HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181416 Ver 1_R-2530B_BA_092818_10/16/2018 5:55 PMBIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) NC 24/27 Widening froir� NC 740 to East of Pee Dee River Stanly and Montgomery Counties, North Carolina TIP R-2530B Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0024(083) WBS Element No. 344461.7 � Z O �Q OQ OF TRAN5Q NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Environmental Analysis Unit Biological Surveys Group September 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 1 3.0 PROTECTED SPECIES ............................................................................................. 1 3.1 Federally Protected Species ....................................................................................... 1 4.0 SCHWEINITZ'S SUNFLOWER SPECIES DESCRIPTION ................................... 4 4.1 Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Habitat ....................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Threats to the Species ................................................................................................ 5 4.4 Distribution and Population Trends ........................................................................... 6 5.0 EF'FECTS ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 6 5.1 Action Area ................................................................................................................ 6 5.2 Environmental Baseline ............................................................................................. 6 5.3 Adverse Effects .......................................................................................................... 7 5.3.1 Direct and Indirect Effects .................................................................................. 8 5.3.2 Interrelated and Interdependent Actions ............................................................. 8 5.3.3 Cumulative Effects .............................................................................................. 8 6.0 CONSERVATION MEASURES ............................................................................... 9 6.1 Avoidance and Minimization .................................................................................... 9 6.2 Measures to Offset Adverse Effects .......................................................................... 9 7.0 CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................9 8.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 11 9.0 LIST OF INVESTIGATORS AND PREPARERS .................................................. 13 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Federally Protected Species Listed for Stanly and Montgomery Counties ......... 2 Table 2. Schweinitz's Sunflower Site Summary for EO No. 243 ..................................... 7 Table 3. Adverse Effects to Schweinitz's Sunflower EO No. 243 .................................... 7 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. H. Schweinitzii EO Locaitons Figure 3. H. Schweinitzii EO 14 Figure 4. H. Schweinitzii EO 243 Figure 5. Action Area Appendix B. Previous NCDOT Projects Affecting Schweinitz's Sunflowers Appendix C. NCNHP Endangered and Rare Plant Field Survey Form Biological Assessment 1.0 INTRODUCTION R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC This Biological Assessment (BA) was prepared to determine potential effects to the federally endangered Schweinitz's Sunflower (HELISCH, Helianthus schweinitzii) within the action area of the proposed widening of NC 24/27. A BA is provided to satisfy the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) obligations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) §7. The BA specifically addresses project- related adverse direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, as well as beneficial effects through conservation measures that incorporate avoidance, minimization, and measures to offset adverse effects on HELISCH. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION As part of Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) No. R-2530B, NCDOT proposes to widen from NC 740 in Stanly County to a point approximately 800 feet west of River Road (SR 1150) in Montgomery County. The Stanly County portion of NC 24/27 will be widened to a four-lane divided facility with a 23-foot raised median from NC 740 in the City of Albemarle east to SR 1731 (Sweet Home Church Road). Between SR 1731 and the Pee Dee River, the widening would include a 46-foot depressed median. This project includes replacing existing Bridge No. 51 (formerly TIP B-4974) over the Lake Tillery portion of the Pee Dee River (Pee Dee River) on the Stanly/Montgomery County line (Figure 1, Appendix A). Land use in the vicinity of the proposed project is forest land with rural residential, agricultural, and sparse commercial development scattered throughout. The proposed project let date is March 19, 2019. The purpose of TIP R-2530B is to improve traffic flow and level of service (LOS) on the section of NC 24/27 between NC 740 and the proposed TIP R-2527 just east of the Pee Dee River in Montgomery County, and to maintain a bridge across the Pee Dee River that addresses the needs of highway users. 