HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study_20151130PotashCorp' Helping Nature Provide Certified Mail November 24, 2015 Ms. Karen Higgins 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit Supervisor NC DEQ Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study for PCS Phosphate Dear Ms. Higgins: 20016 u ftZS v 4. PotashCorp - Atirora ,V Nov 3 p zor5 1 The NC Division of Water Quality (now Division of Water Resources) issued to PCS Phosphate (PCS) 401 Certification No. 3771, DWQ #2008-0868 version 2.0 on January 15, 2009, for our mine continuation in Beaufort County. Language within the second paragraph of Condition 9 of the Certification, talking about the 1,145 -foot wide mining corridor through the narrowest portion of the Bonnerton Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest states: "A detailed stratigraphy study shall be done on both sides and throughout the area to be mined in order to determine the presence, extent and permability of any aquitards and aquicludes (mainly clay -based) within the mining corridor." Condition 9 also states "Additional written approval is needed from DWQ before this stratigraphic study is done or restoration is initiated." The plan for the study was approved by DWR in your letter dated July 6, 2015, and geotechnical work was begun later that month. Enclosed are two copies of the final report by Groundwater Management Associates, Inc titled "Site Investigation Report, Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study, PotashCorp-Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina". We will now utilize this report to develop and submit a reclamation and revegetation plan for this mining corridor through the Bonnerton hardwood forest. If you have any questions, please call me at (252) 322-8249, or email at jfurness@pcsphosphate.com. Sincerely, f re . Furness Senior Scientist Enclosure 1530 NC Hwy 306 South, Aurora, NC USA 27805 T (252) 322-4111 PotashCorp. I www.potashcorp.com Pc: Anthony Scarbraugh — DWR, Washington w/encl. 23-01-004-29 w/encl. T.L. Baker w/encl. M. Brom w/o encl. R. Smith w/o encl. J. Pierce w/o encl. R. Jenner w/encl. T. Cvetan w/encl. Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp - Aurora Beaufort County, North Carolina 'Wt PotashCorp_ AURORA Prepared For: PotashCorp Aurora 1530 NC Highway 306 South Aurora, North Carolina 27806 Prepared By: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc. 4300 Sapphire Court Suite 100 Greenville, North Carolina 27834 GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. GMA Project #43626 November 16, 2015 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................i 2.0 Scone of Work.........................................................................................i 3.0 Local Geologic Setting............................................................................2 3.1 Importance of the Gumbo Clay Confining Laver...............................4 4.0 Site Investigation Plan...........................................................................5 5.0 Site Investigation Results.......................................................................6 5.1 Core Drilling and Geologic Mai Inng Data......................................6 5.2 Materials Testing Data..................................................................7 5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity Testing Data.............................................8 5.4 Pre -Mining Water-Levels...............................................................9 6.0 Report Certification..............................................................................11 7.0 List of References.................................................................................12 Figure 1. PotashCorp Site Facilities Map Figure 2. Bonnerton Mining Corridor Figure 3. Biotic Communities Map for Modified Alternative L, Bonnerton Tract Figure 4 Expanded View of Mining Corridor and Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest Areas Figure 5. General Geologic Section - PCS Phosphate Figure 6. Existing PotashCorp Boring Location Map - Bonnerton Tract Figure 7. Project Boring and Monitoring Well Location Map Figure S. Structure Contour Map of the Top of Farmers Clay Unit Figure 9. Thickness Contour Map of the Farmers Clay Unit Figure 10. Structure Contour Map of the Top of Post-Croatan Sand Unit Figure 11. Thickness Contour Map of the Post-Croatan Sand Unit Figure 12. Structure Contour Map of the Top of Gumbo Clay Unit Figure 13. Thickness Contour Map of the Gumbo Clay Unit Figure 14. Cross Section A - A' and B - B' Trace Location Map Figure 15. Cross Section A - A' Figure 16. Cross Section B - B' Figure 17. Farmers Clay Unit Size Fraction Percentage Chart Figure 18. Post-Croatan Sand Unit Size Fraction Percentage Chart Figure 19. Gumbo Clay Unit Size Fraction Percentage Chart Figure 20. Gumbo Clay Slug Testing Data Plot for E-3 Figure 21. Gumbo Clay Slug Testing Data Plot for W-3 Figure 22. Corridor Equipotential .Map, 07-28-2015 Page i Auoendices Appendix A. Geologic Coring Logs Appendix B. Graphic Geologic Coring Logs Appendix C. Photographic Records of Core Drilling and Well Drilling Activities (CD-ROM disk) Appendix D. Terracon Materials Testing Data Reports Appendix E. Piezometer Well and Slug Test Well Construction Diagrams Appendix F. Slug Testing Monitoring Log Forms Page 11 Site investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 1.0 Introduction PotashCorp — Aurora (PCS) operates a phosphate mining operation near the town of Aurora in Beaufort County, North Carolina. The mining operation has been active since 1965 and it provides the raw material used for processing in the PCS Aurora chemical facilities. Fertilizers are the primary product produced at the site. Mining of the phosphate ore is accomplished by open pit mining methods. PCS will soon begin relocating its mining operations from the current area of mining to the Bonnerton tract (Figure 1). The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ-DWR) requires that a detailed stratigraphic study be performed within, and on both sides, of a 1,145 -foot wide mining corridor at the Bonnerton Tract (Figure 2). The purpose of this permit requirement by the NCDEQ-DWR is to determine the presence, extent, and permeability of any aquitards and aquicludes within the mining corridor. An aquitard is a zone within the earth that restricts the flow of groundwater. A completely impermeable aquitard is called an aquiclude. Aquicludes do not exist in the coastal plain of North Carolina. Aquitards consist of layers of either clay or non -porous rock with low hydraulic conductivity. For the purpose of this report, GMA will use the term confining layer to refer to aquitards. The information in this report will be used to develop a plan for the restoration of each of these confining layers, and this information shall be included with a re - vegetation plan in order to ensure that pre -mining hydrology is re-established in the mining corridor. A site investigation plan was provided to NCDEQ-DWR for written approval before the stratigraphic study was initiated. PCS requested that Groundwater Management Associates, Inc. (GMA) develop the site investigation plan to address the requirements of NCDEQ-DWR. The site investigation plan was submitted to PCS representatives on March 24, 2015, and was approved by NCDEQ-DWR on July 6, 2015. NCDEQ-DWR determined that the areas on either side of the mining corridor are a Non- Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (NRWHF) and must be avoided by the mining operations. The NRWHF locations are designated as wetland hardwood forest (7) on the Biotic Communities Map for the Modified Alternative L mine permit boundary at Bonnerton (Figure 3). Expanded views of the NRWHF areas and the mining corridor (study area) are shown on Figure 4. 2.0 Scope of work GMA's scope of work included the following major tasks; • Review the local geology and stratigraphy of the study area. • Conduct a core drilling program to map the local stratigraphy of the study area. • Construct monitoring wells to establish the existing water -levels. Page 1 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 • Obtain grain size analyses of representative sediments comprising the stratigraphic units in the study area. Determine the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of any aquitards within the study area. 3.0 Local Geologic Setting The local geologic setting near the PCS site is well documented. The phosphate operations rely on detailed geologic information for developing mine plans, determining metallurgical characteristics, and estimating phosphate ore reserves. Exploratory core drilling to gather geologic information for these purposes started in the early 1960s and continues to this day. The PCS mine lies within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain is a broad, relatively flat region comprising the eastern third of the State. Local topography is very flat, with local relief of only about 20 feet between upland plateau areas and tributaries. Maximum natural relief is approximately 40 feet (not considering mine reclamation areas and mine -related spoil piles, such as the gypsum stacks). The natural land surface largely owes its origin to a number of sea -level advances and retreats that occurred throughout the Pleistocene Epoch (<1.8 million years ago). These sea -level fluctuations created broad and generally flat terraces that slope gently to the east. Streams and rivers have incised these terraces to create the current topographic character of the area. The Coastal Plain Province is underlain by marine, estuarine, and terrestrial sediments (up to 10,000 feet thick at Cape Hatteras) that were deposited over the past 200 million years. The mine property is underlain by approximately 2,500 feet of Cretaceous to Recent -aged sediments and sedimentary rocks that were deposited on top of pre -Mesozoic aged (>250 - million years) volcanic basement rocks (Lawrence and Hoffman, 1993). Overlying the Cretaceous sediments is a sequence of Cenozoic -aged (<65 million years) sediments of dominantly marine origin. These include significant beds of sand, shelly clay and fossiliferous sandy limestone. The Cenozoic sediments have been hydrostratigraphically subdivided into four aquifers locally, including (from deep to shallow): the Castle Hayne Aquifer, the Pungo River Aquifer, the Yorktown Aquifer, and the Surficial Aquifer. These aquifers contain fresh water in inland areas, and are important sources for local and regional water supplies. Table 1 lists the principal local aquifers that occur beneath the PCS mine and describes the characteristics of these aquifers. Page 2 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 Table 1: Local Aquifers near the PCS Mine Aquifer Formations and Ages Character and Use This aquifer occurs as a veneer (up to 70 feet Surficial Sediments and thick) of sandy to clayey sediments, locally 3 James City Formation fossiliferous with shell hash. The aquifer (Pleistocene to Recent) covers the entire County, except in areas 0 L. where deeply incised streams and rivers cut �°, _________________________________ into underlying units. Clays within the unit tend to serve as confining layers and restrict .0 recharge to underlying aquifers. The aquifer tE Yorktown Formation is not currently used as a significant U)(Pliocene) groundwater source. It may be used sporadically for irrigation and private residential water supply. This fine-grained unit is composed of interbedded phosphatic clays, diatomaceous Pungo River Formation clays, phosphatic limestones, silty claystones, L w (Miocene) coquinas, calcareous clays, and phosphatic O's sands. It is not a major water -producing C a aquifer, but can supply usable quantities of CL water to some local wells. Phosphate from this formation is obtained by open -pit mining at the PCS Mine. The Castle Hayne Formation is a sandy E Castle Hayne Formation limestone and is characteristically highly . c (Eocene) fossiliferous (molluscan mold to bryozoan/echinoid skeletal). The aquifer L typically has a hard cap rock of well -indurated R '412 limestone. The upper limestone unit has very M Q 'a high permeability. Middle to lower sections of the unit may be less indurated and have _________________________________________ higher sand_and- clay contents._____ The Castle Hayne Aquifer is the most extensively used aquifer in the area. The largest single user of the Castle Hayne Aquifer is PCS, due to the need for depressurization of the aquifer to allow for safe, dry mining conditions. The local stratigraphy from land surface to the top of the Castle Hayne Aquifer is described on the General Geologic. Section (Figure 5) (Gilmore, 2014). Page 3 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 The upper stratigraphy, from land surface to the principal confining layer, is the area of primary interest for this stratigraphic investigation. The units that comprise the Surficial Aquifer at the site consist of mottled orange, tan to light gray, muddy fine sands (Farmers Clay unit) and blue -gray to dark gray, muddy fine sands, occasionally with small fossil mulinia shells (Post-Croatan Sand unit). The Farmers Clay unit is a Holocene -age sediment and the Post-Croatan Sand unit is a Pleistocene -age sediment. Immediately below the Post-Croatan Sand unit is the primary confining unit for the Surficial Aquifer, locally known as the Gumbo Clay unit (Pleistocene). The Gumbo Clay unit is blue - gray to dark gray and black, organic -rich mud. This unit is typically very greasy to plastic in nature and intermittently may contain sand and silt streaks along with sporadic fossil oyster shells. Below the Gumbo Clay unit is a layer of clean, fine to coarse, angular, quartz sand, locally known as the Sugar Sand unit (Pleistocene). Immediately below the Sugar Sand unit is the James City Formation, also known locally as the Croatan Formation (Pleistocene). This unit is typically a coarse textured, blue-green to gray, muddy shell hash and contains a variety of fossil shells and coral fragments. This shell hash is known locally as the Shell Bed. PCS removes the upper overburden to the top of the Shell Bed in order to establish a stable, well -drained surface for their mining equipment. The James City Formation overlies the Yorktown Formation (Pliocene). The Yorktown Formation overlies the Pungo River Formation (Miocene), and the Yorktown Formation _ - comprises the majority of the overburden removed in, the mine. The Pungo River Formation contains the phosphate ore that is mined at PCS. The two basal units of The Pungo River Formation are not mined and unconformably overlie the Castle Hayne Limestone (Eocene) at the mine. Formations below the Sugar Sand unit are extensive throughout the area, are well defined and are not part of the site investigation plan. 3.1 Importance of the Gumbo Clay Confining Layer Locally, the Gumbo Clay unit is the primary confining layer marking the base of the unconfined Surficial Aquifer. Therefore, it is important to understand the extent and properties of the Gumbo Clay unit in the proposed mining corridor. The stratigraphy for the upper and lower horizons of the Gumbo Clay unit must be evaluated in detail to determine the thickness of the Gumbo Clay unit. The Gumbo Clay unit is quite variable in thickness, and its surface elevation relative to mean sea level (MSL) also varies. Existing core samples collected within the Bonnerton tract indicate the approximate range in thickness for the Gumbo Clay is 2 to 28 feet, with an average thickness averages 10.7 feet. The upper surface elevation varies from -9 feet MSL to +19 feet MSL, and it averages +0.4 feet MSL. Page 4 Site Investigation Report Bonnertan Stratigraphy Study PotoshCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 The area for the stratigraphic investigation covered in the current study is the mining corridor and the adjacent NRWHF areas (Figure 2). GMA reviewed the existing stratigraphic information from previous core sample borings completed by PCS at the Bonnerton tract to help determine where additional borings were needed to properly characterize the stratigraphy at the site. The 10 additional borings drilled in 2015 are identified as E-1 through E-5 and W-1 through W-5 (Figure 6). No pre -mining water -levels are available for the Surficial Aquifer in the study area. Therefore, GMA assessed pre -mining Surficial Aquifer water -levels through the installation of monitoring wells. Shallow piezometer wells were constructed at the 10 additional boring sites to determine the pre -mining water -levels. Grain size analyses of the Farmers Clay, Post-Croatan Sand, and Gumbo Clay layers were completed to determine the grain size distribution of these units throughout the site. This was necessary because no materials testing of these units had been performed previously within the study area. In addition, vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity (permeability) testing of the Gumbo Clay layer was needed at the site because no previous permeability data existed for this unit within the study area. 4.0 Site Investiciation Plan GMA reviewed aerial mapping data and geologic core drilling information provided by PCS for the Bonnerton tract, and we determined that the site investigation plan should include the following steps: • Complete core sampling at 10 locations within the mining corridor to the base of the Gumbo Clay unit (Figure 7). • Complete a photographic record of all core samples taken within the mining corridor. • Retain a representative number of core samples to perform grain size and permeameter analyses of the stratigraphic units from the land surface to the base of the Gumbo Clay unit. • Determine the pre -mining water -levels in the Surficial Aquifer within the mining corridor by constructing 10 piezometer wells (Figure 7). • Determine the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the Gumbo Clay unit within the mining corridor by conducting instantaneous change in head tests (slug tests) at select well locations. • Prepare a site investigation report describing the methodology for achieving the objectives of the permit conditions, including groundwater monitoring plans to support future efforts of restoration of the pre -mining hydrology of the site. Paue Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 Information for the site investigation report addresses the local stratigraphy, hydrostratigraphy, materials testing data, vertical and horizontal permeability of stratigraphic units, and the pre -mining water -levels in the Surficial Aquifer. The site investigation report includes the following: Geologic core drilling logs of the 10 core samples. Photographic log of the 10 core samples. Geologic cross-sections, isopach maps, and structure contour maps of the stratigraphic units from land surface to the base of the Gumbo Clay unit. Grain size analyses of the upper stratigraphic units. Vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity testing results (slug tests and/or -- permeameter tests) of the Gumbo Clay unit. Pre -mining water levels obtained from the piezometer wells, and a potentiometric surface map. A post -mining groundwater monitoring plan for water -levels in Surficial Aquifer. 