HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180582 Ver 1_More Information Received_20181030Staff Review Does this application have all the attachments needed to accept it into the review process? r Yes r No ID#* Version* 1 20180582 Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No Reviewer List:* Sue Homewood:eads\slhomevtood Select Reviewing Office:* Winston-Salem Regional Office - (336) 776-9800 Submittal Type:* Application Attachments Does this project require a request for payment to be sent?* r Yes r• No Project Submittal Form Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Project Type: r New Project r Pre -Application Submittal F More Information Response r Other Agency Comments r For the Record Only (Courtesy Copy) New Project - Please check the new project type if you are trying to submit a new project that needs an official approval decision. Pre -Application Submittal - Please check the pre -application submittal if you just want feedback on your submittal and do not have the expectation that your submittal will be considered a complete application requiring a formal decision. More Information Response - Please check this type if you are responding to a request for information from staff and you have and ID# and version for this response. Other Agency Comments - Please check this if you are submitting comments on an existing project. Project Contact Information Name: Kaylie Yankura Who is subrritting the information? Email Address: kaylie@cwenv.com Project Information Existing ID #: Existing Version: 20180582 1 20170001 (no dashes) Project Name: Cashiers Canoe Club Development and Lake Dredging Is this a public transportation project? r Yes r No Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? r Yesr No r Unknown County (ies) Jackson Please upload all files that need to be submited. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent 508_DWR_Request for Additional 6.49MB Information—Canoe Club—Submitted 10.30.18.pdf Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan—Attachment D 16.55MB Continued.pdf Only pdf or lore files are accepted. Describe the attachments: Response to Request for Additional Information for the Cashiers Canoe Club Development, as requested by the NC DWR on June 6, 2018. V By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that: o I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; o I agree that submission of this form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act") o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the online form." Signature: �. �V 411- Submittal Date: CLearWater C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. October 30, 2018 www.cwenucom Ms. Sue Homewood NC DWR, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 RE: DWR Request for Additional Information Cashiers Canoe Club Jackson County, North Carolina Action ID SAW -2016-00032; DWQ Project # 2018-0582 Dear Ms. Homewood, Please reference the letter dated June 6, 2018 (Attachment A) sent by the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) in response to the permit application submitted by Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) on behalf of the Cashiers Canoe Club Development (Applicant) represented by Ms. Roseanne Giordani. The permit application requested written authorization for impacts associated with the maintenance dredging of the existing Cashiers Lake and associated mixed-use development. Comments provided by the DWR are discussed below. In response to these concerns, the Applicant has engaged in additional review of the proposed project. LandDesign is now the civil engineer for the project development and has provided new input on previously designed and submitted site plans. Based on this collective review, the Applicant proposes the following adjustments: • The Applicant proposes the installation of a pond forebay. The forebay would provide upland access for future lake maintenance/dredging activities and would assist in reducing future siltation of Cashiers Lake. • To accommodate pre and post -construction equipment access and staging from Frank Allen Road to the proposed forebay, the Applicant proposes a 0.12 acre increase on Impact 413 from 0.24 acre to 0.36 acre. • Proposed dredging Impact #12 has been reduced by 0.18 acre. • The proposed dredging/impact from the lake bed has been reduced from 17.37 acres to 3.34 acres, which is a reduction from 77,000 cubic yards to 36,500 cubic yards. • The Applicant proposes to utilize a temporary diversion ditch to redirect incoming stream flow within the proposed wetland dredge area. Cashiers Lake would be drawn down via a mechanical pump to four feet below the normal pool elevation (from approximately 3,471 feet to 3,467 feet) during construction activities. A siphon would also be utilized to draw 32 Clayton Street Asheville, NC 28801 828-698-9800 Tel Ms. Sue Homewood 10/30/2018 Page 2 of 7 down water within the lake after rain events. The use of turbidity curtains within Cashiers Lake is also proposed. In all events, the Applicant is confident that its continuing commitment to mitigation measures, which are designed to minimize all impacts associated with the proposed development, provide reasonable and adequate assurances for the construction and operation of the proposed activities for which authorization is sought, and construction and operation of additional development will not result in significant, adverse impacts to the natural environment. Additional information regarding various impact issues is presented below. DWR Comment # 1 - Provide a detailed purpose and need for lake dredging. This should include an analysis of what activities are unable to occur if the wetlands are not impacted, and whether the activities could be practically accomplished if the wetland impacts are reduced. The primary purpose and need for the lake dredging is for lake maintenance resulting from years of deposits of sediment from upstream. As shown in the historical aerial photographs, the size of the lake has reduced significantly from these impacts, and it will most likely continue unless efforts are made to remove the sedimentation on a more regular basis. If dredging is not conducted, the lake will continue to fill in with sediment and eventually, there would be no lake. Following dredging, the lake will continue to accumulate sediment. The Applicant needs to conduct maintenance dredging in order to have a lake and would be pursuing dredging with or without adjacent development. DWR Comment #2 Provide a schedule for the construction of the proposed development (subdivision, hotel, parking area, and associated amenities). The proposed construction development schedule is as follows: • Wetland Dredging: May -June 2019 • Bulkhead Construction: June 2019 — August 2019 • Dock Construction: September 2019 • Sales and Rental Commercial Site: March 2020 • Residential Development 1: March 2020 — June 2020 • Hotel Site: March 2022 — June 2023 • Residential Development 2: March 2023 — June 2024 DWR Comment # 3 - Provide a purpose and need for the bulkheads, including impacts #1, #3, #5, #9, and #I1. Also provide a detailed avoidance and minimization analysis for the bulkheads. Ms. Sue Homewood 10/30%1018 Page 3 of 7 Proposed bulkheads located at Impact #2 and Impact #5 would be utilized for on- site storage of dredged material. Allocating approximately 1.39 acres of dredged waste material (approximately 14,000 cubic yards) for the use of bulkheads provides a means of disposal within the immediate vicinity of dredging activities. As a result, off-site disturbance would be reduced by using bulkhead construction, and the acreage of material requiring removal to the proposed dredge material waste area would be reduced, which will also reduce costs. These areas would also provide additional access points to the lake for passive recreation (canoeing, fishing, swimming, etc.). The proposed bulkheads also serve a function from an operation standpoint as well. Installation of the bulkhead associated with Impact #11 and Impact #13 (Figure 3.0, Attachment B) would protect banks from shoreline erosion and assist in maintaining an open channel from where the headwaters of the Chattooga River flow into the lake and contribute significant amounts of sediment. The use of bulkheads will allow room to grade between the steeper terrain to the west and the lake. This graded area will be used for future dredging access from high ground as well as part of the walking trail network and fishing access. DWR Comment # 4 -The jurisdictional determination submitted with the application indicates that there are/were out parcels that were not delineated, specifically an out parcel between wetland 3 and wetland 5 that may have additional jurisdictional features. Please locate all wetlands, streams, and other waters of the state as overlays on a detailed site plan. This should include all areas idents; fled as jurisdictional by the USA CE within the project boundary. Also, clearly locate the Chattooga River where it is immediately adjacent to the project boundary. [15A NCAC 02H.0502) Figure 3.0 is revised (Attachment B) and clearly shows all jurisdictional areas (wetlands, streams, open waters) as requested. DWR Comment # 5 - Please note that in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.0500, the Division requires mitigation for all impacts greater than 1 acre of'wetlands. Your proposed total wetland impacts for this project are 6.96 acres. You propose in your application to mitigate for impacts by payment to the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Provide an acceptance letter from DMS indicating acceptance of 6.96 acres of wetland mitigation. CEC submitted a revised request to NC DMS for 8.99 acres of wetland and will forward the acceptance letter to DWR and the US Army Corps of Engineers when this information is available. DWR Comment # b - Provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization for impact 413. The application does not discuss what the purpose of the parking area and building is for. Revise the plans to minimize the impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the wetland. Ms. sue Homewood 10/30/2018 Page 4 of 7 The purpose of the proposed development identified at Impact 413 is for the sales, rental center, and development office. This approximately 2,750 square foot building will be used by the Applicant for sales and office during development activities. Once a sales center is established on-site, the building will be primarily used for retail and as an office. For these uses, this facility requires at least 29 parking spaces per local parking ordinances and consumer demand. Based on our proposed layout, please note that the parking and building are pushed as far Northeast as possible to avoid wetland impacts. Site development is also constrained since there is currently no driveway access point to this site. The proposed driveway shown on our exhibits is located directly across from the Bum Street Intersection as required by NCDOT. The site was cleared and maintained as an herbaceous wetland by the previous owner. A picture of the proposed impact area is included in Attachment C. DVM Comment #7 - Provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization at impact #6, #7, and #8. Show all existing access roads/driveways/culverts for the existing development and homes within this area on the plans. Provide a detailed explanation of why the development layout/design cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the streams and/or wetlands. Road crossings are necessary to access upland areas. Please note that there is an existing home located between proposed Impact #6, Impact #7, and Impact #8 (Figure 3.0, Attachment B). An existing pedestrian bridge is used to access this home site, and two road crossings are necessary to access the upland areas on either side of this house that are proposed for development. DWR Comment # 8 - Provide a site plan with the proposed development and lot layout as an overlay including jurisdictional features. Provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or trout buffers and stormwater setbacks on the site plans to demonstrate these lots are able to be developed without additional jurisdictional impacts. Please be advised that deed notifications or other legal language that clearly indicates to future owners that there are jurisdictional features and that some lots may not be buildable as planned without impacts that may not be approved .by the regulatory agencies will be a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification. A revised site plan (Figure 3.0, Attachment B) is attached and includes building envelopes for lots with wetlands, streams, ORW buffers, and stormwater setbacks in additional to all jurisdictional features. As shown, all lots are buildable without additional impacts to wetlands, streams, trout buffers, and stormwater setbacks. DVM Comment #9 - Clarify whether the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources will require riprap within any stream channels or wetlands as part of the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan approval (including temporary impacts from lake dewatering discharge). If riprap is required, enumerate and clearly label the temporary and permanent impacts on the site plan and submit a channel restoration detail. Riprap must be located below the stream bed elevation. Ms. Sue Homewood 10/30/2018 Page 5 