-P ftl yh.W Carod99776N-1650 7!^.1 cll ? 1-bard. 1%- 250. ka1.pl9 M.Ih C-1-2 Mx (919)1-IIA61 Fe.19191 133-93 A E9010ppwt et ff?-&, AN Smvl?w-IW%R*gmW'I0% Foai;omw*drP=r ?F wAT?R Michael F. Easley, Governor ? Q i l G W l iam . Ross Jr., Secretary lam.- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gy Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality August 15, 2006 Chatham County EXPRESS REVIEW ACCEPTANCE LETTER Newland Communities, Inc. Attn: Mitch Barron 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201 Durham, NC 27713 Subject Property: Briar Chapel Community-Phase 1 On August 15, 2006, the Wetlands/401 Unit of the Division of Water Quality receiveda Fax/email request from Kevin Yates, John R. McAdams, Inc., regarding a project known as "Briar Chapel Community, Phase 1, Part 2 stormwater management plan" for acceptance into the Express Review Program. This letter advises you that your project will be accepted into the Express Review Program once the following items are received: a. The application fee of 3,000.00 made payable to the North Carolina Division of Water- Quality; b. Three (3) complete and collated copies of the Express Review Stormwater Management Plan Application fhttp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/documents/Exp Rev SWMA.pdfl; c. Three (3) copies of all supporting information pertaining to this project (site development plans, stormwater management plans, worksheets, etc.); d. One (1) original and two (2) copies of an Operation & Maintenance Agreement for the stormwater management facilities. Details of the Express Review Program requirements can be found at: httn://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands/express review.htm. Thank you for your attention to this matter. The clock for this project will not start until receipt of the completed application package and required fee are received. Please contact Cynthia Van Der Wiele at 919.715.3473 with any questions. Sincerely, de'Z4t Q4 Cyndi B. Karo y, Manager 401 Oversite/ Express Review Program CBK/cvdw cc: File copy Kevin Yates, John R. McAdams, Inc., 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 401401 Oversight/ Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 / FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet http:/,h2o.enr.state.nc.us%ncwetlands None Carolina Aa uradlry An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper I &)Lp 05 » t)l 3 2 Y 3 INITIAL INTEREST IN PARTICIPATION IN THE EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM WITHIN THE 401 OVERSITE/EXPRESS PERMITTING UNIT September 1, 2004 Version 3 Applicant Name: Newland Communities Attn: Mitch Barron Applicant Address: 5850 Fayetteville Road Durham NC 27713 Applicant's phone number: (919) 361-7000 i ox number: (919) 361-7011 Applicant's email address: mbarronCcDnewlandcommunities. com Consultant Name (if applicable): The John R. McAdams Company. Attn: Kevin Yates Consultant address (if applicable): 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham NC 27713 Consultant's phone number: (919) 361-5000 NI-Eax number: (919) 361-2269 Consultant's email address: yates(a)iohnrmcadams.com Type of action requested under the Express Review Program (check all that apply): ? 401 Water Quality Certification ? Isolated Wetland Permit ? Riparian Buffer Approval Stormwater Management Plan (Phase 1 - Part 2 (1 Wet Pond)) ? Stream Origin Determination For Buffer Rule # of Determinations Requested ? Intermittent/Perennial Determination # of Determinations Requested ? Mitigation Plan ? Stream ? Wetland ? Buffers (check all appropriate) Name of Project: Briar Chapel Community (.Phase 1-Part 2) County: Chatham Total project acreage: 1,589 (115 acres in Phase 1)(acres) Total built out impervious area:35% for Phase 1 (Part 2) Nearest named stream (from USGS topo map): Pokeberry Creek Please provide a brief description of this project (attach site plan if available): Please reference our meeting on Tuesday July 11, 2006, at your office, regarding submission of the Stormwater Management Plans for the Briar Chapel community, pursuant to the 401 Water Quality Certification (DWQ # 2005- 0732) As noted in the meeting an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification was issued on May 9, 2006, and included Stormwater Management. The 401 stormwater management condition is currently being re-worded by Mr. John Dorney of your office to allow for submission of the stormwater management plans in phases, and the plans are "to be submitted within 30davs of approval of the phased construction drawings" This submittal is Phase 1- Part 2 and will be for () stormwater management facilities Due to minor layout changes the next round of stormwater management submittals will be in approximately 6 weeks. The proposed proiect consist of constructing a residential community and mixed-use community with multi-family and single-family housing. The proiect will include roads, sewer line a force main stormwater collection and amenities such as a pool and clubhouse. Stormwater management facilites will not impact waters of the U.S. Traditional equipment will be used such as front-end loaders graders and earth movers ( Attached: Drainage Area- w Proposed Wet Pond, USGS quad w/ Phase 1 inset, Chatham Ctv Soil Survey) Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1:24,000 map and county soil survey. Location of project site - please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number: The proiect is located off of U.S. 15/501, is bound to the north by S.R. 1532 (Manns Chapel Road) to the east by Route 15/501, to the south by Parker Herndon Road, adjacent to Pokeberry Creek in Chatham County North Carolina (USGS quad w/ Phase 1 inset, Chatham Cty. Soil Survey attached Proposed impacts: Acres of 404 wetlands: Acres of isolated wetlands: N/A Linear feet of streams: Linear feet of isolated streams: N/A Square feet of protected stream buffers: Has consultant or applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? If so, please list which ones.Yes, I was invited to attend the wetland functional assessment methodology workshop headed by John Dorney., As well I have attended numerous USACE sponsored training sessions as a former employee. Has any DWQ staff visited the site? yes , if yes, please provide DWQ staff name, Raleigh Regional Office Staff and date of visit: various occasion over the past 3 years Which other environmental permits from other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits and issuing agencies below: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - 404 permit: Sedimentation and Erosion Control - Chatham County/State, Dam Safety-State, 401 DWQ Certification Does this project require approval under the State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental Policy Act? Yes, review completed, per the 401 Certification Is this project an After-the-fact application or has this project received a previous Notice of Violation from DWQ? 19 Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission? No. iV Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? If so, please describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement. Numerous public hearings and negotiations by the permittee and the Haw River Assembly/General Public This form must be submitted via email (Go 401expressanncmail.net), faxed (919-733-6893) or hand-delivered to the Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Express Review Program will be notified via email or fax within 2 days. Successful applicants will then be instructed regarding detailed procedures for full application (Please Note: Submittals of the review packages on Friday after 12:00 pm will be stamped as received on the next business day). Please contact Debbie Edwards at 919-733-9502 if you have any questions regarding this form. wortoe(ots) IBM= V FVZD NriUa"awdf 000E-(t-o0 wa aua m won xa oa ma BKUUWMWWBU , VN rI02id"J HJXONi 'mxnoo MTVIUVHO ooz=.t ISKYaYDN a NH r 5L ® S Cl - 12C H7 ??g T"90-M3N n„,? 11- lAj .-? t" 1. 9D ,,.? V+ ,chi 3N 1 +r\,,. )t: y,. ? i - _?~ it fI ?. t ? .l + \? S? f f ? ant 1 ttll t 1 .? ,-' ?.? \4r t' , , _4 s \ 1 J t oz? ?7_" 7 + - 3 _ L . -mod' s yti ' `, s 11 37x3 - - tv??; / <??,?,,;, : • % r =Ja '.ice r ,`,.? s'. 3A - GHEHAGLA AND HEHADKEE SOILS, O TO 2 96 SLOPES 5A - GHEHACLA AND HEHADKEE SOILS, O TO 2 % SLOPES 51B - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 2 - 6 SG SLOPES 31C - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 6 - 10 96 SLOPES 310 - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 10 - 15 AS SLOPES 51E - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 15 - 25 % SLOPES O 3qG - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 2 - 15 % SLOPES, BOULDERY 3QE - HEDOHEE SANDY LOAM, 15 - 35 96 SLOPES, BOULDERY 51B - HELENA SANDY LOAM, 2 - 6 515 SLOPES NO GRID 51G - HELENA SANDY LOAM, 6 - 10 % SLOPES NAP 83 ® PROD N0' FOR-06102 BRIAR CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS M ? rnsnA>rs: FOR06102X COMPANY, INC. y ty " " ' CHATHAM COUN11 SOIL SURVEY ENGINIIRS/PIANNERS/SO"MRS a 500 1 RESEARCH TMNGti PARK. NC CHATH" COUNTY, NORTH CAROUM P.O. R°K 14005 ZIP 27709-4005 CA °ATS: 07-10-06 (010) 551-5000 TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map Page 1 of 1 Map center Is 35.82221N, 79.1074°W (WGS84/NAD83) Farrington quadrangle Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum M=-8.531 G=1.108 EW-05000 CHAPEL BRLAR THE JOHN R. McADAMS EW05000X COMPANY, INC. ff ( FARWNGTON QUAD ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS S SHOWN CHATiHAM COUNW. NOKIH CAR01MA RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27700-4005 .AT.Z. cn 7-10-06 (010) 5 01-5000 I t, 'fopoZone -'Clio Web' s'I'opographic Map Page 1 of 1 towne Ccpy?iliiY WQ[IYvk tcl l??77la]`1??, k?;' f J ,4YC `? ?" 1 l iE(i ?.t I d v??? ? ?i?t jy i , ,Y , ; t t 1 p?? rf L < 44 ' ` r ?J SITE r, f t, f i i td=_0,;36 G=1.11 0 0.6 1.2 1.6 2A 3 km 0 0A 0.8 L.2 1 2 ni Map center is 35.8285111, 19,103G°W (WGS81/NAD83) Farrington quadrangle Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum r 1 1 y 4 •1 V ? ® P1t01" ND' NEW-05000 BRLAR CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS' INC MCOMPANY ^'"""s' NEW05000X . , ENGINEER3/PUNN9R9/SURnY0R3 co W14M. FA UNGTON QUAD AS SHOWN CHATHAM COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA RESEARCH TRGNGI.E PAR14 NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP M09-4005 N DATE 07-10-06 (919) 961-5000 J SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE a AUG-15-2006 TUE 13:17 NAME DWQ-WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE : 93617011 PAGES : 2/2 START TIME : AUG-15 13:16 ELAPSED TIME : 00' 22" MODE : ECM RESULTS : OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED... Do^E VVA 7fq ML wH r•. r•aio. a OL _.. \? N16?m G.Raf h., SeaemY Y! Narlh Um6u p?ob?cm o/knN,mmna ad W nual Rswwctl > Alan W. itm<X. P E eutcbf O t IX.nhn oCP'etr Q?li?. EXPRESS PERNUT REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 23210abaw Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone #: 919-733-0203 Fax A: 919-733-6893 Fax To: Kevin Yates Fax q: 361.2269 Mitch Bantus, Newland Coma 361.7011 Subject: Briar Cbapel, Phase 1, SW Part 2 Date: August 15, 2006 Number of pages including cover sheet: 2 Notes or special lostmetions: The oriainaJ will be scut in the mail if you have o??es'iona oleasc contact Cvathia Van Da Wiele at 919-715-3473. yYI(Xflt/7Dl <u1tM,PlwtilrMh1?t•iew l4Tala1t Un1 1610 Mall Sawa Cnuer. Wli?. NoHh limHna 1+M19S~I?.}D =ins M+a'xau?.d..s?:o, aso.wmPn..lme c.ol.?. s+an rrma Ivlr r7ta?u r caa tvl+n m?ts? SmcmeC ttalt'.?e+sy.L.,a,?.SxwJunaF An yofl ggnymyaemasa ACno+E^`olgM-a?R Ydeayox rr canwinr°.o.. SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE AUG-15-2006 TUE 13:15 NAME DWQ-WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE PAGES START TIME ELAPSED TIME MODE RESULTS : 93612269 : 2/2 : AUG-15 13:15 : 00'22" : ECM : OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMITTED.. oy W Are,oQ -11, W, '. - G Wiliam G. Ps.st ]r.. C,rnaary v ,9" hm[h Cnoian UePVrrm MF+wbonCwn(a:d haMal Ra,ovrces O ? Y wh. W. FJna:k P li.lMrcemr EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 OversighVExpress Review Permitting Unit tT.m.a ar Wa1aS QYahn' Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1650 Contact Information: Phonc #: 919-733-0203 Fax 919-733.6893 Fax To: Kevin Yates Fax #: 361.2269 Mitch Barron, Newland Comm. 361.7011 Subject: Briar Chapel, Phase I, SW Part 2 Date: August 15, 2006 Number of pages including cover sheet: 2 Notes or special instructions: The on ein l will be sent in the mail. If you have auestions. olCWC contact Cynthia Van M wiele at 919-715-3473. N Mm CemHw . y u u.e.? .+r.u .. a,,.wns unn ]r.+nMmsa..kec ::. aaMrs. ran rma. 2MO9-(ew .w C. mx rh(.(a roro1; ?a-+;v; r,a roict rr-uav± I-ft xa FWa QMW 4,IAW UAC&A ENO" -0%Revyakd'1PLPe C Rrrq- o?oF W ATF?QG Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 7 Did Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director ` -- J Division of Water Quality EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW PROGRAM Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Contact Information: Phone #: Fax #: Fax To: Kevin Yates Mitch Barron, Newland Comm. Subject: Briar Chapel, Phase I, SW Part 2 919-733-0203 919-733-6893 Fax #: 361.2269 361.7011 Zt Date: August 45, 2006 Number of pages including cover sheet: 3 Notes or special instructions: The original will be sent in the mail. If you have questions, please contact Cynthia Van Der Wiele at 919-715-3473. 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone (919) 733-1786 / Fax (919) 733-6893 Internet: littp:G`h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Project Name: Briar Chapel Project No. D`VQ 050732 Pond 4 SUBMITTED DESIGN: elevations Bottom of Basin (ft) 413 Permanent Pool (ft) 419 Temporary Pool (ft) 421.25 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 36163 Drainage Area (ac) 24.29 Impervious Area (ac) 10.57 volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) 153374 Temporary Pool (cu ft) 88173 Forebay (cu ft) 32794 other parameters SA/DA 1.49 3 1 Linear Interpolation of Correct SAIDA Orifice Diameter (in) Design Rainfall (in) % Impervious Next Lowest 40 Project Impervious 43.5 Next Highest ' 50 GvCW 11/,7 1/ b(, REQUIRED DESIGN: 4.2 average depth status 6 ft. depth ok 2.25 ft. depth ok 15220 sq. ft. ok 12128; based on avg depth ok 43.5 % - 21.4% ok 38941 cu. ft. ok 1.44 - 0.25 cfs drawdown - 4.1 day drawdown ok 6 ft. Permanent Pool Depth SAIDA fron (Avg. Depth) 1.34 1.017291707 1.08 1.44 1.15 1.20 1.62 1.384174709 1.43 aft 4 7.7-1 E)Lp orap - bi 3 a. y 3 THE JOHN R McADAMS COMPANY, INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele NC Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 "` FEDERAL EXPRESS "` Re: Briar Chapel Community Job No.: NEW-05043 I am sending you the following item(s): COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Application Fee -Check #1253 for $3,000 3 Express Review Stormwater Management Plan A 3 BMP Supplement Forms and O&M Agreements 3 Water Quality Pond Final Design Calculations Booklet 3 Water Quality Pond Construction Drawings These are transmitted as checked below: ? As requested ® For approval ? For review and comment Remarks: CPI Date: August 16, 2006 ? For your use ???, rtr? D ?Y! ? Signature 0 ? ?11Cx 1 '7 '?.?Ufi Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Copy to: Signed: V/Finch, Engineer FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ? Copy Letter of Transmittal Only to File ® Copy Entire Document to File CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING - SURVEYING PO Box 14005 - Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 • (919) 361-5000 • fax(919)361-2269 www.johnrmcadams.com V3 OFFICE 'USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number(s) i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401/ Wetlands Unit EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original 1. GENERAL INFORMATION p g RJ O W9 B 1. Applicant's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the proje . UG '1-006 NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC 2. Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compl Ma,4TMWTiAPQAkWH Mitch Barron, VP Newland Communities 3. Owner Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 5850 Favetteville Rd, Suite 201 City: Durham State: NC Zip: 27713 Phone Number: ( 919 ) 361-9000 Fax Number ( 919 )361-7011 Email Address: mharron@p gland communities. com 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Briar Chapel - Phase IV Water Quality Ponds Phase 1 - Part 2 Pond 4 Construction Plans 5. Location of Project (street address): City: County: Chatham 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): West of Hwy 15-501 and north of Andrews Stone Road 7. Latitude: Longitude: of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: Jeremy Finch, PE Telephone Number: ( 919 ) 361-5000 Fax Number : 919-361-2269 Email Address : ifinch@iohnrmradams. rnm II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 4 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number N/A and its issue date (if known) N/A 3. Specify the type of project (check one): X Low Density High Density Redevelopment General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): _CAMA Major -Sedimentation/Erosion Control _X404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater -Other 401# 2005-0732 Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. See Attached Narrative 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 3. Total Project Area: Approx 140 acres (Ph IV only4. Project Built Upon Area: Approx. 81 % 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 3 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. See attached worksheet (nrainaLre Area Breakdown) Basin Information Drainage Area I Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Receiving Stream Class ' Drainage Area Existing Impervious* Area Proposed Impervious*Area % Impervious* Area (total) Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings On-site Streets On-site Parking On-site Sidewalks Other on-site Off-site Total: Total: Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 4 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? Ph IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes.vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state riparian buffer authori_-ation or General Certification numbers as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the state. (Draft Deed Restrictions attached) 2. No more than 4,500 sf square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a modified water quality certification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or f iture development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable stormwater management supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The forms are located on the 401 /wetlands unit website. Bioretention Worksheet Dry Detention Worksheet Level Spreader Worksheet Grassed Swale Worksheet Extended Detention Wetland / Pocket Wetland Worksheet Wet Detention Worksheet 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the DWQ Central Office. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initals • Original and two copies of the Express Review Stormwater Management Application • Signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement ui? • Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Application processing fee (payable to NCDENR) :T • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Three copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands and streams delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): The John R McAdams Company Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 14005 City: R.TP Phone: ( 919 ) 361-5000 State: NC Zip: 27709 Fax: ( 919 ) 461-2269 VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) . certify that the information included on this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 Signature: Date: 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 4 Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM All Blanks To Be Filled In By The Current Landowner Name: Newland Communities: Attn: Mitch Barron Address: 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201, Durham, NC 27713 Phone: 919-361-7000 Project Name/Description: Briar Chapel Community, Chatham County, NC Date: 08-15-06 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 Attn: Todd Field Office: A 'G 1 7 ?OpF? Field Office Re: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: I, the current property/agent owner, hereby designate and authorize The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of permit applications, to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. from this day forward. The day of This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. staff. You should call The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site._ C 1 t'2q Dih(L2ar 1 Print Property/Agent Owner's Name Property/Agent Owner's Signature cc: Ms. Cyndi Karoli NCDENR-DWQ 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Cynthia Van Der Wiele NCDENR-DWQ 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G • L A N D P L A N N I N G • S U R V E Y I N G PO Box 14005 • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 • (919) 361-5000 • fax (919) 361-2269 www.johnrmcadams.com BRIAR CHAPEL - PHASE IV Final Design - Water Quality Pond #4 General Description Located off from US Highway 15-501, north of Andrews Store Road and south of Mann's Chapel Road in Chatham County, NC is the proposed development known as Briar Chapel. Phase IV of the proposed development is approximately 140-acres and will consist of mostly single-family lots, along with the associated utility, parking, and roadway infrastructure. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River Basin, and drains to streams (Pokeberry Creek & Wilkinson Creek) classified as Water Supply IV (WS-IV), and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). As a result of the proposed development exceeding the maximum allowable limit for stream impacts, an individual permit issued by The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required (Clean Water Act Section 404 permit). Also, a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ will be attached to the individual permit. Under the 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ, the proposed site will be required to comply with the stormwater management requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402). WQC #3402 has the following water quality requirements: 1. Site specific stormwater management shall be designed to remove 85% total suspended solids (TSS) according to the latest version of DWQ's Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual at a minium. 2. In watersheds within one mile and draining to 303(d) listed waters, as well as watersheds that are classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW), water supply waters (WS), trout waters (Tr), high quality waters (HWQ), and outstanding resource waters (ORW), the Division shall require that extended detention wetlands, bioretention areas, and ponds followed by forested filter strips (designed according to the latest version of the NCDENR Stormwater Management Practices Manual) be constructed as part of the stormwater management plan when a site-specific stormwater management plan is required. In addition to the above stormwater quality requirements, the following stormwater quality and quantity items are required per Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance: 1. Control and treat the first inch of runoff from the project site and from any offsite drainage routed to an on-site control structure. Ensure that the draw down time for this treatment volume is a minimum of forty eight (48) hours and a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. 2. Maintain the discharge rate for the treatment volume at or below the pre- development discharge rate for the 1 -year, 24-hour storm. To address these stormwater requirements, a water quality pond with a preformed scour hole/level spreader outlet that will provide sheet flow of the 1" runoff volume into the stream buffer is proposed for construction as part of the development of phase IV of Briar Chapel. BRIAR CHAPEL DRAINAGE AREA BREAKDOWN 8/16/2006 NEW-05043 Basic Information Drainage Area 4 (To Pond #4) Receiving Stream Name Pokeberry Creek Receiving Stream Class WS-IV, NSW Drainage Area 24.29 Existing Impervious Area" 0.00 Proposed Impervious Area" 10.57 % Impervious' Area (total) 43.52% .a.'x?E'.d3[.::-51!'iRC'^aL2.v??[:N.,Ais6;'::C?a4A'4R6?LL"?.l(C2?3s `t..;..'8 ?'::' :f"I'+w,W9w':^..??iC:xai•^T^°-•••,•°.".a:GTS?'GT.u`W'^n..'3A:.??'::-CSt:I? Impervious* Surface Area 1 Drainage Area 4 (To Pond #4) I On-site Buildings 5.14 On-site Streets 4.33 On-site Parkin 0.00 On-site Sidewalks 1.10 _ Other on-site 0.00 Off-site 0.00 _ Totals 10.57 'Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. DRAFT DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS - RIPARIAN AREAS THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ("Restrictive Covenant"), is made on this day of , 20 by NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC, (the "Declarant);" WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of certain property located in Chatham County, North Carolina, constituting approximately [insert number] acres, more or less, which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, for the purposes of this Restrictive Covenant, the "Conservation Area" within the Property shall mean the following wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers: (a) All perennial and intermittent streams located on the Property; (b) All wetlands regulated by the Department of the Army ("DOA") as waters of the United States under the Authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations, as may be amended from time to time; (c) 100-foot buffers along all perennial streams; 50-foot buffers along all intermittent streams; 50-foot buffers along all ephemeral streams shown of the Soil Survey maps and having a drainage area of more than 25 acres; 30-foot buffers along all ephemeral streams shown of the Soil Survey maps having a drainage area of between 10 and 25 acres (the "Riparian Buffers"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the "Conservation Area" shall not include wetlands, streams, and riparian areas authorized for impacts in accordance with the following permits issued to the Declarant.: (a) DOA Permit No. dated , 2006, and (b) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (`1DWQ1') Certification No. dated 2006 (collectively, the "Permits"). NOW THEREFORE, the Declarant hereby unconditionally and irrevocably declares that the Property shall be held and subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, as set out herein, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of the real property and to comply with the Permits, to run with US2000 9395029.3 Page 1 of 7 the subject real property and to be binding on all parties that have or shall have any right, title, or interest in said property. 1. Purposes. The purposes of this Restrictive Covenant are to maintain, restore, enhance, and create wetland and/or riparian resources in the Conservation Area, as more particularly described below, to contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; except as otherwise provided herein, to maintain permanently the Conservation Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Conservation Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes, all in accordance with the Permits. 