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20052207 Ver 1_Complete File_20051215
O?10 W AT ?9pG Cq ?. o -c Mr. Patrick Tryson 182 Stillwater Rd. Troutman, NC 28166 Subject: Lot 889, Honeydew Cir.?Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 17, 2006 DWQ# 05-2207 Iredell County APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and Authorization Certificate per the Catawba River Buffer Protection Rules (15A NCAC 213 .0243) with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Tryson: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill in or to otherwise impact approximately 0.003 acre of waters and 0.003 acre of riparian buffer for the purpose of stabilizing approximately 50 linear feet of shoreline on Lake Norman, as described in your application received on December 15, 2005. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this project is covered by Water Quality General Certification Number 3492, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. The General Certification allows you to use Regional Permit No. 198200030 once it is issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). This letter also serves as your approved Authorization Certificate for impacts to the protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 213 .0243. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations., The above noted Certification will expire when the associated USACOE's 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing, and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter; and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. This approval, however, should not be construed as authorization to impact any part of the 50-foot riparian buffer that currently exists on', the main stem of the Catawba River under the Catawba River Buffer Protection Rule (15A NCAC 213 .0243). If the total wetland fill for this project (now or in the future) exceeds one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). In addition to the requirements, of the certification, you must also comply with the following conditions: 1. No trees shall be removed from the buffer, except along the immediate shoreline. 2. Upon completion of the project, the applicant/responsible party shall complete and return the enclosed "Certificate of Completion" form to the Division of Water Quality's 401M/etlands Unit. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition (that conforms to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes) to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and bind%unless you ask for a hearing. ?' o Carolina at 1' rtrally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Customer Service Internet h2o.enr.state.naus I FAX (704) 663-6040 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Mr. Alan Johnson in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663- 1699 or Ms. Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721. Sincerely, _d V for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Wetlands Unit- Ian McMillan Lancaster Central Files Triage Check List Date: 1/09/05 Project Name: Patrick J. Tryon, Lot 889 DWQ#: 05-2207 County: Iredell i Alan Johnson, Mooresville Regional Office To: t' 60-day Processing; Time: 1/06/06 - 3/07/06 f From: Cyndi Karoly- Telephone : (919) 733-9721 is The file attached is'being forwarded to you for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps ? Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill Mitigation Ratios j Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern II! Comments: As per our discussion regarding revision of the triage and delegation processes, please review the attached file. Note that you are the first reviewer, so this file will need to be reviewed for administrative as well as technical details. If you elect to place this project on hold, please ask the applicant to provide your requested information to both the Central Office in Raleigh as well as the Asheville Regional Office. As we discussed, this is an experimental, interim procedure as we slowly transition to electronic applications. Please apprise me of any complications you encounter, whether related to workload, processing times, or lack of a "second reviewer" as the triage process in Central had previously provided. Also, if you think of ways to improve this process, especially so ;that we can plan for