HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Science Panel Meeting_20101027October 27, 2010 Science Panel Meeting 0945 —1000 Welcome and Introductions (Walker/All) 1000-1100 Current status of and updates to the monitoring plan (PCS / CZR) 1100-1200 Biomass Size Spectra presentation (Kimmel) 1200 —1230 Lunch 1230 —1600 Field Sites to include Pit overview Reclamation sites — Whitehurst Creek, Capping, finished sites Bonnerton hardwood area 1600 —1630 Moving forward discussion (All) Regulatory Division Action ID. 200110096 Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Phosphate Division, Aurora Mine Attn: Mr. Steve Beckel 1530 NC Highway 306 S Aurora, NC 27806 Dear Mr. Beckel: Please reference the Department of the Army permit issued Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (PCS) Phosphate Division authorizing the discharge of dredged and fill material into 3,927 acres of waters of the US adjacent to the Pamlico River and several of its tributaries located north of the town of Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina. These impacts were authorized as part of a continuation of mining activities at the existing Aurora Mine facility. As a condition of this authorization PCS is required to carry out chemical and biological monitoring to assess the effects of the reduction in headwater wetlands on the utilization of Porters Creek, Tooley Creek, Jacobs Creek, Drinkwater Creek, and Jacks Creek as nursery areas by resident fish and appropriate invertebrate species. To this end, PCS submitted a draft plan of study for agency review and comment in December 2009. The plan, titled "Draft Plan of Study to Monitor Potential Effects of Reduction in Headwater Wetlands on the Downstream Aquatic Functions and Utilization of Tributaries of South Creek, Porter Creek, and Durham Creek Beaufort County North Carolina" included proposed methods for testing the six (6) questions identified in Special Condition "S" of the permit. Those questions are: 1. Has mining altered the amount or timing of water flows within the creeks? 2. Has mining altered the geomorphic or vegetative character of the creeks? 3. Has mining altered the forage base of the creeks? 4. Has mining altered the use of the creeks by managed fish? 5. Has mining increased contaminate levels within creek sediments to levels that could impact fish or invertebrates? 6. Has mining altered overall water quality within creeks? To aid in this effort, PCS worked with the Corps, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and other interested parties to establish an independent multidisciplinary panel of researchers qualified in the subject matter to be examined. The major purpose of this panel is to review reports for proper experimental design and validity of data analysis and conclusions, identify potential trends, and comment on potential areas of further study or changes to existing protocols. This panel was invited to review the proposed sampling procedures and monitoring reports from previous work and provide feedback to the Corps, NCDWQ, the NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) and PCS. On June 16, 2010, the panel met with representatives from the Corps, NCDWQ, NCDCM and PCS to discuss the plan further and provide feedback. A general suggestion offered by members of the panel was to separate each tributary into a "stream" section and a "creek" section. Stream sections would be those segments usually experiencing unidirectional flow from upstream runoff and groundwater input. Creek sections would be those segments usually experiencing bidirectional flow as a result of the overriding influence of wind and/or lunar tides. All agreed that this distinction could be useful in experimental design and result interpretation. Therefore, for purposes of this monitoring program, these terms will be adopted as described. The term tributary will be used when referring to the entire system of any given named water course. The panel also provided input on the proposed reference creeks. It was suggested that some preliminary sampling be done in the proposed reference creeks to determine how similar they actually are to the study creeks. The group also suggested that Long Creek, Short Creek, Little Creek and PA2 be considered for use as reference creeks. While these creeks would not be appropriately defined as "unaltered" systems, they could serve as potential controls. The goal of much of the monitoring efforts is to determine what, if any changes in the measured parameters can be attributed to the actions of the permittee. Since inflow from South Creek and the Pamlico River influence the conditions within the study tributaries, monitoring within these other tributaries of South Creek would provide valid data on changes that can be attributed to alterations in the conditions of the larger waters. Additionally, due to the historic impacts to the drainage basins of these creeks the monitoring may yield some evidence as to the predictable long-term conditions of the study creeks. The Panel provided input on specific details of the monitoring plan as well. In regard to water table/water level monitoring, members of the panel suggested that data should, at least periodically, be collected at a greater frequency (approx. 15 min. intervals) within and surrounding the stream reaches in order to capture episodic pulse events. The panel agreed that the value of monitoring water table/water level within the creek reaches of these tributaries would be limited due to bidirectional flow and the overwhelming influence of wind tides. In regard to monitoring of the geomorphic or vegetative character of the tributaries, panel members agreed that the proposed parameters would be telling but suggested some modification in the methods and/or frequency of data collection. The group suggested that due to the low energy and stability of these tributaries, it is very unlikely that rapid changes in channel morphology will occur. Therefore, parameters such as stream/creek position, length, width and sinuosity could be measured at a frequency greater than 1 year. The group further suggested that changes in the cross-sectional dimensions of the creek reaches as a result of changes in flow would not be expected and any change observed would not likely be discernable from predicted sea -level rise. Therefore, cross sectional surveying should be limited to the stream reaches. The group discussed the benefits of annual vegetation surveys along the tributary corridors and decided that less frequent surveying would likely be appropriate. The group discussed monitoring fish and invertebrate utilization within the subject tributaries as an indicator of forage base. Members of the panel suggested concentrating benthic invertebrate collection efforts during winter and early spring when species richness and diversity are greatest. The group suggested that these efforts should be adequate to capture all benthic invertebrate species thereby eliminating the need for specific efforts to capture bivalves. The group also discussed sampling of more motile and pelagic species. Members of the panel suggested that any sampling regime should be designed to target the variety of species expected to occur within these systems. This could require adjustment of sampling gear and timing to reflect ontogenetic shifts in creek usage. Proper experimental design here again should be adequate to capture all expected species including those managed under the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation Management Act. The group discussed Biomass Size Spectra (BSS) as a method of assessing fisheries utilization of the area. Members of the panel opined that BSS may be a useful tool but more information is needed on the method and the level of sampling required to produce meaningful results. Further discussion of BSS is planned. Finally, the group discussed water quality sampling. Members of the panel felt it appropriate to add water quality sampling stations at the lower end of the Creek reaches near the confluence with the receiving waters. Members of the panel also suggested adding measurement of dissolved (DOC) and total (TOC) organic carbon, using measurement of total suspended solids (TSS) and color as indicators of turbidity, and adopting more sophisticated techniques for measuring light attenuation. The group discussed the fact that in these tributaries, particularly those areas most influenced by the water quality of the receiving waters (creek reaches), no change would be predicted in some of these parameters (e.g. Salinity). Therefore, monitoring of these parameters may be continued on a less frequent basis or discontinued altogether once data from the first several years can be analyzed for potential trending. After review of the Draft monitoring plan and consideration of the above referenced discussion, the Corps has determined that to the extent practicable and appropriate, procedures and monitoring locations established under the 1998 monitoring plan should be continued. Additionally, the monitoring requirements under special condition "S" of the 2009 permit are refined as follows: 1) Has mining altered the amount or timing of water flows within the tributaries? Data collection may include: i) Continuous water level recorders to measure/model average and event driven (pulse) flow within the stream reaches. ii) Rain gauges to measure local water input. iii) Groundwater wells to measure input to the tributaries. 2) Has mining altered the geomorphic or vegetative character of the tributaries? Data collection may include: i) Periodic (3-5yr) aerial photography/lidar to determine tributary position, length, width and sinuosity. ii) Conduct baseline and periodic (3-5yr) cross sectional surveys of each tributary at established locations within the stream reaches. Frequency of the surveys may vary based on relative change observed (>stability = < frequency). iii) Periodic (3-5yr) sediment characterization including total sediment organic matter and porosity. iv) Periodic (3-5yr) surveys of live vegetation and organic matter accumulation along tributaries. Frequency of the surveys may vary based on relative change observed. 