2. Permitted Uses. The Conservation Area shall be owned, exclusively controlled, and maintained as far as practicable, in its pristine and natural state in perpetuity; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Restrictive Covenant, the following uses shall be permitted in the Conservation Area to the extent they do not directly impact waters of the United States (the "Permitted Uses"): (a) Any use of the Conservation Area as expressly permitted in the Permits or as otherwise may be required by Declarant to comply with the Permits or other regulations or requirements of DOA, DWQ, or other governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the Conservation Area; (b) Use of the Riparian Buffers as follows: • Construction on pilings including without limitation elevated walkways, roads, or utility lines; • Water dependent structures; • Signs, security lights, and flag poles; • Utility lines where no practical alternative exists; • Passive recreational activities with very low impact walking trails with no impervious surface that are located at least thirty feet from the edge of the stream; • Paved trails up to eight feet in width that are located at least fifty feet from the edge of perennial and intermittent streams, provided that the buffer as a whole is extended a distance equal to the width of the trail; US2000 9395029.3 Page 2 of 7 • Clearing and re-vegetating the stream buffer for the purposes of improving its pollutant removal efficiency, provided that no such clearing is allowed within 30 feet of a stream; • Clearing, grading and filling within the buffer in connection with road construction provided that affected areas are revegetated; • Removal of invasive species listed by the North Carolina Botanical Garden; and • Desirable artificial stream bank or shoreline stabilization, as determined by Chatham County. 3. Effect. The covenants and restrictions contained in this Restrictive Covenant shall be perpetual, shall run with the land, and shall be binding on Declarant and its successors and assigns. 4. Restrictions on Use. Except as expressly reserved as a Permitted Use in this Restrictive Covenant, the Conservation Area shall be maintained in its natural, scenic, wooded and open condition and restricted from any development or use that would impair or interfere with the purposes of the Conservation Area. The following uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: (a) Prohibited Uses. Except for the Permitted Uses, all industrial, residential, and commercial activities are prohibited in the Conservation Area. (b) Agricultural, Timber Harvesting, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, timber harvesting, grazing, horticultural, and animal husbandry uses of the Conservation Area, including the use of the Conservation Area for cropland, waste lagoons; or pastureland, are prohibited. (c) Construction. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be no roads, buildings, signs, building, facility, mobile home, or other structure constructed or placed in the Conservation Area for occupancy by humans or for storage of equipment or materials not directly related to the operation and maintenance of the Conservation Area for the Permitted Uses. (d) Dumping. Dumping of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery, or other material in the Conservation Area is prohibited. (e) Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be (i) no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drilling for mineral resources on the Conservation Area; (ii) no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, US2000 9395029.3 Page 3 of 7 minerals, or other materials from the Conservation Area; and (iii) no change in the topography of the land in any manner except as necessary for the purpose of combating erosion or incidental to any conservation management activities consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Area. (f) Streams, Wetlands, Water Quality, and Drainage Patterns. There shall. be (i) no pollution or alteration of water bodies; (ii) no activities that would be detrimental to water quality or that would alter natural water levels, drainage, sedimentation, and/or flow in or over the Conservation Area or into any surface waters, or cause soil degradation or erosion; (iii) no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding, or related activities; and (iv) no altering or tampering with water control structures, or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or outside of the Conservation Area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited, except activities to restore or enhance natural hydrology or manage stormwater as permitted by state or any other appropriate authorities. (g) Disturbance of Vegetation and Natural Features. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be no cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any vegetation in the Conservation Area or disturbance of other natural features in the Conservation Area except for selective cutting and prescribed burning or clearing of vegetation and the application of approved pesticides for fire containment and protection, disease control, restoration of hydrology, wetlands enhancement and/or control of non-native plants. 5. Additional Rights of Declarant. Declarant shall have the right to undertake or continue the Permitted Uses on the Conservation Area. No provision of this Restrictive Covenant shall be construed to impair the ability of Declarant to sell the Conservation Area or Property subject to this Restrictive Covenant or to use the Conservation Area or Property for collateral for borrowing purposes, provided that any mortgage or lien arising from such loan shall be subordinated to this Restrictive Covenant. Any deed to secure debt, deed of trust, or mortgage affecting any portion of the Conservation Area or Property shall at all times be subject and subordinate to the terms of this Restrictive Covenant, and any party foreclosing any such deed to secure debt, deed of trust, or mortgage, or acquiring title by deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall acquire title subject to all of the restrictions and covenants of this Restrictive Covenant. 6. Transfer of Conservation Area and Property. Nothing in this Restrictive Covenant shall preclude Declarant from imposing additional easements on the Conservation Area or Property or conveying any interest in the Conservation Area to a donee eligible to hold property for conservation purposes within the meaning of Section 170(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder. US2000 9395029.3 Page 4 of 7 7. Amendment. This Restrictive Covenant may be amended, modified, or terminated by Declarant or its successors or assigns only with the written consent of DOA and DWQ. 8. Interpretation. This Restrictive Covenant shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of North Carolina. Any ambiguities herein shall be resolved so as to give maximum effect to the conservation purposes of this Restrictive Covenant. 9. Termination. If it is determined that conditions on or surrounding the Conservation Area have changed to such an extent that it becomes impossible to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Restrictive Covenant, a court with jurisdiction may, at the joint request of Declarant, DOA, and DWQ (or their respective successors and assigns) terminate the covenants and restrictions in this Restrictive Covenant. If a condemnation of a part of the Conservation Area or of the entire Conservation Area by a public authority or other authorized entity renders it impossible to fulfill any of these purposes, the covenants and restrictions in this Restrictive Covenant may be terminated through such condemnation proceedings. 10. Severability. If any covenant or restriction of this Restrictive Covenant is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions of this Restrictive Covenant, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed the foregoing instrument the day and year first above written. NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC By: Its: US2000 9395029.3 Page 5 of 7 STATE OF COUNTY OF I, the undersigned, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and ? I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s) ? I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph in the form of a ? A credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: Notary Public (print name) (official seal) My commission expires: US2000 9395029.3 Page 6 of 7 Exhibit A [Exhibit Depicting Property Owned by NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC within the Proposed Briar Chapel Development] US2000 9395029.3 Page 7 of 7 Permit No. p5-n132 Y3 (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Blel4P- CHAPEL- pHASF_ 127-- Contact Person: Z'Ve-EMY FiNCµ, PE Phone Number: ('1101) 3(a1-5000 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: INCA &NO *P+ elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 413-00 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation '-i'l`l • 00 ft. (elevation of the orifice) l El ti T P N21 ZS ft eva on emporary oo . . tt guv jaFl= va vrnE GL-06710(J areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 36, 10 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area ',7 4.21 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 10.5-7 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes II r')N0Fc- Permanent ool Volume 1533-14 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Volume R311-13 cu. ft. 111 poNoFl- Forebay Volume 32,-1'ft_ cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) V°WeAC Other parameters SA/DAI I • y °? (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 3 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw-down required) Design Rainfall I #I PZUNOHF in. Design TSS Removal 2 65 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page I of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85%o TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials 7?_F a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). SF b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. JT_' _ d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. _ NSA ?. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. _JF g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. Tf' h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). ?F i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. - j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. To gE pgov?oEO _ k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. ?? 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. -FF in. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads H-50 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads '(•So feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the h1anks) Permanent Pool Elevation 411-'00 Sediment Re oval El. HI `1 •50 175° ------ 'gf -- - Sediment Removal Elevation 414-50 75% Bottom Ele ation yl3•? % ---------------------------------------------- ---- Bottom Elevation 413.00 25% FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed within. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Pi? Bafr-&I Title Add i Phoi Sign Date: '!? •f S • U (.0 S , a Notary Public for the State of AG County of L , do hereby certify that `fY2i A& A-4-? personally appeared before me this IS day of and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing stormwater management facility maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, . tlY '`A S . SEAL My commission expires I (- 7--07 Page 1 of 2 Pre-FORMED SCOUR HOLE / LEVEL SPREADER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The level spreader is defined as an elongated, level threshold, designed to diffuse stormwater runoff. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After construction and until vegetation has been established, level spreaders(s) shall be inspected after every rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be inspected at least every month and more frequently during the fall season and after heavy rainfall events: a. Accumulated sediment, leaves, and trash shall be removed, and repairs made if required. b. Inspect level spreader(s) for evidence of scour, undercutting, settlement of the structure, and concentrated flows downhill from the level spreader(s). c. A level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow-spreading structure at all times. Repair or replace the level spreader if it is damaged. d. Mow vegetative cover to a height of six (6) inches and prune plants if they cover over half of the level spreader surface. e. Repair eroded areas and replace/replant dead or damaged vegetation. 2. The contractor should avoid the placement of any material on and prevent construction traffic across the structure. If the measure is damaged by construction traffic, it shall be repaired immediately. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (e.g., catch basins, pipes, swales, riprap) four (4) times a year to maintain proper functioning. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system of prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Newland Communities; Attn: Mitch Barron Title: Newland Communities -Vice President Address: 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201, Durham, NC 27713 Phone: SignatL Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 1, , a Notary Public for the tate of N C - &_Cl? County of kJA 0,4- q /_ , do hereby certify that '--/'Yl. rki,, &A.A t1L? personally appeared before me this ' /5- day of , 2w4- , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention basin main enance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, A .cP NOTARY •• '0, PUBLIC • 5- O "NomwO SEAL My commission expires v3 05-0'132. OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number(s) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401/ Wetlands Unit EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): 6 NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC _ WFn 2. Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): Mitch Barron VP Newland Communities 3. Owner Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 5850 Favetteville Rd. Suite 201 QuAurv "'1163 8%C11 City: Durham State: NC Zip: 27713 Phone Number: ( 919 ) 361-9000 Fax Number: ( 919 ) 361-7011 Email Address: mharrnnfdnPwland Communities. com 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Briar Chapel - Phase IV Water Quality Ponds Phase 1 - Part 2 Pond 4 Construction Plans 5. Location of Project (street address): City: County: Chatham 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): West of Hwy 15-501 and north of Andrews Stone Road 7. Latitude: Longitude: of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: Jeremy Finch, PE Telephone Number: ( 919 ) 361-5000 Fax Number : 919-361-2269 Email Address : ifinnh(dinhnrmca8amc cam II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification . 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 4 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number N/A and its issue date (if known) N /A 3. Specify the type of project (check one): X Low Density High Density Redevelopment General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): _CAMA Major -Sedimentation/Erosion Control _X404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater -Other 401# 2005-0732 Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. See Attached Narrative 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 3. Total Project Area: Approx 140 acres (Ph IV on1p. Project Built Upon Area: Approx. 81% 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 3 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. See attached worksheet (Drainave Area Breakdown) Basin Information ? Drainage Area _1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Receiving Stream Class Drainage Area Existing Impervious* Area Proposed Impervious*Area % Impervious* Area (total) Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings On-site Streets On-site Parking On-site Sidewalks Other on-site Off-site Total: Total: * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 4 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? IJIA IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state riparian buffer authorization or General Certification numbers as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. (Draft Deed Restrictions attached) 2. No more than 4,500 sf square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a modified water quality certification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable stormwater management supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The forms are located on the 401/wetlands unit website. Bioretention Worksheet Dry Detention Worksheet Level Spreader Worksheet Grassed Swale Worksheet Extended Detention Wetland / Pocket Wetland Worksheet Wet Detention Worksheet 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the DWQ Central Office. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initals • Original and two copies of the Express Review Stormwater Management Application • Signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement Uf • Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Application processing fee (payable to NCDENR) O • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Three copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands and streams delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 14005 City: RIP State: NC Zip: 27709 Phone: ( 919 ) 361-5000 Fax: ( 919 ) 361-2269 VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) certify that the information included on this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 21-1.1000 Signature: Date: 9/2004 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 4 Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM All Blanks To Be Filled In By The Current Landowner Name: Newland Communities: Attn: Mitch Barron Address: 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201, Durham, NC 27713 Phone: 919-361-7000 Project Name/Description: Briar Chapel Community, Chatham County, NC Date: 08-15-06 r= U. S. Army Corps of Engineers ?;( U V D Raleigh Regulatory Field Office tltl 6508 Falls fNeusRoad, suite 120 AU6 1 7 2006 Raleigh, NC 27615 WETt?ENR • w<,rt tJ QUAUTY na ?r?? ??as???,yar,'.A FRd??GN Attn: Todd Tugwell Field Office: Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Re: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: I, the current property/agent owner, hereby designate and authorize The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of permit applications, to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. from this day forward. The day of This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. staff. You should call The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site._ d OTA DA"1`3 Print Property/Agent Owner's Name cc: Ms. Cyndi Karoli NCDENR-DWQ 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 - At Property/Agent Owner's Signature Ms. Cynthia Van Der Wiele NCDENR-DWQ 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G • L A N D P L A N N I N G • S U R V E Y I N G PO Box 14005 • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 • (919) 361-5000 • fax (919) 361-2269 www.johnrmcadams.com BRIAR CHAPEL - PHASE IV Final Design - Water Quality Pond #4 General Description Located off from US Highway 15-501, north of Andrews Store Road and south of Mann's Chapel Road in Chatham County, NC is the proposed development known as Briar Chapel. Phase IV of the proposed development is approximately 140-acres and will consist of mostly single-family lots, along with the associated utility, parking, and roadway infrastructure. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River Basin, and drains to streams (Pokeberry Creek & Wilkinson Creek) classified as Water Supply IV (WS-IV), and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). As a result of the proposed development exceeding the maximum allowable limit for stream impacts, an individual permit issued by The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required (Clean Water Act Section 404 permit). Also, a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ will be attached to the individual permit. Under the 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ, the proposed site will be required to comply with the stormwater management requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402). WQC #3402 has the following water quality requirements: 1. Site specific stormwater management shall be designed to remove 85% total suspended solids (TSS) according to the latest version of DWQ s Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual at a minium. 2. In watersheds within one mile and draining to 303(d) listed waters, as well as watersheds that are classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW), water supply waters (WS), trout waters (Tr), high quality waters (HWQ), and outstanding resource waters (OR99, the Division shall require that extended detention wetlands, bioretention areas, and ponds followed by forested filter strips (designed according to the latest version of the NCDENR Stormwater Management Practices Manual) be constructed as part of the stormwater management plan when a site-specific stormwater management plan is required. In addition to the above stormwater quality requirements, the following stormwater quality and quantity items are required per Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance: 1. Control and treat the first inch of runoff from the project site and from any offsite drainage routed to an on-site control structure. Ensure that the draw down time for this treatment volume is a minimum of forty eight (48) hours and a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. 2. Maintain the discharge rate for the treatment volume at or below the pre- development discharge rate for the ]-year, 24-hour storm. To address these stormwater requirements, a water quality pond with a preformed scour hole/level spreader outlet that will provide sheet flow of the 1" runoff volume into the stream buffer is proposed for construction as part of the development of phase IV of Briar Chapel. BRIAR CHAPEL DRAINAGE AREA BREAKDOWN 8/16/2006 NEW-05043 6. Basic Information Drainage Area 4 (To Pond #4) I Receiving Stream Name Pokeberry Creek Receiving Stream Class WS-IV, NSW Drainage Area 24.29 Existing Impervious Area* 0.00 Proposed Impervious Area* 10.57 % Impervious* Area (total) 43.52% My, UUMMI Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 4 (To Pond #4) On-site Buildings ? 5.14 On-site Streets 4.33 On-site Parkin 0.00 On-site Sidewalks 1.10 Other on-site 0.00 Totals i 10.57 i *Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. DRAFT DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS - RIPARIAN AREAS THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ("Restrictive Covenant"), is made on this day of , 20 by NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC, (the "Declarant);" WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of certain property located in Chatham County, North Carolina, constituting approximately [insert number] acres, more or less, which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, for the purposes of this Restrictive Covenant, the "Conservation Area" within the Property shall mean the following wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers: (a) All perennial and intermittent streams located on the Property; (b) All wetlands regulated by the Department of the Army ("DOA") as waters of the United States under the Authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and implementing regulations, as may be amended from time to time; (c) 100-foot buffers along all perennial streams; 50-foot buffers along all intermittent streams; 50-foot buffers along all ephemeral streams shown of the Soil Survey maps and having a drainage area of more than 25 acres; 30-foot buffers along all ephemeral streams shown of the Soil Survey maps having a drainage area of between 10 and 25 acres (the "Riparian Buffers"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the "Conservation Area" shall not include wetlands, streams, and riparian areas authorized for impacts in accordance with the following permits issued to the Declarant.: (a) DOA Permit No. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural ("DWQ") Certification No. dated "Permits"). _ dated , 2006, and (b) Resources, Division of Water Quality 2006 (collectively, the NOW THEREFORE, the Declarant hereby unconditionally and irrevocably declares that the Property shall be held and subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, as set out herein, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of the real property and to comply with the Permits, to run with US2000 9395029.3 Page 1 of 7 the subject real property and to be binding on all parties that have or shall have any right, title, or interest in said property. 1. Purposes. The purposes of this Restrictive Covenant are to maintain, restore, enhance, and create wetland and/or riparian resources in the Conservation Area, as more particularly described below, to contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; except as otherwise provided herein, to maintain permanently the Conservation Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Conservation Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes, all in accordance with the Permits. 2. Permitted Uses. The Conservation Area shall be owned, exclusively controlled, and maintained as far as practicable, in its pristine and natural state in perpetuity; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Restrictive Covenant, the following uses shall be permitted in the Conservation Area to the extent they do not directly impact waters of the United States (the "Permitted Uses"): (a) Any use of the Conservation Area as expressly permitted in the Permits or as otherwise may be required by Declarant to comply with the Permits or other regulations or requirements of DOA, DWQ, or other governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the Conservation Area; (b) Use of the Riparian Buffers as follows: • Construction on pilings including without limitation elevated walkways, roads, or utility lines; • Water dependent structures; • Signs, security lights, and flag poles; • Utility lines where no practical alternative exists; • Passive recreational activities with very low impact walking trails with no impervious surface that are located at least thirty feet from the edge of the stream; • Paved trails up to eight feet in width that are located at least fifty feet from the edge of perennial and intermittent streams, provided that the buffer as a whole is extended a distance equal to the width of the trail; US2000 9395029.3 Page 2 of 7 • Clearing and re-vegetating the stream buffer for the purposes of improving its pollutant removal efficiency, provided that no such clearing is allowed within 30 feet of a stream; • Clearing, grading and filling within the buffer in connection with road construction provided that affected areas are revegetated; • Removal of invasive species listed by the North Carolina Botanical Garden; and • Desirable artificial stream bank or shoreline stabilization, as determined by Chatham County. 3. Effect. The covenants and restrictions contained in this Restrictive Covenant shall be perpetual, shall run with the land, and shall be binding on Declarant and its successors and assigns. 4. Restrictions on Use. Except as expressly reserved as a Permitted Use in this Restrictive Covenant, the Conservation Area shall be maintained in its natural, scenic, wooded and open condition and restricted from any development or use that would impair or interfere with the purposes of the Conservation Area. The following uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: (a) Prohibited Uses. Except for the Permitted Uses, all industrial, residential, and commercial activities are prohibited in the Conservation Area. (b) Agricultural, Timber Harvesting, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, timber harvesting, grazing, horticultural, and animal husbandry uses of the Conservation Area, including the use of the Conservation Area for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland, are prohibited. (c) Construction. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be no roads, buildings, signs, building, facility, mobile home, or other structure constructed or placed in the Conservation Area for occupancy by humans or for storage of equipment or materials not directly related to the operation and maintenance of the Conservation Area for the Permitted Uses. (d) Dumping. Dumping of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery, or other material in the Conservation Area is prohibited. (e) Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be (i) no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drilling for mineral resources on the Conservation Area; (ii) no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, US2000 9395029.3 Page 3 of 7 minerals, or other materials from the Conservation Area; and (iii) no change in the topography of the land in any manner except as necessary for the purpose of combating erosion or incidental to any conservation management activities consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Area. (f) Streams, Wetlands, Water Quality, and Drainage Patterns. There shall be (i) no pollution or alteration of water bodies; (ii) no activities that would be detrimental to water quality or that would alter natural water levels, drainage, sedimentation, and/or flow in or over the Conservation Area or into any surface waters, or cause soil degradation or erosion; (iii) no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding, or related activities; and (iv) no altering or tampering with water control structures, or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or outside of the Conservation Area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited, except activities to restore or enhance natural hydrology or manage stormwater as permitted by state or any other appropriate authorities. (g) Disturbance of Vegetation and Natural Features. Except for the Permitted Uses, there shall be no cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any vegetation in the Conservation Area or disturbance of other natural features in the Conservation Area except for selective cutting and prescribed burning or clearing of vegetation and the application of approved pesticides for fire containment and protection, disease control, restoration of hydrology, wetlands enhancement and/or control of non-native plants. 5. Additional Rights of Declarant. Declarant shall have the right to undertake or continue the Permitted Uses on the Conservation Area. No provision of this Restrictive Covenant shall be construed to impair the ability of Declarant to sell the Conservation Area or Property subject to this Restrictive Covenant or to use the Conservation Area or Property for collateral for borrowing purposes, provided that any mortgage or lien arising from such loan shall be subordinated to this Restrictive Covenant. Any deed to secure debt, deed of trust, or mortgage affecting any portion of the Conservation Area or Property shall at all times be subject and subordinate to the terms of this Restrictive Covenant, and any party foreclosing any such deed to secure debt, deed of trust, or mortgage, or acquiring title by deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall acquire title subject to all of the restrictions and covenants of this Restrictive Covenant. 6. Transfer of Conservation Area and Property. Nothing in this Restrictive Covenant shall preclude Declarant from imposing additional easements on the Conservation Area or Property or conveying any interest in the Conservation Area to a donee eligible to hold property for conservation purposes within the meaning of Section 170(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder. US2000 9395029.3 Page 4 of 7 7. Amendment. This Restrictive Covenant may be amended, modified, or terminated by Declarant or its successors or assigns only with the written consent of DOA and DWQ. 8. Interpretation. This Restrictive Covenant shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of North Carolina. Any ambiguities herein shall be resolved so as to give maximum effect to the conservation purposes of this Restrictive Covenant. 9. Termination. If it is determined that conditions on or surrounding the Conservation Area have changed to such an extent that it becomes impossible to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Restrictive Covenant, a court with jurisdiction may, at the joint request of Declarant, DOA, and DWQ (or their respective successors and assigns) terminate the covenants and restrictions in this Restrictive Covenant. If a condemnation of a part of the Conservation Area or of the entire Conservation Area by a public authority or other authorized entity renders it impossible to fulfill any of these purposes, the covenants and restrictions in this Restrictive Covenant may be terminated through such condemnation proceedings. 10. Severability. If any covenant or restriction of this Restrictive Covenant is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions of this Restrictive Covenant, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed the foregoing instrument the day and year first above written. NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC By: Its: US2000 9395029.3 Page 5 of 7 STATE OF COUNTY OF I, the undersigned, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and ? I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s) ? I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph in the form of a ? A credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: , Notary Public (print name) (official seal) My commission expires: US2000 9395029.3 Page 6 of 7 Exhibit A [Exhibit Depicting Property Owned by NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC within the Proposed Briar Chapel Development] US2000 9395029.3 Page 7 of 7 NNP-BRIAR CHAPEL, LLC VENDOR: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITYV-NCDWQ CHK NO: 1253 CHK DT: 8/14/06 INV.DATE INVOICE COST CODE INVOICE AMOUNT RTN/HLD AMT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT JOB CONTRACT DESCRIPTION 7/14/06 71406 004 060435 3,000.00 040710 SPRAY IRRIG./STORAGE & PU 3,000.00 Q? 3,000.00 3,000.00 i ,rte ?' i5 ` ? 1 I r' ?r t t X ` rya k 1 e BRIAR CHAPEL, LLC r VENDOR: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITYV-NCDWQ CHK NO: 1253 CHK DT: 8/14/06 INV.DATE INVOICE COST CODE INVOICE AMOUNT RTN/HLD AMT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT JOB CONTRACT DESCRIPTION 7/14/06 71406 004 060435 3,000.00 3,000.00 040710 SPRAY IRRIG./STORAGE & PU 3,000.00 3,000.00 ., L. d. .,.E - 5$ i$ s..s 9 <s" T Y 3 e ..w` t 3 a? e _ 71 ty1, y4 Ti-fl `w t j q Y 1 v3 US-0132 TIE JOHN K McADAMS COMPANY, INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele Date: August 16, 2006 NC Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 FEDERAL EXPRESS Re: Briar Chapel Community Job No.: NEW-05043 am sending you the following item(s): COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Application Fee - Check #1253 for $3,000 3 Express Review Stormwater Management Plan A 3 BMP Supplement Forms and O&M Agreements 3 Water Quality Pond Final Design Calculations Booklet 3 Water Quality Pond Construction Dra These are transmitted as checked below: ? As requested ® For approval ? For review and comment Remarks: L5 %?_W um U ?D ? For your use DENR - WAl iJI L2u-f jL11Y ? Signature ?si+Etalp°r7Vbnan?ay+?+T??#T?r±t?Yi4w Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Copy to: Signed: :rhy V/ Finch, ect Engineer FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ? Copy Letter of Transmittal Only to File ® Copy Entire Document to File CIVIL ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING PO Box 14005 • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 • (919) 361-5000 • fax(919)361-2269 www.johnrmcadams.com Permit No. Y S O S - t) '13 Z. (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: B1214fe CatAPELL- PHASE 3Y__ Contact Person: JEe-Ef -FOC4, PE Phone Number: (119) 3(o1-5000 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: INCA POND #4- elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 413-00 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation `fl°I.OO ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation y21. 25 ft. ?t gvmoF1= VcwoiF_ Gi.-O 1100 areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 36, 1(3 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 2`1-21 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 10.5-7 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes I II C`w°? Permanent Pool Volume 1533-14 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Volume 8911-13 cu. ft. PoNOFr- Forebay Volume 32,-)'1t cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) VO1''`' C Other parameters SA/DAI 1.49 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 3 in. (2 to S day temporary pool draw-down required) Design Rainfall I RUMORc in. Design TSS Removal 2 Q5 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials 75_F SF a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. Tir- d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. NJA If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow 7r calculations) The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). 'J7F i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. To gE P90'4?0E0 k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. ZFF 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. in. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 4.50 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 11.50 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fi11 in the Hanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 419- 00 Sediment Re oval El. I'll N•so ? 75 0 ______________ _ Sediment Removal Elevation H IH•50 75% Bottom Ele ation 9l -Ca % ----------------------------------------- ----- ------ Bottom Elevation 413• 25% / FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed within. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: P I4Th P rr-Ag 44-?uS , a Notary Public for the State of IJG , County of QY4::14L .,do hereby certify that `1Y2i A personally appeared before me this 15 day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing stormwater management facility maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ,?•.,tttt?t?t?>?? SEAL My commission expires I (- 7-07 Page 1 of 2 Date: •f ° o (n Pre-FORMED SCOUR HOLE / LEVEL SPREADER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The level spreader is defined as an elongated, level threshold, designed to diffuse stormwater runoff. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After construction and until vegetation has been established, level spreaders(s) shall be inspected after every rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be inspected at least every month and more frequently during the fall season and after heavy rainfall events: a. Accumulated sediment, leaves, and trash shall be removed, and repairs made if required. b. Inspect level spreader(s) for evidence of scour, undercutting, settlement of the structure, and concentrated flows downhill from the level spreader(s). c. A level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow-spreading structure at all times. Repair or replace the level spreader if it is damaged. d. Mow vegetative cover to a height of six (6) inches and prune plants if they cover over half of the level spreader surface. e. Repair eroded areas and replace/replant dead or damaged vegetation. 2. The contractor should avoid the placement of any material on and prevent construction traffic across the structure. If the measure is damaged by construction traffic, it shall be repaired immediately. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (e.g., catch basins, pipes, swales, riprap) four (4) times a year to maintain proper functioning. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system of prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Newland Communities, Attn: Mitch Barron Title: Newland Communities -Vice President Address: 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201, Durham, NC 27713 Phone: SignatL Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, , a Notary Public for the tate of gel , County of , do hereby certify tha _`1q +J1 E:q a.lA la--/ personally appeared before me this /.S day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention basin main Hance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, .cP NOTARY . PUBLIC ; U ?/1111I11\ SEAL My commission expires • i / % .~ll, ~ ~~,/.~j~- i _.~vA'V~\ ~~-'~~i~/~// ~ ;2~~ r rl'~~~'1AA_.~VA\AVA _ Y J A \ r ~ r ~ y,., wA~ AL11Y POND #3 \ : v s D #3 U , u, _ \ r °ta~` /fitV`"veJ` A ~ ~ J _ w c ~ _ n - r 4 _ ~ _ _ - ~ _ - _ r _ _ x o _ . c. ~ ~ _ , 0 0 f< _ ~ ' _ iii r ~ , ' ~ / ,w yti~ ~ 1+ U eN w zl '-1 ~ \ , A ~ ~ V :1 ~ i i ~ ~ ~ x~ - , - r \ r ~ ~ z` • ' / I J 1 ( i j l ( ~ \ 1 \ \ \ r \ \ , 1 ' J l I ( ~ . _ r.' ' ' ~ ~ r 1 w ` ~ d~ w / / \ , _ . v ~ a I 1 ® x ~ ~ ~ w N , \ - - 7 \ \ I"'~ nn z ~ \ W I I tea: - \ ,I / / I \ O.. ti \ ~ i 1 ~ t 1.,. 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CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IF ANY DISCREPAN ' ~ p / . ~ ; LIES EXIST PRIOR TO x. i / 1, ~ PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE C %i 'PAYI,bR R(ZAD S1P/ ~ "p' ~ ~ ~ /,.~~~s v / / , ? / / 1 , ..-.`-.A r ~ rte/ i ~ , ~ A i ~ ~ I ...i T r y r y S~ / ,w~~'`_'.~ -rte / ~ / \.~I' i ' A V', A / r , / - / _ , ~'I ~ 1 / ; / RANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION . W ~ !i r SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY WORK DONE DUET ~ ' ~ ~ r~ ; , 0 DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN L.~ F / ~ _-~,f , ! f ~ INCORRECTLY ON THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFlCATION HAS NOT BEN ~ ~ ~ E GIVEN. ` . \ `rte , ~ r ~.C_ _ R . / - • , \ / \ ~ 1 ~i ~J /i ~ ! I w ~ Qi ; 2. THERE MAY BE WETLANDS WITHIN THIS SITE. IT I I"~ ; ; ~ . S THE OWNER S R z E5PONSIBILITY FOR WETLANDS ' i JURISDICTION AND PERMIT DISTURBANCE PRIOR w ! ~ TO ANY GRADING ACTIVITY. A ~ O \ \ \ ~ \ \ . i \ \ \ \ / ~ I ~ ~ ~ \ I ~j ~ O 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~ - ' 3. THESE DRAWINGS CONTAIN CONSTRUCTION aa 1 l 1 1 \ l 1 1 ~ \ J - ~ t ~ 7\ • =~C yy 1 1 __'j/:' % i / 1 ~i b r • ~ % . ~ .J /i! / , ~ - PLANS FOR ONLY WATER QUALITY POND 4 a d ~ , ; ~ r ~ (SHOWN AND / = LABELED ON SHEET OAS-1). THE OVERALL SITE PLAN AREA DEPICTED ON SHEET 0 - U ' ~ ~ ~ ; • y ~ ~ ;//•G ~ AS 1 IS THE ENTIRE • , : „ - 1 . i - PHASE iV AREA W41CH WI LL HAVE A TOTAL OF SIX (6) WATER QUALITY PONDS. THE CONSTRUCTION f ~ ~ x -j +i ;`,fir ' ' U 1 i l i I c / / ,11 \ r-- - ~ i • A 1 } ~ / V 1v~I~l I 11 A PLANS FOR WATER QUALITY PONDS ~1, ty2, ~3, #5, AND WHICH ARE ALL IN P ~ F ~ ~ ( RASE IV AND ARE a c,;;,/ r/,/~/, ` SHOWN AN6 LABELED ON SHEET OAS-1 ~ /,,/i )ARE UNDER SEPARATE COVER. w p / I I ~ ~ ! ` / ~ v ,A \ ~ ~1 v , ' - _ / r 1 ~ ~ •1 1,•' / I I1~.J ~ I { I l 1 V'. "i;{ I' \ 1 1 l i / 1i / l ~i 1 I, r i r ~ • I i ~ , , /lily'// %!i/,,,, J~;~~_ E. 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' I I I I ~ 1 ~ \ 1 1 i 1 ~ 1: 1 , ~ i ~ - I i ' I V ~ .r--~ ~ { I ; I ~ v / ~ r \ v A x~` Ili / l g • , E i V ~ ~ VA \ ~i - ~ v v~ / r II 1 V \ \ 1~ ~i s:l ~ i ~ y~ _ 1 r 1 / / i i /(/r / jI1 ~ , / i ?~_-.7 l .a ~ I I'1- / ~I, t:i-~ ~1.•\--',`\\ ~ % 'I / \ { / r 11 i \ \ \ / \ \ ' ' ,w ~ / / ' ~/l J1 J 1 v~ v\ ~ 1 f/~j~- _ / / ~ 1 ~ i \ ~ i A ~ / r~/.: . , ~ \ / a~ r ~ v ' / .J i #''"ti - ~ ~ ~ , , 1 1 V~ ~ ~ - i 1 \ / a - ~ j ~ ~ ' rr - ~ ~ \ 'ice \ ~-i ~ f / ~ i r , i l,r~ ~j~-~.- \ \ r - / ~ ~ V ~ , k n. . ~ !Jl ~,_...._,li,' % \ \ ' I In \ _ • • ~ r \ ~ ~ ` /i~,~ - _ ~ , ~ \ a\ \ 1 \ \ I I ' ~ J / ~ `4+(tl~` 1 , . / ..,u~ l ~ .l ~ - ~ l rl/ l/ } _ i/ \ \ ~ ` 1 - .r - / . t d ref/.J i' /'~i/ ~ \ ~ \ \ , \ ~ \ I i I r / ..i !/s t 1,//~ ~ \ \ r i ;.,F ~t ,Grp l1 1 / (~\V'\,\V~ vV AV'V 1 1 I 1 I //~/rl~ a.~- ~r/~ r. ;A ~I i ~rl,t/"r:• ~~~l~~l~'~/iC ' V~.. \ 1 ti, l 1 V,, rca ,.~1 GRAPHIC SCALE •i rHO~ECZ xo. NEW-05043 200 0 Ioo 20o aoo F NEW05043-OAS t° - - 1 inch = 200 ft DESIGNED HY: - ~s , . naARU av SCALE: 1"=200' DATE: 08-14-2006 SHEET NO. OAS _ JiMcADAMS FINAL DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION lip AdEk- V ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 { a ~ ~ I V \ V \ ~ i _ 1 i ~ , [ .poi ~ - 1 ~ I ~ r;~ ! N SPECIFICATIONS - WATER UAI.ITY POND #4 CONSTRUCTlO ' ~ r ` ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1 ~ ~ MPA N SPECIFICATIONS ` GENERAL NOTES BERM SOIL AND CO CTIO , , _ - { ~ 1 { 't 1 1 _ _ i i i i 1 ~ - 1. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE ON-STYE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY THE 1. ALL FILL MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR THE DAM EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE ~ ~ SUITABILITY OF THE PROPOSED BORROW AREA /FILL FOR USE IN THE DAM TAKEN FROM BORROW AREAS APPROVED BY THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL EMBANKMENTS /KEY TRENCH. ENGINEER. THE FIU_ MATERIAL SHALL BE FRED FROM ROOTS, STUMPS, WOOD, ~ 1 I I i t j ~ I ! ~ 1 I ~ ~ r , i~ !i i STONES GREATER THAN 6", AND FROZEN OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE ` ~ ~ 2. THE ON-S(fE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT THE KEY TRENCH EXCAVATION MATERIAL. THE FOLLOWING SUIL TYPES ARE SUffABLE FOR USE AS FILL ~ ~ ~ 1 f I i ~ ~ t. _ `~j PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY BACKFlLL WITHIN THE KEY TRENCH. IF THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN THE DAM EMBANKMENT AND KEY TRENCH: ML AND CL. ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ N 1 I I I ~ 'j O , ~ I 1 / { i~ i ~~,i ~ I a ~y O O TRENCH PRIOR TO INSPECTION THEN THE KEY ~ ~ ~ ' , CONSTRUCTS AND COVERS UP THE KEY ~ r / I ~ i C y L' ~ ~ ~ % ~ W F-1 U ~ VERED AND TESTED AT THE CONTRhCTOR'S EXPENSE. 2. FILL PLACEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED A UAXIMUM 8" UFT. EACH LIFT ` TRENCH SHALL BE UNCO ~ SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF EMBANKMENTS BEFORE ~ ~ , i I I I ~ ~ _ ~ ^ ~ "d a 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE PERMANENT PLACEMENT OF FILL FOR THE BERM SECTION, ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 1 ~ i i i i , , ~ ~ x tv PLANTING PLAN SCHEDULE. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO TREES /SHRUBS OF ANY TYPE SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED FOR FILL ~ ~ ~ , / PLACEMENT. 1 ~ ~ MAY BE PLANTED ON THE PROPOSED DAM EMBANKMENT (FILL AREAS). ~ ~ ~ i ~ ' ' L4 1\ ~ ~ i I. i i I ® ~ ~ ~ ~I ~I` w wN 4. IF THE WATER QUALITY POND IS TO BE USED AS A SEDIMENT BASIN DURING 3. ALL FILL SOILS USED IN THE EMBANKMENTS /KEY TRENCH )1 ~ a CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CONSTRUCT THE INTERIOR EARTHEN BERM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE STANDARD 1~ , ' SHOWN ON THIS PLAN UNTIL APPROVAL TO REMOVE THE SEDIMENT BASIN HAS BEEN PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASTM-698). THE FILL SOILS SHALL BE 1 ~ ~ GRANTED BY THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. COMPACTED AT A MOISTURE CONTENT WITHIN -1 to +3 PERCENT OF ITS 1 ~T'~,, ~ , I OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY \ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ Gk'r CJ O 5. IF THE WATER QUALITY POND IS TO BE USED AS A SEDIMENT BASIN DURING THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY 1 " I ! ~ , ~ ~ ~ O, ~ ~ u~ ~ , a.a ~ ~ i l y ~ G, I CONSTRUCTION, THE AREA SHALL BE CLEANED OUT (LE. SEDIMENT, TRASH, ETC) AND THAT THE PROPER COMPACTION LEVEL HAS BEEN REACHED. THE FILL ~ 1, 39 LF 12 0 IDIP i o ~ 434 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~a ! E `as REVEGETATED IF NECESSARY PRIOR TO USE AS A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY. SHOULD BE COMPACTED USING A SHEEPSFOOT TYPE COMPACTOR. IN ORDER ~ ~ I ®0.00% I ~ I ( ) TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE PIPE NO COMPACTION EQUIPMENT SHALL 1 01 432 i I i TOP OF DAM / I ~ THE TRASH AND SEDIMENT SHOULD BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY {LE. -LANDFILL}. R SS ANY PIPE UNTIL MINIMUM COVER IS ESTABLISHED ALONG THE PIPE. 1 ~ I ~ ~ C0 1 I I ~ { 430 ~ i MAINTENANCE ' Jr,' ~ Iii c"°"'"~~9 ~ l I ~ 4. A KEY TRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED BENEATH ALL FILL AREAS OF THE 5 COUNTY STREAM I ~ I ~ li ACCESS ~ ~ sa 1? ~ / :4~ ' C ! is i ~ ~ r » 1 ~ I ~ CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION BERM. THE TRENCH SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 5 FT BELOW IXISTING I i I a,~m - GRADE AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BOTTOM WIDTH OF 5 FEET. THE KEY ~ ~ BU FER (EPHEMERAL) \ 1. PRIOR TO PIACEMENT OF THE NEW FILL, THE AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE .THE KEY TRENCH , I ~ P© I { ~ ~ I ' ~ ATION TRENCH SIDESLOPES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1:1 (H:V) ~ I , CESS MAINTENI C PLACED SHALL BE CLEARED AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL, TREES, ROOTS, VEGET SHALL BE COMPACTED TO THE SAME SPECIFICATION LISTED IN ITEM 3 ABOVE. \ I ~ / AND OTHER OBJEC710NABLE h1ATERIAL. THE AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED 1 1 \ I SEMENT I SHALL BE SCARlF,ED, 5. UPON REQUEST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER WITH ~ I ~ I I ! 4 Q REPORTS TO VERIFY THAT THE DAM EMBANKMENT MEETS THE SPECIFlED 1 I I ~ I ~ i---- \ 0 i / ~ _ ~ tel. 2. ANY REMOVED TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED FOR USE IN PLANTING (SEEDING) ON COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. COMPACTION REPORTS WILL BE NEEDED DURING ~ I i i I I I 1 \ f t ~y THE DAM EMBANKMENTS ONCE FINAL GRADES (AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLAN) HAVE THE AS-BUILT CERTIFICATION PROCESS FOR THIS STORMWATER FACILITY. 1 I I~ BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH COMPACTED FlLL THEREFORE, IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE 11 COMPACTION TESTS ARE PROPERLY PERFORMED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ~ I I 1 42 ~ s~, _ R ~ ; ~ ~t ~ ,,tb ~ y = ~ X26 i / ~ ' _ ~ ~ t ''',Yls ~ N,oV* 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN ANY PUMPING ~ STEEL A I-SE'EP ' a TO EQUIPMENT ETC. NEEDED FOR REMOVAL OF WATER FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COLLA X2 EE ~ D`'ti 11 S~0 ~ A ~ t I N ' , ~ ( ) `ti pf qQU STORMWATER POND SITE. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT PUMPING WILL BE NECESSARY IN THE SPILLWAY PIPE SUBGRADE SUPPORTAND DEr SHEET P 4e ,ati 1 qri E CH . DURING PLACEMENT OF FILL WTTHIN THE KEY ' ~ 'i ~ 0 OM F ~ Sy EXCAVATION AREAS (LE. -KEY TR N ) 1 1 / 4 f(F Y TRENCH OR OTHER AREAS AS NECESSARY , THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE WATER BEDDING SPECIFICATIONS / 1 1 ~ '90 { LEVEL BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION. THE MANNER IN WHICH THE WATER IS 1 1 1 tx ; F ~g s ~ ~ ~~t- ~ E SUCH THAT THE IXCAVATION BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES ARE L ~ 1 I k1~ ' ~ ~ REMOVED SHALL B 1. FILL IN THE AREA OF THE SPILLWAY PIPE AND ADJACENT AREAS SHOULD 1,y I i a I 4 ~ ~ I ~ - ~ " STABLE. I T OF 7 TO 3' OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP PREAD~R 4- ~ I \ BE BROUGHT UP TO A PO N ELEVATION OF THE PIPES IN ADVANCE OF SPILLWAY CONSTRUCTION SO THAT SCOUR` f10LE ' •1 I ~ 1 ~ ~7 ~ - 419.00 , ~ \ _ THE SPILLWAY PIPES CAN BE INSTALLED IN A TRENCH CONDITION. ONCE (SEE DET } 1~ I ~ i~\ ~ ~ i j ~ i THE FlLL IS BROUGHT UP TO ABODE THE TOP OF PIPES THE PIPE SHE =4D ~ ~ i~ \ ~ ~ p~q ~ ~r?~•p r~ MATERIAL aPECIFICATIONS ) OV ii~i`ii ~71AUC~1 Vi~L' c '1 SIRHON HEADWALL TRENCHES SHOULD THEN E_ EXCAVATED FOR INSTALLATION OF THE PIPES. \ ~l r I IEADWALL 413 ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ A I " ~ (SEA DETAIL SHEET PD-4 ~ ~ 41L SHEET PD-4C 1 ~ ~ 1. THE 42 RCP OUTLET BARREL SHALL BE CLASS III RCP, MODIFIED BELL AND SPIGOT, 2. IF SEEPAGE OR FLOW OCCURS IN OR ALONG THE PIPE ALIGNMENT ~ ~ ~ ~ SIPHON~INVERT = 419.00 MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C76-LATEST. THE PIPE SHALL HAVE CONFlNED / 1 ~ JVERT = 419.00 ~ ~ A i , ~ GROUNDWATER CONTROL WILL BE NECESSARY. THIS COULD INVOLVE ,I ~ 0-RING RUBBER GASKET JOINTS MEETING ASTM C-443-LATEST. THE PIPE JOINTS SHALL _ PUMPING (OR STREAM DIVERSION, ETC.) DEPENDING ON THE TOPOGRAPHY. / 43 ~ ~ BE TYPE R 4. SINCE IT IS NECESSARY TO WORK IN A "DRY" CONDITION, THIS SITUATION I ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I + 1 I PERMANENT POOL ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MAY REQUIRE USE OF L;:AN CONCRETE BACKFlLL, PLOWABLE FlLL, ETC. TO 1 ~ I a! ` 2. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR THE 6x6 {INTERNAL DIMENSIONS) RISER BOX WITH ESTABLISH SUBGRADE CONDITIONS SUITABLE FOR SOIL TYPE BACKFlLL ' o \ N~ ~ NORMAL POOL = EL 419.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ a ' ; { ? ~ / V ~p N N f ~ ~ ~ EXTENDED BASE SHALL BE BY OTHERS. PRIOR TO ORDERING THE STRUCTURES, THE PLACEMENT. ~ ~ ~ ` ~ , PROVIDE THE ENGINEER WITH SHOP DRAWINGS, SEALED BY A P.E. ~ ~ ~ ` CONTRACTOR SHALL ~ 1 ~ r~~ ~ ~ ~ ' N {a _ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i I i i ~ ~ i i ~ Z REGISTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA, FOR REVIEW. ~ 12° DIP, 1 3. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, SUBGRADE CONDffI01JS ALONG THE SPILLWAY " t INV OUT = 419:,00 1 d I ` `r ~ / j ~ i~ t C) PR T RhER OUTLET STRUCTURE ~ : ~ SHAPE = SOUQRE ~ ~ I ~ i pt11! ? 3. THE RISER BOX OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS 16" ON CENTER. PIPE SHOULD BE EVALUATED BY THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO ~ ~ ~ STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE INNER WALL OF THE RISER 80X. STEPS SHALL BE IN ASSESS WHETHER SUITABLE BEARING CONDITIONS EXIST AT THE SUBGRADE ` 3 1 ~ I TERNAL DIMENSIONS = 6 FT. x 6 FT. , ~ ~ ~ S;r~IMENT ' ~ ' f ~ ~ . N _ _ ~ ~ ~'FOREBAY ~ ~ I - w ~ TOP OF RISER ~ 421.2 ~ ~ i ! LEVEL SHOULD SOFT OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS BE ~ 1 ~ WITH NCDOT STD. 840.66. PLEASE REFER TO SHEET PD-4B FOR LOCATION ~ << , ~ ACCORDANCE ENCOUNTERED ALONG THE PIPE ALIGNMENTS, THESE MATERIALS SHOULD BE v ~ ~ INVERT OUT (42 D 0-RING RCP) = 414.30 i ~ _e~ ; OF THE RISER STEPS. T AS IRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE UNDERCUT r i ~ i a ~ ~ UNDERCU D _ I_ ~ ~ ~ ~ f SEE DETAIL SHEET PD-46 ~ . ~ ~ ; ADE UATE Y COMPACTED STRUCTURAL ~ ~ ~ • ~ ' - UAUTY POND MATERIALS SHALL BE REPLACED WITH Q L ~1 \ ~ i 4. THE 10'Lx10 Wx31 THICK CONCRETE ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK FOR WATER Q EAN CONCRETE OR PLOWABLE FILL AS DIRECTED BY THE ON-SITE ! ~ ~ 4 ~ I , 4,16 `~1 ~ ~ ! j ~ r yy' , DED BASE OF THE RISER BOX DURING FABRICATION. FILL, L ~ ,ls 4 SHALL BE PRECAST AS THE EXTEN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ~ ~ ~ ~ WI L BE j '~-rA~ ~ _ ~ ~ ''l~.j i THE PRECAST BASE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE SHOP DRAWINGS THAT L END A LPER~ NCDOT-STD. 838:8 I , SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW (SEE ITEM 2 ABOVE). 4. IN ORDER TO HELP PROTECT THE SOIL SUBGRADE FROM DETERIORATION I V: T 4 "RCP = i'4. 4~9 DUE TO EXPOSURE RAINFAL SEEPAGE AND RUNOFF BEFORE THE CRADLE N., 0 (2 ) EL. 4 Ob 1 5. EACH RISER BOX JOINT DESIGN SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C 478. THE JOINTS SHAL Y R ~ M ND THAT A 3" TO 4" THICK ~ ~ 4 UTYL RUBBER SEALANT CONFORMING TO ASTM-990. THE CONTRACTOR CAN BE POURED, IT IS STRONGL ECOM E ED I ? BE SEALED USING B CONCRETE MUD MAT BE POURED OVER THE SUBGRADE ONCE IT IS I ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ SHALL PARGE JOINTS ON BOTH THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT. APPROVED BY THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE MUD MAT WILL ~ ~ 0 ~4 ~.E-t ~ ESL Nw5 ~ _ - 4 ~1 ,t ALSO PROVIDE BEARING FOR THE BLOCKS THAT TEMPORARILY SUPPORT THE ! - 19, 1 - , 417 ~ ~ _ 00 2~ AQUATIC SHELF (6:1) ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ 6. THE PRECAST RISER BOX STRUCTURE FOR WATER QUAUTY POND #4 SHALL HAVE A SPILLWAY PIPE UNTIL THE CRADLE CAN 8E POURED. THE METHOD OF ~ ,I I WEIGHT SHALL BE THE SHIPPING \ S. THE STRUCTURE C T CLASS 'B' RIP P ~ ~ ~ ~ 424 SHIPPING WEIGHT OF 48,425 LB BLOCK SUPPORT FOR THE PIPE PROPOSED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE (u+ 1 , ~ ~ ~ ~ rOF 4 70 SLOP Es ~ - - - E -FRO ~ - M 2 EL 41 _ - 9. _ 4 rOF 0 TO EL; 417.0 419 ~ r , i~ _ ~ . --a WEIGHT AND SHALL BE DETERMINED BY SUBTRACTING THE WEIGHT OF THE FACTORY SUBMITTED TO THE JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY FOR APPROVAL. 1 x 25'W x 22" THK I ~ ~ 4 OF ~ x , . ~ _ ~ y~' '1 5 , n r BLOCKOUTS FROM THE GROSS STRUCTURE WEIGHT. THIS INFORMATION SHALL BE SHOWN ; E 'DETAIL SHEET PDr48 ~ ~ ' ~ _ _ ON THE SHGP DRAWINGS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. 