the electronic applications, let me know. Thanks! ?' > of WATF9 QG r Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality December 19, 2005 Iredell County DWQ # 2005-2207 CERTIFIED MAIL Patrick J. Tryson 182 Stillwater Rd. Troutman, NC 28166-9608 Subject: Lot 889 Fee Payment D_esar Mr_ Trymn _ _ t ` i On December 15, 2005 the Wetlands/401 Unit of the Division of Water Quality received your FERC/GP30 401 Permitting Application and a check in the amount of $475 for Lake Norman property Lot 889 The check for $475 was an incorrect fee amount and is herein enclosed. ?I Please note that beginning January,,1, 1999, the N.C. General Assembly passed legislation requiring payment of a fee for all 401 applications. The fee for applications is $200 for projects impacting less than an acre of wetland and less than 150 linear feet of streams. For, projects impacting one or more acres of wetland or 150 or more feet of streams, the fee is $475. In order for DWQ to begin review and process your request, you must send a check in the appropriate amount made payable to the N.C. Division of Water Quality. Please reference the above DWQ project number on all future correspondence. The project has been placed on hold pending receipt of the corrected payment fee. If you have any questions regarding this letter please do not hesitate to call me at (919)-733-1786. Sincerely, C di Karoly JAN 6 -.2006 kIENR ER QUALI 1Y Enclosure: Check #619 for $475.00 ?',N`) ST(3!2".?t(A>1 R B?At?GH CBK/ jd cc: Mark Lancaster, Lancaster Cothren Custom Shorelines, Inc. 1156 Perth Rd, Troutman, NC 28166 File copy + check copy Central files + check copy 20052207 Tryson Lot 889 (Iredell)_GP30 appl_fee N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http:Hh2o:enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands) Customer Service #: 1-877-623-6748 I O?O? W A rERQG r December 19, 2005 Iredell County DWQ # 2005-2207 CERTIFIED MAIL Patrick J. Tryson 182 Stillwater Rd. Troutman, NC 28166-9608 Subject: Lot 889 Fee Payment Dear Mr. Tryson: • i On December 15, 2005 the Wetlands/401 Unit of the Division of Water Quality received your FERC/GP30 401 Permitting Application and a checi in the amount of $475 for Lake Norman property Lot 889 The check for $475 was an incorrect fee amount and is herein enclosed. I' Please note that beginning January J 1999, the N.C. General Assembly passed legislation requiring payment of a fee for all 401 applications. The fee for applications is $200 for projects impacting less than an acre of wetland and less than 150 linear feet of streams. For, projects impacting one or more acres of wetland or 150 or more feet of streams, the fee is $475. In order for DWQ to begin review and process your request, you must send a check in the appropriate amount made payable to the N.C. Division of Water Quality. Please reference the above DWQ project number on all future correspondence. The project has been placed on hold pending receipt of the corrected payment fee. If you have any questions regardin !',this letter please do not hesitate to call me at (919)-733-1786. Sincerely, f Cy di Karoly Enclosure: Check #619 for $475.00 CBK/ jd I cc: Mark Lancaster; Lancaster Cothren Custom Shorelines, Inc. 1156 Perth Rd, Troutman, NC 28166 File copy + check copy Central files + check copy 20052207 Tryson Lot 889 (Iredell)_GP30 appl_fee N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (htto:Hh2o:enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands) Customer Service #: 1-877-623-6748 I' Personal Account Information Redacted I CHARLOTTE, NC 28201 1006 2 0 0 5 2 2 0 7 704-382-1567 OR TOLL FREE 1400-443-5193 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH_ CAROLINA Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE DUKE POWER FILING FEE, AYABLEr --, TO DUKE POWER, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. S L Applicant Information DEC 1 5 005 A. Name Patrick J. Tryson B. Mailing Address 182 Stillwater Rd -Troutman, NC 28166-9608 C. Telephone 1704-528-2379 II. Location of Proposed Project A. Lake Norman B. Street Address Honeydew Circle C. County f Iredell D. City, Town, Community or Landmark Troutman E. Section Lot# ?gR Subdivision WA F. Directions to property by road 1-77 N- to exit 36- West on Hwy 150 - Right on Perth Left on State Park Rd - Left on Morrison Farm - Left on Stillwater - Left on Honeydew