HomeMy WebLinkAboutI-5883 Ver 1_I-5883_JD_Package_20180823_Signed_20181010STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTiVIENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR August 23, 20 ( 8 Uni[ed Sta[es Army Corps of Engineers Wilmiugton Regulatoty Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Attention: Ms. Liz Hair, Project Manager 7AMES H. TROGDON, (II SECRLTARY Subject: Request for verification ofjurisdictional resources for the proposed improvements at I-95/ SR 1808 (Jonesboro Road) Interchange and at I-95/ SR 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road) [nterchange in Hamett County; STIP No. I-5883. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Highway Division 6 has completed delineation of "Waters of tlie United Stafes," for the above ceferenced project and is hereby requesting a preliminaryjurisdictional determi�ation within project study azea. Please contact me by phone (910) 364-0834 or by email jjrerkoCncdot.gov: with any questions or comments. Tl�ank you for yo�u time and cooperation. S'ncerely,� �,H ; �lt.� � � lames J�kerko Environmental Officer � NCDOT Highway Division 6 Enclosures: Completed Jurisdictional Detenriniation Request Form (6 pages) Completed Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request Form (5 pages) Jurisdictional summary of water resources in the study area (1 sheet) Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources and weUands in the study area (1 sheet) Figure 1- Projeot Vieinity Map Q sheet) Figure 2- Wa[ers of the U.S. on Aerial Photography (4 sheets) Figure 3- Waters of the U.S. on USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadrangles (4 Sheets) Figure 4- NWI Map (1 Sheet) Attachment A Data Forms - DWR Stream Identification Fonns, USACE Wetland Determina[ion Data Forms & NCWAM Rating Forms (84 pages) CC: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis, NC Division of W ater Resources, Fayetteville Regional OfFice Mading Address: Telephunr. (910) 364-0834 Locatran: NC�EPARTMEN70FTRANSPORTATION hux:(9t0)486-1959 558GILLESPIEST HIGHWAYDIVISION6 ('uttonierService: I-877-368-4968 FAYE7'fEVILLE,NC26301 PO BOX I I50 FAYE7TEVILLE,NC 28302 W¢hsrte: www.ncdat.gov jurisd�cti�r��l �etermin�tian Request ;. .� .� US Arrny Corpc of Engineers Wilmmg�on oistrtct TB�is f�rr� is intended for ro�se by an_y�ne requesting a jurisdictional dete�rninatian (J[�) from the �.J.S. .h��7y Corps o�Enginegrs, W'rl���ingtot� District (�arps�. Piease ia�cCude a11 supp�oi-ting inf€errrratooro, as described withirt eac�� category, with yora� re�uest. You may submit your request to the apprap�ia�e Cbr�s FieId �tfice (ar prerje�t nqanager, if knc�v�m) �ia mail. electronie �narl, or faesirr�ile. A cearrent list ai�cou�ty assignments by Field Offce and projeet mana�er can be fa�und on-line at: Ititt�:l�tv��w.s���,usace.arr���%.miUMmssie�ns/Re��a]atoryPentiit�'rc�e��ai��.as�� , by teDephonin�: '910-251-4633, or by cc,ntac4ing any af th�e feld c�ffices Ibsted bel�w: ASHEV[LLE 6dEGULATOAI' FIE�,iI OFF�CE � P5 Arm�� C�rps nf �ngine�rs l S l' Patton Avenue. Et�om 2U$ Asheuill�. AJnrth Carol'ana 2$8!}�-50416 CrLneral Number: (828) 271-�9441 Fax IVumber. ($28j 281-81'2{P RA�.E[GH RE�ULATORY FIELD dFF[CE US Armv Cnrps of Ehgineers 333] Heritage `1"rade �rive. Suite 1Q5 Wake Forest, 3Vnr4h Car�lina 27587 General 1�Runtber. {919) 554-4884 E=ax 1�Aumtser: {919) SG��U421 WASI�lINCTON REGU'LATORV FIELD OF�IC� 11S rlrmy C�rps of Engineers 2407'4Vest 1�iFili 5treef Washingtan, North Carolina 27$�9 G�neral N�amber: (9l� 0} 251-461 U 1=ax I�iumbe�: (252) 475-1399 WILMI3VG'T�i'V it�GULA'f'+DRY F�EL� OFFICE US Army Carps o1��n�ineers 69 Darlington Ar,renue Wilmangtun, Tlorth Carolina 2�443 G�neral Number: 91Q-251-4633 Fa� Numhec: (9�1D) 25'8-4025 1lersia�n: Deeember 2�113 Page 1 Jurisdictional �et�ermi�,ati�n R�quest INSTRIJCTIO�^+iS: All requestors must catrs��et� Parts A, B, C, D, E�n� F. NOTE TC3 �4NSU�.TA�1TS AND AGENCIES: If you a�-e requestcng a.�D on behalf of a paying client c��- yQa�r agency. please note the speei�e submittal seq�iremer�ts in F'art �. NO3'E ON PART D— PR�QPERT'i' C3W�1C� .�4U�"I-dd�1ZAT1+[)N: �'llease be a�rare that �I1 J� requests mu�s4 include the curr�nt prop��ty r�wner authorization for the Cra�-ps to proceed with fhe detenmination, �rrhich ma}r in�lude i�speetion ofthe prop�r�y wh�n necessary. �'hfis forr� rr�ust be signed� by t�e curreni ;�raperty c�wner to be cansid�ered a cornple4e r�e�uest. N(}TE {)N PART D-1°+IC'�(3T R�QU�ST"S: Prc�per�y owner au�h€�rizatianlnoti�catiora for .�D req�aests assoc�ated with Narth Carolina �3epartment of Transpartatian �N�C�7�T) prrajects will be cand'ucted accoe�ding to the curr��tt I�C��TIUSACE pratoco1s. NC3T� T� USf]A PROGRAM �'AR3'l��i'ANTS: A Corps approved or preoim�nary JD may not be valid for the wetland conserrration pravisians Qf the Fo�d Security Act of 1985. Ifyc�u or yaur tenant are IJS�DA F'ec�grarn participants, or a�ticipate participation ira USDA programs, you should also request a certi�ied weiland dete�rn�na�qcrn �rorr� the lo+cal ofiice oithe Natural Resourc�s Conser�atian Ser�vice, pric�r ko starting wark. Vecsicrn: Decem6er 2013 Page 2 Jurisdict�on�l 1�et�rminatifln Requ�est A�. PAR�EL INF�RMATI[)N SXi�C�t A,a,d�,��$S. I-95f5R 180B {Jonesbaro Road) Interch�ang� and I-951SR 1�09 (Hodges Chapel Raad) Inlerehange �ity, Sr&te: Dunn, MC e43UT�f �': Harnett �9T�Gt10ttS: See attached Location map. Parce! Irndex Nw�ibes�(s} (PIh1}: ���+ �. REQUESTOI2INFORMATIOI"�i j'�a�Cle; James J. '�erka�, Ffighway Di�islon 6-�n�ircanmental pfficer M�JIIII� Aflf�i'eS5: NCDQT; Mighway CYivision 6,'P.C3. �ox �15D; Fayeneyili�, NC 28302 �'e{ephon� Nuoriber: Q��oa as7-ozo� Eiectrc�nic ➢lriacl Address�: �irer�co@ncdoc.9�,r Select ou�e: ❑ I am the current property u�ner. � � am an Autharrzed Agent or Envirc�nene�atal Consu�tant2 � Interested Buyer or Unde� Gontraet to Purchase '� C�ther, please explain. M�altiple Property Owness C. PROPE�TY {3WN�R INFORMAT�41� �jan7�: �Mu14iple Property Dwners Iv�ailang A�dd�-ess: Telep�hone Number: Electronic 11�ai� Addt�ess3: � Proof of Ownershap ,A�ttached {e.g. a co,py caf I)e�d, County GISIParcellTax Record data} ' If ava�latale � Must attach completed Agent Aukhorization Fo�-rn 3 If avaulable Version: I�ece�nber 2�0�3 Page 3 ]urisdictia�nal Determination Re�qu�st D. P12QP��tTl'' �WNER CER�IF�CATI{)l�' I, the ur�dersigned, a duly autharizeei �r�wne� of ree�rd af the �roperty/�rc�perties identifred herein, da auahc�rize representatEves of the 4Vilmit�gtc�n L7�istrict, U.S. Anny Cor-ps ot Ea�gir�eers (�Corps) to enter upor� the pro�erty herein descrabed for the p�rpase of conducting an-site inaestigations at�d issuing a cfeterminatio� associated with VNatecs ai�he U.S. subject t� Federal jurisdictir�n �roder Sec�com 404 ofthe Clean "'Water Act and/or Seetaon 1�? vf the Riwers ae�d Harbars Act o� 1899. Property Clwner {pl+�ase prIlnt) pate Prc�perty �wner Signature E. J�TRI:�DIC"TIQNAL bETER1�rIlNATIUI� T'lr'�� Seleet 17�e: � I am requ�sting that the Co�ps pr�vid'e a prelir�it�ar�+ JD for the prr�pe�-i�+ it�entified Merein. This request does i�aclude a delineati+�n. � I am requesting t�at tlie Corps �a�ovide � nre�irninarv JD fot the property sdentitied herein. Thi� request does 1'+I�T i�clude a delaneatiaa�. � 1 atrt requesti�g that �lt� �carps inve�tigate �Me prnpe�ylprojeci acea fc�r the presence or absence af WoUSS and pra�ude an aparc�aed J'I7 far t�e property identif ed herein. TI1is request do�� NQ�' include a request for a verified de�ineatian. � � arrn �equ+�stin� that the �orps delineate the baunc�aries o6��1 WoUS on a propertyfproject area and pro�ide an ap,�r�ved JD (t13is may or may not include a survey pOat). � 1 arr� requesting t�at the Corps evalua#e a�d apprave a delineatiar� of WaUS +(cotaducted by others) �n a prap�r�ylpre�j�ct area artd �rc+rr'ude an �nnroved J� (may or �ruay not inc�ude a survey plat). ° For dVCDd3 requests fcrllowing the current IUCDQT/USACE protacols, skip ta f'art E. 5 Waters of the United 5tates Vers'ran: December �(?�3 Page 4 jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPERTY OVI'NER CERTIFICATION4 1. the undersigned, a dul� authorized owner ofrecord ofthe property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives ofthe Wilmington District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) ta enter upon the property herein descri6ed for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a detennination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Watcr Act andlor Section I 0 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. 5�,..L , f /Z�� Pmperty Qwner (pfease prinf) Property O E. JUI Select One: C� ❑� DETERNIINATION TYPE �G/vL//P_ Date ( am raquesting that the Corps provide a preliminarv JD for lhe propert� identifiad herein. 71iis request does include a deiineation. 1 am requesting that the Corps provide a orelimittarv JD for the properh identitied herein. This request does NOT include a delineation. � 1 am reyuesting that the Corps investigate the propetty/project area for the presence or absence of WoIJSs and provide an ap�roved JD for the pr4peRy identified herein, Thi; request does NOT include a request for a verified delineation. � f am requesting that the Corps delineate the boundaries of ell WoUS on a property/project aF�ea and provide an approved JD (this may ot may not include a survey plat). � I am requesting that the Corps evaluate and approve a delineation of WoUS (conducted by others) on a property%project area and provide an approved JD (ma� or may not include a survey p�at). a For NCDOT requests foilowing the current NCDOT/USACE protocols, skip to Part E. ' Waters of the UnRed Siates Version: December 2013 Yage 4 F. � Jurisc�ictiornal De�e�mir�ation Request ALL �tEQi.bESTS Map af Pra,perty or Project Area {attached). This Map i�u�t clearly �depict t�ie h�Qur�daries vf the area c�f evaluatian. �❑ Size a�Prppe�ty or Pr�ject Area ��•� acres �� ve�ify ihat the pro�aerty (or prc�,ject) bQaandaries have recer►tly been surve��d and n�arked hy a li�ensed land surveyo� OR are othet�uise clearly m�rked [�r distir�graishabl�e. �. J� R�Q�➢�S'1'S FRflM CQ�VSUL�'AN!T'S (}R AGEI�C�ES (�} Prelin�inary JD Req�aests: � Cc�rnpiete� and signed PreBirt�inary Jurisdac�i�t�a� Determinatian Fon-r►fi. �35.3324f�T -78.58294$ � Project Coordic�a#es: Latitude �,ongi�u�� Maps (no larger tYoan 1� x� 7) with Prwjeet Brau�adary [}ve�l�y: � �ul � II� � �,ar�e and srnall scal� maps t�at �iepict, at rninimur�: streets, intersect�ons, towr�rts Aeria� Photogr�p➢�y c�f tl�e project area USG'S Topographic Map Sail Suru�ey N1'ap O�her Maps, as apprapriate {e.g. Nationa� We��and [nventory Map, �'roposed Site I�lan, previraus delineati�n maps, LIDAI� nr►aps, FE➢�IA £loc,d'p6airo rnaps) 6 See Appendix A of this Forrco. From Reg�alatory Guidanc� Letter No. 08-(i�, dated June �6, 2(lQ8 Versior�: Oecernber Z�h�.3 Page 5 ]ur�sdic�i��al Determ�nation Requ�st D�lineatic�n flnfarmation (w�aen applicabCe)7: V+J'et�at�eis: � WetVand C�ata Sheets$ ❑�', I�I I� G.Jpland I?at� Sheetis Landscape P��atas, �t'taken Tributaries: � LDSAC� Assessment Far�i�s ��, �ther Assessment F�►t-�r►s (when apprc�pria¢e) Field Sk�tch �rreraain oc� legible h�ap tlYat includ�s: ■ Ael ayuadcc resoWrces (for sites vuith rt�ultiple resources, �abel arad identify} ■ Locations ai wetland data points and/or tribt�tary as�essment reaches � P.acations of photo stations ■ Approximate acre�g�fiineae fo�ta�e af a�uatic resc�urces (2} AppravecC JDs in�ep�d�iig Verification of a De�ineatian: � Praject Caord'i�ates: Latitude Longatude Maps �nt� Iarg+er than 1�x17) with Frojec# Bpui�dary Overlay: _L—_�_J ❑ � �� Large and small scale maps t�tat depict, ai rninimum: streets, ontersecteons, tt�wns Ae�ial Photcagrap�y raf the praject ar�ea �SGS '�'opographic Map Sai9 Survey Map � Qther Maps, as apprc�priate (e.g. National Wet�and Invent�r�y l'v�ap, �'ropased Site Plar►. pre�iaus delinea�ic�� maps) ' 1987 Manual Ftegianal 5uppYemerrts and Data forms can be fQund at: http:/,�vv'ww•usace.aram�.�7i�Missions/Ci�iPl,^JarkSfRee,ulatoryPro�ramandPermitsfrelL Supp.aSA% Wetland and Stream Assessment Methodalagies can be io�nd at: htt : ortal.ncdenr.er�lc/document fibraryl�et file�'uuid=76f3c�86-dabA-4Sfi6-ba43-4567FaF06f4c&�rouold=38364 and, htt�:/fwww.saw.usace.arrnv.rroillP�rtals/59/dors/re�ulatorv/pub9i�notices/2a13/NC5AN9 Draft User Manual 13Q3a8 pdf a Deli�eatior� inforrr�ation must include, ai minirnum, one +,rretland data sheet for eaeh wetla�rdJco�nmunity typ@. Version: December 2�1� �age b Jurisdicxivr�al I�et�rra�in�tion Requ�st I�elineatic�ii information (whet� applicable}: Wetlands: � Wetlared I)a�a Sheets� � �� � [Spland Data 5heets Landscape Photas. if t�ken TribGatari+�s: � i�SA+CE Assessrnent Farr��s ❑ �ther Assessrne�tt �orn�s {when appropraate) Fie[d Sketch �veriain on �egible 11+fap that incl��des: • A�1 a+qwatic resaurces (far srtes with �nul�iple resources, label and �dee�tify) • Locatic�ns flf wetland �ata points andfor tributary assesspneni reaches • Lo�c�tions af pliotv statians • Approa:imate arcreagellinear footage of a+quatic resaurces Supportin� lurisdictional ln�'�orn3ation {for Apprc�ved J�s only) � Approwed .Muriscficticrnah �}eterminat'ton Farm�(s} (also I�nown as "T�apanos Form(s}"} � Map�s} depictin� the �aoientaal (ar ]ack ofpatenaiaC) ��ydc-c�logoc comrrection(s), adjacen�y, etc. to i�avigable waters. 9 Deluneation irrfarrvsatian rriust include, at mit�imurs�, oro� wetfand data sheet for each wetl�nd/cvmmunity type. Version: December 2013 p�ge '7 Jurisdictiofial Determin�tion Request I. REQ�ESTS FOR CflRPS APPFt(?VAL O�' SURy'EY PC�AT Prior c�a finaC pr�duction caf a Plat, th�e VV�leilongtor� Distcict recornmends t�at r��e La�d Surveyor electrunica@ly su6mit a draft �6a Sutvey Plat tc� the Corps project »tanager tie�r review. Due to s�ora�e l�mitatioros af our administrative records, the Corps req�aiaes that a01 hard� capy subrnitta➢s ie�clude at �ea�st c�ne ari�inal Flat (to seal'�� that is nc� var�er than 11"xl7"' (�h� use c�f inasch lines for larger tracts �cCeptable). Addilioroal copies of a plat, in�lud''ing those Car�er tttan 1�"x 17", �nay alsa be s�bm�tted far Corps sigttafure as r�eeded, �'he C'orps alsc� accepts el�ectronic submittals of,�lats, su�c� as those transrnitted as a Porta6le D�cusnen� Forrnat (PDF} fi�e. �Jpon r�eri�cation, the �Corps c�n elect�-ornical�y sigm these plats and return ��em via e-mail to the req�uest+�r. (1) PLATS �UBMITT,E[3 FUR AFFRC}VAL — � Must be se�9ed �nd signed by a licea�sed professio��al lanc� surveyor Must be to scale �all tnaps must incl�ade both a grapliic sca�e arrd a aerbal scale� i� Must �e iegible ❑� �❑ � u �l Must ir�clude a TJr�rt}� Arrcaw, Scale{sp, Title, Froperty Informatic�n Must include a legi'�le W�sC1S Delir}eation Tab1e o�dista�roces and bea�'irtgs/metes and baundsl�aPS coo�dirrates af all surveyed delineatio�i �oi��ts Must cleac�y depict sutveyed propenty or �aroject bcrundaries Must clear�y identify the '�:nawn surveyed point{s} used as refe�-ence (e.g. prmperty cc�rner, USGS r�a�mu�e�ent) 'VI�'ilen wetlancEs are �epicted: • Ma�st incpude acreage (or squar-e ffootage} mf wetlarsd polygons + lviust oder�tify each wetlar�d polygon using an alphana�meric syst�m Vea-sion: December �0�.3 Pa�e 8 ]urisdictio�al D��erminat��n E�e�ue�t � When tribwtaries are depicte�: • dvlust include either a surveyed, ap�roximatc centerlime of trib�itary �vi�h approximate vvidth of tributary• CtR surveyeci Ordinary High Water Marks (OH WM) of drubutary • Must identify each �ributary using �n alpha�umeric sys�em + Pvlust include linear foota�e of tributaries and caleulated area {using approxim�Qe w�dths a� surveyed OI-�WM} •'Must irrclu�e name +�f tri�utary (hased or� the rnost recent LpSGS t�po�raphic map) mr, when no �LJ�GS n�me eMists. identify as "a�ronamed tributary" � all �epieted Vv'oUS (wetland polygor�s and tributary lines} anust intersect ar tFe�ta surveyed prajectlpro�erty boundaries � Must includ'e the locatiaro af wetland data paints andlor tributary assess�r�ent reaehes � Must o�aclude, label accordingly, and depi�t a�reage af all waters a�at erarret�4ly subject to the requirermer�ts c�ft�e CWA (e.g. "isalate�i wetlands", "�on- jur�sdictional waters"'). I�dOT�: Ar� appro�red J� must be cc�ndr�cked in �rder �o r�ake an otrficial Corps deterct�inati4�a that a partrcular waterbody or wetlanc� is nat jurisdic��ona9. ❑ Must include and s�wc-vey all exist�ng conveyances �pipes, culverts, et�c.) that tra�spart 'G�V�US Versiare: Uecember 2Q13 Page 9 �ur�sd�cti�na� D�te��r�iriatio� Request �2) �ERTIFICA,TIQN L,.41�1�UAGE � When t�e er►tire actual Jueisdictional Baundarv is depveted: include t'�e goll�wing Carps Certi�catian language: "Thrs certifies thr�C ihis �apy of this plat accurotely depirts the braundary of the jurrsafrctron af 5e�tion 4Q34 of t�re C"�earr l�'aterAct crs d�etermined 6y [�ire under$rgn�d on thrs date. Unl�ss there is a change in the ��w ar aur prablished re�crfatrorrs, rhe dererr�aiRa�ion o;� Seratron 4C�4 }urisdictiora rnay be refred c�,�on for a periad not io excee�i five (5) years from rfrrs date, 7�he undersigne�i ec�rr�pleted thrs deiermr,�aticar� r�tilizing t,he appraprrate Regior+aJ Suppfement tc� the 1987 [1.5. Army Cor,ps s�f �ng�neers lNetlands aefrneation ManuaJ." fiegulatory afficral: Title: D�rte: �ISACE�4ctir�n !D IVa.: � Wh�n upla�ds ma� be present wit}t�r� a depicted' Jurisdictional Bcaua�darw: include th� �'c�llraw�ng �orps C��ti#ica#ion ianguage: ��This eertifies th�at ihis capy of this p�at rcle�trfies aJ! areas af waiers of the Ur�rted Stcrtes reguloted pu,rsuant to Seetron 4Q4 of the Clean Woter Act as determined by �he undersrgneci on this date. U"nless there is change in the law ar our published' regulatians, thr's determinatior� of Sectia� 4t�4 jurrsdi�tiarr nrray be r�lred upon far a period not [c� exceed five years frvrrt this dc�ie. Th� c�nd'ersign�d compfeted this determinaiiorr c�trlrzing tire rrpproprrare kegior�a! Supplement tfl rhe 1987 U.S. Arm� Cprps c�f En�ineers Weticrnds Delir�eacran Marrwaf." Regulatvey Ufficial: 7itfe: Date: USAL'E Activra I� Na.: Version: Dereml�er 2��3 Page 1il Jurisdict��na� ��eter�mi�atiori Re�ues� [3) GPS S�JRVEYS Far Surveys prepared uspng a Glo�a1 l�os��icat�ing Systetn (GPS), fhe Surv�ey must cr�clude all �fthe above, as we�l as: � be at sub-me�er accuracy at each survey poi�t. � inelu�ie a� accuracy� r�erif�cat�on: C3ne or n�ore �.nor�vn pair►ts (praper�y corner, monurn�nt) shall be Ic�cated witt� the GPS and cross�referenced with the existing �raditiQr�al property survey (nietes anc� �aounds}. � i�tclude a brief descript'ron oftl�e GPS equipenent utili�ed. Versian: December 2013 Page 11 ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: North Carolina Department of Transportation - Highway Division 6(c/o James J. Rerko) P.O Box 1150, Fayetteville, NC 28302 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: i-95/SR 1808 (Jonesboro Road) Interchange and I-95/ SR 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road) Interchange (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/bot-ough: Harr�ett City: �unn, Nc Center coordinates of site (IaUlong in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.332401 °N; Long. -78.5s2saa °�/_ Universal Transverse Mercator: NaCT12 Of tl@af2St Wat@fbOCiy: Mingo Swamp/Stony Run Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: RefertoAttached linearfeet: width (ft) and/or � acres. COWafC�ICI C�aSS: RefertoAttached Strearp F�OW: Refer to Attached Wgt�andS: RefertoAttached acres. Cowardin Class: Refe�toanaoned Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tlda�: Refer to Attached Non-Tidal: Refe� to accaoned 1 E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): � Office (Desk) Determination. Date: � Field Determination. Date(s): SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: ❑� Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the appli nt/consultant. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: � USGS NHD data � USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ❑✓ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name:1.24000; Dunn and Erwin ❑✓ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. CltatlOfl: Soil Data Mart GIS Data/Harnett County 5oil Surveys � NatlOCla� Wet�afldS If1V@ntOfy I'Tlap�S�. Clte flal'Tle: USFWS Wetland Mapper ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: � 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ✓❑ Photographs: � Aerial (Name & Date): Nc o�e MaP �2o�s> or � Other (Name & Date): � Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: � Other information (please specify): 2 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to compfy with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: Signature and date of Regulatory Projecf Manager (REQUIRED) � ���, � �v/v Z / i9' ��.� .,��- s � date o— f '-- �person r�equesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) I-5883 Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Jurisdictional Area Summary Area ID Name Length Acres Latitude Longitude Type Type of Aquatic Resource Geographic Authority SA UT to Mingo Swamp 677 N/A 35.316036 -78.574112 R5 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SB UT to Mingo Swamp 164 N/A 35.312719 -78.580872 R5 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SC UT to Mingo Swamp 851 N/A 35.314517 -78.578882 R4 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SE UT to Mingo Swamp 331 N/A 35.316423 -78.578983 R4 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SG UT to Mingo Swamp 612 N/A 35.323610 -78.568477 R5 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SH UT to Stony Run 115 N/A 35.324143 -78.567989 R5 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SI UT to Stony Run 154 N/A 35.339684 -78.560108 R4 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SJ UT to Mingo Swamp 183 N/A 35.346168 -78.555992 R5 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 SK UT to Mingo Swamp 128 N/A 35.336562 -78.560031 R4 Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 WA Hardwood Flat N/A 0.02 35.316389 -78.573830 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WB Hardwood Flat N/A 0.04 35.312853 -78.580561 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WC Bottomland Hardwood Forest N/A 0.36 35.323861 -78.568107 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WD Hardwood Flat N/A 0.01 35.342750 -78.559730 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WE Hardwood Flat N/A 0.43 35.339803 -78.558529 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WG Bottomland Hardwood Forest N/A 0.71 35.336969 -78.561187 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WI Bottomland Hardwood Forest N/A 0.10 35.346292 -78.557043 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 W1 Headwater Forest N/A 0.20 35.334727 -78.559996 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 WK Headwater Forest N/A 1.27 35.336181 -78.560180 PF01 Non-Section 10 - Wetland Section 404 OWA Jurisdictional Ditch (Open Water A) N/A 0.04 35.334968 -78.560785 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWB Jurisdictional Ditch (Open Water B) N/A 0.08 35.343534 -78.559736 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWC Pond (Open Water C) N/A 0.20 35.346406 -78.557280 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWD Jurisdictional Ditch (Open Water D) N/A 0.08 35.339140 -78.558856 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWE Jurisdictional Ditch (Open Water E) N/A 0.01 35.335140 -78.562143 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWF Jurisdictional Ditch (Open Water F) N/A 0.03 35.316101 -78.578763 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 OWG lurisdictional Ditch (Open Water G) N/A 0.01 35.328622 -78.564965 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PA Pond (Open Water) N/A 1.12 35.313395 -78.580140 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PB Pond (Open Water) N/A 0.28 35.317114 -78.578309 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PC Pond (Open Water) N/A 0.04 35.323548 -78.569709 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PD Pond (Open Water) N/A 0.01 35.329577 -78.565915 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PE Pond (Open Water) N/A 0.23 35.345692 -78.556085 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 PF Pond (Open Water) N/A 0.76 35.345084 -78.556334 N/A Non-Section 10 - Non-Wetland Section 404 TOTAL 3,215 Linear Feet 6.07-acre Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination TIP I-5883, Harnett County, NC Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources in the study area Map Stream Bank Bankfull ID Name Hei ht ft. Width SA UT to Mingo Swamp 2 2 Sg UT to Mingo Swamp 3 3 SC UT to Mingo Swamp 5 8 SE UT to Mingo Swamp 6 6 SG UT to Stony Run 2 2 SH UT to Stony Run 4 8 SI UT to Mingo Swamp 3 6 SJ UT to Mingo Swamp 6 20 SK UT to Mingo Swamp 2 3 Characteristics of surface waters in the Map ID OWA OWB OWC OWD OWE OWF OWG PA PB PC PD PE PF area Map ID of Area (ac) Potentially Jurisdictional? Connectio in Study Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes n Area N/A 0.04 N/A 0.08 SJ 0.2 SI 0.08 WJ 0.01 SC 0.03 SH 0.01 SC 1.12 SE 0.28 SG 0.04 SL 0.01 SJ 0.23 SJ 0.76 Total 2.89 Jurisdictional characYeristics of wetlands in the study area Map NCWAM Classi�cation ID WA WB WC WD V�E WG WI WJ WK Sheet 1 of 1 Hardwood Flat Hardwood Flat Bottomland Hardwood Forest Hardwood Flat Hardwood Flat Bottomland Hardwood Forest Bottomland Hardwood Forest Headwater Forest Headwater Forest Water 5 12 8 12 6 20 12 48 3 Hydrologic Classification Riparian Riparian Riparian Non-Riparian Non-Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Gravel Gravel Sand Cobble Sand Channel Substrate Sand Silt Sand Silt Gravel Sand Silt Sand Silt Sand Silt Silt Clay Gravel Sand Silt NCWAM Rating Medium Medium High Medium Medium High High High High Total Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Silt Area (ac.) Velocity Clarity Length Classificatio USACE Mitigation ft. n Score Ratio Moderate Clear (7'7 Perennial 47 TBD Slow Clear 164 Perennial 52 TBD Moderate Clear 851 Intermittent 28 TBD Slow Clear 331 Intennittent 48 TBD Slow Clear 612 Perennial 74 TBD Slow Clear 115 Perennial 50 TBD Slow Clear 154 Perennial 44 TBD Moderate Clear 183 Perennial 75 TBD Slow Clear 128 Perennial 37 TBD Total 3,215 0.02 0.04 0.36 0.01 0.43 0.71 0.10 0.20 1.27 3.140 August 2018 River Basin On USGS 'rOPo Buffer Maps? Not Subject No Not Subject No Not Subject No Not Subject No Not Subject Yes Not Subject No Not Subject Yes Not Subject Yes Not Subject Yes Nlar's�'�ay'� � 1,,��' � ��:;�• �' � .• ��_ .�►�► �+! "^' � `'�•�,� ' ',', A �- ` oNi� +. .�.• �/'_ ,��� � � �'4 � y r� �.�` ' � • � �'� J c �• �' '�} " � 3� p� � � �f� I , � < -' �� ' � ' 1'� . «Jup�ter, N..• ['� � �' ,� ;� �� �� . � ���3���r�irb mitent � 0 _ `'`�'i �� � �� , 7 � � �. I } r � t# � - � . � _ . TIP: 1-5986 � '�ru, ' Yrrter��ru�Y��c�����: � � ���������P v� �V a� .-,- PA 851 FT �r Project Study Area � � :.�,�� x�.p° �.,,.. `�,�en water / , � ov� � ���� ,12 1��., , � � �._ � � W�u � �� � � ,, �r:. .� � -- � � �� �'� ,l': I� '� � , ':`; � � � _ �'`'� `�►II'+ . ���� .. � _ � ��''� �.�-,. '.-,�.�.......-_ �.�___., '� �e- r � _ d r#- � _ Jerry�Carr_Rel_ ---- - - _ _ . _ � Inter�95 Interstate 95 _ _ 1. _- _ r ... - _ �.'� � - � � ---_ � - •- = — 'ti, � i��-- '--" - "`- - `�Saddlebred'Rd,�f ; `�` : - � / .�, , � ����i/ � � � � �a: — _ �. .�. �- �- ' � t t ! � WAA' w, �, - ' i ' � �. �S�A* , ���� i.? ��V.�,�; � � �? o� ti , �r���. �� , , = WVe°��r, � !.� � �1 s � �1\ . ��� 'i ti � 1'. �} r � t t' , �, , � .�, �� r .f � �� '� '�� � , 1 �� 1 � �) w� . i � �.. I'' . •� r� � � � ��� � �� _ , �h. , ..►� •�SL: '-,�� � t� `� � ` r`1 �� . � k _ �-� � � '" ' - . • � . � ' � ' �r � 1�� � �� � �� . , ' ~ ` � 1 , t��. � � •.. y. Sadler Rd� , � � +,�Ezit�12arnp �s s = � ����5 s� � , , . -� t�a,�'P' �� �o . -�— ---�� �r ��r¢— oA i�i�''%� �a �� �� � sb � ='l �° E-s , . � ����" � �~ a��� �-p I , � o� �ti� 1�- Exrt Ra p 75 �y '�- 4' � , ���h' '� � C!) � ,� � (�, l - � , �ti . '� ,,,�"�., C.'A . a O� ` �' �.�VA `�` � �� � . 0 "� —c �VO�d,��� s.�. � �. CD. ��� �'� �° i" "������ �`�I �;�rt�A�...:..i _ ���'"� _�� � , � �'�' ` � . : �1 {,� '�illll�lll � (�� I �� � � , III � - . ��;i:t:. �� �`' �4 � � —? , ` � ' ` � , ' � �" � �. • • ' � ; �� � _ �.i , r I _ � �"''�': � � ''`% ,�' ,li �. , - � , ; ; _�-; ,, �, . �� a f � � � 1 � � 4 �1. ,id1: � � � � ~ � � i � � �'�i A +� V� " �- + � � � � I � , 1 � � = S�'' ;� � �.- .. --�i� � i � �� � "�'.� �+ ..1� — , ,, o �� .r ..� � .._ __,.._ _ _ -� � _ — � • � : � Key Map � `` NORTH CAROLINA ' � /� I-5883 � y DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � Project Study Area , � �� HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 � ''�a,�,.•y° � Intermittent Stream ► \�� IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO -._a�- •,� � - -- -_ - Bujes Crs�k � Perennial Stream � � -- .� `� , �� � - - , :- 4 -- .�oa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 0 Open Water e, " Lillir�gRon "" (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) � ��«-�` Z '�� -- frwin' HARNETT COUNTY HARNETT 0 Wetland . 1� �-y" � � y Feet �/ �^ � • STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 �-� Z ':,_ , �:� NC County Boundaries `� HARNETT '� � 0 150 300 600 :., �alkertowr I N O Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; A � � FIGURE 2- q: JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES MAP * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 ��'� �+�I �� � ; , .� � - � R � e� � ,• " '� �_. � � > � � S+ i • -�I �, � 3 �� � �� � `��� � � r` � ,� � ��'-k�-� . !'�:� , � .�� � . �e � ��� '�� � � t' Pc f . �•� �' � � Open Water • *� ' ' 0.04 AC , / �- +� ; � ����'r.++ •* _ . T�/ -.. s +� �4 - � � y�eekso�Rd' • .. � E��t;R " -'ii' , � � � � - � ' ? a --'� ---� ...� _ - ��� � � �plss •"'--�—:�`�';y��' • .� SadlerRcl �- f"� Ent� R�a`enP 5 N' ' � , , , _ , _ � .. � , _ ,f. � Inferstate"9� � 1`O: � . . ^ F'� e� . � ��' � ` � � �.�. ���r. � � , - �" �`�' � � � � - " } ,� � � t s' �' �� +�'� _ ,L� T ` � ` \ . � `�. r'- r�'� �� SG�"4�'� � Per�nnial � 302 FT , � � Bot1 . � ` . r r� o- �� '` n �' � �' �� 'i ... . bi�,�. . .�� � r s �, ; � - � �-��' • � � ar J � '� � O � ' �� 1�.�� _ � ���' . Y �, . � '�r+ y, �� .Q � � � � � � . � + �, � . �'���sr_ � .� � -�w ,�•� - � � "� ' PD - _ - - �=� � Open Water � '.,,_ � � 0.01AC � ' � ,� -�r � �` - ,�I� � l� � � . � • ' � ���.� � . �V1/G � � - - - _ - -�— -- q�� �:i�� t � a V�6�t� rW' --��_: � Y_ � : - y -.. - - _ -- . � ��` , - _ Interstate ' * "�' - ` — _ — _ — '�1"'��, f�+rr, T � Gear e Per L Rd �� I � � � J, _ rY. _ee ,�f--i--� � .r� _ --� �a � � " `�' { ` -- � {� I 'r � _.i. � [` t:'('�- � � . _ I f 115ga�. rIf � �,� � � �.�' a!R i - . � � � . '�i ' <,`�i , ' � 1 �` i� .` ,� i 'k..'r�llill�l Si�Y`P�i�"➢r ` i'•� '� � � �, ` �` *}�'��ty r� '� � `� � � W C s '�� ' I' � , s!� �y�. �. � ` �land Hardwood Forest ' ,.,. � ' � � 0.36 AC ��. , �� ' ' "'�, � F` • ' ♦ -�. •~i - . �� h- �i.�r ," - ^ ��� n .� � .• , , �,�r , ;+�- �,� ' • � .�`Y',,.= ,. • , ' ` Key Map � Project Study Area ,' �` , � Intermittent Stream r' `` �� ,�a^_ ► � Perennial Stream �� ` � _ �,� 0 Open Water '� �`� '��. � �`��-, z HARNETT 0 Wetland � _ �a--'� , y �:� NC County Boundaries r��� HARNETT '� ° 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; B * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 (� � :' _ .� �r�Rd� . � 1 � Jonesboro Z Feet - 0 150 300 600 � p � , �� �' �4 1 � ��. f � , 4 1� , t ; 6a�e�oo��� 9e �t�a � ,� , , NORTH CAROLINA I-5883 ���= DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �,�� ,,,�`� HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 _ �� IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO - - - �Bujes Crs�k -- <,:= 4--- .