of 7 The dewatering device will utilize the existing cold -water release pipe, culvert, and dissipater pad (Sheet 0-00 and Sheet 0-01, Attachment D). There are no new proposed impacts associated with the dewatering device. Temporary placement of riprap in the proposed wetland dredge area is shown on Sheet C3-00 (Attachment D). This riprap is associated with a temporary sediment basin (0.01 acre) and construction access (0.13 acre) and haul roads (0.10 acre) as needed (approximately 0.24 acre of riprap) and will be removed upon completion of the project. Additional riprap and gravel are proposed to create a permanent forebay (0.21 AC) as shown on the revised Sheet 0-00. The proposed forebay will be included on plans submitted to DEMLR and will provide upland access for future maintenance activities. DWR Comment #10 - Enumerate all wetland and stream impacts including but not limited to fill slopes/dissipater pads/temporary dewatering impacts on the site plan and clearly label impacts. The Division recommends highlighting by hatching or shading all permanent and temporary impacts. Figure 3.0 (Attachment B) is revised, and proposed Impact #13 is now shaded. Potential temporary impacts associated with construction access within the lake bed have also been added to Figure 3.0. The figure now clearly indicates all proposed impacts to jurisdictional features. DWR Comment #11 - Provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross- section of all proposed culverts. These drawings must include details regarding stream alignment in relation to pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad. Provide cross section details that clearly show the provisions for aquatic life passage. Detailed engineering drawings prepared by LandDesign are included in Attachment D (Sheet 0-04). These drawings include profile and cross-section views of all proposed culverts, and provide details regarding pipe alignment, slope, burial, installation, and provisions for aquatic life passage. Please note that impacts have changed for each of the proposed culverts. Impacts now total 60 linear feet per culvert: 30 linear feet of culvert and 30 linear feet of riprap (15 feet for inlet protection and 15 feet for outlet protection). DWR Comment # 12 - Provide details on how you are going to maintain the physical integrity of the stream above and below the culvert where multiple culverts are proposed Where multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. A construction sequence and detail should be provided to ensure the contractor is clear on construction of these benches. Ms. sue Homewood 10/34/2018 Page 6 of 7 The road crossings have been reevaluated by LandDesign. LandDesign has provided site specific culvert plans and details (Sheet C3-04, Attachment D) that indicate the use of a single culvert at each proposed stream location. The details also provide for aquatic life passage. Please reference the response to DWR Comment #11 above. DWR Comment #13 - The stream impact length should be measured along the centerline of the stream. When proposing a culvert, the impact length is generally greater than the length of the culvert and associated dissipater since the existing stream usually has some sinuosity (curvature). Verify that stream lengths have been surveyed or are otherwise accurate or provide updated impact lengths. The proposed stream impacts for the road culverts have been measured along the centerline of the stream. The proposed impact numbers are identified on the revised Figure 3.0 (Attachment B). DWR Comment # 14 - All development within this project is subject to 15A NCAC 02H .1021. Provide documentation of an approved stormwater permit issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources for all proposed built upon areas. A stormwater management plan for the residential areas identified on Figure 3.0 (Attachment B) and as "DA 46" on Sheet C2-00 (Attachment D) was submitted by LandDesign on April 9, 2009 and was approved on May 14, 2009 under Stormwater Permit No. SW1080801. Conceptual stormwater plans for areas "DA #1" through "DA 45" are also provided on Sheet C2-00 and include the use of underground stormwater treatment and one wet pond. DWR Comment # 15 - The application states that increased turbidity "may occur" as a result of the proposed project. Due to the sensitivity of downstream waters, provide a detailed contingency plan for large and/or prolonged precipitation events. Please note that duplicity and/or oversight should be addressed if the plan relies on mechanical equipment for downstream water quality protection and/or routine erosion control measures. Due to the sensitivity of downstream waters the Division requests that an approved Erosion Control Plan be secured prior to issuance of a 401 Certification. A preliminary Erosion Control Plan is provided in Attachment D. A site visit and initial field review of proposed plans was conducted by LandDesign, CEC, and Mr. Stan Aiken (DEMLR) on October 9, 2018. A finalized Erosion Control Plan will be submitted for approval by DEMLR. The approved plan and associated documentation will be provided to DWR. Proposed construction activities will not occur during large and/or prolonged precipitation events. Additionally, LandDesign has provided a draft Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan (Attachment D), which includes a proposed turbidity monitoring plan. Ms. Sue Homewood 10/30/2018 Page 7 of 7 DWR Comment #16 - Provide a lake dredging plan that clearly indicates how downstream water levels will he continuously sustained during dredging and during refilling of the lake. Please note that duplicity and/or oversight should be addressed if the plan relies on mechanical equipment for continuous minimum flow. A draft Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan is included in Attachment D. The construction sequence is also included on Sheet C3-02 (Attachment D). A temporary diversion ditch will be constructed and utilized to direct the incoming water within proposed wetland dredge area (Sheet C3-00, Attachment D). An initial drawdown and post -construction refill of the lake will occur via a mechanical pump connected to an existing outlet and gravel dissipater pad. Turbidity curtains will be installed within the lake, which will act as a stilling basin during construction activities. Water level within the lake will be controlled via siphon during dredging and the contractor will coordinate work with rain events. The Applicant believes the information submitted in this package addresses all issues set forth by the DWR in the letter dated June 6, 2018. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this project please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-698-9800. Sincerely, ylie A. Y a Project Manager R. Clement Riddle, P.W.S. Principal ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — DWR Request for Additional Information (June 6, 2018) Attachment B — Figure 3.0, Stream & Wetland Impact Map (Revised 1012612018) Attachment C — Proposed Impact 413 Photograph Attachment D — Cashiers Lake Dredging Plans, LandDesign Copy furnished: David Brown — US Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Field Office Kevin Mitchell — Division of Water Resources, Asheville Regional Office Attachment A DWR Request for Additional Information June 6, 2018 ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrele y LINDA CULPEPPER two-im Dii•c am— Water Resources Environmental Quality June 6, 2018 DWR # 20180582 Jackson County Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC Attn: Roseanne Giordani PO Box 300849 Austin, TX 78703 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Cashiers Canoe Club Development and Lake Dredging Dear Ms. Giordani: On April 26, 2018, the Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Programs (Division) received your application dated April 24, 2018, requesting an Individual Water Quality Certification from the Division for your project. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received: 1. Provide a detailed purpose and need for lake dredging. This should include an analysis of what activities are unable to occur if the wetlands are not impacted, and whether the activities could be practically accomplished if the wetland impacts are reduced. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] 2. Provide a schedule for the construction of the proposed development (subdivision, hotel, parking area, and associated amenities). [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] 3. Provide a purpose and need for the bulkheads, including impacts #2, #3, #5, #9, and #11. Also provide a detailed avoidance and minimization analysis for the bulkheads. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] 4. The jurisdictional determination submitted with the application indicates that there are/were out parcels that were not delineated, specifically an out parcel between wetiand 3 and wetland 5 that may have additional jurisdictional features. Please locate all wetlands, streams, and other waters of the state as overlays on a detailed site plan. This should include all areas identified as jurisdictional by the USACE within the project boundary. Also clearly locate the Chattooga River where it is immediately adjacent to the project boundary. [15A NCAC 02H .0502] State of North Carolina I Emirorunental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Sereioe Center I Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 919 807 6300 Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC DWR# 20180582 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 4 5. Please note that in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.0500, the Division requires mitigation for all impacts greater than 1 acre of wetlands. Your proposed total wetland impacts for this project are 6.96 acres. You propose in your application to mitigate for impacts by payment to the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Provide an acceptance letter from DMS indicating acceptance of 6.96 acres of wetland mitigation. 6. Provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization for impact #13. The application does not discuss what the purpose of the parking area and building is for. Revise the pians to minimize the impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the wetland. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(f) and (g)] 7. Provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization at impact #6, #7, and ##8. Show all existing access roads/driveways/culverts for the existing development and homes within this area on the plans. Provide a detailed explanation of why the development layout/design cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the streams and/or wetlands. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(f) and (g)] 8. Provide a site plan with the proposed development and lot layout as an overlay including jurisdictional features. Provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or trout buffers and stormwater setbacks on the site plans to demonstrate these lots are able to be developed without additional jurisdictional impacts. Please be advised that deed notifications or other legal language that clearly indicates to future owners that there are jurisdictional features and that some lots may not be buildable as planned without impacts that may not be approved by the regulatory agencies will be a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(g)] 9. Clarify whether the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources will require riprap within any stream channels or wetlands as part of the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan approval (including temporary impacts from lake dewatering discharge). If riprap is required, enumerate and clearly label the temporary and permanent impacts on the site plan and submit a channel restoration detail. Riprap must be located below the stream bed elevation. 115A NCAC 02H .0506(f) and (g)] 10. Enumerate all wetland and stream impacts including but not limited to fill slopes/ dissipater pads/temporary dewatering impacts on the site plan and clearly label impacts. The Division recommends highlighting by hatching or shading all permanent and temporary impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(g)] 11. Provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross-section of all proposed culverts. These drawings must include details regarding stream alignment in relation to Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC DWR# 20180582 Request for Additional Information Page 3 of 4 pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad. Provide cross section details that clearly show the provisions for aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)] 12. Provide details on how you are going to maintain the physical integrity of the stream above and below the culvert where multiple culverts are proposed. Where multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. A construction sequence and detail should be provided to ensure the contractor is clear on construction of these benches. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2)] 13. The stream impact length should be measured along the centerline of the stream. When proposing a culvert, the impact length is generally greater than the length of the culvert and associated dissipater since the existing stream usually has some sinuosity (curvature). Verify that stream lengths have been surveyed or are otherwise accurate or provide updated impact lengths. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)] 14. All development within this project is subject to 15A NCAC 02H .1021. Provide documentation of an approved stormwater permit issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources for all proposed built upon areas. 15. The application states that increased turbidity "may occur" as a result of the proposed project. Due to the sensitivity of downstream waters, provide a detailed contingency plan for large and/or prolonged precipitation events. Please note that duplicity and/or oversight should be addressed if the plan relies on mechanical equipment for downstream water quality protection and/or routine erosion control measures. Due to the sensitivity of downstream waters the Division requests that an approved Erosion Control Pian be secured prior to issuance of a 401 Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)(3)] 16. Provide a lake dredging plan that clearly indicates how downstream water levels will be continuously sustained during dredging and during refilling of the lake. Please note that duplicity and/or oversight should be addressed if the pian relies on mechanical equipment for continuous minimum flow. 15A NCAC 02H .0506(d)] Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. Please respond in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter by sending all of the above requested information through this link: htt s: edocs,deg. nc. ov Forms Su PP lem e nt al- Info rm at ion-Fo rm (note that the DWR# that is requested on the link is referenced above) or by sending one copy of all of the above requested information to the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC DWR# 20180582 Request for Additional Information Page 4 of 4 If all of the requested information is not received in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be returned. The return of this project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Water Quality Certification Rules for this activity and any work done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Sue Homewood at 335-775-9693 or Sue. Homewood encdenr. ov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Bunn 4 -- Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch cc: Clement Riddle, ClearWater Environmental (via email) David Brown, USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office (via email) Andrea Leslie, NCWRC (via email) DWR ARO 401 files DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Filename: 180582CashiersCanoeClub(Jackson)_IC HOLD Attachment B Figure 3.0 Stream & Wetland Impact Map Revised 10/26/2018 Cashiers Lake Development ( +/- 89 AC) Impact #11 Proposed Bulkhead & Wetland Fill (1951-1998) - 0.21 AC Impact #10 Proposed Dredging Wetland (1951-1998) - 5.28 AC Impact #9 Wetland (1951-1998) Fill - 0.03 AC Impact #8A Proposed Road Crossing Wetland Fill - 0.02 AC Impact #8 Proposed Road Crossing Stream - 60 LF (30 LF of 36" RCP and 30 LF of rip -rap inlet/outlet protection) existing I foot bridge Impact #7 �q Proposed Road Crossing Wetland Fill - 0.01 AC Impact #6 r Proposed Road Crossing Stream - 60 LF (30 LF of 42" RCP and 30 LF of rip -rap inlet/outlet protection) 4 Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority Legend Existing Houses Proposed Site Plan Proposed Wetland Fill (Without Bulkhead) _ Proposed Bulkhead & Fill Out Parcel Proposed Stream Impact Wetlands Avoided Stream Proposed Wetland Dredging - 1998 Wetland Project Boundary 30' ORW Buffer Jackson County, North Carolina Impact #13 Proposed Parking Wetland Fill (1951-1998) - 0.36 AC Existin N d1 °, i Cashiers Lake Impact #5 Proposed Bulkhead & Open Water Fill - 0.87 AC LandDesm_m. �i 1` PROJECT DATA — 0.70AC TOTAL PROJECT AREA — 89AC JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE US — 7.13 AC Streams — 5,332 LF Wetlands — 12.31 AC Open Waters — 18.99 AC JURSIDICTIONAL IMPACTS Total Permanent Stream Impacts - 120 LF Wetlands (Fill) — 0.70AC Wetland (Dredge) — 6.43AC Total Wetland Impacts — 7.13 AC Open Water (Fil1) — 1.39 AC Open Water (Disturbance) — 3.34 AC Total Open Water Impacts " 4.73 AC AVOIDANCE/MINIMIZATION Streams — 5,212 LF Wetlands — 5.18 AC Open Waters — 14.26 AC MITIGATION Streams N/A Wetlands (Payment to DMS) 8.82 AC Impact #12 Proposed Dredging Wetland (1998 -Present) - 1.15 AC Impact #1 Proposed Disturbance Open Water - 3.34 AC C dsh�ers<dk e,4 °da Impact #2 Proposed Bulkhead & Open Water Fill - 0.52 AC Impact #3 Proposed Bulkhead & Wetland (1998 -Present) Fill - 0.10 AC 'If 250 500 1,000 FeE CLearWal:er 32 Clayton Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Stream & Wetland Impact Map Figure 3.0 Attachment C Proposed Impact #13 Photograph 0. 4� � * \\ . . � . . oil- ¥l: `A w ,� §�\ « \ a � /� �� ��.�IL! Attachment D Cashiers Lake Dredging Plans LandDesign EROSION CONTROL & MASTER STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan Owner: Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC PO Box 300849 Austin, TX 78703 October 2018 Project: Cashiers Lake Jackson County, North Carolina LandDesign PN: 8118068 Prepared by: `�.�11Ulrnlflblrrr •a SEAL - 19018 r'� rrrl1rf111JL10% Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan SITE LOCATION MAP PROJECT 8118068 ..... ..... rj- u Till 'AT �4f RM Piz r L dw 4 CR v pl. 'es IF g JAR, 14 h, 1 642T, M. Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan NARRATIVE PROJECT 8118068 NARRATIVE Introduction Cashiers Lake is a 30 acre ± man made water body located on Cashiers Road (SR 1113) within Cashiers Township, Jackson County, NC. The Cashiers Canoe Club Development LLC is seeking authorizations associated with dredging Cashiers Lake in order to restore functionality due to excessive sediment loading that has taken place over the last 50 years. The total area disturbed for the proposed plan is approximately 20 ± acres. All construction on the site shall be in accordance with North Carolina Department of Environmental & National Resources (NCDENR) Erosion Control Planning & Design Manual Standards and Specifications and adhere to the Division of Water Quality Rules & Regulations. Conceptual Stormwater Management Master plan The minimum stormwater regulations are detailed in Section 15A NCAC 02H .1007 Stormwater Requirements: Outstanding Resource Waters of the North Carolina Administrative Code as they apply to developments which drain to freshwaters. Canoe Club must meet the following requirement: 1. Control systems must be wet detention ponds or alternative stormwater management systems designed in accordance with Rule .1008 of this Section; and 2. Control systems must be designed to control runoff from all surfaces generated by one inch of rainfall The overall project approach for Cashiers Lake Resort is to preserve as much as possible of what makes the site special, including richly diverse vegetation (old growth trees and rich understory), terrain (drainage patterns) and pristine waters (cool mountain streams and the beautifully serene Cashier's Lake). The pian is designed to take advantage of existing landforms and access roads and limit clearing to the minimum necessary for roadways, driveways and home construction while specifying construction sequencing that is mindful of the end result. The increased runoff generated by new development will be handled through a combination of Low Impact Development techniques, along with structural BMPs designed to treat the 1" rainfall, including preserving trees, minimizing connected surfaces and promoting infiltration through infiltration swales and rain gardens designed to take advantage of the highly pervious native soils. The stormwater management plan utilizes existing natural drainage paths and minimizes the concentration of stormwater discharges as much as practical. Currently, Canoe Club LLC has on file an approved stormwater permit SW 1080801 issued May 14, 2009 for the subdivision portion of the conceptual stormwater management master plan area (see attached). Erosion Control Erosion control on the site shall comply with (NCDENR) Erosion Control Planning & Design Manual Standards & Specifications. The erosion control design focuses on capturing sediment near the source, along with protecting downstream flows to sensitive trout waters. One main focus of the proposed plan is to develop a more effective lake and protect the primary water body from upper basin sediment transfer from under Frank Allen Road. The Construction Sequence for the Erosion Control is as follows: 1. Contractor shall verify that all applicable permits have been obtained prior to the beginning of construction, and hold a preconstruction meeting and coordinate with owner, engineer, and all applicable regulatory agencies. 2. Project is located in an environmentally sensitive area and is adjacent to a trout stream. Contractor shall use extreme care throughout project. 3. Submit shop drawings to engineer for review and approval for all materials. 4. Contractor shall notify all affected property owners and obtain permission for property access prior to proceeding with work. 5. Contractor should locate all existing utilities within the defined project area as shown in the erosion control plan. Contractor shall notify engineer if there are any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. 6. Contractor shall work within allowable construction limits — sensitive property owners. 7. Contractor shall maintain vehicular access along Cashiers Lake Road (SR 1113) at all times. 8. Stabilize construction entrances and access drives with gravel and mulch. Stake clearing limits. 9. Install all upland silt fence, and other measures as shown on plans, clearing only as necessary to install these devises. 10. All erosion measures shall be constructed in accordance with the NC erosion and sediment control planning and design manual and US Department of Agriculture. 11. Call for on-site inspection by inspector and engineer. 12. Contractor shall lower the lake from the NWSE of 3471 to 3467. The dewatering of the lake shall be a gradual process and the maximum rate of drawdown is 0.5' per day. During the lake drawdown process contractor shall ensure the water being removed from the lake drawdown process contractor shall ensure the water being removed from the lake into the river is free of sediment. If sediment becomes a problem during the dewatering process contractor shall contact engineer immediately. 13. Once the lake is lowered the contractor shall maintain minimum base flow at all times to the Chattooga River of 0.5 CFS (7010 information taken from NSGS). The minimum base flow shall be accomplished by using either mechanical pump or siphon system and shall remain in operation throughout the dredging and refilling process. 14. Contractor shall install & stabilize construction entrances into lake bed. 15. Contractor shall install temp Sediment Basin #1 with all associated temp ditches and silt fence & turbidity baffles prior to any activity within the lake bed. 16. Once contractor has appropriately installed temp sediment basin #1, Contractor shall begin installing TD #1 to establish a new stabilized base channel with associated temporary crossings to allow all upper basin base flow to bypass the dredging area. 17. Only after Contractor has established & stabilized temp ditch #1 shall contractor be allowed to commence with any other activities within the lake bed. 18. All wetland area dredging shall be done in an upstream to downstream direction. This is so disturbed sediment can be captured in the downstream wetland. Sediment curtains shall be used to isolate the dredge and fill areas from open water. 19. Install silt fence and other measures as shown on plans, clearing only as necessary to install all devices within the lake bed area. 20. Lake shall be dewatered to an elevation of 3467 after storm events as needed per sequence described in item #14. 21. The contractor shall diligently and continuously maintain all erosion control devices and structures. Erosion control measures should be checked periodically and after every rainfall event. Repairs shall be made immediately as required. Inspection and repair reports shall be kept by the contractor and provided to the state erosion control agent upon request. 22. Call geotechnical consultant for site inspection prior to grubbing or placing fill. 23. Contractor shall maintain one lane of traffic on Cashiers Lake Road (NCDOT SR 1113) at all times. 24. When site has been permanently stabilized, remove erosion control devices and apply permanent seeding in area of disturbance. 25. Coordinate with erosion control inspector prior to removal of any erosion control measures. 