HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Supporting Documentation for WQ Conclusion_20180830Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Julia Berger <jberger@czr-inc.com> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:30 AM To: 'Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US)'; 'Lekson, David M CIV USARMY CESAS (US)'; Scarbraugh, Anthony; Staples, Shane Cc: 'Jeff Furness'; 'Sam Cooper'; 'Tyler Peacock' Subject: [External] Grimm et al Babal and ecological stability and Gideon 1983 Attachments: Grimm-Wissell997_Article_BabelOrTheEcologicalStabilityD.pdf, Gideon.pdf Good morning: as requested yesterday at the creeks meeting, please see attached article Grimm et al 1997 which Dr. Reyes supplied to elucidate his perspective and conclusions about water quality changes. Although not requested yesterday, attached also is the other article he added in support (Gideon 1983). Thank you. Julia Kirkland Berger Technical Director I CZR Incorporated 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington NC 28403 910.392.9253 (o) 910.392.9139 (fl www.czr-inc.com Oecologia (1997) 109:323-334 Volker Grimm • Christian Wissel © Springer -Verlag 1997 Babel, or the ecological stability discussions: an inventory and analysis of terminology and a guide for avoiding confusion Received: 4 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 November 1996 Abstract We present an inventory and analysis of dis- cussions of ecological stability, considering 163 defini- tions of 70 different stability concepts. Our aim is to de- rive a strategy that can help to dispel the existing "confu- sion of tongues" on the subject of "stability" and prevent its future recurrence. The strategy consists of three ques- tions that should be kept in mind when communicating about stability properties. These three questions should overcome the three main sources of confusion in termi- nology. Firstly, which stability properties are being ad- dressed in the stability statement? Our analysis shows that the general term "stability" is so ambiguous as to be useless. It can be replaced by the stability properties "staying essentially unchanged" (constancy), "returning to the reference state (or dynamic) after a temporary dis- turbance" (resilience), and "persistence through time of an ecological system" (persistence). Second, to what ecological situation does the statement refer? An ecolog- ical situation is defined by a set of features that, taken as a whole, determine the domain of validity of a stability statement. The six most important features form the "ecological checklist", which serves to classify ecologi- cal situations and thereby provides a system of coordi- nates for communication. The six points are: variable of interest, level of description, reference state, disturbance, spatial scale and temporal scale. Thirdly, is the statement anchored in the situation in question, or is there unac- ceptable generalisation by inferring "stability" of the whole system from a certain stability property in a cer- tain ecological ecological situation? This question sepa- rates the scientifically valuable content of a statement from the desire for general statements which is often projected through stability statements. Key words Terminology • (Ecological) stability Resilience • Persistence • Generality V. Grimm (®) • C. Wissel UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig -Halle, Department of Ecological Modelling, P.O. Box 2, D-04301 Leipzig, Germany Introduction Human concepts are signposts through the confusing complexity of nature. We need them to narrow down the never-ending tally of possible questions that we empiri- cally or theoretically ask of nature. Without concepts it is impossible to work scientifically. The price for this, however, is that the concepts determine the ways and methods in which we perceive nature. Critical examina- tion of the concepts of their field is therefore part and parcel of every scientist's obligations. This is particularly the case in ecology: nearly all ecological concepts are hotly contested (e.g. the concepts "competition" and "density dependence"), but the contested point is the role that these concepts actually play in nature — the concepts themselves are relatively clear and simple to define. How, though, should one critically evaluate a concept if there are many overlapping or even contradictory defi- nitions of it? This is the situation that confronts us when dealing with the concept of "stability". "Stability" is, as we will see, one of the most nebulous terms in the whole of ecology. The aim of this paper is to enable the proper critical evaluation of the term "stability". We do not in- tend to introduce "our" version of the stability definition, and thereby only add to the problem, but rather we will proceed from the most quoted works on the subject of stability (Lewontin 1969; Holling 1973; Botkin and So- bel 1975; Orians 1975; Westman 1978; Connell and Sou- sa 1983; Pimm 1984), which are all incisive reflections and illustrate the diversity of stability concepts. The point of departure of this paper is therefore an inventory of the stability discussion in the ecological literature. The central thesis of this paper is that the fundamental cause of the terminological confusion stems from the fol- lowing conflict. Stability concepts derived from mathe- matics and physics are only suited to characterising the dynamic behaviour of simple dynamic systems, but eco- logical systems are not simple dynamic systems (Grimm et al. 1992). By "simple dynamic system", we mean a system in which, for instance, state variable, reference states, and possible disturbances are, because of the sim- 324 0 E C 0 L 0 G I A 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag plicity of the system, unambiguously defined. There are few degrees of freedom in the description of simple dy- namic systems. Classical examples are the pendulum and the rolling ball. Ecological systems are not simple dy- namic systems because many degrees of freedom are al- ways available for their description. A forest, for exam- ple, may be described using many different variables such as biomass, diversity, density of certain dominant species, nutrient pools, nutrient cycling rates, buffer ca- pacity of soil, spatial patterns, and many more. Distur- bances may affect any of these variables in a different way. Reactions to disturbances may depend on strength, frequency, spatial and temporal pattern, regularity and many other aspects of the disturbances. The use of stability concepts makes the projection of ecological systems on to a simple dynamic system inevi- table, in that one is forced to decide on a particular state variable, reference state, a particular type of disturbance and so on. But because even the simplest ecological sys- tems have at least a few different possible descriptions, the use of stability concepts, without additional instru- ments, is bound to lead to the current state of confusion. We introduce an "ecological checklist" as an additional instrument, which serves to structure and classify state- ments about stability properties of ecological systems. In the light of the ecological checklist it becomes clear that stability concepts are no miracle cure for all the real and imaginary "diseases" of ecology, but intellectual and practical tools which help to improve the description, un- derstanding and protection of ecological systems (Grimm 1996). Table 1 A list of stability terms to be found in the litera- Stability (25) ture. Adjectives (e.g. stable, Persistence (15) persistent) are changed into Constancy (5) substantives. The numbers in Domain of attraction (2) parentheses denote the number Ecological stability (6) of definitions to be found for Elasticity (8) each expression. Terms marked Resilience (17) with an asterisk (*) are defined Resistance (9) in the original German. The Functional stability terms are classified as: (1) Con- Global stability ventional terms (first column); k -Stability* (2) newly invented terms (sec- Lagrange stability ond column); (3) "Stability", Local stability plus an adjective (third column) Mathematical stability Terms and definitions: an inventory How many definitions of stability concepts and measures are there in the literature? The answer to this question depends on what we understand by the term "stability concepts". Initially therefore, we want to make do with the usual blurred definitions; that stability concepts are concepts that have something to do with stability — what- ever we mean by stability. A more exact definition will be given in the next paragraph. Our collection of stability concepts has, in the meantime, grown to 163 definitions from 70 different stability concepts and more than 40 measures (c£ Grimm et al. 1992). Appendix 1 contains the literature references for all the stability definitions evaluated in this article. Table 1 shows that ecologists usually have three ways of defining a stability concept: Either they use a known term and redefine it (e.g. resilience — left column in Ta- ble 1), or they invent a new term (e.g. attractor block — middle column in Table 1), or they extend the term "sta- bility" by one adjective (e.g. biomass stability — right column in Table 1). As there is no unified terminology in ecology the authors do the only thing possible to the terms from Table 1: they explicitly name and define those properties of ecological systems they want to ex- amine. But do we need so many terms and definitions? How can one maintain a perspective with this kind of conceptual diversity? The key question that, alone, can establish clarity is: how many different properties of eco- logical systems occur in all of the many definitions? If there really were more than 50 different "stability prop- Attractor block Adjustment [stability] Amplitude (4) Anthropogenic stability Cyclicity Biomass stability Damping c -Stability* Dynamic boundedness Connective stability Dynamic fragility (2) Cyclical stability Dynamic robustness (3) D -stability Ecological lability Essential stability Ecosystem health Functional stability Existence Global stability Hysteresis (2) k -Stability* Inertia (4) Lagrange stability Malleability (2) Local stability Maturity Mathematical stability Mutual invasibility Multi -stability* Permanence Natural stability Persistence at fixed densities Neutral stability Persistence in the wide sense o -Stability* Recurrence Perceived stability Regulation Practical stability Repellor Qualitative stability Resiliency (2) Relative stability Responsiveness r -Stability* Semi -stable attractor Resistance stability (2) Sensitivity (2) Species deletion stability Stable attractor Structural stability (2) Strictly persistent t -Stability* Strongly persistent Temporal stability Vulnerability (2) Terminal stability Weakly persistent Total stability Trajectory stability Ultra -stability* OECOLOGIA 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag 325 Table 2 The basic vocabulary of the ecological stability discus- for example, means that the corresponding definition is to be sion and classification of the definitions from the literature. First found in Connell and Sousa (1983) on page 97. Third column: lists column: the six stability concepts in ecology which remain after of the definitions (together with references) with essentially the "distillation" of the definitions from Table 1. Second column: liter- same properties as those in the first column, but which use a dif- ature references for the definitions which agree in the main with ferent tern for the property the definitions from the first column. "Connell and Sousa 83:97". Stability term and definition Authors who use the term in the first column in more or less