�oa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 Lillir�gkon (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) --_- frwin' HARNETT COUNTY �� � r. STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 = Walkertowr � �'I ' N `� � FIGURE 2- g: JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES MAP „a .� �r'. '� . . . , T� C }� �' �14. � f . ,,ij�f I' � '�' r . . . - � , i �1�� . � � � .P t _ +� .. �+� -� � • - ` ' - � . , i� �fs � �r t ^%i _ � i � � t r� • �� j� , J n � ,-r. � � �W� � � ' , �' _ . . , � � . : _ "� { � Op'en W /�� t�� _ � �� s. ,x ?�i�� • ' ,,r�,�,� � � r ��!� :y,��,ofi���M:�u,�h Flar�r � -�v� ,�.��st„� _ ' - _ - _-- � � , , ' "��_ �.71 �, � � . -. � � �, �� �� � . WD OWB �, �' ``�_ � � � (�►fU� �` �-,���� -'' � ��:tent Hardwood Flat �pen Vi/�ter .j ' � + ; �.,��_ � � �, _ s 0.01 AC 0.08 �G � . Open WV�ter<• �����,T�_ `r-z. � + � � , r ' �b, �,� � �' : � �'' _ � � � ��'�! ' � � � _ �� Vr � i 69�F;� `lnterstate, Saa�erRRa 6 � •� ,. , 9 � .95' _ '_ � � ��-��";�i���t ���a?���i; � x ,,, -- �- T� r -_- ?-� � ,r�.. m , � I� � • Gepr = - - RatinP ' _ - -F � r t , _ � .,�� : 9e per�,Lr e + ' .. �i�t �� _ ; . �L'� � ,�l ' F F � � ; '� � � i, . e Rd xi,, t, ,,� � , +,��d : - -� R ; . - SK -' ��a . �. � � _ � .� ,.� W K f • , '' �`'� N - ai � � ' �''°�, .: : �` � - ;r . ��nar��rmittent �- � �; �_�_ � . � � ' � ��a �������S���ater For��� � � ` . ��� -- . : . �28+�FT' • �- Hardwood ^ :,� , � e�� . _� � ` � �Slater, �� �V.�7 AC ,: � - ,0.�3 ,��C'. raQ `�-�.s_� . 1! W�p. �� � ., ' + �e. Inter�tat .: 'I���������r�s� Fi�� �� �1.20 AC T., �” _ �,1� �� � G � - , , � � :. �'ti � � OWD °� I^ � + r�i o� y e s�'� 0.10rACood Forest - _� a -, , �.. 5- -_ Y 70 ' �� :�� - =. ,, , - �' Open Wat�r �"� �. " ti � - �� -�; �' ;��, � � �r _ _ � � � ': �l Y 0.08 AC � � � . ' � _ - ��-�- �; `''� �1 ;w. _ s - ! � � ,* -- - -_. -- .-- ~ � � J ' �w.�� r ' ,1'�� . '���� tiFtarmP��N _ � --z ' �����'� " � ,j ,�� �� En �r ��� �.� ' �'i�tnal•- - . �ti `k: � �, \ f '' .+v '�����, i fr � r� � Robn�i �`�'� �`� ' s� �' • - - z � - , • f �- �aalR�' � '�- .�., .. ��„ , � �� " 1� - � d �' _ -�- � � ( _ ,�� ,-r � i _ - - . ��, , _ ._ :Open Water ' `�:y�i-`� ��y ,� � - + , , �. � � �� �� - . _ , �, � �� _ _ -�._ _ �, � � � . �• = '�; � ; �r _ +la. LL.•r�e � ' •+ - _N ��en �i ;u�- ' � ' �� �' � �"� � ��,,�� - rt,� � r'' � �� - ■". r �, • �r. ' � �_,� � � " — • ' " �, r� ,,- � �� 4 - � � �,� �. 1. �� � 1 � � •. -+ r .:q f • 1,- ' •; �` 5 � � S ,� ,��,�` � ' �� , ,� � .i _•✓ � ! � _ ' �, � � �� �` N, � � r`�! • Str � t ' .+� � ` . ! ! ��OraiDr � - � ► ,� - � � - .� _, � <-� ,�� , � Key Map � � ` NQRiH CAr�OLINA ' � I-5883 �j�` DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � Project Study Area , ��� ,�� HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 r�._ � K� '�a,�,.,y � Intermittent Stream ► �� IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO ,'' P-- _— , � � z - -- -_ - Bujes Crs�k � Perennial Stream _ -9-c--d �, � - 4-- .�oa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 0 Open Water ``-�� " �itlir�g�ion ' (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) � ---�` Z '�� -=_- - frwin' HARNETT COUNTY HARNETT 0 Wetland �_ ��— 1 ; y � �� � r. STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 � -i - � ` � � = Feet y :•- - `- Walkertowr � �I NC County Boundaries � HARNETT '° 0 150 300 600 `"�,� N O Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; C � � FIGURE 2- C: JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES MAP * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 t , !, � ' —1 � : �`� , ��ttert 4 a� F� � �, i _ „ r' ��\� Sadler Rd `- — _ _ ' � �� v 1 �O�g ��r :-'� � %�► �a�er '.. �� � en P O o �� c f �� .� ' �a,� ,; � �(]ir�r'��.V:��;� - ,�� ` • -�r ara�� ",°��;'- — . - � �,,�� � - � _ � -� I S -..,�� �i '11,��� ll a�� � ,:,; : • , , � �M ��ti� � � . , R .r- . ` }�." * r f '� ' �, �OWD � '� \�� ' '.+• �.x � �: � � � * W at�. ti � . ,�' :°�+i* - t )po �$ p,� � `� � !� , � - � ��� � � '� �� •'' '�d-" • � ,: - � , �„i,�_�� +� ' . '.y� 1 , ■ f � � � . � ��+�� /�� . � , , / � • . L � L '� ? '� 1 � � . � � \ 1 � .,� ����� �: � �� � �;''����`'; P � _� - �r _ � ,•� _�*ae�=--- �....._--. _ ' � Key Map � Project Study Area ,' �`_ , � Intermittent Stream r' ``�� ► � Perennial Stream � _ � 0 Open Water � �_ �``� HARNETT 0 Wetland � ��— � --'"` ; o � � �' y ':� NC County Boundaries r��� HARNETT '� ° 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area sannPsor, �; _� ; p * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Pro�ect R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 .� r ���z , � �V� ,�_ � r _� _w � �. <<�. ��} X ,�'4�'�� � � �' F �� , ��r r� � ��» . t � •���` �.. _ � T'��..r: ,..� tii •"�'� Y � � � ti ���w . � , , y � ,�. � ti 1 • _ • 3" i' �� r , � �,A , #� , - lF`�,6p���---��c -�_ �-� - �;��3 � �� �- Robin�Hc �- � � r /� :�- ; � �► .} � ► a � .� ..• '� �, 1,r � � �� �' _ i� - ..._. �_�s .� 2 � Feet 0 150 300 .11 �Y � � , Foundations Rd ' _ , i+��,r�3h�� _ ,, .. "" � � Inte stiate 95' A � � ��-- """�- - ---�-- - a i- - �. , Interstate:95 - — , - - - _ __ - ��� _ , i - - � ' �-�. � . � _ _ _ .�_� _ �:�,,� ,�, ;,+ ;� 4 - T Y �•� �� � � � �s � ' � �x � . � " `� . , •�+ � ,��� - - ���, d�`�., ' 2 n. . . �� �;�-� �..' � �' r t �: � �,• �f � i� .� • . !'" ;' '"' NORTH CAROLINA I-5883 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,��� �,�� ,,,�` HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO - -- _ _ Buies Crs�k -- �-.toa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 Lillir�g�ton ' (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) --_- frwin' HARNETT COUNTY �� � r. STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 = Walkertowr � �I N `� � FIGURE 2- p: JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES MAP , . .••, I � � � � � � � � �� • �► � � � � � �� � � � � SC� �W� Inter�ttent Hardwood�lat PA 851 FT SB 0.04 A�C Open Water / Perennial 1�12 AC • .� r �� • � • /4f � � PB ��E Open Wat Inte�mittent 0.28 AC �331 FT OWF � Open Water . 164 FT � 0.01 AC �` � � : :.�-� � � � �.�..�,���-; � �'Je�ry Ca�rRd - `�°"'�"""'�'�"'� 'w"�� ;- � I erstate 95. Saddl_ebredaRd . � _ ,,.... � . ' � OW3* WAC* WAB* �� 1 � � � � � OW2* � � � � � . ♦J t 1 � � � 2 Ke Ma � Project Study Area ' Y p, � j� Wetland , ' � Intermittent Stream ; -.._a�- � Perennial Stream - - -- .�- `� '`�, �, � � Open Water ` " � _ _ ���_` —��, z HARNETT 0 Wetland " — � -- � ° , �y ._ - , y Feet ,'� :� NC County Boundaries r�`, HARNETT '� ° 0 150 300 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; A * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 .11 SA �� Perennial 677 FT - - Bujes Crs�k - -- -- � =- � - .�oa L illi r�g �ton frwin I��', _ - -_-_ - �I; . . _ _ - r.� :._:�,, = Walkertowr � �I � � ��a� � 1.�: �� ` ..-- ° �. „ ,. '`` -- ,. W _ � �' •'' —'� 15 r -� . � "0'' . • r � � �(n. �� - ���� +�� � ,� c�' • WA � � � � � . Hardwood Flat �, , 0.02'A� � � � . �. �► •� � � `">� NORTH CAROLINA �r ���� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,�� ,,,�` HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) HARNETT COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 v FIGURE 3- q: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP � � • � r� •��� � � -- ,,. •... � �` � � � � ♦ • � PC Open Water �r 0.04 AC r . . • • � R .;tR -�_ , � � i � � r -- , � aMp�SS �,`� * ., • . r�r ...� . - � � Ent Ram r ' ��„`y "' ' �� .�, Sadler Rd - ► � 4�� Y- p 75 N �� _ � - - <- � ,.. .,.� � ...- � r . . • s - ♦ � L � � � Interstate 95 � + ��r �'"'�„"�'� - � • . ..-�. . -' �`Q ' ` +4ra �... r • � +� . � _ � `. s� � . , .. _- u ��. . � y ' �+. �1.�, � � . '� . "" i � s� `��yM r � � r r.�G��r9e Pe \(� \ � . • � '�.� � � .. ..�., .. � . r � a � ' • I 1 : -s r! ' � � T �� , � S H �� � �,� � • � � �Per'�nnial � � . � , SG ' 115 FT�� �► �' • .n.�wr"'�► . � � ��' Perennial • v� a` 3oa Fr �.� wc ' � ;� � _i � r • � � � �, f�.= � � � • �,�'� • �P D r„� '"-" � � � Open Wat Y`'��0.01AC � � e I� mland Hardwood Forest � " 0.36 AC � ,� � � � � �► • • � i� + • �:wa� e � w r+i. 'r� / � • •• • • � � • � � i _ J � � �-- . �� � ..�,. r� w�. � � � �., .J� . s !' Interstate 95"` ' • - • � _ s rlO�s 1 I,� _ � -- -- � � � �.►�-�.. .-.^. - -�-�. � �1 � ' S'� � � � �' Perennial Stream� i f310 FT �`� � � .�� � r � . „' .�' Q � � , � � � a � � a 1 � � �. o�. A� � \66 e � � `� �, � , � . ,.F • . � Rd ���f � _ � ����or� � Project Study Area '� Key Map j� Wetland , ' r�._ i � Intermittent Stream r � ��``--..� -�.a--- ► � Perennial Stream '` ` ' _ �,� � Open Water � `��� ,. �" � ` �'-�-, Z HARNETT 0 Wetland \ ° � � l�' ~ �� � y ,'� :� NC County Boundaries r��� HARNETT '� ° 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; B * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 Feet 0 150 300 .11 I-5883 Bujes Crs�k - --__ ___ � _ � - .�oa Lillir�gkon _-_ - frwin ' _" 'I; . _ .. �.) - Walkertowr � �I �" � NORTH CAROLINA »�� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,�� ,,,�` HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) HARNETT COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 � I FIGURE 3- g: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP �� - . l � � �, � _ _ • � • � Berhi�e T .if� � ��`ti I � OWE � � � �� Open Water � � � _ � � 0.01 AC wG Bottomland Hardwood Forest � -� � 0.71 AC _ - + � � � S� WD OWB -.' OWU� c �. `. �� Intermittent Hardwood Flat Open Water � 0.01 AC � 0.08 AC . �Qpen,{o-'��ti�r ' { � 154 FT '� 0.-. o -q.�Yy� � a _ � s� � - -� � _ � �- .� .,� �� � . 4 WJ � i� � ' `.� _ - �� stater Saa�er Rd rs 1 � '� � 95 _ � • � He'adwater Forest � k � , ��'4`;���a., ��. �e • ' �� amp��� S� � � 0.20 AC } , �� `'-°r9e Pe�rY`e Y " � EntR � e /�a Fx!1 _ � : Fi; 1ri S K �t Ra�p',�' �. �� f'Qd�lA � r'°+I-ntermittent ��` OWD 128 FT �a;i�.,_ �aa=d4vood Flat e�E'-a s� Open Water cn •�� ��t Headwate �,Forest .� 0.43 AC �r� ,f'� WI 0 20 A�C � � � � �9Y27 AC � � oa�ey Int„��tate•gs �ottomland Hardwood Forest � � � OWD . '�' 0.1� Q � � Open Water � - � �0�08 AC '' � ♦ ���► • t RamP �� N SJ � � En _ • • "* ��'''��� � `�"`" ` Perennial " � � � — y '�- _ ,�-� � 1 .. _ � Rob�n F,T � ,� � ,� _ � � r Nooa Ra � .s � . � !_ - PF � �� � "-�' Open�Water 1 ��- y+_ '� � �. '�- �' • 0.76 AC PE `-- -�.�� �r � �� Open Water ��'�� � � � � � � 0.24 A�C �~ � • • _ - +r+� h --• � t � r� � r . .�°� � . � . - ! , : �,� � � i � ! � j � � Stra��rd �r l f •' * � � �� . i � � ,� � � � � � � �� ��` ��r � � � � � �� � � � • � _ � � � f - � Ke Ma !'`�LLp���"°� NORTH CAROLINA � Project Study Area ' Y P, j� Wetland . � I-5883 ���� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , ,�` HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 r� i a,��.,y � Intermittent Stream , " ,'' _ _ _ _, � _ IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO � Perennial Stream P-9- - � z �- --= Buies4rs�k�oa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 � Open Water �`�-�� `� '"� �itlir�g�ion ' (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) � ---�� Z '�� ____ �,y„in' HARNETT COUNTY HARNETT 0 Wetland ��— - s � ` o � ` i; � . � � y Feet � STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 ,. �i � - �. � i � :• �' `�- 1Nalkertowr � ��I � NC County Boundaries �� HARNETT ,' ° 0 150 300 600 ',� N FIGURE 3- C: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON ;_� , C � * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 Sadler 1 u•� �� i , t • . . . a■rA� �:� /' j� r . r � ��� � W� F�at Hardw��pC � 0•�� / QW 8 OPe� WAC r � �� .�$ � � S� - - e S��F.��t O � � � 1 rt�a�� s �� � �' i � � � � �� � � - -� ...�.F1at �/`�� • � � �`�7 �� � �WW ater O'���Da pC ` ' � w . 8 � r �►. �� N Nad9e5 C�ape\ Rd � W� d�A�d F�rest � � �j 0 1�� - = R r . �� � -• I / �, �� ��a�i���������2 1 r pE Ope� v 0 •24 s� r � i `� - a ` ooP � � � g�5� P<pot �� N �I � , �� � �� ��' � � - ��� � � � �' � �.,Foundations Rd !� J � � _ �i�'s � •iry �.-r .i.r,�y►+�/�� �� �i � � .. � �� �-�� r_.� � � _ .� �� . • �:f �'�'�'f,� � r 2 Ke Ma � Project Study Area ' Y p j� Wetland , ' �`_ , � Intermittent Stream `-�-� , � Perennial Stream � _ � � Open Water ``���_ � HARNETT 0 Wetland � ��— � --�"� ; o � �'� y ,'� :� NC County Boundaries r�`� HARNETT '� ° 0 Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �; _� ; p * Information for SBA, WAA, WAB, WAC, OW1, OW2 & OW3 is included in the JD Package for TIP Project R-5526 ** Information for WBI, WBJ & WBK are included in the JD Package for TIP Project: I-5986 � 2 � Feet 0 150 300 600 � ♦' � � TIP: l-5986 ect Study'Area 9 \ � � wcs�-s� w : -��r sr = , V ..'-"; � } r+ p { � � � t � i i ��. � '� ����, � �+ �' ��� �,� s� � �,Pa ' �� �J'� �'. � � � . � � � s. r ` � � •� t � 3 a � � ♦ � - 4�1 �� �� � . , r,. � � � �� 'i,. � � � w� � �� � s /'"-p��`��� NORTH CAROLINA I-5883 � DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �'�`� ,�`� HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 �..� IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO - -- - - - Bujes Crs�k -- �-.toa RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 Lillir�g�ton ' (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) '��, -=_- - frwin' HARNETT COUNTY _ �'�� � ��� � r. STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 :• �:�'�`- 1Nalkertowr � ��I � `� � FIGURE 3- p: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP • � k �y���c.�. '..;, � !. � .yp r I � �.—_._-� ' . , r f�:� �%'— - � - .;� �,'�p - - �� '^1.�' _ w ' ��� 1� . � w ' PUBHh PUBHz?' �- `� PUB -. � M1Fh �' ��t T i °,�� kA - �� - _ - ��. d ,� <; �,,�•~ •aacksO�S a ` �•1 ` +.,_ ti;�:a�� F t�s=t3,�'A� ii PUBHh �� _��'��1 1� ����%e�' i��� , � �'�.��i-�R�� ,� �k�. . �' . .t `R4S�u� �� s ., s� �_ PF01A _t� °'� . -''4-' - . . _ t i :� ;F�� ,rr � � Z � s.. d,� R2UBHx . � ^: ��fl1�1�, +l�a �. (/S,3 ���. >, �. ',� {U '''.��k e � ,`�ohy,.;. �Sb� � ;.6��E4(�11Fh" �.�„ � z `:�`k. . `P� � � �. �� PUBH � uQ;'..:� r','.ti' ' _ C vai �ol<N,, -.. j � ' y, .,, iuiT WA+'"Y': .c� �•,hy3o�� ;� ':,;��;:� ;e� �_'a � R21..I�Fi �i2lOBhCx � - :�- ti rs� -.r.. , P, .:. ; i .. �'' ' � ,�,�s �r,�1t33-4 ; ti . �i1 � L.�PUBHh �+' �+ � r .. . ;, e ,s ti, ry � . ,, , T; • .,, - s1[ .-: � � . r ti` F� lJ B Fi G� ` �,�`*. s^, _ s � - - � t �� �.� ��r �,`'c�%dflf:',a,,�' � �.`Sf, .�„�.w. f; `� � �- ' �� . - . � l�M1' _''t` � - . � C � J�.� .. - - -- �� '`� - . . �LakeshoreDr • PUBHx .�-` � �..,. �.� �� .�,�'� ,�..•ev ,#�1.'; ��, ,���C71C +A ,i � ::OJ rJ`'a` ti_ PF01C .�i�: `j� r;� ���aij ,~� �5V�V�H .• i� �;k4"�I• .�'i+� � �y` �, �' , � :� � ti �An� � �3 � .�U., �:. '�c'�a � �� �(. : � y� 1�, .,�y , .� -c_ Wade- '� �' c, , ' �� o. f E i ' i�2U61 �`''� n2��I�,G� { A�i � � Ave �PUBHx �25UE3H�PU'BHx o :---•1 +�a���� v ' 1Goy =� ,a, F• � , x �� v � d�%�.; � �j ��,,. � �, �� ' � . • .. : ',, ` lr %' ?'�+�. �l P��F3x PUBHx� �� '.s aQe �= '� - '' ,�,hy t 9i.► �' � �SCD�E°i 4v, { fa:#� .:. i \ �j,� �� �4��G� . ::� ,�� Q� L.It... . - .. . -�6��{a'�� /O� - 'Ya.� ,,; E � �., �,� ry�' � �°u�3�i� s, . � . '� < . ♦ , G � � � �, . PF01'Ad -.• .� �,,� �•' o �e5' �� � h� �' �,� �C, ' �'f' ,_• "C � � � ,.. .a; . � � „ 5,� a j! q„ ,� r� -r , ,� , � � � � T�" •� � ,F�45Ei� �`. .s • � et � �� ♦ � y x hG� Qr � ,. � a 1 i� Saturn St, ` , o�Q '�� , - 1�5�,��'�h'k , p� - - . l.. . .'_ '_ .,t� �V .�rH,Y� �f' �A�>, V ��I'�1` � � j., - , o r_ r n . , Plut�o'St 4 �`�� `��G ,�1�2�v � � *. 4 ��' - ;� ,�� �!.'1.; , :: � ,.� %�.�,' f , '� ,�_� �= ` �$� �L9k�Hz Venus'pr`.a'"� £.,�,��e�d�� • �`���e �� ,��� � i, y, � _! .� , , � ��, .�I �� '�'kbl ,,��. �JC�BFix t��t11At \ '-� _j, :, Mars y`3"y~-� o` C�<ee�� "a�v �4> � s � x � 4" mo c.$ �a` ` ' �'°'� .� F����1 �3' � �',� `:�l'' Sfe �;: ,i .F � .... . � . . . 7-��`,� = . �''z . ��i'.i � �Y i G'�y. . : � . -'4'P s sA i^ .,. � � �' ,�6 � -x,",l � k� •�+.m���� JC -- -' • - � ����...�..; �C'4: ' .�/� ���R ��;-�,. ��' . , . 3'�1 �� �"'\ -S��i �r. ' ti s �' ',v. 7 0 !1�` 7 rPUBHx: d a :'I <- , d ,:� � \; ��TIP: 1-�58Z8� : . �upiter p� ,�: °N� . / �,'N:: ;j;' m;?�:i..: b � - 1��J�F9�,r . �QQ,, , f. t; � C�`BA � % ��e Project�StudyArea � �:: �,.�.., y ��*� � � � t„ s R4���, � �. y ;� � t�R`y ��` ` _ � ., M1 �`� `^ , BHh FFLi1Ch '` � •�a - r�t ' • ��9� PF01A � �' r * ° �.� i � l� , i�: �-J�986 = r � .� h� !.. : �s�� . .� �I �. � 4 ' � 'Q`�.r: Pro�ect StudyArea if.�°�D�Hx " �'.�� • , i �VJ�Hx♦ -+ ' � .=' � Elld PI'O�eCt �F01C �E� ' "�zu�H �' , , '� �� '4 . ��cc���a ������;� _ � ' :. � ' �� \'� �, ;'- � � � _ ,�. ��S�C � a , \ : :,l. TIP: �5986 . �,p! $r°� � _, _ � '_ ,w , -�ta,��� .,; � • ���a�'�a - I�4�B�xl "4 " ' �,L� Project StudyArea FaQ��1�9t . 0. � , tr` ' ``, ' �i ,�, �,� �,.. o � _ nt�r t �+Yr �,< , :� ° ,, f: s �,yi'� `:,�� �V ��FiR�` � ��I6�� � � �\ �. �'". . •r ^ � °UBHV�,.- . � < JSrP,ta �F�1,�;. PIEi�1Fh - at � �l�€3Fix � � . � �' a , - � S __ ; s � ��� �� '',,� h �' �� � :s� .;� - ����',19�€�;� 4 � '� Ta L''n PF�1Cht� �' . Hh � �s PV��Hx, - t+4�"°`` • :� k _ :_�'Etk ��` . �,� ,�. Bernice + � � r -_.�;, _ �:95 � ' � �� � .�'� ' - �`� �`� ^� ��I�:�1; �'�_ '�':�P.,N�<a-i f'VJBHh ,, � '�' n atio SRa �2UBH � < - �: � ,.� ` _ ` �/' PEJ�Hx " : PUBFx �; � Fou. d _.� L1UBHh;.� ;� . . .— •_ R4���', ✓er� �� '�i � � - " '-r +_ ��-��,�, � ��\ ' '! _ �v �;_;=- n . R4S61 " � Begm Pro�ect �"�''�.�-`�y Car R{� � '` ' <', ,, ' p� � . ' , .�� �± PE�Ad . l. ,; � �k;.. .n Hood Rd � ��� - ?' �,. ` _ r' _d� ,.Fit, y � ,� � - . - _= _ - .- . -�_:. � �4'�, � �v °',- � i' `Weeks�r?d � - , ,PSS1Cx�,�, PUBFx � ~_ `"9 ,� -�Y , Rob� �.:�/�i� PF,01/4�4 PEM1A E ��� •�:..F" � �.,.�� .� ��'- - .. � ! -= ` ../ r , R2UBH . F�.�r� a,�A,,k , y � ��' � � , ,ca , � �a�,h '� -�,. �SS �T � ' _ �;� F?vB�-iY�`� -.;_ : ..r�`- , '� � PEM1A�'` I�UB�dx" � �\\\�\\�C; r,�j �,�`7e1r � � . � ' � -. Sadler Rd - � � � BHx \\\�` L�e� �� w . _ ' � � ����5 �: �Ge�ge:Perry Lee Rd lnterstate�95 `�,-�.':Y—, �:� =i;`�c:; �_ $:�'y,' �� � "_ �, � �a �� ' PUBHx \ ��\ Rq• ' T ,._ � p *� P U PFO�C .__ ..�,. PF09A �. � Y _ �.- , ., P,F,01'A � PUBHx�� , �.,i ,�=� �J��� , \ ys, r' . ,� � "o �4��� i _ �� , .� . � , �. = '� � , _ - t� i' PEM1C ; H� , , � � W ',-r PF.01�' __ "} � -s -�'a:. .c,y,. ��v P 1�= t:+ � �::✓ ,- . ,,,� ; y'9 � _ � ` g� , � � �, �t ,�a ��R4SBC �`PUBHx U BHx ,� • , �. ,�� PUBf,fr+.- ;�R4S u'y� � D'' r �'�J��#x �.�' �'0- k �� �� m �P l l�� , PFO1C i' - a'7/;:�,�-r � U •e, ♦ n�, y� -� .A . N i ` 4 � PU�Hx . � _� PUBHz � � u� Z1 : ' c�'i � i �• � ;-1k , r �4 � :�� ` �m �� `' 1 � � , -�;c-��' - PF01Ah '1� � ? '�is� / �n'.�� �. x � � O j, `. PF01A �, i- � ,� , �C'�r ,� E �i � , � ����� 4 .� -,- R4SBC, . •Stratforcl Dr � W Co�e Rd�3 � �a e' ^ . -' yi �r'•t�: _ '� ` Q�it � PrO1F r� �� 5�� PF . ; � ' PF,01C 'A� �� ' . - ���, � �wve� �� � ��� } � �^,�R4SBC 01A �AB4Fx ��? e-�.=.: ��c�A R4SB� �Iarnett.Cownt' � � d �� y " .M ,� r. d � �,4� � ��=o7�=n 1d t7 ' - . �� � M.y° .,.{� � �� .� ��oY,, ao� `�`�/ �: �I4e�'�.,, �e51po Q'R�� .'y.''P.' a.^ c' _ � � - "'�'iP��t . _ , ' � . . � . r,` �.YYI Q„o `�✓' ± ���i�+ Jo '%1'„ ,r ..,j� : a0n3 ' IPF046 PIJBHhK� `° �� # PF0.114lAh �'F�?11�� . z .T ^.. - - , ��' ;� ' �. j �j' '��4�A ,� ' � PF01A PEM1Fh' '� i , __ ' � �� � �" �FO��h I� ,.,. PlIBH9�y '�'`o � '' .-�:3 �'�^ =�€'UIBHx PUQi-E • � ��(�1� '��� � � � PU�BH�h PUBHh� F����� �� ( ` ,�... '� :.; � - PiS�iix �'�=�7'�� =. ' �q: R�SB� ' .76';-, �. �.. „ ' �45��; � , �h �l�. PIIBHx� '+• 'r '! � �VJEFiPa � �c��BC -,� _ �:' �-' R4SBC N � ' � ,�,• ''� P[1E3Fix�.Y,-, - .'� - .,�� F'l�fi�i� ,(32UBH '"�.� ir �`': x� R4SBC co " j F PF�01Ch i .'�►t: • , �` . � ?� ��_ ��Fi�1C 'P,UBHh G .�x . ;' P.,U�Hh � �� � �9r�[=6u � � � ,'�€�iixZ.. R4SBC . � � r- . _ p�h :r PUBHh �,�, `7"-R4Sf��. �`�` , ��. PEM1Fh, �, f�5UBH a %° � � �� - �PUBHh. I� _ �'�BHh�! -.�'�' �F�'VA � �� ��-+�r Jr.,r .,�, �,� -- . � John,y�s,�fon;, e - ' B -� ' e�" PEM1Fh PEM1Fh °i �'�'z".!= , Sa_I%)pSO%I ICOUI;I,t�/ ,� PU Hx , � �,.► �. :. �Fo,A �UBHh '< � - <':g �' COU" I1 t)%,� � �. : i pFo�c .,°� '' ' ����a ' - �'�����a�' `; PUBFB + `1PF0�1 I�:Ri�rf � PF01A � - PUBHhPEM1Fh�'� , � - � ..� - ,�- Fd1A < � , �, PUBHx � � ��BFita i � PFQ1A .y E "i�,i;�-�h PEM1Fh 1 Key Map � '' '� NOR i H CAROLINA ' I-5883 , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION .' `� � �4�� HIGHWAYS DIVISION 6 , 2 �y,..��. � ' IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95 / SR 1808 (JONESBORO i -_ -_ - 9uies [rs2k�ae RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 75) AND I-95 / SR 1709 0 Project Study Area � �illington (HODGES CHAPEL RD.) INTERCHANGE (EXIT 77) � �� Z `� �`,�_ ��,,�,on HARNETT COUNTY HARNETT � NWI Wetlands � ' y Feet -��' ''�� •" STIP PROJECT NO. I-5883 ;_' NC Count y Boundaries '�`� H A R N E T T ,'� ° 0 5 0 0 1, 0 0 0 2, 0 0 0 �a���� • e I N F I G U R E 4: N A T I O N A L W E T L A N D � Adjacent TIP Study Area SAMPSON �� _� � � INVENTORY MAP TIP:I-5883 IV'C D'�w'Q Strearn Identitieat��n Farm Version 4.11 Date: - �{- � � F+rojQctlSite: SA Er�aluatc�r: ,��' ir"' � � C�urrty: fts Total F'oints: � 5tream peiermina#ian Stream is at leas! r"ntermr"tten't tr if? ?9 QrnerenniaJr€� 30* Ephemeral Intermlttei A, �Geamarphala9Y (Subtatal -- 1@' Corot�nu6ty of channel bed �nd bank 2. 5inuosity of c�Oannel aior�g thalweg 3. In-c�anne4 structure: ex. riffJe-poa0, : ren 0 0 1 0 � 4. �artiele size of stream substrate 0 1 �. Actir�elrelict ffao�kpd�in a 1 6. Depositional bars or bereches 0 7. Re�ent alluWial deposits �l '1 $. Nleadcuts 1 9. Grade control ' 4 i3.5 1fl. IVatural valley +D r�.5 11. 5ecand or greater arder c�sannel - IVo = 4 � artpiicial ditches are not rated; see discussians in manual g. Fi Cr9'tl�� SUl7t�4�� _ � � 12_ f'reser�ce of Basef�Qw �3 1 'V3. lran oxidizi�g bacferia 0 1 fi4. Leaf litter 4 '�6. Seciiment on p➢ants or �iebris 0 0.5 'iEi. �rga�ric debris frnes or pil�s 0 �.5 17. Saa�,�iased evidence of high� water table7 No = 0 C. Bl�al� Subto�al = 18. Fihrous roots in strearcs�Oed 3' 2 19. Raoted upland plants in strearnbed 3 2 2�1. Macrobenthos (nate di�rersity and ak�undance) �� 0 1 21. Aquatic Nlollusks 1 22. Fish i] ' Q.5 23. Crayfish �,5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 . 2�. Al�a� a 0.5 2F. Wetland plants in streaml�ed FAC1N= 0.7 "perennial streacns may also be identified using odher m�thods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: 5tream: S� Latit�de: Langitude: Q#her e.g. Qcrad Neme: �� = a � �_ 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1.5 1 1.5 Y�s=3 2 2 q.6 '� 1' Y@s = 3 � 3 3 0 �.5 a 0 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Sketch: rn � ��i,,�a� �'`_�. . Y �� '� ri�1.�►, r� � ��' .�,�,�►.r�� �,�, �e�� � f�� � �j °� � Chann�l Sukrstra -. ela `ilt n rave I cabbl� 1 bEcirock (circle all t'�at applyi Water V�'locity: fas� ��ad�r / slow Water Clarity; .�ar�'slhght0y turbid / turbid Water bepth: � - � in�Faes Page 1 of i o Attachment A -- 1 -- INTERNATI@�IA�. TIP:I-5883 , I L�SAiC� AID# �WQ a�, Site # (indicate an attached .map) Strear�:S�A I_ ;�■,; STREAiVI QiJ�ALITY ASSE55M�NT V�(3RI�S�3EET �, �k�r�� �� '�rovis�e thc foltowing i�formatian fpr tl�e stceam reach undcr assessment: R T. .4p�alicant°s narne: N�p�}T 3. Date af evaiva�on: �o�� � �p 5. ]�ame af stregm.l�l��n /R:�/�'�+�'CraC) � �f'...� 7, Appro�mate drainage �rea: �' • � '�� 9. L,engtt► of reach er+aluated: � I��+iQ �� 2. Evalua#or's name: �� �IJi�C� T � � ,��C�-c� 4. Titt�e of eval�a4ian: / � �� &. River basin =�Fk '��� ��'' '� 8. Stream arder: �� �.�',� 10. Couuty: -#`T�7/Z.l7.�� � l l. Site coQfdin3te5 {i�ICt1oW11�: prefer in decimai[ degrees. I�. Subdir+ision name (if any): Lalit�d� (ex 34.87�312); v� J�� � I � � ..�? l.nngitude (�c. —77.556b t i ): r � � �� � � / MetLvd iocativn determined {circle): GYS Topo Sfieet Orttio (Aeri��) PhotaJGiS C)kf�er GI5 -,�ier/ �� �'.li��-1 13. Lvcation of reach under evai�ativn (note nearby roads and landmarks and at�acli map identifying st�e�.m(sp laca�io : C� � c�''►�ce•� �'a �.�r.�'L ��ee� �c�' � I -�1 � �/�r'� ��� �� r�'rr� � ld. Frapased chantyel wark {iFany�: � _ _ 15. Recent weather conditians: �I'U I6. Siie conditions at ti�� o�visi l7. Identify any special vuaterwvay classifiaations krrorvrn: _5�t�aro 10 ,Tic�al Waters _Essent�al Fisheries Habitat _Troiut Waters _Du#standing Resouree Waters _Nutrient Sensiri��'Waters lWat�r Su�ply Waters}aed (I-Nj 18. Is there a pond a�r lake loeated upstream ofthe eualuat' n pou�t? YES T�O�i�'yes, estuma#e the water sur.�ace �rea: �� 19. Dc+es channel appear an USGS qu�d map? YES C) 2. Daes channel appear on USDA Soil Su�+ey� YES N() 21. Estimsted watershed land use: �% Residentrai �% Co�nanexci�l �% Industrial r���o A�ricuC�tural l�l� % Forested �% Cle�red f Lagged /�°fv (3iher 22. ��kfull width: �/��� Z3. �an�C height {frcaa� bed ko top of banlc): y�� 24. ChanneI slope tiown center o tream: _Fl�t (� to 2°�0) _�Gentle {2 to Q%o} _ivlflder$te (4 ta 1Q°/m) �Steep (�ta%) 25. Claannel sirduosoty: Straight _Qec�sional bends Fr�quent meander lVery sinuaus Brasded cha�uiel' Instructioos far caropietioro nf worksheet �located an page 2): Bagin lay detenn�.ng tibe tnast appecrpreate �earegian based �e+ IoCa�ion, terrain, v�getation, stee�rn clsssi�icataon, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the sa�e �core�ion. Assigii points #o each ch�cteeistic wiChin the raiage shawn far �he ecoregion. Page 3 prowides a brief descripkian of hvw 10 re�+iew the characteristics identified in Zhe workshee�. Scares should T�flect �n oveeaJl assessrnent pf tExe streaen reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated dwe to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in thc secjring box and pro�ide an explana#ivn in tk�E ca�ur►�ent section. VJher� there ar� c�bvi��rs changes in the cl�aract�r of a stream ur�der review (e.g,, t�e stream f�ows from a pssture it�to a forest), the str�a�i rnay be diuided inta srnaller reaches that disp3ay more continuity, and a sepa��ate form used to eval�rate eac� reach. The toc�l s�re assigr�ed ta a strearn reac� must ran�e 'berive�n 0 and 1��}, w�ith a sccxre vf 14U representin� a stream af t�e I�igheat �ualily. ,� Tatal Score (froan re�e,�se): � f+ Camments: �valuator's Signature I��te iv ~ tF� �,�1Q This chgnnel evaluatitrn t`urm a inteuded tc� ��onEy as a guic�e to �ssist lando►�+a�ers and en�iro�nmental prnfessionals in g�therin� the data reqa�ired Uy the iJ�ited States Arnay �Gpr�rs of �ng�neers to �alte A pre�imiaAry assessment Of StFE8i1l quality, il�e total score resaultireg fram the campleti�n af this �'nrm is subject ta USACE a�a�roval ana� does not irtmply a �rarEicula� mitigalion rat�o mr requirer�ent. Forrn sui�ject to change — version dGlfl3. To Comment, pl - - x'�6 . . � Page 3 of i 0 Attachment A -- 2 -- 1HTERNATl�DN,�'L TIP:I-5883 '�TR�AM QLiALITY ASS�SSMENT 'W�fJRKSI��ET ���: ��� � Strea�r: 5�_ # CHARACTERISTICS �C�REGION POINT RANGE _ ��a� ' Goastal Piedma�t Moaotnin � Presec�ce of Ilow / persistent pools in str�am 0— 5 0— 4 0— S � {no flow or saturati+�n = �U; stron �ow = max _ ints) Evideoce of past human aitersrtiom � 2 U-6 0—S 0-5 (extet�sive atteratian � 0; no ei#eraiior� = max pcsir��s) Ripariao zone `,� 3 (no buf%r = 0; cc�nti uo�s, wede lsud%r = etaax �rinzs) �� 6 0— 4 0— 5 � � Evidence af nutrient or chemacal discharges 0— 5 U— 4 0— 4 {extensiv� diseh es = U; nQ discl� es = max pni�ts) �� Groundwater discharge p= 3 0— q q— 4 �� U (no dischar e= 0; s rings, seeps, wetl�n�s, etc. � ma.x oi�►ts � � Prese�►ce of �c��acent floodptain � _ � � � � � _ � �, (mo tioo�dpla'rr� = 0; ext�nsive flood IsiM =��ac pcaints) � � � Eatrenchment 1 fis�odplain access 0=� 0 a 4 0� 2 (dee 1 e�trencMed = 6; �aecyuent flcwdin � max in�s} � � Presen�e af adjacent wetlsnds 0— b 0�- 4 �— 2 (t�o wetla�rods = 4r lar e adfacerat wetlarads = max points) � 9 Chao�e� si�ut�s�ty D—� 0— 4 a� 3 (exte�sive charanel��tia� = 4; naiearal �eandez = m�ax in�s) 10 Setiiment i�put 0— 5 4= 4 �— 4 5 (e�ensive deposit�on= 0; little oT r�o sedirnent =�ax points) Size & diversity of ehannel bed substrate ,� i I NA 0-4 �-5 i'�/ �- {fine, hamo�eno�s = U; lar�e, diverse sizes � cnax po'rntsl � � 2 Ev�dence of ch�nnel incision or wider�ing 0_� �_¢ ��� y+ (dee 1 dncised = 0; stable �d & banks = max ints) � ,_F"'„ Preseace of inejor baak farlures � 03 0—S 0-5 �-5 � {s,evere eros�on = 0; no erasian, stable banks = rnax ints) � � a Root dept6 and density on baoks 0— 3 0— 4 �— 5 i� E.,,, {no visofl�le naots = 0; dense roots throu�hout = max paints) _ v% Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber producti�n �' 15 0-5 0-4 0-5 � (substa�rtial im act =0; n+� evidence � max pain�ts) � 6 Presence of riftle-piwUripple-pool complexes 0— 3 q— 5 0— 6 E (rto rif�tesiri les or Is = 0; wet�-develo ed = max inits) � d 1 T Habitat complexity p_ 6 0— 6 0— b � � (little or no babi�at � 0; freq�em�, varoed habitats = max ints) � Canopy eoverage over streambed , 18 0—S 0—S �-5 (no shadin . ve etatioro = 4; corn�inwous cana� =�ax pvints) � 9 Sabstrate embeddedness NA• 0— 4 0— 4 � I (deepl err�bedded = 0; l+aose struct�r� _�ta�c) i�'� �� �� Presence of streacn invertebrates (see page 4) �,, ,,,� (no evidence =(�; camraion, nurnerous s� rr�,ax ���) 0— 4 �— 5 0— 5 ,,�-� � 2� Presence af emphabians 0— 4 0— 4 0— 4 - O {no evir�ence � 0; coret�a�n, n�merous es = rnax ints) oZ� — Presence of fsM _ 0— 4 �— 4 0— 4 no evidence 0; comrnon nameraus s—�ax a�ts M I CO ( ) Evidence of wil�llife use 23 O�G �-5 O-5 r�,J-', (no evidence = 0; abundani evid�nce =�ax points) �- To� Points Possib�e 1� 100 lOb TOTAL SC4RE (alsv erater on first page) ;` � � i nese crs�rac[eristics are ncst assessea en coastai streams. Page 4 of 10 Attachment A -- 3 -- fNTER�A��ONA�. . TIP:I-5883 _ _ � Strearr�: S_� NC BWQ Strea� Identi�ication Fvrm Versiam 4.11 �ac�: ,� - � - {,� �mj�c�sic�: � ( � � ! �tit�,�e: i Erraluata�: �j ,�G � ��� s County: � � Longitude: Total Points: Strear� Qeterr�rir��tion {c e o�e �t'�er Stream is a�t least ir�f�rrnit#er�t �� gp�e era! �nterrnitt�r�t Perer�nial ��.g. Quad Name: if z?9 ar �e�n,�ia! if � 3d* I� '`�� A. Geomar hofo (Subt�4al = f�� � a Ab�sent Weak 1a Cvntinui3y of ehannei bed and bank j 0 1 2. 8�n�osity of eh�nnel aZong R�talweg � 0 1 3. Ir��channel structur�: ex. riffl�-p�al, step-pool, ri le- aol se uenee � � 4. Particle �ize of st�r�am subs#rate � 0 1 5. Acti�elre9ict flcsodplain � Q 1 fi. Depos�tional �bars ar bersch�s c:�,�Q.• '� �. Fteeent alluviaf depasits ` 0�3 1 �. �le�dc�ts 1 9. �rade cor��rol �' � c�.5 10. 1�4atural vall�y I �D .5 1 z. Secand or greater Qrder c�annel I o= 0 � a artrficial di�d�es are noi rated; see disc�ssiar�s in manual i B. Fi dralfl S�ubto��l = fb l 12. Prssenc� of Basefl�w j a 1 13. (rQr� oxidizing bacteria ' a "� 1 14. Leai kitter ��- ' 1 15. Sediment �n plants or d�bris , D 0.5 16. (]rga�ntc debri� le�res or piles � D S 17. Soi4-based e�idence of high wa#er table7 ! h�� = 0 C. Biola (Subtat�l = 1 - - i 18. Fibrous rvots in streambed 2 � 9. Ro�ated upland pM1ants i� streambed a 2Q. I'�ac�obe�tthbs (�n�rte d�versity and abundanc�) � 0 1 c �1. Rqua#ic Mollusks � p 1 22. Fish ' 0 - i1.5 23. Crayfis� I U 0.5 24. Arraphibians I (] A.5 25. Algae i 0 4.5 2B. Wetlar�d plar�ts i� streambed � �AC1N = 0 *perennial streams may aCs�a be identified u�sing ather msthods. Se€ p. 35 nf manual. I�latss: h'�r��� �� ix� �(� .(kr� �F e tr1 r�sr.�y.��.P -i,�l a�: {--4 a�c' rc,�uC�t�; v Wc sketcr,: � B � � � �� � � � � PA �3 � j � � ....,.. . - -- Moder�te E 2 2 3 2 3 �� ` 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1.5 1 1,5 Yes = 3 2 3 2 3 0.5 Q '� 1.5 1 1_5 f e5=3 1 '! 2 2 1 1 �•= 0 _ 5 � .� r �" 1�C.�L � � Char�nel Substrate• a i/ I/ c+ol��le;,/ �edrQck (e�rele all that app1y) W'ater Velc�crty: fast / rr�ode�-ate s o�i `' 1Na#er Clarity: clea�- sVig�tly turbid / turb�c� Water Depth: {� inc�es Page 1 of 1 D I Attachment A -� 4 -- � MNTE�t�Tl4�'IONAL .� TIP:I-5883 US,aC:B AiI�# DWQ #, Site � {indicate on a.ttached map} 5trearn: �� ;,�,, S'TR��fi QUALITY A�SESSIWLENT WORI�SHEET ,, $�;�. �k. r � � � �-'� Prov�de the followi�g in%ormatiaa far the stream reach u�der �asessan+eot; , 1. Applicant's narne: NCDLIT 3. I3afe of evaluat�on: +� (� ��3 �'l Lv I 5. N�une a�stream:,� ��-I� r�.L�C� �� 11'��"�� 7. Appro�rr�a.t� drainage a�rea: �Q � l� �� 9. Ler�gth a�r��eh evaluated: � _� � �'�'- 2. ���t�t�r�� p�e: �Z5 � � �f'i�S � '� 1�� � 5 �#. Tirne ai evaauat�on: �' � �(� — 6. River basin:_Cape Fear 8. 