HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201594 Ver 1_Scoping Comments BR336 on SR2132 10152018_20181015r���rH ,�.�a���ir��. F��'� �CU�7f'ER �.rtwdr€anra��rtr�r! d�uar��'}� C;rrv r^r ri r�v' I�I�I��tEL �. �E�,��J 5i•� r � �c�r 5' l.�N�1�4 ��LP�R��R October 15, 2018 Xn r��m d�arect�r MEMORANDUM To: Steve Rackley, PE, NCDOT Division 12 Bridge Engineer Fcom: Donna Hood, NC Division of Water Resources, Mooresville Office Subject: Scoping comments on proposed improvements to bridge 336 on SR 2132 (Kinder Road) in Iredell County, State Project Na 12BP.12.R.79, State Clearingl�ouse Project No. 19-0074. Reference your con-espondence dated September 26, 2018 in which you requested comments for the referenced project. Preliminary analysis of the project reveals the poteiitial for nniltiple inlpacts to streams and jurisdictional wetlands in the project area. More specifically, iinpacts to: Stream Name River Basin Stream Classifcation(s) Stream Index 303(d) Listing Numbec Kinder Geek Yadkin-PeeDee C 12-108-12-1 Further investigations at a higher resolution should be undertaken to verify the presence of other streams and/or ju�-isdictior�al wetlands in the area. Tn the event tl�at any jurisdictional areas are identified, the Division of Water Resources requests that NCDOT consider the following environ���ental issues for the proposed project Project Specific Comments: 1. Bridge decic drains shall not clischarge directly into the streain. Stormwater shall be directed across the bridge and pre-treated thro�iffh site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-forrned scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the streain. To meet the reqilirements ofNCDOT's NPDES permit NCS000250, please refer to the most recent version of tlle North Carolincr Departrnerzt of'Ti�anspoT�tation Stor•�riwater� Best Mc�nagenzent P��aczices Toolbox manual for approved measures � � � ��� ��.e�_� ���'� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 2. To meet the requirements of NCDOT's NPDES pennit NCS000250, the road design plans shall provide treatmenc of the stormwater runoff through BMPs as detailed in the most recent version of the Nor•tl� Car•oli�aa Depar•tn�ei�t of �Trczi�spor7ntioy� Stor�rrawater Best Mnnagemerzt Prnctices Toolbax manual. Tl�e BMPs should, to tl�e MEP, be selected and designed to reduce impacts of the target pollutants of concern (POCs) for thE receiving waters. General Project Comments: Tl�e enviro�miental docuu7ent should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams witl� coi�responding mapping. If mitigation is necessary as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h), it is preferable to pt•esent a concepnial (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Qualiry Certification. After the selectio�l of the preferred alternative and prior to an issliance of the 401 Water Q�iaLity Certi6cation, the NCDOT is respectfully reininded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimizatiotl of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to tl�e maximum extent praetical. In accordance with the E�lvironmental Management Commission's Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0506[h]), mitigation will be rec�uu•ed for impacts of greater tl�an 1 acre to wetlands. I�7 fl�e event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan si�all be designed to replace appropriate lost fuuctions and values. Nortl� Carolina Division of Mitigation Services may be available for assistance with wetland mitigation. 3. In accordance with the Environmental Manageme�nt Commission's Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0506[l�]), mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 300 linear feet to any perennial sn-eam. In tl�e event that mitigation is required, tl�e �nitigation plan shall be designed to replace appropriate lost fiinctions and values. The North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services may be available for assistance with stream mitigation. 4. Fnture documentation, ulcluding the 401 Water Quality Certification Application, shall continue to inchide an itemized listing of the proposed wetland aud stream iiupacts with coi�responding inapping. 5. The NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result fi-om this project. The NCDOT shall address these concerns by describing the potential impacts that rnay occur to the aquatic environmei�ts and any mitigating factors that would reduce the iir�pacts. 6. The NCDOT is respectfiilly reminded that all impacts, including but not limited to, bridging, fill, excavation and clearing, and rip rap tojurisdictional wetlands, strelms, �nd riparian buffers need to be included in the tinal impact calculations. These impacts, in addition to any construction impacts, temporary or ofllerwise, also need to be included as part of the 401 Water Quality Certification Applicarion. 7. Where streams must be crossed, the NCDWR prefers bridges Ue used in lieu of culverts. However, we realize tl�at economic considerations often req�ure tl�e use of culverts. Please be advised that culverts should be countersunl< to allow unimpeded passage by fish and other aquatic organisms. Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands or streams are impacted, a bridge may prove preferable. When applicable, the NCDOT should not install the bridge Uents in the creek, to the maximum extent practicaUle. t� ���� ���, �, �..:�.-i, �-�,�.- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 8. Wl�ienever possible, the NCDWR prefers spai7ning structures. Spamling structures usually do not require worlc within the streain or grubbin� of tl�e streambanlcs aud do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearancEs provided by bridges shall allow for lluir�an and wildlifE passage beneath tl�e snucture. Fish passage a�7d navigation by canoeists and boaters sl�all not be blocked. Bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream whe�� possible. Sediinent and erosion conh-ol measures should not be placed ii� wetlands or sh•eams. 10. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicaL Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas will need to be presented in tl�e 401 Water Qualiry Certification and could precipitate compensatory mitigation. 1 L The 40l Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the p►-oposed metl�ods for stormwater management. More specitically, stormwater sl�all uot be pennitted to discharge directly into sn�eams or s�uface waters. To meet the requirements of NCDOT's NPDES l�ennit NCS000250, please refer to the most recent version of the� North Cnrolina Departme�z! o/'TN����spor-tutioi� Stor�nN�ater Best Mai�agernent Practices Toolbox n�anual for approved measures. 12. Based on tl�e infoi-mation presented in the docume;nt, the magnihide of impacts to wetlands and st�eams may rcquirE a Nationwide (NW) application to the Coips of Lngineers and cot��esponding 401 Water Quality Certification. Please be advised that a 401 Water Qliality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ens�u•e that water quality staudards are met and no wetland or stream uses are lost. Fina] pernut authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the NCDOT and written concurrence fi•om the NCDWR. Please be aware fllat any approval wi11 be contingent on appropriate avoidance and minimization of wetland and streain impacts to flle maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inchision of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate. 13. If concrete is used during construction, a d�y work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. Concrete shall be handled in accordance with the NPDES Const�uction General Permit NCGOI 0000. 14. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contotirs and elevations. Disturbed aseas s11a11 be seeded or mulcl�ed to stabilize the soil and appropriate native woody species shall be planted. When using temporary structures the area shall be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing tl�e area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized eq�iipment and leaving the stiunps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate naturally and nliniinizes soil dist��rbance. 15. Unless otherwise authorized, placement of culverts and other srilicriues in w�ters and streams shall be placed below tl�e elevation of the streainbed by one foot for all culverts with a dia�r�eter greater than 48 inches, ai�d 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a dia��eter less than 48 inches, to allow low tlow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of cL�lverts and other structures inchiding temporary erosion control measures shall not be cond��cYed in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or ban]<s, adjacent to ar upstream and downstream of Yl�e above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that tl�e equilibrium is being inainYained if req�iested in writin� by the NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met d��e to bedrocl< or other limiting features encountered duru�g construction, please contact tl�c NCDWR for g�iidancc on how to procccd and to deternline whether or not a permit modification will bc rcquircd. t� ���� ���,�,�_.:�-„�,� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 16. If mult�iple pi�pes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural strean� cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at �I�lood plain elevation, floodplain benel�es, and/or sills �may be required where appropriate. Widening tl�e streanl channel should be avoided. Sheam cl�annel widening at the inlet or outlet end of stt�uctures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposirion tl�at requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquaric life passage. 17. If foundation test borings are necessary; it shall be noted in the document. Geotechnical work is approved �mder General 401 Certificarion Nuinber 40851Nationwide Perinit Na C for Stuvey Acrivities. 18. Sediment and erosion control meas�u•es sufficient to protect water resources inust be impleinented and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Se�diment ai�d Erosion Control Plamling and Design Manual and tl�e most recent version of NCS000250. 19. All wark in or adjacent to stream waters sl�all be conclucted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from thE inost c�ul�ent version of the NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sai�dbags, rocic bernls, cofferdams and other diversion st�•uctw•Es shall be �ised to prevent excavation in flowing water. 20. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, NC Coastal Region Cvaluation of W�tland Significance (NC-CREWS) �uaps and soil suivey il�aps are useful tools, their inl�erent inaccuracies require tl�at qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to pertnit approval. 21. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. This eq�upment shall be inspected daily and inaintained to prevent contamination of surface wateis from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 22. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the sn-eambed in a manner that precludes ac�uatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or snuchires should be properly designed, sized and installed. 23. Riparian vegetation (native trees and shnibs) shall be preserved to the n�aximum extent possible. Riparian vegetation must be reestablished within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. Tl�ank you for requesting o�ir input at this tiine. The NCDOT is retninded that issuance of a 401 Water Q�iality Certification requires that �ppropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have a�1y questions or require additional ii�formation, please coi�tact Doni�a Hood at (704)235-2193 or donna.hood@ncdenr.gov. Electronic copy only distribution: Nicholle Braspennicicx, US Anny Corps of Engineers, Charlotte Field Office Kristi Lynn Carpenter, NCDWR File Copy ����� �:�.�,a,�..r�j,�.� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000