HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_2015 PCS Science Panel Mtg Agenda and Notes_20150827AGENDA and MEETING NOTES (in italics) AUGUST 27 2015 PCS CREEKS STUDY SCIENCE PANEL MEETING 9:00 am, Corps of Engineers Washington Office Attendees: Tom Steffens, USACE Sam Cooper, CZR Sid Mitra, ECU Anthony Scarbraugh, Julia Berger, CZR Jamie DeWitt, ECU NCDWR Randy Pulley, CZR Jeff Furness, PCS Dave Kimmel, ECU A) TO DOs from 2014 Science Panel Meeting Minutes 1. New science panel member outreach update (see Item F below) 2. GMA study as appendix (no further study done- existing borehole data were analyzed for evidence of Croatan clay and no other locations found (see Executive Summary xxviii) 3. Ternary diagram/benthic guilds upstream downstream communities-CZR in pursuit of proper guilds -still researching guilds and proper assignments, CZR in contact with Larry Eaton (NCDWR) regarding a 1999 EPA list of benthic 'feeding assignments" that includes data from NC. Eaton suggested that might be a good starting place. Will have something built for, or at least an update, for next report. 4. Better flow vegetation text- more description of species not just brackish intolerants (done)-NCDWR wants to be able to document a paradigm shift fresh vs salt should that occur. Long term changes are what need to be watched and if they persist, we need to know why. 5. Additional correlation of wind tides, discharge, salinity (box plots for relationships between discharge and salinity done, wind analysis again or every so often. Request more specific guidance) - Changes in salinity noted particularly in Huddles Cut may be of concern - is the salt wedge going further upstream because of the reduction in overland freshwater flow? More correlations between wind, salinity, discharge to be performed. Wind tides of course most important in these systems and creek mouth orientation to wind will be dominant factor in wind correlations. (Kimmel to compare and evaluate Pamlico River salinity (long-term data set) to Huddles Cut data set (CZR sent all PCS creeks salinity/depth data to Kimmel on 28 August 2015). Kimmel suggested use of "Hydrosphere" device http://planktosinstruments.com/#/products which could be used to monitor salinity in a creek over a week or so as the wind moves the device in and out. 6. Pre/post analysis meeting (done) 7. Pivers Island metals (reviewed) -De Witt to reach out to other metals researchers and work with enrichment factors from the Riggs report IF Mitra agrees Riggs data are good for comparison. Comparison can be difficult with different methods. Commented [DK1]: I have the data and will be analyzing for long-term salinity trends. I will also look at the literature for other trends in the region August 2015 PC5 Science Panel meeting notes Page 12 B) Executive Summary 2014 Report- Steffens indicated that other agency staff or stakeholders would be invited to future science panel meetings. C) Drainage Basin Reductions for 2014 a) Figures I -C2, I -C3 and I -C4 -progress as of end of 2014 was reviewed as well as progress to date. Southwest side of Jacks Creek will be cleared in the next two months so 2015 will be first post -Mod Alt L year for Jacks Creek. The three draglines are split up at present and it will likely be nine months +/- to get out of the 'boot" between Jacobs and lacks basins. Due to difficulty and space restraints of boundary, progress of draglines is faster than what was predicted in the FEIS-more ore has been unmined and 'left behind". D) Discussion of the ROD Special Condition S Six Questions a) Flow changes (CZR/PCS)-even though new plan of study did not include flow meters to be installed anywhere in Huddles Cut because of its swampy nature, CZR was requested to begin to record flow observations and wind direction while at Huddles Cut salinity monitors (every two weeks). b) Geomorphic or vegetative character changes (CZR/PCS)-important to be able to follow the zone of influence from mine dewatering which may affect hydrology and plant species. PCS to provide CZR with turn -on and turn-off dates of the 160 ft deep wells into the Castle Hayne aquifer and of the surficial aquifer wells to see if the CZR shallow monitoring well behavior is correlated with pumping activity (or lack of). Furness confirmed that river discharge is not likely to affect the amount of water required to pump (amount needed to dewater the pit sufficiently for safe mine operation). c) Forage base changes (CZR/PCS)- Scarbrough indicated that Jason Rock from NCDMF was given the fisheries data to review since Terry West resigned from panel; but as Rock only recently received the information copy, no NCDMF comments provided yet. d) Metals in sediment or water column (CZR/PCS-DeWitt/Mitra)-CZR to provide Trefry/FIT and SGS lab SOPs to Mitra (CZR sent via email on 9.11.15). Cr and As have significant changes (post lower than pre)- with As maybe there is some flux between sediment and water. Problem with metals analysis is that the original study design had no true replicates, only values are being determined for comparison, the same methods remained unchanged in the new plan of study. No organisms are collected on which tissue can be analyzed-e.g., changes in genes or proteins related to reproductive capacity. Caging studies are one way to get at this or with dose response curves in the lab -but these can be intense and expensive. A persistent long term problem in toxicology surrounds the question of "what are sub lethal effects?" The ERLs and ERMs are only predictors and are not absolutes and can be thought similar to the GRE (as far as predicting what type of graduate student an individual will be). e) Water quality changes (Dr. Dave Kimmel)-Secchi depth measurements will no longer be included as it is not useful in shallow coastal plain streams. TSS will continue to be a parameter. Can look at trends at particular stations as needed for any parameter but will August 2015 PC5 Science Panel meeting notes Page 13 continue to use multivariate approach. Biggest biological concern remains salinity changes but so far, three to five years post -impact it seems to stabilize. E) Suggestions for 2015 report -no new suggestions made other than color coding tables where possible e.g., Table 111-G3 F) Science panel evolution -limitations to participation revolve around time vs $ and already high expectations on professors from their universities. How to limit bias if panel members were paid? Could transportation and lunch be covered at least? What is the legal definition of honorarium? If $/hr of honorarium is below what $/hr of salary, would that be "ok" and not perceived as bias? Maybe use third party mediator? Agencies and PCS will each consult with their respective counsels about best approach to solve the problem of lack of participation and potential honorarium. Kimmel to pursue Enrique Reyes of ECU (wetlands ecologist) as new member. Other names Commented [DK2]: Enrique has agreed to join the panel suggested included: Terry Woods (geology at ECU), someone from VIMS or UNCW? Staff from commenting agencies and NGOs should not be considered as panel members.