HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_Draft Permit_20181030 STATE 0, ROY COOPER �' ' ^• Governor Y7 otdpvi:i MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary •* •,' ria war LINDA CULPEPPER NORTH CAROLINA Interim Director Environmental Quality October 30, 2018 Mr. Paul Draovitch, Senior Vice President EHB&S Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Mail Code: EC 13K P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Subject: Draft NPDES Permit Renewal Permit NC0003417 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Wayne County Dear Mr. Draovitch: Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the Draft NPDES permit renewal for your facility. Please review this draft carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the requirements and conditions it contains. There are several changes from the draft permit transmitted on January 21, 2017 including the following: • Outfalls for seeps and the special condition addressing the discharge from seepage were eliminated. Seeps will be addresses through Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S18-006. • The Effluent and Monitoring Requirements for Phase III for Outfall 001 were modified to reflect changes in wastewaters to be discharged. Phase III will consist of treated groundwater discharge. • Effluent and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 001 (decanting and dewatering) were modified to add monitoring for chromium, lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and TDS. • Added a footnote to outfall 002 and 002A to allow the facility to discontinue sampling under unsafe conditions. • Removed monitoring and limits for BOD and fecal coliform from outfall 002 as the wastewater treatment system for domestic wastewaters is no longer in operation. Footnotes addressing domestic wastewater and the special condition addressing Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant requirements were removed from the draft permit. • Outfall 004 was added to the permit for the discharge of treated wastewater from the proposed coal ash beneficiation facility. • Instream sampling special condition was modified to require monthly sampling. • Clean Water Act 316(b) special condition was modified to require the submittal of materials required by the 316(b) rule by 3.5 years from the issuance of the , permit and to add language stating that the Division determined that operating rft.:7-P-1-15M) North Catet Department of Elwirarattextlal Quality 1 Division of Water Resources S7Z North Salisbury Street 16DMall Sereke Center I RdAt. gh,North Carolina 27699,7611 919707,3601 and maintaining the existing closed-cycle recirculating system meets the requirements for an interim BTA. • A footnote was added for the decanting and dewatering effluent pages that requires the facility to discontinue the discharge if pollutant levels reach 85% of the allowable levels and to report the event to the Division. • Ash Pond Working Capacity Special Condition was removed as is no longer applicable. Concurrent with this notification the Division is publishing a notice in a newspaper having circulation in the general Wayne County area, soliciting public comments on this draft permit. Please provide any written comments you may have to the following: NCDEQ/DWR, NPDES Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 no later than 30 days after receipt of this draft permit. Following the 30-day public comment period, the Division will review all pertinent comments and take appropriate action prior to issuing a final permit. If you have questions concerning this draft permit, please call me at (919) 807-6387or by email at Teresa.rodriguez@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, GJf liC Teresa Rodnguez, Engineer NPDES Complex Permitting Unit Hardcopy: NPDES Files Ecopy: US EPA Region 4 DWR/Wastewater Operator Certification/Maureen Kinney DWR/Aquatic Toxicology Branch/Susan Meadows DWR/Washington Regional Office /Water Quality DWR/Washington Regional Office / Public Water Supply Page 2 of 2 Permit NC0003417 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY . DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ' PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM ,Ipt 4%,./,t-, In compliance with the provision of North Carolina Gel*raeStatute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and ado 9y theAorth Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Watelollution Obritrol Act, as amended, Duke Energk:Progress, LLC,'"414,,, '''.4P,- is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater froma facility/located at \-. ,Nz. / 'V H.F:\'1nergy'Ciiniplex , , , , ...._ 1199 Vack"Jaelc Church,Road - -\ Golciabbro,Ngith Carolina x. ,. A ..;! Wayne u6upty,,, A;/ 4,`l',7,7'\ 'Ct'.:14' /410i,t , to receiving waters deal.gnated4S-the Neuse R.,i/yeTn theVuse River Basin x(, ,,,„ in accordance with effluelitlimitations, monidsring requirements, and other applicable t,: „, _ ,, conditions set forth, in PartCh„II(arizetirWhereof e'-', / ,, , -\.. „ *,,,,..,.,, ep-h, -,,,,,i;,::,,, The permit shalltbecome effeetl4Ve XXXX, 20XX. This permit and thef.authorizat4;ohl to discharge shall expire at midnight on XXXX , 20X.X. Signed this day '''41p,),9,0(X, ;'," 20XX. Linda Culpepper, Acting Director Division of Water Resources - By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission ' , Page 1 of 27 • , Permit NC000341 7 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Duke Energy Progress, LLC. is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to discharge the following treated waste :epagms from the H. F. Lee Energy Complex located at 1199 Black Jack Church Rq = ,, Gold oro, Wayne County: • Outfall 001 -Active Ash Basin - 2.16 M .D 44 No process wastewaters are dischargs0o Outfall 001. o Ash Pond Decant, Phase I ✓°;a o Ash Pond Dewatering and Groundwater E traction, Phasu , o Ash Pond Groundwater�Extraction Phase.`' 3 • Outfall 002 and 002A - Coolin Pbnd'4= Nto,Flow Lirrut The facility uses an„„existing 545'&re cloy� .��t�ycle cooling pond with baffled dikes to . treat recirculating466Wr.ser cool g,and 6 agerwater:e; / ,. � % i� ' � >,.. o Recirculated condeuser coolingy`' gf, F ' ', �MG�D) o Lee Combed Cycle'fPlant Site(Iester (�369stewaters: o Cooling t wer blovydown fromte Wet Surface Air Cooler and the combined cy ery t""m Gen ator (HRSG), ; V4 ne , ounty,,''Combustionikl.r15 d1'e Site wastewaters from the sump lift Wayne CdnWy Combustion Reverse osmosis reject wastewaters from the -water treatme,�t plant and RO cleaning wastewaters o ilter plant wastewaters° o Low '?iume Wastewvaters o Stormiyater from d4' s and Combustion Turbine Site secondary containment and fuel ` rwar /44 drain .s ding�area o Equipm nt4 '"'' e a21$%oritainment drains and wash waters o Miscellaneouswastewaters as described in the application o Coal pile runoff(ceased) o Outfall 002A- additional outfall to be used only during severe weather or required maintenance No metal cleaning wastes shall be discharged to Outfall 002 or Outfall 002A. • Outfall 003 - Lee Combined Cycle Plant Site Wastewaters (Optional)- No Flow Limit o Lee Combined Cycle Plant Site wastewaters: o Cooling tower blowdown from the Wet Surface Air Cooler and the combined cycle Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), Page 2 of 27 Permit NC0003417 o Wayne County Combustion Turbine Site wastewaters from the sump lift station, o Wayne County Combustion Reverse osmosis reject wastewaters from the water treatment plant and RO cleaning wastewaters o Filter plant wastewaters o Equipment and containment drains and wash waters No metal cleaning wastes shall be discharged to Outfall 003. • Outfall 004 - Coal Ash Beneficiation Plant- No Flow Limit The facility shall treat wastewater discharged from the beneficiation plant in a retention pond and an oil/water separator. Beneficiation Plant wastewaters: o Truck wash water o Dust suppression water o Stormwater '` / „. The effluent from the Coal Ash Beneficiation Plant can be\discharged to the Neuse River via Outfall 004 or to the Cooling Pond (Outfall 002). °, 2. Discharge from said treatment`works or seeps''via Outfalls 001, Outfalls 002 and 002A, Outfall 003 and Outfall 00,,-into the Neuse River, a Class WS-IV; NSW water in the Neuse River Basin, at the'locations specified onthe attached map. \• � \ t \\l / t ti f l• Page 3 of 27 Permit NC000341 7 Part I A.(1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Phase I-Ash Pond Decant- Outfall 001) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until commencement of dewatering, or expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge effluent from Outfall 001 (decanting the free water above the settled ash layer that does not involve mechanical disturbance of the ash). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored) by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow, MGD 2.16 / (/Daily Pump Logs Effluent or estimate pH3 6.0 <_ pH s 9.0 / 7\2\t,Month Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids4 30.0 mg/L 100.0 mgt/ 2/Month Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 15.0 mg/L 20;0`mg/L 2/Monih Grab Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen ( Monthl\\ Grab Effluent (TKN), mg/L Total Nitrogen (TN), mg/L \ N„,TN = (NO2 + NO3) + TKN '•., /'''Monthly `Calculated Effluent Monitor* Report (lbs/month) /Monthly Calculated TN Load 5N. Effluent Monitor`86Report_(1bs/year)'a, '''. Annually Calculated Total Phosphorus, mg/L , , `� '\ Monthly Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicityb '�, `, *',` Monthly Grab Effluent Turbidity7, NTU '\ ',, \ _ ' , '_-,,. Monthly Grab Effluent Total Hardness, mg/L,< , - _� [CaCO3 or (Ca+ Mg)] t `'-,Monthly Grab Effluent Total Arsenic, µg/L `, ; `l+ Weekly Grab Effluent Total Mercury$;;-ng//L,, '�K,‘.';'-,Z _ '' , \ \ Weekly Grab Effluent Total Selenium,-µg/L„ ''',, ''ti„ ; -,., '''`--..