HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2577 DRAFT State EA-FONSI_2018-1024US 15H �REIDSVILLE ROAD� IMPROVEMENTS FROM MULTI-LANES NORTH OF US 421�1-40 BUSINESS IN WINSTON-SALEM TO US 220 (I-73� IN STOKESDALE FORSYTH AND GUILFORD COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA WBS 37405.1.1 STIP PRo1ECT NUMBER R-2577 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT� FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT OCTOBER 2018 Documentation Prepared by AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. Date Christina Shumate, AICP, Project Manager AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. Date Robert A. Joyner, P.E., Planning Manager AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. For the North Carolina Department of Transportation Date Laura Sutton, P.E., Team Lead Project Management Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation Date Karen Reynolds, Project Manager Project Management Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Table of Contents 5. PROJECT SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................1 S.1 Type of Action ...............................................................................................................................1 S.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................1 5.3 Summary of Purpose and Need ....................................................................................................1 5.4 Alternatives Considered ................................................................................................................3 S.5 NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative ............................................................................................. 3 5.5.1 Sections A and B ........................................................................................................................ 3 5.5.2 Section C ....................................................................................................................................3 S.6 Summary of Environmental Effects .............................................................................................. 5 5.7 Permits Required ..........................................................................................................................6 S.8 Coordination ................................................................................................................................. 6 S.9 Contact Information ......................................................................................................................7 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION ..........................................................................................8 1.1 General Description ......................................................................................................................8 1.2 Historical Resume and Project Schedule ......................................................................................8 1.3 Cost Estimates ...............................................................................................................................9 2. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT ............................................................................................10 2.1 Purpose of Project .......................................................................................................................10 2.2 Need for Project ..........................................................................................................................10 2.2.1 Capacity Deficiencies and Traffic Volumes .........................................................................10 2.2.2 Mobility and Connectivity ...................................................................................................11 2.2.3 Other Potential Benefits of Proposed Project ....................................................................11 2.3 Description of Existing Conditions ..............................................................................................12 2.3.1 Functional Classification .....................................................................................................12 2.3.2 Physical Description of Existing Facilities ............................................................................12 2.4 Transportation Plans ...................................................................................................................13 2.4.1 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program ......................................................13 2.4.2 Local Transportation Plans ..................................................................................................13 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft i US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 3. ALTERNATIVES ..........................................................................................................................16 3.1 Preliminary Study Alternatives ...................................................................................................16 3.1.1 Alternative Modes of Transportation .................................................................................16 3.1.2 Transportation Systems Management ................................................................................16 3.1.3 Improve Existing Facility .....................................................................................................16 3.1.4 New Location Alternatives ..................................................................................................17 3.1.5 No-Build Alternative ............................................................................................................17 3.2 Detailed Study Alternatives ........................................................................................................17 3.3 NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative ...........................................................................................18 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS .....................................................................................................19 4.1 Roadway Cross Section and Alignment .......................................................................................19 4.1 Right-of-Way and Access Control ...............................................................................................19 4.2 Speed Limit and Design Speed ....................................................................................................19 4.3 Anticipated Design Exceptions ....................................................................................................19 4.4 Intersections/Interchanges ......................................................................................................... 21 4.5 Service Roads .............................................................................................................................. 21 4.6 Railroad Crossings .......................................................................................................................21 4.7 Hydraulic Structures ....................................................................................................................21 4.8 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities .................................................................................................22 4.9 Utilities ........................................................................................................................................22 4.10 Traffic Operations .......................................................................................................................23 4.10.1 2040 No-Build .....................................................................................................................23 4.10.2 2040 Build Alternative 2 ......................................................................................................23 4.10.3 2040 Build Alternative 3 ......................................................................................................23 4.11 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 23 5. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF PROPOSED ACTION ....................................................................25 5.1 Natural Resources .......................................................................................................................25 5.1.1 Biotic Resources ..................................................................................................................25 5.1.2 Waters of the United States ................................................................................................ 26 5.1.3 Rare and Protected Species ................................................................................................ 27 5.2 Cultural Resources ......................................................................................................................31 5.2.1 Historic Resources ...............................................................................................................31 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft ir US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 5.2.2 Archaeological Resources ...................................................................................................32 5.3 Farmland .....................................................................................................................................33 5.4 Social Effects ...............................................................................................................................33 5.4.1 Demographics .....................................................................................................................33 5.4.2 Neighborhoods/Communities .............................................................................................34 5.4.3 Relocation of Residences and Businesses ...........................................................................34 5.4.4 Environmentallustice .........................................................................................................34 5.4.5 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities .........................................................................................36 5.4.6 Recreational Facilities .........................................................................................................36 5.4.7 School Bus Usage ................................................................................................................ 37 5.5 Economic Effects .........................................................................................................................37 5.6 Land Use ......................................................................................................................................38 5.6.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning ..............................................................................................38 5.6.2 Local Area Plans and Development ....................................................................................38 5.7 Indirect and Cumulative Effects ..................................................................................................39 5.8 Flood Hazard Evaluation .............................................................................................................43 5.9 Traffic Noise Analysis ..................................................................................................................43 5.10 Air Quality Analysis .....................................................................................................................43 5.11 Hazardous Material .....................................................................................................................43 5.12 Summary of Environmental Consequences ................................................................................44 6. COMMENTS AND COORDINATION ............................................................................................45 6.1 Public Outreach and Meetings ....................................................................................................45 6.2 Merger Process ...........................................................................................................................45 6.3 Other Agency Coordination ........................................................................................................46 7. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ......................................................................47 8. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................48 List of Figures Figure S-1: Project Vicinity Map ..........................................................................................................2 Figure5-2: Project Study Area and Alternatives ..................................................................................4 Figure4-1: Proposed Typical Sections ...............................................................................................20 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft itr US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure 5-1: Future Land Use Study Area and Probable Development Areas ........................................40 Figure 5-2: Land Use Scenario Assessment Matrix .............................................................................42 List of Tables Table S-1: Widening Options in Sections A& 6 ....................................................................................3 TableS-2: Impacts Summary ..............................................................................................................5 Table3: Project Cost ..........................................................................................................................9 Table 4: Existing and Future No-Build Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Volumes ..........................10 Table 5: Other STIP Projects in the Vicinity of the Study Area ............................................................13 Table 6: NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative .....................................................................................18 Table 7: Proposed Hydraulic Structures for Major Stream Crossings ..................................................22 Table 8: Project Area Crash Rates .....................................................................................................24 Table 9: Anticipated Impacts to Terrestrial Communities ..................................................................25 Table 10: Federally Protected Species Listed for Forsyth and Guilford Counties ..................................28 Table 11: Historic Resource Determinations ......................................................................................32 Table12: Population Trends .............................................................................................................34 Appendices Appendix A — Agency Coordination Appendix B—Traffic Volumes Appendix C— Cultural Resource Coordination Appendix D — Relocation Reports Appendix E— Merger Team Concurrence Forms Appendix F — Supporting Figures STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft iv US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Acronyms and Abbreviations .- . AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic AEC Area of Environmental Concern APE Area of Potential Effects BMP Best Management Practices CFR Code of Federal Regulations CIA Community Impact Assessment CIW Citizens Informational Workshop CLOMR Conditional Letter of Map Revision CO Carbon Monoxide CP Concurrence Point CTP Comprehensive Transportation Plan CWA Clean Water Act dB(A) decibel DMS [NC] Division of Mitigation Services DPM Design Public Meeting DSA Demographic Study Area DWR [NC] Division of Water Resources EA Environmental Assessment EEP Ecosystem Enhancement Program FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration FLUSA Future Land Use Study Area FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact GIS Geographic Information System GS [NC] General Statute HPO [NC] Historic Preservation Office HUC Hydrologic Unit Code HQW High Quality Water LEDPA Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative LOMR Letter of Map Revision LOS Level of Service LUSA Land Use Scenario Assessment LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 215t Century mph miles per hour MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization MTP Metropolitan Transportation Plan NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAC Noise Abatement Criteria NC North Carolina STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft v US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 - �- . NCDCR North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCDPR North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation NCDOT North Carolina Department of Transportation NCFMP North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program NCNHP North Carolina Natural Heritage Program NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NHS National Highway System NLEB Northern long-eared bat NPS National Park Service NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places NSA Noise Study Area NRTR Natural Resources Technical Report NSW Nutrient Sensitive Waters OSA Office of State Archaeology PART Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation PBO Programmatic Biological Opinion PDA Probable Development Area PNA Primary Nursery Area RCBC Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SHC Strategic Highway Corridors SLOPES Standard Local Operating Procedure for Endangered Species SR State Route STC Strategic Transportation Corridors STIP State Transportation Improvement Program TSM Transportation Systems Management TTST Tractor Trailer Trucks USACE US Army Corps of Engineers USC United States Code USDA US Department of Agriculture USEPA US Environmental Protection Agency USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service UST Underground Storage Tank UT Unnamed Tributary VAD Voluntary Agriculture District VPD Vehicles Per Day WQC Water Quality Certification STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft vr PROJECT COMMITMENTS US 158 (REIDSVILLE ROAD) IMPROVEMENTS FROM MULTI-LANES NORTH OF US 421/I-40 BUSINESS IN WINSTON-SALEM TO US 220 (I-73) IN STOKESDALE FORSYTH AND GUILFORD COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA WBS No. 37405.1.1 STIP No. R-2577 NCDOT — Division 9— Duke Energy Conveyance Permit Duke Energy owns all the land within and immediately adjacent to Belews Lake. A conveyance permit from Duke Energy will be obtained prior to the removal of the existing bridge along US 158 over Belews Lake, and the construction of proposed dual replacement bridges. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 9 staff will coordinate with Duke Energy to obtain a conveyance permit for implementation conditions of the conveyance permit for the final design and construction of the project. NCDOT — Division 9 — FEMA Forsyth and Guilford counties are participants in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This project will involve construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA regulated streams. Based on the most current information available from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP), the project will cross Lowery Mill Creek, Belews Creek, and Belews Lake, all of which have an associated 100-year floodplain. Additionally, the project will cross a regulatory floodway at Lowery Mill Creek and Belews Creek. The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NCFMP to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of the NCDOT Memorandum of Agreement with the NCFMP, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to a FEMA-regulated stream. Therefore, engineers from NCDOT Divisions 7 and 9 shall submit sealed as-built construction plans to the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structures and roadway embankments located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. NCDOT — Division 9— Northern long-eared bat Since this project is state-funded, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will act as the lead agency for issues related to the northern long-eared bat (NLEB). The USACE has developed a Standard Local Operating Procedure for Endangered Species (SLOPES) to address NLEB when they are the lead agency, which NCDOT will follow for the portions of the project within Forsyth County. The requirements of the SLOPES for NLEB will be completed prior to Let and will be submitted to USACE. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Green Sheet — Project Commitments Page 1 of 2 NCDOT — Divisions 7 and 9— Water Quality The NCDOT will attempt to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and wetlands to the greatest extent practicable during the final design phase of this project. Design standards for sensitive watersheds will be implemented for portions of the project occurring in the Jordan Lake watershed. NCDOT — Division 7— Northern long-eared bat After project completion, the contract administrator for construction must submit the actual amount of tree clearing reported in tenths of acres. This information should be submitted to the NCDOT Biological Surveys group. NCDOT — Right-of-Way Branch — Voluntary Agricultural Districts The project will impact three VAD properties. If right-of-way will be acquired from VAD properties through eminent domain, the Forsyth County VAD Ordinance requires the Forsyth County Agricultural Advisory Board hold a public hearing concerning the proposed condemnation, before condemnation may be initiated. Any VAD lands converted to non- agricultural use as part of a temporary construction easement must be returned to farmable condition by the project completion. If any VAD property holders refuse settlement, the NCDOT Right-of-Way Branch must contact the Project Management Unit and Division Project Development in order to pursue a public hearing, before pursuing condemnation. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Green Sheet — Project Commitments Page 2 of 2 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 S. PROJECT SUMMARY S.1 Type of Action The proposed action is listed in the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as Project Number R-2577 and is state funded. This combined State Environmental Assessment / Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI) is being conducted for the project in accordance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), which was established to ensure that state agencies review the environmental effects of all activities that involve an action by a state agency and expenditure of public monies, or involve the private use of public land, and have a potential negative environmental effect upon natural resources, public health and safety, or natural beauty, or negatively impact historic or cultural elements of the state. S.2 Project Description The NCDOT proposes to improve US 158 (Reidsville Road) from the multi-lanes north of US 421/I-40 Business in Winston-Salem (Forsyth County) to US 220 (I-73) in Stokesdale (Guilford County) for a total length of approximately 18.8 miles. The project proposes to widen the existing two-lane, two-way roadway to a multi-lane, median-divided facility, including a new-location section to bypass the existing US 158 alignment in Stokesdale (see Figure S-1). R-2577 is divided into three sections: • Section A begins at Old Greensboro Road in Winston-Salem and extends to Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County; • Section B begins at Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County and extends to Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Guilford County; and, • Section C begins at Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Guilford County and extends to the junction of US 158 and US 220 (I-73) in Stokesdale, including a new location bypass section of existing US 158 through Stokesdale. Right-of-way acquisition and construction for each of the three sections will occur independently. This environmental document, as well as permitting for the project, will encompass all sections. Section A and Section B are programmed in the current 2018-2027 STIP for right-of-way acquisition to begin in 2020 and 2024 and construction in 2022 and 2026, respectively. Section C is currently unfunded for both right-of-way and construction. S.3 Summary of Purpose and Need The purpose of the project is to improve the traffic carrying capacity and level of service (LOS) along US 158, within the project limits. The project is needed to correct existing transportation deficiencies along this section of US 158 that cause additional travel delays, increase the potential for accidents, and contribute to the inefficient operation of motor vehicles. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 1 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure S-1: Project Vicinity Map N � � I } _ '', ��. I\ Walnut - } � z zzo � _� ��Co ve ; �� ,� ;; � � o , ; `' `, U�� � Q � ��� � � 65 ` � Y�� t i .. O�Y �.� , . 65 STOKES COUNTY �'v `, � i ss End - -------� -- ! � ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Project FORSYTH COUNTY � GUILFORD COUNTY ---"' � j _ 65 � �_J /� � \ � .�. . . `� � � � � , + zza � �.� _�, � � � � Stokesdale , � 311 � . .� '� I . i - - �� ' __ �, . . - 158 � I 68 150 � �,J �� - ;� Summerfield _�,� , � i Oak ��_ ,� ' � _ �� , 66__� � � � I ' Ridge �_-,. ; � _ l� 4, Walkertown � � 1 � i �, � I ��..- ' '- i ' : � _ " ��'•. ,5o i J Greensboro Begin �•� ss � �.� � �ss Project � • ��—�\ f'` ,�;r�� � /'`�"% \��/ ��� \ � Kernersville � z�z "� `` � : : \ ��� Winston-Salem '- � �\ ` °��i UIU 2�0 R-2577 R-257 ;� o �__.�, R- 577 ' Section A Sectio B o; � `�� , �.Se ion C �,J�/� �, Other Area Projects I_ , i �- \ ; , , \ Greensboro i r �.� R-2413C - US 220lFuture I-73 (Under Construction) � �,, � \� � � ��; ( � � •• •• • R-5823 - NC 68 (Planned) ' ' �� H�gh � t'* _� i U-2579 - Future I-74 (Planned) �� 1" �;r'— POlnt Selected Altemative �r • • • • • U-2579 - Future I-74 (Under Construction) 'ss I' ���-• U-5824 - NC 66 Improvements (Planned) i 0 2 4 � Miles � virginia �`�° Project Vicinity Map - ; � US 158 Improvements - TIP R-2577ABC �� Forsyth & Guilford Counties ND�h CarO��na' North Carolina Department °�of Transportation Fig ure � Division of Highways S_,� i �"� Project Management Unit South Carolina STATE ENV/RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 2 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 S.4 Alternatives Considered Sections A and B were divided into a total of seven widening option segments. Three widening options were considered for each segment: northern widening, southern widening, and transitional "best-fit" widening. The Merger Team, consisting of federal, state, and local resource and permitting agency representatives, narrowed these options down to a single, preferred widening option for each of the seven segments (See Table S-1). In Section C, six new-location alternatives and one improve-existing alternative were originally considered in the vicinity of Stokesdale. Two of the new-location alternatives were carried forward for detailed study. These bypass alternatives were Alternative 2, a southern bypass of Stokesdale, and Alternative 3, a northern bypass of Stokesdale (See Figure 5-2). S.5 NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative S.5.1 Sections A and B NCDOT and the Merger Team concurred on the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) as a combination of northern and transitional widening options in Sections A and B, as shown in Table S-1. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 S.5.2 Table S-1: Widenin� Options in Sections A& B West of Old Greensboro Road to Darrow Road Darrow Road to N.C. 66 NC 66 to Flat Rock Road Flat Rock Road to Goodwill Church Road Goodwill Church Road to Peaceful Valley Drive Peaceful Valley Drive to Coldwater Road Coldwater Road to Anthony Road Section C Northern widening Transitional widening Transitional widening Transitional widening Transitional widening Transitional widening Northern widening NCDOT and the Merger Team selected Alternative 3, the northern bypass of Stokesdale, for Section C. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 3 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements —STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure S-2: Project Study Area and Alternatives N � � � Walnut Cov_e -� � —'� ��� "! �� �� ���._, i I OKES COUNTY __ _ _ _ �\ _ _ FORSYTH COUNTY ---- : .� 85 � �` � ���-; �� '' _ �/ 311 /�, �,� � � : I � , ` �... ��'�'� ���i � �Widening _ � @� �, ,� Segmenf 3 ; ^ � i i} �- i z , - zzo ��� i �i° � � pt Q l �._ Y � � ' --� O;? , � � - �IY l% 68 ______ _�I � ROCKING AM COUNTY � � GUILFORD COUNTY I _ � /- Alt 3 � �� �� _ � �\ ���'-. 158 — j i �' - �2 c ; , .'� �, �' y' __ � I � . � � � � •., � �� � , ,� . '. \ ss Begin • . Project �- -- ,.- . Oak Ridge 2 Stokesdale E� Project Summerfie/d "�' Greensboro `J ' sa i // 'r' .. \ F�� �-� • Kernersville \ � � � �� �; ,�. Winston=Salem ' �' � �� � , - � �_; o �` R-2577 R-257 }io '� _--_ R- 577 ' � Section A Se� Other Area Projects R-2413C - US 220/Future I-73 (Under Construction) • • • • � R-5823 - NC 68 (Planned) U-2579 - Future I-74 (Planned) • • • • • U-2579 - Future I-74 (Under Construction) ••• m• U-5824 - NC 66 Improvements (Planned) virginia , Project Study Area and Alternatives US 158 Improvements - TIP R-2577ABC Forsyth & Guilford Counties �i� B o; �, � � Se ion C ' LL�c�� � �_ _ � _. � � j� �\Greensboro I� � i H�gh � ; ' L> ;1 � `I �� POI�"1 t � Project Study Area j r � � f. 2 4 I Miles �_ Cai South Carolina � � na` North Carolina Department . of Transportation �' .= Division of Highways �� T' Project Management Unit Figure S-2 STATE ENV/RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 4 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 S.6 Summary of Environmental EfFects No significant adverse impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed project. Table S-2 gives a summary of the resources and impacts resulting from the NCDOT recommended alternative. i aaie �-�: impaccs �ummary .. .- .. Project Length (miles) 18.8 Schools 0 Churches * Cemeteries 4 Retirement Homes 3 Voluntary Agricultural Districts (No. of Impacts / Total Ac.) 3/ 3.6 Residential * Relocations Businesses * Receptors approaching or exceeding FHWA criteria * Traffic Noise Substantial Noise Level Increase * Impacts Total Impacts * Historic Properties (Listed on or Eligible for the National Register) 2 Section 6(f) Properties 0 Federally Listed Species 3 Forested Areas(acres) 134 Wetlands (acres) 1.4 Crossings 34 Streams Linear Feet 6,690 Ponds / Lake (acres) 4.4 Jordan Lake Zone 1 Buffer (Ac) 4.9 Stream Buffers Zone 2 Buffer (Ac) 3.5 100-year Floodplain & Floodway (Ac) 11.2 Hazardous USTs 8 Material Sites Inactive Hazardous Sites 1 Adverse/Disproportionate Impacts to Minority/Low Income Populations No Right-of-way Cost ($Million) * Utility Relocation Cost ($Million) 1.6 Construction Cost ($Million) 124.7 Wetland & 5tream Mitigation Cost ($Million) 4.8 Total Cost ($Million) * Note: Impacts were calculated using the preliminary design slope stakes plus 25 feet. *Final impact numbers are pending the finalization of the Right-of-Way Cost Estimate, Relocation Report, Noise Report, and Air Quality Report. Impact numbers will be updated by the end of October 2018. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 5 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 S.7 Permits Required The proposed construction of the US 158 Improvements project will result in several activities requiring environmental regulatory permits from state and federal agencies. A list of these permits, organized by issuing agency, is provided below. NCDOT will obtain all necessary permits prior to construction. United States Army Corps of Engineers - Section 404 Permit: any action that proposes to place fill into "Waters of the United States" falls under the jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) [33 USC 134]. The CWA provides for public notice and review of pending Section 404 permit applications. Encroachments into areas determined as subject under the CWA must be reviewed and approved by the USACE through the Section 404 program. A Section 404 Individual Permit will likely be applicable for this project, due to the quantity of stream and wetland impacts anticipated. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources - Section 401 Water Quality Certification: any activity that may result in discharge to navigable waters and requires a federal permit must obtain a 401 Certification through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) that such discharge would be in compliance with applicable state water quality standards. This permit is required in association with the Section 404 permitting process and is required prior to Section 404 authorization. Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer Rules Authorization Certificate: any non-exempt activity within the SO-foot (15.2-meter) wide riparian buffer along all perennial and intermittent streams in the Jordan Lake watershed requires an authorization certificate, which would be applied for in combination with the 401 Certification. A list of allowable uses in buffers is provided in the rules. Duke Energy Conveyance Permit: NCDOT will need to obtain a conveyance permit from Duke Energy prior to the removal of the existing bridge on US 158 over Belews Lake and the construction of dual bridges at the same location of the existing bridge. NCDOT Division 9 staff will coordinate with Duke Energy to obtain the conveyance permit prior to construction and to implement conditions of the conveyance permit into the final design and construction of the project. S.8 Coordination The following federal, state, and local agencies were consulted during the preparation of this document. The project was also reviewed through the NEPA / Section 404 Merger Process, commonly referred to as the Merger Process, in coordination with these agencies: • US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) • US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) • NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources — Historic Preservation Office (HPO) • NC Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) • NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 6 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 • Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) • Greensboro Urban Area MPO See Appendix A for comments received from federal, state, and local agencies regarding this project. S.9 Contact Information Additional information concerning the proposal and assessment can be obtained by contacting the following: Karen Reynolds, Project Manager NCDOT Project Management Unit 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Te I e p h o n e: 919-707-6038 Email: krevnolds@ncdot.�ov STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 7 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION 1.1 General Description The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen approximately 18.8 miles of US 158 (Reidsville Road) to a multi-lane facility, from the existing multi-lane section north of US 421/I-40 Business in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, to US 220 (I-73) in Stokesdale, Guilford County. The proposed project is included in the 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project number R-2577. The project is divided into three sections for funding and construction purposes, sections A, B, and C. R-2577A begins at the multi-lanes north of US 421/I-40 Business in Forsyth County and ends at SR 1965 (Belews Creek Road), just north of Vance Road in Forsyth County. R-2577B begins at SR 1965 (Belews Creek Road) in Forsyth County and ends just north of SR 2034 (Anthony Road) in Guilford County. R 2577C begins just north of SR 2034 (Anthony Road) in Guilford County and ends at US 220 (I-73) in Guilford County. US 158 is currently a mostly two-lane, two-way, undivided facility with no control-of-access within the majority of the project study area. US 158 is designated as a Rural Principal Arterial and provides a link between I-40 in Winston-Salem and US 220 (I-73) north of Greensboro. The proposed project would upgrade US 158 to a four-lane, median-divided facility with a combination of no control-of-access and partial control-of-access. See Figure S-1 for a map of the project vicinity. 1.2 Historical Resume and Project Schedule Start-of-study and scoping for the project was held in 2000. The project was placed on hold several times between 2006 and 2012, when it lost funding in the STIP. Project milestones and their associated dates are shown below: STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 8 Start of Study 8 Scoping 1���J `�'�''J� Local Officials Meetings 8� Citizens Information Workshops US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Merger Team Merger Tearru Meetingi Meeting Local Officials Concurrence Concurrence Point 2 Meetings Point 1 (Part 2) Design & Purpose & Options for Design Public Need R-2577A&B Meetings If --------� � "���:1 "�?�"�=� �`.�'��i ��.':!J �iJ�i� n����,��' 1�`��:� Merger Team IMeeting Concurrence Point 2 (Part 7) Detailed Study Alternatives for R-2577C Local Officials Meetings & Citizens Information Workshops Qvlerger Team Meeting Merger Team Concurrence Paint 2A Meeting Bridging Decisions 8� Concurrence Design Options for Point 3 R-2577ABC Preferred Alternative Selection and Concurrence Point 4A Avoidance and Minimization The current project schedule is as follows: • R-2577A: Right-of-Way Acquisition — 2020; Construction 2022 • R-2577B: Right-of-Way Acquisition — 2024; Construction 2026 • R-2577C: Right-of-Way Acquisition and Construction — not funded 1.3 Cost Estimates The project is State-funded. Updated project cost estimates are show in Table 3. Table 3: Proiect Cost Part A * 0.53 35.4 * Part B * 0.33 40.9 * Part C * 0.73 48.4 * Total * 1.59 124.7 * *Final project cost estimates are pending the finalization of the Right-of-Way Cost Estimate. Cost estimate numbers will be updated by the end of October 2018. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 9 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 2. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT 2.1 Purpose of Project The primary purpose of the proposed project is to improve traffic flow and level of service (LOS) along approximately 19 miles of US 158 between Winston-Salem in Forsyth County to US 220 (I-73) in Guilford Co u nty. 2.2 Need for Project The project is needed due to existing and projected transportation deficiencies along this section of US 158 that cause additional travel delays, increase the potential for accidents, and contribute to the inefficient operation of motor vehicles. The traffic carrying ability of a roadway is defined by a LOS letter grade A through F, which indicates the ability for a highway to carry traffic. LOS A indicates free-flow conditions and LOS F indicates extreme delay. The maximum capacity of a roadway is defined by LOS E. 2.2.1 Capacity Deficiencies and Traffic Volumes Capacity deficiencies exist along US 158 in the project study area and level of service is projected to decline by the Design Year 2040. The current (2017) No-Build annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes on existing US 158 range from 21,000 at the project beginning in Section A, to 7,000 east of the US 220 (I-73) interchange, the project ending terminus. By the Design Year 2040, the No-Build AADT volumes along US 158 are expected to range from 24,400, at the beginning of the project in Section A, to 8,100 east of the US 220 (I-73) interchange (see Table 4). The truck forecast in 2040 is anticipated to range between four percent and six percent for dual axle trucks (Duals) and four percent to twelve percent for tractor trailer trucks (TTST). Table 4: Existing and Future No-Build Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Volumes ' . - . � ��� � �� Section A Old Greensboro Road to Winston- Winston-Salem Northern Beltway to Salem Northern Beltway Belews Creek Road 2017 15,300 - 21,000 13,300 —16,800 2040 16,900 — 21,700 16,300 — 24,400 Section B Belews Creek Road to Anthony Road 2017 8,500 — 9,600 2040 9,700 —11,000 Section C Anthony Road to NC 68 NC 68 to east of US 220 (I-73) 2017 8,500 —11,700 7,000 —10,200 2040 9,900 —14,900 8,100 —15,600 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 10 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 In 2040, twenty (20) out of thirty (30) intersections analyzed within the project study area would function at a level of service (LOS) E or F during at least one peak hour (AM Peak or PM Peak). These projected deficiencies would cause substantial travel delay, increase the potential for accidents, and contribute to the inefficient operation of motor vehicles. Traffic forecast figures are located in Appendix B, and show existing and future no-build conditions along US 158, as well as build conditions for the years 2017 and 2040. 2.2.2 Mobility and Connectivity The proposed project was one of 55 highway corridors across the state defined in the North Carolina Strategic Highway Corridors (SHC) Policy, adopted by the North Carolina Board or Transportation in 2004. The SHC Policy represented a timely initiative to protect the mobility and connectivity functions of critical highway facilities, while promoting environmental stewardship through maximizing the use of existing facilities to the extent possible. The SHC Policy was replaced by the North Carolina Strategic Transportation Corridors (STC) Network that represents the NCDOT highest priority for long-term preservation and improvement of 25 corridors across the State. US 158, between Winston Salem and US 220 (I-73), is not identified as one of the 25 STC corridors, but it is shown as a"low volume US Route" on the Strategic Corridor Element 2: Freight and Passenger Mobility Map. The objective of these routes is to serve "major inter-regional travel with higher levels of service, moving high volumes of passenger or freight traffic, and providing multiple transportation opportunity in travel or shipping in the corridor." US 158, between Winston-Salem and US 220 (I-73) north of Greensboro, is also listed in the National Highway System (NHS), which includes roadways that are important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility. It is identified as a"Moving Ahead for Progress (MAP)-21 Principal Arterial" on the NHS map for Winston Salem, North Carolina. 2.2.3 Other Potential Benefits of Proposed Project In addition to the project satisfying the stated purpose and need, the following benefits are anticipated to result from the project: • Reduce the potential for traffic collisions at intersections by restricting turn movements, using the synchronized street/superstreet concept; • Improve traffic flow by providing partial control-of-access, one driveway access per property, for most of the project length; • Better accommodate higher volumes of motor vehicles and trucks by providing additional travel lanes; and, • Reduce congestion and travel times. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 11 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 2.3 Description of Existing Conditions 2.3.1 Functional Classification Functional classification is the process of grouping roadways into classes, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. These are defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as arterials, collectors, or local roadways. The Functional Classification System identifies US 158 as a principal arterial in the Winston-Salem and Walkertown areas, and a minor arterial eastward to Stokesdale. Principal arterials provide a high degree of mobility by serving major centers of inetropolitan areas, as well as providing mobility through rural areas. Minor arterials serve smaller geographic areas and offer connectivity to the higher arterial system, such as principal arterials, freeways, and expressways. Based on the NCDOT Functional Classification System, the major roadways within the project study area have the following classifications: • NC 66 — Minor arterial • NC 65 — Minor arterial • NC 68 — Principal arterial • US 220 (I-73) — Principal arterial 2.3.2 Physical Description of Existing Facilities The existing roadways in the project study area are shown on Figure S-1 and are described below: US 158 (Reidsville Road) is a primarily two-lane highway with grass shoulders within the project study area that connects I-40 Business/US 421 in Winston-Salem with US 220 (I-73) north of Greensboro. There is currently no control-of-access along US 158, which limits the level of mobility and travel speeds through the corridor, due to numerous driveways for residences and businesses on both sides of the road. The existing right-of-way of US 158, within the project study area, varies between 60 feet and 300 feet, and the existing speed limit varies between 35 miles per hour (mph) and 55 mph. NC 66 (Old Hollow Road) is mostly a two-lane highway with grass shoulders that crosses over US 158 in Walkertown, in Forsyth County. The existing speed limit along NC 66 within the project study area is 45 mph. There is currently no control-of-access along NC 66 within the project study area. STIP Project U-5824 proposes to widen NC 66 north of US 158 and would also improve the intersection with US 158. STIP Project U-5824 is programmed in the 2018-2027 STIP and is scheduled for right-of-way acquisition in 2020 and construction in 2022. NC 65 (Belews Creek Road) is a two-lane highway with grass shoulders that intersects US 158 in Stokesdale, in Guilford County. The existing speed limit along NC 65 within the project study area is 35 mph. There is currently no control-of-access along NC 65 within the project study area. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 12 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 NC 68 is mostly a two-lane highway with grass shoulders that crosses over US 158 in Stokesdale, in Guilford County. The existing speed limit along NC 68 within the project study area varies between 35 mph and 50 mph. There is currently no control-of-access along NC 68 within the project study area. US 220 (I-73) is the eastern terminus of the project and is a four-lane, median-divided facility. US 220 is part of the future I-73 corridor that starts in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and runs through North Carolina and further north through Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and Michigan. A new interchange has recently been constructed where US 158 connects with US 220 (I-73). Full control-of-access exists along US 158 near the new interchange with US 220 (I-73). 2.4 Transportation Plans This section describes the consistency of the project with transportation plans. 2.4.1 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program The proposed US 158 improvements are included in the NCDOT 2018-2027 STIP as Project No. R-2577. Other major STIP projects in the vicinity of this project are listed in Table 5. Table 5: Other STIP Projects in the Vicinity of the Study Area ' . �- . . •. R-5823 NC 65 in Stokesdale (southernmost intersection) to Right-of-Way and Utilities: FY US 220 / Future I-73. Widen to multi-lanes. 2021; Construction: FY 2023 R-2413 NC 68 at SR 2011 (Edgefield Road) in Guilford County Currently under construction to US 220-NC 68 intersection in Rockingham County. Four-lane freeway, on new location, NC 68 to US 220 and four lanes along US 220 to NC 68 in Rockingham Co u nty. U-2579 Winston-Salem Northern Beltway, Eastern Section, I- Currently under construction 74/ US 311 to US 52. Multi-lane freeway on new location. U-5824 NC 66 (Old Hollow Road) from Harley Drive to US 158 Right-of-Way and Utilities: FY in Walkertown. Widen to multi-lanes. 2020; Construction: FY 2022 Source: NCDOT 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program, Divisions 7 and 9. 2.4.2 Local Transportation Plans The transportation planning process is a comprehensive process that integrates urban area planning practices with local, regional, and statewide transportation planning practices. The transportation planning process identifies needs by evaluating land development and population growth trends in urbanized areas. The process begins through cooperative efforts between the NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch and local planning officials. The following sections describe local transportation plans and the proposed project compatibility with these plans. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 13 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Winston-Salem 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan The Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) adopted the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) on September 17, 2015, and the plan was approved by FHWA on October 1, 2015. The 2040 MTP mapping shows R-2577A with a completion date between 2022 and 2030, and R-2577B is shown with a completion date of 2026-2035. Section C does not fall within the boundaries of this plan. Winston-Salem Urban Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan The Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO, with help from the NCDOT, studied and developed its Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), which was adopted May 17, 2012, in order to forecast future transportation needs. The plan identifies Sections A and B of the R-2577 project as being over capacity by the year 2035. The plan recommends roadway improvements in these sections to accommodate the projected increase in traffic and to maintain a LOS D. Section C does not fall within the boundaries of this plan. Winston-Salem Urban Area Collector Street Plan The purpose of the Winston-Salem Urban Area Collector Street Plan (2007) is to inventory the existing collector street network and develop a plan for future collector streets that will promote connectivity by creating an efficient and balanced street system for automobiles, transit, pedestrians, and bicycles. The plan recommends a number of connector street projects in the area of the R-2577 project. Major collector street projects include the extension of Williston Road from Old Belews Creek Road to US 158, the Walkertown Bypass, and an east-west connector from the Walkertown Bypass across US 158 to Old Valley School Road. All of these projects are currently unfunded, with no identified construction dates. Greensboro 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan The 2040 Greensboro MTP was adopted by the Greensboro Urban Area MPO in September 2015. This plan provides an assessment of future area multi-modal transportation needs, potential issues with project recommendations, air quality analysis, and future transportation funding recommendations. R 2577C is listed in the plan as a 2031-2040 roadway project. Sections A and B do not fall within the boundaries of this plan. Greensboro Urban Area MPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan The Greensboro CTP (2010) is a long-term list of recommended transportation improvements. The plan does not include specific timelines, costs, or funding sources. The CTP components include highways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, public transportation, and passenger rail. The Greensboro CTP recommends the following projects in the R-2577 project study area: • US 158 corridor, including both the R-2577 project and extending eastward from US 220 (I-73) into Rockingham County, is identified as a boulevard that needs improvement along existing sections. The new-location segment of R-2577C in Stokesdale is also included in the Highway Map recommendations. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 14 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 • NC 68, from Greensboro to the Rockingham County line, is identified as an existing boulevard that needs improvement. PART Regional Transit Development Plan The Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) Regional Transit Development Plan (2010) was developed to evaluate the existing transportation network of the region, travel patterns, routes, destination centers, infrastructure, and other areas of transportation influence. The plan seeks to identify existing and future transportation needs throughout the region, in an effort to develop a sustainable, effective, and efficient regional system — the 2025 Regional Transit Vision. The 2025 Regional Transit Vision includes a range of transit recommendations for the region, including future express bus route service along the Reidsville Road (US 158) corridor between Business 40 in Winston- Salem and Old Hollow Road (NC 66) in Walkertown, where a future Park-and-Ride lot would be located. The PART 2025 Regional Transit Vision has been adopted by each MPO and RPO in the Triad region, and recommendations of the plan incorporated into the MTPs for each jurisdiction. Since adoption of the 2025 Regional Transit Vision, PART Board of Trustees and member counties have worked to secure funding for several of the plan's recommendations. As of August 2018, funding had not been secured for implementation of the US 158 express bus route service. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 15 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 3. ALTERNATIVES 3.1 Preliminary Study Alternatives The alternatives considered for the proposed project are described in this section. Each alternative is evaluated with respect to its ability to meet the purpose of and need for the proposed action. A discussion of the alternatives considered, the process of elimination of those alternatives not determined reasonable, and the basis for the selection of the alternatives carried forward for detailed study are provided in this section. The performance measure for evaluating potential alternatives with respect to the stated project purpose and need is the ability to provide improved LOS along US 158 between I-40 in Forsyth County to US 220 (I-73) in Guilford County. 3.1.1 Alternative Modes of Transportation There are limited transit options currently available in the sections of Forsyth and Guilford counties containing the project. While the introduction of transit options, as well as the implementation of local bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, could aid in reducing congestion in the project area, these options alone would not adequately meet the purpose of the project in improving traffic flow and LOS between Winston-Salem in Forsyth County and US 220 (I-73) in Guilford County. Therefore, NCDOT eliminated alternative transportation modes from further consideration. 3.1.2 Transportation Systems Management Transportation Systems Management (TSM) measures typically consist of low-cost, minor transportation improvements to an existing facility, in place of large-scale modifications. TSM is designed to maximize the use and energy efficiency of a facility and to enhance traffic operations, while minimizing construction expenditures There are two main types of TSM improvements: operational and physical. Operational changes are largely administrative in nature and include traffic law enforcement, flexible work hours to stagger traffic, turn prohibitions, speed restrictions, and signal phasing or timing changes. Physical changes are usually more financially intensive and include turn-lanes, striping, warning devices, improved warning and information signs, and high occupancy vehicle lanes. Although it is likely that signal coordination and intersection improvements along portions of US 158 could modestly reduce congestion, this alternative does not adequately meet the purpose of the project, by improving traffic flow and level of service between Winston-Salem in Forsyth County and US 220 (I-73) in Guilford County. Therefore, NCDOT eliminated the TSM Alternative from further consideration. 3.1.3 Improve Existing Facility NCDOT considered alternatives to improve the existing facility throughout the project. Sections A and B were further divided into seven segments to develop widening option alternatives. Three widening options were considered for each segment: northern widening, southern widening, and transitional STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 16 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 "best-fit" widening. Through the Merger process, NCDOT refined these options to a single preferred- widening alignment for each project segment. NCDOT also considered an "improve-existing" alternative for Section C, in Stokesdale. In coordination with the Merger Team, NCDOT eliminated this alternative early in the Merger Process, due to a high number of impacts to historic properties and due to many potential relocations along existing US 158 through Stokesdale. 3.1.4 New Location Alternatives In addition to the improve-existing alternatives, NCDOT also considered six new-location alternatives for Section C. Alternative 1 was developed from the Stokesdale thoroughfare plan; Alternative 2 was developed from the Greensboro MPO plan; Alternative 3 proposed a northern bypass around Stokesdale; and Alternatives 1A, 1B, and 2A were combinations of Alternatives 1 and 2. A figure showing the location of the six new-location alternatives is located in Appendix F. 3.1.5 No-Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative offers no improvements to the project area. This alternative assumes that all other projects currently planned or programmed in the STIP will be constructed, as proposed. This alternative does not satisfy the project purpose of improving traffic flow and LOS on US 158 between Winston-Salem and US 220 (I-73). Although the No-Build Alternative would not meet the purpose and need for the project, it is retained, in accordance with NEPA (40 CFR 1502.14(d)) and FHWA guidance, for further consideration as a baseline for comparing potential impacts of other alternatives. 3.2 Detailed Study Alternatives As detailed in Section 6 below, NCDOT and the Merger Team concurred that the detailed study alternatives carried forward for R-2577 consisted of: • In Sections A and B, a single widening alignment for Segments 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 • Where Sections A and B abut, two widening alternatives for Segment 3(a southern widening and a transitional widening) • In Section C, two new-location alternatives, R-2577C Alternative 2 and R-2577C Alternative 3 (see Figure S-2). In Section C, Alternative 2 diverges on new location to the south of US 158, just east of the SR 2014 (Anthony Road)/US 158 intersection, traverses to the south side of Stokesdale, crosses NC 68 just south of Prince Edward Road, ties back into existing US 158 just east of the existing Ellison Road intersection, and ends at the project eastern terminus, just east of the US 220 (I-73) interchange. Alternative 2 is approximately 6.3 miles long, with 4.6 miles on new location. R-2577C Alternative 3 follows existing US 158 from just east of the SR 2014 (Anthony Road)/US 158 intersection and diverges on new location at the Branson Road intersection with US 158, traverses to the north side of Stokesdale, has a proposed interchange at the existing NC 65 and NC 68 intersection, STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 17 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 ties back into existing US 220 (I-73) at the Athens Road intersection with US 158, and ends at the project eastern terminus just east of the US 220 (I-73) interchange. Alternative 3 is approximately 6.6 miles long, with 3.0 miles on new location. 3.3 NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative NCDOT and the Merger Team concurred on the Least Environmentally-Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) being an overall "best-fit" widening of US 158 for Sections A and B in Walkertown and Belews Creek, with widening occurring on the north side of US 158 in widening segments 1 and 7, and transitional widening in segments 2 through 6. NCDOT also garnered concurrence on Alternative 3, the northern bypass of Stokesdale, as the LEDPA for Section C, in the Stokesdale vicinity. Table 6 shows the NCDOT recommendations for widening along Sections A and B, as well as the recommended new-location alternative (Alternative 3) in Section C. Table 6: NCDOT LEDPA/Selected Alternative STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 18 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4.1 Roadway Cross Section and Alignment The proposed typical section is a four-lane, median-divided facility with two 12-foot lanes in each direction of travel. Some portions of the project would have curb and gutter, and other sections would have 8-foot outside grass shoulders and/or 6-foot grass inside shoulders. The project would include superstreet concepts, including bulb-outs for U-turns. No bicycle or pedestrian facilities are proposed at this time; however, a 10-foot wide berm would be provided for the sections where curb and gutter would be constructed, which would accommodate any future sidewalks. Figure 4-1 shows a depiction of the proposed typical sections for this project. 4.1 Right-of-Way and Access Control The existing right-of-way along US 158 within the project study area varies between 60 and 300 feet. The proposed right-of-way widths would vary between 130 and 300 feet. There is currently no control-of-access along existing US 158, which limits the level of mobility and travel speeds through the corridor. Suburban areas along the corridor, primarily in northeast Winston-Salem, Walkertown, and Stokesdale (Sections A and C), have developed with a �arge number of residential, institutional, and commercial driveway connections within close proximity of one another. However, most new residential subdivisions along the corridor have been designed with a single shared access point. The more rural portion of the corridor, largely through Section B, has fewer existing driveway connections, which are spaced further apart. The project would provide partial control-of-access for most of its length, with no control-of-access provided at the beginning and end of the project. Full control-of-access will be provided at the proposed interchange of the future Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (STIP Project U-2579) and at the proposed interchange at NC 68 for the new-location bypass around Stokesdale (STIP Project R-2577C). 4.2 Speed Limit and Design Speed Existing speed limits along the corridor range between 35 and 55 miles per hour (mph). US 158 would have a design speed of 50 mph from Old Greensboro Road to NC 66 (Old Hollow Road), and a design speed of 60 mph from NC 66 to NC 65 (Belews Creek Road) and on the new-location portion of the project in the Stokesdale vicinity. 4.3 Anticipated Design Exceptions No design exceptions are anticipated for this project. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 19 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements —STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure 4-1: Proposed Typical Sections RAISED i����DIaPJ 1^JITH CURB �'� GIJT—ER —'Yi'I _:AL SECTIOiA� -:.. � __� _ _ � e _�: : --_, �-', 1��u_e:re_�, / `,N , „'..: - \ �TOI .' - . ' ♦ a`;;� 10' �VERM1t � 10' 9FJ7�" 13'tiG4 �� 12- 12' �= 15 12' 12• ' 13'w/Ci�' �� w4Gft = }h�Cn �Uartli„�' �iEr-�FtE���s��� ���E��i,qr,� T��r�i���ti� sE�:Ti�-�r� tF,�-�'.' G�-_: �7P. M1C 6610'�U MrJLLOW �D. TO k-2�77C ALT-2 SR 210� �ELi�=�:i,l P,�'. .�... __'-iANC66COLDHOLLCWHUITOR-2577CP.LT�35R2034(ANI,.C�fd��,.�. =8�:_'t:"I-�577C +LT-3 o??.NSON �D TO R-25i7C ALT-3SR 21C7 j4TFEP;S F:_�1 � 6', Z1 g g ',:�uF� "i. �,. - 3J' `1Jl�v ,_ 12' 6' 7?' �, (i� -. � 'I T \l'/(�R l i5' 6' 10' RAISED MEDIAN WITH PA�/EU SHOULUERS T 7'PICAL SECTIUI�J f Ff1M R-2577C ALT-7 SR ? 107 �ELI i i'6N RQ� TD R;577C AIT-71-75 (US 2:C'.�� ��OVi R-257�C ALT-3 SR 20J4 fANTHONY RD7 70 R-257?C ALT-0 Gn'ANSON 4C FG.OM R-?J'7C 4_i-.: SR � I�l I fAT�EfJS qDl TO R-757-� A�T-� I-�3 (l;5 2?01 Z` _ Q. �L^P�� il 30' W1GP, l,-��1 �`'��� G� 21 4:1 8' , �. 12' 12' 15' 73 77 1_" 7�/�G=: 18 6' 10 .,, ,= - .,ro ou�rh'ail :�w1 North Carolina Department PI'Oj�OS@C� T)/plCa� $@CtIO11S °fT�a�sp°rta�°n y US 158 Improvements - TIP R-2577ABC Figure ;� Division of Hi hwa s _ Pro�ect Management Unit Forsyth & Guilford Counties 4-1 STATE ENV/RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 20 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 4.4 Intersections/lnterchanges The project design proposes the use of synchronized streets, also referred to as superstreets, at most of the intersections along US 158, as well as on the proposed bypass around Stokesdale. Synchronized streets provide for reduced delay and simultaneous coordination of both main street travel directions. Synchronized streets reduce the number of collisions at intersections by restricting turn movements. Side-street travelers who wish to cross or turn left at a synchronized street intersection must first turn right and then make a U-turn at a designated U-turn location to return to their desired route direction. The project proposes U-turn bulbs at major intersections or between intersections, throughout the project length. Synchronized streets have been shown to alleviate congestion and increase travel capacity. The project proposes one interchange, at the new location crossing of US 158 with NC 68, north of Stokesdale. In addition, the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway project (U-2579), currently under construction, would include an interchange within the project study area at the beltway crossing with US 158, near Walkertown. 4.5 Service Roads No service roads would be proposed along this project. The project would provide partial access control and would not require any service roads to be constructed. 4.6 Railroad Crossings The project does not cross any existing rail lines. 4.7 Hydraulic Structures A preliminary hydraulic study conducted for the proposed project analyzed the proposed roadway at new-location stream crossings, as well as at existing stream crossings of US 158. The study provides a preliminary structure size for new crossings and evaluates the adequacy of existing drainage structures. The project crosses ten major streams, requiring pipes or culverts larger than a 72-inch pipe. Eight of these major stream crossings are along existing US 158, and two of the crossings are along the new location portion of Section C. NCDOT proposes new bridge crossings over streams at three locations. Large culverts are currently located under US 158 at the Lowery Mill Creek and the Belews Creek crossings. These culverts would be replaced with dual bridges at both locations. The existing bridge over Belews Lake would also be replaced with dual bridges. These preliminary hydraulic recommendations for major project stream crossings are summarized in Table 7. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 21 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Note: UT = unnamed tributary, RCBC = reinforced concrete box culvert, RCP = reinforced concrete pipe. Major stream crossing means the hydraulic structure required is greater than a 72" pipe. Duke Energy owns all the land within and immediately adjacent to Belews Lake. NCDOT will obtain a conveyance permit from Duke Energy, prior to the removal of the existing bridge on US 158 over Belews Lake. The construction of the proposed dual bridges will be in the same location of the existing bridge. NCDOT Division 9 staff is coordinating with Duke Energy to obtain the conveyance permit prior to construction of the roadway widening on fill and the proposed new dual bridges. They will implement the conditions of the conveyance permit into the final design and construction. 4.8 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities There are currently no bicycle or pedestrian facilities along the US 158 corridor, with the exception of the downtown core in 5tokesdale, which contains sidewalk facilities. No bicycle or pedestrian facilities are currently proposed as part of the project. 4.9 Utilities Existing utilities within the project study area include gas lines, electric lines, telephone lines, cable television lines, and water lines. The potential relocation of existing utilities along the proposed project due to the widening of US 158 (R-2577AB) has been reviewed and assessed. Proposed utility easements (PUE) for the relocation of the various utilities have been incorporated into the preliminary design plans. There is a pump station located on the north side of US 158 in Section A, just east of the Grover Street intersection, that will be moved, since widening would occur on the north side in this area. The City of Winston-Salem has constructed a pipe bridge on the south side of the existing bridge over Belews Lake for a 12-inch water main that will be relocated when the new bridges over the lake are constructed (R-2577B). Additional coordination with the City of Winston-Salem for the relocation of the pump station and the water main will be done during the final design phase of that project section. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 22 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 4.10 Traffic Operations NCDOT's traffic capacity analysis considered the 2040 No-Build, 2040 Build Alternative 2, and 2040 Build Alternative 3 traffic operations scenarios. The analysis assumed that the following fiscally-constrained projects are in place in the future year 2040: • U-2579 — Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (Future I-74) • R-2413 — NC 68-US 220 Connector • R-2580A— Widening of US 158 from US 220 to US 29 • U-5824 — NC 66 Widening from Harley Drive to US 158 4.10.1 2040 No-Build A traffic capacity analysis was performed for the 2040 No-Build conditions AM and PM peak periods, for all of the intersections and freeway segments located within the proposed alignment of the project. In 2040, 20 out of 30 intersections analyzed within the project study area would function at a level of service (LOS) E or F during at least one peak hour (AM Peak or PM Peak). 4.10.2 2040 Build Alternative 2 A traffic capacity analysis was performed for the 2040 Build Alternative 2, which included widening in R-2577 Sections A and B and the southern bypass alternative in Section C. The Build Alternative 2 analysis was based on the preliminary design plans prepared for the design public meetings held in October 2017, and congestion management guidelines from NCDOT. Fifty-six out of the 60 intersections analyzed performed at LOS D or better in both the AM and PM peak hours. Three intersections performed at LOS E, and five intersections performed at LOS F, during at least one peak hour. All five of the LOS F locations and two of the LOS E locations are stop-sign controlled, and failed due to the low minor side-street turning volumes. The third LOS E location is at the existing US 158 at NC 68 signalized intersection in Stokesdale. No improvements are proposed at this location, as Stokesdale will be bypassed. 4.10.3 2040 Build Alternative 3 A traffic capacity analysis was performed for the 2040 Build Alternative 3, which included widening in R- 2577 Sections A and B and the northern bypass alternative in Section C. Sixty-three out of the 69 intersections analyzed performed at LOS D or better in both peak hours. Four intersections performed at LOS E, and two intersections performed at LOS F, during at least one peak hour. Both the LOS F locations and three of the LOS E locations are stop-sign controlled, and failed due to the low minor side street turning volumes. The fourth LOS E location is at the existing US 158 and SR 2102 (Angel Pardue Road)/ Purgason Lane, an unsignalized intersection within Stokesdale. No improvements are proposed at this location, as Stokesdale will be bypassed. 4.11 Safety A crash analysis was completed in 2016, covering the entire project area. A total of 666 crashes were reported for the 18.9-mile section of US 158 during the period of November 1, 2011, to October 31, STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 23 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 2016. For the purposes of crash rate comparison, this section of US 158 is classified as a two-lane rural US route. Crash rates in the project area were compared to 2013-2015 statewide crash rates for other two-lane rural US routes, and were found to exceed the statewide crash rate and the critical crash rate for comparable routes. The fatal crash rate within the project area also exceeds the statewide fatal crash rate. These crash rates are summarized in Table 8. Table 8: Proiect Area Crash Rates Total 183.35 146.62 157.21 Fatal 1.93 1.67 2.92 '2013-2015 statewide crash rate for 2-Lane Undivided Rural US Routes in North Carolina **Based on the statewide crash rate (95% level of confidence). STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 24 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 5. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF PROPOSED ACTION This section describes and assesses potential impacts to the existing economic, social, physical, and natural environments within the project study area. The information presented in this section is a summary of information NCDOT previously analyzed in more detail in technical studies and reports, which are appended by reference. 5.1 Natural Resources Biologists evaluated the natural systems and conducted field work in the project area from May 16, 2011 through November 17, 2011. Jurisdictional areas identified in the study area were verified by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) on January 10 and February 1, 2012. Natural resources in the project study area are documented in the Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) (NCDOT 2012). The study area lies in the Piedmont Physiographic Region of North Carolina. Topography in the project vicinity is comprised of gently rolling hills with narrow, level floodplains along streams. Elevations in the study area range from 720 to 990 feet above sea level. Land use consists of agricultural, residential, industrial, and commercial development. Commercial development is centered around Stokesdale, and significant industrial activity takes place east of Stokesdale along the US 158 corridor. 5.1.1 Biotic Resources Four terrestrial communities were identified in the project study area: maintained/disturbed, floodplain forest, mixed hardwood forest, and pine stand. Terrestrial communities in the study area may be impacted by project construction, as a result of grading and paving of portions of the study area. Anticipated impacts to each terrestrial community type were calculated using the preliminary design slope stakes plus 25 feet for the LEDPA (Table 9). More information on the terrestrial community types and locations in the project study area are provided in the NRTR. Table 9: Anticipated Impacts to Terrestrial Communities Maintained/Disturbed Floodplain Forest Mixed Hardwood Forest Pine Stand Total Note: Impacts were calculated using the preliminary design slope stakes plus 25 feet. 454 1 131 2 588 Construction, staging, and stockpiling operations will result in the disruption of the resident wildlife population adjacent to the roadway. The clearing of habitats, human activity, and noise from construction operations will result in the displacement of mobile wildlife species. Non-mobile species will be lost as habitat is converted to construction areas. Maximum disruption of wildlife communities will occur when project construction begins, as displaced animals are forced to compete for space with other nearby resident wildlife and human populations. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 25 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 These impacts will be minimized as much as possible by restricting land clearing and construction operations within the project right-of-way. Off-site staging and stockpiling areas will be located to impact the least amount of natural habitat as possible. Stockpiling and staging areas will be revegetated after construction, which could provide replacement habitat for some species. Expected impacts to terrestrial communities due to project construction are expected to be minimal. 5.1.2 Waters of the United States "Waters of the United States" include surface waters and wetlands (inundated or saturated areas that support vegetation typically adapted to wet conditions) as defined in 33 CFR 328.3. Impacts to Waters of the United States fall under the jurisdiction of the USACE through Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) and under the jurisdiction of the NCDEQ DWQ through the Section 401 Water Quality Certification Process (NC General Statutes Chapter 143 Article 21, Part 1). Water Resources Water resources in the project study area are part of the Cape Fear, Roanoke, and Yadkin river basins [US Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Units 03030002, 03010103, and 03040101, respectively]. One hundred seventy-four (174) streams were identified in this study area. Thirty-two ponds (including Belews Lake) were located in the study area, totaling approximately 60 acres (see figure in Appendix F). Twenty-six of these ponds have connections to perennial and/or intermittent streams (jurisdictional), while the remaining six ponds (PN, PAB, PAC, PAD, PAP, and PAR) consist of excavated pits sustained by high groundwater and surface run off (non-jurisdictional). There are no designated anadromous fish waters, Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), or trout waters present in the study area. There are no designated High Quality Waters (HQW) or water supply watersheds (WS- I or WS-II) within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. Martin Mill Creek and Troublesome Creek are listed on the North Carolina 2016 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters, due to these streams exceeding criteria for benthos. Jurisdictional Resources Streams One hundred seventy-four (174) jurisdictional streams were identified in the study area. All jurisdictional streams in the study area have been designated as warm water streams, for the purposes of stream mitigation. Wetlands Two hundred fifty-one (251) jurisdictional wetlands were identified within the study area. All wetlands in the study area are within the Cape Fear River, Roanoke, and Yadkin river basins [US Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03030002, 03010103, and 03040101]. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 26 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation The NCDOT will attempt to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and wetlands to the greatest extent practicable during the final design phase of this project. Design standards for sensitive watersheds will be implemented for portions of the project occurring in the Jordan Lake watershed. The NCDOT will investigate potential on-site stream and wetland mitigation opportunities in this project during the final design phase. If on-site mitigation is not feasible, mitigation will be provided by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Anticipated Permit Requirements Clean Water Act Permits An Individual Permit will likely be applicable for R-2577, due to the quantity of stream and wetland impacts anticipated for this project. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. If an Individual Section 404 permit is required, then an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) from the NCDWR will be needed. Coastal Area Mana�ement Act Areas of Environmental Concern There are no Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) in the study area that fall under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Area Management Act. Construction Moratoria No construction moratoria are anticipated at this time. NC River Basin Buffer Rules There are protected streamside riparian zones within the project study area. The portion of the project study area within the Cape Fear River Basin falls under the jurisdiction of the Jordan Lake Buffer Rules administered by NCDWR. The impact tables located in Appendix C indicate which streams are subject to buffer rule protection. Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Navi�able Waters There are no waters subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act located within the project study area. 5.1.3 Rare and Protected Species Federally Protected Species As of lune 27, 2018, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) listed four federally protected species for Forsyth and Guilford Counties (Table 10). A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the study area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information from STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 27 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 referenced literature and/or the USFWS. More information regarding rare and protected species can be found in the NRTR. Table 10: Federally Protected Species Listed for Forsyth and Guilford Counties *- Historic record (the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago) T(S/A) —Threatened due to similarity of appearance; T—Threatened; E— Endangered Bo� Turtle USFWS optimal survey window: April 1— October 1(visual surveys); April 1-June 15 (optimal for breeding/nesting); May 1-June 30 (trapping surveys) Habitat Description: Bog turtle habitat consists of open, groundwater supplied (springfed), graminoid dominated wetlands along riparian corridors or on seepage slopes. These habitats are designated as mountain bogs by the NCNHP, but they are technically poor, moderate, or rich fens that may be associated with wet pastures and old drainage ditches that have saturated muddy substrates with open canopies. Plants found in bog turtle habitat include sedges, rushes, marsh ferns, herbs, shrubs (tag alder, hardhack, blueberry, etc.), and wetland tree species (red maple and silky willow). These habitats often support sphagnum moss and may contain carnivorous plants (sundews and pitcherplants) and rare orchids. Potential habitats may be found in western Piedmont and Mountain counties from 700 to 4500 feet elevation in North Carolina. Soil types (poorly drained silt loams) from which bog turtle habitats have been found include Arkaqua, Chewacla, Dellwood, Codorus complex, Hatboro, Nikwasi, Potomac — lotla complex, Reddies, Rosman, Tate — Cullowhee complex, Toxaway, Tuckasegee — Cullasaja complex, Tusquitee, Watauga, and Wehadkee. Biological Conclusion: Not Required Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. A review of NCNHP records, updated July 2018, indicates a bog turtle element occurrence (EO 7899 last observed May 19, 1984) approximately 400 feet outside of the project study area. This EO is located within a wetland that has previously been clear cut and significantly disturbed. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 28 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Northern lon�-eared bat USFWS optimal survey window: May 15 through August 15 Habitat Description: Northern long-eared bat is found across much of the eastern and north central US and all Canadian provinces. Winter hibernating habitat consists of caves and abandoned mines with constant, cooler temperatures with high humidity and no air currents. While in the hibernacula they often form colonies with other bat species. Summer roosting occurs singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities and crevices of both live trees and snags, and to a lesser degree in human-made structures such as buildings, barns, behind window shutters, on utility poles, and in bat houses. This species is a medium-sized bat with females tending to be slightly larger than males. Average body length ranges from 3 to 4 inches with a wingspan ranging from 9 to 10 inches. This species is distinguished by its relatively long ears that extend beyond the nose when laid forward. Biological Conclusion: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect A review of NCNHP records, updated July 2018, indicates no known northern long-eared bat occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the FHWA, the USACE, and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Guilford County, where a portion of R- 2577ABC is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. For the Forsyth County portion of the project, since this project is state-funded, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will act as the lead agency for issues related to the northern long- eared bat (NLEB). The USACE has developed a Standard Local Operating Procedure for Endangered Species (SLOPES) to address NLEB when they are the lead agency, which NCDOT will follow for the portions of the project within Forsyth County. The requirements of the SLOPES for NLEB will be completed prior to Let and will be submitted to USACE. Small-anthered bittercress USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April-May Habitat Description: Small-anthered bittercress is endemic to the Dan River drainage of the Roanoke River NCDWQ sub-basin 03-02-01. This biennial or perennial herb occurs in moist, wet woods along small to intermittent sized streams, stream bank edges and seepages above the actual stream channel, wet rock crevices, and sand and gravel bars of small streams. This species STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 29 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 prefers areas that are fully or partially shaded by shrubs and trees, but can occasionally be found in full sun. Soil series that it occurs on include Rion, Pacolet, and Wateree. Poorly viable occurrences may be found in disturbed areas subject to livestock trampling, silviculture, or encroachment by exotic, invasive species such as Japanese honeysuckle. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable stream and gravel bar habitat exists for the small-anthered bittercress in the project study area. A portion of the project falls within the Roanoke River sub basin 03-02-01. Surveys were conducted along streams and suitable riparian habitat within the survey area in April 2012 and in June 2018. No individuals were located and there are no known extant populations within 1.0 mile of the project study area. A review of NCNHP records, updated July 2018, indicates a destroyed element occurrence (EO 4013 last observed May 1955) 0.2 miles north of the project study area near the confluence of Belews Creek and the Left Fork of Belews Creek. Small-whorled po�onia USFWS Optimal Survey Window: mid May-early July Habitat Description: Small whorled pogonia occurs in young as well as maturing (second to third successional growth) mixed-deciduous or mixed-deciduous/coniferous forests. It does not appear to exhibit strong affinities for a particular aspect, soil type, or underlying geologic substrate. In North Carolina, the perennial orchid is typically found in open, dry deciduous woods and is often associated with white pine and rhododendron. The species may also be found on dry, rocky, wooded slopes; moist slopes; ravines lacking stream channels; or slope bases near braided channels of vernal streams. The orchid, often limited by shade, requires small light gaps or canopy breaks, and typically grows under canopies that are relatively open or near features like logging roads or streams that create long-persisting breaks in the forest canopy. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable forested habitat for the small whorled pogonia exists in the project study area. Surveys were conducted in conjunction with stream and wetland delineation in areas of suitable habitat in 2011 and again in 2018. No individuals were found during field activities within the survey window. The elevation ranges within the project study area are significantly lower than most occurrences within North Carolina. Therefore, the potential for this species to be present is relatively low. A known population consisting of one individual plant was visited and observed on May 31, 2011 (EO 25083). A review of NCNHP records, updated July 2018, indicates no known small whorled pogonia occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 30 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1.13-mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed on October 12, 2011, using 2010 statewide color aerials. Two water bodies large enough and sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources were identified, Belews Lake and Salem Lake. Surveys for eagles and nests were conducted on November 18, 2011. The survey limits included portions of the project study area that fell within 1.0 mile of Belews Lake, Salem Lake, and 660 feet beyond the project study area. No individual bald eagles or nests were found. Additionally, a review of the NCNHP database updated July 2018 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. 5.2 Cultural Resources This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regulations for compliance with Section 106, for a licensed or permitted project that has an effect on a property listed on or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). 5.2.1 Historic Resources Pursuant to the requirements of Section 106 of the NHPA, an intensive architectural field survey conducted in 2011 identified 390 resources of possible significance within the project study area. These findings were presented to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) on January 24, 2012, and 30 resources were identified as meriting further investigation. Additionally, the potential bypass routes around the town of Stokesdale were surveyed in March 2012, and an additional 90 resources were identified. These resources were reviewed with HPO in May 2012, and it was determined that no further investigation was merited for the additional 90 resources. Of the 30 resources investigated, six were found eligible for NRHP listing. The Stokesdale Commercial Historic District was also determined eligible. Effects consultations between the HPO and NCDOT were held on July 9, 2013, and September 22, 2015. They determined that the only NRHP-eligible property that would be adversely affected by the project is Edgewood Baptist Church (FY 3292) in Section A(see effects concurrence form, Appendix C). After refinement of the preliminary designs, NCDOT held a meeting with the HPO on January 8, 2018, and confirmed the historic property boundary for Edgewood Baptist Church. NCDOT agreed to investigate further minimization measures to the church and continue coordinating with the HPO and the church. After completion of the preliminary design plans, NCDOT held additional coordination with the HPO to revisit effects to the properties eligible for NRHP on January 9, 2018, and June 12, 2018. An avoidance alternative for the Edgewood Baptist Church vicinity was presented at the meeting in January 2018, which imposed minimal impacts to the church, but would require the relocation of seven residences across US 158 from the church. At the request of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), NCDOT STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 31 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 developed a minimization alternative and presented it to the HPO in June 2018. The minimization alternative incorporated best-fit widening with a reduced median (23 feet instead of 30 feet) and a retaining wall in front of the church to minimize impacts to both the church and the residences located across from the church. The minimization alternative will not require relocations of residences across from the church, but will result in the loss of some parking spaces in front of the church, and will require the church sign to be relocated. NCDOT and HPO agreed that this minimization alternative constitutes no adverse effect if specified commitments are met (see effects concurrence form, Appendix C). A summary of the resource eligibility criteria and effects determinations is shown in Table 11. The signed effects forms are located in Appendix C. Table 11: Historic Resource Determinations .� . . . . A Edgewood Baptist Church Determined Eligible, No Adverse Effect with Criterion C, Criteria Commitments Considerations A & G C D.A. Jones House Determined Eligible, No Effect Criterion C C Taylor-Edwards House Determined Eligible, No Effect Criterion C C Bi-Rite Supermarket Determined Eligible, No Effect Criteria A & C C Wray House Determined Eligible, No Effect Criterion C A Bel Air Drive-In Theater Determined Eligible, No Adverse Effect with Criterion A Commitments C Stokesdale Commercial Historic Determined Eligible, No Effect District Criteria A & C 5.2.2 Archaeological Resources NCDOT conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the proposed widening and improvement of US 158 in Forsyth and Guilford counties, North Carolina. The survey identified 32 isolated finds and 34 archaeological sites. The 32 isolated finds have no information potential and are recommended not eligible for the NRHP under any of the four criteria. The 34 archaeological sites included one historic burial, 22 historic sites, one prehistoric site, and 10 multicomponent sites. Thirty- four of the sites are recommended not eligible for the NRHP under any of the four criteria. Site 31GF514** includes two human graves. It is located in Section C, with the two graves outside of the construction footprint, but straddling both alternatives within the overall project study area. Although the site is not eligible for the NRHP, it should be avoided during any construction activities. If the gravesites cannot be avoided, the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) will make the determination as to how the removal and relocation of the gravesites be treated, i.e. by following either NC General Statute (GS) 70, Article 3 or NC General Statute 65. If treated under GS 65, removal and relocation will be STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 32 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 handled by the NCDOT Right-of-Way Office. If treated under GS 65, removal and relocation will be handled by the NCDOT Archaeology Group in consultation with the Right-of-Way Office, next of kin, and the OSA. 5.3 Farmland There is a considerable amount of active farmland within the project study area of R-2577, as noted in the Community Impact Assessment (CIA) (Calyx 2018) prepared for this project and appended by reference. Many of these areas are included in local farmland preservation initiatives. A number of agricultural properties are included in local farmland preservation programs. Six farms within the project study area participate in the Forsyth or Guilford County Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) programs. Three VAD properties may be impacted by the project, based on the current proposed alignment through Sections A and B. Two VAD properties are likely to be impacted by right-of-way acquisition, and one additional VAD property may be impacted with a temporary construction easement. If right-of-way will be acquired from VAD properties through eminent domain, the Forsyth County VAD Ordinance requires that the Forsyth County Agricultural Advisory Board hold a public hearing concerning the proposed condemnation, before condemnation may be initiated. Any VAD lands converted to non-agricultural use as part of a temporary construction easement must be returned to farmable condition by the completion of the project. Direct property and operational impacts to existing agricultural resources in the project study area are expected as a result of the project construction. Building the project may affect the ability to move farm equipment across the existing corridor, especially in locations where a median is proposed. Construction of the new location segment of the project in Section C may result in fragmentation of some existing farming operations and the creation of remnant properties that are no longer viable for farming. Conversely, creating additional travel lanes will improve safety when farm equipment is using the road. Depending on location, some farming operations may also benefit from improved mobility and connectivity to regional routes, such as the proposed Winston-Salem Northern Beltway and the future I-73/US 220 corridor. 5.4 Social Effects NCDOT analyzed potential social effects in the R-2577 CIA (Calyx 2018), which is appended by reference. 5.4.1 Demographics The Demographic Study Area (DSA) is the smallest statistical area of the 2010 Census, at the block group level, that includes and is derived from the project study area. The DSA is used to provide approximate demographic characteristics for the community inside the project study area. A demographic assessment of the nearby communities was prepared to gain a greater understanding of the cultural, economic, and demographic composition of the area, as well as to enhance the field observations. The total population of the DSA grew notably during the 2000-2010 period, with total growth of just over 20 percent at an annual rate of approximately 1.85 percent reported. In comparison, the total annual growth rate for Forsyth County was 14.5 percent, an annual rate of 1.37 percent for the same STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 33 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 period; and the total annual growth rate for Guilford County was 16 percent, an annual rate of 1.5 percent for the same period. Surrounding municipal growth rates are similarly high across the same period, with the highest growth rates reported in Stokesdale and Winston-Salem. More recent population estimates from 2015 strongly suggest a reversal of growth trends in the DSA, as well as within more than half of the individual block groups in the DSA. In comparison, similar population estimates for Forsyth and Guilford Counties as well as DCIA municipalities, all indicate growth has slowed considerably since 2010 in areas surrounding the project (see Table 12). Table 12: Population Trends DSA 17,864 21,466 Winston-Salem 185,776 229,617 Walkertown 4,009 4,675 Forsyth Co. 306,067 350,670 Stokesdale 3,267 3,267 Guilford Co. 421,048 421,048 Source: Community ImpactAssessment, Calyx 2018 5.4.2 Neighborhoods/Communities 20.16% 23.60% 16.61% 14.57% 54.48 % 16.00 % 1.85 % 2.14% 1.55% 1.37% 4.45 % 1.50% 20,657 236,642 4,839 361,684 5, 221 506.763 -3.92% 3.06% 3.51% 3.05 % 3.45 % 3.62% -0.77 % 0.60% 0.69% 0.62% 0.68% 0.74% The R-2577 project study area contains a number of residential neighborhoods, many of which are accessible only from the US 158 corridor. The proposed project would result in direct right-of-way impacts to some community resources, including the Commons of Forsyth County, several church properties located adjacent to the existing US 158 corridor, and portions of at least two different cemeteries located adjacent to the existing US 158 corridor. Three retirement homes would also be impacted by the proposed project. The proposed construction of inedians along sections of R-2577 may impact the accessibility of some community resources by limiting left-turn movements to signalized intersections and median left-over locations only. 5.4.3 Relocation of Residences and Businesses This section is pending the finalization of the Relocation Report. This section will be updated by the end of October 2018. 5.4.4 Environmental Justice Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects individuals from discrimination on the grounds of race, age, color, religion, disability, sex, and national origin. In accordance with Executive Order 12898, "Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority and Low-Income Populations" federal agencies are mandated to identify and address any disproportionately high and adverse effects on minority and/or low-income populations. The Order also directs federal agencies to provide minority and low income communities access to public information and meaningful public participation. The three environmental justice principles are: STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 34 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 1. To ensure the full and fair participation of all potentially affected communities in the transportation decision-making process; 2. To avoid, minimize or mitigate disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects, including social and economic effects, on minority or low income populations; and 3. To fully evaluate the benefits and burdens of transportation programs, policies, and activities, upon low-income and minority populations. A disproportionately high and adverse effect on minority and low-income populations means an adverse effect that: 1. Is predominately borne by a minority population and/or a low-income population; or 2. Will be suffered by the minority population and/or low-income population and is appreciably more severe or greater in magnitude than the adverse effect that will be suffered by the non-minority population and/or non-low income population. Minority Populations While the total minority population living in the DSA is relatively low overall, the Block Groups located nearest to Winston-Salem at the western edge of the project corridor contain a notably high concentration of minority populations that meet the criteria for Environmental Justice. These Block Groups (1 and 5 in Census Tract 17) are approximately 97.4 percent and 65.1 percent minority, respectively. In comparison, Forsyth County is approximately 42.1 percent minority. Low-income Populations The total proportion of the DSA population reported as being low-income is relatively low in comparison to county-wide rates for both Forsyth and Guilford Counties; however, Census data indicates low- income populations are present in three individual Block Groups within the DSA along sections A and C of the proposed project. The Block Group located at the western terminus in Winston-Salem (Block Group 1 of Census Tract 17), which also contains a high percentage of minorities, reports low-income populations that meet the criteria for Environmental Justice as well. Census data indicates this Block Group meets every low-income threshold for Environmental Justice, with notably high rates of poor, very poor and near poor individuals when considered in comparison countywide rates. Census Tract 30.03, Block Group 1, comprising the southern side of the project corridor between Old Greensboro Road and the future Winston-Salem Northern Beltway in Section A, also contains a low-income population that meets the criteria for Environmental Justice. In addition to the Hilda/Granby Street neighborhood located in this Block Group, there are also indicators of a low-income population on Rickard Drive based on field review, aerial imagery and recent parcel data. The third Block Group (Census Tract 159.01, Block Group 2) containing a low-income population is in Section C and comprises the western half of the DCIA located between the county line and the NC 68 corridor in Stokesdale, extending across the north and south sides of existing US 158. Field review and other research have not revealed indicators of low-income populations concentrated in any particular area. The development pattern in this Block Group is predominantly agriculture and rural residential. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 35 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Environmental Justice Impacts Notably adverse community impacts are anticipated with this project, but appear to affect all populations equivalently; thus, impacts to minority and low-income populations do not appear to be disproportionately high and adverse. Benefits and burdens resulting from the project are anticipated to be equitably distributed throughout the community. 5.4.5 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities There are no existing pedestrian facilities on the project corridor, with the exception of the downtown core in Stokesdale, which contains sidewalk facilities. However, both MPOs in the project area have adopted Complete Streets policies and future facilities are proposed in local plans, including bicycle accommodations along much of the existing US 158 corridor through Forsyth and Guilford counties, pedestrian facilities along Old Hollow Road (NC 66) across the project corridor, and the future Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway/NC Mountains-to-Sea Trail route that passes across Section C of the project in Stokesdale. Due to the concentration of community resources and activity in the Stokesdale town core area in Section C of the project, the proposed new location bypass segment may create a barrier for multi- modal users by limiting connectivity, if multi-modal accommodations are not provided on the new location section. There are currently no greenways located within the project area. However, the Winston-Salem Greenway Plan (2012) proposes two greenways crossing US 158 within the project area, one at Walkertown Community Park along Martin Mill Creek and another just east of Old Belews Creek Road along Lowery Mill Creek. These greenways are listed in the plan as Tier 3 priority, a designation that is used for proposals which need further assessment to obtain a better understanding of the public attitude toward the project or to provide a more comprehensive feasibility analysis of the project and its surrounding area. In addition to the Winston-Salem greenway recommendations, the Greensboro Plan (2015) lists two greenways in the project area in Stokesdale, along abandoned rail corridors. One of these runs east-west through Stokesdale and is an extension of the Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway. The other, referred to in the plan as the Stokesdale Greenway, starts in downtown Stokesdale and runs north to areas outside of Guilford County. No bicycle or pedestrian facilities are proposed at this time; however, a 10-foot wide berm would be provided for the sections where curb and gutter would be constructed, which would accommodate any future sidewalks. 5.4.6 Recreational Facilities Walkertown Community Park is located on the northeast corner of the US 158 and Darrow Road intersection, and is accessed from Darrow Road. The portion of park property adjacent to US 158 is vegetated and does not show signs of active recreational use. Stokesdale Town Park is located south of STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 36 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 the existing US 158 corridor. Stokesdale Community Park is located just south of the existing US 158 corridor off of McCrory Road. No direct impacts to recreational resources are expected as a result of the project. Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 4601-4 et seq.) states that parks developed or improved using LWCF grant funds cannot be acquired unless no other reasonable and feasible alternative exists, and requires coordination with the National Park Service (NPS). Section 6(f) is applicable to any federal agency action, including Section 404 permitting by the USACE. Walkertown Community Park on Darrow Road in Section A is a Section 6(f) resource. No direct impacts to this park or any other Section 6(f) resources are expected as a result of the project. 5.4.7 School Bus Usage The Guilford County Schools transportation representative did not express any notable concerns relative to the project, noting 14 school buses make a total of approximately 34 trips per day through the Guilford County portion of project, and can be temporarily rerouted during construction, assuming adequate notice is provided in advance. The Forsyth County Schools transportation representative did not respond to the request for input. Given the arterial nature of US 158 through the project area and amount of residential development with access to the corridor, it is reasonable to assume the project corridor through Forsyth County serves a relatively high number school bus routes. The proposed project would likely benefit local school transportation by improving operational safety along the corridor and increasing the level of mobility. Temporary impacts on school bus routes during the construction period may be substantial, due to the lack of alternative routes serving some residential areas along the corridor, particularly in the Forsyth County portion of the project area. 5.5 Economic Effects Some businesses and/or community facilities may be relocated due to the widening of the roadway. Housing and suitable business sites are available in the area for relocation of those displaced. There may be some economic benefit during construction of the project, due to increased local construction- related employment and increased revenue for businesses providing services to construction crews. On the other hand, businesses in the vicinity of the corridor could temporarily experience minor decreases in revenue resulting from construction traffic or decreased access caused by construction activities. The new location segment of the proposed project would also likely remove through-traffic from the existing US 158 corridor in Stokesdale, and thus may have a negative effect on businesses that are dependent on such through-traffic. However, industrial operations should benefit from the operational improvements along existing sections of US 158 and from the higher levels of mobility and connectivity provided by the project. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 37 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 5.6 Land Use 5.6.1 Existing Land Use and Zoning Land use along the US 158 corridor changes as the route leaves Winston-Salem and travels through Walkertown and Stokesdale. Section A of the US 158 corridor through northeast Winston-Salem and Walkertown is predominantly residential, institutional, and forested/agricultural uses. Single-family homes and churches abut US 158 in Winston-Salem, contributing to a large number of driveway connections between old Greensboro Road and Angel Drive. In Forsyth County, the corridor is also flanked by residential subdivisions with single-point connections to US 158. There is a large commercial and mixed-use node within the southeast and northeast quadrants of the US 158/NC 66 intersection. Pedestrian activity is mostly limited to trails and walking paths, with little to no evidence of pedestrian activity along most of the US 158 corridor. Section B begins just east of Walkertown, where development along the US 158 corridor transitions to predominantly agricultural and rural residential uses, with residential growth radiating out of Kernersville and Oak Ridge south of the corridor. There are fewer residences abutting US 158, as well as fewer driveways and side street connections as the roadway extends eastward. As US 158 continues into Guilford County, there is a higher amount of residential development around Belews Creek, but houses in this area are generally further from the roadway and share access to US 158 via a single point. Section C starts east of Belews Lake in Guilford County, with single family homes and churches again flanking US 158, similar to those in Section A, in Winston-Salem. Through historic downtown Stokesdale, US 158 is closely flanked by residential and commercial uses, as well as a number of historic buildings and churches. East of downtown Stokesdale to US 220 (I-73), land use along the corridor transitions from rural residential to a mix of agricultural, commercial, and industrial land uses, with a small amount of residential and institutional uses. 5.6.2 Local Area Plans and Development The following local area plans cover the project study area: Forsyth County • Legacy Plan (2013): The 2030 Legacy Plan (2013) is the current adopted comprehensive plan and development guide for the Winston-Salem and Forsyth County planning area, including Sections A and B of the project corridor and DCIA. • East-Northeast Area Plan (Update, 2016): The East-NortheastArea Plan (2016) covers a very small portion of the DCIA, extending westward along U5158 from the project terminus at Old Greensboro Road. • Northeast Suburban Area Plan: The latest revision of the Northeast Suburban Area Plan was adopted on September 5, 2017. The area plan covers the portion of the project corridor and DCIA between Old Greensboro Road and just north of Old Belews Creek Road (the southernmost intersection with US 158). STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 38 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 • Walkertown Area Plan Update: The Walkertown Area Plan (2014) covers the portion of the project corridor and DCIA between the Northeast Suburban Area Plan boundary and Rail Fence Road. Guilford County • Town of Stokesdale Future Land Use Plan: The Town of Stokesdale Future Land Use Plan, adopted by the Stokesdale Town Council in 2007, is the current long-range comprehensive plan, outlining the vision for growth and development throughout the Stokesdale municipal limits. 5.7 Indirect and Cumulative Effects The indirect and cumulative effects associated with the proposed project have been identified and assessed in the Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) (NCDOT, 2018). Indirect and cumulative impacts were assessed within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) by predicting changes in development types within defined probable development Direct effects are caused by the action and occur at the same time and place. (40 CFR I 508.8) Indirect effects are caused by the action but occur later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable. Indirect effects may include induced changes in land use patterns, population density, growth rate, and other growth associated factors. Indirect effects on air, water, ecosystems, and other natural systems are also assessed. Cumulative impact is the impact on the environment that results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (federal or non- federal) or person undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking areas (PDA) that could result from the proposed project. The FLUSA, shown in Figure 5-1, contains areas with the greatest reasonably foreseeable potential for indirect effects from the proposed action. Indirect effects would primarily result from land use changes and conversions from an undeveloped to a developed state. The FLUSA is typically defined by land parcel boundaries, zoning classifications, geopolitical boundaries, preserved lands, watershed boundaries, topography, and other development constraints or influences. The boundaries of the FLUSA for the proposed action conform primarily to watershed boundaries (12-digit hydrological unit code or HUC boundaries). An exception is in the northwestern portion of the FLUSA, which follows Town Fork Creek in Stokes County. A time horizon of 2040 was used for this study so as to coincide with the various land use plans and transportation plans in the FLUSA. These place over a period of time. (40 CFR 1508.7) land use plans include The Legacy 2030 Update, published by the Winston Salem/Forsyth County City-County Planning Board in 2013 and the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan published by the Greensboro Urban Area MPO, as well as several area plans. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 39 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements —STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure 5-1: Future Land Use Study Area and Probable Development Areas Danbury King _ Stokes County Forsyth Co�unt,y Rural Mall 0 311 Walnut Cove � ; _. , �. � � � - -. � r i ` � 7U4 1 Madiso Wentworth � � _ � � , � i (se? fa�s'�a ------------------•---•---• ' ---�--•------- ------ `Rockingham County , �'�' -------' Gui�ord Caunt�- �$4;-�� Stokesdale y ,�e� ; 6e no e •' � Summerf Walkertown r �oA 3 _ PDA � ; Oak Ridge � 150 I I i i _ � reensboro 29 Winston-Salerr� ! — � Ke � ersvdlle � � � ; ;--------- , . __ � Legend � � �,. , ���� R-2577 - Widen Ex6sting Alignment � i R-2577 Stokesdale Northern Bypass � � Probable Developmznt Areas � i � Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) i i 0 Winsto� Salem Beltway --______ �____ 10 j-------•0'—•----------5----•-------- L__ i County Boundary i Miles-- FLUSA Worginua FLUSA and Probab�e Development Areas �., ; � � � �i ,r � �-, ,_ US 158 Improvements - TIP R-2577ABC Focsyth � Guilford Counties i � , North Garolina �� J = 5outh CarolinCi `���'�y . � � �� '��,` North Carolina Department of Transportation �* _,� Division of Highways � �''''� -� ProJect Management Unit F�gure 5-1 STATE ENV/RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 40 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 An analytical screening was conducted to assess trends and projections within the FLUSA for the proposed project within the established time horizon. The analytical screening assessed the scope of the project, travel time savings, water and sewer availability, available land, market for development, and public policy. The LUSA identifies and analyzes three PDAs along US 158, shown in Figure 5-1. The PDAs were assessed based on scope of development, development intensity, regional population and employment growth, pressure for land development, and planned/managed uses and impacts for both the No-Build and Build scenarios. According to local planners, the areas around PDAs 1 and 3 are expected to develop with or without the project. PDA 2 will develop faster with the project, but will likely be equally influenced by the completion of the Winston-Salem Beltway. The findings are summarized in the Land Use Scenario Assessment Matrix (Figure 5-2). The Land Use Scenario Assessment Matrix resulted in "Indirect Land Use Impacts Not Likely". The matrix shows that when compared to the No-Build scenario, the Build scenario would likely not result in increased or more intense development. Although there is a large amount of available land in the FLUSA, and the proposed improvements will result in 10 minutes of travel time savings, low forecasted employment growth, limited water and sewer availability, and robust growth management and local land use policies make indirect impacts on land use less likely. Qualitative analyses of the probable development patterns in the FLUSA also suggest that cumulative changes in land use resulting from this project, along with subsequent private and public development actions, are not likely to notably increase the area of impervious surfaces over the No-Build scenario. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 41 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 Figure 5-2: Land Use Scenario Assessment Matrix Land Use Scenario Ass�ssment Ma�rix - R-2577 U� 15� 9lVidening Future Shift of Future Shift of Pressure for Land Scope of Development Planned / Managed Regional Population Regional Employment Development Outside Result Oevelopment Intensity Growth Growth Regulated Areas �nd Use and Impacts Rating 40% or Greater Change Higher Development Strong Attraction of Strong Attraction of All PDAs are Outside a Land Devetopment and in Developed Land within Intensities Anticipated Development in the PDAs Development in this Area Regulated Area Stormwater Managemerrt the PDAs Goals Not Set More Concern High Medium-High Medium Build Scenario No-Build and Build No-Build and Build guild Scenario Scenarios Scenarios No-Build and Build Indirect Land Use Medium-Low No-Build Scenario No-Build Scenario Scenarios Impacts Not Likely LOw No-Build and Build Scenarios Less Concern Land Developmerrt, 0-9% Change in Stormwater Management Developed Land within No Current or Proposed No Population Shift Likely No Employment Shift All PDAs are Inside a Goals, and Growth the PDAs Deve�opment Anticipated Likely Regulated Area Management Provisions in Place 'Reter io LUSA Guidance Document tor rating descriptions STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 42 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 5.8 Flood Hazard Evaluation This section contains information corresponding to the analysis of impacts to floodplains and floodways in the project study area. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management (42 CFR 26951), requires the following: • All federal actions must avoid the occupancy and modifications of floodplains and avoid direct or indirect support of floodplain development wherever that is a practicable alternative. • If an action must be located on the base floodplain, the agency shall take action to reduce the risk of flood loss, to minimize the impact of floods on human safety, health, and welfare, and to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains. • Each agency shall also provide opportunity for early public review of any plans or proposals for actions in floodplains. Forsyth and Guilford Counties are participants in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This project will involve construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA regulated streams. Based on the most current information available from the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP), the project will cross Lowery Mill Creek, Belews Creek, and Belews Lake, all of which have associated 100-year floodplains. Additionally, the project will cross a regulatory floodway at Lowery Mill Creek and Belews Creek. The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NCFMP, the delegated state agency for administering FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of the NCDOT Memorandum of Agreement with the NCFMP, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to a FEMA-regulated stream. Therefore, NCDOT Divisions 7 and 9 shall submit sealed as-built construction plans to the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structures and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. 5.9 Traffic Noise Analysis This section is pending the finalization of the Traffic Noise Report. This section will be updated by the end of October 2018. 5.10 Air Quality Analysis Vehicles are a major contributor to decreased air quality, because they emit a variety of pollutants into the air. Changing traffic patterns are a primary concern when determining the impact of a new roadway or the improvement of an existing roadway. New roadways or the widening of existing roadways increase localized levels of vehicle emissions, but these increases could be offset due to increases in speeds from reductions in congestion, and because vehicle emissions will decrease in areas where traffic shifts to the new roadway. Significant progress has been made in reducing criteria pollutant emissions from motor vehicles and improving air quality, even as vehicle travel has increased rapidly. The project is located in Forsyth and Guilford Counties, with Sections A and B lying in Forsyth County, within the Winston-Salem maintenance area for carbon monoxide (CO). A microscale, hot-spot analysis STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 43 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 that predicted future CO concentrations resulting from the proposed highway improvements indicated that no violations of the applicable NAAQS CO concentrations are anticipated. Section C lies in Guilford County, within Greensboro attainment the area for CO and within the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point nonattainment area for fine particles PM 2.5, as defined by the USEPA. A Determination of Project Categorization for PM 2.5 Hot-Spot Requirement was completed, and provided the basis for an interagency determination that the project is not an air quality concern. This project would not add substantial new vehicle capacity or create a facility that is likely to meaningfully increase vehicle emissions. Therefore, it is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of the above nonattainment areas. This evaluation completes the assessment requirements for air quality of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and the NEPA process, and no additional reports are necessary. 5.11 Hazardous Material Hazardous waste is defined by the USEPA as any waste material or combination of waste materials that pose a hazard to human health, welfare, or the environment. Materials classified as hazardous can be in the form of solids, sludges, liquids, or gases, and are characterized as reactive, toxic, infectious, explosive, flammable, corrosive, or radioactive. Examples of hazardous waste sites include landfills, dumps, pits, lagoons, salvage areas, retail operations, and storage tanks. In February 2009, a Geotechnical Prescreening Report (Geotechnical Report) was conducted to provide an early identification of geoenvironmental issues that may impact the planning, design, or construction of the project. The results of the Geotechnical Report identified 16 active or closed underground storage tank (UST) facilities within the project limits. Two automotive repair facilities, one dry cleaning operation, and one industrial plant were identified within the project limits. All sites are expected to present low to medium monetary and scheduling impacts to the project. No hazardous waste sites or landfills were identified within the project limits. 5.12 Summary of Environmental Consequences Table S-2 provides a summary of the expected environmental consequences for each alternative. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 44 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 6. COMMENTS AND COORDINATION 6.1 Public Outreach and Meetings NCDOT conducted the following public outreach and public meetings held throughout the project history, in order to present project information and obtain input from the public: • Citizens Information Workshops (CIWs) were held in April 2006, one in Walkertown and one in Stokesdale. The purpose of the CIWs was to introduce the project to the public and to solicit any project comments. • CIWs were held in April 2012 to present the preliminary study alternatives under consideration. • Design Public Meetings (DPMs) were held in October 2017 to give the public and local officials the opportunity to review maps of the detailed study alternatives. Nearly 700 members of the public attended the meetings, and 168 written comments were received. NCDOT held a post- DPM meeting on November 30, 2017, in order to discuss and address comments received from the public concerning the proposed roadway improvements. • The USACE posted a Public Notice on April 5, 2018, to allow the public an opportunity to review the proposed detailed study alternatives for 30 days and to provide comments. 6.2 Merger Process The NEPA / Section 404 Merger Process, commonly referred to as the Merger Process, and agreed to by the USACE, NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), FHWA, and NCDOT, and supported by other stakeholder agencies and local units of government, streamlines the project development and permitting processes. The Merger Process allows federal, state, and local agency representatives to work more efficiently by providing a common forum for them to discuss and craft ways to comply with key elements of their various agency missions. The Merger Process is a shared decision-making process and documents agency mandates during the NEPA/SEPA project planning and design phase of transportation projects. As part of project development, several meetings were held to discuss major milestones at Concurrence Points (CP), which are the defining points in the Merger Process: • CP1 (Purpose and Need) meeting was held on August 14, 2007, and concurrence was reached. • CP2 (Design Options for Further Study) meeting for R-2577C was held on February 17, 2009, and concurrence was reached. • CP2 (Design Options for Further Study) meetings for R-2577A&B were held on December 12, 2012, and on August 22, 2013, and concurrence was reached. • CP2A (Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review) meeting for R-2577A, B& C was held on September 29, 2015, and concurrence was reached. • CP3 & CP4A (Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative/Preferred Alternative Selection & Avoidance and Minimization) meeting was held on May 16, 2018, and concurrence was reached. Copies of the signed concurrence forms are located in Appendix E. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 45 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 6.3 Other Agency Coordination A scoping letter was mailed to agencies on May 17, 2004, inviting comments on R-2577. Comments were received from the following agencies: • NC Department of Administration • NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources • NC Department of Public Instruction • NC Historic Preservation Office • NC Division of Environmental Health • NC Division of Water Quality • NC Wildlife Resources Commission • US Army Corps of Engineers • US Federal Highway Administration • US Fish and Wildlife Service Copies of the agency responses are included in Appendix A. NCDOT conducted additional local agency coordination during the development of the CIA report in 2018. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 46 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 7. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Based upon the study of the proposed project documented in this assessment and upon comments received from state agencies, local agencies, and the public, it is the finding of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that this project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the human or natural environment. The proposed project is consistent with local plans and will not disrupt the local communities. Per this evaluation, a Finding of No Significant Impact is applicable for this project. Therefore, no further environmental analysis will be required. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 47 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements-STIP Project No. R-2577 8. REFERENCES AECOM. 2016. Traffic Safety Analysis, R-2577. AECOM. 2018. Draft Traffic Noise Report, R-2577. AECOM. 2018. Traffic Capacity Analysis, R-2577. CALYX Engineers and Consultants. 2018. Community ImpactAssessment, R-2577. Greensboro Urban Area MPO. 2010. Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Greensboro Urban Area MPO. 2015. 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Greensboro Urban Area MPO. 2015. Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Update. HNTB. 2017. 2017/2040 Project-Level Traffic Forecast. NCDOT Geotechnical Engineering Unit. 2009. Hazardous Materials Report, R-2577. NCDOT Human Environment Unit. 2016. Revised Air Quality Analysis, R-2577. NCDOT Natural Environmental Section. 2012. Natural Resources Technical Report New South Associates Inc. 2013. Architectural5urvey Report, R-2577. New South Associates Inc. 2015. Management Summary: Intensive Archaeological5urvey and Testing for the Proposed Widening and Improvement of US 158. Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation. 2010. Regionaf Transit Development Plan. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2012. Community Characteristics Report, R-2577. Stokesdale Land Use Plan Review Committee. 2007. Stokesdale Future Land Use Plan. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2005. Comprehensive Bicycle Master Plan. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2012. Greenway Plan Update. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2013. Legacy 2030. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2014. Walkertown Area Plan. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2016. East-NortheastArea Plan. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County City-County Planning Board. 2017. Northeast Suburban Area Plan. Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO. 2012. Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO. 2015. 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft 48 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A endix A pp Agency Coordination STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft North Caroli�a Deparrt-men� of Adznin�s�raiion �iic4�ael F. Easiey, Governor �u�ust �, Zaa� Ms. Bethany Hunt N.C. Dept. afTraztisportation Project Dev. B�anch Transpo�tatian B�d�. - 153� MSC Ralei,�h, NC 27699-1534 �ear Ms. Hunt: Gwynn T. Swinso«, Secreiary i�E: ��'H F!?t� ri (]1_�_'-1,'?7(J..Ij +Lit�_'+� �C�� ;1?ir' Pi-:;vv:P.(�. `irtii'F?,'.i !I?`r�}�i/ti.'S �!i �P,11IIlf.? �� �Su�' ZD 'cl ITILI�tI iSP]� �, r• _ facii;t,r P�I`ttl Oi ��� �r� �./�--�G i1LIS. iii s- vi-::'�L�' �l lJ� „ �. 0. f't� �-� 7 i l . � ti,�1. ill .;,,'� ]il �T131��UC(� �. _ The above referenced en�✓irc���-ne?���� imF�a�� �:�Lori��atic�« nas �e��i subenit��a io i�e State i.ie�rin�hause un�er t�i� pr�visions ofthe Natic:n�� Ertvironmenia� Falicy Act A.ecordii�� to G.S. 113A-10, ti�heii a st�te aaenc;� is ; ucuire� to �rzpar�: �n envi; cr��rienta: dorument under ±he �re4�:s;c��s �f fec?era? law, tlZe ez�vironmeratai �Ucument meet� tr� provisias�s ��f �1-�e State Envirorsr�ental Palicy Act. �c� commerts we� e�a.�i� by �r�y s�ate/loeal a��ncies durin� the cc�urse. of this re�iew. if any fi:�ther ei���iron�n�ntal revie��: cioc.t.inents =!rP �repared :or tliis �rojeci, the_y should be fon�arded to tnis office for I(11PI'O'OV�r?�C:�P,Rt[� J'a:'1Pv�j. Si»uld you have a�iy �{����$;or�s, �lease do not i��sit�t� to caZd, �incerely, ��/��� �:5. ch:��s ����tit� Envirar��nental Policy Act C�ordinator cc: Re�ian G :)lnile„x,-�drlress: Telepl�oa�e_ (919)81i7-�.115 Lacnriar.-]ddress: 1=01 ;�fail 5en�icz Czi�ter Fa� (9I9)733-9�71 116 L'�'est Jonzs 5treet R:�Izi2jL \C ?7G99-13U1 Stata Courier n�l-l�P-OU Ralzi2�3� \'urdi Caroisna e-txaid Chry•s.Bagcertrt�ncine�rl.net .<I,r ��jual Upporlatnit}%:�iJjir»rative �c.�tron �:�rvlcn'er . , p �� _ _ -� , - DEP'ARTMENT QF �NVIR(3NMENT AND NA7URALRESOURCES DIVISI(�N O�F ENVaRC}NMENTAL HEALTH [nter-Agency Project �ieview Response G/.S /�b� .� , f- ia.9 e,-�dw �ll eJ�Gls%7��� ¢d,�1 v� Project Nam�,' 6.-s G/� a,H 7ype of Project_ crr'vi �� Comments provided ay: ■ �� Regional Program Person Regiona� �ngi�neer for Pubiic Water S�pply Sectior� Project Num�er �'� ,�� ��3�t'� County ��;/� � � Gentral Office program persan PJ�rr�e: ��� � . .�,�c.�c�/Z Qate: t�/ � �/�� , Telephone number: � �� ~ %7/ � �, C7C� Pr�gram v��ithin Division of Environmental Hea%tY�: [R� Public Water Supply ❑ Other, Narne of Program: Response (check afl applicab[e): ❑ No objection to project as praposed �] fJu cornment ❑ Insufiiczent inforr�a4ion to complete re�riew ❑ Comr�ents attached � Ses comments b�low � r% �/� ��' u�d U�sT,_;2 �l` o.�� e�:v� c�` �f/i S /'r�r? C�o r�..? !�� c d� c� j,,,) C L L /� E (,t! �-I � ci �•.rz j� 4 ��/� 5'Ci �pL Y 4r�, 4 T=jL S4r"r �f o f �rr L� rrt Lrf-J�� . �A��rt L�K� / S d�J` p� ��Lry //.�r.�![ r�4L (�.4TzJL �lF�•dL lL.T �b.L ,7�-�.L (r%:�ss'�'e.! -Sd�L.t` ��'?'-S�i/ C�<4..i; `� (�J.!7z� �j<'ST¢'✓�1 , J��.!!(Nf L...r; '���i.�i/G?.b� �c.�t � 2a L F-1 �t S '� {� � '�'.-t �� F�i «- � /eL�.rnl.:�� A.�r r9 C` o.c �O�.t.a,.1 �� !J r T-`G% , Ca�' !'��s . %Jz .����'.Einl�� ��.2�,✓ {.� � �., s i /�ec c: ac�:,,%. .5 �; a,�,,�t lJ l�'iL ��.T'Yl-'rrei, eVr ,/�.sr�,J.Y /��i'� � N�L�J j 'C? /J .� �G+.�/.i r .�./r� r2 ��. Reiurn to: Rublic Waker Supply Sectiora Environm�ntal Review Coordinator for the Division of �Environmental Health ����3���� �#.C. L"}t; �. �� �:.I��fl .�U� � i 2D�4 �4'"�1�i �t�;i7�����F71 �t�i�!"!c� �3i�iG� ���� �� ��, { Ca.Y �- [ � �� ���, � ; � ' ,,� ; �.�. PUBLIC SCHOOLS QF NQRTFI �CARQI�I��IVA STATE B�AYiD OF EDVCATION :: Howa rd N. Lee, Chairman W W VII. N C P U B L I C S C H �i G �EPARTI4'IENT flF PUBLIC IP�ISTRUCTIQN :: Michael E. Ward, 5tate Superintendent ����� r�� July 15 2004 �� M � � %*-1 �}� .. � �iF � { r�� � YS �'i..�.'Y; MEMOF�ANDUM T�: Gregary J. Thorp�, Ph.D., directoc Project Developme�nt and Environrr�ental Ar�alysis Branch Department of Transportation � FROM RE: J. �7avid Edwards, Sectian Chief, School Pla�nning US 158 from the 4-lane roadway north of US 42111-40 Business in Forsyth County to US 22Q in Guilford County, WBS No. 374a�, TIP Project No. R-2577 Enclosed is a rep�y frorn 1Ninston-SalemlFarsyth Schools regarding the abow� referenced project. �Elec! Enclosures :: SCHOOL PLANN�NG - DIVISIQN OF �CHDUL SUPRORT :: www.schoolcleari�ghouse.org :: 5319 Mail Senrice Center :: Raleogh, North Caralina 27699-6319 :: 9�9.807.3554 :: Eax 919.807.3558 � � An Equa! C3pportunity/Affirmatrve Aciion �mployer Wir�ston-Salem/F�rs�tb Countv Sc�aols �1�� Can�er School Road. Wuis�o►2-Sa�em NC 2710� • 33b/661-�4986 • Fa13361�661-6560 �ssistant Operations Manager for Tr�nsportation MEMO To: 3. David Edwards, Ed.D. Section Chief, School Planning NC Departrnent ofFublic �sttuction Qe From: I)an Carter Date: July 8�`', 2004 R�: Impact of TIP # R-2577 Our inpur was sc�licited an the irnpact o� the above project, the widening of �.5. 158 thrc��agh Walkertown and BeYews Creek, NC. We have two high schaQls, a middie schor�l, an�i four e�ementary schools in the area of the corridar that is tc� be vvidened. The additional lanes would likely improve our situatic�n in t�at the additional cagacity would cause less delay for our buses. We cuFr�ntly have around 30 buses using par�s of the project area at som� point each school day. T�e construction pe�iod would likeIy cause us additionaI delays, but if we are aware of the tirnefr�.rne f4r the pro�ect we rr�ay be abie to ba�ird our runs accardingly. T�e addiiional lanes would cause us to maice �ur passenger stops on the same side of the road as the student's residence, but due to t�e natur� of that particular higt�way, we were already doing sQ. Iiwe can pravide any additional i�formation to you, plea�e let us know. CC: Rhor�da Fierning Gene Miller r �� ' ^aC_�. 4t,r � , ��rP �.. ��'1, � c�- � .��. �i ' ��`, t Nort� �aralina Department af Cultural Resources State Historic P�-eservation Offce Peter �. Sandbeck, Administrator Pvlichael F. Easley, Governor Lisbeth C. Evans, Secretary JefFrey J. Crow, Deputy Secretary August 10, 20�14 MEMC7Rt'i�TDUM TO: Gregory J. Thorge, Ph.D., I7isectox Project Development and Envitoninental Analysis Branch NCDOT DiiT�sxan of �-Iig�iways �'RQ]NY: Peter B. Sandbeck '�' �Q� -�7'i..+�U��'J�— De u State Historic Px rvation Officer p �' SUSJECT: US 158 �ram the 4-lane roadway north of US 421 /I-40 Business in Forsyth County to US 220 iri Guilford County, WBS No. 37405, TIT' Praject No. R-2577, ER 04-1615, Fors�Tth & Guilford Counties Tharal� you for yot�r mernarandum of May 17, 2004, concexning the a�io�e p�Qject. Office of Archives and History Division of Historica] Resaurces David Brook, Director ��BUG .� �4 2�t��4 �,v�s�� o� � ,�, 'I�C'�4Y� ,'�P We ha�Te conducted a search of our maps and �es and located tl�e following structure of historical or arckiitecturaT importance within the geneial area af this pxoject: (GF' 554) Flat Rock Method.ist Church, north side US 15$ 0.1 mile east of juncriorn with SR 2105 {GF 1710) T. A. Wil�oz� House, 69Q0 US Y58 (GF205) Stokesdale Commexcial District, north side U'S 158 l�et-�reen SR 2053 and SR 2054 We :reca��nend t}�at a Departt�ent afTiansportat�on axck�itectutal historian identif�T ai�d evaluate any sttuctures o� e� fifty yea�rs of age withir� rlie prpject area, and report t��e £indings to us. There a�g np National Registe� eligible recorded a�chaeological sites adjace�t to existi�g US 158. Hoz�rever, most of the area has never been sur�re�ed to locate and evaluate arc�iaeolQgical resources. Some por#ioz�s of the pxoject axea are ]�:ely to affect as yet unrecoxded axchaeological sites. We recommend that �ou forward pxoject aYternates for our revie�a when they are avaiTable. The. above comments are made p�.usuant to Seetion 106 0£ the National Historie Pxeservatton Act and the Advisc�ry Cou.nci� on I�istaric Preservation's Regulations fox Carziplianc�e with Sectaon 106 codified at 36 CFR Pa�t $00. Location Mmiling Address Telephone/Fax AD�^1INISTRA�ION 507 �1 Slount Street, Raleigl� NC 4617 Mai] Service Center, Raleigli hIC 27699-46�7 (9�4)733-47631733-86�3 RESTQRATI�N �[5 Al. Blount Street, Raleigh NC 4G17 1v1ai] Service Centee, Raleigl7 NC 27699-tl617 (919)733-6547/715-48f7i S�iI2VEY & pi,AN�IING SIS N. Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 4617 Mail Service Center, Ralei�h NC 27G99-961i (919)i33-6a45}715-480� Thank you £or youx cooperation and considexatian. If you ha�re questions concernqng the above camtnent, please coa�t�ct Renee Gledhill-Ea�-1ey, environmental �eview coordinator, at 919/733-47G3. In all fiut�se cornmunication eoncerning t�iis project, please cite the above-refere�ced h�acking nuYnber. r: ce: IVlatt 'Wil�exson Mary Pope Fbarr ���r�e#�,+� �y '� �. R^fichacl F. E;a.�ley, Govemor I,isbeth C. E�.�ans, Secretary ,)effrey J. Crow, Deputy Secretary Feb�uary 4, 20a5 I/ I��:s\� 1/ North Caro�na Departrnent of Cultural Resources State Histaric Preservatior� �ffice Peter D. Sandheck, Admv�istratat TC�: Gregory �J. Tharpe, Ph.D., D�recror Project �evelapment and Environmental Analysis Branch NCI�OT Division of �-3.ighways FF.OM: Peter Sandbeck � �,�,.�{./�� SiJBJECT: US �.5$ from the 41ane xoadway north a£ US 42� /Y-40 Business in Farsyt�i Cour�ty to US 22fl in Guilford C�un�r, WBS No. 374Q5, TIP No. R-2577, Forsyth & Guilford Caunties, ER �4-I�i15 �1���'�•��J.Aki. e �� �� .rt5 P � �/>� j�S R �2�7? OfFce af tirchives and Hsstorg Divis'con of Histarical Resources David Brook, Director Thank you fox your z�e�noxand�nm of October 5, 2QQ4, concexivng the above projec�. We apologize for the delay i.n owr �espanse. We have cQx�ducted a seaxcl� oE our maps and files amd located klae £olle��ving structures of historical or archi�ectural itnpartance withui th� gene�al axea of this project: ♦(G�'681) Salem Srreeti Hause, 1QQ6 Salenz Street ♦(G�'S74} �'ryar I�omeplace, N side SR 28�9 .b miles E of junc�on wirh SR 3045 ♦(G�'554} Flat Rock Niethodist Church, N Side L3S 158, t�.1 mile E af Junction with SR 21�D5 We recommend that a Department of Txansporiation archixect�.iral historian identify and evaluate any stn�ctuxes over fifty ye�es of age within t�e proj�ct a�ea, and �epo�t the findings to us. As we noted in our earlier response ta your request £or comments, there are no Natinnal Registex eligible recorded archaeological sites adjacent to e�stirig �LJS 158. Howeve�, most of the area has nevex been surceyed to locate and evaluate atchaeological xesauueces. Some port�.ons of the project axea are likely to affect as yet unrecorded archaeological sites. We recou�tne�d that you forward project altexnates for out review when they are available. The above comments axe rnade p�rsuant to Seetion 106 of the Na�tona� Historic Preservation Act and the r'�dvisory Council on H�stoxic Preservarion's FLegu�atioas for Cam�liance vyith S�ction 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. LocaCion Mailong Addre�a Telephox�e/Fax ADMINISTItATlC?N 507 N. IIlaunt Skrect, Raleigh NC 4677 dwlail Service Cenre:, Raleigh NC 27G99-4G17 {919}733-47C3/733-8Gy3 R�STpRATION 525 N. I3lount Street, Raleigh NC 4G17 dvlail Service Centec, Ralcigh NC 27G99-4C'17 (919}733-05�7/715-48U1 SURVEY 8c PI.ANATING SIS N. Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 4G17 ivful Service CenCer, Raleigh NC 27G99-4G17 (919)733-C�545/7i 5-4801 T'hank you for your cooperat�on and comsidera.tion, If yau have q�aes�ions conceming the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmer�tal review caoxdinat�r, at 9�9/733-4763. In all fi�ture �oxnmuntcation concerivng this pxojeC�, please cite the above-referenced tracking r�umber. cc: Matt Wilkersor�, NCDOT Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT �I�ch�el F. Easley, Governor MEMOP..AI�TI?FJM TQ: FP.OM : SUB,TEC.'T : DATE: ��� ����� �ICDEN[t No�h Garolina Depar�ment of Environment and Nat�ral Resources Chrys Baggett State Cleazinghause M�lba Mc�`�e �nvironme�tal Review Coora-nator bC Q William G� Ross Jr., Secretary 04-0348 Scoping for Wide��ing U� �'�� in ,=��r�sytn anc G�ail ford Counties �ugust 2, ZOGa '='he Detaartment of Environment and idatur_al Resources has rev�.esved the pY'C��OS�d iniormatlCI1. `t'�12 ari2C�"i�� C:1T�Tlt?rlr5 dL"c fC?."_' fi.12 d�J�� 1C:cz"lr r� �nLormation. The Division of Wa��r Quality tiaas una��e to pravide com�nents �attring the c��mmen� res�onse time. Should eomme*�ts be provided they will be �or°Mardeci t� you foz yo=„- fiie. Thank you for the opportunity to re�riew. AttdC�7.Ii1211t.S 16fl1 Mail Service Center, RaYeigh, Narth Carolina 27699-�601 �hone: 919-733-49841 FAX: 919-715-30601 �nternet: wuvw,enr,sta�e,nc.�slENR An Equaf Qpportunity 1 Affirmative Actoon Employer - 50% Recycled 110°10 Past Gansumer Paper ��� State af North Caroli�a Reviewing OfFice: �� 4� �����iiZ Department o� Environme�nt and Naturai Resources . Froject Number: �,7 — �-���Due Date: � l z 1 �`-i � INT�RGOVERI�MENi'AL REVIEW'- PRQJECTCOMMENTS After re�iew af this pro�ect it has been deteamined that the DENft permit(s) and/or appravals inrficated may need tQ be oatained in arder for this project to comply with North Carolina Law. Questions regarding these permits should be addressed to the Fiegional Offi�e indicated an the reverse of this form. All applications, information and guidelenes relative to these plans ar�d permits are availa'ble from ti�e same'Regional Offiee. PERMITS SPECIAL APPL]CA7iQN PROCEbURES ar REQUIREMENTS Normal Process�ime {Statutory Time Limitj � Permit to construct & operate wastewater treatment Applitarion 90 days hefore begin canstruction or award of construction 30 days facilities, sewer system extensions & sewer systerns contraCts. On-site inspecxion. PoSt-application teChnical [onference usual. (g0 daysj not distharging into state surface waters. NPDES-permit to discharge into surface water and/or App[ication 180 days hefore hegin activity. On-site inspectian preapplicatfon. �ermit Lo operate and construct wasiewater #acilities eonference usual.Addit�anally,obiain permit to construct wastewater treatment 9fl - 120 days discharging into state surEace waters. facility-granted after NPpES. Repiy time,3� days aher receipt af plans or issue {N/A) of NP�ES permit-whichever is later. � Water Use Permit Preapplication technical cor�feren�e usualfy necessary 3Q days (N'/Aj � i Well ConstructiQn Permit Complete ap,�licatior. must 6e received and permit issued prior to the 7 days installation of a welL [15 days) I�� �recig� and Fill Permit Application copy must be served on each adjacent riparian proper�y+ owner. 55 da s ry On-site inspection. Preapplication conference usual. 'Filling may require Easement �g0 days) I ko Fill fram N.C. Department of Administratiorr and Federal �redge and Fill Permit � Permit 5o construct & o�era[e Air Pollution Ataatement I faciIities end/�r Emission Sources as per 15 A NCAC N/A 64 days i (��.ci oc, zq.c3aa, 2H.Cfi00} ��� Any open burning associated �xith subject praposal m�si he in cocnplian�e with 15 A�ICAC 2�.190(J �� Ueroli±ion or renevatior�s �� ;t;uccures canzain�ng � � asbesias rreaterial must be in mmpliance with 66 days i 7 5 A NCAC �D.1110 (a) �1) x•Fich requires notifitation N!A ta{� days) and remo+.+al prior to demoEition. Contact Asbestos Control Group 414-733-082Q. � Complex Sourre Permit required under 15 A NCAC I 2D.D800 The Sedimenta[ion Pollution GontroE Act of 1973 must be properiy addressed for any land d€stur�ing activ'rry. An erosion & sedimentetion ZCI days ccntrol plan wil! �e required if one or more acres to he diszurbed. Plan filed with proper Reg¢onal Office {Land Quality Secrian) at least 30 (30 dzy�} C days befmre beainning a�tivrty. A fee of SSD for the first acre or any part of an acre. � � rar Seaiment�tior� Poliutian Controi Art o# 1�73 must be addressed with respect ta the referenced Local Ortfinanee. 3d days � Secfimentatian and erosion control must be addressed in aaordance with NCDOTs approved program. Particular attention should be given ta design and instaliation of appropeiate perimeter sediment trapping devices as well as stable stormwater conveyances and autfets. � Mlning Permit On-site inspection usuaL Surety bond filed with DENR. Bond amount varies wdth type rnine and a�umber af acres oi aftected land. Any are mined greater than 30 days one acre must he perrnitted. �he appropriate bancl must he received 6efore {{�� days} the permit tan be issued. fl North Carolina 8urning perrnit On-site Snspection by N.C. Division of Forest Resources if permit exceeds 4 days 1 day (NJAJ �, Special Ground CEearanee 6urning Fermit-22 counties On-site inspection by N.C. Division of Forest Resources required "'if more than five l day in coasial N.C. with organit soils. atres of ground dearing activi4ies are involved. InspeCtions should be requesied (N/A1 at least ten days before actuai burn is planned." � Oil �Refining Facilities N/A 90 - S 20 days �Nia} � � J PERMlT$ � � Dam 5afery Permit � I Permit to dril! exptoratory flil or gas well' � � Geophysrcal Explaration Fermit ❑ I Siate Lakes Construction Permrr 401 Water Q�ality Certifrca[iqn Q, CAMA Permit far MA1pR develapment [�I C,�MAPerm;rfcrlvtlNCRdevelooment SPECIAL APPLICA7iQfV PROCEDURES or REQUIREMEN75 IF p�rmit required, app�ication 6a days before hegin eonscruction. Applicant must hire N.C. Qualified engineer to: prepare pfans, inspect constructiorr, �ertafy consiruc#ian is accqrding to OENR approved plans. May alsa require p�rmit ur�der masqurro concrol program, and a 404 permit from Corps of Engineers. An inspection oFsite is necessaryto verifyHazard Classificatnon. A, minimum fee aF$Zq0.60 mustaccompany the appficatioc. An additional processing fee basec! on a percensage or the to[al prpJeCt cast wiil be requirQd upon compfetran. File surety bor�d of 55,000 with DENR running to 5tate a# N.C. conditional that any wefl opened by drifl operator shall, upan a6andonment, 6e pluggQ�} according to D£NR rufes and regulacions. AppliCaiian filed with DENR at least 1 D days prior to issue oFpermit. Applicazion by letter. Na standard applicatian farm. Application fees 6ased on suucture size i5 charg��_ ,yust include descriptions & drawings of struCture & proof of ownership of riparian properry, NJA 5250.00 Fee must accompany appii[ation SSO.GO fee must accompany app�icazian � Sz'�e�a� geodetic monumen�s are !ecatza in or n�ar 1��,a project area. If any manument needs to 6e maved or destrcayed, Rlease norify: N.0 Geodetic 5urvey, gox 27687 Raleigh, N.[. 27611 Abandonment of any wefis, if requlred must 6e in accordante wieh Title i SA, Su6chapter 2C.4160. Normal Process rrrie Statutcrry Tme �irnit} �,;� ! Notification or [he proper regiflnal n�cr is requesred if'brphan" underground storagQ tanks (U5T51 �re discovered durinq �ny excavation operation. � , ��ompliance with 15A iJC.�C?H lppp (���s�?; Stormwarer Rules) is require�. _ i � � �t�!er corrrments fattach add'itio��af {�dg�� 3s necessary,t�eing �ertain to cite comment autnoriryJ �`li�La. �,, ' � �� 1 ����.,.v � �� �:r:� -' ` � `<' �,t.c-i�=c,�'� , �a � � ,��' /sZZ-G�-��' L%�/ �-= �' Y +� � 30 days (60 days) 16 d�ys (N/A} 10 days (N/A} � 5 - 2Q days {N/A) 55—� {130 days} 60 days {13fl days) Z? days (25 days} 45 days (NlA} � � l �, � ' - . l� ' `- 1 �-. � • • -- � `r � l � r/G" �r;�,Q(liY�r/� �� � s; /s "G � 5�� �" � % f;�r`'�� � i///�'f�,•,YG�' 4�/ �`� l�' S � Q�� �rf��,�� �irr°/���,� f��� U��� ��i � �v��� �� '� � I�Ci�'"t �d r.r�c�1 � ^(�'�--'� `O n'�Cc7 i p�l tl.... , �1�'P�1 1.�-�-'•'� � � `�j�f�--dlG� �f 1 '" J REGI�NAL O�F�'IC�S Questians regardirrg these perrnrts s�oufd be addr�5sed to the Regiflna! Office rnarked below ❑ Asheville Regional Off'rce 591Noodfin Place Asi�eville, N.C.2gg01 ($28} 25�-b208 Q �ayetteviile Regional Of�ce �25 Gre� S�ite 714 Fa v G� I� � h sr� � MooresvilCe Region�l O{ftce 919 Narth Main Street Moar2sville, N.C.28115 (704) 663-1699 � Rale�gf� Regional f�ffice 3800 Barrett Drive, P.O. Sox 27687 Ralergh, N.C.27�11 (919} 571-4740 ❑ Washington �egional Office 943 Washrngton Square Mal� Washington, N.C_ z?ggg (252j 946-6481 Q V41iTmingtan Regionaf QfFice 127 Cardinal �rive Extensian Wi�m'rngton, N.0 284a5 (910) 395-39(}0 � Wirrstan-Safem Regional pffice 585 4Vaughtown Street 4Vinston-Salem, EV.C.271 Q7 {336} 771-46Q0 .,,..,, ..,���,,,�, Willaam G. Ross Jr., Secretary �Iorth Carolina Department of '�r�vironment and Natural Resources 401 WATER QdJALITY CERTIFICA'TI�N PRQGRAM COIV�NIEN�'S Alen W. Klimek, P.E. Directar Division af Water Qua�ity The Winston-Salena Regionai Office (WSRQ) recommends that the applic�nt coordinate a Pre-Application Meetin� and Site Visit �rith the Divisian of �Vater Quality �DWQ} and the US Arnly Corps of EnQineers (USACE) to determine if a Section 404 Permit (USACE) and a Sectio� 401 �'ater Qe�aliry Certification (DWQ) wiil be required. Even thouQh a Section 4�1 Water Q�ality Certificatian cannot be issued until the EA/EIS procedure is complete, proceedin� with the pr�-applieation and application process will enab�e the applican� to address water quality eoncerns and re�ulations early in the project's develo�znent. Such issues incIude, but are not lianited to, the fo�lowing: , Avc�iefanc� and mFnimizat�on of surfacc; w�ater and riparian buffer imp�.cts, 2. Storn�awater Manaaement requirements (as rela[ec� tt� the 401 Pragram), 3. Compensatory MitiQation for streams, wetl�:nds, and/or buffers (where ap�licable). �. Wate� S�ppl_y, Nutrient Sensitive, �`Trout, Qutstandir�a Resource. and/or Hivh Qu�lity Watershed concerns and requirements (��.�here uppl�cable j_ 5. Cc�mpliance with and protection of apg�ropriate Water Qualiry Standards, on-�ite as S�ell as off-site, both durina construction and after. �PD�S ST�J��WA7'ER PE�b�ITS CO�IME�TS Any c�nstructian activity, inc�udit�Q cleari�a, �radin�, and e;ccavatian aetiviries r�sultin� in rhe ��i��urbance nf one ! I) or more acres of total lanci _�re rer��ired ie ob[�.in ? NPD�S S:c�r_��.���ter �e�m.it NCGO10000, prior ta be�inr�ina these activitiPs. Any facility that is de�ined as havin� stormwater diseharg�s ass�ciatecl ��ith industrial activity is required to obtain a NPDES Stormwater Pez�at (varies) p�ior to be�innina operation. STA�E 5'�'�RNIWATER PERMIT CQNfMENTS State Stormwater Perr�uts may be requireci �or development activities draining to Outstandina Resaurces iNaters or acti�ities v✓ithin one mile and drainin� to Hi�h Q�ality Waters. These m�st also be obtained pric�r to developmen� activities. � WSRO 3/03 �*� NCDEt�� N. C. Division af V,later QualityhNater Quality Section 585 Wau�htpwn 5treet 1Ninsion-5alem, NC 27107 (336) 771-4500 Customer Service 1 804 623-7748 Jul z3 �� Q3:i3p NC�RC 7�4g8S2384 __ _ � =Na�h Cazolina ��dli.fe Resources Comr��issian � T17: FR�M: I3ER T� Charles R. Fulln�ood, Executive Direcrar Melba ivlc�ree, EnvironTnental �c�4rdinator i�ffice of Legislati�ve and Intergoveriunent�l Affairs, IDEN-R Marla Ch�.�r�.bers, �'esternNC�OT Permit Coordinator Hubitat Conservation P�•ogram, N�'�vTcC Ju1y 3, 2�fl4 �T?B,��CT: Sco�ir�� review of I�TCD07''s proposed widening ofLJS 1�8 from the 4-lane re���,v�y north of US �21/T-40 Businzss in For�yth Coiszaty to US 220 in Guilfor� Ca�.:s?iv. i`I'r' Nc�. R-2577. N�rt� C�rolir� De�artmerlt c� Trarisp�rtati�n {NCDQT) is r��uestin� cornr�ents frozn the Nerth Carol%r.a Wildlife Resaurces Commission (NCVJ�C) re�ardir�g impacts to fish anc� ���id]_ife res��ties r�s�!1_tin� �em the s�.abject �roject. Staff biologis�s ��ave revie�%�d ��i� ;nf�rmati�n proti•ider'. �nr.i h�ve the foIlawix?g preliminary comments. These com.ments are g��c�vir�e:� in accord�nce urith the prorr�5ions of the Natiar�al �nv�ranmer�tal Policy Act (4? U.S.C. �=332�2)(c)) an� tl�e Fispi and Wild�ife Coordination Act (48 S'cat. 4Q1, as amende�; 1� U.�.�. �51-657d). Tl�e NCDOT proposes to widen US 1S8 to a m�l�i-lane facility from the 4-]ane roadrvay north of US 42I/Ia�O Business in Forsyth County to US 220 in G�i1.f'ord Cou.nty fa= ��ro�ee� �er�.gth oT 18.8 miles. Strearr�s in the proj�ect area liave several classifications inciuc�ing B; C, WS- �II, WS-IV; and WS-.i1I NSW. SP��mer.t �n� ..�osicn �or��ol ir�easures sl�ouici acihere ta the design standards for sensitive watersheds. We also sugges� that an in-water work moratoriur� from May 1 to July 1 S be inciuded for Be�ews Lake, Belews Creek; a tributary to Belews L_ake; and Lowery ��ills Creek, a tributary to Salem Lal�e; to protect s�aw�ing wa.rmwater fishes. The bog turtle (Glyptemys mtthlenhergii), state Tlireatened (T) and f�deral T(SIA), has k�een observed near Se�ews Caeek in the proje�t vaci�ity. Impacts t4 this species should be avoided, if �ossible. �n ad.c�ition, to help faci�ztate docurn�ent preparatxon and the r�vi�� process, aur general inforn�.tion needs are outlined below: ibIailin�; r^�,ddress: Division o� Z�ilaaad Fisheries • 1,'?1 Mail Service Ceilter • Ralei�k,, NC ?7699-172i Telepl�one: {919) 733-3633 ext. ?$F • Fax: (9t9) 715-76'�3 J�1 �3 D� O�e13p NGWRC 7044852384 p.3 US 15$ frann US 421/�-4� Bus. to US 220 Forsyth & Guilford C�unties July 9, 2004 1. I7escripti�n of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, includi�g a l�stin� of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. Potential borrow areas �o be used far gro,�ec� cor�str�ction shou�d be included in ihe inventories. A listin,� aFdesignaEed plant species can be deve�oped through consuitation with the fa9lowing programs: and, The Natural Heritage Progra�n N. C. Division af Parks and Recreation 1615 Mai1 S�rvice Center Raleigh, N_ C. ?7b99-1615 (919) 733-�`795 NCDA FIant Conservation Program P. �C3. Bax 27647 Ralei�h, ?�T. C. 27611 {9? 9}�733-3510 2. T�escri�tion oY any st�eams or wetlands aE�'ected by the pr�ject. If app�icable, i�clude fhe ?inear feei of stream th�� vrill be cha�-ielyzed o� reloeat�d. 3. Cover type ma�s showing wetland aereage impacted by the groject. Wetlat�d acrea�e s��ould inc3ude all prt�ject-related �.reas that may undergo hydrologic c��anae a� a rest�lt of c�itch�n�, other drainage, or �llin� for project canstruction. �JJetla�d identification may bc accainpllshed tIlrou�k� coordinatior� wit� the U. S. Army Corps of �n�ineers (�JSAC�j. �fthe USACE �s r�ot consulted, the person de�ineating ivetIands shoi�ld be i�ienti�ed and crit�ria list�d. =�. Cover tyge ma.ps si�awing acr�age of up]anc� wildlife habiiat impacted by the proposed praject. Potential borrotiv sites and �aaste areas should be included. 5. Sl�ow the exter�t to wh�c� the project will result in Ioss, degradation, or fragmentation of �avildlife habit�t (wetiands or uplands}. 6, Include the miti�ation plan fc�r avoiding, �nzr�����b oi cor�p;,n;latino Tor cii��ct anet indirect dea adation in habita� r�uality as weL as quantitative losses. Address the overall environmental effects of the praject cor�struction and quantify t$e cc�ntribution of this individual p�oject to envi.ronmental de�radation. Pro�v�de a di�cussion of tYte p�obable impacts on natural resources, which will result fror� secandary develapment, facilitated by the i�proved road access. 9. I#' cor�struction of tY�i� facility is io be coardinated with other sta�e, municipal, or private deveIopment projects, a description ofthese project� ,�hauld 1ae Qncluded a�n the envirc�nmen#al document, and all p�oject sponsors shauld be ide�tified. �j �`�"�"1 � � {1-'`:� �' � �'� ,� �� �� E ��' r � ������\ =.,�� � LJnit�d States De�artment of the Interi�or � FISH AND 'WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh �ieid Office Posc O�i'ice Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 June 17, 2004 G�egozy J. �'l�orpe, PI�.D. Nortil Carolina �epartir�ent of Transportation Project Development and �nvironr,nental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: �-� f �� �� 2��y1 ��� � 13i!/� �� ''�',.'