HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180839 Ver 1_DCM Correspondence_20180926RC3Y COOrPER Covernor M[CI-EAE�. S. REGAN 5ecretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS iJirertor NORTF� CAROLVNA Environmental Quality Sept�rnber 26, 2018 �i.C. Departn�ent af Transportat�on Project Developmer�t ai�d Environme�tal �lnalysis 1598 1Wlail Service �Center Raleigh,l�1C 27699-�598 ATTiV: P�iilip S. I�arris, I�I, P.E., C.F.�vI. R�: CAMA Major Permit �1p�Iication for the proposed widen�ng along SR 1217 (Colii��ton Road) irom dead end to US 158 (Cxoatan H�ghway), in Dare County, TIP �io. R-5�14. T]ear Mr. Harris: This letter is in response �o a pert�nit a�plication reques� under the Coastal Ar�a Managernen� Act (CAMA,) from the N.C. Department oiTransportation (NCDOT) for tlie above referenced pro�ect. Processing of the pennit a�plic�tion package fc�r this praject, whi�h vuas received as corriplete by the Divisio� of Coastal Manage�nen�'s (DCM's) �lizabeth C�ty 17istrict office an .Tune 22, 2Q1 �, is ongoin�. Hc�wever, it has been deiermined that additional information will be required prior to DCM ta�ing final action on your applicaiion. �`hese items are s�im�narized �e��w: 1. DCM, by way ofahe attaclled e,rrnail dated Septembe� 6, ?al $, has deterrr�ined that additia�al infonnation zs needed to complete review af the proposed prc�ject. 2. NCI)OT, by way of the at�ached e-an�il dated September 12, �018, has stated that a I�esign Revisican is bein� prepared. In that the rules of the Coastal Resources Commission state that "If the applica�tioii is found to be incQnzplete or inaccurate after pr�acessing �Zas begun oY• if additional infonr�ation fro� the applicant is necessary to adequately assess the pro_ject, the processing shall be ierminated pendi�ig receipt o� the necessary ehanges or necessary anformatio�i from the applicaMt" �1r'15A:07J.02(14{d}], the I�ivision has determined that in cases such as this, the additional informiation requested by DCM must b� ohtained prior to the issuance af a CAMA per�a�it. Therefore, it is necessary that pracessing of your permit app�icatian be placed iix al�eyance until such time as the req�ested infoz-inatio� far the proposed �roject is provided ta DCIVI. r�c�nicnss,,i�w� � ��� �aVaRmo�M W' Emlmiunenul �uau�b North C�rolina Departanerst of Environmental Qua[ity I division of Caastal Ivianagemeat DWR Wetfar�ds Unit I 512 North Salisbury Steeei I 16[7 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9149 As required by T15A:47J.0204(d), during the pendency of any terminatian of processing, the permit processing period will not run. Upon resalutian af the above listed item, DCM will resume processing of the application a� the point where it was terminated. Please feel free to contact me by phone (919-707-9149) or e-mail (Cathv.Brittin�hamn,ncdenr.�) if �ou have any questians or co�cerns. Cc: Crreg Daisey, DCM Chris Rivenbaxk, NCDOT Garcy Ward, DWR Kyle Barnes, USACE Sincerely, � Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator �N� �Q�� � ��� North Carolina �epartment of �nvironmerttal Quality I D[vision of Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Street � t617 MaiE 5ervtce Center J RaEelgh, North Caroiina 27699-16i7 919.70Z9149 Brittingham, Cathy From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Thursday, September Ob, 201810:54 AM To: Dilday, Jason L; Chris Rivenbark Cc: Greg Daisey Subject: R-5014, additional questions Hi Jasan and Chris, DCM greatly appreciates the avoidance and minimization efforts taken by NCDOT on the R-5014 project ta avoid and minimize irnpacts to the human az�.d natural environment, including Coastal Wetlands and SAV's. For example, DCM is very supportive of the extensive rock plating and 2:1 fill slopes that are being implemented on this project to avoid and minimize impacts. Although we are clase to making a final decision on the CAMA major permit application, there are a few additional questions. • DCM strongly prefers that NCDOT implement 2:1 fill slopes or steeper in Coastal Wetla.nds, however we also understand ihat in some cases 2:1 fill slopes or steeper are not practicable due to reasons such as safety, cost, and/or geotechnical conditions. When NCDOT proposes 3:1 fiIl slopes in Caastal Wetlands, DCM typically requests a narrative to expiain the efforts that were made to implement 2:1 fill slopes or steeper. On this project, it appears as though in some areas 2:1 fill slopes are able to be used in Coastal Wetlands, and in some areas flatter fill slopes (3:1) are used in Caastal Wetlands. ➢ Wauld you please provide a narrative that explains if it is possible to implement 2:1 fill slopes in additianal Coastal Wetland axeas? In particular, could this help reduce impacts to Coastal Wetlands due to fill at Site S? If not, is it possible to shift the alignment at Site 8 to reduce irnpacts to Coastal Wetlands? • The utility wetland permit impact summary does not itemize Coastal Wetland impacts. Are there any impacts to Coastal Wetlands due to utilities? If so, please provide a specific estimate of the amount. • The utility wetland permit impact summary lists temporary fill in wetlands as �0.01. Would you please provide a more precise estimate? • What is the construction methodology for the culvert extensions? Will there be cofferdams or dewatering at the culvert extension sites? Please provide apprapriate large scale drawings {plan view, cross section, profile) that depict the construction methadology at each of the three culvert extension sites. Sincerely, Cathy Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919) 707-9149 phone cathv.brittin gham(a�ncdenr. gov Mailing Address: c/o DWR Wetla�ds Unit 1617 Mail5ervice Center Raieigh, NC 27b99-1617 Phvsical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street ArchdalE Building I2th Fioor, Room 1204G Raleigh, NC 276�4 • Please visit httas:lldeg.nc.�ovlaboutldivisionslcoastal-manaaementl for more information about the N.C. Divisfon of Coastal Management E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Aecords Law anct may be disclosed to third parties Brittingham, Cathy From: Dilday, Jason L Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:42 AM Ta: Barnes, �Cyle W CTV USARMY CE5AW (US); Ward, Garcy; Daisey, Greg Cc: Brittingham, Cathy Suhject: R-5014 Design revision To all: I wanted to give you guys a heads up on a design re�ision for R-5414, before permits get issued. At the request of CAMA, Site 8's slopes will be changed from 3:1 to 2:1, to reduce D.07 ac. impact at this site. I am waiting for updated permit drawings for this site and new impact totals. I will let you guys know once this has been finalized. lason Jason Dilday Seniar Environ�ental Specialist N.C. Dept. of Transpariaiion 919-707-691'! office jldilday@ncdot.go� NCDOT Century Center 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 Emai! carrespondence to and from fhis address is sub1ect io fhe North Carolina Pu6lic Recorrls Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is suhject to ihe N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.