HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181195 Ver 2_SAW-2018-01709 (signed NWP)_20181115U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2018-01709 County: Davidson U.S.G.S. Quad: NGLexington East GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Address: Telephoi�e Nwnber: E-mai 1: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division 9 Amy Euliss 375 Silas Creek Parkwav Winston-Salem, NC 27127 336-747-7800 aeuliss(nincdot.gov Size (acres) �1.6 Nearest Town Lexington Nearest Waterway Abbotts Creek River Basin Upper Pee Dee USGS HUC 03040103 Coordinates Latitucle: 35.842028 Longittide: -80.222296 Location description: The review area is located on Greensboro Street Extension; approximatelv 1.3 miles northwest of the intersection of Greensboro Street Extension and Piedmont Drive. Reference review area description sho�vn in Pre- Construction Notification Aackage entitled "FiQure 1, Stream and Wetland Delineations" and Printed Date of 12/03/2014. Description of projects area and activiry: This verifiication authorizes the follow brid�e replacement, which are listed below in Table 1. Table 1. Authorized Impacts stream and wetland imoacts associated with a Nationwide Permit Number Type of Impact Amount of Impact Reason for Impact 12 Permanent wetland impacts 0.08 acre Excavation 12 Temporary stream impacts 34 linear feet Dewatering associated with utility line relocation activities 12 Temporary wetland impacts 0.09 acre Discharge of temporary fill material 13 Permanent wetland impacts 0.01 acre Discharge of fill material for banl< stabilization activities 13 Permanent stream impacts 179 linear feet Discharge of fill material for banl< stabilization activities Applicable Law(s): � Sectioi1404 (Clean Water Aet, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbars Act, 33 USC 403) Autl�orization: NWP 12. Utility Line Activities and NWP 13. Bank Stabilization SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed Conditions, your application signed and dated 8/29/2018, and the enclosed plans Impact Drawin�s, Sheets 1-6 dated 8/23/2018. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. Tl�is verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revolced. If, prior to tlle expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. Tf the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended, revolced, or is modified, such that the activiry would no longer comply with tl�e ter���s and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under constiuction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve moi�tl�s of the date of the nationwide penvit's expiration, modificatioi� or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Brvan Roden-Revnolds at 704-510-1440 or brvan.roden-revnolds(�a,usace.armv.mil. Digitally signed by RODEN REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 RO DE N DN: r-U5, o=U.S. Government, ou=DOD, ou=PKl, ou=USA, rn=RODEN REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 Corps Regulatory Official: °a`e:Z°,8.,,.,'°9:ZZ:,9-°5'°°' Date: 11/14/2018 Expiration Date of Veriiication: 03/18/2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.miUcm apex/f?p=136:4:0 Action ID Number: SAW-2018-01709 County: Davidson Permittee: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division 9, Amy Euliss Project Name: Brid�e 100 Date Verification Issued: 11/14/2018 Project Manager: Brvan Roden-Revnolds Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: Bryan Roden-Reynolds Charlotte Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 8430 University Executive Park Drive, Suite 615 Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 or bryan.roden-reynolds@usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Department of the Army Memorandum Documenting General Permit Verification 1.0 Introduction and overview: Information about the proposal subject to one or more of the Corps regulatory authorities is provided in Section 1, detailed evaluation of the activity is found in Sections 2 through 4 and findings are documented in Section 5 of this memorandum. Further, summary information about the activity including administrative history of actions taken during project evaluation is attached (ORM2 summary). 