�'T _ YS ,r This letter is in response ia your request �or cmmments from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service} on t��e pote�ztial environmei��al iinpacts of tl�e proposed widening of [TS 158 to a ma�Iti- iane facility fi°ain the faur-lane xoadway �art�i a�US �211�-40 Business in Forsyth CQuniy to US 220 in Guilford Co�,inty (TIP Na. R--2577). T�iese comments provide scoping infoi-�natipn in accordanee with provisions of the �'ish and Wildlife Coordinatio� Act {16 U.S.C. b61-6G7d) a��d section 7 af tl�e Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as aYnended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). The followIlng cc�namezx�s pnly ap�ly tc� tlle Guilford �ounty portion of the pro}eet. Forsyth County is within the puiview mf the As�eville, North Carolina �cological Se�-vices Office. Far road improvement projects such as vvidening, realignmer�t, bridge replacement and culvert replaceinent, the Service recaminends the following general con�servation measures to avoid or mIlnamize enviror�mez�tal iznpacts to �'isl� and wild��ife resources: 1. Wetland and forest impacts should be avoided and minimized to tl�e maxiinuz� extezat practi�cal. Areas exhibiting high biodiversity or ecological value important to the watershed or aregion shouid be avaided. Proposed highway projects sl�ou�d be aligned along or adjaceni io existing roadways, uiiiity coz-ridaars or otlier previo�sly c�ist�.�rbe�i areas in order to minIlmize liabitat loss and fragmentation. I�ighway s��oulder a�d media�7 widtlis should l�e r�duced through r�etland areas; 2. Crossings of streams and associated wetland systerr�s shou�d �.ise existing crassings and/or occur on a bridge structure wherever feasible. Bridges should be long er�ougl� to al�ow for sufficient wildlife passage alang stream corridors. Where bridgix�g is not feasible, culvert strucfures �hat maintain natural water flow and hydraulic regimes without scourflng or impeding fis� and wildlife passage should be employed; 3. Bridges and apprmaches sl�ou�d be desigmed to avoid any fill that will result in dainming or constriction of the cl�arnlel or flood plain. To the extent possi�le, �iers and bents sho�ld be placed outside tl�e bank-fii�l width af tk�e stream. If spanning the flaod pl�in is not feasible, culver�s should be installed in the flood plaan portion flf the appr�ach to resrore sora�e of the hydrological functions of the floqd plain and reduce �iigh velocities of flood waters witY�in the affected area; 4. Br�dge designs should include provisions for roae�bed an.d deck drainage to flow through a vegetated buffer priar to reaching the affecfed siream. This buFFer should �ae large enough to alleviate any potential effects from run-off af storm water and �mllutants; Off-site deto�rs should be us�d rather tham co�ls�ructian of tenaporary, on-si�e bridge5. For projects requii-ing an on-site detour in wetla�lds or open wateIl, such detours should be aligned aPong the side of the existing structure which has the least andJor least quality of fish and wildlife habitat. At the completion of constructic�n, the de�aur area shc�uld be entirely removed and the im�acted azeas be p1a��ited with �ppropriate vegetation, i»cluding trees if necessary; 6. If unavoidable wetland impacts are proposed, every effort shoul� be made tn �dentify campensatory mitigation sites in advance. Project plannIlng should include a det�iled compensatory mitigation pyan for aff'setting unavoidable wetland impacts. Qpportunit�es to protect mitigation areas in perpetuity via consex-vatior� easeznents, land trusts or by other nl�ans should be explvred at the outset; 7. Wherever apprapriate, eonstruction zn sensitive aareas sl��uld occur outside fish spawnin� a��d migratory bird nesting seasons. In waterway� that may se�ve as travel carridars for fish, in-water wor�C should be avoided during moratorium periads assoc�ated with migration, s�awning and sensitive pre-adult li�e stages. The general maratorivan period for ar�adromous fish is �'ebruary 15 - June 30; 8. Best Ma�agen�.ez�t P�actices (BMPj for Prateciion of Surface '�Jaters should be implemented; and 9. Activities withIln designated ripaz-ian buffea-s should be avoided or nainirn.ized.. There is only one federally protected species listed for Guilford Caunt�: the federally threatened bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus}. Although khe North �aralina Nahiral Heritage Program (NCNHP} database daes r�ot indicate ar�y known occurrences of this species near the project vicinity, use of the NCNHP data should not be s�abstituted for actual fie�d surveys if suitable habiiat occurs near tne projeci site. i he Tv �.�F' data�ase only andicates ti�e presence o� i�iown occurrences of federally pratected species and does not meeessarily meam that such species a�e not present. It may si�nply mean that the area has nat been surveyec�. Information abo�rt the habitats in which t�ese species are often found is provided on our web site, http://end�n�ered.fws.¢ov/ . If suita6le habitat occurs within the project vi�inity far this species, a survey shauld be conducted to deter�nine presence or absence of the species. All survey documentation must iz�clude survey rnethadol�gi�s and results. The area around the upper end of Be�ews Lake may possibly pravide some habitat far the bald eagle. We reserve the right �o review any federal permits that �ay be required for this project, at the public notice stage. Therefore, it is important that resource agency coordination occur early in the planning process in order to resolve any conflicts th�t may arise and minimize delays in praject irnplementation. In addition to the above guida�ee, we recommernd that the environmental documentation for this project include the following i� suf�"icient detail to facilitafie a thozougl� rewiew of the actiox�: 1. A clearly defi�ed and detailed purpose and need for thc� propased project, s�pported by tabular data, if available, and including a discussion of the project's independea�t utility; 2. A desca�iption of the praposed action with an analysis of alt alternatives benng considered, including tl�e upgrading of existing roads and a"no action" alternative; 3. A descriptioi7 ofthe iish and wildlife resources, az�d their h�bitats, within the projeet impact aarea tkaat zx�ay be directly or indirectly afFected; 4. The extent amd acreage of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, tha� are to be irnpacted by �'illia�g, dredging, clearing, ditching, or draining. Aca�es of wet�and im�act should be differentiated �y habitat ty��e based on t�� wetland classif cation scheme of the Nationa� Wetlands Inventor�� (NV�TT}. Wetlai�d �ounda�es sho��l� he d�terir:ined by �asi�b the 1987 Cozps o�'En�ineers Wet�ands Delineat�on ManuaP and ve�ified by the U.S. Army Corps of �ngineers; 5. The anticipated environz�ental iinpacrs, both temporary and perrnanent, �llat wo�ld be likely to occur as a direct resuli of tiae propos�d projeet. The assessment should also include the extent to which the �aroposed project wauld result in secondary impacts to narural resources, and 1�ov�r this and s�milar proj�cts contribute to cumulative adverse effects; 6. Design features and consti-�action techniques which would be employed to avoid or rninimize impacts ta fish and wildlife �-esources, both direct and indirect, and including fragmentatic�� and direct lass af habitat; 7. I)esign features, canstruction tec�niques, or any other mitigation measures which wauld �e employed at wetla�d crossings a�d stream channel relocations to awoid or minimize innpacts to warers of the US; and, 8. If unavoidable wetland or stream impacts are p�oposed, project �lani�ing sk�ould i��c�ude a detailed compensatory mitigation plan for affsetting the unavoidable ir�pacts. The Service appre�eiates t�e opportu�ity to comz�ent az� tl�zs prc�ject. Please coniinue ta advise us da�ring the progressio� af �he planning process, includir�g your offflcial determ�nation of the impacts of tl�is project. Ifyou have a�y questions regaa�ding our response, �lease contact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) 856-4520, ext. 32. Sincerely, ������ Garlaiid B. Pardue, Ph.D. EcologIlcal Services S�upervisor cc: 7ohn Thomas, T�JSAC�, Raleigh, NC Beth Barries, l`1CDWQ, �aleigh, NC Tra�is Wilson, NCW�C, CreednzQQr, NC Chris Milirscher, USEPA, Raleigh, NC US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A end ix 6 pp Traffic Volumes STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft Winston-Salem. u _ -- y I � � f ��� �E� 158 �°� I �°y � � ��� � o � �,��t� 1 � � � '�-- � � � �, _-�,' ' , � � , i' 66 �5 + Kemers�ille _ 421 15 7 � , O`d G�Ro a o�o � \ rn�,� s� � J �� �3 1'� � � Reidsville Li Road � 1 �36 �.�. I1aa 12 y �ZSgS P�IyS —, – � �Q11 O�a Be�Ftoad G�eek23g61 lsR � � w�� s� � � o \ _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- i 15 �� – �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro R-2577 Project Boundaries Traffic Forecast Study Area � �ar<o 23g51 Fioad lgFt �o \ w��s J \ 0 a�,,��� � 19� 1 G� oaa �s� R \ s� � JI��O C�eeµ � \ Ro a l5R 196y1 3 �'I � �11 � �� �1 � JI� � `fl 96 10 �1 � �oad \0 10 e� 60 NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 tZ°ad �s _"�`" � � � 158�5 o a �� � \� a �3 A � d� � � �j 1 gy ����co 5 � PM yo �9 �12 $ al�� g5 �' � PM 6o R . a ��� o �o � P� �� NO��o� ,� /�� a 16��� ��, J' \ G�o�e p�a \ a9 �� 9PM � y J� ��r� P`rey SR 19691 L� 9 a� 6o a\ r Roaa l p�� 1�5 16111 �� �� d��\\ G 19� 11 .� �� . J� 8 P� 60 ��N \ Goo�ad lgFt a e� � 6e�e�sd s �G eek 3g61 � 1 � �12 62 2 c�EL \ P�` y5 � 5 s� ��� n 1y2 N � P�� g5 � J°' 4 J�1, a 1q11 �'I 16� � ,I ` Z� PM 65 1 3 s � �, � R 1 � q � 5g R � 15'' ��� � � P� 65 i9 \ C �,�,�'� 5 � /�,� a �A�� ,m'(u��e�s �ti��;;'�,�-��°�,��.j �I �a e �S` , ��,, C Z1� 3 ��` d�O�d�oad av�;���'�e a P%�65 �° G�eeK2 p51 �p;ll � lrj� q D �� � � A �� �J � o\d G,�es�23�'(1 Road l �g �-'I 16a 3� �i �6, �`at�oo11 P�` 60 ood d lsR2 7 �26a� o Ra 133 � � "'� PM y5 2A D � ' � \ a � `� ad l w ���`"�n van�e2 �Al � � ls� ��, � � W�� � � � o \ �oad O�d �K\Roaa ��d No``ov� Gtee Z3g51 lgR 2 O � � ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC X� = Study Area Intersection ID BASE YEAR NO-BUILD Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 I V�►BS: 37405.1.1 PM � COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 K (a � iD PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Ellisboro Road Lester Road �sR zoas� �sR zo48� � � �, ��T � � � � � �� SCALE m �� �1 � U� iv 1� N ..� 1� W o ' � � w II � . � 7 �S I�L �,� ,� � � _e � � ;$i ,a � _e � _e � _e 3$ 3� '� � � � . �. �� � � � p �, B�B�a�s ,�a Oak Level � �° Church Road � � o � � � � coh � (SR 2045) � v� N V'� �� � V� �. °' � � N � � N u � �y o 4� �� � " Belews Creek Road �� � � 50 28 PM 4 � Newberry Street Shilling Street Fidelity Bank a��60 z Purgason so�s � (SR 2053) (SR �054) Driveway Lane /64/ 9�� � `� N � I m N . 6`� ad °' -I N N W � (T � 35 �o� ;1� v�-� ;�� ;��� vr� ee� j * � W � � a � ." 3 �,,, � � N � N s �t 63 � I o I � I `° � � I � � S3 �e.i� Q� 60 6(64 \ 9 � �Q 5 $ ��l � � r ,R � LJ 14 80 15 PM ab 33 55t— 9 �_ � �PM 60 �4 4) 34 e l�� 86 ;� � N PM� 60 � 1 � � � g l/,�.�� � I $6 Vaughn M 13 a�6� Street /�2 16121 � (SR 2051) 3` $5 � y w� `/ PM 6� � � 158 � ����,`. a l�� � �� ; �� �\ ��' �, � � \ �— �' Road Prth � 2�3A�1 ls \ _ �1 ' '� — BS ___ 11 �' F � S �� = �C, �„ � �� ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' �5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 o � o -- v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . f� � r � 16 ��� 17 PM � � 60t-9 p � (4,4) N I �l�N O Newberry Street (SR 2053) � 2017 � � — i16 18 PM 60 �— 9 32 3 (4,4) m � � W N Shilling Street/ Stokesdale Street (SR 2054) � ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID w I�, �? � W � � O I Clintwood Drive (SR 2056) � � � — sa 19 Zoz — PM PM 60 !— 9 22 36 55 L— 9 (5,4) (6,4) PM K =i D (d,t) � � : d �.� 20 85 �3 �1585 PM t � ��� �� � 55 <— 9 ' W (6,4) t � Io � � ~ r:> � N � � 3 � � O m v � N � Angel-Pardue Road (SR 2102) � 0 ��� N � � V � N �� 30 0 � 1 � N � �Dorsett Downs Drive (SR 4879) ►� K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) o� � s3 1;g i g' o W B�rry���s BASE YEAR NO-BUILD Sheet 2 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Winston-Salem. u _ -- y I � � f ��� �E� 158 �°� I �°y � � ��� � o � �,��c� i i � -'__ � � � �1_�J;, � , _ � � , i' 66 �5 + Kemers�ille _ 421 �g j- �� " O�a 6e�(toad GCeeK23g61 �SR � � � � w � � J \ 0 _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- i 15 �� – �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro R-2577 Project Boundaries Traffic Forecast Study Area � �ar<o 23g51 Fioad lgFt �,o \ ���� � \ 'o �Aa � �� NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 ���� �oad �5 � �ti ��p �,� g� 11 � 158 � Gooaals�� o � � —.— R°a \ ' � �' ' d � � i ♦ °�� W \�i�� � ,'O�/•`'� 5 PM 60 �9 �5 C<9 � w � � 2 e l�� �e�e SR 1 6 2 oa �s R°ad l\ 3� �� 1 e� 60 � � ,� $ �y �21 0 6 R -� � 1M � I� �o � � ;a � 1 1� n � d� ad � \o p 60 -J\ �allo��O�" �0 R1 1Q 10 y � a ��l �� -o �� , \ G�°,��9691 O \ y1 I� �i 1PM � J� � p�r SFL �� L� 9 a l! �l o �� N\ �vCGr Roaa l pR���,, 1g5 q w d�i\\ G,�9� 11 J\ PM 6a ,� � Go� d lgR g 8 � J ;, \ Roa �e\e�5a s � 3 �G�eeK2 g61 � 18M �� 1 s� \ P 65 l J� 8� �`� q ''s 1g5 ��� P��65 � J °' 4 a �A;il ►�; � �1 ` g6 2�1p� 6y 1 3 a � � e� 1� R `!� eo� 11M >\�� ' L� %� 65 `� \ C � �,�`+�'� 5 2 �� a ��;Il ,�'(u��e•Ns �ti��;;'�,�-��°�,��.j 2PM 65 � �o�aa�O�dRoad ���,�'�'"����� a � � G�e �2p�p51 °' �S �o � �� � a���' � \ J \d G,�eeR23�11 R°ad ls �-'I �'I l6 oG� 1� 7 19�60 3� ooaa ls�2o��1 $T � �3� a �g;(1 0 � � � � �9 R '� 1PM 65 2p n � 8� � \ d l W ��`�� vance2 �Al � \ lgR �� � J\��� w � \ O�d6e�Fzoad GteeKZ3g51 lgR 1 66 � `d No\��� ��ad O 2 O � � ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID I� , �_�. �. r /� �� ��i5 fi 1�,11 Y ��,.II � . f '] I I I �>� I��"J � . II `- =p' d � Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 I V�►BS: 37405.1.1 PM COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 K =i D ( a, t) pREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 ,�a Oak Level ° Church Road coh � (SR 2045) �� �`' �� �� so A�2 rsA� 9 � • v" �oa'd r / J �5 � ee� Gt s. `e�5 Q�` 60 so "o2i� �Q � �Ol /s�9 1� 5 �2' i R s� r � 4 52 — PM 11 6ot— 9 (3,3) AO 06 1PM 13 � a! 2 �6, 3`, 1�5 � w�, `/ pM 6p � � 158 � ����,`, a ��� � r � � q 4� ��?i J �� \ ��ad Pr 1s�2�3a1 \ _ �1 '_\ — BS ___ 11 �' F � • S �� = �C, a�� 1 H� ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' `5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 O I p " v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . Ellisboro Road (SR 2046) � � 15 ss — PM q. � 60 f— 9 (3,3) Newberry Street (SR 2053) N 41 A�� A Lester Road (SR 2048) uu N I m I 0 in -o N io � F+ N � � ? � Ql w �o u27 �. Belews Creek Road �J � z9 2s PM Shilling Street Fidelity Bank $�so z (3,12) (SR �054) Driviway � N � � W � IV -� W � F-� v�� 'p v� � W � � N o �+ ,. � o � c"'n I I �1 � s9 �1 � 1- �' �' Z so i M s z`� `I' 1 (3,3) —ss �1� PM 6ot— 9 34 1 (3,3) � 56 �1 � 54 � PM PM 60 4— 9 55 {— 9 (4,3) 30 28 �5 3� Purgason Lane N (n N � � � m � � � 20 18 ♦ ♦ 2 NOT ��� TO � SCALE �� - 37 :� �1585 �! PM t m �;— 55 <— 9 ' W (5,3) � I N I N I �, I �a � � I ? � �O A � � � U,� W -0 W N � � N � N � Jr � N v� � N ��� �?� ln a1� V �� � O � I O N O I � I N I�\ Vaughn Newberry Street Shilling Street/ Clintwood Drive �y'� Angel-Pardue Street (SR 2053) Stokesdale Street (SR 2056) I Road (SR 2102) (SR 2051) (SR 2054) o N � � � � � � �� N � .--_� __-_ �_ _ -_ --_� Winston-Salem. u _ -- y I � � f ��� �E� 158 �°� I �°y � � ��� � o � �,��c� i � � � ��-- � � � �'_-�;% ' � , i' 66 �5 + Kemers�ille _ 421 15 7 � , O`d G�Ro a o�o � \ ���� � � ' � 19 1'� � � Reidsville Li Road � 1 �3a �.�. I2�2 12 y � 158 � P�r 65 —. - a ,a,� O�a 6e�(toad GCeeK23g61 �SR � � � q W 2i � � � 0 _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- I -' 15 �� — �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro R-2577 Project Boundaries Traffic Forecast Study Area � �ar<o 23g51 Fioad lgFt � \ o � Rq � \o � �Aa � �� NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 ���� �oad �5 � �ti ������� ����,�� � � � 158 � � �� R°aa ls \ J� � � ' d n '. ���i � w��,�� 2 ,�'�5 ���m .9 � 5 pM 6p � �5 c<9 � ; 12 8 l�� Ro a l5R � 6 3 � 10 M � f�'s � 11 � eo � \ ,� a 16121 0 �0 � 1� � � � acA �� � 1 � � 66 d �� PM 60 10 �� �,N �toa o 1 10 � a l�!� � '\ G�o�e o�aN y� �'I 11M �� �� ��r� P`rey SR,�9691 \ � 9 �,6� J � a� ,�� �� s l6 ��l � N G�vC�,h R02 N� � u, 1g� 60 'I� N w GO o�i\SR,�9� 11 \ � 8 8 al \ � ad � �e\e�5a s �I �G�eeK2 g61 � 1�`' 1� � 3 cJ�L \ P�` y5 l 5 8�' ��� ''s 1g5 N � p�� y5 � J � 4 �1 a �a;il 1� 13 6 � ` � `�� 1a � Z PM y5 3 a !' �,� r�'� � I�� � 60 � 115 � \�' � L' P�� 6�' c9 \ C �+�,�'� 5 2 a Q�� u�Ke �,�,�-�- ��.j 36 �,� � . ``"a�� �e`e�s �� �, ���� � �°�E 2P� 65 � � ad<OeKRo 5 �v�:���, a lQ�� �, G ls�•LD�O � � �a �-'I 190 3� �i �e. �`at�o�c11 eM 60 o�d d �SR2 7 �31 a � o Roa � � "'�n 1PM 5 2A n�� '6 \g q-�� `sis l W ���� van�e2 �Al � \ R �y l$ � ` J\��'s w � \ O�d6e�Fzoad GteeKZ3g51 lgR 1 66 � `d No\��� ��ad O � O � � ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID �l�S� Y�/a�t �U�L� A�T�R�A`TI�lE 3 Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 I V�►BS: 37405.1.1 PM � COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 K (a � iD PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 ,�a Oak Level ° Church Road coh � (SR 2045) �� �`' �� �� s A A`r 1r o .� 114 � P�� 60 a (6 �41 � 7 /sAJ 9 35 • '�' �oad � s Jee� � Gt o � `''S 0�e`�� p� 60 � � � s�R'�i q � $�l A 1� p �SQ\9 .� R� 3 � � 14 45 – � � 5 r 12 55Pt-9 9' "1 � 16 (3 3) �i P�� go 34 8 �2,11 06 1 P�` go 8 l�� 13�� 2 3`, 1�5 w�, `/ pM 6a � � 158 � ����,`, a l�� � : � � � u' ��� \ �`� oad R Pr 1s�2�3a1 . _ �, __, - BS ___ 11 �' F � • S �� = �C, �„ � �� ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' `5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 o � o -- v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . Ellisboro Road (SR 2046) V IO rn�� w � � O I A�� N � I Vaughn Street (SR 2051) • 92 — PM 8 —►55 (6,14) Lester Road (SR 2048) � � (T -0 � N � W r � �� u u NOT ��'y -ro � ' � SCALE m�� N � Q � 41 � ,� 4 ' � f/ �l � °: 91 38 53 '? �158� .� � a Piss �. � 55iM a i W BYpass (6,14) � (6,4) 0 � � r � I � � � �1� w u =�� �� ,�. " Belews Creek Road � � Newberry Street Shilling Street (SR 2053) (SR �054) N � N N ��� A v�� 'P �� o� 15 2$ PM FidelityBank $�60 z Purgason �2��� Lane Driveway m � O N �1� W �1� � ;T� N � , � , � , � f� � r � � � � � � � �3 � 75 16 79 17 78 18 52 19 66 20 49 � 3� 158 S PM PM t � ��� 60 �—• 9 �' � 60 !— 9 2�' � 60/— 9 3 Q � � 60 !— 9 Q� � 55 <— 9 1� � 55 �— 9 ; W (3,3) (3,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (5,3) Newberry Street (SR 2053) 2017 m � � W � � Shilling Street/ Stokesdale Street (SR 2054) ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID � � � � � I 0 w � W � �-' N � N � W co�3 N ��� O v � I � N Clintwood Drive Angel-Pardue (SR 2056) Road (SR 2102) 0 �r�� � �Dorsett Downs Drive (SR 4879) ►� PM K =i D (d,t) K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) �AS� 1(�A�2 �U�L� A�T�R�f?�`TIVE 3 Sheet 2 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Winston-Salem. u _ -- y I � � f ��� �E� 158 �°� I �°y � � ��� � o � �,��t� 1 � '� � '-- � � � � � _�;' � , i � / i' 66 �5 + Kemers�ille _ 421 �g j- �� " O`d G�Ro a o�o \ � q � rn �� J o �6 ,,� '�► Reidsville � Road � �29 �3 a � 15g � IZP��� 1 —, – a �a;(1 O�a 6e�(toad GCeeK23g61 �SR � �` s � w � � J \ 0 _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- i 15 �� – �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro R-2577 Project Boundaries Traffic Forecast Study Area � �N�rst� r �e t� y N°�re� o `s R� �� n \ � p\d F'e\Roaa o � 5A G< s� 23961 �3 R� l �� 5 �� \ � �aa !-o e' '�.g5 �\�a P�yo26 J � 4 a lq�� �ar<o 23g51 Fioad lgFt o \ R�� � \o � a�,,��� � 19� 1 G� oaa �s� R \ � � :R � � � �e�e`Nl R 196 � N � Road \ Q � �11 �� � N�� � 110 � � 166 oad J o P� 60 11 � 10 NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 tZ°ad �s _"�`" � \ � 158�5 o a �� -� n��s �d A � > ���� 2 99 ���°m 6 � P�` 60 `9 � � 2 11 8 l�l 9� �' � PM 60 5 . a ��� o \� �`� � � \��� � �• �5 a ��' 111 �`� J' \ t��e o�a N� \ y3 � 1PM � J� �`�� Qirey SR 19691 6o N oaa l � � 9 a l!'� � � ��r�r FL A��� 1g3 R-� �o d��\\ G,�9� 11 �� 8 a P�� 6� �\N G� oad �SR a� � R �66 � �' 6 � 9 .ZpQ M �2 � 60 a �a;ll R �9 � JI 1 �'� a� � 1$� n �� o �.�� 3 p�, 6p 1 0 ` � Z 3 $ �Q�l `� ry� � � � a Qg � 169 ��� � �/ 2 8 P� 65 `� \'(u�Ke'� s StorS e��a`! 211 " � �Z �1�\��a�d0e�e� ��rhe��� P�, y5 3 ad�� R°ad N°c"� a lq 11 � � q v �� J \ o\d G,�es�23�'(1 Road l � �° G�e � 2p�p51 J�.� s ls � � � \ oad Ga�+che 2 81 lsR ao �a �e. �o�k z� �j �-�► 1S�6o 3hl �oaa lsR2p111 r �26 a �y;ll o � � p 1S� 0 3A �\ � �l �� 6 ,Ir a lA�� � � \ d J���s va��2 �Al �`� \ lS � ` �q �o w � \ o e\e�s O�d6 Fzoad GteeKZ3g51 lgR 1 6n � `d No\��� ��ad O 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID FUTURE YEAR NO-BUILD Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 I V�►BS: 37405.1.1 PM � COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 K (a � iD PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Ellisboro Road Lester Road �sR zoas� �sR zo48� � � �, ��T � I � � � �� SCALE m �� � �� � Q1 N�� W V�� W � o ' � � _ w II � . � 7 �S I�L �,� ,� � � �e � � ;5 � ,a � �e � �e � �e 3 �' �� � � � � . �. Mm � .s�" `� p l7� ��6���5 ,�a Oak Level m �° Church Road � o � � � � coh � (SR 2045) �� v� N v�� o, c��� �' � � � N �' � u �° s�y � w so � �� � ' � " Belews Creek Road �� � � � sz 2s PM � Newberry Street Shilling Street Fidelity Bank $�so z Purgason s�6 (SR 2053) (SR 054) Driveway c6,15� Lane o \^ � /64 9 �7 � N � I � N / J � � � Cn N m � Cn �JJ 6 ��oa (�ji � ?�� � j�� � v�'p A ���00 N��� e � l � o� o � -� 5 Gte 19 A�� A `° I o I � i `° I � I � 9 `e� P� 60 � 0R /s4�9 R17 �Q 5 B 15�3� � � r ' R �-�I � � � 14 io$ 15 PM 1�1 37 sst— s �. � P� 6� �4.4) �� 8 �612i -� 1�1 A �, �° a P� 60 � � s� 8 16121 �+ I 1�M Vaughn 13 a�6� Street �A 16�21 � (SR 2051) 3`, 99 � �� � PM 6� Z � � 158 � ����,`. a ��� � �� f �� \ 'Q 6' '�o � \. � J+� \ O�� — FL Prth � 2�3A�1 ls \ _ �1 ' \ — BS ___ 11 �' F � S �� = �C, �„ � �� ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' �5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 o � o -- v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . � 144 � PM 60 f— 9 (4,4) � � 16 149 � PM �_ � 60/— 9 �4.4) N I AI�W 0 Newberry Street (SR 2053) � r � � � 17 149 18 PM y � 60 (t— 9 3� � rn,l, � A j � Shilling Street/ Stokesdale Street (SR 2054) � 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID N I w �W � � v o I Clintwood Drive (SR 2056) � 10 �ji, .� 10 f� �1 �124 19 156 � PM PM 60 4— 9 23 55 55 E— 9 (5,4) (6,4) PM K =i D (d,t) r � � � �.� 20 130 :� �1585 PM � � ��� 2� � 55 /— 9 ' W �6,4) � O ' � I O � 6� !v v W c,o 1 � 00 � W � N � Angel-Pardue Road (SR 2102) m 0 o � N m�� m N � 30 0 � m�� N � �Dorsett Downs Drive (SR 4879) ►� K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) o� � �3 1;g � �� � W B�rry�u��s FUTURE YEAR NO-BUILD Sheet 2 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Winston-Salem. o`d G�Ro a o�o \ � ���� �� � \�o O�a 6e�(toad GCeeK23g61 �SR � �' s � � w � J \ 0 Q� � 23 9 � � Reidsville 1�� � 8P�65 Road � �29 � � 5a A �15g� IZ���� 1 —, – � �Q;il � P �q � � � 'J � O\d G,�e5R23�11 Road l _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- I- 15 �� – �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro - " � R-2577 Project Boundaries • � Traffic Forecast Study Area I \ - �, _ I � oa l � 23g51 S� ��` �oa \ �e Ston s e�,�,Na`! �R q s No�tre��� � \� s ` o o a+ p�� s �1� d �e\e�5a o � � \ oa /� o � G<eeK2 961 � � 7 3�� 13 S�L 3� P g0 l 5 $� rn� \ � �g6 ��.� a� 2p1 � P�► g� 26 �� R�g � �� a 1�11 ��R ��P 3��'I 2Q� � '�1 � \� a'o P�� go o � ` 2 3 a 1R11 �`� �i � 2''1 N ��a � � P� 65 � � \ � a�er� 3 \ �s lQ�� ,�u�Ke'� S StorS e��a`! Z �`��` io d� aa �o��e�r6 � °ad R N � � G�e �2p�p51 �� s ls m � � o \ oaa Ga�+che 2 81 ls� a�,,��� � 19� 1 G� oaa �s� R \ rn� � �� � � �5 Ct 96 � � N NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 tZ°ad �s _"�`" � A � 158�5 o a �� Q�� `r '�3 � �� l ���� 2— ,1�p��\ A9 g �'f pM 6p \ �12 al�� � �e�e SR 1 � ba �1 R°ad l\ Q � 1 eM 60 � �� �11 1 al�� o �a �s� 1aM � � i� �o u� � � Q � u, o�oad > 0 1 O a� 60 � . J\ N��� � 1 �5 16111 � ' \ �°ve O�d \ y�� 9 1P� 60 � JR N a� Poaa l5R ,�g691 � � 8 l6 �11 �� \ � �VCGh � N�� � 2P$ o �I� ��a G od���s ,�g�11 �� 8 8� 6 J�a \ °�oad l R I�9 , e1 �8 �6 $ �G� �6 Ir _�, 16� 3� `dF�at� ��11 PM 6� o d lsR % �26 a � o Rp2� ZS� � n \ � S P�, g� 3A � y \ � e 1��� � � ad � � R� � ��� \o e\e�s O�d6 Fzoad GteeKZ3g51 lgR J��.�� vance2 �Al � �r� \ ls� 1 6n � `d No\��� ��ad O 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s 1- Less than 50 VPD Proposed Roadway K PM D � (d,t) PM K =i D (a,t) Design Hour Factor (%) PM Peak Period Peak Hour Directional Split ( Indicates Direction of D Duals, TT-STs (°/a) � � f i� ��., I,; �I_. ir � r'� ��� ��, �;I I I� � � if ip ��', f',;!I � 1�I';>,,_' i_ �> Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Ellisboro Road (SR 2046) V IO rn � (J7 � � 0 ,�a Oak Level ° Church Road coh � (SR 2045) �� �`' �� �� � 60 A�.7� /69J `9 � � �Oad � � _G,�ee� � � � w � s �3 �r 8� e�e� Q� 60 0 s�sa\s �-'I � 4 $�o` � � / ��14 �9 15 15 PM 6ot— 9 1- � (3,3) p1 P� 60 , 8 l� g� V 1� A 29 � �� � � 1�2 133 \ n�''. P/- y� � 13 �Q 8 1612� 3` 1�� � Y� o � PM 0� Z � 158 � ���,`, $ ��� � : �� ���a' J � \ R�ad Pr 1s�2�3a1 � _ �, - � — BS ___ 11 �' F � • S �� = �C, ]t1 �' �-T �'� . ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' `5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 O I p ' v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . � I Vaughn Street (SR 2051) Newberry Street (SR 2053) � N A � � � �� Lester Road (SR 2048) uu � I 0 �� � f+ � A l0 � u 3�Belews Creek Road � 3s 2s PM Shilling Street Fidelity Bank 8—►so z (SR �054) Driviway �3'iZ� � N � � ��� � ��,� A �1�0�0 � o o� �� ��� Purgason Lane � N ;1�� �� NOT ��� TO � SCALE f � r � � � if' �1 r � ' 3 ✓ � 114 � 6 119 �% 119 �$ 95 19 109 2� 83 � 3� 158 S PM PM � m ��� 60 �— 9 �' � 60 <— 9 2�' � 60 �— 9 32 �' � 60 <— 9 3� � 55 /— 9 Z� � 55 �— 9 � W (3,3) (3,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (5,3) Newberry Street (SR 2053) N I N I rn � � A v ? � � N I � I N O Shilling Street/ Clintwood Drive Stokesdale Street (SR 2056) (SR 2054) --_� 141 � _ �_ � --� PM 8 —1 55 (6,12) 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID PM K =i D (d,t) m � � � �„ o cn � � � V � � � W O Q� 3 � � N � Angel-Pardue Road (SR 2102) m 0 � N N � � � ,. � 37 ? � �$ � � ��.. d I - � 30 `� — 14s - � � f� g �i a V� �Y za 55 � s � m BYpass �n �6,4) � m � � �Dorsett Downs Drive (SR 4879) ►� K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) ��_-�� S� 'CJ 1� �, I�. l��i� i �� �� 1�� Il I� �il III l���� 1 �I I, \_, `"I �.� I�I Ili c'�� � .�" Sheet 2 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening %� LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 Winston-Salem. O`d G�Ro a o�o \ � � � rn�� � � l �o Z3 ,,� '�► Reidsville � Road � �29 5a A �15g� I2���5 1 —, – a �4;11 O�a 6e�(toad GCeeK23g61 �SR � �` s � w � `' J \ 0 R9 � L� _ s� �� ,%. Stakesdale -- \B .' 15 _ � aak Radge -- i 15 �� – �sal "� � _ _ . �5 - ' �`. SummerField Greenstaoro - " � R-2577 Project Boundaries • � Traffic Forecast Study Area I \ - �, _ I � oa l � 23g51 S� ��` �oa \ �e ston s e�,�`Nay �'� � s N°�re��� w �� � � J 0 rno m p�� s �1� d F'e�e`NSa � � � \ oa /� o � G<eeK2 961 � � 7 3S� 13 �s� 3� �6� 5 a lQ�� rn� � �66 Rq a� 2a1 � \ � p�� 60 20 J� R— � � a lq;ll o �P �--'I � 2R� � p � � O 3 p�I yp o � ` 2 3 a �A11 � ry� � 2''1 `'��a � � P�� 65 � � \ � a�er� 3 i �e �Q�� ,�uGK6C S St�,�S e��t+a`! Z �`��` io d� aa �o��e�r6 � °ad R N � G�e � 2p�p51 w �.� s ls w � � o \ oaa Ga�+che 2 81 lsR a�,,��� � 19� 1 G� oaa �s� R \ � � JI� � n � .NS C� g6 � N NOT N TO SCALE �e�re<�,�g621 tZ°ad �s _"�`" � A � 158�5 o a �� R� A \� S � � � � i ♦ °�� 2 .�p��\�N 6 � 1 PM 60 `v �12 el�� � �e�e SR 1 � ba �1 R°ad l\ Q� �� 1 e� 60 � � ,� $ �y �21 0 6 J�� `r-' 1aM � �q�'"� ��t6 ad N o a P 6� 11 J� 0 10 /� ��0� 1� �I 5 l�l �� -� a '�°ve 91 °�aN� \ y�� 9 1a� � >� �� p�rey SR �96 6o N \ oaa l � � 9 l6 �1� �,� ��r�r � J� �� ZPM o '� ��o G od�i�s ,�g�11 � 8 8 i: 6 � N \ °�oad � R I�9 , e1 �8 �6 $ �Gk �� � _,—� Z6�6o 3� ooaa ls�2p��1 �26 a �y;ll o � � � 2g� 0 3p '\ � s` �� 6 � \ 8 lQ�� � ,� `� oad ��� � va��2 �Al �`�, \ l$ �� � �q � w � \ o e\e�s O�d6 Fzoad GteeKZ3g51 lgR 1 6n � `d No\��� ��ad O 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC X� = Study Area Intersection ID #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s 1- Less than 50 VPD Proposed Roadway K PM D � (d,t) PM K =i D (a,t) Design Hour Factor (%) PM Peak Period Peak Hour Directional Split ( Indicates Direction of D Duals, TT-STs (°/a) �l�`�URE l��/a�t �I�I�D Pe�LT���l�ilV� 3 Sheet 1 of 3 STIP: R-2577 WBS:37405.1.1 COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 ,�a Oak Level ° Church Road coh � (SR 2045) l� � G �� �� �s Zs �. so A,y �J 1�5 � P�� 60 a l6 �41 � $ �rs4J 9 35 � b' �oa'd � 19 �ee`� � Gt 6 � Ao e\e�� Q� 60 0 6°� R $ � $�� z A�3 � /6y� 9 � ��_�, 4 \. � 14 4� – 6 � PM 15� � ,L3 15 55 t— 9 �-� (3,3) 34 e� 60 a �Z �l 1�2 e� 60 B l6 �21 13�� A �`, '1�� w,, `/ p� 6� Z � 158 � ����,`, a l�� � � ` a' ��� \ J `� oad R Pr 1s�2�3a1 \ �1 '_\ - BS ___ 11 �' F � S �� = �C, �„ T �� ; ' ,se fi5 _ �1 , �r� ,.j_ �alkerts�wn � \ s�� `,, � •;�y,� .� � � 4 - r -.._ fib ; � �tse . , - � ,5 �s �, Kernersville � 421 �5 �' ' aus � Winston-Salern � I _ 15B' �5 I f58 iV I 158 f� Stokesdale ; �o . Sheet 2 . , � � � � ce _ ,5 o � o -- v � c+ ti � , . Summertieltl y ' � O ,."` 16 u C�� Oak Ritlge � � u ,S C �� ��1 � Greensboro � R-2577 Projeci Boundaries I �Traffic Forecast Study Area ' I . Ellisboro Road (SR 2046) 30 �. ,* 10 J t �3 � � 0 � � N � N v o � • 152 — PM 8 —� 55 (6,�4) Newberry Street (SR 2053) "I N I N m N A � � T .� 1 W A � O w a I Lester Road (SR 2048) � N � � � N � w � 7 ' ♦ ♦ �' u u NOT ��'y -ro o ' � SCALE � � � �"� � N � � 5� � � ��. i� 15i 38 sio ;S 1158�I � � (�� 8—►55 4� � 55t— 8 i W BYpass (6,14) � �6.4) 0 m � � u ��� 19 �, Belews Creek Road � Shilling Street (SR �054) m N ��� i -�� z� �2s s Piso z Purgason Fidelity Bank �Z �� Lane Driveway m � p� O � ��� A m�� ~ v�� N � � � � � � 1- 29 2 4 3 3 1 3 10 10 1 1- � 3 �j ?« 15 �9 L 16 sa 17 sa 18 62 19 94 � 0 6s :�� 158 S �� PM � � PM � � PM � � PM � � 55 t— 9 � � 55 �— 9 ' W ~� 1- 3 60�— 9 1- 3 6o t— 9 2 2 60l— 9 30 6 6o t— 9 23 55 29 4 (3,3) (3,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (5,3) � Vaughn Street (SR 2051) Newberry Street (SR 2053) N I °'�� A � � Shilling Street/ Stokesdale Street (SR 2054) 2 O � O ANNUALAVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LEGEND X� = Study Area Intersection ID � I o I � I .= �� � ��� tND j�� W o I '° ' Clintwood Drive N Angel-Pardue (SR 2056) Road (SR 2102) � 0 o � � m�� W � �Dorsett Downs Drive (SR 4879) ►� �UTl�f2� Y�641� �U�L� A�T�R��iTiVE 3 Sheet 2 of 3 STIP: R-2577 I V�►BS: 37405.1.1 PM COUNTY: Forsyth/Guilford DIVISION: 7/9 K (a � iD PREPARED BY: HNTB North Carolina, PC K Design Hour Factor (%) #�## No. of Vehicles Per Day (VPD) in 100s PM pM Peak Period �. Less than 50 VPD � Peak Hour Directional Split ( —► Indicates Direction of D ----- Proposed Roadway (d,t) Duals, TT-STs (°/a) PROJECT: US 158 (Reidsville Road) Widening LOCATION: North of US 421/I-40 Business to US 220 (Future I-73) DATE: July 2017 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A end ix C pp Cultural Resource Coordination STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Iiluttz May 9, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Vanessa Patrick Human Environment Unit NC Department of Transportation FROM: Ramona M. Bartos �`-�^'��`D` � ��� OfEce of Archives and History Deputy Secxetary Kevin Chexry SUBJECT: Architectural Survey Report, Improvements to US 158 from North of US 421 /I-40B to US 220, R-2577ABC, Forsyth and Guilford Counties, ER 04-1615 Thank you for your letter of Apri122, 2013, transmitting the above report. For the purpose of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, we concur that the Edgewood Baptist Church (FY 3292) is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture, that it meets Criteria Consideration A for religious properties and Criteria Consideration G for properties less than fifty years old, and that the proposed boundaries appear appropriate. We believe that the Stokesdale Residential and Commercial Historic District as proposed in the report is too large given the modern development Uetween the commercial core and US 158, and using the former railroad corridor as the spine of the district is not appropriate. We concur that a smaller Stokesdale Commercial Historic District (GF 2050), focused on the commercial properties on the northeast side of Main Street, is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion A for commerce and community planning/development and Criterion C for architecture. A map of our proposed National Register boundaries is attached. We consider three properties that the report includes in the larger proposed district individually eligible for listing in the National Register: ■ D.A. Jones House (GF 1702), Criterion C for architecture; ■ Taylor-Edwards House (GF 1703), Criterion C for architecture; and, ■ Bi-Rite Supermarket (GF 8327), Criterion A for commerce and Criterion C for architecture. A map showing the proposed boundaries of these three properties is also attached. We believe that the remaining properties proposed for inclusion in the larger district lack the historic significance and/or integriry required to be individually eligible. Location: lU9 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mai] Seroice Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 We concur that the Wray House (GF 1709) is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion C for architecture. However, we do not believe that the report has demonstrated the property's historic agricultural significcznce. Under Criterion C only, the National Register boundary should include only the property on the west side of Purgason Lane to provide an adequate setting for the house. We believe that the Bel Air Drive-In Theater (FY 3269) is historically significant under Criterion A for recreation/entertainment and that it retains sufficient integrity, including the screen, layout, concession building, and ticket booth, such that it is eligible for listing in the National Register. A map of our proposed National Register boundaries is attached. We concur that, barring additional information to the contrary, the following properties are not eligible for listing in the National Register: ■ Crews United Methodist Church and Cemetery (FY 3959); ■ Lowery-Martin House (FY 0687); ■ Elm Grove Baptist Church Cemetery (GF 8388); ■ Flat Rock United Methodist Church and Cemetery (GF 0554); and, ■ The remaining properties listed in the Appendix. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or renee.gledhill- earle ,ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Attachment cc: Mary Pope Furr, NC DOT, mfurr(a�ncdot.gov Stokesdale Commercial Historic District (GF 2050) SHPO Proposed National Register Boundary � i s * ' `p� � } ` � - � ,�' . q ' , I� . . 1 :��'"+� ��r }� iR` � � `� , t - ,q�'� � . :�'�'� _ , . � �,. � , ��=� ,: ,� , . ';+ � ✓ y� J�`a�� �; y �'�� � � 7� s �. �s.��`�y's` � ,,�►° ��:, '��� ' � . ✓:; '�' � = � ��r,�'� . � ,�' •�, . � `�::. �� �,,` ��� . `��,. , � � . � �; - ,, y r_ �; � � � r ;� � . 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T1P#: R-2577A +C'aunty: Fot�y^�M CQNCURREN�E FQ)R�Vi FOR ASSESSIWIEN'�" OF EFFECTS Project l�escriptio�a: Imprv�ements �to U515� ��eids►rille Road� from ex�s��r�g ��Iti-��ane s�ction r�arEh of US 4Zi/i-4d Bus�rness i� W'�rostar� 5al�m �v SR 19fi5 {Belews Creek R�►�c�}. �m ]l�rle 12, ZL11$ representatir��s pfthe X �Iorth Carolina depaRme�at ��Trar�spQration (hiCDOT) Federal I-�ighway Admin'rstrati�on (FHWA} X North Carolina S�ate Hastoric Presetva4io� Of�ce (HP�) � �ther reviewet6 the subject proj�ct and agreed on the effects findir�gs listed witllin the table vn the rev+�rse af tiiis signaxu�e page. The findings c�ocumente�d 1eer�in sup�rs�de thase establishe� on J�ly 9, �a13 and amended an September 22, 2015 by effec�s consu�tations fo� the R-�577ABC p�j�ect as then defineci. Thus form app1ies vnly to the A sectian of the �t-�577 project. S6g��ed; �y Re}�reser�tati�+e, ,+� l�ate V Digitally signed by RODEN REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 RODEN DN: r—US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKl, ou=USA, REYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 �n=RODENREYNOLDS.BRYAN.KENNETH.1263385574 oace:zois.oe.zs iz:ss:as-oa�oo� 25 June 18 FHWA, for the I)irrision Adt�ainistratar, �r oth+er Federal Agency Date � � ��j� ! � i Repr�sentatir�e, HPC3 �►�d���� Date WBS' #. 374�5.1. r TIP�: R-�577A County: �F[A�'Sy►�h RF�pe� and Status A�zernati�� Eff�ct �inding Reasons 4rigi�naf Adv�rs� 11' (max.} retaining waVl; signifi�ant loss vfi parking s��ces; residential E+dgewOo�d �a�tiSt r�Cacafiions ter sauth. Church �JVinn�iza��o� No Adv�rse 8.5' (a�oax.} retair�ing w�ll; reduct��n of parkin� space loss; n�o r�s�derotial �FY3292 — bE� p1terrtiafiiv� 2 with rel'�r�ca�ions to soutk�. condrtio�ns 1. �ed�ction ofi retaining w�19 height; brick tr� match as closely as possible �t� �xisting buildirog; end trea�mer�t +af r,�a81 ta be developeci' wbth property awn�r fto accc�mm�date mainter�ae�ce �ctiw�t�es; �plain metal 'handrail desi�gn. 2. Rel�scatioro of chureln sigra to be coordinated wit'� pr�perty owrr�er; two si ns if �eed��. Origi�al No F�dv�r�� fV�ir�imal �+OW acquisition, preservatic�n of access, and nd impacis tm B�I-J�1�r D�'iv�e-�n carnpan�r�ts. �esi�n r�fner�ent: 2:1 slop��. Theater (FY ��54 — �E) ��iti�Aed: t�CDQT�,'� F�W,� Propased R�W area (SF �proposed Ternp�rary C�nstruction Eas�rnen�t Park�ng 5paees Impactec� '1+^�'a11 Neight Qriveways Elimimated due to Prap. �'arthal C/A Residential R�locations to south ei�oe to rninirrrizati�n Trees and/or s�rrubs to be rernoved Ed�ewood Baptist Church Qriginal Alternative 24,336 (S�p CN.SF �AC) 3762 (SF) 0.0� (ACj 38 (permanent 5-11 feet 1 NIA � R-257� ABfi Hi�tor�t Edgewoad Baptist Church Minimizati�n Alter�rative 415 �SF) Q.f�1(AC) 5116 �SF) a.12 �AC� 0 NfA � 7 0 Edgewood BaPtist Chureh Minrmizat�on Alt. 2 1�,CI85 (SF) fl.35 (AC) 49$6 (SF) 1�.11 (A�) 12 (perrnanentj 8 (t�ernporary) 3.5-8.5 f2�t 1 0 0 Drive In Theater 8974 [SF} �}.21 (AC) 6683 (SF} Q.15 [AC1 NfA N%A fV/A NJ� 0 ��,f3 ,2577`US'�158 Improvement� ��'�� Fors�►t� &�G�u�il�ord �vunti�s Existirog v�ev�,irr,front �f �dg�v�oac� Baptist Ch�urch ,, , ,, flv�Cing e�st ����-��w� � ., \ MM+ y i � i C' - - � � ( T�"�:r__ __ -- . ' ~ t �^'^^`yl.� ' .. C �,} -` r i�� 1N s� }�y: : � �-.'` , - - ���. .e k� r ��% y�. � :a ;� } �~ 't�a��.a .. -_ J.�`. ' �,f� �`� , ���M�a �r� ,. � ",l�Y �� .-�'. 4 ��iEi��� r � � � t� � � �2 � � '`'�' ` ��� _ � ,.�. ���, � i „«..� �. ��-� �` �` — � sr''� � ��,�'��; _ ��� `�� ;�-� _�_.�..� . =�_ _ � �. ����. _ _ .���,�, .. : r.Yy;�„�•�-� � . . c��. �' - ' . . � �� - . .. .� ' . � . .,. . . � _-_-- - —� �., v. _ . -_. _� . 5 �w� �I_,:� _ � _ � �� _ � �- < '�. ,t�' , M.` .0 ,� � �a - _ . . ,. �. {� _{_- . . � � , . . ..,., .;t.s�.ir . � �o�r�f'w� i� �� .�����.-.. . �:. _ _ _ .. .. _..,_.. ;� L 0 � - � ��=;.,� - �� . , . '_ . '�- . �. . . .. � _ _ . � �.l . , � �. _' . ..) .. . ^�,. i. ._ r.c.d� �,��_ry� N� -`'.!Y,�l�-��yh - _ i _ � '�__� =a '���_`= N-'"' - - u! � �_ �y��� .'F-' _ - •� Cyr���.l �, '.�L < L'._ . — _ .S` l'� .� ��" � �1aE-63 .7� " ..y : � -���t - s � ,r :. �«;, -y .�� _ - �s',� ,, 't �'� ai�:> �� ;� .�� - _ _ .{�� ,,. � hta _ , -. ,. ES��t .`z�,.?, `�L .s���- � " _ t � . � I i-`^ .. 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" i � '" . `._ . . . � .. �{' " ' " ' _ . „_ _ •~ -� �, N .' ...�._. � .^�T. }��:�.y i R-2577 US 158 Im�r�uements �arsyt� & G�ilfc�rd �Cout�t�es Exis�ing view in �rar�t of E�dgew�ood Baptust Church loakir�� ►�rest r e.�c ��-��� � ��� �•�: ��� -. . , :� ;� �:• :.. _ � .:.... � � - �,�< <. , `'.;� s� s. ��_�?"� � -�w�����r_ ��� �� ' �y � �... J—�.� �_ � .� � � - �,:� ,rt�- "�. �� ts � � .� � ` �` -� - -- s,-: ; � .. F' �n�r �a � �: �..x • �{�^ �.-I 1 t� t . : � "�i�+� +. _, ��� � .I � ;:€' +���. �� � .�; ,�;y .,.� — >� .,�, � � �--- t�i =- _ i���{�`' lI � i; t�. � - N --- {' • ,� — - R� �- _ _`- � -, �_ - ���.�; :�`� � - _---�--_ -� _ _ - - - : _ - �_ _ .�.�. � ���.��_-n.� '`TVPM��:. .. _ ��w ���b _ . . . . ' . _ - - " . . _ � �.._ Y... �Ay�_� . . :.. .. . . . .._ . . � . _ . . � - il' L .