26. Upon completion of the construction activities and stabilization the lake will be gradually refilled, this will be accomplished by the contractor maintaining the minimum base flow at all times to the Chattooga River of 0.5 CFS (7Q10 information taken from NSGS). The minimum base flow shall be accomplished by using either mechanical pump or siphon system. Flows from the dam to the Chattooga River must be maintained at all times at 70% of the incoming flow during Lake Refill. Note: Erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily and after any rainfall. Any repairs or deficiencies shall be corrected immediately. A daily record log shall be maintained on the site by the general contractor and will record any deficiencies and the corrective measures taken. Installation of additional erosion and sediment control measures may be necessary if requested by on-site inspection of NCDENR staff or the owners' representative of the engineer. Reference the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Manual sections 6.01-6.02 for additional information. Turbidity Monitoring Plan The construction of this project will require in -water soil disturbing activities, which must meet the state's water quality anti -degradation criteria. Lake Cashiers is located in the Chattooga River basin and is considered an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW). The contractor shall meet the following conditions: 1. Contractor shall place (3) Turbidity sensors within the project limits. Existing ambient water quality within the mixing zone may be degraded to allow for in -water construction activities. Turbidity levels shall not average greater than ten (10) Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) above natural background conditions at the discharge zone boundary 2. Ambient background samples shall be collected at the edge of ROW up stream of the existing culverts at Frank Allen Road, free from the source of turbidity. The background sampling site will be marked by stakes and shall be maintained for the duration of the sampling program. Background samples will be collected from the up -current sampling location at the surface, mid -depth and one foot above bottom. to water which is less than six feet deep, mid -depth samples are not required. 3. All construction activities that have a potential to create turbidity, such as dredging that require in - water soil disturbance, shall require monitoring. Sampling shall commence prior to the start of construction activities, and continue twice daily, with a maximum of four-hour intervals, during ongoing potential turbidity creating construction activities. Samples shall be collected at all 3 locations simultaneously. The contractor is encouraged to reduce the disturbed are within the dredging area to minimize the impacts of turbidity to the remaining waterbody. 4. All samples will be collected with a grab sampler (or inline pipe 1 floating buoy constant reporting devices located in the following 3 designated locations thru-ought the project. a. In-line device up stream from the headwaters of the dual culverts under Frank Allen Road to collect water prior to entering lake dredge area. b. Floating buoy device located near cold water intake/ siphon at damn outlet structure to collect water leaving dewatering area. c. In-line device designated to collect water samples downstream of dam. Samples must be analyzed for turbidity as they are collected. The following information must be recorded for each sample taken and submitted in a Monitoring Report. 5. In addition to the above mentioned, each Monitoring Report must include the following: a. Site number; b. Collector's name and affiliation c. Date and time of day when sample was collected; d. Sample collection depth and total depth; e. Antecedent weather conditions, including wind direction and velocity; and, f. Flow direction, if applicable. 6. In addition to the above mentioned, each Monitoring Report must include the following: a. A statement of methodology including types of sampling equipment and b. Analytical instrumentation, preservation, and handling; c. Permit number; d. A map indicating numbered locations of all sampling sites; 7. All turbidity monitoring reports shall be held onsite for Erosion Control inspector review and submitted to the local Erosion Control office within (7) days of sample collection. All correspondence should include the Permittee name and permit number. Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes a violation of the permit and may be grounds for revocation. 8. The Contractor shall comply with the following QA/QC requirements for each sample collected: a. All turbidity analysis shall be performed on instruments that can perform Nephelometric measurements; b. The instrument must be calibrated each morning and each time the instrument is turned on, and recalibrated every four hours thereafter; c. Calibrations must be performed against a blank, and at least one formalin or gel -type standard. The standard value should be in the same range as the sample readings. d. All calibration procedures must be recorded in a permanent log book, and copies must be submitted with the date; and, e. Date and time of collection, date and time of analyses, and the name of the analyst must be included in the log. 9. All in -water soil disturbing construction activities shall cease immediately whenever water quality samples exceed thresholds specified in item #1 at the boundary of the discharge zone. The violation shall be reported within 4 hours of the violation. The violation report shall include the description of the corrective actions being taken or proposed to be taken. If violations are noted after normal business hours, on holidays or on weekends, the report shall be made as soon as possible after normal business hours resume. A copy of all monitoring data sheets, which indicate violations, shall be forwarded immediately to the Erosion Control Inspector. 10. When turbidity violation is found, in -water soil disturbing construction operations may not resume until a compliance inspection by District personnel has been conducted and a set of samples has been taken which demonstrate that the water quality standards designated above are being achieved. 11. Interim samples taken following the violation shall be taken in the same manner as the routine monitoring and at the same locations. If samples demonstrate the water quality standards specified for turbidity specified above are still being violated, sampling shall continue at two hour intervals until the interim samples demonstrate that water quality standards are being achieved. 12. Failure to report violations and stop work and submit a corrective action plan to the local erosion control inspector for approval before resuming work will constitute grounds for enforcement action and may subject the Contractor to potential penalties Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan NCDENR - STORMWATER PERMIT SW 1080801 AAL , Mcv� North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Colson H. Sullins Govemor DU' ft May 14, 2009 Cashiers Canoe Club Development, LLC Steven 0. Harris- Operation Manager 1600 Camden Rd. Charlotte, NC 28203 Subject: Stormwater PermitNo. SWI080801 Canoe Club Low impact Development Jackson County Dear Mr. Harris: DPW' te, T I0, FILE COPY Natural Resources Dee Finarnan Secretary The Stormwater Permitting Unit received a complete Slormwater Management Permit Application for Canoe Club on April 9, 2009. Staff review ofthe plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Titie 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW 1080901, dated May 14, 2009, for the construction, operation and maintenance orthe subject project and the stormwater BMP& This permit shall be effective from May 14, 2009 until May 14, 2019, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for Inspection and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in futurc compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permiL This request frust be In the form of it written petition, conforming to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. This project will be kept on file at the Asheville Regional Office. if you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this manor, please contact Linda Wiggs or Stormwater StafPat 828- 2964500. Sincerely, for' Ca I, Sullins cc: Asheville Regional Office Central Files SPU Files GAWPDATAWEMWQUwAwnMsk Stwumla Mnas=endfa M90ob%C=eCtabLID Cover IOWA= As nft asprmw Oft NwhCaro Prions:328.2*4900FAX aid- M31Cuslomer8rA=:1417-6004B LIfLi)3 i�rama:,�r�+a M000p %MsmWwA*nE+ep"w Cashiers Lake Dredging Plan REPAIRIAN BUFFER GUIDELINE Guidelines for Riparian Buffer ReAOrafiOn Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Wafer Quality Wetlan45 Restoration Program Purpose ofthese Guidelines Raleigh, NC January 2001 Riparian buffers have been identified as a valuable tool for protection of water quality when properly designed and established in the appropriate landscape setting. for this reason, the goal of the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is to implement projects to restore riparian buffers that have the greatest value for reducing pollutants in our surface waters as well as provide important aquatic and wildlife habitat. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide the technical information necessary for the successful planning and establishment of riparian buffers. The guidelines are intended for use by private consultants in developing restoration plans for the NCWRP but should also have utility for private landowners as well as local governments involved in the restoration of riparian buffers. 4+ Criteriafor Priority Y Riparian Buffer Restoration Projects A number of factors determine the success of particular riparian buffer restoration projects. In addition to the physical characteristics of the site, issues such as land costs, land ownership, and logistical constraints must be taken into consideration. The following physical characteristics are intended to provide general guidance when identifying sites and are not intended to exclude sites that may have merit based on other criteria. ■ Woody vegetation absent or sparse (less than 100 stems per acre that are 3 5 inches diameter at breast height) measured within 50 feet of intermittent and perennial streams, lakes, ponds, and shorelines. �jr • Adjacent to headwater streams or those streams defined as first, second, or third order. • Project length greater than 1,000 feet (for projects implemented by the NCWRP). • Ditches, gullies, or evidence of concentrated flow within 50 feet of intermittent and perennial streams, lakes, ponds, and estuaries. * Adjacent source of nitrogen including cropland, pasture, golf course, residential development, ball fields, etc. ■ Water table depth within three to four feet of surface as determined by characteristics of soil cores. 2 A, Components ofa Riparian Buffer Restoration/Enhancement Plan McAssessment The riparian area to be restored should be evaluated with respect to these factors that control the viability of riparian plants: • Soil moisture • Soil pH • Soil texture • Seasonal high water table depth • Flooding potential • Aspect, topography, and microtopographic relief Sit- prep.mation The restoration/enhancement plan should address these items regarding preparation of the site for planting: • Plow or rip site to improve compacted soil and/or eliminate areas where channelized flow has developed. • Control of sod -forming grasses such as fescue and Kentucky bluegrass that will compete with plantings for nutrients. • Control of invasive, exotic plants that would hinder the re- establishment of woody vegetation. Proposals for pesticide use should always be reviewed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality staff to insure compliance with the Neuse and Tar -Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules. Common Invasive Exotic Plants in North Carolina Ailanthus altissima (Tree -of -Heaven) Albizia julibrissin (Mimosa) Elaeagntts umbellata (Autumn Olive) Hedera helix (English Ivy) Lespedeza cuneata (Korean or Sericea Lespedeza) Liguslnon sinense (Chinese Privet) Lonisera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) Microslegium vintineum (Japanese Grass) Paulownia tamentosa (Princess Tree) Pueraria lobata (Kudzu) Rosa mtrhflora (Multiflora Rose) Wisteria sinensis (Chinese Wisteria) Stabilize areas of bare soil. Refer to the following list for species of grasses/sedge appropriate for soil stabilization. The majority of these species are by necessity not native to North Carolina. At present, there are only a few species of native grasses useful for erosion control that are commercially available. Please note tut fescue grasses should not be used for soil stabilization. Fescue grasses, particularly tall fescue, are competitive and will inhibit the eventual re-establishment of native species. Agto565 alba (Redtop) Found in fields, pastures, roadsides, and other disturbed places throughout North Carolina, this native warm season grass should be 3 used sparingly for erosion control and soil stabilization. Ca►rxstricta (Sedge) This sedge occurs naturally in marshes and low meadows throughout the mountains and northern piedmont and coastal plain of North Carolina. This species has utility in a mix for soil stabilization in moist areas. plactylis ylomerata (0rchar4gra55) This perennial, cool season bunchgrass is a good alternative to fescue because it is less competitive and allows native herbs to colonize the site. Hordcum spp. (Barley) A number of species of barley can be used for soil stabilization. Barley is a cool season, annual grass that when moisture is available will germinate in the fall, stay green'during the winter, and then die in the spring as competition for warm season plants increases. Panicum clandestioam (Deer Tongue) This native, perennial, warm season bunchgrass can be used in moist low woods primarily in the piedmont and mountains. Panicum spp. (Panic Grasses) A number of species of panic grasses can be used for soil stabilization depending on the moisture regime and soils of the site. Amicum viryaturn (Switchgrnss) This native, perennial, warm season bunchgrass can tolerate a wide range of moisture regimes. It can be used along streams, in wet or dry woods, brackish and freshwater marshes, sloughs, swales, and low pinelands primarily in the eastern piedmont and coastal plain. Pennisetumghucum CBrown Top or Pearl Millet) This fast-growing, robust, annual grass exhibits good drought tolerance which makes this species an important warn season option for soil stabilization. Ailarisarundinacm ([teed Canarygrassl A native to North Carolina, this perennial cool season grass is used for the stabilization of pond shorelines, drainage ditches, and streambanks in the mountains and western piedmont. It is established by planting freshly cut stem slips or rhizome fragments. Please note that this species is aggressive and forms large monotypic stands that displace other species. It should only be used if no other species are available. Secale cewle (VVi rater Rye or Rye Grain) Winter rye is a cold -hardy annual grass that will germinate and grow at low temperatures. By maturing early, it offers less competition 4 during the late spring, a critical time in the establishment of perennial species. Winter rye germinates, quickly and is tolerant of poor soils. Sorghum bicolor(Sudangmss) Only the small -stemmed varieties of this annual warm season grass should be used. Sudangrass is useful for temporary seeding, and it is adapted to soils relatively high in clay content. Seed for common Sudangrass is not always available, but other small -stemmed types may be used, such as the hybrid Trudan. The coarse -stemmed Sorghum- Sudangrass hybrids are not appropriate for erosion control. Suppliers of Grass 5ee4' Ernst Conservation Seeds 9006 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 814-336-2404 800-873-3321 Lofts Seed Company, Inc. P.O. Box 26223 Winston-Salem, NC 27114-6223 800-543-7333 Mellow Marsh Farm 205 Anolis Road Pittsboro, NC 27312 919-542-3532 Southern Tier Consulting, Inc. 2701-A Route 305 P.O. Box 30 West Clarksville, NY 14786 800-848-7614 *North Carolina suppliers are preferred. 0 1"=SCALE:600' 300'600'1200' DEVELOPER CASHIERS CANOE CLUB DEVELOPMENT, LLC PO BOX 300849 AUSTIN, TX 78703 ROSEANNE GIORDANI OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SILVERWING PARTNERS TURNER INSCOE 404.545.3609 LANDDESIGN 100 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 CIVIL ENGINEER VICINITY MAP DATE: OCTOBER 29, 2018 PROJECT TEAMSHEET INDEX GENERAL NOTES 10/26/2018 7:45 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-COVER.DWG JACKSON COUNTY, NC CASHIERS TOWNSHIP CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN CASHIERS LAKE RD (SR 1113)VAL LEY RD (SR 1 1 1 4 )NC HWY 107ZEB A L L E Y R D FRAN K A L L E N R D ( S R 1 1 7 6 ) US 64 E CASHIERS LAKE CHATTOOGA RIVERSITE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE COVER C1-00 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN C1-01 DRAINAGE AREA MAP C2-00 OVERALL MASTER WATERSHED PLAN C3-00 - C3-01 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C3-02 - C3-04 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1.THESE DOCUMENTS COVER THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXISTING CASHIERS LAKE. IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO INCLUDE EROSION CONTROL AND GRADING. A GRADING PERMIT WILL BE OBTAINED FROM NCDENR. 2.THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES, PREVIOUS DESIGN DOCUMENTS, AND WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES MUST BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3.SHOULD UNCHARTED, OR INCORRECTLY CHARTED PIPING OR OTHER UTILITIES BE ENCOUNTERED DURING DEMOLITION, CONSULT PROJECT ENGINEER AND UTILITY OWNER FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. 4.PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS ACTIVITIES WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES SERVING THIS AREA. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE FULLY WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES ON THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND EXCAVATION. 5.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND PROTECT ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES. ANY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH UTILITIES TO BE COORDINATED WITH APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO THE OWNER AND ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND BETWEEN ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SHALL WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 7.PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES AND SHALL BE THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH CONDITIONS OF SAID PERMITS AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. 8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL OWNERS OF EASEMENTS, UTILITIES AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, PRIOR TO WORKING IN THESE AREAS. 9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING ITEM AND/OR MATERIAL INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE SITE IN A MANNER SO THAT WORKMEN AND PUBLIC ARE PROTECTED FROM INJURY. 11.LANDDESIGN SHALL NOT BE IN CONTROL OR CHARGE OF, AND SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, PROCEDURES, OR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK, OR FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF CONTRACTORS OR ANY OTHER PERSONS NOT UNDER THE EMPLOYMENT OF LANDDESIGN. 12.DEMOLITION WORK SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. 13.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE NATURE AND CONDITIONS OF THE SITE. 14.ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AT ANY TIME BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OWNER, THE ENGINEER, AND THE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. 15.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TESTING AND PERFORMANCE CHECKS BY THE ENGINEER AND REGULATORY AGENCIES. RAY WAUGH FOR REVIE W ONLY THE PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE FOR DREDGIN CASHIERS LAKE DAM IS TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ON APRIL 15, 2019 AND END BY LATE JUNE 2019. THE SCHEDULE IS IN PLACE TO ACCOMMODATE THE TROUT WATERS AND SPAWNING SEASON. THE RESERVOIR WILL BE FILLED BACK TO NORMAL WATER SURFACE ELEVATION DURING THE END OF CONSTRUCTION BUT BEFORE JUNE 30, 2019. XXXX X X XO U HOUHOUHOUHOUHOUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUH OUH OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHO U H O U H O U H O U H OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H CASHIERS LAKE RD (SR 1113 ) LEHN CAFE FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP REAL E S T A T E INTER E S T L L C MORRIS CANOE POINT LLC SALTMARSH CANOE POINT LLC CASHIERS VILLAGE LLC JR MANAGEMENT LLCVALLE Y R D ( S R 1 1 1 4 ) ROGERS ROGERS CASHIERS DEVELOPMENT LLC JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTYFRANK ALLEN RD(SR 1176)BUMGARNER WHITEPOTTS MCCARLEY COLLINS MARSTON CASHIERS VILLAGE LLC HOLLEY McCALL WHELAN ZEB ALLEY RD350 6 KINSEY C A S H I E R S L A K E R D ( S R 1 1 1 3 ) TUCKASEIGEE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY OUTPARCEL NEWTON COMMANDER LEHN LLCTHE VILLAGEGREEN OFCASHIERSGNAR L E Y W A Y L INGER LN GETA L O N G T R L CROOKED HOUSE RD346234643466346834703510 3490 350 2 34663498 349 4 3470 3462 347 43478 3458 CHATTOOGA RIVERFM FMFMFMFMFMFM FMFMFMFMFMFMFM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 3464 3466 34623470 34903484 3488 3458 3456 3456 34543452 3500 3510 3490 CASHIERS DEVELOPMENT LLC OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHEXIST. SANITARY SEWER (TYP) TWO (2) EXIST. ELLIPTICAL 81"x 59" CMP INV. OUT ±3,476' EXIST. MANOR HOUSE EXIST. 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXIST. 40' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EX I S T . P O N D 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) EXIST. LAKE EDGE EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXIST. 16' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PROJECT BOUNDARY EXIST. 20' ACCESS EASEMENT EXIST. FORCEMAIN (TYP) EXIST. GRAVEL (TYP) EXIST. TREE LINE 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) EXIST. OVERHEAD UTILITIES (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP)3462CASHIE R S L A K E R D (SR 11 1 3 ) EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (WIDTH VARIES) 3468 TEMP. 15 " R C P @ 0 . 50% EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (WIDTH VARIES) SS SSSSSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEXIST. PRIVATE WELL EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. WOODED AREA 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP)3458 3454 3450 3460 3486 3484 3482351035103476 3478 3474347234603462 34643468347 6 347 8 3480 3482 3484 3486 3488 3490 EXIST. STREAM (TYP) LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY EXIST. PROPERTY LINE/ROW EXIST. EASEMENT EXIST. STREAM EXIST. MAJOR CONTOUR EXIST. MINOR CONTOUR 3470 3471 30' ORW BUFFER EXIST. WETLANDS EXIST. TREE LINE SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN N/A RRW MBT MBT C1-00 10/26/2018 7:46 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-EXIST CONDITIONS.DWG 0 1"=100' 50'100'200' EXIST. WETLANDS (TYP) EXIST. WETLANDS (TYP) 1998-PRESENT SURVEYED SEDIMENT ENCROACHMENT INTO CASHIERS LAKE EXIST. WALL (TYP) CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG! IT'S THE LAW! NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. 1951-1998 SURVEYED SEDIMENT ENCROACHMENT INTO CASHIERS LAKE 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 0+002+004+006+008+0010+0012+00 14+00 16+0018+0020+0 0 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 30+00 32 + 0 0 34+00 36+0038+00 40 + 0 0 42+0044+00 46+0048+005 0 + 0 0 5 2 + 0 0 54+00 56+00 58+0060 + 0 0 6 2 + 0 0 64+00 66+0068+0070+00 7 2 + 0 0 7 4 + 0 0 76+0078 + 0 0 80 + 0 0 82+0084+0086 + 0 0 88+00 90+00 92+009 4 + 0 0 96+0098+00100+00102+00104+00 104+63 DRAINAGE AREA MAP N/A RRW MBT MBT C1-01 10/26/2018 7:48 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-DRAINAGE AREA.DWG 0 1"=500' 250'500'1000' SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY: TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 671.91 ACRES TC HAS BEEN CALCULATED TO BE 1.0439 HOURS TIME OF CONCENTRATION SUMMARY SHEET FLOW SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW TYPE LENGTH TIME 100' 707' 903' 2296' 0.4665 HRS 0.0376 HRS 0.0377 HRS 0.0813 HRS SLOPE 2.0% 10.5% 9.06% 11.5% CN BREAK DOWN WATER RESIDENTIAL 2 ACRE TYPE CN 98 65 AREA (AC) 18.00 42.45 CHANNEL FLOW SEGMENT #1 RESIDENTIAL 1 ACRE COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS WOODS GOOD TOTAL 68 92 55 137.59 78.64 358.35 671.8164.11 OPEN SPACE GOOD 61 36.78 TOTAL 1.0439 HRS CHANNEL FLOW SEGMENT #2 CHANNEL FLOW SEGMENT #3 6422'0.4209 HRS14.6% SOIL TYPES SYMBOL NAME SOIL GROUP A A B/D EdD CdE NkA SyA EDNEYVILLE -CHESTNUT CHANDLER GRAVELY FINE SANDY LOAM B NIKWASI FIN SANDY LOAM SYLVA, WHITESIDE DRAINAGE AREA TO DUAL CMPs AT FRANK ALLEN RD 517 ac CASHIERS LAKE 3904 3828 3983 3564 SEG. #1 CHANNEL FLOW SEG. #2 CHANNEL FLOW SEG. #3 CHANNEL FLOW SEG. #1 SHEET FLOW 3471 CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG! IT'S THE LAW!CASHIERS LAKE RD (SR 1113)VAL LEY RD (SR 1 1 1 4 )NC HWY 107ZEB A L L E Y R D FRAN K A L L E N R D ( S R 1 1 7 6 ) US 64 E CHATTOOGA RIVERSITE DRAINAGE AREA TO EX ELLIPTICAL CMP = 518 Ac DUAL 81"x59" CMP FLOWLINE ELEV: ~3,480.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA 671.8 ac NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. CHATTOOGA RIVER30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) CASHIE R S L A K E R D (SR 11 1 3 )FRANK ALLEN RD(SR 1176)30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER XXXX X X XEXIST. WETLANDS TO BE PROTECTED EXIST. WETLANDS TO BE PROTECTED SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY 0 1"=100' 50'100'200' CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG! IT'S THE LAW! OVERALL MASTER WATERSHED PLAN N/A RRW MBT MBT C2-00 10/29/2018 10:12 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-WATERSHED.DWG NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT DA #7 7.33 AC DA #6 (LOW DENSITY) <_12% BUA NEWTON OUTPARCEL PROP. UNDGERGROUND TREATMENT BMP #3 D.A. = 1.95 AC IMP. = 0.50 AC PROP. UNDERGROUND TREATMENT BMP #2 D.A. = 2.94 AC IMP. = 0.84 AC WQ BMP #5 WET POND D.A. = 2.29 AC IMP. = 0.42 AC WQ BMP #4 UNDGERGROUND TREATMENT D.A. = 2.84 AC IMP. = 0.77 AC CASHIERS LAKE ±24.0 AC DA DRAINAGE AREA (AC)LAND USE IMPERVIOUS (AC PER PLAN) IMPERVIOUS (WQ DESIGN BUA) WATER QUALITY TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS WATERSHED CHATOOGA RIVER NCDENR PERMIT # 1 1.36 RESORT 0.23 0.41 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) 2 2.94 RESORT 0.84 0.88 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) 3 1.95 RESORT 0.50 0.59 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) 4 2.84 RESORT 0.77 0.85 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) 5 2.29 RESORT 0.42 0.69 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) 6 37.67 RESIDENTIAL 4.52 4.52 (12%) <_ 12% BUA (LOW DENSITY)(ORW)SW #1080801 7 7.33 RESORT/ RESIDENTIAL 0.16 2.20 (30%)1.0" (HIGH DENSITY)(ORW) GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.TOTAL PARCEL - 89.34 ACRES 2.DEVELOPER: CANOE CLUB DEVELOPMENT, LLC PO BOX 3008049 AUSTIN, TX 78703 3.SEWAGE DISPOSAL SHALL BE BY (TWSA) TUCKASEIGEE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY. 4.THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE CHATTOOGA RIVER BASIN AND IS CLASSIFIED AS OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS. 5.THIS MAP IS FOR MASTER PLAN WATERSHED USE ONLY. ALL INDIVIDUAL SITE DEVELOPMENT SHALL SUBMIT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITH DETAILED DESIGN OF EROSION CONTROL AND WATERSHED DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PLAN. 6.SOIL TYPES INCLUDE: EdC, EdD, NkA, SyA, W, WtB 7.THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION AND THEIR ASSIGNS WILL HAVE THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO ALL PERMANENT WET DETENTION AND/OR ALL WATER QUALITY BMP'S FOR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE ENFORCEMENT. 