3) Has mining altered the forage base (fish and invertebrate utilization) or use by managed fisheries species within tributaries? Data collection may include: i) Sampling of benthic invertebrate populations by core or grab collection. Sampling efforts should be concentrated during winter and early spring. ii) Periodic sampling for pelagic species such as grass shrimp, blue crabs, and small forage fish. Sampling gears would be chosen to reflect ontogenetic shifts in creek usage iii) Biomass size spectra may be used as an approach to addressing this question. 4) Has mining increased contaminant levels within tributary sediments to levels that could impact fish or invertebrates? Data collection may include: i) Sediment and water column sampling annually or at prescribed intervals for metals, including cadmium, mercury, silver, copper, and arsenic. ii) If elevated levels are detected, the availability and uptake by appropriate aquatic species (e.g., Rangia sp., blue crabs) should be measured using appropriate bioassay techniques. 5) Has mining altered overall water quality within creeks? Water quality parameters analyzed will include: Salinity, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Secchi depth/light attenuation, Turbidity (TSS, color), Chlorophyll a, Dissolved orthophosphate phosphorus, Total dissolved phosphorus, Particulate phosphorus, Nitrate nitrogen, Ammonia nitrogen, particulate nitrogen, and Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen, DOC/TOC Once all necessary modification and/or amendments to the monitoring plan are complete, you must submit a final version to the Corps and the NC Division of Water Quality. The Corps will consider requiring PCS to implement any future suggestions to improve and/or modify data collection to better address these questions. Although the Corps may choose not to require PCS to implement suggestions to study further hypotheses or other areas, PCS may elect to implement these voluntarily. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. I can be reached at telephone # 910-251-4631 or by e-mail at william.t.walkerDa Copies Furnished: Ms. Becky Fox U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 4 1307 Firefly Road Whittier, NC 28789 Mr. Mike Wicker U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries, NOAA Habitat Conservation Division Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Mr. David Moye Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Mr. Richard Peed Division of Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 BCF: CESAW-RG/Jolly CESAW-OC/Lamson CESAW-RG/Walker Limnol. Oceanogr., 32(6), 1987, 1195-1213 ® 1987, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen isotopes used to trace organic matter flow in the salt -marsh estuaries of Sapelo Island, Georgia' Bruce J. Peterson The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Robert W. Howarth Section of Ecology and Systematics, Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Abstract The stable isotopes of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon were used to trace organic matter flow in salt marshes and estuarine waters at Sapelo Island, Georgia. Organic matter inputs from terrestrial sources as detrital input either from forests adjacent to the marshes or from rivers were not detectable by their isotopic signatures in estuarine consumers. The results suggest that there are two major sources of organic matter for the fauna of the marshes and estuarine waters of Sapelo Island: Spartina and algae. The long-standing debate about the relative importance of Spartina detritus and algae in supporting marsh and estuarine secondary production appears from this analysis to be a draw; both sources are important and their relative importance is determined by feeding mode, size, location, and trophic position of the marsh and estuarine consumers. For 30 yr one of the dominant themes in estuarine research has been the role of Spar- tina alterniflora in providing detrital food to marsh and estuarine consumers. The concept of "outwelling" of organic matter from marshes to estuarine and nearshore marine habitats has been tested in various locations and with several approaches (Odum and de la Cruz 1967; Odum 1980; Nixon 1980). One of the most telling chal- lenges to the outwelling hypothesis was pre- sented by Haines (1977). Her studies of the stable carbon isotopic distribution in the Sapelo Island marshes of Georgia showed that seston in the tidal Duplin River and filter feeders along with other consumers in the tidal creeks had ratios of 13C: 12C that were more characteristic of plankton than of Spartina. The work of Haines and others at the Sapelo Island marshes has caused a revision in the way we think about marshes. Now there is a realization that phytoplank- ton and benthic diatoms are perhaps equally as important as Spartina in fueling second- ary production in the Georgia estuaries (Pomeroy et al. 1981). Determining the fate of the carbon fixed by primary producers in marshes and es- tuaries is one of the most important con- ' This research was supported by a grant from the NSF Ecosystems Studies Program DEB 81-04701. siderations in understanding how these eco- systems function. However, determining how this carbon flows in estuaries is partic- ularly difficult because of the problems en- countered in quantifying the total net pri- mary production of estuarine producers, in measuring the dispersal of this carbon by the tides, and in determining the consump- tion of this carbon by bacteria, fungi, and other consumers both on the surface of the marsh itself and in the estuary as a whole. The ultimate fate of the detritus produced during the senescence and decomposition of S. alterniflora has been a key question in salt marsh ecology since the early studies of Odum and de la Cruz (1967) and Teal (1962) in the Georgia estuaries. Since one of the most powerful ap- proaches for testing the outwelling hypoth- esis has been the use of carbon isotopic tracers, it is worthwhile to explore the pos- sibility that this approach may lead to er- roneous conclusions. Spartina, plankton, and upland plants have quite different mean 613C values of about —13, —21, and—2717oo, respectively, because the classes of plants either have different sources of CO2 (air vs. seawater) or different carbon isotopic frac- tionations (C-3 vs. C-4 photosynthetic pathways). One reason that the carbon iso- topic approach may be misleading is that a mixture of carbon from Spartina and up - 1195 1196 Peterson and Howarth land plants would very likely have a carbon isotopic ratio similar to that found for plankton (Peterson et al. 1980). There are, in fact, large inputs of allochthonous carbon from rivers into the Georgia estuaries, though little is known of the fate of this material (Haines 1977; Hopkinson and Hoffman 1984). The chemoautotrophic bacteria which use sulfide as an energy source to fix CO2 may also complicate the carbon isotope story. These bacteria use the energy provided by the anaerobic belowground decomposition of Spartina to fix CO2 in marsh sediments or at the sediment surface and their pro- duction in marshes may be high (Howarth 1984). The energy is derived indirectly from Spartina but the carbon isotopic ratio of the bacteria may be similar to that of plankton (Peterson et al. 1980, 1986). One means of resolving these ambiguities of the carbon isotopic tracer approach is to use additional stable isotopic tracers. Sulfur is a second isotopic tracer of the important organic matter sources in estuaries and is independent of the carbon isotopic distri- bution. The sulfur isotopic approach is based on the fact that the sulfur available to and taken up by upland plants, estuarine phy- toplankton, and Spartina has different iso- topic ratios. Upland_plants use sulfate avail- able from precipitation (634S = + 2 to + 8°Ioo), estuarine phytoplankton use sea -salt sulfate (634S = +21°loo), and Spartina takes up sul- fide from sediments for a major fraction of its total sulfur uptake (Carlson and Forrest 1982). Sulfide produced via sulfate reduc- tion in sediments averages 5017oo lighter than sulfate in pore waters in a Massachusetts marsh (Peterson et al. 1986). The dual tracer approach using C and S isotopes can be ex- tended to include the isotopes of nitrogen, 'IN and 14N. Atmospheric nitrogen has a 6'SN value of zero, and upland vegetation tends to have 6'SN values close to 0°Ioo, whereas Spartina has 61IN values of around +60/oo, and nearshore plankton have values of around +6 to + 1011oo (Wada 1980; Macko et al. 1984; Altabet and McCarthy 1985). A multiple tracer approach with isotopes of C, S, and N can help identify the important organic matter sources in estuaries. Most of our work in developing the sulfur isotopic information and the multiple tracer approach for marshes has been at Sippe- wissett marsh, Massachusetts (Peterson et al. 1985, .1986). In the present study we tested the multiple stable isotopic tracer ap- proach in a larger and more complex south- ern estuary for comparison. We chose the Sapelo Island marshes because there was a large body of synthesized ecological infor- mation on them (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1981) and because E. Sherr (formerly Haines) and coworkers had previously stud- ied the carbon and nitrogen isotopic distri- butions in the biota of the Sapelo marshes (Haines 1976, 1977; Haines and Montague 1979; Mariotti et al. 1983). We used these sources of information to guide our sam- pling. The objective of this study was to assess the major sources of energy and organic matter for macroconsumers in the Sapelo Island marsh and