�:at�' w: ._ _. I• . . _ _ . ._ .. . _.- �y.^s���! .''w' - � �" .. -_ `- " . _ - ` ` . -` .. . �. _._.� _ . � ' . -. .>.. .... . .:�.. .. ��..�- � . . . � ---, . �� -� . �.�:_��'' �l: . _`i z .\r�, - ._ ., - . � � �a. � X` - .. `r .• `�'..--_. � . � �, _ � � . � :..... _ - � - _ - . , . _ - .r-. -• . _ _ \ � _ _ . . . _� - - _. =f. � � � ' ._ _ "�' _ . ;' _X ; " . ' , .. ' 'L �r� '' , . . - , � _�� �.�'c. . . .:t ,. - _ . ,..�t, wn�iV�:- . ., J i. ' 1 t . . . J � �y, ,.t. .. .. . . .. _ . . - .. � . _ _ ..'� _ = S ` ' '�. �s----- . _ � t � `- � e ;i;r= . . r ;.�� f � . . . _���� `�'�. _ ';�" -_ " _ ! ^l•s � . . . � _ � - - `r� -- � - -- -��'� ��' `1 �� l ti�t IZ�...`�,�y ���,�y t t.��1 ti�. p� i � ..., ��' ¢.. y.4 .t ��6 � .��C� '{r.�.. ��� � � � t ���' ',. ��"" �y _ Y'� � ��� . � - "=,�rl� `h�'`} � � . __�_ �• -<,� �-- �' �� s� �a �-s- � ,:�1 � ! 3�J —]Q � � : �..�� �� �_�,,�a.;..r °. '� "'a; � �. � , � t, .- _, ,� / J�. r.A1 K� .� �4,ir i�` �Y:i� � .: —.� �, a� ' . /�'� v : '�C: � _ t-�� , �;;; `: "{ - �^� - �� s r � � `e� : ,s'° � f :7 � ..+. - � -- - �,M �� �.�' � ....� Y � � ;�� .ti'i� � �.a �'s� U r ' � �� , _ _ � � r;. a ? �: ;� ' °� � � r� - � '-� I ��, � �` ° ` l - , y C � � -��� � - :.-_ . _' '- _s _ _� - i . � � - � � - ��1"� `. � ,�( k ,M __ — � ���. � r, i ��� y 1 � —�— ' — — ��� � . . . - . . --- --'���1 -_� ��-�s`... _..i "`,►_ �. . _-- -_ - I �_ � � - __. — ��+�_ � - � � -. : , - � �.�, ,= � � � a:. '�-, r.,�..`�;�.; :- _ :, 'I,y. t..i+l J � �, AL�."� }��'"+ f � . � } �• � —t�; �� � � _ �•� � �� � . - ��, �. -y := � r ' `. � t �{ I�-y� yU i, hr� . � V—�i. yr _ : �a i 4 . �� _ r� _ � .#"�'� „�W � _ - - � WBS#: 37405.1.1 TIP#: R-2577ABC s County: Forsyth/Guilford � CONCU1tRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS 1C�t�1,11��tna.r, _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �o�v�snc��°..c� �1' `�"' �5 Pro�ecr Des�YtprZon: Widen US 158 (Reidsville Road) from existing multi- lane section north of I-40 Business in Forsyth County to US 220 in Guilford County. r. On ]Uly 9, 2013 representatives of the X North Carolina Departmerit of Transportation (NCDOT) ❑ Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) X North Carolina State Hisioric Yreservatioi� Office (I-I�O) ❑ Other reviewed the subject project and agreed on the effects findings listed within the table on the reverse of this signature page. � � 0 Representative, HPO Date � / , j •� '. ' 1 I � P { `'~� • ) i.pol % J X �'�.-.�_..�'._� ia..Lt"t � � '�?_� , i `� _ :_.1.{'�,.� � l j� �.i State Historic Preservation Officer Date {: ,, WBS#: 37405.1.1 Property and Status Edgewood Baptist Church (FY 3292 - DOE) Bel-Air Drive-In Theater (FY 3269 — DOE) Wray House (GF 1709 — DOE) Stokesdale Commercial Historic Dist�ict (GF 2050 — DOE) D. A. 7ones House (GF 1702 — DOE) Taylor-Edwards House (GF 1703 — DOE) Bi-Rite Supermarket (GF 8327 — DOE) Alternative ��'f'�- � u�}�'L No-r� so �� �fi/� , TIP#: R-2577ABC Effect Finding f3alvQ rs � `•� rse No {�d✓e�-se No ���� ,�-�r A�,,,�irg /1�0 �'��e�-i- �-!� �1�. �o ��eGf �/�?it�11 '7 r� ��� ,�-���%y� �t/o ���� ��! vsA��. Initialed: NCDOT 1�Lp � 9-a z-/5 - FHWA Intends to use the SHPO's concurrence as Counry: Forsyth/Guilford Reasons �' -aa --15 . .. - . . ,. � . � � i . . �. � � i 1 r - � " iri ' � / • - �/��� ._ �v . _ ��IL�ii .. . � � � � r . ��� _ � /�� ■L��L.11'ilt�i� • a.a �71�J/�iA��"'� ��f�u��.�.�� 7 I�•j �! �.�ai=.L'� , — ' __ ' , , , i ., , - --- - - � .- � f _ , - - . - - .,S , ._ , _ ;, . - ,. . ' • ��.�i .-`� � _ -- � . Wl�P/1/Ll� Gt. ��'°�"�-T1 Y �S � a�✓O I `c� a 1 % . � �'��,,. ,., t�i� . h " � 9�1?-/S basis for a"de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(�: �/ US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A end ix D pp Relocation Reports TO BE ADDED UPON RECEIPT STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A end ix E pp Merger Team Concurrence Forms STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft �:_ ,,�, .,, ., . �.� ,�_ .. ,. . � �� : � � :� � :�, ; � � � � �. . .. , �; � �, LTS 15� IYn�roveinents, NCI)O'T I-Iighway I�i�isions ?� 9, �uilforcl � Forsyth Counties NCDO'T �'IP Project I�os.: 12�2�77A,1���577� � 12m�57i� W�S No. 3740� TIP I)escription: The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to widen approximately 18.8 miles of US 158 (Reidsville Road) to a multi-lane facility from multi-lanes North of I-40 Business - US 421 - NC 150 in Forsyth County to US 220 in Guilford County. The project will be constructed in three sections. Project R-2577A begins at multi-lanes North of I-40 Business - US 421 - NC 150 in Forsyth County and ends at SR 1965 (Belews Creek Road) in Forsyt�i County. Project R-2577B begins at SR 1965 (Belews Creek Road) in Forsyth County and ends North of SR 2034 (Anthony Road) in Guilford County. Project R-2577C begins North of SR 2034 (Anthony Road) in Guilfard County and ends at US 220 in Guilford County. Purpose and l�Teed: �����loa��*� ��_,� p�-c�k���.-���t=-ir��a�ia�,t he proposed project improvements are necessary to irnprove the traffic carrying capacity and Level of Service along US 158 in Forsyth - Guilford Counties. '�i �" �'-�- �--.. � �'� i � � ` � � 1 i t--! � � � t ��., � � ��X�%�' �' �_ ! ���'' ---- � �� � , c� �:� l �� � ' d �?� ���� � -�' �� �1�� t' � 1°�� �- ���"�' �� � i �;�%.������ �,��-- ��� i ���� 1 � .����� ► �,��.��� � - � The Mer�er Process Team met on Au�ust 14, 2�7, and concurs with the P�urpose and I1Teed of t�e proposed improvements of IJS 158 (Reidsville Road) in Forsyth and Guilford Counties. USAC�/%.�-1 � US �-�- �� Date �.� � _" � �i ..� o� Clu�istopher A. Militscher Date � ' � � ��� � USFWS'°`� , � � � � Mar la Buncick Date NCWRC ��'i ���� �� ������ �� �`� Marla Chambers Date NCDCR ���� Sarah MeBride �- Date f NCDOT ` � : �._( € . ,: ��- �� �� Kar S. Reynolds�" ��� Date �;- � NCDWQ _ _ �-�� ��=a�" , �� S�ie Homewoo �at clUl��i� ` =� � � � �� � � T ler_ ye� D e WSFUAMPO � � �� ������.� � ��� � � Gregory Errett Date �ECTI�iqT 404/ NE�'a� N�ER��It� F12OCE�S C�DIeT�1U�R�1�T�� ��R]�EN�ENT C�1�i��T�t�i,iCE �'O�i'T 2: 1D]ES��N �P°i'IOlV� FfiR �`[JR'�"�i�� STUDS� - STOK���3A�,� �RE.c� iJS �5� gmpravements, N�D�T �Iighway Divisions" 7& 9, �uilford +& Forsyth �ounties 1oTCDOT Ti�' Project No.: R 2�77� �S 1�To. 37405 ''�"IP Descriptaan: 'f�e NorGh Cars�Iina Department of Transportation propases ta widen approximately 18.8 miles of US 158 (Reidsvil�e itoad} to a multi-laue facility fro� multi-lanes North of I-40 Basiness - US 421 - I�C 150 in Forsyth. Caunty ta �5 220 in Guilford �County. The projact �vil! be cons�ueted in three sections. Project R-25?7A begins at �uIti-lanes Norsh of I-�1� Business - US 421 - NC 15� in Fors}+th County and ends at SiZ t9b5 (Belews Creek Road) in Porsyth County. Praject R-2577� begi�.s at SR 19G5 (B�lews Creek Road) in Forsylh Cot�nty and �nds 1Vorth af SR 2Q34 (Anfliony Road) in Guiif�otd County. Frv "ect R-Z577C be 'ns Nnrth o�Si� 2034 Anthon Rvad in Guiliord CQuncv and ends at ZlS Z�0 in Guilford Countv. Design Uptio�s for Furiher Study: Base�. on cunrent praject deveiopsuent Enforrnation, the proposed project isnprcavements are necessary to isnprove t�e traffic carrying capacity and Level of Sarvice a.long US I58 in the Stok�sdale area of Guilfard Cous�ty. The IVIergar Process Team► met ou �ebraary 17, Z009, and cuncurs with DesigR Uptions ,�+1�• .�lternative 1B (South of US 15�) Alternaitive � A�ternative 2A (5outh of US �5$ and �the Alternative 1 Options) Alterua#ive 3(�orth of US 15�} �AEi�i _ e�-��;��_��'-' "' fvr Further 5tu for the ruposed irnprovements to US 15� (Reidsville Road) in the Sto3c�sdale area oi Guilforc� C�ou� . i f � us�c� � � � r�cDa� r ��- .�,,�� ��' 1 r.. ....,�� ° n e � Karen 5niteuno3 IJate U � j � � O`� NCDW C1uisEop�ier A. h'�ilitscher Aate usFws �`� ���"�d 9 ,'v[ a BunciCk �Te NCW �C �� � � ,<'�8 Mar1a C1�ambers Date � � � �� �,rl'L li �� DaEe ` e ' � /_ - �u�n�o f �%� . � � �' ?/�'7' _ 1' • �i�lylc onn�"y nate ] NCDCR �' �'� Renee Gledhiik-Earley a�Ge � SECTION 404 / Nh;PA MERGER PKOCESS CONCURRENCE AGREEMENT CONCURRENCE POINT 2: DESICN OPTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY WALKERTOWN — BELEWS CREEK AREAS US 158 Improvcmcnts: NCDOT Highway D'evisions 9& 7, Forsyth & Guilford Counties NCDOT TIP Project No.: R-25'17A & B, WBS No. 37405 TIP Dcscription: The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to widen approximatety 18.8 miies of US 158 (Reidsviilc Road) to a multi-lanc facility, from multi-lanes North of [-40 Business - US 421 - NC 150 in Forsytli County to US 220 in Guilford County. The project will be constructed in three sections. Pr�fecl R-2S77A herins n! inu/11-loires North oIl-40 Bus�ire.s - US 421- NC l SO in Forsv�/� Cou�ttv a�rd en�/s at SR 1965 (Belews Creek Rd) in Forsvl/r Countv. Proieei R-2577B bepins ni SR / 96S Belews Creek Rond1 Irt Forsvl/t Courttv a�r�l ends Nvrlh ot SR 2U34 /Artl/ioav Road) in Crrilford Cattatv Project R-2577C begins North of SR 2034 (Anthony Road) in Guilford County and ends at US 220 in Guilford County. Design Options for Further Study: Based on current project devclopment information, thc proposed project impcovements are necessary to improve the tra�c carrying eapacity and Leve) of Service along US 158 in thc Walkertown and Belews Creek areas of Guilford Counry. The Merger Process'feam met on Angnst 22, 2013, and concurs with Design �ption(s) Segment Alternative 1 (North / South-side widening alon�US t58) Segment Alternative 2 (North / Transi �tional / South-side widening along US 158) Segment Alternative 3 (NoMh / Suuth-side wideninQ alon�U ,Sy�$) Segment Alternative 4 (North / Transitional / South-side wi�ening along US 158) Segment Alternative 5 (}Vorth / Transitional / South-side widening along US 158) Scgment Alternative 6 (IYorth / Transitional / South-side widening along US 158) Segment Alternative 7 (North / South-side widening along US 158) for Further Study of the proposed improvements to US 158 (Reidsvilfe Road) in the Walkertown and the t3elcws Creek nreas of For�.yth and Guilford Counties. USACE > ' � zz z l3 u oa�e �;1 ' � ' , �'f� l �3 Christaphcr A. Militscher pate USFWS _��//j el �mcick � , ! NCWRC 4�ZZ��I� MNI C}INO1bC�5 � Da1e �/� �/-��.� NCDOT � -t•�. � , ` l�" .�.— . , �j�.r1,_. Kaz S.Itcynolds Date NCD W ' '?..� C3 Amy ul s Date WSUAMPO G,12�Gr G1�.rtr�'t7' S%2�-�r Grcg Errctt Datc NCDCR Renee QlcJhill-Cazley pate S�C1'ini� 40�# / N�l'A 1�ICRGCR CONCURRENC� AGitC�!:IYIENI' CONCURRrNCE PO1N'T 2A; BRIDGING DECISiONS t1ND ALIGNMENT REVIEW US 158 (Rei�lsville Rostcl) Impi•oveme►�ts - NCllO`t' Higliw:�y Divisio�as 9& 7 l�orsytl� & Guilford Ca�nties, NCllOT'TIP Pi•ajeet No.: R-257'1- Scctions A, 13 & C State �V13S Pt�aject NEianbei : 37aQ5.1.1 TlI' Uescriptfv��: '1'he Norlh Cstrolinn Departinent af'frnns�sortntion praposcs to improve�p�raxim�ttely t8.8 ntiles of US 158 (Reidsville Ro1¢} to a �t�ulti-I�uie facility, ti•ont mt�lii-l�nes nortlt of 1•40 i3usiiiess iiti I�orsydi Cat�nty to US 220 in Guilford County. `fhe project tiviil be consU•ucted iEs three sections. R-2577�1 begins t►t the multi-Inne Sectio�� nortl� of 1-40 Business ! US 421 / NC I50 in ['orsyth Counly �nct ends at SR 19G5 (l3cle�vs Creck tto�d}, just tivest of SR 2014 {Vance ttold) in i'orsyQi Coat�ly, R-25??f3 begi►ts �t SCt 19G5 (i3elews Creek tto�rd), just west of SR 201� (Vn��ce Road) i+� Porsyth Cowtty �nd ends just west of SR 203�1(Anthony Road) in G«ilford County. IZ-2S77C Uegins just tvest of SR 203a (AiaNtoity Ra1d) in Guilfard County �iid ends at US 22U i�i Guilford Cou��iy. Alienment Revieir: The �Icrgcr'Cc�m mct oii Septei��bci• 29, 2015, to disctiss six proposcd �viclening seg�nents in Sections r� & I3 a�td four praposect new-tocntio��, US 153 b��pnss aiternntives in 5ection C. 'I�IlB TCc7111 COIICUi•red tl�at tlza follo�vin� project �vicieni��g segFnenes and new-[ocation �Iternative(s) be carrie<I fortivnrd in this propased �tctio�t,- R-2577A & B: {�Viclening) Segmerft �Uternfitive l: rour-lnne, medinn-diviclecl, slioulder section, nortl� / south sielo �videning oP US 158 Seglnent fUternative Z: Cour-Inr�e, medi�in-cliv9decl, shoufcler scction, itorti� / tr���silion:�t wi� � of US 158 Se�me��t r\liern�tive 3: rouE•-tniie, iiiedi,t��-tliviclecl, shoulder-seetion,•i�owtl�-/-soE+t�rsiete-widening of US l58 �v�.Ti�--(. -r .-�"�2�.,��l�"� nt�I��._. �/ b1��l�11�t`�� R-2577C: (Ne�v Lacntioit) r�ltauj�zliver4i3s-�-Four�iN�tc-i�ic�lis�i-clividecl; sf�oi►Icle�•�ectfan,-soufl�,ofdJS-i�8•(Rcidsvilie-12und)�--' Aftcrnalive 2: Fow•-lat�tc metlia►�-divi<Icd, slioulder-secfion, south o� US 158 (Rcidsvillc Ro;�tl) r�lte�a�:�iiuc�-2A: -Fuirr-l�ne•mecii��=`dividetl; sl�oulde��section; South�af`liS�l58�(�ioidsviite-lZoi�tl}---�• �►Iternntive 3: roa�•-I;iFic media�l-divided, slioulder-sectlo��, na�fh af US 158 (RcitlsviUe Ro�d) SC;CT10\' 40�i /�[E�'A ��ILRGCR PROCI�,S$ CU\C;Ut2R[;�IC;E. AC;EtE;H:s111?V7' COi\CUIZRI:NCf�, POIiV'P 2A: 131i1DCi�YG ll�C1SIQNS antl Alignrncnt Itevic�v [t-2577A13C: US 158 (Iteidsville Rond} improven►cnts -�\`CI?O'I' Ilivy Divisions 9& 7/Stafe'IV13S I'rojcet ��un�bcr: 37�tU5,L( Iirid�in� nccisious: The i�fergerTe�nt met orz September29, 2415, to discuss the prelimu��iy l�ydrat�lics dcsigus for ihe 1iu�ee m�jor stre�i;� crossiogs of US i 53 (Reidsville Road}, B�sed u�on tl�e cur�•ent �roject davelopmei�t infarntatioi�, th� �te�•ge�� Team concurs tvith the proposed bi�idgc constniction dccisions for i(ze mnjor sirenm crossings aloug US I S8 (Reirlsville {Zo�c1), as presentect in lhe Concarrence Poi�rt 2A �[eeting A6enclr�. USACE y Z l.l1l � Jolu1'�'ho�uas Datc USC ' �C�C i)r. t;yn11 � � []e11Vlcic ()atc ��/� C....._.f' L� . NCWRC C' , . c �;f17-�j,� bintlaCbantbcrs ll�ic NCDCRF�-� --� %f��"� Rcirec Cilcdliill•C;�dey )� � ` NCD4'I' USrWS NCD WSMPO �.�i i�C �1'�l�G'� ���1�� Grcgory [icrrcil D1tc ' Mer�r ProJeet 7eam Mestln� A;�eeinent oneurregee pgintNo. 3: least Envlronmentally Damaaing"Practicabk Altemadve (1,6DPA1 rotat Name/Descriadnn: US 158 (N¢tdsvAis Road), Widen to multidanefadlity, tram mult(-lenes north F MO 8i�at�iess ln Foisyth County to US 220 in GWlford Cc�inty . ' .--F.� .�.�.,.-:.�-�----.-m----,-....� :: _�—.,�.�-._.�_e_.__.T.._.— .,.. „��-��^. . Ip Prokcts It•2577' . I85 Nn.: 37445 =nwnhern w •Translttona� mcUrred on 9/29/2015) (cancurrod oe 9/29/2015) — ���Ra►r�u�xn rr�5�+o�r�{ Awn�w SeBiri�nt 6—Tnnslklnnal widentr� (cana� eQment �— Nord�ecn wldening {concu'ra Comments R-2S77. Sectlnn C U IVterneNve; (soutfi of stokasdalej CiAltemafive 3 (Natth of SWkesdole) �omments ce on 8/22/2013) ce on 8/22/20i3j ce on 8/22/2013} on 8/22/2013) " on the�6ove mi PDPA) forTlP Prt , Cpncurmnce Po1M Noi 3 Me�g,er ProJect TR Me9ting Agreei Page 1 altxrnatNes ��,a, a,Hna ;.$ �'�f:..::::.�.. ��,.. �>: ° �� :: xg. , r g� 1 Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 4A: Avoidance and Minimization Prolect Name/Description: US 158 (Reidsville Road), Widen to multi-lane facility, from multi-lanes north of I-40 Business in Forsyth County to US 220 in Guilford County TIP Proiect: R-2577 WBS No.: 37405 Avoidance and Minimization: Based upon the current project development and design information, the jurisdictional impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. The following avoidance and minimization measures have been utilized: 1. Existing culverts at the following locations will be replaced with dual bridges: • Lowery Mill Creek— proposed bridge lengths of 85' • Belews Creek — proposed bridge lengths of 110' 2. Bridge 164 over Belews Lake will be replaced with dual bridges (100') and the vertical alignment has been adjusted at Belews Lake crossing (raised 4'). 3. Sideslopes will be reduced from 6:1 to 2:1, where possible and without requiring the installation of guardrail, to further minimize stream and wetland impacts: • R-2577 A&B — an estimated reduction of 96 LF of overall stream impacts • R-2577 A&B segment 3 transitional widening — an estimated reduction of 101 LF of stream impacts • R-2577C Alternative 2— an estimated reduction of 9 LF of stream impacts • R-2577C Alternative 3— an estimated reduction of 21 LF of stream impacts Additional minimization measures for non-jurisdictional resources have been incorporated into the preliminary design plans: 1. Edgewood Baptist Church (eligible for National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) — minimized impacts to church and residences across the street: • shifted alignment slightly to the south • reduced median width to 23' • tightened side slopes to 2:1 • proposed retaining wall in front of church parking lot 2. Drive-In Movie Theater (eligible for NRHP) — tightened side slopes to reduce impacts Comments: The Project Team has concurred on this date of May 16, 2018 with the avoidance and minimization measures for TIP Project R-2577. Concurrence Point No. 4A Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Page 1 of 2 r ` USAGE;; .: USEAIi� NCWRC, . uwwne !: � .s'-:�•,�8 dcooY : � ��s���I/t�" USFWS` .,. �. . � NCDWH � •� %� r-�—' , _. . . .. ......:: .. .. .... .. ... ..�,..,f., . .,..une .. �(.!�`��ti�.,�,�- . ;.��,,/�l (,�/�B �. � _ z� -/� � �' �!/� .. . .. ..... ..... .. .. � Concunance Polnt No. AA Mer�er ProJact Team NketinR ARreament Page 2 of 2 US 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements—STIP Project No. R-2577 A endix F pp Supporting Figures STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT / FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT October 2018 Draft � � �� $ F µ�e p� 2 U Z F W Z (p � aN � N � J 0 O a ` Z BF-=OJ Zart4ij4 �a'=>t' p0 wZ Qtall��g vZZvz O ��N�� ZOl��W � !�J � N W � Q � Z � = A � � N � . � � � V N � � � � � � Q$ p 1� Ot� U i'�,`=N =� ���� �� vy��a. =a c� � a, °� � ~ � � o � � County� FORSYTH & GUILFORD Div:9 TR-2577 wBs: 37405.1.1 AUGUST 2011 Figure � : ..-._ _ _ . . � , . .: _ - .... � . > � r - - - , �" - `� _, � ._ _{ _�. -.�!� . , � . , . _ � __ ,. _. �. :,_ , a :� 'I.�. -. ,�Zo �. 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Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) R-2577 � DCIA � NEARBY STIP PROJECTS Forsyth - Guilford p R-2577A NORTHERN BELTWAY CORRIDOR ; ---� US 158 Improvements R-2577B �_ J COUNTY BOUNDARIES from North of Business 40/ R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 2 STREAM US 421 in Winston-Salem � R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 3 � WATER BODY to U S 2 2 0 in Sto kes da le . ��-�Wt, t�ti 3 _ 0 1 2 3 � �ti �,; 1 INCH = 1 MILE , ' � � � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; NC DEQ; US6S; CALVX � y9�Tfi ,,v��s r_�� �xn�°. Engrneers + Consultants. Map Date: 3/24/2018 - u ,8��-Y _��" �5 � ` _ � __.____'_�____—_ ____ O I'. " �_ — O � _—__—_____________'___ I �� �, � � , '+ v i '' � , � , .� ` � ,, � � � �� ��' -� - - , _ f�,- � ,f5 �; ; � ' � ti : , � � `,� �� 311 -,., ' � Walkertown ' - i , _ r,f_��<� - J-� / . \ CT 30.02, BG 3 , � � � �� — I CT 30.02, f ' � Winston- BG2 /—��' � � / Salem ---��, � � � � � !� % C � ; , :� , _ �, r � �--� — �t ,�r" � ��� ��7 � � � E � �S � a� � � {s 5 � ?. ?� 1 r�". `ti ``-.. � ) �� L: � � _� , � �. I^ � V, .f . I ._ ., "_ .�. � I � _ i � � � � 1 �, i A � i� �`�� _� �� _- i � CT 159.01, BG 2 ;' i � _ I _ - _I ' � ',, � , � s� � I \ � I � CT 31.06,_BG 1��� � i ; � 1 / � i` \ �; �— i ''� ; ;, , - i -, � i 'y 158 � � I � � � �, _ - �L , �� ; . ,, _� - � , �- - ' ��� ' � �� � � � /`���. �� , .i ' . �`- � CT 31 05,- '- � � - ��.� � � � S.t o_ k e s.d a I e� , �/$ � � _ I �, ' � CT 159.01, BG 1 , _1 BG 2` ' CT 31.03, BG 3 - I i �ss� � � L i �� f �i � —� I l.. , i � � � i� ` � � � - Oak Ridge -� - C" � � i - -- -- � ROCKINGHAM � ■ � � ■ ■ ■ ■ r '���UILtF.bRD � �� ����� � � _ J ( Summer,field � �:�� ' ,1 I_ , _ __ � ,-- , � � , . _ - . " - - __ ,'_ %�� --� �_ , � �:���� ;. , , _. _ - CT 31.03, �-7 — i � -i BG 2 , - \ - 5 � - i �-' ` _ - ��----- _ I _ __ ; r — q / i � M �� � � iI � - r , � a _ � ���./ N � � � � ( l � �. . , : � / �J . i I �� � .�� ��5}�� i��.— ��e � � � , � �. ��Q � � ;� ;: � ` -��J w'y� � �� ' Greensboro 1: ' - 1 � � `a V-6pp3' f -- � ' � i ' / �171 I o `Kernersville M ! � �, ' �. � � , 158 �! � 7 � I CT 17, �___ .��_ - j BG 1 - - - � - � � � � ���� � � ' ,��.-;, ,,y � %E� � � ss � I I �� � ` � •� �� � , ,,�' I --=�` - � j � � �--- � � I Figure 2. Demographic Study Area (DSA) R-2577 � DSA BOUNDARY i NEARBY STIP PROJECTS Forsyth - Guilford - R-2577 SECTION A NORTHERN BELTWAY CORRIDOR ; ---� US 158 Improvements R-2577 SECTION B �_ � COUNTY BOUNDARIES from North of Business 40/ R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 2 STREAM US 421 in Winston-Salem � R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 3 � WATER BODY to US 220 in Stokesdale ��t �µisRlh i ap . 0 6,500 13,000 � F ��. 1 INCH = 6,500 FEET � �`� � �/ {�; Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; NCDEQ; US Census Bureau; � 'Fs�<< .,5�`� � —1cP USGS; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/24/2018 Figure 3A. Community Context � DCIA � Map Grid Line R����� � °� � _ Parcel Lines $eCt1011 A Stream Forsyth - Guilford �;_ � WaterBody �'"� ,� US 158 Improvements Municipal Boundaries From north of Business 40/US 421 in '___�, County Boundaries Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �— Railroad s-� .. �9� � �Winston Lake � oc.��'��as Golf Course o �a�� o�,�P\ �'o . 6`6�ooO�P . PQ�\�� �/OCF2 �`PSP� . Q � �� � � � l,F�� � � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility a� ` , � P����\' .��,p .. ..OP �'\(2 . aP e o /' s.92 ,`J�.. - �F�.- o �a� PF.��P O\P�y.O . O o� \`��' YV inston-Salem � ��. '�Q9 0JP ` � �F,S � � � , � � S,�P j�,� �' �,�`'�:� � �� � ,. ��� o �'s,r ���, RF;� P`Fr . . p�� � ��.r.s .2� �".�,�� ��3� 9 � �P �y ij- �9 `�I � 4<0 ��'�� �� � � ...:9 -' �..12 � ���� �99� C: s � ��,, . �s�� Peiree Foq�� Elementary ��4 School ��`" ���The � r .<-Yommons ���` N o����G � 158 N _ s�, ��p�k ti��G 9z qFF�SB . oq 2i On'o e FR<i�i,Faq _ _ - _ ` � - 5� " �o . .�.�T� ,�.�'� � � �' �,� ,� 9 x � �� ' � � ' ^'���11� ����� • , �, 'y .__ � � e � _- _:� _ -=� � o • �i - � _ �-=�- _ � � y � - � � � ���� -^"��' ������-��I � �r � �% �� �- ,��� �Q; � ; � . I�r�:��� o K � ,� , : � :,-�'q�� � . .'•YL "�'�'I .. �G,. :;4.� .:,. �Oa-' _ ,�� -� �OC�•, , � ... _; . � � ,�)�� �, . QO�C � BUCK CH�SE . . . ""�' �- ��� � . _R . x � � ^ o ��y �, " .Z, . � '� . �. Z � �� Q � yN�F� � .��. � � . � � -... _. _MYER LEE DR O� Frazier Creek Trail 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��F,, y ,�5\� 9(Ly � � 9�'�'� � �� e �6 d t ��'�7'�. . �.. • ����y2, `�4 DR�,�_� P�s�^ o�P�s:�` . � / 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEE an u� � � : � —� — - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial � • �\ • Middle Fork jElementary School � Business - Professional I . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � �AMELLIq �N S� R_�ELLIFl �N O �� • O r W a I k e r t o w n °°��P��``�� � �� . Y9 LF, Z l2 3a q9P .� ��. S�. ..2� � l`/S�'O L�j�o' `'P�O 2 r �� ���.OP � (0) � �. � �����' � �°�' City View Volunteer p� ; � ��P �``P ,�� Fire Deportment � � �p:y l 58_���� � -� � � � �� i I �'�� W ' �� � � I — .Se"1. _— �- n t3k A¢j,c3^ I' I rr , - Zt��tB:. IN {i H�F t5t�5X �? � .fYGjt,� � . ::1 'r1 / _ ��. � �� ... HCIRSE51a�F`a V ���� � , � U � �2 �-� � 5� ��T Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 �' Gospel Light Christian School � �• Figure 3B. Community Context R-2577 Section A-B Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale CHAR/ p �Q?,�. �'fl� � "FlB� z � ..,z P,� P` � MIRASOL CT �QP' � C�, L-C-� - ��PLO,-' PV���:. ROCKY 6�2\\ �. . �� cP 2384 �D �, , S�y, _ ROCKY BRPN�N _ � �NLEV wr y9�s ROCKY BRAN�H ��` � o�� �'��9 h� Q�; �,P L � CHRISTIPN CR �. h� w �� � � 9 PO.,�� P� � �' � , ��� , Walker,town -;� W6lkertown '�O Community Park e ` ti � � `, 6\ � � ,,, � �, ,: \� . � =•` ```" 158 _ -�.�._-�� .,.� � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad �� /� ��L `rT I 9Q � P� �C�P�� / �5�; <; O66G � r 1 2� �Q ,. � � ,, . - __-_� . I �P�� �Q'S�� ; �i � • ., i, \ �� /, J •yL. J ���,, o�' . �P PV�pS �P� O� crest ApartmentsR �dable Housing Co � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility IF IIZ �S ���_ WALLASEY RD_ 0 i I� I�� ,/ /� i `ti 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��� �1 O ��� �/ - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial � Business - Professional I . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � g, I �� � ��F i �. F� STEELH� j� ��.qZ a�5oo��y �� �SP� \�pK ��O \� �F',p NO NAME_ 1 RD F� I �P2 u y� � > ���CREEK R�S •� • � �p. g�� � h �• �,� - � �� •� � NAME 1� - - • -_ -f "� � _ Q�. e •y- �LLE RClii��_ � _��, —� _ rtli y •_� ; � ��, ...�. � `�� °a F�..e,�y d� �� thers � � y � 0 ti� Maba h� ._.... _�, .. � : Qe � / I� �� 0 A O • �• m� �� 158=• - --• - `� ._: � _�� � ?�� _ _ �., -'�• -_:•�_ 0��� � Linr; - _ .� ` �• •�,_�� , . _ . OLD FWTROCR RD SR-2011 � � 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 I Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 • � \\ • Z, m. �; �� <-:� - _ ...... �. Figure 3C. Community Context � DCIA � Map Grid Line R����� � °� � _ Parcel Lines $eCt1011 B Stream Forsyth - Guilford �;_ � WaterBody �'"� ,� US 158 Improvements Municipal Boundaries From north of Business 40/US 421 in '___�, County Boundaries Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �— Railroad o�' � "��y �� �� 5� ��� �CF p� � � ��P,' � , ��� I � • ��,_'� ° �� z W hr �I � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�;) Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility y ? �� 9Q � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial .�/V M� ��._ �__ � � • �_ � � — � _n_ e'�� • — � iiw• .. • -_ ----• � �a�. r _ � �11U ' - — �__� �_ `�� - � � �pl� � "4�� T r�� � -�i.d-a� W'�1��� �_.-_ • 4 ���� ��_- �� q,,r�����_�����f , �i�r����� �1�iiAl� .�' �'yie�,�bi�� r���������� k 'Fy.c �q� Rp .__ � .. � - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial a �, S<`' � . . . ��� . .. � � �. � � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial I � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � � _ �� � �����`� � _. l . �_ . ��� � _� , � __ !l�., • ��-�)�- � �j_ � _ - ��y • �j 5�sg M�����i,' CreeksideManor 1 - ��pSVILIE_� - �� , � � Residentia/ Care r� 158 1- - � � Facility ��_, A��O ` �� �, �� . � �� tiiT �� � FT�v,� r ZJ',p9 ��P,•`SqA 46.S ��c�,, 466 O,i J��: � 0,; 0 ,m � ���-... 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET �l/� �I ai � � Z�i \�O�/ —__ MILL SPRING <N • � C :O'r`%L � • �s _ -. � - _ �=- -��_ � ---- � � /n � -- �qN _. ��yRD Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; F\�,�9 Ii 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 `� ! Figure 3D. Community Context R-2577 Section B-C "'I � Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �; .� � zi � - -�� � I o � �' I � I I BLUE WqTERp I QSR.I96a I � I I � � COOK FqRM RD CO � � K FFlR` � I _ RD \sy o i �<UE _WATER CT_ �� w�I � %_ --�-.. �I � _ , ���E°% r n o� ������ ' Rrry�F6 • _ � nS �• j , t� �� �� �`O� ��� 1JR • !' � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility O � g; _ C.�' � � � �, . �,>,F•p \ 2 v 1 0 � Z , ` •` � `- S��R�NC-6 - --'• �� i lr I 1 � i� � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��� � -� — � :_.���� � ��-:.,> � ����� � a ��_ 0 I � I � �i � - � ° •f � — -- • - �. � � � - �- -� ~ -.l� - I II I I �'' I I � �I �I il a ` — 2 '��r-710N � \ i .'\ �0�0��0� �. - '� - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial - - —�_ _ ,.. .-� � T� �v�_ � `_ E -� — •�• -_ •-- - --__---•-�-_-_ �-• : ._ • �•-�o - � � I � W -:. ^�' .aJtC„.�f DR 2 W �2`— MG TR � a% � "�/ I � � � I`CGDS'(t`F,� `� � �� : • �";��� � i. �� � I . . �� ,• r� • _ / / 'o�� • . . j ��,-- �1 Stokesdale ,'�-� MEq� .•.-� �� NA�TS �j \ � PATRICE DR ��kF g �ijj� 1 � - . R�j �ZS .��, 2fo . 1 � ��'D : �S-� � � �KEL Y LEE DR � i m J'yQff ��5� / G3 / � z '�� � � � � �� � � ,, 158 �_ / '"�. I �.. �.` ` �`��„ ��'�\ � ` � , � R 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � A O A a % O y� c ; s ��� � A� � � � � _.; �: � • __ =1� ���� \/`_ .��r��Fo, �\ �� �r � � 1 �� , D I ��qc9 - \ � i�. . � . ��m � � I v �y ol D �0�1� �O "�� SOf' ,�SP 9J oi � �R ��'/ �?�F� "'I ��.�.i 09.G� `. �� JP � ,R4t,S �\\\ v Sj� �0 .. �- ��CKYLN J�,,J�,'�? �� I�D Stokesdale�Fire� sror,on �z GLO�� Pp . �5 �N � �\�P��. C,P� Stokesdale ,� Community Park �I r= eqV w��0 � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 - _ ooRSErr oowrvs O � C y Figure 3E. Community Context R-2577 Section C i`�'�, �� Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility ��' "� --� __— • � �m , _ � a , . � �Q�! Cl eR 4u32 � � �" H1 �:, q , ������� �5r z . ��� �_U �.�'i ' 2 . . � . �GQ �►i��P N (Z � �,� � �A � � � �`���� ��� s ,� , p3h 5;.. a ... '• "� , � �� i ¢5 ` , ¢ � .,; _zU - . 4�¢S ' Pc�RD. � %`!, � , ' E_ O�p` o � � i CR NC-6� '�� �' - . �� .� .,>�::h^,1G81qCk DR � -.. _ , -� . �� / V _ __ _ - - �. PURGASON LN �/ � ._.: , ' �� Stokesdale;Town Park at Martin Meadows ♦ - I\ �'' z' Sto'kesdale ,� � � � ■ `_�- _-_. . � � �_ �---�_- _ � CounCryside Village �� � � � Retirement Community � �+ 158 �� - � `�� � L `` = - . . . - •�� � � �' � � u' � � �� � � • P2 � m ��NSR JA�E CIR �� �'ya� oP o �SR� J�. ��,. ,..�Z�� . ���� ? � � �` • � � o � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial �' � 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial n � � � 1 �� � � - , � _, • _ . � • • • � ����, �� � � �� i qG B / ' qnyA �R �. ��� � � r,� 4dj . �Db �.. � � �; Z .` � a, � � 4 � � C1p.N CRFL�I- C. . S.rr b �...� SR.Z1 p8 i �� �1 � l • 9 �l O� PO ttt �� S �9�'�I��i'��I� � � �, �� �` � _' �'� � j� 0 c� _ � � �� � "' � � o O ° � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 4/3/2018 � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource 220 •�,� � --- � • :ion� �9—� 158 • `• zI� �°`�� �P/ o. \ ,��,/ � Qoa �: FLLISON Myp El �15� �1 • � • . . � � : E s s a t i� � � � y•� orl RUSH SPRINGS CT Summerf�irld �`. Appendix B: Tabular Demographic Data PAGE � B - 1 � v 00 � W N '•' � • � 111 1 1 1 1 1 Geography 2000 2010 Difference Percent Annualized 2015 Difference Percent Annualized 2000-2010 Change Growth Rate 2010-2015 Change Growth Rate CT 17, BG 1 989 824 -165 -16.68% -1.81% 691 -133 -19.25% -3.46% CT 17, BG 5 1,306 1,675 369 28.25% 2.52% 1,805 130 7.20% 1.51% CT 30.02, BG 2 1,344 1,336 -8 -0.60% -0.06% 1,175 -161 -13.70% -2.54% CT30.02,BG3 871 1,261 390 44.78% 3.77% 1,230 -31 -2.52% -0.50% CT 30.03, BG 1 1,162 1,484 322 27.71% 2.48% 1,209 -275 -22.75% -4.02% CT 30.03, BG 2 1,538 1,788 250 16.25% 1.52% 1,636 -152 -9.29% -1.76% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,527 1,911 384 25.15% 2.27% 1,478 -433 -29.30% -5.01% CT 31.03, BG 3 1,692 1,742 SO 2.96% 0.29% 2,202 460 20.89% 4.80% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,422 1,730 308 21.66% 1.98% 1,780 50 2.81% 0.57% CT31.06, BG 1 2,156 2,445 289 13.40% 1.27% 2,222 -223 -10.04% -1.89% CT 159.01, BG 1 2,121 3,070 949 44.74% 3.77% 3,244 174 5.36% 1.11% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,736 2,200 464 26.73% 2.40% 1,985 -215 -10.83% -2.04% DSA Aggregate 17,864 21,466 3,602 20.16% 1.85% 20,657 -809 -3.92% -0.77% Winston-Salem 185,776 229,617 43,841 23.60% 2.14% 236,642 7,025 3.06% 0.60% Walkertown 4,009 4,675 666 16.61% 1.55% 4,839 164 3.51% 0.69% Forsyth County 306,067 350,670 44,603 14.57% 1.37% 361,684 11,014 3.05% 0.62% Stokesdale 3,267 5,047 1,780 54.48% 4.45% 5,221 174 3.45% 0.68% Guilford County 421,048 488,406 67,358 16.00% 1.50% 506,763 18,357 3.62% 0.74% North Carolina 8,049,313 9,535,483 1,486,170 18.46% 1.71% 9,845,333 309,850 3.15% 0.64% Data Source (Block Group and County-Level DataJ: Minnesota Population Center. National *Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minesota Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (2011-2015), 2011. Census 2000/Census 2010 Time Series Tables Geographically Standardized Table 801003 "Total Population.„ Data Source (Place Data): US Census Bureau, Decennial Census 2000, Summary File 1, Table P001: "Total Population"and Decennial Census 2010, Summary 1, Table P1: "Total Population" n D • � American Native Total Black or African Some Other Two or More Geography White Indian & Alaska Asian Hawaiian/ Total Non-White Population American Race Races Native Alone Pac. Islander CT 17, BG 1 691 68 9.8% 571 82.6% 0 0.0% 18 2.6% 0 0.0% 13 1.9% 21 3.0% 623 90.2% CT17, BG5 1,805 630 34.9% 1,109 61.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 66 3.7% 1,175 65.1%a CT 30.02, BG 2 1,175 731 62.2% 412 35.1% 32 2.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 444 37.8% CT 30.02, BG 3 1,230 1,062 86.3% 124 10.1% 9 0.7% 12 1.0°/a 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 23 1.9% 168 13.7% CT 30.03, BG 1 1,209 925 76.5% 270 22.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 14 1.2% 284 23.5% CT 30.03, BG 2 1,636 1,355 82.8% 269 16.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0°/a 0 0.0°/a 0 0.0% 12 0.7% 281 17.2% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,478 1,359 91.9% 100 6.8% 0 0.0% 9 0.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 10 0.7% 119 8.1% CT 31.03, BG 3 2,202 2,044 92.8% 145 6.6°/a 0 0.0% 13 0.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%a 0 0.0% 158 7.2% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,780 1,599 89.8% 143 8.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0°/a 0 0.0% 9 0.5% 29 1.6% 181 10.2% CT 31.06, BG 1 2,222 2,009 90.4% 93 4.2% 0 0.0% 16 0.7°/a 0 0.0% 39 1.8% 65 2.9%a 213 9.6% CT 159.01, BG 1 3,244 2,803 86.4% 191 5.9°/a 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 178 5.5%a 71 2.2% 441 13.6% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,985 1,419 71.5% 161 8.1% 10 0.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 379 19.1% 16 0.8% 566 28.5% DSA 20,657 16,004 77.5% 3,588 17.4% 51 0.2% 69 0.3% 0 0.0% 618 3.0% 327 1.6% 4,653 22.5% Forsyth County 361,684 242,474 �67.0% 93,993 �26.0% 855 � 0.2% 7,439 �2.1°/a 403 � 0.1% 10,555 r2.9% 5,965 1.6°/a 119,210 �33.0% Guilford County 506,763 287,617 56.8% 169,138 33.4% 2,328 0.5% 22,445 4.4% 281 0.1% 13,986 2.8%a 10,968 2.2% 219,146 43.2% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015), Table 802001, "Race. " � v 00 N W W � N � J J T � � � < � _ � c � T O � 0 n D D � � m � a X W R-2577 FORSYTH-GUILFORD � CIA � Appendix B: Demographic Tables . � � . � � � . Geography Total Hispanic Not Hispanic Population # % # % CT 17, BG 1 691 63 9.1% 628 90.9% CT 17, BG 5 1,805 0 0.0% 1,805 100.0% CT 30.02, BG 2 1,175 0 0.0% 1,175 100.0% CT30.02, BG3 1,230 9 0.7% 1,221 99.3% CT30.03, BG 1 1,209 12 1.0% 1,197 99.0% CT 30.03, BG 2 1,636 44 2.7% 1,592 97.3% CT31.03, BG2 1,478 46 3.1% 1,432 96.9% CT31.03, BG3 2,202 60 2.7% 2,142 97.3% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,780 47 2.6% 1,733 97.4% CT31.06, BG 1 2,222 48 2.2% 2,174 97.8% CT 159.01, BG 1 3,244 306 9.4% 2,938 90.6% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,985 389 19.6% 1,596 80.4% DSA 20,657 1,024 5.0% 19,633 95.0% Forsyth County 361,684 44,745 12.4% 316,939 87.6% Guilford County 506,763 38,207 7.5% 468,556 92.5% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015), Table 803002, "Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race. " Page � B - 4 R-2577 FORSYTH-GUILFORD � CIA � Appendix B: Demographic Tables • ' ' • ' � • Total White, Non-Hispanic Minority Population* Geography Population # % # % CT 17, BG 1 691 18 2.6% 673 97.4% CT 17, BG 5 1,805 630 34.9% 1,175 65.1% CT30.02,BG2 1,175 731 62.2% 444 37.8% CT 30.02, BG 3 1,230 1,062 86.3% 168 13.7% CT30.03, BG 1 1,209 913 75.5% 296 24.5% CT 30.03, BG 2 1,636 1,311 80.1% 325 19.9% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,478 1,313 88.8% 165 11.2% CT31.03, BG3 2,202 1,984 90.1% 218 9.9% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,780 1,561 87.7% 219 12.3% CT 31.06, BG 1 2,222 2,000 90.0% 222 10.0% CT 159.01, BG 1 3,244 2,683 82.7% 561 17.3% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,985 1,409 71.0% 576 29.0% DSA 20,657 15,615 75.6% 5,042 24.4% Forsyth County 361,684 209,493 57.9% 152,191 42.1% Guilford County 506,763 265,781 52.4% 240,982 47.6% * Minority population includes all races that are non-white and Hispanic populations that are also White. Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey S-year Estimates (2011- 2015),Table 803002, "Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race. " Page � B - 5 R-2577 FORSYTH-GUILFORD � CIA � Appendix B: Demographic Tables . � . Total Near Poor: Between Very Poor: Under 50� Geography Population for Below Poverty Level 1009� -149% of Poverty Status of Poverty Level poverty Level Cl- 17, BG 1 691 226 32.7% 124 17.9% 226 32.7% CT 17, BG 5 1,805 87 4.8% 25 1.4% 277 15.3% CT 30.02, BG 2 1,175 105 8.9% 55 4.7% 37 3.1% CT30.02, BG 3 1,230 301 24.5% 72 5.9% 86 7.0% CT 30.03, BG 1 1,145 131 11.4% 103 9.0% 197 17.2% CT30.03,BG2 1,636 149 9.1% 58 3.5% 181 11.1% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,478 110 7.4% 15 1.0°/a 86 5.8% CT31.03, BG3 2,202 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 195 8.9% CT31.05, BG2 1,780 42 2.4% 0 0.0% 131 7.4% CT31.06, BG 1 2,216 69 3.1% 35 1.6% 85 3.8% CT159.01, BG 1 3,156 154 4.9% 99 3.1% 480 15.2% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,985 543 27.4% 39 2.0% 81 4.1% DSA 20,499 1,917 9.4% 625 3.0% 2,062 10.1% Forsyth County 351,667 69,100 19.6% 31,208 8.9% 37,790 10.7% Guilford County 492,038 86,808 17.6% 38,484 7.8% 53,813 10.9% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-yearEstimates (2011-2015),Table C17002, "Ratio of Income to Poverty Leve! in the Past 12 Months. „ Page � B - 6 � . . � . Total Adult Primary Language Group of Persons Who Speak English Less than Very Well Geography Population Spanish Other Indo-Euro Asian/Pacific Other (Over 17 Years) # % # % # % # % CT 17, BG 1 540 31 5.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 17, BG 5 1,392 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 30.02, BG 2 1,023 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0°/a CT 30.02, BG 3 928 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT30.03, BG 1 958 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 30.03, BG 2 1,262 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,119 46 4.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 31.03, BG 3 1,781 15 0.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,354 9 0.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 31.06, BG 1 1,857 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 159.01, BG 1 2,395 2 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,444 139 9.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% DSA Aggregate 16,053 242 1.