5.0 Site Investigation Results 5.1 Core Drilling and Geologic Mapping Data Core drilling activities to determine the stratigraphy in the mining corridor was completed in - July 2015. A pathway was cleared and drilling was completed using a Geoprobe 6620 DT drill rig. The site preparation and clearing work removed a few inches of top soil at most of the drilling sites. Geoprobe sampling is performed by advancing a coring tube, equipped with a clear plastic core liner, through the subsurface by direct push/percussion methods. Core sample diameter was 1.85 inches. Sample tubes were taken in five-foot intervals starting at i the land surface. All core hole locations and elevations were surveyed by the PCS survey crew. Geologic core logs are included in Appendix A, and graphic geologic logs are included in Appendix B. Photographic records of the core drilling activities are included in Appendix C on a CD-ROM disk. The stratigraphy studied in the mining corridor included three distinct geologic units known locally as: 1) Farmers Clay unit, 2) Post-Croatan Sand unit, and 3) Gumbo Clay unit. The Farmers Clay unit is primarily a silty, clayey, fine sand, and it is consistently found in the mining corridor. The top elevation of the Farmers Clay unit averages +14.8 MSL within the mining corridor (Figure 8) and averages 7.4 feet in thickness within the mining corridor f (Figure 9). The Farmers Clay Unit typically is mottled orange, tan, and gray, and it contains roots and other organic debris (resulting from bioturbation). The Farmers Clay unit contains interbedded thin fine sand and clay layers. Some near -surface clay layers in the Farmers Clay unit can locally inhibit infiltration of surface water and may lead to ponding of surface water. These thin clay layers are laterally discontinuous and have variable thickness. Page 6 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 The Post-Croatan Sand unit is primarily a slightly shelly, silty, clayey, fine sand, and it is consistently found across the mining corridor. The top elevation of the Post-Croatan Sand unit averages +7.3 MSL within the mining corridor (Figure 10) and averages 9.2 feet in thickness within the mining corridor (Figure 11). The Post-Croatan Sand is gray to blue -gray in color and contains small percentages of abraded Mulinia (sp.) bivalve shell fossils. The Gumbo Clay unit is primarily a sandy, silty, clay, and it is consistently found across the mining corridor. The top elevation of the Gumbo Clay unit averages -1.9 MSL within the mining corridor (Figure 12), and the unit averages 11.9 feet in thickness (Figure 13). The Gumbo Clay unit is typically dark gray to blue -gray, and is very greasy and plastic in the area of the mining corridor. The Gumbo Clay is the principle confining layer marking the base of the Surficial Aquifer in the area of the mining corridor. Beneath the Gumbo Clay unit is the Sugar Sand unit. The Sugar Sand unit consists of clean, _ fine to coarse, angular quartz sand. Because the Sugar Sand lies beneath the confining layer, it is not pertinent to the objectives of this study. Two cross-sections of the stratigraphy of the mining corridor were completed (Figure 14). Cross-section A — A' was completed for the west side of the mining corridor (Figure 15), and cross-section B — B' was completed for the east side of the mining corridor (Figure 16). 5.2 Materials Testing Data Terracon Labs in Greenville, North Carolina conducted materials testing of samples selected by GMA from the 10 cores. The testing consisted of grain -size distribution analyses for each of the stratigraphic units studied in the mining corridor. The materials testing results are included in Appendix D. Size fraction percentages (by weight) were summarized and graphed for each stratigraphic unit over the 10 boring locations. The sand size fraction - shown on the graphs is the total of the coarse, medium and fine sand ranges since the fine sand percentage is by far the predominant size portion. The materials testing results are based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The Farmers Clay unit grain -size fractions resulted in an average of 0.0% gravel sized material, 55.6% sand sized material, 14.3% silt sized material, and 30.1% clay sized material. The variation in size fractions for the Farmers Clay unit was graphed for all 10 borings (Figure 17). The Post-Croatan Sand unit grain -size fractions resulted in an average of 1.2% gravel sized material, 86.1% sand sized material, 4.6% silt sized material, and 8.1% clay sized material. The variation in size fractions for the Post-Croatan Sand unit was graphed for all 10 borings T (Figure 18). Page 7 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotoshCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 The Gumbo Clay unit grain -size fractions resulted in an average of 0.0% gravel sized material, 7.7% sand sized material, 30.5% silt sized material, and 61.9% clay sized material. The variation in size fractions for the Gumbo Clay unit was graphed for all 10 borings (Figure 19). The list of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards used by Terracon Labs to analyze the soils is included at the end of Appendix D. 5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity Testing Data To determine the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the Gumbo Clay, Terracon Labs conducted permeability testing from representative samples on every other core sample. The results of the Terracon vertical permeability testing results are included in Appendix D. The summary of the vertical hydraulic conductivity testing results for the Gumbo Clay unit is provided in Table 2. Table Z; Summary of Gumbo Clay Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity Kv) Testing Boring # Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity E-1 8.31 x 10-e cm/sec 2.36 x 10-4 ft/day E-3 1.08 x 10-7 cm/sec 3.06 x 10-9 ft/day E-5 2.56 x 10-' cm/sec 7.26 x 10-9 ft/day W-1 1.29 x 10-' cm/sec 3.66 x 10-4 ft/day W-3 6.74 x 10-8 cm/sec 1.91 x 10'4 ft/day W-5 3.90 x 10-8 cm/sec 1.11 x 10-4 ft/day A verage 1.14 x f 0 -7 em/seC 3.23 x 10 -4 ft/da y To determine the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the Gumbo Clay, slug testing was performed on the two-inch diameter wells screened within the Gumbo Clay (E-3 and W-3). Slug testing was performed on September 8-10, 2015 by lowering a solid metal "slug" (a 1 5/8 inch diameter by either 7 foot or 3 foot long solid metal cylinder) below the static water level into each well. The lowering of the slugs into the wells displaced a volume of water in the well equal to the volume of the slug thereby increasing the water level in the well. The water levels were allowed to drop back to their respective static water levels and equilibrate for an approximate period of 24 hours. The slugs were then pulled from the wells inducing drawdown within the wells, which is equivalent to removing a volume of water from the well equivalent to the volume of the slug. PaL,e 8 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotoshCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 Following removal of the slugs, recovering water levels were measured and recorded utilizing a pressure transducer. The slug test monitoring log forms are included in Appendix E. Analyses of the slug tests performed on wells E-3 and W-3 were conducted to derive estimates of horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the Gumbo Clay. Slug test data analyses were performed using the Hvorslev analysis method (Hvorslev, 1951) and the Bouwer-Rice analysis method (Bouwer and Rice, 1976). A summary of the parameter estimates derived from these two methods is provided in Table 3. Data plots for E-3 and W-3 are shown on Figures 20 and 21. Table 3: Summary of Gumbo Clay Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity (Kh) Estimates 5.4 Pre -Mining Water -Levels GMA determined the water -level for the Surficial Aquifer in the mining corridor by measuring water levels in 10 piezometer wells along the east and west sides of the mining corridor (Figure 7). During the core drilling exploration activities, 1 -inch PVC piezometer wells were constructed at each of the 10 boring sites with screens placed in the Post-Croatan Sand unit. At the conclusion of core drilling, the borehole was backfilled to the desired depth near the top of the Gumbo Clay unit using bentonite pellets. A 5 -foot long, 1 -inch diameter, 0.02 -inch slotted PVC well screen was connected to a 1 -inch diameter PVC well casing and lowered the desired depth. The well was then gravel packed with Southern Products #2 filter gravel from the screen depth to approximately 1 -foot below land surface. Bentonite pellets were added from 1 -foot below land surface to surface level. The well casings extended at various heights above land surface and were sealed with a rubber well cap and lockable hasp. Page 9 Well Analysis Method Slug Test Well E-3 Slug Test Well W-3 Hvorslev Analysis 2.32 x 10-s cm/sec 1.75 x 10-5 cm/sec (6.58 x 10 ft/day) (4.96 x 10 ft/day) Bouwer-Rice Analysis 1.69 x 10-5 cm/sec 1.31 x 10-5 cm/sec (4.79 x 10' ft/day) (3.71 x 10 ft/day) Average 2.01 x 10 -2 cm/sec 1.53 x 10 -Z cm/sec (5.70 x 10- ft/day) (4.34 x 10- ft/day) 5.4 Pre -Mining Water -Levels GMA determined the water -level for the Surficial Aquifer in the mining corridor by measuring water levels in 10 piezometer wells along the east and west sides of the mining corridor (Figure 7). During the core drilling exploration activities, 1 -inch PVC piezometer wells were constructed at each of the 10 boring sites with screens placed in the Post-Croatan Sand unit. At the conclusion of core drilling, the borehole was backfilled to the desired depth near the top of the Gumbo Clay unit using bentonite pellets. A 5 -foot long, 1 -inch diameter, 0.02 -inch slotted PVC well screen was connected to a 1 -inch diameter PVC well casing and lowered the desired depth. The well was then gravel packed with Southern Products #2 filter gravel from the screen depth to approximately 1 -foot below land surface. Bentonite pellets were added from 1 -foot below land surface to surface level. The well casings extended at various heights above land surface and were sealed with a rubber well cap and lockable hasp. Page 9 Site Investigation Report Bonn erton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 On July 28, 2015, GMA measured the static water -levels in the 10 piezometer wells in order to obtain pre -mining water -levels in the mining corridor. Water -levels were measured with an electronic water -level indicator. Using these data, GMA prepared a pre -mitring equipotential map of the Surficial Aquifer for the mining corridor (Figure 22). The horizontal component of groundwater flow was directed generally toward the northeast under a hydraulic gradient ranging from 1.1 x 10-$ feet per foot (feet/foot) to 8.3 x 10-3 feet/foot, On September 1 and 2, 2015, 2 slug test wells were constructed in the Gumbo Clay unit near borings E-3 and W-3 on each side of the mining corridor. Slug test wells E-3 and W-3 were constructed using 2 -inch diameter, 0.02 -inch slotted PVC well screen was connected to a 2 - inch diameter PVC well casing and lowered near the bottom of the Gumbo Clay unit. An 8 - foot well screen was used at E-3 and a 10 -foot well screen was used at W-3. The well was then gravel packed with Southern Products #2 filter gravel from the screen depth to approximately 1 to 2 feet below the top of the Gumbo Clay unit. Bentonite pellets were added from the top of the #2 filter gravel to the surface level. The well casings extended at approximately 1 to 2 feet above land surface and were sealed with a PVC well cap. On September 8, 2015, GMA measured the static water -levels in the 2 slug test wells in order to obtain pre -mining water -levels in the Gumbo Clay confining unit. A summary of the water -levels measured by GMA in the piezometer wells and slug test wells are included in Table 4. Table 3: Summaryof Pre-Minin Water -Levels Well # Date of Measurement Elevation Top of Casing MSL Depth to Water Level ft. Static Water Level (MSL) Piezometer E-1 7-28-2015 19.51 7.35 12.16 Piezometer E-2 7-28-2015 15.93 3.26 12.67 Piezometer E-3 7-28-2015 16.48 3.55 12.93 Piezometer E-4 7-28-2015 15.63 3.25 12.38 Piezometer E-5 7-28-2015 14.49 5.71 8.78 Piezometer W-1 7-28-2015 18.44 4.65 13.79 Piezometer W-2 7-28-2015 17.83 3.76 14.07 Piezometer W-3 7-28-2015 16.42 3.44 12.98 Piezometer W-4 7-28-2015 17.55 4.39 13.16 Piezometer W-5 7-28-2015 15.95 3.35 12.60 Sluo Test E-3 9-8-2015 16.36 12.41 3.95 Slug Test W-3 9-8-2015 16.57 6.05 10.52 Page 10 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotoshCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 All core drilling and well construction activities were conducted by a North Carolina Certified Well Contractor using the Geoprobe 6620 DT drill rig. All monitoring well locations and top of casing elevations were surveyed by the PCS survey crew. Well construction diagrams for the 10 piezometer wells and 2 slug test wells are located in Appendix E. Photographic records of the completed monitoring wells are included in Appendix C on a CD-ROM disk. 6.0 Report Certification This site investigation report for the Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study was prepared by a Professional Geologist familiar with the local geology of the PCS mine site and the Bonnerton tract. Groundwater Management Associates, Inc., is a professional corporation licensed to practice geology (C-121) and engineering (C-0854) in North Carolina. "Tex" Ivan K. Gilmore, P.G., C.P.G. Project Manager Senior Mining Geologist V -S Kyle B. Quick, P.G. Project Hydrogeologist Y Richard K. Spruill, Ph.D., P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist .caRp u�E �AofFBsi SEAL 060.'10 AIPG 181 ' Nk " td1C�'',. Aefessiaw�t Page 11 Site Investigation Report Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora November 16, 2015 7.0 List of References Lawrence, D. P., and C. W. Hoffmann, 1993, "Geology of basement rocks beneath the North Carolina Coastal Plain", North Carolina Geological Survey, Bulletin 95, 60p, one Plate. Gilmore, I. K., 2014, reference page 6, General Geologic Section from 1983, "Invertebrates and Plants", North Carolina Fossil Club, Volume 1, 295p. Hvorslev, M.J., 1951, Time Lag and Soil Permeability in Groundwater Observations., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimentation Station, Bulletin 36. Bouwer, H., & R.C. Rice, 1976, A Slug Test for Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of Unconfined Aquifers with Completely or Partially Penetrating Wells, Water Resources Research 12:423-28. Page 12 Figures AL 1 18 18 22 tc -- Is 22 B 2 a 2' 7 9 5 21 18 B 9 16 B 18 46 7 5 5 B 6 22 16 9 8 16 9 8 22 17 1e 8 \ 9 T 3 9 6 � s e 9 7 8 B 7 7 8 g 22 7 B 21 6 T 22 $ 9 7 1B 7 t 6 7 7 73 P-0-0i'mili 15 5 8 7 7 6 B a a 17 11 8 18 22 21 19 22 5 NONRIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST (NRWHF) ACRES 20 Tjg/20 b 16 17 BONNERTON BASE PROJECT AREA 2,806 (((JJJ 1s 22 B IB 8 9 0 ig 20 6 MODIFIED ALT L — BONNERTON PROPOSED 2,526 18 9 8 16 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 B 7 11 a 1 a MODIFIED ALT L— BONNERTON PROPOSED 1,698 1a 9 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 — EXCAVATION 91 0 1 7 LIMITS RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 33,478,000 TONS* 5 21 19 11 g 0 1 8 1 5 4 18 g 15 14 s 1 CREEKS/OPEN WATER 8 B 19 B 8 20 0 5 16 PERENNIAL STREAM 7 tl 9 22 6 10 18 9 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 15 5 5 18 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 5 15 22 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 5 17 7 17 3 I'� j 5 WETLAND SHRUB --SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE T 14 5 1 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 9 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 6UTRHAM 15 3 5 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE — HARDWOOD FOREST w�REEic 3 15 I 9 7 g t 5 5 10 WETLAND POCOSIN — BAY FOREST 3t5 6 a1 P-0-0i'mili 15 5 8 7 7 6 a a 11 7 9 14 8 9 18 LEGEND 22 8 6 NONRIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST (NRWHF) ACRES 20 Tjg/20 b 16 17 BONNERTON BASE PROJECT AREA 2,806 (((JJJ 1s 22 IB 8 9 0 ig 20 6 MODIFIED ALT L — BONNERTON PROPOSED 2,526 18 9 8 16 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 B 7 11 a 1 a MODIFIED ALT L— BONNERTON PROPOSED 1,698 1a B 77 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 — EXCAVATION 91 0 1 7 LIMITS RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 33,478,000 TONS* B 11 19 11 g 0 1 8 1 5 4 18 