3.0 PROTECTED SPECIES 3.1 Federally Protected Species As of September 13, 2017 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) listed two federally protected species for Stanly County and three for Montgomery County (Table 1). A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the project study area. Habitat requirements for each are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or USFWS. HELISCH is discussed in Section 4 of this document. The action areas are shown in Figure 5 in Appendix A. 1 September 2018 Biological Assessrner�t R-2530B, Stai2ly and Mon.xgomery Counties, NC Table 1. Federally Protected Species Listed for Stanly and Montgomery Counties Scientific Name Common Name Federal Habitat County Biological Status Present Conclusion Myotis septentrioiiczli,s Northern Long-Eared T Yes Stanly 4d Bat Com liant Picoides borealis Red-Cockaded E Yes Montgomery No Effect Wood ecker Helic�nthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's E Yes Stanly/ MA-LAA Sunflower Mont omer Echinacea laevigata Smooth Coneflower E Yes Montgomery No Effect E— Endangered; T— Threatened; MA-LAA — May Affect — Likely to Adversely Affect Northern Long-Eared Bat USFWS optimal survey window: May-August Habitat Description: During summer, Northei-n Long-Eared Bats (NLEBs) roost singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or in crevices of both live and dead trees. Males and non-reproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. This bat seems opportunistic in selecting roosts, using tree species based on suitability to retain bark or provide cavities or crevices. It has also been found, rarely, roosting in structures like barns and sheds. They typically use large caves ar mines with large passages and entrances, characterized by constant temperatures and high humidity with no air currents. Specific hibernation areas have very high humidity, such that droplets of water are often seen on their fur. Within hibernacula, surveyors find them in small crevices ar cracks, often with only the nose and ears visible. Biological Conclusion: Not Required This project has been reviewed for effects on the Northern Long-Eared Bat (NLEB). As of May 4, 2015, NLEB is listed by the USFWS as "Threatened" under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. As of September 13, 2017, NLEB is listed by USFWS (http://www.fws.gov/ralei ng / species/cntylist/nc_counties.html) as "Probable/Potential" in Stanly County. USFWS also established a final rule under authority of section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act that provides measures for the conservation of NLEB. The USFWS has tailored the final 4(d) rule to prohibit the take of NLEB from certain activities within areas where they are in decline. This incidental protection applies only to known NLEB occupied maternity roost trees and known NLEB hibernacula. Effective February l6, 2016, incidental take resulting from tree removal is prohibited if it 1) occurs within a 0.25-mile radius of any NLEB hibernacula; or 2) cuts or destroys known occupied maternity roost trees, or any other trees within a 150-foot radius from the known maternity tree during the pup season (June 1-July 31). NCDOT has also reviewed the USFWS Asheville Field office website for consistency (http://www.fws.gov/asheville/htmis/project_review/NLEB_in_WNC.html) with NHP records. This project is located entirely ouCside of Che red highlighted 12-digit 2 Septer�2ber 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC Hydrologic Unit Codes that the USFWS Asheville Field Office has determined to be areas that may require consultation. For the proposed action, NCDOT has committed to the conservation measures listed below: 1) No alterations of a known hibernaculum's entrance or interior environment if it impairs an essential behavioral pattern, including sheltering Northern long-eared bats; 2) No tree removal within a 0.25 mile radius of a known hibernacula and 3) No cutting or destroying a known, occupied maternity roost tree, or any other trees within a 150-foot radius from the known, occupied maternity tree during the period from June 1 through July 31. NCDOT has determined that the proposed action does not require separate consultation on the grounds that the proposed action is consistent with the final Section 4(d) rule, codified at 50 C.F.R. § 17.40(0) and effective February 16, 2016. NCDOT may presume its determination is informed by best available information and consider Section 7 responsibilities fulfilled for NLEB. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker USFWS Recommended Survey Window: year round; November-early March (optimal) Habitat Description: The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly Longleaf Pine, for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. Biological Conclusion: No Effect A survey was conducted on November 14 and 17, 2017 in areas where trees of adequate age for foraging occur and within 0.5 mile of foraging habitat within the Montgomery County portion of R-2530B. No individuals or cavity trees were found within the study area or within 0.5 mile of foraging habitat. A review of NCNHP records, updated October 2017, indicates no known element occurrences (EOs) within 1.0 mile of the study area. Smooth Coneflower USFWS optimal survey window: late May — October Habitat Description: Smooth Coneflower, a perennial herb, is typically found in meadows, open woodlands, the ecotonal regions between meadows and woodlands, cedar barrens, dry limestone bluffs, clear cuts, and roadside and utility rights-of-way. In North Carolina, the species normally grows in magnesium- and calcium- rich soils associated with gabbro and diabase parent material, and typically occurs in Iredell, Misenheimer, and Picture soil series. It grows best where there is abundant sunlight, little competition in the 3 September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC herbaceous layer, and periodic disturbances (e.g., regular fire regime, well-timed mowing, and careful clearing) that prevents encroachment of shade-producing woody shrubs and trees. On sites where woody succession is held in check, it is characterized by a number of species with prairie affinities. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for Smooth Coneflower is present in the study area along roadside shoulders and a powerline corridor. A survey was conducted throughout the areas of suitable habitat in Montgomery County on July 6, 2017. No Smooth Coneflower was found. A review of NCNHP records, updated October 2017, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. 4.0 SCHWEINITZ'S SUNFLOWER SPECIES DESCRIPTION Two EOs (Nos. 14 and 243) are documented within the R-2530B study area in the NCNHP database (Figure 2, Appendix A). Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. scientists Chris Hopper and Greg Price, and NCDOT Biologist, Matt Haney, surveyed both EOs No. 14 and 243 on October 3, 2017. EO No. 243 currently has HELISCH specimens, in four separate sub-populations. No HELISCH have been observed in EO No. 14 since 1991. 4.1 Characteristics HELISCH is a long-lived perennial, flowering from late August to first frost. The flowers are small, with yellow disks and rays. The involucre is less than 0.6 inches across. The leaves are rather thick and stiff in texture. The upper leaf surface is very rough while the lower surface is covered with distinctive dense, soft white hairs. The leaves are opposite on the lower stem and alternate near the flowers. The leaves are five to ten times as long as wide and are sessile to short-petiolate. Lower stem leaves average 4- 8 in long and 0.6 - 1.0 in wide, with smaller upper leaves. The plants have purple stems that grow to an average height of 6.6 ft with the top one-third of the stem branching. The stems are at least sparsely strigose or hirsute below the inflorescence. Reproduction is accomplished both by seed production and asexually by tuberous rhizomes. The best time to search for this species is during the flowering season, late summer through frost (August - November) (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1994). 4.2 Habitat It is believed that HELISCH formerly occurred in prairies or Post Oak (Quercus stellata) - Blackjack Oak (Q. marilandica) savannas that were dependent on fire or other periodic disturbance to help maintain open habitat. Grazing from native herbivores may have historically helped reduce competition. HELISCH is currently found along roadsides, power line clearings, old pastures, woodland openings and other sunny or open areas. The species is known from a variety of soil types but is generally found on shallow, poor, clayey and/or rocky soils, especially those derived from mafic parent material. The most common soil types (as mapped) on which HELISCH occurs are Herndon, Enon, and Georgeville. Herndon and Georgeville are well- drained moderately permeable soils that formed from rocks in the Carolina Slate Belt (NCDOT 2012). 4 September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC EO 243 Subpopulations A-D are depicted on Figure 4. Subpopulations A and B are outside the currently defined EO boundary, while subpopulations C and D are within that boundary. Tarrus gravelly loam (Subpopulations A— C) and Badin channery silt loam (Subpopulation D) soils are mapped in the area where HELISCH occur. These soils are closely associated soils with the Enon and Georgeville soils found near the project vicinity. The area containing HELISCH consists mostly of a regularly maintained roadside community. However, likely due to difficulty of access for maintenance, the community in Subpopulation A is less frequently maintained with tree saplings of approximately 5 years in age. There is no natural community type equivalent for this habitat, as defined by Schafale (2012), and Schafale and Weakley (1990). The main species associated with the HELISCH in the action area include: Bearded Beggarticks (Bidens aristosa), Black Cherry (Prunus serotina), Blackberry (Rubus sp.), Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), Bushy Aster (Symphyotrichum dumosum), Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemissifolia), Dogwood (Cornus florida), Goldenrod (Solidago sp.), Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Muscadine (Muscadinia rotundifolia), Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Rabbit Tobacco (Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium), Sugarcane Plumegrass (Saccharum giganteum), Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana), White Oak (Quercus alba), and Winged Sumac (Rhus copallinum). 4.3 Threats to the Species Throughout its range, HELISCH is threatened by fire suppression, residential and industrial development, highway construction, and roadside and utility right of way maintenance. In recent decades, at least three populations of HELISCH have apparently become extirpated due to poor management (NCDOT 2012). Nearly 40 percent of the roadside plants in North Carolina have been inadvertently harmed from roadside activities in the last 10-15 years (NCDOT records). At least one population was impacted by shading of successional plants due to fire suppression (NCDOT 2012; USFWS 1994). In 1988, NCNHP entered into a cooperative agreement with NCDOT to begin marking roadside populations of rare plants to prevent them from being mowed during the growing season. This program continues today but has had mixed success. Roadside populations are also sprayed by utility companies and railroads, while others are disturbed by earthmoving activities or mowing from adjacent private property owners. Most roadside populations are not considered to be viable in the long term due to these impacts (NCDOT 2012). The biggest threat to Subpopulation A is the lack of maintenance of cleared areas. Thick vegetation and small trees are now outcompeting HELISCH since the open areas are not being regularly maintained. The biggest threat to subpopulations C and D is mowing that has occurred between