estuary with the multiple isotopic tracer approach. In this paper we first describe the fractionation of the sulfur isotopes which occurs during sulfate reduc- tion in salt marsh sediments at Sapelo. We then present the isotopic compositions of Spartina, upland plants, and plankton. Then the results .for May and September sam- plings of the marsh fauna are presented for carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotopes. We use dual -isotopic plots .to _show the rela- tionships between the isotopic composition of the marsh consumers and the primary producers. In conclusion, we compare our results with similar work at Sippewissett salt marsh. We thank H. Garritt, S. Merkel, R. Mari- no, and S. Beard for assistance in collecting and preparing samples. We are grateful to the scientists at Sapelo Island who provided assistance, including D. Kinsey, E. Sherr, C. Hopkinson, A. Chalmers, W. Wiebe, R. Wiegert, R. Kneib. We thank P. Mankie- wicz for advice on sample preparation. B. Fry, G. Rau, and P. Parker provided sug- gestions which improved the manuscript. Sampling times and locations We collected samples at the Sapelo marshes on field trips in May 1982 and Sep- tember 1983. We sampled mostly at the Kenan Field marsh site on the Duplin Riv- Stable isotopes in a salt marsh er, a site deep in the marsh and equally distant from Doboy Sound and, the head of the Duplin. The Duplin is a tidal river with no substantial freshwater surface runoff. Additional samples were collected at the airport marsh on the Duplin, at Lab Creek near the Sapelo Island Marine Laboratory, at Dean Creek near the bridge between the laboratory and the barrier beach, on the out- er barrier beach, and at Bighole Creek which is a tidal creek opening to the ocean through the barrier beach on the eastern shore of Sapelo Island. Upland plant samples were collected near the marine laboratory and along a road in the interior of Sapelo Island. On both sampling trips we collected a va- riety of samples including seawater, sedi- ments, S. alterniflora, seston and plankton, upland plants, and marsh macroconsumers. In September 1983 we took large cores at Kenan Field from a short Spartina site and from a tall Spartina creekbank site for pore - water sulfate, pore -water sulfide, and pyrite 634S determinations. Methods and notations The ratios ofheavy to light stable isotopes are expressed in the 6 notation which in- dicates the depletion (—) or the enrichment (+) of the heavy isotope compared to the lighter isotope relative to a standard ac- cording to the formula: 6X (%o) _ [(Rw pie/Rstandard) — 1 ] x 103 where X is 13C, 345, or 15N and R is 13C: 12C, 34S: 325, or 15N : 14N; standard is Peedee Be- lemnite for C, Canyon Diablo triolites for S, and air for N. Pore -water and sediment samples were taken from stands of short and tall S. al- terniflora at Kenan Field during the Sep- tember 1983 sampling trip. The 634S sam- ples for sulfides and sulfates in pore water were collected using a 15-cm-diam PVC core tube and squeezing 5 -cm sediment sections anoxically in a large Reeburgh (1967) core press. Sulfide 634S samples were collected from acidified pore water (H3PO4) with a bubbling gas -stripping apparatus and trapped anoxically as cadmium sulfide in cadmium acetate solution (15%). Samples for pyrite were collected as cadmium sulfide precipitates following a chromium reduc- 1197 tion acid distillation (Zhabina and Volkov 1978). Pore -water samples for sulfate were taken from the anoxic stripping vessel after sulfide had been removed, and sulfate was precipitated as barium sulfate in barium chloride solution (10%). Dried (70°C) and weighed cadmium sulfide and barium sul- fate precipitates were sent to Krueger En- terprises (Cambridge, Mass.) for mass spec- trometry analyses of 634 S. We used subsamples of sulfate precipitated from one batch of seawater as a blind control between different batches of samples and found dif- ferences of 0.2-0.30/o0. Plant tissue samples for 6345, 613C, and PIN were initially washed free of extra- neous mud and debris. The tissues were oven -dried at 70°C and then ground in a Wiley mill (1 -mm mesh). Samples were washed in four 1-h rinses ofdeionized water (4: 1 ratio, water to sample). Samples were redried at 70°C. Animal tissue samples for 614S,613 C, and 615N were prepared in a manner preventing gut and bone contamination, usually by fi- leting meaty tissues. Animal tissue was dried at 70°C then ground with mortar and pestle. Samples were washed in four 1-h rinses of deionized water (4: 1 ratio, water to sam- ple). Samples were redried at 70°C. A sub - sample (> 3 dry g) was selected for 634S anal- ysis. The remaining sample (>0.1 g for 613C and 615N) was acid -washed in 10% HCl for 1.5 h to remove carbonate contaminants and again washed in deionized water. The plant and animal tissue determina- tions were performed on pooled samples from many organisms of the same species at each sampling site. The primary reason for pooling was that the sulfur isotopic de- terminations required a large amount of tis- sue, usually > 1 g dry weight. This pooling probably masks variability that might be detected if individual organisms were ana- lyzed (Montague et al. 1981). The difference between duplicate determinations on the same homogenized sample was usually <0.20/oo for 613C, 615N, and 634S. Chloride was measured with a Buchler- Cotlove chloridometer (Cotlove et al. 1958) and also with a Dionex ion chromatograph by anion exchange and conductivity detec- tion. Sulfate was measured on a Dionex ion 1198 Peterson and Howarth SULFATE (mM liter-) SULFIDE (mM liter-) PYRITE (mM g DW -1) 7 10 x CL 20 W a 30 40 b aeSO4 (%o) b34S2 (%01 +20 +40 +60 -t0 +10 +30 T—T L 1 1 1 O • 1 0.0 0.4 0.8 • 1 1 1 • b Fe34SZ(%. ) -20 0 • 1 1 1 1 1 • • • SHORT o TALL A DUPLIN RIVER SEAWATER Fig. 1. Pore -water profiles of sulfate, sulfide, 634S042-, and &14S2- . Also shown are the pyrite concentrations in the scdiments and the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite. chromatograph and also by indirect titra- tion (Howarth 1978). Results and discussion Sulfur in sediments and pore water—We selected both a tall Spartina creekbank site and a short Spartina site at Kenan Field to measure the concentrations of sulfur and the sulfur 6345 values in sediments and pore waters (Fig. 1). The chloride profiles (not shown) were quite similar at the two sites with only a slight (< 11760) increase in chlo- rinity near the surface at the short site, prob- ably due to less effective tidal flushing of salts accumulated by evapotranspiration. The two sites had dramatically different concentrations of pore -water sulfate and sulfide (Fig. 1). The tall Spartina creekbank site had high sulfate concentrations which decreased only slightly with depth and very low sulfide concentrations which _increased only slightly below 25 cm. The -short Spar- tina site had much lower sulfate concentra- tions and much higher pore -water sulfide levels than the creekbank site. The concen- trations of pyrite were similar at these two particular sites, but in other studies we have found that pyrite concentrations at Sapelo are usually lower at creekbank sites (Ho- warth unpubl.). The sulfate deficit is a mea- sure of the net depletion of sulfate due to sulfate reduction relative to the chloride content of the pore water (Howarth and Giblin 1983). Both sites had increasing sul- fate deficits with depth, but the short Spar- tina site had deficits of up to 90% of the available sulfate while the tall Spartina site had deficits of only about 20%. The isotopic ratios for sulfate, sulfide, and pyrite were also quite different at the creek- O 0 10 20 0 2 4 u to x a 20 1 � i W Q • 1 �� 30 40 7 10 x CL 20 W a 30 40 b aeSO4 (%o) b34S2 (%01 +20 +40 +60 -t0 +10 +30 T—T L 1 1 1 O • 1 0.0 0.4 0.8 • 1 1 1 • b Fe34SZ(%. ) -20 0 • 1 1 1 1 1 • • • SHORT o TALL A DUPLIN RIVER SEAWATER Fig. 1. Pore -water profiles of sulfate, sulfide, 634S042-, and &14S2- . Also shown are the pyrite concentrations in the scdiments and the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite. chromatograph and also by indirect titra- tion (Howarth 1978). Results and discussion Sulfur in sediments and pore water—We selected both a tall Spartina creekbank site and a short Spartina site at Kenan Field to measure the concentrations of sulfur and the sulfur 6345 values in sediments and pore waters (Fig. 1). The chloride profiles (not shown) were quite similar at the two sites with only a slight (< 11760) increase in chlo- rinity near the surface at the short site, prob- ably due to less effective tidal flushing of salts accumulated by evapotranspiration. The two sites had dramatically different concentrations of pore -water sulfate and sulfide (Fig. 1). The tall Spartina creekbank site had high sulfate concentrations which decreased only slightly with depth and very low sulfide concentrations which _increased only slightly below 25 cm. The -short Spar- tina site had much lower sulfate concentra- tions and much higher pore -water sulfide levels than the creekbank site. The concen- trations of pyrite were similar at these two particular sites, but in other studies we have found that pyrite concentrations at Sapelo are usually lower at creekbank sites (Ho- warth unpubl.). The sulfate deficit is a mea- sure of the net depletion of sulfate due to sulfate reduction relative to the chloride content of the pore water (Howarth and Giblin 1983). Both sites had increasing sul- fate deficits with depth, but the short Spar- tina site had deficits of up to 90% of the available sulfate while the tall Spartina site had deficits of only about 20%. The isotopic ratios for sulfate, sulfide, and pyrite were also quite different at the creek- Stable isotopes in a salt marsh 1199 w a o � J _ LU_ c=n +50 $ 34SO4 = -1.60 ( SO4 deficit mM) + 23.8 cr r=-0.98 n=5 Z LU +40 v M O o +30 - o � �� 634S2 - - 2.50 ( SO4 deficit mM) - 20.1 o N +20 % r=-0.98 /n=7 M +10 C-10 TALL SHORT C-10 SULFATE 0 • SULFIDE o • 0 PYRITE 0 • o W W _ n -20 S Fe4S= -0.89 (SO4 deficit mM) - 21 0 0 M r=-0.88 n=6 -30 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 SULFATE DEFICIT ( mM liter-' ) Fig. 2. The relationship between the 634S values for sulfide, sulfate, and pyritic sulfur and the sulfate deficit. bank and interior marsh sites. At the creek - bank site the 634S value for pore -water sul- fate near the sediment surface was similar to the values measured in Duplin River sea- water, but the values increased to + 300/co at depth (Fig. 1). The sulfide concentrations at this site were so low that we could only obtain a single sample which had a 634S val- ue of -11%o at 30 em. At the short Spartina site, both the sulfide and sulfate 634S values were higher than those from the creekbank site at all depths. The pyrite 634S values were also higher at the short Spartina site than at the creekbank site (Fig. 1). At each sam- pling depth at both sites the 634S values for sulfide were much lower than the values for sulfate. There was a very strong relationship between the sulfate deficit and the 634S val- ues for sulfate, sulfide, and pyritic sulfur (Fig. 2). As the size of the pore -water sulfate pool decreases due to sulfate reduction in excess of sulfide oxidation, the isotopic ratio of the sulfate remaining increases. This in- crease is the result of isotopic fractionation by sulfate -reducing bacteria during sulfate reduction. The other consequence of this discrimination against 34S is that the sulfide and pyrite produced are depleted in 34S rel- ative to sulfate. The sulfide 634S values are 30-400/o0 lower than 634S values for sulfate, and the pyrite 634S values are 40-500lo0 low- er. The difference in the 34S content of pyrite and sulfide may be because much of the pyrite was produced at times of the year when the degree of sulfate depletion in the pore water was less. The smaller sulfide pool probably reflects the 634 ratio of more re- cently reduced sulfur. Since the process of sulfate reduction is important in belowground decomposition in salt marshes (Howarth and Giblin 1983; Howarth 1984), we thought that it might be possible to measure a deficit or excess of sulfate relative to chloride in Duplin River seawater (Fig. 3). Either of these conditions would affect the 634S value of sulfate in the estuary and therefore could cause the 634S value of plankton to depart from the value 1200 Peterson and Howarth w �` 0.145- UJ .145W0.135 N0.125- 0.125 0 J 2 I I I t I II 1 1 I A U 25 19 °-' 24 --SULFATE 18 + 23 23 ao 17 0, E 22 •--- ;_O� �`�� . 16 0 o �`.� ... + 20 21 CHLORIDE 15 w 6 4 2 0 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Tidal 0 DUPLIN RIVER creek 20 14 0 vii 19 13 v 15� . . Q 12 w �` 0.145- UJ .145W0.135 N0.125- 0.125 0 J 2 I I I t I II 1 1 I A U Fig. 3. -Sulfate, chloride, the sulfate: chloride ratio, and 614SO4' - (%o) values for seawater along a transect from 4.8 km offshore, into Doboy Sound, and up the Duplin River. Tidal creek water was collected at low tide in a small creek draining the Kenan Field marshes. expected in seawater. We measured con- centrations of chloride and sulfate along a transect and found higher values offshore and lower values in the Duplin River (Fig. 3). The decrease in sulfate was paralleled by the decline in .chlorinity; both are due to nearshore inputs of freshwater from coastal rivers and groundwater. The ratio of sulfate to chloride and the isotopic compositic n of the sulfate did not change significantly along the transect from offshore to the upper Du- plin River. Planktonic algae throughout the Duplin River thus must use sea -salt sulfate with an isotopic 334S value of +2117o0. How- ever, a water sample from a small marsh creek at low tide as water drained from the Kcnan Field marshes had a lower -sulfate- to-chloride ratio and a higher 634S value than Duplin River waters (Fig. 3). This decrease is what one would expect if sulfate -depleted and 34S -enriched pore water were draining into the creeks -as -the tide ebbs. Isotopic ratios in organic matter produc- ers --The carbon isotopic ratios in upland plants, Spartina, and phytoplankton are dif- ferent (Table 1). Spartina is a C-4 plant, and photosynthesis in these plants exhibits much less discrimination against 13C than occurs during photosynthesis in C-3 plants. Up- land oaks and pines on Sapelo Island have 613C values of around—290Ioo whereas Spar- tina averages about —13%0. Both values ex- +24- 0 8 + 23 ao + 22 It ro + 21 0 0 0 + 20 6 4 2 0 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Tidal OFFSHORE --UP DUPLIN RIVER creek SAMPLING STATIONS (km) Fig. 3. -Sulfate, chloride, the sulfate: chloride ratio, and 614SO4' - (%o) values for seawater along a transect from 4.8 km offshore, into Doboy Sound, and up the Duplin River. Tidal creek water was collected at low tide in a small creek draining the Kenan Field marshes. expected in seawater. We measured con- centrations of chloride and sulfate along a transect and found higher values offshore and lower values in the Duplin River (Fig. 3). The decrease in sulfate was paralleled by the decline in .chlorinity; both are due to nearshore inputs of freshwater from coastal rivers and groundwater. The ratio of sulfate to chloride and the isotopic compositic n of the sulfate did not change significantly along the transect from offshore to the upper Du- plin River. Planktonic algae throughout the Duplin River thus must use sea -salt sulfate with an isotopic 334S value of +2117o0. How- ever, a water sample from a small marsh creek at low tide as water drained from the Kcnan Field marshes had a lower -sulfate- to-chloride ratio and a higher 634S value than Duplin River waters (Fig. 3). This decrease is what one would expect if sulfate -depleted and 34S -enriched pore water were draining into the creeks -as -the tide ebbs. Isotopic ratios in organic matter produc- ers --The carbon isotopic ratios in upland plants, Spartina, and phytoplankton are dif- ferent (Table 1). Spartina is a C-4 plant, and photosynthesis in these plants exhibits much less discrimination against 13C than occurs during photosynthesis in C-3 plants. Up- land oaks and pines on Sapelo Island have 613C values of around—290Ioo whereas Spar- tina averages about —13%0. Both values ex- Stable isotopes in a salt marsh 1201 Table 1. Carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen isotopic ratios (foo) and the number of samples (1) for producers in the Sapelo Island marshes. Plankton values are from the literature. Type of sample 611C 6"s b"N Upland C-3 plants -29.3±1.4(4) +1.8±1.0(2) +0.4±0.9(4) Spartina alterniJlora -12.9±0.5(10) +0.9±5.2(9) +6.0±2.1(10) Plankton -21.3±1.1(56)* +18.8±0.6(4)t +8.6±1.0(4)$ * Gearing et al. 1984. t Hartmann and Nielsen 1969; Kaplan et al. 1963; Kaplan and Rittenberg 1964. t Rau 1982. hibit small deviations. Phytoplankton take up inorganic carbon from seawater and have 6130 values near -217o0. We did not use seston samples from the Duplin River to obtain the isotopic ratios for plankton given in Table 1 because of the strong possibility that marsh, riverine, and upland sources of organic matter contribute to the suspended particulate organic matter in the estuary. Instead we used data either from estuaries that are strongly dominated by phytoplank- ton production or from more oceanic sta- tions. Nonetheless, Haines (1976, 1977) has shown that seston in the Duplin River does have 613C values similar to the values ex- pected for phytoplankton (Table 1). The 6345 values for upland plants and for Spartina at Sapelo Island are similar, but both are much lower than the values of + 18 to +200/oo characteristic of plankton which draw on seawater sulfate with a 634S value of about +210/o0 (Table 1). Upland plants take up sulfate originating either from weathering of the geologic substrate or from sulfate inputs in precipitation. The 634S val- ues for Spartina from the Sapelo marshes averaged +0.90/oo and there was no obvious pattern of variation with site or with sam- pling date in spite of the rather wide range of values from -6.3 to +8.50/o0. This vari- ability is probably related to site and sea- sonal differences in sulfate depletion and sulfide concentration in the root zone where the plants are growing. The variability is of about the same magnitude as found for Spartina in a Cape Cod marsh (Peterson et al. 1985). The 615N values for upland plants are lower than the values for Spartina and for plankton and are close to the value for at- mospheric nitrogen gas which is assigned a standard value of zero (Table 1). The mean value of +6%o found for Sapelo Island Spar- tina is slightly but not significantly higher than the value of +40/oo for Spartina from a Cape Cod marsh (Peterson et al. 1985). Plankton often have higher 615N values than either upland plants or Spartina. For the sake of consistency, we have used literature values for oceanic plankton free from marsh and upland detritus here also. However, five seston samples taken at our transect stations in the Duplin gave a mean 615N value of 8.0±1.4 which is not significantly different from the literature value we have chosen and also similar to values for fine particulate organic matter in the northwest Gulf of Mexico (Macko et al. 1984). The ability to trace and to discriminate organic matter flows from sources such as plankton, Spartina, or upland vegetation in the estuary depends on both the mean iso- topic difference between any two organic matter sources and the variation in isotopic ratio values for each source (Table 2). For example, it is relatively easy to discriminate between organic carbon derived from up- land C-3 plants and from Spartina carbon because the mean 613C values differ by more than 161/co and the standard deviations are very small. On the other hand, the 634S val- ues of upland plants and Spartina are so similar that the sulfur isotopic ratio cannot distinguish between them. However, the si- multaneous use of more than one isotope allows adequate discrimination among these three potential organic matter sources be- cause the sulfur isotopic values can readily distinguish upland vegetation from plank- ton while the carbon isotopic values easily separate upland vegetation from Spartina. The signal-to-noise ratios for the 615N val- ues are not as favorable as the ratios for carbon and sulfur (Table 2). Therefore it will be difficult to recognize patterns of organic matter flow with the PIN data alone. 