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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00016_Other Correspondence_20181022P 1 704.984.9605 r�
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October 22, 2018
North Carolina Department of Environment Quality
Mooresville Regional Office
610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301
Mooresville NC 28115
ATN: W.Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Mooresville Regional Office
Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ
RE: Notice of Violation and Intent to Issue Civil Penalty
Sanitary Sewer Overflows — August 2018
Collection System Permit No. WQCS00016
Albemarle Collection System
Stanly County
Dear Mr. Basinger:
PO Box 190
Albemarle, NC 28002
OCT 2 5 2018
The purpose of this letter is to provide additional information for the consideration in the above
referenced matter in accordance with your letter dated October 10', 2018 and received by the City of
Albemarle Collections ORC on October 1812018. This matter relates to the sanitary sewer overflows that
the City of Albemarle experienced during the month of August 2018. The City of Albemarle experienced
a heavy soaking rain of 2 inches in 45 minutes to an existing saturated ground.
The SSO's that occurred on the 2' of August 2018 were due to 2 inches of rain that fell in 45 minutes to
an existing saturated ground. Incident numbers 201801166 and 201801168 were both associated with
Vickers Store Rd lift station being to capacity and the grade of the out laying manholes being less than
the water in the wet well of the lift station.
Incident member 201801166 is associated with a low manhole on the right hand leg of sewer main coming
into the lift station next to Badin Rd. When the lift station begins to back up, this manhole is the lowest
and tends to get capacitated first. The City of Albemarle has a smart cover device installed in this
manhole to let us know when flow starts to rise. This aids in the response time for the City of Albemarle
to address the SSO.
Incident number 201801168 is associated with a low laying manhole just outside of the Vickers Store Rd
lift station. This manhole overflowed due to a capacitated lift station. This manhole is just downstream of
the smart cover system that alerts the City of Albemarle personnel to a possible overflow situation.
Crews were dispatched at the call of the smart cover system. Collection System back -up ORC was able
to check live radar on smart phone to see that the rain event was going to end quickly. Collections System
P 704.984.9605
F 704.984.9606 PO Box 190
AL B E M A R L E Albemarle, NC 28002
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back-up ORC then dispatched the vactor truck to try and pump out the wet well in the lift station to
minimize or stop SSO at both locations. Crews were able to pump out approximately 10,000 gallons from
wet well stopping SSO.
As soon as these SSO events stated above stopped, crews assessed the areas and cleaned up using proper
equipment and materials following the City of Albemarle SSO response procedure. This was followed up
with a 24 hour verbal notification to Mr. Snider of NCDENR on 8/03/2018 at 8:20am. Then reported
through the BIMs App on Form CS-SSO and submitted on 8/06/2018 at 1:15pm.
In summary, the two events outlined above were due to a large amount of rain that our area experienced
in a short time to an already saturated ground. The City of Albemarle has been working since 2011 to help
reduce the number of overflows and the amount of I&I in our system. Since then we have completed the
installation of water tight covers and vent pipes in the area associated with these SSO's. We have also
been working closely with Spectra Shield on the lining of problem manholes in this part of the system,
continuing to work with them each budget year. The City of Albemarle Collection System ORC, Systems
ORC backup and Directors have been in discussion with having another I&I study done this upcoming
budget year on this part of the collection system. I have all the confidence that we as a system are
working in the right direction with getting things accomplished.
The City of Albemarle appreciates the opportunity to provide this information for consideration in this
matter. It is hopeful that we will be received favorably. If there are further questions or information
needed, please feel free to contact this office.
gr& vu I ti wsow , Collection System ORC
City of Albemarle
PO BOX 488
Salesperson: SHERRY NANCE RETAIL Printed at 08/07/18 13:36 by snanc
-------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Acct #: 906866-----------
Ad #: 140100 Status: N
On August 2, 2018 the City of
Albemarle experienced the fol-
lowing sanitary sewer overflow
atthe following locations due to
excessive rainfall.
Overflow at 31601 NC 740 Hwy
of approximately 4,800 gallons
Into Mountain Creek between
5:45pm and 8:00pm.
Overflow at 42844 Vickers
Store Road of approximately
1,875 gallons Into Mountain
Creek between 5:45pm and
8:00pm. City crews were able
to use -equipment to evacuate
10,000 gallons to eliminate
manhole overflow.
This notice is required by the
North Carolina General
Statutes Article 21 Chapter
143.215.C. For more informa-
tion, contact the City of Albe-
.narle Public Utilities Depart-
ment at (704)984-9605.