5. Flll MATERIAL ADJACENT TO THE 42"~ 0-RING OUTLET BARRELS SHALL ? ~ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ DqM it . ° ~ ' - 4 ~ 422 ~ ~ 3 r ; _ .00 j _ ~ MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3 IN THE SECTION - ~ 1 - 424 / \ ,,~0,~ ~ s a ~ 7. PRIOR TO ORDERING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMfT TRASH RACK SHOP DRAWINGS TITLED 'BERM SOIL & COMPACTION SPECIFICATIONS." THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ~ TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSI,RE THAT AN ACCESS HATCH PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE COMPACTION EFFORTS ALONG THE PIPES TO ~ ~ ~ ~ WIDE ~ - p IS PROVIDED WITHIN THE TRASH RACK (SEE DETAIL FOR LOCATION) THAT WILL ALLOW FOR ENSURE THAT ALL SPACES UNDER AND ADJACENT TO THE PIPES ARE FILLED 42U` FUTURE MAINTENANCE ACCESS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A CHAIN AND LOCK WITH PROPERLY COMPACTED MATERIAL. 54 LF 42'0 OARING RCP ON FOR SECURING THE ACCESS HATCH. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 422 ! ' ( ~ I 1 C RETE CRADLC~ SEE DETAIL. ~p~ ~ 6NQ ( _ A 420 - ; ~ 1 + ~ a OTHERWISE TESTING OF TIC E 1~ 1 t7TS WRAPPED ` 8. ALL POURED CONCRETE SHALL BE MINIMUM 3000 PSI (28 DAY) UNLESS SHEET J?D-4C) (J01 NOTED. , IN> GEOTEXZILE FABRIC) ~ 0.56% 1. TESTING OF THE NEW FlLL MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED TO VERIFY _ WOODSIJNE - 1 _ , L7 JOINTS SHALL BE AMOCO STYLE THAT THE RECOMMENDED LEVEL OF COMPACTION IS ACHIEVED DURING j ~ EXISTING WOODSLINE 9. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR THE 42-INCH OUTLET BARREL CONSTRUCTION. THEREFORE, ONE DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR , ~ a ~ ;EXISTING 200' M DL PUNCHED OR APPROVED EQUAL NON-WOVEN 4553 POLYPROPYLENE NON-WOVEN NEE E ( EVERY 2,500 SQUARE FEET OF AREA FOR EVERY LIFT OF FILL. _ ~ DUKE POWER ~ ~ ~ RIGHT OF WAY l i FABRIC) _ _ ~ - / _i_ ~ ~ - \ s~ 1 POND EMERGENCY DRAWDOWN FOR THE POND SHALL BE ACHIEVED 2. TESTING WILL BE REQUIRED ALONG THE 42" 0-f;ING OUTLET BARREL AT ~ 10. WATER QUALffY A FREQUENCY OF ONE TEST PER 25 LF OF PIPE PER VERTICAL FOOT OF _ ~ - - ~ ~ y/ VIA AN 8"0 PLUG VALVE. THE VALVE SHALL BEAM&H STYIE 820 X-CENTRIC VALVE OR Flll. \ \ ` APPROVED EQUAL. THIS VALVE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-504 SEC. 5.5. THE ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 WITHIN THE 6 X 6 RISER STRUCTURE, AND SHALL BE ~ ~ ' VALVE SHALL BE LOCATED - -POND ~ ~ ~ , r _ _ ~ ~ EXISTIN~~ ~IOOv SL'•Ea~. URE VIA A HANDWHEEL SEE DETAIL SHEET PD-4B). ~`ME~ QF rJC~~~; OPERABLE FROM TOP OF STRUCT ( STA RESPO S ~ ~ ACCESS MAINTENANCE - _ ~ ~ i ALL REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF THIS FACILITY SHALL BE ~ " A , 11. THE 12 0 DIP OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE CAPPED ON THE UPSTREAM END WITH A MEi L THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER, PER THE EXECUTED OPERATION AND ~ _ - _ _ EASEMENT 1 ! ~ ~ ORIFlCE PLATE. THE PLATE SHALL BE 18"x18"x1/2" (GALVANIZED) AND SHALL HAVE A 3"0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THIS FACIUTY. - ORIFlCE AT THE BOTTOM. PLEASE REFER TO DETAIL SHEET PD-4C FOR ADDITIONAL - - ~ ~ ~ 0 INFORMATION. 4z _ ~ _ I - - ~ - \ - 100` COUNTY ~ ~ ~ ` ~ `~-STREAM BUFFER 1 i r ~ V \ ~ ~ \ _ _ ~ (PERENNIAL) c _--1---- ~ , 1 _ - w ~ , . ~ - ~ ~ i° ~ Q ~ ! ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ Z \ w T_- ~ ;i j e ~ I ` . ~ ~d - I, - , , _ - I ~ I d~ x ~ I ~ ~ - I ~ i 1 _ { ~ ~ _~..~w.~ WATER UAL11Y POND #4 PLAN 1'=30' }r sv~ 7 1 ~ - f i Pfd ` i ~ ~ PBO~ECT No. NEW-05043 NEW05043PD4 DESIGNED BY; JF DRAIYN BY: ~F rAE NTS GRAPHIC' 30 0 E0 7-27-2006 li NO. 1 lI1Ch fir; r AtMS FI\AL DR a~cI G - i C - APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING GROUND TDP OF HANDwHEEL TO EXTEND 1—FOOT ABOVE TRASH RACK TRASH RACK (�[E DETAIL) ` — 12—FT. AQUATIC SHELF FROM EL 419.80 TO EL 417.00 ~�~~ SLOPED AT 6:1 /M�0 ^ ^ TOP OF DAM EL. 424.00 TOP OF RISER EL 421.25 INVERT OUT EL 414.30 8~ PLUG VALVE. THE VALVE SMALL BE & M&M— SlYLE 820 X—CENTRIC VALVE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. THIS VALVE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWVA C-504 SEC. 5.5, AND SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE VIA A HAN0NHEEL. NOTES: 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2. ALL REEAR AND ANGLES TO BE HOT—DIP GALVANIZED AND BE PROVIDED WITH AN EPDXY COATING. 3. THE HOT -0P GALVANIZED 2^x3.x1/4~ ANGLES SHALL BE WELDED TO THE R[8AR TRASH RACK. ONCE VYELDED, THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY SMALL BE PLACED ONTO THE RISER YYRH ANGLES SITTING DIRECTLY ON TOP OF RISER. -- ANGLE ) THE BOLD UNElYPE DENOTES THE ACCESS HATCH TO BE PROVIDED BY THE TRASH RACK FABRICATOR (SEE SHEET PD -4A ITEM 7 — "OUTLET STRUCTURE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS^� NOTES- 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2' GROUT SHOULD BE USED TO FILL ALL VOIDS INSIDE THE STRUCTURE AROUND THE PIPE. CLEA TO C OF # REBA 5 ANCHOR CE 13.9 UF 2"x2"x1/4" ANGIE '~~~~'— '—'--- — THE A�E�M�� \ / | -- 2]5` � 0.75' TPASH RACK DETAIL R�C TO OF �� CLEARANCE TO DS|DE OF #4 CONCRETE COLLAR (TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR SEE 1,5 Fr OF COVER (MIN.) KEY TRENCH (SEE BERM SOIL &— COVE 13.9 LF--- 2"x2"x1/4" ANGLE 0.98 F[ (TYP.)-- 7.84' 1 #4 REBAR TRASH RACK (ABOVE) ANCHOR TRASH RACK TO STRUCTURE WALL WITH FOUR EQUALLY SPACED HOT GALVANIZED STEEL CLAMPS. EACH CLAMP ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE BY 2-4'xl/4" CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS EACH CLAMP TO BE COATED W/ AN EPDXY COATING. PRECAST BASE SECTION :R #4 REBAR - CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST STRUCTURE WALL AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT PRECASTSTRUCTURE WALL ------- 3~ CLEARANCE TC OUTSIDE OF #4 COMPACTION 10 Fr. WIDE MINIMUM 1-11 I=EI 11-1111 COMPACTED BERM/ --APPROXIMATE LOCATION SECTION (SEE OF EXISTING GROUND SHEET PD -4A) y '--NON—WOVEN CEOTEXTIL[ FABRIC SMALL BE PLACED AROUND EACH JOINT OF THE 42^ O—RING RCP BARREL |N 2' WIDE STRIPS CENTERED ON JOINT. IMINSIANEUr D" CROSS SECHON -14 . CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STEPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT STD. 840.66. (SEE SHEET PD -4C) STEPS SMALL BE PLACED AT 16^ O.C. PLmvmw 4- SOLID BRICK (BY OTHERS) 3" ANCHOR DEPTH AND LAY TIGHT AGAINST NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BETWEEN 3000 PSI CONCRETE COLLAR PRECAST VOID SP' F (MIN. 28 DAY STRENGTH) CL LY CLEARANCE TO OU I OUTSIDE (OF #4 TO CENTER 42^O—RING RCP FLOW 1' ANCHOR DEPTH #4 REBAR ANCHORS. CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST BASE AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT 42" O—RING RCP FLOW 4- SOLID BRICK (BY NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH AND LAY TIG AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BElWEG CONCRETE COLLAR (T BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE R[U} BY THE CONTRACTOR — SEE PRECASTER SHALL PROVIDE BLOCK OUT FOR THE 42l» O—RING RCP , � 42^ RCP 6' WIDE—/ NCDOT STD. 838.80 MEN (SEE DETAIL: NOTE A FILTER BLANKET IS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE R|PRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. THE FILTER BLANKET WILL CONSIST UFA M|m|WUW 4" THICK LAYER OF STONE (NCDOT #57\ UNDERLAIN WITH M|RAF/ FILTER WEAVE 700 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT PROPOSED GR, 1' CCVER AJ|NJ PRECASTER SHALL PROVIDE BLOCK OUT FOR THE 42'0 O—RING RCPMONTVMW SPILLWAY FILTER (SEE .^^— DETAIL SHEET PD-4D) SPILLWAY ENDY0ALL PER NCDOT STD. 838.80 OUT 414.00 TOP OF HA«DWHEEL TO EXTEND 1'ABOVE TRASH RACK TOP OF RISER EL. 421.25 --^~ r-- YEL8CAY D|SSIPATOR NCDOT CLASS 'B' R|PRAP 21^_ X 25`YY X 22~ THICK BRACKET / SU|DE SJ -EDN / ' 4' 3QUD BRICK (9Y ATTACH AND LLAY Tl(�Pr =41 AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO 4 VOID SPACE BETWEEN . )7 iBE CONSTRUCTIT) IN THE FIELD' BY �11E CON INVERT EL 414.30 413 4. .41 - -PERMANEUr OLT= STRUCTURE MILS RIPRAP CK �~ LA/ER OF ASS ^B~ OR ^1~ RIP—RAP FILTER BLANKET BLANKET (SEE NOTE) PRE SME VIM CONTRACTOR SHALL CORE-'UtRi'�­_ 'H"_ AND SHALL Br__ OPEP111�11-3ull'-, CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL THE PI E FROM To"' Li; f T E -i PENETRATION USING A RUBBER BCOT AND SJRUCTURE V'.A EE� STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE. THE VOID SPACE SHALL BE FILLED WITH NON—SHR|NK GROUT. 4. NOTES: 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2. ALL REEAR AND ANGLES TO BE HOT—DIP GALVANIZED AND BE PROVIDED WITH AN EPDXY COATING. 3. THE HOT -0P GALVANIZED 2^x3.x1/4~ ANGLES SHALL BE WELDED TO THE R[8AR TRASH RACK. ONCE VYELDED, THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY SMALL BE PLACED ONTO THE RISER YYRH ANGLES SITTING DIRECTLY ON TOP OF RISER. -- ANGLE ) THE BOLD UNElYPE DENOTES THE ACCESS HATCH TO BE PROVIDED BY THE TRASH RACK FABRICATOR (SEE SHEET PD -4A ITEM 7 — "OUTLET STRUCTURE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS^� NOTES- 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2' GROUT SHOULD BE USED TO FILL ALL VOIDS INSIDE THE STRUCTURE AROUND THE PIPE. CLEA TO C OF # REBA 5 ANCHOR CE 13.9 UF 2"x2"x1/4" ANGIE '~~~~'— '—'--- — THE A�E�M�� \ / | -- 2]5` � 0.75' TPASH RACK DETAIL R�C TO OF �� CLEARANCE TO DS|DE OF #4 CONCRETE COLLAR (TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR SEE 1,5 Fr OF COVER (MIN.) KEY TRENCH (SEE BERM SOIL &— COVE 13.9 LF--- 2"x2"x1/4" ANGLE 0.98 F[ (TYP.)-- 7.84' 1 #4 REBAR TRASH RACK (ABOVE) ANCHOR TRASH RACK TO STRUCTURE WALL WITH FOUR EQUALLY SPACED HOT GALVANIZED STEEL CLAMPS. EACH CLAMP ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE BY 2-4'xl/4" CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS EACH CLAMP TO BE COATED W/ AN EPDXY COATING. PRECAST BASE SECTION :R #4 REBAR - CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST STRUCTURE WALL AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT PRECASTSTRUCTURE WALL ------- 3~ CLEARANCE TC OUTSIDE OF #4 COMPACTION 10 Fr. WIDE MINIMUM 1-11 I=EI 11-1111 COMPACTED BERM/ --APPROXIMATE LOCATION SECTION (SEE OF EXISTING GROUND SHEET PD -4A) y '--NON—WOVEN CEOTEXTIL[ FABRIC SMALL BE PLACED AROUND EACH JOINT OF THE 42^ O—RING RCP BARREL |N 2' WIDE STRIPS CENTERED ON JOINT. IMINSIANEUr D" CROSS SECHON -14 . CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STEPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT STD. 840.66. (SEE SHEET PD -4C) STEPS SMALL BE PLACED AT 16^ O.C. PLmvmw 4- SOLID BRICK (BY OTHERS) 3" ANCHOR DEPTH AND LAY TIGHT AGAINST NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BETWEEN 3000 PSI CONCRETE COLLAR PRECAST VOID SP' F (MIN. 28 DAY STRENGTH) CL LY CLEARANCE TO OU I OUTSIDE (OF #4 TO CENTER 42^O—RING RCP FLOW 1' ANCHOR DEPTH #4 REBAR ANCHORS. CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST BASE AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT 42" O—RING RCP FLOW 4- SOLID BRICK (BY NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH AND LAY TIG AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BElWEG CONCRETE COLLAR (T BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE R[U} BY THE CONTRACTOR — SEE PRECASTER SHALL PROVIDE BLOCK OUT FOR THE 42l» O—RING RCP , � 42^ RCP 6' WIDE—/ NCDOT STD. 838.80 MEN (SEE DETAIL: NOTE A FILTER BLANKET IS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE R|PRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. THE FILTER BLANKET WILL CONSIST UFA M|m|WUW 4" THICK LAYER OF STONE (NCDOT #57\ UNDERLAIN WITH M|RAF/ FILTER WEAVE 700 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT PROPOSED GR, 1' CCVER AJ|NJ PRECASTER SHALL PROVIDE BLOCK OUT FOR THE 42'0 O—RING RCPMONTVMW SPILLWAY FILTER (SEE .^^— DETAIL SHEET PD-4D) SPILLWAY ENDY0ALL PER NCDOT STD. 838.80 OUT 414.00 TOP OF HA«DWHEEL TO EXTEND 1'ABOVE TRASH RACK TOP OF RISER EL. 421.25 --^~ r-- YEL8CAY D|SSIPATOR NCDOT CLASS 'B' R|PRAP 21^_ X 25`YY X 22~ THICK BRACKET / SU|DE SJ -EDN / ' 4' 3QUD BRICK (9Y ATTACH AND LLAY Tl(�Pr =41 AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO 4 VOID SPACE BETWEEN . )7 iBE CONSTRUCTIT) IN THE FIELD' BY �11E CON INVERT EL 414.30 413 4. .41 - -PERMANEUr OLT= STRUCTURE MILS RIPRAP CK �~ LA/ER OF ASS ^B~ OR ^1~ RIP—RAP FILTER BLANKET BLANKET (SEE NOTE) NOTES� / 1. AN�—SEEP CDL���S `X2) SHA"LL BE J/5~ ST[[ -_L z' STEEL COLLAPS (X2�m 8E C_'OmNILCTED T0 12' DIP WITIH � W^TE� � j NT J' COLLARS (x_� 5�4!. 13 —0" �N CEWT[� 4- AND-5:_:�_P �3�''�8� �<2� �nl�'_'- BE _'L'��� � MINIMUM 5' ASPHAL'TC THE ARE�- A'HERE THF �EEp WELDED WITH WA'�-H 07 TORCH TH7 THEN BE yE�4L �R!OR ANY WELDING. 6. UPON COLLARS TO 12' DIP. rH[ 7,T[EL 5�Ep SHALL BE SpRAe�ED A (-,4u/xN|ZED COAT\�t3 AkM-SEEP COLLAR WOR IT DO FINAL DRAWING — IGT FOR C0���7|l[JC7l3� PRE SME VIM CONTRACTOR SHALL CORE-'UtRi'�­_ 'H"_ AND SHALL Br__ OPEP111�11-3ull'-, CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL THE PI E FROM To"' Li; f T E -i PENETRATION USING A RUBBER BCOT AND SJRUCTURE V'.A EE� STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE. THE VOID SPACE SHALL BE FILLED WITH NON—SHR|NK GROUT. NOTES� / 1. AN�—SEEP CDL���S `X2) SHA"LL BE J/5~ ST[[ -_L z' STEEL COLLAPS (X2�m 8E C_'OmNILCTED T0 12' DIP WITIH � W^TE� � j NT J' COLLARS (x_� 5�4!. 13 —0" �N CEWT[� 4- AND-5:_:�_P �3�''�8� �<2� �nl�'_'- BE _'L'��� � MINIMUM 5' ASPHAL'TC THE ARE�- A'HERE THF �EEp WELDED WITH WA'�-H 07 TORCH TH7 THEN BE yE�4L �R!OR ANY WELDING. 6. UPON COLLARS TO 12' DIP. rH[ 7,T[EL 5�Ep SHALL BE SpRAe�ED A (-,4u/xN|ZED COAT\�t3 AkM-SEEP COLLAR WOR IT DO FINAL DRAWING — IGT FOR C0���7|l[JC7l3� NOTES ALL STEPS SHALL PROTRUDE 4' FRpM INSIDE FACE pF STRUCTURE WAL Z STEPS D]FFERING IN DIMENSIONS, CpNFIGURATION pR MATERIALS FRpM T THE ENGINEER WITH DETAILS pF THE PRpPOSED STEPS AND HAS REC HOSE SHOWN MAY ALSp BE USED PROVIDED 1HE CON EIVED WRITTEN APPRpVAL FROM THE ENGINEER FOR THERUSEpR HAS FURNISHED QQa 3.0' pF SUCH STEPS ZI-3 1' WJOl7U \ 0.2---~- 2,8' W Q Z 2 h -g , ~ ~ F-U~~H \ ~ ¢=~ZJ 518 ~ ~~LLpQ n O?~d' Z H~ 4" ' ° e .q ~ ~ ° R PLAN PLAN T-T °'A ~ SIDE W . ° . ° ° d . ~ ;fit ELEVATI ti SIDE ^ ~N ELEVAT INN ~ ° e ~ 6--5¢. i~.s rte' ° d o ~ I'-o' 14I/z' CAST IRON r` W a ELEVATION CAST IRON ELEVATION z ~ '~--FLOW rf ° e ~ I 12"~ DIP H 3W I2"~ DIP ° ' , . ° ° ' ~ ~ ' e.d. ° 2.1 2.8' ~ a~ 13116' ~ ~ c DOLE TO CONTRACTOR• 4 A~ _ •a •e ° . THE TRASH GUARG FOR THE 0 1' B 3/4' ~ ~ 1 ll4' Ga U a #6 BAR DR ~ ~ ° ; PLATE IS NOT SHO RIFlCE ~ 'a. ° ° WN ON THIS DETAIL ' FOR CLARITY. A ~ r d TRASH GUARD SHALL BE V4' ~ #B BAR Q ~ 5/B' ~ PpLYPROPYLENE = GALV'D, Z I- d PER VDOT STD. 116.05 y e d ° f I.- \ PLASTIC Q vj M ® e' ° e' ' ~ d ° ~ ~ ~ H T -T w < 4„ 'La txi c~ ~ ve' .~L.AL(. SIDE z L7 " 4 THICK CONCRETE I/e' ~ " . ELEVATIDN ~ ~ ~ H~ I ^ \ SIDE J L BASE (MIN 28 DAY COMPOSITE PLAN ELEVATION ~ H STRENGTH = 300 ~ x ~ W U ~ cp Z Q 0 PSI} #3 DEFORMED ~ REINFpRC[P:5 STEEL LJ Q W a, O ~'J Z d~,-, 1!4' 18"X 18"X ~ U~2 ELEVATION SECTIpN A-q 12, NprE, „ ~ O GALVANI ~ z W ZED STEEL 4 BRICK ENDWALL w a a NOT TO BE USED IN ELEVATION SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. HEET i OFI ORIFICE PLATE WITH 3"~ (BY OTHERS) 840,66 ORIFICE AT EL 419.00 P,~~~4uuudr N CARP PLAN V1E9V , S~fI `'a " " " ~ O • 18 X18 X~ pk .,9 MAIl~TI'ENAN CE ACC ESS STEPS GALVANIZED STEEL Q ~ N.T.S. ORIFICE PLATE L~ 15 .0~~ F ~,~b~.. 4 BRICK ENDWALL 'i~~•Q<(. ~G e~~~ BY OTHERS ~,,1~V ~ F~ 4" BRICK ENDWALL ( ) ~ ~ (BY OTHERS) (4) ~"x4"GRADE 8 '1jrnn~4`` ~r:,t STAINLESS STEEL I I dti ~ ~ ADHESNE BOLTS, ? ' ~ ! ~ ~ ! SELF LOCKING HEX ~ ' s~Ha~° eck~a: H~ ~ 18 X 18 X r~ „ ~ GALVANIZED STEEL 1 1~, ~ x,~~.1 r.,~~i __.e__~ ~ z ORIFlCE PLATE WITH 3"0 I E NUTS, & FLAT I ~ ; I k-i ~:"r,'~ r^_~_,-_lt_, " iH;9 FFEW,9T E1641;•'_ N,~,l+i#e to 1 r -.3-~~ J EC ]9 T hE „~fif•+3 "r- WASHERS I a , 1 j a r4i+rYC. n1u.±, !rn),g* ~ry11 q H2~~x ORIRCE AT EL 419.00 E .A'Itc I,~t:a, ,A c.~ ° ~r ...n, y-.." ~ ~ Ct~fML~ arts) ~^.ltl.~" t ~ 1 hf..,~Y YJ. y ~ z„C!`Qi"J" 'J Y r ~p~TAil Si3i (trCT fr!' T• ~ . ~ . ~ v ' ~ •~~i Ili xCf'3 Ati{;_ 3YITh a?_v'IFIC.ts:]'I SECr:Q'i .°„?5. ~ ~Gja~ ~ r^ , 1 ~.1- ~ 11 D ~ ! ~ LN;i 41:L0'SI Cth6F~TC, W~t;ZW•.„" , I ' ~ i C~ .+5 ) I' ~ _ ' ~~:c7PICE,.? L AEIA:I?. Ik;1 ~'TeEI ' HF ' •c ~ ~ ~ ~ v r', b- ~ .r I ~ 5 _ d .Cd VEE'„ x3T61 Dil1+~ t- ra { ! ~ ~ I ~ 'w _ F179 .P, L_ G~7 ~L9G !7= t,EG aTIRE FBCF~fi. LCBFC'EIIka tt! ~ I'sl i.. i• R r'' T~ tinTp nlnti '8`fT~ .S 41~'. ~LF,ApAA4~, Jy; i+. ~ . 12"~ DIP € ? ~p ' 1 ~ ! ~ I I HC I ~ri ~ ~ ~ ~ d"LEA X73 FIA3 Itl i,CLCF4.'1CE fif~4 ~ j ~j 3, j Iwi/flGP + ~ C.~~,, SiJbJ.t,4° '.~'D.E 1.9' I E • I 111! t re' ti ' 1 a Cd ~ , ~ t . 1 ?If I ; I B:>'- TL~G' '3>iuLTEi~ IhTI~ HI:JA'~LL Js7 ~J4C3 ti?ii?` 13'd ~ ILH ~--FLOW _ ~ ~ t r~rr;ls4.rr~ 12"~ DIP DIP 3" 0 ORIFICE i I - ~ • _ . , INVERT = El. 419.00 s ~ ~ ' . ' R-'y G R FdER:C hUtY 8.s135iiiUT`C FCP :e ~ I 5 °hA I G r_._i.:.! I, t e d4V L-I fl F'S TNP °r+N' !•Il±'_A 4" rIiCC.i. 7!I (lllr~.~!:;. d I ! I (EQUAL TO NWSE) j ! I b.> i ; `s C~.;1lrEP..,ii CCI'1%3 1'' tx. HLVE f:4]ILS C~= 111• • ti V; i cc. I 1 . I ~1ti.. ~_-cn T4 Gy~nr ; • ~ _ r:ern Tw ~lanT oa. q 4" 4"• ° a: e . e ETE 4" THICK CONCf~ ~ I G C7 t~,? 31+R 3F~E fGq 3hA a':Tc 5 _ - _ _ ~ 1 GLEY~[ TUtl '7TE: TAE 9iti11fJ4 7"H u;~=_ ~I~,~~~_ n~ t;, ~,z, ~ ~ 4" THICK CONCRETE ° ~ d BASE (MIN 28 DAY e ~ ° STRENG - o I ! ~ ~t cT ~ ~ J IhCFrh3E TH;3 ~/Ji ,iZ-~~h3LhE'DEC~•E 4i?TII1`i ~ r4 ~ r BASE (MIN 28 DAY # TH - 3000 : Si) 3.0' I ~ C7'1 ref ~ ~ { V.. a } STRENGTH = 3000 PSI) 2.8' s 'wr{ 9 ~ T qi 9 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ $;i ~ ~ I _ 11. ! NZNINLk NE5_iF1R~'. ! 4IN.JIU,)(, r , 1" [C " , SIDE VIL~4V U o I~tO.=VlEQV . ~ M ~ ~ 1 ~~1.,NI,X.' kE?f.ilb:!C. U: .71L',x. ,7 W C i ~ ~ PIPE DIr1,. ~;?B BIZ= Ht FT. , ~1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ! ( H2~ K'f. I t3 . j ~ SV2 ' . ~ .0 `506 ,1., i.C _ ~ W rJ 'w~ a~~ .,,'r ~ 5. v i?.MarD.~~~ I.]~f1.7G ~~>T,di3.?_~ c - iL 1`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' c.., ; ~ ~ P fi" 1 .2512 I a. QUID r "'.."w=-----... ~ SIPHON ~ ~ ~wALL i C ?>a X9+2 dU ' _ _ • Ir . ; ~ I~" I ~5 ~ t; I..Jr2.ta ,~.oor~.~- r: . _ _ . ~U~. , 1N ~ _ _ ~ - .Gd/1x.J6 .I.D!'li.i7 G.G3+G. DETAILS T ~ z N..S. I 1 Pl a•t ~ 1 ~ .I it~a. ~ i 2.t1 ~5 8 l1" 1.5:1 $.Sn I 't 1 ~ GJI :,r 1 L~ 1 t•\ j r - _ r.., .7fi ~.^Oj<.~; 7.~^I6..C J: W A~ q r ~ ~,1 ~ 11 ( .5 a 2. , ~1~.D B 2,v^rL.uJ I ~e.id73.%d 2,D - I'~ ~ . I , ,'~1 - Cra,d4 Sflib.5J r c f.. o ~ J5e { I i t1 _ iD,GC.11.~d i O ©tY., Lf' ~ 9 x.~5 P 5 a.VU1~ tD ~ "i.U4r'r3.ub -2.l5!~ ~ ~ i ~U,', V1 ~ ~ ~ 2 Z'r! i s waU a r _ . U•~ ky 8 5' ?.2514 rJ j7.IQJ~J.Iu ~r,l _ f'C ~ ~ ~5f"~ - -,a.SD._]._Ofr7 71 12.O,j13.i:., C7 C31_ ~1 4.0 hB p B T oyl4 I q.~q,, _,?l7 ! ~ . pp L ~1y L.~ W" U x a 5# ~ H I .~c . + dSS.aQ . ~.:01a.7a '19.4i)I;,.~a ut li 4.{ ? wA A 4 4~~5 04 d.~drD 3d isl 2~,rA 7d ~,rd! ~ ~a ~o a,b1 ~11 6.~~; 5.C7 1 - f r.~:~ r _ 1J,6 J19.?3 a , Hz f ! r:SO H _D 3 ~rd4 UD 7 •u~y.2:i IZ. rr r - 1 TF= ',r~~+~ yy r~, r C _ I J, i -.7J 1 L'rJ 4l~l.IllrS 1l TH;. GS.QRI~ III ~l G r~9 4" ~ e.CiG1E•.[? ?,5413.yp 3.2B(4.DC ` + •~-t ~ ~ I +JP,RI e? ' ~ , J, lAI F G"` TH=' GEQF'sIS f~1.G~R MAY Bi: +~yUJ'E~ ;ra il1t~,+:~5, ~ ~ ~ ~ 'o9iiEN TIE' R~ d,d Fn Ij D a " 4 EC ; ?.°41ti.5D cr. 1 ,~DCR QGI, ;.f,~,+ t1 :._..t . ~ 2 ~ i~+Tf; r 7ii`1.7j 14,75!`9.7 5+14:Lryryt 1 nr~ ~ ~ _ _ . _ . ~ ; ~GLT LENC"H IJ iJ _ SHG~TEli JC1~~~•i2~ F DER QGIF r1 ;.r,~,lT[D G~ TF_ l~r~A~, PL:tiE x S?il~.~t! I~71,`, RACK !!1,'lJt+t n5. 1 'J G ,1.'_ r. S i0 SHC~TI=IiL`U iv p1;G si~l'~~-.r 1i~ 1{I~~-•L,G~~, ~ CYi CIDt-, n'.G ~t1L htr,~t}grr,R C .--~---.e..-.~.,.._.-.-~.,_...~...o,~ TM r-•.- i~ ~ ~DEc.~ c~' ~ ~ bi l ~ ~ r,, - 6h~ f ~ J KIVw 4tFb.. Will', (1 x e d31fq`.'!i`` 'rte ~ 1t_Ar t'~tt;,~;,,~, ::ylr L~Ckltll7 t;:k.ftUF~•~ p _ t~,;z ~r,,,- ,N%R 11 'f 1~4 ~ 1/i.; ~s ENnw ALL DET r , :i" , AILS ~ ~ N.T.S. :~I]~~J~I!~'_i.r`.~r,/~- ~ r. f+~1[ . fi r,l ! 1 s~~- !f~lj~i,fi~ll ..x ! ~'1 j I iR ~5~....,_ bqe Se~. F_ q I ;i- I, ..1;4„1? - I ~ z I'~ l 5.38' +,'a i I y e z 4 r ~IGE'tlt#1' ~ C1Ctl7 ~'"I.DC7'~'`~1--~~.., i fY4 T-~ C«!ETh', r' ~ t"r. i 1~ r: `'t 1! VvE~r 6" 52.5° 6" 8~?I~ ~ . r. ~ ~ r ~ ~ , ra. D_P, ~.f - -j - ' [.1 _ bt11T , Ti} 1;! Li~,++ {ii l:";15 ' a.. t,I~P~ 1 f--_I_ _~I_ - - ~0 FY',,tii ~'iiG'~1~ UEE'; ~~ikJ~l; ~t+~l~ ?b .t ,t:>~° _ _ L i~ ri rw,n~.; , F ~,vq,s ~~u~llr- ~~Rr~r,~;, _ ti~ I ~ 71., cru ~ d ill S.~ra~:i •Pi~T ' ~r~'r'~.[;, _ufr ' I~ ` "~~'t? ~"T~ RL ;;T.r~Glil;f~ k,UE'! h:;;L~ r~$ ;~I10~'~! `i! L~ t ~ ~ ....~-.-lM ° -.1 _ - J--'' V. i- - r:~r;~av~Q BY ,Ilc ~r,~lhe_~4. ~r~th3, 'T~~ ',+fAY ~U3~ ~ii:iE ~„a: ~Rf~~LE ~ ~ CLSlv,J ArN~~~iE[r F~y iNf ~j,r" 4C'_F•S. C,r;1~;i T67 k ? gJ~,lg7F"'7 '?i FRIi;E FII; f (1r; ;3;4A1 .t-.. L,-~-- s "'P '~`l~,r~' HI 4!! 7r3 S7tip1 lift~S!!dA(;F' S".~?!Ir>ili~c- a .4 W I G4~:., .iyti`kr `.lr~~l ~:.ti 47(S~~1L1 I:f? F3~~*131~ ln" tn'A:{, A q c__ ~ TS~~ T~ DE~ s,~.,cD r1~~LC1~ -iww I `t~~+t~F ,I,irllf'f ~4i(t `i' F.tH, f}i~;,i Itrr; t;~iltlt;H V t+l :CfS fc~LG'rY S4?E~ 3000 PSI STRENGTH CONCRETE _ 1~~L I~C.3r~t ~cl~rl. ,z~~,~5+f:, 42 0 RING - ~ ~ ? • RCP d. e.. ---i,4 i ti V ' i ~ ( 4 d 4 r v 6 ~ REBAR (GRADE 60) - ° 11!114.,-"1,:"..'; r ~ I S~ r1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ r~~ ® e' ~ , a 12 ON CENTER d ~ ~ ~e. ~ t. r' ~•r r.u, r,r~t'~_~; ~ t~l,•. ; r ~ ~ o , ~ ? e d t `4 ~"M e t 4 'i ' ~ i ~ ~ 1 I I ~ ~ V N ~,r ~ I ~ e~ - W a --w-; f I ~ ~ i ~ i ~ : ~ ~ ~I ''~1 ~71'.l;•• i i .r ; . -ea'Q e o _ , I °a e.. .e. 3.2' . 3" COVER ~ a -4, i i ! ! . _ ' " ~ ~ 3.52' J 3 CO ~ ~ e , a~ ' a (MIN, . ~ < ~ ~ ~1 VER >1. „....9.m^ ~ A a. (MIN. a ~ ° - d .rr I ) d e T wl+' ,tll, 1 b~ i~ r ~ 1 ~i i ` I' !`s'1~,?~.4~ ~LJu' t~' (,iF'ii "1; d!=;~~r ~l ,_:YS~tro~ ~ ~'I h.i E r.L. s r t~.AiA'! 1'~I I ~I 4.14. L_i ~~~.5 1 ,i~•,i x' i 4~• d a•.. a ? d o e 4 ---~.~.f ~ I.YA V, r~IC„L v,4#~ DAP. e' a ~ ° ` ~~.11` ~ f ~ ti ~T4 d i '.a 12" r[^ _ e 4 d. e ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ' e e e ~ l~I,. I !a.', p:, ~ 4 r~5 11. d~. 5. C a e _ L 41p F~F l~~~l~l~ F';;~`i1 ~ ' e ~ ~ LEARA'NCE ~ ' .o >j e til' 111f,TLr e o. '~ISr..I k . ea e ' " ~ ~TIRt~A'F +'1 M I •..i o .,,.slal~idt'.:~ Lid ~tia ~ ptl e CC`ii1i~,, ri sF r-; ar-~f a~,~.CC,1~~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ T ,,~~11~1., 1 ~cnn~ yp, , „ ~ CT;~:~ -~di 5 ~ _dFl',,. FLFT 5*,TE~t C4lfi~ii~( ~Gf=1C~,CG<< ~;'1'r~ y~; r. CF rd 5."°r.9 f ~1!V,dF~ ,;~l!..T:1'J;_7 rlll,l F;Ij.3 F1i~tr ,tis•~ $'~;e.l ,°Yi'.,P't,T h~, a #4 REBAR TIES GRADE _ '1[~"u{` b1 i -1x. - ~ - r _ ~ t?e~Jj;: 9,eF'Fft+`_ ai ! G~.PdP.,,,_1i ,R.•4~:rCi~TdT1Ct ~.,~~3 60) ®5 ON CENTER ~ 4" THICK CONCRETE MUD MAT POURED 7F'Sid'+E:P si r. APPROVED SUBGRADE. MUD OVER 1AWNT BY, BLOCK SUPPORT FOR MAT TO PROVIDE R PIPE UNTIL CRADLE IS 42" CONC POURED. (SEE CONCRETE CRADLE 12' DE P TRAS HRACK DET AIIS , 7 Cj 27 2006 BETE CRA?D LE DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS SHEET PD-4A) N.T.S. N.T.S. N _ DRA,ql E3:' NO. PD-4C FINAL DRAWING t:FI a,o w M^ADAMS Q ~ i ~ V t~ O ~ V' i~ I ~ °1 ~v ~ " d p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , e `~i"irg ~'~n 9.:y Lam. ~1 : J" TEMPORAR 6" rMPORAI~Y SEEDING SCHEDULE pE - ~ ~ , ' ~ . RMANENf SEEDING SCI~,~~._ , n SEEDBED PREPARATION AM AM E NTS ~ Y,1 AM E ~ 1.) CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDffIONS, IF "0 GRADE 8 AVAILABLE. F~.~Q1NG DATE SEEDIP STAINLESS STEEL 2.) RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. SEEDING DATE SEEDING MIXTURE ~ " ~ ~ ~ SEEDING MIXTURE APPLICATION RQjF ~k~,~ ~ r~ , AUG 25 -OCT. (BEST} TALL FESCUE ' R~~ ~ SAN t -MAY 1 RYE CONCRETE LAG 3.} REMOVE ALL LOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND RYE GRAIN u'' G -a ( ) 120 LBS/AC - _-.._~I ~ ~ ° SCREW UNIFORM. KOB FEB. -APR 15 POSSIBLE ~ ( ) ~ ~ .d KOBE LESPEDEZA 50 LBS/AC 4.) APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE MAY 1 -AUG 15 GERI ° BELOW''). GERMAN MILLET 40 LBS AC SOIL AMENDMENTS 5.) CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL AWELL-PULVERIZED, FlRM REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 AUG 15 -DEC 30 RYE APPLY LIME AND F ' ~ ej°""irrr;,er RYE (GRAIN} 120 LBS/AC ERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPS, 4uuJ LBf'AC~E e~°' CA 12' X 4" X INCHES DEEP. ° GALVANIZED STEEL 6.) SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER OIL AMENDMENTS GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERT:'[.iZE~c. , R~ STRAP (4 PER 7.) MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF MULC ~ ~ ~ F .9 MENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/AC GROUND ~ RISER JOINT) 8.) INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDING AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND i S WITHIN THE PLANTING 15 -DEC 30, INCREASE 10-1 MESTONE AND 750 LB/AC 10-10-10 FERTILIZER (FROM AUG APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH AS°NAI_T, ~!e`TZiNG, ~ SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60~ DAMAGED, REESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, INCREASE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER TO 1000 LB AC , OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STR,4iGHT : ~ / ) 45 BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TJOL ; 3.0" FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. ~1ULCH 9.) CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABLISHED. APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANi OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL I ''•H~ I NE~•~ ~ AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, MAINTENANCE ~ •••.,,,,,.••'~G,~~ NCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SEf NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN '.,~'My F~ e.~ BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHOR ~ SEE SEASONAL APPLICATION SCHEDULE MULCH ANCHORING TOOL INSPECT kND REPAIR MULCH FREQUENTLY. REFERTILIZE IN LATE WINTER OF THE ~ „~o` MAINTENANCE FOLLOWING YEAR; USE SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 150 LB/ACRE 10-10-10. ~iOW' REGULARLY f0 A HEIGHT OF 2-4 INCHES. JAN 1 -AUG 15: REFERT1LIi 15: REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. NURSE PLANTS RESEED, f RESEED, REFERTILIZE, AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15 ADD 15 LB FOLLOWIN( FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. /ACRE SUDANGRASS OR 10 LE3/AC'R= GERMAN MILLET. BEFORE MAY 1, OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 LE/,~~RE F.YE (G!?r'P•i}. RISER JOIl1Tf CONNECTION DETAIL _ AUG 15 DEC 30: REPAIR A~ 30: REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. N.T.S. TOP DRES IF IT IS N TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB/AC OF NITROGEN IN MARCH. y9IE~ PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE IS FOR IXTERIOR SLOPES OF T!-!C ~~!H, TcVP I j IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND THE BERM, AND BASIN FLOOR. I JUNE 15, JUNE 15, OVERSEED WITH 50 LB/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBF LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. ~ I y9~;. USE THE TEMPORARY SEEDINi TO USE THE PERMANENT SEEDING S( IPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE ONLY WHEN DATE IS NOT CORRECT i ENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. ~ I i j ~ ~ ~ ~ I K ! ~ 1 i tnj ~ 1 € ~ i r.. ~ I ~ r A ? i ~ ~ I i f 3 ~ i I ~ ~ i I ~ j ~ P-° R ~ f r y , -,e r% `yy~ R~ "Z ~N7a © W .~..a.v U p1 ~ x V a ,o, F " ~ a 10'-4.5 ~ o ~z " ~ ~ 4 4 5 O.D. ~ i ~ W ~A z 0 42" 0 RCP PERMANENT SOIL INSTALL LEVEL AND REINFORCEMENT FLUSH MATTING (PSRM) WffH NATURAL GROUND. (SEE NOTE) ON TES; 12"4 DIP OUTLET 4 FT. 1. RIPftAP LINER SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WITH MIRAFl 4'-0" (RIP RAP IN BASIN NOT FILTERWEAVE 700 OR APPROVED SHOWN FOR CLARITY, EQUIVALENT. FLOW 3.75' n 2. PERMANENT SOIL - 7.75 FT. 15.75 FT. RE-INFORCEMENT MATTING SHALL ri BE LANDLOK TRM 450 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. SOUARE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE (PSH) 3. BOTH THE RIP RAP ENCASED ITV ! ' 4 FT. UNDERLINER AND THE LANDLOK TRM 450 SHALL BE INSTALLED FlLTE^r, ~A5~ PER MANUFACTURER'S F~ IG! , , . p OR _.,~..,~E. , c~ ENDWALL PER NCDOT STD. 838.80 SEED W~(H NATIVE 7.75 FT. 4 FT. SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE: 4" WEEPHOLES TO BE PROVIDED GRRSS~S AT INSTALLATION. 11.75 FT. WITH VARMIT GUARD ON DOWNSTREAM ~ SIDE AND GALVANIZED HARDWARE CLOTH ~ ~ ~ ON UPSTREAM SIDE ~'4' MAXIMUM ' PLAN VILW PROPOSED GRADE E OPENINGS ~ ) F FILL SLOPE 12"0 DIP 4 FT. t FT. FLOW -i? 2:1 2:1 NATURAL 42" N RCP ~ GROUND N0. 67 WASHED STONE ~ ENCASED IN NON-WOVEN r RIP RAP LINER W/ 1" 1' COVER (MIN.) FlLTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 1 BON , FlLTER FABRIC (SEE TUCK NOTES) 3.75' f PERMANENT SOIL _ OR EQIVALENT 3 3 NCDOT CLASS 'A' RIP REINFORCEMENT _ - ~ N RAP -9" THICK MATTING (PSRM) - SIDE VlEOV - W - ~ . O 42" 0 RCP 1' FLOW 76,5" LEVEL SPREADER SCO[1R HOLE DETAILS NTS rxo~cT xo. NEW-05043 1' ENDWALL PER NCDOT - ~t~N~: N p STD. 838.80 EW05043~ D4 4' 4' JESIGhEll BY: ~ 4" 0 WEEPHULES ON EACH 4" ~ WEEPHOLES ON EACH slnF nF sPn ~ waY nea~~ e~~: i SIDE OF SPILLWAY STS f G 6 `L`JU6 SPILLWAY FILTER DETAIL AT ENDWALL NMI- Y . N.T.S. FINAL M-c-ADAMS, 1te4~gaiT66~'452CttYi:~a'r-=..