the same way Terms with definitions mainly the same as in the first column (1) Constancy: Connell and Sousa 83:97 Biomass stability — King and Pimm 1983:329 Returning to the Gigon 83:97 Ecological stability* — Zw6lfer 78:15 Staying essentially Harrison 79:661 Functional stability — Rejmanek 92:455 unchanged Lewontin 69:21 Perceived stability — Begon et al. 90:802 temporary Orians 75:141 Persistence — Rahel 90:328 disturbance Remmert 89:286 Stability* — Haber 79:24 Stability — Murdoch 70:497 Stability — Putman and Wratten 85:338 Temporal stability — Preston 69:9 (2) Resilience: Harrison 79:660 Stability — Hallet 91:383 Leps et al. 82:54 Stability — Holling 73:17 Returning to the Putman and Wratten 85:339 Stability — Pimm 84:322 reference state (or Ulrich 92:181 Stability — Steele 74:180 dynamic) after a Westman 78:705 Adjustment — Connell and Sousa 83:790 temporary Connective stability — Siljak 74:280 disturbance Elasticity — Gigon 83:98 Elasticity* — Remmert 84:286 [Global, local] stability — Begon et al. 90:792 Mathematical stability — Danielson and Stenseth 92:83 Regulation — Murdoch 70:497 Resiliency — Kuss and Hall 91:715 Species deletion stability — Pimm 80:142 (3) Persistence: Allen 83:4 Stability — Begon et al. 90:792 Armstrong and McGhee 76:320 Stability — Chesson and Huntly 89:293 Persistence through Botkin and Sobel 75:629 Stability — Connell and Slatyer 77:1129 time of an ecological Connell and Sousa 83:791 Stability — Crowley 92:246 system DeAngelis and Waterhouse 87:7 Stability — Preston 69:7 Estberg and Patten 76:151 Stability — Roff 74:246 Harrison 79:660 Stability — Wu 76:156 Hastings 88:1666 Ecological stability — Nisbet and Gurney 82:10 Strong 90:421 Ecological stability — Wu 77:347 Warner and Chesson 85:772 Essential stability — Wu 77:352 Yodzis 89:128 Existence — Bossel 92:267 Lagrange stability — Thornton and Mulholland 74:479 Mutual invasibility — Yodzis 89:128 Persistence at fixed densities — Armstrong and McGhee 76:319 Persistence in the wide sense — Royama 77:3 Permanence — Law and Blackford 92:568 Practical stability — Thornton and Mulholland 74:483 Strictly persistent — Royama 77:2 Strongly persistent — Li 88:353 Terminal stability — Wu 76:159 Total stability — Wu 76:159 Weakly persistent — Li 88:353 (4) Resistance: Begon et al. 90:792 Stability — Hurd and Wolf 74:465 Boesch 74:109 Stability — MacArthur 55:534 Staying essentially Connell and Sousa 83:790 Stability — Margalef 68:12 unchanged despite the Gigon 83:98 Stability* — Remmert 89:286 presence of Harrison 79:660 Ecological stability — Mulholland 76:167 disturbances Harwell et al. 81:108 Ecological stability — Rutledge et al. 76:356 Kuss and Hall 91:715 Inertia — Murdoch 70:500 Leps et al. 82:54 Inertia — Orians 74:64 Steinman et al. 90:80 Inertia — Orians 75:141 Inertia — Westman 78:705 Malleability — Westman 91:213 Resilience — Holling 73:17 Resistance stability — Sutherland 90 Responsivness — Roughgarden 75:6 Sensitivity — Estberg and Patten 76:152 Sensitivity* — Remmert 84:286 Vulnerability — Vincent and Anderson 79:218 326 0 E C 0 L 0 G I A 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag Table 2 (continued) Stability term and Authors who use the term in the Terms with definitions mainly the same as in the first definition fust column in more or less the column same way (5) Elasticity: Connell and Sousa 83:790 Ecological stability — Danielson and Stenseth 92:38 Amplitude — Orians 75:141 Orians 74:64 Resilience — Begon et al. 90:792 Speed of return to the Orians 75:141 Resilience — Carpenter et al. 92:784 reference state (or Westman 78:706 Resilience — Crowley 92:247 dynamic) after a Westman 91:213 Resilience — DeAngelis 80:764 temporary disturbance Resilience — Hallet 91:384 Elasticity — Ulrich 92:181 Resilience — Harwell et al. 81:108 Semi -stable attractor — Byers et al. 92:25 Resilience — Nakajima and DeAngelis 89:502 Resilience — Pimm 84:322 Resilience — Steinman et al. 90:80 Resilience — Steinman et al. 91:1299 Resiliency — Boesch 74:109 (6) Domain of Holling 73:3 Amplitude — Connell and Sousa 83:790 attraction: Pimm 84:322 Amplitude — Orians 75:141 Amplitude — Westman 78:706 The whole of states Amplitude — Westman 91:213 from which the Attractor block — Armstrong and McGhee 76:320 reference state (or Dynamic fragility — Begon et al. 90:792 dynamic) can be Dynamic fragility — May 75:163 reached again after a Dynamic robustness — Begon et al. 90:792 temporary disturbance Dynamic robustness — Danielson and Stenseth 92:38 Dynamically bounded — Lewontin 69:18 Dynamical robustness — May 75:163 Elasticity — Ulrich 92:181 Repellor — Byers et al. 92:26 Semi -stable attractor — Byers et al. 92:25 Stable attractor — Byers et al. 92:10 erties" then our attempt to clarify the ecological stability discussion would be superfluous. The wealth of terms would only reflect the multitude of properties that exist and would therefore be irreducible. If however, there are really only a few different properties at the root of all these terms, then there is still hope. The answer to the key question is surprising and encouraging: out of all of the 163 definitions of the 70 terms there are only three fundamentally different properties: (1) "staying essen- tially unchanged", (2) "returning to the reference state (or dynamic) after a temporary disturbance" and (3) "persistence through time of an ecological system". Note the difference between properties 1 and 3. "Staying es- sentially unchanged" refers to a certain reference state or dynamics (see next section), which may be an equilibri- um, or oscillations, or irregular but limited fluctuations. "Persistence through time", on the other hand, does not refer to any particular dynamic but only to the question whether a system persists as an identifiable entity (Shra- der-Frechette and McCoy 1993; Grimm 1996). Almost all of the 163 definitions can be categorised under one of these three fundamental properties (see categories in Ap- pendix 1). Only 22 definitions cannot be categorised (Appendix 2), either because they are built on their own terminology which is difficult to transpose into everyday terminology (e.g. c-, t- and o- stability, multi- and ultra - stability), or because they describe a particular ecologi- cal situation (e.g. cyclical stability, anthropogenetic sta- bility), or perhaps because they describe properties other than dynamic ones (e.g. maturity, ecosystem health). According to our assessment it should be sufficient to work from the three fundamental properties in ecological stability discussions. What we want, however, is not to impose "our" assessment on the existing selection of terms and definitions, but to inventory it. The fact is that a few aspects of the three fundamental properties are named so frequently in the literature that they must be accepted as individual concepts (Table 2). The evaluation of the collection of definitions shows that this is the case for the following three aspects: (4) "staying essentially unchanged despite the presence of disturbances" (an in- terpretation of property 1), (5) "speed of return to the reference state (or dynamic) after a temporary distur- bance" (an aspect of property 2) and (6) "the whole of states from which the reference state (or dynamic) can be reached again after a temporary disturbance" (a further aspect of property 2). Table 2 summarises the results of our inventory and analysis. The six definitions in the first column are for- mulated as the commonest denominators, i.e. they match up, either partially or wholly, with as many of the definitions that appear in the literature as possible. This allows us to include the majority of the 163 definitions that we evaluated in the scheme. The second column lists the authors whose terms and definitions agree, for the most part, with the definitions in the first column. The third column shows the definitions which, in the main, describe the properties listed in the first column but use a different term (i.e. synonyms). Table 2 can be regarded as a kind of "interpreter" between the termi- nologies of various authors. Apart from the 22 defini- tions mentioned above that did not fit into the scheme, any definitions in which two or even three of the funda- mental stability properties were summarised together (see Appendix 3 and the next section), were also exclud- ed from Table 2. For the six properties in Table 2 we chose the follow- ing names: (1) constancy, (2) resilience, (3) persistence, (4) resistance, (5) elasticity and (6) domain of attraction. Table 2 shows that the terms constancy, persistence and resistance agree with the dominant terminological usage. With constancy and resistance however, it must be noted that often the inverse property is considered as well, i.e. variability instead of constancy and sensitivity instead of resistance, but that variability and sensitivity are also used as descriptions for the dimensions of constancy and resistance (Grimm et al. 1992). The choice of expression for properties 2, 5 and 6 is more difficult. As we wish to refrain from using the term "stability" (see next section) we are left with no alterna- tive but to describe property 2 ["returning to the refer- ence state (or dynamic) after a temporary disturbance"] as resilience. Unfortunately, we must then select the term elasticity for property 5 ["speed of return to the reference state (or dynamic) after a temporary disturbance"] al- though property 5 is named resilience in most defini- tions. This confusion is the price for dispensing with "stability" as an individual expression; a price which is, however, worth paying (see next section). Apart from this, properties 2 and 5 (in our terminology resilience and elasticity) are so closely related that our choice of terms should not cause too much confusion. No descrip- tion of property 6 ["The whole of states from which the reference state (or dynamic) can be reached again after a temporary disturbance"] has generally dominated the lit- erature. As a result we selected the expression which we found the most descriptive: domain of attraction. The confusion of terminology shown in Tables 1 and 2 is impressive. How could this confusion arise even though there are only three fundamentally different sta- bility properties? Only if we really understand the sourc- es of the confusion will we be able to overcome it. Causes of terminological confusion The first source of confusion: the term "stability" This paper deals with stability concepts. But what, in fact, is "stability"? The literature contains more defini- tions for this term than for any other (see Table 1) and it is impossible to assign a universal name to these defini- tions (see Table 2 and Appendix). It is for this reason that "stability" does not appear in the basic vocabulary of Table 2. The definitions of "stability" or "ecological sta- bility" can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the definitions in which "stability" is identified by one of the properties constancy, resilience, persis- tence, resistance or elasticity. None of these definitions has a chance of succeeding because if "stability" can be OECOLOGIA 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag 327 identified with different properties then the expression must have more than one meaning. The second group of definitions takes account of ambiguity, insofar that "sta- bility" is simultaneously placed on an equal footing with two or even three properties. Appendix 2 shows that here, too, different authors attribute different properties to "stability" according to their own particular point of view. In this way, the meaning of "stability" becomes even more ambiguous. A further hindrance to salvaging the term "stability" which comes to light is the view that "stability" refers