HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181341 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20181015ROY COOPER cwi,rec. MICHAEL S. REGAN Sea'rPtnry LINDA CULPEPPER fn(ertm OVrerfar NORiF1 CAROiINA EnrtronnaeMa! Qua11ty Oc[ober l�,'_018 Cata��ba Counh NCDW'R Project No.?0181 �-ll�.l I--10 Bridgc Protrction Repair in Lvle Creek 4PPROV'AL of JII1 WAT[:R Q1��.1L,ITY CF.RTIFICA'CION. N�ith ADDI"1'IO��rAL CONUITIONS Mr. N1ark Stafturd. P.E.. NCDOT. Di�ision I � 1710 F,�ut Marion Street Shclbc, NC �81 � I Dcar Mr. Staffi�rd: Di� isiun Em,ineer You have our approv�l, in accordance �ci�h the conditions listed brlow, for Ihe following impacts for [hc purpose of repairing the bridge bank suppoit area on I-a0 sn�ucture [hat ,p2ns I.cle Creek in Cata�cba Count}�: titrcam Imnactr in [he Catawba Ri��cr Basin l�enyx�rar� I�lll Permanent Pill in Intermittenl in I'crennial Si[e titream titream Qinear ft) �linear fry SI �tcmp crossinel POl ;41. l�em�wrarc Pill ���ulal Stream tih-eam Im�mc in Pcrennial Requiring Impact Stream Mitigation (line�r ft) (linear fq � Qinear fry 16 0 I 200 I 16 Total Stream Impacl for 1'roject: ?161inear (cet. I� '_UO 0 21G 0 The projzct shall he constructed in accurdance with your application dated received October-4. ?018. After reviewin_ yuur application. we havc decided that these impacts arc covered bq General Water Qualiq Cenihc�tion Number �31 �?. i�his cenificatiun curresponds N[he Na[iome�ide Penni� � issued b�� the Corps of F.n,ineers. In addilion, ��ou should acquire any other feJeral, state ur local permits before you proceed with your project including ::,..., � Q�,� North Carphna Deparunent x c':i�vonmen� �i Q�,ii���. D�msiun of Watar Resourcas �12 North Salisbury Shee[ 16P Matl Serv�ce Cenwr Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-161; 919J079000 __ — �� — _ (but not limi�ed to) Sadimen� and Ero.iun Coiurol, Non-Di,charee and W'a[er Suppl� Watrrshed reeulation,. -fhis approval will e�pire �� ith ihe accomp�n��in, -10�1 pennit. T his apprucal is ��aliJ suleh �i�r �he purpuse and Jesi�n de,a�ibed in your applicatiun �unle,s mudilied beluw). Slwuld �uur project chan��e. ��ou must no�ih the NCDN'R and submit a ne�c application. I1 �hz prupert� is suld. tha new owner must be �iven a cup}� of Uiis Ceniticmion and appro��al letter, and is therebp nsponsible lur cumpl� in_ with all the conditions. If lutal ��etland ITlls lor this project (no��� or in the future) esceed one acre_ or of tulal impacts tu ,treams liw� ur in ihe fuWrel csceed I i0 linear leet, compensaror� miti�,ation ma� be reyuired as describrd in I iA NCAC'_H .0�06 �h� (6� and �7). For ihis approval to remain valid. you miut adhere to Ihe conditions listed in the attached certilicatiun(s) and an} additionel conditions lis[ed below. Condition(s) of Certification: Project Specific CunJi[ions I. Duc tu thc s-ize u(�hc �+�a�erbudy, flashiness o(the system. and the temporary crossin�, being ins[alled. all of tl�e folluwing conditiuns shall be fulluwed � I iA NCAC 0?H .0�0G(b)�2)J: A. All work involuin, haavy equipment ihul accesses lhe temporar� civssing shall be completed as quickl� as possible. B. At the end ol e�er� work day, heavy eyuipment >hall be vacked uut of [he creek area ontu as hi_h o( �,rounJ as possible. In the evrnt ul an exceptional rain e�ent in the forecasi (ie. Hurricanel equipment shall be tr�cl.