g 9 9 10 14 s 1 CREEKS/OPEN WATER 8 B 19 B 1A PUBLIC TRUST AREAS 20 0 5 16 PERENNIAL STREAM 7 tl 9 1C INTERMITTENT STREAM 6 10 18 2 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 15 5 5 18 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 5 15 22 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 5 17 7 17 3 I'� j 5 WETLAND SHRUB --SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE T 14 5 1 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 22 1s 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 6UTRHAM 15 3 5 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE — HARDWOOD FOREST w�REEic 3 15 I 9 WETLAND PINE FOREST g t 5 5 10 WETLAND POCOSIN — BAY FOREST 3t5 6 a1 11 WETLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 4 31C 4 12 POND 15 14 0 10 13 WETLAND MAINTAINED AREA 22 5 5 t5 7s 5 11 14 15 UPLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE UPLAND SHRUB — SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 6 t 5 5 16 UPLAND PINE PLANTATION 4 3 11 17 UPLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 3 5 1c 10 1B 18 UPLAND MIXED PINE — HARDWOOD FOREST 19 UPLAND PINE FOREST a 1B 20 UPLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 5 15 10 14 21 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL LAND 15 10 7 22 UPLAND NON — VEGETATED/MAINTAINED AREA zo 10 7 3 5 11 1 14 2 2 1a I1 t8 '0 7 22 11 20 4 7 2 2 18 9 7 18 18 1 1B *PROVIDED BY PCS PHOSPHATE 5/13/09 NOTE: BOUNDARY AS SHOWN INCLUDES DCM/CAMA AVOIDANCE 11800 0 1,800 Feet Basemap Provided By. Gl" Potash Corp— Aurora 1530 Hwy. 306 South Aurora, NC 27806 Gro&4.aW uana9an nt A..ofdote% Inc. File: 436-26.dwg BIOTIC COMMUNITIES MAP FOR MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE L, BONNERTON TRACT Date: 3/4/15 Project No. 436-26 PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC. AURORA, NC Figure: 3 21 9 18 22 7 15 15 8 7 17 6 21 6 16 7 22 8 18 6 14 9 7 18 7 3 g g 1C 7 1C 6 7 8 8 18 17 17 8 fi 7 9 7 7 17 8 9 9 18 5 3 8 8 9 2 4 8 9 8 16 8 � 7 15 1 17 1B 19 18 5 3 7 3 15 3 8 7 15 17 8 22 22 8 17 8 18 22 21 19 5 8 18 9 5 21 15 22 8 9 15 9 9 E EGENI� _ NONRIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST (NRWHF) ACRES BONNERTON BASE PROJECT AREA 2,806 MODIFIED ALT L - BONNERTON PROPOSED 2,526 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 MODIFIED ALT L - BONNERTON PROPOSED 1,698 IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 - EXCAVATION LIMITS RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 33,478,000 TONS* 1 CREEKS/OPEN WATER 1A PUBLIC TRUST AREAS 1B PERENNIAL STREAM 1C INTERMITTENT STREAM 2 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 5 WETLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 9 WETLAND PINE FOREST 10 WETLAND POCOSIN - BAY FOREST 11 WETLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 12 POND 13 WETLAND MAINTAINED AREA 14 UPLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 15 UPLAND SHRUB - SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 16 UPLAND PINE PLANTATION 17 UPLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 18 UPLAND MIXED PINE - HARDWOOD FOREST 19 UPLAND PINE FOREST 20 UPLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 21 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL LAND 22 UPLAND NON - VEGETATED/MAINTAINED AREA *PROVIDED 9Y PCS PHOSPHATE 5/13/09 NOTE: BOUNDARY AS SHOWN INCLUDES DCM/CAMA AVOIDANCE 900 0 900 Feet Basemap Provided By. PotashCorp—Aurora GMA 1530 Hwy. 306 South Aurora, NC 27806 Groundwater Mana"nent AesocW&& Inc File: 436-26.dwg BIOTIC COMMUNITIES MAP FOR MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE L, BONNERTON TRACT Date: 3/4/15 Project No. 436-261 PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC. AURORA, NC Figure:4 lot i Le kL 1. Farmer's clay - Sand, sllt and organic debris in a clayey matrix. Tan, gray to black in color, usually with limonitic streaks. 5ometlme5 occuro a5 a black organic - rich peaty clay and mud. 2. Surface 5and5 - Fine grained sand to silt being organic and slightly clayey. Variegated tan to gray in color: Sometimes occurs a5 variable clean quartz Band with clay lenses. Some heavy minerals present. Occurs fiat to cross -bedded with CM Z limonitic lncrustation5. Toward base of unit color darkens and Sand size is greater "lce ... F... 5ometime5 containing pebbles and striated igneous rocks from Rafts". Q„ . -_-_ 3. Post-Croatan Sandys - Blue gray silty to Sandy mild and day with abundant GC. (Mulirrea) pelecypod and gastropod sheff7. Thi-, unit contains mica and heavy ,'. minerals. Also, in the matrix are various types of organic matter. Many of the fossils found in this unit are in "life position". irz __j f11 4. Gumbo Clay - 13lue gray to dark brown or black sandy to pure clay. Top of this unit ` contains much sand and silt with layer-, of peat, Sand and organics such as rooto and wood fragments. Center of unit is very impervious, greasy pure clay. Base of unit sometimes contains abundance of organic debris and sand streaks. Sage may be black or brown in color and occasionally become$ a "coon" oyster bioherm. 5. Sugar 5and5 - 1borly sorted, white to gray, fine to very coarse, angular to sub-rounded quartz Sand. Sand i5 5omet€me5 translucent, Barely contains a organics. Heavy minerals and mica do occur. High angle croso-bedding is evident sedimentary structure. Base of unit becomes very coarse quartz Sand and gravel. 50metimeg containing gray day len5eo throughout unit. Occaolonally this unit may overlie or be completely replaced by Croatan clay, which is a 5heily dense clay. 6. 5he11 Sed -- 3lue green clayey witty Shell hash to Shelly sand, Abundant glaucorite sand and _ ? i silt throughout. Very foi�i5ilifemus uni , containing wide variety of pelecypod5, gastropods, and caelenteratey. �iharp unconformable, undulatory contacts are found both above and below this unit. Channels in the upper surface are filled by rand from the overiying unit. Also, this unit "scour" - L may grade into a finer Shell hash with coarse sand and pebbles as it may out underlying Yorktown clay sornetimce quite deeply in old drainage patterns. Gaye of unit :wxrPtimes include* hard limonitic concretions of glauconitir, sand cemented by CaCo,, known as "Boulder Brd . Drainage from base of unit "weeps" at contact with underlying clay forming dlotictive iron oxide stained otreake or exposure of clean face, ... Z W_ 7, Yorktown Clay - Light gray silty to sandy, Semi-indurated cast and moldic t� e Q *4 TurrYtella clay. May be a manly sand at tims LLJ C-3 - 8. Light green-gray silty Stiff marly clay with minor Shelly 5treak5 and occasional C= cast and moldic Turrltella streaks. 9. Green-gray semi-indurated marly clay with occasional bone fragments, lignite and mushy shell fragments. 10. Green-gw�ty stiff silty manly clay with occasional quartz sand streaks. Also contains abundant echlnoid spines. Base of unit 5omeume5 corrtain5 large black phosphatic pebbles. 11. Light gray Sandy Stiff marly clay with abundant pecten -,hefty, reworked - phosphate pebbles, phosphatic bones, and teeth. " 12. Dark green phosphatic sandy clay. Composed mostly of reworked materials including pebbles and fossils that have been pho5phatized. 5ometirnes containing chalky, mushy, shell fragments and abundant auartz pebbles and sand streaks. At base of unit an abundance of large phosphatic pebbles. f' 13. Chartreuse lied - Yellowish green sandy bryozoan hash. Contains only sparse fine grained phosphatic black sand. ' 14. Coquina Beds - lnterbedded soft to indurated many gray clay and white roquinoid 'i ' limestone with rich black clayey phosphatic Sand. This unit contains abundant variety of fossils and black v uggy - phosphatic pebbles known as micro5phorite. _ 15. Phosphate Ore Matix - Plock to olive green clayey fine grained phagphatsc Sand with minor fossil remains. *= 16. Light green gem!-indurated phosphatic clay. Slightly caicareou5 with some dolo silt and quartz sand streaks. Also with minor pebbles and fossil remains. 17. Olive seen to black clayey fine rained hv5 hatic Sand with minor °ossil remains. fug. g ayes g P p acyl 18, Dolootone Unit - Indurated gray to light green doiootone. Forms a5 lenticular t�C deposits in ore body. Phosphate pebbles and clam borings are present. Unit may C-A p contain very hard fight green 5111ceou6 streaks. i9. Olive green very clayey phosphatic Sand. Clay content incre oeso with depth. v Abundant coarse pho5phatic p6bbe5 and fo56115 found at base. 5ase of ore matrix, 20. Caprock - Hard light green fine grained dolomitic sandstone. Contafns abundant quartz and phr,-,phattc pebbles and cast and molds of pelecypodia Some calcite also present, 21. Lean Ore - Olive green fossiliferous slightly phosphatic clay. Very abundant r phosphate pebbles and fossll remains. Also in matrix are large quartz pebbles. Sparse dolomitic and phosphatic sand present. At base of unit exists an errosional surface which is dense black phosphate replacing vuggy limestone. , 22. White to tan ca-,t and moldic coquinofd limestone. Artesian aquifer. Top of F unit contains loose quartz sand in lattice gradino, to vuggy limestone, loosely cemented to hard, with beds of various coarse to fine textured coquina. 130ttom of section becomes a glauconitic s€ity, shelty clay. Average thickness ie ± 250'. GMA Q*undoater Managemwt tm loc. File: 436-26.dwg GENERAL GEOLOGIC SECTION Date: 3/4/15 Project No. 436-26 PCS PHOSPHATE CO., INC. AURORA, NC Figure: 5 A I _� 1 Shows elevation of top of the Farmers Clay Unit or Holocene Sands. Contour interval is 1 foot. Datum is mean sea level. PROJECT: 43626 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOP OF THE FARMERS CLAY UNIT FIGURE 8 DATE 10/5/2015 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' ` POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 23-97 GMA N � GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. - LEGEND - BONNERTON 7-1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY Q EXISTING BORINGS Q 2015 BORINGS Shows elevation of top of the Farmers Clay Unit or Holocene Sands. Contour interval is 1 foot. Datum is mean sea level. PROJECT: 43626 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOP OF THE FARMERS CLAY UNIT FIGURE 8 DATE 10/5/2015 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' ` POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 23-97 GMA N � GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. a. 10-03 Shows thickness, in feet, of the W-3 E-3 Farmers Clay Unit or Holocene Sands. Contour interval is 1 foot. PROJECT: 43626 E- W -2 THICKNESS CONTOUR .MAP OF THE FARMERS CLAY UNIT FIGURE 9 DATE 1 015/2015 12.03 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC l 23-9GMA7 1 a, 4 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. - LEGEND - BONNERTON 7-1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY 0 CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY Q EXISTING BORINGS Q 2015 BORINGS 10-03 Shows thickness, in feet, of the W-3 E-3 Farmers Clay Unit or Holocene Sands. Contour interval is 1 foot. PROJECT: 43626 E- W -2 THICKNESS CONTOUR .MAP OF THE FARMERS CLAY UNIT FIGURE 9 DATE 1 015/2015 12.03 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC l 23-9GMA7 1 a, 4 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. N y - LEGEND - BONNERTON 7-1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION . . .. ... BONNERTON 404 PERMIT _ " BOUNDARY CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY Q EXISTING BORINGS 0 2015 BORINGS Shows elevation of top of the Past-Croatan Sand Unit. Contour interval is 1 foot. Datum is mean sea level. PROJECT. 43626 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOP OF THE POST-CROATAN SAND UNIT Y- FIGURE 10 DATE 10/5/2015 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' POTASH CORP -AU RORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 23.97 GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. ffI 1 f1 N Shows elevation of top of the Gumbo Clay Unit. Contour interval is 1 foot. Datum is mean sea level. PROJECT: 43626 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOP OF THE i GUMBO CLAY UNIT FIGURE 12 DATE 10/5/2015 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' CIO �► POTASHCORP-AURORA R - BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 23-97 GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. - LEGEND - BONNERTON 7-1 MINE .. . _ L -J PERMIT MODIFICATION y, BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY _ zv O EXISTING BORINGS Q 2015 BORINGS Shows elevation of top of the Gumbo Clay Unit. Contour interval is 1 foot. Datum is mean sea level. PROJECT: 43626 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOP OF THE i GUMBO CLAY UNIT FIGURE 12 DATE 10/5/2015 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' CIO �► POTASHCORP-AURORA R - BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 23-97 GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. ,'yam' ` . �.; 11 I M - LEGEND - BONNERTON 7-1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY EXISTING BORINGS 2015 BORINGS Shows thickness, in feet, of the Gumbo Clay Unit. Contour interval is 1 foot. THICKNESS CONTOUR 1 r MAP OF THE GUMBO k CLAY UNIT FIGURE 13 DATE 10/5/2015 1q SCALE IN FEET 0 500 1000' �- POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. -LEGEND- BONNERTON 7-1 MINE l ] PERMIT MODIFICATION BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY 0 CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7-1 PERMIT BOUNDARY 2015 CORE SAMPLE AND 0 MONITORING WELL LOCATION PROJECT: 43626 CROSS SECTION TRACE A -A' AND B -B' FIGURE 14 1 DATE 8/18/15 SCALE IN FEET p 1000 2000 POTASHCORP-AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC ,1 GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. 'y H +20 FT. 0 MSL -10 -5 -15 -20 GUMBO - - - CLAY UNIT SUGAR SAND UNIT (TOP ONLY) -LEGEND - SAND CLAY MUD SHELL PROJECT: 43626 CROSS SECTION A -A' FIGURE 15 JDATE 8/18/15 SCALE IN FEET 0 400 g00 POTASHCORP- AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, INC G A GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. +20 +15 +10 +5 FT. 0 MSL -5 -20 B' E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 _ +13.61 MSL +14.02 MSL +14.06 MSL +13.55 MSL + 3.70 MSL GEOLOGIC UNIT FARMERS CLAY UNIT POST—CROATAN SAND UNIT GUMBO CLAY UNIT —LEGEND— SAND CLAY MUD SHELL PROJECT: 43626 CROSS SECTION B—B' FIGURE 16 1 DATE 8/18/15 SCALE 4N FEET SUGAR SAND o aoo soo UNIT (TOP ONLY) POTASHCORP—AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 GMA Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study - Size Fraction Percentage Farmers Clay Unit E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 W-1 W-2 W-3 ■% Gravel —% Sand % Silt %Clay Figure 17 W-4 W-5 GMA 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study - Size Fraction Percentage Post-Croatan Sand Unit Figure 18 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 W-5 - % Gravel ----% Sand ---% Silt Q/o Clay GMA 7'0.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study - Size Fraction Percentage Gumbo Clay Unit Figure 19 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E -S W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 W-5 –_ - _% Gravel —% Sand —% Silt % Clay 0.1 10. 0.1 Figure 20 - PCS Aurora, Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study E-3 Gumbo Clay Slug Testing Data Plots Obs. Wells Aquifer Model Confined Solution HVorslev Parameters K - 2.322E-5 cm/sec y4. 1.009 ft 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. Time (min) Hvorslev Analysis of Gumbo Clay Observation Well E-3 Slug Test Data Obs. Wells E-3 Aquifer Model Confined solutio, Bouwer-Rice Parameters K - 1.888E-5 cm/sec y0 - 2,623 ft 0.01 `1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 i..,,,.. 0. 100, 200. 300. 400. W. Time (min) Bouwer-Rice Analysis of Gumbo Clay Observation Well E-3 Slug Test Data Figure 21 - PCS Aurora, Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study W-3 Gumbo Clay Slug Testing Data Plots Obs. Wells W-3 Aquifer Model Confined Solution Hvorslev Parameters K = 1.748E-5 cm/sec y0 = 0.9855 ft 0.01 1 F 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 F l 1 l 1 l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. Time (min) Hvorslev Analysis of Gumbo Clay Observation Well W-3 Slug Test Data 10. 0.1 L 0. 100. 200, 300. 400. 500. Time (min) Obs. Wells W-3 Aquifer Model ConAned Solution Bouwer-Rice Parameters K ■ 1.309E-5 cm/sec y0 = 3.864 ft Bouwer-Rice Analysis of Gumbo Clay Observation Well W-3 Slug Test Data Rdee:1Jiel O CORRIDOR BORINGS GMA BONNERTON 7-1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION SCALE IN FEET a 400 BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY File: DRAWINGS/436261 SURFICIAL AQUIFER EQUIPOTENTIAL MAP, 7/28/2015 Date: 10/16/2015 EQUIP 2015 7 28 Project No. 43626 POTASH CORP. -AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 22 Appendix A Geologic Coring Logs Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Lo GMA Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader) Started Completed Date: 07/24/15 Date Time: 11:00 AM Time: Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller: Hole No.- E-1 Sheet 1 of 1 07/24/15 Location: E 2.640,989 + 13.61 MSL (land surface) 12:45 PM Elevation: + 19.51 MSL (toe of casing) John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth I % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 00 5.0 100 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. View thru tube shows 0-0.Slayer of brown topsoil present. 5.0 7.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. 75 100 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 10.0 150 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered <10%) 150 170 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy. shelly fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 170 200 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit 200 250 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. 250 288 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Gradational contact with Sugar Sand Unit below. becoming sandy last 0 3'. 