~.~... y~~r•~ 302 PC PONTEDERIA CORDATA 340 JE JUNCUS EFFESUS 269 SV SCIRPUS VALIDUS 296 PV PELTRANDRA VIRGINICA 230 AC ACORUS l PICKEREL WEED .'.'. 4" POT SOFT RUSH 1 QT. SOFT -STEM BULRUSH 4" POT ARROW ARUM 4" POT SWEETFLAG 1 QT. SEEDBED PREPARATION 1.) CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. 2.) RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. 3.) REMOVE ALL LOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. 4.) APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE BELOW*). 5.) CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL -PULVERIZED, FIRM REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 INCHES DEEP. 6.N SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER 7.) MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. 8.) INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, REESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. 9.) CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABLISHED. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SEEDING DATE SEEDING MIXTURE APP (CATION RATE JAN 1 - MAY 1 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA 50 LBS/AC MAY 1 - AUG 15 GERMAN MILLET 40 LBS/AC; AUG 15 - DEC 30 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/AC GROUND AGRICULTURELIZER -DC30,I�INCREASE lo -10-0 0 10ESTONE AND 75-10 /FERTILIZER TOAC 01000TILB/AC)( FROM AUG MULCH ALY 4000 LBWITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH N/CHORI NVTOOL. AO DISK WITH BLADESSTRAW BY( SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE JAN 1 - AUG 15: REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE, AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. AUG 15 - DEC 30: REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB/AC OF NITROGEN IN MARCH. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEED WITH 50 L9/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. NOTE: USE THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE ONLY WHEN DATE IS NOT CORRECT TO USE THE PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE WAM EMBANMMPM SEEDING DATE SFFDING MIXTURE APPLICATION RATE AUG 25 - OCT. (BEST) TALL FESCUE 200 LBS/AC FEB. - APR 15 (POSSIBLE) SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 4000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE INSPECT AND REPAIR MULCH FREQUENTLY. REFERTILIZE IN LATE WINTER OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR; USE SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 150 LB/ACRE 10-10-10. MOW REGULARLY TO A HEIGHT OF 2-4 INCHES. NURSE PLANTS BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 15 LB/ACRE SUDNGRASS OR 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET. BEFORE MAY 1, OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 LB/ACRE RYE (GRAIN). NOTE: PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE IS FOR EXTERIOR SLOPES OF THE DAM, AND INTERIOR SLOPES OF THE DAM (FILL EMBANKMENT) TO NORMAL POOL ELEVATION. GRAP:� iC S AIS 30 0 SL` 1 incn 30 1t. FI\AL DRAWN( G ~ s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM JOINS PANEL 9776 s ~ ° ~ , ~ ~~e 79°06`00" 79°05'30" 79°05'00" 1970 000 FEET 672 coo M 673 ago os' oo° ~s°oa' 30~~ oco M 1980 000 FEET - ~ _ 1977 500 FEET 674 t ~ ,.PFD ;`~L P=Lt`~,E.?i] !t~`''pl~ A1~tH5 (~t~ft0 ~~i)afE~ ~E~ 8 760 000 FEET ~ ' a' - 760 000 FEE; ~ ;JU~~Ar'C"J 41 ~ :~,NF;',iAi CilA1WCF fL~>~D _ ~ GUILFORD-ALAMANCE ~-JP,ANGE , ;®~Eh92 - ~ , _ ~ ,<<;, ~ i -'~'EZ1201 i DURHAM '.~~ES ~ i ~c;eunr~ual ciranee hood i?DC ~ ~ ~ r _looa), d~«: xnew~ as the base rood, is ttre food . ~ " ~ ~S ruF1 ~ ~ `ha ~ ~ .:hence of being Pr ~:~e,i cr , x:_~er.Pd In anv givP~i year. The S edal ~ ~ , ~ h L , ~ " i • - ,a•a ; f,rea is h~ area .Ja ct 'o .Jr sFz annual chancy fiocc'. ArcEs - ~ ~ ~oPC~ I~iood Hazard incl„de ~ r.:_~ ? , 4F'; a, , AR, P,~'3, V, and V5, The Base ~ `,0:1~ _ca.~,.. IS the w,. ~Cr a.~:_ P ~.ir i5 r ii:°. ' ~Cn;Ja~ han Ce fi0od. - - 1, ~ ZONE'~X'~ i Zt~fiiE,, h„ Bae .lood ._v.~~.,,,5:,c..r,r...ac. , , , ,l I.. tr i p `fin ,;u+~f 1~~j1~~. - ~ ~ _ . , ~ ~ ZCF~;E AE 3ase Ficod ~ , , l I ~~`Nr ~Fi Flood depths ~ r ~ ' .e _ airy areas of ponding); 8 e Plo _ - ~ ~ _I:vat;~ims dctrrr~i' +t't' WAKE ' I~ _ , ~ ~ Zi9;UE A~ Flood depths of ~ to 3 reet l,s,e~,ily sheet flow on sloping terrain); r,,, ~ I , averaoe de the dc'.rr,:..;. f~ a•es ofaliuvial ran floodin , veiacities " f . a P g I ' ~ - ~ ~ , 4 also determined. r, ' o ~ ~ z 1 - , ,V CR S~'~LDGr ~ - ~ Q ~ r n~' C~~' ~ r. ° ' E UNE AR Special Flood Ha~ rd Aria c ,r ri; protected from the 1% annual chance flood cy a foc ~ 'rr,troi system that was subsequently ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ decertified. ~c-ne AR Indira ` :r~a. rice former flood control system is . .J_ - LEE ' Y' being restored to ; ~ 'r1e p o:er r. ~r~ fro!n the i % annual chance or r-' ' ~ ti`.~ ' greater flood. ~ ~ HARNFTT _ ~ , ~ ~ . MOOAE _ . , , i - ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ /'r ` I ~oR]s X99 Area to k~e protc~ kr, f;-;r annua; chance flood b a Federal ,v. y • • _ , , , , .i ; flood urotectfon sys c . , rrsi~uct on; no Base Flood Elevations h _ .;C ,s ?4., - ~ determined. LGF~ri +;i: Coastal flood z,mF ,~?th i~ic~n, ;waw-e ar_tion); Base Elcod Elevations - ~ determined. 'r ; ~ - ~ ~ ir,~: vg rr i(,G. ~ . , r ~ h; ' i.' ~ ' ~ ~ F co n « 35° 50' 00 1 '4. 1' _ _ ':lie Ic_,!wa~r Is the channel cta s[rca.~, ~rlc 2r, :~c-acent flood lain areas that must be ` - ` r.' rii. t+r, .rep ~ 9r1s t';~~. ! w t P --t- M o '<ept±ree of encroachment so ;hat tie ?ia °nn„ ! .^znce `loud can be carried without r~ , lr~ . ! ~ ~ SUh~t 4~ I~*':"Ca5G5 Itl fI00d I1P~~MhtS, J ,c~ ` L ~ ~2; -ra-~-'r^-'. 2,9 ~ r t , { OTHER FLOOD P„t~,.~ 3967 a:a i ~ ~ ~ r '~~1 , ~s: ~ ir,~. °yv 1. ' `np- _ ~ ~ ~.t_ >t Areas ci Q~io arsnual char-P ~o~~ri, areas o(1% annual cha.,nce flood , ~ i ,.nut r» ~ y, 9'?, m: r ~ tia!th aaera;e c?Fhths n' iess'n~ ~ or with drainage areas less than Y , ; :Y ,in ~ ~ ~ - 3967 1 ~~Iic, ~,~o ~ ,,.3 ortc , u b;, IP„eas f,om _ i~ a ~ , r.»~ _ _ annual chance :n , - r , I J 7,1- l n ~U __ti DATUM INFORMATION ~ ~ r - i ~ ~ ~ ` ` I_ J ic?~. ~,K~';5 i b~ r he ro ection used in the re oration of this map was the North Carolina ' 355 9 , . o. , T P j p P . r' ~ ~ I ZOPtE~ A ~ _ :e r, ~e~ GJ oe n~[sac ,i , _ annual chance t1oodp;ain. I ZONE 3200, The horizontal datum was the North American rip: ~m'3 t^ ti~e3 _ , f State Pane (F(PS t.. Zv.~~ a A°=as Irr ,cP. ,ooe ha~arrr, are uncle<erm,ned, bu. possw,e. r A 'n datum elli soid ro'ect'c~, c' ' ~ ~ ,"09 ~ Datum of 1983 GRS80 el,ipsoid, Differenc..s i p , P I 3 ~ g~- de - ~ : B f or adiacant ~ . ~ P,o~eberry Creek.';, ~ . ~ . -~ENWa ~ - - y. c - : O4SiA~ 3ARolFt. ?~S4 JI~,Z~ 5':'STE~~1 ;C',R$? A~cAS Universal Transverse Mercato- zones used in the production o~ FIRMs f - _ , ` " _ . w , 'urisdictions ma result in sli ht positional differences in map features ac•css _ ~ ~ ~ . r ! ~ ~ ~~E~~A~ 1 , y 9 ~ ~ . ~~AA~~if~'~y~ _ ~ Xr ~ ..__s_~_.r jurisdictional boundaries, These differences do rot affect the accuracy of this ~ ~ ~ I _ < RM A I coordinates on this ma are in U,S, Surrey Feet, where Fl I P 3 . • ~ ~ < fl,-icR~'rb~ ~{ev;~c_.-~- .r~,.~ CipAsM ~ • = 1200/3937 Meters, 1 U,S, Survey Foot y, ~ j {Ch~aC~h~ITh.. Collntl ,.u dLb nl~ 'lJ t',a]~u' 1. . r.~ 1 Cfi,;Ii tJ ~~7PG.al F~IOGCrZCiv nr`=;.5. r r re erenced to the North American Vertical ,ZQNE SAE : - _ - , Flood elevations on this map a e f . emu,; z _ i°{~ r.a _ cJG_3~'? iJUUnCIar~ ~p ~Un>;ncor orated Areas . i _ p , red to structure ZONE X ~ - Datum of 1988 (NAND 88)~ These flood elevations must be compa r X370299 . and round elevations referenced to the same vertical datum, An average ' ~ - g ' offset between NAND 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ' ~ Floc.r,..y na.,rJ,r,, ''>ZONE ~X` h North Carolina count ~ This offset was (NGVD 29) has been computed for eac y ~ _ ;rr~Ul. ~sr'., f ?r;rr . Bou~~ r v'sed durln the ~ '1DC t oar=~ ` then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not e i g f: 349 i - n shown on ~ >>a creation of this statewide format FIRM, The offsets for each cou ty - this FIRM anel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below, Where a 'F,' ' , - `ion. d`.~:. i :-'^o~a Hazard Area Zones and _ ~ _ - y~-- ~o.; i f-,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:,ci ii~zard Areas of diiierent , P ~ ood'n source with unrevlsed NGVD 29 flood elevations ~ ( ' N'~;~;c~ ~~^I ' ?EHs~ ,~Ir~E. county boundary and a fl I g :a - ' Base Floyd ~iara~~ns, fecd depths or flood velodties. - , - Ba c rIC , n a I IFVatlrn in feet* are coincident, an Individual offset has been calculated and applied during the t,_ ' creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Section 6J of the accompanylno - nce Stud re ort to obtain further Information on the conversion , , , r"• 9as: rl~-;c ='rvl`~o: '<•.ue where unitorm within zone; ' ' ti elevacar; in . F oo nsura y P NGVD 29, To obtain current elevation, ' ' ~ ~a of elevations between NAND 88 and ~ , *R2iereacPd to the North American 4erlcal ~:ti~r of 1988 descri tion, and/or location information for bench marks shown on this map, P • - ~ r` s co act the North Carolina Geodetic Surve at the address shown below, ''''~r~ - r plea e nt V r, ,x, ~ _ os} Croa.ec.,~n u~,v n ormation Services Branch of the National Geodetic a s contact the I f , You may I o ~ hi . ~ , Survey at (301) 713.3242, or visit its website at vvvvw,ngs,noaa,gov, ~ r ,i _ ' Geoa, ar ~ :;o r; ~+'e> refer"enced to the North American e Vert ca Datum Offset Tabla r, North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Averag I I ' : r, r, ~ ; . - _ ~ ~ 30 - I 121 West Jones Street County vertical Datum offset lftl - _ , ...j . Raleigh, NC 27601 Chatham - o,7s 35°q9' 3D ' 35° 49' 30" ~ ~ - aaz 3Gf~ ^r to r. ' T~= rs;c~rse Mercator grid ticks, zone 7i ~ ~ _ ; V ~ U; sA ~ ~ I (919) 733-3836 , ` . _ ~ , F( l:;Or to. fir,: a-tii i:arohna State Plane coordinate ! ~ ~ _ r a ~ s'stcrn IpS%. 3?c;+_'. State Plane NAD 83 feet) ~ ~ www,ncgs,state,nc,us ! ~o~,~:- Ltir~c - + -0,76 J Example; NAND 88 - NGVD 29 ( 1 u1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ r` rF~ r Nortf7 Ca°ol+ra r_ : de~tii 5urdey bench mark (see explanation m l L?~~, o1u Z , ~ ~r ~ i X ;n tie Da±um i 2.'.'.m section of this FIRM panel). Q , a is -..I - W • 7 f 'p;~ iatr,^.~i Gecu. ~;c x. v2 r t~encl•~ mark (see explanation in Q ~ ~ the ,0_~,.,. . , ~:~a:r -lion of this FIRM panel). M , . , _ • ;ZONE• All streams listed in the Fiood Hazard Data Table below were studied by rn ~ X z ` detailed methods using field survey, Other flood hazard data shown on this ~ ~ i (n I . Z j map may have been derived using either a coastal analysts or limited detailed ' Q s r'v r'n n I s's, More information on the floodin sources studied by these s96s ieieaayl g r nce Ctud re ort ~ ° analyses is contained in the Flood Insu a y p - - . ~ ~ _ ` - ~ ~ I ~ _ ~ ~ 13906. 1 _ ' . a 1 r ~ - - _ I ZONE `X' , _ 501 i r r.. _ ~ _ - r r . ~ .:5 ~s _ . , ~ t., _ _ 15: ,i r F s' - "x c t i a f~ a r r`~, r i ~ i ~r I ' ~ ` t ~ ,F ? , ~~~iMCGR ~R~~OOC s~ L~~ ~ EGO r ~ R~ J" ~ ~ , _ _ t s 4 r"~ ' ~i^.~~ 1 :~s t, r ~ - r ' i ; 1 ~ r ~ ~'1, t bE,a {~r~ I :`~'1 I ~ i r' Li (`ERS . , - - . _ n VI ~E4;.RD . , ~ ~ u ~ t ti - _ <a''P ~ , r-' ~ ~ i f~ - ~ 4--- _ r,.. - aER;~ I ``k , . - - I ~ - _ ~~h:FEPIPJ rlilES+fMhF~RD` ~ ~ r~ St(M~h6~I;D~ "~~r~,, . _ ' P IPI ~ i :.F~ • r' ~ ~ - ' R / ~,,2 \ m r ~ r \ i _ _ 752 50D FEE _ r ~ i ~ ~ 1 Uil~i~ Jii?L 11' 292 ~ t° ' ~ , ~r ~ .t • " ' ZONE~AE' - MAP SCALE 1" - ~0 6,000 ) 4 ,f3~ 35° 49' 00' ! 25D 0 ! ~;t1 10D0 - X ~ r:: ! - 35°49 00 ! ~ _ ~ ~ E 14393 - ET , - , - - _ FE r-. i I t ~ _ _ € ~ - - METERS , / _ I , Y~ r:~. .~...,.~.A_ .~~..~m~... rLGODIIJ~ ~FF,F,ECi~ iF,~P0~1e ;rr'~~i pp t ; uri _~t. + r ~f.L~r lJ Er1 CAF-1 , } ~ ~ `Y , - ; ~ J i" , 1!! E V r r ;t.. a u i E ~ 7 ZONE`;rAE ~ , i i! ~ ! z r'i~~i. ~f N I, . ~ ~ r , w t1 _ _ ~ _ _JJii~ - - I --T-i_, _ i ri ~ Y%^• } - s f. ? ~ . 3 , i , 3965 ooc M ~ ~ } E ; t~ t ~ s ~ t -r ~ ,,~~~t#ia ~ - I ~ - I ivi ~~~a' - ~ ~J T - R `;ORTI~ ~,AROLii i~~ r~ ~ i, i I~ I ~ I' I 1 ' ~ - ~ACLENDA Tout I,I{ r. ~ I i ~ n- ..,...t ;q" ,I , J~ ..n i w l . , - - ~ s _ F i , , f, r ' ~ ~ - 'Z ' NE 3X i v rA ~ iRJ~. . I i ~~i - / ~L ,~.'J, i ~ ~ ~J - ^ I - ~ _ , . ' k~t J t# _ , ' y" i - . I ~ ~ ,r9EW5 S?ORE~Ai `ii, " • f; , i ~ ~0~ , ~,TY ~ o,_ PAJEL .F~I~ , FOREST CREEK UR _ ~ ~ q,.,. f,^.z - ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~I'~ Q . ~ ~ ~ , CWaI,.r , ,J~~.t 370299 „775 J . , ~ ~ . 750 000 FEET ~ 750 000 FEET i' I' ' i 674 ooc M 1 980 000 FEET ' I ~ ~ ~ ;iii ! ~ i i ICI 0 1970 000 FEET 672 1 972 500 FEET ~ 673 °0° 79°06'00" 79°05'30" 79°05'00" 05' 00 " 7 9 ° 04' 30 " ~ I JOINS PANEL 9774 74 ~~I` ~l~ I Ii~l~ lil~l' i ~-rr~ -rh ~ ~nrr~n ~ rnrr~n ! ~ I i-~renr-rrnerer~ nn~r~ NU ItS IU U5tK5 U5tK5 lI II !I~li~ I ~~sLsiu~uur+nr I, Ii This map Is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, It does not Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This-map reflects m 3- map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations than MAP REPOSITORY JUL 13 2005 necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources structures, Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on th se shown on the previous FIRM forthis jurisdiction, The floodplains and floodways Referto listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www.ncfioodmaps.com. it were transferred frorn the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to i f - - ~i~rstiiiza ~~~A of small size, The community map repository should be consulted for possible Study report for Information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferre updated or additional flood hazard information, these new stream Y ,II ,I ® new stream channel configurations, As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodwa se l Base map Information and g data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables in the eospat~al d t J.U e},:,J To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) :a tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL various organizations, including the participating local community(!es), state and federal data) may reflect stn 'd ® and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood a encies, and/or other sources, The rima basis for this FIRM is aerial ima e ac ulred b a) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map, i EEri0.'S000PERATING TECHNICA~PAATIJER ¢ g p ry g ry q Y Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and/or Summary of Stillwater Chatham County, The time period of collection for the imagery is 2002, Information and Please refer to the Ha 4umber shown below should be used ase refer to the separately printed Ma Index for an overview ma of the county P p EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL i I, en o r; use Community Number shown Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies geospat!al data supplied by the local communlty(les) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout wing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses; and a Listing of d nuraoce applications forrhe subjeci this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial Communities table r whole-foot elevations, These BFEs are Intended for flood insurance rating purposes metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing timunities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information, Accordingly, well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located, tE 9R~y E:A. MAP NUMBER cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with preparation, ou have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood IT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The State of North Carolina has the FIRM for of construction and/or flood !ain management, If you have questi purposes P Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate lim.-Its, are based on the Insurance Program implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease f urance Program in general, please call 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the 3310977300J I t I I r ?a the costs associated with flooding, This is demonstrated by the State's com- Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied most up-to-date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate FEMA website at ~ I ww fema,9ov, si NA webte at w prior to statewide mapping, refer to the Commrmt Map For community map revision , ,tiaF history History located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction, mitment to map floodplain areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross limits may have occurred since this map was published, Map users should accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or Letter State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to recuirements consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying F With FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM, of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway jurisdictional boundaries and base map features, This map may contain roads that were of Map Amendmer Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance < g e:x 00- Pro er~~r_m a t th data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non encroachment widths not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM maybe availab M may be available, Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood your rat 1-800 358-9616 following phone numbers or websites; nrww,ncfloodmaps,com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800--358-9616 t~ _ for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided In the FIS report created during the production of this statewide format FIRM, at www,ncfloodmap www.ncfloodmaps.com for this jurisdiction, The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway for information on a # 6r,„4i t; ~ a ~ n idC ~r Flood insurance Emergency gra~r. of information on all related products associated with this FIRM, The FEMA Map Service NC Division Management National 1-800-638--6620 www.fema.~o~inii riut ' f~itiP? 'et1C r Af.a.-age xt fionC r may also be Center using non-encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. iter may also be reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at wwwmsc,fema,gov, (919) 715-800o www.nfip.ncem.org r l g } i ORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM JOINS PANEL 9766 STATE OF N 79°06'30" i l9°08' 00° 79°07' 30" 79°07' 00" 1960 000 FEET 669 °C°'v 670 oooM sit o0o M ~ s~o 00o FEET ~ SPECIAL FLOO© HAZARfD AREAS SFHAs1 Sl.!BJECT TO 760 000 FEET ~ __,....,._-~..z---„ ---r-----•--~-----~--- ~--~----~--r--~ , 760 000 FEET ~ I ~ { i " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~JLPJDATION BY I'NE , ANNUAL CFiP,NCE FLOO[3 I. • ~ - GUILFORD I ORANGE ~ AL4MANCE I i ~ 44e 5~, i"`~,,,t ~;i,4T I DURHAM • I he ~ annual chance flood (100--year Hoed), also known as the base flood, is the flood i ~ that ..as a 1 / chance of being equaled er exceeded In any given year. The Special i , i~~. ^ ~r ~ , ~ t~ , ' ~ ~ ` 9 ~ Fiord Hazard Area is the area subject Co Hooding by the i% annual chance flood. Areas _ . w ;t~ _ _ . ~ I of S ecial Flood Hazard include Zones A; AE, AH; AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base P ` :ZONE X ; , ~ Flood Eevation is the water-s,lrface elevation of the 1,a annual chance fleod• r. ~ ~ ;.,i ~ „ i ~ ~ y~~.- „I i - n ' ~ ~ ~ I„ ~ J. - ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. - r - • ~I ~ - i ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. i ~ I _ ' ] 1.. ~~°~~,v~ ~ ZONE AH Flood de the of 1 to 3 feet (usua)l areas of ondin Base Flood ,a~ P Y P g, - . , , _ . ' , Elevations determined. WAKE ~ 4 ~ jib~yi ~ L _ ~~r - - fit` ZONE ,X~ , _ _ ~ r • ` ~ ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); ZONE .X ~ _ average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan floodin ,velocities g ' I ~ ti, o r t ~ aaa , ~ Q - ` - , ~ also determined. r • ! F i ` , Y ~ ~ a ~~~C~ _ ~ - ~V ~ _ m. i „ _ - , r ~ ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequent) ,.j. ~ . Y ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ r_ ~ ~ - r _ , - I-- ~ - _ d19 , ' _ ; i decertified. Zone AR indicates That the former flood control system is M f 4~~ LEE 1 ~ , ' 'f,. , I being restored ±'o rovide rotection from the 1% annual chance or P P " I neater flood. _ g. ~ ~ HAANETr ~ ~ i~ MOORE ~ : . . ~ ~ - ZONE A94 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal ; _ - fl o o e ~s o d r t coon s tem un er o d c nstructlo • no Base F o0 . n I d Elevat'o s I P } In ~ - determined. r ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with veiori hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations • ~ ~a' .A, , 6;:; _ ' ry determined. i'' ~ r ' ' ~ ZONE AE, asa ~ i 35°50' 00" r ~ ' ~ ~ ~ FLCO(3WAY AREAS IN ZONE AE > ~-k,''• ~2~:r-.', ,~-!ZONE AE 35°5000° ~ f o1,cb~r'' , (rc • 709. ~ j The fir:od',rday is the channel of a Stream P'-=. any adjacent f~ouopla;n areas that must be - , ~ w w _ ~ kept free of encroachment so that the 1 annuai chance flood can be carried without _ ~ ~ 3967 ac° Fn r 'r' a ~ ~i - ~ i .urJ~t,t ;dal increases in flood heights. , ~ _ ~ ~ ~ t~~ ~ i, ~ , i 7G ' ~s > ; ~ O fi-1ER FLOOD Ah.,.A.S ~r ~r ~ , 4~~' 1 1' ~ ~.M 406 r I aoa - , . 3967 w ~ ZoN2 Areas of C.2/° arn~al chance ,load; areas o. 1 annuai chancy fioo~i 1 . ' os ti 9ss ' , W`:, _ . ses _ with averagF deptns of ;ess than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than, ' i~ , I f ~ P "1 ` ~ E Mua.c mire; .:nu :yeas t,or_cted a levees from . ~:~.n4a. chancy , I Y I a 1 ,57 50D REF' ~ ~ RMATION i , - - DATUM INFO ~ ~ _ , : r N ,...i '~~T''_k 1~._ _ 'n the re oration of this ma was the North Carolina - - the projection used i p p p ~ - ~ _ r. 368 ~ i . r ro~, M _ , ( ; tat a ~ ••rr ~ , S e PI ne FIPSZONE 3200), The ho^izontal datum was the North American ' - 'G: ~ ~ ZnNE X Areasaetermmed cr. ~e cuts~de (he 0.2% annual trance tloodp~ain. _ - 3ga ZONED Areas in which fieed hazards are undetermined, but possible. al i soid, Differences In datum, ellipsoid, projection, or ~ ' w ~ ~ ~ rF ~ - ' ~ ~ • Datum of 1983, GRS80 I p , ~ ,.r; J ` , ` ~ ' ~ I _ r , - t~ ~ I - t Unlversa Transverse Mercator zones used In the production of FIRMs for adjacent ~ ~L `'i~ a eatures across 'urisdictions ma result in s~i ht osltional differences in m p f ~ : ~ r-. - _ E . ~ ~ PokeSerryiGrrleek~:. '`~r~''~ ' LOP.'>?'AL nnP.RiER I~ESOUKCES SYSTEM (CRRS) AREAS of a ect the accurac of this ~ ~ ~ ~`t jurisdictional boundaries, These differences don ff Y ~ _ . . .t 1~' ~ ~ ' x i , r , , 4- ~ - "'.'I FIRM, All coordinates on this map are In U,S, Survey Feet, where - ~ ~ ~ ~ . - :,h - _ ~r° ' ~ . U H R Vi. E PRrJ, _C .J .AR~.AS ~OI~As 1 U,S, Suroey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters, ` _ r ~4' " ~r i - ~ C3Fa areas aad OFAs are norma!I inter.,.! ,vlthin oradiacentto S aaia Food a ar ~ ~ I Y P I I H z d Area.., Flood elevations on phis map are referenced to the North American Vertical - , ZONE`'X E , a i 1 / inual cnance flon-lolain , - bound ' any Datum of 1988 (NAND 86), These flood elevations must be compared to structure 3 ~ - ~ ~ ~ - , ~ , ; C... are^ual chance r'ioodplaln boundary n e vations referenced to the same vertical datum, An average - ~ . and grou d le , Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 f ` offset between NAND 88 and the National , r ~ i ~ ~ ~ n ZONE':X F~cod+.vay . ou..dan, I _ NGVD 29 has been com uted for each North Carolina county, Thls offset was ' i 1 p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ; ; _ ~ nit°Y Chatham Cou , • - - Zone D Boundary I` • ~ - r _ , then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the ~ ~ , 'nc.or ~ o.rated Areas - _ U,n1 p saaaaaesaaasaaaaasu and boundary creation of this statewide format FIRM, The offsets for each county shown on ~ ~ - ` i this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below, Where a ~ . - - ---~i Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and I - ~ - ' - " boundary' dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different I ~ - , 7.0299 ' vations , county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood ele f ~ ~ - - Floer,• E!evariol~s flood de the or flood velocities. I ~ ~1 Base ~ ;ZONE ^X ~ ~.i are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the W - ' ' s..: z~ ~ b p~; ~ ^^^~~d13^^^~ Base Fiocd Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* < ,z i creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Sactlon 6,1 of the accompanying ° a ~ ~ ~ w 987) Base Elood Elevation value where uniform within zone; Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion d ' ' evations between NAND 88 and NGVD 29, To obtain current elevation, rn , of el , ~ ~ Z elevation In feet* , ZONE,AE • ~ r' ~ ~ ~ Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 z ` descri tion and/or location information for bench marks shown on this map, - _ ~ ~ • ' p p : rth Carona Geodetic Surve at the address shown below, ~ ' ' please contact the No II V r z % Goss szctir;n line You ma also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic y ~ ~ ~ ' , Survey at (301) 713.3242, or visit its website at www,ngs,noaa,gov, _ - ~ - O v ~ ~ - ~ ; . ~ 23 Transed lir - ~ t . , ~ . • _ . ~ ~ ~ ~23~- tP Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American rve Count Averaae Vertical Datum Offset Table ~ , - North Carolina Geodetic Su y y i u - _ r , ~ , _ , -i _ ` _ - 731 ~ aj;,~' 91°07'30", 32°22'30' Daum of `!983 (F1AD 83) o- ~ _ G. _ 121 West Jones Street County yemcal Dawm offset I1t) - i Y ...1 r. h 35°49' 30" r, r , Ralei h, NC 27601 Chatham - 0,76 ~ ' ^ ~ ~ - _ , , i _ I - ~ 7 - 35° 49' 30 ° 47.76 ~o h~ 1DC0-meter Unlversa~ Transverse Mercator rid ticks, zone 17 • 9 1919) 733-3836 ~ ' ' _ _ ~IQ ' ~ ~ 2500-foot ggrid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate „ .9 p 1477 5D0 FEET system (FlFSZONE 320C, State Plane NAD 83 feet) www nc s~state,nc,us - a . . .e. . . I ~ ti - ~ I I= ,Brr,n Nor!); Ca.>I~.a ~eodct'e Suave' bench mark (see ex-ianatlon Example; NAND 88 = NGVD 29 + (-a,76) ~ _ I Li+lvvlli } p ~ 9se t ~ ~ X in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel}, ' _ : ; - y nor: s r - I ~ - , . ~ , ' - _ ~ I E~~ v~or,1U ^JatlonarGeodetlc Survey bench mark (see explanatto • ' i~8..~~ ~ the Datunl information section of this FIRM paneE). - ~ OC° !d ~ All streams listed In the Flood Haaard Data Table below were studied by 39ss ~ _ - ~ ~ ^?),5 Rive°rvi~ie 'n e d suroe ,Other flood hazard data shown on this _ - i detailed methods usi g fl I y I ~I ~ i ma ma have been derived usln either a coastal analysis or limited detailed , p Y 9 i, r ~ , 5 - ' 3956 cog M I r'v r'n anal s's More information on the floodin sources studied by these ' ieie yi, 9 anal ses is contained In the Flood Insurance Study report, r 3 , , Y - f . ~ - I - - - r 1,- 'tr - 920 5;"1 ! I ~ i a - - ~ - 1 o -r• I , } - ~ i ' r' ~ >ZONE ~AE, ~ ~ i t _ • , . - - ~ , 7~- - ~J 1 ` - : - - ; 1. 5 • I t • . , , r, - fq.5 , t n J 37i _ ~ , . i • - _ 4~~' 1 i 1 - ~ _ - 1 ~ . - i .o f _ ~ of ~ ~ 7 ' - ~ s ~ x - ~ Z~ONE'~X , ~ I. n ~ - 7 ~ d~. ~ . i 9~G) , ~ 1~: `rr , • ~ ~ • , ~ ~ _ . , . t Y , ~ ` ~ ' I I _ ` ~ r r I - 'I' - i. 'Y i , - _ f ~ . • _ 'I ~ i ~ :,,1' ~ ' i ' NY Fr,~r, I E,'noE ((~L,~q,, - b ~ C . 199 ~ t ~J. ~ i'~ - - I - ~ ~ r, D~.. ' - ~ ~ ~9 ~ X .t ~ ?ug ~ ' ` ~ - - , a• , , i~ , _ ~ , 1 < i• , `d ~~i-, ~ i' ~ti^ - ~ - . 752 500 FEET _ ~ . ~i1 • 3°~( ' GRID NORTI~ 1t~ ' , 29r I u _ i - ~ MAP SCALE 1 - 500 6,000) i~ - 35°49'00" ?50 0 500 1000 35°49'00" - • -=L ---I- FEET , _ ~ _ I I;. u , ' METERS • - , , - 3Ci2: 150 0 15U 300 ~ ZONE X • _ ~ ~ 'I _ ~ ~ I .ZONE X' i - - 1' ' - ~i ~ , ~r _ , ~ ieq I _ -9i' I ~ F ~ f+~l~' ~ ~ ~ ° 3. , ,i DI 1 'f.rck~ Po aebr n C r ~ ~ ~ ~I h - . ,~L ~ ~ ti 3965 0°°'° d ~ , 3.• I iU ~ ,>,~''4Ji ~ r ' S' _ , - ~ 282 ~...!L - _ _ - - ~T'" ~j ~ R~ ~ I i - , I- I _ ~ ~ ~ r - ~ ,e:- h i : - Q 3. c~ ~ i ~I r' J - I t .RF , zn fl _ ~ I ' • i F a i I ? ,NE _ r ~ _ . ~ - • C , R ~ ° • ~ ( o ~~0~ I~ R~NCE E ~IR~ S~ T ~ ~ ~ < , e 4'Or ~ _ - I r--' - r - ~ , y L ~ • ~ti~' - o ,ZONE JAE~-;~.~ •.r ~r ~I~~, ,I, ~ i~ORTH CAROLINA • _ . . • - I. III ~Q° _ ri ~ ~ I ~I~, s 386 . ~ "-'a ` ; _ - 'e' - `'"i fi`t' L_____ I, R- n 272 ~ v r 'Q I . .g I ~ i ~ ~ P~~EL 9~6~ - ~ - r > • i . - , _ ' . ~ - yl ' i'' LIMIT OF FCOODWAvv t - ~ ~ ~ " ' ~ rV' i _.,Lv"C ?