�d out oI the entire area and parked as closed to �he paved area o[ the rest s[op as safely possible. C. Anq hieh water event that causes moe�emant of the iempurary crossing du�vnstreain shall be rcpuned tu NC DW'R. ,411 material muvzd downsveam shall be retrie�ed unless o�hen+�ise ad�-ised b� NC D W fZ. '_'. The NCDOT Di�ision F:nviromnental Ofticer or Environmental .4ssistan[ N ill cunduct a pm-constnictiun meeting with all appropriale stafl�to ensure that the prqject supervisur and essential statf widzrstand the potrmial issues �rith s�ream and pipe ali�nmzm tu the pzrmitted site. NCDW R staff shall be imired to the pre-cunstruction meetin�. � I>A NCAC 03H.0�06(b11�) and lb)l3)� �. -I'he post-construction removal ol an� [em�orary crossing strucWres musl retum the project sit� [o its preconstruction con�ours and elev�tions. The impacted areas shall be ra�e�,etateJ �eith appropriete native species. j I iA NCAC 02H .05061b1('_)� General Conditions Unless otherwise approved in this certiticatiun, placeinem of culverts and other structures in open waters and sireams sh�l I be placed below the elevation of the s�reambed by nne foot for all cuh�erts �cith a diameter _reater Ihan �iS inchrs. and ?0 pereent of the culvert diameter for culverts havin� a diaineter less than 18 inches. to allo�e� low Flo�� passage of ��ater and aquatic life. Design and placement o� culvert� and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be cunducted in a manner thai mac residt in dis-equilibrium of �eedands ur streambeds ur banks. adjacem to or upstream and duwnstream uf the abuve structures. Thz applicant is required tu provide evidence that the equilibrium is' bein_ maintainzd if requested in writin, b�� NCDW'R. If Ihis condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting (eawres encountercd durin�_ cons[ruction, please contact NCDW R for :uidance on how to proceed and to deterniine whether or not a perniit modificaiion will be required. �15A NCAC 0'_H.0506(bl(_')J ::;_., � Q�� North Carohna Deua�f.ment o� Em�nruns,cai Q�,,iiiy Drviswn uf Wa[ar Resources 512 North Sahstlury S[reet 16ll Mail Servmz Centei Ral?igh. North Carolma 2 7 699-161 % 919707 9000 '_'. Ifconcrete is iu�d durin�� construction. n di� «�ork area shall bc maim2ined �o pre���nt direct contact between curin� concrete and svcam water. W'ater dt:�t inndvertentl�� contacb uncured concmte shall not be ditichaiged to surface ���ten due to Ihe putential fur �levated pH and possible syuatic life and fish kilk. [I�A NCACO_'BA?OU� �. Durin, die construction uf the projec�. no sla��in�s of eyuipment ul ain kind is permitted in ti�a�ers of the U.S.. or pro�ccted riparian buffers. [ I�A NCAC 0'_H.0506(b)(_'lJ �F. The dimension, pattem and protilc nf�ihe slream abuve and b�low the crossin�; shall no� be modified. Disturbed Floodplains �nd ,treams �hall be restorrd to natural erumorphic conditions. � I iA NCAC 03HA�0616)l-')I �. �fhe use of rip-rap abuve �hz Normal I lieh N�'ater Marh shall be minimized. An}� rip-rap placed for stream s[ahilirition shall be placed in siream channels in ,uch a manner that it does not imprde ayuatic life passa��e. [ I�A NCAC 0'_H.0506(b)(31� 6. The Permittee shall ensurc that ihe tinal desi��n droi��ings adhere m the permit and to die permii dra« ings submiucd I'or approvaL �I iA NCAC 0'_H .Oi07(c) and I�A NCAC 0'_H .0506 �b)(2 � and (c)l'-1� 7. All work in or a�jacent to ,tream N�aters shull be conductrd in a dr} work area. Appruved BMP measures From die must current versiun uf NCDOT