28.8 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 11.8' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = -3 39 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -15.19 MSL E-1 Monitoring Well Data: 15' dee . 1" diameter casing/screen. #10 slot screen from 10.15', #2 gravel from 1-15', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 15-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7.28-15 = 7.35' DTW from TOC, +12.16 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Log GMA Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Rig: Geo robe 6620 DT Trader Started Completed Date 07/22/15 Date: Time: 3:30 PM Time: Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA 07/22/15 4:35 PM Driller: John Switzer - Trader Hole No.. E-2 Sheet 1 of 1 From N 588,844 Location: E 2,640,769 60 + 14.02 MSL (land surface) Elevation: + 15.93 MSL (top of casing) Geophysical Log No Depth (ft- % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.0 60 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange. slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost to 2', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit 50 7.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Visual contact viewed thru tube at 7.5'. 7.5 100 10D Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy. shelly fine to medium sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 10.0 150 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Crcatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine to medium sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 15.0 18.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray. muddy, shelly fine sand. fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered <10% 180 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit -Blue-gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit. 20 0 250 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray. stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. 25.0 28.5 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Shar contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 28.5'. 28.5 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray to white, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 10.5' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = -3.98 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -14,48 MSL E-2 Monitorino Well Data: 18' deep. 1" diameter casing/screen. #10 slot screen from 13.18', #2 gravel from 1-18'. bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 18-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7-26-15 = 3.26' DTW from TOC, +12,67 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed wth duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Depth ft. Groundwater Manaclement Associates - Geologic Corina Log Material and Remarks GMA To 0.0 5.0 80 Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange. slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost to 1', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit. Rig Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader) Hole No. E-3 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to medium sand. Visual contact viewed thru tube at 7.5'. Sheet t of 1 Started Completed Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine to medium sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). N 589,353 Date: 07/23/15 Date 07/23/15 Location E 2.640,887 15.0 16.4 100 + 14.06 MSL (land surface) Time: 9:00 AM Time: 9:55 AM Elevation: + 16.48 MSL (top of casing) Yes Tube 4 Geologist. Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller: John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth ft. % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.0 80 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange. slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost to 1', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit. 5.0 7.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to medium sand. Visual contact viewed thru tube at 7.5'. 7.5 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine to medium sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 10.0 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy. sill fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 15.0 16.4 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<101/c)_. 16.4 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy. slightly silty smectite mud Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit, sandy top 0.3', then stiff clay. 20.0 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. 25.0 28.8 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 28.8'. 28.8 30.0 90 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray to white. slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Lost last 0.5' due to loose, fluid nature of sands Escaped thru core catcher Gumbo Clay Thickness = 12 4' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = -2.34 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -14.74 MSL E-3 Monitoring Well Data: 17' dee 1" diameter casin (screen. #10 slot screen from 12-17', #2 gravel from 1-17', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 17-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7-28-15 = 3.55' BTW from TOC, +12.83 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content Depth ft. Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Loci Material and Remarks GMA T 0.0 5.0 80 Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost to 1', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader) Hole No E-4 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to medium sand. Visual color change contact viewed thru tube at 8 5'. Sheet 1 of 1 Started Completed Post-Cfoatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). N 589,875 Date: 07/23/15 Date: 07/23115 Location: E 2,641,221 150 15.5 100 + 13.55 MSL (land surface) Time: 10:00 AM Time 11:30 AM Elevation: + 15.63 MSL (top of casing) Yes Tube 4 Geologist Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth ft. % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.0 80 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost to 1', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit 5.0 8.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to medium sand. Visual color change contact viewed thru tube at 8 5'. 85 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Cfoatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 10.0 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 150 15.5 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered <5% 15.5 20.0 10D Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit, sandy top 0.2', then stiff clay. 20.0 250 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. 250 27.3 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 27.3'. 27.3 300 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray to white, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand Drilled during rain event - limited photo log available. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 11.8' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = -1.95 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -13 75 MSL E-4 Monitoring Well Data: 15' dee . 1" diameter casing/screen. #10 slot screen from 10-15', #2 gravel from 1-15', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 15-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7-28-15 = 3.25' BTW from TOC, +12.38 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content Depth ft Groundwater Manactement Associates - Geologic Coring Loci Material and Remarks GMA To 00 5.0 100 - client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Farmers Clay Unit - Mctt}ed gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine sand Rig- Geoprrobe 6620 DT (Trader) Hole No.: E-5 Yes Tube 2 _ Sheet 1 of 1 Started Completed Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly, fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). N 590,075 Date: 07/24115 Date: 07/24/15 Location: E 2,641,608 13.2 15.0 100 + 13.70 MSL (land surface) Time: 1000 AM Time: 11:30 AM Elevation: + 14.49 MSL (top of casing) Yes Tube 4 Geologist Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth ft % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 00 5.0 100 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mctt}ed gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine sand 5.0 7.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine sand medium sand. Visual color chane contact viewed thru tube at 7.5'. 7.5 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly, fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 10.0 132 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered <5% 13.2 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Gradational contact at with Post-Croatan Sand unit, top 0.2' is sli2htly sandy. 15.0 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Gray. stiff, greasy, smectite mud. 20.0 23.8 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Gray, stiff, greasy. slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 23.8'. 23.8 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Field fit - could not cross drainage ditch to original survey stake Drilled near large drains a ditch Gumbo Clay Thickness= 10.6' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = +0.05 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -10 10 MSL E-5 MonitorinQ Well Data: 13' dee . 1" diameter casing/screen. #10 slot screen from 8-13', #2 gravel from 1-13', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 13-25'. Total Depth Drilled = 25' Static Water Level on 7-28-15 = 5.71' DTW from TOC, +8.78 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Log GMA Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader Started Completed Date 07/24/15 Date: Time 2:05 PM Time: Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller 07/24/15 3:35 PM John Switzer - Trader Hole No W-1 Sheet 1 of 1 From N 588,157 Location: E 2,639,464 100 + 17.34 MSL (land surface) Elevation: + 18.44 MSL (top of oasing) 7.2 Geophysical Log No Depth ft. % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.0 100 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Ciay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand 5.0 7.2 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand 7.2 100 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 100 150 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mullnea shells present are white and scattered <5% . 15.0 195 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy. shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 19.5 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit 20.0 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark blue -gray, stiff. greasy. slightly silty. smectite mud. 25.0 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff. greasy, sightly silty, smectite mud. A few oyster shell fragments at 30' end of sample tube). 30.0 33.7 100 Yes Tube 7 Gumbo Clay Unit - Gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud 33 7 35.0 100 Yes Tube 7 Sugar Sand Unit - Gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Gradational contact with Gumbo Clay at top 0.3'. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 14,2' Gumbo Clay: Top Elevation = -2.16 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -16.36 MSL W-1 Monqoring Well Data: 19' dee . 1" diameter casin /screen #10 slot screen from 14-19', #2 gravel from 1-19', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 19-35'. Total Depth Drilled = 35' Static Water Level on 7-28-15 = 4.65' DTW from TOC, +13.79 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Depth ft. Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Log Material and Remarks GMA � 00 5.0 50 Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 5.0 Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader) Hole No.: W-2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray. tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. 80 Sheet : 1 of 1 Started Completed 10.0 N 588,738 Date: 07/25/15 Date: 07/25/15 Location: E 2,639,651 175 100 Yes Tube 4 + 16 30 MSL (land surface) Time 9:00 AM Time: 10:00 AM Elevation + 17 83 MSL (top of casing) Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray. stiff, greasy, slightly silty. smectite mud Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit. Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller: John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth ft. % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 00 5.0 50 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fore sand Lost top 2 5', loose organic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit. 5.0 8.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray. tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. 80 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 10.0 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 15.0 175 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 175 200 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray. stiff, greasy, slightly silty. smectite mud Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit. 20.0 250 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. 25.0 29.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud 290 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Light gray, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand Sharp contact with Gumbo 0ay. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 11.5 Gumbo Cla 7op Elevation = -1.20 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -12.70 MSL W-2 Monitoring Well Data: 18' dee . 1" diameter casing/screen #10 slot screen from 13-18', #2 gravel from 1-18', bentonite pellets from 0.1' and from 18-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7.28-15 = 3.76' DTW from TOC, +14,07 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content (7127) Depth ft. Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic_ Coring Log Material and Remarks C7NiA To 0.0 5.0 50 Client: Potash Corp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 5.0 Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT (Trader) Hole No.. W-3 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Contact viewed thru sample tube. 75 Sheet 1 of 1 Started Completed 10.0 P;589,395 Date, 07/25/15 Date: 07/25/15 Location, E 2,639,742 17 1 100 Yes Tube 4 + 15.50 MSL (land surface) Time: 10:30 AM Time: 12:00 PM Elevation: + 16.42 MSL (top of casing) Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth ft. % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.0 50 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand, Lost top 2.5', loose or anic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit. 5.0 7.5 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Contact viewed thru sample tube. 75 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<51/.). 10.0 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand_ Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 150 17 1 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy. shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<15%). Sheils increase wide th 17.1 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit, top 0.2'slightly sandy. 20.0 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. 25.0 294 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. 294 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Dark gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Transitional contact with Gumbo Clay, top 03 very muddy. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 12.3' Gumbo Cla : Top Elevation = -1.60 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -13.90 MSL W-3 Monitoring Well Data: 18' deep. 1" diameter casin (screen. #10 slot screen from 13-18', #2 gravel from 1-18', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 18.30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7.28-15 = 3.44' DTW from TOC, +12.98 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape Samples tubes opened to determine stratlgraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content (7127) Depth Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Corina Lao Material and Remarks GMA To 00 5 0 50 Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand. Lost top 2.5', loose organic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit Rig: Geoprobe 6620 DT {Trader} Hole No.: W-4 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Contact viewed thru sample tube. Sheet 1 of 1 Started Completed Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shefly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). N 590.070 Date: 07/27/15 Date: 07/27/15 Location: E 2,639,971 150 15.5 100 + 14.98 MSL (land surface) Time 10:30 AM Time: 12:00 PM Elevation: + 17.55 MSL (top of casing) Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller: John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth °'o Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 00 5 0 50 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand. Lost top 2.5', loose organic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit 5.0 70 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Contact viewed thru sample tube. 7.0 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, shefly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 10.0 150 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 150 15.5 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 155 20.0 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, silty, smectite mud. 200 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty. smectite mud. 25.0 26.2 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. 26.2 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Light gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Transitional contact with Gumbo Clay, top 0.3'very muddy. Gumbo Clay Thickness = 10 7' Gumbo Clay: Toe Elevation = -0.52 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -11.22 MSL W-4 Monitoring Well Data: 15' dee . 