5tream order: �`� �'� � 10, �o�anty: �"� � - 11. 5ite c�ord�inates (if knflwn): prefer in d�cunal degraes. IZ. Sul�divisian n�rne (if �yj: " �.�c�r�a� ��. 3�.sa2���r: 3�5 4 .:� 4 Z � 3 �.a��i�,�a� c�x. —��.ss�� �>: _ - � �'• S �' C� � � Methad lcrc�tzan determined (circle): G�S Tnpo Sheet Or�ho (A�ria1) PhatolGlS pther GiS (?ther �_ t�. '� �,� �3. L,ocatiozt af reach under evaluaytian (note nearby roads and lanc/��marks and attiaci� map�riden`tifysng stream(s) location�— � ' . .. w. .� � .� ri . � 1_ _L_, _ 1 . ...n . f ' /i �/ i �� .rl.r .. e _ Y.'� � � 1 — � � d \ l + L . _ � � 1_\ _ i i� �r�... _ 14. Pr�pos�d ct�annel work (n� 15. Recent weather concllitians; s 1G. Sifi� conditions at t�me ofvisi�: 1 17. Identify any specia� wa#erway classifications lrnown: _Sectior� l Q _Tid�! Waters �Essential Fisheries Habitai Tresu�t Waters _��tstanding Resvur�e R�'aters _ 1'�iutri�nt S�nsitit�� Waters �Wat�' Supply �Natershed �(T-iV) 1 S. Is there a pcand or �ake �oca.ted upstream af the eva.[uation painY?t YBS. NO if yes, esiimate the water surff$..c� area: �J 11-�. 19. Does c�anr�el agpear on USCS �uad map? YES � 20. Does �harinel ,�ppesr on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 2X. Estim�ted watersheti 1�r►d use: �% Residezt��l �% Corn�aetcial ,�% �tlustrial �% Agricult�rral .�°/a For�st�d �Jo Cleared 1 Lagged �% Other [' �. ��"�1 22. Bankfull wedth: [� ""�' '�%'" �3. Bank heig'ht (�Fi�om bed to t�p of bank}: _Z— ��_ _ 24. Channel slo�� dawn eent� of stream: �lat (4 ta 2%) _GentU� (Z ta 4%} _Macie�ate (4 tv 3U%� �5t��� {�1 Q1°Jo) / 25. Channel sinuosuty: `� Strai�ht _Clcc�sior�al bends _F'requent meander Very sin�ous _�raided channel Inetruct�nr�s far cnmpl�etion af wrarlcsl�eet [aocated an page Z): Segin by determi�ing the most appropriate ecoregi�n based an lc�cation, t�rrain, ve�etativn, stream classi�cat6on, etc. �very char�cteristac mus� be scored using t��e sarne ecaregion. Assign painxs to each cT�aracteristic within the ra�ge shown fnr ktue �coregion. Page 3 pro�ides a brief desaription of ha�r to review the c�aaracteristics identifieci in the worksheet. Sc��es s�vuld r�eflect an ow�rali assessment of the stream reach under O��Ouatpc�n. if a cE�aracteristic ranriat be e�aluated c�ue tc� site or weatil7ar conditians, e�t�r U in the s�orin� b�x and prov�ide ao explanaaion in tl�e commeni section. Where tt►ere are caaviaus clianges in t�e c�arac�er a�'s stream under rev�ew (e.�., the strea� flows fz4m a pas#ure into a forest}, tl�e siream may be divided ir►�o smaller reaches �hai �isplay more continuity, and a separat�; farm used tv e�alua�ke each reach. The total scare assigned to a stream reaclY must range between Q and 100, with a score ni 1 Q4 representin. g� stream af th�: liiQhest aualrtv. � Tata� Scare (fram re�re�se�y. � �� �� Ca�nme�tta: � �� E�valuatar's S�gnature Date � �� �� b This cltan�uel evafuatyo� farm is ntenc�ed tv be use 1 a guide to assist landawn�ers and �nviranmeata6 professirsmala in gatheriBg thc �ata rey�ired by the U�ite[i Stakes APIIl]f CCY�f75 af Engineers ta make a�teliminary ass�ess�nent ,of stsea�fl qua�ity. T�e total scoi�e resultiug ir�m tl�e campletian oi tt�is form is subject tu USACE a�praval and doea aat im�[y a parfieular m3ti�a#on ratio ar requirement. F+�rm s�ubje�t ta eh�nge –�+ersioil Q6/03. To Ca�m�cxnent, pi - 44 . � 1 f�age3ofifl INi��NA��i�I�A� Attachment A -- 5 -- TIP:I-5883 5'T�EAM QUALIT� ASSESSMEN'�` WQRi�SI��T TIP: f 'J��� Stream: 5� , ,= Y' � = = � ' � �a �,()i�����()� ��'(�iN_'� f� �tirQ�f �i � ' ` fiF� \1t �.(�i.�'�214T1( �, � d , � {'�`�` � — z .: � :� � .I=i �, '� 'ry� �• � - H . .,,I`... (� l>:1��l� ^_.� �l'41�CI11S1i! .I ��1i�71�r11Ii '-� ��;� �� ��P���erace ui €�o�v I E��.r�tiasl�d�t��ir��olti in �t�canr.�� �- _�__ .� _ � � 1 i,� , � � � r�-5 I�ain t�n��� ci�� sa12�r��titail t�; st�t�ti� d.lu��, -�ia� � p.gi.�ls} � � K: �� icicncs c�f ���4t la�rza�a�� i�lt�r��#ion � � � � � �� � 5 0; � - � [) '= S - {exren��S��w 31tek�atii�[� = Q; i��� ��1ie-t'�t�ii�n �='�i��k �?r�-ints) � � ' � � (ti�a� i�tn ��r�� -- C� t� tl - � � � - i�it`� ��UI j�d'-- 1): ���11C1�rUC�kl:k. t,'11Vd �71d� (�P ��,111�� �47'iC1ia� � � F � - a. . �..'c`, . � � . . . � � ... . . �: — •'' • ��iti�t�reo�`nv2r•ierztnr•c�Fcaa�ie^��rlificliav�es � =� �� > �1- =� f� _- �i ��, (cxf���ai��. c'1t��l�ar��e5 U; t�i� cjis�F�at;��ti � i1aa� �i�int�} k�"�� ; U�r�a�xd�r<rter ci�seltar�,� U^ ; 0_� 0. ;} . ��"I. � (I;ECf (�lS�:�t iL<�c =' (M 4�7idi7us SCrp�. �1l,i�s�T1C��, Lt+::. � II1�..Y�����771Tt5j - - I C ,�;I I'�cserera: �rt aslj�icent flc>r�tf�l�i,n �:, Fi !j. 4 t?-� � ()-? r,,,� (n� �f�ac�c��s.�r�m � lt.��.���roso��� t7c,���l,l�z�r� ���i,�� p�ii7ts} , . � � ��;� � � ���trcTic[i�r��entl'dla�M�lEai�uin �cce��� ; ' � , � ., �,» � (J_ � f!_ � p.�� � (tEee}�� ent�'encl�ed�-�4�: irec�uct�t��?��c�c���tr��. =�i��� pcaints� � � � Pe�.se�tcc nf .�djac�.c�t �vctittt�cls - r .r� ;�;�� � � �� (s�ra e�v�t}�n��s U» 13�-�.� <Z��a� �a�t tiw��tl�i��� _ �,�st� �c�r��t� i � 0'� 6 -'� ��' � �p � �- � y e-C � t;�)111i1ii£� S91A1D(]tiltt () i Il � (,1 i �;�,� i��t��as���� ch��ti�nwli��lian - f);�n�tu+~�tl r�5�:at7d�:r �- ii�<�x �uin�s} � � � � .,� ,.�` � � �e�tn�ant i�a�u�� � � ��� J l� � � � � � r�� � � � �� G� �1� EI - -� �;, exiet��i�,�e r�e��ca�iti�i�� U: Iii91c; i�r nc� m�di����r�E tna� ��t�i��its)__ �� ;��:��� �� `+i�e �� �litierc�fti at �it intlal trec� �utx�te�fe- � ��` � �- I � � �� Q =� � - � � .,� ��313[;� iT0�i3�7�'i:17�L[S'_{1. �.3T�3.�f:-. 5�14�Y6� SllLS � flltlh j?C?1[tll'*�� . ! j��` €� �vicleneec�l�rl��ar����l:iu�tsie�nar�riclen9i�� .h, f� � " � ..4J � �� V ,�•.,� (�fee.l in�i��tl E1; stahle,l�ecl �,s� l�aa�hs- .n�a� �e�ii3ts) ,�.,,'( I.,��� � �I'2�e,enc'c� e,t" r���„{ou- i���ayl: t�il�ii•Es � � i3- � � � � O - � � � �f1-� — , .; - . . � �� � (s���3�� �r�s���n O;yi�� +�r+�,»n �u1F�je �ia�ll�5 - mlv �ctE��t�Y � � �-^� . ttt�oC �f��al� ancD deirsit�� oii t�z�nEts � t� , 1 � il" � � �a %� Fi -- S E,,,.; (��E� ���isiE�le a���c�i5 -�Ct����ia54_rn���. t�2G•c?t,yrl�tni� ��i�i�x��trwts �� � l � �'° lra�p.iit �hr a;rielaCttis�c fivc,stoc4w, e�i-ixt�Yber �r`oEt�ctici�i �" �; . t i (1 � �; 4 U-� (4tEb51a.�tt.��1 'sti��ia,ci -{�; t�c� ei�ict�t�c� -�.r��zix �vi�:��� 1 .{ ���r��Ppes�i�ccayF►ifi�e E�m�rt/t��pT�1�-��oulrcrrraplc��s � � I ' r� i 6 = . : �9'- � O - 5 tl ' - � .� • � 7es r� a�a1c.5 �w ���,i5 - �: �, �I1-cl�velcx�yec�' i�1������3ts �____�_� i �_ � - � �� � ��� � I��ti�atai eiknupfe,xitr' 1. (} ��; 1) V G (7 -- C �, �(liftj� �,r iic� �z��l�����t = 0: �i�•� rAzt�2, � an�� t�� �s�taF��s :- ��zax �ac��ix3�51 i ��i� � .: ��_ �'-'�►ao ►"��cu� ca•��e �n� i�- st� eai���ed � � I� f�' r l] ; t1 ti (1- � � � ' � � (n� 41a�it�i[t� w°��tE,ttE«pi b: �`ctinl�t�u�t:t_� � r»K�{tti� ' n��t�� ?�1rt11�r') � � � � .� (--` x j , �i���sii ate c1��i��dcl�dnc�ti - . ,, . r , ' -F,4� . k 1 �I � � 1 ` � f3 - -� [} �- � i'` � ���,y,�. -�:���C�C�`^ 1V�C �171�1.C�C'�L[� ' �)�c lt]C�St SY.f fA�LLiF�'-= ti]�LY,�'. - � '��k�r a �.:- ` - �i tj �i'4'tiedli�' 44f �QT"E'�[li 1l1Y�L�'XC}��`il$f,5 ��zu j�.i��` .:�� , � ^ F i ��� , � LI � O ti (7 -,a �r w�i� - i1i3 �VILjC'�Gli.t' _ �: �t7�i71illt�l7. 1'�ktlEilGi (7LiC C� '1C�.= tiiila- 3�]I7j5� .-� _-. - - �' � � �z. ;�� I'r•�se�ice �t �r��l��ii�iians � � '�„''-, � i (� � El � 0 - � � �r : , � (rtc� ei �cic;��c� = 0; �Uana,�C�t�. i�Zmt�i•u�i6 t��s:°= ai�a��iiit:) �`'`-` � Presciic� r�t�fisl�t � ^�.� Z; ' (} � f) 4- � - 4 �.. (�t�»t��tti:n�:�:�= 4} �r,���ia��c�A�.,�����t��r�,�G�ttip<<=nt��,�.����cuu3is} ���� � _ �`.`';_� „ 1r � i[i�►ae� cyf r��lc4lif� i4si , A_ r fY 6 r1 ; Q; � �� ' �� �rrn ct-ic���u� iY;�veP��mc������t ev'id4•,��: n����_p��ir��ts't . r � � � � _� yr-��- � M1 ,, �_ � F �, ( �� �1 y� } � �' : . .lf i -� 3 ±J '4.; f � :'.�, � �t�11� �'V.�nt� 1�t�k��E��c ,�;: ti _`_� ; � I�tlU • iprli}-+ � '1'iltt 1 �; � , ;� Y 3�' �_Y _ - " � - -- I - p �� ! n � ,� �� ' � .� � r ��;I + � �,`� ; I C1T�'t� 5C(�)�F' � i@��a c.iit�,i ��7�,i(I�t��<��� w� ,�-` .,' �' � _ �s, .�firl 5. -� z�1 , l . i: 'S '' 1.-: . * These c�aracteristicstarc not ass�essed in c;t�astal streains. " - - - - a - Page4o#1�1 y I�4TER N AT� � N A� Attachment A -- 6 -- �n � �IP: 1-5$$3 �' t-St�2S� ,. ( ; `: , f ti� � � � �� � �. . . �, .�` F Stream: S -.C� NC �W Stream Identification F�rm Versipn 4.11 �� o��� ;` ,�,� ��� R� Date: �_ _�� �(p Project/Site: I-95 Exits 75 & 77 Latitude: Evaluator: �Q'� p��PS � `1. �� ,. � County:Harnett Longitude: \ Total Points: Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent �-�•��"` • � U n n if 2 19 or perennia! ifZ 30` ��• � Ephemeral �i1 ermitten Perennial e.g. Quad Name- A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = I i ,,� ` ) 1 a' Continuity of channel bed and bank 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3. In-channel structure: ex. riffle-pool, step-pool, ripple-pooi sequence 4. Particle size of stream substrate 5. Active/relict floodplain 6. Depositional bars or benches 7. Recent alluvial deposits 8. Headcuts 9. Grade control 10. Natural valley 11. Second or greater order channel a artificial ditches are noE rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = �, ,� 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. Sediment on plants or debris 16. Organic debris lines or piles 17. Soil-based evidence of high water table? C. Biology (Subtotal = �o 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 21. Aquatic Mollusks 22. Fish 23. Cra�sh 24. Amphibians 25. Algae No=O Weak 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 26. Wetland plants in streambed � FACW = 0.75; 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: (nn�n,n r� � 1 P�� ..l P D.� /�v� i r �.(i. ..rr. � �' ,. �� G Sketch t� � � �-- �s� �� $ +�� /�1�.. '. % �;. � r i , _i;:. ���c � Y � � �-fe.�:' � ..y. `�� ` �.>S� . �7^,�-, 1 ��Q C�`N .`+��`'. -.. .:.,_..,..�� / t'�'�`�-ll.t7G �. � 2 2 0.5 1 Yes = 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 = 1. Other = 0 Channel Substrate: clay / silt / an ' grave / cobble / bedrock (circle all that apply) Water Velocity: fast / moderate / s ow Water Clarity: lear / slightly turbid / turbid Water Depth: � inches Page 1 of 10 Attachment A -- 7 -- �. 7 3 3 3 1.5 1.5 3 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L TIP:I-5883 usAc� � �wQ � I-5883 5ite # (indicate on attaci�ed map) �tre�m: S�� ;.,,; STREAh� +QUALITY AS�ESSNIEI"VT WflRK�HE�T w-95 Exrts 75 & 77 Provide t�e lallvwing infoematior� for Ehe str�ea� reach under assessmeut: l. A�plicant's name: V�ICD(]T 2. Evaluator's name:�'�Q-�.n,,� Q�au.�P=.: �- �„��5��' �j �� 3. Date of evaluatian:� 0�� 4. T�me of evaluation: �.��� 1�''l S.IVame ofsneam:_ � 1 -�-c7 1�1��vt� U�J u.��w�p �. Rit+er basin:_Cs�pe F�ar 7. Approxirnate drainage area:_ ���_� S. Stre,�m order: � 9. Length of reacta evalt��ted: ^' � f DU�? ...['.�` 10. County: 11. Sit�e coordia�ates (if lrnuwn): �refcr i�n �eeimaf degr�s. 12. Subdi�+ision name {if any):_ �i �,� LaYitude (ex. 34.872312); � �t 3 4 �P � � � Longriude (ex. -77.SS6611 i: ' � . � � �{ Method locatinn determined (aincle}: GpS Ttr�o 5hee �khn (Aerial� PhotofG[ Other �',15 Qther 13. �.ocation aireach �ndet ev���aatioru {noxe near y roads a an rroar es a�d attac rrsap identifying stre�m(s} loeatian):_ F,,-�.,w„ t�'.3 5,� r� c. w-� O r,'� i� `� tJ � r � G.T ��Cf'r �.t' i` � � y � 1�. FrQposed c�a�ne� work ('rf any):�_,U �' C�u�� ��.�lo c c��i �. . 15. Recet�t weather conditicsns: �7'� e� �� ti1""� i+✓*� "� t{ � 1,-, p� S -� ��or� ��� e J � S �-�k- ib. Site cand'stions ai tirne nf visit, � t�.�n+n.( Qr�,.� ry�-.� � - - I7. Idcntify any special wateruvay classifications knowvn: _5ectian lU _Tid�l Waters _Essential F�sheries Habttat _Tr�ut W�ters �Outs�anding Resourc� Waters _ N�rtricnt Se�sitiv� Waters _WaSer Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. �s there a pond or lake located upstre�tia of the eva9ua4ion paint? Y,E NO �f yes, estimate the water surFace area:� 19. Does channe! appear on USGS quad map? IrES �Q Zl, Estimated watecshed land use: �°/a Res�denEaal .�% Far�stcd 22. Bankfull widtn: '^' '� � �S' � �r Z4. Channel slca�e down center of stream; �F1at ({} to 2°'0) Z5. Ch�nnel sin�aosi�j+: V Strai�ht r�(Dwcasional benrls 20. Y]ves ch�nnel appear on USDA 5oil S�rvey? � N�p _°fo Cammer�ial �°/a 1r�dustrial �-Il�% A�ricultural �'% �lear+cd ! Logged �% Oiher l� otin,�� 23. $ank hcight (from }aed ta rop of bank)_ �~1- ,'S �� _Gentle {2 to 4°/4) ��toa��,t� �� �o ia�ia) ,Steep (>10°fo) �Frequent meander _�,+ery+ sinuot�s �Braid+ed ehanne1 I�structia�s for �ompletion of worksbeet (Yncated on page 2): 8egin by deterrnining ttye most appropriate ecpregion bas�d on �ocatinn, t�eerain, vegetatien, strearn classifrcat�on, e4c. Every character�stic must be sc�red usiug the same ecaregion. Assign poir�ts t�► each charaeteristic within [he rar�ge shovvn for the ecaregion. Page 3 provi�es a brief ciescr�ption of how ta review the characterisfics ide�ati�ed in t[�e worksheet. Scores shou�d retlect an overall assessment of the streann reach under e�valuation. If a character�sti� cannot be evaluated dtie to site c�r weakher conditians, enter a in the scorbng box and provide an exp�anatian in td�� comrrient �ection. Where there are abvious changes in the character of a stream under review {e.g,, fhe stream fCows frflm a paskwre �nta a forest}, the stream m�y he divided into smaEl�r reaGhes that display more cor�tinuity, and � separate %rm used #€r ���t�uate each reach. T"he tc�t�l score �.ssigned to a stream reach must range between �1 and lUa, with a scnre of 100 representyng a stream of the highest qual'rty. f } � �/-�'l e� Evai�tetar's Siguature .R.C�-�+.-t ��,r ��"�,� a,. - 4.�'l�r.�- ,• DsQe_ f� �� The`s channel evaluation form is iatended to he used only g� tt g,���� #Q 8sseat landowners an�1 virvumental professianals in gathering tbe dat� requi�red by tine United States A�my Corps of Engineers Eo make a prelimin,ary sssessmeut of stream qaality. The tot�l score resuitinig t'rom the coroplehiou af tF�is farm ia s�ubject to USAC� gppraval and does �rat im�ly a particulsr m�itigatinu ratio or requiremermG Form subjeGi to ehange � version pb103. 'I'o Corr�ment, pl A_ F. �1�} � � - � � ,i �� � - 1 Page3of10 INTERNATbO�IAL Attachment A -- 8 -- TIP:I-5883 STI�EAM QUALITl'''' ASSESSIW�ENT WQI�KSHE�T e-�5 Exits 75 & 7i TIP: I-S$83 5tream: S� EC�R�GION PO1NT R.AN�E #� C�ARAGTERISTICS �Q����I Piedznont Mo�ntain S�CORE j P�esence af flow / persistent poois i� stream �_� 0- 4 0-- S � na flOw Or SBtwTatioII = 0• SQTon flow = m�X qi�a#5 2 �videace of past hum�ao aMteration a_� fl,� �, S � extensive a�lteratron = 0° no alteratian = max oints � Ripurian zar�e 0 � b 4- A �- 5 no b�ffer = Q� conti uous wide lauffer = ana�t ints 4 Evidence of nutrfent or chemical dischar�;es {} _ 5 0- 4 G- 4 exter�sive disc�ar es = 0; no dischar es = max aints � 5 Groundwater discharge 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 � no dischar e= U• s rin s see s wetlands etc. _�� ints � o � Presence af adjaceM floodpiain � y�, 6 no �ood lain � 0• extensive t�c�ad lain = rnalx oints �- 4 U- 4 0- 2 a � Edtrenchment / tioodplain acc�ss , p - 5 4- 4 4- 2 dee 1 entrenehed = 0• fie uent floodin = ma.�cc ints � Presence of edjace�t wetlands � $ n4 wei1ands = 0; lar e ad'acent wetlands = max ints a� 6 4- 4 0- 2 ,� ChanneJ sinwasity p_ g 0- 4 0� 3 �xtensi�e ci�anne�izat�on � 0• nat�r�1 �neander = r�a�t ints l 0 Sedinneat inpat 0- 5 0- 4 0- 4 exiensive �te osition= 0� little or no sedirnent =�rnax oor�ts 1� Siae &�iversity oC cha�nei bed substrate NA* {? - a 0- 5 �-- fir�e hamo enous = 0� lar e diverse si�es = ma�c ints �� �vs�ence of channef ioc'rsion dr widening a- 5 4- 4 �M - 5 �dec 1 tincised = 0• sra6ie bed & banks = max ints d� �� 1� Fresence oi major bank failures �-� Q, 5 I Q-� � severe crosion T fl• ao erosioc� stabie barEks =�ax oints � 1� itoot �epth an+d density on banks p� 3 0- 4 0- 5 �. S no visible ropts = 0• dense �oots throu haut = max ints � Impsck by egricurta�re, liWestock, or tir�ber productioa l 5 substantial irn act =0� no evi�ence = rn� in4s �� 5 0- 4 0- 5 � 16 prese�ce of riff��pooUrip��c-�oaG co�nplexes ,� _ 3 D- 5 0-�i � no riffles/ri les or oots = Q• weil-d�vef'o ed =¢r�ax oints d 1 � Ha bita�t comple�i#y �y - 6 (� - 6 R- 6 � �'" �i�le or no k�abitat = Q- fae w€nt varied hab�tats =�ax ir�4s � Canopy coverage over s�remmbed I$ �l-5 fl-5 {1-5 no shadin ve etatio� = 4• cr�ntinuous c�so = maac �Es Substrate em�eddedness * 1� dee 1 embedded =�D� laose sir�ucture = max N?► Q- 4 0- 4 2� Pr�sence of stream iavertebrates {see page 4) Q- 4 Q- i Q- 5 � a�a evidence � U• comrnun numerous es = ma7c ints {' 2� P�resence nf s`nphibians p- 4 0- 4 �l - 4 � Q na evider�ce = 4• cammon numeroas es = max ir�ts �'� Presence oi fis�h � �2 no evidence = Q� coar�rroo� �oumerc�us es = max ints �- 4 �f - 4 0- 4 � Evidence oi w+ldlife use I�� n� evid�nce =(}� sbundans evidence � ra�ax flints �-� Q- 5 �1- S Tota1 Points Passi�le i4(? 10� 2�1� TOTAL SCORE {a1�o enter on frst page) ��', � * I hese characteristics are nut assessed ryn coast�l stre��rt�s. Page 4 of 10 2 I N T E F�M ATI �?�NA I. Attachment A -- 9 -- TIP:I-5883 Modified on 11 /21 /17 - NCDWR Field R�view Stream; s� NC 1)VVQ Stresuu Identification For� Versian 4.1 Date: � � � _ � � ProJecUSite: � ����� � � Latitude: � �vsluator: � � � �our�iy: � � , Longitude: T�tal Points: Stream Deterin�natiom ( Other I Strearn is at least infer�rrit#eRt �y � 29 Ephemel�l 9�tet771it#e� �B� �11a1 e.g. Qu�d Name: rf �'f 9 ar �erer�nial ii z 30" ^•c.s , A. Ceome�r h�lp {Subtoxal = l`�'. �� A�as��# W�ak M+�derate 1�� Cont�nui#y of channel bed ar�d bank 0 1 2. Sinuasity af channel aiQs�g ihalweg 0 1 3. In-cha�nel structure: ex. rifi�e-pool, ste�-popl, � ��, 2 ri ie- ool se uance '�� 4. Pard�cle size of stream �t�bstrate 0 1 2 �, Activelrelick flaoc3plain 0 1 2 6. �epositior�al bars or �renches � 1 2 7. F2ecent all�vial depos6ts �,�._•- � 2 8. Neadcuts - �-D 9 2 9. Grac�e corrtrol 0 _ 0.5 't 10. Natural va1ley 0 {].5 1 11. S�c,�nd or greater order cha�nel h�o � $ artificial ditches are not rated; se� di�cussioras in manual �. H drQ�o (�ubtotal � ) 12. Presence of Base�ow �} 2 13. Iro� axidizi�ng backer�a 1 2 14. L�af litt�r 1.5 1 i3.5 15. 5ediment on plants ar debr+s a 0.5 1 16. Dr�an�c debris lines or piles D 0.5 '� 17. Soil-8ased ealdence a€ high water tab�e? No � 0 {�. BIO�� $Ub$C7tal = y 18. Fib�rous roots in strearr�bed 2 1 19. Ftao#ed upland plat�i[s in stre2mbed 3 � 1 20. 149ace'abeh't�l�s (r�ofe �fir�ersity and ahundance) 1 2 21. Aqua�ic Mollusics - � 1 2 22. Fish �' D 0.5 1 23. Grayfish 0 0.5 1 �4. Amphibians � a.5 9 25. P,�gae 0' f3.5 1 �6. Wetland pla�rts in streambed FAC�fV = fl.75; C�BP� = 1.5 "perf:nnial stseams a�nay afs4 t�e identi�ied using ot�rer rmethods. See p. 35 crf manual. SketcP�: � � � � Channel Substra INater 1I�1�city: Watec- Clarity: '+J�ater Depth: P�ge 'S of 1 � �' WC SE SC SF 7/ cobble / bedroc6c (cir�le all tE�at apply� fast / ma�ierat " =sb c �ar sli,ght�y turbid / turbid .��_ 'rnches AttacFpment A -- i10 -- 3 3 3 3 � � 3 3 1.5 1.5 Yes = 3 � 0 1.5 =3 0 t} 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.b � I N T E R N A T I fl N A L TIP:I-5883 C7SACE AID� DWQ#, S�te # �inc�scate an at�ached map) �.d- �f Stream: S I� I ��;�;;' �T�tEANT (�UALITY A'�SES'�MENT VrV(3i�K�HEET �- V_ �. ����� � �:;�. Provide t�e fol6qwing infgrrnat'ron fQr the �trearn reach under assessment: , 1. Applic�nt's ��ame: IVC�UT 2. Evalu�kor's name: �;� � J' f.�J�� � 3. Qate �f e�vatuatipn:�,,p `� - w r� _ 4, '�'ime of e�valuation: ��� ar►,,, 5, Na�ne af stream: ��l ��nf� �`�;1���..f� G. �v�r basi�:_ Cape Fear 7. Approximat� drainage area: �' ���C�. 8. Stream order:� ir 5"�` �. Lengt� €��'reacl� e�aluated: �'�' �" �'� lU. Coaanty� �t�1���� 11. 5ite caardi.nate,s (if know�): prePer in deciural degrees. 12. S�bdi�vision na�ne {if any}: - L:atitude (ax 34.8723I2}: � ��],_, �i �r�'L�O � Ln�¢giludc (ex. -77.556611): ' � � �-J`�' � T T Ivf�etU�d locatioa determinec� (circle), GPS 'Fopo Sheet �rtha f Aerial) Phatc�IGI3 Otiher GIS C}��er_� _�."`�1��� �.,�•..%1 — 13. Lo�atian of r�ach unde� evalu�tion (note n�earUy roads and �andma.rks and aitach ma� identi ing str�(s) lacation}:'� or � ,�-� � , �. ,� �" � �� -�-t� "1 � � t1"`�,t..� 'S � s �-- 14. Proposed ehannel wock {ii any}; — 15. Reccnt weattser conditious: �� r��1 16. Site cor�dil�4ns at Eime Qf wisat:�� i7. I�entify any special waterway classificatians known: _Sectivn lU lTidal Waters Essential Fishernes Habita# !T'rout WaQers �fl�rtsiarsdi�g Resource Waters _ Natriant Sensikiwe Waters �Wa#er 5upply Wa�erslied (I-IVy l S, Ls there a�ond ar lake located �pstr2am of the ev�]u2�tion �aoi�t YES NC� Qf yes, e.st�mate the waxes� surface area: � 4�� 1�. Does ehatuiel appeaar an USGS q�ad map2 �'ES NfiJ 20. Does channel appear nn USDA Soir SurveyY YES Nfl 21. Estimated watershed l�d use: �°fo Residential _% Cotn�tlercial 4�0 II7dU$L`il$1. �IO l�f�1CU�tural �% F`orested _% Cleared 1 Lagge� ''►� % 4)ttF�er t �' ��'�-� � �O ��Ai ' ) �2. Banlcfiill wictth: Z4. Ch�el slc�pe down cente.c af stream: Flat (0 to 2°/a) 25. Channel sic�uc�si'�y: Straigki't ►'' Occas�nnal bends 23. Bac�k height {�vm bed ta tap of bank): _."�J —��T '�"' __ Gentle (2 to �°Jo� ,Mn�erate (a ta 1�D°1a) _S#eep (? 1 U%) �Frequxen� rt�eander �Very sinu�us .,�Braided channel Instr�uctions fnr co��letion oi warksheet (iacaxed on }aage 2}: Begin by deterrnirai�� the mast apprap�ia�ke ecpregian b�sad on lacati�n, terra�, vegetation, stream classificaiion, etc. Every claaracterist�ie t�ust be seared �sing the saine ecaregion, Assign paintis to each characteristic withrn t[Ye range shdwn far tlze ecare�ic��. �'age 3 provides a brief descriptican af hvw to review tne eharact�ristics ide�itified in the worksheet, 5oor�s should reflaat an overaOl ass�ssment nf the strearrs reach undet evalraation. If a characteristuc caruicst be evaluated due to site or weather car�d'stio�s, enter fl in the scorin� box and prov'rde an eaplanation in tE�e cnmment s�ctic�n. Where there are abvi�us changes in the alroaracter crf � stream under revi�vv {e.g., tF�e strearri flovvs froin a p�sture into a farest), the stceasn may �e divided intn smaller reach�s that di�pl�y �are a�aitinuity, ar�d a separate farm used ta evaluate each reach. Th�e tot�l score assigned ta a str�arr� reach must range b�tween {� atnc3 1C]U, witF� a� acore af 10+0 repres�nting a str�arn of the highest �ality. s���e (e�•�►� Ev�luator's Sigaatare ������t�: '�'his channel ��aluat�on form �s ' teuded to be ased�,►imEy as a�nide tQ �ssist landow�ers �nd enviroamental proYcssivnals in gskher6ng the r�ata weqnirec� b�+ the iJn�ted States Army Gorps of ,EQgineers to �al.e a prelimin,ary as�ess�rent af stres�m qu�tity. The tuta�l score regulting irdm the comple#'aoa Of fhis for[ta is s�b,��ct t� L�SAC� approval an�i cloes nut imp3y a �Sarkicul�r metigation rativ or i�equire�ent. Forin sul�ject t+� chattge - v�ersion U6/03. T� Comuzer7t, pl • i - - � . ■ � 7 Page 3 of 10 Attachment A --,11 -- INTERNhTI��NAL TIP:I-5883 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMElVT W`()RKS��T Y� �: � 5� � 3 Strearn:S� # �1�ARAGTERISTI�S ����EGIO�1 pdINT R�NGE SCURE ' �Uastu� Piedmc�nt �17o���tain 1 �'rese�ce oi f��w I ryersistent pools i►� stresm �_ S �,� a—� no i�ow o� saturati�sn � Q; ��r�r� flaw � tn� in�s � ,� �vidcrtce ai�s�st humar� alteration ` (extensivc aliecati�,n = d; n�s a�teration = rn�.ac oints a�` 6 0= 5 0— 5 ?j � Ri�rarian �oc�e �— 6 fd � 4 0— 5 �, (no bw�fer ID t}; ce�nti uc�us, wide buffer = rnax t�ints � �videttee af t��ta���nt or chemiea! d�ss�aerges Q� � p 9� �� 4 �Yte�sive dischar es = �; na dischar es = �ttax oio�t� � ,,.� Graundwa�er discharge � U� a�o dischar e � p; s�in s, s�ee s, weilands, etc. = rnax aints �� 3 0—�i U— 4 Presence oiad�acent i�oodplaio � � 6 i, 0-4 f}-4 a-2 na flood l�sn a 0; extensive frlood lain ��naac ais�ts � T �ntre�ehment ! flaadp�ain access a — � 0 — 4 4 — � (� dee I�ntr�nehed = 0; fre uent �oodan t ttsax aints g Prese�ce o� adjaceut wetl�nds p— 6 0� 4 Q— 2 � na �vekla�ads � 0; lar e ad'acent wetlands = max ints � Chm�ael sinuosoty 0— 5 0— 4 f! — 3 � extensave cha�nelizaticrn = U; c�atural meamder = max oints 1� '� Se�liment in�ut 0-- 5 0— 4 4— 4 extens�ve de ositiaa�— f?; littie or no sedimient = mayc ints) � E l Size & dive�s�ty of cha�nei be� substrate �A* 0— 4 p= 5 / f n� hors�a enovs = U; rar e diverse sizes = rnax o'snts) �( 4 , EvacJence of cha�nel 'rncision ar wide�ning } ��' de� ! incisec� � �; stable bed � ba��ks = ma�c ai�is i a—� 4—� � i� �" Presen�e of �najor ba�k failwrea � 13 sevc:rQ erc�s�an = d; no erosior�a stah�e bariks - rnax qints ��� '� — 5 0— 5 � � 1� Raot depth ar�d dens�ty a� bAnks 0 � 3 0— 4 Q— S � F„ no visibfe roots =�1; dens� ro�ts thr�u hout = max oi.nts _ � In�apac� by agnculte�re, livestork, or tirr�ber production 1� sabstantial irn act =0; no evidence = max aints �— 5 4— 4 0— 5 �� Preset�ce af rif'fle-�ooV�ipple-pao� eo�npfexes fl— 3 4— S 0— 6 � � no rif�]es/ri 1es or c�o9s = �; w�1l-devel� �d = rnax aints - .� �ialritat complexity z 17 U-6 �D-6 Q—�i � l�ttie or n4 habitat = 0; fr uent, uaried �habitats �_ r�ax ints) ' � Canopy c�verege over sEreambed � C7� 1$ no sh�din ve etation = 0; cantinuous eano �� inax aints �— 5 �— 5 U— 5 �unbstrate embe�ldedness � / � 19 �dae i eml�edded = i3: loase strucEure =�tax NA D— 4 Q— 4 �� - Pr�sence �f streain inwertebrates (sec: page 4) —� � � � — � p F � � �,,, no evidence � 0; comrr�on, num�raus es =��ax_ oi�fs � �resence of a�aphibia�s � 21 0-4 Q-4 0-4 � no evidence = Q; comrr�on, nurnerou� t�s = max oints C� 2� Prese�ceoffi's6 p_4 �-4 0-4 � � no evidence = Q; cortaman, numerous i s= max oints �3 Evidence nf wildlife vse d—� p— S l7 —� � 4nu evidence = �; abundant �vid�nce - anax a�s�ts) Tatal Points Possibie l��1� 100 t QQ TOTAL SCORE (also enter an fi�st page} �� �` These chaTactersstics aee not �+s��°��e�i ita c�as��l str�anzs. Page 4 of 1 � ` �NT�RNATfU1�A� Attach ent A -- 12 -- TIP:I-5883 Strearn: S� NC DW¢ Stream fidenti�ication Farn� Version �.11 aa��: � � � _. �' � - ��a���►s�x�: � �$�i� � T Latftude: ��aluaior: � � �' � C�ounty: �j--� � ��� Lo�rogbtude: T�t�l Pai�nts: 5trearn �Determinatioro (c Ot�ser Str�am is at least irrtermitterrt �Q � E�hemeral Interrnittent �erer�rr9af e.�. r��ad �uame: !{� 99 or ner�nn?sl � z 30* A. Geoma hv�a �Subtotal = i. Abs�nt 1e� Cpntiryuity �f ch�a�nnel bed and bank � 2. Sinuosity af channe! alor�g thadweg C1 3. fn-ehar�neG struct�ur�: ex. t+ffEe-paol, steFrpoal, a � ri le- oof se �e�ce 4. Particls saze af stream substrate f� a. Activelrelict �aodplain 0 6. LepQsi�onal ba�s or bersch�s D 7. Rec.ent a4luviaE deposits 0 8. Fteadcuts c�. D,.,�, 9. Gr�de contrvl 0 , 10. f��kur�l �r�lley Q 3 11. �ec4nd or greater arder channel f�a = a a�tifioiaf d�tches are not rated; se� cYiscussions irt ar�nual �. H dralo �Ssabtfltal = t3 � `J' '�2. Presence of Baseflow Q 13. Iron oxicli�in� b�cteria 0 14. Leaf litter 1.5 15. 5edi�n�ent on pfants or debris �7 16. Orga�nic de�iris tines or piles 4 17. Sail-based evictence of high wa#er table? f�Q = fi� �. �iola (Subtota9 = Weak 1 1 1 1 1 Stran 3 3 1.5 1.� 18. �ibroUs r�ats in strearnhed 3 2 1 19. �iooted upland plar�#s �n strearnbeQ 3 2 1 20. �Illacro'�enthos (nate di+uersity and a�bundamae} 0 1 2 21. Aqu��ic Mallusks 0_ -� 'C 2 22. �ish 0 ' � Q.6 1 23. Cra�sh ' 0 0.5 1 24. Arnphibians --- Q �.5 4 25. Algae � [�.5 1 2�. VWetia�nd p4ants in streambed FACW' _�}.75; C]�L � 1.5 "�erennial streams may alsa be ident�fled using ot�e� methods. See p. �5 o'f manual. hl�tAs: c�'Il7 d d l"lL � S' C� 7'� f?�2_� E ,�'./�'�'�!"' '"��_Z �'�, �;s #�.�3 ,s^! i'yr"Ilr'�•'._t�.. �.�1I' . n 5ketch: �j� � ` `' �-�r,�: ��� �� �- _ ��_.�.- � � � �a'1`� "' �'� S H lr Gs f il�r� #f i1k� W C � SG Char�ne�� 5ubs�r� Water V�I�r�ity. UVaxer Cf�rity: Water Depth: Rage 1 of 10 �:Cel�v L�il ." !ra�re_D/ cabb�e f bedra�ck (circlle all that a�P�Y� fast / rnoderate " � o�r ` c ear lightly tur�id / turbid �,.�-.Cp inches Attachment A -- 13 -- [ N T'� R M' A T I O N A L TIP: I-5883 � �� 6'� i[ISACE AID# DWQ # S$te # (indicate on a:itach�d map) St��an'1: S�� ,,�„ STR�AM QiT ITY ASSESSME�iT W(}RKS���' __- ��.� -� �5 �� �- Pravide t�e fallowirmg infarmstion for the stream reach u�der assessr�ent: r 1, Appltcaa�t's name: NC�C)7 3. Date of evaluatian: � — � - � �o S. Nanr�e of strearn: �� �7 ��fLiJ � 1� 7. Appr4xin�ate drainage are�: }� �� I�-� 9. Length ofreach evaluated: '��-� i.'J �..�� 2. E�valuator's naine:��[ �Gt�.� � � . �11�C�J,]�" 4. Time of eva�uation: �� L�� ll"�• Y�- G. River �asin:_ C� p� Fe8 r S. $�ream order: �f !�S"�'" 10. Cc�unty: "t"'1 � R ��f�� . - 11. 3ite co�rdin�tes (iFkrtown): prefer in decimal degr�s. T2. Subdivision na�me (if aciy): � Latstud� (ex. 34.872312): � � � � �G 3� i? �.ongituda (ex. —77.SSf� ] I ): � • ��+� Methad IaraEion cietermined (cirele): GP5 Topo Sheet +�rl:ho (Aerial) PhafofGIS {)�er GIS C1ih�r1 K �....._- 13. Location ofreach under evaluatican (note neaaby roads and landmarks and att�ch rnap ident'sfying stream�s) .-z _ _ ► ► _ ► . . � r� _ .,. _ �: �� . _ � _ _ �_� . : .,.� �-�, ..� . r .�� _ ,�. ��. � �1. 1�4. Propvsed �cha�n�► wo�t� (if a�y): i 15. R�cent wea.ther conditians: �Jr`(.I �6. Site condi�ions at time of vi 17. [dentify a�y special rj+aterway classafications �knowr�: ____Sect�an i(] Tidal Waters �Essenti$! Fis�eries Ha.bitat �____'Crc�ui Waters _Outstanding Resaurce Waters � Nutrieilt 5ens�tive W�#ees ,Water Supply Waterslted (I-1`d} 1 S. Is t�ere a pand or lake Qocat�d u}�stream oi th�: ev$luatio� point7 YES � If yes, estimafis the w�ter surface area: -� C�C 19. Does c�anue➢ appear on US�rS quad map� NO Z0. Does channel appear on USi]A Soil St�r�ey? YES I�� 2I. Estir�afed watersk�ed dand us�: �''✓a F+�esidential �% Cam�nercia1' °� %�ndustrial �% A�ricultwral �� �!o FQrest�d _% C�ea�ed f Lagged �°fo C7�ther { � _ j �i €� Q'�'+� � 2Z. ��ikful� wi�th: � - � �� ! �3. ��nk height {fra�n bed ta tvp of hank�: � `" � �'"�' 24. Cltanne! slope down center a�'strearn: � Fla�t (�0 to 2%r) �C�retltle (2 ta 4%) _Moderat�e �(4 t� lU°1oj lSteep (>T4°�j 25. CtY�.I'YCl�I Slil1.lUSlt}+: SiC&igI1L �C1CG�$1Q1181 E}EL]C�S � Trecyuent rneanc�er _Very sinwous �Braided channai �nsfr�ctians for cnmpieti�nn af worka�eet (located an pagc 2): Begin b�+ cfieternvnrng the most approp�riate ecor�gion hased an Tocation, t�rrain, vegetatian, st�eam classifcation, �tc. �wery characterestrc rnus# be s�ared ussn� t1ie sarne ecQreg�on. Asst�n points ta eac� ehar�cter�stic wit:Iun the range show� for the ecaregion. Page 3 provides a brief description oi h�w to r�view the cltiaracteristics identifted in the workshee#. Scores shauld retlect an averall assessment of t9�e at�tesm reacli einder �valuatian. Lf a c�aracteris�ic cannot �e evaivated due tm sita ar weather conditions, enter p in the scorin� bax and provida an explanation in the comment section. V�ere thsre ar� ob�ious chariges in �11e char�acier of a s�t'eatn under review (e.g., the stream flows froQn a pasture i��to a�'arest}, the sirearn may be divided �jita srnal.ler reaches t�at ciisplay naore c�Mtinu�ty, and a separate fann �sed ta evaluate each reach. The tatal scc�re assign�ed to � s�am reach must range between 0 and 144, with a sc�re oF 1Q0 rapresenti�ng a siream vf the hi�hest q�ta[ixy. Scoee (from re�erse �� �v�luatc�r's Sigaature � � 1�-�'��, I)ate �.' � � �� Thi� c3�aauel et��luation form ' intended t� be vsed anly as s gui�d� to assist landownera and enviraume�ta! prc►f�.ssi�nals fn g�ttie�•ing t'�e data requir�d by thc CTnited S�ates A�•my Corp�s af �ngiu�ers to ma�Ce a preliuiina�;y ass�es�meut �f streaEn gua�ity. 'The tatal scare resul#ing fram the campletion oi t1�is forin is su6,ject tn LiSAC� ap�roval anrl �dcacs not innpE3+ a par�icn�ar �itiga�ion r�tio or require�e�►Q. Farrr� s�abject to change — vers�on O�i1�3. To Comrnent, pl 9 9- . .. 