to a property. But how can one property be simultaneously two (or even three) properties? If a system in a certain situation displays resilience but no re- sistance, whilst the relationship in a second system is ex- actly the opposite, which of the two systems is then "sta- ble" or "unstable"? We therefore go one vital step further than the authors of the expressions in Appendix 2 and use "stability" only as a common qualifier for the six properties listed in Ta- ble 2. We call a property a "stability property" if it can be filed under any of the three fundamental properties constancy, resilience or persistence. The vital difference from previous definitions of "stability" is that we no lon- ger define "stability" directly (because it is impossible) but via the three fundamental properties. "Stability" it- self is not a property but a terminological link that em- phasises the close connection between the three funda- mental properties (what this connection looks like de- pends on the individual case). "Stability" makes sense as a collective term because it prevents us from regarding properties like, for example, resilience and persistence, in isolation. "Stability" is thus only a generic term which cannot be used as a qualifier in particular statements about ecological systems. The most important conse- quence of our central definition of stability properties is the simple but important conclusion: "stability" is not a stability property! Many authors try to overcome the uncertainty of the expression "stability" by adding an adjective to it (Ta- ble 1). Unfortunately the adjective is not enough to over- come the ambiguity of the term "stability". In this way "stability" in "biomass stability" means constancy (King and Pimm 1983), in "essential stability" persistence (Wu 1977), in "elastic stability" resilience (Gigon 1983), and so on (see Table 2). These expressions may suffice as lo- cal terminology, i.e. within one article, but for a proper understanding of the ecological stability discussion they are an unnecessary obstacle in that they cannot remove the ambiguity from "stability". It might be better to delete the descriptions "stable", "stabilising" and "stability" as individual expressions completely from the ecological vocabulary. It would be naive, however, to believe that the word "stability" could, or should be deleted from ecology. Therefore we propose to use "stability" only as a short form or substi- tute for "stability properties". This makes it possible to continue working with expressions that contain the word "stability", without having to identify "stability" with one single property: A "stability definition" is the defini- tion of a stability property and a "stability term" is the 328 0 E C 0 L 0 G I A 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag description of this property. Stability terms and defini- tions together form the "stability concept". A "stability measure" is a measure for the quantitative assessment of a stability property. There are generally several measures to a stability property. The results of the use of stability concepts in ecology are "stability statements", i.e. as- sessments of stability properties with the aid of stability measures. Finally, by "stability mechanisms" we mean the mechanisms that are responsible for certain stability properties. Let us summarise the first results of our analysis of the causes of confusion. "Stability" cannot be unambigu- ously defined and is therefore unusable as a concept. The ambiguity of the term "stability" is one of the main sources of confusion in the ecological stability discus- sion. To express oneself clearly one must abandon "sta- bility" as an individual expression. The central role in discussions of ecological stability must now be adopted by the individual stability properties instead by "stabili- ty" itself. The second source of confusion: the diversity of ecological situations If "stability", as an individual expression, were to disap- pear from ecological literature tomorrow, a great deal would already be gained. Instead of "stability" everyone would, at last, say what they actually mean: constancy, resilience or persistence. But the ambiguity of "stability" only partly explains the diversity of definitions. Even if we were to delete "stability" from Tables 1 and 2, there would still be enough confusion to require an explana- tion. Where does this confusion come from if stability concepts are so simple? The source must lie in ecology itself. The critical point with the use of stability concepts in ecology is the fact that simple definitions of stability concepts provide no information as to how they should be applied, in the anything -but -simple world of ecology (Botkin 1981). The problem is that, in ecological sys- tems there is never just one but always a multitude of po- tential ways to apply stability concepts! To clarify this point let us consider a simple dynamic system which is often used for observing stability con- cepts: a ball rolling over valleys and hills (Botkin 1981 uses a pendulum as an example). The whole system is so simple that the state variable (position), reference state (equilibrium) and disturbance (displacement) are all un- ambiguously determined. In ecology the opposite always applies: none of these features is automatically deter- mined. Even the simplest ecological systems are so com- plex that there are always many different possible vari- ables, reference states and disturbances. Consider, for example, the following three systems: 1. A metapopulation inhabiting a landscape consisting of many small and few large habitats. An assessment of the persistence of the population strongly depends on the choice of the state variable: overall population size, oc- cupation of patches, or spatially explicit distribution of occupied and empty patches. 2. A forest where outbreaks of herbivorous insects occur (for example, larch bud moth in alpine forests: Bal- tensweiler and Fischlin 1988). An assessment of con- stancy and resilience requires the definition of a refer- ence state, but what is considered as a reference state (or dynamic) depends on the spatial and temporal scale, on the species considered, whether soil properties are part of the system description, and so on (Gigon and Grimm 1997). 3. A benthic community in a tidal flat. It may be charac- terized by, for instance, species diversity, by dominance relationships, interactions with predators, biodeposition, hydrodynamic processes, regional larvae pools, storms, or ice drifts. These examples illustrate what has long been known: "Ashby (1952) pointed out that every situation in nature can be described in an infinite number of ways. An ob- server can choose any arbitrary set of variables and pa- rameters to define an abstract system, which then can be the object of study by empirical and theoretical methods. Of course, some systems are more advantageous than others for making further progress." (Hall and DeAngelis 1985, p.340; see also Schaffer 1981), which however has largely been ignored when ap- plying stability concepts in ecology. We call a certain combination of features which char- acterize a "situation in nature" an "ecological situation". With the introduction of ecological situations we can now formulate another important sentence. The domain of validity of a stability statement is delimited by the eco- logical situation under observation. If, for example, the resilience of the numbers of individuals in a population is assessed during a small short-term disturbance in the numbers of individuals (e.g. through hunting), then the assessment is only valid for that particular situation. It gives no indications about how, for example, the age structure of the population would respond to large, peri- odic disturbances in the environment. Rahel (1990) dem- onstrates how the assessment of constancy in a commu- nity depends on the variables chosen. Communities qual- ified as highly variable when using the variables "abso- lute abundance" or "abundance ranking" may still be constant when using the variable "presence or absence of species over time". Stability statements can only relate to particular eco- logical situations. As soon as the situation changes (e.g. consideration of another state variable, different distur- bances, different reference states), the stability statement is, ipso facto, no longer valid. The widespread practice in ecology of transferring stability statements from a spe- cial ecological situation to the whole system is psycho- logically understandable, but scientifically wrong. The assessment of a stability property is inseparably linked to the ecological situation in question. This fact has two consequences. Firstly, a lot of authors integrate "their" ecological situation into the definition of "their" Table 3 An ecological checklist. The list consists of the six char- acteristics of an ecological situation which delimit the domain of validity of a stability statement. The checklist points are listed as OECOLOGIA 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag 329 questions in the second column. A few typical answers to these questions are listed in the third column Features of the ecological Checklist question for this feature Example answers situation (1) Level of description On what level of description is the Individual, population, community, stability property examined? ecosystem, landscape, ... (2) Variable of interest Which ecological variable of interest Biomass, population size, age is being considered? structure, nutrient cycling rate, spatial patterns, ... (3) Reference state or reference What is the reference state or dynamic Equilibrium, trend, cycles, high or low dynamic, respectively of the variable of interest without spatial or temporal variability, ... external influences? (4) Disturbance What does the disturbance look like? What is being disturbed? (5) Spatial scale To which spatial scale does the stability statement refer? (6) Temporal scale To which temporal scale does the stability statement refer? stability concepts (e.g. biomass as variable, equilibrium as reference state). This is the second main reason for the flood of definitions referred to above. Secondly, the com- plete characterisation of the ecological situation in ques- tion is an essential part of every stability statement. Without this the statement cannot be evaluated and real communication is rendered impossible. How can one bring these two problems under control? We have already introduced the solution to consequence 1 (first column in Table 2). Stability concepts are con- cepts for characterising certain dynamic properties. Their definitions should not refer to ecological systems (except the concept of persistence: cf. Grimm 1996). For conse- quence 2 we fall back on the aviator's tried and tested solution — a checklist. Pilots cannot afford to forget vital points before take -off because they may crash. In the same way, ecologists cannot afford to forget essential points for characterising the ecological situation, other- wise their ability to communicate about stability proper- ties may "crash". The "ecological checklist" consists of the features that are most important for characterising an ecological situation (Table 3). We compiled the list by asking our- selves which features of an investigation in which stabili- ty properties are to be evaluated determine the domain of validity of the resulting stability statements. Or, to put it another way, what features of the ecological situation un- der examination must be communicated in order that the stability statements can be fully interpreted and com- pared to others? The six points on the checklist are brief- ly discussed below (c£ Orians 1975; Connell and Slatyer Disturbance of the state variable or of a system parameter, lasting disturbance or short term effect, intensity of the disturbance, frequency of the disturbance, ... Size of the researched area, ability of the researched species to spread, typical lengths in the spatial heterogeneity of the research area, ... Time horizon of the statement, longevity of the examined organisms, temporal structure in the environmental heterogeneity,... 