1.1 Applicant name: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division 9, Amy Euliss 1.2 Activity location: Latitude: 35.842028 Longitude: -80.222296 Location description: The review area is located on Greensboro Street Extension; approximately 1.3 miles northwest of the intersection of Greensboro Street Extension and Piedmont Drive. Reference review area description shown in Pre-Construction Notification package entitled "Figure 1, Stream and Wetland Delineations" and Printed Date of 12/03/2014. 1.3 Description of activity requiring verification: This verification would authorize the following stream and wetland impacts associated with a bridge replacement, which are listed below in Table 1. Nationwide Permit Type of Impact Amount of Impact Reason for Impact Number 12 Permanent wetland 0.08 acre Excavation impacts 12 Temporary stream 34 linear feet Dewatering associated impacts with utility line relocation activities 12 Temporary wetland 0.09 acre Discharge of temporary impacts fill material 13 Permanent wetland 0.01 acre Discharge of fill material impacts for bank stabilization activities 13 Permanent stream 179 linear feet Discharge of fill material impacts for bank stabilization activities 1.4 Permit authority: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) 1.5 Applicable Permit: NWP 12. Utility Line Activities and NWP 13. Bank Stabilization 1.6 Activity requires written waiver? No. A waiver is not required for the applicant to begin work because the project did not exceed any established thresholds that require a waiver. 2.0 Evaluation of the Pre-Construction Notification 2.1 Direct and indirect effects caused by the GP activity: The direct effects of the proposed activity in waters would include the loss of jurisdictional waters (as specified in Section 1.3) and their associated aquatic resource functions. The proposed activity also has the potential to result in indirect effects to waters including excess sedimentation in downstream waters, disruption and/or killing of aquatic life in the direct vicinity of the project area, increase of downstream flows, and blocking/restricting aquatic life passage transiting in and through the project area. These indirect effects are expected to be minimal due to design criteria and Best Management Practices (BMPs) required by Nationwide Permit General and Regional Conditions. Additionally, indirect effects would be further reduced through the implementation of BMPs required by state, local, and Federal ordinances and regulations. 2.2 Site specific factors: Existing conditions include State Road 1844 and Bridge #280410, residential, agricultural, commercial, undeveloped forest, and disturbed/maintained right-of-way. 2.3 Coordination 2.3.1 Was the PCN coordinated with other agencies? No. Agency coordination with the USFWS is required for the Northern Long Eared Bat. However, the Corps is not required to wait for a response from the USFWS Asheville Office in accordance with local procedures. 2.3.2 Was the PCN coordinated with other Corps offices? No. 2.4 Mitigation 2.4.1 Provide brief description of how the activity has been designed on-site to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the United States to the maximum extent practicable at the project site: The applicant provided the following information regarding their effort to avoid and minimize impacts to waters of the United States: Replace bridge in-place was incorporated to minimize impacts. The bridge span length was extended to reduce impacts. Riprap at the embankments is minimized to reduce impacts to surFace waters. 