the "Do Not Mow" signs. The abundance of HELISCH was highest for these subpopulations, primarily due to multiple post-mowing suckers. Most of the HELISCH plants in subpopulations C and D were too immature to produce flowers. Subpopulation B appeared to be less frequently mowed and consists of more robust flowering HELISCH specimens. Several previous NCDOT projects have directly affected HELISCH, though none were within the action area for this project. These projects are listed in Appendix B. S September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC 4.4 Distribution and Population Trends HELISCH is endemic to the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina and South Carolina. This species is currently known from 208 occurrences grouped into 85 populations; 77 of these are extant in 13 North Carolina counties, and eight populations in two South Carolina counties. Charlotte, NC is considered to be the center of this species' distribution. With the exception of populations in Surry and Stokes counties, most of the species occurs within a 60- mile radius of Charlotte, North Carolina (NCDOT 2012). There are 67 known EOs within Stanly and Montgomery counties, including EOs 14 and 243. In the most current 5-year review conducted by USFWS and approved August 24, 2010, it was recommended to retain HELISCH's status as Federally Endangered. Actions recommended prior to removing HELISCH from the federal list of endangered and threatened species include having 15 geographically distinct, self-sustaining populations that are protected in at least four counties in North Carolina and one in South Carolina; implementing management plans; documentation that populations (as measured by number of adult plants) have been stable or increasing for 10 years; and acquiring permanent conservation ownership and management of at least 10 populations, assured by legally binding agreements (USFWS 2010). No HELISCH specimens were observed for EO No. 14. EO No. 243 has expanded north of its boundary provided by NCNHP. Subpopulations A(9 plants) and B(24 plants) were discovered just northwest of the current boundary area. Subpopulations C(92 plants) and D(87 plants) were within the current EO No. 243 boundary (Figures 2 and 4, Appendix A). EO No. 243 was last surveyed by NCDOT in 2012 (110 stems) and 2011 (55 stems with 90% in flower) (see Tables 2 and 3 for more details). 5.0 EFFECTS ANALYSIS In accordance with the Final Endangered Species Act Consultation Handbook: Procedures for Conducting Section 7 Consultations and Conferences, impacts to federally protected species subject to ESA §7 are divided into environmental baseline, direct effects, indirect effects, and cumulative effects (USFWS and NMFS 1998). 5.1 Action Area The project action area is defined as all areas to be affected directly or indirectly by the federal action and not merely the area involved in the action (50 CFR §402.02). The action area for HELISCH for this Biological Assessment is defined as the entire project footprint for R-2530B (Figure 5, Appendix A). Because conservation measures are part of the project, and the Uwharrie National Forest would be used to receive transplanted HELISH, the Uwharrie National Forest is included in the action area of this project, although not shown in Figure 5 due to scale. The area where the HELISCH may be affected is a small area (depicted in Figure 2, Appendix A) within the action area, southeast of Albemarle, between NC 24/27's intersections with SR 1720 (Valley Drive) and SR 1731 (Sweet Home Church Road). 5.2 Environmental Baseline The USFWS defines the environmental baseline as all past and present impacts of Federal, State, or private actions and other human activities in an action area. This baseline also includes 6 September 2018 Biological Assessrnent R-2530B, Staizly and Mon.tgornery Counties, NC anticipated impacts of all proposed Federal projects in an action area that have already undergone formal or early ESA §7 consultation and the impacts of State or private actions occurring at the same time as the consultation in process (USFWS and NMFS 1998). The environmental baseline for this project includes two documented NCNHP EOs, Nos. 14 and 243 (Figures 2, 3 and 4, Appendix A). The following table summarizes the existing documented occurrence at EO 243. Table 2. Schweinitz's 5unflower Site Summary for EO No. 243 Subpopulation HELISCH individuals Site area Density of HELISCH Total/No. in Flower (acres) (plants/acre) A 9/9 0.002 4,500 B 24/18 0.008 3,000 C 92/16 0.003 30,667* D 87/8 0.008 10,875* Total 212/51 0.021 1,010 *See Section 4.3 for explanation of higher densities in these subpopulations 5.3 Adverse Effects For purposes of this BA, adverse effects include direct, indirect, and cumulative effects as well as interrelated and interdependent actions. Consti�iction of the proposed project would result in direct adverse effects to EO 243. Total adverse effects incurred by this project could equate to the loss of up to 0.021 acre of occupied HELISCH habitat containing an estimated 2l2 HELISCH plants found in four distinct areas (Subpopulations A-D) associated with EO No. 243. The project's adverse effects are summarized on a site-by-site basis in Table 3 and discussed in detail below. The project may result in indirect or cumulative effects if any plants remain in the original EO area after construction. Table 3. Adverse Effects to Schweinitz's Sunflower EO No. 243 Site Estimated Direct Indirect Cumulative Total area Number Effects to Effects to Effects to Adverse (acres) of Stems HELISCH HELISCH HELISCH Effects to Site HELISCH Area Stems Area Ste� Area Stems Area Stems (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) A 0.002 9 0.002 9 0 0 0 0 0.002 9 B 0.008 24 0.008 24 0 0 