1977; Connell and Sousa 1983; Gigon 1983, 1984; Pimm 1984; Schwegler 1985; Grimm et al. 1992; Grimm 1996; Gigon and Grimm 1997): 1. Level of description. Evaluations of stability proper- ties are bound to the observed level of description (e.g. individual, population, ecosystem). 2. Variable of interest. Regardless of the ecological system under observation there are always various de- scriptive variables which can show different dynamic be- haviour. The variable of interest is thus an integral part of every stability statement. 3. Reference state or reference dynamic. In order to de- cide what is to be regarded as a disturbance and whether a system returns to its "normal" state after a disturbance, one needs an idea of what the system's "normal" state or, "reference dynamic" actually is. Often there are different definitions of a reference dynamic, and the evaluation of the stability properties resilience and resistance vary cor- respondingly. 4. Disturbance. "Disturbances" are factors which do not belong to the system (in contrast to "natural distur- bances", which are an integral part of the system: Pickett and White 1985). It is not however sufficient simply to talk about "disturbances". Statements must be made about what is being disturbed and what are the spatial and temporal characteristics of the disturbance. In preda- tor -prey systems, for example, the reaction to distur- bances strongly depends on the frequency of the distur- bance and the parameter of the model being disturbed (Schmidt and Wissel 1991; Grimm et al. 1992). 330 0 E C 0 L 0 G I A 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag 5. Spatial scale. Stability statements are initially only valid within the observed spatial framework. The stabili- ty concepts constancy and resilience have, as a rule, no single "correct" framework or standard for a particular investigation (cf. Levin 1992). For the evaluation of per- sistence, though, the "correct" scale is determined by the system definition which is being employed. The research area must be big enough for the processes which com- prise the system to occur within it (Connell and Sousa 1983). 6. Temporal scale. The same applies here (mutatis mu- tandis) as for the spatial framework. The checklist points are also formulated as questions in Table 3. Answering all six questions defines an eco- logical situation to which a stability statement can relate. If only one of the features is changed (e.g. a different disturbance or time scale) then we have a new ecological situation and the old stability statements will, in general, no longer be valid. The checklist fulfils three main functions. Firstly, it acts as a safety gauge which constantly monitors the do- main of validity of statements during their construction and interpretation. It particularly helps us to test whether the conclusions from a stability investigation are an- chored in the ecological situation in question or whether there has been unacceptable generalisation, i.e. a transfer to other situations or even the whole system. Secondly, it forms a sort of system of coordinates for communication into which stability statements of similar, but also of quite different, investigations can be organised. In this way we achieve comparable statements and thereby ob- tain a chance of leaving the domain of validity of indi- vidual statements behind in favour of a holistic view of ecological systems.Thirdly, our checklist helps with the planning of stability investigations, whether empirical or theoretical, in that it exposes the gaps in previous re- search programmes (Grimm et al. 1992). The checklist enables us to tackle the problem of evaluating stability properties systematically. Complete stability statements are also called for in other papers (Orians 1975; Connell and Slatyer 1977; Connell and Sousa 1983; Gigon 1983, 1984; Pimm 1984; Schwegler 1985). An explanation for the lack of effect of these papers on the woolly state of the ecologi- cal stability discussion may be that none of them explic- itly focused on an terminological and conceptual analy- sis of the stability discussion. Apart from this, the most important reason, in our opinion, that necessitates a checklist was not explicitly addressed, i.e. that stability concepts were not invented for the investigation of eco- logical systems but for the characterisation of simple dy- namic systems. Without an additional instrument their application in ecology causes the kind of chaos that we have documented in Table 2. The ecological checklist is the additional instrument that should prevent this chaos. It is, of course, quite possible to have a completely different opinion from us on the matter of the relation- ship between ecological and dynamic systems. Berryman (1991), for example, reaches exactly the opposite conclu- sion: "The continuing confusion over the concepts of regulation, stability and density -dependence results from our refusal to recognize that ecosystems obey the same rules as all other dynamic systems, both natural and en- gineered" (Berryman 1991, p.142). Berryman would be right, if there were such a thing as an unambiguous con- vertible representation of ecological systems to simple dynamic systems. However, there is no such thing, — nei- ther for populations, nor for communities, nor for eco- systems. Our point of view and Berryman's are not how- ever mutually exclusive. They can, to some extent, be reconciled with the aid of "dynamic constraints" (R. Law, personal communication). Dynamic constraints on- ly come into play in extreme situations, e.g. with very high densities in a population, or with extreme condi- tions in the abiotic environment. The extreme conditions in such situations limit the relational possibilities of the ecological system in such a way as to allow an unambig- uous projection into a simple dynamic system. The con- cept of density -vagueness suggested by Strong (1986a, b) is an example of an attempt to couple the dynamic concept, "density dependence", with the idea of dynamic constraints. Density dependence only comes into play when the density of a population exceeds certain ceilings or falls below certain floors. There is no unambiguous relationship between density and growth rate of the population for densities between these limits, because one and the same density can lead to quite different lev- els of reproductive success depending on supply of re- sources and variability within a population (Grimm and Uchmanski 1994). The third source of confusion: "stability" and the hope for a more mature ecology If the widespread misconception that scientists are only guided in their work by their rationality were true, then there would probably be no need to write this paper. The results of our analysis to date, which are no more than simple guidelines, show that: (1) there are few genuinely different stability concepts; (2) "stability" alone is so ambiguous as to be unusable as a concept; and (3) stabil- ity statements can only relate to clearly defined ecologi- cal situations. One really would not need to work through mountains of ecological literature to arrive at these conclusions; a little healthy human intuition and, when in doubt, a flick through the dictionary, would suf- fice. How is it that ecologists pay so little heed to these guidelines? The answer is that scientists are no less sub- ject to their desires, hopes and dreams in their work than anyone else (Grimm 1996). In this section we want to show how the desires, hopes and dreams which are at- tached to the term "stability", form a significant barrier to the fruitful communication of stability properties. The fact is that the term "stability" has an enormous attraction for ecologists. One cannot help but notice that "ecologists are happy to talk about `stability' (Pimm 1991, p. xii), and politicians, managers and naturalists really love it. Ecological research is no less reputable or intensive than research in other disciplines, but it is frus- trating, in the context of the successes in other disci- plines, to see so many ecological studies standing more or less in isolation whilst a general ecological theory lies far off on the horizon (McIntosh 1985). Most ecological studies only allow statements about a particular system and even these statements are, as a rule, of extremely limited validity. The spatial and temporal scales of the experiments are almost always small; only a tiny section of the species spectrum can be encompassed, the influ- ence of abiotic factors cannot be systematically analysed and so on. The list of limitations can quite easily be ex- tended. The results of ecological studies fit together more like a kaleidoscope than jigsaw pieces, in that it is often a distorted picture of nature that we see and not a meaningful, consistent picture which would allow us to reach predictively into reality. The preoccupation with "stability" seems to offer a way out of this. "Stability" stands for the hope of over- coming the current state in ecology. Schwegler (1985) expresses this hope clearly: "Stability belongs to the ex- pressions (like information and energy) of which, some- times, a global explanatory power is expected and which is supposed to make tedious attention to detail more or less superfluous." (p. 263; translated from German). Working on "stability", or at least speculating about it, gives one the feeling of assisting in a "master plan" (Whittaker and Levin 1977): "Ecologists have sought a theory or master plan of evolution permitting interpreta- tion of communities through a limited number of strong- ly linked and widely significant relationships. Such a theory is naturally desired by ecologists as scientists" (Whittaker and Levin 1977, p.136). We are convinced that there is an important nucleus buried amongst the mixture of woolliness, unrealised dreams and ambition that characterises the current state of communication of stability properties (Grimm 1996). As Pimm (1991) rightly indicates,"just because the terms are fuzzy, this does not mean that the underlying ideas are unimportant."(p. 4). But in order to solidify the "un- derlying ideas", we must first discover why the expres- sions are unclear and second, how clear expressions are to be achieved. Exactly this is the aim of this paper. A strategy for avoiding confusion The results of our inventory and analysis of the ecologi- cal stability discussion can be summarised as a simple strategy which can help avoid confusion in the communi- cation of stability properties. The strategy consists of questions that help to analyse statements one may en- counter in publications or in discussions and to classify them so as to enable comparison with other stability statements. The confusion -avoidance strategy is as fol- lows. Every time we encounter either the word "stabili- ty", a stability concept or a statement about a stability OECOLOGIA 109 (1997) (D Springer -Verlag 331 property in the literature or in a discussion, we try to find answers to the following three questions: 1. What stability property is being addressed? 2. To which ecological situation does the stability state- ment refer? 