„, \ Weekly Grab Effluent Total Chromium, µg/L `�. N ` --,,,,,,$) Monthly Grab Effluent \�.` w\�� Monthly Grab Effluent Total Lead;44/,1, Total Cadmium,,µg/L �\: \-4i;-i Monthly Grab Effluent Total Copper, gel, . Monthly Grab Effluent Total Zinc, µg/L \ 1 Monthly Grab Effluent TDS, mg/L `� N- // ,I Monthly Grab Effluent Nitrate/nitrite as N, mg/L\ / / Monthly Grab Effluent ,/ Notes: 1. The permittee shall submit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (25.). 2. Effluent sampling shall be conducted at the discharge from the ash settling pond prior to mixing with any other waste stream. 3. The facility shall continuously monitor pH when the decanting process commences and the decanting pump shall be shutoff automatically when 15 minutes running average pH falls below 6.1 standard units or rises above 8.9 standard units. Pumping will be allowed to continue after the pH issue has been resolved or if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. 4. The facility shall continuously monitor TSS concentration when the decanting process commences and the pump shall be shutoff automatically when the one half of the Daily Page 4 of 27 Permit NC0003417 Maximum limit (15 minutes average) is exceeded. Pumping will be allowed to continue after the TSS issue has been resolved or if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. Continuous TSS monitoring is only required when the pumps are employed. 5. See Special Condition A. (12.) Total Nitrogen Calculations 6. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) at 1.3%;Monthly; see Special Condition A (9). 7. The discharge from this facility shall not cause turbidity in the receiving stream to exceed 50 NTU. If the instream turbidity exceeds 50 NTU due to natural background conditions, the discharge cannot cause turbidity to increase in the receiving stream. Therefore, if the effluent measurement exceeds 50 NTU, the Permittee shall sample upstream and downstream turbidity in the receiving waterbody, within 24 hours, to demonstrate the existing turbidity level in the receiving waterbody was not increased. All data shall be reported on the DMRs. (See 15A NCAC 2B .0211 (21)). NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. 8. The facility shall use EPA method 1631E. 17> b. When the facility commences the ash pond/ponds decanting/dewatering, the facility shall treat the wastewater discharged from the ash pond/using"physical-chemical treatment, if necessary, to assure state Water Quality Standards,are not contravened in the receiving stream. Duke Energy shall notify DWR NPDESSPermitting and'DWR Washington Regional Office, in writing, within seven calendar days,of installing additional physical-chemical treatment at this Outfall. `;. c. The facility is allowed to drawdown the wastewater in the ash pond`to'no less than three feet above the ash. //72) \\\ d. The rate for lowering the liquid level in:a coal ash pond shall not exceed one (1) foot per day unless a higher rate is supported-to the satisfaction``'of DEMLR and in accordance with NCAC, Title 15A, Subchapter 2K. \ e. The facility shall use a"floating pump station with free water'skimmed from the basin surface using an adjustableoiveir. r f. The limits and conditions in Section A. (2.) of�the permit apply when water in the ash settling basin is lowered below the three feet trigger mark. g. The facility shall notify DWRAPDES*Permitting Unit and DWR Washington Regional Office, in writing,seven cale`ndar\days prior to the commencement of the dewatering. h. If any one of these pollutants (As,..Se,and Hg) reaches 85% of the allowable level during decanting/;dewatering, the facility shall immediately discontinue discharge from the decanting/dewatering operations and`report the event to the Washington Regional Office and Complex NPDES Permitting Branch via telephone and e-mail. There shall be no discharge.,:ofr floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This facility is currently classified as "non-nutrient bearing". Page 5 of 27 Permit NC0003417 A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Phase II-Ash Pond Dewatering and Groundwater Extraction- Outfall 001) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period beginning on the commencement date of the dewatering operation and lasting until completion of dewatering or expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated effluent from Outfall 001 (ash pond dewatering or ash pond dewatering and groundwater extraction from remediation wells). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored) by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum , Frequency Type Location Flow 2.16 MGD ^ Weekly Pump Logs Effluent .. �, or estimate pH3 6.0 s pH <_ 9.0 (' a, \°W.,eekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids4 30.0 mg/L 100.0'mg/L 'W\eekly Grab Effluent Oil and Grease 15.0 mg/L 20.0 mg/L Weekly,, Grab Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen ( < \ \. (TKN), mg/L ` Monthly\ `* Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen (TN), mg/L N , Monthly °Calculated Effluent TN = (NO2 + NO3) + TKN e .., \ ) TN Loads Monitor,& Report (lbs/month) / Monthly Calculated ,. Effluent Monitor`8s Repor't'(lbs/yearf'„:- \Annually Calculated Total Phosphorus, mg/L \ ~` '', ,, 'Monthly Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity6 -ati` 'NS,, Monthly Grab Effluent Turbidity7, NTU ` , \ / /`l' `--.,-, Weekly Grab Effluent Total Hardness, mg/L `� e ' , `) Grab [CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)] \ \,, '\ \ \, Weekly Effluent ( Total Arsenic, µg/L ``,,)2,329,5 Fµpg/1„, 21°994µg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Mercury$; ng/L,„, ''sa :,„<,-,----=,,,::*?),,,, " ,` \ Weekly Grab Effluent Total Selenium,µg/L Ny �. Weekly Grab Effluent Total Chromium, µg/L ` ��\ �\ \ ,. Weekly Grab Effluent Total Lead;,µg/L ., Weekly Grab Effluent Total Cadmium;µg/L ,'`' ,= Weekly Grab Effluent Total Copper, µg/.L \, \ . ,, Weekly Grab Effluent Total Zinc, µg/L \ \ ,1 Weekly Grab Effluent TDS, mg/L \ \ / / Weekly Grab Effluent •Nitrate/nitrite as N, mg/L,` ° , / Weekly Grab Effluent Notes: 1. The permittee shall submit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (25.). 2. Effluent sampling shall be conducted at the discharge from the ash settling pond prior to mixing with any other waste stream. 3. The facility shall continuously monitor pH when the dewatering process commences and the dewatering pump shall be shutoff automatically when 15 minutes running average pH falls below 6.1 standard units or rises above 8.9 standard units. Pumping will be allowed to continue after the pH issue has been resolved or if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. 4. The facility shall continuously monitor TSS concentration when the dewatering process commences and the dewatering pump shall be shutoff automatically when the one half of the Daily Maximum limit (15 minutes average) is exceeded. Pumping will be allowed to continue after Page 6 of 27 Permit NC0003417 the TSS issue has been resolved or if interruption might result in a dam failure or damage. Continuous TSS monitoring is only required when the pumps are employed. 5. See Special Condition A. (12.) Total Nitrogen Calculations 6. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) at 1.3%; Monthly; see Special Condition A (9). 7. The discharge from this facility shall not cause turbidity in the receiving stream to exceed 50 NTU. If the instream turbidity exceeds 50 NTU due to natural background conditions, the discharge cannot cause turbidity to increase in the receiving stream. Therefore, if the effluent measurement exceeds 50 NTU, the Permittee shall sample upstream and downstream turbidity in the receiving waterbody, within 24 hours, to demonstrate the existing turbidity level in the receiving waterbody was not increased. All data shall be reported on the DMRs. (See 15A NCAC 2B .0211 (21)). NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit 8. The facility shall use EPA method 1631E. b. The rate for lowering the liquid level in a coal ash pond.shall not exceed one (1) foot per day unless a higher rate is supported to the satisf tion of DEMLR and in accordance with NCAC, Title 15A, Subchapter 2K. /` �/ � c. The facility shall use a floating pump station with free wate r.:skimmed from the basin surface using an adjustable weir. 7 / moi. d. When the facility commences'the ash p nd/ponds decanting/dewatering, the facility shall treat the wastewater discharged from the ash,pond using physical-chemical treatment, if necessary, to assure state Water Quality Standards-are/not contravened.in the receiving stream. Duke Energy shall notify DWR NPDES Permitting and DWR Washington Regional Office, in writing, within seven calendar days of installing additional physical-chemical treatment at this Outfall. \A-N. e. If any one of these pollutants (As, Seeand Hg) reaches 85%,,,of the allowable levels during decanting/dewatering, the,facility shall immediately discontinue discharge from the decanting/dewatering operations and report`the event to the Washington Regional Office and Complex NPDES`Permitting Branch via telephone and e-mail. There shall be no discharge of floating solids=or visible foam in other than trace amounts. / There shall be no discharge,of'•polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This facility is-currently classifiedNas "non-nutrient bearing". Page 7 of 27 Permit NC0003417 A. (3.