0 0 0.008 24 C 0.003 92 0.003 92 0 0 0 0 0.003 92 D 0.008 87 0.008 87 0 0 0 0 0.008 87 Total 0.021 212 0.021 212 0 0 0 0 0.021 212 7 Septer�2ber 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC 5.3.1 Direct and Indirect Effects Direct effects are defined by USFWS as the direct or immediate effects of a project on the species or its habitat, and include direct construction impacts as well as interrelated and interdependent actions. Direct effects can be either negative or positive. For the purposes of this section, the adverse effects (i.e. negative impacts) are analyzed under direct and indirect effects (USFWS and NMFS 1998). Direct effects to a11212 HELISCH stems observed during the October 3, 2017 survey for EO No. 243 are anticipated based on the Action Area, which encompasses the maximum potential footprint of the project. Direct effects may include excavation, grading, and/or fill placement associated with project construction. The affected plants will be transplanted to a site that is approved by the Plant Conservation Program and the USFWS. The USFWS states that indirect effects are caused by or result from the proposed action later in time, are reasonably certain to occur, and occur outside the areas of direct effects (USFWS and NMFS 1998). Indirect effects may include, drainage impacts occurring over time or the encroachment of nonnative, invasive plant species within the HELISCH site. If HELISCH reestablishes in the area after construction; mowing within the right-of-way may be an indirect effect. 5.3.2 Interrelated and Interdependent Actions An interrelated activity is an activity that is part of, and depends upon, the proposed action for its justification. An interdependent activity has no independent utility apart from the action under consultation (USFWS and NMFS 1998). Utilities along NC 24/27 include telephone, power, gas, cable television, water, and sewer (NCDOT 2011). Within the bounds of EO 243, power, telephone, and cable television lines are suspended from utility poles and fiber optic lines are buried along the road shoulder. Potable water is located on the north side of the road where no HELISCH plants occur. Relocation of these utilities may occur prior to road construction, and adverse effects on HELISCH would constitute an interrelated impact. No effects to HELISCH from interdependent actions associated with this project are anticipated. 53.3 Cumulative Effects Cumulative effects include the effects of future actions that are reasonably certain to occur in the action area. Future Federal actions that are unrelated to the proposed action are not considered under these effects because they require separate consultation pursuant to ESA §7 (USFWS and NMFS 1998). Cumulative effects include residential, commercial, and industrial development. The proposed widening of NC 24/27 (TIP R-2527) will occur between the eastern terminus of this project and the Town of Troy in Montgomery County. Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. scientists most recently investigated the R-2527 study area in September and October 2017 and no individuals of HELISCH were observed. Therefore, no adverse cumulative effects are anticipated as the result of this project. 8 September 2018 Biological Assessment 6.0 CONSERVATION MEASURES R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC The NCDOT is required by ESA §7 to sequentially evaluate mitigative measures that avoid, minimize, and offset adverse effects to a federally protected species as the result of project construction. These conservation measures or actions are taken to benefit the recovery of listed species, and can include protective measures to minimize or compensate for effects to the species. 6.1 Avoidance and Minimization Since the Action Area as shown in Figure 5, Appendix A encompasses the m�imum anticipated footprint of the project, a complete take of EO 243 is assumed for the purposes of this BA. Minimization of impacts to this population during final design may include widening more to the eastern side to reduce impact, relocating plants prior to any site work being performed, and marking prior to utility relocations to either avoid the plants or require use of timber mats during those activities. However, evaluation of these minimization efforts will need to consider potential effects to other resources including aquatic resources (i.e. streams and wetlands) on the opposite side of the roadway. 6.2 Measures to Offset Adverse Effects In an effort to compensate for the loss of the HELISCH plants in their natural habitat, a plan is being developed to relocate the affected plants. Seeds from the plants will be collected and transferred to a USFWS approved facility for storage and future restoration efforts, and the affected plants themselves will be dug up at the appropriate time prior to the project let. The plants will be moved to a location with appropriate habitat, yet to be determined, within the Uwharrie National Forest. North Carolina regulations specify that activities such as collecting, selling/trading, and purchasing protected plant species require a permit or certificate of origin issued by the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDACS). A NC Plant Conservation Program (PCP) permit will be required prior to any transplant activities. No transplantation activities will occur without the receipt of an approved PCP permit. Monitoring reports detailing all monitoring results and any appropriate management activities undertaken to help preserve and protect the transplant area's occupied habitat will be submitted to the USFWS at the end of each monitoring period. The 2017 survey completed for EO No. 243 will fulfill the pre-construction, environmental baseline monitoring effort for that occurrence, with submittal of this BA, in lieu of a monitoring report. The transplant area's pre-construction, environmental baseline monitoring survey will occur during transplanting activities, with a transplant/management plan submitted to the USFWS in lieu of a monitoring report. 