3. Is the statement anchored in the situation under con- sideration or is there unacceptable generalisation? The answer to question 1 sweeps away all of the ter- minological uncertainty by concentrating on the central elements in the ecological stability discussion — the sta- bility properties. The basic vocabulary "distilled" by us helps to answer this question (first column in Table 2). The ecological checklist is an instrument for answering question 2. The uncertainty about the stability state- ments' validity limits can be clarified as much as possi- ble by answering the individual points on the checklist. If no answer is possible for some of the points on the checklist (for example, the questions about spatial and temporal scales in many mathematical models), then the statement is encumbered with uncertainty that cannot be further diminished. Question 3 is for the most part cov- ered by question 2 but should, once again, encourage the explicit evaluation of requirement and reality in a publi- cation or a discussion. It is designed as a safety mecha- nism against the above-named irrational sources of con- fusion. We believe that this confusion -avoidance strategy can, despite or even because of its simplicity, be an ef- fective instrument in clearing up the current confusion in the ecological stability discussion as well as preventing its future recurrence. Acknowledgements We thank R. Brandl, A. Gigon, A. Huth, K. Jax, F. Jeltsch, R. Law, R.P. McIntosh, C. Neuert, A. Ratz, E. Schmidt, D.R. Strong, and M. Williamson for valuable comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Appendix 1 Literature references for all stability definitions which have been evaluated in this paper For each reference, the terms defined in that paper are listed (in- cluding the page number where the definition can be found). The abbreviations in parentheses denote which stability property (ac- cording to the first column in Table 2) is described by that particu- lar definition. Abbreviations: ili resilience, ist resistance, con con- stancy, per persistence, dom domain of attraction, ela elasticity, ? cannot be classified, + two or more properties are grouped togeth- er in one definition, mat the language of mathematics is used for the definition, mats a pure mathematical definition. This list of references does not claim to be complete, nor is in- clusion in or exclusion from the list linked to any evaluation of single stability definitions. The only aim of this list is to document the extreme diversity of terms and definitions (references to fur- ther terms and definitions are given in Williamson 1972, 1984, 1987; Connell and Sousa 1983; Pimm 1991; Hutson and Schmitt 1992; Shrader-Frechette and McCoy 1993). The full definitions of the references listed below are available via WWW server http://www.oesa.ufz.de. Allen (1983) persistenceA (per, mat) Armstrong and McGhee (1976) persistence at fixed densities:319 (per, mat), attractor block:320 (dom, mat), persistence:320 (per, mat) 332 0 E C 0 L 0 G I A 109 (1997) © Springer -Verlag Begon et at. (1990) dynamic fragility:792 (dom), dynamic robust- ness:792 (dom), global stability:792 (ili), local stability:792 (ili), resilience:792 (ela), resistance:792 (ist), stability:792 (per), perceived stability:802 (con) Boesch (1974) persistence:109 (per+con), resiliency:109 (ela), re- sistance:109 (ist), stability: 109 (ili+ist), Bossel (1992) existence:267 (per, mat) Botkin and Sobel (1975) persistence:629 (per, mat), persis- tence:630 (per, mat), recurrence:631 (per, mat) Byers et al. (1992) stable attractor:10 (dom, mat), semi -stable at- tractor:25 (dom, mat), repellor:26 (dom, mat) Carpenter et al. (1992) resilience:784 (ela) Chesson and Huntly (1989) stability:293 (per) Connell and Slayer (1977) stability: 1129 (per) Connell and Sousa (1983) adjustment [stability]:790 (ili), ampli- tude:790 (dom), constancy:790 (con), elasticity:790 (ela), re- sistance:790 (ist), stability:790 (ili+ist), persistence:791 (per) Crowley (1992) resilience:247 (ela), stability:246 (per), Danielson and Stenseth (1992) dynamic robustness:38 (dom), eco- logical stability:38 (ela), mathematically stable:38 (ili) DeAngelis (1980) relative stability:764 (ist+ela), resilience:764 (ela) DeAngelis and Waterhouse (1987) persistence:7 (per) Diamond (1976) stability:287 (?) Estberg and Patten (1976) persistence:151 (per, mat), sensitivi- ty:152 (ist) Gigon (1983) ecological lability:96 (?), ecological stability:96 (per+ili), anthropogenetic stability:97 (?), constancy:97 (con), cyclicity:97 (?), elasticity:98 (ili), natural stability:97 (?), re- sistance:98 (ist) Gigon (1984) 6kologische Stabilitat:14 (per+ili), 6kologische Labilitat:15 (?), Konstanz:17 (con), Elastizitat:20 (ili), Resi- stenz:20 (ist), Zyklizitat:20 (?) Gob (1980) vulnerability:3 (?, mat) Haber (1979) Persistenz (=k-Stabilitat):22 (per con), Resilienz (=r-Stabilitat):22 (ili+con), Stabilitat:24 (con) Hallet (1991) stability:383 (ili), resilience:384 (ela), D-stabili- ty:386 (matt) Harrison (1979) stability:659 (ili+ist), persistence:660 (per), resil- ience:660 (ili), resistance:660 (ist), constancy:661 (con) Harwell et al. (198 1) resilience: 108 (ela), resistance: 108 (ist) Hastings (1988) persistence: 1666 (per) Holling (1973) domain of attraction:3 (dom), neutral stability:3 (?), resilience: 17 (ist), stability: 17 (ili) Hurd and Wolf (1974) stability:465 (ist) King and Pimm (1983) biomass stability:229 (con) Kuss and Hall (1991) resiliency:715 (ili), resistance:715 (ist) Law and Blackford (1992) permanence:568 (per, mat) Leps et al. (1982) resilience:54 (ili), resistance:54 (ist) Lewontin (1969) dynamically bounded:18 (dom, mat), constan- cy:21 (con, mat), structural stability:22 (mat') Li (1988) strongly persistent:353 (per, mat), weakly persistent:353 (per, mat) MacArthur (1955) stability:534 (ist) Margalef (1968) stability: 12 (ist) Margalef (1974) maturity: 66 (?) May (1973) qualitative stability:639 (mat') May (1975) dynamic fragility:163 (dom), dynamical robust- ness: 163 (dom) Minns (1992) ecosystem health:110 (?) Mulholland (1976) ecological stability: 167 (ist) Murdoch WW (1970) regulation:497 (ili), stability:497 (con), in- ertia:500 (ist) Nakajima and DeAngelis (1989) resilience:502 (ela) Nisbet and Gurney (1982) ecological stability: 10 (per) Orians (1974) elasticity:64 (ela), inertia:64 (ist) Orians (1975) amplitude: 141 (dom), constancy: 141 (con), elastici- ty:141 (ela), inertia: 141 (ist), stability: 141 (ili+con), cyclical stability: 143 (?), trajectory stability: 143 (?) Pimm (1980) species deletion stability: 142 (ili) Pimm (1984) domain of attraction:322 (dom), resilience:322 (ela), stability:322 (ili) Preston (1969) stability:7 (per), temporally stable:9 (con) Putman and Wratten (1985) stability:338 (con), resilience:339 (ili) Rahel (1990) persistence:328 (con) Rejm'anek (1992) functional stability:455 (con) Remmert (1989) Elastizitat:286 (ili), Empfindlichkeit:286 (ist), Konstanz:286 (con), Stabilitat:286 (ist) Roff(1974) stability:246 (per) Roughgarden (1975) responsivness:6 (ist) Royama (1977) strictly persistent:2 (per), persistence in the wide sense:3 (per) Rutledge et al. (1976) ecological stability:356 (ist) Schwegler (1981) c-Stabilitat:131 (?), t-Stabilitat:134 (?), o-Stabi- litat:136 (?) Siljak (1974) connective stability:280 (ili) Smedes and Hurd (198 1) resistance stability: 1561 (ist+ili) Steele (1974) stability:180 (ili) Steinman et al. (1990) resistance:80 (ist), resilience:80 (ela) Steinman et al. (199 1) resilience: 1299 (ela) St6cker (1974) Stabilitat:241 (ili+ist), Ultrastabilitat:245 (ist+?), Multistabilitat:245 (?) Strong (1990) persistence:421 (per) Sutherland (1990) resistance stability: 1990 (ist) Suttman and Barrett (1979) stability:637 (ili+ist+ela) Thornton and Mulholland (1974) Lagrange stability:479 (per, mat), practical stability:483 (per) Ulrich (1992) elasticity: 181 (dom), resilience: 181 (ili) Vincent and Anderson (1979) vulnerability: 218 (ist) Warner and Chesson (1985) persistence:772 (per, mat) Westman (1978) resilience:705 (ili), inertia:705 (ist), ampli- tude:706 (dom), elasticity:706 (ela), hysteresis:706 (?), mal- leability:706 (?) Westman (1991) amplitude:213 (dom), damping:213 (?), elastici- ty:213 (ela), hysteresis:213 (?), malleability: 213 (ist) Wu (1976) stability:156 (per), terminal stability:159 (per), total stability: 159 (per) Wu (1977) ecological stability:347 (per), essential stability:352 (per, mat) Yodzis (1989) structural stability:32 (matt), mutual invasibi- lity:128 (per) persistence: 128 (per) Zw6lfer (1978) 6kologische Stabilitat:15 (con) Appendix 2 Definitions which do not fit into our classification scheme in Table 2 Asterisk * denotes definitions which are in original German, mat denotes definitions that were not included in Table 2 because they are purely mathematical Anthropogenetic stability — Gigon (1983):97 Cyclical stability — Orians (1975):143 Cyclicity — Gigon (1983):97 D -stability— Hallet (1991):386 (mat) Ecological lability — Gigon (1983):96 Ecosystem health — Minns (1992):110 Hysteresis — Westman (1978):706 Hysteresis — Westman (1991):213 Malleability — Westman (1978):706 Maturity — Margalef (1974):66 Natural stability — Gigon (1983):97 Neutral stability — Holling (1973):3 c -stability* — Schwegler (1981):131 Trajectory stability — Orians (1975):143 t -stability* — Schwegler (1981):134 o -stability* — Schwegler (1981):136 Qualitative stability — May (1973):639 (mat) Recurrence — Botkin and Sobel (1975):631 Structural stability — Lewontin (1969):22, Yodzis (1989):32 (mat) Ultra -stability* — Stocker (1974):245 Multi -stability* — Stocker (1974):245 Vulnerability — Goh (1980):3 (mat) Appendix 3 Definitions that combine two or three different stability properties For abbreviations see Appendix 1. Resilience* (=r -stability*) — Haber (1979):22 (ili+con) Stability — Orians (1975):141 (ili+con) Stability — Boesch (1974):109 (ili+ist) Stability — Diamond (1976):287 (ili+per) Stability — Connell and Sousa (1983):790 (ili+ist) Stability — Harrison (1979):659 (ili+ist) Resistance stability — Smedes and Hurd (1981):1561 (ili+ist) Stability* — St6cker (1974):241 (ili+ist) Stability — Suttman and Barrett (1979):637 (ili+ist+ela) Relative stability — DeAngelis (1980):764 (ist+ela) Persistence* (=k -stability*) — Haber (1979):22 (per+con) Persistence — Boesch (1974):109 (per+con) Ecological stability* — Gigon (1983):96 (per+ili) References Allen LJS (1983) Persistence and extinction in Lotka-Volterra re- action -diffusion equations. Math Biosci 65:1-12 Armstrong RA, McGehee R (1976) Coexistence of species com- peting for shared resources. Theor Popul Biot 9:317-328 Baltensweiler W, Fischlin A (1988) The larch bud moth in the Alps. 