Coiutruction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandhags. rock benn,. cultcrdanu and othar dioersiun su�ucturcs shall be uscd to prevent �sca��iiun in Ilu�sin� water. ( I�A NCAC 0'_H.0�0G1b)(3) and Icl(3)� 8. Heav} eyuipment �hall be operaied ti�om Ihe banks rather �han in ih� stream channel in order tu minimize sedimentation and rrduce thz introduction ot uther pollmants inlo Ihe stream. � I>A NCAC 0?H.0�06(b)1-1� 9, All mechanized equipmrnt operated near surtac� waters mus't be re_ularl� inspzcted and maintained �o prevent contamination ol stream �i�aters from luels, lubricant�. hydraulic Fluids. or uther [uzic maierials. [I�A NCAC 0311.pip6(61(�)� 10. No ruc6. sand or other materials shall be dred�_ed from the stream chann�l e�cept whcre authorized b}� this ceniticaiion. �1�.4 NCAC 0'_H.OS061b113)� I L Dischar�im_ hydroseed mistum and H�ashin�_ out hydro,ceders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibiied. � I�A NCAC 0'_H.OS06(b)f31J I'_. The permittze and its authorited agznts shall conduc[ its activiiies in a manner consistent �aith Stare wa�er quality standards �includin� an� requirements resultine from compliance �+�ith ji031d) of the Clean Water Ac�) and any other appropriare requirements of Stare and F'ederal law. IFihe NCDWK de[ermines thUt such ,[andards ur la�cs are not bcin, met ( includin_ the failure �o sustain a dzsi_natcd or achievzd use) or that Si�te or fcderel law is bein� violaled. or that further conditiuns are necessary tu assure compliance. the NCDWR may reevaluate and modif} thi� cenification. [I �A NCAC 02B.U'_00� 13. All lill slopes located in jurisdictiunal �aetlands shall be placed at slopzs nu Ilauer [han 3:1, unless oth�rwise authorized by ihis certi�ica[iun. �I �A NCAC 0?H.0�061b11�)� I�l. A copy of [his W'ater Qualiq Certificatiun shall be maintained on the construction site at all times. In addition, [he Water Qualih Cenitication and all subseyuent muditications, ifany, shall be maintained with the Dicision 6�;ineer and the on-site project managec [ I?A NCAC 0°H .0?07(c) and I�A NCAC 0?H Oi06 fb)('-) and (c)(�)� .�.,�� Q�� North Carolina Departmen!;ii 6nvonin�nfai Q,iai�� Drvision �f WaCer Resources 312 North Sahsbun� Street 16ll Mail Sercice Cznter R�leigh, North Carolina 2 7 699-161 7 919.707.9000 I�. The outside buffer. wedand ur water boundan located w ithin the eonstruction corridur appruved hc this authorization shnll be clearl�� m�rked b� highly visible kncin; prior to any I�nd diciurbing aclivities. Impacts to areas ���i�hin the tencing are prohibiied unless othenrise authorized hy this certiflca�ion. [ I iA NC.AC 021� L0�01 and .050� � 16. The issuance of �his cenillcation does not e�empt the Permittee t�om comph in� with am� and all s�atutes. rules. re�ulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other eovermnent a�encies I i.e. locnl, state. and fedei-�II having jurisdiction, includin� bu[ noi limited to applicablc buffer rules. stonm�a�er managemem ndes, soil erosion and sadimentation control requirrements, etc. 17. The Permittee �hall repoit amy violations of this certiYica�ion to the Division of N�'arer Resources ti�ithin 3d hours ofdiscovery. � I�A NCAC 0�[3.0506(b)('_ �� 18. Upon coinpletion ofihe prc�ject (including am� impacts at 2ssnciated burro�� or ��aste sitesL the NCDO�I- Divi.ion Engineer shall complere and reuirn the enclosed "CcrtiYication of Completion fomi" io notif� the NCDWR �vhen all work included in the �301 Cenitication has been completad. �I�A NCAC 0?H.pip�l t)� 19. Nativ� riparian vaeetation �e�. Salis nigra, hmcus (spp6 Cares (spp), et aI.J must be reestablished in the riparian arens �vithin �he construction limits ot the project bv the end nf the gro�cing season lullotiin_ compl�lion ofconstruction. [I�A NCAC 03f3.0?