1 Page3o#1a 1N��RNA���}NA� Attachment A -- 14 -- TIP:I-5883 S'I'REAM QUALITY ASSESSNI�NT' WU�KSHEET TIP: � ��f� � $tf�'�ff�: �� �cc�R�ci�N �orNT ��r�rE # CHARACTERISTICS Coasta� Pierlmor�t Moaatuic� �C4R� � Preseaee �uf flow / persistent p�rol� in stream � _ � � � u � np flo+�� or sacuraz'son = 0; steon tlow � �nar oints) `—� � Evidence oi past he�man alter�ttian � 6 � � _ � � _ � ` extensive alteratioa� � 0; nQ alEeratia�r � max t�ints Ripaatia� znne , y 3 no buffer =(�; cc�nta vous. wi�e bt�ff�r = m�x oincs '� — 6 0— 4 U-- 5 =�� 4 Evidemce o� nutriea�t vr ct�ert�ical disrharges �_� � y� �_ 4 �xtensive dischar es = 4; r�a disch::irr es = rr►ax oirrts] � � 5 Graun�ivvRter dasch�rge rto dischar e � fi; s rir� •, s�c s, w�t{ands, etc. — max oints ��� Q�� �—� � � � Presence �rf ad�Acent fE�o€�dplain �� a Q_� d_� y„ (no fEood l�in = 0; extznsive tlo�d la�n � msx ointy) Z � � Ea#renchrt�ent / flopdg�ain acee�s Q � 5 ff — 4 Q— 2 (de I en�renched � il; Fre uent floc�din = maac oin�ts) � Presenee ofadj�ce�t wetlands ,� g rro wetlar�ds �(}; lar e ad'acent wetlar�ds = ma�c oints Q� b 0— 4 0�� ,(`, 4 Cha�nel sfinuasity 0— 5 0 a 4 Q— 3 ext�nsive channeliz�tio�a � Q, roat�ral zneander = max oints ' � Sedir�enk input � — y Q — 4 � — $ , / exte�sAve de osition= �1; litt(e or na sedimerat � rnax oints ��� � � S�ze & ciiversity af chRnael bed sa�bstrate �A,� � _ � � v � � � � �ne, horno ena�as � 0; la� e, diverse sizes = n7ax oi�ts Evide��e of r�annei ioucis�o� or widening �. � � d�ee l �ncised = 0; stat�Be bed & banks = ruar caints � — 5 Q � � . Q — $ � ,;' Prese�ce o� m�jor bnnk iaytures � 13 �—� 0-5 0-5 � �,,� {severe erosion = U; no erosian, stable ba�lks � max �nts � �� Rocrt de�th and de�sEty on baaks --- p— 3 q— 4 (} — 5 � E,,,,, r�a visible roots = Q; dense roots throu hout = max oin�s} � Idnpact by agrieultu�re, Vivestoci:, or ti�n6er productit�n �— � 5 s�bstantial pra� act =0; n� �vidence = max o�nts �— 5 U— 4 0— S .� 15 Presence af riff�e-poc►Ufii�ple-paol cortnplexes Q_ 3 fl-- 5 U— 6 '' � no �ifflesfrr !es nr aols = 4�; wel�-deuelo ed = max oints -� _ .Q He��tat eomprexity � � �� li�tle or no habit�t � 0� fre uent� variecf habitats = max oints ��� �—� �— 6 �Canopy coverage over atreambed i� �� 0—S 0-5 U-5 --r � �o s'ha�kn ve �tation = �; 4orrtinuous caa�v = maac oints 19 Substrat�e embedde�d�ess NA* �— 4 �— 4 1�1 j��! dee 1 emb�edded = 0; laose st�etc4ur� = max 2� Presencc o�'streaan invertebrates (see page 4) o r,� p d 5 0— 5 � �„� no evidence = 0: cv�nmo�, nu�erous as = n�ax o�nis _ � ` � Fresence af a�phibians Q— 4 Q— 4 ' U— 4 �� 0 no evidence = �; eon�man, nwnzerous_t es_= max �a�nts) O 22 ; Presencc of �ish Q_ q 0— 4 , 0— 4 � � (no evidenee = Q; camman, nu�r�eror�s t es = max oinEs _ �� '� Evi�eoce of wil�c�life �se 0— G 0— S U— S _ s-- nu ev�dence = C�; abundant e�idea�ce = rnax oints �� Total Points Possible 100 l 0Q I Q� TUTAL SCORE (also enter on fi�st pag�) �- � " 1'�ese chacac��r�s�res are crot ass�ssed rn coastal streams. P�ge 4 of 10 Attachment A -- 15 -- I IV i E R PI Alf I(� NA L TIP:I-5883 NC DW Stream Identificatia� For�n 4�ersian 4.11 [�ate: � _ � - i �+ �r��ec�s�te: � � � 3 Eu�asvator: 1+� � � " � ��t..- y .� GounYy: !`���1 � Total Pt]ints: Str�am'Determinatia� �ci Sirssm fs atleast r'ntermitfe»t �o �� E,�hemera} InteFmittEa�t�! if� 90 nr narnnnFnl if� "�.flw t. �Stream: S� Lai�tude: L�rngit�de: c?ther �.g. Quad Nam�: A. Geomo� �101� Subtot�l =( �. J 1 Absent 'Weak 'Modera#e 5trong 1a' Continuity af channel k�ed and bank Q 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of �annel along tYtaAweg 0 1 2 3 3. In-channel structur�: �:x. rifF��-pr��l, st�p-pQal, a �, 2 � ri le- aal se uence i� 4.'Partic�e size af �tream �ubstrate (} 1 2 3 5, Acti�relre�ict flaodptaon Q 1 2 3� 6. pep4s9i�on�l bars or benches ,l Q; '� � 3 i. Rec�nt a1luvi�l de,pc�sits "il 'l 2 3 �, I�eadc�ats '� 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 'f.� 1D. fVat�ral �valley 0 Q.5 1 �.5 11. S�^�nnd or great�r order channel d= 0 Yes = 3 Q.iWll'41PI Vl1W14J QYG 1lVf 1'Pl9V� a7aP VfON1,JWilVlla� AIl!!lRf1401 g. H drol� (Subtotal = � �� 12. F"t�s�nce of 8ase�aw D 1 13. Eror� oxidizing bacter�a Q 1 14. Le�f Qotter 1.5 1 15. Sedirr�ent oa� plants �r debris 0 D.5 16. �rgar��� debris lines vr piles D D.5 17. Sail-based evidence of high water iable? �lo = D �. B6[��c� (S�bt�tal = `�"I` � 18. Fibrous r�ots xn stream6ed 2 1�. Raoted upland plants ira strear�bed 2 20. Macrobenkhos {r�o6e diversi'� and abund�nce) C�� 1 21. Aqtsakic MaGlus�Cs a 1 22. Fish 0' 0.5 23. Crayfish � Q.5 24. Amphihians. Q.5 25. J�ltgae a a.5 �+�. VIletlared plants ir� strearnb�ed FAC1N = 0.75; *pesenni�l streams may also 6e identi%sd vsing other me#hods. See p. 35 of manuat. �fotes: V�1'U [.� 1lCJG V�- �T�`` �� f^�!}J�d ,1�1 .� �- � �f"]i-I�} � � Sketch: Chann�el Substrate V1later Vepocity: Water Clari�y: VWater De}ath: �age 1 of 1 D WC 2 2 �3.5 1 =3 1 1 2 2 1 ,� � 1 = 1. �7ther = � �cobbie / b�dre�ck (eir�le aC1 that a��ly} fast / rxroderate slcrvv lear lightfy turbid / turbid� ��� inches Attachment A -- 16 -- 0 'i .5 T.5 Q 4 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 IN''��RNAT�ON'A� TIP:I-5883 �USAC� A�D#� DWQ # ' Si� # �itid"ccate on a�hed map} - ; Sireaim: S H ;,�„ S°T1�AM i�i�A�I"��' �'�SES���1TT W�R�S�ET � 15��3 �.�� � ; �-+:�'—� � P��u3de ti�� �al�ow�ng %'�oarn�t�o� far'ik�e streai�r reacl� wiuder �sseasitu�ent: ; J sea � �. A�rplicant's name, N�[�(�T _ � 2� E�va.Dtratcar's �tame: , + V � � � i[.L�� 3�. Da�e of ev�t�sition: . �P � �+� 4. Ti�a o�;evaPuation. �'• � n,�j� , � - 5. Name ufs��m:��73 �D �_L_I /1GLl/�1 6. Ra�e#..hasin:� C�p� Fear f � � �S � 7. Appmximate drainage area: �' � f% LLc�`A� --- 8. �tteam order; r_:, '�T�C� 9. Length af reac� evalus�cl: ��U ''4 �--- 1� Counly; 11. Site +coa�c��es {if knarvn}: prefer in deoimal d�grees:. 12. SvYt�ivision n�rrte. �ff any}: ., �.�� ��. ��:s�z�rz�; 35 , � Z� Z�T I.ungikWde (�e�c. �77 536611j:�.� �_ �GjHCYr� Method loc�atioa clet�rmi�ed {aiacfe); fiP'S 'i�po Sheet Qrtha (Aetial) F`hotolGI� t�ilier �T� ( WerJ �i�.i i�L� � �3. Locai�an afr+�a�h under ��aaluaiion:.��tote nzarby raads and �andm�ks and aitac�i ma�a id�r�ti�ying str�asn(�) �locati4n): %j ��1 Y . ► � � �� � ,. � i4. Fropas�d ehasin�l wrark (if tutY): � r5. Rece�rt weather �anditions: �� �Z-�R - -- 16. �ite conditions at �e of visi�: =� J, , -- 17. Ident�fy� sny spe�ial waterway c��si�+c,ations l�tawn: _Sectinr�i 1Q . _'Ticla] Waters ��?�er�tialFisheries �bitat Traut Waters �C3ratsisnding 1�esaurce 1N�te�rs _ Nutr�ent �et�siti�e Wat�rs: �,Water,:Su�iply V4'aterss�e.�1 (I-N) 1$. Is th�re a pand or ?a�ce 1ac�Eed up�ire�n of the`ewa4�ation paint? YE . N� y�, �ixn�t�.xh� waf� snrf�ca �rea: 1�. I)oes channel appc:ar on �FSGS qGad �sap� %'ES ��+i(� �;4. D�s: �hanriel ;appeac s�n i]SDA Soil, Suivey'� Y�S N+Q 2 f�. Estiarate�d w�tersh�l land ras�: ,�,°,�b Resi�entia! �% Ca�m�erciat ,�°�'a Ir�dustrial "�r' % Agrieult�u�1 �' �/b.Fc�r�sted _% Clearad I.Lagged �o`i�'?/� �G1tlier f;�s�.. a�+ t�7C� ) 22. Ba�kfuil w�dth: ���'i� 23. �aziklae�ight {f�nm bed tQ top afba�c) '-�� ;'�'� 24. +Channel slope dovurs centex of stre�m: �lat {� t�,2'/0) �Gent�e �� t� 4°/n) �h�nc�er�e {�4 fo I4°1+oj _�___St;�ep (`?IQ%} 25. �hanneT s�uosiCy: ►� Stra�ght' �43ccasi8n� b�ridg _�requ��� rxeeander 'l�ery s�uous _,,Iiraided ct�annel In�tructions for ¢amplet�on a�` w,arkshe�t (�ocated on page 2): Begin b}+ deter�iniu� the most appropriate eeore�ean �ased on la�c��iam, tetraiz�, vegetation, strearM classi�ca�i�onn, et�. Errery characieri�t�c must be se�r�d usin;g the satne ecoregian. Assign p�ira.is t4 each cYxaracteristic wa#hin� t�e ra�ga shaw�n fQr #he'ecoregivn. F�a.�e 3 provides, a iarief descriptivn of �ae►w ta �eview the �haract�r�stics ideni�fled. i�, �ie war�csb�eet. Seores should re�ect-an �u�+erali ass�ss�a�nt af the strearn rea�ll.u3ader evaluatiom. If a charaateristic cannot be eva�uated c�ue to si'�e or weath�r conditi�ns, ejater 4 i� the �cotiag box and pr�v�de an expl�#ian in the cc5mmeat s�ct��n. 1�'haxe �ere are �bvio�s ehanges in :�he ehar�aier; ca� a s�rea�n under rer+iew (.�.g., th� strea�n flows from; � pastuuu�e into a�nrest), the slreat� may �e dtvidetl int� srnalleY resches t�a# displ�y mote oas�tinuity, and a separ�t� ���tt ased ta ��+a�uate each reach. '�"he tatal scnr� assig�aed to a stiream r�a�h �raust range, b�twcen' a and t Q.O, with a score: of i 40 representing a..siream �� the hi�h�t q►�lity. . i -, i r t �valuator'a S%gsatnre l� ' I)ate [�' � ` I (,^ - 'This eha�nel e�*al��tion fo inte�►decl ta'be u n[y as a g��dA �a assistlandowners'�nd e�rvir�pnmental professiom�ls`in gat�ering the d�ta eo�uArs�i y t�e Un�ite� SE�tee Army Carps af En,gin�$rs ito ma�ke a�x��i�inary ��s�s�ea�t af stream quatity. The total scar� resuEtiag firom the co��letiaa oi this furm i� sah�ec# �o LT�.+�CE apprc��vai �nd dves mat im�sly � p�rticnlar an�i#igatiqu;rat�o o� req�ement, Fcrrtn sa►bject to cha.ng�—versian flfif03. To Cotnmerrt, p1 � - _ , ., 1 � Page3af14 INTERNATlOQ�1AL Attachment A -- 17 -- TIP:I-5883 TIP: � �$�.zi Stream: �.� ST�A.NI ¢T�JAI�ITY A�S�'�S�VIEI�'T W(DR�SHEET �= �,:. . — �+�fl��GI()?V �'Cil�`T �.��?V(�E C �# ���RACT�R��'TICS S��R� � Cnx�ta! � Pie�ita�i�ti " M1�irt�wautais� i'rc�c�tc:e a�'f3��i-f pc��sisic*r�f. ��oes i�.s�t��e�m � � p � _ {�Y, � i)-'� � U--; 1 1'10 `�04�' t}r ScEi'i?i'Ct�,i�?7 ` �.?: w1P{y�� �kt7v�` ` PYi2�; j�G?1BIl'.� � ,y ��i�ca�ce t�6,�s�T.p�o��r�t�a� ���t�e�tirs�� � `' (ekter►siv� alt.�ratDcin �1; no ����r�ct�rr� -:�na.�. fli�it� p �' �`�� --�-. �Z:�- 5 - - --a- - - --� -_ ) iti�ax�an zca��e � �)>� r. c� _ � , � t�,_ S � � iztc� ����`f�;r- Ct: �:c�z�t�����a�s.���Si�� k�ui��3er= ��x _��ir�F� � I`vie�ence v'�n�itr�Qui ar,��zerue�:�l c�ischu�•�es � 0 5 t3� � f�--� � _ (�xt,����i�, G. �iz,�:-I�ar�i:� � C�� i�u �i��:ta:��es �' �����. .;���in�s� , � „� �a•�;�n��►°t�trt c3isc�fat�� „� 5 � , (}--? (1 � U�-� � ��.(�3� dasG��arcc = d?; s�r�ir€��,, sceps �,wct��i�d� e.�c -�'�a:�. oir�sa? � � ' i'rtis�,►tec �u�',►�,�ycent �uc��pl�in9 a ,r� G 6 � :, i!.-� 0--� � �-�. � (nu fl��c�ci�ia�n - Q-, s,�t�7�;,i�.+� �'Eu��laan = tn��: oi��tsl� . � ¢� ,� � �ottrc.n� tti3iex�t J €l��c���a�n ac�:e�� __�.� " �.--5 f�-� C�-� � �" ; ` dee�t e��leer��t��;s:i = (� ;i°c;�:i��ent f����dnn; y rttAx aint�� - - � Ptes�nce �f�dj�ceEft�k�et��:nci� ^ g � �, ��..� � �}�� � I {r��� rwe�inr��i� t��: i�ace idjz�i:eiti �.vc�t�ar��.s - s�t�� �irt� f_'t�an�sc! sin��sit�° � ,� 9 �- 5 fl � fl-� 3 (�xters�i�� c����att��iz�%�clty - �: a�a4ae°aI cn�ax��ier � sr��� �ni�ris) �Sedin��*ttf it��r�t � 3{� �--z 4-��4 �-�� (�xEcai�;i�-e cic: c�4iiit�n� ti 1s3ti� or �7Cr :�cdiinet�t -- r�r�,t r�€��isi '� �' S�ze 8 d�versAky �f chan2tet b�d ��iGstr��te- ,� 1 � bti.�h �J -=F. q .� � � � {fin�, ha�a�o��noaas � U:1���: cliv�:r�v ��zLs - m�.r �cs+��t,s1 � ,, ��sic3e���, o�ehatone! �n�tsi�n UF ���iden�n� : : � -�--�--- -- �» 6 6 � (cie�fisl;� i�.c�is�d � �; slak,lc. i��� i� t�:tr-,3+, = trt:�; �oiii�s � � � --`� � � � �'f 1'�t�senre c�t`mh or E�aq�k t°��l�arc�s T �3 �l_j Q�i �: , ,,,a� k . (sever� erasic�n -� �: r�;n erc�si�c�z�. �.���1�: i�a�tics = niax �ni�ats � �R�r��k d��t�a a�tl d�nsitv crr� k��t�tss i 14 � �-3 Q-.�, {)�� �,,, �i�� ��z�i��e rc��cs � 4): �e�Asc �•cic�ts t�r�u�3��:�uz { m�a �3�int�� � �/% I�paci br� a�ricuit�u�e, li�u��t�ek. ar tin►iat�• ��r+�ciusfi�� ,y 1 j �;.� S [1:- � � �- � �� _� ��sErbst��sti�l ��r��aac� Q; tic� e� idc�s:�. = r�t�� ,n�it���.} �'eesencE �af rifi�e-�o�ai�'ri���lr-��c�wb co����excs , l I� {�-�3 t�_-S ' D�fi �, r�a �%ff�e��ra'Pp1�s c�� r�i�c+i� = C1;_tiveli-�€e�,��ic7 �j� m�� pc�u��s� � � _._� C�r�bit�t com�ale��ty �� � t�--� �—� tr�� � `ti��� �.r na� 3�:b,itat �� a; f�c.���nt, t�r�et# Ixa��tat� in�x pc�in�sl � � � Ctanc�pt cr�ve�-���e m��r c4i�.an���ti . � 1!3 Q--� �J_i 0--5 (n� �l�adin� ve ,et�ti+�n Q �c�nitnt���us e,�nuti}� =�t�ax nu�ts� '�i��vsta��Ee emabec3dec�n�ss 19 � ���� t3-� �q�. (d� I ernbeci�l�.d_- C1; �o��s� stru�ture =�caa�;� '�'� p'► i �'resc��e of strea�m ir�vei�tebr�tes (�ce.'�ae� �) - ' 41 _ , 43 -� e�;-- 5 (� - 5 � . I �,,, ; {'1�� eti�t�i����Y� = t�; c4n�Tc���, �«�nurr�as � � �;s =� mr�x oinis� � ;,.; �, Pre�e�tee �fi.a�n�thiiad�x�s � i �.1 . d--d �-� �?=-4 �. � (no z� ictenwe'= +�; ct:A�7n��.��a, t�u��iirau:� tw�e� � n��a >n�i��ts� ' ; w"� �, evc�rc:e a�' �s� :? .?2 [4-� �]-� i)=4 ��- s" ��ci evs��nc,�;� �; c;�xn�t7�,t, rlum�ro�� �vp�s = cst���cintsj - � � � E��i�€enc� o�"�s�ii��ife use , q �� �t)�--G D 7 �:�� � � i - t� � e� �d�ii4a, =' Q�: a:�und3.t�t evi�rn�� = rr�a�� p��a�±�ts�. ' Tatat �'����ts �*�ssnlhle lt�t� ' �4Q _ tf,�R : � TO'T�1L ��`�Ji� (.als� �r��er cin• firs����) _ t� "" ! 1?�� CI'�3CdC[�`1'5LiCS EL'[E ifi]C 855�85� IIl°COSSi�.i S1T�J�➢iy5. ti � ��t - - • � � • � r . ; �� , ��.. . - .. '.:: x P-z..;: � �� :._:.-. � . Pege4a€10 ; JNYT�RNATWONA� Attachment A � -- 18 -- TIP:I-5883 I-5883 Stream: S� NC DWQ Stream Identif cation Form Version 4.11 Date: ",, �' � t� Project/Site:l-95 Exits 75 & 77 Latitude:�,� ��'� �I ° %� j s� , x�.; �� ` Evaluator. tiy�., � _.: �,~•�•..� � c��, �i�`�v� �e•�� County: Harnett Longitude:4, ^�S �;•�.� / Total Points; Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is ai /east intermittent r� ���,... Ephemerai ntermitten Perennial e.g. Quad Name: DUnl1 if 2 19 or Derennial if >_ 30" C7� A. Geomor holo (Subtotal =�,, 3� ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 2 3 3. In-channel structure: ex. riffle-pool, step-pool, 0 � 2 3 ri le- ool se uence 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 2 3 7. Recent aNuvial deposits �� 1 2 3 8. Headcuts :;`0.` 1 2 3 9. Grade control � 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 11. Second or greater order channel �� Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. H drolo Subtotal = , ,�'` 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 �] 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 �Q,. 1 1.5 17. Soil-based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Y's = C. Biolo Subtotal = � 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 t1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 2 1 Q 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks �,"�.a 1 2 3 22. Fish ;�� 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish A� 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = d`.75! OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 `perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. �� N otes: __. _. ,: .,: ,.,.� ,�,. � � Sketch: �� - '�"`�` � � ,...:. .. �a `r� t u- � : � f'`t ,• y� �,t � �� � � � ��.._._e �j� �'�"��' . � , . `'° ���� �:,�. � � '�" � "' 7 '!." ; a,�i`�+�r "'' Channel 5ubstrate: clay /�� s,�/ gravel / cobble / bedrock (circle all that apply) Water Velocity: fast / moderate / slow Water Clarity: �ar� slightly turbid / turbid Water Depth: �_ inches Page 1 of 10 Attachment A -- 19 -- INTERNATIONAL TIP:I-5883 I-5883 USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) !_ __ __ _ _ _ _ ------- ------ — — - ------ ------ -- -- ---- ----- ----- - ----------- ---- Stream: S ;,�,; STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET I-95 Exits 75 & 77 Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: .r 2. Evaluator's name: �+� -�`�k�4� • � 1. ApplicanYs name: NCDOT 3. Date of evaluation: ���� ! f�' 5. Name of stream: V' t'�d� �'•�� < � `��:; �-�: �� � � � 7. Approximate drainage area: i�- A E w�'f » 9. Length of reach evaluated: !�'a� w f•=�t� '� , 4. Time of evaluation: � ta �' ;' =�"" � 6. River basin:_ Cape Fear 8. Stream order: � _s� 10. County: Harnett 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): Latitude (ex. 34.872312): � �� � � "' a 't �'i Longitude (ex. -77.556611): "` �= f� �,• E�A dl � ,�, Method location determined (circle): GP �Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): �'°'� � `� Fi � '✓! C'r' � ��' / � �, �, t z �' c'� w �",� 14. Proposed channel work (if any): /� �,7 Z jr � t. �. .� �:::. <� 15. Recent weather conditions: � � �`"� � � `� �, � 16. Site conditions at time of visit: ''' �' � 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: _Section 10 _Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters _ Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-N) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point?�YE� NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: �` �. 'e"�� :;:. �y_�. 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? �ES, �NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? �� NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential _% Commercial ��% Industrial � lJ % Agricultural 22. Bankfull width: '^' �% Forested _% Cleared / Logged _% Other 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): �• �� 24. Channel slope down center of stream: � Flat (0 to 2%) _Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to 10%) _Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight �Occasional bends _Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by deternuning the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. T'he total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. -�-�., Total Score (from reverse): � � -- � Comments: � . ; : r''t� «.5 / � 6 � t�,;e^ Evaluator's Signature Y'^"'�'�-�. � - � °'�`+� •Y-"'�� Date `���' % � C.� This channel evaluation form is �fended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, ple 1 - - 441 x 2 . _ .- ■. 1 Page3of10 INTERNATIONAL Attachment A -- 20 -- TIP:I-5883 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET 1-95 Exits 75 & 77 TIP: I-5883 Stream: S_� 1 Presence of flow / persisteut pools in, stream 0— 5 U— 4 U— 5 no flow or saturation = U� stron flow - maac oints � 2 Tvidence of past human alteration 0— 6 U— 5 Q— 5 � e�ct����ve alteration = �' no al#eration = max oints 3 no t 4 : E exte� 5 no diseh 6 na f � de l 8 no w 9 e�ct�nsiti lU extenisi� I 1 �e, � 12 dee 13 severe 14 no visi � 5 Imgact su 16 p, no �iffle 17 little or r 18 no shad 19 � 20 � � P� nv evi+ 21 no evi+ 22 no evi� 23 , itipari�n zone 0— 6 0— 4 U— 5 Y= 0� con�i uou wide buffer = max ints eoce of nutrient or clumicat discharges p- 5 U- 4 0— 4 e disch es = i��.no disehar es = ma�c oints Groundwater discharge 0— 3 0- 4 �— 4 ,= 0• s rin s wetlands, etc = ma�c oints : �reseace of adj�cent fl+oodplain 0- 4 Q- 4 0— 2 lain.= U� e�rtensive flood lain = m� .oints EAtrench�ent I tloodptain access U— 5 U- 4 �- 2 �trenched = U; fre uen# tloodin = max Qints Presence of ad�acen# wetlaads Q-- 6 U- 4 0- 2 �a� = 0;1 _ e ad'ace�t wetlands = ma�c oints �haanel sinuosity 0- 5 0— 4 0- 3 : ianneliaatiun = U• na�uraI meander =�aac oints Secltment inAut 0— 5 U- 4 0- 4 e sitiat�= 0; tittie or no sed'rment - tnax aints s& diversity of ehannel bed substrate p��� 0— 4 Q— 5 � .eno�s = �; lar � . diver� si�es = max oints ;: , . , ... - .. : � � � dc��e of cl�nnel iuttision or widening ncis+�d = U� stabte be�ti & banks = ma�c ints �� 5 U- 4 0- 5 Presence of major bank �'ailures 0- 5 4— 5 0— 5 �ion = 0; no erosiozr, s�abie banks = max vints Root deptl� snd density on banks U- 3 �— 4 0- S •oots = Q; dense rvots tlm�u hout = ma�c oints a�riculture, iivestock, or timber productiou fl_ 5 0— 4 0- 5 ntiai im act =-0- no �vidence = max oints oee of ntfle-poqUripple-pool complexes � les ar Is = Q• well-devcio ed = ma�c oinis �— 3 U— 5 U— b Habitat eompicxity �bitat = U; fre uent, varied habitats = ma�c oints ` �- 6 �— 6 U— 6 Ganogy coverage over streambed 0— 5 0= 5 0- 5 re _ etation = 0• eontinuous cano = tnax oints Substrate embeddedness ` ��"� 3� ��� ��a 0-4 U-4 il � embedded = 0• �loose structure = max �� �_ � � _.�: _ � nce of stream inxert�brates (see page 4) � 0— 4 0— 5 U— 5 :e =�- commo numeroua s= max oints Presence of amphibians U— 4 0- 4 U— 4 ,€ = U; common, numerous es = max - oints Pre�ence of f�h 0— 4 0— 4 0— 4 �e = 0; common, numerous es = maac oints Evidence of wildlife use 0— 6 0— 5 0— 5 'ence = 0; abundant evidence = max oints _ - �1.t��a�i'emts-iD�SiU�e - � ��'#� ���� � * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. �` �'""", Page 4 of 10 2 INTERNATIONAL Attachment A -- 21 -- TIP:I-5883 � ��� Modified on 11/21/17 during NCDWR Field Review stream. s�_ NC DW Strea�n I�le�ti�icatian �'�rm Version 4.11 Daa#�e: _ Cf� - � f� - 'Rco�e�tlSlte: .� � �;�, �� � Lafiftude. Evaluator: ��,�1 � �' �County:� � �a�ngi.tude: Total �oinis. ` StTeam �leter�nina�ion (c ' C�er SGream Is at l�estlr►Eertrafttent �',� 29. �J EpfTemara! I�t�r7ttii�#e l�er�l�i�t . a.{�, Qtraaa�luarrae; If z 99 or �retrnisl if a 3Q" A. +C3eorr��r holo (S�biatal ��-�-�- 10.5 Absent We�k _ I�atfera�e St g i� Cont�nui of channe1 bed and bank d 1 2. Sinuos�ry of et��nnel alan� ihalweg - 0 � _ � 3. In-char�netl structure; ex, riffi�-pool, step-pool, � � � 3 ri le- 001 se uenee 4. I'article �k�e af s�ream substrate Q 1 2 � i 5. Act�v��lre��ct floodplafi�n 0 1 2 3 � 6. [�e as�t�on�l bars ar benehes 1 2 3 7, Re�r�t alluvial dep�its_ � � � 8. Headauts - - a 1 2 3 9. Grad'e control - 4� 1 1.5 1d. Natutal va(iey - - (} 4,5 'f 'C.5 11..S�cond or g�eater ord�r r.��nnel 'NQ - f3 Yes = 3 _ - artr��faf cfhtr.�res are nof rebed, see d€scusslonsln rnanuad --- -- �. H drolo (subtot�6 = _ ' 12. Presen�e of 8aseflaw 0 1 2 13. Iron �xid�zit�g bacteeia � 1 2 3 14. Leaf li4#er .5 1 �}.5 I} 15, Sedimsr�t €�n plar�ts �r debris � 0 .5 1 1.5 18. Organic �iebrhs linea or p�les i �] 0.5 1 'I.v � 17. Sobl-based eviden�a of E�igh w�ter tabl�? [�a = 0 �s = 3 G, Bio90 (Subtatal � Q - - - - 18. Fibrous rcaots in streambad 3 2 1 U 19. EC9�ted `up6and plants in sti'eambed : 3. 2 1 Q 2d, M�ir,�oberitl�os (nc� diversi�y and ab�ndance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aap��tfc �1o19us�Cs � 1 � 3 ?2. Fish - 4.5 T 1.5 23. Cray�iish - 0,� 1 . 1.5 24, ,F�nphibrawts 0 {�.5 1 'E�_5 25. Algae q 4,5 1 '�.5' 26. �'et�and p0ants in streambed � FACW = Q,7 , L= 1.5 Qth�r = 0 *pesennlal stcaams may also be ideniifted using other methods. See p. 35 �i manu�k. , �10t��; 1� " � y �' � � Sk�etc�: �}i ' � � [� . 1 �� S I � � �r�l����' - Ch�r�.nel Substr�t . , si1 gr�vel j cobbVe f b�drock �c�rcle a�l tR�at a�ply� 1�N"ater Ve�vci�y; Fast / �nmderat� / �w' � � 1�+'afitr Cfa�i�y�- ; :�clea� / s0�ghtly turb�d / turbi� - �1Na�er Qepth: ' �Z �ncl�es - ' : i ` �a$e,o��o i��E�c��r�oNac Attachment A -- 22 -- TIP:I-58$3 USACE AID# _ DWQ # Stts # (indica#e o� attached taaf.P) 5tr�earn: �,�� T t�� i�� � ���_ Y' -��L 'A.t.�l l 1 ��Y.I��LI�l 1 1 T I V��Jrf 1 .. . � � '�• ` �� ���� � , . �K� Pra�i�e the �olla�ving informa�ion for t�e sf�sin reac�i u�nder assessme�f: � 2. A�p4icaz�t"s r�ame: N C�QT - - � �. �r��luator's �aa�e: 1'i�� 1(� � �: a . . �, � ���9 �' -.f 3. Date oi ava��rt'ra�:_ � , � "� ' � �O _ :4. Tiine o� evaluatiot�: � �. Name of stre�t�►: ��� �.1�/l�C.�� C✓�C�� �. Ri�+er bas�n:� C�p� .�e�� /� � 7. Approarimate drainage area• c� �i �C. '8�. Slre�n arder:�i �(L 5 T -- �. 9 Lett�tri afteach �vaflua#ed; __ f�J°J� �7� 1� �otmi�: .�"7� e�,ftii2��..� ,... i1. Site caoreli�at�s {if k�own): prefer in deama�..c�egi�ees.:: 12.: Sub�1��isi+an name (iiany): Latitude {eu. 34.8'9e"',312j: �J� 33 "� �— - - .�n�t�� ��. . �a ss66 i t�: � �`�.• �J �� ,u�� - Methud lrzcatian determix�ed (circle); G�S T�pa Sl�et Orthn (Aerlel) �'$otolGIS Ot�er �C4TS �ther ���i�l 1� U��..4 'rc i3. L�cagiQn oi�ach unde� �valuat�am !�nate nearby roads ancl la�dr�arks �d atta.�h mag rd,..�_��tr� {s�:4ocatio.��. ��_ � �-1 . � � 1 u. I� Y� i1Y'Vl�rt i r-f�� ra U 1 � YVrlF � �� � !► � �Y.- . "v/i�ll � //�l T'I � �� � . �Li[ d i i /� I��' _ ' �� i� - � 14. Pro�aQsed CI]BTIRe1 We,XI€'{if83ty): ' - - - 15. RFacent vtTeather cc�ttditzons. �k�l.� - - 16. Site capditions at �ime �rf 1`i. IdetxEi�y°arry special w�terway classifcat�ons knowri: Trout �i+raters �Du#s�tan,cling Itesource ��ters _�ectis�n 1U Tida� Waters Essential F'isi�eries H�bit�t �filutrier�t5ensitiveWat�rs.'_Wa��r�Supp��!.�i?atersked (�-iV} 18. Is there s gond or Pa3ce laca,ted upstre,�x� af t�e' evaxuation poiart? YE��.yes, estimatg,fhe,vvater sUrfB,re area: . i9. Does chan�e9 appear on �SGS qu�,� �n�p'��N�D Z[F. �os�. charinel appe�r �n �J�I]A. St���_ Survsy? YES NC1 2fl. �stinna#ed vvatershed Iand use: % Itesidential Q� �Com��rc�aJ , ��,°/n Tndustriaf �°� Agricultural � , � ,: _°Ya FoP�st�d �_' �%a 4:le�Ced f Ln'g�ed . ,�°y6 fl�eC { L�.{L?�`ICr� ,� ,�i ��[� ) �2. Batrk#'nll wfdth:' � r - �3. B�.nk f�e'ag�t (frocn }�ed t�:tnp af bank); a��'C ���� 24. Channel slc�pe dvwn s�nt�r o� streatn:.,.,�,Flat (f3 to 2%) �(�ec�le (2 �ca 4'�i'�) ��v1�c�erate (4 ta 1 U°f�j _._.�tee� (31 C�°�) 25. Cha�nel sinuosi�y: 1r'�Straight _Clc�asipt�! bends : Frequent meander _Very sinutaus : 8raided c�`ine9 Instr�ctions for co�pletinn �f worksh�et �1s�ated on ;:page 2): ,.Begin bq detemai�in� the mos� ap,pr�pr�at� �r�gio� base[� att �mcati4n, t�rcain, �regemtian, stream elassificai�on; etc. E�+�; ck�ai'a�ci��stic r�ust be scrs�ed usi�g the s�e ec�reg�on. A;ssngn paints t4 each characte�istie w�it:�i� €h�e range shawn for t�a. ecaregioh. F$�e 3 provides. a i�rief des�'iptio�. of how #o review the characteristi�s identifad i� th� r�rarks�eet. Scores ahauld �eflect an .overall assessment of t� st�`earn-reaeh -�der e�ialuai��on. i� a characteristic aann€�t b� ev�a�uated du� to site ar weatlner cor�ditinns, e�t�r b,[n tt�e seoring box ar�� provide a� explanation in thB comme�t secliun. Where there �re �bvifl�s cl ai�es �n tlz� cha�acter �f a s�a� under revi�w �e,�.; th� s�'e�ni �lows fct�m � pastt�re into. a forest), th� ste�a�m may be dir�ided iixta srnaTler r�ac.hes t�at display a��re cot�tinuity, and �, sepaxate fc�r� used to evaiust� �a�ch reach. The teaial score assdgr�ecl to a stnea� reach must �g� between � and I@a, wi� a scat� a�` lU4 repr��r'►�ir�g s sireami of the highest quaTity. _ r I/I. . . , •, .,_- _ A �ivts� Scor$ (from Ga�asmke�ts: r.� � Ev�luatoa's Si�mafare . D�te� �, ' 7 � i� 'This chan�e� �valuation form s i tet�t3ed fa be u s� gu3de: fo assi8t [t�nduwC�e�'s ��d enV�.ra�me�taf p�a€esaiouals ia gathering #�e data required by t�e �Sulted 5_ tates Army �arps af �nginee�s tq �a1C� a;ps`�Cl��uit�aity sssesslm�etnt @f strea� q�ali#y. Th�e t4ta1 score nesulting from t�e campl�etian af this �'or� i� s�b�eet ta �ISA�`E appreval and does aot %mpty a part�c�._t�r mitigation-ra#iv, or requirement Fortn subject ta chang�e � v�rsian a61473. To Ca�ent, p� � _ . .. . , ,. , . . 1 Pa�e3oflb � ! HiER N A'�i �M NA C Attachment A -- 23 -- TIP:I-5883 S�'REAN.� QU�ALIT�' ASSESSN.iEE�T�" i�V+�}��B�ET ro�: � 5 �s� Stre�m: �..� �-�''-. — C�'����C��+�}"r 1'�J.IN�T l�A���E_ � . _ ; � � , ��'ir�RA.C�'�12.�C�T1C:C __-- ��C?I� fC'us�xt:�� 1 k'iecln�o�� 41c�as�kr�in i ¢ Pr�i�s�per arf �i��rv � ��. d-sistee�� p�oi� �n ct�•etam �_ �. �l � � ,--�-- �l - � �1- � ` � (rea �l�w oa satu�•�ticrit [l; strc}��� f3��v rtzax �rc�int�} , = • �vidcrac� �r� ���t ���ir��.�» ��t�.►��ti��a ; � � 0;_G t}�� � �,w� ,fex�n�i��< �li�r2,ici�� � �J; r�t� alter�l�ir�F� = �a��x ��cfi7ti�') . [�tt�arinn z�nc � - , : , , �.�� Ga.4 4-S (nt� bu1�Lr �- i); e��n�i=�i�ucas. .viit�:. liwl`4'�� �- n7;� �r�o�nts} - - I+'vid�:�ace ��`�stt�r�r�tf r�� 4henaie�f dischsar=„es � � �} � :�. � �'-- � tJ T �t '�x;es�s,��� di�cEl��e� t7 r�� �i����-�,4r��� m�� �<ri��ts�� t Grc�t���dr�zt�'ir d7+�Lhai°Qe ` ' r., �, � �-i �-_� �_Q � � {11C) �1SC�3fi1T�`� — i}, � 31�t���, +�t,:� 5, Li�c:��'a'„11�5. �tG. = tTic�\ j30iITC5� I �( f I'� ca�:tt�ee r,f ;�c�j�ate�t� fl;c�a�cl�C�ei� `' F {j � � 0 _�. � � � .� � � �,,, a {nr� �t�t�ei�iar�� -- C�. uxtezt �i�-�. �7c�c�d �:zir� = rt�ah��c,taats) :�. � p � � Firtr���ehir�e�t I,iZ�nc�pia�i� :�ccess Ei -� 4'- � t�-� � E. ��ee�ly e�2cc�;tt�.itec� - t} tr�qt��ua �lc�c��i� n�,.rt3�� ciit�ts� � < Pre;��n�t �i t�c3�`�ce�tt ���itlaeecic: � �'" 8 c�--� g i�-� � t3- H i; fnr t��t�ansi.� t�; iar�je a�lac'�.rn �v�i1�7d� - raax c�inis' � C'haun�� sinu�si�r� � � q, ti - L, ? U- 4 � t).- ; � _ (ext�;n5��e �}�a�?nelira�i�n = �: �ta�����a� pri���ndec = t�a� �in�s' p i �ed�nicntia�s�� � � �} � l �? �s Q �. j � U .a ,� � Ci - =� r.� I. �e�i�n�ave c�e�ic�stiic?n�� �: kz�tle �r g��.� ��d7�-nent = m�,r ninis?'. Si�� R, f��'tr�r�i*v of �.lt��ne] k�e�i s�t�sta•xtP [t i���' � �.�� �a_3 I�� `#ir.��; 3�c�t��v;��i��us r: t� e�r�.;e,, d�vvr�,� 4��L5 ,� �n�.1�tii�a��) t�vici� nc� ��f ek�z�nnel ���. �si�i� �ar wicir:nzn � � �� � ' �.-� (i.�� 0-S �' ;r (c��� I i�ic€ss.ci -- il; siahie �:�.d ��; t�.�iah� = �t��.� �i�iis) �'' � i�e°e�enre cii'tn�,�ca�• hari�, #'ailures � I� � U-� �l`-5 0--5 � ,,,� ��(s�.u�.=e er�4iLa� = (�: ii�-� eras���n, :�ta69e %ax�k.s =� nt��x ��yinisl _ - Ro�t deg�tl� �at��1 clensit�, ot� h.�n�ti� � r� � : � �)-3 �-_� t�-5 �� " l �ic� ��i5�bda r�t�t� � i?; Eiet�se rcj�#, il�r�c�i�}t����i .- tr���; ac�ic�ts � [it��act fyS .��ricu�[1�r��•e, li��estt�ek, ar Rin4he�• �r�vdazci�on � 1S Ur-S a--4 �1--� sii�star�txa� itnp3ck =U; r,cr e�ic�eh4c - ma1 �c�intYj ` �� P� �sr��i�e nf rni'€�e-po�PJz ��5��&a�-�rr��j� cu�ap4exes.._�._.�,. �: � � p - � � - � � {�r��a ri�'t���,�r����.s c�� z��i�ls �= U: ti�csi-�I�,,�;lc��:d : s�c;.r.� t�ii�t5) 1 e� � i�ahitai corr�p�c�i1} � : I7 � �_� 0-�f� �q�. �"* (Iitti� c3r �c� 17a6ii�z O; Iret tzen�, vttr���l h�taitals =�nax ps�ittt�,�' - �. C`�atc�pY c�ve�-ag�e av�r v��e;�n�ati�ei! . ' � 8 . (i � �a _ � {� ,-• �" � ino sh�t�in� ve� .,ta#7ait = 4�. cr,�itirt�a�,us ��f���i±�� � n��ss�ra�rtts}_ � S�ai��ts �t� rznbed�irdnes� ° �9 � �;;�4� �-? ("1�� ,/ ci�,� I' c,a�lb��i�cd == !�; luc�ae st:N�zir,ert� = ntaxi .'�! /� Ptesenee c�fst�re�na s�vsr#ehr�a��a 4e� ,�� �i � k : .,�, 4 � ,� .� � �, ,. s � �, ; � (na <<s t�ienc c- U, c�?�,��iuAt �xtttta4�aus t�pes rti��: p�ll�fs � : � Pre:4�.dice of �an�a�i�r��n� sy� I U-� �-�l f U`-�-4 �J � _ .�r �(liU evi�enci = 0, cc��aliil�rb, r1FAlz4�ro�t� �� es = ri3aa Clind�] Y �� �...� f'� e.����r� $�f fasla �1- � � p`- a tf -� C� , 2� � � `no �t�i�ei3c� = t) �ot�.ir��,��.�iiu���rare4 tv�es�-- ��ax �!���is) �f _ - � k r is�en�� c�f«•itci6ife'�sc 4 � 23 '! (1 _G fi�,;_� ��� (n� evic]en�� -- t�; ab�zn+��ra� evi€��cic� - inaa; �ints� `T't►t�1 P�int� �'as�ib�e -. If�O �� [:UC� � t(l�a , _ - ,I`t�`T�I, SCCi�2� ��lsca �:t��� c��i kir•st��d��) - � r a�ese cnaracte�s�ic� are e�at assessea ur c�ast� streams, � _� , LA .3 . . �. r �I:.r -�f��.'�.. ... ... ...�ti.�... � Pege 4 �o€1Q 2 Attachment A -- 24 -- - •� � � I ��r�r���uarvor��u� TIP: I-5883 � � �� � ' S��'�1i11: S�� �iC DV�r' Stream �den�i�ication Form �ersiom 4.1� aate: (�,, � � � � ,( +�p , ' Rr�of e�trsite;,,.i�5tf c�,3 cS l+� _�a�itude: Evaluatar: �� � � ' Co�rn�jr: ��l�I�Q�� Lon��tude: - 1'0�4 '�oints: $trearro [)eterni`ina#lon (ci ° ° Other 3tre�rn Is af !ea$t rntermiftent �� C �ph�mer�l �n#�a'mmtti�nt erenn�ai e.g. q� Narnec if>_ 79 �or er�n,�ltl It'a 3/* , J A, Geom�t�r F�alv {Subtoiai =� , Al�s��t 1Meak l{flctder�tre Strc 1�� �ontinuity� ai channel becb �nd bank - 0 -- -- 1 2 3 2. �ie�uosity of cha�nel along thalweg b 1 2 3 3.. f�-ehannel structure; ex. �iifle-p�ol, s#ep-p�ol, 0 1 2 3 rE le� 00 se uence 4. Parti�le s9ze of s#ream substrate - -0 1 ---- - 2 5. Act��elrellct �aod�lain fl 1 2 -- 3 5. Depositiorral t�r� �r benches � ��� 2 3 7. Rec�:nt alfuvial deposi#s 2-- 3 8. Hea�e�ts � 2 3 9. G'rade eontrol �Q.S 1 3.5 1t}. Nak�ra4 valEey 4 0,� 1 1.5 11. Secand or greater c�rder channe� Na = 4 1'es -� ad�ti�i�ia! dit�res ar� no� rated; see discussPo�.s f�n �ar�ua! - 8. i�C +drOaO Subtatal = � � 72. Presen�e o� �ase�aw 0 1 2 3 "�3. Iron o�tl�tizin ba�teria 0 1 2 3 � 14.1_eaf Ii�er ' 1.� 1'� 0.5 D 15, Sediment on pl�nts or debris p �.5 1 1.5 1B. Urganic debris lines or ��I�s 0 �t.5 1 1.5 17. 5ca�l-based evidence of �Egh water tat�la? [�a = f} Yes = 3 '- C. IB��lO (S�ubtoF.�s = 18. Fibros�s r�oks ic� stre�rnbed 3 � 1 � 19. Raated isp9and plants irr stirearnbed 1 -- - Q 20. {Wl�c�ks�nthCrs (no4�s d�v�rsity �nd abundance} 1 C 3 21. Aquatic �Iollus�s � - � - - � 3 22. F[sh 0 O.S 1 1.5 23. Co'ayFsh _ Q fl.5 1 '�.5 2�. Arr�phibfans - 0 0.5 'i 4:5 25. Aigae �} 0.� .'� 1, 5 26, IIV�tl�r�d pfa�ts in s#rearrobed FAC'W � a.75; 09L = 3.5 �er �. Q, "perennial streaeri� may alsv be idsntifed using ather methods. See . 35 oi manr��l. �' PdOteS: l G�r l G� Sketch: �� (� � �' �❑ � PE ' I� ��J� � � �� Ch�r�nel Subskrat clay �il't sa�+ �rav c�bb4e bedre�cEc {circl� a�V tha� app�vl ' Wate� Velacity: fast mo era slaw ,!�u'�ter C�ar�ty:>; ..