HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5863 Castle Hayne Rd stream call ltr NHC Oct 2018NORIHCARULINA ROY COOPER E'nvlronment�lQuu(i!y rrai,rLLv MICf IAEL S. RI:GAN �� <,�>«,�, I.INDA CULPEPPER fn fe�irn fArrrin� Ocrober 19, 2018 Mason Hemdon, li�vironmental program Supervisor NC DOT Division 3 5501 Barbados Blvd. CasNe Hayne, NC 28429 Subjech NCDOT TIP # U-5863 Proposed NC l33 (Castle Hayne Road) widening from 1-140 to Division Drive, New Hanover Couuty Stream Names — Ness Creek, Smith Creek and NE in the Cape Eear Basin On-Site Determination for Applicability m the Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0506[h]) Dear Mr. Herndon: On September 6, 2018, at your request and in your attendance, Joanne Steenhuis, NC Division of Water Resource (NCDW R) staff, conducted an on-si[e determination to review drainage features located on NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) from Divisio� Dive to f-140 for applicability to the mi[iga[ion rules (ISA NCAC 2H .0506[h]). The drainage features are approximated on the attached maps signed aod dated October 19, 20t8. 12iver Stream Stream Stream Name Bas�� Stream Type Classitication(s) Index Number UT to Smith Creek(SA) Cape Fear Intermittent C;Sw 18-74-63 UT to Smith Creek(SB) Cape Fear Yereunial C;Sw ] 8-74-63 U"1'to Smitli Creek(SC) Cape Fear lntermittent C;Sw 18-74-63 U'T to NC Cape Fear River (SD) Cape Fear Yerennial SC;Sw 18-74-(61) UT to Ness Creek (SF) Cape Fear Perennial C;Sw 18-74-62 UT to Ness Creek (SH) Cape Fear Perennial C;Sw 18-74-62 UT to Ness Creek (SI) Cape �ear Intermittent C;Sw 18-74-62 Please no[e tha[ no other fealures at lhe site were evaluated in thejurisdiction verification request package. This leller only addresses the applicability lo the mitigation rules and does not approve any activity within the Waters of the United States, or Waters of the State. Any impacts to we�lands and streams must comply with the 404/401 regula[ions, water supply regulations ( l5A NCAC 2B .0216), and auy other reyuired federal, state and local regula[ions. :..,.. ,�. � Q�f Norlh Cdrolina Uepditment of Biwronmental Quahty I Division ol Water Resources 512 Nmth Salisbury Strect I 16ll Matl Serviw Centei I Raleigh, Nortli Carohna 27699 1617 9197C17 9000 The owner (or fu[ure owners) or pcnnittee should nolify NCDW R(and o[her relevan[ agencies) of [his determination in any firtw�e con'espundences concerning this property and/or projecL 'fhis on-si[e determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected pa�ties tha[ dispute a determination made by NCDWR or Delegated Local Authority that a surface wafer exists and thal it is subject to the mitiga[ion niles may reques[ a determination by [he Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to [he Uirec[or in writing c/o Amy Chapman, NCD W R Wetlands/401 Uni[, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Individuals that dispute a de[ennination by NCDWK or Delegated Local Authority tha[ "exempts" a surface water from lhe mitigation rules may ask for an adjudica[ory hearing. You may ob[ain [he pe[i[ion fonn from the office of Adminish'ative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Adminisha[ive Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice and [he date the affected paiTy (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. A petilion is considered filed when it is received in the oftice of Administrative f-learings during nonnal office hours. 