2.4.2 Is compensatory mitigation required for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional aquatic resources to reduce the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects to a minimal level? No. Provide rationale: Impacts associated with Nationwide Permit 12 did not require compensatory mitigation because project impacts do not exceed national and regional impact thresholds that normally trigger a compensatory mitigation requirement. In addition, impacts associated with Nationwide Permit 13 did not require compensatory mitigation, even though permanent impacts exceeded 150 linear feet of stream impacts, because the Corps and NCDOT have an agreement that bank stabilization activities will not trigger compensatory mitigation even when exceeding national and regional thresholds. There are no project specific circumstances that would warrant requiring compensatory mitigation in this case. 3.0 Compliance with Other Laws, Policies and Requirements 3.1 Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) 3.1.1 ESA action area: The action area includes the waters of the United States that will be directly affected by the proposed work or structures and uplands directly affected as a result of authorizing the work or structures. 3.1.2 Has another federal agency taken steps to document compliance with Section 7 of the ESA and completed consultation(s) as required? No. 3.1.3 Known species/critical habitat present? No. The Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. Listed Species in Davidson County: Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii)- Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)- Threatened Effect determination(s), including no effect, for all known species/habitat, and basis for determination(s): On September 7, 2018, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program database dated January 2018 was consulted for the presence/absence of federally listed threatened or endangered species. There are no federally threatened or endangered species listed in the Natural Heritage database within the action and/or project area. The USACE reviewed this project in accordance with (IAW) the NLEB Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species (SLOPES) between the USACE, Wilmington District, and the Asheville and Raleigh U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Offices, and determined that the action area for this project is located outside of the highlighted areas/red 12-digit HUCs and activities in the action area do not require prohibited incidental take; as such, this project meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule and any associated take is exempted/excepted. IAW the NLEB SLOPES, the USACE sent a Situation 1 email to the Service on September 7, 2018, informing them about this project. Service Concurrence: as established in the NLEB SLOPES, this project does not require prohibited intentional take of the NLEB and it meets the criteria for the 4(d) rule; therefore any associated take is exempt and it is not necessary for the USACE to wait 30 days for the Service to object or concur. Based upon the Natural Heritage Program database, the Corps believes the project would have no effect on listed species. 3.1.4 Consultation with either the National Marine Fisheries Service and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was initiated and completed as required, for any determinations other than "no effect" (see the attached "Summary" sheet for begin date, end date and closure method of the consultation). Based on a review of the information above, the Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. 3.2 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) N/A, there is no essential fish habitat in this district's area of responsibility. 