�i��r Cig� tly ttarbid / fiurbid - r,' � y � W�t�r Deptta: ; ;°,�� inches � . Pa9e3of10 �FfTERb�ATI{?NAE Attachment A -- 25 -- " TIP:I-5883 LTSACE AIY�,# DVV'Q # S�te # (indica�te on ai�che� map} , , _ ; , : Strea�: S�� ;,,�., S'I"REAM (�iTAI,I�Y AS��SSMEl�TT 'W'a�SHEET . . , � ��� �C-�-t� �'S-d�- ���-- P�avid,e the £ollawing i�iornaatfon for ��e stre�m !reach �nde� ass�ss�e�u�: - � � , 1. Applicatt�'s nacne: NCU[7� Z. E�al�a.tor�s ��tner �����.��;� � lSe���� 3. pai�e of evaiva.#�an. �CJ " +�� � I�C� 4."�ir�e'bf eva�iu�tioi�: +� ; � _ _ 5. Name of streaan; �� l�!llll�����.� G. Itivar basin._ C�3pe F�ar 7. Apprc�ximate c�rainage area; ��+� c�� 8. Stre�.zn: erder: �tt��J� ��-� „ --_ 9. Lengtii �f reach evaluateii: � J �� _ 1U. C+oau�ty�'_����'�`�2�- -- -- - — - — - - - 11. Site cc�oi'dina#es (af'k�own): prefar in d.ecimal deg��es, - 1Z. S�bclivisic�n r�e �f any}: :- �' �� ��. �a.ar�31z�: ��, ��Csr� ! �.a��t��e ��. -�r�.ss�c�i�: �. � � � Z Nfethod l�catiom deter%iiied (Gircle); GFS 'i opc� Sheet +C3�u {�rerial) I'ktotnlC3IS f}t}�es' C'riS �tiher C.���.f1.i� ---- 13. �,ucatian �rf reach �der evaluativn (�ot� nearhy ro�ds a�ad landm�trks �and at�ch.rnap'id`ezatifyi�g �azn(s} �cac xon};�,� Gc1�,��-��P.�����' /-'1�� ,�1�.�'� �''�J�I�f C��-_�ii ��- 14. �'rapose�d ��annel work (if any): � 15. R$c�eni we�thez' contiitions: �6. Site cor�di�i+ans at time of v�sit: _ 1'i. Identifiy any spe� waf�rway etass�cations leno�nvnt _Sectian 1p �Tidal W'aters �ssenti�l. Fist�eaies Habitat `Traut Waters �C]utstan�3ing R�saurc� W�ters � 1'�iutrieni S.e�sitive Waters �QVater<SuppTy Watershed (i I'V) 18. Is t.�er� a por�d �ar lake Ivcated upstrea�n of the evalua�ii�n p4in �5 hICCD 3f yes, estimate fhe water s►.�Ffa�e area: J�, �� C. r9. Does ci�annel �t�ear an USC�S quad . 2 YE I'�T(Q 2{�. poss��eh�mne� aPpear c��r USI]A Sa�l: 5un��y" YE5 Nf3 - �1. Estimated watersh�d land use: ��_% Resi�i�ntial °i6 Cqm�e��a:l �a✓a IridustriaE �� °r� Agriu�tutral � �a/n �Oi'ES'fii�d _%o ���C81'� /� �,[I�E:i� �4% �7�Y0r ( P��r�-�"�-n`-'i — --� 22. Bankfull t�dth: ���-1� - ----- --- 23. Bamtc heigY�t �frQm bed ta_t.�p vf bat�k); T� L� �i` _ 24. Channel� aQQpe da�wia cemer e�f streauri: ��at {�Q to 2°/a) �Gentle (2 t� �€°!o) ._Moderate (4 to l�0"loj _�te�� {>J {1%) �5. Ch�a^+nel sitizutisity: 9Ltai�t '�t]c�asional ben�s _Frequent meand+�r �_ Very siiauiaws _. Braided channe! Yaatr�uct�ons for_ compie�ia�n �f vvor��i��sY [l�rc�t+ed oa�. F��e 2): .,Beg�n hy c�e�rrninkag th� �nast apprapriate ec�re�irnn 6a�ed on �ocatio�, tetrain, v�egetation, s'treatn classi��atfon, ett�c. �wery �hara�stic musf be scured wsiiYg the saane eca7egiort. Assign points t� each characteristia wi�t►in the r�an�e showm fvr th� eco,regian. Page ,3 prav�des a bt'sef ;d�script�a� of how ta reyi�r the C�78T8G�I1S'kYG� [�6X1'�R '�18i� LIA E}l� WpT�CSI'A�C'�. Scores shoulcl re�i e�t an -t��r�rall- assessment'o�' the sir�.ix� reach.-t�der eva2�at�on. If a characteristic can�ot �� eva�uat�ed ckue tc� :s�te or wegther cozic�itions, enter 0 in the scs��ng baa� and pravide an explsz►a�m�n in t�.i� ca�nent sect�an. Wh�re thera �are obw�aus �h,anges in the clsaract�r.:oi a strea� raxider revd�w:�e.g., the s�rearr� �lar�vs from a�astu�re i�zto a foresi}, the stream may �se divided imtc� sm�l9er reaches th�t d'nspl�y more contit�iaity; �nd a s�ep�r�e %rm vsed ta e�a�l�te �aah r��. The to4a� sccs� �ssigt�ed to a�tre.�an reach rnust ��,ro :be�+e�n-.0 �d l:q�l, w�� a scot�e +o�' -10i� t�rr�enting a siream af #he hi�est qualily. Tota� Scure (t�o� reveree�: _ � � Ev�luator's Si,g�ature '` Date � � �� �� T#�is chanael eva[uatian fo ��tended �a � d only as a gafde to assi�at ���dowaer� and environmentai professiatials in gatherimg t�e dats r^�gui�ed y the lJnitcd 5t�t+es Arm� Ca�-p� of Eagineers trx make a pra�imduary asa�asment af 3tream Q�ality. The total score resultin� from the campletion o[ t4is farm is subjec! #o LTSACE approval s�d does a�t i�tp�y a partict���r miit�g�t�a�e ratio wr rec�viremen�. �"orm subject to char�ge - version Ob103. To Commer�t, pl - � .' .. 1 P�g$3csf94 I�) TEA M A�� (? N' A� Attachment A -- 26 -- TIP:I-5883 S'TR�.� +@�JA�I� ASS��SM�NT W'[)RKSH��T Ti�: 5.� Stream: S� - CG�)���C��C)�i I'q�N'�' �t�ivt��: � _ry # . - �H��i�4�'TTIt��`F�C�- . , �G��:� +C'w�st�! I'it�d�s�o�i �1�Lourst;�in �r�s��c� c�i ��sw�� f pe�°sis��ni �j�E�rls in ti�r��rn f I � 4�- 5 f� -� I Cl -- ; (�re�� #3c�r�v c,r �c�fiura�tc��� `- (��� �1r���� 'tic�s� -� i�ax ?ii�t��s� . �ti �r�enc:e �af �sast lar�cn„;n a�terattic��r 3 � i7-F Q�-5 E3LL,� � (exC��sive ��li��';tii�a� � C1; ncs ;iitCr4�t-i�ri - t�nax p�c��r��a� � � : �x�aa-.iz��� �one : � � � � .� � Y � (a�� ���fE�,r = �l: cc�t�n�uc�c!s, +;��idc i���%er - �»a�:� c,int�! 1 � � ` � C� � - � I�vit3er�ce t�f �au#r•ier�t ta�� c;�ci��ie�� c�iseha��;es � � .� Ci-5 � f.3 �� t1_� j "c:�teaisi��� ci�scl�r�r��s - t]; na ��s£-t�ar =�:; -- ;��t�� '�i�:rstti - � �. {��•o��dw�:3ier dis��ctt.t;e ' ^ � � (� - :� (? � C9 -- � � ; {no �[s��a�r�� -- �: s ?�rr1 �i. s4.e ., �tei(�:ns�s, �fi.c. -- r�,�x ainEs � 9 ,..� � �'tes�ez�ce t��' �dj�c�r�t #�c�nt�pS�tin < , ' � � ,� � #� -_ � � �} � : f) _ � ' r nc� ilc���cl��n =� b; �.3ten�3:vc tl�c�d�la3n �- ��ax ��4int�� � r�," � � .� � ��i#� em��9►m�ut J #l�ao�i�Jiatn u�.��� 4� -` ��'� t� - � t� -2 �, ei�, i ei�tesn��e:cl = [i; fr� �e�n�;flt���din� =an�.x ointsj. , � _ � �. ���9 Yr��ence of ac�;js�ceui �4�.tliiti6l5 8 b-� �- 4 t)_? / (�� ��tit��ri� fl: l;�r�� a�ij�uer�t w�tl�nci� --- n,a� ��€n15} Lv � � �#taanei s�nu�:�ity, e � " !� - 5 �. -- =� (1- �i � _�_�ekt�isiee c€�af�,-��i�za:iun � C>; ����tt�ra} trteat�d�r � irza� �t�i�a��,� � � Seditn�it� in�ut k f 1�t s p_ S (] q t� � �, i��te,�5i��� t�c �c�s�i�c�ri�- il, 7�.t-tt� or tics �ecii�tt�r�f -- n��� «i�is? . �4z� c� d���e�ity c�ichanc��� bed ��ttistrate 11 ' �,4x � fl: -� �6 (� _ � �iiii�, l�tc�rriQ;�nc���s = t�; lar�e_ a�iaeFs� s'�c� = rraa� �uiaats) 1�'U� �"}' � � vidcnce Qf:�h�t�n�l p�tasion ur �vi�e��i��g . � !' � C1-- � C1 �-- � {l` i ' �+ 1 � �ti�e i3� in�ty�:cfi �= a; �t�:h�e i�eu �. �;�t�h� - n��4 �,«isiFsi � �'+��se��� a� rr�;� or fi�aizlti f�l�a�-es ~�13 � tid4 i��-5 �t�5 �,��,, � (s����re erc?sion - t};,�� e�o¢iE�n, st�bl�l7�.�'�ks =!�;Fx poit�ts '- � � a4 ;' I�kcrut de�rt� a��R den�itz c}f� ����nl�v �;3 1�� , {}�3 (i--4 0-S �. ! ITp ��'�alb��. it��f5 �; i��llS� CCr�.i�� tfl2'Cil�.�'i�t.lf_ ;li�t� �3tJli1$S} - � � � L�t����,t�a� agc�a.�lt�i�e, �ia�estack,v:•fir�bE� p�•otiuct��7� . _fi - p ' 1� il-:� U=� �--5 i �tz�asr;�.tii:i�1 irn��ct {�; riei eti�ic3ir��L � n7�.ti �rc�iA�fs} � � � �� 7'ic.sea�ee �f sif�"Ce �utyU�tpp��-�€��,i ca�mpte�es � � D � �y � . 7 , : �7�� cii3`le�'��ini"�lLs +ar puc�ls - €l: ���eE�-i�e�relcrn�� -- m<t� �ints?. #} �� F��i��t�t cc�a�pl+:r:i�� _ !7 U-6 t1--S ci--� ��' Pittl� c�r n� i���afat == �; irei�u�ni. vari�d T��:tait�:Ts inax -�r:it�i.s� - � d � � � � (":ut�e�p;� c�v+�r��e o��er �st�'c;a���ed �a ; {} _ � �y j � no s}��c�iia� u��etati�a� - 0; ca��irnuc�u� ��i+c�p+� ��na.� ��ir�ts � • Subsi�•a�te em bectr3edn�ss i 9 , P fi�i 4'� [l -- �- €� -- �# (ci�:���7a��c���ec9 � C1; i��±3E�str��cit�re - cr���} ,_ . , : ���- P�•�senGe �f �tr��crn ine:�er�(�br�te3 (s�e p;�e�e ��) � � ?{� , . ti - � b �- 5 t�,.- � �� Qi1{7 �i'i��CtCt = i�; CC1Ci311'Sll�1, tiliFli41"f,}l14 14��,;�� — iilsZ�a :.bf17�5 CJ �, ? _ €'re�en�e of �r���a6ii�i��s J T � � ���-� � Q--� ' �?;�4 � � {n� ���'t�1e��ce -- �, cnn3irs�a�, nun��� aus typ�.s r���x ������s) . � . � '�.7 f'r �,senc� �f f��lt �,�_ Q �_ �� l��-� �' � ` t).�� � � fnU �vtci�nc� �} �o�xi�a�Qi7�s�uf������>a. i��es�aT��x t�i�j44 ���e �w ��-itle�ee o�FNviitidi3'e ase ?3 �,g t y, .y .y .��� , �w� �`�"3 � � '.3}{.�f_'���414]�4L'���J�:e3FJ��4Li<�T��l'�il(3�,�iCiC%"�'ii�Cis,1 ��.��4� . . ��4�� I'�si�tits �n�sibEe� }�)[� }�lt� E�l� , - TQ'�"Al..� �'�i [t�; (���c,� �iit�r� : �=�rst P�� � � , �� °" �`l�ese char�ct�e�is'�es �re not assessed en coastal str�au�s. ;-� - _ _ : - = n;� �;<:` P�ge 4 af 10 2 Attachment A -- 27 -- iN�reR�ario�w,��. • TIP:I-5883 I-5883 � Wetland: W� WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProjecUSite: I-95 Ex'its 75 & 77 c�tyico��ty: Harnett Sampling Date: G: dr � ApplicantiOwner: �l% L��� 5tate: t�C- Sampling Point: ' tR p�,'- Investigator(s): {1 t�� � E ����� t'� � �� `f � SU.�r�� Section, Township, Range: V� � G� Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): �(���� ��A�v� Local relief (concave, convex, none): �'o�C� v� Slope (%j: < S(v Subregion (LRR or MLRA): G R(�'c=. " � Lat: '� � , •� `��� `"-d �' `r� Long: � � `�� ` � "� � � � � w� Datum: �`6''��`` � � '�� Soil Map Unit Name: �� NWI classification: !� �v 1-1 � Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _� No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes �^ No Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes _�_ No within a Wetland? Yes � No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes � No � s n ; r �tv c, ;c �r �q �. �y �� r��, .v� � I•�-� f P. c i� (Q a c. �L �- !� oc� G- T`. 7� �,P `{.., r�?.r cit;.va^ (%�) ( ,�g• > �� lG�; i�- 13 �,, � HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondarv Indicators (minimum of two reauired) Primarv lndicators (minimum of one is reauired: check all that a�alv) _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) _ Surface Water (A1) _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) _ High Water Table (A2) _ Marl Deposits (B15) (LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns (B10) _ Saturation (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Moss Trim Lines (B16} Water Marks (61) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) � Dry-Season Water Table (C2) �. Sediment Deposits (62) _ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Cra�sh Burrows (C8} � Drift Deposits (63) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust (64) _ Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Iron Deposits (B5) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Water-Stained Leaves (B9) _ Sphagnum moss (D8) (LRR T, U) Field Observations: 5urface Water Present? Yes No � Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes No ��. Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes �� No Depth (inches): � Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes � No includes ca illa frin e Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitorinq well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: C,1SGS -Cu�a �uGc� '� �ec�; c�Q ��no�v'� N I�JT. � Cok�'��( So�� uv��� Remarks: � ; � r ����'� !?�'�'�:5 CiU I'-': =' �. �. '��` ��A...� r r , i!�(,i� �� F•7 �' 'C' t,. '`,-;l Page 5 of 10 MlCHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atfantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region — Version 2.0 -- 28 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scientific names of plants. Absolute Dominant Indicator Tree Stratum {Plot siza: } % Cover Species? Status 1. �tAructe< �o.iTu'�L ca�S� 1.�1 � 2. �t [ P,d r"._ �iJ 4'W� � J � �. "-!1 � 3. �� �, �;r ��.� � l`, y c, r a -� ��135.� 4. 5. 6. S S = Total Cover 50% of total cover: o��� S 20% of total cover: �L Sa�lina Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. �ru+„� 1 �� � �S � �- r'� 2. e t �"�. a� e d�,v- a� In ��� PL 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 S = Total Cover 50°/a of total cover: � 20% of total cover: � Shrub Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. '�;5�,c i��,.+r✓� �Ine�., Sp �,� �� 2. �`i n r u S l'Cf �r' c f!) �-�� 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 5 = Total Cover 50% of total cover: �( � J 20% of total cover: 7 Herb Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. t r u o��. Z-Qr �`a v�n 'i r/'IY p V l l'.1.� Wv� �� �� n 2. V!� l J Y`(Jat.�. r-.4Jt.�@_.J� :G. � -#--= 3. fJr�,�i.; 1� r.s-.c� �t SS bC� �Et ��fl ��v� � Q. ,�' `��, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. �^il = Total Cover 50% of total cover: �_ 20% of total cover: � Woodv Vine Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. ��.,,i�GV r-�t��c�rY.>�,� � F�� � � / � 2. � 1, y a<. r z� � �..� �. cf': '�c, :,lf� D � . . 3. ECX.d`�<•:g.+4^ri£l��`AS �a'�ilLV1Q(1�.'k-a`�lii� � � 4. b� I-5883. Wetland: W� Sampling Point: r);,'� Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are 08L, FACW, or FAC: � (A} Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: �_ (B) Percent of Dominant Species � 'a % That Are OBI, FACW, or FAC: (A/B) Total °/a Cover of: Muftiolv bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) Prevaience Index = B/A = Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation _ 2 - Dominance Test is >50% _ 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' _ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. nitions of Five Tree - UVoody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in height. Herb -All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, {ess than approximately 3 ft(1 m) in height. Woody vine -All woody vines, regardless of height. 3 � Hydrophytic = Total Cover Vegetation 50% of total cover: � 20% of total cover: �� Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed, list morphological � E' °`': S �1I s . m.�I �'r;- neiow�. �,,�_� c( � o���.� �- +� ��l e.� e., s�� US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 -- 29 -- � TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 SOIL Profile Description: {Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirr Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Cofor (moist) % Tvae Loc �-- ;y < `" �< �!� bD � fD . c� 3f 1_ e'Ja (v _'�6;�` „ � v� l�.�= s,7 5/3 �o c�nP_ V►'1 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sa Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) _ Histosol (A1) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Black Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _ Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) _ 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U) _ Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) _ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T) _ Depleted Beiow Dark Surface (A11) _ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (MLRA 150A) _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR O, S) _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ Stripped Matrix (S6) � Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches): / �/, � .[J'� ; "� �" � � �".l! t� ��� Page 7 of 10 US Army Corps of Engineers I-5883 Wetland: W�_ Sampling Point: (. ) P�- absence of indicators.) Texture Remarks ��v�!f CXC.�i ��� �x���r � U..R�•�" � � � ` • t � I dl��' �E' � 'f- C, � :l�.�- `Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Indicators for Problematic Hydric S< _ Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (LRR S, T, U) _ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR O) _ Thin Dark Surface (S9) (LRR S, T, U) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR S) _ Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (LRR O) _ Reduced Vertic (F18) (outside MLRA 150A,B) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P, S, T) _ Depleted Matrix (F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 153B) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) _ Redox Depressions (F8) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ Marl (F10) (LRR U) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Depleted Ochric (F11) (MLRA 151) _ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR O, P, T) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Umbric Surface (F13) (LRR P, T, U) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Delta Ochric (F17) (MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. _ Reduced Vertic (F18) (MLRA 150A, 1506) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) Hydric Soil Present? Yes �� No `4--Oc� h�{ G\�f � � �jc�� � l MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region — Version 2.0 -- 30 -- TIP:I-5883 TIP: �-��s�s3 Wetland: W�_ WETLAND RATING WORKSHEET Fourth Version Project Name I-95 Exits 75 & 77 Nearest Road ��� -�r p w� �-�( �J County Harnett Wetland area ��acres Wetland width ���f feet Name of evaluator j� �w,e� ���°��� Date _(�— �— a O 1(� Wetland location _ on pond or lake � on perennial stream �, � on intermittent stream ; _ within interstream divide other: Soil series: _ predominantly organic - humus, muck, or peat _ predominantly mineral - non-sandy � predominantly sandy Hydraulic factors steep topography , � ditched or channelized � total wetland width > 100 feet Adjacent land use (wi 'n %z mile upstream, upslope, or radius) forested/natural vegetation �% agriculture, urban/suburban �% �impervious surface �% Dominant vegetation (1 ) _ _ �`..`1 t . '�°•.� � : _�. a� > i ;a9 ' - l21 �_up� �1�5 rfl',l:��` (3) ;_��,, <. �,�,c�il' �,c�P.+�uE� Flooding and wetness _ semipermanently to permanently flooded or inundated _ seasonally flooded or inundated �ntermittently flooded or temporary surface water _ no evidence of flooding or surface water Wetland type (select one)* Bottomland hardwood forest Pine savanna Headwater forest Freshwater marsh '��ptfore� CWAM =�����f i cat i on � _ Pocosin _ Carolina bay Bog forest _ Other: " The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels R Water storage �_ x 4.00 =� A Bank/Shoreline stabilization � x 4.00 =� wetland T Pollutant removal rating ( "* x 5.00 = � I Wildlife habitat � x 2.00 =� /� N Aquatic life value fj x 4.00 = 0 � G Recreation/Education Q x 1.00 = 0 ** Add 1 point if in sensitive watersbed and > I O% nonpoint source disturbance within `/ mile upstream, upslope, or radius Page 9 of 10 Attachment A -- 31 -- INTERNATIONAL TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WA Wetland Type Hardwood Flat Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratin9 MEDIUM Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA ConditionlOpportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Physical Structure Condition MEDIUM Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Condition MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating MEDIUM Attachment A -- 32 -- TIP: I-5883 I-5883 Wetland: W � t� WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProjecUSite: �-95 Exlts 75 & 77 c�tyico��ty: Harnett Sampling Date: (p Applicant/Owner: �i.,�0� State: 1� Sampling Point: - Investigator(s): �. 1�n�5��P�, � t'�, �3U4,. 0.� Section, Township, Range: n%/ � Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): �\�� �,� o n�. Local relief (concave, convex, none): _%(l o Vl Pi Slope (%): Lsv D Subregion (LRR or MLRA): �' 1�~ (�'" � Lat: _".; ,�� `'��^ �5 �'a� Long: � `���� �' �� ��E �� c� Datum: �"� Soil Map UnR Name: �t NWI classification: ��C�nq Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes �_ No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation , Soil , or Ffydrology significantly distu[bed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes �_ No Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? V�tr'� � i 5 HYDROLOGY Yes ` No Yes No �_ Yes N o i� sr,�cl� W�oc��Ci� av��., Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland7 Yes No� �D e�e e v, � �[.S t�u.v� d- �, �'i e i Q Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondarv Indicators (minimum of two reauired) Primarv Indicators (minimum of one is repuired: check all that apolv) _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Surtace Water (A1) _ Aquatic Fauna (613) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtace (68) High Water Table (A2) _ Marl Deposits (615) (LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns (B10) Saturation (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Moss Trim Lines (616) Water Marks (61) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposits (62) _ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Crayfish Burrows (C8) Drift Deposits (B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Algal Mat or Crust (64) _ Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) Iron Deposits (65) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3} Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Water-Stained Leaves (B9) _ Sphagnum moss (D8) (LRR T, U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No � Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes No Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes No � Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No _� includes ca illa frin e Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: c.ts � s-to�� v�, i��t� p�^�� ; �U wz ;�� s�� ( S s� ✓v� Remarks: `J O'P.S OT1b�- 11�(!P @'C ��� Q t► G�. • Page 5 of 10 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atlantic and Gu�f Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 -- 33 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum (Plot size: ) % Cover S ecies? Status 1. as ��aC.U.. � ��P � �, S �r.V !` t�s_ 2. �:.n.� t-�0.e G.� l s ��Ai, 3. � �.� �ea' ( �c S n � c � c._. o� � � � 4. 5. 6. �P � = Total Cover 50°/a of total cover: 3� 20% of total cover: � a Saolinq Stratum (Plot size: ) ,. ���- ��_w• a o � �A� 2. �� h,v� S"� t��e C� � � ��}L 3. 1��� 4. u i w C.e-� �C.�-er S'�4 Y� � u C.,. � � l� � rr� -t- 4. 5. 1-5883 . Wetland: W � � �A � Sampling Point: W� nance Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: �,_ (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: _� (B) Percent of Dominant Species q� r! o That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: U d` D(A/B) Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Cover of: Multinlv bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A = �J 5= Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 5Q% of total cover: a� �J 20% of total cover: � � Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: ) �- Dominance Test is >50% � � �"� �+� S� "�-"�^ ��'��`� � - � � �`� 3 - Prevalence Index is 53.0' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � = Total Cover 50% of total cover: � 20% of total cover: � Herb Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. ��,b� i t� ���d/ � � J_J_RL"�.. 2. 3. 4._ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 91. �� = Total Cover 50% of total cover: � 20% of total cover: � Wood Vine Stratum (Plot s�i�e�:� ) � � Y�� 1. tl,S L'�tYc i�..'�'t-�.� �_ 1-/'ll: 2. �1)� �4 S ���A��.' �t_t�� _�f` � .�Lu.� 3.__ 1/�ov��.t_�r�c� �o..Q���� � � �� 4. 5. � � = Total Cover 50% of total cover: �r � 20% of total cover: � _ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in height. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft(1 m) in height. Woody vine -All woody vines, regardless of height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Remarks. (If observed, list morphological adaptations below). ` 1 Y 1 `Q.�t"� ` ' `� l.i'r t. � �_� 1 � � `-" ul �i ��� B�(`!� �� t� '�` F' f,.' � �.Q �� i s� 1,� l {r �j age o US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 -- 34 -- TIP:I-5883 1 �95 Exits 75 & 77 ���� I-58�Wetland: W 6 � Sampling Point: (A� . l� Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moistl % Gofor (moisU °/a Tvae�c� Texture Remarks �i d-a „$ `' 3 f 0 � Oa 'rn'.6 5(�.v�b� � � � u , �, f b— �'' .5 `� IU� �Q�¢ 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. ZLocation: PL=Pore Linin , M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric S< _ Histosol (A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (LRR S, T, U) _ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR O) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Thin Dark Surface (S9) (LRR S, T, U) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR S) _ Black Histic (A3) _ Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (LRR O) _ Reduced Vertic (F18) (outside MLRA 150A,B) _ Hydrogen Sulfide {A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P, S, T) _ Stratified Layers {A5) _ Depleted Matrix (F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) _ Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 153B) _ 5 cm Mucky IVlinera! (A7) (LRR P, T, U) _ Dep{eted Dark Surface (F7) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) _ Muck Presence {A$) (LRR U) _ Redox Depressions (F8) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T) _ Marl (F10) (LRR U) _ Other (Explain in Remarks} _ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) _ Depleted Ochric (F11) (MLRA 151) _ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) _ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR O, P, T) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (MLRA 150A) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (LRR P, T, U) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR O, S) _ Delta Ochric (F17) (MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed llAatrix {S4) _ Reduced Vertic (F18) (MLRA 150A, 150B) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches): � O`�5 vib� 1�nQ �Q.i�- e,�1'��c%° e�� c,�.'� � Hydric Soil PresentT Yes I�,1Y'1 c} h,� Sui 1� No Page 7 of 10 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region — Version 2.0 -- 35 -- TIP: I-5883 �_���� Wetland: INf�= WETLAND �ETE�iMENATIfJN �ATA �F�RAA — Atlantic and Guif CnastaN �Plain Region PrajecUSile: I-��S EXItS 7�S St 7J City�Caunty: Harnett 5am�ling C7ate: �' "��� �� ApplicantlOwn�r: 1 �taCe; �� Sampling Poin�: � � �J11°- Inr�estigator[s}: +���'�S � � _ S�et3ofi, Township, Range: � ►� Landf�rm [h611slape, t�rrace, etc.): �g.f]J'�P_;SyS d[l 1n Local relief (concave, ca�vex, nvnaj: Sf7] u�$dh.t.} Slope {°�6j: � U%�a Subr ian LRR ar MLR.A �. � rL 7� 1 '� I " - i k-- .. !� e9� [ ): � - � L2t: ��. � � � Long: ?r�� �Tt �'� �� `:�` I7atum: ' 'F `I� Soil AAap Unii Narn�e: NWI classificatior�: Are c�imatio 1 hydralogic candirtions on the site typical for this time �f year? 4'es ___"y� N4 QE no, exptain in Remarks.} Are Wegetation _, Soil , or Hydrology significantly dislurbed7 Are "iW�rmad Cir�umstanr�s" pr�s�n4? Y�s � No Are Wegetation , Soil , or Hydroi�gy naturally problemstic7 {Cf nee�led, exptain any answers in Fiemarks.} SWMMARY t]� FIN�INGS — l�ttach site rJta� showing sat�qling p�int lac�tions, tr�n�ecis, important features, etc, Fiydrophytic Vegetativn IPresent? Hydric Soii Pr�sen#? WVetfand Hydre�lagy Present? �, �y'.bl�' y'r ji� FiYDRL��OGY Yes � No Yes M1lo Yes � No �'� r� � r �: �` �i � i1 u� Cs th� Sampl�d Area within a We4land? Yes No ��� VY�tland Hydral��y Ir�d(catar�: Secondaru Indica��rs fmanim�am of twa reauiredl Prima Intiica�ors �ninimum of one is re ui d• ch ck II h t a I _ Surfaae Soil CraC#ts (g6} Su�face Water (Ai) _ Aquatic Fauna {813j , Sparsely VegetaCed Cc�ncave Surface (B8) _ HigQ� Wster Table {A2J _ Marl peposits (816} (LRR U) _ Qrainage Paktems (B14) Saturation (A3} ` Hydrngen Sulfide Odar (�G1) VMoss Trrm Lines (B15) _ 1Nater Marbcs (E31'j _ C7xidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots {C3) � C}ry-Sea�on W�ter Tahle (C2) Sedoment !?eposits (B2j , Presenc:e rf fteduced Prorr (C4) _ Crayfish Burrows (C8) � Drift L?eposfts {B3) _ Recent Iron Re�uction in Tilled Soils qCfi� � Saturation Visible on Aerial Irr�agery {C9) Algal VNat or Crust {�4] _ Thirt Muck SurFace (Ci� _ Geomoepfn4c Pos'rtion {U2j _ Iran Depasits (Bs) _ t]ther (Expkain in Rema�lrsj _�halloWv Aquitard �a3) knundati4n Visible on Aerial �magery (B7} � FAC-Ne�tra6 Test (D5y „�„ Water-Stained Leaves, (69} _ Sp'hagnum �noss (DS] {L4�R T, U� F�e1d Q6servaRfons: Sur�ace Water PFesent7 Yes tVo Depth (inahes): Water 7�ble �'resent7 Yes hlo Depth (inches}: Saturation Present7 Yes � No depth (inch�sj: f f r-!`� �� Wetland Hydrofagy'�resentT Yes �, No inGudes ca illa f�in e C7escr+be Recarded �a�a (stream gauge, mvnitoring well, aerial photos, previous i�s�sect'rons�, if available: Recraarks: - � � % - ,, .:s . '. 1. - !���rF. i. ��'o�a+- %'j '_'3_Q�'� - �.i.f�:"` � �. �,�.,_ ; �.�r,. Page 5 of 14 M6CHAEL BA�R INTERNATIQNRL US Army Corps of Engineers Attachment A Atlantic and �lilf Coastal f'Pain Regioun — Version 2.0 -- 36 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 7� VEG�I�ATICiN �Frve S#rataJ — Use scventific names afi plants. Absolute Daminant 6ndicatar Tree Slratum {Piot size: � % pver S e i s7 St us 1. �,'r �f_�n;r���s_r�v�Y,n ��-f! _�' '^P!G � �L+�v[..�► 2.,��Pvuc hlr fC. r�V" � 3.��� � f �r�ru� o�'p" � (1 4. yT. ' I��• `�'. I��fr- � lJ �'�'L�.�..� 5. 6. � = Todal Cover 50°!0 of total cav�r: � 2a°fo of total cover: � Sa�ling Stratum (Ptot size: j t. �'�,�_�. - _� ,r. �'�rr� �I.�.. - �'ll� �'L 2. �c e-x c �ru wti � � � y� i �p.� 3. �C, k 4. � �Jv..ND Cr.. ��1. b s� c � L�,.k �, � �� i 4. 5, �. "�fl = TaSal Cover 5�°k af tatal cover. �_ 20°fo of tolal cov�r: �� Shrub 5tratum (Plat size: } 1. ��, G t�, �`�-t u�nr `� , n, 'E.�n 5 C S t� " f " f.-1� 1 2. ,f i�i ,p�� ,� �, ry'� i� f� �r r �� r r G Jt G� �f� �{.�lJ 3. 5__ t�r U+n '�'� �°i� Cl � 4, c� �,h P�'� (A i�1 F-�U ' F^- � r c 5. 6. � = Total Cover 50°Ia of total caver �� 20% af total aaver: �� IH�rb Stratc�m (Plat size: j 1. L.7 oa�! ��+y-�� � a 3+� c�a �� �`k �.. ,!� ��r,� �. �`(`t i �_ r a : �: �� �- �- � y +r 1 +ct P_.tx "r`f� r� � �-i x �..� 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9., 10. 11. � �� = tc�tal Caver 50% of total cover. �� 20°I� �f tatal caver: �F W o r {Plat siz�: ) � � �nf 1, '; r U�r r? �� Gx 4 i G Li.i� 2. ,,�m,q r_� i r��`-�}ut� d �,�, � 3. krJlnt�f.�C� � 4�0�44� �� E-5883 1Jlletla��nd: W !� Sampling Poink:�-� `' "`' - Qaminance Tesi worksheet: Nurnbsr of I�minant Species That Are QBL, FACW, or FAC: �� (Aj Total Numtrev of Ciaminant Sp�ci�� Across All Strata: � _ {Bj P�rcent od aaminanl Species That Are �BL, �ACW, o� fAC; �,� (A!'B} T ta! % ��sver of: �A�Itinlv bv� �BL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FAGU species x 4 = UPL sp�ecies x 5 = Co�umn Totals; (Ay (B) Prerralen�e I�dex = B!A = Rapid Test h�r Hydrophytic Veget�tican 2 - pc�minance iest is �50% � - Prevelence Index is 53.4' _ Prablennatic iiydrophytic Vegetatinn' [Explain) 'Irrdiastars of hydric so�! and wetland hydrology mus1 he present, unless disto�rGed or prablematic. De#i��tbons of Fiwe Vegetation 5trata: Tree - Woody plants, excludung woody vines, approximaiely 20 ft (6 my or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cmj or larger in duameter a# breast heught (bBFi). Sapling � Worrdy plants, excluding wovdy vines, approximafely 2U ft {fi mj vr cnore in heighE and less th�n 3 in. (7.5 cm) QBH. 5hrub - Woosiy plan�s, esaclu�ing woady vines, approxinnateEy 3 to 2Q it {1 to 6 rn) in height. Herb -All herbaaeous (�tr�n-woady) plants, includang herb�ceous vines, regardless o�f s4ze, � wondy planEs, except waody vines, less tFran appmoxirnatepy 3 ft('� m) in height. 1Nraody �ane - All wondy uines, reg�rdlass o4 �eight. Hydr�aphytic �� = Tcrtal Gover Vegetation 5Q°fu of tcatal cover: -� � �p"/o pf total cover� � ��esent7 Yes Na IRemark�s; �If obseroed, iist morph4lagical adaptati�+ns �, �,�L' � �,� �►�� +� � US Arr�y Corps 4f E�gineers Attachment A qtlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region � Version 2.0 -- 37 -- TIP:I-5883 r-95 Exits 7� & 77 $QIL Prefle Des�cripKton: �Descri�e to th� depth needed trr �r V-5$83 Wttland: W �_ Sarrrplin� Paink: �� +�f irtdicatt�vs.) Qepth IUQatrix Redo�c F atures (in�es) Color fmoist} � Color fmoist3_ _ °/a TVoe oc� Te�clt�re Remarks /� / ro - i , tl � IO�' ��� �,��� ���7 _ � CAk" �' � �,�`�'� 'Type: C=Corrcentralion, D=�epletion, RM=Reduced J1�lat�ix, MS=Masked Sand Crains. `Lc�caRion: PL=Pare Lbning, M=Mati FlydTic Soil Pndrea4ors: (Applica%le k+a all �LRRs, unless c�theawuse rrated.j rmd'r�tors fc�r Prablematic }�ydric _ Histosol �A1A _�alyvalue Below SurFace {SS} (LRR S, T, flj _ 1 cm N'duck (A9) {LRR (?) ,a Histic Epipedan �A2y _ Then Dark SurFace (S9) (L�tR S, T, Uj 2 cm Muck (AiD} (LaR S} i Bla�k H'rstic (A3� _ Ldamy Mucky Mineral �F1} (V.f�F€ +�} _ Red�ceQ'Jertic (F18} {outside hN1�f�A 150A,B) _ Mydrogen Su�de �A4J _ Lnamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmor�t Flovdptair� Soils (F19) iLRR R, S, Tj : S4ratified Lay�rs (A5) � Depleted Matrix {F3y � AnomaPaus Bright Laamy Scsils (F2Qy _ Organic �Badies (A6) (LRR P, T, Uy _ IRedox Dark Sucface (F6) (M'LItAw 1�53B� _ 5 rxrs Mucky �4lineea7 (A7) (LRR P, T, U) _ Dapleted Dark Surface (F7} _ Red Parent Material (7�2) � Muck Presence (Aaj (LRFt 4�} _ Redax [3epressdons {F8) _ Very SF�ellow Daric �urtace (TF12j � 1 cm Muck (A9j �LRR P, T} _ Marl {F10) �LFtR U) _ Other (Explain in Remerks} _ C7eplete� Belaw Dark Surface (A11 p _ Depleted �C3chrzc (F1 �} �IIALRA '15a} _ Thiek Dark Svrf�ee (,�12} _, Iran-M�nganese Nlasses (F12} (LRR U, R, Tj 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Caast Pra9rie Redox �A16} (MLF2A 150F1� _ Umbric Su�Face {F13} (LRR P, T, U� wetland hydr�o�ogy must be presenl, _�andy?ulucicy 149ineral (S1j (B.RR Q, S) _ Delta Ochri� (Fi7) (MLFiA 151} un�ess disturbed ar prabfemslic. _ Sandy �Cleyed PNafrix (S4} _ Redueett Vertic (FiS) (M�LRA 1�QA, 150B} _ Sandy Redox (S�] _ Piedmorrt FIQ�dplain Soils qF19y (MLRA 14�A) Stripped hJVatrix {S6) ! Anom�Eous Bright LQamy Soils (F20) (MLE2Il 149A, 153G, 153D) � S3ark Surfact: qS7] (LRR �, S, T, U) Restrictd�we Layer {If abserved}: Type: Depth (inches): R�marks: �+�� "�'� �e ���� �r,' �- Hydric SoiW Present7 Yas � Na Page 7 of 10 �IuaICMA�L �,4KER II�@TERNATIQMAL U5 Arony Corps of En�ineers Attachment A Atlantic ar�d Gulf Coastal Plain Reyiom — Versdon Z_Q -- 38 -- TIP:I-5883 WETLAND RATII�G W�3I�KSHEET F+�urth "�'ersion Project �ame I-95 Exits 75 & 7i Nearest R�rad TIP: �-�astss 11Vet�aClCi: IIV,�� County Harnett Wetland area D,�„ acres Wetlar�d width C� � feet Name vf evaluator f� e.