8.THE PROPERTY OWNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE COMPLETED PERMANENT DETENTION AND/OR WATER QUALITY BMP'S AS DIRECTED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION. 9.THE PERMANENT DETENTION AND ALL WATER QUALITY BMP'S SHALL HAVE FULL DESIGN VOLUME AVAILABLE PRIOR TO ANY ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES FOR OCCUPANCY FOR SITE AND/OR PRIOR TO ANY PLAT RECORDATION FOR THE SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE THE CLEANOUT AND DISPOSAL OF SEDIMENT, ETC. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE LOCAL WATERSHED ENGINEER, WHEN A PERMANENT DETENTION AND/OR A WATER QUALITY BMP HAS BEEN CLEARED AND THE BMP HAS BEEN FIELD STAKED. DA #1 1.36 AC DA #2 2.94 AC DA #3 1.95 AC DA #5 2.29 AC DA #4 2.84 AC PROP. UNDGERGROUND TREATMENT BMP #1 D.A. = 1.36 AC IMP. = 0.23 AC DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY (TYP) ±4.41 AC OF EXIST. WETLANDS NOT DISTURBED IMPACT #8 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING STREAM - 60 LF IMPACT #6 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING STREAM - 60 LF IMPACT #8A - PROP. ROAD CROSSING WETLAND FILL - 0.02 AC IMPACT #7 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING WETLAND FILL - 0.01 AC FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) XXXX X X XO U HOUHOUHOUHOUHOUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUH OUH OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHO U H O U H O U H O U H OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H O U H CASHIERS LAKE RD (SR 1113 ) LEHN CAFE FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP REAL E S T A T E INTER E S T L L C MORRIS CANOE POINT LLC SALTMARSH CANOE POINT LLC CASHIERS VILLAGE LLC JR MANAGEMENT LLCVALLE Y R D ( S R 1 1 1 4 ) ROGERS ROGERS CASHIERS DEVELOPMENT LLC JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTYFRANK ALLEN RD(SR 1176)BUMGARNER WHITEPOTTS MCCARLEY COLLINS MARSTON CASHIERS VILLAGE LLC HOLLEY McCALL WHELAN ZEB ALLEY RD350 6 KINSEY C A S H I E R S L A K E R D ( S R 1 1 1 3 ) TUCKASEIGEE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY OUTPARCEL NEWTON COMMANDER LEHN LLCTHE VILLAGEGREEN OFCASHIERSGNAR L E Y W A Y L INGER LN GETA L O N G T R L CROOKED HOUSE RD346234643466346834703510 3490 350 2 34663498 349 4 3470 3462 347 43478 3458 CHATTOOGA RIVERFM FMFMFMFMFMFM FMFMFMFMFMFMFM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 3464 3466 34623470 34903484 3488 3458 3456 3456 34543452 3500 3510 3490 CASHIERS DEVELOPMENT LLC OUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHOUHEXIST. SANITARY SEWER (TYP) TWO (2) EXIST. ELLIPTICAL 81"x 59" CMP INV. OUT ±3,476' EXIST. MANOR HOUSE EXIST. 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXIST. 40' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EX I S T . P O N D 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) EXIST. LAKE EDGE EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXIST. 16' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PROJECT BOUNDARY EXIST. 20' ACCESS EASEMENT EXIST. FORCEMAIN (TYP) EXIST. GRAVEL (TYP) EXIST. TREE LINE 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) EXIST. OVERHEAD UTILITIES (TYP) 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP)3462CASHIE R S L A K E R D (SR 11 1 3 ) EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (WIDTH VARIES) 3468 TEMP. 15 " R C P @ 0 . 50% EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (WIDTH VARIES) SS SSSSSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEXIST. PRIVATE WELL EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. BUILDING (TYP) EXIST. WOODED AREA 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP)3458 3454 3450 3460 3486 3484 3482351035103476 3478 3474347234603462 34643468347 6 347 8 3480 3482 3484 3486 3488 3490 EXIST. STREAM (TYP) 347 4 3 5 0 0 34 9 0 34 8 0 3476 347 8 347 4 3476 3478 3 4 6 6 346434703 4 6 8 3470 TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD- > TD- > TD-> TD-> TD->TD-> TD->TD->TD->TD->TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD-> TD - > TD - > 3468 3464 3470 346434663464 3468TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->3468 3454 345 6 3460 3458 3 4 5 23470346634743470 TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->3460 3466 TD->TD->TD->TD->TD-> T D - > T D - > T D - > T D - > T D - > TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->TD->3476 34683464 3456346034 7 8 3480 3470 3468 3472 3474 3478 LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY EXIST. PROPERTY LINE/ROW EXIST. EASEMENT EXIST. STREAM EXIST. MAJOR CONTOUR EXIST. MINOR CONTOUR DENUDED LIMITS PROP. SILT FENCE 3470 3471 PROP. MINOR CONTOUR 3471 PROP. MAJOR CONTOUR 3470 EXIST. WETLANDS 30' ORW BUFFER EXIST. TREE LINE TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH TD->TD-> PROP. TURBIDITY CURTAIN SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY 0 1"=100' 50'100'200' DENUDED LIMITS AREA - 15.29 AC TEMP. DUAL 48" CMP 30 LF @ MIN 1.0% EXIST. DOCK TO BE REMOVED PROP. BULKHEAD TOP OF WALL ±3474' PROP. BULKHEAD TOP OF WALL ±3474' PROP. BULKHEAD TOP OF WALL ±3474' PROP. 15' CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROAD (TYP) SINGLE ROW SILT FENCE (TYP) SUPER SILT FENCE (TYP) CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG! IT'S THE LAW! ESTABLISH NEW BASE CHANNEL. TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #1 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) EXIST. GRAVEL DRIVE EXIST. GRAVEL DRIVE EXIST. WETLANDS TO REMAIN IMPACT #3 - PROP. BULKHEAD & WETLAND FILL 0.10 AC PROP. 15' CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROAD (TYP) PROP. NON-TREATED TIMBER MATTING OR RIP RAP FOR TEMPORARY CAUSEWAY AS NEEDED TO ACCESS ALL DREDGING AREAS (TYP) TO BE REMOVED AFTER DREDGING PROP. TURBIDITY CURTAIN (TYP) FILL VOLUME APPROX. 22,500 CY IMPACT #13 PROP. WETLAND FILL (1951-1998) - 0.36 AC IMPACT #2 - PROP. BULKHEAD & OPEN WATER FILL - 0.52 AC IMPACT #5 - PROP. BULKHEAD & OPEN WATER FILL - 0.87 AC IMPACT #8 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING STREAM - 60 LF (30 LF OF 36" RCP AND 30 LF OF RIP-RAP INLET/OUTLET PROTECTION) (SEE DETAIL) IMPACT #6 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING STREAM - 60 LF (30 LF OF 42" RCP AND 30 LF OF RIP-RAP INLET/OUTLET PROTECTION) (SEE DETAIL) IMPACT #9 PROP. WETLAND FILL (1951-1998) - 0.03 AC IMPACT #11 PROP. BULKHEAD & WETLAND FILL (1951-1998) - 0.21 AC TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN #1 TOTAL DA - 10.34 AC DENUDED DA - 6.11 AC PROP. BAFFLE (TYP) PROP. 24' STONE WEIR DENUDED AREA 0.23 AC PROP. 10' PICK PATH THROUGH TREES TO INSTALL FUTURE CROSSING DENUDED AREA 0.24 AC EXIST. WALL TO BE REMOVED DENUDED LIMITS AREA - 3.58 AC FILL VOLUME APPROX. 5,000 CY FILL VOLUME APPROX. 9,000 CY EROSION CONTROL PLAN N/A RRW MBT MBT C3-00 10/29/2018 10:16 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-EROSION CONTROL.DWG FILL VOLUME APPROX. 1,000 CY IMPACT #10 - PROP. DREDGING WETLAND (1951-1998) - 5.28 AC PROP. 10' PICK PATH THROUGH TREES TO INSTALL FUTURE CROSSING EXIST. WETLANDS (TYP) PROP. MATTING FOR STABILIZATION TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #2 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #4 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #5 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) DREDGE CUT VOLUME APPROX. 37,000 CY 1998-PRESENT SURVEYED SEDIMENT ENCROACHMENT INTO CASHIERS LAKE TSB #1 DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY 10.34 AC PROP. TURBIDITY CURTAIN (TYP) MATERIAL HAUL PATH NON-TREATED TIMBER MATTING OR RIP RAP AS NEEDED TO CONNECT DREDGE AREA TO FILL AREA MATERIAL HAUL PATH NON-TREATED TIMBER MATTING OR RIP RAP AS NEEDED TO CONNECT DREDGE AREA TO FILL AREA TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN #2 TOTAL DA - 6.53 AC DENUDED DA - 2.91 AC PROP. 14' STONE WEIR TSB #2 DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY 6.53 AC DUAL 48" CMP 30 LF @ MIN 1.0% TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #6 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #7 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH #3 (SEE SHEET C3-04 FOR DETAIL) EXIST. DOCK TO BE REMOVED PROP. BULKHEAD TOP OF WALL ±3472' CASHIERS LAKE NORMAL POOL ELEV. ±3471' END OF BULKHEAD END OF BULKHEAD PROP. SILT FENCE (TYP) FOREBAY 0.21 AC OF STABILIZED GRAVEL ROAD BED TO REMAIN IN PLACE AT AN ELEV. OF ±3,469' FOR MAINTENANCE OF FOREBAY REPLANT ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 30' ORW BUFFER IN ACCORDANCE WITH GUIDELINES FOR RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION DOCUMENT PUBLISHED BY DENR-WRP 2001 IMPACT #8A - PROP. ROAD CROSSING WETLAND FILL - 0.02 AC NOTE: CULVERTS AT THE ROAD CROSSINGS THE CULVERTS SHALL BE RCP TO PROVIDE MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC LIFE. SUFFICIENT WATER DEPTH SHOULD BE MAINTAINED IN ALL FLOW REGIMES SO AS TO ACCOMMODATE BOTH THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES. WATER DEPTH INSIDE THE CULVERT MUST BE ADEQUATE FOR FISH TO BE COMPLETELY IMMERSED AND ALL OTHER AQUATIC LIFE TO MOVE FREELY. THE CULVERT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE SAME SLOPE AS THE STREAM GRADE TO MAINTAIN AN ACCEPTABLE WATER VELOCITY FOR AQUATIC LIFE PASSAGE AND FOR STREAM SUBSTRATE CHARACTERISTICS TO BE RETAINED WITHIN THE CULVERT. THE PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE FOR DREDGING CASHIERS LAKE DAM IS TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ON APRIL 15, 2019 AND END BY LATE JULY 2019. THE SCHEDULE IS IN PLACE TO ACCOMMODATE THE TROUT WATERS AND SPAWNING SEASON. THE RESERVOIR WILL BE FILLED BACK TO NORMAL WATER SURFACE ELEVATION DURING THE END OF CONSTRUCTION BUT BEFORE JULY 31, 2019. IMPACT #1 - PROP. OPEN WATER DISTURBANCE - 3.34 AC IMPACT #7 - PROP. ROAD CROSSING WETLAND FILL - 0.01 AC 1951-1998 SURVEYED SEDIMENT ENCROACHMENT INTO CASHIERS LAKE EXIST. GRAVEL IMPACT #12 - PROP. DREDGING WETLAND (1998-PRESENT) - 1.15 AC 30' ORW BUFFER (TYP) 40.0000' FMFMFM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 3 4 6 6 3466 3468 - 0 + 3 1 0 + 0 0 1+00 2+00 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1"=2' RRW MBT MBT C3-01 10/26/2018 7:53 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\PLN-DAM.DWG 0 1"= 10'20'40' 20' SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY CASHIERS LAKE CAS HIE RS L A K E R O A D ( S R 1113) EX. T OP OF D A M EL E V ATI O N = 3476.3(TAKEN AT B RI D G E) EXISTING GRAVEL GNARLEY WAYEXISTING GROUND EXISTING ROCK EXIS TI N G D A M M AI N T E N A N C E E A S E M E N T 92.4 LF OF EXISTING 48" PCCP @ 2.30% EXISTING 6' DIAMETER PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE RIM:3472.50 INV. IN: 3460.3 INV. OUT: 3460.3 EXISTING CULVERT BEDDED ON A CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE 87.5 LF OF EXISTING 48" PCCP @ 2.30%EXISTING 6' X 6' PRECAST CONCRETE RISER BOX RIM: 3471.5 INV. OUT: 3462.31 EXISTING TUCKASEGEE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY 8" FORCE MAIN (FIELD LOCATED) EXISTING WING WALL W/ SPLASH PAD INV. : 3458.17 31 LF OF EXISTING 18" DIP EMERGENCY DEWATERING PIPE INV. IN: 3462.31 EXISTING CONTECH A-JACKS ENERGY DISSIPATER EXISTING 18" DIP PIPE SHALL BE BEDDED ON A CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE EXISTING 1" PVC COLD WATER RELEASE PIPE SHALL BE BEDDED ON A CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE 30 LF OF EXISTING 1" PVC COLD WATER RELEASE PIPE INV. IN: 3463.31 WAVE PROTECTION LAKE ASSOCIATION INC CASHIERS CANOE CLUB DEVELOPMENT CASHIERS CANOE CLUB DEVELOPMENT -1+00 VERTICAL SCALE: 2 FEET PER INCH EXISTING GROUND HORIZONTAL SCALE: 20 FEET PER INCH EXISTING DAM CHANNEL PROFILE 1+00 2+000+00 EXISTING ROCK EXISTING ROCK EXISTING GROUND LAKE NWSE 3471 31 LF OF EXISTING 18" DIP EMERGENCY DEWATERING PIPE INV. IN: 3462.31 APPROXIMATE LAKE BOTTOM 3462.31 EXISTING TRASH RACK 87.5 L F O F E X I S T I N G 4 8 " P C C P @ 2 . 3 0 % EXISTING 6' X 6' PRECAST CONCRETE RISER BOX INV. OUT: 3462.31 FILTER DRAINAGE DIAPHRAGM EXISTING CULVERT SHALL BE BEDDED ON A CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE EXISTING 6' DIAMETER PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE RIM: 3472.50 INV. IN: 3460.3 INV. OUT: 3460.3 92.4 L F O F E X I S T I N G 4 8 " P C C P @ 2 . 