7.0 CONCLUSION Biological Conclusion: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect The number of plants that could be directly affected by this project (212 stems) is considered insignificant compared to the total number of plants known to occur within the 85 populations documented in North and South Carolina for this species. However, in order to minimize overall 9 September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC losses to this species, the HELISCH to be affected by this project will be relocated to an area with appropriate habitat and permanent protection within the Uwharrie National Forest. Formal consultation is requested for this project. Based on the potential adverse effects that the proposed project will have on HELISCH, as well as the current range-wide status of the species, the NCDOT renders a Biological Conclusion of May Affect - Likely to Adversely Affect. 10 September 2018 Biological Assessment 8.0 REFERENCES R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC NCDOT. 2012. Biological Assessment, NC 24/27 Troy Bypass from NC 24/27 just west of SR 1138 (Dairy Road) to just west of the Little River, Montgomery County, North Carolina. Federal Aid No. STP-24(6). State Project No. 8.R551001. TIP No. R-0623. NCDOT. 2011. Environmental Assessment, NC 24/27 from NC 740 in Albermarle to the Proposed Troy Bypass (R-623), west of Troy, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, North Carolina. Federal Aid No. BRSTP-0024(33) — B-4974. WBS Elements 34446.1.6, 39922.1.1, & 35572.1.1. TIP Projects R-2530B, B-4974, and R-2527. Schafale, M.P. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Fourth Approximation. Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. 208 pp. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. 325 pp. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2017. Web Soil Survey http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda._o�v/a�/WebSoilSurvey.aspx. (accessed December 22, 2017) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Schweinitz's Sunflower Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlanta, GA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Recovery Plan for Smooth Coneflower (Echinacea laevigata). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlanta, GA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Nation Marine Fisheries Service. (USFWS and NMFS). 1998. Final Endangered Species Act Consultation Handbook: Procedures for Conducting Section 7 Consultations and Conferences. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010. Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. http://www.fws. �ov/southeast/Syearreviews/Syearreviews/20100825 °Io20helisch.pdf U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2017. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Montgomery County, North Carolina. Updated September 13, 2017. https://www.fws.gov/ralei�pecies/cntylist/mont o�mer, .h� (Accessed: December 22, 2017). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2017. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Stanly County, North Carolina. 11 September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC Updated September 13, 2017. https://www.fws.�ov/ralei�pecies/cntylist/stanl..h� (Accessed: December 22, 2017). 12 September 2018 Biological Assessment R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC 9.0 LIST OF INVESTIGATORS AND PREPARERS Investigator: Matthew M. Haney Education: B.S. Natural Resources-Ecosystem Assessment, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Experience: N.C. Dept. of Transportation Oct. 1999-present N.C. Forest Service May 1998-August 1998 Expertise Investigator: Education: Experience: U.S. Forest Service, Center for Farested Wetlands Research May 1997-August 1997 Section 7 field investigations, NEPA documentation, wetland and aquatic investigations, protected species (terrestriaUaquatic) surveys Michael Sanderson B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Science, North Carolina State University Environmental Senior Specialist, NCDOT Apri12004- present Wildlife Research Biologist, Down to Earth Environmental, February- June, 2003 Wildlife Research Technician, NC Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research unit, 1991-1999 Biological Science Technician (Wildlife), US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1995- 1997 Expertise: Bird surveys, behavioral analysis, habitat use/evaluation, Section 7 field investigations, protected species (terrestrial/aquatic) surveys, Wetland delineation, Scuba Certified Investigator: Education: Experience: Expertise Investigator: Education: Experience: Expertise Rob Crowther B.S. Environmental Resources Management, 2014 Environmental Scientist, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc., 2015-Present Field Assistant, Virginia Tech, 2014 Wetland delineation, natural communities assessment, Section 7 field investigations , protected species surveys Chris Hopper B.S. Natural Resource Mgmt. & Engineering, 1997 Senior Scientist, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. 2015-Present Senior Scientist/Project Professional, Kleinfelder Southeast 2012-2015 Environmental Officer, Chatham County 2011-2012 Robert J. Goldstein & Assoc. 