�, �t �, ,,.,:� � �. Date '� ,� `� 1 ��i �e Wetland �ocation Adjacent i�nd us� 0�3 pond c�r �ake (within % mile upstream, upslope, c�r radius) � on pereru�ial stream � forest�d/natural t�ege#ation �%a +on intermi�tent strearn v' agrieulture, urbanlsuburba.n _o � gt� � wixhin �nters�ream divide � impeavious surfac� �°/a other: So�l �eries• _ predvrr�i�ant�y �rganic � hur�us, muck, or pe�� predQminan.tly rnanera� � non-sandy � pre�caminantly sandy I�ydraul�c i'actors steep tc�pography � diiched ar chaaanelized total wetland width � l Oil f�et Dornina�t veget�tian lll ,�,7 r10r�Cu� e..•r.f G. J ��� ��ien�eUc%ar��r �--��� FJ t��r� i�) ��rF r�t�j��vv� Flooding and wetn�ss s�mipermanently to perrr�anent�y flamded or in�tydated seasonally fle�oded or inundated �/ in�errni#ently floode� or tertnparary suriace water T ma evidence of flaQding ar s�arfa�e �aaXer FYetland kype (select oae�* �att4��and �ar�dwaod fvrest Pine s�vanna ! Headwater %rest �'reshwa�er marsh ��a fore� ��� � i ���� ��'� �� � � � _ P'ocosin _ C�rolina bay _ Bog fnrest 4ther: � The rating syst�t canr�at be ap�p9tied ta salt oP brackish marsttes s�r stream channeds R Water storage x 4.O�D =� � A BanlrJShoreline stabili�ati�rn� x 4.40 =� W�tland � r�ting T Fallutant removal '� x �.�p = � I Wildlif� habita.t x �,.pq � � � � N Ac�uati� lif� value � � 4.QQ �� -� � Recreatio�Educ�timn (� x 1.0� _ � `¢ A�d � paint if in sen�siti�e water�hed and > 1�% nongoint source di�tur�arece within '/� mile e�pstrears�, �pslmp�e, or radiws Rage9af16 � Ni `�ER N A�I O NA L Attachment A -- 39 -- TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WB Wetland Type Hardwood Flat Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratin9 MEDIUM Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA ConditionlOpportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition MEDIUM Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Condition MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating MEDIUM Attachment A -- 40 -- TIP: I-5883 I_��g� Wetland: Vlf� WETLAND DETERMINATIQN DATA FaRM — Atlantic and G�ul� �Cvasta� Plain R�gic�n Projectl5ite: I-95 �XItS 75 & 7'7 c�ryrcoWncy: _ Fiarnett Sarmpling �3ate: +.� � ab��P ApplicanUOwner: C��1 _ State: � Sempting Point: �— •� la�vestigator(s): . `� S � SecAion, Towr�ship, Range� _ L�ndform (hitlslope, terrace, etc,�; �� �► -'� � C L[�cal �elief Econcav�, canvex, none): l�Qlv1'L�1.}� Slope {9�}: _�� Sukrrer�ion (LRR or MLR�4), , �• � ��. � [ Lat: .� ~ 71' � �� ' .. �' , ✓ � 7 � Datum: FM'f S � ` � •. L�ng: t_, ,�� _ �—� Sail NRap Unit Name: � r 6�iWl class�eation: l�.G!�� C.�y��I Are climalic 1 hydrologic �onditions o�a the site typica,l forlhis #ime o� year? Yes _ Are Vegetation , Soil ,�r Hydrotogy significantly disturbed? Are Wegetation , Soil , or Hydrolagy naturally problematic7 No (If na, ex,plain in Rern�rks.y Are "Non�rral Cireumsta�ces" prese�t? Yes � �la {ff needed, explain any answeu�s in Remarks.) �IJMMARY QF FINI�aNGS — J�tt�ch sit� onap �F�aw�r�g sarripling paic�t locatians, tra�nsects� irnportarrt features, e�c. Hydrophytic V�geiaii�n Present7 Nydr+c Soil Present7 Wetland �ydrology �Pres�nt? Remarks: - HYD��`lLUGY Yes lWo Is th� 5ampled Area ��S �° � vwithin a Watland? Yes Na � Yes Na Wetfand Hydrology Indicalors: Seeondarv Indicat�rs iminima�m ef twQ reauiredl Primaro Indicaiors [minimu� of one is reaui�ed� eheCk �II t�la� e�onlvb _ 8urface Soil Cracks (Bf) Surfsc� Vll�ker {A1) � Aqua4ic Fauna (813} _ Spar�el� Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) � High WaterTable �A2� _ Marl I�eposits {675} (L.RR U) _ Drainage Pattems (810y Satura4ion (A3j _ HydRogen Sulfide 4dcsr (C1 j , M�oss Trim L�nes (B16) Water Marks (B1j _, C�xidi�ad Rhdzaspheres along Living iioots (C3} _ Dry-Seasoro WaterTable �C2) SedRment []epasits (�2) _ Presence of Reduved Iran {C4) _ Crayfish 6urrows (CB) ��7rift [5eposi4s (B3} _ Reeent Iron Reduction in Tflled SQils (C6} i Saiuratian Visebl� an Aerial Imagery (C9j Algal Mat or Crust (�9j _ Thin Muck Surface (C7a � Geamarphic Posiiion (D2j ` Eron [leposits (85p _ c]Iher (Explain in Remarks) _ ShalYow Aquit�rd {C73j ` Inumdat�on Vis�ble on Aerial Imagery (B7) = FAC-Neu�tral Test (b5} � Weter-Stained Leaves (B9) , Sphagnum mass (D8) {�.RR T, Uj �ield Ob�erua3fan�: SurFace Water F'resent? Yes Na� �pth (inahes): WWat�r �abie Pres�ni7 Yes N�a � [lepth (7nches�: _ 5aturation Preserot? 1fes _ Na� �epth �inches]: Wetland Hydrology P►esent? Yes �la� includea ca illa frin e Describe Recorded I[]�ta (stream gau�ge, monitor�ng we11, aecfap phokos, previous inspe�3ions}, if avellable= Remarks: ,� � �,� i � � �.� � ��� � a +�� �� �. � �age 5 of 1 D MICHAEL BA�CER I�1TERhfATiQ�'At U'S Army Corps af Engineers Attachment A qtlantic �nd �udf Coastal Plain fiegian — Versaon 2.0 -- 41 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 VEGE'tATIQN �Fi�e Strata] — LVse scie�►tifc names o� plants. Tree Stratum (Plat size: ) °/9 Cover S e ie ? Status 1. I�l �ti Y`f� � � � z. ' � ��.... �f s � 3. C'�i r V' u w1 �' .s � 'i� 4. G-rr C{ l u G� �� � _ � 5. 6. I-5$83 � 'We#land: W�� sam�a�a�9 �oint:9,� d_ �,� � nce fiest w+�rksheet: Numb�r of OgmBnant Spscies Tha! Are OBL, FAC'W, or FAC: �(Ay T�CSI Numb�r af Daminant � Sp�cies Acrass All S#rata: {Bj Perce�t of [?ominar�l S ecies '�" That Are f}BL, FACW, ar �AC: r� R C� (fUB) lDJ = Totai �over P►eval�nca Index wor�kshe$t: 54% of totel caver. A� 20% of tofal �over: Total °h Cover oi: Mulrf�lv bv: Saolina Stratum qPlat sixe: � flBL species x t= _ 'Y. �� �� � C- � �f�(� FACW spe�i�s x 2= �� 2 � �� � � �� � FAC species x 3 = 3. f l�tCt � FACU spe�cies x 4= 4 ` UP� speGles x 5= �. I Calumn Totaps: {A) {Bj S. Tolal Cower 50°,� of total cover: �� 20Qfo of tatal cover: � hrub tratu (PIoE size: _ ) � � � 1. ��r ia u WV1 y�I v1 � Q. Prevatence Index = BIA = Rapid Test f�r Hydrophytic Veg�t�tion 2 - []ominance'fest is >5�°�b 3- Prevatenee Index i� s3.4' 2• - _ F'roblematbc Hydrophytic Vegetat�on' {Expiain) 3. `�� 'Indieatnrs of hydruc soil and wetland hydralogy musl 5, be preser�t, und'ess disturbed or problematic. Fi, ��finitEons of Fine Vegetatf�� Str�ta: r�� = Total Caver �� _�oody plants, excludinc� woody vir�es, 5Q°/'o of total cover: �� 2D9�o Qf tntal cover: �� apprpximalely 24 R(6 m} or more in fieight and 3 in. Herb Siratum {plat size; __ ) (7.6 cm} or larger in dsa�neler at RareasR heiglht (D8F1). �� �� .� Sapling - Wondy plants, excludirag wvpdy vines, �. ,�r � � � / ,� ��� appraximately 26 ft {6 �) or more +n height and less 3. -�— tharr � in. (7.6 cm� L36H. 4. Shrub - Waody plants, exc�uding wrrody vir�es, � ap�raxima4ely 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in iteight. 6. Herb - AIN herbaceous {non-waorYyj pfa�ts, including 7 herbacec�us vines, regardless af size, �nd woody $ — plants, excsp� wofldy vines, less than approximately 3 ft�1 m} in he6ght. 9. 1' C1, 1i. f (' � = TotaN �aver 50°Io af total caver. !+� 20°/p af total �over: � a Vin (Plot s } � � L �� - 2. 4.+-K t � �i -- � �.- 3. r.� uc5 ►�, u� � t � 4. � 5. Waody ►rina - All woody vin�es, regardless of heighl. Hydrophytic � = ToPal Caver 'Vegelatian �(}% of tota� cc�ver'- � 24% oi t4taE cc�ver: � Praserrt7 Yes No ;emarks: {If observed, list morpholc�gical adaptati�ros beloW). � � � �� �'Yt�-'e.� � �.. US Army Cprps of Engineers Attachment A qllantic and Gulf Coast�l Plain Regivn - Versir�n 2.4 -- 42 -- TIP:I-5883 1-95 Exits 75 & 77 SO�� Proflle Descript�on: (beseribe ta the �depth needed ko document the indieat+or ar conflrm I-5883 llVetland•� Samplin� P�int: �_ _ Depth Matrix Redax Features (�nchesi Color fmoist) °fe Color [moistl °fa Tu�e Lac� Texture Remarks lri _ � U l FL � �'iL ���, .`3 Q� - � �C} (� `I' � %(p f'�� �1 ��t �e � [�s,.r�� '�ype: G=Concentradion, D=Deplelion, RM=R�duced Matrix, A�kS=fu7asked Sand Grains. `Location: PL�P��re Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Sofl �ndicators: (App'dicatale ta al9 LRRs, unlass otherwise nok�d,A Indicators far �robPernatic Hydri� Soils': _ Histosol �A1) _ Polyvalue 8elow Surfaee (58j �L�ft S, T, U) _ 1�m SNuck {A9) (LRR Qj _ Histic Epfpedon (A2} _ Thin Dark S�r�ace (S9g (�RR S, T, U) _ 2 ran Muek (A14} (LRR Sj _�lack Nistic {A3j _ Loa�my AAucky Minetal (�1 }(LRR Qj � R�duesd Ve�tic (F18) (oukside M�FtA 150A;B'j _ FEydr�gcn SuEfide (A4} � Lvamy Gleyed Matrix {F2) _ Predmarot Floodplain Sadls (F19) (LRR P, S, T� _ Stratifed Layers (A5) , Depleted Matrix �F3) _ Anomatous Brigh! Laamy Sails {F20} � prt�anic Bodies (A6) �LRR �P, A, Uj _ Rsdox Dark Surface (F8y (I�A�RA 9538} � 5 cm Mueky Nlineral {A7) (LRR P, T, U) �, D�pleted Dark Suriace {�7} , Red P�rent NFaterial (T�2} _ Muck Presence {A8] �LRt� U) _ Redox Depr�ssions (F�y ^ Very S�sallaw [?ark Surfac,� {TF12) _ 1 cm Muck {A9} (LRR P, T) _ Marl (F40) (L'�F2 U} : Ofher {Ex�lain in Remacicsj o��plet�d Below Dark Surtace (A31} � Depleted Qchric (F11) {AAL�RA 15i� _ Thick Dark Su�face {Al2y _ Iron-Manganese Masses (Fi2) (LRFt 4, �, 'fj 'Indicata�^s oi hydrophytic vegetation and � Coast Prairie Redax (A16) (ML�t,+4150AJ _ Umbric Su+face (F13) {LR'R �, T, U) wetland hyd�olagy rr�ust be pres�nt, , Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (I.RR O, S) � Qelta Ochric (F17} (ML�RA 157} ua�'less disQu�d or problerroat+c_ _ Sa�ody Gleyed Matrix (S4j _ Reciuced Vert6c (F18} (M�.RA i�6A, 15�8) ^ 5arrdy Redox {S5) _ PiedmoroS Fl�odpiairr Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) _�tripped M�trix {5fi) _ Anam�tovs Sright Laamy Soils {�20) ��1LRA 1491#, 153C,153aj �lark Surface {Si) {LRR �, �, T, �.I) Restricti�e Layer (if abserved): TYP�- C3epth {inc�tesj; _ Remarks: (�'f� �'S � a'�- � +P �' � P � � �-- �.d � � I Fiydric Soil �resent? Yes � �u+° y� �J►'���� No A �r r,}W��. Page 7 of 'f Q MNCHAE� BAI4ER INTERNATI'�NAL U5 Army Corps of �ng6neers Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Regicsn � Version 2.�3 -- 43 -- TIP: I-5883 � _,� g,��„ Wet'land: W �G IiNETLAND �ETERM�NATION DATA FQRIIA — Att�ntic and Gulf Ccrast�l Piain Rsg�or� Projeci/Site: I-�� EXItS %5 F�t �'� city�cou�,ry: Harn�tt Sampling Date: ��i ��f)� � ApplicanUQwner: tiJ� 54ate: � Samplin� Raint: U�" �—'� � fnvestigator{s): � �� � _' � f � r'� • � �'Section, Township, Range: �� _ Landform (hillslt�pe, tel�ace, etc.}: -�-�u ar� ��u �✓► Local relief {canc�ve, cor�uex, nane}: �'�+^� �" L+u�� Slope {°/a): � Subr�gion (LRR or �I�LRAJ; � l�� ��� Lat: �� � �.:� � 9 � j',� Long: • �� �,�•'� 1 �' � Da4um, r✓G� �' `�i �oii Map Idnit Name: ��[7 1�'J __ _ NWI classificatien: _ � 5� Are cUrnatic 1 hydroto�oc cond�i�ns an the site typical for this time of year? Yes � No (Ifi no, explairo in Remarics.} Are Vegetatiarr , S�i9 , or Hydrology signiicantly disturbed7 Are "Nor+nal Circumstances" present? Yes �_ tVa Are Vegetation , Soit , ar Hydrolagy natureUy problematic? (li needed, explain any ans�uvers in Remarks.) ��MMARY pF FINDINCS — AKach sifie map sF�awing sarriplin� p�ie�f It�c��+ons, tr�nsects, ienpartant %atures, etc. Hydrophytie V�getation Present? Hydo�ic SQiI Present? Wetland Hydro{ogy 'Present? Yes _ I� _ No Yes � No k'es � No Is the Sampled Area wethin a Wetland? Ya� � No Remarks: �]i �} �j ,�f c V � �tiPC+� � � {,J� +t � l Gv�� tX � �� (3 C t G�-C �P � �.�1.) a �1✓� �'.� J �Yl G � 1 ,��M E' �G Wl � N YI � '�i �,� ,�" c7 i'�l t} w� Vl p G�' t S� �-{/e � V` � CU'u� C� i/ �} c� S� P� v1 1:1c l�� !��- �"� r' '� '�7 u � @�c- �1 i � � ��j 1.�.� . ' �MYDIR[)LUGY Ylfetkand Hydralagy indiaakors: Secondan Indicators fminirr�um of twa reauired] Primat}( Indicators [m�numum of one is reauired: c�eck all tha! apply] ,� Sur#ace Soil Cracks (Bfi) Surface Water (A1j � Aquatic F�una (B13) _ Spar��ly Vegeta�ed Concave Surface {B8} High Water Table {A2) _ hAarl Deposits (�15) (LRR UJ _ Drainage P�ttems �B1U� � Saturation {A3� ,� Hydrogen Sulfide �dor (C9 ) _ Moss "frim Lines (B 18) Water Marks (B1) _ 4xidi2ed Rhizospheres along Living Roois �C3j ,_ D�y-Seasan W'aterTabtle {C2} Sedimer�t Deposbts (B2y _ P"resence af Reduced Eron �C4) _ Cra�sh 8urrows {C8y DriR I�eppsits (63) � Ree�nt Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (CBr 5aturation Visible om,4erial Imagery (C9) � Algal Mat or Crust (B4} � ihPn Muck Surface {C7) � Geomorphic Pr�sition (C�2) Irvn �eposirts (85) _ flther {Ex�alaic� in Ftsrrnarksj _ Sh�llow Aquitard (b3} � Irt�ndation Visible on Aerial Imagery {B7} _ FAC-fUeutral Test (D5} i Water-Stained Leaves (B9) _ Sphagnum moss (�B} (LRR T, U� F3eld �SbservaEfons: Surtace Waler Preses�t? Yes _ No J'L Qepth {inches}; _ Water Table Present? Yes Na 5� L?ept�h {inches): Saturatian Present7 Yes � No Depth {inch�s): f� 4� 'Wetland Hydralagy Present7 Yes r_ No inc9udes �a illa frin e Describ� Rece+rdes� C]ata �slr��m gauge, monitonng well, aerFal phatos, �re�6ous ins�ections}, � avail�ble: Remarks: - ,�f 1°� �}',� y ��lf �-; F t� c. Page 5 of 1(f � � a�`�"? M9CMA�L BAK�R 1�J7�RNAfiIONRL US Army Cnrps of Engineers 1�� 5 � � � Attachrl�i�'ent A AElantic and �ul� Coastal Plain Regio� — Vetsioa� 2.0 k � =- 44 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 E�cits 7� & 77 V�+G�TATI4�N (Eive Strata� - Us� scienTifrc na�es Qf phants. Absvlrste D�minant Indicator Tree Stralum (Plot size: ) ° Cpver ecie ? Status 1. �r /c r _, _ I!� ( u e ..�-� � � 2. - s.,.. r �. 3. ��. a L 4 `� G P r_� G. � M� �--#.[�� 4_ 5. 6. �� �� = Toia} �qver 5a°Ao of toial trover. `�r� 20°�"a of total cover: � Saelina StraEum (Pl�t size: ) 1. �- ` :w� a- S � � '�` �-_ � �'lI � 2. C.�,+r r ����1 3. � 4. 5. $. �.� = T4tat Cover 5U°� of total cawer: �,,� ZO°% of total cnver: _ J Shrub 5tratum [Plot size: j 1. �,,�,,�. uc �� s 1'} ��i fG.� ,� ��� � 2. 3. 4. 5. $. Het�i�5tr�i1� 1.� 2.�i3, c �. �4 5.� 6, i. 8. 9. 10. l� .a = Toia� Cover 54% af tataf� �cover: �_ �p�'o af total caver_ � �_ ,, � � �� � �'�� �� ������ 11. J[� _ �`atal Caves 5�% �f #okal ctrver ��. � 20°fo o# kotal couer. � IN Vmr�e tr (Plot size; ) 1. c..h �: r�! s�_�.. S f� D �� 2. � �� R 5 i[� i....r�, -�� iG. j' �7 3. �� C� « 51 f a. e.vV1 i�C 5 ,�w-- � t�r ea� �� . � 5. i�� � Total C�ver 54% of tatal cover: �� �0% of tatal cover: � Remarks: (If observed, list mvrphologieaf adaptations below}. � p �i ! i V}� � 4 L � �'i C�_ -�-+� P G i� (i Er G% �] / i i C � U �.�.�.'C� �' � . �'1 � '�'�e � �� �' � c'�- M-58�3 � 1Netland: IN � Sampling P�int: �v�'`''� Dami�nanca Test worksheet: Number of Darr��r�ant Species That �Are C1BL, FACW, or FAC: �� (A) Total Mumb�:� af Dom2nant I j 5peci�s Acr4ss AIp Strala: y I (�B) J�erc€:nt n# baminant Species p/ That kre OBL, FACW, or FAC: /U (,Af�) wrevaience ina�x woncaneet: Fvtal % Cover Qf: Multioly bv: OBL species x 1 = FACV4' species x � _ FA� spacies x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UP� species x 5 = Column Totals: {A) (B) Preualencs Index = B!A = Rapid Test fnr hlydtophytic Veget�ti�n � 2 - aaminance Test is �50°/A , 3- Prevalence Index is s3.0' , ProblemaEic Hydro,phyt�� V�g�tatron' {Explain) "IndicaQors of hydric soil and wetland hydrotogy must be pr�s�nt, unless disturbed or �problematic. ��finitions of Five Vegetaticrn Strata: Tree - Woody plar�ts, excluding woody �ines, approximately 2Q 6t {�6 m} ar mo�e in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm; or farger in diameter at �reast height (DBH}. 5aplfng - Wovdy plants, excludir�g wopdy vin�es, appraximately 26 ft(6 m) or mpre in beight and less th�n 3 irr. �7.6 cm} aBFI. Shruks - Woody pl�nts, excfuding woody �rines, appraxirs�ately 3 to 2d ft(1 to 6 m) in heigh4. i�er6 -AU herGaceaus �nan-waody) plants, including h�rbaeeaus vinas, regardtless of size, � woody p1'ants, except wo�dy wines, less �han approximaEely 3 R(1 m) in heVght. Wocady w�ne - All w�ody vines, n:gardless of height. Hydraphytic Vegetatiaru 'Pres�nt7 Yes No � j ` /,n L!�. (� �': 1� �s w� �. c� 5� � US Army Corps of �n��neers Attachment A qR�antic and C,�{f Coastal Plain Region - Versi�on 2.0 -- 45 -- TIP:I-5883 � i 95 �xF#s 75 & 77 SOIL I-588� W�tl�nd: W� Sampliryg �Point: �� !s V.�.J (Describe tv the �epth needec� to tlocument the indicatar or con�rm the absence of Indi�catars,} �; D�pth Ma�rix Redox Featur�s .?_ (inchesl Color dmo'sstl °Im Co9or (moistl °/� Tvpe�oc� Te�cture R,e�narks � vf � S �`� Y� r� . r.M t�' r, I I D G Y4^ � "�G i �LW �' . �7 � ��` � `� I� � .� � i1 �`'^� ., r5: r r f�k' Ce i , —f�t '7ype: C=Concentratian, [?=Depletitsn, R�1+1=Retiucetd INatrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. �Locatian: !'L=Pore Lining, NI=Matr�c. iHydrie St►il tndi�atnrs: {�pplicabYe to a1G LRRs, unless atherwkse nat�d.j Indicators for Rr�bE�enatic Fiydrfc 5+ _ Histdsoi {A1} �, Aolyvalu� Below 5urface (S8) (LRR S, T, l7� _ 1 cm Muck (A9j (LRR Q) _ Histic Epipedon {A2} _ ihin Daric Surface (S9} (LRi� S, Y, Uy � 2 cm Muck (A1�!) (LRFt Sj _ Blaek Histic (A3} i l.oamy M�cky Minera! (F1 j(LRR Oy _ Reduced W�rtic (F18} (autslde MLRA i�6A,�) _ tiycCrogen Sulfide �A4) _ Loamy GVeyed Matrix {F2j _ Piedmant Floodplain SQils (F1�} (L�R P, S, T) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _ Clepl�ted Ma�rix {F3) , Ano�nalous �right Loamy Sails (F20) _ CDrganic 6odies {A6} {�RR P, �, U) � Redcrx �ark S�urFace (F6} {fNLRA 153�j _ 5� hAucky Mineral {A7} (LRR P, T, U) �[)epl�t�d f�ark Surf�ce {f7) � R�rJ Paren4 �alerial (TF2) _ Mucic I'resence (AS) �LRR Uj _ Redox f�ep�essbtrns (F8� _ Ueryr Sha9low dark Surface (T�12) � 1 cm hAuck (A9} (LRR R, Z') _, Mari (F1ilj ��RR Uj _ fJther (Exp9ain in Remarksj _ Ciepl�ted Below D�rk Surf�ce (A11} � Depleted Qahric {Fi �} (MLRII 15�) _ Thick Dark Surf�ce (Al2) _ Iron-Manganes� Masses (F12} (LR�2 l7, P, Ty 'Irldicatars of hyd�ophytac veget�tiorr �nd � Coast Prairie �tedox (A9�5j (MLRA 150A� _ Umbric Sa�a'fach: �F13) (I�IiR P, T, Uj wetland hydralagy mus! �6e present, _ Sandy Mucky Mineraf �S1j (LRR O, aj � Delta Qehric �F17} (MLRA 151) unless disturbed or probleroatac. _ Sandy Gfeyed Mat��x {S4} _ Reduced Vertic ��18j {MLRA 150A, 1568) _ Sandy Red�x (S5) _ F�i�dmon4 FI49dQl�in �olls �F19) (MLRA 149Aj _ 5tripped Matrix (S6} � Anamafous BrighR Loamy Soils 4F2Q) {ML�tA 145A, '153C, 153Q} ��CYark Surface (S7) �LRR F', 5, T, Uj Restrictive Lay�r �ii obs+aR►red3: Tgpe: p�pth (inches}: Remarks: _I ,�,n .����y �.N aT G��'" T"' Page 7 of 16 US Army Corps of Engineers Hydric Soil �rssent7 Yes _�____ Na MIC#iAEL �A'IGER INTERNATIONAL Attachment A A[Isnti�c and G�If Coastal Rlain I�egion — Version 2.Q -- 46 -- TIP:I-5883 WETL�AN�D RAT�NG WURKSHEET Fourtl� Versi�n TIP: �-��s�s� Wetland: W�` �roject Nat�ae �-�� �xits i5 Sc 77 Nearest Road �;rou y, �: p_�,,r{� Gounty Marnett _ Wetland area �acres 1�etland width � c7 feet � Nar�e vf evaluator �� ��,. r�• �, c.�: F�. Date Wetland locatio� Qn pc�nd �r l �ke � an perenniaT stream � on interrr�itten� stream _ within interstrea�n divide other: S�il ser�es• _ pred�minan�ly �rga.nic - humus, muck, oa peat _ predc�rnimantly mineral - nan-sandy � �}T�t�4ITllri�17t1�' S�riC�� Hydraud�c factot�s _ steep tapagraphy ditehed ar charua�lizec� total wetlat�d width � 1(1(7 feet Adjacent land use (with�� Jz rnil�e upstream, upsIope, or radius) � forestedlnaturaI' vegetatio� �7 C7 °fo �? agricul�re, urbanls�aburh�n � tr % � impervious surfac�e �Q% Dominant veg�t�t�on (1) ��L�,��'��,,�t,_�� � ��. �`!��� !2 .(� � l) f i✓� �l G-- � o eG; ., (�) �F� ( �tu- y���V,?� � �� �"l�ading and wctness _ semipermanen�ly to perman�nrly fP�oded err inundated seasonal�y tlovded �r inundated �inter�n�ttently f�aaded or tempt�raiy surface water n� evidence af f�e��ding �r surface water W�tla�nd ty�e (select ane}* Bo�t�ml�nd hardwoad forest Pine savanna Headwater forest Freshwater marsh ��tfare� ��� � _ -�����f���tl��t ! Poc�sin � Carol�na bay � Bng fcrrest _ �t�er: � The rating system cannoi be applied to sslt or brackish marsl�es ac s#r�am charrnels = R 'VL�ater stor�g,e � x 4. Up =� �.� Banl�'Shareline stal�ili�tion � x 4.ap =� Wetia�d ratin� T �oltutant remn�al _ 1�"x S.Q�6 = � I Wildlife habitat � x 2.�14 =__''_��_ ` N Aqu�tic life vaI'ue � � � x 4.00� = G Recr�eatic�nlEducartipn fi7 x 1.U� = 0 =""` Add 1 point if in aensitive watershed and � i 0% rtar�paint svurce dis�ance wi�hin '/z mile ups�eaan, upslope, nr r�dius Rage9of14 INTEi�NAT14NA1. Attachment A -- 47 -- TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WC Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Wetland Type Bottomland Hardwood Forest Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratinc HIGH Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Particulate Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Soluble Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Physical Change Condition HIGH ConditionlOpportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Condition HIGH Overall Wetland Rating HIGH Attachment A -- 48 -- TIP: I-5883 I-5$$3 We�fa�nd: �1! G 1N�iLAND �ET�RMINA�'l�t� DATA F(�RM — Atlantic and Gu[� Cva.stal P4ain R�gion FrojecflSite: �=95 �xlts 75 ia �7 Cityl��wnty. Hd�r��tt Sampling C�ate: G' '��V' pPP�icanU�wner: �� Slate: � Sam,pling Paint: investigator(s}: rP � 5ection, Tawnship, Range: C� Lar�dform (hillslape, terr�ce, etc.j: _ .��l 51_ u,�'e-_ Local relief (cflr�cav�, c�onvex, nane}: iftic]v"�P Sioipe q°�6j: "''Jr Subregion {LRR c�r MLRAj: �' � ��� � Lat: � a � � "r � � � Long: "` � � �� � � � ` j � [7atum: `"�'G• � -"�� `( SoiV Map UnR Name: �t� F+ �1'Wi class�catiort: ��' �A �✓� , Ars cllmatic / hydrologic cond�tions �n the site typicsl for this time af year? Yes �Vv {If na, explain in Remar�cs:� Are Vegetation , Soil , or HydPalogy significantRy dislurbed7 Are "Marmal Circurnstances" gre�ent? Yes � hlo Are'Vege4ation , Soil , or Hydralogy naturally proh2ematie? (It ne�ed, explain any answeurs in I�emarks.� SUMAAA�t'Y �F FiNDIN�CS — Attach site map shflwing sampling pc�irt� No�ca#ions, transecfi�, irtapa�rtant features, et�. Hydrophytic Vegetatiorr �resent? Hydric Soil Present? WetBand Hydrology Present? Remarks: HYUF�()L+DGY Yes No Is the aarr�pled Ar�a Yes Na� within�W�tland? Yes No� Yes No � Wetlarad Hydrology Indicators: Secanda,r�r Indicalar� fminim�m of fwo re�ubredl Primarv Indicators {minimum af one is reauired: check all tha� a�otvl , Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Su�face Water (A1} _ Rqua#ic Faurma {B1'3} ,T Sparsely Vegetafed Concaue Svrface (88) _ High Water Table (A2) ,_, Marl Deposi#s {B15} {LRR U) _ Drair�age Patterns (�34j 5aturation {A3) _ Hydroger� Sulfide C�dar (C1) _ Moss ir�m Lines (B16) Water NRaHcs (�1 } _ C?xidized Rhiaospheres al4ng Living Roots {C3} _ Dry-Seas4n INatsr Table �C2} Ssdfinent [7epasits {62) _ Pre�ence oF Reduced Vron (C4} r Crayfash Burrows (C8} i Qrift C3eposits {B3) _ Recent lron Fiedu�tion in Tilled Snils (Gfrj _ Saiuration Visib� on A,erial lenagery EC9) Algal Ma! or Crust {B4) _ Thin Mtick SueFace (C7} � Geomorphic Pc�sitian {D2} Iron R�pvsits E�5) _£?ther (Expfain in Rer�arks) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3j Inundafian V6siale an Aerfal Nmagery �B7) _'FAC-Neutral Test (D§} UUater-Stained Leaves �B9} � Sphagnurn mvss (D8j {LRR T, U� Field (31�servatians; �/ 5urfsc� Water Pnesenl? Yes No l� ae�th (inches): Water Tabte �'resent� Yes IVo � D�eplF� (fnches): Saturation Present r Yes No �, I�epth (inches): WetlancD Hydrology PresenR? Yes Mo � includes ca i91a frin e Ctesaibe Recofded f7ata {steeam gauge, manitorin� watl, aerial photos, prev+ous inspee�.ions), if availabJe: �emarks: f A 1� �'ti(� 1�{,n�� l�� �+'��� � 1���, � �� ( Page 5 of 1p MICHA€L 6�4KEFt INTERNATIi7MAL US Army Corps of Eng�ineers Attachment A A}lantic and Gulf Goastal Plair� Regian — Version 2.t1 -- 49 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Ex�ts 75 & 7� V�G��`ATI�N (Five Strata� — Use sc�entiiic nar�es ofi plar�ts. flbso4�ete Dominant Indicatar TrQ� traR m{Plok size: ) % Cover S�ecies7 Status_ ' /+ �'/4� �-4T �. � �c�'u� ^�. !' `F L[te� —�- � 3. �c ��S 4. �,� � 6. 6. �� — Tat�M Caver 54°fo of 4otal ctauer: �^J 20°fo af total cuuer_ ,�f (.� c Saoling Siratum (Plot size: ) 1. r � lx V'\ � r� _[..� � � �' 'S.� z. LT c� Y d1e.-, �'� .—�= � 3. 4. �. B. �„� = Ti3�8� �'i0V8f 50% �f tdtal cover: ��� 20°/d of total c�ver. f 'i.�hr tr (Plot size: j �� ✓ 4 Wl J�1 I'i �1S'� (` � •1_ � ��� 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ��"1 = Total Cover � 50°fo of tatal cover: �� 20°/0 of to#al cover: erb r s� (Plut stze: ) 1 1- l.i u'v1 lr � � 2. I � t'�— ,�,i�. — �-�-�� 3. 4._ 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 Q. 11. � = Tota1 Cover 56�"o af tota0 c4vsr: ��� 24% of totaJ cover; �� Woodv Vine Straium {Plot size: y �� 1. i% � � 'lC � f � --� �,-�_ � 2. -� ,�� 3. '��� s'� e�r �' � ,S '� ►n �t.�.a s'� � / C 3 � �U ,(� 4. I-58�3 W�tland: W (�_ Samp�ing Point: � � � dominancff Test w[srksheet: Mumber of []aminant Species C� That Are OBL, FAGW, ar FAC: « (A7 Tc�tal Number oi [lominent Species Acr�ss All Strata (By Percent af pnminan! Species � � {PJ8) T�at Are aBL, FA�W, or FAC' PrevaFence �n�ex woncsneet: Total % Cover of: Nlulti�lv bv_ d8L species x 1 � FACW spec�es x Z = FAC species x 3 = FACU specaes x d = UPL spec�es x 5 = �olumn Tatals: (A) (Bj Rrevalenee lndex = BIA = �iydrophytic Vagetatic�n indicators� � jFRapid T�st for Mydraphytic Vegetation �� 2 - [3ominan� Test is �5+b°�6 _ 3- Prevalen�ee Index is 53.D' _, Probl�matic Hydrophytic Vegeiation� �Exppain) 'lndwcators af hydric soi� and wetl�nd hydrology must be �present, unless efistvrbed' or problematic. nEtians of Five Vege;ativn S#ra'ta: Trea — Waady plants, �xcluding waody vines, approximately 20 ft(� mj or ►rv�re in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm} or larg�r in diam�ter ak breast �height (bBR�j. Saplin�y — Waody plants, excluding woady yines, appraxWmateiy 20 ft(6 rsn) or mare un height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) IdBH. Shrub � Waody plants, excEuding woody v+nes, approximately 3 fa 20 ft(1 ko 6 mj in hei�ht. Herb —AI� h��iao�a�rs (non-waody} p9aruts, including herbaceous vines, regard4ess af size, and woody plants, excep� woody vin�s, Jess than �pp�oxfmale�y 3 ft {t rt�j in height. Woady ►riree — All woody vines, regardl�ss af heig�t, �' HydropFrykic � = Tatal Cover � Vegetation 5D°% of to4al cover �� 24°% oi Qatal cover �'F�sent? Yes � No 'Remarks: {If observed, list morphological adaptafions b�iow). �j �� `�-�,� �.G� �'�'2+� i� � a�e o �175 Army �Corps of �ngineers Attachment A ptlanRic and GulF+�oasta4 Plain Regian — Version 2.0 -- 50 -- TIP: I-5883 �_��$� � V-95 Exits 75 �C 77 INetland•. � SQI� S�mplirtg Pcrrrsk: Er Profil� Qescriptian: (bescribe ta the dephh needed to docWment the indicator o► conflrm the absence of indicators.j Depth� Matrix Redox Features {inches) Color �moist� 96 Color {moFst} °ro TYA--e�� Texture Rerrear4cs U - �"� .�'� U `�!� � � I�IC� tM ��--V'► � , 5 - �d' � U'` I� � � � Cr,+i� r _ `a' '� ) %[n !%(J - r� 'T e: C=Ganr.entration, �l�C� �etion, RM=Re�uced Matrix, MS�Masked Sand Grains. FVyd�ic Soll It�dica�nrs: (Apppicable ta all LfeRs, u�less ptherwise noted.) _ His6osol (A1 } � Pcalyvalue 6elaw S�rface {SS) �LRR S, T, Uj _ W' tic Epipedo�s {A2J _ Th�n [3ark 5urface [S9) {LRR $� �, UI _ Bla�k � , _ Laarrnv Mucky Mineral (F1j (LRR t]) _ Hyd�ogen Sulftde �A4} _ leyed Matr6�c (F2) _ _ Strat�ied Lay�r� (A5� _ t�rganic Badies {A6? (�-R� P, T, U} _ 5 cm Mucky Minerad (A7) (�IRR P, T, Uj Muck Pr�sence (A,�J SLRR kJj _ DepEeted Makrix _ Redox Daric Surfece (F _ Depleted Dar ace {Fi) Red �ressions (F$) zLacatinn: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Inclicatars far �ro4rMemat�c �ydr�c Soils3: _ 1 cm Mrrck {AJy (LRR I�—� _ 2 cm AAu (LRR S� uced Vertic (F18) {outslde MLRA 150A,Bj , Pi�dmont Floadplain 9ofls (F19) {LRR �F„ S, T) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy SofCs (F20) {MLRA 1538j Red Paren� Material (TF2) _ _ �o'e 5hallaw ��rk Su�fa�e (TF12} _ 1 em Muck (A9y (LRR P, T) arl (�14) (LRR U� _ Other (Ex _'' Rema�rks} _ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11 _ p�pleted �chric (F�t1} (ML�2A 157) _ Thdck Dark Surface (Al2} _ Irqn-Mar¢ganese Masses (F12) (LRR C}, P, TJ 'Ind�catars af hyd�ophytflc vege ' aund ` Coask Prairie R�dax ( (hALRA 45DA) _ Wmbrac Surface ��13) {LMtR �P, T, U) wet�and hydrol�gy must be present, _ Sandy Me�cky Mi al �S�) (LRR O, S) _[3elta C}chric �F17J {MLFtA 751j unl�ss dislurbed ot problemakic. _ Sandy GPe atra�t (S4j _ Redu�ed Venic {F18j (MLRA 150A, 158F3� _ Sand edox {S5j _ Pied+�ont Ffoodplain Soils (F19} (MLRA 149A) pped h►latrix (SFr) _ Anomalous 6right Loamy Soi1s (F2a) (MLFtA �a9A, '�53C, t53D� Dark SvrFace (S7} (LRR P, S, T, U) Restricti�ve Layer (if obs�rvedj: Type: Clepth (i�chesj: Hydr�e Soil Present? Yes Na � �r,�,`1 '�'i' �' ! R` �' v I � � LA �P `�,c7 �� ����`� �} � ��1.'IG� Page 7 of 1 a MICHA�L BAKEF� IM1fTERi�WT1�3hIAL l�S ArPny Corps of Engi�eers Attachment A Atlaniic and Gulf CQastal Plain Regian — Version 2.0 -- 51 -- i-��s� TIP: I-5883 W @tl��iC�: 1N_� WETV�AND D�TERMtNATIC�N DATA F�RM -� AtlanNc ar�d Gutf C�asial Plain Regi�,n Pro�ecVSite: _�-'�� �XltS 75 �e 77 Ciryreounty: Harnet# Sampling Date: �-�' � ApplicantlC]wner. ,� iJ �� � State: � Sam,pling Point: �"T Inuestiga3or(s): � ��'C J Seckion, Tawnship, Range� �d11'�% �Iv Landform (hil9slape, terrace, etc.): Lo�al relief cancave, convex, none}: Slope {%p: '� � Subregion (LRft or �1ALRA}: Lat: �, � �- �.ang: � �'�� +�.`J �'�"� [�atum: Soil AAap Unif Name: NWI classific�tior�: j--��f,c�IZ�"G+��YLp ��" Are ctimatic ! hydrolo ' c�rnditirar�s on the site typical far thfs tim� a! year? Yes hJa (If rro, explain in Rema�cs.} Ase Vegetation _ , Sai! �, qr Hydroltsgy � signifiear�tly distur6ed7 Are "h�lgrmal �ircumstances" pc�sent? Yes � No Are Vegeta#iom , Soil , or Hydrology S�MMARY ()� FINi��I�ICS -- A#tach site naturally problematic? Hydro}�hykic Vegefation Present? Yes � N Hydric 5oil Fresent? Yes o We#land Hydrology �resent7 Yes I�o {If needed, explain any ar��wer� in Remarks.) ��m�rlir�g �int Ior,afio�s, transects, irrn�Qr#ar�t features, �ic. 4's the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Y�s Np Ren�arks: ��v1�-t�/'���u��u�"►d.�� j�c.� .�_,�r��-Z �'�''�' '�s�l� ���.i,'e -�"� .�., l.� . � d �n �� � ��rv�. ' "�1 �. � 'r�l �'�C� , � (�.��r�s kfYD��Lfi�GY � � �-" Wettand Hydrmlogy Indicators: Sec4ndarv Intlacatars {►nir�imum of two reauiredl Pri a lndicators minimunn of one is re uired• C('teck all thak a i urface Soil Cracks (BB} Sur(acf: Water (F11) � Aquatic Fauna {B13} Sparseiy Vegefated Concave Surtace (88) High UlFater Tabie (A2) _ Marl aepasits (B't5} {�.RR U} � Drainage Patterns (B10j Saturat�on (A3j _ Hydrogen Sulfide C�dor �Ci) _ Mass iritn L'mes (B16} + Wa#er Mar�cs (B1j _ Dxidized �hixospheres alang Living Rav4s (C3) _ Dry-Season Water �T�ble (C�) 3ediment Deposits (62) _ Presencr: �of Reduced Iran (C4} _ Creyfsh Burrows {C8) Drift Clep€�sits (�3'} � Recent I�on Reduction in Tilfed SoiEs {C6) _ Satura{hon Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9j � Algal Mat or Cr�st (B4} _ Thin N'Guck SurlEac� {C7j : Geomarphic Pasikfon (D2} Iron aepasits (65} _ C3ther �Exp�ain in Remaeksj _ Shallaw Aqu�tard �D3) Onundatio� Vbsibie on Aerial Imagery (B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test {D5) � WVater-SRained 'Leaves (Q9) _ Sph�gr�um moss (DS} (LRR T, U) Field �?bservatians; Surface WaSer P�Esent? Yes � t3o Depth (inchesj: , .