G. Latitude and longitude for the project site c • 0q- o -,m o v, H. Please submit a map showing the coordinates or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude/longitude coordinates can be found on intemet'site, www.maDsonus.com. Directions: Don't register, dick "Maps", enter address, draw map, select "Map Clicking select "l-at/Long", dick map) III. Description of Project A. Length of wall I' SO' IV. B. Material Rip Rap C. Distance from propert y line/shoreline ! Intended Use of Project: Area A. Private X Will follow existing shoreline 4 B. Commercial Date V. Applicant Signatu PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: • A COPY OF THE COMPLETE APPLICATION WITH A ROAD MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 151 PATTON AVENUA ROOK 208, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-5008 • A COPY OF THE "DUKE POWER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA' AND SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THE COMPLETED-NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION' MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE TO: NC DMSION OF WATER QUALITY, ATTEN71ON. Cymai Kamly PARKWIFW RI W. 9991 rRARMFF RI Vn RAI MAN Me 97&11! PHnNF• lNA.7.M178& IIIIC The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energji Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non- refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 i' L Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant lnfoimaJ(%n Name Patrick J. Tryson Mailing Address 182 Stillwater Rd Troutman, NC 28166-9608 Telephone Number 1704628-2379 Fax Number E-mail Address 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name Mark Lancaster Company Affiliation Lancaster Cothmn Custom Shorelines, Inc. Mailing Address 1156 Perth Rd Troutman, NC 28166 Telephone Number 704628-7400 Fax Number 1704528.3400 E-mail Address j' 11. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans ins relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Location County Iredeil Nearest Town Troutman Subdivision name or'site address (include phase/lot number): NIA Directions to site - please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included): 1-77 N - to exit 36- West on Hwy 150 Right on Perth - Left on State Park Rd - Left on Morrison Farm - Left on Stillwater Left on Honeydew Circle 2. Describe the existing l, land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Wooded lot - 3. 4. 5. Property size (acres): 1.29 Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): I' Norman Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Install merifi cloth and rip rap To control erosion 6. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Work will be done i By Barge with trackhoe - 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below 3' X 501 8. a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet landward in square feet or acres: 2' X 50' b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): Wooded lot - 50' buffer will be protected Will only remove trues with exposed roots. rz?-- ACC 5 -- ApplicantlAgent's Si ature i Date n (Agents signature is valid only if an audiorization letter from the applicant is provided) Lake (Full Pond) Full Pond Shoreline f2? Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x' 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond elevation 4) The-location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining wails, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation. 6) Location of construction access corridors. +a.; C k 51-T 1sa S+ It1LJ-,,p-rL- - IN-Y, -2 14 'A E-I-j 5 I I. AVOWU a? I M,, YAM 8 malmofim-Mi r'r 1 ' ?dd. l 2 f, l?, 2 '15 7 ' 3 ` [3 ?? c ii % A? I EEai\ ; i ? 1 III ti / ,' I 4 1 ? 