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Berne-Riederalp, 14-19 September 1981 [Part One] (May, 1983), pp. 95-102 Published by: International Mountain Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3672989 Accessed: 15-06-2018 16:02 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on ,TSTOR for this article: http://www. jstor.org/stable/3672989?seq=1$cid=pdf-ref erence#ref erences_tab_contents You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. .TSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about TSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the .TSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://about.jstor.org/terms JSTOR International Mountain Society is collaborating with TSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Mountain Research and Development This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1983, pp. 95-102 TYPOLOGY AND PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY AND INSTABILITY ANDREAS GIGON Geobotanical Institute, The Rubel Foundation Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) 8044 Zurich, Switzerland ABSTRACT The concepts of ecological stability, instability, and lability are discussed and defined; they should be used only as general concepts. Ecological stability is the continued existence of an ecological system or its capability to restore the original state after a change. It is important to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic stability and instability. According to the presence or absence of disturbance factors (extraordinary factors) and the amplitude of the oscillations of the parameters under consideration the following types of ecological stability can be distinguished: constancy, cyclicity, resistance, and elasticity. For every investigation of stability special criteria and scales of observation must be elaborated. Based on the example of plant communities of the Alps general conclusions are drawn: (1) no ecological system is stable in respect to all possible disturbance factors; (2) different types of stability can occur within the same ecological system; (3) the same disturbance factor can have completely different effects in very similar ecological systems; (4) depending on the criteria and scales of observation the same ecological phenomenon can be considered stable or unstable and evaluated negatively or positively. Thus statements about stability are only of limited value unless it is clearly specified which criteria and scales of observation are used, which disturbance factor is being considered, and which type of stability is occurring. A list of principles contributing to ecological stability is presented; it can be used as a checklist for assessing the risk of instability. RtSUME Typologie et principes de la stabiliti et 11instabiliti icologiques. Les concepts de stabilite, d'instabilite et de labilits ecologiques sont discutss et definis; ils devraient etre employes seulement comme concepts generaux. La stabilite ecologique est 1'existence continue d'un systeme ecologique ou sa capacite de revenir a 1'etat original apres un changement. Il est important de faire une distinction entre stabilite (instabilite) naturelle et anthropogene. Les types de stabilite ecologique suivants sont distingues en raison de la presence ou absence de facteurs de perturbation (facteurs extraordinaires) et de ]'amplitude des oscillations du parametre considers: Constance, cyclicite, resistance et elasticite. Il est discute que chaque analyse d'un cas de stabilite exige ]'elaboration de criteres appropries. Basses sur 1'example de 1'6cologie de prairies des Alpes les conclusions generales suivantes sont tirees: (1) Il n'existe aucun systeme ecologique qui Boit stable envers tous les facteurs de perturbation possibles. (2) Dans le meme systeme ecologique des types de stabilite differents peuvent etre realises. (3) Des 6cosystemes semblables peuvent reagir de maniere tres differente a 1'6gard du meme facteur de perturbation. (4) En fonction des criteres choisis le meme phenomene ecologique peut etre considers comme stable ou instable et jugs de maniere positive ou negative. Cela prouve que les affirmations gensrales concernant la stabilite ne peuvent pas etre employees sans specifier clairement les criteres employes ainsi que le facteur de perturbation et le type de stabilite. Une liste de principes contribuants a la stabilite ecologique est presentee; elle peut etre employee comme "checklist" pour juger le risque d'instabilite. zuSAMMENFASSUNG Typologie and Prinzipien der okologischen Stabilitat and Instabilitat. Die Begriffe 6kologische Stabilitat, Instabilitat and Labilitat werden diskutiert and definiert; sie soldten nur als allgemeine Oberbegriffe verwendet werden. Oekologische Stabilitat ist das Bestehenbleiben eines 6kologischen Systems and die Fahigkeit nach Veranderungen in die Ausgangslage zurfickzukehren. Es ist wichtig zwischen natiirlicher and anthropogener Stabilitat (Instabilitat) zu unterscheiden. Aufgrund des Vorhandenseins oder Fehlens von Fremdfaktoren and aufgrund der Schwankungen des betrachteten Merkmals werden folgende Typen bkologischer Stabilitat unterschieden: Konstanz, Zyklizitat, Resistenz, and Elastizitat. Fur jede Beurteilung der Stabilitat sind spezielle Kriterien and MaQstibe zu erarbeiten. Am Beispiel von Pflanzengesellschaften der Alpen wird dargelegt: (1) Kein 6kologisches System ist beziiglich allen m6glichen Fremdfaktoren stabil. (2) Verschiedene Typen von Stabilitat k5nnen im selben okologischen System verwirklicht sein. (3) Derselbe Fremdfaktor kann sick in ahnlichen okologischen Systemen ganz verschieden auswirken. (4) Je nach den gewahlten Kriterien and Magstaben kann dasselbe 6kologische Phanomen ads stabil oder als instabil angesehen and positiv oder negativ bewertet werden. Somit rind allgemeine Aussagen fiber Stabilitat wissenschaftlich and praktisch nur beschrankt brauchbar, sofern nicht dargelegt ist, welche Beurteilungskriterien und-mal1stabe gewahlt wurden, sowie welcher Fremdfaktor and welcher Stabilitatstyp betrachtet wurden. Es wird eine Liste von Prinzipien, die zu 6kologischer Stabilitat beitragen, dargelegt; sie kann u. a. als Checkliste fiir die Beurteilung des Risikos von Instabilitat dienen. This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 96 / MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION The aims of this paper are: to develop a comprehensive and practical typology for ecological stability and insta- bility; to discuss some aspects that become important when the concept of stability is applied to practical problems; and to list some ecological principles relevant to stability. The words stability and instability are so frequently used in current language, and in the different branches of science, that they must have different meanings for each person. In ecology, and particularly in planning, they are becoming more and more a kind of magical concept. Stable ecosystems and landscapes are what should be planned for, and unstable ones should be stabilized. Is it really as sim- ple as that? What, after all, is stability? This paper shows, as have many before, that it is neces- sary to distinguish different types of stability and instability (Holling, 1973; Orians, 1975; Remmert, 1980). The spe- cial feature of the typology presented here is that it is more comprehensive than those found in the earlier literature. The approach is phenomenological and not theoretical; it is described in more detail by Gigon (1981, in prep.). Using as examples the stability and instability of plant commu- nities in the Alps, practical conclusions are drawn which can be applied to many other ecological systems. TYPOLOGY OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY AND INSTABILITY STABILITY, INSTABILITY, AND LABILITY AS OVERALL CONCEPTS A comparison of various textbooks as well as conference and symposium reports shows that the term stability is used in many different ways even within the single field of ecol- ogy (Woodwell and Smith, 1969; Van Dobben and Lowe - McConnell, 1975). The diversity of meanings is so large that stability can no longer be used for describing a very specific state of an ecological system, as proposed, for in- stance, by Rolling (1973) and Remmert (1980), but must be considered as a broad overall concept, as proposed by Orians (1975) and Gigon (1981). In the present paper the following definition is used: ecological stability: the continued existence of an ecological system and its capability to restore its original state after a change. Examples of stable ecosystems are the redwood forests in California and Alpine grasslands. Stability is also im- plied in the recovery of the population of deer (Capreolus capreolus) after decimation through hunting, as observed in Central Switzerland. The definition of stability proposed here comprises two quite different aspects: the static aspect of the continued existence of the system; and the dynamic aspect of the capa- bility for restoration of the original state after certain changes. It is not necessary for both the static and the dynamic aspects to be realized in an ecosystem to warrant it being designated as stable; the presence of the static aspect alone is sufficient. For instance, certain types of tropical rain forest are described as stable because they do not change much in species composition over decades or centuries. But it is well known that after a large-scale felling of the forest the species composition changes irreversibly; that is, the original state is not restored (G6mez-Pompa et al., 1972). The opposite of stability is instability and is defined as fol- lows: ecological instability: the process of irreversible change of an ecological system and the absence of a capability for restoring its original state after a change. Examples include the ecological succession on glacial moraines and in old fields; the increasing erosion of over- grazed pastures on steep slopes, which leads to bare rock, as seen in many mountains of the Mediterranean region; the inability for restoration of the original species composi- tion in dry limestone grasslands in Switzerland after two years of heavy fertilizer application such that many plant and insect species disappear and do not "return" for at least several decades; and, of course, the mostly irreversible effects of large-scale felling of the "stable" tropical rain for- ests can be interpreted also as instability. It is important to realize that after shorter or longer phases of instability most ecological systems develop into a new stable phase: instability does not last for ever. Discussion of the concepts of stability and instability be- comes complicated because of the existence of many eco- systems, mostly anthropogenic, which have characteristics falling between the stated definitions of stability and in- stability. For example, planted monocultures of spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karsten) in the Swiss midlands are not really unstable, as is often said by ecologists; these forests are not necessarily in "the process of irreversible change." On the other hand, it is also misleading to call them stable because they show a strong inclination to irreversible change through storm damage or pests or disease infestation. This pattern can be described as: ecological lability: the pronounced inclination of an ecologi- cal system to change irreversibly. Ecological lability is the phenomenon of general potential instability of a stable ecological system. The examples briefly discussed in this paper are rele- vant to the extensive use of the concepts of stability and instability. It is evident that for practical purposes, such as ecological planning and environmental impact assess- ment, more precise concepts must be elaborated; the ques- tions of criteria and scales of observation and evaluation must be discussed in detail. TYPOLOGY OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY Natural and Anthropogenic Stability For applied purposes it is particularly important to know This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms whether the stability of an ecological system is realized when man does not interfere, and whether anthropogenic inputs are necessary to ensure its continued existence. This leads to the distinction between: natural stability: stability realized without the interference of man; and anthropogenic stability: stability which is realized only with anthropogenic inputs and which will change into instability when these inputs cease. Examples of natural stability include Alpine grasslands, peat bogs, and certain tropical rain forests. Anthropogenic stability is exemplified by fertilized hay -meadows, cotton plantations, rice paddies, and many other agro-ecosystems. The distinction between natural and anthropogenic stabil- ity is not always easy; and man-made ecosystems do not always indicate anthropogenic stability, or vice versa. Examples include man-made pastures through the cutting and burning of forests at timberline in the Alps which show a stability that can be called natural. Even if man does not interfere, certain types of these pastures would persist; they would simply be grazed more intensively by deer, chamois, and other animals of the natural fauna. Constancy, Cyclicity, Resistance, and Elasticity Many different typologies of ecological stability have been elaborated already (Woodwell and Smith, 1969; Holling, 1973; Orians, 1975; Haber, 1979; Remmert, 1980). Based on these investigations a phenomenological and simple typology has been proposed and described in detail by Gigon (1981). The following criteria were used: 1. Presence or absence of a disturbance factor (perturba- tion or impact factor) that is, a factor not being a nor- mal part of the ecological system under consideration (Ellenberg, 1972). 