3.2.1 Has another federal agency taken steps to comply with EFH provisions of Magnuson-Stevens Act? No. 3.2.2 Did the proposed project require review under the Magnuson-Stevens Act? No. 3.3 Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) 3.3.1 Section 106 permit area: The permit area includes only those areas comprising waters of the United States that will be directly affected by the proposed work or structures. Activities outside of waters of the U.S. are not included because all three tests identified in 33 CFR 325, Appendix C(g)(1) have not been met. Final description of the permit area: The permit area for this project includes the waters of the United States directly impacted and the uplands that would be impacted to accomplish the work within waters of the United States 3.3.2 Has another federal agency taken steps to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and completed consultation(s) as required? No. 3.3.3 Known cultural resource sites present and/or survey or other additional information needed? No. On September 7, 2018, the most recent version (SHPO ArcGIS Mapservice) of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office database was consulted for the presence or absence of historic properties within the permit area. No properties are listed within the boundaries of the Corps permit area as described in Section 3.3.1. Basis for effect determination(s) for all known site(s) and/or site(s) identified by a survey: The Corps has determined the proposed action has no potential or little likelihood to cause effect to any historic property listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places because there are no known historic properties within or in close proximity to the Corps permit area. ADD MORE IF NEEDED. 3.3.4 Consultation was initiated and completed as required with the appropriate agencies, tribes and/or other parties for any determinations other than "no potential to cause effects" (see the attached "Summary" sheet for consultation type, begin date, end date and closure method of the consultation). The Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its responsibilities under Section 106 of the NHPA. 3.4 Tribal Trust Responsibilities 3.4.1 Was government-to-government consultation conducted with Federally-recognized Tribe(s)? No. There are no known tribal interests in the project area. Provide a description of any consultation(s) conducted including results and how concerns about significant effects to protected tribal resources, tribal rights and/or Indian lands were addressed. The Corps has determined that it has fulfilled its tribal trust responsibilities. 3.5 Section 401 of the Clean Water Act — Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3.5.1 Is a Section 401 WQC required, and if so, has the certification been issued or waived? An individual water quality certification is required, and has not been issued or waived to date. A provisional general permit will be verified for this activity. 3.6 Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) 3.6.1 Is a CZMA consistency concurrence required, and if so, has the concurrence been issued, waived or presumed? N/A, a CZMA consistency concurrence is not required. 3.7 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 3.7.1 Is the project located in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a"study river" for possible inclusion in the system? No. According to http://www.rivers.gov, the proposed project area is not within a designated or study river. 3.8 Effects on Corps Civil Works Projects (33 USC 408) 3.8.1 Does the applicant also require permission under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 408) because the activity, in whole or in part, would alter, occupy, or use a Corps Civil Works project? No, there are no Corps Civil Works project(s) in or near the vicinity of the proposal. 