~~GP~Ar:9 OH ~1AP INDEX FOR FIRM ~ • i _ ~ - ~ n. '~Y~' , , I, _ v.,T! ~ .t9 , , ' v , r. - I r,. ' I i i .ZONE Xr i 'i 8 r 5 ~ , '•a . : ~5 ~v S' , ti A j, I' r ~ ,jl 38- ~ 'I ~y,, , 4~'" ~ i ~i ~r is , ~ ~ ~ J!'I 1. , dI • I ~ / Z ~.N ~ ~ , ~ ~ i ~D~~:~, h'~!iY CID No, PANEL S ,'t ! ~ ~ ~.r ~ ~ - ° y~ r ~ j y'. ~ ZONE X 0 E X ~l • ~ ~ ~:i • . - ~ CHHT~Atv1 COUPdTY 370299 '°9786 _ , I _ __~_____.__1;:_..:.- ~:~L~___'__~ 750 OGO rE"T ,I i i~, ~ 750 000 FEET ~ ~l - - o0o M 1 970 000 FEET ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ c~ 171 5 ~i 0 i zr 1 960 000 FEET 669 ~0 1 962 500 FEET ~ 670 0~° 79° 07' 00" 79°CB'00" 79°07'30" 79° 06' 30" I ~ I z il, ~r" v _ JOINS PANEL 9764 ' i l i~ I I ~jlll~ ~I I I i ~I~, i~ ~I ~ ,~a,.,r.,,, r NUI t5 IU USLK5 rhWIVIIIIiVHtMY This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, It does not Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed a MAP REPOSITORY JUL 13 2005 more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations than necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources structures, Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FII the Previous FIRM for this jurisdiction, The floodplalns and f0odways Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www,ncfloodmaps,com, t ~ rred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to ^~sFAv ~~Ar of small size, The community map repository should be consulted for possible Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferred from the p updated or additional flood hazard Information, these new stream channel config In channel configurations, As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Z ® Base map information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables in the Flood Insuran ie Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL (ID ~I iii' r ~~'l'r.rfe o obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations(BFEs) r • T various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel d ` 1W J and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map, rEM aL PARTNER Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited agencies, and/or other sources, The primary basis for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by A~s COOPERATING TECH JIC. Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and/or Summary of Stillwater Chatham County, The time period of collection for the imagery is 2002, Information and Please refer to the separately pi !Il'I .I l~i i he separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county Notice to user: The Map Number shown below should be used p EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL :•~hen pia'_ing map orders; the Community Number shown Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies geospatial data supplied by the local community(!es) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panels Lit of map panels; community map repository addresses; and a Listing of ;;i l~l ,kill ;I, above should be used on insurance applications forthe subject this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded were considered the preferred source for development of the base map, See geospatial Communities table containing Nat! whole-foot elevations, These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional Information about base map as well as a listing of the pane containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community community. This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation Information. Accordingly, n9 of the panels on which each community is located, Iji I,, Ii ili'I! EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal flood elevation data resented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with Preparation, P ~ If you have questions about otions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The State of North Carolina has the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplaln management. Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, ple implemented a long term approach of floodplaln management to decrease m i n general, please call 1.877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the 31109165001 ; the costs associated with flooding, This is demonstrated by the State's com- Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied most up-to-date data available at the time of publication, Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www,fema,go~, It www,fema, ov, For community map revision history prior to statewide mapping, refer to the Community b1a~ ty ap y p > r Y History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this )jurisdiction, mitment to map floodplaln areas at the local level, As a part of this effort, the by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross limits may have occurred since this map was published Map users should State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement sections, The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying Flood Insuranc( t ~ r Letter of Ma Revision LOMB or Letter I Flood Insurance Study report, p ( ) t: with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway jurisdictional boundaries and base map features, This map may contain roads that were of Map Amendment (LOMA) revi i l r ® portions of this panel and digital versions of this To determine if flood insurance is available in tN.is community, contact your insurance agent, the lent (COMA) revising North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non-encroachment widths not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM may be available. Visit the No arolina Flood lain Mapping Program website table. Visit the North C p following phone numbers or websites , ia_ps,com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1--800--358-9616 for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report created during the production of this statewide format FIRM, at www,ncfloodmaps.com, or cons www.ncfloodmaps.com for this jurisdiction, The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway for information on all related prodL gram State O' NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program i all related products associated with this FIRM, The FEMA Map Service ~~o:~. h Carolina ~ using non-encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Center may also be reached by Fa> 919 715-8000 www.nfl.ncem.or 1-800-638-6620 nMw.iema ov/nfip r ,dera E,ITiepsyth^y ~aT?i~gEl?tt tit t~gGCiC~r Ie reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at www,msc,fema,gov, ( ) P g - _ - - - I ~ t ~ r; ~ _ _ _ i i I ll,lf ~A~A\~`~\ ~\\V ~.A; I I ~ `t la ~ i / i ~l ~ file ~ i I ~ i' / / ~ i i / ~ i ti~~ ~v~ v ~A~ _ , I ~ _ s 1 ! r, x I 1 k$ rr 1 i ~ ~ I" ~ IE I 1 r, t 1~° I r~ '~~Ii ~ / ~ ~ - / / ~ fr~ ~ A 1 ~A\ ~ ~ i \ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ I 1 1 i ae P' a 1 _ ~ ~ _ ~ 1 I 1 1. 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'Cn'-1_~ ` ~ V ~ ,A AA~ ~ / r r ` ( I l I I f Vrt i 1 J I 1-y~.. 1 / \ \ l~ II J ~ ~ ~ f ~ % / / :,fFiil,<yFL<>'~ V ~l \~~Y / 1/ r ! ~ i ~ / ~/i 1 J ~ \ ~IAAaV ~,`•`A~~ \ `111 ~ 1 ~ . \ ~1 ~V '1 - ' ~ ~ \ 1 I , ; r , / : / ; \ , / / _ ~ / \ \ , \ / 11, ~ / / . - > ~ l ` \ ~y / / I r r , / \ - / v \ pp~ % , , . , v ~~1V~ ~ v ~ ~ ,1~ ~\;A , ~ / /i i t` V~ ' 1 ~ ~ 11 ~~j;~ ~ / / ~i / ~ l ~ ~ \ ~ A,, / ~ / % ~ f l S li. r,1 ~ ~ / / ' l ~ ~ ~ r \ 4 il;i+i ; idi I( I~ I I ~~""1 / / I I I ~ / / ' ` \ f I f ~ I I ' 1, \ ~^,-rte'' I ~ / ~ ~ I ' ` 1 I \ -(.,j- /1 ~ % / l l r 1. \ • ~ / \ I 1 i, . \ ft l / ~i ~'.r ~ ~ i ~ r I ~ j,.. I ~ ~ ~ _ ~ \ ~ 1 I ~'•r ''~11 is I;: ~ l ~ A. A ~ ,~c , ' Y . \ ' / ~ J : '.'fi'i 1 ~ . . 1 ` \ / 1 ~'J/i ~'"`J:,t 1, ~ I I i 1 ~ / / / i~ , i 1 I 1 . i y r ~ 1 ~ ~ U2 1 \ \ ' t' f ~ v 1 - - ~ ti f ~ ~ v~ I , x I ~ . , ri. ,i \ 1 1 \ - - ~ ~ / v - v 1 ~1 i / i/ / f _ti l/ 9 r~ s ,1 r ' %~i/i ` IYr , J, ~ r ~ j ij is / / _ I r ~ i / ~>a~~.~~ `v ~ j % r 1 'f ~ ~ ~~ii I / r ll ~ ( ~ ii; ~/J / / / 1/ / I ~"ILl1fi / ~C+ ~i/l \ / f,, I'~Itl I . t / { l t. //J:/, ~ " I %~J% GENERA -,.%r~ . ~ ..i " / . ' ~ _ / ' \ ~ ~d/' % / ~ 11 I ; • •y„~~ ~ \ / ( i I ~ /i / , L NOTES: ~ '11 ~ ` ' ~ ; r ; f ~ - / ; , / • ; 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR U o 1 / ,!iJ/// PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANgES EXIST PRIOR TO - , ' • , , , ,,/l,/~j' ~ - . ~ TAYhbR R(~.AD S1Y ~ i ~/~~vy ~ / / 1 / l ;t , / J,/ 1fJ r// / / ~ PROCEEDING MATH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION W ~ _ n ! ~ l! 1 J / ~ ~ SHALL BE PAID T9 THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY WORK DONE D H t~ 111 , J UE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN ~ ~ ~ j _,/JI f J ~ INCORRECT Y ON THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOi1FlCAT10N HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. ~ ~ . / I it a ~ ~ / 2. THERE MAY BE WETLANDS ~MTHIN THIS SITE. IT IS THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WETLANDS Z \ \ ~ l/ - ~ l/ it ~ /r/' % /1' \ , ~ ,,1~ . ~ ~ , , j ~AIRISDICTION AND PERMIT DISTURBANCE PRIOR TO ANY GRADING ACTIVITY. 1, , \ i ~ It I - \ \\`\y\ ~ /l l~ / / ; ~ f f/ J J,,` ~ _ J-°~/ / /i/i%/" i 3. THESE DRAWINGS_CONTAIN CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ONLY WATER QUALITY POND ~4 (SHOWN AND a+ ~ `t It li l`11 ',1\t \ 1 ~ j ~ \ .~~C~ \ `I' -~i•"-/',/ f / f U %/;%j ii~~' LABELED ON SHEET OAS-1}. THE OVERALL SITE PLAN AREA DEPICTED ON SHEET OAS-1 IS THE ENTiR U 11 ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ I , , I • , r ( i \ / \ _ ~ 10 ~ ;Z`:'~y-; l\ 1,1~~1, ~ , ~s= ~ J PHASE IV AREA WHICH W{LL HAVE A TOTAL OF SIX t 6 WA1ER QI~ALITY PONDS. TH x r , E CONSTRUCTION !~i/' PLANS FOR WATER QUALITY PONDS ,AND WHICH ARE ALL IN P I I rl; it I ~ ~ ~J ~ / \ ~ l~. , , ~ I?~• ~ ~ ~ ( HASE V AND ARE a ~i~ - SHOWN AND LABELED ON SHEET OAS-1 ARE UNDER SEPARATE COVER ~ O 1 X11' '11 ; ,max ~ v • v ,4~ i , \ I ,I ~r.e.. / ~r ,ll , ~ _ / 1 / / I / 1 ~ / r 1 i I ~ I 1 ~ 1 \ ~ / / 1/~ I \r >3 / n1/~' 1 I Vt L %~rJ 1 J I 1 i 1 , 1t\, V ~ i' l •1 ~l =A~ \.i ~ / / t 1 /~~~;;~~/,/r/i /l ~1 ;~i~,J M ~ l//il/ , r~~-~J ~ % W / , - / w ; r ~ v I ''v ~ ~ 1~ ~ / / / I ~J/ r// ~ r~ ~ ;rl" i ~ ND ~ w o A / i / ~ I ~ / ~ 1 1 ~ / / I r / / / r~ r / i ~ A ~ A ~ i ~ ~ V ~ ~ 1 r ~ 1 ~r~. r ~i ~ 1;l ,rr / / /r/~/, / ~ / / ~ / / / / l ~ I 1 I 1 \ , A. / /r % i,l r l 1 vv~~~.-1,_, ~rr • /l~ ~'/,(.r,, , / N~l O / / l,l ///,i ~i l ! I l / / I t \,11,~ Daa /r.. ® v v 'v v i' i/ r~;- I ~;~rl; ~'l / ~ ~ l l ~ I v ~ v`Av\ vA y. A'` ~ / 11 / / v v r ~ l I r / ' / ~ I , A 1 ~,1 \1 X V ~ A ~ / lr, / 11 / / l ~ ~ /l~ ; J ~ / ~ i ; t y~l, ~l r ; / / I /l//, //r , / , / r,/I/ , ~ / % ~I r / ~ 1 - i I 1 v. A I 1~Itti,, _ 1 1 i r ` A l ri~~~ l'/~r l i , I l l ~ r ~ ( / i A ,11 , 1 ~1? / ~ yAV~ ~A. A - t r' % I';'I l ~y f l r ! I l l ' I 1 / t I ~ t \V` V ~ l I '•~\A.1~AA ~ , VA'~ rr`_. i/~11 ~ / :.r~j~; l~ / r, ~ l ~ / I ~ ~ l l l l ~ I M 1 ~~,A\V ~ yy \ `1 ~v'' /~'/~;r rig ~rl ' \ - , / /r~l l/ A / /l ///~i ~r'~ / ~ V/ l !i` :l, Il d/~/ / ~i/ / / / J / r/ , / ~--~r-~- J ~i/ /r~/ / / , ;,r/ ~ / _ ~ / ~ l ~ ; i~ t A yA~ ~ 1~ v . A A A V l f~; i r l r! f'ir • rr ~ / / ''iZ ,i;,. '~l rl ~ l t _ 1 / ~ 1 I I t I ~ 1 ~ V~~' \ v ~ ~ ~ r:' l r/~l 1~l f / \ 1 1~ \ \ ~ / 11 ~ l r i ~ ~ v v~ r;. , ~lrrll llllll ' r , I7 I llll ! l',;;, ~ i1 i J / l~l/lll !r ~r llr l~ll~„i/~: / \ . l II 1 ~ f / \ / %N Illlllr'lr ///',11~ I 1 / ~ f lid jl '!1 I li I i:~ ~ (I i~ I i. fi' I i +1 % %i~~i~i' i~ ~ ~v / I ~ 1 ~ A v I 11 V' ? .V v A~~,~~" ~ / r r li I ^i`i I;i I ~rl II l J r I ~ I I - ,A~ ~ 1~ 1 t ~ . ~ A ~ v ,r ~ ~ 1 ~ i''' ~ ~~~;I .I l; ,I 1 ,v, ~ t I Ili ~1' li lj II it I I ;Ili I ( li I ' ~ ~ I / \ ! r r I I 1 ~ \ ~ \ \ ~ I 1 \ 1\~.. ..v .:.'S ~ . / / I 1' f/: 1'" •I I i ~ V A`~ .I II ;il 'I I il, II, 1 ~ I I, 1 ` l ' 1 I ! / it I Ili !II I i I I i 1 ( Il iil it i I, I ;!I;, 1..,.1,'';, I ! / ~ \ oV ~ ~ , , 1 v t 1 V ! 1 v v`., t ` ?v'y ~\V, v \V I~'~ 1'I`, ` - r l~ 1 'F / l Il ;1 li I lJ~1 II II ill I;li I" 1 ~I' ~ I I r .1 it I 1;. 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DESIGNED BY: - i ,~g. f,:- DRAIIN BY: - r4' ,1- SCALE: 1"=200' T.. Y c i DATE: r 08-14-2006 =s, SED ET NO. h OAS JiMcADAMS FINAL DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION _r _ _ p~~ _ +a~.a~ ~~F MM~~~~~h~~N~~M ~'iir i6+ ryli.uo".{,ililW _ - _ s"d- 8~' ..=5`.~:$ a r'a~ 3~i!T'~ @:'f'.'st'. ~~1.'~'.±~3E.`3~'ni -~"`Y / 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v ~ ~ i ` ~ i ~ ~ ~ RI ~ i 1 I ~ ~ c - 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ I ~ _ _ PECIFICATIONS CATER UALI1'Y POND #4 CONSTRUCTION S ~ ~ : , ~ - ~ ~ i - i 1 1 1 ~ - - ~ ~ ~1 ~ GENERAL NOTES BERM SOIL AND COMPACTION SPECIFICATIONS - _ _ - - ~ 1 l V i i p,.; o y i~z I i ~ ~ ; 1. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE ON-SffE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY THE 1. ALL FILL MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR THE DAM EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE ~ \ , SUITABILITY OF THE PROPOSED BORROW AREA /FILL FOR USE IN THE DAM TAKEN FROM BORROW AREAS APPROVED BY THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL I I ~ I~ i EMBANKMENTS /KEY TRENCH. ENGINEER. THE FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE FROM ROOTS, STUMPS, WOOD, STONES GREATER THAN 6", AND FROZEN OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE ~ ~ ~ 2. THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT THE KEY TRENCH EXCAVATION MATERIAL 1HE FOLLOWING SOIL TYPES ARE SUffABLE FOR USE AS FILL ~ / ~ i' ! ~ ,,i, PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY BACKFlLL WITHIN THE KEY TRENCH. IF THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN THE DAM EMBANKMENT AND KEY TRENCH: ML AND CL ~ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N I i 1 ,a O 1 i i' I ~ ' ~ / I i / I r ~ j ~ - _ _ _ ~ y Qa' I - ~ F~ O C3 CONSTRUCTS AND COVERS UP THE KEY TRENCH PRIOR TO INSPECTION, THEN THE KEY TRENCH SHALL BE UNCOVERED AND TESTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, 2. FILL PLACEMENT SHALL y0T EXCEED A MAXIMUM A" OFT. EACH LIFT f / i ~ ~ ~ ,'N U d~ I I I ! i I ~ ~-T-- ( ~:'i W T I SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH 0`." EMBANKMENTS BEFORE ~ ~ I ! t l ' ~ i ~ F ~ , ~ a 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR THE PERMANENT PLACEMENT OF FILL FOR THE BERM SECTION, ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ` ~ ` ~ i li i ~i 'r ~ ~ PLANTING PLAN /SCHEDULE. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO TREES /SHRUBS OF ANY TYPE SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED FOR FILL ~ ` SED DAM EMBANKMENT FILL AREAS . PLACEMENT. MAY BE PLANTED ON THE PROPO ( ) ~ i ! I I ~ I i ' ~ i U] ~ i`' .1~ / ! I I / / ~ ~ ! , ~ LL / I I / ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L1, T BASIN DURING 3. ALL FILL SOILS USEC IN THE EMBANKMENTS KEY TRENCH 4. IF THE WATER QUALITY POND IS TO BE USED AS A SEDIMEN / ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CONSTRUCT THE INTERIOR EARTHEN BERM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95~ OF THE STANDARD ~ ~ ~ / I ~ r-i ~I I I ~ P ROVAL TO REMOVE THE SEDIMENT BASIN HAS BEEN PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY ASTM-698 . THE FILL SOILS SHALL BE ~ SHOWN ON THIS PLAN UNTIL A P ( ) 1 ~ , ~ I p~z~ GRANTED BY THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. COMPACTED AT A MOISTURE CONTENT WffHIN -1 to +3 PERCENT OF ITS ~ ~ ~ OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY \ ~ ~o 5. IF THE WATER QUALITY POND IS TO BE USED AS A SEDIMENT BASIN DURING THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DURING CORSIRUCTION TO VERIFY 1 \ ~ t ! ~ ~ (t - t w xoo CONSTRUCTION, THE AREA SHALL BE CLEANED OUT (LE. SEDIMENT, TRASH, ETC) AND THAT THE PROPER COMPACTION LEVEL HAS BEEN REACHED. THE FILL ~ ~ 39 LF 12"m ,DIP i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 434 ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ x x REVEGETATED (IF NECESSARY) PRIOR TO USE AS A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY. SHOULD BE COMPACTED USING A SHEEPSFOOT TYPE COMPACTOR. IN ORDER ~ ~ ~ 0.00 i I THE TRASH AND SEDIMENT SHOULD BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY (I,E. -LANDFILL), TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE PIPE, NO COMPACTION EQUIPMENT SHALL , ~ ~ I 4 , , w ~o~ OI 3Z ; I ~ TOP OF DAM ~ ; I i ~ W ~ CROSS ANY PIPE UNTIL MINIMUM COVER IS ESTABLISHED ALONG THE PIPE. ~ ~ ~ I I I I 430 ~ , MAINTENANCE h ~ ~ Z d ~ 4. A KEY TRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED BENEATH ALL FILL AREAS OF THE 1 ~ I I 1~ ~ ~ W I ACCESS ~ ~ 1 ~ • ~ I ~ / ~ ' ~ i _ ~ O ~ CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION BERM. THE TRENCH SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 5 FT BELOW EXISTING 1 ~ 5 COUNTY STREAM I ~ GRADE AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BOTTOM WIDTH OF 5 FEET. THE KEY ~ \ BU FER (EPHEMERAL) I I 'r 3 ~ z w • rn I , ~ ~ EI ~ I ~ ~ w ~a,..; 1. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE NEW FILL, THE AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE ~ I PES SHALL BE MUM OF 1:1 H:V . T E KEY TRENCH I I P© I I / I 7~ ~fJ 4 ~ ~ . ~ ~ I .r9 ~ I + j nn I I P D OF TOPSOIL TREES ROOTS VEGETATION, TRENC.i SDESLO A MINI ( ) H 1 PLACED SH,~LL 3E CLEARED AND STR P E ~ SHALL BE COMPACTED TO THE SAME SPECIFICATION LISTED IN ITEM 3 ABOVE. ~ I ~ CESS/MAINTEN C / i ~ 1 ~ AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED ~ i ISEMENT i SHALL BE SCARIFIED. 5. UPON REQUEST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER WITH ` ~ ~ ~ ~ I I !y ~ ~ ~~f S~° OARp REPORTS TO VERIFY THAT THE DAM EMBANKMENT MEETS THE SPECIFlED I ~ I I ~ ~ US IN PLANTING SEEDING ON ~ I I ' i 2. ANY REMOVED TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED FOR E ( ) COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. COMPACTION REPORTS WILL BE NEEDED DURING , I I i I I THE DAM EMBANKMENTS ONCE FINAL GRADES (AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLAN) HAVE THE AS-BUILT CERTIFICATION PROCESS FOR THIS STORMWATER FACILITY. I I~ I ! e ~ i4~ ~ - a 1 ~ _ BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH COMPACTED FlLL THEREFORE, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE 11 • COMPACTION TESTS ARE PROPERLY PERFORMED DURING CONSTRUCTION. \ I I I ` 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN ANY PUMPING STEEL A I-SEEP I I 4 i FM ~ F~, e I ~ l0 ' ~ EQUIPMENT, ETC. NEEDED FOR REMOVAL OF WATER FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF THE ~i ~s ~rT~ T~ I~ COLLA {X2) EE I ~`'~V ~ S(pp~ 'q S( ~ ~ ~4?6 ~ ` , fib ~ . u r ~ ~ ; Op ' A . ~ - ~ ~'4 ~ ~ ~ ,~s STORMWATER POND SITE. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT PUMPING WILL BE NECESSARY IN THE SPILLWAY Puri SUBGRADE SUPPORT AND DET SHEET P 46 ~~ti , £ ~ ~ Q(/ 4 ~ i ~ ~ ~ - _ , . ,fir ~`~t` y ~ qrl ~ t EXCAVATION AREAS (LE. -KEY TRENCH). DURING PLACEMENT OF FILL WITHIN THE KEY ! ~ I I ~ Q SHALL KEEP THE WATER i ` ~ I a'` ~ ' TRENCH (OR OTHER AREAS AS NECESSARY), THE CONTRACTOR BEDDING SPECIFICATIONS ~-1 \ 41 ~ i ~ I ' f ~ ~ 9,0 ~6,•l LEVEL BELOW THE BOTTOM OF TFiE EXCAVATION. THE MANNER IN WHICH THE WATER IS \ c~ ~ o REMOVED SHP,LL BE SUCH THAT THE IXCAVATION BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES ARE 1. FILL IN 111E AREA OF THE SPILLWAY PIPE AND ADJACENT AREAS SHOULD L ~ t a k'` STABLE PREAD~ER ~1 ~I ~ ~ BE BROUGHT UP TO A POINT OF 2' TO 3' OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP I ` ELEVATION OF THE PIPES IN ADVANCE OF SPILLWAY CONSTRUCTION SO THAT SCOUR HOLE l ` ~ 1 ~ '0 41j~ N?1'SE - 4x9,0 ~ ~ ! -I _ , ~ THE SPILLWAY PIPES CAN BE INSTALLED IN A TRENCH CONDITION. ONCE (SE,E DET ~ It ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ t \ ~ i ' ff d ~ ~ ~ I ~ THE FlLL IS BROUGHT UP TO ABOVE THE TOP OF PIPES, THE PIPE SHE-4D) 1 ~ \ ~ OUTLET STRUCTURE MATIwRIAL SPECIFICATIONS TRENCHES SHOULD THEN BE EXCAVATED FOR INSTALLATION OF THE PIPES. 1 STRHON HEM STWiON HEADWALL 413 ~ - - ~ ~ r K ' ' ± I ~ ~ ~ (SEE~~ETAIL 1. THE 42" RCP OUTLET BARREL SHALL BE CLASS III RCP, MODIFIED BELL AND SPIGOT, / ~ ` \ ~ ! ~ ~ 6 g If ' (SEE~~ETAIL SHEET PD-4C ; ~ ' ~ ; i , ~ i I MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C76-LATEST. THE PIPE SHALL HAVE CONFlNED 2. IF SEEPAGE OR FLOW OCCURS IN OR ALONG THE PIPE ALIGNMENT, ~ ~ SIPHON INV SIPHON INVERT - 419.00 ~ ~ • ~ F ~ ~ ' i ~ ! 0-RING RUBBER GASKET JOINTS MEETING ASTM C-443-LATEST. THE PIPE JOINTS SHALL GROUNDWATER CONTROL WILL BE NECESSARY. THIS COULD INVOLVE \ I ~ ~ ~ PUMPING (OR STREAM DIVERSION ETC.) DEPENDING ON THE TOPOGRAPHY. BE TYPE R-4. „ \I ~ 1 ~ ~ ` SINCE IT IS NECESSARY TO WORK IN A DRY CONDITION, THIS SITUATION ~ } I ~ ~I PERMANENT POOL ~ ~ ~ i hl ~ 2. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR THE 6'x6' (INTERNAL DIMENSIONS) RISER BOX WITH MAY REQUIRE USE OF LEAN CONCRETE BACKFILL, PLOWABLE FlLL, ETC. TO T A . ~ N ~ tJ~ NORMAL POOL = EL 419.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ p; '~I, ~ I EXTENDED BASE SHALL BE BY OTHERS. PRIOR TO ORDERING 1HE STRUCTURES, THE ESTABLISH SUBGRADE CONDITIONS SUffABLE FOR SOIL TYPE BACKFILL ~ '1 0 \ ~ ~ CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER WITH SHOP DRAWINGS, SEALED BY A P.E. PLACEMENT. i~ ~ ~ N ro ~ It 1 1 v n ~ ~ E ~ r'"= (h • r . ~ ~ REGISTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA, FOR REVIEW. 3. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, SUBGRADE CONDfTIONS ALONG THE SPILLWAY - _ INV OUT = 41900 I a I \ ~ pRE~AST RISER OUTLET STRUCTURE i 3. THE RISER BOX OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS 16" ON CENTER. PIPE SHOULD BE EVALUATED BY THE ON SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO I , ~ _ ~ t ~ i ~'6~ ~ SHAPE -SQUARE „ ~ ~ I ~ ~ STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE INNER WALL OF THE RISER BOX. STEPS SHALL BE IN ASSESS WHETHER SUITABLE BEARING CONDmONS EXIST AT THE SUBGRADE 4 ' ,4 a ~ LEVEL SHOULD SOFT OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS BE ~ ~ ~ i 1 a INTERNAL DIMENSIONS = 6 FT, x 6 FT. , ~ SEDIMENT ~ ' ~ , f y I •t ~ ~ TOP OF RISER = 421.23 - ~ FOREBAY i ~ ~ ~ L~7 ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT STD. 840.66. PLEASE REFER TO SHEET PD-48 FOR LOCAl10N -~--,~,/`0, ~ I ~ INVERT OUT {42"0 0-RING RCP) = 414.30 ~ A ! ~ OF THE RISER STEPS. ENCOUNTERED ALONG THE PIPE ALIGNMENTS, THESE MATERIAIS SHOULD BE ~ ~ ~ ~ \ UNDERCUT AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE UNDERCUT x - ~1 I ~ SEE DETAIL SHEET PD-46 Z ( ) ~ ~ MATERIALS SHALL BE REPLACED WITH ADEQUATELY COMPACTED STRUCTURAL `t J, ~...e ~ 6i 4. THE 10'Lx10'Wx31" THICK CONCRETE ANTI-FLOTATION BLOCK FOR WATER QUALITY POND FILL, LEAN CONCRETE JR PLOWABLE FILL AS DIRECTED BY THE ON-SITE / ~ t R~ g #4 SHALL BE PRECAST AS THE EXTENDED BASE OF THE RISER BOX DURING FABRICATION, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ~ ~ ~ ~~s_ THE PRECAST BASE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE SHOP DRAWINGS THAT WILL BE - 1 0 _ ~ ' ~.,..4~~,~ a ' ~ / ~ ~ I,, SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW SEE ITEM 2 ABOVE . END A L PER NCDOT STD. 838:8 ( ) 4. IN ORDER TO HELP PROTECT THE SOIL SUBGRADE FROM DETERIORATION ~ ~ - r ~ ~ O ? A , ~ r / ~ r- EX'S11'~0 ?OC~ . ~ e7 INV. 0 T {42" RCP) =>EL. 41`4.06 SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-478. THE JOINTS SHALL (DUE TO EXPOSURE, RAINFALL, SEEPAGE, AND RUNOFF) BEFORE THE CRADLE I 5. EACH RISER BOX JOINT DESIGN CAN BE POURED, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT A 3" TO 4" THICK ` BE SEALED USING BUTYL RUBBER SEALANT CONFORMING TO AS11~1-990. THE CONTRACTOR I ~2 ~ _ %v y ~ _ 1 SHALL PARGE JOINTS ON BOTH THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT. CONCRETE MUD MAT BE POURED OVER THE SUBGRADE ONCE IT IS ~ APPROVED BY THE ON-SITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE MUD MA: WILL I o , ALSO PROVIDE BEARING FOR THE BLOCKS MAT TEMPORARILY SUPPORT THE ; >a ~ 6. THE PRECAST RISER BOX STRUCTURE FOR WATER QUALITY POND #4 SHALL HAVE A SPILLWAY PIPE UNTIL 1HE CRADLE CAN BE POURED. THE METHOD OF ' ~ I ~ \ ~ ~ - _ E . - / ~l Z 4 ~ _ 's i ~ I 1 9-00 12 A U 417 • li ~ ~ ~ _ _ W q Q AT1C SHELF (6:1) / I, - ~ O SHIPPING WEIGHT OF 48,425 LBS. THE STRUCTURE WEIGHT SHALL BE THE SHIPPING BLOCK SUPPORT FOR THE PIPE PROPOSED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE COT CLASS 'B' RIPRAP ~ ~0 4 42 _ _TO SLOPE-FRO ~ ~4 1 ~ - 4 - - M EL 419.0 TO EL. 417.0 ~ O ~ WEIGHT AND SHALL BE DETERMINED BY SUBTRACTING THE WEIGHT OF THE FACTORY SUBMfTTED TO THE JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY FOR APPROVAL. ~ ~ ~ BLOCKOUTS FROM THE GROSS STRUCTURE WEIGHT, THIS INFORMATION SHALL BE SHOWN 1 x 25 W x 22 THK I i lOP 419 r ~ , p - _ - , ~ d F ~ ~ E DETAIL SHEET PD~4B \ ~ ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. 5. FlLL MATERIAL ADJACENT TO THE 42"~ 0-RING OUTLET BARRELS SHALL ~ ~ _ _ _a DqM x ~i4 ~ ~ ~ - ~1 - - - _ 424 422 ~ ~ i ~ _ ~1 MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED ~N ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3 IN THE SECTION 1 - 7. PRIOR TO ORDERING, 111E CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMfT TRASH RACK SHOP DRAWINGS - , 10- ~ 424 / i # ~ C Fr. ~ r - ~ ~ a x TIT1~D BERM SOIL & COMPACTION SPECIFlCATIONS." THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT AN ACCESS HATCH ~ PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE COMPAC110N EFFORT':, ALONG THE PIPES TO ~ ~ w~DE M~ - ~ ~ ~ - N ~ i ice': IS PROVIDED WITHIN THE TRASH RACK (SEE DETAlL FOR LOCAl10N) THAT WILL ALLOW FOR ENSURE THAT ALL SPACES UNDER AND ADJACENT T4 THE PIPES ARE FILLED ~ FUTURE MAINTENANCE ACCESS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A CHAIN AND LOCK MPA T \ Willi PROPERLY CO C ED MATERIAL. ` ~ FOR SECURING THE ACCESS HATCH. , .54 LF 42'0 OARING RCP ON \ I V ~ ' i I A 422 ~ ~ j f ~ CONI~RE7E CRADLE,`(SEE DETAL° . - ~ ~ I i ~ ~ 420 a ,f ~ P 128 DAY UNLESS OTHERWISE TESTIl~TG OF THE E Nf 8. ALL POURED CONCRETE SHALL BE MINIMUM 3000 S ( ) SHEEI''~'D-4C) (JOINTS WRAPPED NOTED. IN GEOTEXZILE FABRIC i~ 0.56 ~ i I ; ~ I y ; ~ 1. TESTING OF THE NEW FlLL MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED TO VERIFY ~ . ) ' I ~ 1 . TS SHALL BE AMOCO STYLE THAT THE RECOMMENDED LEVEL OF COMPACTION IS ACHIEVED DURING ~ ~ EXISTING Wt 9. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR 111E 42-INCH OUTLET BARREL JOIN CONSTRUCTION. THEREFORE, ONE DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR EXISTING WOODSLINE - - ~ ~ w ~ t ~ ~ _ ,`EXISTING 200' ~ ~ ! ~ ~ 4553 POLYPROPYLENE NON-WOVEN NEEDLE PUNCHED OR APPROVED EQUAL {NON-WOVEN FABRIC EVERY 2,500 SQUARE FEET OF AREA FOR EVER`.' LIFT OF FILL. ~ DUKE POWER II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {1 ~ I RIGHT OF WAY 3 j'`.,,,\ _ ~i.~ - ~ 1 TIN BE R I - _ ~ - 7 ~ ~ ` ~ 10. WATER QUALITY POND EMERGENCY DRAWDOWN FOR THE POND SHALL BE ACHIEVED 2 TES G WILL EQU RED ALONG THE 42 0 RING OUTLET BARREL AT V - _ " G VALVE. THE VALVE SHALL BEAM&H STYLE 820 X-CENTRIC VALVE OR A FREQUENCY OF ONE TEST PER 25 LF OF PIPE PER VERTICAL F00T OF _ VIA AN 8 0 PLU FILL. - ' ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ APPROVED EQUAL. THIS VALVE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-504 SEC. 5,5. THE ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . - _ ~ I F i VALVE SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE 6' X 6' RISER STRUCTURE, AND SHALL BE - ~ _ - • ~ ~ 4 ~ - ~ ~ OPERABLE FROM TOP OF STRUCTURE VIA A HANDWHEEL SEE DETAIL SHEET PD-48). ~ c STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY. ACCE INTENAN ( i ek....,,L ..~~~S.~IL ~ SS/MA CE ~ " STREAM END WITH A METAL ~ REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF THIS FACILITY SHALL BE 11. THE 12 0 DIP OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE CAPPED ON THE UP THE RESPONSIBILITI' OF THE OWNER, PER THE EXECUTED OPERATION AND ~ - l - ~ ~ EASEMENT ; i ~ I i _ ~ sk ORIFICE PLATE. THE PLATE SHALL BE 18"x18"x1/2" (GALVANIZED) AND SHALL HAVE A 3"0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THIS FA I ~ ~ ~ . r RIFlCE AT THE BOTTOM. PLEASE REFER TO DETAIL SHEET PD-4C FOR ADDITIONAL C UIY. ~ ~ = 0 , INFORMATION. - ~ ~ _ - ~ I, / - - ~ _ _ - ~ 7U - _ ~ 0 ~ - _ - _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 100' COUNTY ~ _ ~ . - STREAM BUFFER I 1 1~' _ Q \ - - - ~ _ _ _ 1 (PERENNIAL) I _ , i A ~ _ ~ t ~ 0 1, 1 j i t ~ a ~ I - ' i _ _ , __-5--- ~ ' i f,l o a ,t 1~ .L _ II . t WATER UAL11Y POND #4 PLl~N VIEW . ~ 1 = 30 ~ ~ :4 i h~.