2. Small or large amplitude of the changes (oscillations) of the ecological factor under consideration. For understanding ecological stability it is important to know whether there is (or has been) a disturbance factor or not. Sulphur dioxide emissions, fertilizer application to an oligotrophic ecosystem, introduction of foreign plants or animals, and a natural landslide in an ecosystem where it had never occurred before are examples of disturbance factors. There are many cases where the distinction be- tween normal and disturbance factors is unclear. The amplitudes of the changes (oscillations) in the ecological system are another parameter important for distinguish- ing different types of stability. These changes, or oscilla- tions, can be small, such as those occurring in the plant community of alpine meadows or mixed forests in Central Europe, or they can be large. Large oscillations, for in- stance, are occurring in the plant species composition in certain boreal forests of North America (Remmert, 1980) and in many mediterranean-type ecosystems (Walter, 1973). For detailed study, of course, the terms small and large oscillations must be defined. The causes of the oscil- lations can be intrinsic in the ecological system or they can be due to disturbance factors. Using these criteria four types of ecological stability can be distinguished; they are schematically represented in Fig- ure 1. It is also stressed that all four types of stability can be present simultaneously in the same ecological system. A. GIGON / 97 Types of natural ecological stability: constancy resistance d v E, N 11 NU S o` Tt t2 time 0 12 time cyclicity elasticity 11 t2 time 0 12 time Natural ecological instability: endogenous exogenous v o� e-�?72 OCt2 time ttime 0 = ecological system V" =changed ecol. system FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of some types of ecological stability. For this typology the criteria used were the presence or absence of disturbance factors and the amplitude and reversi- bility of changes (oscillations) of the ecological parameter under consideration. Constancy Constant stability may be defined as a type of stability char- acterized by an absence of disturbance factors and by no, or only small, changes (oscillations) in the ecological parameter under consideration (Figure 1). This does not mean, however, that the ecological system is completely static. A Central European mixed forest shows constant stability even if old trees die here and there and small oscil- lations in the population densities of certain insects or birds occur. Evergreen tropical rain forests and Alpine grasslands are other examples of ecosystems with this type of stability. cyclicity Cyclic stability may be defined as a type of stability char- acterized by the absence of disturbance factors and by the presence of large cyclic oscillations of the ecological param- eter(s) under consideration (Figure 1). These oscillations are due to normal factors belonging within the ecological system. A classical example of an ecosystem with cyclic sta- bility is the Californian chaparral. In the chaparral, fire, This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 98 / MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT usually due to lightning, is a natural ecological factor (Walter, 1973). It causes large cyclic oscillations in biomass and floristic composition. Fire also enhances germination of many species, destroys certain phytotoxic substances accumulated in the soil, and mobilizes nutrients fixed in the dead organic material. Cyclic burning is essential for the "continued existence" of the chaparral, that is, for its stability. Other ecosystems with cyclic stability are coniferous for- ests, such as the central Alpine larch forests (Larix decidua Miller), which show large oscillations in the populations of the larch budmoth (Zeiraphera diniana Guenee) (Baltens- weiler, 1964). Remmert (1980) mentions the phenomenon of cyclic stability in certain tundra ecosystems of Alaska and in East African savannas. Resistance Resistant stability may be defined as the type of stability characterized by the presence of a disturbance factor, which has no, or only a small, effect upon the ecological parameter under consideration (see Figure 1). The parameter being considered withstands the disturbance. Examples include a forest ecosystem showing no change in its floristic composition after a single application of sewage sludge, and a limestone grassland in the Jura Mountains, where the turf is not altered by trampling by tourists in summer or autumn. Elasticity Elastic stability may be defined as a type of stability characterized by large changes (oscillations) due to a dis- turbance factor. When the disturbance factor is no longer present the original state is restored (Figure 1). For example, decimation (disturbance) of the deer popu- lation will have effects on the composition of the forb layer in a forest, but after a certain time the deer population re- covers and the original state is restored. Similarly, two years of irrigation of a fertilized, species -poor meadow in Central Europe will change its floristic composition; some years after irrigation has been terminated, however, the original composition is restored. Resilience is a concept introduced into ecology by Holling (1973). He defines it as follows: "Resilience determines the persistence of relationships within a system and is a measure of the ability of these systems to absorb changes of state variables, driving variables and parameters, and still persist. In this definition resilience is the property of the system and persistence or probability of extinction is the result.... Stability on the other hand, is the ability of a system to return to an equilibrium state after a tem- porary disturbance." In the terms of the present paper, resilience corresponds more or less to constancy and re- sistance, whereas stability, as defined by Holling, cor- responds to elasticity as it is defined in this paper. Resil- ience and stability in the sense of Holling are not used further in the present paper because these terms have been used in many different ways by different authors and be- cause resistance is a better understood term than resilience. TYPOLOGY OF ECOLOGICAL INSTABILITY As with ecological stability, ecological instability also can be subdivided into different types. A distinction must be TYPOLOGY OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY and 11NSTABILITY potential actual LABILITY natural anthropogenic natural anthropogenic 1:7� (stabilizing input) no with nat, with anthr, no with nat, with anthr, disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance factor factor factor factor factor factor I no with cyclic no with irreversible irreversible irreversible oscillation oscillation oscillation oscillation change change change l nat,or anthr. nat,or anthr. nat,or anthr. nat,or anthr. nat,endogen. [nat.exI ogen. anthropogen. CONSTANCY CYCLICITY RESISTANCE ELASTICITY INSTABILITY INSTABILITY INSTABILITY FIGURE 2. Hierarchic synopsis of the types of stability and instability described in the text. This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms made between natural instability—instability realized without the interference of man—and anthropogenic instability—in- stability due to the influence of man. Examples of anthropogenic instability include the irre- versible floristic changes in lake or bog ecosystems due to man-made eutrophication, and the increasing disruption of mountain ecosystems due to over -exploitation (lumber cutting and overgrazing, for example, leading to erosion). The distinction between anthropogenic and natural insta- bility is not always easy. For instance, is the succession occurring on abandoned arable fields to be considered anthropogenic or natural? Natural ecological instability can be subdivided into endogenous and exogenous, the latter being caused by a natural disturbance factor (see Figure 1). Examples of natural A. GIGON / 99 endogenous instability are the irreversible changes occur- ring during the natural succession on a glacial moraine. These changes are "organized" mainly by the ecosystem itself. Examples of exogenous instability are the irreversible changes occurring due to a natural landslide or a volcanic eruption in ecosystems which are not usually subject to these disturbance factors. .SYNOPSIS OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY AND INSTABILITY The different types of stability and instability proposed in this paper can be combined into the hierarchic synopsis shown in Figure 2. For each logical step leading to the dif- ferent types, special criteria and both time -scale and area must be defined, as will be shown below. CRITERIA OF OBSERVATION AND EVALUATION OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY Different types of stability and instability have been described so far in a broad and qualitative manner. It is now necessary to determine the choice of criteria and scale, in terms of both time and space, for more precise and quan- titative investigation. Because each ecological system and disturbance factor differs from every other, special criteria and scales must be elaborated for each case to be studied. For exam- ple, in an investigation of the stability of a peat bog, the criteria and scales could be the annual growth rate of the Sphagnum species. In a sylvicultural investigation, however, the biomass changes in tons per tens of hectares, and in terms of decades, or even centuries, must be considered. In an ornithological study the absence of a single critical, so-called indicator species for two or three years can already be used as a criterion for instability. In most investigations the criteria and scales for assessing stability or instability comprise the following aspects: —temporal aspect: centuries, years, months, vegetation period — spatial aspect: square kilometre or metre; size of the field, stand, lake, or landscape -ecosystem —other quantifiable aspects: number of species, biomass, amount of nitrogen fixed per hectare and per year —non -quantifiable (qualitative) aspects: which species dis- appear? how is the behaviour of the animals changed? As indicated above, the details of the criteria and the time- scale and size of area are different for every case studied. They must be defined by the investigator. Thus, the same ecological phenomenon can be classified as stable or un- stable depending on the criteria and scales chosen. How- ever, the investigator is not completely free to define his criteria and scales of observation. (Here the problem of sub- jectivity or objectivity of the concept of ecological stability is introduced—a problem which is discussed in more de- tail by Gigon (1981).) In order to be useful, the criteria and scales of observation must