'Che Office of Adminislrative Hearings accep[s filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:OOam and S:OOpm, except for ofticial state holidays. The original and one (I) copy of the pe[ition must be filed with the Office of Adminisfrative Hearings. 'Che petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of tlie documen[ is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Adminis[rative Henrings is•: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (9l9) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3I00 A copy of the petition nmst also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of 8nvironmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 This determination is final and binding unlass you ask for a hearing within 60 days. Ifyou I�ave any additional questions or require addifional infonnation please call Joarme Steenhuis at (910) 796- 7306 orjoanne.sieenhuis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, J nne Steenhuis Environmental Senior Specialist 'ranspor[a[ion Permit[ing 6ranch Uivision of Water Resources, NCDWR Attachments: Figure 3(I-7) Seven pages �lectronic copy only distribution: 6rad Shaver, US Anny Corps of Engineers, Wihnington Pield Office Kristi Lynn Carpenter, DW R TPB File CopY .., , , D: Q � North Caiulina DeP������enl of Environmen[al Quality I Uivison of Watei Resowces 512 North Sahslmry Streot I 1617 Mail Service Cenler I Heleiph, North Caroline 27699 1G1 / 919707.9000 �� NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAiION � DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 3 0 200 a00 Feel L2.400 �ql Ortglnol UaNmen� size o11lxl I� Noles I Cmitllnole Sytivrnl R4U I Po9 SIOIpPdme NotlM1 Cmollnn fIPS J26'J fael 21antllc0onol �efinenlnn mmpl�iatl by Slnn�et an Ma�ch PC-]B. ?OIB_ ficlJ vnilieJ by VMCf an�1 Ht UW R on SeVlend�o� 5]OIB. 1qtlFiAmngery� MCOneM•qa.2ll6. Legentl � Project Study Area Potenlial lurisdiclionol Intemiiltenl Sireams Selecl Pipes Uplontl Datapoint �+w- Poteniial Jursitlicfionpl Perennial Streams .�. Wetlantl Datopoint ����--� PofenfialTnbuiary � PotentialJurisdictionolwetlantls � . ] Ponds ��//�//� Pro�eclLocallon VIp01�I3 REVB NewllanwalCou��ly.N[ Pfe�iuieJl�yA4C�n'101800�OJ lecllncol Nevlew I�y MMR on ]01(�G9-0) Ynlepe�qan�PSNew bY�C5an201F0911) ❑ieni/Project NCDOT - Division 3 NC-133 Castle Hayne Road Widening TIP U-5863 3-1 miE Potenfial Jurisdicllonal features Map Flj I Of 7 �'� NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAiION � DIVISIONQFHIGHWAY$ - DIVISION 3 200 400 � Feel L2,epp �Ai original tloc omeN size of I I x i �� Notes ie e iesv� Noiae3v�i.vw n,eo�or�arirs3zuureoi r i ii n,���m o t .�mrn�i myn i onm��cnxa-m.xnie. i in n dn�usnce t+cnwa: s.r� �.e�aaeie (l�ry� JrryPltC] Mi��.T]I. Legentl O ProjectStudyArea Potential Jurisdictional InlermilleN Slrenms Selec� Pipes Uplond Dalapoinl �+w— Po�ential Jursidiclional Perennial Slreams + Wetlpnd D�otapoJin�l -+�.