4.0 Special Conditions 4.1 Are special conditions required to ensure minimal effects, protect the public interest and/or ensure compliance of the activity with any of the laws above? No. If no, provide rationale: The terms and conditions of the general permit are sufficient to ensure no more than minimal adverse effects, and no conditions are needed for compliance with other laws or to protect the public interest. 5.0 Determination 5.1 Waiver request conclusion, if required or select N/A: N/A. 5.2 The activity will result in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment and will not be contrary to the public interest. 5.3 This activity, as described, complies with all terms and conditions of the permits identified in Section 1.5. 1�:7�7_1:7��7 �'E RODEN Digitallysigned byRODEN REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.126 DN:c=US,o=U.S.Governmentou=DOD,ou=PKl,ou=USA, rn=RODEN REYNOLDS.BRYANRENNETH.1263385574 3385574 oa=e:Zo,B.,,.,4o9:zz:54-o500� Date: 11 /14/2018 Bryan Roden-Reynolds I Io�;l'riti �1V North Carolina Department of Transportation Sic�nllkvater I � ,,... Highway Stormwater Program � :I STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN = (Version 2.03; Released October 2015) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 17BP.9.R.61 - Br.28 TIP No.: Count ies : Davidson Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 176P.9.R.61 - Br.280410 TIP Number: Pro'ect T e: Brid e Re lacement Date: 1/15/2018 NCDOT Contact: Galen Cail Contractor I Designer: STV, Inc. Address: 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Address: 1500 Perimeter Park Drive, Ste. 120 Raleigh, NC 27610 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919 707-6703 Phone: 919-650-6682 Email: Email: 'ordan.bendl stvinc.com City/Town: Lexington County ies : Davidson River Basin s: Yadkin-Pee Dee CAMA County? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Length lin. miles or feet : 0.1 mile Surrounding Land Use: Rural and agricultural land Pro osed Pro'ect Existin Site Pro'ect Built-Upon Area ac. 0.4 ac. 0.3 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Two 12' lanes with 4' paved shoulders Two 12' lanes Annual Avg Daily Traffic (vehlhr/day): Desi n/Future: 3000 Year: 2025 Existin : 1500 Year: 2012 General Project Narrative: This project, SF-280410, consists of constructing a new 200' two span bridge (2@100), 33' out-to-out width which will replace the existing 157' three span bridge (1@52'-3"; (Description of Minimization of Water 1@52'-6"; 1@52'3"). The project is loctaed near Lexington, NC on SR-1844 which is classified as a collector route. The surrounding area is low density residential, business and Quality Impacts) agricultural land. The drainage area for Leonard Creek at the crossing is approximately 17.7 square miles. The project drainage system consists of a drop inlet and pipe that drains to the toe of slope. A riprap apron is located at the end of the pipe outtall. Deck drains are required; however, no drains over open water. Waterbod Information Surface Water Body (1): Leonard Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 12-102-16 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Prima Classification: Class C Su lemental Classification: None Other Stream Classification: None Im airments: None Aquatic T&E Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Brid e Spanning Water Bod ? Yes Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? No (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) � JL��i1��1L� �1Jll' .L'i��U/ll� ll ll�L �\.-1�JC��ii�JL.�ll1'�' �� 1DI�'][�l[cflN ��1F JT�[][��1�3[�%.��`I'S DAVIDS011t COUI�TY LOCATION: BRIDGE #280410 OVER LEOIVARD CREEK ON SR 1844 (GREEIVSBORO STREET) TYPE OF WORK: GRADIIVG, PAVING, DRAIIVAGE, fry STRUCTURE WETLAND F� SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT T1.