~ ~ v 1 r~o~cr vo. NEW-05043 FILENAME: NEW05043PD4 iiE;;?CNED BY: ~F• nxnWV ar: JF SCALE: NTS GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 DATE: 7_27_2006 SHEET NO. I inch = 30 ft. JiMcADAMS FINAL DRt1IYI1G - X01' Rl!i:I;P.'Shi FOR COi'J5i'I Ui`F':i'`; APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING GROUND TOP OF DAM = EL. 424.00 TOP OF RISER = EL 421.25 INVERT OUT = EL 414.30 8" PLUG VALVE. THE VALVE SHALL BE A M&H - STYLE 820 X -CENTRIC VALVE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. THIS VALVE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-504 SEC. 5.5, AND SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE VIA A HANDWHEEL. NOTES: 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2. ALL REBAR AND ANGLES TO BE HOT -DIP GALVANIZED AND BE PROVIDED WITH AN EPDXY COATING. 3. THE HOT -DIP GALVANIZED 2"x2"x1/4" ANGLES SHALL BE WELDED TO THE REBAR TRASH RACK. ONCE WELDED, THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PLACED ONTO THE RISER WITH ANGLES SITTING DIRECTLY ON TOP OF RISER. 9 nE\VLL THE BOLD LINETYPE DENOTES THE ACCESS HATCH 10 BE PROVIDED BY THE TRASH RACK FABRICATOR (SEE SHEET PD -4A ITEM 7 - "OUTLET STRUCTURE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS") NOTES: 1. ALL REBAR TO BE #4 REBAR. 2. GROUT SHOULD BE USED TO FILL ALL VOIDS INSIDE THE STRUCTURE AROUND THE PIPE. 3" CLE TO OF REB. ANCHOR CE 13.9 LF 2"x2"x1/4" ANGLE E llUl\I Vf�I l_v E EEE9V LJ E VE\ EHE ACCESS HATCH TOP OF HANDWHEEL TO EXTEND 1 -FOOT ABOVE TRASH RACK 2.'0' 0.5' (TYP.) 2.75' 0.75' I TRASH RACK DETAIL N.T.S. FRONT VEW ARANCE TO OF #4 CLEARANCE TO UTSIDE OF #4 EBAR) PRECAST BASE SECTION 13.9 LF- 2"x2"x 1 /4" ANGLE 0.98 FT. (TYP.) - 7.84' 9.8' TRASH RACK (SEE DETAIL) #4 REBAR TRASH RACK (ABOVE) ANCHOR TRASH RACK TO STRUCTURE WALL WITH FOUR EQUALLY SPACED HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL CLAMPS. EACH CLAMP ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE BY 2-4'x1/4" CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS EACH CLAMP TO BE COATED W/ AN EPDXY COATING. #4 REBAR ANCHORS. - CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST STRUCTURE WALL AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT PRECAST STRUCTURE WALL 3" CLEARANCE TO - OUTSIDE OF #4 REBAR) CONCRETE COLLAR DETAIL N.T.S. 12 -FT. AQUATIC SHELF FROM 10 FT. WIDE MINIMUM COMPACTED BERM SECTION (SEE SHEET PD -4A) rmomil.i JmALL uL F'LAutu AROUND EACH JOINT OF THE 42" O-RING RCP BARREL IN 2' WIDE STRIPS CENTERED ON JOINT. PERMANENT DAM CROSS SECTION N.T.S. 10.0' 1.5' I 7.0' i 1.5'. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE -� STEPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT STD. 840.66. (SEE SHEET PD -4C) STEPS SHALL BE PLACED AT 16" O.C. Pim VIEw 1' DEPTH 3" ANCHOR DEPTH- 4" SOLID BRICK (BY OTHERS) NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH AND LAY TIGHT AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BETWEEN 3000 PSI CONCRETE COLLAR (MIN. 28 DAY STRENGTH) e. 3" CLEARANCE TO OUTSIDE OF #4 REBAR d A. 0.46 FT CENTER TO CENTER 42" 0 -RING RCP FLOW d ° SIDE VIEW 1' ANCHOR DEPTH #4 REBAR ANCHORS. CONTRACTOR SHALL DRILL INTO PRECAST BASE AND SET ANCHORS USING EPXOY GROUT 42" 0 -RING RCP FLOW ---► 4" SOLID BRICK (BY - OTHERS) NOTE: BRICK SHALL ATTACH AND LAY TIGHT AGAINST PRECAST STRUCTURE WITH NO VOID SPACE BETWEEN CONCRETE COLLAR (TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR - SEE DETAIL) PRECASTER SHALL PROVIDE A BLOCK OUT FOR THE 42"0 0 -RING RCP NCDOT STD. 42" RCF A 6' WIDE- NCDOT STD. 838.80 HEAT (SEE DETAIL; NOTE. A FILTER BLANKET IS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. THE FILTER BLANKET WILL CONSIST OF A MINIMUM 4" THICK LAYER OF STONE (NCDOT #57) UNDERLAIN WITH MIRAFI FILTER WEAVE 700 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 4" (TYP.) W ° APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE F 1' COVER (MIN.) 7.0' 6.0' 6" WALL -THICKNESS (TYP.) d 6.95' e _x14"O .4 (TYP.) e 0 . C - . d • . e ... - e . • e 31 " ° d e. ° d e • ° 6 ° d d - ... ° •. A . d •w e SPILLWAY FILTER (SEE r�'"' - °ELOQTY DsSSIPA±OR DETAIL SHEET PD -4D) r N`%", 07 C�ASS 'B' RIPFA'7 21"L 2'5`'Y X 22" T Hi -;F: ENDWALL PER NCDOT STD. 838.80 7 ."+moray TOP OF HANDWHEEL TO EXTEND 1' ABOVE TRASH RACK TOP OF RISER = EL. 421.25 {;ERS' _= *4 NOT'_: BR!C'K •' E� �.,-.. AT'ACH ANL AGAiN T `'RECAS' a L-' * RUC L=RE k! i ,, . 031D SPACE 3E"-q._E : 1 7HE OPE ' l.'E CONTRACTOR - Svc. I DETAIL.) (• 42" D -RING RCP I Y I FLOW � e INVERT = EL 414.30 E� J d Q • ° 4 °- • e °.. d. ° 8" DIP DRAIN VALVE ° •�=- PRECASTER SHALL 42" 0 -RING RCP PROVIDE A BCK OUT PRECASTER SHALL SIDE VIEW \ FOR THE 42. 0';C -RING PROVIDE A BLOCK OUT a._ RCP FOR THE 42"0 0 -RING RCP FON. VILW \ _ 8" PLUG VALVE. '-'r VA:, - 8"0 DIP DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE A a, -- a; ; - 8 0) CONTRACTOR SHALL DRE ¢^<TnI;;; "R FOR THE 8"0 DIP PIP N r " ,_ V'r ROVED E` UA'_. TH''I �°AI2 .. VF PRECASTER SHALL .4 t T F;�- SE , Ni, ' .. RaA:E THIS AREA PERMANENT OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL T'RA- LE = r _ PENETRATION USING A RUBBEI + S; ,r ?r e L e �x `L, N.T.S. STAINLESS STEEL HARDWAPF. ter, SPACE SHALL BE FILLED '14,Fry : p --- GROUT. 3" RIPRAP HICK 2 LAYER OF LASS "B" OR "l' RIP -RAP " FILTER BLANKET BLANKET (SEE NOTE) 42" OU.TIET BARREL VELOCITY DISSIPATOR N.T.S. --j f -- 3/8" PROJECTION NOTES: 1. ANTI -SEEP COLLARS 'X2' SHALL BE 3/8" STEEL PLATE 2• STEEL COLLARS ;X21 SHALL DE CONNECTED TO 12" DIP WITH A WATER TIGEIT JOINT, 3. CO�LA�2S (X2? SHALL BE SPACED ALONG BARREL AT 13 -0 ON CEN?F R 4. ANTI -SEEP COL A.."tS X2) SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 2` 'ROM PIPE JOINTS. 5. ASPHALTIC CO.ATIN3 SHA!._ 6_ REMOVED FRONS THE AREA WH -RE ;ric SEEP COLLAR WILL BE WELDED WrrH A_, E.. 'w i ; CR WITH TORCH. TH.� S- r " m-;)CATiC''iHE�,;)Li THEN BE GR i d'" IVar METAL •SRI: I' T� ANY WELDING. 6. UPON rTMP --;C, ; % f; COLLA?S SHALL 1. JkI, I _ STEEL AND -SEEP COLLAR N.T.S. FINAL DRAM"ING - Nt) � P•.` �L'`.��%�i i�'OI', (; �`;:_ ;r, !':.:, Z NOTES ?N 3.0' ALL STEPS SHALL PRGTRUDE 4' FROM INSIDE FACE OF STRUCTURE WALL, ~r STEPS DIFFERING IN DIMENSIONS, CONFIGURATION OR MATERIALS FROM THOSE SHOWN MAY ALSO BE USED PROVIDED THE CONTRACTOR HAS FURNISHED QF3 THE ENGINEER WITH DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED STEPS AND HAS RECEIVED WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER FOR THE USE OF SUCH STEPS, Z~=v 0.2~ N L'-D~~Z o.z' z.a' 1' ?~v,= A r ro wQZ~2 1' I M ~ t- uQ?~ ~ W m Q=~ZJ 4" ~~~?a a d /Ny 5/B' nI ~ ' L H~ o. v a'.. e p ° ~ 0 W 0 aH e PLAN ~ ~ wQ d p d' p ~ ~ CJ~ p . d d. . d ' ..E ~ TII M E PLAN ~ SIDE ~ N SIDE p } V+ ELEVATION ELEVATION ~ v ~ ° ~ ~ ~ •p.• a ~ ~ °w CAST IRON I- -•+-FLOW 12"0 DIP 12 0 DIP ? e.d: ° a ,1.. I4 1/2' ? ~ 1'-0' A T R N ` ° d' NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: C S I O ELEVATION 3 w ELEVATION . p ~ ~ G ° t ~ ,-eat r _ E-:`y' i-^r <.a d, THE TRASH GUARD FOR ,HE ORIFCE ~ ~ • . ' p. PLATE IS NOT SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL ~ d d . , s. p. n e FOR CLARITY. A TRASH GUARD SHALL BE _ ~ h 13116' ~ ~ qU p . ~ . d PROVIDED PER VDOT STD. 116.05 _ ~ ~ #6 BAR OR ~ ~ d a d p a 3N' m I I/4' m #B BAR q~ d• e POLYPROPYLENE Q ~ 5/A' ~ o, \ PLASTIC ~ w n ~ v~~ a, `N~~ ~ 4 THICK CONCRETE ® _ ~ BASE MIN 28 DAY Z _ ~ cn Q ( ~ ~ tk ~ v~' SIDE SIDE ~ Z STRENGTH = 3000 PSI) - J ~ w W w ~ i/a• I~ ELEVATION PLAN ELEVATION z Q ! ~ ~ COMPOSITE Lil ~ 18" X 18" X 4" B GALVANIZED STEEL RICK ENDWALL 'r, REINFORCING STEEL Q #3 DEFORMED ORIFICE PLATE WITH 3"~ (BY OTHERS) io`6'+++u'!''f'f, 1/4' NOTEt ORIFICE AT EL. 419.00 ~Y1 GkRp , . SECTION A-A 12' NOT TO BE USED IN HEET l Of 1 ELEVATION SANITARY SEWER MANHl1LES, ~~.`~SS~~ 'L ®4 v EL~vartON 840,66 PLAN VIEW 1 a" x 1 a° x ; a4 ~ L~ GALVANIZED STEEL ORIFICE PLATE 1 5~ ~p .Oto• "i ~ U'(`b(Q-: ~ MAIl~TfENANCE ACCESS STEPS N.T.S. CC < CC'' ~ 4 BRICK ENDWALL nnnn+ 4" BRICK ENDWALL (BY OTHERS) (4) ~"x4"GRADE 8 (BY OTHERS) STAINLESS STEEL ADHESNE BOLTS, SELF LOCKING HEX 18" x 18" X r NUTS, & FLAT WASHERS ~,°i-,; § ~ GALVANIZED STEEL I.r,-_a. ~ r i ORIFlCE PLATE WITH 3"0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ORIFlCE AT EL. 419.00 ~.~d~ ~ ' ~H:3 FFEt'~ST EhLS95?'; If,7.Y3= 1°_E0.7i iFE "•yLL'„^tYit,3 '~-2-ta I .H ~ Wt i F } . l_,. H C;1 I E ~b t~~ _ !,",rv+t16 P1art, U~n],e IYn,Jhl( I'I tt.~~ri~ , H ~~'r. , ! CRYIbL6 -risSL~;IT CI17tiaLl.a +I? i'I Y+IM1flS tt~G ~,aY ? CJ;,q I I ~j -i fi?:~~ ? %G? Ili diC!"` ~StiC SiIThc3;;,?FICAT~]'I EECi:Q'1 9,?`~. W~Y,~IL-r 12"0 DIP ~ I .r, ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 " lvC 4CC~ ?9I CC~G4=TC. L7 O ~ .~.4~.-I~ ~ ~ ' F-?UPICE:.L? ffEI6~.^„IkCS^~cEl'hH;C~l4EE'&FBTIdAxi1# }-~{"-ZI;1 I ~~d~-s + ~r , , { =03 aP9L Gu t1C ~r cCG °T;3E FaC•E'„ CCt!fC=III!iG' ~ ~,p,:t q [y.,,.L1 ~ # y ` r ~,f ! _ r"` ~ ~^_I Tt) ASTlI n1I15 'h`lI1' VI4. ~'Lt!~(I~}it:M, ` -17 ,,,~,.I ~,r ~ ~ o u~ FLOW 3" ~ ORIFICE ` I ~ I I I ~ ? ,'f ~'y , ~r r t I ; F_e G LY- I1SLE~, !7i FII+i :1~ /•CCCF4.'1CF. A'I'D , I`~t 12"~ DIP ~-r I i,.. 'rf ~ I 4'. ',l2 Ca{n S~ft'J~L?" SiJ rC~+ r1~.H I INVERT = EL. 413,30 ~ j ! I j 12"~ DIP (EQUAL TO NWSE) ~ ' I ! I v7~ r ~;:SINCW I ~ + ` + F:PC T4 GE 'd!#CLTCCY 16TG Hl,:hS!~ll AF JCC! CYiTi i1'fi CI ~ I a ` y . - - ~ rr " ! c ( " ~ eLEl~c`';19 FRG'a31 TG N:°i 1SitS ~~~1°. -.,._,._.T _ ~ ~ ta.=!7cCTF:=E F.d ~C'^ 5. ST35'::Ui- ~.'7h F ~ 4" THICk CONCt2EiE p m .d 4„ 4„ p d. p c BASE (MIN 28 DAB' ? i 3 - ~A ' •ti ~ I its L?1!t! 9,~ Tf!Y °„N` ral!-A r]e'IIiCL 19 )'U!t:~!"r, , I ~G'r ' ' LY.'.1lrElE:,L~, CCF!Gc-~ S' tai HO'gE h RL]ILS L'= t": 1 w_ ~ t ~ > ° a p. , . . pQ , ; a STRENGTH = 300 ~=S'! j u, ,i M1 1 ~ ~ G tl I - r:frn T~ !..~K+It _ _ ~ ~ 4 THICK CONCRETE 'n ti S~"=CA TO CiL11T =0? 31<A a:tc u 3.0' 2.8' j _ , 3AA sI~E ~JTEr r=_: wlnlNay Jr~ v?~_ eP,±i~_ aE es a~,aJ d ~ ~ ~ BASE (MIN 28 DAY r,T o c-9,n~C W`T~~S-[t?'KILL I,ti~rE n~E anlu~l STRENGTH = 3000 PSI) ~i ~ ~ N ~ ~L:E'~AFT~M ~y~G -J ItiLF. f.ie TH:3 ~Ji ~i+:i_ i19 GE.[?EC. ~ c i SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW ~ ~a 4 ~ u P Vl ~ iii 1~ -I ~ ~I _ _KC_~Cr•~_ ~ fI. N'_NINIk G:S.iP1rAX~.I NIN•~IhY,. 1A~Y•iV~..~: kI?LihlrC. ~ Ila.71L',X. ~ I ~ ~ ,.W,-.~_.-.- ' PIPE L~In,; CVa.~ Sii: H'1FT.1 ! Ilt FT I [3 JI t.j 'fr1 _.._,Y2 ~ {~J la SIPHON HEADWALL DETAILS N.T.S. c, C O~ c ~ , ~ ~y U B'' , 1.:51'r C~ ~'7,~,~44D =3 ~T,~'5~1 QCs' 3 ~Oiaro_,9 ~_6'~F~d.DD Ifs . jY1 ~ t.75 »@ P 1,25r'2,C•;r ! 9,~Cr~ 0.:'8 ".24)z.£t!r ~ :1,5Dj,l.'J5 C,54i~.i~5 ~ Y i rv I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ --h-..r,_ _ I X60 ~ ~5 P B" t.27~'2,G;t I~.~O7d.23 .GGJ2.~L' d .0.3. G.5'~JG.73 h-~ , ~ ~ ! It( ~.,p , i.r G r... !d.~~ ~ ~.i70i~.?S -c,2. F i4 ^i ar. !f ~ N ~ a 6 ~ ~ ; r r ,w . e n f c ~ Wo ~ !,l f~ ~ } 2.~ . a s" t.,.,.,3 ~ ! a~£0'4.9D 2.00,3.00 a•5U?b.5.1 iD,G><JTL.,U I~ N ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ 3 i J.a 'S k~ 5" J.~loi:3 ~~.^r i Il.~i~irLub ~~,(C~!~.4U `,2~J,~.1~5 1[•!r~jEl.l'~ ! Q U Ez ~a t~.~. _ J,J ~~_@ o '+~251d ~J B_40t9 7., :.~'r_~ ~Ql ]^'Oit7.?u G.'f3YSJ Z W G~ , _ ~ . t? I- ~ `A d~0 ft'S tt ~,Et"a14 ~ a.~Qr, ::^.0 n ~c„s.if 9 ;.Oip.?j 19.4:,J13.9S ~ ~ ~ _ . _ . _ __1 I . _ - _ . d ~ ; T?-_ LGCr1,iti7t D TNr Cc d ~ ! r~ A 5 9 D 1~ C] "U aU!d ~0 t."r'S~d QD , ~SIt5.l~ .~Of9.2~ 11 w Y _ T, _ ~ Y'.FI~~I, C~JNl11IItw'~±~. G~1tl~t, C-; rHr CE6FciC Rr,C.d rr,~LCEn kJ,,~Y Fr n5.G5'E9 F,a~ , ~ 1 x .7 L T t a O e 5 ~7 ki 116' 4 ~1~.ri C} I r ?S01j rp 3 ~r~d UO ' '.t3~9.z5 13.t5~!E.75 C} ^r _ !_u_____.___~._._..._~~-'-----._.~.---.---_~ ~~II_.~ T~.rI€ IIv~cER acL- __~,.w_., ~ ~ r]•r. 1 r ~r.i f ;r - 1 ruli' CENCiH IS TJ F.;; 4 ~i~{E I?~~DCR OCL- ~ ;.C;:ATEa C'd Ti= F'!:"'k ~L,~T: ' ~JI~, ~ ~ A ;a W O CNC",H IS TJ F;; 5HL'';:1Lttl`U TG `'l."ar,1p 4itL');-~ Tit TIfL~~LRi°:, ',Y•~ h'~ ~ 0" d•a r,.CO 7,u0J3.30 .irrd..lA .761'x.:. 1a.G0J'E.7o 3 - I G_~~~~~5 f}!,u'K ~tt}LUt7i ivt~ 4 ~ " i~ FI , n ~~'6 F~ ~ ~ 9 °0 l•'z'~fI 1(ti' 1 719.76 14,75;`?.7~ I z ~ Rl;,`K +IBLIJE'; rJ.fir ?L? Y'!:'i~)Yi}1!t~ 1$ TC~ ~r""_ Cpl''it'v?~G. . , v,_.._ ~!IC;P;f~ j fl{ 7~i "=i`rf I ItF g~1t~}~~yy ~~jj(~ I ~}tr~~pp pp(~ _ • '3F,L~'-;'J:KI4:; f?!'~'. fJJ1T' M_L` L:JCitiitlG t~%. rlu-~, r,_,-.;:_-~- ~r Fy,AC ~,~.~,~jR : _AT Y~lih~f{~ --7 gs~ET ~ [7~ t D~74.O~ 1Ja ; , ~i J.. il4,.~ ~4 GIP,. `1< V/I J'' i"-'' G - ~ ! - I fl K° i;~L: 48 ErrnwA~t, n~r~s r _~r f ~ I ~i/~ • , f N.T.S. i.-.,....,,., (qi Tay @; PIkT~ ~ i~' % i ~ ,7 , ~ ..I 1J LI, f k S1DE '71@ R' t~T L~J_ i i,'~_D{n ~e I 5.36 al_.~, d.L~ I7~.Lf;i.. r? 1.,}, -1,~LC_R .~,r_., =J~~~~ .,~T~;t. _~tiT~ Of-'T. i 1 PJf?pC~;':. f'i' UliIT L'• TIS r,iLJ',L' ,ILC:~; , 6" 52.5' 6" ' - _ TG~ rLS'~~" ^3C - DEi"; r;'n4is tr,n -n xa~:airi~ ~ _ _ ' „ - - - I w ~ ~ - . _ f;lyCi~t*'i:,7f '-F l4A'E3 :;IiAtIT'' :1@I'I~~~, - - _ ~ I;I117 TS5 C~L13C~~t£C CF '7aF:(CEU r g '--~,k - ~F~.•,.M", TC' ~L 1:T~'h.CI!C? VIII ! I.ii~~ ~Ih4•iJ ~ r t, . : ~ , ~ "Ili. h;ri~'~ ~ s. - _ _ f_i:~~iT.7~`,'.'T~J~'aAY 5U3~''•TL'~E uv3~',tr/i~LE I ~ _-,i. CE51~`J ;5 nr~RC~~.G 5r TAE =lr~;_cF C'1L~t T;'1 E~~= .`I:'.i t~RF', FF.iCc rll; L ilk 'i;4ri - p i,-~' _ t . rr S 'F 'irf(;~ Yell. (.A:! 7rti '"+B•4 I:i{A'VhGF" S'~+aC'!f7= ~ IW ,~r~~J~! ~ C'\~:=.'~~'~' '~i11 ~ stt11Jt3~i (,d?' ~i:.1A?f' 1:" hiAR, 4 1 ~ °3 'i" F.tS~', tyiraCt';G is -i)U~ H ~°.~~t.E I7;~, ~ ~.-~~Or~f G1't!,GE~fi ~iI.J ~C, OE' !-tt.aC1Y?C Pe,LC',Y _ V • • _.~i ~ r,'~h~- ~~,I~,.Ir~r ~~~='Ir,~ ~ , ~ U3 J ! ~i ~ r t G C, ~ ~ ~ ~ h"+' _ --t 42" 0-RING ;'~I. 3000 PSI STRENGTH CONCRETE RCP I I ~ 1 , ~ d 9,~, • It s q f f s } , Iry I ~ r~~ IJt., rwl_ , I 9, w::~:' ~ I ~ ~ ~ ' R a d . c + AI 'y fr ti~i;' I .a ~ 1 `1.,' J° ; ti f ~Ji;' ~aL.'1ti1~T~ " ~ , ~ ~'i ~ t ' I I f, r . a e I ~ t 1 ' I j ~ i +-i , r, ~ t ~ i - ! ~~t #6 REBAR (GRADE 60) a a ® 12 ON CENTER d 'i f ~ ' ~ "JK @A~CJ A t ~ <<ti, rrn .W.,.. t.~.....-:: ,..~-.+..,...a..~:.:.. a. d ° I ~ „ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' o mz , a n I a ' a a Z ~ I ' ,1 ' ~ f 1 ~I;'~ ~11~ . ~R ..,ET>~_ L~,T~ ~~C .:;D~ 'i ~J~ 'a',~I~,~ ~ , + ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ !i~Ji; t, t;, .'v t ~ v_ ?A.,1 '~i'll~ r. 7t=f3 1 ~ ~ r ? ~ I ` t ~ i 3 COVER a 3.52 . ,.Ild. ~ TYrft„,L W.+tJ. Dk~~.4 ° °(MIN•~. o 3" COVER ~ e' °:e e. a d it ! --f-i ~ w MIN. Q e e ~II;F.. IEIh ( ) ~d a a~. ~ e e 4 d . e as .e 4 e a ~ til'OR YI'>".I f7~T,~..,. I? ter, ~1~~h1,~ F:...,i~ d 12" tir"C' n'P~i~ ~~tir•IrY CCI"ICE} 5~EE+ Jr 5 e.d,.. `~.5". CLEARANCE ~TIA;~r~ d a e.. < ti) ~7T ~~?~Ct~1',1~,, I1 {:J~~11.i 1L C~':I~St'~ I ~~'~~';~'1~1 ~ :JL 1 i.L j PR07ECT N0. I ~ ~ r r'-~. ? ~ ' NEW-05043 a ~ e e G~~~?IS :~,~'_ti,'dfTt. ~L/,T:.?i„TES CL'1~,1"~ ,7?FICE,CO<<;":;,'fi: "~?~!;.f r~ ~;t 5;••F.? rat.v.erf. 5'~II1^7:Y7~_;, $'!,),I Flora rli~;;r ~~.o s'~~.I o,a, eIC,EN~: NEW05043PD4 4" SCI: 'PI7u~ll1 RFR1~P"6S;Vi Cr -2:.'JrCiridTlCt ~•b','~ DESIGNED BY: JF ~ r,~nt~v BY: JF !!4 REBAR TIES (GRADE 60) @ 5' ON CENTER Sc 1. _F:: F4 9 W \-4" THICK CONCRETE MUD MAT POURED OVER 12n DIP TRASHRACK DETAILS ~~m r:-~_.. ,-7 APPROVED SUBGRADE. MUD MAT TO PROVIDE N.T.S. 1006 BLOCK SUPPORT FOR PIPE UNTIL CRADLE IS POURED. (SEE CONCRETE CRADLE Sf'tEk:'~' Nt;. 42" CONCRETE CRADLE DEEM SPECIFICATIONS SHEET PD-4A) N.T.S. r•r qp _ Cl f';. . : i FINAL DR~d) , ~ : J"O GRADE 8 STAINLESS STEEL CONCRETE LAG SCREW 0 12"X4"X�" GALVANIZED STEEL STRAP (4 PER RISER JOINT) 3.0" RISER JOINT CONNECTION DETAIL N.T.S. PERMANENT SOIL REINFORCEMENT MATTING (PSRM) (SEE NOTE) 12"0 DIP OUTLET (RIP RAP IN BASIN NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) FLOW SQUARE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE (PSH) SEED WITH NATIVE GRASSES AT INSTALLATION. 7.75 FT. 11.75 FT. FLAN Vim FILL SLOPE FLOW �— RIP RAP LINER W/ FILTER FABRIC (SEE NOTES) NCDOT CLASS 'A' RIP RAP —9" THICK PREPARATION 1.) CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. 2.) RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. 3.) REMOVE ALL LOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. 4.) APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE BELOW*). 5.) CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL—PULVERIZED, FIRM REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 INCHES DEEP. 6.) SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER 7.) MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. 8.) INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, REESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CUL11PACK AFTER SEEDING. 9.) CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABLISHED. INSTALL LEVEL AND FLUSH WITH NATURAL GROUND. NOTES: 4 FT. 1. RIPRAP LINER SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WITH MIRAA FILTERWEAVE 700 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 2. PERMANENT SOIL 7.75 FT. 15.75 FT. RE—INFORCEMENT MATTING SHALL BE K TRV 450 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 3. BOTH THE RIP RAP 4 FT. UNDERLINER AND THE LANDLOK TRM 450 SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 12"0 DIP4 FT. 1 FT.' 2:1 2.1 NATURAL ►"""" GROUND 1" TUCK 3.75' PERMANENT SOIL REINFORCEMENT SIDE VIEW MATTING (PSRM) LEVEL SPREADER / SCOUR HOLE DETAILS NTS * SEE SEASONAL APPLICATION SCHEDULE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE (DAM EMBANIMIEMM) SEEDING DATE SEEDING MIXTURE APPLICATION RATE JAN 1 — MAY 1 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA 50 LBS/AC MAY 1 — AUG 15 GERMAN MILLET 40 LBS/AC AUG 15 — DEC 30 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TEST'S OR APPLY 2,000 LB/AC GROUND AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/AC 10-10-10 FERTILIZER ( FROM AUG 15 — DEC 30, INCREASE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER TO 1000 LB/AC). MULCH APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE JAN 1 — AUG 15: REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE, AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. AUG 15 — DEC 30: REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB/AC OF NITROGEN IN MARCH. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXPEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEED WITH 50 LB/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. NOTE: USE THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE ONLY WHEN DATE IS NOT CORRECT TO USE THE PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. PROPOSED GRADE 1' COVER (MIN.) 42" 0 RCP FLOW 1 >J 4' PERMANENT SEEDING SCHED (DAME ) SEEDING DATE SEEDING MIXTURE AUG 25 — OCT. (BEST) TALL FESCUE FEB. — APR 15 (POSSIBLE) SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OP GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1000 LB/ACRE 10— MUL APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. A�'CHOR STRAW BY TACKING WIT i :=,5';<,a, *a ':;• OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET N A '`-' BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE INSPECT AND REPAIR MULCH FREQUENTLY. REFERTILIZE IN LATE _;HL FOLLOWING YEAR; USE SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 150 LB/ACRE 10 REGULARLY TO A HEIGHT OF 2-4 INCHES. NURSE PLANTS BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 15 LB/ACRE SUDANGRASS 0'? 10 €3/A Rr GERMAN MILLET. BEFORE MAY 1, OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 ! Br`: C u RYA (GF A!N)_ NOTE; PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE IS FOR EXTERIOR SLOPES OF THE BASIN, TOP OF THE BERM, AND BASIN FLOOR. 10'-4.5" ENDWALL PER NCDOT STD. 838.80 NOTE: 4" WEEPHOLES TO BE PROVIDED WITH VARMIT GUARD ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE AND GALVANIZED HARDWARE CLOTH ON UPSTREAM SIDE (V4" MAXIMUM OPENINGS) N0. 67 WASHED STONE ENCASED IN NON—WOVE FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI OR EQIVALENT) ENE STD NO. 67 WASHED STONE ENCASED IN NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC "'MIRAFi 1 SON OR EQIVALEN" 4" 0 WEEPHOLES ON EACH SIDE OF SPILLWAY SPILLWAY FILTER DETAIL AT ENDWALL N.T.S. SIDE OF SPILLWAYv - �v FINAL I)PAIVINk" 302 PC PONTEDERIA CORDATA 340 JE JUNCUS EFFESUS 269 SV SCIRPUS VALIDUS 296 PV PELTRANDRA VIRGINICA 230 AC ACORUS LEGEND PICKEREL WEED SOFT RUSH SOFT—STEM BULRUSH ARROW ARUM SWEETFLAG SEEDBED PREPARATION *++++ 4" POT 1 QT. ® 4" POT 4" POT O ' ii .❖.•. 1.) CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. 2.) RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. 3.) REMOVE ALL LOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. 4.) APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE BELOW*). 5.) CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL—PULVERIZED, FIRM REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 INCHES DEEP. 6.) SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER 7.) MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. 8.) INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, REESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. 9.) CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABLISHED. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SEEDING DATE SEEDING MIXTURE APPLICATION RATE JAN 1 — MAY 1 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA 50 LBS/AC MAY 1 — AUG 15 GERMAN MILLET 40 LBS/AC AUG 15 — DEC 30 RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/AC SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/AC GROUND AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/AC 10-10-10 FERTILIZER ( FROM AUG 15 — DEC 30, INCREASE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER TO 1000 LB/AC). MULCH APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE JAN 1 — AUG 15: REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTIUZE, AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. AUG 15 — DEC 30: REPAIR AND REFERTIUZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB/AC OF NITROGEN IN MARCH. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEED WITH 50 LB/AC KOBE LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. NOTE: USE THE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE ONLY WHEN DATE IS NOT CORRECT TO USE THE PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE. PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE (DAM EblBANElv%" AUG 25 — OCT. (BEST) TALL FESCUE 200 LBS/AC FEB. — APR 15 (POSSIBLE) SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 4000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL UMEST014E AND 1000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MULCH APPLY 4000 LB/AC STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. MAINTENANCE INSPECT AND REPAIR MULCH FREQUENTLY. REFERTIUZE IN LATE WINTER OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR; USE SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 150 LB/ACRE 10-10-10. MOW REGULARLY TO A HEIGHT OF 2-4 INCHES. NURSE PLANTS BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 15 LB/ACRE SUDANGRASS OR 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET. BEFORE MAY 1, OR AFTER AUG. 15, PDD 40 LB/ACRE RYE (GRAIN). NOTE: PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE IS FOR EXTERIOR SLOPES OF THE DAM, AND INTERIOR SLOPES OF THE DAM (FILL EMBANKMENT) TO NORMAL POOL ELEVATION. C 1 1 0 / ' t { t 90 _ I 7-A 434 432 430 50� COUNTY STREAM E f i QR Fm N. F I� I � ' \ } ' ,ate - \ J I! i I 1 I xt , , J F; k / t 1 GRAPHIC" SCALE 30 0 15 :.0 60 „ 1 inch = ',0 tt- FINAL DRAI1'INC; — \O'1 7 LIr_`.SLD FOR : O`: R T :110\T - _ a4__... - ~m._~.u..~.2_~ __,.s..a. JOINS PANEL 9776 79°04' 30" - ~,,7r=4..~ ~~FHAs) ~UBlEC1~ TO OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM 79°a5'3o" i9°osoo~~ STATE 79° 06' 00" ~ 673 aao ~+n 1977 500 FEET 674 oao M 1980 000 FEET j `;.PF~Ir1 r~ t - ~ 760 000 FEET L ; _ } 1NUNDAi ION Bti ~ r~ I ;o r,NNUAL CHANCE FLOOD 1 970 000 FEET 672 00o rn , ucr.aa! c~arce flood 1C6 ~~I ~ ` ~.•~1!, a'~o kno~wr ~s the base flood, is the flood ~ r~~ - lt 760 000 FEET ~ , ~ •-r.~'~Ei~ 32 _ ' a`s~ r.. , ~ _ r,a- has a a chance of 'nef7~ eru f_a or:._:. {._d In arn/ given year. The Specfa! I~4; =h,~:d Hazard Area is the area sr~icct ~ f_cc~~ the i% annual chance flood. Areas FORD ~ NCE ORANGE ~ "`~tE 120' - ~ DURHAM - - ~ I r Apr ~f,_I Fiucd Hazard include ;tF "F t',O, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base , r i 1 _ _ a,~ci Fevation is the water-surface el vatul: cf the 1% annual chance flood. /~'L - _ ~ H~ bC't16 A No Base Flood E!~,°.tt.n 'ern~incd. ~ ZONE AE Base Flood Elevai~rr..:e.c~n~iro-u, ! ~ ~ ZQNEt~X~ I , I, ~ ~ ~ ~ . 3.C~NE AH Flood de ;ths o{ 1 t. 3 sae? ..rfai~y areas of ponding); Base Flood F ~I ~ ~ t Elevations dct~rm!ner'. „r . . , r inQ terrain i ZCNE .~0 Fluod depths o+ i ro 3 r° ,ts.~a... sheet flow on sop a WAKE C r,' ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ _ r , " n a~~erage depths Brien d, F seas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities r t a'so determines. t I ~ ~ ~ _ i r , .f - i 1 Z~.n,c AR S .ec~a~ Flood Hazz raR , ~eri;~ protected from the 1% annual r f F a • c, ' ~r (R ~ LC6L , o ~ ' w i cham:e +Icod ~~r fiaod ~ -.~i svscem that was subsequently t • ~ a e is 1 deeertifled. 7_cne t a a :.:e for;n. r flood contro syst m . o z ~1 ~ rv i gain restored to p ~:iae prl%~.i~a' srom the 1% annual chance or g l \ - _ y. i tivEE~F~,faL r' ' ~ rester flood_ L ~ LEE ~ ~ ~ .t!e L99 Area tr? Le .~t,° ,rl ~ annual chance flood by a Federal f ~ f fh,od ;;rctE.ctior v- .n.er const~uc*.~ar; no Ras? FfGOd Elevations •,`v I , i --J- - - ~i`~, - ~ ~ r `v . - ~ ~ HARNETr ~ - - ~ ~ MOORE ~ ~ i ~ _rr~-'it-s. . , i i; _ !mss ~ ~ 4 7~~~~i~ " ~.~St;- f!~0,~ t_"F ,+,I • .cfOCil'. noZ~J ,St'aVe aet~f-n;; Base F,oed EleVdtlOf?S x _ s ~ - - fr. .~~d. z'_ , _ , m~ - .y~ - - _ _ 1 ~ . $ 0 G~ f . ~ .r- _ ~ ~ . p _ i f' - 3 ~ e i i9 , . - I . , , - - ~ ;'oar!i ~ ,t° ,iw ~ v sc;a~..en liun~r?ni ~ t r , t ue n ~ IF ` ' 7 Rihi,.I,~iNH ~tr~; T~7 `f r . a. i ~ ail 31,.4 1 ~ q .,1 e~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -r . , r ~ - 1 - 3 ~ y. 1"~1 _ . . - ~ o 6 ~ ~ - . , ~C~~ 1,~ - i = v . - f' f t,r,~~: _ ~ . _ ~r~i:~ ~r ~ t~: .d areas ci annual c` _.n~ . ~ .'r,,. , r~~_ 4 00o rt - , , y _ - . 1', , @`: 3967 _ , z .Q, ~ ` ~ ~ . . ~ • . . ~ .Y,'a •.'h. ,.'_i? .'h"~~ orwttn.1 R P2 ~rGnS ~NaS!i?:=~ i - ~ r r ~ . • ~ - ~ - - - 3967400 M i I iG.t f at'. ~rc`v ~ by ~eVeeS irem 1 at:n U31 :haf C~~ r~ n ~ i tt °a~ ` , `S _ ~ ~ icy. _ x~ , ' ,R ' 757 5G0 FEET - ~ ~ ''t - ,4 • - ,I itiZ ~R_;~S - - ~ NATION DATUM INFOR ~ry1 ~o~ _ ~,?rJE if u_.._ ~:Ir_, s;.7~ _ cha f,'ocut~la'•n. of this ma was the North Carolina 'S' ~ ~s9~-~ - '•0~ti ~ ' , , The ro ection used in the preparation P ~ ~ , ~ ~ ; ~ ~ , , ~ F ~I I. ~ „I, 1~'.er-rined 'out ossibie. Zt..,JE i) Areas in ~,.hi ~ ,,,za,., P f ~ - p ~ NE 3200 , The horizontal datum was the North American , . i~~6: ' . t ,o _ State Plane (FIPSZO 1 ~ a. ~ ~ ~ ~ 11i ~ ~ ~ ~l CGP.STAL 6;,RR=. ~;::,C~:>`,C_:. 'STEM (C~RSt AREAS ro'ection or ~e N'~ Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid, Differences m datum, ellipsoid, p } ~,p~IEborn CrtE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~",..ia "~NNIP s or ad'acent ,,w.... . r tr~~cEOtia ,L~, - - _ Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRM f } ~ • , ' h ositional differences in map features across jurisdictions may result in sllg t p ~TriC-F:V1J~~.. I KID ' c~ rr. aG ~ c a~~s; f h' ~ ~i - ' jurisdictional boundaries, These differences do not affect the accuracy oft is a ~ ~ I . I S ecial Flood Hazard .Areas, r? ;S alerts :Ind O, As are norm~l~~ ~c ~,!.hii ~_r a~ ,cen to p > • FIRM, All coordinates on this map are In U,S, Survey Feet, where ~ - - ~ ~GYi~ _ , 1 iChat~ham 'County - ~ y ~ _n . o- in boundary 1 U,S, Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters, q15 - ' _ ~ - , , ~ ~Uniln ~a reaS ~ 0.2 is a~~rlua. c~a .F `i;odplain bocndary ~Uninco~porated Are.°_ a. , r r erenced to the North American Vertical •ZON~ ~AE _ elevat'ons on this map are of Flood i ZONE X c r X0299 ~ Flood>va,t bo:.m~;rr~ 3.7 hese flood elevations must be compared to structure Datum of 1988 (NAND 88). T same vertical datum, An average . . ~ , iZONE .X _ _ _ 7_one. C, Boun, ary and ground elevations referenced to the 1929 et between NAND 88 and the National Geodetic Vertlcal Datum of _ _ •r~~rr~aAO~sero~aat~• ~BF',`, ~~T.: C.?r. ~GlJil'.~ary offs p~~~,,, s~-. r~ a r;~ - (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carollna county This offset was ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ d .^iu~~- S ~.fal i lood Hazard Area Zone and f Boonf r, r • - r Pr^ azar Areas of different _ I a 'ed to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the ~.Ay. 748 ~ _ _ - then ppll ' . !aounc~~rf, di.