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Phase III - Groundwater Extraction - Outfall 001) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period when ash pond dewatering has finished and beginning on the commencement date of the groundwater remediation discharge and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated effluent from Outfall 001 (consisting of groundwater extraction from remediation wells). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location � Flow 1.8 MGD Pump Logs Weekly Effluent A,',.•,: ::N, or estimate pH 6.0 <_ pH s 9.0 1q . 42/ Month Grab Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen / '�,, ``w. (TKN), mg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen (TN), mg/L (1\ I/ '''; TN = (NO2 + NO3) + TKN Monthlyy Calculated Effluent s Monitor& Report (lbs`/.month) ,'Monthly `` Calculated TN Load / > Effluent Monitor,, Report (lbs%yea),/•.. Annually Calculated• Total Phosphorus, mg/L ; Monthly Composite Effluent Chronic Toxicita y`,c,,,::,,,,,,... `, Monthly Composite Effluent Turbidity5, NTU ���, �„,,_ '"j'ionthly Grab Effluent Total Hardness, mg/L ,,, --�-b. N-„ox .-,,, „i z�, �` "* ra Monthly Composite Effluent [CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)] / ° A ;���„y o../ Total Arsenic, µg/L / \\/-'/ �'`..,- Monthly Composite Effluent Total Cadmium, µg/L \ '1 \ \- 7 Monthly Composite Effluent Total Copper, µg/L \ , ) i_ a Monthly Composite Effluent Total Lead, µg/Lf% %'>.,,_ : ' o - '~ , , ' , , ''',, Monthly Composite Effluent Total Mercury;ng/L<., `� \ (\., '” ''',• Monthly Grab Effluent Total Barium, mg/L `,.w`. >\ \ .; ''-,/ Monthly Composite Effluent Total Selenium jig/L \/.:',a \. �. Monthly Composite Effluent Nitrate/nitrite” 'yN, mg/L ''',2,,, N„, ,$ '4 ;;;., Monthly Composite Effluent Notes: \ 'v ` t 1. The permittee shallssubmit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. PleasezSee Special Condition A. (25.). 2. Effluent sampling shall"be;conducted at the discharge from the Wastewater Treatment System prior to mixing with any other waste stream. 3. See Special Condition A. (12.) Total Nitrogen Calculations 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) at 1.0 %; Monthly; see Special Condition A (9). 5. The net turbidity shall not exceed 50 NTU using a grab sample and measured by the difference between the effluent turbidity and the background turbidity. The sample for the background turbidity shall be taken at point in the receiving waterbody upstream of the discharge location, and the background turbidity and the effluent turbidity samples shall be taken within the same 24 hour period. NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. 6. The facility shall use EPA method 1631E. b. When groundwater extraction and remediation treatment commences, Duke Energy shall sample and submit EPA Form 2C for Outfall 001 as soon as practicable, but no later than Page 8 of 27 Permit NC0003417 180 days from the commencement of groundwater remediation discharges through Outfall 001. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. A. (4) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (COOLING POND - OUTFALL 002) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 ET SEQ., 02B .0500 ET SEQ.] • a. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated effluent from Outfall 002 (consisting primarily of recirculated condenser cooling water, low volume wastes, sanitary wastewaters, cooling tower blowdown, combustion turbine site wastewaters, reverse osmosis reject wastewaters, filter plant • wastewaters, storm water, coal pile runoff(ceased) and e/luipinent wash waters). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the permittee as specified below: Z?"" EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow, MGD2 Each Event ..;{ mp Outfall Structure Logs w Temperature3 32.0°C; Each,Event Grabs. Outfall Structure • Total Suspended Solids 30.0 m /l>'. 50.0 mg/LN `Each Event Grab-: Outfall Structure Oil and Grease 15.0 mgv L,y;: -:2;0.0 mg/L \Each Event Grab Outfall Structure pH 6.0 si s'9-;0 Each'hEvent Grab Outfall Structure Total Residual Chlorine4 Z12,8.0 µg/L Each,Event Grab Outfall Structure Free Available Chlorine,' _200'µg/L \500 µgJ�L' Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Fluoride, mg/Lh\ ` Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Hardness, mg/L ' w Mg)] Each Event Grab Outfall Structure [CaCOsor (Ca + � .,• Total Arsenic gg/L, • �'"w `. Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Chromium `s 200:µg/L 200 E10L' Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Zincc� " `` 11000 �pg/L\ 1000 . L Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Lead, ig/L›, `°; \ Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Mercurys,`'ng/L Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Molybdenum,\pg/L 13,734'µg/L 13,734 µg/L Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Acute Episodic Toxicity b . , 1 See A. (10.) Grab Outfall Structure The 126 Priority Pollutants (40 CFR Part 423, Appendix A) No Detectable Amount Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Exclusive of Zinc and Chromium? Notes: 1. The permittee shall submit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See Special Condition A. (25.). 2. This discharge is permitted only in the following cases: a) caused by extreme rainfall; b) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life, severe property damage, or damage to the cooling pond structure; or c) for necessary maintenance activities. In the event that a discharge occurs, the permittee shall inform the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) and the Neuse River Water and Sewer Authority (252-522-2567) by telephone as soon as possible, but in no case later than Page 9 of 27 Permit NC0003417 48 hours after the discharge occurs. The permittee shall also provide the following information, in writing, to the Division within 10 days of the discharge: a) a description and cause of the discharge; b) the duration of the discharge, including time and dates, anticipated time the discharge is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, prevent, and eliminate reoccurrence of the discharge. The permittee shall-take all reasonable steps necessary to minimize any adverse impact to navigable waters resulting from the discharge, including such monitoring as necessary to determine the environmental impact of the discharge. 3. As a result of this discharge, the temperature of the receiving water shall not be increased by more than 2.8°C above ambient water temperature and in no case exceed 32°C. 4. Monitoring requirement for total residual chlorine applies only when chlorine is added to the recirculating condenser cooling or process water discharged to the pond. Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chorine may be discharged from any single generating unit for more than two hours per day, unless the Permittee demonstrates to"the Division that discharge for more than two hours is required for macroinvertebrate control. The 500 µg/L is a daily maximum limitation and is to be measured during the chlorine release period. The 200 µg/L limitation is an average during the chlorine release peri602 Monitoring is required only when chlorine is added to the cooling water system. \\„ 5. The facility shall use EPA method 1631E. 6. Acute Episodic Toxicity (Fathead Minnow 24-hr); LC50; see Special,Condition A. (10). 7. These limitations and monitoring requireme to s apply if these substances are added by the Permittee for cooling tower maintenance. There(shall be no detectable‘amounts of the 126 priority pollutants (40 CFR 423 Appendix A) contained in chemicals added'for cooling tower except for total chromium and total zinc. Compliance withth� limitations'for the 126 priority pollutants in 40 CFR Section 423.13(d)(1) may be determined by engineering\caalculations which demonstrate that the regulated pollutantaare not detectable in the final discharge by the analytical methods in 40 CFR Part 1136` b. The permittee shall obtain authorization of Water Resources prior to using any biocide in the cooling water;,see condition A. (16) c. In accordance with 15A NCAC.*.0505 (c)(4), sampling may be discontinued when flow conditions or extreme weather conditions`could result in injury or death of the person(s) collecting samples. In such cases,on each day'Nthat sampling is discontinued, written justification-for the discontinuance shall be specified in the monitoring report for the month inwhich theevent`fcurred There shall°be'no discharge ofpolychloriiated biphenyls (PCBs). There shall be n`o%di'scharge of metal.cle ing =wastes. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. j,;4,7F Page 10 of 27 Permit NC000341 7 A. (5.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Cooling Pond - Outfall 002A) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated effluent from Outfall 002A only during severe weather events or required maintenance (this wastewater primarily consists of recirculated condenser cooling water, low volume wastes, treated sanitary wastewaters, cooling tower blowdown, combustion turbine site wastewaters, reverse osmosis reject wastewaters, filter plant wastewaters, storm water, and equipment wash waters). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location / < Flow, MGD2 / Each-Event Pump Outfall Structure Logs Temperature3 32.0 °C.. r Eacli Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 50.0/mg/�( Each Event`'., Grab Outfall Structure Oil and Grease 15.0 mg/L 200 mg/L Each Event\ ,Grab Outfall Structure pH 6.0 <_ pH <_ 9:0, `:. Each Event \Grab Outfall Structure Total Residual Chlorine4 28.0 µg/\L` .X Each/Event Grab, Outfall Structure Free Available Chlorine4 200 µg%L 500 µg/L\ Each Event Grab' Outfall Structure Fluoride, mg/L ti \Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Hardness, mg/L a. [CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)] Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Arsenic µg/L, / w ", ,/� Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Chromium t ,/ 200 µg`/,L 200 pg/IiEach Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Zinc 1000 µg%lL 100`0µg/L Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Lead, pg/L_,,,,, • `„_ / \ Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Mercufys, ng/L ``. 7 �` . \ N Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Total Molybdenum, µg/'L, ,,13,734*µg/L 13;734'µg/1 Each Event Grab Outfall Structure Acute Episodic Toxicity6 See A. (10.) Grab Outfall Structure Notes: ' 1. The permittee`shall submit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please See;Special Condition A. (25.). 2. This discharge is permitted only in the following cases: a) caused by extreme rainfall; b) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life, severe property damage, or damage to the cooling pond structure; or c) for necessary/maintenance activities. In the event that a discharge occurs, the permittee shall inform the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) by telephone as soon as possible, but in no case later than 48 hours after the discharge occurs. The permittee shall also provide the following information, in writing, to the Division within 10 days of the discharge: a) a description and cause of the discharge; b) the duration of the discharge, including time and dates, anticipated time the discharge is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, prevent, and eliminate reoccurrence of the discharge. The permittee shall take all reasonable steps necessary to minimize any adverse impact to navigable waters resulting from the discharge, including such monitoring as necessary to determine the environmental impact of the discharge. 3. As a result of this discharge, the temperature of the receiving water shall not be increased by more than 2.8°C above ambient water temperature and in no case exceed 32°C. 4. Monitoring requirement for total residual chlorine applies only when chlorine is added to the recirculating condenser cooling or process water discharged to the pond. Neither free available Page 11 of 27 Permit NC0003417 chlorine nor total residual chorine may be discharged from any single generating unit for more than two hours per day, unless the Permittee demonstrates to the Division that discharge for more than two hours is required for macroinvertebrate control. The 500 µg/L is a daily maximum limitation and is to be measured during the chlorine release period. The 200 µg/L limitation is an average during the chlorine release period. Monitoring is required only when chlorine is added to the cooling water system. 5. The facility shall use EPA method 1631E. 6. Acute Episodic Toxicity (Fathead Minnow 24-hr); LC50; see Special Condition A. (10). b. The permittee shall obtain authorization from the Division of Water Resources prior to using any biocide in the cooling water; see condition A. (16). c. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0505 (c)(4), sampling�may'be discontinued when flow conditions or extreme weather conditions could result inninjury or death of the person(s) collecting samples. In such cases, on each day that sampling is discontinued, written justification for the discontinuance shall be specie'in the\monitoring report for the month in which the event occurred. �" \\>"1 There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). ` � There shall be no discharge of metal cleaning wastes. � s There shall be no discharge of floating/solids or foam visible;in other than trace amounts. (1/( ,,,,, „ 0 \ / ---:: ' '\,', ,,4 2 e ,,,,,,, \\ \,,. o ,,,%e, -,46N j , \, )' ) Page 12 of 27 Permit NC0003417 A.(6) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Wastewater Pond-Outfa11003) [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] a. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge filter plant wastewaters,equipment and containment drains, reverse osmosis reject and filter backwash, quenched heat recovery steam generator blowdown, combustion turbine wash waters, and equipment wash water from Outfall 003. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow, MGD 0.5 /'Daily Pump Logs Effluent Temperature2 32.0 °C /2/°,Month Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 100.0 mg/L/ /2/,-Month Composite Effluent Oil and Grease 15.0 mg/L 20.0 mg/LL``,V 2/ MOiith Grab Effluent pH 6.0 s pH s 9.0/ / 2/ Month' Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine3 28:10 µg%L 2/ Month ;`� Grab Effluent Free Available Chlorine3 200 µg/L 500,.µ0. 2/ Month ',,,::::':Grab Effluent Fluoride, mg/L \\\ QuarterlyGrab Effluent Total Hardness, mg/L "� / `; [CaCO3 or (Ca+ Mg)] Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Arsenic µg/L, �z \` '- ` ,, Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Chromium 200 µg/L ,; `200 µg-/,L '�., Monthly, Composite Effluent Total Zinc 1000 g./ µg/L X1000 µ `'L ,,. 'Monthly) Composite Effluent Turbidity5, NTU i > \ 1 '�,r \O // ''Monthly Grab Effluent Total Lead, µg/L °',k 3n, ° ' t . Quarterly Composite Effluent , Total Mercury4, ng/L '70-, /' ,17,, `,-,, \ .a\ Quarterly Grab Effluent Total Molybdenum Mµg/'L ''''q:'''' ;% W % ^a„A \` \,) Quarterly Composite Effluent f Total Selenium, µg/L--'-'N. ' ',\ '') Quarterly Composite Effluent Acute Toxicity6 \"y,,, , -, See A.(11.) Composite Effluent The 126 Priority�°°,y, \°:\:' \\` e` Pollutants (40 CFR,Part %,'' ''4g 423, Appendix A) , No, V. Detectable Amount Annual 40 CFR 136 Effluent Exclusive of Zinc and \ ` Chromium? / I Notes: '',, N,,,,/ ` / 1. The permittee shall submit"Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. Please-See Special Condition A. (25.). 2. As a result of this discharge, the temperature of the receiving water shall not be increased by more than 2.8°C above ambient water temperature and in no case exceed 32°C. 3. Monitoring requirement for total residual chlorine applies only when chlorine is added to the blowdown or process water discharged to the pond. Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chorine may be discharged from any single generating unit for more than two hours ' per day, unless the Permittee demonstrates to the Division that discharge for more than two . hours is required for macroinvertebrate control. The 500 µg/L is a daily maximum limitation and is to be measured during the chlorine release period. The 200 µg/L limitation is an average during the chlorine release period. Monitoring is required only when chlorine is added to the cooling water system. Page 13 of 27 1 , Permit NCO 074. 17,7 .1 -•:.,,, , 1 '1 ', :'''- -io- ' , . i -.-1••• -‘ \\- -.1 . --- •:,, \ ..• - —.1,-.., ''''''---•\--Z • . ., •• ,...1 .: \1/4„...41 ________, .. I ,• ' At." '1,, , ,.-e---:Tr• .--.--;:' ,. 1 , -t91. 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''''' • .,:.t:: '. ) ---1.'''l - --, ,,f' --••`. •.:: 1 ',r'Y ' '' ' Copyright@ 2 , 1- :-,.. ..., ,...., ,. • - 17.1 i , , x 71 / HF Lee Energy Complex-NC0003417 Facility Location (not to scale) Receiving Stream:Neuse River Stream Class: WS-IV State Grid/USGS Quad:F26NE/NW Goldsboro Drainage Basin:Neuse River Basin 001:Latitude 35°22'16" Longitude 78°04'09" HUC: 03050105 X 002:Latitude 35°22'09" Longitude 78"05'06" Sub-Basin: 03-04-12 N 002A:Latitude 35°22'18" Longitude 78°03'54" 003:Latitude 35°22'02" Longitude 78°04'60" Wayne County 004: Latitude 35°22'18" Longitude 78°06'04" Page 27 of 27 1 ' I AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM GOOGLE EARTH PIN J +Ri•� � , + • ON SEPTEMBER 11,3011.AERIAL DATED MAY 11 2016 (Ott k!,,' H" • 4 F. . -. .'ITh ;� •'♦ ` -+H .\ /• • , :c r.i .�- -ice, aEaP J BASIN • •'/I7 *� •r.w�•.•.•� ( .,......•' ..„......:•••••••••:7••••••,........;.••••••• •.. • 1111 P* i - .. • ,,I� BASIN • ';• /•'�' _ ` '.,. ,.O ♦,• 15 .. • INACTIVE • r,.1 f ' 44 ASH SIN.. - - BA , I I , BASIN 1 •. 'au, 'I! .e ''�11 /yam • 3 • j : 4 • • ' 1 1. / 1 x t • COOLING PO_ ND -✓'� 1 .•�• •. war _ / O • s • J • ' ' `, \ \ • LEGEND `` 500 250 0 INCINIZI500 1000 CI FIGURE 1 1 GRAPHIC SCALE PIFEEU WASTE AND COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY a RNER STREET,S 330 0 NAUIS EEHYIL E . .00 CAROLINA nem H.F.LEE ENERGY COMPLEX �ACTIVE ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY •\ 01,11S6 °9 E DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,LLC INACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY • syr�Terra 0411011/0D201. GOLDSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA r;,PLANT BOUNDARY �• - - . Attachment A Compliance Boundary