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015),Table B16004, "Age by Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over. " � v 00 N W V � N � J I J 0 � � < � _ � c r T 0 � 0 n D D � � � � Q X W R-2577 FORSYTH-GUILFORD � CIA � Appendix B: Demographic Tables • • � ' • ' � • � � , • • Geography H+T Costs % Income CT 17, BG 1 43.00°/a CT 17, BG 5 63.40% CT 30.02, BG 2 55.54% CT 30.02, BG 3 60.69% CT 30.03, BG 1 58.21% CT 30.03, BG 2 � 55.25% � CT 31.03, BG 2 67.72% CT 31.03, BG 3 68.09% CT 31.05, BG 2 60.52% CT 31.06, BG 1 65.66% CT 159.01, BG 1 67.2°/a CT 159.01, BG 2 68.5% DSA Average 61.2 % Forsyth County 57.0% Guilford County 60.0°/a Data Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology H+T Index Map (http://htaindex.cnt.org/map/J (ACS 5-Vear Estimates (2011-2013]J '• �' • • � No Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2+ Vehicles Geography Total HH Available Available Available # % # % # % CT 17, BG 1 301 22 7.3% 155 51.5% 124 41.2% CT 17, BG 5 739 9 1.2% 155 21.0% 575 77.8% CT 30.02, BG 2 518 0 0.0% 186 35.9% 332 64.1% CT 30.02, BG 3 499 0 0.0% 78 15.6% 421 84.4% CT 30.03, BG 1 584 20 3.4% 259 44.3% 305 52.2% CT 30.03, BG 2 665 11 1.7% 197 29.6% 457 68.7°/a CT 31.03, BG 2 572 0 0.0% 114 19.9% 458 80.1% CT 31.03, BG 3 859 0 0.0% 230 26.8% 629 73.2% CT 31.05, BG 2 650 27 4.2% 110 16.9% 513 78.9% CT 31.06, BG 1 949 13 1.4% 146 15.4% 790 83.2% CT 159.01, BG 1 1,118 29 2.6% 182 16.3% 907 81.1% CT 159.01, BG 2 718 26 3.6% 118 16.4% 574 79.9% DSAAggregate 8,172 157 1.9% 1,930 23.6% 6,085 74.5% Forsyth Courlty 143,207 11,598 8.1% 49,923 34.9% 81,686 57.0% Guilford County 199,540 14,214 7.1% 73,168 36.7°/a 112,158 56.2% North Carolina 3,715,565 244,500 6.6% 1,216,772 32.7% 2,254,293 60.7% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015),Table 825044, "Tenure by VehiclesAvailable." Page � B - 8 � � • • � • ' � � Total *Total *MHHI *MHHI *MHHI *MHHI Weight Geography Population MHHI Householder Householder Householder Householder (for DSA for MHHI < 25 yrs 25-44 yrs 45-64 yrs > 65 yrs MHHI) CT 17, BG 1 0 0.00 CT 17, BG 5 1,805 $57,284 $0 $80,455 $45,100 $54,861 11.44 CT30.02, BG2 1,175 $46,250 $0 $41,327 $52,176 $36,771 7.45 CT30.02, BG3 1,230 $50,729 $0 $54,213 $70,938 $42,361 7.80 CT30.03, BG 1 1,209 $34,125 $0 $39,946 $31,161 $26,818 7.66 CT 30.03, BG 2 1,636 $57,951 $0 $58,796 $44,969 $53,056 10.37 CT 31.03, BG 2 1,478 $59,737 $0 $62,727 $72,054 $31,509 9.37 CT 31.03, BG 3 0 0.00 CT 31.05, BG 2 1,780 $63,942 $0 $78,056 $69,886 $56,765 11.28 CT 31.06, BG 1 2,222 $62,440 $0 $88,214 $62,857 $44,886 14.08 CT 159.01, BG 1 3,244 $69,375 $0 $102,031 $98,381 $25,000 20.56 CT 159.01, BG 2 0 0.00 *DSA 15,779 $58,439 $0 $73,743 $65,335 $40,687 Forsyth County 361,684 $45,471 $20,427 $45,432 $56,874 $38,008 Guilford County 506,763 $45,651 $19,383 $44,544 $58,673 $37,795 North Carolina 9,845,333 $46,868 $24,575 $50,479 $55,715 $35,696 *Median Household Income values for the DSA are a weighted average of the MHHI values for each Block Group, weighted based on the proportion of total (aggregateJ DSA population residing within each Block Group and calculated using the "Sum Product"function. Data Source: US Census eureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015) - Table 819049, "Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (In 2015 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) by Age of Householder" � N � J J T Q � � < � _ � c T � � 0 n D . � Total Population Civilian Labor Force Total Population Total Pop Armed Forces Geography Age 16+ In Labor Age 16+ Not in Age 16+ Total Employed Unemployed Labor Force Force Labor Force CT 17, BG 1 585 401 68.5% 401 323 80.5% 78 19.5% 0 0.0% 184 31.5% CT 17, BG 5 1,412 1,017 72.0% 979 872 89.1% 107 10.9% 38 3.7% 395 28.0% CT 30.02, BG 2 1,070 641 59.9% 641 610 95.2% 31 4.8% 0 0.0% 429 40.1% CT 30.02, BG 3 952 562 59.0% 562 544 96.8% 18 3.2% 0 0.0% 390 41.0% CT 30.03, BG 1 990 505 51.0% 505 476 94.3% 29 5.7% 0 0.0% 485 49.0% CT30.03,BG2 1,291 775 60.0% 775 709 91.5% 66 8.5% 0 0.0% 516 40.0% CT 31.03, BG 2 1,138 697 61.2% 697 620 89.0% 77 11.0% 0 0.0% 441 38.8% CT 31.03, BG 3 1,812 1,369 75.6% 1,369 1,282 93.6% 87 6.4% 0 0.0% 443 24.4% CT 31.05, BG 2 1,407 858 61.0% 858 794 92.5% 64 7.5% 0 0.0% 549 39.0% CT31.06, BG 1 1,878 1,263 67.3% 1,263 1,124 89.0% 139 11.0% 0 0.0% 615 32.7% CT 159.01, BG 1 2,468 1,74Z 70.6% 1,742 1,646 94.5% 96 5.5% 0 0.0% 726 29.4% CT 159.01, BG 2 1,464 953 65.1% 953 915 96.0% 38 4.0% 0 0.0% 511 34.9% DSA 16,467 10,783 65.5% 10,745 9,915 92.3% 830 7.7% 38 0.4% 5,684 34.5% Forsyth County 284,965 180,182 63.2% 179,860 162,790 90.5% 17,070 9.5% 322 0.2°/a 104,783 36.8% Guilford County 404,441 259,279 64.1% 258,863 236,140 91.2% 22,723 8.8% 416 0.2% 145,162 35.9% North Carolina 7,812,594 4,909,108 62.8% 4,826,193 4,372,773 90.6% 453,420 9.4% 82,915 1.7°/o 2,903,486 37.2% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015J - Table 823025, "Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over" � v 00 N W I--� O � N U1 J J O � � < � _ � c � T 0 � 0 n D D � � m � Q X W R-2577 FORSYTH-GUILFORD � CIA � Appendix B: Demographic Tables • ' ' � • •' Not in State of Not in County of Geography Total Residence Residence CT 17, BG 1 316 25 7.9% 4 1.3% CT 17, BG 5 893 346 38.7% 0 0.0% CT 30.02, BG 2 586 125 21.3% 0 0.0% CT30.02, BG3 528 129 24.4% 0 0.0% CT 30.03, BG 1 466 88 18.9% 0 0.0% CT 30.03, BG 2 674 184 27.3% 0 0.0% CT 31.03, BG 2 620 18Z 29.4°/a 10 1.6% CT31.03, BG3 1,282 463 36.1% 29 2.3% CT31.05, BG 2 776 290 37.4% 21 2.7% CT 31.06, BG 1 1,108 452 40.8%a 16 1.4% CT 159.01, BG 1 1,646 352 21.4% 0 0.0% CT 159.01, BG 2 915 184 20.1 % 0 0.0% DSA 9,810 2,820 28.7% 80 0.8% Forsyth County 160,181 30,912 19.3% 1,665 1.0% Guilford County 232,011 32,859 14.2% 2,792 1.2% North Carolina 4,361,591 109,968 2.5% 1,123,682 25.8% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015) - Table 808007, "Sex of Workers by Place of Work - State and County Level" Page � B - 11 • • � • • � Total Car, Truck or Van Public Geography Walk or Bike Other Commuters Total Alone Carpools Transportation CT 17, BG 1 316 293 92.7% 244 77.2% 49 15.5% 11 3.5% 0 0.0% 12 3.8% CT 17, BG 5 893 757 84.8% 702 78.6% 55 6.2% 0 0.0% 17 1.9% 7 0.8% CT30.02, BG2 586 560 95.6% 528 90.1% 32 5.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT30.02,BG3 528 528 100.0% 473 89.6% 55 10.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT30.03, BG 1 466 460 98.7% 451 96.8% 9 1.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT30.03, BG2 674 626 92.9% 575 85.3% 51 7.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT31.03, BG2 620 565 91.1% 490 79.0% 75 12.1% 0 0.0% 9 1.5% 0 0.0% CT31.03, BG3 1,282 1,182 92.2% 1,157 90.2% 25 2.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 16 1.2% CT31.05, BG2 776 688 88.7% 653 84.1% 35 4.5% 20 2.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% CT31.06, BG 1 1,108 1,047 94.5% 875 79.0% 172 15.5% 0 0.0% 16 1.4% 29 2.6% CT 159.01, BG 1 1,646 1,593 96.8% 1,551 94.2% 42 2.6% 0 0.0% 1 0.1% 9 0.5% CT 159.01, BG 2 915 865 94.5% 767 83.8% 98 10.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% DSA 9,810 9,164 93.4% g,466 86•3� 698 7•1� 31 0.3% 43 0.4% 73 0.7% Forsyth County 160,181 145,667 90.9% 133,598 83.4% 12,069 7.5% 1,966 1.2% 2,748 1.7% 1,782 1.1% Guilford County 232,011 211,408 91.1% 190,311 82.0% 21,097 9.1% 2,907 1.3% 4,036 1.7% 1,314 0.6% North Carolina 4,361,591 3,972,462 91.1% 3,537,155 81.1% 435,307 10.0% 48,600 1.1% 88,883 2.0% 35,057 0.8% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015) - Table B08301, "Means of Transportation to Work" � v 00 N W I--� N � N � J J 0 � � < � _ � c � 0 � 0 n D D � � � � Q X W • '� • •' Pop. for Commute < 15 Commute 15-30 Commute 30-45 Commute > 45 Geography Travel Time Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes CT 17, BG 1 316 120 38.0% 164 51.9% 28 8.9% 4 1.3 % CT 17, BG 5 781 297 38.0%a 296 37.9% 168 21.5% 20 2.6% CT 30.02, BG 2 560 138 24.6% 312 55.7% 58 10.4% 52 9.3% CT 30.02, BG 3 528 82 15.5% 219 41.5% 159 30.1% 68 12.9% CT 30.03, BG 1 460 97 21.1%a 290 63.0% 73 15.9% 0 0.0% CT 30.03, BG 2 626 105 16.8% 330 52.7% 188 30.0% 3 0.5% CT 31.03, BG 2 574 39 6.8% 289 50.3% 205 35.7% 41 7.1% CT31.03, BG3 1,198 198 16.5% 500 41.7% 424 35.4% 76 6.3% CT 31.05, BG 2 708 51 7.2% 347 49.0% 223 31.5% 87 12.3% CT31.06, BG 1 1,092 121 11.1% 334 30.6% 517 47.3% 120 11.0% CT 159.01, BG 1 1,603 200 12.5% 589 36.7% 599 37.4% 215 13.4% CT 159.01, BG 2 885 145 16.4% 246 27.8°/a 419 47.3% 75 8.5% DSA Aggregate 9,331 1,593 17.1% 3,916 42.0% 3,061 32.8% 761 8.2% Forsyth County 152,608 47,199 30.9% 72,083 47.2% 21,698 14.2% 11,628 7.6% Guilford County 220,368 67,474 30.6% 102,444 46.5% 35,173 16.0% 15,277 6.9% North Carolina 4,157,395 1,173,623 28.2% 1,673,507 40.3% 798,134 19.2% 512,131 12.3% Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015J,Table 808303, "Travel Time to Work„ � N U'1 J J 0 � � < � _ � c � T � � 0 n D • Geography Total Housing Total Occupied Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Median weight Units Home Value CT 17, BG 1 367 301 82.0% 76 25.2% 225 74.8% $63,400 4.01 CT 17, BG 5 767 739 96.3% 724 98.0% 15 2.0% $118,200 8.38 CT30.02, BG2 551 518 94.0% 429 82.8% 89 17.2% $134,700 6.02 CT30.02, BG3 558 499 89.4% 395 79.2% 104 20.8% $133,400 6.10 CT30.03, BG 1 645 584 90.5°/a 517 88.5% 67 11.5% $135,300 7.05 CT30.03,BG2 740 665 89.9% 458 68.9% 207 31.1% $133,900 8.09 CT31.03, BG 2 664 572 86.1% 466 81.5% 106 18.5% $200,000 7.26 CT31.03, BG3 911 859 94.3% 734 85.4% 125 14.6% $183,700 9.96 CT 31.05, BG 2 778 650 83.5 % 604 92.9 % 46 7.1% $143,100 8.50 CT31.06, BG 1 1,067 949 88.9% 884 93.2% 65 6.8% $172,400 11.66 CT 159.01, BG 1 1,223 1,118 91.4% 958 85.7% 160 14.3% $192,200 13.37 CT 159.01, BG 2 877 718 81.9% 570 79.4% 148 20.6% $143,900 9.59 DSA 9,148 8,172 89.3% 6,815 83.4% 1,357 16.6% $153,655 Forsyth County 159,748 143,207 89.6% 88,917 62.1% 54,290 37.9% $151,100 Guilford County 222,057 199,540 89.9% 118,976 59.6% 80,564 40.4% $156,100 *Median Home Value for the DSA is a weighted average of the Median Home Values for each Block Group, weighted based on the proportion of housing units in eahc block group relative to the total (aggregateJ number of housing units in the DSA and calculated using the "Sum Product"function. Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates (2011-2015J - Table 825003, "Tenure" & Table 825077, "Median Value (DollarsJ" � N � J J 0 � � < � _ � c � 0 � 0 n D D � � � � Q X W Appendix C: Local Government Interviews PAGE�C-1 NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Human Environment Section Local Planner Input Form STIP Project R-2577 Forsyth & Guilford County - Community Impact Assessment Contact Information Interviewee Name: Gary Roberts, Jr. AICP Title/Position: Project Planner Organization/Agency: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Planning Board Email: garyr@cityofws.org Interview Information/Instructions Date: 3/28/17 Phone Number: 336-747-0765 Completed Via: � Email ❑ Phone Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions by typing your answers in the space provided. Then save this file for your records and e-mail the new file back to the original sender. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of this form, please send all sheets to the address or email below: Martha Hodge, AICP Martha Hodge, AICP CALYX Engineers + Consultants CALYX Engineers + Consultants mhod�e@CALYXen�ineers.com 6750 Tryon Rd. (919) 858-1811 Cary, NC 27518 Project Information Legend R-2577 PROJECT CORRIDQR COMMUNITY IMPACT � STUDY AREA — STREAM � W.4TER &ODY (_I COUNTY BDUNDpRIES �� � � 'V r' � � ♦. (`�w�al�k�e+cowni�' �� � � � �.. � Winston-Salem �� �� ' ����a _ � � � r, Project Type: ❑ Bridge � Corridor NCDOT STIP No. R-2577 �Forsyth & GuilforcV Counties US 158 Irnprovements from north of I-40 Business in Winston-5alern to U5 22�D in Stokesdale --- -- STOKES CO. 5�. `AO�I{INGHAM CO. (�l � - - - FaRSYTH C0. I\ UILFORD GO.b� r.-, ----- - -- I - _': �� � i�� t, �: . . . ;'� � `' � �''s �' � � _ ~� f� , '�i i:r.. '` -' �R1�,�"�t'i`�r����'��`��� , _" ':��►� � NCDOT proposes to improve US 158 from north of US 421/ I-40 Business in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale for a total length of approximately 18.8 miles. The project is included in the NC Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project number R-2577 and proposes to widen the existing two-lane US 158 roadway to a multi-lane, median divided facility, including a new location section to bypass the existing US 158 alignment in Stokesdale. The R-2577 project is divided into three sections: A. Section A begins west of Old Greensboro Road (SR 2357) in Winston-Salem and extends to Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County. B. Section B begins at Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County and extends to Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale (Guilford County). C. Section C begins at Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale and extends to the junction of US 158 and US 220, including a new location bypass section of existing US 158. Right-of-way acquisition and construction for each of the three sections will occur independently. Environmental documents and permits for the project will include all three project sections. The current 2017-2027 DraftSTIP includes funding for Section A only, with initial right-of-way acquisition scheduled to begin in FY 2020 and construction in FY 2022. Sections B and C of the project are currently unfunded. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and level-of-service (LOS) along US 158. The project will improve existing and anticipated transportation deficiencies associated with the growth of new residential communities in northeast Guilford County and transitioning rural to suburban land uses along the corridor and its vicinity. For all applicable questions, please provide a detailed explanation of your response in Check if item is the field provided. applicable Growth and Development 1. Are there any known plans for development in the vicinity of the project? ❑ Nothing that I know of that is not already built. 2. Are there any adopted plans for growth or economic development that could directly affect or be affected by this project? Yes see this link to the Walkertown Area Plan and the Northeast Suburban Area Plans which � gives guidance for development in this general area: http://www.citVofws.or�/Departments/Plannin�/Area-Plans/Walkertown-Area http://www.citvofws.or�/Departments/Plannin�/Area-Plans/Northeast-Suburban 3. Are there plans to extend water/sewer lines or to build any new facilities, such as fire stations, schools, or other facilities, in the vicinity of the project? � None that I know of. 4. Are there any specific business and/or economic resources present in the project area, such as business parks, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, etc.? � None that I know of. Special Populations 5. Are you aware of any minority, low-income or limited English proficiency (LEP) populations/ communities in the vicinity of the project? If so, please provide the locations of these populations in the area. (If yes, proceed to Question 6. If no, skip to Question 7.] � None that I know of. 6. Are there specific community resources or services that are used by minority, low-income or LEP populations in the vicinity of the project? How is the project likely to affect minority and ❑ low-income populations? None that I know of. I do not know. 7. Are there any tribal groups connected with land, religious, ethnic or other special populations with different mobility needs or outreach needs in the project area? � None that I know of. 8. Who should we contact to discuss outreach needs for any special populations? Please provide input on community leader contacts, media sources or other ways to reach these � populations. I do not know. Access, Accessibility, and Mobility 9. Is there pedestrian or bicycle activity/traffic or transit use along the project? If so, please describe multimodal activity in the project area. The northern limits of WS bus route 94 runs along US158 terminating at Grover Street: � http://www.wstransit.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2017-Systems-Routes-Mtg- Map_edited-Final-with-Transfers-Mobile.pdf 10. Are there any existing access, accessibility, or mobility concerns or any barriers to non-auto travel in the area? Please consider all modes. � None that I know of. 11. Are there any adopted plans for pedestrian, greenway, bicycle, or transit facilities in the area? For each plan, please provide a description of how the plan applies to the project area, the title of the plan, its year of adoption, and the current status of its implementation. Please see this link for our Pedestrian Facilities Plan: � http://www.cityofws.or�/departments/transportation/plannin�/plans-and-studies/2007- pedestrian-facilities-maps http://www.citvofws.or�/Departments/Transportation/Plannin�/Plans-and- Studies/Comprehensive-Transportation-Plan Agricultural Operations 12. Are you aware of any active agricultural operations in the vicinity of the project? If so, please describe these operations (e.g. size, ownership, crops, years farmed, suppliers, ❑ customers, value to the community). (If yes, answer Question 12. If no, skip to Question 13.J None that I know of other that looking at current aerial images. 13. Are farm support services—such as farm suppliers, equipment dealers, processing and storage facilities, and farmer's markets—located in the vicinity of the project? If so, please describe these services (e.g. type, location). ❑ None that I know of. 14. Does the project lie within a VAD or EVAD district, or are you aware of any land with other farmland protections (plans, tax districts or credits, trust, agricultural zoning, deed restrictions)? If so, please describe the nature and location of these areas and properties. Yes there are some VAD districts that you can see on this link to the Forsyth County Tax � Departments GeoData. Click on the VAD tab under the Boundaries Map Layer: http://maps.co.forsyth.nc.us/forsvthis/ Other Notable Features 15. Are there any recreational properties within the project area that were purchased or improved with Land and Water Conservation Act funds? � I do not know. 16. Are there any other specific notable community resources or issues in the project area? (e.g. socio-economic resources, recreational resources, community safety concerns, cohesive neighborhoods, areas in decline) If so, please describe. � Belews Lake. Detours and Closures 17. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where road or bridge closure or reduction in number of lanes for construction would be of particular concern? � Possibly during the Spring and Fall Martinsville VA races. 18. (If applicable] Based on your knowledge of the project area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes, or the location of resources along these ❑ routes? Not that I know of. 19. Rate the overall impact on local planning objectives if the bridge or roadway were closed or at reduced capacity for up to a year: ❑ Positive Impact ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact � Moderate Impact ❑ High Impact Closing Questions 20. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? Yes as far as I can see from the above map. /1 21. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders)? � The Town of Walkertown, Town Manager Scott Snow at 336-595-4212. 22. Do you have any additional comments about this project? Question #19 is hard to answer especially in regard to what exactly "planning objectives" � means. There may be some areas of the project where sidewalks would be helpful. NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Environmental Analysis Unit Local Planner Input Form STIP Project R-2577 Forsyth & Guilford County - Community Impact Assessment Contact Information Interviewee Name: Oliver Bass Title/Position: Senior Planner Organization/Agency: Guilford Co Planning Email: obass@myguilford.com Date:12/5/17 Phone Number: 336-641-3578 Completed Via: � Email ❑ Phone Interview Information/Instructions Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions and return your completed form via email or mail to the following: Martha Hodge, AICP CALYX Engineers and Consultants 6750 Tryon Rd. Cary, NC 27518 mhod�e@CALYXen�ineers.com (919) 858-1811 Project Information Legend R-Z577 PROJECT CORRIDOR COMMl1NITY IMPACT � STUDY AREA - STREAM � WA3ER BODY ��I COUNTY BOUNDARIES Project Type: ❑ Bridge � Corridor NCDOT proposes to improve US 158 from north of US 421/ I-40 Business in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale for a total length of approximately 18.8 miles. The project is included in the NC Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project number R-2577 and proposes to widen the existing two-lane US 158 roadway to a multi-lane, median divided facility, including a new location section to bypass the existing US 158 alignment in Stokesdale. The R-2577 project is divided into three sections: A. Section A begins west of Old Greensboro Road (SR 2357) in Winston-Salem and extends to Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County. B. Section B begins at Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County and extends to Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale (Guilford County). C. Section C begins at Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale and extends to the junction of US 158 and US 220, including a new location bypass section of existing US 158. Right-of-way acquisition and construction for each of the three sections will occur independently. Environmental documentation and permitting for the project will consider all sections. Right-of-way and construction of Section A are programmed in the current adopted 2018-2027 STIP for 2020 and 2022. Section B is currently included in the Developmental Program with right-of-way beginning in 2024 and construction in 2026. Section C of the project is currently unfunded. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and level-of-service (LOS) along US 158. The project will improve existing and anticipated transportation deficiencies associated with the growth of new residential communities in northeast Guilford County and transitioning rural to suburban land uses along the corridor and its vicinity. Growth and Development 1. Are there any known plans for development in the vicinity of the project? The Town has received several minor and major subdivision applications in the project area. 2. Are there any adopted plans for growth or economic development that could directly affect or be affected by this project? The Stokesdale Land Use plan calls for low density residential in most of west towards Forsythe/Designated Town Core is economic center for town. 3. Are there plans to extend water/sewer lines or to build any new facilities, such as fire stations, schools, or other facilities, in the vicinity of the project? New subdivisions may require water line extension when approximate to existing water lines 4. Are there any specific business and/or economic resources present in the project area, such as business parks, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, etc.? The CBD area is located at Hwy 150/68 cross road. Some moderate commercial and industry developed in town core. Special Populations �/ �1 /1 // 5. Are you aware of any minority, low-income or limited English proficiency (LEP) populations/ communities in the vicinity of the project? If so, please provide the locations of these populations in the area. (If yes, proceed to Question 6. If no, skip to Question 7.] � Highly likely but it has not been quantified. 6. Are there specific community resources or services that are used by minority, low-income or LEP populations in the vicinity of the project? How is the project likely to affect minority and � low-income populations? Demographics of area means there are likely low-income/minority pop in area. Not quantified 7. Are there any tribal groups connected with land, religious, ethnic or other special populations with different mobility needs or outreach needs in the project area? � Likely but not quantified 8. Who should we contact to discuss outreach needs for any special populations? Please provide input on community leader contacts, media sources or other ways to reach these � populations. Northwest Observer is main newspaper serving that part of county. Access, Accessibility, and Mobility 9. Is there pedestrian or bicycle activity/traffic or transit use along the project? If so, please describe multimodal activity in the project area. No substantial activity. Transit is not available or limited. /1 10. Are there any existing access, accessibility, or mobility concerns or any barriers to non-auto travel in the area? Please consider all modes. � Much of area lacks sidewalks or protected bike lanes. 11. Are there any adopted plans for pedestrian, greenway, bicycle, or transit facilities in the area? For each plan, please provide a description of how the plan applies to the project � area, the title of the plan, its year of adoption, and the current status of its implementation. Greensboro Bike-Ped (2015) plan proposes future bike lanes in project area. Agricultura/ Operations 12. Are you aware of any active agricultural operations in the vicinity of the project? If so, please describe these operations (e.g. size, ownership, crops, years farmed, suppliers, ❑ customers, value to the community). (If yes, answer Question 12. If no, skip to Question 13.J 13. Are farm support services—such as farm suppliers, equipment dealers, processing and storage facilities, and farmer's markets—located in the vicinity of the project? If so, please describe these services (e.g. type, location). ❑ 14. Does the project lie within a VAD or EVAD district, or are you aware of any land with other farmland protections (plans, tax districts or credits, trust, agricultural zoning, deed restrictions)? If so, please describe the nature and location of these areas and properties. � VAD, Bona Fide Farms are in the area, mainly in west side of town. Other Notable Features 15. Are there any recreational properties within the project area that were purchased or improved with Land and Water Conservation Act funds? � No 16. Are there any other specific notable community resources or issues in the project area? (e.g. socio-economic resources, recreational resources, community safety concerns, cohesive neighborhoods, areas in decline) If so, please describe. � Traffic safety as expressed through past rezoning and other public hearings. Detours and Closures 17. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where road or bridge closure or reduction in number of lanes for construction would be of particular concern? � During peak-hour traffic. Major east/west corridor for eastern part of town. 18. �If applicable] Based on your knowledge of the project area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes, or the location of resources along these ❑ routes? Potential increase on Highway 68 as alternate route to Greensboro/High Point area. 19. Rate the overall impact on local planning objectives if the bridge or roadway were closed or at reduced capacity for up to a year: ❑ Positive Impact ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact ❑ Moderate Impact � High Impact Closing Questions 20. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? � Yes 21. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders)? � Kim Hemric, Town Administrator, 336-643-4011 22. Do you have any additional comments about this project? ❑ None NC Department of Transportation Community Studies Group, Environmental Analysis Unit Local Schools Input Form STIP Project R-2577 Forsyth & Guilford County - Community Impact Assessment Contact Information Interviewee Name: Beatrice Cheely Date: 12/12/2017 Title/Position: TIMS Coordinator Phone Number: 336-370-8085 Organization/Agency: Guilford County Schools Transportation Department Email: cheelyb@gcsnc.com Completed Via: � Email ❑ Phone Interview Information/Instructions Using the project information and map below, please respond to the following questions and return your completed form via email or mail to the following: Martha Hodge, AICP CALYX Engineers and Consultants 6750 Tryon Rd. Cary, NC 27518 mhod�e@CALYXen�ineers.com (919) 858-1811 Project Information Project Type: ❑ Bridge � Corridor Legend R-2577 PROJECT CORRIDOR GOMMUNITY IMPACT I �I STUDY AREA i — STREAM �� WA�ER BD�Y � I COUNTY BOUNDRRIES AICD�T �TIP Na R-2577 �orsyth & Guilford Counties U5 158 fmprouernsnts fram nortii of I-40 8usiness �n Winston-Salerra to US 220 in Stokesdale ----`- _ STOKE�CO. �L `Rp�KINGHAMCO. „ � � � Ft5R5YTH C0. ;�GUILFORD CO.. ' - --- r 1� �� � '� � � r. IR '� �w�+cown� � �� �. � Winston-Salem .�� +. ��, �'� � � � 4 I �Sum���1 �� �►�� � �fi.`�,� . r �� , � � ` �� � .�. I�' � 1.I� r,� . � � Greensboro �a � ` '� �.. I� � � 7 I Kernersville � f � 1Tita.r � � �� �� .: '� N NCDOT proposes to improve US 158 from north of US 421/ I-40 Business in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale for a total length of approximately 18.8 miles. The project is included in the NC Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project number R-2577 and proposes to widen the existing two-lane US 158 roadway to a multi- lane, median divided facility, including a new location section to bypass the existing US 158 alignment in Stokesdale. The R-2577 project is divided into three sections: A. Section A begins west of Old Greensboro Road (SR 2357) in Winston-Salem and extends to Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County. B. Section B begins at Old Belews Creek Road (SR 1965) in Forsyth County and extends to Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale (Guilford County). C. Section C begins at Anthony Road (SR 2034) in Stokesdale and extends to the junction of US 158 and US 220, including a new location bypass section of existing US 158. Right-of-way acquisition and construction for each of the three sections will occur independently. Environmental documentation and permitting for the project will consider all sections. Right-of-way and construction of Section A are programmed in the current adopted 2018-2027 STIP for 2020 and 2022. Section B is currently included in the Developmental Program with right-of-way beginning in 2024 and construction in 2026. Section C of the project is currently unfunded. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and level-of-service (LOS) along US 158. The project will improve existing and anticipated transportation deficiencies associated with the growth of new residential communities in northeast Guilford County and transitioning rural to suburban land uses along the corridor and its vicinity. 1. How many school buses (cross the bridge/pass through the corridor] per day (total # of daily buses, total # daily of trips)? We have 14 Buses making approximately 34 trips total through this corridor. 2. Is the corridor used by carpool traffic or pedestrians to access local schools? If yes, please describe the location and time(s) of day. N/A 3. (Applicable if schools are located in or near the project area] Are there any Safe Routes to School plans in place at schools in the vicinity of the project? N/A 4. Based on your knowledge of the project area, do you have any concerns with the condition/capacity of potential detour routes or the location of resources along these routes with respect to school traffic? The amount of traffic on this corridor will probably cause they most delays if there is a detour but with adequate notice, our school buses could be rerouted to accommodate the changes. 5. Are there any future time periods or events that you know of where bridge or road closure or reduction in number of lanes for construction would be of particular concern? N/A d ❑� ❑� v 0 6. Rate the overall impact on school transportation if the bridge or roadway were closed or at reduced capacity for up to a year: ❑ No Impact ❑ Low Impact 1/ Moderate Impact 7. Are road names referenced by the names locals would use? N/A ❑ High Impact ❑� 8. Is there anyone else you feel should be contacted regarding this project (i.e. local officials or stakeholders)? Curtis Stacey, Asst Director of Transportation or Beatrice Cheely, TIMS Coordinator, both at �/ Guilford County Schools Transportation Department, 131 Franklin Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27401, 336-370-8920 9. Are there any other concerns you have regarding the potential impact of this project on school transportation services or any additional comments? Please be as specific as possible. y If we are notified in advance of any road closings we can let our bus drivers know in time to make necessary adjustments. Appendix D: Mapping from Local Area Plans ForsythCounty .........................................................................................................D-2 � East-Northeast Area Plan Update (2016, Winston-Salem — Forsyth County Planning Board): Existing Land Use Map & Future Land Use Map � Walkertown Area Plan (2014, Winston-Salem — Forsyth County Planning Board): Existing Land Use Map & Future Land Use Map � Northeast Suburban Area Plan (2011, Winston-Salem — Forsyth County Planning Board): Existing Land Use Map & Future Land Use Map GuilfordCounty ........................................................................................................D-8 � Town of Stokesdale Future Land Use Update (2007, Guilford County) PAGE �D-1 ii iC� N W N ;- i ��� .: - � _ . � . �` � � � �� � �--- r I � A � -.�.F I ( {-}-� I V�N �I - x � Pl - � ' - 4 � _' _ i. � � F li� '� � � ` ��,- � � t �'� a . -4-�� -� ,,� _ f, �� . � � � i ` _ o o ?.9 �� _ ' �x - :;` ; �, - i� . � - .r � l?�< �L _ a_ '-I.� � Q m•:-I". �'Zc+ - ir' � .�' '' �._ ;'� ~'� '�I 5 � � � � . \ °�� G � i k -. �' vn ' - ', i � � ��5� � I . , . - y� ` � i i i �Q, ,� �'� x � � � `i '�: 4 � I , .- . u �� . �i . . ���. . � 1' �'. � r�ur �----_ � 0.� -, � - ,. - y � Ar � �. � �- ' � r r : 5� _ -e� - _ - I . , - �4�� - � - _ r�r �-� � =� - _ - �'' ��' �} � ._ �-' � - -� . _� � .--,� _o _, - ^ , t -.+- -- � - ' T-' I ' 1 � r.,`f , � 4 _ -'' " _ � _ - �.- �� � .��_ _ - - -i c - - r - - _ � .- �. _ . �r - � . 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Tr� i l� '� '�C�LJ f'r �'`_ � �} L.J fl� � I"'�` ' �� �tak�:�dal� T�wr� Linnit� �. Appendix E: Other Relevant Information 1) Greensboro Urban Area MPO Complete Streets Policy ..........................................E-2 2) Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO Complete Streets Policy ....................................E-6 3) NC Mountains-to-Sea Trail Segment 5: Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway ...................E-9 4) Winston-Salem Transit Authority Route 94 Brochure ...........................................E-13 5) The SECU Commons Fact Sheet ...............................................................................E-15 PAGE�E-1 +�r�eensbvro �r�an �r�+n �1 Complete Streets Policy 1. Policy Objective Complete Streets roadways are designed, constructed, and maintained to enable all users to safely and comfortably travel along and across the corridor. "All users" includes pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users, children, the elderly, and transit riders as well as motorized vehicles. The Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization establishes a complete streets policy to reflect its commitment to creating a well balanced multimodal transportation system, improving pedestrian and bicycle safery, and improving accessibiliry. This policy is important to realizing the vision statement of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Vision: "To develop and maintain a safe, efficient, and environmentally compatible transportation system that provides convenient choices for accessing destinations throughout the Greensboro 1�letropolitan Area and the Triad, including well-integrated, connected public transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle networks." Complete streets bring improved traffic safery and more desirable conditions for walking and bicycling. The benefits are many, including increased non-motorized trips, increased transit usage, supporting desirable land use patterns including pedestrian and transit oriented development, improvements to public health, and reduction in harmful air pollutant emissions. Complete streets result in improved quality of life, support increased property values, and enhance the economy and the potential for future economic growth. 2. Related Plans and Policies The MPO and its member jurisdictions have adopted a variety of policies, plans and standards that support Complete Streets elements. The MPO Complete Streets Policy links and extends these policies, plans, and standards which include but are not limited to: the voter approved Greensboro Transportation Bonds (2000 and 2008), Greensboro Walkabiliry Policy (2002); Ciry of Greensboro Sidewalk Ordinances (2003); Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan (2006); Greensboro Street Design Standards Manual (2008); 2030 LRTP, 2035 LRTP, 2035 LRTP Update, and 2040 MTP (2004, 2008, 2012, and 2015, respectively); Town of Oak Ridge Comprehensive Pedestrian Transportation Plan (2013); Town and County development ordinances, and the Town of Pleasant Garden Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (2015). 3. Applicabiliry As qualified below, the Complete Streets Policy applies to projects in the MPO area, including the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, or planning of roadways, trails, greenways, and other transportation facilities. This applies to projects with direct MPO involvement (those using federal and state funds) as well as locally funded projects undertaken by MPO member agencies. 4. Facility Inclusion and Policy Exceptions Complete Streets elements will be included in street construction, retrofit, and reconstruction projects except where that is not possible due to law, project scale, or other such factors as described below: Pedestrian facilities should be provided on all roadways expect freeways or access controlled facilities where pedestrians are prohibited. In urban and urbanizing areas sidewalks are recommended; in rural areas they may be paved shoulders. On street bicycling is allowed on all roadways except freeways and access controlled facilities. On street bicycle facilities including bicycle lanes and shared lane markings should be provided where they can be feasibly installed in consideration of roadway width, traffic, connectiviry/bicycling demand, and other factors. Planning for the transportation future LEAD PLANNING AGENCY: CITY OF GREENSBORO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. Box 3 I 36 GttEErvsgoRo, NORTH CAROLINA 27402-3 I 36 • 336 373-4368 • fax 336 412-6171 • www.guampo.org • The ability of all roadway users to reasonably and conveniently cross the facility should be a key consideration in roadway design and construction, including on grade separated freeway and controlled access faciliry crossings. • Complete Streets elements may be omitted from projects if the cost of establishing such accommodations is excessively disproportionate compared to the expected need or possible use. Context including nearby land uses, connectiviry to needed destinations, and current and latent pedestrian demand are key considerations. • Complete Streets elements should be factored into routine maintenance work. For example, some reconstruction and resurfacing requires curb ramp installation or replacement and/or sidewalk repair or replacement to xemove accessibiliry barriers. But complete streets should be a consideration even in routine, small scale work by taking care not to unnecessarily block or obstruct non-motorized travel paths, and to use appropriate signage and alternative facilities whexe warranted. 5. Design Guidance Effoxts must be made to accommodate all users. Facility design and construction should comply with applicable laws and regulations. Conte�t sensitive design principles should be considered and included where needed. The following design guidelines or their successors should be consulted: NCDOT guidelines and manuals, including the NCDOT Complete Streets Planning and Design Guidelines; Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibiliry Guidelines (ADAAG); American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) publications; Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG); and the Urban Bikeway Design Guide and Urban Street Design Guide by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). 