= I�b1161J �0. I�herr shall be nu etcavatiun t�oin, or �e�aste disposal into, jurisdictional �roetlands or �saters associated �cith this permit �� ithnut approprime inodificn�ion. Should wa;ie or borrow sites, or acces� roads to waste or borrow sites. be locatad in �sedands or su-eams, compensatory mitigation ���ill be required since diat is a direct iinpact Irum ruad construction ac�ivi�irs.( I�A NGAC 0'_H.0�06(bl(_ ) a�d (cll �)J ? I. Erosion and sedimem convol proc�ices mus� be in full compliance wi�h all s�eci�icaliuns govemine tha proper design, installatiun and operatiun and maimenance of such Besi Mana��tmem Praetices in order to protect surYaee �caters standards � I�.A NCAC 0?l�I.Oj06lb)(3) and (c113�1: a. The erosiun �nd sedimeiu cuntrul measures for the project miut be dasi,ned, insialled, uperatzd, and maintained in accordance with the most r�cent veniun uF the :Vorrh C«rulDr« Srdimr�v �md Erosiun Cu�ttrul Pluiv�in,� m�rd Dec�;r;n �lhuu<<rl. b. The desi;n, installation, opera�iun, znd maintenance of ihe s�dim�n[ and erosion control measures must be such [hx[ the� rquaL or tzeeed. the requir�mems specitied in �he most recant cersion ul the :Vr�rth ('urr�liitt� Srdimrnt �rnd Ero_��ion Co�rti�ol hl�uiu��L ��he devices shall be maintained un all construction sites, borzuw sites, and ���aste pile Ispoil ) projects, includine cuntractor-uwned or leased borrou pits associated with the project. c For 6orrow� pit sites, the erosion and sediment control mcawres inust be desiened. installed. operated. and maintained in accord;�3nce wi�h the mus� recent version of the ��'ur�h Cm�ulin«.SarJure .M1linin� :1 /<u�aal. d. The reclamatiun measurrs and impkmema�ion must compl} with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of lhe Sedimcntation Pollution Contrul Act. ?2. SeJiment and �rosion control measures shall not be placed in wedands or waters unless othznrise approved by this Certitication. [I>A NCAC 0'_1-I.Oi06(b)(3) and �ep.i)� If }ou wish to contest an� sta[ement in the attached CertiTication you must tile a petition for an administra[ive hearin,. You may obtai� the petition fonn from the oftice of Administrative hearings. You mus� lile the petition with the office of Administralive Hearim�s within sixty �60) daqs oFreceip� ofthis notice. A petition is considered tiltd N�hen it is recai�ed in [hz ottice of Administralive Hearin,s durin, nunnal uffice huurs. The OtTice of ;::�.;, � Q�� North Carolina Depar(mentor Environmentdl Qudlrc Drvisinn of Water Resources 512 No�Yh Salisbury Streec 1617 Mail Servma Cenier Raleigh. N�rth Carulina 27G99-LGi+' 919 70 i 9000 Adminisirative He�uings accepts tilings Mondac throu_h Friday bet�.