1998-2011 Wetland delineation, natural communities assessment, NEPA documentation, Section 7 field investigations and consultation documentation, , protected species surveys 13 September 2018 Biological Assessment Investigator: Education: Experience: Expertise: Jackson Mathis R-2530B, Stanly and Montgomery Counties, NC B.S. Natural Resources, 2016 Environmental Scientist, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc., June 2017-Present Project Scientist, SEPI Engineering, January 2017-June 2017 Intern, KCI Technologies, 2014-2016 Wetland delineation, natural communities assessment, Section 7 field investigations, protected species surveys Investigator: Phil May Education: B.S. Biology, 1992 Experience: Senior Scientist, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc., 2006-Present Senior Scientist, HDR Engineering, Inc., 2001-2006 Staff Scientist, GN Richardson & Assoc. 1995-2001 Expertise: Wetland delineation, natural communities assessment, NEPA documentation, Section 7�eld investigations and consultation documentation, protected species surveys Investigator: Greg Price, PWS Education: M.S. Biology, 1989 Experience: Senior Scientist, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc., 2016-Present Natural Resources Specialist, Froehling & Robertson, 2015-2016 Environmental Specialist, NCDOT-NES, 2006-2015 Senior Biologist, Buck Engineering, 2000-2006 Water Quality Specialist, City of Durham, 1997-2000 Environmental Biologist, NCDWQ, 1991-1997 Expertise: Wetland delineation, natural communities assessment, NEPA documentation, Section 7 field investigations and consultation documentation, protected species surveys 14 September 2018 Appendix A Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. H. Schweinitzii EO Locations Figure 3. H. Schweinitzii EO 14 Figure 4. H. Schweinitzii EO 243 Figure 5. Action Areas 15 September 2018 �J} � � � � �" �� .� �'' ,� '+ + y� ��x � �b� �' �Y� ."'�• . �� ��.1 � L'�1 , . � �' �. ,. hv: ��t n,� �, 9- � �,1's� f F �, { � '� * � ' �ti� . , �. .� ��` � 1 x ��a' u� � � ��� �,$?' � ,�� ►< �r�"`� ��� � �} r � i+ t.� y i ` Yy i�{yl 1 � `` S,,,�} � ,� `� � i s.,.� . � 'q. � , � e `S � ?�' � `:&� �4�`1, �z`"� s � � t � i 5�',� : � �t ; `� ��.,. a . `� � . � °` ri - L'�, t .d �g _ i�t � � � E' �t >.r� M: 1 r � � F �_ x' - -` � u �h,L �. ti�� :. Vt � � I� ��, ��^ ^R i ;� � �`'� 9p w? �� . y � k�._': � 1 � }.., .�j . 4 r�l' M Y' (� Y � �' � l.� i t��� '� r M, '; P' .� s I '�' ,, v .�. a t, ��,� -�- �'�t � � a � :', � �ti � �` t � �� �.�, �,��j,, a��,���� �s ,� `�' t _� `�r r ;a,4�' �, .::p. ,�4; 1yR���;� �, !�.. v��. ��i�;��1 � L � .��y k�=. � .. �t .� � � ,f . ;� � K ! 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H � o, / � - . .� �JP �:i ��t � _ t� -r � ..`�zYi ��t. . � ���. �'�'�. � � : �4 � . •''` `{, v' I a N CAli�f-+l lY� � Miles � Schweinitz's sunl7ower Action Area Bald Eagle Action Area ���S���Ei�� 0 0.25 0.5 2015 NC Statewide Aerial Photographs RCW Action Area Map Date: September 2018 Revised: Revised: Revised: TIP R-2530B Stanly and Montgomery Counties Figure 5: Action Areas Appendix B Previous NCDOT Projects Affecting Schweinitz's Sunflowers • EO 22. Intersection of Rea Road Extension with Marvin Weddington Road, Union County. 210 plants were moved to McDowell Nature Preserve in 1995 by Jim Matthews with permission from USFWS. • EO 22. U-2506, Rea Road Extension, Union County. Approximately 316 stems (8 subpopulations) of Schweinitz's Sunflower were moved to McDowell Nature Preserve after USFWS consultation. • EO 031. U-2510, Widening of Providence Road (NC 16), Mecklenburg County. Following Section 7 Consultation with the USFWS, the impacted plants were moved to Latta Plantation Park and McDowell Nature Preserve in 1996. • EO 35. W-2958, US 29, Mecklenburg County, 171 plants moved to Latta Plantation for new turn lanes and water line. • EO 54. Abner Road paving, Randolph County. Roughly 2000 plants were moved to private property in the year 2000 by the NC Zoo, NCPCP and NCDOT. No consultation with USFWS (no federal nexus). • EO 29. Mountain View Church Road paving, Randolph County. In 2001, over one thousand plants were moved to an adjacent, permanent conservation easement area by the NC Zoo, NCDOT and NCPCP. No federal nexus, no consultation with USFWS. The property is being managed by the North Carolina Zoo. • EO 64. Page Road widening, Montgomery County. Roughly 70 plants were removed from the right-of-way in a hastily organized rescue in 2002. No consultation with USFWS (no federal nexus). Some plants may have been impacted before the rescue. • EO 15. Trail's End Lane paving, Mecklenburg County. Sixty-one plants were moved off the road right-of-way in 2002. No federal nexus, no consultation with USFWS. • EO 99. Orrell Road, Stokes County. 506 plants were removed in the fall of 2005 due to a road paving project. Most of the plants were moved to Hanging Rock State Park on March 7, 2006; the remaining plants (30) were placed on private property. No federal nexus. • EO 124. Surratt Road, Davidson County. 2085 Sunflowers were transplanted to the adjacent Surratt Road conservation area due to a proposed paving project in late 2006. • EO 208. R-2606A, High Point Connector, Randolph County. A small Sunflower population of 91 stems, discovered in 2006, was transplanted to a Sunflower conservation area in Randolph County, Caraway Mountain, which was purchased by NCDOT. • EO 109.73. U-3401, Asheboro intersection improvements, Randolph County. A portion of this population (172 stems, 48 clumps) was transplanted in 2007 to a Sunflower conservation area in Randolph County, Caraway Mountain, which was purchased by NCDOT. • EO 104.103. R-2123CE, I-485/I-85 Interchange Modifications, Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Counties. Seventeen plants relocated to Mallard Creek Road protected area. • EO 141.180. R-0623, Troy Bypass, Montgomery County. Five plants relocated to Uwharrie National Forest property near Troy, NC. 21 