6. Implementation & Next Steps Although the MPO and its jurisdictions have been hard at work for more than a decade to create transportauon networks that are accessible to all users, much remains to be done. Achieving Complete Streets is by definition an ongoing task, with many opportunities to learn from successes and failures and thereby irnprove results over time. To support active implementation and to enable refinement in approaches and strategies over time the following steps are recommended: � Establish a standing Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee as outlined in the BiPed Plan Update (2015). • Implement project and policy recommendations of the BiPed Plan for pedestrian, bicycle, greenways, and trails. • Continue to review future projects in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for applicability of this policy and review designs of facilities to ensure access for all users is provided along and across these facilities. • The MPO should elevate projects that effectively take into account all roadway users in the project selection and funcling process. • Individual communities should evaluate and modify this policy for adoption at the local level to ensure consistency throughout the MPO. 7. Evaluation Evaluation of outcomes is key to tracking complete streets progress or the lack thereo£ The MPO will continue and expand its data collection and evaluation efforts. The Greensboro Urban Area MPO collects data for the Congestion Management Program (CMP) and has begun utilizing automated traffic monitoring equipment to count non-motorized travelers. The MPO has also analyzed safety data from NCDOT on bicycle and pedestrian crashes to identify high-crash locations and other statistics that can help determine areas where better accommodations are needed for these users. Potential performance measures for this Complete Streets Policy include: pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorist crash rates; volume counts for vehicles, bus passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians; linear feet or miles of new or reconstructed sidewalks; number of new or reconstructed ADA accessible curb ramps; number of new or repainted crosswalks; number of new pedestrian signals and their locations; linear feet or miles of on-street Uicycle facilities; percentage completion of bicycle and pedestrian networks identified in the BiPed Plan Update; number of transit stops with shelters; percentage of transit stops accessible via sidewalks and ADA accessible curb ramps; user satisfaction surveys; increase in mode shares for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users; percentage of funds spent on bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities; level of service for transit, cyclists, and pedestrians; share of roads with design speeds in the safe range for pedestrians; and percentage of work completed in local bicycle and pedestrian plans. GUAMPO Complete Streets Policy, 11-10-15 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A COMPLETE STREETS POLICY FOR THE GREENSBORO URBAN AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION A motion was made by TAC Member Member Alan Branson being put to a vote was duly adopted. Cheryl McQueary and seconded by TAC for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon WHEREAS, the Greensboro Urban Area MPO is committed to improving transportation safety and accessibility, connecting residents and neighborhoods with needed destinations, and promoting healthy and active lifestyles through the provision of multiple transportation choices including non-motorized transportation options; and WHEREAS, Complete Streets are designed and constructed to accommodate all users safely and comfortably, regardless of age or ability; and WHEREAS, a Complete Streets Policy will help realize the vision of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, "to develop and maintain a safe, efficient, and environmentally compatible transportation system that provides convenient choices for accessing destinations throughout the Greensboro Metropolitan Area and the Triad, including well-integrated, connected public transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle networks"; and WHEREAS, Complete Streets elements will be applied in all street construction, retrofit, and reconstruction projects except in unusual or extraordinary circumstances; and WHEREAS, this policy builds upon existing policies, plans, and standards throughout the MPO area that promote access for all users, including the City of Greensboro Walkability Policy, the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Master Plan (BiPed), the Greensboro Street Design Standards Manual, the 2040 MTP, the Town of Oak Ridge Comprehensive Pedestrian Transportation Plan, the Town of Pleasant Garden Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, policy applies to all surface transportation projects in the Greensboro Urban Area MPO, including the new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, or planning of roadways, trails, greenways, and other transportation facilities, including those use federal and state funds as well as locally funded projects; and WHEREAS, the Greensboro Urban Area MPO will implement this policy through its involvement in project funding, development, and implementation for complete streets projects, and by encouraging member governments and the NCDOT to do the same and more in the form of maintenance, repair, and transportation system management responsibilities; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Greensboro Urban Area Transportation Advisory Committee, to adopt the MPO Complete Streets Policy on this, the l Oth day of November, 2015. November 10, 2015 Complete Streets Policy Resolution ***�**�*********�k******�**********��***t******��W**�*:k****�***�**�*****�*�**=K�* I, �Iarikav tlbuzuaiter , '1'r1C Altctnate Chai� , �a�aae of'Ce�ti�jr���� O�icin� (Ti1l� af Cer7�i�r� O�fiianl) do he�-eby ceiafy t��at the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the ininutes of a ineet�ng of the Greensboro Urban rlrea Tr1C dul�= held on this, the 1Q`" day of November, 2015. TAC Alt�nate Chair, Tiansportation Advisot�� Con�n�'tttee �k*�k�k** �k*�k�k��k*�k=k�k*�k****��k****�k�k�k�k�k�k*�k*�K***�k�k�k*�k*�k�k**=Y-##=K****'X•-kW*****�-k�k%k�Y=k�k*�k�� Subscribed and s�vorn to ine on this, the l Oth da}' of Novernber, 2Q15. -- -C��iDRE E. 6RQWN ; NOTARY PUBLIC � GU#LFOR� CQUNTY, NC hI}� corn�nissio�;,,����� NOi�II`�r �lll]ilC No`=ember 10, 2015 Coiiiplete 5t�eets Polic}' Resolution RESOLUTION ADOPTING A COMPLETE STREETS POLICY FOR THE WINSTON-SALEM URBAN AREA MPO A motion was made by TAC Member and seconded by TAC Member for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted. WHEREAS, NCDOT has adopted, and is now implementing, a complete streets policy at the state level; and WHEREAS, the Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO endeavors to build a transportation system that is multimodal and accommodates all roadway users; and WHEREAS, a complete streets policy adopted at the WSUAMPO level will ensure that all MPO projects take into account the needs of all roadway users; and WHEREAS, implementation of a complete streets policy will lay the foundation for future changes to WSUAMPO practices to encourage the funding, design, and construction of context-sensitive multimodal transportation corridors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Transportation Advisory Committee of the Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization adopts a complete streets policy. Adopted on this the 21 st day of March, 2013. Larry T. Williams, Chairman Transportation Advisory Committee Margaret C. Bessette, Secretary Transportation Advisory Committee Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO Complete Streets Policy Vision The Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO and its member communities continue to build livable communities in part by building a complete transportation network that serves all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles and riders, children, the elderly, people off all abilities, and motor vehicle operators. Our transportation network not only affects our ability to get from one place to another, it shapes our land uses, economic development, housing choices, air and water quality, health, and even our physical fitness. To that end, our community can encourage active transportation options by providing the facilities and support necessary to make those modes the easy, safe, and convenient choice for all residents. Commitment The Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO and its member communities shall scope, plan, design, fund, construct, operate, and maintain all MPO streets to provide a comprehensive and integrated network of facilities that are safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities traveling by foot, bicycle, automobile, public transportation, and commercial vehicle. MPO communities will incorporate these complete streets principles into municipal development plans, area plans, transportation plans, unified development ordinances, standards and specifications documents, and other plans, manuals, rules, regulations, and programs as appropriate based on the land use context, both current and future. These policies will also be applied to all new MPO projects, privately funded developments, and incrementally on existing streets through a series of small improvements and activities over time, as opportunities and funds allow. All sources of transportation funding should be drawn upon to implement complete streets principles within the MPO. Complete streets principles will be applied in all street construction, retrofit, and reconstruction projects except in unusual or extraordinary circumstances as detailed below. Even under the conditions outlined below, a project's impact will be evaluated for the effect it would have on the usefulness of the street for all users, now and in the future, and the ability to implement other adopted plans in the future. 1. Pedestrians and bicyclists are prohibited by law from using the facility. In this case, alternative facilities and accommodations shall be provided within the same transportation corridor, and the ability to reasonably and conveniently cross the facility will be part of the facility design and construction. 2. Where existing right-of-way does not allow for the accommodation of all users. In this case alternatives shall be explored, such as obtaining additional right-of-way, use of revised travel lane configurations, paved shoulders, signage, traffic calming, and education or enforcement to accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles and riders, and people of all abilities. The cost of establishing walkways or bikeways or other accommodations would be disproportionate to the need, particularly if alternative facilities are available within a reasonable walking and/or bicycling distance. 4. Where application of complete streets principles is unnecessary or inappropriate because it would be contrary to public safety and increase risk of injury or death. 5. The construction is not practically feasible or cost effective because of unreasonable adverse impacts on the environment or on neighboring land uses, including impact from right-of-way acquisition. 6. Where an agency is performing ordinary public works or utility maintenance activities, including, but not limited to: water, sewer and storm sewer main repairs; installation of new or removal of existing water or sewer service lines, installation or repair of fire hydrants, installation or repair of private utility fixtures. Implementation & Next Steps This complete streets policy represents the first step in the process of creating a fully accessible transportation network for all users in the Winston-Salem Urban Area MPO. The MPO and its member communities must take the necessary steps to achieve the complete streets goals stated above. 1. The MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittees are responsible for reviewing transportation projects and providing recommendations to staff engineers and consultants. 2. The MPO should adjust the funding selection process for all roadway projects to elevate those projects that take into account all roadway users. 3. Individual communities should evaluate and modify this policy for adoption at the local level to ensure consistency throughout the MPO. 4. The MPO should create or adapt a set of design guidelines for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities that member communities can use in the design and construction of projects. � �"`"r.�`'� MOl1i�TAfNS-to-S�A N�IiTH CARQLINA STATE TRAIL Mountai���-to-Se� State Trai/ LAROUNA VdRiLS �I _ "• �'' -�- _ � ��� � _ O _ �_ Designated Segments Q Great Smoky Mountains National Park � Southern Blue Ridge Q Central Blue Ridge � I�orthern Blue Ridge � Pilot Mtn. to Hanging Rock Q Greensboro Watershed Trails � Falls Lake 1 Neuse River � Outer Ba�nks � � � Q � �� � ,,, � � � _- _ — - � � � F' -- — I Q � — � — - -- ` — - - I i / T I ,�1 � l - _. � � ��� ,�` � � '���� � ,.- � � , � � ���" , I ( :_'_L I � � � ��- ''_ _-I�i � I�l _, ':.� ` . � _ - _ _ � 1Y+' � ._��� � �._ - F_..: � I. - -- -- � ,�i ,..1 � � � " � �� � si.Ri<e -F . . . '''�:" � i — �r'—� --:, j � � _ i � � � �' , �- �� L �� I � -�.�, � ���_ ��, � � � '�� � 1. �� � �' � '' �� E�, F ���� � � , � i . - _ � ,I `� -- __ - , -�_ � � �-r��,�� �� -�; f ' �_ � . ., , ; , ������_ `� L� i s�� '� , � �, ,�_;r -- � --- � �r� - - -� `,. . _ � ? Planning Segments � Cherokee xo Balsam Gap � 'Northeastern V1lilkes County � Yadkin River (SurrylYadkin County) � 5takes County � A&Y Greenway � Narthwest Forsyth County � Winston-Salem � Piedmont Creenway � Upper Haw River Q$ Haw RiverTrail � Southwest Orange County � �no River � Johnston County � Wayne Coun4y �j �enoir County � �lorthem Craven County � Southern Craven Coumty Q;' Cart�eret 1 Ocraco�ce �, ,m..,, � Figure 4. North Carolina Statewide Map of the Designated and Planning Segments for the MST Mountains-to-Sea State Trail Master Plan Page 12 Legend �— Designated MST — Constructed MST Planned MST Major Water Bodies State Parks Federal Lands Municipa� Boundaries Couniy Boundaries Tribal Lands SEGMENT 5: Atlantic and Yadkin Greenway Legend 14�ST' Status � C�unty Bound�ry Intersfate � � Constructed _ ��esignaYed Staie Park FJC f�oute �; #+ Plar�ned Route (114 mi. bufi�erA � Open 5pace — US Raute � � # � Adjacent Segment Segmen# Start and End Pain#s � Ir�stctutiQnal Major Hydro�raphy Mur�ici�,pal Bc�und'ary Pra�osed Trail � State Bound�ry � Other Trail Description � Mid-Term Long-Term From: Belews Lake (Forsyth County) To: Existing A&Y Greenwa�northern terminus (Greensboro Watershed Trails) This segment is the Atlantic &Yadkin Greenway extension from its northern terminus in Greensboro to the railroad trestle over Belews Lake, owned by Duke Power Company, near the Forsyth County line. Planning Strategies After partnering to conduct a feasibility study on the A&Y extension, the Greensboro Urban Area MPO, Guilford County and the Towns of Summerfield and Stokesdale are working together to finalize the alignment and move the trail forward. Further coordina- tion is needed with potential managers of adjoining segments. Opportunities The abandoned A&Y Railroad corridor from Stokesdale north to Belews Lake will ac- commodate that portion of the trail. Trail partners are actively coordinating to move forward this segment. Large Landholdings Stream/River Corridors Staff Resources Public Land Sidewallz/Bicycle Network Federal Property x Local Planning x Floodplain/Wetlands x Abandoned RR ROW Challenges The primary challenge is establishing easements across private property and crossing Belews Lake. Multiple planning corridors in this area makes coordination and efficient use of resources difficult. � Stream/River Crossings x Coordinating Easements s� Local Planning x Detailed Alignment � Urbanized Corridor Federal Property Major Roadway Crossing � Floodplain/Wetlands .�.�.q. MOtrINTAINS-to-SrEA NQRYH CARCSLINA Sl'A7� �RAIL Table 2. Prioritized Planning Segments Near-Term Planning Priorities 1- Cherokee to Balsam Gap 24 mi Great Smoky Mountains National Park Eastern Band of Cherokee Nation Lands 2- Northeast Wilkes 25 mi Stone Mountain State Park Surry County 5- Atlaatic & Yadkin Greenway 13 mi Belews Lake Greensboro Watershed Trails T- Winston-Salem 30 mi Northwest Forsyth County near Bethania Future Piedmont Greenway near Kernersville border 10 - Haw River Trail 35 mi Alamance County northwest border Orange County 11 - Southwest Orange County 19 mi Alamance County Hillsborough 12 - Eno River 26 mi Hillsborough (Occoneechee Mtn) Falls Lake/Neuse R.iver 14 - Wayne County 39 mi johnston County Lenoir County Mid-Term Planning Priorities 3- Yadkin River (Yadkin/Surry) 34 mi Wilkes County Pilot Mountain State Park 8- Piedmont Greenway 19 mi Winston-Salem City Limits Greensboro Watershed Trails 13 - Johnston County 52 mi Neuse River Greenway terminus in Clayton Wayne County 15 - Lenoir County 39 mi Wayne County Craven County 1T - Southern Craven County 36 mi Bridge Creek (South of New Bern) Carteret County Mountains-to-Sea State Trail Master Plan Page 43 � MOlINTACNS-td-S�A NORTH CAROLINA STA�6 7RAI�L Mountains-to-Sea State Trail Master Plan Page 44 MAP Legend �� Major bus stops are numbered and listed on the map. The bus leaves at each of the times listed below this symboL TIP: The number in the column matches the same number location on the map. � - �_ � All WSTA buses are lift equipped. � All WSTA buses are bicycle rack equipped. HOLIDAY SERVICE WSTA is closed on the following holidays: New Years Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Good Friday Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day WSTA SERVICE HOURS (vary by route) Monday : Friday: 5:00 AM to 11:30 PM Saturday : 6:00 AM to 11:30 PM Sunday : 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM Want to know how to reduce your wait time? Use NextBus! WSTA's realtime travel software program allows you to plan and track your trip on your mobile device, laptop or computer. � � - • I WSTA BUS FARES (Exact fare only) Adult Fares Design your trip your way by siging up to receive text alerts that will let you know when your bus is Cash headed to your bus stop . Want to know more about how to use NextBus? Contact us at: Transfers Phone: 336.727.2000 Website: www.wstransit.com WSTA bus stops have changed! Look for the green bus stop sign with information on routes you can cafch at your stop, and your stop number. Just in case you decide to visit NextBus to figure out the time your bus is arriving, your st"op number is on the bus stop sign. � � �� ��}�T - �T���"� ir1N��tl � ���" � ff ��3 �i� �� � �t��r�r����,���`r"i ���v:���:�t1�i7 W�TA 8�u� I�fo �3�.7��.��7� Next��s Inf� r�+d� # � � �^�T� - - - t�t_ # 0 $1.00 Free Rolling Monthly Pass $30.00 10-Ride Pass $10.00 Elderly-Disabled & Medicare Card Holders Cash Transfers Rolling Monthly Pass 10-Ride Pass $ .50 Free $15.00 $ 5.00 Children shorter than the farebox and accompanied by an adult ride free. * Senior Citizen or Medicare Card or WSTA Special Population Card required as ID for Elderly and Disabled passengers. Wherever life Takes You � Atkins High School Kensington Village Apts Petree Elementary School East Forsyth High School For more information call 336.727.2000 TTY NC Relay 1.800.735.8262 www.wstransit.com !N/NSTON-SALEM TRANS/TAUTHOR/TY Route 94 Ba„ B-2 �'� �� BUS STOP a; � � � � Monday - Friday • . . • . . . . . Transportation 5th Street & Old Greensboro Rd East Forsyth Center B-2 MLK Bivd & Mt. Vernon Ave High School 7 2 3 4 7:00 7:09 7:17 8:00 8:09 8:17 9:00 9:09 9:17 10:00 10:09 10:17 11:00 11:09 11:17 12:00 12:09 12:17 1:00 1:09 1:17 2:00 2:09 2:17 3:00 3:09 3:17 4:00 4:09 4:17 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25 Inbound to Transportation Center East Forsyth Old Greensboro Rd 5th Street & Transportation High Schoo� & Mt. Vernon Ave MLK Blvd Center B-2 4 � a 1 5:25 5:33 5:41 6:00 = 7:25 7:33 7:41 8:00 1:25 11:25 11:33 11:41 12:00 2:25 12:25 12:33 12:41 1:00 1:25 1:25 1:33 1:41 2:00 2:25 2:25 2:33 2:41 3:00 3:25 3:25 3:33 3:41 4:00 4:25 4:25 4:33 4:41 5:00 5:25 5:25 5:33 5:41 6:00 6:25 6:25 � Travels To TC Bav B-2 � Satu rday • • . • . . . . . Transportation 5th Street & Old Greensboro Rd East Forsyth Center B-2 MLK Bivd & Mt. Vernon Ave High School 1 2 � 4 8:00 8:09 8:17 8:25 9:00 9:09 9:17 9:25 10:00 10:09 10:17 10:25 11:00 11:09 11:17 11:25 12:00 12:09 12:17 12:25 1:00 1:09 1:17 1:25 2:00 2:09 2:17 2:25 3:00 3:09 3:17 3:25 4:00 4:09 4:17 4:25 5:00 5:09 5:17 5:25 6:00 6:09 6:17 6:25 7:00 7:09 7:17 7:25 8:00 8:09 8:17 8:25 9:00 9:09 9:17 9:25 10:00 10:09 10:17 10:25 11:00 11:09 11:17 11:25 Inbound to Transportation Center East Forsyth Old Greensboro Rd 5th Street & Transportation High School & Mt. Vernon Ave MLK Blvd Center B-2 4 � 2 '1 7:25 7:33 7:41 8:00 8:25 8:33 8:41 9:00 9:25 9:33 9:41 10:00 10:25 10:33 10:41 11:00 1 :33 11:41 12:00 12:25 12:33 12:41 1:00 1:25 1:33 1:41 2:00 2:25 2:33 2:41 3:00 3:25 3:33 3:41 4:00 4:25 4:33 4:41 5:00 5:33 5:41 6:00 6:25 6:33 �41 7:25 7:33 7:41 8:00 8:25 8:33 8:41 9:00 :25 9:33 9:41 10:00 10:25 10:33 10:41 11:00 11:25 11:33 11:41 To TC Bay B-� This route provides Saturday service until midnight. This route does not provide night service Monday through Friday. This route does not provide service on Sunday Print date: January 2017 The SECU Commons Fact Sheet What is the purpose of The SECU Commons? The SECU Commons proposes a new model for offering vulnerable populations the basic needs for: 1) daily living; 2) guidance toward healthy, productive lives; and 3) tools for self-sufficient futures. The SECU Commons will employ a strategy of offering education and supportive housing to help people achieve: 0o Permanent housing �o Employment or financial self-sufficiency 0o Becoming a net CONTRIBUTOR to community services rather than a net CONSUMER of community services Who will The SECU Commons serve? Three populations in Forsyth County have been identified as being at high risk of becoming homeless: 0o Homeless families with minor children (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County has over 160 families annually) �o Youth aging out of foster care (approximately 15 young adults in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County annually) co Self-sufficient autistic young adults, which studies indicate that almost 60% have never held a job two years after high school (500 adolescents and young adults, ages 15-24, in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County have ASD challenges) Many are eligible for short-term assistance, but there is no continuity from immediate "emergency" help to longer-term residence and life/employment training. The SECU Commons will fill a void by helping transition people in these three populations into permanent housing and self-sufficiency. Where is The SECU Commons located? The SECU Commons is located at 2351 Felicity Circle, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. This 16-acre campus off Old Greensboro Road is five minutes from downtown, accessed via Business 40, and served by existing bus routes. Four acres of the site are developed with 41,000 sq. ft. of existing space, including the following: oc 13 2-bedroom condominiums (1,200 sq. ft. each) 00 1 1-bedroom condominium (900 sq. ft.) co 1 4-bedroom condominium (2,400 sq. ft.) co A multi-purpose building with 20 bedrooms with private bathrooms o0 2 multi-bedroom stand alone houses How will The SECU Commons work? co A conference center with training rooms (4,800 sq. ft.) 0o A medical building with 9 private offices co An office building with 10 offices co A commercial kitchen 0o An occupational training workshop (1,800 sq. ft.) 0o Gardens and walking trails Property Operations—The NCHF will own, manage and maintain the campus. Resident Recruitment — Referral agencies will pre-quality residents. NCHF's on-site management team will meet with potential residents to: oc Identify services they qualify to receive 0o Investigate additional help they may need 0o Assist candidates in completing paperwork necessary to qualify for benefits co Prepare candidates for agency interviews to request benefits/services A project of the North Carolina Housing Foundation (NCHF). thesecucommons.org Once invited to live at The SECU Commons, NCHF on-site team will ensure each resident: 0o Fulfills supportive housing requirements 0o Attends executive function skill classes 0o Utilizes credit counseling services 0o Formulates initial education/career plans Programs and Services — A coalition of partner agencies — Goodwill, Youth In Transition, iCan House and the United Way — is planning and will deliver programming. Drawing on its long history of training success, Goodwill will provide programming leadership and coordinate services and programs provided by all participating non-profit organizations. How will The SECU Commons be sustained financially? Several key elements provide the structure by which The SECU Commons will remain financially self-sustaining. �o Property and facilities owned debt-free — Due to the success of its capital campaign The SECU Commons campus will be owned by the NCHF with no debt. �o Residential rent — Residents of The SECU Commons will pay modest rent, which will vary based on circumstances and the residence they occupy. 0o Resident business revenue — As part of their workforce training and preparation, various small businesses that leverage campus resources — commercial kitchen, workshop facilities, etc. — are planned. Revenue generated will revert to The SECU Commons. co Fundraising — An on-going development effort, managed by The SECU Commons and the NCHF will occur to ensure appropriate funding is maintained for program success. A project of the North Carolina Housing Foundation (NCHF). thesecucommons.org --� __�___-__-� � ` S ���E RD SR-1�'h '( �ENN/S RD SR�1943 /) � MAeERosR 1950 � � .� i�v �`�n„��P o �. �, 3 A � o g�i o- i �o M"�o � `� �� -0 F�� \ i � z � � �t � � �„!� m � f„+V �'� a•, �r �yAP = z (q,f � � � �-��� �'� ��o p0 �,�'� a LSS/ 10� �P ' U �1' ��'kET RD SQ' �� �,Ep R LN m FA v� � CLIFTON WOO -DR T � WIN iSi C ��//( 'G� � � BS � OAKIEV, CT 311 0 ��,�FFiE w ' i � �ff`ENJ- ��9 �-jN�``¢ I -_ �2 2ip CU `.,���FWCT � � ?� ,fl ' . :�-' .. 0 I> �'_�i " _ _ _- � � __Q. � � �.. I � O � �`,, _ _ . � F __ AVEN LN ___ S VP DR�\ V �5 Cj� H _-_ ,f ------------WfNb r--- `� � � - � - z� N �� . _ _-_- --__ J__ O` GR VE DR � �� R� c, I �� GILROCK_ �R� c �I p � _ � MIBECK RD SR- 425EPT � . � -_-rtr---C- � _-_- —9¢ _`_ 1� __ BERNICE �?' . .�L � L( � � P ml �� ..���\c�l���� PEC �ANDYW� P��.,�-7���0��,�.�o � i ..� �} 0 0. Z`GF��,y\ DEF \�p `_-_-_ ,�o �/� FAWNT;�ALL RGy '_-_-_-_- 0�I-_-_ �� � A_� �� - � � _____ ,..�_ 0 0 � p� � z � e� � R �z f � \ Z3 � Pv I y`. qT 048 y a - O �� �n � `-i� f �9a ye� ,PF. ,p .�_h �— �% �� � y xu 0,,, ? a K,� � �5,� I ,.rq i �,�, °,r. p �� �a \o � T� C 65 n f � yi�,y�� N�-6g � t� Ueleus � � � o ��sr � o ��� ��P � _ \� R �9P A �� ���.� � � `� �•O � P A � i� \ I�� BELEWS R N RD `t' C. Cieek ���M D � � Q� v o �2 ,`'o � � �� �1a0�°��� ^' MH GO �O � _ �_. ��Z S� � 6S �C> I q� �� a N A Wr`, � � __ O ODE R .�2 , - i 2 �i . ¢ i -�, ��m . lo., � � w Sv rn\ Gq�1 �o „ � .., Q 'v � � r. M��' � u ; R-21 SR. � FUMg ;� m� ij� � � A� � � Q M c�; . 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Z.. �� "9� 'la "z ° z G �,. p�Rp9 Q-�N I .O- .. �'. �, ! ,r.� �D 9 = a � o� o Pk" - ,�C,�� C'r .. a�PF,F' �� ! ... S,1"-�- �,G� '- HCNRI,CO DR I r p'..r � v . o��. � - - - � a m �c�ei o o ��O � �� �/ p p _ n' ��. .,� � � „ .9s ay < ( / � a i� � � o m" r�C� �44' �P� c9� 1� Q 1 n Q 1 S V � ���e �F,��_�z '' �� �Rq � �L ..�/ � � m.- .z�-SR--2377/� j� -_- --. CHEL�f m CHo'�o Q� �`oPF.F�� e .,.'w 1 y � � /S�NfS �-� R `�P b ~ pq. � 3I p,..R . Z a N EF a ... NsT�N � _ � i • P. BPMg� �N o� � o � ��'`, SP I IN i m o ���0 � . Q '-- , -O�; AM�RSLv..___-_. -- �._' F � .5�� � pva�� _a 15 �-� fk FR . �� � �" 7 Y, � � � �,� 2 .._...._ � � L O T � - Z a �-.-; �, . � �_ �- \ w, �� � � o �/ o t q 5 �� Sr '' �� a /. u� o o e- �o � � � o o�, �; � o N � 1, � 0�,. � '" � __:- � NEJ�o /,�a ..... �` EW ; �� ...... C, I iON ItIDGF ,,. O� �P\NB�RN�L �._- G' � SPY ST rw g1 ANE � "� % -\ �_ f�- P .y- C� - ��,� '<m ��9 F 25P'�� � ,ti J z HARM AEl S _ V '( i P �-� " H lN�� Y a s �-�i Figure 1. Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) R-2577 � DCIA � NEARBY STIP PROJECTS Forsyth - Guilford p R-2577A NORTHERN BELTWAY CORRIDOR ; ---� US 158 Improvements R-2577B �_ J COUNTY BOUNDARIES from North of Business 40/ R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 2 STREAM US 421 in Winston-Salem � R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 3 � WATER BODY to U S 2 2 0 in Sto kes da le . ��-�Wt, t�ti 3 _ 0 1 2 3 � �ti �,; 1 INCH = 1 MILE , ' � � � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; NC DEQ; US6S; CALVX � y9�Tfi ,,v��s r_�� �xn�°. Engrneers + Consultants. Map Date: 3/24/2018 - u ,8��-Y _��" �5 � ` _ � __.____'_�____—_ ____ O I'. " �_ — O � _—__—_____________'___ I �� �, � � , '+ v i '' � , � , .� ` � ,, � � � �� ��' -� - - , _ f�,- � ,f5 �; ; � ' � ti : , � � `,� �� 311 -,., ' � Walkertown ' - i , _ r,f_��<� - J-� / . \ CT 30.02, BG 3 , � � � �� — I CT 30.02, f ' � Winston- BG2 /—��' � � / Salem ---��, � � � � � !� % C � ; , :� , _ �, r � �--� — �t ,�r" � ��� ��7 � � � E � �S � a� � � {s 5 � ?. ?� 1 r�". `ti ``-.. � ) �� L: � � _� , � �. I^ � V, .f . I ._ ., "_ .�. � I � _ i � � � � 1 �, i A � i� �`�� _� �� _- i � CT 159.01, BG 2 ;' i � _ I _ - _I ' � ',, � , � s� � I \ � I � CT 31.06,_BG 1��� � i ; � 1 / � i` \ �; �— i ''� ; ;, , - i -, � i 'y 158 � � I � � � �, _ - �L , �� ; . ,, _� - � , �- - ' ��� ' � �� � � � /`���. �� , .i ' . �`- � CT 31 05,- '- � � - ��.� � � � S.t o_ k e s.d a I e� , �/$ � � _ I �, ' � CT 159.01, BG 1 , _1 BG 2` ' CT 31.03, BG 3 - I i �ss� � � L i �� f �i � —� I l.. , i � � � i� ` � � � - Oak Ridge -� - C" � � i - -- -- � ROCKINGHAM � ■ � � ■ ■ ■ ■ r '���UILtF.bRD � �� ����� � � _ J ( Summer,field � �:�� ' ,1 I_ , _ __ � ,-- , � � , . _ - . " - - __ ,'_ %�� --� �_ , � �:���� ;. , , _. _ - CT 31.03, �-7 — i � -i BG 2 , - \ - 5 � - i �-' ` _ - ��----- _ I _ __ ; r — q / i � M �� � � iI � - r , � a _ � ���./ N � � � � ( l � �. . , : � / �J . i I �� � .�� ��5}�� i��.— ��e � � � , � �. ��Q � � ;� ;: � ` -��J w'y� � �� ' Greensboro 1: ' - 1 � � `a V-6pp3' f -- � ' � i ' / �171 I o `Kernersville M ! � �, ' �. � � , 158 �! � 7 � I CT 17, �___ .��_ - j BG 1 - - - � - � � � � ���� � � ' ,��.-;, ,,y � %E� � � ss � I I �� � ` � •� �� � , ,,�' I --=�` - � j � � �--- � � I Figure 2. Demographic Study Area (DSA) R-2577 � DSA BOUNDARY i NEARBY STIP PROJECTS Forsyth - Guilford - R-2577 SECTION A NORTHERN BELTWAY CORRIDOR ; ---� US 158 Improvements R-2577 SECTION B �_ � COUNTY BOUNDARIES from North of Business 40/ R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 2 STREAM US 421 in Winston-Salem � R-2577C - ALTERNATIVE 3 � WATER BODY to US 220 in Stokesdale ��t �µisRlh i ap . 0 6,500 13,000 � F ��. 1 INCH = 6,500 FEET � �`� � �/ {�; Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; NCDEQ; US Census Bureau; � 'Fs�<< .,5�`� � —1cP USGS; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/24/2018 Figure 3A. Community Context � DCIA � Map Grid Line R����� � °� � _ Parcel Lines $eCt1011 A Stream Forsyth - Guilford �;_ � WaterBody �'"� ,� US 158 Improvements Municipal Boundaries From north of Business 40/US 421 in '___�, County Boundaries Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �— Railroad s-� .. �9� � �Winston Lake � oc.��'��as Golf Course o �a�� o�,�P\ �'o . 6`6�ooO�P . PQ�\�� �/OCF2 �`PSP� . Q � �� � � � l,F�� � � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility a� ` , � P����\' .��,p .. ..OP �'\(2 . aP e o /' s.92 ,`J�.. - �F�.- o �a� PF.��P O\P�y.O . O o� \`��' YV inston-Salem � ��. '�Q9 0JP ` � �F,S � � � , � � S,�P j�,� �' �,�`'�:� � �� � ,. ��� o �'s,r ���, RF;� P`Fr . . p�� � ��.r.s .2� �".�,�� ��3� 9 � �P �y ij- �9 `�I � 4<0 ��'�� �� � � ...:9 -' �..12 � ���� �99� C: s � ��,, . �s�� Peiree Foq�� Elementary ��4 School ��`" ���The � r .<-Yommons ���` N o����G � 158 N _ s�, ��p�k ti��G 9z qFF�SB . oq 2i On'o e FR<i�i,Faq _ _ - _ ` � - 5� " �o . .�.�T� ,�.�'� � � �' �,� ,� 9 x � �� ' � � ' ^'���11� ����� • , �, 'y .__ � � e � _- _:� _ -=� � o • �i - � _ �-=�- _ � � y � - � � � ���� -^"��' ������-��I � �r � �% �� �- ,��� �Q; � ; � . I�r�:��� o K � ,� , : � :,-�'q�� � . .'•YL "�'�'I .. �G,. :;4.� .:,. �Oa-' _ ,�� -� �OC�•, , � ... _; . � � ,�)�� �, . QO�C � BUCK CH�SE . . . ""�' �- ��� � . _R . x � � ^ o ��y �, " .Z, . � '� . �. Z � �� Q � yN�F� � .��. � � . � � -... _. _MYER LEE DR O� Frazier Creek Trail 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��F,, y ,�5\� 9(Ly � � 9�'�'� � �� e �6 d t ��'�7'�. . �.. • ����y2, `�4 DR�,�_� P�s�^ o�P�s:�` . � / 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEE an u� � � : � —� — - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial � • �\ • Middle Fork jElementary School � Business - Professional I . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � �AMELLIq �N S� R_�ELLIFl �N O �� • O r W a I k e r t o w n °°��P��``�� � �� . Y9 LF, Z l2 3a q9P .� ��. S�. ..2� � l`/S�'O L�j�o' `'P�O 2 r �� ���.OP � (0) � �. � �����' � �°�' City View Volunteer p� ; � ��P �``P ,�� Fire Deportment � � �p:y l 58_���� � -� � � � �� i I �'�� W ' �� � � I — .Se"1. _— �- n t3k A¢j,c3^ I' I rr , - Zt��tB:. IN {i H�F t5t�5X �? � .fYGjt,� � . ::1 'r1 / _ ��. � �� ... HCIRSE51a�F`a V ���� � , � U � �2 �-� � 5� ��T Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 �' Gospel Light Christian School � �• Figure 3B. Community Context R-2577 Section A-B Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale CHAR/ p �Q?,�. �'fl� � "FlB� z � ..,z P,� P` � MIRASOL CT �QP' � C�, L-C-� - ��PLO,-' PV���:. ROCKY 6�2\\ �. . �� cP 2384 �D �, , S�y, _ ROCKY BRPN�N _ � �NLEV wr y9�s ROCKY BRAN�H ��` � o�� �'��9 h� Q�; �,P L � CHRISTIPN CR �. h� w �� � � 9 PO.,�� P� � �' � , ��� , Walker,town -;� W6lkertown '�O Community Park e ` ti � � `, 6\ � � ,,, � �, ,: \� . � =•` ```" 158 _ -�.�._-�� .,.� � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad �� /� ��L `rT I 9Q � P� �C�P�� / �5�; <; O66G � r 1 2� �Q ,. � � ,, . - __-_� . I �P�� �Q'S�� ; �i � • ., i, \ �� /, J •yL. J ���,, o�' . �P PV�pS �P� O� crest ApartmentsR �dable Housing Co � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility IF IIZ �S ���_ WALLASEY RD_ 0 i I� I�� ,/ /� i `ti 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��� �1 O ��� �/ - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial � Business - Professional I . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � g, I �� � ��F i �. F� STEELH� j� ��.qZ a�5oo��y �� �SP� \�pK ��O \� �F',p NO NAME_ 1 RD F� I �P2 u y� � > ���CREEK R�S •� • � �p. g�� � h �• �,� - � �� •� � NAME 1� - - • -_ -f "� � _ Q�. e •y- �LLE RClii��_ � _��, —� _ rtli y •_� ; � ��, ...�. � `�� °a F�..e,�y d� �� thers � � y � 0 ti� Maba h� ._.... _�, .. � : Qe � / I� �� 0 A O • �• m� �� 158=• - --• - `� ._: � _�� � ?�� _ _ �., -'�• -_:•�_ 0��� � Linr; - _ .� ` �• •�,_�� , . _ . OLD FWTROCR RD SR-2011 � � 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 I Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 • � \\ • Z, m. �; �� <-:� - _ ...... �. Figure 3C. Community Context � DCIA � Map Grid Line R����� � °� � _ Parcel Lines $eCt1011 B Stream Forsyth - Guilford �;_ � WaterBody �'"� ,� US 158 Improvements Municipal Boundaries From north of Business 40/US 421 in '___�, County Boundaries Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �— Railroad o�' � "��y �� �� 5� ��� �CF p� � � ��P,' � , ��� I � • ��,_'� ° �� z W hr �I � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�;) Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility y ? �� 9Q � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial .�/V M� ��._ �__ � � • �_ � � — � _n_ e'�� • — � iiw• .. • -_ ----• � �a�. r _ � �11U ' - — �__� �_ `�� - � � �pl� � "4�� T r�� � -�i.d-a� W'�1��� �_.-_ • 4 ���� ��_- �� q,,r�����_�����f , �i�r����� �1�iiAl� .�' �'yie�,�bi�� r���������� k 'Fy.c �q� Rp .__ � .. � - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial a �, S<`' � . . . ��� . .. � � �. � � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial I � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � � _ �� � �����`� � _. l . �_ . ��� � _� , � __ !l�., • ��-�)�- � �j_ � _ - ��y • �j 5�sg M�����i,' CreeksideManor 1 - ��pSVILIE_� - �� , � � Residentia/ Care r� 158 1- - � � Facility ��_, A��O ` �� �, �� . � �� tiiT �� � FT�v,� r ZJ',p9 ��P,•`SqA 46.S ��c�,, 466 O,i J��: � 0,; 0 ,m � ���-... 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET �l/� �I ai � � Z�i \�O�/ —__ MILL SPRING <N • � C :O'r`%L � • �s _ -. � - _ �=- -��_ � ---- � � /n � -- �qN _. ��yRD Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; F\�,�9 Ii 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 `� ! Figure 3D. Community Context R-2577 Section B-C "'I � Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale �; .� � zi � - -�� � I o � �' I � I I BLUE WqTERp I QSR.I96a I � I I � � COOK FqRM RD CO � � K FFlR` � I _ RD \sy o i �<UE _WATER CT_ �� w�I � %_ --�-.. �I � _ , ���E°% r n o� ������ ' Rrry�F6 • _ � nS �• j , t� �� �� �`O� ��� 1JR • !' � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility O � g; _ C.�' � � � �, . �,>,F•p \ 2 v 1 0 � Z , ` •` � `- S��R�NC-6 - --'• �� i lr I 1 � i� � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial ��� � -� — � :_.���� � ��-:.,> � ����� � a ��_ 0 I � I � �i � - � ° •f � — -- • - �. � � � - �- -� ~ -.l� - I II I I �'' I I � �I �I il a ` — 2 '��r-710N � \ i .'\ �0�0��0� �. - '� - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial - - —�_ _ ,.. .-� � T� �v�_ � `_ E -� — •�• -_ •-- - --__---•-�-_-_ �-• : ._ • �•-�o - � � I � W -:. ^�' .aJtC„.�f DR 2 W �2`— MG TR � a% � "�/ I � � � I`CGDS'(t`F,� `� � �� : • �";��� � i. �� � I . . �� ,• r� • _ / / 'o�� • . . j ��,-- �1 Stokesdale ,'�-� MEq� .•.-� �� NA�TS �j \ � PATRICE DR ��kF g �ijj� 1 � - . R�j �ZS .��, 2fo . 1 � ��'D : �S-� � � �KEL Y LEE DR � i m J'yQff ��5� / G3 / � z '�� � � � � �� � � ,, 158 �_ / '"�. I �.. �.` ` �`��„ ��'�\ � ` � , � R 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � A O A a % O y� c ; s ��� � A� � � � � _.; �: � • __ =1� ���� \/`_ .��r��Fo, �\ �� �r � � 1 �� , D I ��qc9 - \ � i�. . � . ��m � � I v �y ol D �0�1� �O "�� SOf' ,�SP 9J oi � �R ��'/ �?�F� "'I ��.�.i 09.G� `. �� JP � ,R4t,S �\\\ v Sj� �0 .. �- ��CKYLN J�,,J�,'�? �� I�D Stokesdale�Fire� sror,on �z GLO�� Pp . �5 �N � �\�P��. C,P� Stokesdale ,� Community Park �I r= eqV w��0 � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 - _ ooRSErr oowrvs O � C y Figure 3E. Community Context R-2577 Section C i`�'�, �� Forsyth - Guilford �;_ US 158 Improvements �y9FL'"` ""''� From north of Business 40/US 421 in Winston-Salem to US 220 in Stokesdale � DCIA � Map Grid Line Parcel Lines Strea m � Water Body Municipal Boundaries ' ___I, County Boundaries �— Railroad � Nearby TIP Project (;�'�.;� Northern Beltway Right-of-Way � Future Northern Beltway Corridor ---- Slope Stakes Line Slope Stakes + 40-Foot Buffer Winston-Salem Transit Route 94 �0 Locally Proposed Pedestrian Facility �—� Locally Proposed Bicycle Facility _,� �— --_ __— • � �,� � _ � a _ ; � �a�.� c]' ee.�u�� G �� ! ` ,���,��, � z � �q � � � � � - `� �r - � � ��� � �� � � � � � �''�'o �►i��a � � �s � �,� � �A � � �►���' �� . • s � � � ' p3h 5;.. a � � �� i ¢5 ` , ¢ � ,.,; _zU . 4�gS ' Pc�RD. � %`!,� � E_ O�p` o � � i CR NC-6� '�� �' - . �� .� .,>�::h^,1G81qCk DR � -.. _ , -� . �� / V _ __ _ - - �. PURGASON LN �/ � . _.: '' ' �� Stokesdale;Town Park � at Martin Meadows ♦ - I\ �'' z' Sto'kesdale ,� � � � ■ `_�- _-_. . � � �_ �---�_- _ � CounCryside Village �� � � � Retirement Community � �+ 158 �� - � `�� � L `` = - . . . - •�� � � �' � ��� � u' � � . q2 � m ��NSR JA�E CIR �� �'ya� oP o �SR� J�. ��,. ,..�Z�� . ���� ? � � �` • � � o � � 0000o Proposed Greenway/Multi-Use Path �=0 Mountains-to-Sea Trail Route Public Park Duke Power Land Holdings Local Plan = Future Activity Center � Residential Neighborhood �/ Recent Development - Residential - Recent Development - Commercial �' � 0 1,200 Z,400 3,600 1 INCH = 1,200 FEET - Active Farm Operation � Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) � Farmland Preservation Trust Property � School V� Cemetery � Church I�I Bus Stop � Business - Commercial n � � � 1 �� � � - , � _, • _ . � • • • _ � L���, ��` � � � / � i qGq� B / A �R�_ ��� � � r . F4�!'- ... V- 4�b �T � 1 �; Z � a, � � 4 � � C1p.N CRFL�I- C. . S.rr b �...� SR.Z1 p8 i �� \1 � ` • 9 �l O� PO ttt �� S �9�'�I��f'��I� � � �, �� �' � _' �'� � j� 0 c� _ � � �� � "' � � o O ° � Map Data Sources: NCDOT, NC OneMap; USGS; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County; 6uilford County; NC DEQ; CALYX Engineers and Consultants. Map Date: 3/27/2018 � Business - Professional . Business - Industrial � Child Care Facility � Pet Care Facility Q Gas Station t�D Emergency Management Resource � Other Community Resource � • :ion� �9—� 158 • `• zI� �°`�� �P/ o. \ ,��,/ � Qoa �: FLLISON Myp El �15� �1 • � • . . � � i E s s a t i� � � � s" orl RUSH SPRINGS CT Summerf�ield �`.