1202 Peterson and .Howarth Table 2. Signal-to-noise ratio for discriminating the dominant food sources in studies of estuarine food webs with 613C, 634S, and VN tracers. The signal is the separation or difference of the mean S values. The noise is the sum of the standard deviations of the two mean values used in each comparison. The signal-to-noise ratio is the difference between means divided by the sum of their standard deviations. The data used to derive this table are from Table 1. Signal range Noise (SUI + S132) Isotope Sample comparison (I vs. 2) (%0) (%D) Signal: noise 13C Plankton-Spartina 8.4 1.6 5.2 Upland-Spartina 16.4 1.9 8.6 Upland -plankton 8.0 2.5 3.2 34S Plankton-Spartina 17.9 5.8 3.1 Upland-Spartina 0.9 6.2 0.1 Upland -plankton 17.0 1.6 10:6 15N Plankton-Spartina 2.6 3.1 0.8 Upland-Spartina 5.6 3.0 1.9 Upland -plankton 8.2 1.9 4.3 Isotopic fractionation in trophic trans- fers -The use of stable isotopic ratios as tracers of organic matter flow only works if animal assimilation of food entails either very little isotopic fractionation or very pre- dictable fractionation. Others have noted that the 613C values in consumer organisms are either similar to the values in food (Haines and Montague 1979) or higher by about 101co (Fry et al. 1984; Fry and Sherr 1984; McConnaughey and McRoy 1979; Rau et al. 1983). The nitrogen 615N values tend to be considerably higher in consumers than in their food, and the difference can be as much as 2-40/oo per trophic transfer (Rau 1-981; Minagawa and Wada 1984). Since the mean difference in 615N values between Spartina and plankton is <3%0, even a sin- gle trophic transfer is of significance and trophic level will be one key determinant of consumer 6t5N values in estuaries. Table 3 summarizes our information from feeding experiments with gypsy moth larvae and with brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). The 613C values of trout were higher than their food, but values for gypsy moth larvae were lower. The 615N values increased by >40/oo in the trout but went up by only 1.61/o0 in gypsy moth larvae. The 6315 values in- creased in both the trout and the moth lar- vae by about 1-1.5°/00. Table 3 includes a set of values for the leaf hopper (Orcheli- mum fidicinium) collected on short Spar- tina at the Sapelo Island airport marsh in September. It is encouraging to see -that the leaf hopper which feeds on Spartina is very close to the mean 613C, 615N, and 634S values for Spartina and is well within the vari- ability found in Spartina for each isotope. In this paper we do not make adjustments in marsh faunal isotopic ratios to correct for assimilatory and metabolic fractionation by animals. We report only raw uncorrected data. We do, however, recognize that the nitrogen 6 values are usually higher in con- sumers than in their food. The range of615N values :found in the marsh fauna should give a rough indication of the number of trophic levels in the food web. The trophic transfer shifts for the other isotopes are relatively small compared to the large isotopic differ- ences between the important food sources but they may not be insignificant when con- sidering a multiple -link food chain. For ex- ample, several trophic links involving suc- cessive + 1%o shifts in 613C could affect mixing model calculations for foods such as plankton and Spartina which are separated by roughly 80/o0. The larger isotopic differ- ence between plankton and Spartina for sul- fur isotopes represents a significant advan- tage in this regard. Trophic transfers cannot affect those comparisons as much as the car- bon or nitrogen comparisons. Consumers in the Sapelo marshes and es- tuaries- We sampled in both May 1982 and September 1983 because we wanted to in- clude an estimate of seasonal variability in the isotopic composition of the marsh con- sumers. We collected as nearly as was pos- sible from the same sites in both surveys because our studies at Sippewissett marsh have shown a marked effect of location on the C, N, and S 6 values for filter feeders Stable isotopes in a salt marsh 1203 Table 3. Trophic transfer shifts in 613C, 615N, and 634S values during assimilation of food by insects and fish. Food Consumer Isotope shill Consumer Isotope M4 Small Salvelinus fontinalis 611C -21.7 -19.7 +2.0 Large S. fontinalis -21.7 -20.9 +0.8 Porthetria dispar larvae -24.5 -25.9 -1.4 Orchelimum fidicinium (Sapelo) -12.9 -13.2 -0.3 Small S. fontinalis 615N +8.5 +12.9 +4.4 Large S. fontinalis +8.5 +13.2 +4.7 P. dispar larvae +3.4 +5.0 +1.6 O. fidicinium (Sapelo) +6.0 +7.1 +1.1 Small S. fontinalis 634S +8.2 +9.6 +1.4 Large S. fontinalis +8.2 +9.4 +1.2 P. dispar larvae +6.3 +7.7 +1.4 O. frdicinium (Sapelo) +0.9 -0.2 -1.1 (Peterson et al. 1985). The scientific and common names of the organisms collected, their feeding modes, and the sampling lo- cations are given in Table 4. We have also given the 6 values from the two sampling trips for each producer and consumer. The May and September values for animals for each isotope are plotted in Figs. 4, 5, and 6. The feeding modes are not, unfortu- nately, a fully satisfactory way of charac- terizing the diet of marsh consumers. Most of these animals are more or less omnivo- rous. In fact, it would probably be difficult if not impossible for most consumers to completely separate benthic algae or phy- toplankton from Spartina detritus when feeding. The general impression one gets from Ta- ble 4 is that with the exception of the leaf hopper all of the consumers fall between the 613C and 634S values for the potential foods Spartina and phytoplankton. Feeding mode is not a good predictor of the 634 and 613C values; animals from each feeding mode overlap. The 615N values tend to fall within the range we have found for Spartina and for plankton, but about a third of the con- sumers have 61 -IN values of + 10%o or great- er, higher than expected for either Spartina or plankton. One reason is that consumers fractionate nitrogen by from +I to + 50loo per trophic transfer (Table 3). The larger and higher trophic level consumers do tend to have the highest 615N values. A second potential reason for 615N shifts is that during decomposition the 615N values of detrital organic matter may change due to microbial immobilization of nitrogen (Macko and Zieman 1983). Carbon isotopic ratios in consumers -The May and September 613C values of marsh fauna are plotted in Fig. 4 with values span- ning the range from - 22 to -12%o. Al- though upland plants have 613C values as low as - 30%o, we collected no marsh con- sumers that approach that value. The marsh fauna fall in between the 6130 values char- acteristic of plankton (-21%o) and Spartina (-13%0). For most animals the seasonal dif- ferences are fairly small, but there are large differences between the May and September values for several of the consumers. Litto- rina irrorata from Kenan Field had a some- what lower 613C value in May (-17.70/oo) than in September (-14.60/co). Similarly, Crassostrea virginica had a lower value in May (-21.40/oo) than in September (-19.1111oo). These shifts may indicate di- etary changes over the course of the year, changes in the isotopic composition of foods, or perhaps metabolic shifts with production of gametes. There are pronounced isotopic differences between different species. For example, the ribbed mussel and the oyster are isotopically more similar to plankton than to Spartina, whereas the leaf hopper and L. irrorata are isotopically similar to Spartina. The most outstanding conclusion from this figure is that most of the marsh and estuarine macrofauna are not isotopically similar to either plankton or to Spartina. The 613C values fall most frequently in the range of -18 to -15%0, which may indicate 1204 Peterson and Howarth SON -+h••. N O"t.7 OOOo000 O� OOH N QOM (V v1 �O ni -� I ++I+++ O I O, M It +++ �O 00 O - M 1 00 t` 10 I t-- M ++++ + ++ + ++ M vl -N N O V: Vi O� O� OC en NMO fn en r- + + + + ++ + + + + + + N et -. 1O O\ d' t- N 00 %O co M M �O %0 v) v1 M r� -: vi o o t` t� 00 06 Oo of G rr %6 Ci ++I++ I + +++ ++ f+ +++ + If+ N MON007Nh SON DD M V'DD NvI 4-�N- OM vi z Id 00 1 r-: 'i M V �O%O 0;0+:� + +I + I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 00 in O r rn N In 00 -+ �D n t` V: IO I -O t- 00 nNoviOiO+ M a; 06 rr- tnr %0 t 00v vi t ID 10 +I N NN I I I I --� 7 %O t- O 1* t- N - t- ON 00 N 1.0 vt �O n MONNOMb 1 INN v1%O Orr [� V7�1v1 I I I I 1 I I I I�� I I I I I I I I O 00 N O r- O� ' N oO + + +' ro iZ v q u °grow w"�. 'W>;; U� N� U �.o UC3U "S o p a 'J`iR: 4 �' a as r. 3 3'a 03 ^V o j 3 dA u� cqiz n U X+ cd ro �0G4 y �T�aai S" ayi3� ��tix uy r;�i3 oo v• Sz It O O �. V 'v 'SOH Z p q�, q—Ct3 t3 C Q rn Z '•� oy �g> Hrij y it3 QO oo O •vC $OV •4oy iC ?