�een the hours of 8:OOam and >:OOpm. e�cept for oYticial state holidays. The original and one ( I) cop} of ihc petition must be filed with the Office of .4dministra[ive Hcarin�s. fhe petition map be fa�ed-provided the uri�,inal and one cup}� uf [he ducimient is reczived bt the Office of Administrative Hearin,s within five (5) hiisiness da�s followin, the fased [ransmissiun. The mailing addrcss for the Office of Administralive Hearin�; is: Oftice of AdminisVative Hearings 671d Mail Service Cen[er Raleiah, NC 37699-671-1 Telephone: �919) d31-3000, Faaimile: (919)131-3100 A copy� of Ihe petition mus� also be served un DEQ as follows: Mc Bill F. Lane, General Cuunsel Uep�rtment of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Cznter This letter completes the review ot the Division of Water Rzsources under Section -301 of [he Clean W'ater Act. If you have an�� questions. please contact Donna Hood a� (70J1_'3i-'_ 19� or donna.hood'ancdenr.gov. Sincerely, i� q �r- ��'��� �r Linda Culpepper, In[ r�ini Direc[or � Division of Wa[er Resources Electronic cops only dis[ributiun: Nicholle Braspennick�. US Army Corps of Engineers. Charlotte Field Oftice Trish Beam. Division I? Em�iromnental Ofrcer Marella E3uncick, US Fish and W ildlile Service Nlarla Chambers, NC Wildlile Kesources Cummission Donna Hood. NC Division of Warer Resources Mooresville Re,ional Ottice File Copp :�. � Q�,� North Carohna Department of Ernironman[si Quaury Oivision of Water Resources 512 Nurth Sahsbury Sveet I 1617 Maii Szrvice Center � Raleigh. North Carohna 2 7699-16 1i 919 7079000 ROY COOPER c��� MICHAEL 5. REGAN Secrerary LINDA CULPEPPER Mterrin OvMor NORTH CAROLINA EnHronmenta/ Quof(ry NCUWR Projccl No.: appr�•;��,r. _ Project Name: Counh: Date of Issu�nce uf �01 Water Qualih� Cerlification: Certificate uf Completion Upun cumplrtiun uf all �vork appruved within �he J01 Water Qualitc CertiOcation ur applicable Buflc:r Rules, and em sub�eyuent moJiticutiuns, tlie upplicant is required to rewrn this certificate to th� J01 Tr�nsportation Permitting Unit. North Carolina Divi.ion of Water Rrsources, 1617 Mail Service Centzr. Ralei�h. NG ?7699-IGI7. fhis tiirm rna� be returnrd to NCDNR b� the upplicant. �he applitant's authuricrd a,ent, or the prujen en�_ineer. It is noi necessar� to send certificutrs from all uf these. =1Pplicaiu's Ceriifieation I. , hereh� staic diet, to ihe best uf m� abilities. due care and dili�,ence was used in the observatiun of die cunstrudion wch �h�t the cun�truciiun was ubserved tu be built wi�hin substantial compliance and inten� of the �01 Water Qu�lih Certilicatiun and Bullur Rulcs, dir appirovzd plans and ;peciticatiun;. and other ;upponims m�terials. Sienature: Date: �ge�t!'�� CertiFcu�inn I. . h�reb� sta�e that. to the best o( m� abilities. due care and dilieence was used in [he observation o(tlie cunstructiun such tha[ the construciiun was observed to br built within substantial cumpliancz and imznt of the �01 N'alrr Qualit� Certilicatiun and Buftrr Rules, die approrzd plans and specificatiuns. and uther,uppuning inaterials. tii�nature: Date: f)rgrweer's Cerlificalioir Panial Final 1. . as a dulc re��is�ercd Professiunal En�ineer in ihe State oY Nurth C�rolina, havinrz been au�horized to observe 1 periodicall�. �+erkl��. full tim�) the consvuction uf the pr�ject Yor the Permittet htrcbv statt tha�. tu the best of im abilities, Juz care and Jilieence was used in Ihe observatiun uf the cunstruction sueh that the conslruc�ion was observed lo bo built �cithin subtitantial compliance and intent oY die �{01 W'ater Quality Certiticatiun and Buller Rulrs, thr appro�ed plans and speci�ica[ions. anJ utlier suppurtim_ materials. Si�nature Da[e Re�,istration Nu. a_._....�.� Q�� North Caranna Deparunenr �i euv��onmen�ai Queu�y D��ision ur WaC2r Resources 512 North Salisbury Stree[ 1617 Mail Serwce Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699-161 i 9t9 �079000 � �