� W�aterTabla Presen1? Yes PVo depth (inchesj: SatUration Pre�nt7 Yas Na aepth {inchesj: +Wet�and Hydrolo�y Prsseni"i Yes No incl�des ca iqla irir� e Describe F�ecord'ed Clat� (atrea�m gauge, mr�nitc�ri�rg well, aerial pri�is�s, previous inspectians�, if avadlabl�ec' Remarks: � P�ge 5 of 10 US ,�,rmy Corps of Engineers IWIIGHi4E� BAKER fNTERNATIC]NRL Attachment A �+tlant�c ��d Gulf Caastal Plain Regian — Versiorr 2,0 -- 52 -- 1-95 �xits� 7� �8��/ VEG�TATIGN �FiWe Strata) — Use s�ierttific r��mes of pCarr't5. Ab�o1�e Damin�nt lndu"cator �ree Stratum �f'lot �ize: j % Cnver Species? St�tus �. ry1� Q�-��lf3r�,�-- rr�r i�i ��. ��- eI� �� 2. 1�i�'^�, f�.�lrl�4 t � � � 3. 4_ 5. 6. � = Total Cover 5fl°k af total caver: ��.J 2D9'o of total cover. � SaoMina Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. �'"1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. = Tatal �caver �L?°% of total cover: 2Q% af h4tal caver: Shrub Stratum (�Piat size: ) 1. � C.�'�t�rrt �� rl � C� ��C� 2. �J(.aC'�.1� lfvt �k��.�..3 � �� �� 3. 50% of total cover. � = Tatal Couer _ 20% �of totaV ct�uer: �` Herb 5tra�um (Plat size: } 2� ��� 3. ^ Y I^} �� - _ '�n � a. ��.�`�.� . _ 1��� s c'�L- � _ - '�C� li 5. "� = Tatal Cover 5D% at total caver: �� 20°!o af tofal cover: � Wa Vine r {Plot siz�: ) 1:�t�.Vi"v�..� 1.] l+hLt_3 <� � � 2. �l� f S+:�44' Y�,.,t 1 �� � 3, V'9r�If�� �r. Illy9lflti�l4l�y'i11 `�� �� l� �'�� +��✓ a. �. � = Total �Caver 5D% of tota9 �orrer. �� 2�3°/o af total cover: � f�eanarks: (tf obs�rved, lisk mvrphalogical adaptatiorns belaw}. l�c+�� �s � ��'u r� �C� � 6-5883 �.. Vb+etland: W p�'' Sampling Poir�t:� Number of Dominanl Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (A) To4al Numkrer of Damirrant ti t-, {$� 5pecies Across All Strata: � Percent of Dam+raant Spe�ies That Are OBL, FACVyJ, ar FAC: �� {AIBy Pre+ualence Index wnrksheek: To#al %o Cover af• Multinlv bv: f]BL species x 1 = FACIN species x 2 = FAC sp�cies x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL 5pec9es x 5 = Column Tota�s: {A) (B} Prevalence Index = BJA, _ 1- Ra�id T�est fo� Hydraphytic Vegetation ✓ 2 - Dominanee Test is >�0% 3- Prevalenee Index is 53.0' _ Problematic Hydrophytic Veg,etation' (Explaan) 'Ind��ators of hydNc soil and wetland hydFoiogy musl tre present, unlass disturbed or presblematic. n9 D� �IV@ �'ree — V'u'oody plants, excluding woody wiRes, appro�matedy 2D ft{� m) �r more ie� fieight and 3 In. (7.fi cmp �r larger in diameter at breast Freight (QBH). Sapling — INoody plants, �xcluding woody vines, appr�ximately 20 ft{� m} or morc in height and less tMarr 3 in. {7.6 cm) DBH. Sf�ru� — Woady plants, excluding woody vines, app►oximately 3 to 2D ft(1 ko fi m) fn height. FEerb—AI1 her#�aceaus (na�-woodyj plants, inGuding herbaceaus vines, regardless of size, and wloody �Slants, except waody uines, Bess than app�oximafety 3 fi (1 m) in height. VYaody �ine — l�t! uvaody vines, regardless af h�ighl. ��a�dpr���� Vegatation �resent7 h'es h1n lJS Army Carps of Engineers Ailarstic and Gulf �aaslal Plain Region — Version 2.t} Attachment A -- 53 -- � 1=�5 �xit�������'� S�`JIL Prafale �e�criptEon: {IRescrabe t� the depth needed Lo dc�cument the indicatar or cenf�rr Depth Matrix Redox Feaiures {inche�3 Calor fmois i� Col9r iRloistl % �'voe�� �� �� 3 1 �a .�- z a. �t Texture �k� � I-5$8'.�,.�, Wetband:'VI,�'�� 5ampling Point; R�marks '7ype: �=Cc�ncentrakion, D=Le�letion, RM=�educed N6atrix, MS=9ulasked Sand Grains. �Lacatian: PL�P�re Linarrq, M=Matrix. Hydric 5oEl Ht�dicatr�rs: (Rppli�able to all LRRs, unlQss otherwise noted.) Indicators f€rr �ro6lematic Hydr9c Soils': _ HistosaY {A1 j _ Polyva[�ae 8elow Surfac� (S8) (LRR &, T, U� _ i�m Muck (A9} {LRI� O) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Thi� Qar1�c SurFaCe (S9) (LRR 5, T, Uj ,_ 2 cm ARuck (Aifl} (LRR S) .� Black kiistic (A3) _ Loamy Mucky Mineral {F1) (LRR �j _ Reducced V�rtic (F�8) {outsid� N'ILRA 95UA,�j , Hydragen 5ulfide (A�4j Laamy Gleyed Matrrx (F2j _ Piedm�r�t Floa�plain 5aiis (Fi9) {LRE2 P, S, T) _ Stratified Lays�s (A�} � Depleked Matrix {F3) _ Anomal�us Brighf Loamy Sflifs {F2Q) _ Organic Badies (A6) (LRR P, T, Uj _ Redox't3ark S�rtac� (F6) (MLFtA 9538) _ 5 cm �ucky IM�neral [A7) (I�RR P, T, U) _ Depaeted Qark S�rfaee (F7j _ Red Parent Materaai (TF2} _ Muck �resence {AS} jLRR U) � Redox �ep�essians (F8) � Very Shallow Dark Sttffaca� (TF12) _ 1 cm Muck (A9} (L�R P, Tj _ ki�arl (�1{�) (LRFt U) _ i�ther {E7cpiain in RemarQcs) _ L3apfeted Below Q�rk Sur#ace (A31) _ DepVeted CJchric (F11) {MLRA 151j _ Thick Dark SurEace {A'S2} _ Iran-Allar�ganese Masses (F12j (LRR 0, �,1") 3lndica�ors ofi hydrophyt6c vegetativ� anci _�oasl Prairi� Redox {A16) [�►+ILRA 950Aj _ Umbric Su�Face (F13} (LRR P, �, 11J wetland hydrology must be p�sent, _ Sandy MuGky M�neral (S1) (LRR O, S} _ D�Ita C�chria {F17) (ML62A 151j u�less disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy iileyed Matri�c (S4} _ Red'uced Vertic (F18} (MLRA 150A, 1'5UB} _ Sac�cly Radox (�5) � Piedmcs�tl Floodpiaira Sails (F19j �MLRA 949A) G4rippecl Matrix {S6} _ Anomalous Bright Laamy Soils {F2Q) (MLR,A 149A, 753C, 153�j 1�park Surface (S7} (LRR �, S, T, uj Type: bepth (ir�ches): V Mydruc SoiP F'resent? Yes �lo Page 7 af 10 N�ICHAE� BAlt�R INT�RfVWTI��lAL LiS Army Co�ps of Engineers Attachment A �4tlantic amd Guif Coaskal Pla�n Region — Vers��n 2.(1 -- 54 -- TIP:I-5883 TIP: I-58$3 1Netland: W� W�TLAND �tATING W�ItKSI����' �aurth Versia� Project Nazne I-95 �xits �� & 77 Nearest I2tiad �c� �� � �'�o County F�arnett V'V`etland area �'.cs � acres Wetland r�v��th .�C� feet Name of evalu�tor _ rc� ��,��, �' �,. �+ R'F '� '„��� >,,.. F;w� �,. %,� �ate 7���- � f G dni c '����AIId �OCi��lflli _ an pond or la1�e _ an peren�ial streara� on iniermittent stxeam "�C r�rithirr inteestrearn divide vther: Scril s�eri�s• i predorncrrantly �rganic - humus, muck, or peat i predominantly mineral - non-sandy �( predaminantly sandy I�ydrsulic factors � steep �apogr�phy ditched c�r channelized' Cotal wetlan� width > I�DO feet Werland type (se�ect ane)� �ottc�mland hardwacrd forest _ I�ead�rater �'orest �.'SWa�p fOie��',,, � � `• �' ' ' -� i�Jet �a� - - � Pc�casin _ I3og forest AdjSC�Ii� �7[l� UtB� (within Y� �ile upstream, upslo}ae, car radius) �( fvreste�il'natural vegetation �% c� agrocWlture, urbanlsuburban f�% � imper�ious surface � % IDominsn# ve�etat�an (ij�C"R`�,�,� ;a�d� ��."� � V 4 ti � _ d _ � -' e, i�) �'looding an�d wetne4s se�aipermanently �+� permaner�tly flooded or inundated seasonal[y f['aaded or inur�d�ted ��ntermittently f�oaded ar tempora.�y surface watec i no �evidence of flooding or surface water Pine s�vanna Fresl�water xnarsh � Bogffe�� ,� �"} • . I �-' E` � Ep�erners1 v�etl�d� � � �' � � � � � Carolina bay h �ther: �f �,� :�/d v� 'C t�� '�' � The rating system ca�not be applied to salt or brackish marshes ar strear� c�an»cls ----- ---•-----------------------------•--------- : R Water sk,�rage � x 4.�1�? = � A BanklShvrelir�e stabili�xtion � � � ,p,� ^ Q ''�'etland rat�ng � Follutant r�m4ua4 ..� `• x S.Ui} = � I W'ildfife habitat �'.. � �.pp � � N Aquatic �ife v�1ue °,_% x 4.(l0 =� �� G R�creatianlEd�cation �y x T .�� _ � - =** Add i paint if in sensitiwe watershed ahd �1U°,Io nonp�oimt source disturban+ce within "/z mile u,p�tream, upslope, or radi�s �'age 9 oi 10 Attachment A -- 55 -- INTERNAZIDhAL TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WD Wetland Type Hardwood Flat Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratin9 MEDIUM Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA ConditionlOpportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition MEDIUM Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Condition MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating MEDIUM Attachment A -- 56 -- TIP: I-5883 J -� $$� vu�tran�: vu� WETLANa'13ETERM��NATr(?N DATA F(3RM — Atfantic a�d Gulf Coastal Plair� Regiar� F'rojecUs�te: �-�5 Ex1tS 75 & 77 _ City/County: — - -- Wa�nett _ 8ampting ila#e: � /0 ! ����� Applican�!(�wner: T�� fl �rt�te: {V +L� Sampling Roint: �'¢- lnvestigator{s): �ly 1G3.�.��,�1 � s�, S�et6on, Tawnship, Fiange: AJ� l� � Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.j: L�at relief (r,onrav�, canvex, none): �LQ7I�I�,CW � Slcap� {%j: �•S� fi� � Subregion (LRR or MLFt+Ay: Lat � '-' �% . � � � �'� � j �ang: - ��' ' ".� ;;�� '` � `•• Datum ` ` ' ' `• ` ,� Soii Map Unit Narne: �._� NWf class'�'acak'rnn: f-' �� ATe cVimalic 1 hyd�olog6c canditions on Ehe site typicaP for this time of year? Yes �'�a __(If no, explain bn Remarks.) Are Weget�tio�r , Soil , or F�ydrology significan4ly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" p�esent7 Yes _� �lo Are Veg�tation , Soil ,+or Hydralogy naturaily problematic? (If rreeded, explain any answers in Reana�ks.'j SIMMMARY 43� FINDfI�GS — Attact� site map sFaawing sampli�ng �roinz locat�ans, transects� innps�irtant features, et�. Piydrophytic Vegetation P�esent? Yes � No fs the Sampled Araa Hydrt�ic Soil Preserm�i Yes Na within a iNet1and�' Yes � Na Wetland MydroSogy Presant? Yes- �- tV� Remarks: ` I �AfQ� i� ,�FWlY1Gt� 1,.}�LG..�,�� (v1 h��w��� 50'i �� � i,�.U'! �Jt.v+,,r r"�� °'�� p�,,r ptK I S L'►� ��ti lt� C.�c"�`� ta �{p �C� H1f0�`iaLCiGY VMIetBansi Hydrolo�yr bnd6cat�rs: 5eeandarv Indieators fmtinimum of �two r�ouiredl Primarv_Indicatars fminimum of one is recauiaed: check all that aaodvi SurFace Soil Cracks (�88) Surface W�ter (A1) _ Aquatic Fauna {C313j ,� Sparseoy VegQtated G9n�ave Surtace (�S} ,_, H'sgh Watar T�ble (A2) _ Mari Deposits {Bi5) �LRR U) i�7r�inage Pattems (�iQ) _ Saturadion (A3} _ Mydr�ogen Sulfid+� �dor (C1 y Moss Trim Lines (�16} Waler Iwla�ks {B1] ,_, vxidized Rhizospheres along Living Raots (C3j %� Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Sediment �po�its {B2j _ F'resence af Reducaed' 4ron (C4) _ Cra�sh Burrornrs (C8) Dtift Deposits (B3} _ Recent Iron '�Reduction in Tlled Spils (C6) _ Saturatian Vesibfe an Aerial Imagery {G9j � Algaf hllat or Crust (84y _ Thin Muck Surfaee (C7y _ Geomorphic Position (D2) Mran i]epasits (8'5) � CJther (Explain in Remarks} _ ShaMlrnnr Aquitard (�3} Inundation Via+ble on Aerial Imagery (�7j ! F�IC-Neutral Test (D5) Water-Stained Leaves (89y _ Sgahagnum �a►oss {D8} {L�Ft T, U} Field Observattvns: Surf�ce 1Nater Present7 Yes No � Qepih �inChes): Water Table Present? Yes No _,� L]epth (inches): Saturatian Present7 Yes No �� Depth (inches}: Wglland Wydrology Present? Yes � hko incfudes ca illa frin e Describe Recc�rded Deta (strearco gauge, monitaeing ws91, aerial photos, previous inspect'ionsj, if avaalable: Rer►sarks: g r u� u�� v� + y P� t o� (�_� �,� � iC G�'� A(.� �� ��b +.aJ '��.� r� s.+9 � I^,�', e: � �,i �4 �Ef�G �� �1/ �i�i�� � f't I J f�age 5 af 1 D ��� � �, J�,� 1 r� �� MNCHAEL BAKER IhITE�RF�AI'I'QhiAL �!S Army Corps of Engineers � �tt ment A Attantic and Ge�lf Cc�asRal Paadn Regian —1Jersion 2.0 -- 57 -- TIP:I-5883 I-�5 Exits 75 & 77 VEGETATIQN (Firre S#rataj — Use scientific names of plants. Tree Slratum (PNot size: y °Jo C�ver 5necies? S#atus �. � u r u s rrn w� r►� �t.v, ►�.S �� � 2. /�� f f� J� l• 111 i, VV' l� � $. �}r_���i�L��� %7C.� ;'i�,,a,;, R �LR�. .J � ��r " 4. 5. 6. � = Total Ccaver 50% af tot�1 co+uer: �� 20% of tatat caver; � lin ra um (PIo4 s2e_ ) 1. ,✓iGG `�GPCfG � � ��� 2. � t(� �s ! !J' T fii' �� !r" f �,1 f � ( '� � _i G ��_ � -��V , -- � - - 1 � F � � � �. �4 C P r �- t.+ 1'/]Y a., �,s�.�. d. 5. 6. � �C = Total Cover 50°� of kotal cower: � 24�'� of total cover. � Shrub 5lratum (Pltr! site: y 1. 2. 3. I-�883 � � 'V�'�tland: W I� s�m��ing Poi�c: i �1 �,. Number of d]aminant SRecies That A�e OBI., FACW, ar FAC: {A) TataV Number of Domin�r�t Species Across AJI Sirata: � (8} Perceni of Dominant Species U That Are a�L, FAC1N, or FAC; �(AIB) Prev�lence I�rdex worksheet: TotaO °/�over of: Mukioly by: OBL species - -- x 1 = - - FACW species x 2 = �AC species x 3 = — FAC�LP spec%es x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Catumn T�tals (A) {Bj Preva�ence Index = �!A = Hydrop ytic Vegetation Ind6catars: - Rapid Test for FOydrophytic Vegetati9n 2 - Dnr��nance Test is �5Q°,5 3- Prevalenee index is 53.�1' _ Problematic �ydraphytic Vegetation' (�xpla7n) �• 'Indica4oFs o� h^ydric soil and wetiand hydralogy must g, be presenE, �nless disturbed or probfem�toc. 6. �efini4fons of Five V�getatfon Staata: ='1'atal Caver 60%n of total cover. �0% of total cover: Herb 5tratum (PPot size: ) 1. G u - - - � � 2. ��� - �f'� 2 : C,ta,.v� P . �. � �L7W4 4. i �, D r �- � 5, � � �{ �a _ � � 6. 7. 8. 9. 14. 11. �� = TotaA Cover 5�°r� af tfltai cover_ ��f Sotal cover: �� '�_l�aodv Vine Straium QPlot sixe: J i . � .� ti _ 4 � �� 2'. � �n'� r � C1!".�� � t.• +'�' �,,�rJ' (' r, f+ a�. 1�r� C �* 3. ,� e� I� �"c c�r � i e, tJov �' �� � 1 4. �v. Tr�ee - Woody p0ants, exc�uding waociy vinss, approximat�ly 20 ft (6 rm) or m�ore in hei�ht and 9 in. (7.6 cmj ar larger in diam�ter �t br€ast h�ighC (I]BH). SapW�g - Vliaody planls, �xcluding woody vines, appraximalely 20 ft(fi mj ar mare iri h�eight and Oess than 3 in. (7.6 cm) Q'8H. Sh�uh -'W�Jaody plants, excludin� woody vines, apprQximately 3 to �4 ft (1 to Fi m) in heigMt. Vierb -Adl h+�rbaoceo�s (non-wr�ady) planis, inciuding herb�eeaus vines, regardless of size, � woody p�a►�ts, excepk woady vbnes, less than �pproximately 3 (t (1 m) in height. VWoody vine - All woody vines, rega�dVess c�fi heigMd. Fiydrophytic � � = Total Cover �'89��kF'�� ��°Ia 0# 20f�1 CfJV+Ef. �� 2�% Of t4tdA COVBl: �_ �reserat? Yes Na ��.,r..c'r�J.,.f v r� P t� G`�""' � �-� ��� � 41S Army Corps af Engineers :ai aaapsauona �eiawj, � ,, � .1 � (� i �i r . .- � � ! � y.,-� £- '' C tr �c�� � e�,'� _ Attachment A Atfaniic and Gulf C�astal Plain Region - V+�rsaa� 2:D -- 58 -- TIP:I-5883 i' �ir r_.!i._ -lr o ^a-1 I-.7J 4-kul� / .J C7S / I S�31L ta the depth r�eeded to document the ie�r�icatar or con�nrm �-588� YY�'Gt�f�C��. YY Sampling Point: �j„� Depth h+fatrix Redox Fea�ur�s finchesl _ Goldr {moistb 9''� Color �`moistl °/Q � Loc� - Texture �?�marks � - �' l.� —>�. � �� ri , �' % I C� r ai� _ '`��C=�_+� —� . �-� � L� � '� � �. � �-� `�`- �/� � '��� �� �r� c:.,�� ; � ��, , 'Type: C=Concentration, Q=aepletion, RM=Reducecl Niat�ix, MS=Masked Sand Graans. `Loeativ�: PL=Pore Lining, M=Mati Hydrie Sail I�d�c�tors: (AppYicable to al� LRRs, unless otherwvige nated.j Indicatars for Problemakic Hydric _�iisiosal {A1) ,: Palyval�ue Below+Surf�ce (SS) �LRR S, t, Uj _ 1 cm Mucic {A9) (LRR Oj ! Histi� �pipedon (A�j _ Tfiin L�ark Sur6ace �59) (CRR S, 7, U) _� cm Muck {A�0) {L�iR S) _�lack Histic (A3} � L9amy Mucky Mingral (F1� �LRR C?p _ Reduced Vertic (F18) (�nutside NiLRA T56A,BD _ Hydrogen S�uffide (A4) _ Laamy GleyetJ Matrix (F2j _ Pie�rnont Floadplain Soils (F1 �} (LRR P, S, T} _ Stratified Layers (A5} _ Depieted Matrix (E3} � An�mal�us Brighl Loarrry Sails (F2t]) _�rganic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, Uy _ Redox ��rk Surface (F6J {RY�LRA 1538) _ 5 cm A+Iucky Mineral (A7) (4RR IP, T, Uj � Depleted D�rk Sur�ace {F7) _ Red Pa�ent N�aterial �TF2} _ Muck Pre��c,� (ASy (LRFt U) _ F2edox depressions 4F8} _ Very Shallow �3ark Su�faee (TF12} _ 1 cm Muck (A9j (L�tR P, TJ ,_ Marl (F10) {LRR Uj , Other (Explain Ir� Remarks) _ DQ,pleted Below Dark SurFace (AT1) _ pepleted Qchric (F11) [MLRA 151j � Thick Dark SurFace (Al2j _ Iron-Manganese Masses (F'�2) (LRR �3, P, � 'Indicalars oi hydraphytic veg�t�teon and _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) {MLFiA 150A) _ Umbric Surface (F13j {L�� P, T, Uj wetland hydrology must be presenc, _ Sa�dy AAucky Min�ral (S1) {LfiR O, S} _[}elta C}chric {Fi]) �MLRA 75'f) unless disturbetl or problematic. � Sa�dy Gl�yed Matrix {S4) _ Reduced Vertic (�18j �Al1LRA 15flA, �50�j _ Sendy Redax (S5) _ Piedmont Floodptain Soils (F19) (MLItA 149A� St�ipped M�trix (Sfij � Anc�malaus Bnght Loamy Soils {F2D} (MCRA 149A, a 53C,153fl} � DarkC Surfa�e ts7) {L�R�'R P� S� T� u} �iestrfctive Layer {If nbserved}: Type; Depkh (inch�sJ: � I°E'iS ���`t cr�a. HydNc Soil Prese�nt? Yes L/ Ma Page 7�af 14 MICHAEL BAK�P2 INT�RNATiQNA� �l5 Arntiy C4rp� of Engine�rs Attachment A At�arntdc ar�d Gulf Coastal Rlafn Region — Versiom 2.0 -- 59 -- TIP:I-5883 WE'TLAN�} �IiATIN�G'Vk'�RKSHEET Fourtla Version Fraject Na�ne I-95 Ex�ts 75 & 77 County Harne4t %lame af evaivatar Wet[a�d lo+ra#io� _ on pond or lake _ on perennial stream _ on interm�tker�r staeam , within inters�ream di�ide �other:�,�rA��rr-.srs� ��, a��' r�J��4 �_- - �' Wetla.nd ar�� Soil series• _ predamir�antly argaruc - humus, �nuck, �s� �aeat � predomi.nantly m�neral - non-sandy _ predamina.n.nt�y sandy �iyde�aulic factmrs � steep tapogra�hy dit��ed or c%�annelized tc�t�� w�etland widti� > 1�1�3 feet Wetland ty�e (se�ect �r�e�* o B�,ttomlar�d hardwaod faresr �Ieadwate� forest ��'latfore� ��� � Pacdsin = Bog forest TfP: �-�tsz�.� Wetland: 11V�� 1'�learest Rc�ad acres Wetland width f�eet Dat� �o f I� 1` ,� U i� Adjacent �and �ase (wit 'n '/2 mite upsiream, �apslope, or radius;l forestedfnatura� ve�eta�ian .� °/fl ✓agriculfiare, urbarJsuburban �°/a ,✓�irnperviou5 susfa�e �% Dominant veg�e�atioa {1) �1ror1�:�.-,�� ��:Ac� �r� � �r �5 �U+�vtw�UNj�S , ��� ����cir(,�nrr� �' iG�. �f� �'v - (�) ' . � _ , �,,�:��. �7�: . � Fr�,. �. Flaading and we#ness se�nipermanently to permanemtly �aoded or ' inunci�te� sea�sonally fl�ooded or inundater� � 1nte�,nittently f14Qdeci or t�anporary surfac� vvater no evidence af f�c�oding c�r s�xriace water � �'ir�e savanna Freshwater marsh _�����ifi���i�n � Carolina bay Llther: ' The ratin� s�rstem eannmt be apptietl td salt or braekisl7 rnarsl�es or stream charrnels : R 'VVater stora�e � x �4.00 = � A Barekl�horeline stabilizatiflra � 4 ,��} _ � 'V�►'et%and Q rati�ng T Fallutatyt removal � •�x 5.00 = 0 I Wildlife habitat � x 2.0(l =� 1V ?�quatiG life vatue (� x 4.O�D = 0 G Recreati�onCEducation �(3 x I.�1�1= 0 �** Add 1 pcaint ff in sensitir�e waters�ed and >1p°r'o nanpotint source dist�rban� within'r: mil� upstrearn, ugslope, �r �dius Page9c�flt► I H T€R N AT I ON A L Attachment A -- 60 -- TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WE Wetland Type Hardwood Flat Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratin9 MEDIUM Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA ConditionlOpportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition MEDIUM Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Habitat Condition MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating MEDIUM Attachment A -- 61 -- TIP: I-5883 f_�g8� Ilu'et�and: W G"`' WETLAN� �ETERMINATI�N �ATA FQRN! � Atlar�tic and �ulf Coastal Pl�in R�ion P�ojeeUSite. I-95 Exl�5 %�r �c %7 cityrcounty: Harnett Sampling D�te: D ��� Applican�'Qwner: State: � Sampling Paint: 4_ lnvestigator{s): , � Seckion, Township, Renge: L�ndform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): _'1�+2.��'c���= Local relie#(concav�e, con�v�x, none}: �n#� P�_ 5lop� (%j: �� �' Subregian (Ll��i or NbLRAj: ' 1�� �- � '� Lat: � 5 � � �7 �� aC,' (.� Lon9: � . ! � �: .J Q � Daturs�: k✓�'S �` `� Sail Map lJ�nit �Yame: �.Gf NIN� �class�fication: C�.{�� cs.u�[� Are alimacic / hydrotogic conditions on the site cypicaN for this time of year? Yes _ Are Vegetation , 5oil , or Hydrola�gy significantly disturbed? Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrsalagy nat�rally problematic? No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are °�Jormal Gircumstances° pr�sent? Yes ��lo (If needed, explain any answers fn Remarks.� SUA�MA��Y O� FINDIMGS — Attach site map ��owing samplir�g point locatians, transects, important features, efic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Presen!? Wetland Hydralogy Presenf7 ��'� � I�� �� s HY�RGtL+fJGY Yes �� Nn Yas tVo Yes �io � �J � p,r-� �P G.. Ms the 5ampled Area within � Watland? Y�s Nko � Wetland Hyslrclogy Indicatore: Secondarr« Indicators fminimum ftwc� r Quirseil I Primarv Indicators (mia�imum of one is reaui�ed: cineck all hat aoolvl , SurFace �oil Cracks {86y 5urt�ceiNaker.{A Aquatic Fauna (B�3} _ Sparse�y Wegefated �nncave Su�face (B8) , High UValer Tabfe (A2j _ Marl Depas 45} Uj s Uj Saturati:arr (A3} _ F3ydrbgen Sul�de Odor (C1) _ Moss Trtim Linea {B9+6j Water �Aarks 4B1j _�xidized res al�n� Linin� Roots (C3} _ -Season Water Table {C2) _ 5edirnent baposils {�2} sence of ReducQd Ira� (C4j _ Cra�sh s(G8) Drifk Depasits (�3y _ Rec�r�t Iran Reductiarr in Tilled Sals (C6) _ Sat�uratian V�sibl� on ' Imageay {G9j _ AIga1 M�t a� Crust _ Thin Muck Suriace (C7} _ GeoQnorphic Pasitian (d2� Cron Depos' 5� _ Other (Explain ir� RerrMarks) _ Shallaw Aquitard (D3) = Inun Qn Visible an Aerial Imsgery (B�} _ FAC-Neutra� Test (!]5y ater-Stained Leaves {99) _ Sphagnum moss {DS) [LRR �, U] IField O�iservation�: f Surface'Water Prvesent� Yes N� �✓ Depth (inch�s}: Water �'able Presenl? Yes N� � Depth �inches): SaQ�ration �resent? Yes No _�Depth (inchesy: Wetl��ad Hydrolagy Present? Yes No � ir��ludes c� illa frin e Clescr�b� Recorded ba3a (sirearrn gauge, monitorang weG, aerial pbotos, previous inspeckions), if suailable; Remark�: ,ry � � � i � �„c � �'� �� �`' "�� ''�,� `I Page 5 of 10 NI'ICHAEL BFtiKER �INTE�NATI�f�,4L lJ5 Army Corps of En+�ineers Attachment A Atlantic and Gulf Ceast�l Plain Regfan — Versian 2.i1 -- 62 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exit� 75 & 77 V�GETATI+�N �Fi�e Strata) - Use scient�fiic n��rroes of plants. Tree tratum {Plat size; ) °�6 Cover S,pecaes? S aius ,. � � ,!�o � �� 2. �� � P C^- r� ��- n v 3. 4. �. B. � � = Tota4 Coner 50% Of lOt3l CTyV�l: 1� �i'i% Of tOtB� COVFit: ,� a tin r m(Plot size: ) ,. � �� 2. � � '� �i �P Gti / �' �-� � � 3. t�( � � f QC ! �'i�.. �� \. 4. 5. 6. �� = Total Cover � 50°k af t�tal cov�r. � 209'0 of kotal cover: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. � 3, 4, 5. 6. SQ°� vf total cover: = T4tB� �OVEf 20°/m of ialal oaver: Merb Stratum {Plot size: ) 1. v4 [+�' �''`_' � � 2. 4.�t W'� �( �,� T 3. 4._ 5. 6, 7. 8. 9.� 'p 0. 97. �'� =T�talCover 5fl% af tataA �over: �� 2�6°r6 of tcrtal eover: � UWoadv Vane Str�tum {Pleat size: j 1. �f.�t � f 0 + Le �� �� 2. L� 0. `� [n.- �� � 3. ' I-58$3 - 1Netl�rad: 1lV�_ Sampling Point: upm�nance iest warxsnaeti: Nvmber of [3o�ratiinant Speciss Th�t Are �BL. FRCVU, or �AC Total IVumber af Dc�rrr6r��r�t Spec�es Across All Stoat�: Percent of Dominant Species b That Are C1B�t, FACW, ar FAG: (A+"BJ Pre��ler��e Index works�eet: Tot�l °fa Cower afi: Multiofy b�_ QBL s,pe�ies x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species _ x 3 = FAC� species x 4 = UPL speci�s x 5 = Column Totals: {Aj {Bj P�evalence 4nd�x = BIA = Rapid Test for Hydr€rpM�ytic Vegetatic�n _ 2 - Dominance Test is ��0°/a 3- Prenalence lndex is 53.6' � Probl�matic FCydra�hytic VegsYatian' (�xpla�rr� 'Indicabrs of fiydric sail and wetland hydrol�y must be preser�t, wr�less dosdurbed ar problern�ti�. nitions ot rIVB V8O�L8i1�0I1 Trae - Woody plarats, excRudas�g woody vines, ap,proximately 2Q ft (E m) or rs�are in h�ight arrd 3 in. {7.B cmj ar larger in diametar at breast hedght (pBHy Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woady vine�, approximale9y 26 fi (6 m) s�r mars in height and less tt�an 3 in. (l.8 cm} DBH, 5hrub - Woody p9anfs, excludi�ag Woady v��es, a�proximately 3 to 2a fE {a to 6 m� in hei�ht. Hsrb -Afl her'�ac�ous Cnon-woody) planRs, ineluding heRbace4us vines, rega�dP�ss of si��, � waody pParats, except woody vines, less lhan appr�xirnalely 3 ft{1 mj in height. Waady vine - All woody vines, regardtess af hefght. 4. �' Hydro�hytic � = Tatal Cover Ile�etat�o�a 54% of tot�l aover: �� 2fl°% of tot�l co�er: � ����ent? Ye� No Remarks: �If obser�ed, list morpholvgical adaptations belflwj_ ���s �� �������- a�� a Attachment A US Army Corps af Errgineers Atfantic and Gulf Coasts�l �lain Regian - Versian 2.Q -- 63 -- TIP:I-5883 f-95 Exits 75 & 77 saiL to �epth _ Mair inChes Color fmo'sst �� �� � - � u'' ►� �' - ��� � � ��� �� I-58$3 ,� Wetland: W � 5arr�pling Point: ��� to dvcument t�e indicator or confirm the absence vf indicators F r Ccalor �moistb % TVR Loc '"f e: C=Concentrati�n, D=C�e letion RAII�Reduced Mafrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. Hydric SoiG Indicators: (Applicabl� to a�l LR�is, unless otherwise raoted.) extune Rermarks � � �c,� - zLac�ticrn: PL=Pore Lini_rsg, M=Maki Endirators far Prob9ematis Mp�ric _ Histoso� (A1 } i Palyvalue 8elow Surface {S8) (L'RR S, T, U} � 1 cm Muck (k19) {LRR O) _ Histic �pipe�don (A2) _ Thin L]aric Surface {S9) (�.R�2 5, t, U) _ 2�n Muck (A10) {CRR S} ` Black Nistic �A3j _ Lo�my Mucky Mineral (F�) (LRR D) ^ Redu�d Weriic {F18j (outsdde MLRA �50A,B� _ Ffydrag�n S�+Ifide (A4) � Loamp Gleyed 1Ulatrix (F2j _ P6edmont Flvodpfain Sorls (F1�} tLRR P, S, Yj _ Strat�ed Layers (r45j _ Depleted ItiRatrix (F3} _ Anomalous Bright Lc,amy Soils (F2Q� e �r�anic Bodies (A6) (LFtR R, T, Uj _ Redox Dark Sur�ace (F6) (�MLRA T53Bj _ 5 cm fulucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U} _ Deplet�d DarAc Surface {F7] o Rsd Pare�t �ulalenal (TF2j _ Muck Presence {AB} (LRR U) _ Redox Depressions {F8] _ Very 5haliow [3ank Surf�ce (TF12} _ 1 c[n Muck (A9) (�RR P, Tj _ Marl (Fi0) {L'RR Uj = Qther (Explairr in Remarks� � Depleted Below Ipa�k Surface (A11) _ Deplei+ed C�chric {F11J (MLRA 151} _ Thick L�ark Surface (A�2� _ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR �, �, Tj 'Indicat�rs oi hydrop�ytia vege#ation and _ Coast Prairie Redox {A16} (IVILRA 150Aj _ Umbric Surface (F13} (LRR F, T, U) welland hydrolagy must be present, _ Sandy Allucicy Mineraf {S'P) (1�RR Q, S� _ D$fta {)chric (F17) {AALRA 151) u�fess dasturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (54) _ R+educ�d Vertie {F18} dMLRA 150A, 15flBj _ Sandy f;edox (S5) _ Piedmant Floodplain Soils {F19} (IWILRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix (Sfi) _ Anamalous Bright Loamy Sails (F20) (ML�tA 149A,153C,153Dj �„ [�acic Su�tar.e (57) �L'�RR'P, 5, T, 0.fy Tyge: Depth (unches}: IRernarks: � �-- �ti�l �P�� "�►"�-P � 1�'�'�' y '�^ ' Hydric Soil Pr$�ent7 Yes �Fo Page 7 of 1[Y MICHAEL BAKEf2 II+�TERNA7I�NAL US Army Corps af Engineers Attachment A AtPant�c and G�ali Caastal Plain Region — Versian ZO -- 64 -- TIP:I-5883 I-5883 1Netland: W c.�/ l� �If�TLAN� ��i��i'II�lNA71()N �ATA FORM — Atlantic and� �utf Coast�l Plain Ftegi�n ProjectfSite: P-95 �7c�t5 75 & 77 c�ty�county: hiar�et� 5ampling Date: ? f ra!�'� ApplicanUChvr�er; � o_( State: Samplirs� Point: �J� Inves�'rgator(sj: r`�,d] Stetc : 1 q�,�3 L{orn �°.++.1..0.� 6aw�f=s Seatian, Tnwnshup, Rartige; Landform (hillslope, #er�ce, 01C.): /}f!7/r55 b*-� Local reloef (con�cave, c.�nvex, none}: C�,•, c�;�� Slop� (�): -` /�c —"-T 5uhregim�n (LRR or MLRA): �- � 6� ^- � �at: S �, r_? �; .: � Long: ` 7 f • � C�i � ' �% � Qalurra: '*1�s 5 Y , � �d r, Sa�il Map Unid f�am�: �• �t NWI e�assificati�n: Are ��imaCic 1 hydrologic oonditions on the siie typicaQ for this time of year? Yes Nt� (If no, expialrr ir� Remarks.j Are Vegetaitan , Sai! , or F#ydrolagy signi�c�ntly disturtaed7 A►e "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes Ma Are Vegetasian , Soil . or Hydrology naturally pra6lematic? (If needed, explain any ans+�rs in R�mark�,) SU�MI��iII�RY Clf FINDINGS — A'tit�ch site map shr�wfe�� sart��sling point lacat�ans, transects, imp�art�nt feat�res, etc. H+y�drophytic V�gefati4n Present? Yes `� Na _ Hydrie Sofl i'rres+ent? Yes � IVo _ Wetiand Fiydrology Present7 Yes �� hla Remarks: �'iz�h, � y �Pri' .ir;�i _� �. • � . ... � u��ro�a�.o��r Is tbe Sampled Area wkhbn a Wetfand? �/i_ T' � [, y /� Yes _� No 'We�kland Hydrology Indicators: �Secandarv Indacat rs fminimum of hwo reouaredi Prtma In�dicators mtinirr�um of �ne is r uir • c:k a a I � 5urEac:e Soil Cracks {B6} SurFace Water (A1} _ Rquatic Fauna {B13} _ Sparsely Vegelated Canca�e Surface (S8) � H�gh Water Ta6ie {A2} _ Marl Deposits (815) (LRi� U) � Drainage Patlems �B1�1} Saturation �A3} � Hydrogen 5ut�ide {]dar �C 1) , fNoss T�+m Lines (B 16J Water Marks (�1} _ Oxidized Rhiaospheres along Llving Rants (C3) �, bry-Seasor� Wa#er iable �C2) g Sediment �eposits {�2) � Pre5ence of Reduced dcbn (�4} , Crayfish Burrovus (C8p _ drttt �eposits (63� ` Recer�t irsan Redt�ction in T'rlled 5oils (C6) _ 5aturation Visible on Rerial 4magery (C�j � Algal Mat or Crust (64} _ Ttrin Muck Surtac,� �C7y ��amarphic P�sitiom {D2) _ Irvn Dep€�sits (BBj � Dther (�xplain in Remarks) _ Shal4ow Aquitard (C33) Inundatian Visil�e on Aerial Imagery {87) _�AGNeutral Test (D5j � Waier-Stained Lesves (B9) _ 5phagnum rripss (DBj (LRR T, 9�j Field t)bser�ations: Surtace Water Present? Y�� No �epth (imches): Water Ta41e Pr�seo�t7 Yes I�a Depth (inches�: Saturatio� Present2 Y�es �lo �pth qinches}: Welland Mydralogy Rresent'� Yes k Ma ineludes ca illa frin e Des�ribe Record�d L]ata (slream gauge, monitonng wetl, �erial phokos, previous in�peclions}, ifi availabls: Remarka; � � t�,��-4��G,,J ��•fclr�� �4� b i�'Nc�;�.,+ Page 5 4f i0 MRCHAEL BA4CER I�NTERNATIdNAL US Army Corps af E�vgineers Atpantic and Gult Coastal Plain Region - Vers+drr 2.0 Attachment A -- 65 -- TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 YEGETATICIN {Five Strataj — Use scientific narnes af plants. Tree 5tratum (Plot size: �`' .�5 } Cov r �ies? �u� 1_ ���'•`��:rrs�•ra�, 1J `Cr.; � � �_ i' 2, f4�cr ru�rv e., d C? Y �'T'�- �. jL� �.! 1 � [i Y*1 � Li ! � � '� P dY i+ ! + ' L/ 6. • � (/ / � 4, 5. fi, ,�_ = TQkal Cover 5D96 0€ total cover: =� d 20% of tatal cover: !�. Saolina Staatum (Piot size: ) 1. �_ 3. 4. 5. 6. _ "fotat Cover 5Q°� of Catal caver: 209b of total cover: Shrwh Slrat�rri {Plot siz�: � ' "'� �'� �; ) - 1. ,A �t r �.� S f v v�-� f 6 _�' �/� L �c. !_;P r�.do4•vs::r _`�'_f^,- � ��✓L �'� � �� 3. �S��.e.%.uw, x.r�we�re �u � �-/�'L Q. � 5, 6. �p -Total�aver 5a96 of tolal c]aver: f�` 209b af tatal cssver. �+ Fiert Stratum (Rlat size: �C'� ) 1. Lvau�3 �ci���y ��.+ "�.:c. � '� l�L�L i. �+�"� �1 �� �'"' - - �1 7_ f_/C �_�C M in e, � f /%G � �. �rUnC�r.rGv'Gt C�rer���t.�t � - - ¢ r�k��dr A. � = Tatal Cover 509b of iaial uav�r. ��_ 2D% a� total cover _� Wood W1ne St um (Plo! size: �� �"� �) 1, , � r ; � a � +f • ��c e� �. J /3'� � � � G }. ^ ,^� Y.? - u f r � ( � � �i ' ; ,.� � r(� �f.fr� �. ri'�"% P( i G 6 81 c s, L% ro .T l%G r� � � G. r� 4 � T �/�` [_ 4. 5. �= Total Cover 5D9� of lotal cover: �+ �.� 20°!0 of t4tal caver: �� Rern�rks: ilf observed, lisk ��yG�ed �'1�� � , � v c�r Pa, '�i-�, � US Arnry Co�as oi Enginee�s Attachment A -- 66 -- I-5$� 1Netland: W� Sampling Painl: �'��''s-� cf Numher of Do�ninant Species � � T�a! Are f36L, FACW, or FAC: (A} Tota! Number of Domdnant Species Across All Strata: � � (B} �ercent of Damir�ant Species 3 That Are OBL, FACW, or �AC: �r� � (,�B} Total �'o Cave� of; Mu�t�nlv ba: O�L species x '� _ FA�'W' �sp�cies x Z = FAC species x 3 = FACU specics x 4 = UPL spe�aes x 5 = Column TotaMs; (Aj (B) Prevalence Index = 8fA = nyarapnysic �egetation irtnicasors: _ i' - Rapid Test For Fiydroph+�`c Vegetation 2- Daminance Test is > y0°,6 _ 3- Prevalence Index f� 53.C7' _ Prt�blem�tic Flydrophytic Wegetationti {Exp#ain) �Indic31ors of hy�ric svii and wetland hytiroEo�y must he pr�sent, unlsss disturbed or prc+blematic. Tree - Woody p!'ants, excluddng woody v+nes, apprflximately 2Q f4 {6 mJ or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 crri) or farger in diameter at breast 9height �43BH). Sapling -'�+'�loady plants, exduding woody vines, approximately 2Q ft(B m} or mare in heighE and less than 3 in. (7.6 Cm} b�BH. Shruh - Woady plants, excluding waody vines, approxirnat�ly 3 l0 2D ft('Y �a S rn� in height. Herb-All herbaceous �nan-woociy) plants, in�luding h�rbaceflus vines, regardless of size, arL woody plants, �excepi wroa�y rrinea, I�ess than approximately 3 Q(1 m) in height. W'�oady rine-AI! waodyr vines, regardless of height. Nydrophytic Ve�etat�an Pr�esent7 Yes % No Atla�tie and Gul4 �oast�P P�ai�r Regian - Versi�n 2.t� TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exdts 75 & 77 5t)fL P-5$$3.. � Wetlarad: 1N �- J 1T Sampling Pafnt: �v�r- ' uJ c �f- IProfile []escriptfon: (Describe ta tha depth needed to document the indiaator ar co�firm the absence of indi�tors.) Depth Matrix Redox Featu�s (inchesf Colar (r�rods�_ 9�c Colar (rnoistl °,6 7v��—ac� � Texiure R�marks � f���'ti ���' !