� , �r� tin Ol�j V x O VC�U� Q a 4 ��ti,a Ors rs:C�O o. eQoC�Qo Stable isotopes in a salt marsh 1205 • Orchellmum fidic/n/um O • Littorino irrorata ( Kenon) (Airport) • O Mupi/ cepholus ( Large; Bighole Cr., Borrow O Busycon canallculatum ( Outer Beach) Pit •O Fundulus heteroclitus ( Small; Kenan ) O Fundulus heteroctitus ( Large; Duplin) O Choetodipterus fober ( Dean Cr.) • O Cofl/nectes sopldus ( Lab Cr. ) • O Po/oemonstes pap/o (Kenon Cr., Lab Cr.) O Brevoortie tyranmus ( Dean Cr.) O • Uco pupnex ( Kenon) • Ocypode quadrate ( Outer Beach) • O Mup/l cepholus ( Small; Borrow Pit) O Anpulllo rostrata ( Adult; Dean Cr.) • Peneous setlferus ( Adult; Outer Beach) • O l/yonosse obsolete ( Kenon) O Uco papilater ( Dean Cr.) • Mug# cepholus ( Small; Duplin) • Crossostreo vlrpin/ce ( Bighole Cr.) O • Crassostrea v/rp/n/co ( Lob Cr.) O • Geukenslo demisso ( Kenon) -22 4 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 # -12 PLANKTON 13C DEPLETED s- 6 13C M.) — t3C ENRICHED Sportillo Fig. 4. The 613C values for consumers in the salt marshes at Sapelo Island in May (o) and September (•). that a mixture of plankton and Spartina de- tritus is used or that other foods such as benthic diatoms (613C = —16.7%, Table 4) are important. The sulfur -oxidizing bacteria may provide another potentially important food resource (Howarth 1984). We have no- ticed abundant colorless sulfur bacteria on the marsh surface but have not been able to obtain sufficiently large and clean sam- ples for isotopic analysis. However, we ex- pect that their 613C values would be similar to plankton or even more depleted in 13C than plankton (Peterson et al. 1980, 1986). Nitrogen isotopes in consumers—The 615N • Ocypode quadrate ( Outer Beach) O Choetodipterus fober ( Dean Cr.) O Brevoortie tyronnas ( Dean Cr.) O• Mupil cepholus ( Large; Borrow Pit a Bighole Cr.) O • Fundulus heterocfftus ( Smolt; Kenon) O • Callinectes sopidus ( Lob Cr.) • Balydlelle chrysure ( Duplin) • Penoeus setiferus ( Outer Beach) O Fundulus heteroefltus ( Large; Duplin) O anyulllo rostrata ( Dean Cr.) O • Poloernonetes pupio ( Lab Cr., Kenan) O Busycon conaficulotum ( Outer Beach) O • C/OSSOstlee vlrglnlco ( Lob Cr.) • Crossostreo vlrglnico ( Bighole Cr.) O • Llttorina irrorote ( Kenon) O • llyonessa obsoleto (Kenon) O • Goalmnslo demisso ( Kenon) O • Mug# cepholus ( Small; Borrow Pit) • Mugil cepholus ( Small; Duplin) • Orchellmant fldlcfnlum ( Airport) O • Uco pupnax ( Kenon) O Uco puyllofor ( Dean Cr.) +4 +5 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 Spartina PLANKTON t5N DEPLETED ----- b15N ('leo) --- 15N ENRICHED Fig. 5. As Fig. 4, but for 611N values. 1206 Peterson and Howarth O Busycon conalrculafum ( Outer Beach) • Crossoslreo vlrpinice (Blghole Cr.) • O Uca pupnox ( Kenon ) • O Crossostreo virpinice ( Lob Cr.1 • O L/Morino irrorafo (Kenn) O Uco puyllalor ( Dean Cr.) •Ocypode quodrolo ( Outer Beach) O Brevoorlla /yronnus ( 10 cm, Dean Cr.) • O Coll/necfes sopidus ( Lob Cr.) 0 • Mug# cephalus ( 25 cm, borrow Pit; 33 cm Bighole Cr.) O -0 Mug# cephalus ( 3-4 cm, 7-10 cm, Duplin) 0 Choefodipforus Faber t Dean Cr.) • O Geukens/a demisso ( Kenon) • 0 Poloemenefes pqyio (Kenon, Lab "Cr. ) • 0 Ilyanesso obsole/o ( Kenon) O Anguilla roslravo ( Dean Cr.) • Peamus sedferus l Outer Beach) 0 Fundulus he/erocl/lus ( 7=9 cm, Duplin) 0 • Fundulus he/eroclilus ( 4 - 6 cm, Duplin ) i O Muyll cephalus (-Borrow Pit) • Orchel/mum fididolum ( Airport) O t +5 +10 +15 Sportino UPLAND $ 34_S(%a) _,._34S ENRICHED PLANKTON PLANTS Fig. 6. As Fig. 4, but for 634S values. values in consumers (Fig. 5) are centered around the range expected for phytoplank- ton (+7 to +11°/00). Very few of the fauna have 615N values as low as the mean value for Spartina (+60/bo), but the ratios in both Spartina and in plankton vary widely (Ta- ble 1), and animal metabolism tends to shift consumer tissue values in the positive di- rection (Table 3; Minagawa and Wada 1984). In fact a single trophic transfer might shift the values upward by the +2.50/oo dif- ference between Spartina and plankton. The most surprising result in Fig. 5 is that the 615N values for animals collected in May are consistently lower than the values for animals collected in September. It is not clear to us why such a shift should occur. Spartina also shifted seasonally from +4 to +70/o0, but the upland plants did not. We do not know if this apparent seasonal differ- ence in 615N values reflects a difference in animal foods, a change in animal metabo- lism, a change in the marsh nitrogen cycle, or some unknown artifact. The carbon iso- topic or the sulfur isotopic values do not suggest a possible answer since neither of these isotopes exhibited a consistent shift in values between May and September. If the difference is real, this shift in 615N values may indicate an important seasonal change in the marsh nitrogen cycle. The fiddler crabs, leaf hopper, and small mullet have the lowest 615N values whereas the ghost crab, spade fish, and menhaden have the highest. In general the higher trophic level consumers—predators and omnivores—have higher PIN values from +9 to + 130/co, while the deposit and deposit - suspension feeders have lower values from +4 to +9170. Sulfur isotopes in consumers—The sulfur isotopes provide a third tracer of organic matter flow from primary producers to con- sumers in marshes (Peterson et al. 1985). The upland plants and Spartina have low 6345 values while plankton has a high value of + 18 to +20%o. The consumer 634S values range from 0 to + 1696 and most of the marsh and estuarine consumers have 6345 values in the range from +6 to + 140loo, which are between the values for Spartina and plankton (Fig. 6). This pattern is very sim- ilar to the situation for the consumer 613C values shown in Fig. 4. The herbivore, Orchelirnum fidicinlum, is isotopically similar to Spartina and is known to feed directly on Spartina (Smalley 1960). It provides confidence in the fidelity of the sulfur isotopic ratio during trophic transfer. Small mullet from the borrow pits also have relatively low 634S values, whereas mullet of similar size from the Duplin River have Stable isotopes in a salt marsh much higher 634S values. It seems likely that the diet ofthe mullet which are marsh -locked in the borrow pits is quite different from that of mullet in the Duplin River. The most straightforward explanation (that the mullet in the borrow pits use more Spartina detri- tus while the mullet in the Duplin use more plankton) is only weakly supported by the carbon isotopic data in Fig. 4. The organ- isms with relatively high 6345 values include the welk (Busycon canaliculatum) from the outer barrier beach area, fiddler crabs, oys- ters, and the marsh periwinkle (L. irrorata). It seems unlikely that the fiddler crabs and Littorina actually are drawing most of their organic sulfur from plankton. Probably they are feeding on benthic flora and on epi- phytes that also obtain most of their sulfur from seawater sulfate. Figure 7 summarizes the data on the dis- tribution of isotopic values for C, N, and S in both the spring and fall collections of consumers. These plots exhibit no resem- blance to the distributions expected if either Spartina or algae were the sole important or dominant organic matter source. The general conclusion from the carbon and sul- fur data is that very few of the marsh and estuarine animals assimilate either Spartina or plankton exclusively. The more probable situation seems to be that the consumers use a mixture of organic matter derived from both plankton and Spartina. The suspen- sion feeders tend to be more similar to plankton, and the deposit and deposit -sus- pension feeders are more similar to Spar- tina. The nitrogen isotopic data seem to in- dicate that most of the marsh consumers are more similar to the 615N values expected for plankton. However, since trophic trans- fers tend to shift the consumer B15N value upward from +I to +4%o per trophic trans- fer (Table 3), the foods of these organisms could well be Spartina or a mixture of Spar- tina and plankton rather than mainly plank- ton. Thus the nitrogen isotopic data do not conflict with the carbon and sulfur isotopic information. Producer -consumer relationships—The dual isotope approach— When there are three or more potentially important sources of food for animals, it is not possible to dis- criminate between the different sources of m 0 4- 0 Cr W m Z Z U, 4 O -22 t -20 -18 -16 -14 1-12 PLANKTON 6"C (%.) Spartina 1207 Sporting 615N sporting V's (%.) PLANKTON Fig. 7. Histograms of the S' 3C, 615N, and 6145 values for consumers in the Sapelo Island marshes, including all determinations from the May and September col- lections. organic matter through use of a single tracer unless the isotopic ratios in consumers clus- ter about one end -member. However, a combination of two or more isotopes should make it possible to identify the important organic matter sources more unambiguous- ly (Rau et al. 1981; Fry 1984; Peterson et al. 1985). The relationship between the marsh consumers and their potential foods on a diagram of 613C vs. 6345 is shown in Figs. 8 (May 1982) and 9 (September 1983). The consumer organisms are numbered in order of lowest to highest 634S values. The locations of the potential foods are identi- fied as rectangles indicating the mean ± 1 SD for the potentially important foods (Ta- ble 1). We were not able to collect sufficient ben- thic diatoms or sulfur -oxidizing bacteria to obtain sulfur isotopic ratios for these po- tential food sources. Our data on sulfur ox- idizers from a Cape Cod salt marsh indi- cated a mean 613C value of around —200/oo and a mean S34S value of —12%0 (Peterson et al. 1986). None of the consumers in Figs. 1208 Peterson and Howarth +20- Iv PLANKTONEe`, w +20 PLANKTON ,Fq, czi +18 , +18 �, , +16Z Iz �, 16 +16- rr �i , rn +14- �` Iu v +14- ��� 16 14 M +12 �; 12 SII 1415, 1113` io M +12- /r is IS ��� t1D ' �/ i .911 679, ,, i1D ' r i i .` 11 12` 101 �. 8 +8 �; � �� s 34 .� +8 6 � a l'? , 1`4 +4 2 w t4 -' 2 , 0 _` 0 Sporting w W -2 UPLAND - PLANTS �� W -2-PLANTS UPLAND - Sp01#11 - -_ - o -6 N -6 a M -30 -20 -10 13C DEPLETED --- S 13C (%) - 13C ENRICHED Fig. 8. Sulfur isotopic ratios of marsh consumers plotted as a function of 613C in relation to the mean ratios in the potential organic matter sources during May 1982. Key to consumers: 1. Mugil cephalus (small, borrow pit); 2. Fundulus heteroclitus (medium, Duplin River); 3. F. heteroclitus (large, Duplin River); 4. Mugil cephalus (large, borrow pit); 5. Anguilla rostrata (Dean Creek); 6. Ilyanassa obsoleta (Kenan Field); 7. Palae- monetes pugio (Lab Creek); 8. Geukensia demissa (Ke- nan Field); 9. Chaetodipterus faber (Dean Creek); 10. Callinectes sapidus (Dean Creek); 11. Uca pugnax (Kenan Field); 12. Crassostrea virginica (Lab Creek); 13. Brevoortia tyrannus (Dean Creek); 14. Uca pugi- lator (Dean Creek); 15. Littorina irrorata (Kenan Field); 16. Busvcon canaliculatum (outer beach); 17. M. ceph- alus (juvenile mullet, Kenan Field). 