5ng 7 GO A35 ?i li m lJ ?B ?? rt \ 88y ' ,7`5 JJ -l t t u 57 i 3?37 \\ N? 34 5282 SJ, '"4 33 0037 40,37 I! t 1 `? ? ?? ,i 27 t x 87? s ?? h j j 17- 30 17 12 \ I, it 1 !t ?i ';t „a i`i'? ? i- `j3 DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site can have a big impact , on permit processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed permit application to: DUKE POWER C/O LAKE MANAGEMENT - EC 12 Q P. O. BOX 1006 C-rI,4RLOTTE1, NC 28201-1006 1-800443-5193 Applicant's Name:- Patrick J. son Lake Name: Norman Subdivision Name: N/A Property Section. Lot (s): 889 _City: Troutman County: ?edell li State: NC Zip: 28166 Telephone: 704-528-2376 Type of Permit Requested "Circle": Private Facility cia Facility Excavation Stabilization Conveyance Miscellaneous Uses Directions (from major road or highway): I-77 N -to exit 36--- West on Hwy 150 Right on Perth Rd - Left on State Park Rd - Left on Morrison Farm - Left on Stillwater - Left on Honeydew Descriptive Structure ?) on PropeMfi a brick garage, white fence mobile home, etc. Lot 889 - 2nd lot on right:' *Note. Please use the back of this form, if desired, to draw us a map to the site. Maps 4n Us a sernce of Switchboard.om. Location Map Stillwater Rd Troutman, NC 28166 Return to Map Switchboard - W'rawr Point' I -„ Lake horrnan "7 9C Stillwater Rd L a 4-14 Nil 02005W1 msaRCogOM4M*MQ,andfor6DT.Inc. km 0. 1 mi 0.2 0. Use this map or these directions at your own risk. No representation or warranty is made as to their accuracy, completeness or drivability. Infospace and Switchboard will not be responsible for any damages, losses or delays which result from using these directions. Obey all traffic regulations. http://www.mapsonus.com/bin/cgimap.dll?FUNC=MAP&SID=a4odxm55eh2gw545oe3 fb(... 12/5/2005 MqPT ['ii VIAPSERVER 35.39' 21" N J 80.55' 49" W t d`- r: ?C ri t ? A? ?t_ r'-.1ca7 Vig4tk7t W f ?f?'Y7\? r .?z 35° 38' 20" N _ 35. 38' 20" Nr 80.55' 49" W 80` 54' 33" W w"VVI' »apfech.cart? ©1989 - 2005 Maptech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maptech ® is a registered trademark of Maptech, Inc. rPl 35°39'21"N 80. 54' 33" WL t ?. r! 1 '• i http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/api_includes/navigator.print.cfm?height=500&width=49... 12/5/2005 Yi kti< a { ! S ?'a as a.a w [ f 47 Y v a s -lip • 4v a r- ?e`J aa.It 41 3 y I t j? CHARLOTTE, NC 28201 1006 7 704-382-1567 OR TOLL FREE 1-800443-5193 2 Q 2 2 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE DUKE POWER FILING FEE, PAYABLE TO DUKE POWER, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. I (N "4'r _o j y°Iti Prv 1. Applicant Information _ a DEC 1 5 1005 A. Name Patrick J. Tryson liENR-'AAT' ALA! ITY B. Mailing Address ,182 Stillwater Rd -Troutman, NC 28166-9608 ttiVETU-JI SX'40 ,CDR GRANCH C. Telephone 1,704-528-2379 11. Location of Proposed Project A. Lake Norman _ B. Street Address Honeydew Circle Iredell C. County D. City, Town, Community or Landmark Troutman E. Section Lot# Iasi Subdivision WA F. Directions to property by road 1-77 N- to exit 36- West on Hwy 150 - Right on Perth Left on State Park Rd - Left on Morrison Farm - Left on Stillwater - Left on Honeydew G. Latitude and longitude for the project site S v pt? ° 55' 06•` H. Please submit a map showing the coordinates or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude/longitude coordinates can be found on mternet site, www.maasonus.com. Directions: Don't nrgister, dick`Maps , enter , address, draw map, select "Map Clicking Will ...', select "Lat/Long", click map) Ili. Description of Project A. Length of wall 50' B. Material Rip Rap C. Distance from property line/shoreline Will follow existing shoreline I.V. Intended Use of Project Area A. Private X B. Commercial L s-9--0 V. Applicant Signatu - cc_ Date 12, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: A COPY OF THE COMPLETE APPLICATION WITH A ROAD MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 151 PATTON AVENUE, ROOM 208, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-5006 A COPY OF THE -DUKE POWER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA' AND SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THE COMPLETED -NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION- MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE TO: NC DMSION OF WATER QUALITY, ATTENTION: Cyndi Ka"Ov PARKWFW AI nr+ nN P.RARTRFF R! Vn RAI FIr+H NP. 2 7/ U PHONF• 410.722.17RR The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non- refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL SERVICE CENTER j' RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 1. Applicant information 1. Owner/Applicant lnformsa^n Name Patrick J. Tryson Mailing Address 182 Stillwater Rd Troutman, NC 28166-9608 I! Telephone Number 704-528-2379 Fax Number E-mail Address 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name Mark Lancaster Company Affiliation Lancaster Cothren Custom Shorelines, Inc. Mailing Address 1156 Perth Rd Troutman, NC 28166 Telephone Number i 1704-528-7400 Fax Number 704-528-3400 E-mail Address Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and 'roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in'relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilibes'must be included. 