� Potentiol inbutary V ' ! �. Potenfiol Jurisdictional Wetlonds [ � Ponds �olr���� PiqeclLoca�ian VIOOIIJ3 REVB n�wi���o�r�cwmy.Hc r�o„oaei.�uc��aoiRov.w letlmcol Revlew by MMF nn %018�UA0) 4Neye�MonlRbNewbyACtnn2D16W��0 Clienl/Pmject NCDOi - Division 3 NC-133 Castle Hayne Rood Widening TIP U-5863 3-2 rne Potential Jurisdictional Features Map fig 2 of 7 �i NC DEPARTMEN7 OF iRANSPORTAi�ON � DIVISIONOFHIGHWAYS DIVISION 3 '}......-'� 200 400 � Feet 12.40p �nl onginal tlocomenl slze of I Ixl1� Notes i c��am�ro sniem, �+no i vae s�aevbne norm cmuonu rms azoo reri z a.amdio�oi oen�omm� �o�i�pia�aa oy v��me� o� mo�m as 2e aoi e roio �ednaa ny usnce o�o n�cowz o� s9�,iemosi e. snia ao�in�nmoqe�roi+co��am,q. aoir� Legend � ProjeclSiudyArea Potenfial Jurisdidionoi IntertnilteN Streams Seled Pipes Upland DatopoiM •� PotenlioUursitlictionol Pereriniol Sfreams + wetlond Dotapoint -���� PotentialTnbutary I I Polentio� Jurisdictional Wellpnd � I Pontls /�� `�Z �U P��lect lownon v�o0vY3 3eva Newllnr�uvorCounly.NC IYepoivtlbyAlCOM1]O1tl09-0J m�n�eai ee�iew ny urnu o� xoie as.m Yi�epenOenl ReNew by ACS on Y01809J0 Ciienl/Pwlecl NCDOi - Division 3 NC-133 Casfle Hoyne Road Widening TIP U-5863 K�j Potential Jurisdictional Features Map Fig 3 of 7 ,r - � �--�-- � r 1 ,m�w, 4 „� i�• . �� i�� % '' P,` � �� �� ��� ' . . � 3' s � �y ,y_ F • � . � J - a. J.1� vf. � � '':u. 1k' �� � .. �� � 1 p�. �.y-7 ��r v, �m �" ��� ',� i � �p� G ' �� � m o � �.i'.�� C�., ��. . � � A �. 6� . � � � `x' ��i�'t. � ' � � " ' � � ' � - � � � � , " i t, c'C� �o�����+T� 1W - � i �� , �IZ � �,� . `� �� � fL D � 51 J � �., Q� �� � �i`�" � l v ...,. � ... . . . i `� � ti r �►:�, �, � i �- j�; � � " �- , '�' � ° . I ;' � � I l � � w � �Q ( �..- T � "� � � � �.. a' r� � 4' f�`;�\ . . . _. `",h . y I � � T"= n_._ � :f J �'L ' t +�- � � �1 � � � � � � ; . yt. ,� � � � : � �,, � '1, � i��.� `� � R,��. � i1}"'l�� V'�. ��� � z ,•�� ��. �wa` �•• � � .�. '� �!. . �� � �J " CASTI F HAYNE,.RD . ,.. � � •_ ... : . 3 .y � 'u.. .. � '� ��. � �, . '�l�r �� +-� `��-. "� 3� �';'� 1 � • ; , j ` ,,-�: `rv j ' .� , � � ��.�i..� i b 1"�� . � r �i � �' � i .�� N � ;, �.�r o�ia� �t o re ,�.'.i 1�,� �y�' . _ se � < �� 1 �-� ►��M�1,. �; � �i . �• AY Y. ti � � { '..' ' �� tY 1 ..e �.�w " � � �i � p .� ii1 � �`� ..�y� ..'.� � 7, � L � i..� o �I ,Y ' . � � � k � w �' 6 � `�� "1 � � -�, � — I�. �° Z � � ',' -,:� _ � -- � i w. �- � � � � � •-�—� �``. ��' .- " _ _ ' __ �" . ��� p � a �'. Mr < "�}: m ,i, ..�'..- .` !� 'U �` �p, ]��i� u� r . � � � � � .�n e �x NC DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS � �IVISION 3 0 200 400 Feet 12n00 �hl originol tlocomonl size ol I Ixi )) Noles I CW itllnnle Sy51Bm_ [IAD 1 VB] $IUIBPIune Nui IM1 Caio(ino 41P5 31J0 Fee� 21wkOlcfbnol OeMaoliw� �romyle�etl by Slon�ec on Ma�cM1 ]b�'2. )018. flel�] vpillletl liy IISACE a��1 NC.OW R on Sepl¢nt[�e� 0. 2l110. J []ilM1oln'u�pvryveNCOneMo�i YJI6 mlocceptsluveapom2�mymivarnyingiM1ea� o��nnwriiFneiaiwssniinxaom. p� � �i '4#�� , '� �� i• M � ! � 4 � �?� :.. 'i!i �_' '' �l � i a�' ' ��' ,.. 