8 and 9 appear to be similar to these values, but the isotopic composition of sulfur -oxi- dizing bacteria in the Sapelo marshes is un- known and may be different from Sippe- wissett. Pyrite which might be oxidized had 634S values between -10 and -200/oo, but the sulfides at the short Spartina site were + 100/oo near the surface. Depending on the source of the reduced sulfur, sulfur bacteria may have a wide range of 634S values and we cannot rule out their importance on the basis of the isotopic data obtained thus far. Also, some bacteria may be mixotrophic, taking up DOC as well as fixing DIC che- mosynthetically. The macroconsumers are distributed sys- tematically within or close to the band of -30 -20 -10 131: DEPLETED 13C (%.) I i3C ENRICHED Fig. 9. As Fig. 8, but during September 1983. Key to consumers: 1. Orcheli►num fidicinium (airport marsh); 2. Mugil cephalus (small, borrow pit); 3. Fun- dulus heteroclitus (small, Kenan Field); 4. Palaemo- netes pugio (Kenan Field); S. Callinectes sapidus (Lab Creck);-6. Littorina irrorata (Kenan Field); 7. Penaeus setiferus (outer beach); S. Ilyanassa obsoleta (Kenan Field); 9. Bairdiella chrysura (Duplin River); 10. Geu- kensia demissa (Kenan Field); 11. M. cephalus (small, Duplin River); 12. M. cephalus (large, Bighole Creek); 13. Ocypode quadrata (outer beach); 14. Uca pugnax (Kenan Field); 15. Crassostrea virginica (Lab Creek); 16. C. virginica (Bighole Creek). carbon and sulfur S values expected if these organisms derive most of their nutrition from Spartina, from phytoplankton, or most often from a mixture of the two. This con- clusion is supported equally by the May 1982 and September 1983 collections (Figs. 8, 9). There is no isotopic Evidence in these sam- ples for any important influence of organic matter derived from the uplands. This find- ing is consistent with the facts that the Du- plin River is tidal but has no large input of freshwater and that this marsh is fairly re- mote from large rivers. For these reasons one does not expect a large upland organic matter input here. A couple of data points appear to depart from the expected pattern. For example, in Fig. 8, C. virginica (No. 12 on the figure) appears to have a lower 6345 value than one would expect for a consumer that is similar to plankton in 613C. The op- Stable isotopes in a salt marsh posite situation also occurred; B. canalicu- latum (No. 16) had a higher 6345 value than expected for an organism with a 613C value of—15.5°Ioo. Perhaps for these organisms the isotopic classification of the potential foods is incomplete. The welk (Busycon) was col- lected on the outer barrier beach and we thought it would be a marine rather than a marsh organism. It does fall at the marine plankton end of the spectrum, but both the carbon and sulfur 6 values indicated that the welk derives a significant proportion of its food from organic matter sources that are depleted in 34S and enriched. in 13C relative to plankton. The most likely source is de- tritus derived from the Spartina marshes, but benthic algae or sulfur bacteria cannot be ruled out because their 6345 values are unknown and perhaps explain the low 6345 value. The connection would of course be indirect because the welk is a predator. The September collection also contained one unexpected point. The mullet (No. 2) from the borrow pits had a lower 613C value than expected for an organism with a 634S value of +2%o. Mullet from other sites (No. 11 and 12) gave values within the range expected for organisms using organic matter from both plankton and Spartina. We do not understand how the mullet in the bor- row pits could be so depleted in 6345 relative to plankton and simultaneously depleted in 613C relative to Spartina. One explanation is that a significant fraction of its diet is derived from detritus from upland plants, but it is unlikely because the borrow pits are not surrounded by forest. We can also not eliminate the possibility that the use of benthic algae or sulfur bacteria might cause this shift in isotopic values. Finally, one must keep in mind the possibility that consumers may derive different fractions of their ele- mental requirements from foods with con- trasting elemental compositions or availa- bilities. It is, of course, possible to plot C vs. N and N vs. S in addition to the C vs. S dual isotopic plot. The amount of information gained from these other approaches is not as much as from the C vs. S plots. Figure 10 shows the position of marsh consumers on the 61SN vs. 613C diagram for the Sep- tember collection. On this figure the distri- 1209 -30 -20 -10 t3C DEPLETED 13C ENRICHED Fig. 10. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios ofcon- sumers in relation to the ratios in potential organic matter sources in September 1983. Key to consumers: 1. Orchelimum ftdicinium (airport marsh); 2. Mugil cephalus (small, borrow pit); 3. Fundulus heteroclitus (small, Kenan Field); 4. Palaemonetes pugio (Kenan Field); 5. Callinectes sapidus (Dean Creek); 6. Littorina irrorata (Kenan Field); 7. Penaeus setiferus (outer beach); 8. Ilyanassa obsoleta (Kenan Field); 9. Bair- diella chrysura (Duplin River); 10. Geukensia demissa (Kenan Field); 11. M. cephalus (small, Duplin River); 12. M. cephalus (large, Bighole Creek); 13. Ocypode quadrata (outer beach); 14. Uca pugnax (Kenan Field); 15. Crassostrea virginica (Lab Creek); 6. C. virginica (Bighole Creek). bution of consumers describes a vertical band of values intermediate between plank- ton and Spartina on the 613C axis and rang- ing from Spartina to greater than plankton on the 615N axis. The distribution supports the conclusion that the marsh consumers derive most of their organic matter from a mixture of Spartina and plankton. The ver- tical extension of the 615N values well be- yond the ratios in the foods is probably an example of the positive 6' SN shifts that oc- cur in metabolism of organic nitrogen. If we look at the distribution of 61 IN val- ues in the September collections (Figs. 5, 10), we can see that there is an easily rec- ognized relation between trophic level of each consumer and the 615N values. In the- ory the assignment of trophic level based + 12 13 3 W t11 12 a U_ +10 9 c W +9 7 PLANKTON ,`15 4 -. +8- ; L 16 +7 6' ; `; ro1B2 •' 1 +6 �' 114 +5- +4- 4 +3 +3 +2 o J a Wo 0 ' .' Z _2 UPLAND PLANTS 1209 -30 -20 -10 t3C DEPLETED 13C ENRICHED Fig. 10. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios ofcon- sumers in relation to the ratios in potential organic matter sources in September 1983. Key to consumers: 1. Orchelimum ftdicinium (airport marsh); 2. Mugil cephalus (small, borrow pit); 3. Fundulus heteroclitus (small, Kenan Field); 4. Palaemonetes pugio (Kenan Field); 5. Callinectes sapidus (Dean Creek); 6. Littorina irrorata (Kenan Field); 7. Penaeus setiferus (outer beach); 8. Ilyanassa obsoleta (Kenan Field); 9. Bair- diella chrysura (Duplin River); 10. Geukensia demissa (Kenan Field); 11. M. cephalus (small, Duplin River); 12. M. cephalus (large, Bighole Creek); 13. Ocypode quadrata (outer beach); 14. Uca pugnax (Kenan Field); 15. Crassostrea virginica (Lab Creek); 6. C. virginica (Bighole Creek). bution of consumers describes a vertical band of values intermediate between plank- ton and Spartina on the 613C axis and rang- ing from Spartina to greater than plankton on the 615N axis. The distribution supports the conclusion that the marsh consumers derive most of their organic matter from a mixture of Spartina and plankton. The ver- tical extension of the 615N values well be- yond the ratios in the foods is probably an example of the positive 6' SN shifts that oc- cur in metabolism of organic nitrogen. If we look at the distribution of 61 IN val- ues in the September collections (Figs. 5, 10), we can see that there is an easily rec- ognized relation between trophic level of each consumer and the 615N values. In the- ory the assignment of trophic level based 1210 Peterson and Howarth on an organism's PIN value should take into account the 615N value for the primary producer at the base of each trophic pyra- mid, but in our case this is difficult because almost all of the 6130 values in Fig. 10 are intermediate between the expected values for plankton and Spartina and because 615N values of detritus may not reflect the parent plant material. For simplicity we could probably assign a PIN value of about +6 or +7%o for this mixture of foods. If we assume that each trophic transfer produces an increase in 615N values of about +20/oo, then we can classify consumers as detriti- vores or herbivores with 615N values of 6 to 8.417oo and predators with 615N values of > 8.4%o. The detritivores and herbivores include, in order of increasing 615N value: Uca pug- nax, O. fidicinium, Mugil cephalus (small), Geukensia demissa, Ilyanassa obsoleta, L. irrorata and C. virginica. These animals are known to feed mainly on either Spartina alive or as detritus, benthic diatoms, plank- ton or seston, and epiphytes (Montague et al. 1981). The carnivores or predators in- clude Palaemonetes pugio, Penaeus setife- rus, Bairdiella chrysura, Callinectes sapidus, Fundulus heteroclitus, M. cephalus (large), and Ocypode quadrata. These organisms are on average clearly higher in the .food web than the ones with lower 615N values, al- though there is a tendency for many marsh and estuarine animals to be omnivorous, and thus we must expect overlap in diet and isotopic composition between the so-called herbivores and predators. In fact, as we saw in Fig. 7, there is no indication of any bi- modal distribution in the 6' IN values. There is a single broad histogram of 615N values peaking at roughly +8°loo, which is near our arbitrary dividing line for herbivores and carnivores. More refined interpretation of 615N values for estuarine fauna will require more focused work with one or several species where both the 615N value of the food resources at the base of the food web and the metabolic fractionation in con- sumers are well known. Conclusions The results of both our May and Septem- ber collections of Sapelo Island marsh and estuarine consumers support the contention of Haines (1977) that phytoplankton are im- portant contributors to estuarine food webs at Sapelo. All of our isotopic data are con- sistent with a roughly equal contribution by Spartina and by .phytoplankton plus per- haps benthic algae. Some organisms such as the leaf hopper (O. ftdicinium) are isotopi- cally very similar to Spartina, while others such as the oyster (C. virginica) are more similar to plankton (Figs. -8, 9). However, most are intermediate between the values for Spartina and plankton for 613C, 634S, and 61SN when the metabolic shift in the nitro- gen isotopic values is taken into account. This observation does not mean that all the organisms assimilate the same thing, but they must eat mixtures of varying propor- tions. Also, organisms with similar carbon or sulfur isotopic ratios can be quite differ- ent in their 615N values, probably because they feed at different trophic levels (Fig. 10). The isotopic data also support the view that Spartina detritus is important as a food resource for virtually all the marsh and es- tuarine macrofauna. However, although Spartina dominates carbon and energy flow in the marsh ecosystem at the level of car- bon fixation (Pomeroy et al. 1981), Spartina is only roughly equal to algae at the level of assimilation by the macroconsumers. The refractory nature of Spartina detritus re- quires extensive processing by the microbial community with.large respiratoryCO2 losS- es before some small fraction is available to the macrofauna. The broad spectrum of C and S isotopic values that we find in the marsh and estu- arine macroconsumers :is in marked con- trast to the narrow isotopic distributions found in food webs where a single food re- source is dominant. For example in marine offshore food webs there is a tight clustering of 613C values for each trophic level, al- though a small 13C enrichment occurs with trophic transfer (Fry and Sherr 1984). A similar situation occurs in lakes. Only a nar- row range of 6130 and 634S values was found for native fishes in Fayetteville Green Lake and Round Lake (Fry 1986). A broad iso- topic spectrum implies a variety of food re- sources. We find no evidence from the multiple Stable isotopes in a salt marsh 1211 Table 5. Comparison of mean 611C, 615N, and 6145 values for Spartina and fauna at the Sapelo Island marsh and at Sippewissett marsh. The mean differences are compared for the fauna only, not including Spartina alterniflora. isotopic approach to suggest an important input of organic matter either directly from the neighboring uplands or from more dis- tant rivers to the Duplin River and the ad- jacent marshes at Sapelo. Although it may be difficult or impossible to rule out the pos- sibility that a portion of the dissolved or particulate organic carbon in the water may originate from river inputs, there is no evi- dence that this material contributes in any measurable way to the isotopic composition of consumers in the marsh and estuary. This finding is similar to our conclusion that up- land organic matter is not an important food resource for fauna in Great Sippewissett Marsh on Cape Cod. Sampling nearer the mouth of several major rivers should be carried out to explore this issue further and to define the realm of influence and the uti- lization by consumers in estuaries of riv- erborne organic detritus and dissolved or- ganic matter. In general there does not seem to be a large seasonal isotopic shift, as indicated by our comparisons of May and September macrofaunal collections. The nitrogen iso- tope may be an exception as the September values for consumers were about 2%o higher than the May values. On the other hand, there do appear to be some important dif- ferences in isotopic composition that are re- lated to location. For example, M. cephalus collected from the borrow pits was isoto- pically more similar to Spartina than were mullet of similar size collected from the tid- al creeks at Kenan Field. Our isotopic data from the Sapelo Island marsh make an interesting comparison with similar data from Great Sippewissett Marsh (Table 5; Peterson et al. 1986). Spartina from Sapelo Island has about the same 613C value as Spartina from Sippewissett, but both the WN and 6345 values for the Sapelo Island Spartina are higher. The higher 6345 value at Sapelo is perhaps related to the greater sulfate depletion in the Sapelo sediments (Figs. 1, 2). The fauna at Sapelo Island how- ever have lower 6t3C values than the Sip- pewissett animals, suggesting that sources of organic matter other than Spartina, such as plankton and benthic algae, are relatively more important in the Georgia marshes than at Sippewissett. Nitrogen isotopic ratios av- erage about the same in the fauna from Sa- pelo and Sippewissett. However, the 634S values for Sapelo Island fauna average about Isotope Sippewissett sapdo Difference S. allerniflora 613C -13.1 -12.9 (+0.2) 11yanassa obsoleta -11.0 -17.8 -6.8 Fundulus heteroditus -12.5 -15.6 -3.1 Callinectes lapidus -13.3 -16.2 -2.9 Geukensia demissa -15.2 -19.8 -4.6 Uca pugnax -16.2 -16.8 -0.6 -3.6±2.3 S. alterniflora 615N +3.8 +6.0 (+2.2) 1. obsoleta +4.6 +7.2 +2.6 F. heteroclitus +10.6 +9.2 -1.4 C. sapidus +9.4 +10.0 +0.6 G. demissa +7.3 +6.5 -0.8 U. pugnax +4.3 +4.9 +0.6 +0.3±1.5 S. alterniflora 634S -2.4 +0.9 (+3.3) L obsoleta +5.6 +9.0 +3.4 F. heleroclitus +1.0 +7.9 +6.9 C. sapidus +3.8 +9.8 +6.0 G. demissa +0.7 +9.8 +9.1 U. pugnax +8.6 + 13.0 +4.4 +6.0±2.2 isotopic approach to suggest an important input of organic matter either directly from the neighboring uplands or from more dis- tant rivers to the Duplin River and the ad- jacent marshes at Sapelo. Although it may be difficult or impossible to rule out the pos- sibility that a portion of the dissolved or particulate organic carbon in the water may originate from river inputs, there is no evi- dence that this material contributes in any measurable way to the isotopic composition of consumers in the marsh and estuary. This finding is similar to our conclusion that up- land organic matter is not an important food resource for fauna in Great Sippewissett Marsh on Cape Cod. Sampling nearer the mouth of several major rivers should be carried out to explore this issue further and to define the realm of influence and the uti- lization by consumers in estuaries of riv- erborne organic detritus and dissolved or- ganic matter. In general there does not seem to be a large seasonal isotopic shift, as indicated by our comparisons of May and September macrofaunal collections. The nitrogen iso- tope may be an exception as the September values for consumers were about 2%o higher than the May values. On the other hand, there do appear to be some important dif- ferences in isotopic composition that are re- lated to location. For example, M. cephalus collected from the borrow pits was isoto- pically more similar to Spartina than were mullet of similar size collected from the tid- al creeks at Kenan Field. Our isotopic data from the Sapelo Island marsh make an interesting comparison with similar data from Great Sippewissett Marsh (Table 5; Peterson et al. 1986). Spartina from Sapelo Island has about the same 613C value as Spartina from Sippewissett, but both the WN and 6345 values for the Sapelo Island Spartina are higher. The higher 6345 value at Sapelo is perhaps related to the greater sulfate depletion in the Sapelo sediments (Figs. 1, 2). The fauna at Sapelo Island how- ever have lower 6t3C values than the Sip- pewissett animals, suggesting that sources of organic matter other than Spartina, such as plankton and benthic algae, are relatively more important in the Georgia marshes than at Sippewissett. Nitrogen isotopic ratios av- erage about the same in the fauna from Sa- pelo and Sippewissett. However, the 634S values for Sapelo Island fauna average about 1212 Peterson and Howarth +6°/co heavier than for the same species from Sippewissett. Since Spartina from Sapelo is only about +3%o heavier than at Sippe- wissett, the shift in the animals may result from .a greater dependence on plankton at Sapelo in addition to the difference in Spar- tina. This interpretation agrees with the conclusion from the 613C value comparison. It is not clear why Spartina should be relatively more important at Sippewissett than at Sapelo. Perhaps the productivity and availability of plankton or benthic algae rel- ative to Spartina is greater at Sapelo Island. Or perhaps Spartina detritus is more avail- able in Massachusetts since it is weighted down by snow and ice in the winter and kept wet thereafter on the marsh surface; in Georgia, standing dead grasses decompose in place. Because of the variability among individuals and among species, these com- parisons cannot be given great weight but they point to a potentially fruitful means of comparing marshes and one which could provide an integrated measure of the dif- ferences in how various marshes function. References ALTABET, M. A., AND J. J. MCCARTHY. 1985. Tem- poral and spatial variations in the natural abun- dance of 'IN in PON from a warm -core ring. Deep - Sea Res. 32: 755-772. CARLSON, P. R., JR., AND J. FORREST. 1982. Uptake of dissolved sulfide by Spartina alterniJlora: Evi- dence from natural sulfur isotope abundance ra- tios. Science 216: 633-636. 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