September 2018 Appendix C NCNHP Endangered and Rare Plant Field Survey Form 22 September 2018 NORTH CAROLINA Natural Her�tage Program SCIENCE GUIDING CONSEiiVATION Rare Plant Form Contact Information Name Agency/Affiliation Street Address City ST Zip Code Phone PVease subr�it this form by e�aim: natural.heritage@ncdcr.gov Or mail: N.C. Na�uraf Fieritage Program Rare Plant Form 1651 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1651 Matt Haney, Environmental Senior Spe NCDOT Biological Surveys Group NCDOT Mail Service Center 1598 Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 919-707-6122 E-Mail Address mmhaney@ncdot.gov Observation Information Scientific Name Common Name EO Number (if updating existing) Survey Location DATE SUBMITTED Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's Sunflower 243 Latitude 35.3356 Longitude -80.1354 (decimal degrees) County Stanly Landowner NCDOT Date(s) of Observation October 3, 2017 Observer(s) Matt Haney, NCDOT Chris Hopper, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. Greg Price, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. Observation Description: 1. Site Name (if this is within previously identified site): EO No. 243 2. Site location and directions (please provide a specific written description and also provide a shapefile, kmz file, or attach copy of map with site marked): This population of H. schweinitzii is located west of NC 24/27, 0.3 mile north of the intersection of NC 24/27 and SR 1720. The population is located along the shoulder adjacent to NC 24/27. 3. Number of individuals: 212 stems were directly counted (due to recent mowing, the number of individuals was not possible to determine). Define individual (stem, clump, etc.): Stem/clump with some single stemmed individuals within the population. 4. Size of area in which population occurs: 0.021 acre. 5. Estimate whether the entire population was surveyed, or only a portion: The entire population was surveyed. 6. Estimated Population Viability (circle one): Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Failed to find 7. Population Viability Comments: Considering the general lack of flowering individuals, small occupied area compared to the apparent suitable habitat, and the recent and potential human and natural threats, the viability of this population was considered fair. 8. Phenology (include % or # in each stage): 76% vegetative 9. Evidence of reproduction: 0% fruit 10. Reproduction Comments: 0% bud 0% seedlings 24% flower 0% clonal/vegetative No evidence of reproduction. Most of the individuals counted were short immature stems caused by recent inappropriate mowing. 11. Habitat (NC NHP natural community name and description, if known; include quality, soils, geology, etc.): The natural community where H. schweinitzii is found is significantly and regularly disturbed and is not classified by NC NHP. The NRCS Web Soil Survey lists the soil series mapped in this location as Tarrus gravelly loam (Subpopulations A— C) and Badin channery silt loam (Subpopulation D) soils. 12. Associated species: Ambrosia artemissifo/ia, Andropogon �irginicus, Bidens aristosa, Cornus florida, Fraxinus pennsy/vanica, Liquidambar styraciflua, Lonicera japonica, Muscadinia rotundifolia, Pinus taeda, Pinus virginiana, Prunus serotina, Pseudognapha/ium obtusifolium, Quercus a/ba, Quercus rubra, Rhus copallinum, Rubus sp., Saccharum giganteum, Solidago sp., and Symphyotrichum dumosum. 13. Invasive species noted & degree of threat from invasive species: Lonicera japonica is located within and near this population of H, schweinitzii. This invasive species is a potential threat due to its ability to quickly grow in a dense manner. Overall threat due to invasive species is low. 14. Area of apparently suitable habitat (suitable for, but not necessarily occupied by the species): Suitable habitat is widely available all along NC 24/27 corridor. 15. If the population is within a Right-of-Way, does suitable habitat exist outside Right-of-Way? No suitable habitat exists adjacent to this EO outside existing rights-of-way. 16. Topographic position (examples: crest, mid slope, alluvial, etc): Base of slope and mid slope, adjacent to roadway. 17. Moisture regime (examples: inundated, dry, seasonally wet, etc): Dry 18. Light (examples: open, woodland, closed canopy, etc): Mostly open with some encroachment of saplings in northwestern most portion of population (Subpopulation A). 19. Other information: The population has been divided into 4 distinct subpopulations (A-D). Subpopulation A is in the less managed area with 5 year old saplings (9 H, schweinitzii plants). Subpopulation B has 24 H. schweinitzii plants and is more open. Subpopulations C and D are located within the ��Do Not Mow" signs but are being mowed inappropriately. These subpopulations have 92 and 87 H. schweinitzii plants, respectively, with mostly immature H, schweinitzii plants. 20. Protection / management needs and opportunities: For protection purposes, this population will need to be transplanted prior to the proposed widening of NC 24/27. Currently the entire population is within the construction footprint of the proposed widening. A Biological Assessment (BA) has been prepared as part of the formal consultation process with US Fish and Wildlife Service. If the BA results in a favorable Biological Opinion (BO), the population would be transplanted on the Uwharrie National Forest property in Montgomery County. The affected plants will be transplanted to a site that is approved by the Plant Conservation Program and the USFWS. 21. Landowner(s), if known: 22. Specimens collected? (permits are required for federal or state listed species) No specimens were collected from this population. Collection #: N/A Repository: N/A