fulfil the following scien- tific requirements: — they must be adequate for the phenomenon investigated —they must be practical (operational) and, if possible, replicable —they must be described in such a way that other scientists can understand and use them. As an example, Table 1 lists some criteria and scales use- ful for assessing stability or instability of grassland com- munities in the Alps. In general, stability is evaluated positively by man, whereas instability has a negative connotation. The rea- sons for this are not only practical and scientific but quite often have psychological components. Moreover, these rea- sons are seldom clearly specified. From a scientific stand- point, of course, this is not acceptable. As with the other aspects of stability the criteria and scales, or at least the point of view for the evaluation, must be described. To do so will show that stability sometimes has a positive value for man and sometimes a negative value. Moreover, the same stable (or unstable) ecological phenomenon can be evaluated positively or negatively, depending on the view- point of the observer. As an example, the absence of significant dry matter in- crease in certain Nardus grasslands in the central Alps, even if a total of 150 kg P205 per hectare during 7 years is applied (Geering, 1968), can be evaluated very differently. This resistance -stability in respect to fertilizer effects is eval- uated negatively by the farmers and the fertilizer firms, but positively by the nature conservationists and tourists because the beautiful and species -rich grasslands are not changed. TABLE 1 Examples of criteria and scales of observation for assessing stability of grassland communities in the central Alps Temporal aspects: 5-20 years Spatial aspects: 0.1-0.5 ha of homogenous stand Other quantifiable aspects: Plant community defined stable if: —change of number of species < 20% —total biomass change < 30% —changes of biomass of grass, legume, forb and moss com- partments each < 207o Non -quantifiable (qualitative) Which species disappear or aspects: immigrate? This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 100 / MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION OF THE TYPOLOGY TO ANALYSIS OF STABILITY OF SOME PLANT COMMUNITIES OF THE ALPS As an example of the application of the typology pre- sented here, Table 2 shows the effects of different dis- turbance factors on three plant communities of the Swiss Alps. The ecology of these communities has been described by Ellenberg (1978). From Table 2 some general conclu- sions can be drawn which are relevant also for many other ecological systems: 1. No ecological system is stable in respect to all possible disturbance factors. 2. Different types of stability can occur within the same ecological system (e.g., constancy, resistance, and elas- ticity occur simultaneously in the Nardetum pasture). 3. The same disturbance factor can have completely dif- ferent effects, even in very similar ecological systems (e.g., the effect of trampling on the Trisetetum and on the Caricetum ferrugineae meadows). 4. The same stability (or instability) behaviour can be eval- uated positively or negatively depending on the point of view of the observer (e.g., the effect of ski -run con- struction on the Nardetum pasture). It has already been argued that the same ecological phe- nomenon may be classified as stable or unstable depend- ing on the criteria and scale of observation chosen by an investigator. This can be summarized as follows: statements on stability or instability are only of limited scientific and practical value unless it is clearly specified which criteria and scale of ob- servation are used, which disturbance factor is considered, and which type of stability or instability is realized. PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGICAL STABILITY Many different ecological structures and functions which contribute to ecological stability can be distinguished. According to the level of organization it is possible to group them into autecological, population -ecological (demecologi- cal), and synecological stability principles (Ligon, 1981). Only the latter will be treated in here. Stability on a particular level of organization, of course, very often has effects also on other levels. Furthermore, the same stability principle can occur on more than one level of organiza- tion such as the negative feedback principle. SYNECOLOGICAL STABILITY PRINCIPLES Synecological stability principles can be defined as eco- logical structures and functions immediately (directly) con- tributing to ecological stability and in which more than one species participates. Table 3 gives a list of some of these TABLE 2 Stability and instability (as defined in Table I and in the text) of 3 grassland communities in the central Swiss Alps; evaluations are positive (+) or negative (-) Plant communities, instability ( t resistant anthropogenic elevation, slope elastic stability (Trisetetum) at 1,700 in and 200 S Anthropogenic and exposure Disturbance (perturbation, impact) factors disturbance factors (regeneration) reforestation) Ski -run con - (constancy) 3 seasons of struction by re - No natural Large ava- Normal intensive moving 20 cm ecological dis- lanche followed management trampling by of top soil, turbance and by normal (grazing, hay- cattle, then no reseeding and no management management making, etc.) more skiing Subalpine pasture (Nardetum) constant resistant constant t elastic instability at 2,300 m and 300 S stability stability stability stability (new ecosystem regeneration or erosion) Evaluation. of the stability or in general: + in general: + in general: + in general: + skiers: + sum - instability: mer tourists and farmers: — Subalpine fertilized meadow instability ( t resistant anthropogenic elastic stability elastic stability (Trisetetum) at 1,700 in and 200 S slow natural stability stability (regeneration) (regeneration) reforestation) (constancy) Evaluation of the stability or in general: - in general: + in general: + in general + in general: + instability foresters: ( + ) Subalpine meadow (Caricetum fer- instability a) resistant anthropogenic instability instability rugineae) at 1,600 in and 450 N (erosion) stability stability (erosion) (erosion) b) instability (constancy) (erosion) Evaluation of the stability or in general: — a) in general: + in general: + in general: — in general: — instability b) in general: — This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms TABLE 3 Synecological stability principles and risks of instability resulting from the introduction of a new seed mixture into subalpine meadows Examples of structures and Possible risks of instability functions contributing to eco- resulting from the introduc- logical stability (synecological tion of a new seed mixture stability principles). for subalpine meadows. 1. Steady state (dynamic —Higher yield (nutrient out - equilibrium) of energy, put) needs higher nutrient chemical elements and pop- input: How? Fertilizers? ulations Leaching? 2. Inertia and reservoir func- — Nutrient pools slowly used tion of large pools of energy, up? Depletion? chemical elements and popu- lations 3. Buffering capacity of de- veloped soil, microclimate, biocenosis 4. Biogeochemical cycle making possible life without growing or shrinking: no accumulation, no depletion, no dependence from outside 5. Negative feedback 6. Spreading of risks (if —Species compensating each parts are interchangeable) other so that sward is stable richness of species and other (constant) also in particularly ecosystem parts dry or wet summer or long winter? 7. Numerical and functional response in predator -prey relationships 8. Co -adaptations of species —Mycorrhiza? Pollination? (other than in 1-7) symbio- Diseases? Digestibility for sis, commensalism, para- local cattle race? sitism ... A. GIGON / 101 principles. From this it can be seen that many well-known ecological structures and functions can be interpreted as stability principles. Examples include, buffering capacity; biogeochemical cycle; and negative feedback. Since these principles are described in most ecology books (Odum, 1971; Krebs, 1978; Remmert, 1980) it is not necessary to discuss them further. They are described in detail in terms of their relevance to the concept of stability by Gigon (1981, in prep.). A practical application of Table 3 is that it can be used as a checklist for assessing the risk of instability. For in- stance, possible risks of instability due to the introduction of a new seed mixture for subalpine meadows is listed. OVERALL STABILITY OF AN ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM The co-operation of the different stability principles in an ecological system gives rise to what can be called over- all stability. However, despite the many different stability principles, no ecological system is stable in respect to all possible disturbance factors (see also Table 2). How can the different stability behaviours of an ecological system be understood and predicted in respect to the different dis- turbance factors? As a hypothesis it can be stated that this differential behaviour is related to the evolutionary and co -evolutionary past of the ecological system (Orians, 1975; Gigon, 1981). This hypothesis is not discussed further here, but it indicates that for understanding stability it is neces- sary to study not only the present structures and functions but also the evolutionary history of the ecological system. SUMMARY A detailed typology of ecological stability and instabil- ity, some applications of this typology to Alpine grasslands, and, briefly, some principles contributing to ecological sta- bility have been presented. Results are summarized: 1. The terms stability, instability, and lability are discussed and defined; they should be used only as overall con- cepts. For practical application it is important to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic stability and insta- bility. Four main types of stability are distinguished: constant, cyclic, resistant, and elastic. Disturbance factors are de- fined as factors that are not normal components of the ecological system under consideration. A synopsis of the different types of stability and instability is shown in Figure 2. For every investigation of stability, special criteria and scales must be elaborated. These must comprise tem- poral, spacial, other quantifiable, and often also non - quantifiable (qualitative) aspects. The criteria and scales must be adequate for the phenomenon investigated, practical, and described in such a way that they can be understood and used by other scientists. Examples of stability/instability in some plant commu- nities of the Alps lead to the following general conclu- sions: — No ecological system is stable in respect to all possible disturbance factors — Different types of stability can occur within the same ecological system — The same disturbance factor can have completely dif- ferent effects in very similar ecological systems —Depending on the criteria and scales of observation the same ecological phenomenon can be considered stable or unstable and evaluated positively or nega- tively in respect to man. Thus it follows that statements on stability are only of limited scientific and practical use unless it is clearly This content downloaded from on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 16:02:22 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 102 / MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT specified which criteria and scales of observation are used, which disturbance factor is being considered, and which type of stability is occurring. 6. 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