1 �_ .; ♦ � ' - �: b R �< . y � �'�� �.:t�. � ;. a �:� � � �`�� �¢ �� -� � � � .. a �. i � . .. r �,+ri�; _ ( `p{ h' \k � l� � .. � ��� Y� '� � "L. `d ♦ 5 ... .�,- ��a t. �t�:,� ila. `A �l�4 V .�,�� ��`� .^ �M i 3 ('r��. _: f � �� � y � Legentl O Projed Stutly Areo Selecl Pipes Pofentiol Nrisditlional Intertniltenf Sfreams Uplond Datapoinl �N Potential Nrsidiclional Perennipl Sireams �} Wetland Datapoinl -�.--� PolentiaiTnbulory ' PotentiaUunstlictional Wellonds � � Pontls lb �� �<� �✓ � �. .. ¢.'. � FwIeclLocalion VI001'//J REVB i+uwimoo.e�couory.nc P�eprnennynieonmieovm I¢Cl�nkol Revuxw by MMH on A�8 OV-0l htl2ptlM1¢�I ReMeW by ACS on ]018 09-10 Clienl/Pmletl NCDOi - Division 3 NC-133 Castle Hayne Road Widening TIP U-5863 FiB�re rvo. 3-4 1111e Poteniial Jurisdiclfonal Features Map Fig4of7 �� NCDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION � DNISION OF HIGHWAYS `��� DIVISION 3 0 200 400 Feei L2,dCp �AI orlglnal tlocumenl size ol I Ixl )7 Notes i. c�m���is sysic�n: rvno i vsn v�neri��� H��m ca�oimo nrs ama roei z. i���nm� eo�oi o��maa��a� �o�,nie�aa ey zmme� on rno�ce an-z� aa ie liold venLeO py USACf antl NCDW H en SeVlambci L_ 2018. J. �TlM1alm•�perylN NCOnemap .Tllb. Legentl � ProjeCfStudyAreo Potential Juristlictional Inlermiitent Streams SeleU Pipes Upland Dotopoint .n.�- Potentiol Jursidiclionol Perennial S�reams .f Welland Dotapoint � �, -- Polential inbulary '� PotentioUurisdiclionol Wetlantls � /,� � �j Ponds � (� Gb l �� U .. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ ... . . Pro�edlocalion VI001/]3 REVB N2wNanOVC�CWnIy,NC PlepaietlbyAlConL0160'1-0] fecM1nkal Fevrew by MMR on 2018L9�0] F4eperclenl ReNew by /.CS un 10180910 CIieM/PmjeU NCDOT - Division 3 NC-133 Castle Hayne Road Widening TIP U-5863 Figure rvo. 3-5 r,�e Potential Jurisdictional Features Map fig 5 of 7 �NC DEPARTMENT Of iRANSPORTATION i DIVISIONOFHIGHWAYS � DIVISION 3 0 200 ao0 Feet L2,4W �AI original documenl slze ol i Ixl JI Noles i cm�mn�m sy�tem- mno rv'xa emievla�a nie�m co�on�a nrs 3eon reei :. n�as�uona� oonoeon� mmv�o�ea X�v sm�iR� ori Mamn ze-�. mie fieltl veriliatl Fy US�CC onJ NCOW @ an 5opiembm (. >UI fl. J O�Innimpgery@ NCOn6M[i��. NI6- Legentl � ProjeCiS}UtlyAreo Polentiol Jurisdidionpl Infermilfent Streams ^�— PotenliollursitliclionalPerenniolSlreams ��- � PofenfiolTnbutary i Potenfioi JunsUictional Wetlonds � � Pontls Select Pipes Uplond Dalapoint �} Wetland Dalapoinl Fwlecilocotion VIWVJ! Htvtl NewNnnom�Counry.MC V�efa�etl�YAlConR01b09D/ �ac�nkal Favivw by MMF on 41118 09�0) Fitlepentlenl ReNew by ACS an Hll&D9 10 C,Ilonl/Pmlecl NCDOT - Division 3 NC-133 Caslle Hayne Road Widening TIP U-5863 Fioore No. 3-6 Potential Jurisdictional Features Map Fig 6 of 7 0 n �r y , � ',.�V I'� ,_.eU � •Y�1i �'rl�i -Y�l. lr n 1K Q"' .� :��€ . �� Y1 r� �,1{y�1i t� vls i � .,r.. i"`Sr��AI� vn �', n t�o�� � 'r... t ��� �i h� � �. ��� �r., ' rf��t '� .��'�' ` � , .�' � n;r,�'�,' � p,.' , � •� �4�,°��4� yd��7`�"w"' �s �`� �di , . � '" � r . �� i� � T�'. � . r , f f ',- i ^1 ' � ��°� �"�'�''�,�"� r. p' �h� f �Y . � s ' a .�y4 r J�+ r't _ r' �'.#p; fl� 1�, �' � '� .r� �I t,�.. s y , �% �` "'" _ �. ,�. ' t„ . �y. 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