-u,r.g ~petfal ~ lood H d Base flood ;_,a 2t~. n:•, food depths or flood veloctties. ' atewlde format FIRM, The offsets for each county shown on , , creation of this st - , _ - Where a ~ ~ - f - - _ _ B.3se o~.~u Hie~a~e~,. I ~ and value; elevation fn feet* this FIRM anelare showninthe vertical datum offset table below, ~ ~ ~,r,~~R ~~Ir `_.,sE LIriE; P count bounda and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 mood elevations _ ~ 1 ~r,` ~ - 8.=c ,,~i ~iw:. °~;alue where uniform within zone; ncident an Individual offset has been calculated and applied during the _ are coi " _ ~ i 1 ~ the ascom anying creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Section 6, f P ` _ . ~ - ~ i Re~e,enc~d ro the North American t J. `988 ood Insurance Stud report to obtain further Information on the conversion ~ ,Q 3a3 t , FI Y evatlons between NAND 88 and NGVD 29, To obtain current elevation, ~ ' r.• . ~ of el , ~ ` t,: rid/or location information for bench marks shown on this map, - : descri tion, a >t' P o - _ ~ ;;e please contact the North Carollna Geodetic Survey at the address shown bel w, , ~ ° t'c ~ 1 i You may also contact :he Information Services Branch of the National Geode I a3z rve at 301 7133242, or visit its website at vvww ngs,noaa,gov, ~I Su y t ) _ - _ i ~ Geo. _.i`lic cooEctlncies :efererced to the North Amzrican ~ - `G z_ __'2'30" i;t~t.° I ~f 98_ uAC 88i ° JfiC I_ . vr?, ~ i~tdfs~•esn ,~~er au~~ grit? i,:,ks. r:one 1, 0 set able ~ ' North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertlcal Datum ff T ~ ~ , 35 49'30 f fJ[~flr _ - _ r~iu t2-L1efi NCf~ C..~i Cilna State Plane CGOfdinatP, 9 sa, s~~~.tiE .%OsO,s~t;, I'iana NAG 3? feee; 1 et Count Vertical Datum Offset (ftl ` 121 West Jones Stre v - 0,76 35° 49' 30 - I ~ ~ Raleigh, NC 27601 Chatham ~ 3-3836 ~ (919, 73 _ • _ ~ „ ~ v~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :r < .:u`la ~.__OGEi.C ass,... re., r' ^1 ~G i:,8 aFIaIiP't I ~ ~-eta one!}. - ~ - c s state,nc,us rn ~ ~ cqr: i~c www, n q , ~ , J - - x ~ ~ W ~ u~°r f~Pi e Idnat,On in Z ,~U~.lr:rt n SeCt:On 0{hi, Fil~w1 1d1121,i, i Exam le; NAND 88 = NGVD 29 + (-0,76} W P Z Q Q o_ >ZONE X . ~ ~ ..'1=' - / ~ i 1 J7 ~ ~ Table below were studied by ~ All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data z f. Other flood hazard data shown on this p , detailed methods using field survayo ta' anal sis or limited detailed ~ map may have been derived using either a Boas ~ y 3966 o~ + ood n sources studied by these _ ^ ~ ~ rivenne analysis, More infcrmation on .he fl i g ~ ~ ~ y _ anal ses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report, - - 3966 000 3 I- , ZONE 'X~ ~ 5G~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ , - - ~ ~ ,r - r _ 'Vi'i" 4 r ~ : I y~ ~ 15, fl`(•G9EGGn~IlCO`JS RJ > . . w _ . ~ ~ v I , j ",.P. f ~ i 1.1... - . ~ - - . . rr' °I rE4~ RG L _ ~ ~ IC,.r~~• - ~~ti'e . ~ - - "`C y ..a ~ Apr)- - _.l - ~ ~ 7 - - :i C: ~ w - i F~ ~ ~ C" ' ~;P' - 'i ~ ~ ~ •ti~~ T ~ ~ , - ' .~~F~r)rrhF~N~'~ ~lhS y/ I q~ € il I i~~ z~ ~ _ rl 't' f / _ , 1 ,A'~. ~ r /n ~ , ~ j '~'t - ~ ~ ~ . ~ r G ~ ~ - ~ - 752 500 FEE1 a~i~~ rll~"i`'s s - 292 ~ ~ ~ ~ - • ~yBc V ° ~ ( 750 r. 50Q 1000 ' . i. ~ fJ 35 49 00 I --r- FEET Y-~: r :1_ i_-- X _ F I ZONE~(AE; . ~ , 35°49 00 i n.; - ~ ' - - - - - , EL_ - - F~'393 F vrOt; ti ~ .~-~.m~.~..w~...n_,,.mm,,.. „~...,.._e,. . , ~ - ~ r,~- - ,e. _.-.m.. r 1 µ ~'Y CC ~ _ r, . i ~ , rl f ~5nrlfTT •~n'. / ~ F.GODPIC ICFr EI I~ IAR. 'O~ I+ ~ 1 ! 1 t,r ~ ~ ,`i~ ~ 1 ~ _ ~,1 '~hEI~B~FI ~~EE~' _ ~ ~ ~ , _ t~g~ E - i f _s I _ .--r ~ ~ , ZONE'7AE _ , - - r° _T_ - _ ~ ~ I'-~ `ti t. 4 . - , t. r i, ~ ~ FIB f ,ice id ~ 3965 aao M - - i ~ { ~A~~ ~sl~ n RA , i ~ ~ 3965 . i ''ZONE ,;X" ~y ` . NORTH CAROLINA , f ~ ~ I i i • ~ • - r ~ F.r ~R° . - a , - ~ ~ . ? e . ~ . 1 - . i ~ N ~ - t rr l , . ' ' . , 1. i~ ZONE r~Xr' ~ i ~E LOC~iOR D':.•1uRA"~l OR MAP INDEX FGR FIRM I . L.......! ".'~=L ~~;~L'' ' i ~ i I ~ ~ ,~v~~N ;I'J I ' 4'sit i i~I ' I i rv FF Y, I PANEL f ID No C I I 'P: d. I , j; I ~I~ „ ~ ~ 7o2ss sn3 t 3 d °1 -Jl;f~1 I ~ ~ a, i ANf19 ~TrjoF rN~ . ~~~R~~( ~r~tE} +'sP , - .0..t,.. y~ I K . y. . III' . ( 750 000 FEET I, l ~ I~ II f_ - ~ ~ ~ ~ A7 i i w III' 000 FEET 0 980 1 I 674 oaa 750 000 FEET o0o M 2 500 FEET ~ 673 °0° ° 5' 0" 1970 000 FEET 672 197 Z9 0 0 79°04'30" I i ~ ~~I , I ,III; 79°06'00° z9°05'30' JOINS PANEL 9774 ~i: i' ~i llj~li~ !IC'I' ~ I I i I ,IIII ~'I'' I~~~LITtiI~ARY i E ~ i ~ ~ ,L' I ~ ~ I: ~ r---------, i NOTES TO USLK5 JUL 13 2005 MAP REPOSITORY are detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations than of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www,ncfloodmaps,com, ~I ~IL III ©t~ l ct~Ion The flood lalns and fioodways Refer to listing This ma Certain areas not in SP ecial Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control Thls,map reflects more detailed and the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIRM P Is for use in administering the National Flood Insufromrance local drainage It age does sources structures, Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of previous FIRM for this jurisdl p i d from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conformto necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly should be consulted for possible Study report for Information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferred from co the u prev ev mmv of small size, The community map repository these new stream channel f g :hannel configurations, As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway I dated or additional flood hazard information, up Base map Information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables In the Flood Insurance EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL which contains authoritative hydraulic -lood Insurance Study reporC ( a f r a detailed information where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) r To obtain more various orgCounty,The time Period of collection for the Imagery is 2002, Information and Please refer to the separately print yam channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map I I,I~Ja ~ F p ttam`er vn t~ciov ,shcuid be ~sac pan ag , and/or other sources, The primary basis for this FIRM is aerial ima9ery acquired by and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood ma o ro v tould r Index for an overview map of the county ft e e sub;ec EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANEL EFFE I n~ mice ~p,;I~~ t,~n. ro t~, nted Map separately p I #FEMASCODOPERAT WTECHt motion in are as anizations includin9 the Parricipating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel dlst< Chatha atham Detailed Hood Hazard Data, and/or Summary of StIIlwater r~c P rofiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and/or Summary of Stillwater ni ma re osito addresses; and a Listing of ~f map panels; commu ty p p N ! - ontained emsPatial data supplied by the local communlry(les) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panes; c( Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies g this FIRM, Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded were red the preferred source for development of the base map, See geospatial Communities table containing Nation, considered :ontalning National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community ee r # i NUMBER E MAP NUMBER, whole-foot el Es are Intended for flood Insurance rating purposes metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing of the panels elevations, These BF of the panels on which each community is located, 1 .7500 This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, preparation, If you have questions about th 3 .ons about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood the State of North Carolina and the Federal flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with cooperative partnership between A MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the lease call l -877-FEM in general, p For community map revision history prior to statewide mapping refer to the Community wtap `~i Ldp Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The State of North Carolina has the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management, Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, pleas time of ublication~ Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www,fema,gov, vvvw,fema,qov. HHistory table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. w im lemented a lon term approach of floodplain management to decrease floodwa s shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied most up-to-date data available at the tlm p costs associated g with flooding, This is demonstrated by the State's com- Boundaries of regulatory Y limits may have occurred since this map was published, Map users should ~ the p food Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision LOMR ) or Letter agffort,reeme ent e by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An Amendment (COMA} revisin State of North map Carolina odplai hans joiareasned i an the coca; level, this To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, the of Program at the it (COMA} revising portions of this pariah and digital versions o~ North Carolina Division of Emergency Managementor the National Flood Insurance Prog l I Program website with s FEN accompanying Flood Insurance Cooperatievel,ng As a Technipartcal S l S this effort, of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway jurisdictional boundaries and base map features, This map may contain roads that were of Map State considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM maybe available. Visit the Nort MA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM, encroachment widths n le. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping following phone numbers or websites: t ar01 i nOY~ t gc s,com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 g p National Flood Insurance Program data forflooding sources studied by detailed methods as wellas non for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided In the FIS report created during the production of this statewide format FIRM, at www ncfloodmaps,com, or contac rrrww.nCfl00dmgpS for information on all related product e 1 c y ar t gg,i C. 1, a c i, Ai3 II related products associated with this FIRM, The FEMA Map Service NC Division of Emergency Management www.nfi .ncem.or 1-800-638-6620 www.fema.goy/nf,p .COm for this jurisdiction, The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway Center may also be reached by Fax a -800 358-9620 and its website at vvww.msc,fema,gov, (~1~) 715-8000 P reached by Fax at 1 ed detailed methods, using non-encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limit i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM JOINS PANEL 976fi L~~ 79°06'30" 79°GS' 00" 79° 07' 30" 79° 07' 00" 1 960 OOD FEET 669 670 _ 67t ooo.+n t 9~o ago FEET SPL'v'!A~ FLCt?~ ; hD r,iZEAS (SFHAsj SUBJECT TO ._....!_~,,,._-M-,---••__•._.__~.-..,._ DOOM 760 000 FEET "'I'`~, """'E,"'"'-~r-~-~--r;- _ GUILFORD I gLAMANCE , ORANGE ~ a4a Gj2, - , , r_ ~ 760 00o FEET INUNDATION BY ~ ~fE 1 °i~ A1~INUAL CHANCE FLOOD d~ ~ ~t,• r ~ ~ _ ' _ , ' ~T ' DURHAM ~ ~ r ~ . :,nn~.~ ' ~ I ~nc : ;rt I chancy flood (100 vea~ tiuod), also known as uae hasp flood, is the flood i ~ ;r~ ~ ~~:~~J - ~ gas ~ "'6 ci,an e of t cn k eq~~a ed cr exceeded In an}' given year. The Special ~ 1, i 'G:i~ { L ~ I /area t, a:c jDj.. r' rIDC'_{in~ by th2 t°,~o d'~nual :~'anCc i~00d. Af°a5 '~_i~, - ri ~ ~ ,r ~i. . q ~ ~ r ~ i ~,F ,~~ecial blood hazard '.r-dude Zones A, .AF, ,AH; AO, AR, A9),'J; and '~E. The Base 'ZONE SX` ' ~ i, ~ oc` ev~tio°, is vGa:~.:-- ~ es.on o the s9: annual chance flora, _ I , ~ ~ ~ _ ; ! I i lNE ,J d sa nwG z ins et m _ d.e d . . . i i ~ ,1~ O - . _ , ~ ~ ~ . Base oc,d ~s detern• ' ` Z03LdF r~E r, tiuva~,c. Linea. ' ! ~ ~ `ZONE 'AE r , ZONE AE - ~ n; WAKE a ' 441 ' ~ ~ i y' ~ ~ - - i ~~~t~`; FIC f J. ! 3 fe?t ~15iJa~ @d i C~~. ~ ~<t ~ ~ ~ 'P ~ , F~ v er s o,~ pr;n ~~rg,; r r_e iozru ~ i ~ ~ ay, H', ~ , ~t:.' EiF._ . .,e~a:mi~~c~, t ! _ _ ~ ~ qq - _ fir, a ~ r _ _ - i - ~ - r - x , 1. ' r `t',4 0~, ZQNE X a ~ t e l - ~ZONE,,X ~ `s j ~~NE A~ F~:c_ ~ep'n~ rf " ao 2 Est (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain!; s ~ d'verc ~ depulS :.ieter"1fnPd. For ared5 Of aililVld ian ilOOdln VeIQCit:es R _ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~r b o ~ - _ ~ - alSG qe?e~`7iiY1E'C~. i ~ I Z I - r~;°' 1 i r ~ l _ ~ ~ i . , 'i ~ w r0~ ~ - ~ , ~ r' t ~ , , i i yt, _ ` ~ a r I `+E ~ R Spec'a~ °"ood :~zare r a 9os~w~Er;y protected from the 1% annum 7 a . ~ f r ~ , ~ = i ~ha c ~ ;ou ay ~ flood _~itrcl system Chat was s.~hsequently , . Z9 u 4 I' i w i , . i ~ - . - , ~ - _ _ ° I decert;tied. Zone ,r,R indic~testhaC the former flood contro; satem is 1 . ~ LEE - , ~ ~ f 48~. ~ , P ` , , ~ HARNETT e ~ , ' j being restorca to nrov'sde protecr=en fron-~ Che ? % annual chance or - ~ , . , . . ~ . , MOORE ~ ~ ~ZONE~ X , , ° ~ ~ 48' _ - 'I I greater flood. - ~ i? I r, 1 i ZuNE X94 Arca co be r ri r cea ,m 1 ; ~.~"n~;al chance flood by a Federal , sy !a- l fiooJ protec,~t~n ~~~ierr ~,t~cler construction; no Base Flood Elevations ~ ~ - ~ deterr<<ner1. ~ ~ ~ y~6 a ' I nrI t , , • r. u; { , p , „ ` : , ~ ~ 3~rNF . , Coas'a~ flood zone N~tr 4e r i. , r, iwave ac_icr), Base lood Flevations _ i ~ determined. ~ _ .ZONE ~AE iL aia F _ ~ r' ~ ~,Ir' y . _ ~ FLOODINAY P,REAS IN ZONE. AE r--° , °'ZONE AE - - 3s°so' oo ~ f'beni Crcck~'~ , U 1 o c L.., _ , _ ` ~ The flop-away is the channel of a s4ream plus any ~diacest 5oodplain areas that must be ~ 389 000 M - ' ,i„ '411 U': 3967 - / ' w ~ . ' ~ Ncpt free of encroachment so that the i `h a~mu3i chance flood can be carried without ~ ,A ~ ;ub~tantial increases in Flood heights. ~ ~ , , b'. ~ 1 ~.i; - as ~'~_..Q~1 OTHER FLOOD ARFAS r „ , . ~ ' 4~,. 40a , ' ~ . ~ ~ eao ti~ I h~~ . . E fi , ' -P, ;A _ - ~ _ - , A 406 ~ A..~ . _ i _ o, - ~ l ~ ZONE X Areas of 0.29° annual -fiance fiuod; areas of 1 % annual change flood ~ ~'1 ' 395 ~ W, 3B2 Jf~ ~ - ~ f - ~ with arcr~ ge depths o, less than i foot or .vith drainage areas less than 399.,5 N.,, i s \ o _ , :>n _ _ ~1,r. N, , 9 square mile; end areas pr~~-Tec+~d by levees from 1 annual ahanee i~ , j F - - . , ~ ~1.. J flood. ` - ~ 57 500 EET DATUM INFORMATION ~F~i _ ~ ~ ' - , ` 7 _.1 7. E . _ . , ~ OTH~R rAREAS The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina ~ aee ~ ~J _ ~ E 200 The horizontal datum was the North American State Plane (FIPSZON 3 I. •rr x so i . ~ . datum e I i rences in - ZONE X Areas determined to be outsiae the 0.2°o annual chance floodplain. < 'E67 ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetern-.fined, but possible. 'fe soid Dif 1 3 GRS80 el i , Datum o 98 I , p , , f P 1 , _ , P ~ ~ . , ' ' .r Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adiacenc w ~ ~ _ , r jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across ~ _ ` - ~ ~ , i ~ "Poke6er„ ~Crer~ ~ ~ I ~ \i COJASTAL BARRIEk RES~QURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS t ~~'f,~,.. _y , ~ z;,~,, i ese differences do not affect the accurac of this ~ ' - ' - 1 'urlsdictional boundaries, Th Y ~ ~f ~ -H ~ FIRM, All coordinates on this ma are In U.S, Survey Feet, where , - 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters, .i. I l ~j ~~Ti SLR<~ iS~ P(:°~ , c=... c'J , .o (i7f'Asi .t i ~aF ` v.,,~~ Ana OFAs a~s ro;mally located wit"'~~ ^~r adjaceni ;o Special Flood hazard Areas, Food e evations on this ma are referenced to the North American Vertical ~ ~ . ZpNE I I p ~ ~ ti , . ~ ~ - . ..ZONE''.X~ _ , i 2 ~nr _ t'.3 SI~3nCe f`GOdn~ain bOLndal'y , - Datum of 1988 (NAND 88), These flood elevations must be compared to structure , and around elevations referenced to the same vertical datum, An average ~ , G,~ % „_ai cra•u.e Poodpialn ~undary 3 - i ! offset between NAND 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 , ZONE•:,X - ~,a~_ oouncarr tl NGVD 29 has been com uted for each North Carolina county, This offset was ~ ' I I P , Ira ~ nit~r I v t' ns that were not revised Bunn the ~ - ~ _ ;ChaGhalll' COU~ . . then applied to the NGVD 29 flood ele a io g r ' . _ . ~ ~ r h o n ho non ac c u s w is o e F RM h offse f rma T e - creatio of t is state ~ N ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ Unin~o>•pot~aied ,A n h' w'de fo t I ~ _ - - - x.~ero.>::.,~r;:;asomcaaz~s ~i`{,~i anC+ PP~ "C~lnda ; ' ~ ' yeas . ~ , this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below, Where a ~ ~ ' - ividina Special e~ooa i-~azar;a Area ,'.ores ar d srv ~ , . 1 r _,,~~c .ry dwid~n~ .,h,,,ial Flood Hazard Areas :~f N~fferent - 37.0,299 county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' . ti , ,t • : . ~ ~ _ _ _ E.~,.,_ tietat,ar {;god depths ar flood velccifles. a - 3ai r", d and a lied Burin the ~ ~ 'ZONE °X - ~ - , are coinclden~, an individual offset has been calculate pp g W ~ , ,a, _ , creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Saction 6,1 of the accompanying Z ~ _ ~ ~ - 3LS_ , Fic4a'fc ' ne aic elevation (n ieet* . . ` , Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion d s ~ i ~ r.,, i .r4,. F1e~3rlU~. ,'alas v?~E ra' unl~Hm Nlt,}ll LLr}~'~ ~ z _ ~ ~ VD and NGVD 29, To obtain current elevation, rn ~ ~ of elevations between NA 88 _ ° z - ~ ~ Z~, NE~AE~~ , _va. ~ feet 0 1 `c Q , . ~ . , s r rt , ~ t P ~P description, and/or location informaton for bench marks shown on this map, ~ - O h d R-~~ t .a tL_ .c.t,~ , rnencah Yc,...,, ~~,tum s9&8 1 . _ . . ' ~ ~ ~ please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below, ~ _ ~ p ' n rmat on Services Branch of the National Geodetic '`i You may also contact the I fo f - _ - ,P 1 c , - t ,0, 5 L Cwt n . z ! ~ ;1 ~ i we ite at www,n s,noaa, ov, ~ " Survey at (301) 713.32A2, or visit its bs g g t~ _ r '7 - - ~ ~ rY3 ~~..~-m 23 1-an~rt line f - _ . ~ North Carolina Geodetic SL:wey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table I ' 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset litl ~ - - ' j I Ceogr,f;0 coo~dsn,r ref~-crtced to the North American J3t ,'-q ~ ; ai G~" ~0 "2r' 30" t , , dOt4 Gatum o~ i983 (t~lP,~ 83? , - ~ ~ 'r' Raleigh, NC 27601 Chatham - 0,76 35° 49' 30' _ 1 ~ - 5 49 30 .n ~ - 3 J 1c0~'rnctc L~,uve;sa, Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 1i (919} 733-3836 ~ _ _ - ;~c o'' ' _ 2500-foot rid values: North Carolina State f lane coo ' a e „J„ e rain t - ~ 1 477 500 FEtT system (F~r~SZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) . www,ncgs,state,nc,us _ - , , ~ _ r,' ~i~ . - _ _ _ ' PM^' 10 North l.a~oiina Geo~i~tic Survey bench mark (see explanation Example; NAND 88 = NGVD 29 + (-0,76) i ' ' , , . ' ~ in the D?rum information section of this FIRM anel , . 37s p _ . - , ~ .4 Nationa' C:eo + .ti c; - ~ 3M551i) i ce c .,.,rvey bencn mark (see explanation in A I s reams li ed n the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied b 39ss o0o M ' I t st I Y ~ ' , _ ~ ' I' ~'f~~ ~ ® the Datum Information section of this FIRM anel . - ~ ~ ~ 0 M1,~ River n-Ills detailed methods using field survey, Other flood hazard data shown on this _ s o m'ted Beta led , map may have been der(ved using either a coastal analyst r II i ( , - - ~ ~l n rm on on the floodin sources studied b these ' ~ . nvenne analysis, More i fo ati g Y ' ~ . ~ { 003 m 3966 _ _ . . analyses is contained In the Flood Insurance Study report, ' . _ _ - i ~ ~ ~,0 - 370 ~ - ~ - . . . i ~ _ ~ ~ - -~.o ~ _ ' it ~ >ZONE',AE i - . , - _ LF, i a E, - i - ZONE X'` ~ ' i -i - '~A ,i i '-1.' , - - 315 'L _ ~ i 1~ - "1 if ~ tj" _ , i _ 1 ' r o~ . _ - ~ ~ ZONE~~X~ > ~ , _ - ~ . ' _ ~1 'OE~ 1 - `t' ' i~ ~ p{ i 9 ' S ~ i ' . ~ ~ i ; ~ i d ~ - - f 3 _ ~ _ - - - 3~8 } S, r, r~ 299 ' . - . , i f ~;r~ ~ ~f:': _ _ x G. } - ~ X ~JC ~ P ~ , _ ~ ; i I ~ ~ 4 . 752 500 FEET - ~ - - - _ 1 ~ ' 1 l L''Fn~ I~ S _ - _ ~ ^u;. i l~:i i ~:;~~1 - ~ t l ~ f -v is5;il F30E~?"n t _ - . ~ u ~ti. ~ ' - - _ " _ c i 79b _ , 35°49'00" i r~~aP s~,A~~ - ~~a' s,ooa~ " u' _ . ° t ~ - \ ' ~ W , - ,1.~ 1 35°a9~ oo~, ~ 2sc a 5r,,. ~ooo - - - . ~ Ci~~~ FEET I `I i . ~ - , ~ r. a ~i ~ . ' - . ~ ~ i I . _ C j ~ METERS , i i . 1 , ~ _E„ 3J2~' : ` 150 0 150 300 ZONE X _ - e ~ , i. , . , _ ~ - _ . ~ - , I ;ZONE Xr 1 _ . , I I' , ,.r ..y ~ - , 286 ~ , l 1 _ P,ohcbtm C~r~Erf ~ D I ~'I ~ ~ PANEL 9765) . ~ .787 j 3965 00o M , i = ~ ' - I . k. ' - ~ - , i ~ , 'I i l~ o-~ ~ 3965 i i ' I ZONE~~X I®~~ I' `qFw 777 : I ~ „s asro Q ~ . ~ ~ ~ . , . . - ~ . ~ FI~OD ~N URANCE RAE AP S TM 7, ~ '~o._ , ' _ ~ ~ . ;c° r ~ ~ ' OZONE-SAE i r ~ , . ~ n. ' S -,i ' ` ' ~ ~t _ I ~ NORTH CAROLINA z, ~ - I ~l i' . .m - I ~1 ..ti ~ tie - r; _ ~ 'd8 I~ ~i~i ~I ~ - i - ~ - ~ _ t~ . ae ; . ~ a i I ~ ire , Q )~~F , r ~ ~ ~ ~ I'~ ~LIMJT 0@.-FLOODWA~~-. - r ~ r~ 'S_E LOCAT~'~ G~AGRAP~ OR MAP INDEX FOR FIADA - _ _ ~ ~ ' i' I ' r i~ ~ v I L~I Hi~~. A 0 L i - y . ~ II r~i~ j, i I rP~ ~ ~3y5; • :ZONE rX~ ~ ~ ~9 fC~JiAINS; ~ 8~ r _ , i '4r'~~' 'I!, r1~1, ~ ''``~4 ~ s, a ZONE.X ~ ZONE"'X~ _ , I _~'v:~' CID ho, PAVEL SJFFIX .r, ~i a ~ - ' I i v ~ i Ati i J b T ~ ~ ~ G..`~ L' I ~ CHA.?li i f COUNTY 3102G5 87E6 J ~ _ _L.~~ ~ 7-0 000 FEE II 760 OOC FEET , ' ~ ~ k~'~ - 1960 000 FEET 669 00o M 1 962 500 FEET 1610 aoa M 1671 1 970 OOU FEET 79°J8'00" 79'07'30" 79°07'00" JOINS PANEL 9764 P9°06'30" I 'illi~~i ~i ~ m-r ) c_ i ' j ~ i J. NUI t~) IU U5tK5 PRELIMINARY 1 j i h Jl i ail i I This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, It does not Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed ai .IU ,3205 ; more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations than MAP REPoslToav necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources structures, Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIF of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferred from the p the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction, The floodplains and floodways Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www.ncfloodmaps.com. C I, rred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to I ® updated or additional flood hazard fnfurmatlon, these new stream channel configr n channel configurations, As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodwa y r Y S Base ma information and eos atial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables in the Flood Insuranr e Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL 14 WTE~Clj To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel dand/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consut the Food reMa°scooaeaar~rrc rnca~PaRrn.GR , Flootlwa ry agencies, and/or other sources. The primary basis for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by ,tream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map, i Profiles ~~7~~°`'bo y Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and/or Summa of Stillwater Chatham Coun ,The time period of collection for the ima e is 2002 Information nd P le re er to the se aratel ri I , vcqc G ra,,n,t+~r ,h~w~i below should be used ie separately panted Ma Index for an overview map of the county r EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISIONiS}TO THIS PANEL when rIadne mop orders, the Community Number shown Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies p 9 ry , a eas f p y p this FIRM, Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded geospatial data supplied by the local community(ies) that met FEMA base map specif'cations showing the layout of map panels; it of map panels, community map repository addresses; and a Listing of I ~I 111 I ~ ~ I ! i I 'above ahould he used on insurance applications for the subject whole-foot elevations, These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes were considered the preferred source for development of the base map, See geospatial Communities table containing Natic 1 containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community ig of the panels on which each community is located, This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation Information. Accordingly, metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional Information about base map as well as a listing of the panel cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with preparation, Ifyou have questions about i it I~il,! -ZA , II EFFECTIVE BATE MAP NUMBER Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The State of North Carolina has the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplaln management, tions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood ill (III, 37109765001 implemented a long term approach of floodplaln management to decrease Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in generate pie Tt in generate please call 1.877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the the costs associated with flooding, This is demonstrated by the State's com- Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied most up-to-date data available at the time of publication, Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www,fema,gov mitment to map floodplaln areas at the local level, As a part of this effort, the by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross limits may have occurred since this map was published, Map users should ~s t www,fema,gov. For community map revision history prior to statewide mapping, refer to the Community Ma , P History table located m the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction: ,1 t N State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement sections, The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying Flood Insurance Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent foodway jurisdictional boundaries and base map features. This map may contain roads that were of Map Amendment (LOMA) revis ant LOMA) revising Portions of this panel, To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent, the an~h and digital versions of this ( data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non-encroachment widths not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM may be available, Visit the Noi for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report created during the production of this statewide format FIRM, at www.ncfloodmaps.com, or cony able, Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the .<C3 s,com, or contact the FEMA Ma Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 following phone numbers or websites: a wuwu.ncfloodmaps.com for this jurisdiction, The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodwaY for information on all related produ P , State of North Carolina all related products associated with this FIRM, The FEMA Map Service NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program using non-encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods, Center may also be reached by Fax 3 reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at www,msc.fema.gov, (919) 715-8000 www.nfip.ncem.org 1-800-638-6620 www.fema.gov/nfip ~i 11 ~ii reClr,rdi Emergency Management AgenCy~ .~r~ ..,,=...u e.,,,,~ / i ~ \ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I I ~'yy. 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SW HUMCADAMS . l PRELIMINARY DRAT I.N" - NOT R:'L' ASTi FOR ? i'! , Q ~ r, r-?vim ~~~~Q ~ ~r z zs..zn vE--~.r. r~: ~ ~ ~r ! r ~ k,° u; , n mp, , 7 ~ r-- ,Q~. ~~:~~'4 u it V!q; il~i~~il ill ~~IIE~~~'`^~i~'~1l I~' ~I ' ~~I~~. ;f~;~ ~ I~ ~ ~I ; ~ ~ f;i'rl'~. `i j ~ I~. ~~~,~~r~ h I~ I ~L~. ~ I„~+ ~ I I~ i ~1 I ; ~~i ~ : ~ ~ ICI I~~, , ~ ~I ~a. e I,. , , t ~,,II ;ie ~ I e , ~ I ~I~,~~ ~ it ' I ~ ~I~~~~~p ~ ~ i ~~~I it F `i I~'! 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C9~w._ PLANS FOR WATER QUALITY PONDS #1, #2, #3, #5, ANC ~eB (WN,'C~t p:.RE: ALL iN PHASE iV A'l ~ ARC r/~ cam"' :~4 t~ ~.,1?l'~TT% --•.I SHOWN AND LABELED ON SHEET OAS-1) ARE UNDER SE~ARATi; +u[V`rR. 1~ t~ i .,~f C~. ~i -i wA TER E U ALTfY r~ T ND #4 1:•~y 1. t8 ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ 'e--,tea ` , t d 7 ~ ~ , 0~s i + r~ { f _ f ~,,1~~. ~ ,..0 DAD . w C`, a~~~'f'.~' 1 ,ti.~./,.f ~ Al 1~ ~ A"b'^b~rv.,d•.. ~:n 1 ~~w~I1~Ll~ _ iT ,,,,~~r~uurU,q,, ~N CAR ~ , .ll' i 'ZL-~:t~'.~.c.. ':1 r]111TTT ~o. tiS~i''•ti~ p ~,y.~ :Q~ ~~l i a~i~:, n,i ~ , L 4 1452 ,c~' _ ;.F $,16 - ..ti ~ ~ . c, uti ..r. i ~ • V~~~ ~ ~ ' i n ~ l,~,rg7rrr V - rrrrrr I ~ ~ 171R/Y NEERS p~r~~ ~ . ~ s~~ . t ~ , , Alb RESEARCH TR IA_ 0L, ,DARK., N ~~u(,~ x !OCE~ P.O. BOX 1 14005 ZIP 2 r.~ ~ u 9 } ~!,c Johr 3v~r.~taarr~ ,t. 919 361-5000 I ` .AL DRAWING ~ ; T , L) FOR CONSTRUC T'ION