1" diameter casin Iscreen. #10 slot screen from 10-15', #2 gravel from 1-15'. bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 15-30'. Total Depth Drilled = 30' Static Water Level on 7-28.15 = 4.37' DTW from TOC, +13.16 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Depth Groundwater Management Associates - Geologic Coring Log Material and Remarks GMA__ To 0.0 5.D 100 Client: PotashCorp - Aurora GMA Project Number: 43626 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic. clayey, fine sand. Rig Geo robe 6620 DT Trader Hole No.. W-5 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey. fine to medium sand Contact viewed thru sample tube Sheet 1 of 1 Started Completed Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<25%). Loose runny sands. N 590,575 Date: 07/27115 Date: 07/27!15 Location: E 2,640,035 15.0 165 100 + 14.50 MSL (land surface) Time: 10:30 AM Time: 12:00 PM Elevation: + 15.95 MSL (top of casing) Yes Tube 4 Geologist: Tex Gilmore - GMA Driller John Switzer - Trader Geophysical Log: No Depth % Recovery Sample To Lab Material and Remarks From To 0.0 5.D 100 Yes Tube 1 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic. clayey, fine sand. 50 6.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Farmers Clay Unit - Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey. fine to medium sand Contact viewed thru sample tube 60 10.0 100 Yes Tube 2 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<25%). Loose runny sands. 10.0 15.0 100 Yes Tube 3 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Blue -gray to gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<15%). 15.0 165 100 Yes Tube 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit - Gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). 165 200 100 Yes Tube 4 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray. stiff. greasy, silty, smectite mud. Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand, top 0 4'slightly sandy. 20.0 25.0 100 Yes Tube 5 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray. stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. 25.0 29.7 100 Yes Tube 6 Gumbo Clay Unit - Blue -gray to gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. Bottom 1.C' contains some root fragments and minor sand. very stiff 29.7 30.0 100 Yes Tube 6 Sugar Sand Unit - Light gray, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. Sharp contact with Gumbo Clay. Drilled near drainage ditch. Gumbo Ciay Thickness = 13.2' Gumbo Clay, Top Elevation = -2 00 MSL, Bottom Elevation = -15.20 MSL W-5 Monitoring Well Data: 16' deep. 1" diameter casing/screen. #10 slot screen from 11-16', #2 gravel from 1-16', bentonite pellets from 0-1' and from 16-30'. Total Depth Drilled a 30' Static Water Level on 7-28.15 = 3.35' DTW from TOC, +12,60 MSL Notes: Top and bottom of tubes sealed with duct tape. Samples tubes opened to determine stratigraphic contacts were sealed with duct tape and bagged to maintain moisture content. Appendix B Graphic Geologic Coring Logs +13.61 MSL — — — — Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, ine to — — - — medium sand. View thru tube shows 0-0.3' layer of brown topsoil present. Mottled grey, tan to orange, slightly clayey. Ane to - medium sand. Blue-gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. =) Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). +3.61— - z z Blue-gray, muddy, Shelly Ane sand. FT. a Ana to medium sand. Mulinsa shells present are white and scattered (<10%) MSL 0 — U -1.39- 00 Blue-gray, muddy, shelly Ane sand. I- Mullnes shells present are white and scattered (<10%). Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Post-Cretan Sand unit -6.39 — Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. -11.39— Dark gray, stir greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Gradational contact with Sugar Sand Unit below, becoming sandy last 0.3'. Gray, slightly muddy, Ane to medium quartz sand. -16.39— a . FARMERS CLAY UNIT . GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE 15' . POST-CROA7AN SCALE IN FEET SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT LEGEND GMA - SAND � CLAY MUD SHELL OWOMOWATII MAMAOIMIM ANOC ATM IMC. File: DRAWINGS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG E-1 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASH CORP- AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NG Figure 436-26 +14.02 MSL Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, One to medium sand. Lost top 2', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit. +9.02-- Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, One to — medium sand. Visual contact viewed thru tube at 7.5'. Blue -gray, muddy, shelly Ane to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). +4.02 — Blue -gray, muddy, shelly One to medium sand. FT. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). MSLO –0.98— Blue-gray, muddy, sheily One sand. fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit. – 5.98— Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. –10.98— Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 28.5'. - dray to white, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. _ —15.98— 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNIT . GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE . POST—CROATAN SCALE IN FEET SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT 5' LEGEND GMA ,us"„n, ,MC. MNGS/436-26 File: GEOLOGIC CORING LOG E-2 Date: 8/11/15 ER Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +14.06 MSL Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand. Lost top 1', root mat and loose topsoil/Farmers Clay unit U +9.06— V) — — — Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to — medium sand. Visual contact uewed thru tube at 7.5'. 2 Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine to medium sand. =) Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%) +4,06— -- Z a Ln c Blue -gray. muddy, shelly fine to medium sand. FT. a Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%) _.. MSLO 0 —0.94— 0 Blue -gray, muddy, shelJy fine sand. a. fine to medium sand, Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<1C Hlue-gray, stir, greasy, slightly silty smectlle mud Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit, sandy top 0.3. then stiff clay. —5.94— Blue-gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. —10.94--- blue-gray, star, greasy. slightly silty smectite mud. Sha contact with Su arSand Unit at 28.8'. Vray to wnite slightly muddy, nne to medium quartz sand. —15.94— Lost last 0.5' due to loose, fluid nature of sands. Escaped thru core catcher. a . FARMERS CLAY UNIT GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE ❑ POST—CROATAN SAND SCALE IN FEET UNIT SUGAR SAND UNIT 5' LEGEND GMA GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ASS"IVIIS. INC. File: EDR3WINGS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG E-3 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURCRA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +13.55 MSL Mottled gray. tan to orange. slightly clayey, fine to medium sand Lost top 1', root mat and loose topsotl/Farmers Clay unit. +8.55— _ _ _- _ T _ Mottled gray, tan to orange, clayey, fine to — — — — medium sand Visual color change contact viewed thru tube at 8 5' - - Blue-gray, muddy, Shelly fine to medium sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). +3.55— - o; Blue ray. muddy, shelly 5ne to medium sand. FT. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). MSL Q u -1.45— ---- a Blue-gray, muddy, shelly fine sand fine to medium sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<51/o) Gumbo Clay Unit - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud, - _ - - - - - - Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit, sandy top 0.2'. then stiff clay. —6.45— _ � _ g Dark gray, stiff. greasy. slightly silty smectite mud. U — O — — m —11.45-1 Blue-gray. stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. - - Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 27.3'. _ Gray to white, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. 16.45— —16.45-- FARMERS FARMERS CLAY UNIT . GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE ® POST-CROATAN SCALE IN FEET SAND UNIT ® SUGAR SAND UNIT 5' LEGENDGMA `�� _- GROUNDWA711 MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES. INC. File: DRAWINGS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG E-4 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP-AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +13.70 MSL ' Mooted gray, tan to orange, slightly Clayey, Are sand. +8.70--- Mottled gray. tan to orange, clayey. fine sand. — — medium sand. Visual color change contact uewed thrta tube at 7.5'. z Blue -gray muddy. shelly, Ane sand. z Mulinea shells present are white and scattered 10%). +3.70— a� .0 a Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand a`^ Mulinea shells present are white and scattered FT. MSL 0 — — — — Blue ray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty smectite mud — — - — Gradational contact at with Post-Croatan Sand unit. top 0.2' is slightly sandy — Gray, stiff, greasy, smectite mud. —6.30—_—--- —_ — — — — Gray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty smectite mud Sharp contact with Sugar Sand Unit at 23.8'. N Gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNIT e GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE POST—CROATAN SAND UNIT . SCALE IN FEET SUGAR SAND UNIT 5' LEGEND GMA SAND u CLAY MUD SHELL � IHT Aum, INC.iHocu oWouHowerE�� File: DRAWINGS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG E-5 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +17.34 MSL Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand +12.34— _ _ Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to _ medium sand. BlueVay, muddy shelly fine sand. ZMulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). +7.34 — Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). d +2.34— F T. Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand. MSL 0 Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty smectite mud. —2.66 _ Sharp contact with Post-Croatan Sand unit — Dark blue -gray. stiff• greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. —7.66 — a 5 Dar gray stiff greasy. slightly silty, smectite mud. om A few oyster shell fragments at 30' (end of sample tube) -12.66 — Gray, stiff. greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud —. Gray, muddy, fine to medium quartz sand —17.66— Gradational contact with Gumbo Gay at top 0.3'. ° . FARMERS CLAY UNIT . GUM80 CLAY UNJ VERTICAL SCALE SCALE IN FEET POST—CROATAN SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT 5' LEGEND GMA � SAND CLAY DMUD D SHELL GROUNDWATER MANAOEMINT ASSOCIAT1S, INC. File: DRAWINGS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG W-1 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +16.30 MSL - Mottled gray. tan to orange. organic, clayey. fine sand. -, Lost top 2.5', loose organic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit. +11.30— - — — Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to — - — medium sand. Blue -gray, muddy. sheliy fine sand. +6.30— Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 0 Z Blue -gray, mutldy, shelly fine sand. z Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%), a a 0 +1.30 — L) FT. Blue -gray. muddy, shelly fine sand MSL 0 Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). 06 Dark gray, stiff, greasy. slightly silty, smectite mud. — — — — Sharp contact with Post-Croaten Sand unit — 3, 70 — Dark gray, stiff. greasy. slightly silty, smectite mud. —8.70—- - Dark gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. Light gray, slightly muddy, fine to medium quartz sand. —13.70-1 Sharp contact with Gumbo Gay. 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNIT GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE di SCALE IN FEET ® P05T—CR04TAN SAND UNIT N SUGAR SAND UNIT 5 LEGEND GMA � DSAND D CLAY DMUD D SHELL OROUNOWAIEt AEANAOEMENT ANO[uf[i, INC. RAWINGS/436-26 Pile! DW GEOLOGIC CORING LOG W-2 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +15.50 MSL Y Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, fine sand. Lost top 2-5'. loose organic root mat, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clav unit, +10,50— 7 w - Mottled gray. tan to orange, slightly clayey, fine to a medium sand. Contact uewed thru sample tube. H Z Blue -gray, muddy, shelly fine sand :5 Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%), +5.50— Z a Z Blue -gray, muddy. Shelly fine sand. o Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). o' U +0.50— 0.50—FT. FT.0 Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly fine sand. MSL Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<15%). Shells increase w/depth Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud - - - - Gradational contact with Post-Crostan Sand unit, top 0.2' slightly sandy. —4.50— Blue-gray, stiff, greasy, sEightly silty, smectite mud. U O M -9.50— Dark gray. stiff, greasy. slightly silty, smectite mud. UarK gray, muddy. tine to medium quartz sand. -14.50 — Transitional contact with Gumbo Clay, top 0.3'.ery muddy. 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNIT . GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE 15' SCALE IN FEET ❑ POST-CROATAN SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT LEGEND A GMA SAND CLAY DMUD D SHELL GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT AISOCIATLS, INC. File: DRAWINGS/436-26 W-3 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG W-3 Dote: 8/11/15 Proect No. 43626 POTASHCORP-AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +14.98 MSL — — Mottled gray, tan to orange, organic, clayey, One sand. Lost top 2.5% loose organic root met, topsoil and sandy Farmers Clay unit — -- — — Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey, One to +9,98— medium sand. Contact viewed thnu sample tube. Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly One sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<50/6). +4.98 — Blue ray, muddy, Shelly One sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). FT. MSL 0- -0-02 Blue -gray, muddy, Shelly One sand. Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<5%). Blue -gray, stiff, greasy, silty, smectite mud. —5.02— Blue-gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. —10.02— _ _ Dark blue -gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. Light gray, muddy, One to medium quartz sand. Transitional contact with Gumbo Gay, top 0.3'very muddy. —15.02- 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNJ . GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE SCALE IN FEET POST—CROATAN SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT 5. LEGEND SAND CLAY RM MUD SHELL GAMNOwAm A%MAGMRW aAAOQAU$. ua. File: DRAWINGS/436-26 W-4 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG W-4 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 +14.50 MSL - - -- - -. — '- — - — Mottled gray, tan to orange organic, clayey, Tine sand. u I +9.50— Mottled gray, tan to orange, slightly clayey. fine to medium sand. Contact mewed thru sample tube. Blue -gray. muddy, shelly fine sand Z Mulinea shellspresent.are white_and_Scattered (.<25%). Loose runny sands, +4.50- — Z a Ul Z Blue -gray to gray, muddy, Shelly Ine sand. Q a Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<15%). FT. 0 MSL 0 -0.50 - ►- ;`, aGray, muddy, Shelly fine sand Mulinea shells present are white and scattered (<10%). — — Blue -gray. stiff, greasy, silty, smectite mud. — Gradational contact with Post-Croatan Sand, top 0.4' slightly sandy -5.50- Blue-gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. —10-50— Blue-gray to gray, stiff, greasy, slightly silty, smectite mud. — Bottom 1.0' contains some root fragments and minor sand, very stiff Light gray, slightly muddy. fine to medium quartz sand. —15.50 — Sharp contact with Gumbo Clay. 0 . FARMERS CLAY UNlT GUMBO CLAY UNIT VERTICAL SCALE SCALE IN FEET ❑POST—CROATAN SAND UNIT . SUGAR SAND UNIT 5• LEGEND ' GMA SAND CLAY _ MUD SHELL. •� OkOUNbwATlk MAnAOIMlNT ASSOC IATlS. INC. File: D �WINCS/436-26 GEOLOGIC CORING LOG W-5 Date: 8/11/15 Project No. 43626 POTASHCORP—AURORA, BEAUFORT CO., NC Figure 436-26 Appendix C Photographic Records of Core Drilling and Well Drilling Activities (CD-ROM disk) Appendix D Terracon Materials Testing Data Reports ASTM D421 Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle -Size Analysis & Determination of Soil Constants • This procedure is used to prepare samples for a particle size analysis and a plasticity test, where is required to determined test values of air-dried samples. ASTM D422 Particle -Size Analysis of Soils • This procedure is for the determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than the #200 sieve are determined by sieving, whereas the distribution of particle sizes smaller than the #200 sieve are determined by a sedimentation process using a hydrometer. ASTM D2216 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Mass • This procedure covers the determination of the moisture content in soil by mass where the reduction of mass by drying is due to the loss of water. ASTM D2487 USCS Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes • This procedure describes a system for classifying soils for engineering purposes using the laboratory data from the particle -size analysis and Atteberg limit tests. ASTM D2488 Visual Procedure for the Description and Identification of Soils • This covers the procedures for soil identification based on a visual approach. ASTM DS084 (Method A) Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter • This covers the procedures for the determination of hydraulic conductivity at a controlled level of effective stress. ASTM D7263 Laboratory Determination of Density (Unit Weight) of Soil Specimens • This covers the procedures of determining the total/moist and dry densities (unit weights) of intact, disturbed, remolded and compacted soil specimens. Density (unit weights) is one of the key components for determining the mass composition and phase relations of soil. 101 9C 8C 7C 6C 5C 4C 3C 2C 1C C Particle Size Distribution Report GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.5 6.5 18.0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X --NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.3 #100 88.5 #200 24.5 Material Description LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND Attg rberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.1537 D85= 0.1426 D600.1099 D50= 0.1001 D80= 0.0811 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 27.4%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 111.3 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 87.4 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Farmers lay Unit Sample Number: E C-1 Depth: 5.10 ft Date: 8-5-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Pro ect No: 72101159 Figure E-1 #1 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN Particle Size Distribution Report %+3" %Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 0.0 0.0 GRAIN SIZE - m % Sand )arse Medium Fine 1.3 2.7 82.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X -NO) #4 100.0 #10 98.7 #20 96.8 #40 96.0 #60 93.8 #100 66.1 #200 13.3 101:!1111-11011111 � ON %+3" %Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 0.0 0.0 GRAIN SIZE - m % Sand )arse Medium Fine 1.3 2.7 82.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X -NO) #4 100.0 #10 98.7 #20 96.8 #40 96.0 #60 93.8 #100 66.1 #200 13.3 i ■ Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND WITH SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= 9_6 Coefficients Dgp= 0.2222 D85= 0.1994 D60= 0.1392 D50= 0.1239 D30= 0.0979 D15= 0.0779 D16= 0.0059 Cu= 23.55 Cc= 11.67 Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 23.3%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 116.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 94.6 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: E-1 Depth: 10-12 ft Date: 8-5-2015 =!Ile, n Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates,Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC North Carolina Prosect No: 72101159 Flaure E-1. # Tested By: LW Checked By: BN Particle Size Distribution Report %+3. % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 8.7 21.2 69.9 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.8 #60 99.3 #100 96.0 #200 91.1 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.0544 D85= 0.0162 D60= 0.0023 D50= D30= D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 65.6%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 91.1 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 55.0 pcf (no speciacation provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E-1 Depth: 23-24 ft Date: 8-5-2015 =!Ile. n Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates,Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC North Carolina ProlectNo: 72101159 Finure R-1 0 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.14 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit from Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.12 E-1 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 54.9 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test (%): 74.0 with mica & fine sand Moisture After Test (%): 73.7 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 ♦ 2 A 1.18 x 10--4 in/hr Cel'I Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):5.30 x 10^-5 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/Sec): _ 8.31 x 10--8 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 r-, U 1 U 1 i 2 Lu 2 J 3 0 3 0 J LL 4 5 U t x 10^-7 \ 8 x 10^-8 E 6 x 10^-8 Y 4 x 10^-8 } F- H J H 0] 2 x 10^-8 Q W W n 1 x 10^-8 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 8-27-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head rr W Z LL h Z LU U it W IL a Particle Size Distribution Report urwnv 01ce - mm. %+3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medlum Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 47.0 25.0 27.6 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.6 #60 97.7 #100 84.4 #200 52.6 Material Description LIGHT GRAY, DARK GRAY &c ORANGE FINE SANDY CLAY Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.1737 D85= 0.1522 D80= 0.0931 DSO= 0.0529 D30= 0.0071 D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CL AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 24.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 96.4 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 76.1 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: E-2 Depth: 4-5 ft Date: 7-31-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Wintervilie, North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure E-2 #1 Tested By: LW Checked By: Ir Particle Size Distribution Report % Gravel I % Sand j % Fines Coarse I Fina I Coarse I Medium I Fine SIR I Clav SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 95.9 #20 92.6 #40 90.3 #60 87.3 #100 65.0 #200 7.5 (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: E-2 Depth: 14-17 ft Material Description DARK GRAY FINE SAND WITH SILT AND SHELLS Alt berg Limlts PL= LL= PI= Coefficients 090= 0.3270 D65= 0.2253 D60= 0.1409 D54= 0.1258 D30= 0.1017 D15= 0.0849 D10= 0.0786 Cu= 1.79 Cc= 0.93 Classification USCS= SP -SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 28.2%: WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 101.9 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 79.5 pcf Date: 7-31-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates,Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Project NO: 72101159 Figure E-2 #2 Tested By: LW __ Checked By: BN 0 Particle Size Distribution Report vrNnnv %+3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 8.7 29.6 61.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.9 #100 99.7 #200 91.3 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.0660 D85= 0.0295 D60= 0.0044 D50= 0.0013 D30= D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 69.8%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 84.1 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 49.5 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E-2 Depth: 24-28 ft Date: 7-31-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina ProectNo: 72101159 Figure E-2 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN Particle Size Distribution Report A t- z ds $ S v %+3„ %Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Coarse I Medium SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X -NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.9 #40 99.5 #60 97.7 #100 85.5 #200 56.5 Fines Fine I Slit 43.0 1 16.8 i Material Description LIGHT GRAY, DARK GRAY & ORANGE SILTY FINE SANDY CLAY Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.1706 D85= 0.1481 D60= 0.0843 D50= 0.0191 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 27.7%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 113.0 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.5 pcf (no specification provided) Location: FarmersClay Unit Sample Number: E-3 . Depth: 7-8 ft Date: 8-5-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure E-3_ #1 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN 10( sC 8( A W 6( Z LL Z 5C (L U W 4C a - 3C 2C 1C C Particle Size Distribution Report GRAIN SIZE - mm. %+3" % Gravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium FineSlit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 4.7 84.4 4.6 2.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 96.4 #20 93.7 #40 0 #60 88.3 #100 61.6 #200 7.3 GRAIN SIZE - mm. %+3" % Gravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium FineSlit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 4.7 84.4 4.6 2.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 96.4 #20 93.7 #40 91.7 #60 88.3 #100 61.6 #200 7.3 Material Description DARK GRAY FINE SAND WITH SILT AND SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.3157 D85= 0.2244 D60= 0.1471 D50= 0.1307 D30= 0.1044 D15:0.0861 D10= 0.0792 Cu' - 1.86 Cc= 0.93 Classification USCS= SP -SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 28.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 112.7 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.0 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: E-3 Depth: 12-14 ft Date: 8-5-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Wintervllle North Carolina Pro qct No. 72101159 Fi ure E-3 #2 Tested By: LW Checked By: 1 Particle Size Distribution Report C G C C C C C O O O p s s S2 O Q Q %+3" %Gravel %Sand %Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 32.3 1 56.0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.9 #100 98.6 #200 88.3 1 ■r n�i %+3" %Gravel %Sand %Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 32.3 1 56.0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.9 #100 98.6 #200 88.3 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterbera Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.0833 D85= 0.0591 D60= 0.0073 D50= 0.0032 D30= D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 34.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 93.7 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 69.9 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E-3 Depth: 22-25 ft Date: 8-5-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina ProectNo: 72101159 Figure E-3 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.13 Sample Identification: Farmers Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.15 from E-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 86.8 Visual Description: Light gray, dark gray & Moisture Before Test (%): 28.6 orange silty fine sandy clay Moisture After Test (%): 27.8 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 A 1.12 x 10-3 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 40.0 Diff. Head (psi): 2.0 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec): 4.94 x 10--4 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 7.90 x 10^-7 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 U U 2 I `1' W Z) J 6 0 J L� 8 ^ 10 U N 1 x 10^-6 N \ 8 x 10^-7 E U U fi x 10^-7 Y 4 x 10^-7 } I-- ' H J H 0] 2 x 10^-7 Q W W n 1 x 10^-7 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-10-2015 Lob No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.11 Sample Identification: Post-Croaton Sand Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.19 Unit from E-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 95.1 Visual Description: Dark gray fine sand Moisture Before Test (%): 23.9 with silt & shells Moisture After Test (%): 25.7 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 e 3.10 x 10^-2 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 45.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 40.0 Diff. Head (psi): 2.0 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):1.39 x 10^-2 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 2.19 x 10^-5 Sample type: Remolded 3 TIME - t (sec) 0 250 500 750 1000 0 r-. U 2 U > i 4 W J 0 6 3 0 J W 8 10 a1 1 x 10^-4 N \ 8 x 10^-5 E .Ui 6 x 10^-5 4 x 10^-5 F- H J H 2 x 10^-5 M Q W W a 1 x 10^-5 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-10-2015 Lab No.: PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Tested by: LW Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head PERMEABILITY.TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.16 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.10 from E-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 75.7 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test (%): 37.7 with mica & fine sand Moisture After Test (%): 51.8 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 ♦ 1.53 x 10-4 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):6.99x10^-5 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 1.08 x 10--7 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 U 1 U a 1 2 W J 3 j 0 J L- 4 5 U 1 x 10-6 N \ 8 x 10^-7 E 0 6 x 10--7 Y 1 4 x 10^-7 } F- H J H 2 x 10^-7 m Q W ME cc W a 1 x 10^-7 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-2-2015 Lob No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head x W Z LL F— Z W U [Y W a. 1 Particle Size Distribution Report %+3" %Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 0.0 0.0 �nnnv .�i�c -nun. % Sand Coarse Medium Fine Slit 0.0 0.1 47.0 21.5 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.9 #60 99.1 #100 89.7 #200 52.9 (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: E-4 Depth: 4-6 ft Terracon Consultants, Inc. Winterville, North Carolina Material Description LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE FINE SANDY CLAY Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= 31.4 Coefficients D90= 0.1511 D85= 0.1351 D60= 0.0872 D50= 0.0582 D30= 0.0036 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 32.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 106.9 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 81.0 pcf Date: 8-10-2015 Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Tested By: LW Checked By: BN #1 Particle Size Distribution Report %+3.1 �% Gravel e Fine 0.0 1 0.0 1.0 Coarse Medium Fine Slit 2.2 6.4 77.4 4.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 99.0 #10 96.8 #20 93.9 #40 90.4 #60 v #100 56.0 #200 13.0 n A %+3.1 �% Gravel e Fine 0.0 1 0.0 1.0 Coarse Medium Fine Slit 2.2 6.4 77.4 4.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 99.0 #10 96.8 #20 93.9 #40 90.4 #60 84.5 #100 56.0 #200 13.0 Fines Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND WITH SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.3612 Dg5= 0.2543 D60= 0.1588 D50= 0.1381 D80= 0.1043 D15= 0.0792 D10= 0.0085 Cu= 18.69 Cc= 8.06 Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 21.1%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 101.9 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 84.2 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: E4 Depth: 10-14 ft Date: 8-5-2015 -- =ille. n Consultants, Inc. 7Client:Groundwater Management Associates,Inc : Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC North Carolina No: 72101159 Fiaure R-4 # Tested By: LW Checked By: Of W Z U - Z W W a. Particle Size Distribution Report %+3„ %Caravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 18.7 44.3 36.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0- #10 100.0 #20 99.9 #40 99.7 #60 99.5 #100 98.4 #200 81.0 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.1017 D85= 0.0858 D60= 0.0300 D50= 0.0143 D30= D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 69.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 93.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 55.4 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E4 Depth: 20-24 ft Date: 8-10-2015 Terracon consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Wintervilie, North Carolina Pro'ectNo: 72101159 _Fll ure E-4 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: 10C 9C 8C 70 LU 60 Z LL Z 50 LL c? Ir Lu 40 CL 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report s RAIN SIZ % 43„ % 0,val I % Sand % Fines coarse Fine Coarse (MediumFine Sllt Ciay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 7.9 35.9 5 6. 0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 44 100.0 �� #10 100.0 I M� 99.9 #40 99.8 #60 99.6 W■ #100 99.2 #200 91.9 111 t 1 RAIN SIZ % 43„ % 0,val I % Sand % Fines coarse Fine Coarse (MediumFine Sllt Ciay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 7.9 35.9 5 6. 0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 44 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.9 #40 99.8 #60 99.6 #100 99.2 #200 91.9 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND EINE SAND Atterberg Llmlts PL= LL= PI Coef iclents D90= 0.0553 D85= 0.0243 DBO= O.Uo( ] Dr,0 0.0037 D30= D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= CL -ML AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 69.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 93.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 55.4 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E4 (re -test) Date: 9-1$-2015 Te rra c o n Consultants, Inc. Client., Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC WI nterVllle, North Carolina Pro ect No: 72101159 FI ure E-4 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN 100 90 80 70 W W 60 Z LL Z 50 W U W 40 d 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report ummm nice - mm. %+3'. % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 66.8 8.9 24.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X -NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.9 #60 98.4 #100 86.0 #200 33.1 Material Description LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.1626 DS5= 0.1475 D60= 0.1074 D50= 0.0957 D30= 0.0164 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 17.8%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 114.3 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 97.0 pcf - (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: E-5 Depth: 4-6 ft Date: 8-13-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina ProectNo:._72101159 Fi ure E-5,#1 Tested By: LW Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report $e� % +3" % Gravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse I Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 1 0.0 4.9 2.9 1 9.5 72.5 4.6 5.6 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 1/2 100.0 3/8 96.7 #4 95.1 #10 92.2 #20 88.1 #40 82.7 #60 75.2 #100 50.8 #200 10.2 Material Description DARK GRAY FINE SAND WITH SILT AND SHELLS Afterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 1.1838 D85= 0.5647 D60= 0.1752 D50= 0.1481 D30= 0.1096 Dig= 0.0845 D10= 0.0731 Cu= 2.40 Cc= 0.94 Classification USCS= SP -SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 18.4%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 117.5 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 99.2 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: E-5 Depth: 10-12 ft Date: 8-13-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville,_N®rth Carolina Project No: 72101159 _ _ _ .. Figure Tested By: LW Checked By: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report VRPUIV JILC' 111111. %+311 % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medlum Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 19.6 26.1 54.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 100.0 #100 98.0 #200 80.4 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterbera Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.1099 D85= 0.0928 D60= 0.0073 D50= 0.0034 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 66.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 82.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 49.8 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: E-5 Depth: 14-15 ft Date: 8-13-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure E-5 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.15 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.11 from E-5 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 54.6 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test 71.3 with mica & fine sand Moisture After Test 62.0 Remarks: ASTM D5081 Run Number: 1 @ 2 e 3.63 x 10-4 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content Bock Pressure(psi): 40.0 Diff. Head (psi): 2.0 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):1.62 x 10--4 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 2.56 x 10--7 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) O 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 Q 1 U v i 2 W J 3 > 0 J 11 4 5 1 x 10^-6 N S x 10^-7 E 6 x 10--7 Y 4 x 10^-7 H H J H 0] 2 x 10^-7 Q W G: W n I x 10^-7 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-2-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head Tested By: LW Checked By: BN #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.8 #40 99.4 #60 95.6 #100 74.9 #200 49.2 Coars 0 () w Medium Fine 0 h 50.2 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.' PASS? dal Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=Nd) LIGHT GRAY, DARK GRAY & ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND Coefficients D9o= O2099 D85= 0, 1863 D60= 0 1071 D50= 0.0779 D 302 D15= Classification Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 28.4%: WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 105.6 pcfAND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 823 pcf Tested By: LW Checked By: BN #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.8 #40 99.4 #60 95.6 #100 74.9 #200 49.2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report << _ o �p�oQ pp (p�V W M N �- e- x i Fti! R iC iF $ 8 0M it �I 1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. %+3" % Gravel %. Sand % Fines coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0:0 0.0 1 2.7 5.0 82.7 4.4 1 5.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 97.3 #20 94.4 #40 92.3 #60 87.6 #100 65.1 #200 9.6 Material Description DARK GRAY FINE SAND WITH SILT AND SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.2901 D85= 0.2252 D60= 0.1404 D50= 0.1249 D30= 0.1001 D15= 0.0825 D10= 0.0757 Cu= 1.86 Cc= 0.94 Classification USCS= SP -SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 26.2%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 112.2 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.9 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: W-1 Depth: 15-16 ft Date: 8-12-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC WinterVille, North Carolina Pro eq No: 72101159 Figure W-1,#2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN Particle Size Distribution Report 14 %+3" % Gravel I% Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 31.5 68.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.9 #100 99.8 #200 99.7 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.0165 DS5= 0.0125 D60= 0.0026 D50= D30= D15= D90= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL -ML AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 67.3%; WET DENSTIY WEIGHT IS 82.8 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 49.5 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: W-1 Depth: 19.5-20.5 ft Date: 8-12-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina Project No:72101159 Figure W-1 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: PERMEABILITY: TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.14 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.10 from W-1 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 59.0 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test (%): 65.5 with mica Moisture After Test (%): 61.2 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 A 1.83 x 10^-4 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):8.34x 10^-5 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 1.29 x 10^-7 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 U 1 U v 2 W J 0 3 0 J L- 4 5 1 x 10^-6 \ 8 x 10^-7 E .Ui 6 x 10^-7 Y 4 x 10^-7 } I H J H 0] 2 x 10^-7 Q W cr W 0- 1 x 10^-7 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-2-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head 10 9 8 70 W 60 Z LL Z 50 W U W 40 EL 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report . pry p� p} pp o 0 0y t0 Cf N \ .- .� :. GRAIN SIZE - m %13" % Gravel I% Sand Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 56.9 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 98.7 #40 97.6 #60 91.2 #100 67.2 #200 40.7 % Fines 13.2 1 27.5 Material Description LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND Attg rberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.2407 D85= 0.2124 D60= 0.1304 D50= 0.1044 D30= 0.0076 D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 39.3%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 98.8 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 70.9 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: W-2 Depth: 5-6 ft Date: 8-19-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Pro ect No: 72101159 Figure Tested By: LW Checked By: BN I Particle Size Distribution Report Vf�/\IIY OILG -III %+3" % Gravel % Sand Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.1 2.8 72.8 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 99.7 #10 98.6 #20 96.8 #40 95.8 #60 92.2 #100 65.8 #200 23.0 % Fines 4.8 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND WITH SHELLS Attg rberg Limits PL= LL= PI= 18.2 Coefficients D90= 0.2332 D85= 0.2068 D60= 0.1381 D50= 0.1202 D30= 0.0881 D15= 0.0024 D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 22.7%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 113.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 92.6 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: W-2 Depth: 14-15 ft Date: 8-19-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure W-2. #2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN 100 90 80 70 x W 60 Z LL Z 50 uJ U W 40 i]- 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report ur%miiN oic.r- - mm. %+3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine I Coarse Medlum Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 1.8 23.4 1 74.8 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X --NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 99.8 #100 99.3 #200 98.2 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.0154 D85= 0.0108 D60= 0.0014 D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL -ML AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 70.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.0 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 51.8 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: W-2 Depth: 24-25 ft Date: 8-19-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Project No: 72101159 _ ._____Figure___ W-2,#3 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN x w Z Z W W Particle Size Distribution Report "fie +3„ % Gravel I % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit cla 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 75.6 8.1 16.1 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.8 #60 90.8 #100 59.0 #200 24.2 Material Description DARK GRAY, LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE CLAYEY FINE SAND Atterber Lg imits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.2456 D85= 0.2223 D60= 0.1523 D50= 0.1310 D30= 0.0899 D15= 0.0030 D10= Cu= cc= Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 16.8%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 110.2 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 94.4 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: W-3 Depth: 4-5 ft Date: 8-25-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina ProectNo: 72101159 Figure W-3 01 Tested By: LW Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report %+3„ %Gravel coarse Fine 0.0 0.0 3.0 GRAIN SIZE - m % Sand oarse Medium Fine 3.9 9.3 68.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 1/2 100.0 3/8 98.9 #4 97.0 #10 93.1 #20 87.5 #40 83.8 #60 78.3 #100 58.1 #200 15.4 % Fines 7.4 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND WITH SHELLS Atterber Limits imits PL= LL= 131= 8.0 Coefficients Dgp= 1.2428 D85= 0.5413 D60= 0.1550 D50=0.1321 D30= 0.0987 D15= 0.0712 DSO= 0.0101 Cu= 15.34 Cc= 6.21 Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 20.3%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 115.0 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 95.6 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: W-3 Depth: 14-15 ft Date: 8-25-2015 =ille, n Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates,Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Flqure W-3. #2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 44 100.0 M10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 100.0 #100 99.8 #200 99.4 41 ,oil,,, mill 111 ■�■�■II�IISlit c1my SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 44 100.0 M10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 100.0 #60 100.0 #100 99.8 #200 99.4 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA Atte rg Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients D90= 0.0214 085= 0.0158 Dro= 0.0040 D50= 0.0013 D30= D35= DIO= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL -ML AASHTO= NATURAL MOISTURE IS 57.7%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.9 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 56.4 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: W-3 Depth: 20-21 ft Date: $-25-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates. Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Wlntervlll@ North Carolina Pro ect No: 72101159 Figure W-3 #3 Tested By: LW ____ Checked By: BN PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.15 Sample Identification; Farmers Cloy Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.10 from W-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 85.6 Visual Description: Dark gray, light gray & Moisture Before Test (%): 26.2 orange clayey fine sand Moisture After Test (%): 22.3 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 6 2 1.41 x 10^-4 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):6.43 x 10--5 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 9.93 x 10--8 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 U 1 U > I 2 W 0 3 z 0 J LL 4 5 U 1 x 10^-7 N N � 8 x 10--8 E 6 x 10^-8 Y ! 4 x 10^-8 } I- H J H 2 x 10"-8 0] Q W 0_ W D- 1 x 10^-8 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA /43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-8-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terraeon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 9.88 Sample Identification: Post-Croaton Sand Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.28 Unit from W-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 92.5 Visual Description: Dark gray silty fine Moisture Before Test (%): 27.1 sand with shells Moisture After Test (%): 26.1 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 0 2 ♦ 4.32 x 10^-3 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 45.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 40.0 10^-6 Diff. Head (psi): 2.0 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec) : 2.07 x 10^-3 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 3.05 x 10^-6 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) O 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 10--6 L 8 x 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Dote: 9-10-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head 10 U a 1 x 10--5 \ 8 x 10^-6 E U .. 6 x 10--6 _. Y 4 x 10^-6 F- H J H 2 x 10^-6 M Q W M 0' W n- x 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Dote: 9-10-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.12 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.08 from W-3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 57.8 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test (%): 68.8 with mica Moisture After Test (%): 67.1 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 2 A 9.55 x 10-5 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec): 4.37 x 10--5 Permeometer type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 6.74 x 10--8 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 U U 1 i I 2 W J 3 0 J L- 4 5 U N 1 x 10--7 N \ 8 x 10^-8 E 0 6 x 10^-8 4 x 10^-8 } H H J H m 2 x 10^-8 Q W tY W d 1 x 10^-8 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-8-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head a - Particle Size Distribution Report VRAIIV QILC - 111111. %+3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 43.0 12.2 43.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X --NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.8 #40 98.5 #60 94.6 #100 76.0 #200 55.5 (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: W-4 Depth: 4-5 ft Material Description ORANGE & GRAY SILTY FINE SANDY CLAY Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.2131 D85= 0.1866 D60= 0.0936 D50= 0.0115 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= - Classification USCS= CL AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 18.4%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 109.5 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 92.5 pcf Date: 8-25-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville, North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Floure W-4. #1 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN tr W Z LL Z 1 Particle Size Distribution Report oda +3" Coarse 0.0 0.0 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Sand FineCoarse Medium Fine Sllt 0.7 4.2 5.7 75.7 4.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 99.3 #10 95.1 #20 91.0 #40 89.4 #60 85.0 #100 59.2 #200 13.7 % Fines Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND WITH SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= 9.4 Coefficients D90= 0.6278 D85= 0.2503 D60= 0.1517 D50= 0.1322 D80= 0.1010 D15= 0.0776 D10= 0.0066 Cu= 22.82 Cc= 10.11 Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 23.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 105.6 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 85.8 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: W-4 Depth: 14-15 ft Date: 8-25-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure W-4. #2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN 100 90 80 70 It Z 60 LL 50 W U W 40 IL 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report 1.7R/1114 OILC - 111111. % +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Flne Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.9 34.3 63.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.9 #60 99.8 #100 99.6 #200 98.0 Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA PL= LL= AtILIberg Limits PI= Coefficients D90= 0.0220 D85= 0.0176 D60= 0.0038 D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL -ML AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 67.6%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 90.0 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 53.7 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: W-4 Depth: 20-21 ft Date: 8-25-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina ProectNo: 72101159 Flg4re_W-4 #3 Tested By: LW Checked By: x W Z LL 1- Z W U x W a i Particle Size Distribution Report UMMI1V OILC ' IIIIII. %+3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 43.7 19.7 35.1 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X -NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 99.8 #40 98.5 #60 93.7 #100 77.0 #200 54.8 Material Description DARK GRAY, LIGHT GRAY & ORANGE FINE SANDY CLAY Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.2160 D85= 0.1853 D60= 0.0941 D50= 0.0265 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CL AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 18.0%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 110.0 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 93.2 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Farmers Clay Unit Sample Number: W-5 Depth: 4-5 ti Date: 8-26-2015 ierracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina ProectNo: 72101159 Figure W-5 #1 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN x W Z LL Z w W 1 Particle Size Distribution Report %+9" Coarse- -Fine Coar: 0.0 0.0 1 2.1 4.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 INI #4 97.9 #10 93.5 #20 88.4 #40 86.3 #60 81.6 #100 57.6 #200 13.7 W� NV�I milli %+9" Coarse- -Fine Coar: 0.0 0.0 1 2.1 4.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 97.9 #10 93.5 #20 88.4 #40 86.3 #60 81.6 #100 57.6 #200 13.7 GRAIN SIZE - m % Sand ?dlum 7 Fine 7.2 1 72.6 Silt Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY SAND WITH SHELLS Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= 8.6 Coefficients D90= 1.1463 D85= 0.3044 D60= 0.1556 D50= 0.1344 D30= 0.1016 D15= 0.0777 D10= 0.0098 Cu= 15.81 Cc= 6.75 Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 29.6%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 104.8 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 80.9 pcf (no specification provided) Location: Post-Croatan Sand Unit Sample Number: W-5 Depth: 10-11 ft Date: 8-26-2015 Terraeon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Project No: 72101159 Figure W-5.#2 Tested By: LW Checked By: BN W W Z LL Z W U it W tL Particle Size Distribution Report %+3" % Gravel I% Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 14.6 35.0 50.1 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 100.0 #20 100.0 #40 99.7 #60 98.9 #100 92.0 #200 85.1 -- (no specification provided) Location: Gumbo Clay Unit Sample Number: W-5 Depth: 24-25 ft Material Description DARK GRAY SILTY CLAY WITH MICA AND FINE SAND Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D90= 0.1290 D85= 0.0739 D60= 0.0092 D50= 0.0049 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= CH AASHTO= Remarks NATURAL MOISTURE IS 71.6%; WET DENSITY WEIGHT IS 88.9 pcf AND DRY DENSITY WEIGHT IS 51.8 pcf Date: 8-26-2015 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Client: Groundwater Management Associates, Inc Project: Lab Testing for Groundwater Management Associates Various Locations, NC Winterville North Carolina Proect NO: 72101159 Figure W-5, #3__ Tested By: LW Checked By: BN PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.13 Sample Identification: Gumbo Clay Unit Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.10 from W-5 Dry Unit Weight (pcf): 53.8 Visual Description: Dark gray silty clay Moisture Before Test (%): 67.8 with mica & fine sand Moisture After Test 63.0 Remarks: ASTM D5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 5.53 x 10"-5 in/hr Cell Pressure (psi): 47.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 42.0 p�ptimum Moisture Content (�); Back Pressure(psi): 39.9 Diff. Head (psi): 2.1 Pe'rcent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):2.56x 10^-5 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 3.90 x 10^-8 Sample type: Remolded TIME - t (sec) 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 U U 1 i a 1 2 W J 3 j 0 J L- 4 5 U N I x 10^-7 \ 8 x 10^-8 E 6 x 10^-8 Y 1 4 x 10^-8 H J H m 2 x 10^-8 Q W tY W 0- 1 x 10^-8 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: Laboratory Testing for GMA #43626 Project No.: 72101159 Location: NC File No.: Date: 9-8-2015 Lab No.: Tested by: LW PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT Checked by: BN Terracon Consultants, Inc. Test: CH - Constant head Appendix E Piezometer Well and Slug Test Well Construction Diagrams GMA Bonnerton Stratlgraphy Study PotashCor Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram —- - .......•........... E-1 Piezometer Well PROJECT: 43626 LOCATION : NSsB 207 E2,640,999 EQUIPMENT USED: Gsaprube 6620DT ELEVATION: +19.51 MSL Top of Casing _ START: 7/2412015 END : 7/24/2015 DRILLER; John Swatter 2 1 x.5.9• Depth (ft) Lkhology KEY: 1- land surface 1 ` 4 2- Well cap 1 3- I -inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite - 4 3 S- 1 -inch, 0.01^ slat PVC screen 5 6- #2 Filter grovel 0 6 10' 6 7 Llthotogy: 6 Farmers Clay Unit 9 Past-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit it Sugar Sand Unit 12 1 5 13 14 j 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 26 27 25 29 30 3.5" GMA Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCor Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram .a ...... . E-2 Piezometer Well PRO]ECr:43626 LOCATION: N588,8414 E2,640,769 EQUIPMENT USED : CieOPiee 6620DT ELEVATION: +15.93 MSL Top of Casing START: 7/22t2015 END : 712212015 DRILLER : 3ohn Switzer 2 1 Depth (ft) Lnhology KEY: 1- Land surface 2- Wall rap 2 3- 1 -inch PVC casing 3 4- 9ontanito 4 } 5- 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen 5 6- Art Filter gravel 0 fi 13' 6 7 - Lithology: e Farmer Clay Unit 9 post-Croaten Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Cloy Unit it Sugar Sand Unit 12 s 13 14 1s 5 16 l7 La 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3.5" A Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study GMA PotashCorp Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram -- .- .......... .."•a -,.I ...... •n,'».. E-3 Piezometer Well PROJECT: 43626 LOCATION : N569 353E 640 8S7 E UIPMENT USED: Geoprobe _ 6620DT ELEVATION: +16.48 MSL Top of Casing START: 7 23 2015 END: 7/23/201S DRILLER: Johnswitrer 2 1 Depth (R) Uc -I Vy KEY: 1- Land surface 1 4 2- Wall cap 2 3- 1 -Inch PVC Casing 3 4- Bentonite — 4 3 S- 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen 5 6- #2 Flltar gravel O 6 12' 6 7 Lithoiogy: 6 Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 S 14 s 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 J:2 23 24 25 4 28 27 28 29 30 3.5" Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study GMA Potash CorpAurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram -- E-4 Piezometer Well PROJECT; 43626 LOCATION : N589,875 E2,641,221 EQUIPMENT USED : Geoprobe 66200T ELEVATION: +15.63 MSL Top of Caslnq START: 7123/2015 END : 7/23/2015 DRILLER: John Switzer 2 _ 2 -1.08• D.pth te.i uthnlugy KEY: - _ I- Land surface 1 4 2• Well cap 2 3- 1 -Inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5- 1 -Inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen S 6- #2 Filter gravel 6 lo' — 6 7 Lithology: B Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 1 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 5' 13 5 14 35 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 4 26 27 26 29 -1 Td=30 E 3.5" Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study GMA PotashCor Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram --: OROONDWATII MAN"IMINI ASSOUATIS, INC E-5 Piezometer Well PROJECT: 43625 LOCATION : N590,075 E2,641,608 EQUIPMENT USED : Geoprobe 6620DT ELEVATION: +14.49 MSL Top of Casing _ START: 7/24/2015 END :7/24/2015 DRILLER: John Switzer 2 1 —0,79' .Depth (R.) Uthology KEY: 1- Land surface 1 4 2- Wet] cap 2 3- 1 -Inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5- 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen 5 6- #2 Filter gravel 6 8' 6 7 Lithology: 6 Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 5' S 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 23 24 25 3.5" G_ + MPotashCorp Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram ' �•----•-G-•- ••a - W-1 Piezometer Well PROIECT: 47626 LOCATION: N%9,157 !2,639,464 1!QUIPM9lVT USED: Geopmbe 662007 ELEVATION: +18.44 MSL Ta or Casin START: 7/24/2015 ENG: 7/24/2015 DRILLER: john Swltter 2 1 X1.10' D•pth(ft.) Uthdo9y KEY: 1- Land surface 14. 2- WCII cap 2 3- 1 -Inch PVC casing 2 4- Bentanite - 4 3 s 5- 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen _ 6- 02 Filter gravel 6 14' 6 Litholc gy: 6 Farmers Clay Unit -_ 9 Pott-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 14 15 16 5' S 17 16 19 20 21 21 27 24 I1 4 26 _... 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 l5 3.5" � GI�AA Bonne Ron Stratigraphy Study PotashCor Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram m.�•�,-•�, .-,�, „.ot..., W-2 Piezometer Well PROJECT: 43626 LOCATION: N584,738 E2,639,651 EQUIPMENT USED: Geoprobe 6620DT ELEVATION: +17.83 MSL Top of Casing START: 7124 2015 END: 712412015 DRILLER : john Switzer 2 1 X1.53' Depth (ft,) LRhology KEY: 1- Land surface 1 4 2- Well cap 2 3. 1 -Inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5. 1 -Inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen 5 6- #2 Filter gravel 6 13' 6 7 tithology: e Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Cr0atan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 14 15 5' 16 5 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 _� 4 26 27 28 29 30 3.5" Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study GMA PotashCGrp Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram ...... W-3 Piezometer Well PROJECT r 43626 LOCATION: MM 39S E2,639,742 f UIPMfNT USED : GeoPrvbe 682007 ELEVATION: 416.42 MSL Top of Casing START : 712512015 END : 712512015 MILLER : 3ohn Switzer 2 Depth (h.) Ethology KEY: 1- Land surface 1 4 2- Well cap 2 3- 1 -Inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5. 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen 5 6- V2 Filter gravel 6 13' - 6 7 Lithology: B Farmers Clay Unit 4 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 14 15 5' 15 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 —4 26 27 28 29 30 �.j TD=70 3.5" Bonnertan Stratigraphy Study ;w� VMA PotashCorp Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram �- _ - - �•���•-• •....... W-4 Piezometer Well PROJECT: 43626____ LOCATION : N590 070E4639,971 _ _ EQUIPMENT USED: robe 6620DT ELEVATION; +17.55 MSL Top of Cali START: 712712015 END : 712712015 DRILLER : Jahn Switzer 2 1 ..a.s7• Depth (R.) Utho" KEY: 1• Land surface 1 4 2- Wali cap 2 3- 1 -inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5- 1 -Inch, 0.01' slot PVC screen 5 6- #2 Filter gravel 6 10' b 7 Litholoff: 6 Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Croaton Sand Unit 10 1 Gumbo Clay Unit Ii Sugar Sand Unit 12 5' 13 14 15 16 5 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 =- 26 27 2E 29 30 3.S" GMA Bonner -ton Stratigraphy Study PotashCor Aurora Piezometer Well Completion Diagram o.o. �...•�.���� „� W-5 Piezometer Well PROJECT ; 43626 LOCATION: N590,575 f2,640,035 EgUIPMENT USED: Geoprotx 8620DT ELEVATION: +15.95 MSL Top of Casing START: 7/2712015 END : 7/27 2015 DRILLER : John Switzer 2 Depth (ft.) Lithology KEY: 1- Land surface 1 4 �- 2- Well cap 2 3- 1 -inch PVC casing 3 4- Bentonite 4 3 5- 1 -inch, 0.01" slot PVC screen S ^ 6- #2 Filter gravel1J 6 1 t' 6 7 Lithology: e Farmers Clay Unit 9 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 Sugar Sand Unit 12 13 5' 14 15 16 17 18 _.S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 26 27 28 29 30 3. S" GM Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study PotashCorp Aurora Slug Test Well Completion Diagram "-•"...M, Slug Test Well @ E-3 PROJECT: 43626 LOCATION: NS69,347 E2,640,862 EQUIPMENT USED: Geoprobe 662ODT ELEVATION: +16.36 MSL Top of Cuing START: 9/2/2015 END: 9/2/2015 DRILLER: John SwHzw 2 1 DOPM (R.) ltehdogy KEY: 1- Land surface 1 2- Well cap 2 3- 2 -inch PVC casing 3 4 Bentonite - 4 3 S- 2 -Inch, 0.02" slot PVC screen 5 4 B- #2 Filter gravel 6 7 Llthology: 8 Fanners day Unit 9 Post-Croatan Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 12 13 14 15 19' 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 8' 24 S 25 B 26 27 _hI Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study GMA VotashCor Aurora Slug Test Well Completion -: arourrow+n� M���w..mi �uon�ns. Nr, Slug 1 est Well @ •t - J TestYr PR03ECT : 43626 LOCATION s 015691409 E2,639,743 EQUIPMENT USED s Cleo robe 6620DT ELEVATION: +16.57 MSL Top of Casing START : 91112015 END : 912/2015 DRILLER : 3ohn Switzer 2 DWth (R) Uthalegy KEY: _ 1- Lend surface 1 2- Well cap 2 3- 2 -inch PVC casing 3 4- Bantonita 4 3 5- 2 -Inch, 0.02" slot PVC screen 5 4 6- #2 Filter gravel 0 6 7 Lithology: S Farren Clay Unit A Post -[matin Sand Unit 10 Gumbo Clay Unit 11 12 17.5' 13 14 1S 18' 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 10' 24 25 26 27 28 TD = 28 Appendix F Slug Testing Monitoring Log Forms o -0+n E2 W W W W V J m m N m A A W W W W W N N N N N tD tD OD CO V V m m Ul Vl A A W W p N ID Z 0 NO fn 4 0 U� O (.h O of 4 cn O In O M O m ¢� A N O m m A N 0 (D m �! m [n A W N Q cn o a rn o us o - v, o in o in N V �" N o V (r N No U. Ln cn o w 3 3 0 � o rO o LO n La W W W W W W W W W W A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A T to u, W m V V Cu Co tD tD O O -+ N N W W A A A A W cid [f+ W W J r V V V -k V W m m W m m m W m W m m m m tD tD W to tD ID [0 tp tp r 1,. N [0 W W N J m J N m A CO m m O W [n W OW m m N A m J W O N A (h �! m M D Q N W W A Ut Cn M V W W W OU -+ -� N N W W A C !C W 3 61 � W �'m n � 1 -+ ——— -� — — — -+— -� -� -- -+ -• N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m � ry i7 � N -� N Cn N tD W A W m A w A V Ill N In V m W m OD J A W O m 0 tO N t0 V O A O M O tD N N N A N W W O W N W W W to W m W V W W A o A A W A A A Cn A m A m A V A m A to A W W O to UI In N In W M A Ul In Lt th In M Vi m U1 V M V (.n W W W f,,n W Vh W _ m �. �9 S 3 c i 2 O O O O co O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q o Q Q Q O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O — = n A V A m Ln O c.n m W In Ut In V m W m -- m W m UI m V m t0 V -+ V A V MO V J ID m O— m m "W m m A m In m m m W m O m W to D tD D— to ED tD N tD N tD WW tD tD A tD A tD lr tD tD tD V. Ul m tD m tU m ID t0 ID lD to to I0 to to to co to W 4 Q O a Ut [n ---4 V m m m W W tD ID w t0 o O D O � N 3 � � m 0 n a m 21 CD n m o r m 3 N C � O N T4- W w n r D CD 0 0 m c � � o m � t7 o p 3 n 3 wo m o w n m n x m m 3 0 5 3 (D 61 N_ C Project Number & Location: 43626-Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study Well#: E-3 Date: 9/912015 Start Time: 1206 prn Static Water Level: 12.34 ft below Toe of Casin Elapsed Time Water Level Change in Water (min) (ft) Level, H (h) Head Ratio HIH, Comments 130 13.47 1.13 0 43 140 13.39 1.05 0,40 150 13-31 0,97 0,37 160 13.24 0,90 0,35 170 13.17 0.83 0.32 180 13.11 0.77 0.30 190 13,04 0.70 0.27 200 1299 0.65 0.25 220 12,88 0.54 0.21 240 12.79 0.45 0.17 260 12.71 0.37 0.14 280 12.64 0.30 0.12 300 12.59 0.25 0.09 320 12.54 0.20 0.08 340 12.51 0.17 0.06 360 12.47 0.13 0,05 380 12.44 0,10 0,04 400 12.42 0,08 0,03 420 12.40 0.06 0.02 440 12.39 0,05 0.02 460 12.38 0.04 0.02 480 1239 0.05 0.02 500 12,40 1 0.06 1 0.02 Notes: Slug out test performed by withdrawing one 1.5-inch diameter by 3-fool metal slug from the well GMA Project #: 43626 - PCS Aurora, Bonnerton Stratigraphy Study Measuring Point Description: Top of Well Casing MP Height above Land Surface: 1.95 feet Radius of Well Casing, r,: 2.0 inches (0.17 feet) Radius of Well Screen (Radius of boring if a screened and gravel-packed well), R: 4.0 inches (0.33 feet) Length of Submerged Well Screen (Length of gravel pack for a screened and gravel-packed well j, Lt: 9,5 feet Well Contractor: John Switzer Trader Construction Person Recorin Data: Ivan Gilmore and K fe Quick GMA vi m IV F m a� x m U C C qu N � N U � U o m o U � cl o h m 3 o m m m m m o � a a N a 7 J C o CL N M d +. � jj V O 9] d 7i Y N H O d O m m m mm m m m n r n W W �➢ L"M 4� M M M N O m m m M 1• r- W� M N T O m W h W M m n W M r m n 'TN r m W W Z O O m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m W W W W W W W W W co Wm N N t-- r- N N 1p W 6 W W W to N N U0 >n 7 �} V o o o d o 0 0 0 0 0 O O o O o O O o O O o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 o a m c w m b m C y = r O m m m O m W t In S M O In W W O o N-1 rD m7 f� P� M N n r m m W W W m W m W m W f-- t --A W W W W W W W 0 m rn rn V- M M N N O O m m W� W In M M C . P m m W m N d y v m M M M M M M M M M M M n M M M M M M M M M M M m M M r'] M r'] . N N N N.. N N N. ry ry r E c J h o � m v � U v � m rn N W� y E r} ami J P p m m co m n m n m W m Im m m m r`] m r m m m 00 op .0 W 11 W � W N W W m n m T� r � cp f� y f� rn r N f� T W W W tS W W d� N W l!1 uI lf) N W o m m r} � o 7 1p M r M r ry r'1 ry m r �fl r r r P to m m W m 1� +- n M W �n Lo m y o V M M N� rq m M � 0 4 �-- O m m m m w C0 N d P m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m rn m m m m m m m m m m m m m W W W W W W W W W W Wm W Wt- n J V E tm O G J O o tV c n E O E o V) N C O N r] Lo C> 'n Ln Ln O M O 10 O N C7 Ln P In O In O [!1 O r N M't M r➢ n M m O N� W W O N 7 W W O In O �n O m [7 W 6 rn O rn O 1n O V] O N= m E P O O P N M M N N rp to O O r N F a CL T to p A 2 � W ina oR Project Number & Location: 43626-Bonnerton Strati2raphy Study Well#: W-3 Date: 91912015 Start Time: 11:07 am Static Water Level: 6.09 k below Top of Casing Elapsed Time Water Level Change in WaterLevel, H {min) (ft) (1t)HlHo Head Ratio Comments 130 7.79 1.70 0,43 140 7.70 1,61 0.41 ISO 7.59 1.50 0-36 160 7.52 1.43 0-36 170 7.44 1.35 0.34 180 7.36 1.27 0.32 190 7.29 1.20 0.31 200 7.22 1.13 0.29 220 7.10 1.01 0.26 240 6,99 0.90 0.23 260 6,90 0.81 0,21 280 6-81 0,72 0.18 300 6.74 0,65 0,16 320 6.67 0,58 0.15 340 6.61 0.52 0,13 360 6.56 0.47 0.12 380 6.52 0.43 0.11 400 6.47 0-38 0.10 420 6.43 0.34 0.09 440 6.41 0.32 0.08 460 6.37 0-28 0.07 480 6,35 0.26 C.07 500 6,32 0.23 0.06 Notes, Slug out test performed by withdrawing one 1.5-inch diameter by 7-foot metal slug from the well GMA Project 9: 43626 - PCS Aurora, Bonnerion Stratigraphy Study Measuring Point Description: Top of Well Casing MP Height above Land Surface: 1.15 feet Radius of Weli Casing, r,: 2.0 inches (0.17 feet) Radius of Well Screen (Radius of boring if a screened and gravel-packed well), R; 4,0 inches (0.33 feet) Length of Submerged Well Screen (Length of gravel pack for a screened and gravel-packed well). L,: 10.5 feet W ell Contractor: John Switzer Trader Construction Person Recorin Data: lean Gilmore and K e Quick GMA Ll r i. j JA Id � x r i t •t ppk ':1 _ 5 *Ai, 1, + * riF N � • S R , dp •+ Y+ _ y* .S 4WiF r ~ �FAF� .. -a �-J6+A If ■�.�ra�+ 1.+..i. � mow �rw� - ; '• L 1#M ..avow t .^•,.�yair-.-��'�r��v'w�...}'.-t- +�'�+w�'+'ar''il,:, �w•.-.trs y 1 �4"+[ __ . �-t ,. _ -. _ * _ , .! . .` .y;R � �` * —ww #` • tea'7' NNE AOMM . _ ,sem•« _ _'� _ . �,,�,e='.��_=����,i-,�i-.:�=r•��.- ___� ,�-_-- -_ — - - of - - •mow t•ti.-- . or Oak jh 14 E' 'r—•-+ :. , "`— rrrr�� �� . .. ::s -a sem, .� t, - . _ - • - _ . - �. - - _�� tai/. +i�� ■ -*rte - � . 6� . - _. - • - . - _ _ _. _ _. _ ��_ ._.. _i - - _ �. _• _ __ __ �� ` �` � �. t �_ _ � , �•�� � � ,tom �. � • - - — - - ._ � ' +#t��, _�+ !� '1 rt - ~_ - — i i - ' � � _ +�aw��� - _ � —__f �^�`_ _ ___-•l�F�iY-F+'--'N'�� �_ a���� •�ti=+-itt-.r+a�r�, _�� . � �. �- r- - T t t # t } 's •! i r rt �� r �. , ' ; T } y TO: T Int - , . 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