3 0 % TOP OF RISER ELEV. 3471.5 EXISTING TUCKASEGEE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY 8" FORCE MAIN (FIELD LOCATED HORIZONTALLY, APPROX. DEPTH TO BE FIELD VERIFIED) EXISTING WING WALL W/ SPLASH PAD INV. 3458.17 1/3 P M P H Y D R A U L I C G R A D E L I N E 1/3 P M P H Y D R A U L I C G R A D E L I N E EXISTING CONTECH A-JACKS ENERGY DISSIPATER EXISTING WALKWAY FOR OUTLET BOX ACCESS 30 LF OF EXISTING 1" PVC COLD WATER PIPE INV. IN: 3463.31 EXISTING 1" PVC COLD WATER PIPE ELBOW INV. IN: 3462.98 3475 3470 3465 3460 3455 3480 3+00 CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG! IT'S THE LAW! 3475 3470 3465 3460 3455 3480 PROPOSED LAKE DRAIN LEVEL FOR DREDGE OPERATION 3467 PROPOSED LAKE DRAIN LEVEL FOR DREDGE OPERATION 3467 PROPOSED TURBIDITY CURTAIN NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. DEWATERING PUMP AND GENERATOR ON WALKWAY MICRO-SCREEN INTAKE NOTE: USE DOZER TRACKS TO CREATE GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. GROOVES WILL CATCH SEED, FERTILIZER, MULCH, RAINFALL AND DECREASE SEDIMENT IN RUNOFF. S L O P E REFERENCE SECTION 02020 OF LOWE'S DIVISION 2 STANDARD SITE SPECIFICATIONS AND PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS TOP AND BOTTOM STRAND SHALL BE 10 GAUGE MIN. MIDDLE AND VERTICAL WIRES SHALL BE 14 GAUGE MIN. 6" SPACING NOTES: 1. WWM MINIMUM 32" WIDTH WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WITH 12" STAY SPACING. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE 36" WIDE AND SHALL BE FASTENED ADEQUATELY TO THE WIRE. 3. STEEL POST SHALL BE 5'-0" IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE SELF-FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. 4. WOOD POST SHALL BE 5'-0" IN HEIGHT AND 2" IN DIAMETER. 5. SUPPORT POSTS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE SEDIMENT FENCE (DOWNSTREAM FROM EXPECTED FLOWS) 6. ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL REMOVED WHEN 25% THE HEIGHT OF FENCE. 7. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 10,000 SF PER 100' OF FENCE. 8. MAXIMUM LENGTH UPSLOPE FROM FENCE PER CHART 10' MAX. WITH WIRE (6' MAX. WITHOUT WIRE) FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED FILL POST - 2'-0" DEPTH EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO TRENCH 4" 8" FILTER FABRIC WIRE 5' STEEL OR WOOD POST SLOPE SLOPE LENGTH (FT)*MAXIMUM AREA (FT^2) < 2%100 10,000 2 TO 5%75 7,500 5 TO 10%50 5.000 10 TO 20%25 2,500 > 20%15 1,500 SLOPE LENGTH CHART *MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SLOPE BEHIND FENCE JOINING FENCE SECTIONS 6" MIN. POST FABRIC FENCE NOTES: FILTER FABRIC FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED AT EXISTING LEVEL GRADE. BOTH ENDS OF THE BARRIER MUST BE EXTENDED AT LEAST 8 FEET UPSLOPE AT 45 DEGREES TO MAIN BARRIER ALIGNMENT. SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED WHEN ACCUMULATION REACHES 25% ABOVE GROUND HEIGHT OF THE FENCE . NO. 7 GA. TENSION WIRE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF CHAIN-LINK FENCE. CHAIN LINK TO POST FASTENERS SPACED @ 14" MAX. USE NO. 6 GA. ALUMINUM WIRE OR NO. 9 GALVANIZED STEEL PRE-FORMED CLIPS. CHAIN LINK TO TENSION WIRE FASTENERS SPACED @ 60" MAX. USE NO 10 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE. FABRIC TO CHAIN FASTENERS SPACED @ 24" MAX. C TO C. POSTS FOR THE FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE (DOWNSTREAM OF EXPECTED FLOWS) CHAIN LINK FENCE (2" WOVEN MESH FABRIC) 10' MAX. FABRIC FENCE TOE ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED FILL POST - 3'-0" DEPTH MIN. 4" 8" SUPPORT POST USE 2-1/2" DIA. GALVANIZED OR ALUMINUM POSTS SLOPE MAXIMUM SLOPE LENGTH (FT)* < 2%1,000 5%500 10%300 20%200 30%100 SLOPE LENGTH CHART 75 50 40% 50% FABRIC FENCE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE 33" SEE NOTE #4 #7 GAGE TENSION WIRE CHAIN LINK FENCE SUPPORT POST #7 GAGE TENSION WIRE SEE NOTE #4 JOINING FENCE SECTIONS 6" MIN. POST SEE NOTE #4 FABRIC FENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SLOPE BEHIND FENCE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS N/A RRW MBT MBT C3-02 10/26/2018 7:53 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\DTL-EROSION CONTROL.DWG (NOT TO SCALE) NTS SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY SEED BED PREPARATION (PERMANENT SEEDING) SEEDING SPECIFICATION GENERAL SEEDING CAN BE USED FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION. DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTY HAS CEASED FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS (OR MORE FREQUENT IF REQUIRED BY THE STATE NPDES PERMIT) SHALL BE TEMPORARARILY SEEDED AND WATERED. AREAS WHERE FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY SEEDED. TEMPORARY SEED MIXTURES ARE SPECIFIED BELOW. PERMANENT SEED MIXTURES SHALL BE SEEDED DURING SEASON SPECIFIED. HIGH MAINTENANCE AREAS (ALL AREAS ON DAM) RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/ACRE TYPE TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATI0NS - TS TYPE TYPE RYE (GRAIN) 120 LBS/ACRE GERMAN MILLET 40 LBS/ACRES FEB. 15 - MAY 15 DATES MAY 15 - AUG. 15 AUG. 15 - DEC. 15 DATES DATES INSPECTION INSPECT SEEDED AREAS FREQUENTLY. IF SEEDED AREAS FAIL TO GERMINATE, OR TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE GROUND COVERAGE, THE AREA SHALL BE RE-SEEDED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED AT MINIMUM EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24-HOURS OF A RAINFALL EVENT OF.5 INCHES AND GREATER OF RAIN DURING A 24-HOUR PERIOD (OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF REQUIRED BY THE STATE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT) THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF REQUIRED BY STATE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS - PS TRACKING DETAIL N.T.S. SILT FENCE DETAIL N.T.S.SUPER FILTER FABRIC FENCE DETAIL N.T.S. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES 1.ON-SITE BURIAL PITS REQUIRE AN ON-SITE DEMOLITION LANDFILL PERMIT FROM LOCAL CITY AUTHORITY.S 2.ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE SEDIMENT AND POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. NOTE THAT DENUDED LIMITS DEPICTED ARE APPROXIMATE. CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE STAKED IN FIELD BASED ON VERTICAL PROFILE AND CROSS-SECTION OF PROPOSED ROADWAY AND OTHER PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. LIMITS SHALL BE CALCULATED AND FIELD STAKED BASED ON MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS IN AN EFFORT TO MINIMIZE DENUDED AREAS. 3.GRADING ONE ACRE OR MORE WITHOUT AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE SEDIMENT AND POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. 4.FOR PHASED EROSION CONTROL PLANS, CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH EACH PHASE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 5.ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MAY BE REQUIRED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NCDENR LAND QUALITY INSPECTOR OR THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 6.ALL SLOPES MUST BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS. 7.SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED NO STEEPER THAN 2:1. ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER REQUIRE EROSION CONTROL MATTING, SC250 OR EQUIVALENT UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 8.THERE ARE NO CURRENT APPARENT EROSION CONTROL PROBLEMS ON SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PROCEDURES AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION. 9.ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AS REQUESTED BY THE NCDNER INSPECTOR OR ENGINEER. 10.STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS, AND ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 11.PRIOR TO STORM SEWER SYSTEM INSTALLATION ALL RUNOFF LEAVING THE SITE SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES PRIOR TO DISCHARGE OFFSITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THIS REQUIREMENT ONSITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. 12.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN INLET PROTECTION AROUND ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 13.PROVISIONS TO PREVENT EROSION OF SOIL FROM THE SITE SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CITY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS. 14.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CLEAN ALL SEDIMENT TRAPS AS REQUIRED. 15.FAILURE TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER/PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR LOCAL CITY AND STATE MAY RESULT IN ALL WORK ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE BEING STOPPED UNTIL PROPER CORRECTIVE MEASURES HAVE BEEN MET, AS REQUIRED AND/OR DIRECTED. 16.THE CONTRACTOR MUST GRADE THE SEDIMENT BASINS, AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST REMOVE SILT AND DEBRIS FROM THE SEDIMENT BASINS AND SILT FENCES WHEN BASINS ARE 25% FILLED WITH SILT. AFTER ALL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE THE BASINS TO THE GRADING LIMITS AND STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH GRASSING. 17.LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL APPROVAL TO DO SO HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. 18.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 19.NO LAND CLEARING OR GRADING SHALL BEGIN UNTIL ALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 20.ALL EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AS SPECIFIED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF FINAL GRADING. 21.SHOULD CONSTRUCTION STOP FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS, THE SITE SHALL BE SEEDED AS SPECIFIED. 22.SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF 0.5 INCHES RAINFALL OR GREATER DURING A 24-HOUR PERIOD OR MORE FREQUENTLY IF REQUIRED BY GOVERNING NPDES GENERAL PERMIT. ALL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED BY INSPECTION SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN 24 HOURS AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN 48 HOURS OF REPORT. 23.THIS PLAN SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ALL INCLUSIVE AS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE. 24.GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES THAT APPLY. 25.IF INSTALLATION OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHOULD BE INTERRUPTED BY WEATHER OR NIGHTFALL, THE PIPE ENDS SHALL BE COVERED WITH FILTER FABRIC. 26.GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO TAKE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION. TREE REMOVAL DETAIL N.T.S.DRIP LINEPLAN VIEW OF ROOT ZONE TYPICAL SECTION VIEW OF ROOT ZONE ONE FOOT FOR EACH INCH OF TRUNK DIAMETER OR 1/2 HEIGHT OF TREE WHICHEVER IS GREATER TREE ROOT BALL TO BE COMPLETELY REMOVED ALL ROOTS GREATER THAN 1.5" SHALL BE REMOVED ALL ROOTS GREATER THAN 1.5" SHALL BE REMOVED TREE ROOT BALL TO BE COMPLETELY REMOVED TREE REMOVAL NOTES: TREE REMOVAL NEEDS TO BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED TREE REMOVAL AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS. LAKE DEWATERING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF TREES AND ROOT BALLS FROM DAM. THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE DONE AT A SATISFACTORY DISTANCE AHEAD OF THE GRADING OR TRENCHING OPERATIONS. IN AREAS DESIGNATED TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED, ALL STUMPS, ROOTS, BURIED LOGS, BRUSH, GRASS AND OTHER UNSATISFACTORY MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED. THE ROOTS AND OTHER PROJECTIONS WITHIN EXCAVATED AREAS OVER ONE AND ONE-HALF (1-1/2) INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL BE COMPLETELY GRUBBED OUT OF THE DAM STRUCTURE. HOLES RESULTING FROM THE GRUBBING OPERATION SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH WELL-COMPACTED SOIL PER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS. THE BACKFILL SHOULD THEN BE GRADED TO BLEND WITH THE SURROUNDING CONTOUR, AND APPROPRIATE GRASSES SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS. JULY 25-AUG. 15 DATES TYPE BLEND OF 60 LBS/ ACRE OF KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS (POA PRATENSIS) AND 40 LBS/ACRE OF RED FESCUE (FESTUCA RUBRA) MAR. 20- APR. 20 TROUT BUFFER OUTSIDE OF DAM AREA CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION, AND HOLD A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING AND COORDINATE WITH OWNER, ENGINEER, AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATORY AGENCIES. 2.PROJECT IS LOCATED IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA AND IS ADJACENT TO A TROUT STREAM. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE EXTREME CARE THROUGHOUT PROJECT. 3.SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL FOR ALL MATERIALS. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS AND OBTAIN PERMISSION FOR PROPERTY ACCESS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 5.CONTRACTOR SHOULD LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WITHIN THE DEFINED PROJECT AREA AS SHOWN IN THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANS AND FIELD CONDITIONS. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITHIN ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS-SENSITIVE PROPERTY OWNERS. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN VEHICULAR ACCESS ALONG CASHIERS LAKE ROAD (SR 1113) AT ALL TIMES. 8.STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ACCESS DRIVES WITH GRAVEL AND MULCH. STAKE CLEARING LIMITS. 9.INSTALL ALL UPLAND SILT FENCE, AND OTHER MEASURES AS SHOWN ON PLANS, CLEARING ONLY AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THESE DEVICES. 10.ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL AND US DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. 11.CALL FOR ON-SITE INSPECTION BY INSPECTOR AND ENGINEER. 