(�I . 178P.9.RNbl 17BP.9.R.67 17BP.9.R.61 PERMIT DR.4WING5 SUBMITfAt #410-5028R1 , ���� _ ��,;y _�. �i � � U l� U � � O U I % � SMITH-ROWE, LLC F il' u' TN75 PROJECT IS NO7 VV7TH7N A A1LINICIPAL BOIJND�IRY. ' J� Permit Drawing .STV_ f 100 ='�- CLGARING ON THlS PROJECT Sfi.-1LL BE PERFORM1IED TO � I L� 1�. �� $he@{ 1 Of 6 '/ �� �--� THE L7MIT5 EST1BLISF77iD BY METROD I77. � ?APHIi= -i=ALE GRAPHlC SCALES DES7GN DATA PROJECT LENGTH rrn.vs rnEraeF� t�oR rris xcnor ar: xcM �Rcs STV ENGINEERS, INC. 00 IV�rr ZrnY S S i�. I15, CM1urfuer. NC 2 20 70 0 20 a0 ADT 2074 - 1,200 9 vc r- .,v,,,� �,., r nnv� B20 ;�, s�m a,y . ��� I � V = 50 MPH �NGTH OF ROADWAI' PROJECI' 77BP.9.R.6/ = 0.063 M7LE'S >nir srn�nnxn sraris ' ' e d� PLANS T _ � �, LF.h'GTH OF STRUCTL'RE PROJECT 17AP.9.R.6/ = 0.038 MILES 1/ �� "� � 2L0-. �10�-.0-�— 2I0—� a0 T07AL LENGTN OF PROJECT 17BP9R4l = oJOo MILEs RIGHT OF WAY DATE. PqTRICK A LIVINGSTON PE gpAD[6A3' I�I1�.�� �' �J„l„�J.�� MAY 19, 2015 rRarto �.r�wA�,�r�H DE�srcx \\� �;g� � ENGIN6ER �' � PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) nST=3"a, DUALS=4% "�r ��' FUNC CLASSIFICATION: LE7%%NG DATE: WESTON D. MURPHY, EI Qf g'��4°�� 4 2 0 4 8 NCDOT CONTACT: VIRGINIA MABRY - -—�---�- ---- �Tr� MAJOR COLLECTOR PrioriTy Projects Unit MAY 19, 2015 i'H�u+xr �rsmrer.a" PROPILE (VERTICAL) — LEGEND o�E-Fl ..l �./ sn�}�+o. SEE FIGURE � I maeuvious \ \\ SITE � � � SMITH-ROWE LLC I SITE 1 DIKE DE TERING 8 E DC 5 5 OENOifS MaACi51N � ( PU P ROUND \ �-.1�P& �� � R ErvcHnx � E�u�r�EFx SURF CE WATER �51� : - n� ow o[s� iroxnu� OENOTES NEMPORARY � � O �4MII ' FF?VI�_[ l� 11V10� �h ] IN �'. II�1,_. � �� Sy O STU �OO �� �j�'COMPLE � PLANS i5 SS IMPACTS SURFACE N �� \ E o{[ i AIP RnP �� _ TuE ne��r�1[��—rue tu�,q�� �ft�,e � Tue '. \rue-� rue �'� `�H�`x'� �e �� , .,, '..�.,s WATfR �52� � — YA� PDE PD � F F � WErvOTfS FILL IN �� � - , � � � -PDE—_ � �rinNo iwiro �Q /T �T T �T T T "T T T T T q,T T�- .a � -- P�e� roe r��nEpo�F��up ��� i� H wFriaMo �rw�i Z� ' Ty T T. 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AT 4 = 646.0 �� "'� � ,�� - l - 4 / � � `� �l� �7 /3+3E.-I� L 640 ar rnrt ur wFVEr ��+�� esr eso c.r. ��r. sioE�x �w c.v. �ar.sioe� �� ,41 � � _'� ��P.� F"'rc� r-r�_ i7 3��r 640 riH ;.7s� E�i c'�n:,� t�v. wE;.nn 15+00 16+00 17+00 78+00 19+00 20+00 � oao,ER LEGEND SEE FIGURE� MPER��o�� � \ SITE 1 I � SMITH-ROWE,LLC �F� �.� �.� Mo SHE�� ' 9 (' TE � � IDIKE DEWATERING 8 . E� DC '�f.. xonow o[s�N I iroxnu�a ❑ENOTES IMPACTS IN � SI PUMP AROUND T ' �� P�4 � SL SURfaCE WnTER - 51� � \ � I to �, ��g � [rvcHnrz c«�Nt[e �FNOTES TEMPORHRY ' � �4MII �FF?Vl�-i l� liVlO� �h )LIN �! II�1'. � TS �FS IMPACiS rv SURFACE � ^/ � �� � ��� /'oo � � -�5 wATEN - �5]) T� TUE��T�Ev�I�—TUE E TUE TUF -TUE ,N�PpEsr oF`�b�`'n' Pp � � e � ,., .� INCdDMPLE E PLANS D,ENOTES F LL IN %,', � /� . , - � \ PDE--�_ PD PhlLl E !�t��!l� eruNo iwi� �Q / T T �T aT 7 T T;-.- T,�� T T T q, T P T'� � e�. roe Po�='-y � � iii° wrr4opnxr�wal Z� 'Ly T T T T � Y T � T T�T�T T� ��j . I'�� � � �� � ?� - E- � ; � k # -- � � �---= � _ -�. 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C � , _ � rEMpo�Ry F��� rF � �__�o Permit Drawing F� �� weruNo °09 - � Sheet s of e I■■ ■■■ i . .. . ,_:kAPHI'- 3'._ALE 672 672 N � i�_i i- � i_ i is �. , in Fi � �.�in � ��. ��. � � Nc �pn�r bEorm F�c�E ��- 7� �, r 4'.ao 668 �� � oF ' E� g��n�� _�_ s i �,�D_r, -L- - - er_ �.r7' t� ,�,�.._ i��.00 66S 6EL1N �FAl7E h' 97 h '. END tfiYilG-E VG ilr -L � IErio. � �- -`0 MPH .. �Cr 1d�H Hp,H POINT --� i� ., � v:�tAUC -L- i 4 �,.+' -tLl K= - ELro -.t3:8 C -.h �o�o - . . . . . . . . �_ Su MPH 664 Etr���= eesss� 664 -. f+,i0 .fia'.: , . � �. t t03'i�-;: : ��._ _ ` - -r. . _- _ _-__--_ G-. _.... _. _� - - � .:.. ' +)0 `53_+z � - . -- ' . _ _ _ _ _ - . - --�-y-- .. _ _ ; . _ _ - _ —_ - ' 660 ,�, __ +�o_ v': j 660 ���c�� r � � ;-i.