1. Location County Iredell j Nearest Town Troutman Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): NIA I Directions to site - please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included): 1-77 N - to exit 36- West on Hwy 750 Right on Perth - Left on State Park Rd - Left on Monson Farm - Left on Stillwater Lefton Honeydew Circle 2. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Wooded lot - 3. 4. Property size (acres)` 1.29 i Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Norman 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Install merifi cloth and rip rap To control erosion 6. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Work will be done fI By Barge with trackhoe - 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below 3' X 50' ?.? ra rz? LCC S - ? {', AppllcantfAgent's Si nature Date (A9enrs sf9nature is valid only if an ?audwr&adon letter from the applicant is provided) 8. a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land ward in square feet or acres: 2' X 50' b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): Wooded lot - 50' buffer will be protected Will only remove trees with exposed roots. Full Pond Shoreline Lake (Full Pond) (2? Please approximately sketch, the following information on this plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill fio be placed below the Full Pond elevation 4) Thw location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation. B) Location of construction access corridors. p--E'2? r k L. 2? 1?a S+? Itiz? ?1Zo1?-? ?t1??J_ ITC ? ? ((o' ?o _. 5D t _Z 11 ? r ;2 ` ?,- a `7 57 ` 3 F3 ELd cJ awn= f ?" it 11 it II '? I II '? II I J1 J I i \ t 7 694 GQ ? X35 t ???sa ? I 999 E93 ? I c N E97 0097 o r 2'2 ' CL, _ ii 17 r2L_` \\\\ ? ,4 t i ,LS ?`, JAE, 15 3237 540 6 i r t t i 1 n S 35 y?? LL1J 'J u N P P 34 ?.? \ VV 11 -? ?Q I 1 33 ? `? E036 ?jc'i 27 33 ;ai \°- ?v o c' 2 29 ?•' t ? ???. N ql-3035 1.`t fi.7 DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM I Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site can have a big impact on permit processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed permit application to: iii DUKE POWER C/O LAKE MANAGEMENT - EC 12 Q P. O. BOX 1006 I tH UZLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 1-800443-5193 Applicant's Name:- Patrick J. Tryson Lake Name: Norman Subdivision Name: N/A Property Section: Lot (s): 889 City: Troutman County: edell State: NC Zip: 28166 Telephone: 704-528-2379 Type of Permit Requested "Circle": Private Facility cia Facility Excavation Stabilization Conveyance Miscellaneous Uses Directions (from major road or highway): I-77 N to exit 36 - West on Hwy 150 Right on Perth Rd --Left on State Park Rd - Left on Morrison Farm - Left on Stillwater - Left on Honeydew C etc. tot 889 - 2nd lot on righti *Note. Please use the back of tfi s forte if desired, to draw us a map to the site. Maps On Us a se^rice of SwItchboard.com Location Map Stillwater Rd Troutman, NC 28166 Return to Map Map=oint' P Lake TF 6$rJ Norman State Pin-71- Stillwater Rd 4°? Dr R ?1F72 a A ttl W 2 r (2005 Mkieseft Nip 02004 NOIEQ, aM/arGDT.Inc. km 0. 1 mi 0.2 0. Use this map or these directions at your own risk. No representation or warranty is made as to their accuracy, completeness or drivabil'Ity. Infospace and Switchboard will not be responsible for any damages, losses or delays which result from using these directions. Obey all traffic regulations. http://www.mapsonus.com/binlcgimap.dll?FUNC=MAP&SID=a4odxm55eh2gw545oe3 fb(... 12/5/2005 MAriECii 4APSERVER 35°39'21"N 80° 56'49" W ??II 35° 39' 21" N 80'.64- 33" WL J 4 \ , r ? ,f 1 r f>, ?t + 135° 38;,20", N 35° 38' 20' Nf 80° 55' 49" W 80° 64'33** W www.maptech.coar I C' C-?-r n ?o)0 © 1989 - 2005 Maptech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maptech ® is a registered trademark of Maptech, Inc. http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/api_includes/navigator.print.cfm?height=500&width=49... 12/5/2005 (` rr 7a N.? ?, W rky? .?? .r2-r:4 "d ? s I l _ f y O 4. 00 O ? rr ' Si?sgdN k ` t. :]x f } ° X t2-a a S aY a 1 • ? 4a. i 0 ?r