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL LOWER THE LAKE FROM THE NWSE OF 3471 TO 3467. THE DEWATERING OF THE LAKE SHALL BE A GRADUAL PROCESS AND THE MAXIMUM RATE OF DRAWDOWN IS 0.5' PER DAY. THE WATER FROM THE LAKE DRAWDOWN SHALL BE BYPASSED TO THE EXISTING CHATTOOGA RIVER. DURING THE LAKE DRAWDOWN PROCESS CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE WATER BEING REMOVED FROM THE LAKE INTO THE RIVER IS FREE OF SEDIMENT. IF SEDIMENT BECOMES A PROBLEM DURING THE DEWATERING PROCESS CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. 13.ONCE THE LAKE IS LOWERED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN MINIMUM BASE FLOW AT ALL TIMES TO THE CHATTOOGA RIVER OF 0.5 CFS (7Q10 INFORMATION TAKEN FROM NSGS). THE MINIMUM BASE FLOW SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY USING EITHER MECHANICAL PUMP OR SIPHON SYSTEM AND SHALL REMAIN IN OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE DREDGING AND REFILLING PROCESS. 14.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL & STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES INTO LAKE BED. 15.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN #1 WITH ALL ASSOCIATED TEMP. DITCHES AND SILT FENCE AND TURBIDITY BAFFLES PRIOR TO ANY ACTIVITY WITHIN THE LAKE BED. 16.ONCE CONTRACTOR HAS APPROPRIATELY INSTALLED TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN #1, CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN INSTALLING TD #1 TO ESTABLISH NEW STABILIZED BASE CHANNEL WITH ASSOCIATED TEMPORARY CROSSINGS TO ALLOW UPPER BASIN BASE FLOW TO BYPASS THE DREDGING AREA. 17.ONLY AFTER CONTRACTOR HAS ESTABLISHED AND STABILIZED TEMP. DITCH #1 SHALL CONTRACTOR BE ALLOWED TO COMMENCE WITH ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE LAKE BED. 18.ALL WETLAND AREA DREDGING SHALL BE DONE IN AN UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION. THIS IS SO DISTURBED SEDIMENT CAN BE CAPTURED IN THE DOWNSTREAM WETLAND. SEDIMENT CURTAINS SHALL BE USED TO ISOLATE THE DREDGE AND FILL AREAS FROM OPEN WATER. 19.INSTALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER MEASURES AS SHOWN ON PLANS, CLEARING ONLY AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL ALL DEVICES WITHIN THE LAKE BED AREA. 20.LAKE SHALL BE DEWATERED TO AN ELEVATION OF 3467 AFTER STORM EVENTS AS NEEDED PER SEQUENCE DESCRIBED IN ITEM #12. 21.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND STRUCTURES. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOULD BE CHECKED PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL EVENT. REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AS REQUIRED. INSPECTION AND REPAIR REPORTS SHALL BE KEPT BY THE CONTRACTOR AND PROVIDED TO THE STATE EROSION CONTROL AGENT UPON REQUEST. 22.CALL GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT FOR SITE INSPECTION PRIOR TO GRUBBING OR PLACING FILL. 23.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC ON CASHIERS LAKE ROAD (NCDOT SR 1113) AT ALL TIMES. 24.WHEN SITE HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING IN AREAS OF DISTURBANCE. 25.COORDINATE WITH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 26.UPON COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND STABILIZATION THE LAKE WILL BE GRADUALLY REFILLED, THIS WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR MAINTAINING THE MINIMUM BASE FLOW AT ALL TIME TO THE CHATTOOGA RIVER OF 0.5 CFS (7Q10 INFORMATION TAKEN FROM NSGS). THE MINIMUM BASE FLOW SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY USING EITHER MECHANICAL PUMP OR SIPHON SYSTEM. FLOWS FROM THE DAM TO THE CHATTOOGA RIVER MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES AT 70% OF THE INCOMING FLOW DURING LAKE REFILL. EXISTING PAVEMENT FILTER CLOTH AND/OR AS SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER EXISTING GROUND PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PROFILE EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING GROUND PLAN VIEW3" - 5" CLEAN STONE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS STONE - USE COARSE AGGREGATE (3"-5" STONE). LENGTH - AS EFFECTIVE, BUT NOT LESS THAN 100 FEET. THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN EIGHT (8) INCHES. WIDTH - NOT LESS THAN FULL WIDTH OF ALL POINTS OF INGRESS OR EGRESS. WASHING - WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, DITCH, OR WATERCOURSE THROUGH USE OF SAND BAGS, GRAVEL, BOARDS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO ADJACENT PAVED ROAD SURFACES MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 2- 8'x10' METAL GRATES MAY BE USED. GRATE SHALL BE 25' AWAY FROM PAVEMENT AND APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT CONTROL TRAPPING DEVICE SHALL BE USED AT GRATE OUTLET POINT. SEE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT WITH CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS DETAIL E-2. AS SHOW IN PLANS 15' MIN.STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/ EXIT4" MIN.4" MIN.AS SHOWN IN PLANS 3"-5" CLEAN STONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SILT FENCE OR BARRIER TO PREVENT SHORT CIRCUIT (7.5cm) (5cm-12.5cm) (30 cm) (15 cm)6" (15 cm) PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. NOTE: WHEN USING CELL-O-SEED DO NOT SEED PREPARED AREA. CELL-O-SEED MUST BE INSTALLED WITH PAPER SIDE DOWN. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6" (15cm) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACK FILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30cm) PORTION OF THE BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. ROLL THE BLANKETS DOWN ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH THE APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2"-5" (5cm-12.5cm) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" (7.5cm) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH. NOTE: IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY ANCHOR THE BLANKETS. 1 4 2 5 3" 2"-5" 12" 6" 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EROSIONAL CONTROL BLANKET DETAIL PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6" (15cm) DEEP X 6" (15cm) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30cm) PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. ROLL CENTER BLANKET IN DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW IN BOTTOM OF CHANNEL. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING THE DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. PLACE CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH A 4"-6" (10cm-15cm) OVERLAP. USE A DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES STAGGERED 4" (10cm) APART AND 4" (10cm) ON CENTER TO SECURE BLANKETS. FULL LENGTH EDGE OF BLANKETS AT TOP OF SIDE SLOPES MUST BE ANCHORED WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN A 6" (15cm) DEEP X 6" (15cm) WIDE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. ADJACENT BLANKETS MUST BE OVERLAPPED APPROXIMATELY 2"-5" (5cm-12.5cm)(DEPENDING ON BLANKET SIZE) AND STAPLED. IN HIGH FLOW CHANNEL APPLICATIONS, A STAPLE CHECK SLOT IS RECOMMENDED AT 30' TO 40' (9M-12M) INTERVALS. USE A DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES STAGGERED 4" (10cm) APART AND 4" (10cm) ON CENTER OVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL. THE TERMINAL END OF BLANKETS MUST BE ANCHORED WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN A 6" (15cm) DEEP X 6" (15cm) WIDE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. CRITICAL POINTS A) OVERLAPS AND SEAMS B) PROJECTED WATER LINE C) CHANNEL BOTTOM/SIDE SLOPE VERTICES NOTE: * HORIZONTAL STAPLE SPACING SHOULD BE ALTERED IF NECESSARY TO ALLOW STAPLES TO SECURE THE CRITICAL POINTS ALONG THE CHANNEL SURFACE. ** IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY ANCHOR THE BLANKETS. CB A 4 6 7 5 8 1 3 6" 12" 2 (15 cm) 6"(15 cm) (30 cm) (5cm-12.5cm) 2"-5" (15 cm)6" (15 cm)6" 4"(10cm) 4" 4"-6" (10cm-15cm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EROSIONAL CONTROL BLANKET DETAIL EROSION CONTROL DETAILS N/A RRW MBT MBT C3-03 10/26/2018 7:54 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\DTL-EROSION CONTROL.DWG (NOT TO SCALE) NTS SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY TURBIDITY CURTAIN DETAILS N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N.T.S.EROSION CONTROL BLANKET DETAIL N.T.S.EROSION CONTROL BLANKET DETAIL N.T.S. DIRTBAG DETAIL N.T.S. N.T.S.EROSION CONTROL DEWATERING 3430 3435 3440 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3470 3430 3435 3440 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3470 -5.00 % -12.00%-2.00%1.50%-5.00 % PVI STA. = 10+00.00 PVI ELEV = 3464.25 PVI STA. = 12+24.70 PVI ELEV = 3455.01 LOW PT STA = 10+95.00 LOW PT ELEV = 3456.75 PVI STA = 10+70.00 PVI ELEV = 3457.25 A.D. = -10.00 K = 5.00 50.00' VC BVCS: 10+45.00BVCE: 3460.25EVCS: 10+95.00EVCE: 3456.75LOW PT STA = 11+46.25 LOW PT ELEV = 3455.82 PVI STA = 11+45.00 PVI ELEV = 3455.75 A.D. = -3.50 K = 5.00 17.51' VC BVCS: 11+36.24BVCE: 3455.92EVCS: 11+53.75EVCE: 3455.889+00 9+50 10+003463.13463.0510+503457.03457.0011+003453.73453.6511+503446.93446.9212+003457.83457.7812+50 13+00 13+50 HIGH PT STA = 10+02.50 HIGH PT ELEV = 3464.13 PVI STA = 10+20.00 PVI ELEV = 3463.25 A.D. = 7.00 K = 5.00 35.00' VC BVCS: 10+02.50BVCE: 3464.13EVCS: 10+37.50EVCE: 3461.15HIGH PT STA = 11+86.25 HIGH PT ELEV = 3456.31 PVI STA = 11+95.00 PVI ELEV = 3456.50 A.D. = 6.50 K = 5.00 32.51' VC BVCS: 11+78.75BVCE: 3456.26EVCS: 12+11.25EVCE: 3455.693440 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3470 3475 3480 3440 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3470 3475 3480 9+00 9+50 10+003463.23463.1510+503461.03462.4011+003454.83461.6511+503456.63462.3412+003464.83463.1612+503465.63465.6213+003468.73468.6213+503472.33471.6214+00 14+50 15+00 -1.50% 6.00% 1.50% LOW PT STA = 11+87.97 LOW PT ELEV = 3462.91 PVI STA = 12+10.47 PVI ELEV = 3463.24 A.D. = -4.50 K = 10.00 45.00' VC BVCS: 11+87.97BVCE: 3462.91EVCS: 12+32.97EVCE: 3464.59PVI STA. = 10+00.00 PVI ELEV = 3463.15 PVI STA. = 11+02.17PVI ELEV = 3461.62PVI STA. = 13+74.92 PVI ELEV = 3473.11 3455 3460 3465 3470 3475 3455 3460 3465 3470 3475 0+00 0+50 1+00 30 LF OF 36" RCP @ 1.00% 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 0+00 0+50 1+00 30 LF OF 42" RCP @ 1.00% EROSION CONTROL DETAILS N/A RRW MBT MBT C3-04 10/30/2018 9:57 AM MARK TAYLOR N:\8118068_CASHIERS LAKE MASTER PLAN\CAD\CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS\DTL-EROSION CONTROL.DWG (NOT TO SCALE) NTS SEAL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE LANDDESIGN PROJ.# SCALE PROJECT NORTH NO.DESCRIPTION DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" VERT: HORZ: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 100 S. ORANGE AVE., SUITE 700 ORLANDO, FL 32801 407.270.7800 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-9520 CASHIERS LAKE DREDGING PLAN 8118068 CASHIERS TOWNSHIP JACKSON COUNTY, NCFOR REVIE W ONLY SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL N.T.S. IMPACT #8 - CROSS SECTION IMPACT #6 - CROSS SECTION PROP. 30" RCP EMBEDDED IN CREEK PROP. GROUND PROP. 36" RCP EMBEDDED IN CREEK IMPACT #8 - PROFILE SCALE: HORIZONTAL - 1"=60' IMPACT #6 - PROFILE VERTICAL - 1"=12' EXIST. GROUND PROP. GROUND EXIST. GROUND SCALE: HORIZONTAL - 1"=60' VERTICAL - 1"=12' EMBANKMENT MATTING DETAIL N.T.S. TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING N.T.S. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STREAM PROFILES BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH TABLE NUMBER TYPE BOTTOM WIDTH (FT) MIN. DEPTH (FT) 1 TRAPEZOIDAL 6 3.76 2 TRAPEZOIDAL 6 3.76 3 TRIANGULAR N/A 1.04 4 TRIANGULAR N/A 1.04 5 TRIANGULAR N/A 1.31 6 TRIANGULAR N/A 0.74 7 TRIANGULAR N/A 0.59 NOTE: ALL DITCHES SHALL BE DESIGNED AT A LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF 1.0%, CHANNEL SLOPE OF 3.5:1, AND LINED WITH 6" DIAMETER RIPRAP (d50). SCALE: HORIZONTAL - 1"=60' VERTICAL - 1"=6' SCALE: HORIZONTAL - 1"=60' VERTICAL - 1"=6'MIN. 2:1 SLOPE MIN. 2:1 SLOPE 20' 10' 3' SHOULDER3' SHOULDER 14' PAVEMENT 3' SHOULDER3' SHOULDER 14' PAVEMENT 7'23' PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALL NCDOT 838.80 (SEE BELOW) PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALL NCDOT 838.80 (SEE BELOW) PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALL NCDOT 838.80 (SEE BELOW) PRECAST CONCRETE ENDWALL NCDOT 838.80 (SEE BELOW) NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPNCIES IN EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DESIGN (INCLUDING EXISTING TOPO, INVERT ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, ETC.) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. INFORMATION WITHIN THIS PLAN SET SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED ACCURATE UNTIL FIELD VERIFICATION. RIP-RAP APRON SIZING NAME LENGTH (FT) WIDTH (FT)THICKNESS (FT) IMPACT #6 23 26.5 1.4 IMPACT #8 20 23 1.2 CONTRACTOR SHALL EMBED RIP RAP TO ALLOW FOR AQUATIC LIFE TO FLOW FREELY THROUGH THE CULVERT. EMBEDDED RIP RAP EMBEDDED RIP RAP CULVERTS SHALL BE BURIED TO AN APPROPRIATE DEPTH TO ALLOW FOR AQUATIC LIFE TO PASS THROUGH, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARMY CORPS. IF A CULVERT IS GREATER THAN 48" IN DIAMETER, THEN IT SHALL BE BURIED AT LEAST ONE FOOT BELOW THE STREAM BED. FOR CULVERTS LESS THAN 48" IN DIAMETER IT SHALL BE BURIED TO 20% OF THE DIAMETER BELOW THE STREAM BED. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE CULVERT OFFSET FROM THE STREAM CENTERLINE (IN THE DRY) TO ALLOW FOR CONTINUOUS FLOW AND WILL REDIRECT THE STREAM THROUGH THE CULVERT AFTER INSTALLATION.