�e�„� �,u� F„iroi Fxisrn�d�w.vc � aci i il1.�4114i i � _ r. �+_�.lo . _ ___ _ -_t__-_ . x 656 e��✓ ,_ �x ` j�i �Ij � x x: i i 656 ��� i �, � N ro�Ni �-.� � `�� t��d+�a� e� / � �� s� u �.a5� y� l FiFr = r�.�v r=n-i . 1. ' \ j�� �� h� �;' 1 1i I i I`I I I1 i 652 652 �,�. � ' CGE hl'OPAIJLIf D4T4 CLASS II RIP RAP- '. %�'� I � � � X ' ' � e�c.N n� aaR,.c �ia� cFs Filr inE . NwA� I , x I I I I � ' f.� � �-_._ .._.-. LEFr L�/rrH . .. . F�i=NFFOENCY �.` 1R5 /�'I/tFll?,L L��'AIAN� � � II II .____ __ crcn nw e.vnrrnN �saz rr 30�11[FL�h7q��CC4�.aN��Ei �' II II �� �.. � � 648 r r Nn� cr sco � rs �-� �' � ,`� � i' . 648 NF4 PNC . IhG -CtASSIIRIPRAP _, e' EN! 17 A'�CD�TG4 II a✓E�a me fi� em 5co� Rs . .. . .. . � � . � �I � �:. � � ,"//''�-� PI � f � LT \ � �`C � LI �i - F a. N i i[v Yas �\ I L 14TI0M I1a i � 644 � �rime �� nn�.m :- 3 �r ���y � 'J.I �= r.i.�,. I h � �/"� _ .r 6bA � � � ; 1 I , /�,� �' , e , suhuer o9 �_ zi_ I ;� � � f� j �1 Cr_ rm� � u n�.-' vqilJN EXCAVATE TO APPRO%.ELEV.AT4 = 646.0'��� �' � � - l- 4l '�'�J- _ 57 /3+y'-.�C� 640 -r c�n`rt ur .uFVEr ;a�.z esr. eso c.r. ��r. sioel x �w c.v. (nr. sioel ;�� I i �� _�- �, P.� F i,�rcH r-r�_ ir _>� �r 640 �t I�� Ei ;.7s �LEi c _ =i�v. �e-�• 15+00 16+00 17+00 78+00 19+00 20+00 O � 3 TON CLA55 I RIP RAP v EctviCE oF DFi��SON CouN7v, iNC. TUE TUE TUE TUE TUE — .,TUE PDEsv oF 3�� PD� DB 1137 PG 1152 �/� � � �/ • I WILLIAM L. BROWDER AND WIFE, �a-- /ZO ��� -- Za w -- — -- ---- - , w�- — — ---- — -- � / F— / -' -�� / - \� T T T T � - � � OTENTIAL GAS LINE �` �= � , Z� ' RELOCATION BY OTHERS i I T -- _ � /� '° �� _ — � - � - - - - - -� - - - - - - - i - -- � � � r--`j=- _L-_ , � � / j _ _ - - - - ---�-- - �. �: -- _ _ '� �� �' � - - - � � � � - __ - - ` _ � � 1-i-- —,L��,�z' �� —, _ ' $ �_ ��'�/ ` /�, �� S $ \ � __ 2q __ . "'` ' / / - -- - S \ / � i �� /' i — _ _ F----------- — — — — 4�� w� , za � - ;,. � �w� � COUZINS PROPERTIES, LLC DB 2112 PG 2020 ������°T' �b��'����I�' �91F ]�[b�IH[� �lY� 1�.�`YI���N �CtOAJT�,T'1["`�' �"1E��i��U;E�C°lf': 1✓ iB1C�.'�.1�,,�61 ]B�$1I��lE �d11�D ��92'IEIl� �.�'.!�1�:4,�� '�.���'�',�S ��.1� ��1 ��51^�I Q��r�����������i�� `��'���'�'� :��1�',��,� =1 �;f' '� �ll � ��i �� ��1��� �� IMPERVIOUS �c �' DIKE, DEWATERING & � PUMP AROUND �Y�� �_'L'_�` _�_ Permit Drawing Sheet 4 of 6 ifl' i�' SCI� I;I�'A�-'i�li_ i�al_'- � BETTE D.BROWDER I T�. ` W DB 579 PG 280 � I T �� � T� ���fi '� �, I1�!,_1�. � I���I-�-I� I I a 1��-= - ----- - ---- - 1��;�a�L_ �' '� ,—� ` ' - a" w � ea" w� . -� / ���_' IMPERVIOUS T ; DIKE, DEWATERING & N PUMP AROUND � � F % / �n E i F S S,' � +� " y , � S f�= I � ---- S / �- � � _ _ ' r- ; � %' �-�, � i ' � S � $ / - -- ---- - - ;- - - � o-� �� I � �;_���, � _ S �� _ � '" �;- S � k�... . �. . / i / 2g� WL i � � -------- � W� z'' `"` F R - - — _ �/�/ � E I 0 � 2003 MARGARET ALLEY EVERHART LIVING TRUST � DB 1940 PG 144 �_ LEGEND �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER - (Sl) �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER - (S2) �DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND - �W7) �ENOTES TEMPORARY �._�T.._ _ .:.;T/I FILL IN WETLAND - (W3) �DENOTES E%CAVATION IN WETLAND - (W2� STREAM & WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT AREA (AC) LENGTH (FT) PERMANENT 0.03 179 SW IMPACTS TEMPORARY 0.01 34 SW IMPACTS FILL IN <0.01 — WETLAND EXCAVATION 0.07 — IN WETLAND TEMPORARY FILL 0.09 — IN WETLAND WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLANDIMPACTS SURFACE WATERIMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ft ft ft 1 -L- 16+75 to 18+75 200' Two Span Bridge <0.01 0.03 179 Water and potential gas line 1 -L- 16+58 to 18+21 relocation 0.07 0.01 34 Clearing for utilities and temporary placement 1 -L- 16+53 to 18+21 of fill for utility construction 0.09 <0.01 TOTALS: <0.01 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.01 179 34 "Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: