HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_PCS Science Panel Processing Agreement_20180213dutrien- Feeding the Future - Federal Express February 13, 2018 Mr. Tom Steffens U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5a' Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 Mr. Anthony Scarbraugh NC Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina, 27889 Dear Mr. Steffens and Mr. Scarbraugh: Re: PCS Phosphate' Science Panel Processing Agreement Dear Mr. Steffens and Mr. Scarbraugh: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 14 2018 Water Gua. }: Regicnar Operatio,m S.=.c i0rt Washingbm,,Zcgio,u opiCH Enclosed is the Corps and PCS attorney -approved draft of the Processing Agreement for engaging Science Panel members with an honorarium to review the annual creeks monitoring report. The Science Panel is required as part of Department of the Army Permit No. 200110096 Conditions U, W and X. Also included is a copy of the email from Corps attorney Carl Pruitt agreeing to the final set of revisions. Please review this Agreement, and if acceptable, let me know and we will obtain the signatures. If you have any questions, please call me at (252) 322-8249, or e-mail me at ieff.ffimess(@nutrien.com. lis or Scientist Enclosure pc: 23-16-010 1 Effective January 1, 2018, PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. is an indirect subsidiary of Nutrien Ltd. PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. remains the legal operating entity and permittee. 1530 NC Hwy 306 South, Aurora, NC USA 27806 nutdan com RECEIVED/NCDFNH CT i PROCESSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN FEB 14 2018 THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. Watercr::;r:y ;•,,; Washhin9tonRnr ;��-�;., I. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE A. This Processing Agreement ("Agreement") provides a framework in which the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE") will manage a Science Panel required by paragraphs U, W, and X of Department of the Army Permit No. 200110096 issued June 10, 2009 to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. ("PCS") (the "Permit"). This Agreement describes the relationship of the above named parties in the performance of their obligations under the Permit. B. PCS shall nominate and USACE will review and approve or reject members of the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Panel (the "Panel") required by the Permit. Upon approval, PCS shall be the party responsible for engaging and retaining the Panel members with funds provided by PCS. C. It is the purpose of this Agreement to establish an understanding between PCS and the USACE regarding the responsibilities of the parties and the conditions and procedures to be followed in the selection and performance of the Panel. D. The parties hereto intend that the selection and performance of the Panel will satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Permit. H GENERAL PROVISIONS A. The USACE will be responsible for assuring compliance by the Panel with all the applicable requirements of the Permit. B. PCS will engage and retain the Panel Members, approved by the USACE, for the performance of the work required by paragraphs U, W and X of the Permit. C. PCS will provide, through its staff, the site knowledge, staffing, and technical capabilities required for the Panel to perform the Statement of Work ("SOW") attached hereto as Exhibit A. The USACE will determine the specific scope of the Panel's activities related to the SOW and will independently evaluate all information, environmental data and analyses submitted by PCS to the Panel, and revise or cause additional study and analyses to be performed as necessary to comply with the terms of the Permit. D. The engagement agreements between PCS and Panel Members for the performance of the SOW (collectively the "Engagements") shall be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and shall specifically incorporate those provisions herein which address the conduct of PCS and the Panel Members. PCS shall provide, and PCS hereby represents, consistent with 40 C.F.R. § 1506.5(c), that PCS and the Panel Members have not entered into and, during the lifetime of the Permit, will not enter into any agreement that would provide Panel Members with any direct or indirect material financial interest in the planning, design, construction or operation of the Permit except for the performance of the Engagements. PCS may provide a Panel Member with an Honorarium in accordance with Exhibit B attached hereto. A Panel Member's participation in a 401(k) plan or similar retirement plan that includes funds that include PCS Phosphate Company stock would not provide a Panel Member with a material financial interest in the planning, design, construction or operation of the Permit. Further, PCS shall ensure that PCS and the Panel Members shall specifically limit any remedies available to PCS and any Panel Members, so as to affirmatively relieve the United States of America, the USACE, and any officer, agent or employee of same, from any liability arising directly out of the performance or termination of the Engagements. (1) Prior to beginning the SOW under the Engagements, each Panel Member shall sign the "Disclosure Statement" which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit 1. (2) The USACE shall evaluate the Disclosure Statement prior to its approval. E. PCS shall facilitate the coordination of effort and the exchange of information related to the Science Panel's work between the Science Panel and the USACE. PCS shall make all reasonable efforts to assure the satisfactory and timely performance of the duties of the Science Panel as specified in this Agreement. F. PCS shall ensure that the Science Panel has all the information necessary to perform the SOW. G. All costs incurred in connection with the Engagements of the Science Panel shall be the sole responsibility of PCS and PCS agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the USACE, its officers, agents, and employees, with respect to any and all judgments or settlements arising from claims, demands, causes of action, and the like, in connection with the Engagements which may arise from the termination or performance of the Engagements or any other services, or purchase of materials utilized for the work of the Science Panel or from termination of this Agreement. This indemnification by PCS does not extend to administrative or legal costs of the USACE, including costs associated with suits by third parties (other than the Members of the Science Panel) against the USACE, involving the legality or adequacy of the USACE's compliance with laws and regulations, to the extent of the USACE's liabilities on those issues. PCS shall cooperate and shall ensure that the Science Panel Members cooperate in defense of any such suit. III. PROCEDURES A. Under the direction of the USACE, PCS shall prepare and revise the SOW to meet the obligations of USACE and PCS under the Permit. Exhibit A attached hereto contains the initial approved SOW. B. Unless otherwise directed by the USACE, any and all work performed by the Science Panel in accordance with the SOW shall be submitted directly to the USACE and to PCS simultaneously. PCS may communicate with the Science Panel during the performance of the SOW, but no prior review or discussion of conclusions developed by the Science Panel shall be afforded PCS. In no case will PCS attempt to modify or edit the opinions and work of the Science Panel prior to submission to the USACE, or be provided the opportunity to do so. All suggestions for modifications or changes by PCS shall only be made to the USACE. C. The USACE reserves the right to review periodically and modify the SOW to ensure that requirements under the Permit are satisfied. D. The USACE shall review each communication from the Science Panel and, after consultation with PCS, shall approve, modify, comment thereon and/or direct further work with regard to such communications as necessary. E. PCS shall be responsible for the costs associated with the printing, publication, and mailing of the draft and final copies of information which the Science Panel may wish to be put in writing. F. In all instances involving questions as to the content or relevance of the environmental data and analyses, and evaluations and wording prepared by the PCS or the Science Panel, the USACE, with appropriate advice and consultation where deemed necessary by the USACE, will make the final determination on the inclusion, deletion or modification of the same in any report or written communication of the Science Panel. G. The USACE will maintain the confidentiality of, and will not release or allow access to, any information, documents or materials which it determines are validly designated as confidential by PCS or the Science Panel and which contain trade secrets, proprietary data, or commercial or financial information. Information developed under this Agreement is disclosable to the public to the extent required by law. In any instance where the USACE proposes to release to the public or allow access to any information, documents or materials which PCS or the Science Panel has designated as confidential, it shall notify PCS and the Science Panel of its intention to do so and provide PCS and the Science Panel the opportunity to appeal the decision in accordance with applicable regulations and statutes on such release or access prior to any such release or access. IV. CESSATION AND TERMINATION A. Any of the parties to this Agreement may withdraw from the terms of this Agreement for good cause upon 30 days written notice to the other party. During this period, the parties will actively attempt to resolve any disagreement. B. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, it is agreed as follows: (1) The USACE shall have access to all documentation, reports, analyses and data prepared by PCS and the Science Panel, with confidentiality governed by paragraph III.G. (2) Liability for termination shall be in accordance with paragraph II. G hereof. V. NO RIGHTS FOR NON-PARTIES. No rights or privileges are created or intended to be created by this Agreement in anyone not a signatory of this Agreement. VI. MODIFICATION. This Agreement represents the entire agreement and may be modified by the parties hereto only by written agreement by all the parties. UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF Colonel, U.S. Army District Commander PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Date Date DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I, , a Member of the Science Panel, do hereby certify that I have not entered into and, during the lifetime of the Engagement, will not enter into any agreement affording me with any direct or indirect material financial interest in Army Permit No. 200110096 issued June 10, 2009 to PCS Phosphate Company, hic. (the "Permit'). In making this certification, I acknowledge that I have read, considered, and am in compliance with the EPA/EIS-related provisions of 40 CFR § 1506.5(c), and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Forty Questions, Questions 16 & 17 (copies attached), as those provisions apply to the Statement of Work for the Science Panel established pursuant to the Permit, rather than an EIS. I further certify that I will make a full disclosure of the scope and extent of my prior involvement with PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. [Panel Member] By: Title: Date: 40 CFR § 1506.5(c) Environmental impact statements. Except as provided in §§ 1506.2 and 1506.3 any environmental impact statement prepared pursuant to the requirements of NEPA shall be prepared directly by or by a contractor selected by the lead agency or where appropriate under § 1501.6(b), a cooperating agency. It is the intent of these regulations that the contractor be chosen solely by the lead agency, or by the lead agency in cooperation with cooperating agencies, or where appropriate by a cooperating agency to avoid any conflict of interest. Contractors shall execute a disclosure statement prepared by the lead agency, or where appropriate the cooperating agency, specifying that they have no financial or other interest in the outcome of the project. If the document is prepared by contract, the responsible Federal official shall furnish guidance and participate in the preparation and shall independently evaluate the statement prior to its approval and take responsibility for its scope and contents. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit any agency from requesting any person to submit information to it or to prohibit any person from submitting information to any agency. CEQ Forty Questions, Questions 16 & 17 All 40 questions can be found at: biip://cgq.eh.doe.govinepairegs/40/4Op3.htm Question 16. Third Party Contracts. What is meant by the term "third party contracts" in connection with service on the Science Panel? See Section 1506.5(c). When can "third party contracts" be used? A. As used by EPA and other agencies, the term "third party contract" refers to the preparation of EISs by contractors paid by the applicant. hi the case of an EIS for a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, the applicant, aware in the early planning stages of the proposed project of the need for an EIS, contracts directly with a consulting firm for its preparation. See 40 C.F.R. 6.604(g). The "third party" is EPA which, under Section 1506.5(c), must select the consulting fun, even though the applicant pays for the cost of preparing the EIS. The consulting firm is responsible to EPA for preparing an EIS that meets the requirements of the NEPA regulations and EPA's NEPA procedures. It is in the applicant's interest that the EIS comply with the law so that. EPA can take prompt action on the NPDES permit application. The "third party contract" method under EPA's NEPA procedures is purely voluntary, though most applicants have found it helpful in expediting compliance with NEPA. If a federal agency uses "third party contracting," the applicant may undertake the necessary paperwork for the solicitation of a field of candidates under the agency's direction, so long as the agency complies with Section 1506.5(c). Federal procurement requirements do not apply to the agency because it incurs no obligations or costs under the contract, nor does the agency procure anything under the contract. Question 17a. Disclosure Statement to Avoid Conflict of Interest. If an EIS is prepared with the assistance of a consulting firm, the firm must execute a disclosure statement. What criteria must the firm follow in determining whether it has any "financial or other interest in the outcome of the project" which would cause a conflict of interest? A. Section 1506.5(c), which specifies that a consulting firm preparing an EIS must execute a disclosure statement, does not define "financial or other interest in the outcome of the project." The Council interprets this term broadly to cover any known benefits other than general enhancement of professional reputation. This includes any financial benefit such as a promise of future construction or design work on the project, as well as indirect benefits the consultant is aware of (e.g., if the project would aid proposals sponsored by the firm's other clients). For example, completion of a highway project may encourage construction of a shopping center or industrial park from which the consultant stands to benefit. If a consulting firm is aware that it has such an interest in the decision on the proposal, it should be disqualified from preparing the EIS, to preserve the objectivity and integrity of the NEPA process. When a consulting firm has been involved in developing initial data and plans for the project, but does not have any financial or other interest in the outcome of the decision, it need not be disqualified from preparing the EIS. However, a disclosure statement in the draft EIS should clearly state the scope and extent of the firm's prior involvement to expose any potential conflicts of interest that may exist. 17b. If the firm in fact has no promise of future work or other interest in the outcome of the proposal, may the firm later bid in competition with others for future work on the project if the proposed action is approved? A. Yes. EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF WORK (Corps of Engineers Permit #200110096 Creek Monitoring Science Panel Responsibilities) PCS has developed a Plan of Study to address the effects of the reduction in headwater wetlands on the utilization of Porter Creek, Tooley Creek, Jacobs Creek, Drinkwater Creek, and Jacks Creek as nursery areas by resident fish and appropriate invertebrate species. A. This Plan of Study addresses the following issues: 1. Has mining altered the amount or timing of water flows within the creeks? 2. Has mining altered the geomorphic or vegetative character of the creeks? 3. Has mining altered the forage base of the creeks? 4. Has mining altered the use of the creeks by managed fish? 5. Has mining increased contaminate levels within the creek sediments to levels that could impact fish or invertebrates? 6. Has mining altered overall water quality within the creeks? B. PCS and its contractor will oversee all data collection and reporting. Panel members are encouraged to be involved in data collection (if they wish). The main commitment for panel members is to review the data and provide comments. However, PCS is ultimately responsible for ensuring work is complete and all timelines are met in accordance with the permit conditions. C. The Panel is not a decision making body - your input is provided as observations and suggestions. While consensus is desired, the Panel may submit input as a group or as individuals. The Corps/DWR will fully consider all information presented by the Panel as well as comments from state and federal agencies and all other parties supplying input to determine if corrective actions or permit modifications are needed. D. The Panel can make suggestions to improve/modify data collection to better address the subject questions and the Corps/DWR will consider requiring implementation of said change(s). E. Regarding Panel suggestions to study further hypotheses or other areas of interest, the Corps/DWQ will not require anything outside the purview of the permit special conditions, but PCS may choose to implement such suggestions at its discretion. F. The Panel will receive all data by way of an annual report on or before July 1 following each calendar year of data collection. G. The Panel will meet annually with the Corps, DWR, PCS Phosphate and other interested state and federal agencies on or before August 30 of each year. Exhibit B HONORARIUM The following provisions shall apply to any Honorarium paid to any Science Panel Member: 1) Each panel member will receive an annual honorarium to be funded by PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. ("PCS"). The amount to be paid as an honorarium is a non -negotiated token of appreciation for services and shall be for the purpose of refunding the expenses incurred by a person who, at no charge, serves as a Panel Member. (2) The total amount of an Honorarium may not exceed $1,500.00 and is intended to cover all likely expenses, including travel expenses, to be incurred by the recipient in lieu of a claim for separate reimbursement. (3) The provision and acceptance of an honorarium is qualified by an overarching requirement. It must not appear to a reasonable person that acceptance of the honorarium would undermine the Panel Member's independence, integrity or impartiality. The Panel Member is expected to maintain their scientific integrity and objectivity at all times. Therefore, the receipt of the honorarium shall not be contingent on any particular opinion of the Panel Member. (4) Participation as a Panel Member on this Panel does not make the Panel Member an employee of PCS or of the federal government, and therefore they are not entitled to workman's compensation benefits, unemployment insurance, or any other type of insurance or benefit normally provided to employees. In addition, PCS is not responsible for withholding federal or state income taxes or Social Security from the honorarium paid. PCS will issue a Form 1099 to report the payment of any honorarium to the Panel Member, the Internal Review Service, and any required State taxing authority. (5) If a Panel Member terminates their service as a Panel Member, PCS reserves the right, subject to the approval of the USACE, to prorate or withhold the amount of the honorarium. Jeff Furness From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: I concur with the revisions. Carl E. Pruitt Assistant District Counsel U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Pruitt, Carl E Jr CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <CarI.E.Pruitt@usace.army.mil> Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:14 PM George House Jeff Furness; Lekson, David M CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [EXT SENDER] RE: PCS Science Panel Documentation GREENS BORO-#1105006-vl-Science_Panel SOW.DOCX; GREENSBORO-#1105002-vl- Honorarium_Exhibit.docx; GREENSBORO-#1105000-vl-PCS- Corps_Science_Panel_Processi ng_Ag reement.docx This email may contain attorney-client privileged information or attorney work product. Do not release to third parties without approval. -----Original Message ----- From: George House[mailto:GHOUSE@brookspierce.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 12:04 PM To: Pruitt, Carl E Jr CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Carl.E.Pruitt@usace.army.mil> Cc: Jeff Furness <1Furness@potashcorp.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] PCS Science Panel Documentation Here are our proposed final amendments to the Science Panel documents that I received from you. I could not find a reference to the Honorarium attachment in the Processing Agreement, so I added reference to an Exhibit B. I think we need to tie them together. A few other changes including the addition of PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. as the real party in interest. Let me know if you concur and we can finalize and sign. George House <Blockedhttp://www.brookspierce.com/our-people/attorneys/george-w-house> <Blockedhttp://www.brookspierce.com/> t: 336.271.3114 f: 336.232.9114 2000 Renaissance Plaza 230 North Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27401 P.O. Box 26000 (27420) Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail transmittal is privileged and confidential intended for the addressee only. If you are neither the intended recipient nor the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure of this information in any way or taking of any action in reliance on this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the person transmitting the information immediately. This e-mail message has been scanned and cleared by MailMarshal SMTP.