�►a Cvti c.y �� ��'x�rl1 � ��rE 5�f4 �u c� ,� ��,�-� 'T : C=Goncrentration, d=De let+or�, RMaReduee� Matr�x, MS=Mask� Sand Grains. �Loca�i�n: PL=Pore Linin , M=�hAalr�x. liyd�ic Sail 0e�dica�.ows: dApplicabf�e to al0 �R3ts, unless atherwise noted.j �ndleatars 1�ar Problemat6� Mydric 5afls'; �Ifstosol (Ai� ,_ Polyvamu�e Below Surtar.� (S�) (l.R� S, r, Uj _ 1 cm MWck {A9j (t,RR �OJ _ Histic Epipedc�n {A?} _ Thin DanMc SurFace (SS} (LRR S, T, U} _ 2 �Ctrr M�Ck (A1Q) (LRR S} _ Black Histic (A3} " Loamy Mudsy Mineral {F1) (CRR flj _ Reduced Ve�tic (F18� (autside MLFtA 150A,�j _ Hydrogen Sulfide (Ad� _ Lnamy Gleyed lulatruc CF2} _ Piedmont Flnndplain Soils (F19} (LR9i �, 5, Tj _�traQifiQd Layers {A5j _ peplQted h�at�ix (F3j _ Ar�omalaus 8right Laamy Sails (F2p) _ Organic'�Badies (AB) {LRR P, T, Uj _ Redax Dark Surface (F6) (M�LRA 1588) _ 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7} {LRR P, T, U) _ Depleted Dark Surfa�+e {F7) _ R+ed Parent Materiat (fF2) �Nluck Presence (AS} (LRR U) � Redox Depressians (FB) ` 4'er7r Shallow [�ark SurFace (iF12} ^ 1 ean Mudc (A9) �LRR P, T) _ Marl (F1fd) (LRR U) _ 4ther �F�cplain irt RemarKs] � Depleted B�low �aric Susface (A11) _ depPeted C�chrfe (F11) (MLRA 151) Tk�ick Dark Surta�ce (R12} _ Iran-Man�a�ese Masses (F1�) (�RR 4, P, T� 'Indicators of hydropi�yfic Vegetat��sn ar�d _ Coast Prairie f�edox {A16) QAALRA 16QA} _ Umbric Surface (F13} {LRR P, T, ll) wetkand hycirolagy rnust be present, _ Sartdy Nlucky Mineral t51) (LRR O, S) _ Delta t?chric (F17) (MLRA 151) unl'ess disturtred or prahlertxatic. _ Santly Gleyed VNatrix (54) _ Reduced Vertic {F18) (�YILFtA 150A, 150Bj _ Sandy Redcsx {S5j _ Ried�ront Flaodpl�in Sails (FS 9) (MLRA 149A) _ Str+pped 1u'Eatrix (S6} � Anarttalous Bright Loamy Soiis (F20) {IIALf3A 149A, 153C, 153D� Dacic Surface (S7J {LRR P, S, T, Uj Restrictive Layer (3f observed): - 7yRe: Depti� (inches): Hydric Soil Pr�esBn! t Ye� X Tio Remarks: �,�,�V /'r!� !,"�jr f {r/-sSc ►+ +i, �d. `rw ,�l� � u.e 11�„ ,� f /f i�`?�A 7 ri�1C firl•� � i �g r � (1 �t yC %'P � t �a � � C[i d n r'" � f, °`*��' i � �P�ge 7 of 1 fl US Army Cprps oi �ngineers Attachment A -- 67 -- �iCFE,AEL BAKER INTEI�NATIQNAL Atlantic and Gulf G+a�stal Plain Re��on - Versipn 2.0 TIP:I-5883 WE`I'LAND I�ATING WURIiSHEEi Faurth Versia� TIP: I-58'83 w��o���: w�r f� Pr�ject Name I-9S Exits 75 & 77 Near�est �toad �` 9� Coun�y Harneti Wetland area Q,?G acres Wetiand width �'�� c�eet Nar�e flf evaluator �k,�," � c ��} ,�cnc� �`'��•rrl.vM. ��.x+r�..0� � 17ate 7�Ie7 �/� Wetlaod I�eakian an pdnd or �a�:e �r �n perenniai st�eam on i�termittent stream _ within interstreann divide other: Sail series• ` predomin�t��1y organic - humus, muek, �r pea# �c Predominantly �it�e�`al - ncan-sandy _ pred�rninantly satady I�ydrau�ic factors steep topography ditched or chasaraelized � total wetland wit{th > 100 f�eet ''�Vetl�ad type {selec� ane)� � �ottomTand hardwood forest I-�eadw�te� forest '��atfore� � :` iE �_ I � � Poeos�n �o� forest Adjacent �and use (wi�hin'/z ra�il� upstr�am, upslnpe, or radius) farest�eeUnatural wegetation ��- % ____ agricu2ture, urbar�`suburban ; � %o , irnperviaus surface r % IDomina�t vegeta�ti�n � ] � �, f f , p' ,y1 ` - • :/°fs n � f/ 1� ;^ .�� r � (2� /�-�,a / t e.�rr ��} � , J� Lt� 1/r ��+a.-1 J{.i l> J�hi+ �'''� � � Flood ing and wQt�aess semipermanently to permanent�y flooded oa� snundated seasonally t�ooded or inundated � ir�tern�ittently flo�ded or terrrporary surface water _ na evidence vf f�ooding or sur�a�e water � Fine sa�anna Freshwater marsh e�������C���Q� Caralina bay UMther: �`➢�►e rating system cannot be applied to sa9t vr brackish marsh�s or strearn c�annels _ _.__ ------- ------•----•-------•---- : �fi Water siora�e �' x 4.U0 = � � A BanklShareiine stabili�ati4n 3 x�.�� = �� VVetland rating T Pol�u�t removal .,� •• x 5.�10 =� s' I Wildlife habit�t a x 2.0(} = 0' �e� N A Quatic ]ife �a1ue 3 x 4. p�? = t�. G R�creatidnOEducatio� � x l .i�i� � � =** Add I�aint if im sensitive watersh+ed and >l�% �ao�paint snurce d'tsiutbance witt�in'�': mile upstrearn�, u,pslope5 or radius Page 9 of 1Q Attachment A -- 68 -- iN�ERINA�IDNAL TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WG Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Wetland Type Bottomland Hardwood Forest Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratinc HIGH Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Particulate Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Soluble Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Physical Change Condition HIGH ConditionlOpportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Condition HIGH Overall Wetland Rating HIGH Attachment A -- 69 -- TIP: I-5883 vf "��"� I-5883 Wetland: W � /�! WETLAND DE'iERMINATIdN aATA FORfU� � Atlanlic a�d Guff Cv�sta� Pfain Regaon Pro�ecUSate: I-�S EkltS �S F�c %� ciryicounty: Harnett Sampling Date: ?I �� f�;� ApplfcanUC�mer: 111 LI:'�'� _ State: �!L _ Sarnpling Point: W�/� Investigstor{s): = � lf+.a _ �� _.� �_.f�cr - - - 'x,�--, s Secticrn, Townsf�ip, Range; �.andfarm (hilislope, terrace, etc.}: _�� r r{� �C Lacal relief (ooraca+�, cornrex, none�: G+�►1 v t x S9ope (%}: �/`{u Subre�io� (LRR or�A+ILRA): �� l� R� Lat' _ 3� ��3 ~' `+ �� Long_ ~ i� � S`� �.� 3� D�tum: 4�.'�� �- 4� Sail Map Unzt Name: � NVM cfassificaUon: Jr!4 �'� Are climatic 1 hydrologlc condi►ians on the site typical for this tirn� of year7 Yes _� N� �16 na, explain Jn Remarks.} Are Vegetatian , Sail , or F1ydEoVogy sigr�ifieantly distuthed? �ue "Normal Circumstan�s' peesent? Yes ,� No Are Vegelat�on , Soit , ar Mydrofogy naturally probl�m�tic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) 54JMI'IAARY OF FfNDINGS — A4tach site map shawirrg� sampling parint tocatic�ns, trarosects, im�ortant features, eta. Fiydrophylic Vegetation Present� Hydr�e Sail Present? Wetland Hydrology �'resen#? %�fea ti ✓j' ..r�� d HYDRmLQG`ef' Yss "�r No Is the �ampled Ar�a Y�s No k Yes �yo �, within a Wetland? C1� t� J` <� t r., # I p Lti% � r�Ce b L� '"�' "' i'f Yes No /! 1Netland k#ydroloqy Indicators: Ser.c�ndanr i�dicalors tmi�imum of two reauiredl rima fndicatars minirarurn of one is r ir �� k 11 tha a t _ Surtace Soil Cracks {B6} _ Surface Waier (A1} _ Aquat6c Fauna (B'f9) _ Sp€�rsely 1Aegetated Cuncave Surface (BS� High Waler 7ab4e {A2} � Marl CDeppsits {B15) (LRR U) _ Drainage PaMems (61�1j ` Saturakion {A3) _ Hydragen Sulfide Odar (C1b _ Mass Trim Lines (Q1fij _ W�ter Marks (B1) _ t3�cidizetl Rhizospheres along Livirag Roofs EC3) _ Dry-Seasan Water Table 4C2} Sedument Eleposits (82j � Presence af Reduced Jron (C4] _ Crayfish Burrows {C8� _ C1riit Caepasits (B3j _ R�ce�t Iron Reduction in Fitled Soils (C6} _ Saturativn Wisible on ,Aer�al 'Omagery (C9j _ Afg�l Mat or Crust [B4j , Thorr Muck Surface (C7} ! Geornorphic 1Position (D2) _ Aron Depassts (B5J � C?tMer (Explain ic� Remarks} _ ShaflawAqu"rtard (D3J In�pndation Visibte on Aerial Imagery (B7) � FAGN�utra9 Tes4 {D5} i Water-Stained Leaves (B9) _ Sphagnum mass (DS) (LIRR T, Uj Field (DbsenratGons: - Suriace Water Presenk7 Yes No � Depth (inches): Water T�6�� Present7 Yes Nd � Depth (3ncFies}: �' aLs �� Saturation Pcesenf? Yes Nq Y C]epth (inches): ',J c�U �'� Vlfetlar�d Hydroingy Present? Y�s No �w inGudes ca fila irin e Descr�be Ftecarded bata tstream gauge, nnonitoring well, aerial pho4os, previaus inspectians}, if available: Remarks: r,�t,'��I 1GG��,� � ,r�^) .� � r -�— � �, _ . . _ . Page a of 1a US Army Corps of Engic�eers Attachment A -- 70 -- MICHAEL BAKER MNTERNA�"IC?NAL Atlantic and Gulf Coastml Plain Regian � V+ersion 2.4 TIP:I-5883 !.� f� .. F , J. I-5�83 I-95 Exits 7'S � 77 Wetland: W,y .�,: YEGETAT��N (Fi�e St�rata) - GJs�: scienti�c names t�f pfant�, sampting Point: =t'� , flbsolute Dominant fndicator born�nance Test warksheet: Tr+ee Stratum (Plot size: �' •�"�-�� �� ) °�6 Cover cfes S atus �lumber af Daminant Species 1. � n �' c, e �_ - ��r,� r•�t That Arre 08�. FACW, nr FAC: / {A) 2. � `r � � � J v �., � r.r "_ � . ,• -,. � � .��. �G � ��'� Tatal Ntirr�per of �ora�irs�r�t 3. � i� r t� S.v •v, � '7 +��'"'�� Specass Across All S�rata; � {Bj 4. Percent of �om�nant Species � That �Are OBL, FACW, ar FAC: ��' � CJ {A!B} 8, �if3 = Total Cover 50�0 of totaf caver: .� C! 20°/o af total cover: �� - Sa�linp SCratum (PIo9 size: } 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. = Total Cover 5Q°l� vf tatal cover: 2d°fo of total caver: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: _ ��' ' r � J � r � } � (,,a r 1. l" �r�"��r1/r+P'1 �-�r7.c ��c �. d�:3 7 f� 2. 3. 4. 5. s_ � �� = Total �Cover Stl°�5 of toC�l co�er. � U 2fl% of tatai cover: � �lerb 5trature� (Plot size: 1. 2., 3. 4._ 5. 6. T. S. 9. T d. 11. _ �otal Cc�ve� 50�'a of tDt81 �c�ver. 2096 af tota# caver: Woodv Vine Iratum (�"lat s�ze: 3� e'� � a d+ L„�' j ' �' �� 1. �%i ��`, fc'1'���+�� '��* � �, � �. J ii ?� i' f #� a� � ✓� ('D ►� - A"g� r.l � • A ��� � � �'�!`L� �. � i - � y.;/ ! ' t. 4 C " �, � �� -��. 4. Prevals��e+e Index worksheet: Total °k� Caver af: M�ItlDIv av: �8L �,pecies x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FA� spe�ies x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x � _ Cadumn TotaEs: {A� {B} Pr�va�enCe Index = BIA = _ 1- Rapid Test for Hydrophytie Vegetatlan 2 - Dom6nance T�st is >5096 � 3- PrewaEence lndex is 53.�° _ F'rotalematic Hydr�p�ytfc VegetaUon' (�xplai�} 'Indicators oi hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be preser+l, unless disturbed or problemaGc. Tree � Woady plants, ex�puding rvandy vines, apprvximate'ay 24 ft(6 m} ear mo�e in height and 3 in. {i.6 cmj or larger rn diame4er at breast height (C�BkI�. Sapaing - 4�Aoody plants, excluding vvc�ady vines, ap�raxirrsat�ly 201t (fi m} ar more in heig�t and Eess than 3 in. (7.6 cm) �BFi. Shru� - W'Voody plarats, excluding woody vines, ajpproximately 3 to 2cl ft (1 to 8 mj in height. Hee�b-All herbaceous (rvon-woody) plan#s, induding herbaceaus vines, regardCess of suxe, �n +nroody planis, exr�ept �nroody vi�es, less 4han approximately 3 ft ('I �n} in hewght. YYoody �ine-All waady vine�, �egardless of heighS. 5� �lyd�ophytic +�.�=TatalCaver Vegetat�or� 5d� af tataJ caver: �f .� 2Q°k af #o�al caver: .3 Pregenti Yes � Ho Rerna�k,s: (If abserued, lisi morphological adaptaHons belowj. I"� `I �d]'�a �7y.�+''{ ` � +. �4�� c, � �� . .. + _ 4,lTr'� � t ' .1 US Army Cvrps of �ngir�ers Attachment A -- 71 -- Adantic and Gvlf Coastal �'la�n Regian -"JersiQn 2.0 TIP:I-5883 rrpl��� l-95 ��its 75 & 77 i-5883 '►N�'e#far�d: W Gf�{ SUCL �ampltir�g Point: i - v � Frofife deseriptior�: (8escribe to the dep4h needed te document the Indicator or confirm t�he absence of indicators.) Depth Ma�rix Redox Features �inchesl Co_� r m ist 9b Goloe fm istl °�6 Tvne�� 7exture Re�'rlarks ��fi _ �,�'� '� � '' 5Gr►v� , yry rpj�,,/ �/ �l3 (a + �[ L" 1�4TR rL� fy`3�_. .�L t7��� �T e: C=Concentaatic�n, D=pe: letion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=lufssked Sand Grai�s. ZLoealior�: PL=Pare Linin , hf=lulatrox, Hydrie Srrit NndiGetors; (Appliceb6e to all L9�Rs, untess otherwise noted.j fa�dicators for Pro�lert�atic Hydrie 5ofls': _ Histoso� (At) _ Polyvalue Below Surface {S8} {LRR S, T, UJ _ 1 cm hluck (A9} (LRR �d) Histic Epipedon (R�j , Thin Clark Suriace QS9) �LRR S, T, Uj _ 2 cm Muck (A1p} (LRR Sj _ Black Hislic (A3� _ Loamy Hlfucky e1l+lineral {F1) (LRR 0} _ R�duced Wertic (F18) (outsdde MLRA 150A,Bj _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) s Piedmdnt Floodpiain 5oils (Ffi9) {LRR P, S�'T) _ Straf�ie�d Layers {A5) � peplated Matrix {F3j _ Ar�amalo�s Brigh! Loamy 5oii's (F2D) � Organic Badies (A&) {LRR P, 7, U) _ Redax Dark SurFace (FB) (MLRA 15;18} _ 5 cm Mucky Minaral (A7) {LRR P, T, U) _ Qepleted �ark Surfa�e (FT} _ Red Parent M�terial {TF�a _ A+luck Presence (A8j (F.RR Uj _ Re�d�x ��peessions (FSJ _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ 1�rn Muck (A9'1 (LltR P,'fp _ Mar� (F1Q) (LRR U) _(71her fE�cplain in RemarksJ _�lepleted 9elpw Dark Surface (A11) � Clepleted Qchric (F11) (MLFLA 157j Th+ck Qark Surta�ce (Al2) _ fron-Manrgan�se Masses (F12j (LRR O, P, '�'� 3Vndicators 4f hydraphytic v�getati�n and _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16j (MLRA 150A) _ Umbrie SurFace (F�3) (LRR P, T, Uj weUand hydrology must be presen4, _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (5i) (LRR Q, S} �„ pelta t?cMric (F17) (1NLRA 1S1j unless disturbed or prohlematic. Sandy Gleyed MaVix �S4) _ k�edu�ed VeFtic (F18) (iYFL�R,A 15DA, 1508) _ Sandy Redox {S5j � F"iedmonl �Flaodplain Soils (F19) (IW4�LRA 149A} Strippcd Matrix (S6) _ Anomalous �Brigh9 Loauny SoiGs {F2Qj (NILRA 1d&A, 753C,153D) i Dark Surtace {ST} (L�tR P, 5, T, U) Fi'estrictiwe Layer (ifi p6served�): fiype: Depth {inc��esj: klyd'ric 5oi1 Presemt? Yes Nsr )( ^ Remarks: F�Y�� - s�' +• �tl` P +���r.»'► �yi fy / I r � . i^ ��Y �t/�'1•-r•., - -'� , 1-�-.,. . , � � " • u ". � =r ,/ � G C �.' �,�.. � f' �✓'•.� r �� -- ., ., Page 7 of 40� US Army Corps of E�gineers Attachment A -- 72 -- MICHAEL �'AKER IiVTER�JATIOiVA�. Atlantic and Gu}f Coaskal Plain Regian — Versian 2.O TIP:I-5883 �I-5883 Wetland: W,� 'iWETLAN� DETERMINAi'IC)�I mA'�A FORM — Afi,lar�tic arad d�vlf Coasta� Plain Region Prajecu5ite: a-95 Exits 75 & 7% Cityr�Couryty: H�ft�ett semPi�n� �ate: �_!d t%�% AppticanUt7wner: �'j" StatQ: rV G. Samplin� Point: �� r�_ c_'� � Investigator(s): ,:ci _smo �� f a� rJ ��,�rs =' :,✓w 1��' �� Seetion, Tovmship, �tar�ge: Land#omr (hillslape, terrace, e1c.}: __�}c� rr Ss ra h Local reHei (conqve, r�r�vex, nor�): tn„ ; a-v r Slape (%}: �i ;'�, Subregion (LRR Qr AALRl1): G R � - � �a�: 3 r 3 �(� � .: `�1 Long: '" ��` . '� 4�+� ��` �' Datum: w • SoiP Map Ga�it hlame: F�� NWI elassi�catiflc�: �t �� Are climatic ! Irydrologic c4nditiorrs on 4he site 4ypical for tfiis time of year? Yes .%� Nr� ___ (Ifi nc, explain in Rem�rks.) Are Vegeta�on . Sv7 , or Hydra�iogy significantly dislurbed? Are "Flarmal Circumstances" present? Yes �� RVo Are Vege4ation _,�oil _ , or Hydrotogy naiurally p�oblematic7 (If needeti, explain anq ar�svuers in Remarks_) SL7MMARY OF FINaINGS — Attach sit� map �howing sampling paint locati�+ns, tre�sects, important features, et�. �lydro�hytic Vegetation Preser�? Hytiri� Sail Pnesemt? WUetland Hydrology Pr�senY? /�te n� i Cl{ �r'1 ;` � r, FiYmRE�LU�f",Y Yes '� No Is ihe Sampaed Area Yes 'r� No witni� � 1Wetland? Yes � Nla '' �� C2 6M f �t� w rJ �✓� h r� ' 1 J Yes „ � PVo W�tfand Fly�rolo�y Indieetors: ;,�ndar�t lndicato�s iminimum of twv reauiredl Prima�v Mndir.�tors lmfnim�rm of one is teauired: c#��ak all that anplvl _ Surtace Soil Cracks (8f} Sueface Water (A1) _ Aguatic Favna (B13} _ Sparsely Vegetated Co�ncave SurFace (B8} � High Water Ta'b0e {A2) _ Marl Deposits {615) (LRR U} _[3rainage Pattems {B70} � 5aluratfon ('A3] � Hy�Jragen Sulfide Odar �C1) _ Mass Trim Lines {B1fi} Water Marks (B1) _ flxidized Rhizospheres alang �iuing Roots (G3� ��ry-Seas�rn Wat�er Table (C2} Sedirnent Depaspts (82} , Pr�ene�e af Reduced �ron (C4) _ Crayfish Bu�rows (CB) _ Drift Deposits (B3j _ Recerrt Ir4m Reduefion in Tllled Soiis {C6y � Saturatian Visihfe on Aerial �rnagery (C�) o Algal Mat or Cr�t (64y _ 1'hin �+luck Surface (C7j ! Geomorphic PosiCion {C72) _ Jron �epvsi#s (B5} _ Other {Fatplain in Rennarks) , ShaUow Aquitard� (D9) _ mnur�datiom vsib9e on AeriaP I�agery {�7] � FpC-4�eutral Tes� (A5) Water-Slalr�ed Leaves (�9) � Sphagnur�r fnoss {D8) (LRR T, u� le'Id Obsenatians: SurFace Water P�esent? Yes N!o � Depth {inches}: � Water Tabl� Present7 Yes �_ Na Qepth {inches}; ly 5aturation Preserst7 Yes _� 9Va Qepth (inches); �+�' +�" �� VWeLNand Hydrolo8y Prese�t? Yes X No includes ca illa frin � I�esait�'�tecprded Data (strearot gauge, man"rtordr�g w+eil, aerial phatos, previaus inspectionsj, it avallable: RemarScs: lJv" [ � � ?r -r :/� !� `,'G� r L+ �:� >t �_ ^; - . , , . � PBge 5 af 1 D US qrmy �Carp� of �ngineerss Attachment A -- 73 -- M1CHI�EL BA¢CER INTERNATIONAL Atlan�ac and Gulf Coasiel �'tain Re�'ron — Vers'ran 2.�1 TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 VEGETATJ#3N (Five Strata� � Use scientific narnes of pl�nts. �� A rG� ..� I"�YOVIVIG d� IIIOI�I l0 VPYPIVI Tree Stratum (Plot size: _ 5 g o r Srsecies? Statlsi �. ✓= �✓ ,-Tr.. eCi�� J 1 _Id, �+r f� �� � . , w s _ , � 2. � cr o!� v5� ;� w►-r �_ � �'�f G r 3. L ; �� , �� �..�, y , r� s � r � � P � G 4. i�t�ert..� ,n�y� r � � �/�L � �a. 8. 'Y � = Tatal Cover 509b of tntal aoueG: _�_ 24°� af toial cover: �� 5anikn� Strat�rn (Pla! size: ) �. �_ 3. 4. 5. 6. = Yatal Cover 5U% of total cov�r: 2�96 of total «�v�r: $hRl� $tf�tM1ltCl (R�OtS�; 3r?' fiL.t}+;J+�t � – — � � `' � � `_– 1. L�c��,r;�M..,t r �'ti tt:.�,� lu.:. 6 2. ���r :vti��� tG '� �:!: 3. �','-.�<�.���., s.,��.4�.c� 'L `� 6�� 4, 2��Y Ccrr?�+s�,�-e� 'a ?' : kw� �. Ue cJ C! C�� f r� r G.� '� � �` �`L f. .� d = Tvtal Cover 5a°% �of tatal cover. �� .� 2�}546 of totatl caver. �� Herb Stratum (F'lot sfze: �� ' � F-�' • � ) 1. f' �'�!' i o�� « t. � W'� l�•�c t, . C, � � ;�I r r 2. �`'!�+ �` _ .'CJ � '�r+c _^ � J..r � /. ✓r r: : �s �+, � � � — t� � � 3. _ RsJ �i � 4_ �stl'1 [ r �,�i r� - 1,� K _. _ !�L ✓ a. 5. 6. 7. �. 9. 1fl. 11. ° � = iotal Cover 5a9b o� tatal cauer. �' .'� 2096 of total caver: __� Waadv Une Stratum (P3ot si�e: � ''�t� %� } .- 1. l o`l+ � C� d i�. G'rca r, t�f/� {� a� �� '1' *+4c:. 2. � ►vn � � c% } � : u t n. � � r� L 3. 4. �. /t� =TotslCp+uer 5Q96 of'l�otat caver: � 20�'m of total cover: � 1Remaqrks: (If �bser+ued, list morp+hologdcal adaptaQions/ b�elo4w). + 11 `�(s1flYr /, -�( _ ��1.�r� /-y�i i''r_ .y f'%( �jCY'� / I � US Army Ccarps af Enr�ineers Attachment A -- 74 -- I-5883 Wetlarrd: W �?�' Samplfung Poirrt� ��. 4v� � Nurrrber �rf Domina�t Sp�ies That Are OBL, FACW, ar FAC: �_ (Aj Tatal Num6er of Dororir�anl Spe�ies Across All Strata: � (B� Percent af Daminarrt Specfes That Fve ��L, FACW, or FAG: ��� (AiB} 1"otal 9f Cover of_ �Aa�OGplv bv: C?BIL species x 1 = �FAC�n! spec#es _ x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU spccies x a = UPE spec�es x 5 = Column Totals: (A} (Bj Prevalence ➢ndex = BIA = _ 1- Rapdd Fest for Hydraphytic Vegelation �( 2 - Domiinanae Test is >5096 3- Prevalenoe Pndex is 53.0' _ Prc�blematic Hydre,phytic Vege#atian' �E�plainp 'Indicators of hydric sodl and wekland hydrology musk be pr�sent uniess disturbed or problematic. �efiniUqrss Qf Fiv� V�peta�an Stra#a: Tree – VWaody plants, exr�udinr� woady vines, appro�cimately 2� fi (6 m) �or r�eore in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm] or larg�r in diameter at breasR F�eight (�f}.}BN}. Saplung –'Woady plants, eacGuding wo�ody vanes, approxirtvately 20 ft(6 mj or mare in �eight and less tharr 3 in. �?.6 cm} DBH. 5hru6 – INoody plants, ezcUuding woody vines, approximatePy 3 ta 20 ft(1 [o ��n) in height. Herb � All herhac�ous (nan-woady� planls, including herbac�o�s virs�s, regardl�ss oisize, a� w[tady planfs, exoept waody vines, Bess 1han approximately 3 ft(9 m) in height, W�oe�dy ►rine –,�11 woo�dy Vines, regardless af he'rght. Hydraphyt4c Vegetet9c�n Pra�ent7 Yes �_ I�a !#llantic and Gulf Coastal Pla�in Reguon � Version 2.0 TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 7i SC]��. �-5883 1Netland: ''W� Sa�npiing Point: wS• � �'�" �'rafile Uescriptiort: {�escribe ta the depth needed to document the Ir�dfcator ar conflrm the absence af lndf�cators.j Depth Malrix Redax Fest�ur�es iinches} Color {tmo€st} 96 Ctrlor (rnaisU 96 Tvc►e Loc� Texture Remarks � � ���t'!i �I`r" �' �J +'�'`i� �'��'� s3C1 C i+.'t [ [a� ►� 'T e: C=Concer�#ration, D=De letion, Rh+l=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sartid Grai�s. z�ocat�on: PL=Fare Linin , M=Matrix. HydrPc Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, IIPiiBS3 61�19M1�S� Plbi�d.� Indicatcrs far ProD'lematic Hydric Sr�il�': H�stosol {A1} ! F"olyvalue 8eiow Surface (S8j (Y.RR 5�'fr ll) � l Cti1 MuCk (A9) {LRR Q) ^ Hisk�c �pi�pedon {A2} _ Thin IDaak Susface �S9) (4.iiR S, T, U� i 2 crta Muck (A'60J (LftR S) B9adc Mistic (A3) _ Loamy Mucky 04hir�eral (F1) (�,RR f'1) � Rcdured VQrtic (F1$) Qoutsi�e M�RA i50A,�q _ Hydrogen Sulfide {A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ IPiedmant �loodplain Sails (F19} {LRR P, S, T) Strati�ed Layer$ {A5j �[�pleted Matrix (F3) _ Ario�napows 6right Loamy �oils (F20) , f�rganic Bodies (AS) (LRR'�P, T, Uj � Redoz Dark Surf�c�e {F6) (MLRA 1538) 5 r,m Mu�ky �llineral (A7} {LRR !P, T, i�} _ IDepteted ILlark Surtace (F7) _ R'ed Parenl Makerial (TF2} Muck Presenc.� (A8) (�R U) ,� Redox Depressior�s (F8) _ Very Shallaw Da�k Surface (�'F12) i 1 cm 'Mudc (A5) [I..RR P, TI _ Mari (F10j (L�R U) _ Othe� {Euplafn in Reanarksy � Depleted Below dark'SurFace {A11) _ Deplete�i Oehric {F11) (MLRA 151j ThiGc Dark Surfaae (Al2) ! Iron-Mangan�s�e Masses (Fi2} �LRR 0, P, 7) 'Indicatars af hydrophyHc vegelati�n arrd Coast Prairie Redax (A18J (MLRA 15aA} _ Umbrie 5urtace (F13) {LRR P, F, G) w�tland hydralogy mc�st he present, Sandy Mucky Mineral �Siy {LRR O, S) _ Delta �C?lchric (F17� (ML�A � a1 j unles� disturbed ar probf�maiic. 5andy Gleyed Matr�x {S4) � Reduc�ed VeRic (F18) �MLRA f 50A, 150B) Sa�ndy Redox {S5} _ Piedr�ont Floodplain Soits �F19J (INLRA 149A� Stripped Matrix {S6� _ Anomalous Bright Loamy �ails (F2Q) {MLRA 1�t9A, 15�G, 153Dj Dark Surfaoe (87) (LRR P, S, T, W) Restrictire Lsyer 4if observedj: Ty�,e: aeptFr (inches): Hydric 5oi# Preseflt? Yes N Na Remarks: I i + ,r �`� yC} r 4' �. �o :( i] ��cs c�r '{"` d �� i-o �a w C 1� rej r••r .y c�� � r3 v' � fJ 5 G r cJ. �% �•-, �i'1f.i�P'�7� C�,•� �^'r-[°;�J2rf , i ;'d�y r��.�rvri� Page 7 af iD U5 Army Corps of Engirneers Attachment A -- 75 -- MICHAEL BAKER 0NT€RNATIDMAL Rtlarutic and Gulf Caastal P4ain Regton — Version 2.0 TIP:I-5883 WET�AI�1D RA'I'�1�+iG WORKSHEET Fae��th Versi�n 1�P: I-5�83 Weiland: IN -- "' Project Narne I-g5 Exits 75 & 77 Nearest F�mad �. � r- Carxnty I��rnett Wetland are� �•� � acres Wetland width �/� r� �'e�# Name of �valr�ator _.t � �w,t.• ' c•�c� �r��c �r�I�.,.rG+e:�^•-•, �'���• �� S L}�tt� �''�� R��� 'Wet[�ntl [ncation � on pond or lake �C 4n perennial s�rearn _ on irrtermittent strearn _ within onterstream divide other: Ad ja�ent land use dwithin 'fz mi�e upstream, upsFope, �� radius) � forestedl�ratura� vegetati�n �� % � agricutture, urbanls�burban 7v %o � impervious surf�ce S % Sai! series: Dami�ant vegetatian predamina�tly arganic - hurnus, anuek, or (1) � �� �,• � . •, de. .� � �i r� � �'� 5 peat x predorninantly rnir�eral -non�sandy �2) Ac` � �`s�Y,'� _ Predaminar�tly sandy (3) '� � � u�, ��r�:-.-T �, ,� � ., � � � Hydraulic factars a steep tapagra��y ditched or channeli�ed ?S' tat�l wetland width > l0U feet Wetla�d type �(sel�t ane)' C� �attornland �ardwaad �'c�rest Headwater iarest ���atfar+e� � � d�$ � i� �i Pocrosin Bag farest Flae�ding and wetness s�mi,permanea�tty ta pertnane�tly f�ooded or inundated. seasanalry fl+oaded or i�u�dated � interrnitter��ly f]ood�d or terrsporazy surface water _ na e�Mder�ce af f]aa�ing or surface water Pine savanna � Freshw°ater marsh :�����#�tG�'�10� _ Carolina bay _ �Ott�er: ' 7'he ratir�g system eannot be applieaf ta salt or brackish marshes �r stream channels = � '"4V�ter starage � x 4,0�? = '� � A �3ar�kl�hareline stabilizatian � � 4.��y = � � �'�#1��� ratyng T Pellutant rerr�oval � ",� �.pp = � - I Wildlife habitat � x�.pp = y' � S� N Aquatic life va�lue .`� x 4.OD =� G Recreatior�lEducatiori c� x T.pp =� - :** Adcf i point i�' in sensitive rvatershed arod > l0°/p nonpoint sour�e disttrrhance within'/: mile u�steeazn, upslope, ar rad'avs F'age 9 of 1� Attachment A -- 76 -- wNTI€RWATI�NAL TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WI Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Wetland Type Bottomland Hardwood Forest Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratinc HIGH Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Particulate Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Soluble Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Physical Change Condition HIGH ConditionlOpportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Condition HIGH Overall Wetland Rating HIGH Attachment A -- 77 -- TIP: I-5883 U�fG�* ;,� I-5883 1JVetland:lN-� W�TLAN� �iE'�ERMIlVAT�ON DATA FC}RM - Atlantic ar�d Gulf �Coastal Plain Ftegipn �rajecvsite: I-9� Exit5 75 & 77 CitylCo�nty: H�F�ett sar��i�n� [�ate: �f��� �� Apptica�flOHmer: /V �G � o r , State: �L Samp�ing Paint� �� - ��° 4nvestigator(s): �J 5rw4, i G,,� �',.,rc �''%��•,rc�w, �c��,��5 Sectibai, Tawmship, Range: Landfo{rm (hillslope, terrace, etc.}: r�"r+'� � f Local reli�f {conca�u�e, cunvez, nr+neJ: �°"' ��" Slope 4°k}: '� �' � Subregien (LRR �r MLRA): � � !� ` P`f L�l: � f 3 �� ���� Long: ' � �. % ` '� �= '� Dateam: "4'�''S � ` Soil Map Gn61 Nartre: Ns l� hPWi dassifi�ation: �,�v /a �, �� Are climatic 1 hydrologfc conditlons orr the site typic�l �ar this time aiyear? Yss �_ No (IF no, expNain in Remarks.} Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydralagy sign'u�icaratly dist�urbed? Are Ve�etation , Soi1 , or Hydrolagy naturally problematic? Are °IVorrn�l Circums#ar�ces" presenl7 Yes � Nv (If needed, explain any answers in Rema�ks.} SUM�hAARY CfF FMNDI�IGS - Attach site map shawing sarn�pling �oint loestions, tfansects, ir�npartant features, etc. Hytiraphytic Vegeta4on Present? Hydrlc Sofl Present? W�tland �lydrology Preseni? �, r r�-, , f v�'��r �: tJ HY�R'(3L�C,Y Yes � �10 Is the Sampled Ar�a Yes No �' w6t�hin a Wetlarrd? Yes Na � �;�,1 �r �,� .� .,,� �r,, -11c �,t,� w1,�`� Yes Nv � Weuand Hydrolagy Indlcators: �e�Andarv Indicators 1�iinimum af trvo rec�uiredl �Prirnarv Indicatars fminimum of one i5 neauired: check all that annlv) _ Suriac�e Sail Cracks {B6} Surface YUater (A1) _ AquaQic Fauna (B13) � Sparsely Vegeta�ed Goncave Surfaee (B8) High Water Table (A2) _ Msrl Depasits (815j (LR�d Llj _ Draenage Pattems {61Q) Satt�r�Cfan {A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide ddor (C1) _ Mnss Trim Lines �atsf Wate� Marks (81) � c7xidi�ed Rhizospheres alang Living Ra4ts 4C3) _, C3ry-5easan Water Tabfe {C2) Sedime�t Deposits {B2) � Presence of �teduced Iron (C4} _ Cray?isfi Bur�ows (C�} ^ DriB T]epasits {B3) _ Recent Iron Reductirsn in Tieled Soits {C�6� _ Saturatran Visihbe pn A�rial Imagery (C9) � Algai Mat or CrusC (04) i Thin Muck SU�fat�e {C7) _ Geomorphic Pasition (D2) Iron Depasits {65j : Cither (Exptain in Rern�arks) _ 5hallow Aquitard (0�) � Inund�tian �sible on Aeroal fmagery (B7� _ FAC-Neutral fiest (D5} Water-Stained Leaves (B9} _ SpMagnum moss (DSJ (LRR T,11j Fiel�d Observakians; Sutiace Water Presenl2 Yes I�a � Oepth (inchesj: YV�ter Table Present? Yes No '� C]epth (inches): � a� ' f Saturatioe� Present? Yes No "� Depth (inchss). ���' '� WeRland Hydrvlagy Present? Yez Na X inctudes ca flla irir� e [�escrib�: Recorded Data (stteam gauge, monitoring w�ell, aerial p�h�tos, previaus ins�eCtiionsj, ifi available: Remarks: t.� e� i c, �, t% �:'� `i ;� f c, ro � c� , S ��� � r!i C, c-� ?� bf Page 5 of'CO US Army Gcsrps �f Engineers Attachment A -- 78 -- MICHWEL BAKER INFERM1�Ai14NAL Ailantic ar�d G�If Caastal Plain Regfa� - U�rsi�n 2.a TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 VEGETATION ��lys Strataj = llse seientific name� of plants. .,.,���ut� ��.�������,��� ��������� Tree SlC�lunr {Ptot size: �� "+' °�%� � S) % Gover cies7 atus 1. �� r✓� JG..�^�r• a� r�,t, i"�t,' �-� +r�l� 2. � t r�' / r1b r v t-r-� I c f- �'� 3. C's�+J rrc,�- n, f•ty �C �'' I<<4� : �q 4. ��'n L F ci r Cf ti ' 1'L� .. � �!� �. 6. 6. �! � = Total Cover 5f}% of total cawer: �� 3Q96 0# tatal cover. _� Sapainn Siratum (Pfot size: } 1. 2. 3. a. 5. 6. = Total Cover 50°k of !olal �ouer. �4�&r of totai caver: ShrWla Stratum tPtot size: 3� -� � �1,'� s� 1. L Y� L� L� G,-� Sr V �^ Y f F{ i �� I L+ C* �� � '� 2. lq-crr /���ra.w+ � r �� s. � � � «� a�!'�, � �. �' Y �r�[� M T �. W UC�C✓,�j p���yrs � � M'�L. �a. - 6. Herb Str�tum (Plot size: ,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1fl. 11. 5095 of total ccrver; � u i 54°% aF tat�l cav�r. Woadv Vir�e Stratum �Plot size: �a � r4�j°`� 7 � T. 4 rvr, l i.� �( ��G U�Cc.� - 2. 3. 4. 5. +� � = Tatal Cpver 209� ortora� cover: `f = Total Cower 2096 4f total cover: � - - = Total Coaer 5096 t�f total cayer: `� • s ZQ% of total cowe�: � Remardcs: (If �q6seNed, list ra�orphological adapt 1, *` 'f l,,r� /FJ ! � d'1 y �' (� � L j r• �[.i "� ' �y .�"+ r j � v US A�my Gorps of Engineer� i%f�gr �y T r Attachment A -- 79 -- �,�l��, � 9-5883 INetland: 'W -� Sampling Point: W� - � Daminance 7est worksheet: Number of Dominant Species Th�t Are �BL, FACYV, or fAC: � (A) Total M�umDer of Dnminant c�, 8peeies A,e�ass All Str�ta: {B) P�rcent af Damdnaryt Species That Are C1BL, �ACW, or FAC: � U� {FUBj Total °,4i Cover nf MufRinlw 3�v: fJBL species x 1 = FACW species _ x 2 = FAC spec�e� x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL S,pQCi�s x 5 = cn�umn �ats�s: (A) (a} Prevaience Index � BIA = _ 1- Rapid Test for H'ydrbphytic Vegetatian � 2 - Damim�an� Test is �50�'0 3- Prewalence Ind�ex is 53.0' � Problematic Hydraphytic Vegetation' (Explain) � Indicators of nydrfc sail and wetlend hydrology m�st be present, unless disiurbed or problemati�, Defln�tions pf Five Vegebatl,�n 5trata: Tree - YVaody planis, excludirrg v�oody vines, apprcfximately Zfl ft(6 mj or mare in heig�t and 3 in. (7.B em} arla�er in s�iameter �o� breast height (DBHj. Sapling - Wpady pPants, excluding woady vines, approxima�eiy 2�l ft{6 my pr more in height and less tfian 3 in. (T.6 cmj �BH. Shn,ib - Woody pbarsEs, exduding woady vines, approximately 3 tp 20 ii {1 ta B m} in hefght. Herb-AIV herbaceaus (nan-waodyj plants, including herbacepus vines, regardless af s��e, and woody �pla�ts, except woody vines, less than approxrtmately 3 ft(1 m) in height, Woody vine-RN wnody vines, r�egardless af height. Hlydra,phytic Vegetation Pr�esenx`i Yes � Na Alfar�tic and Gulf Coastal Plain RegNar� - Verssan 2.0 TIP:I-5883 I-95 Exits 75 & 77 c��14�cJ I-5883 INetland: W � � SOIL Sampting Painl: I- � Rrafile �escriptian: (�escriae to th� dapth n�eded t� docurtaent 4he indicat�ar or cc�nfirm the absence of indiwtoes.j t3�pth Metrix Redox F2aiur+�� (pnches} Calar �rs�o�stl � Ca9or �rrloisti 9'm Tvoe La�� Texture Remark& 0',�� ' �� {'�; � �; ',�°�,' �*"..� 'T e: C=ConcenCration, D=De letian, RM=f2edwced ?ulatrix, MS-Masked Sand Grains. �Location: PL=Pore L`rnin , IUt=M�Uix. Hydric S�il lndieatars: {Applicable to alN LRRs, unless atherwfse noted.) f�sdieators for Prnblematic Ffyd�ic Soi6s': Histos�l (A1) � Polyva0ue �elaw 5urface (SS) {LRR S, T, U) _ 1 cm Mu�ic (A9} (LR�i ti) � Histic Epipedon (A2) � Thin D�rR Surface (S9) (LRi� S, T, U} _ 2 cm Muds (A1Q) {�F� S) Black HIsUe (A3) _ Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fi) (LRR O) _ Reduc�d 4'ertgc (F18) (uutside �NL�iA 19QA,8) _ Hydrog�� Sulfide {PA) „ Loamy Gle:yed PJl�trix (F2) _ Piedmont Flnodpla�rr 5oi4s (F19) (LRR P, S, TJ Stratified La+y�ers fA5) _ D+epteted h,4alrix (�F3} „ Ano�r►alous Braght Loamy Soil� {F24j _ �rgan�c Bodies (Afi) [LRR P, T, U) � R�dax Dark Sur�ar.� (F6) (MLRA 1638� 5 cm �111ucky Mineral {p7) {L.�iR P, T, Uj � Depleted DaMc Surtace (F7) _ Red Parent Material {TF2) � Muck Prns�c�ce {A8) (LRR U) _ Redax De�ressions {FB} _ Very Shaifow Dark Suriace (TF12} � 1 cm Muck [A9) �L�tR P, T� _ Marl {Fi(3) (L1iiZ U} _ Dther (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below �ark Surface (A11) , Deplefed flchric (F11) [NELRA 151) T�ick Derk S�trtace �Al2j , Irpn-14�2nganese Masses (F12j (LRFi i}, �", T) '�undicatars o6 hydropF�yiic vegetatian and _ Caast Prafrie �2edox (A1fij {MCRA 150A} _ Umhric Su�face {F13j (l.RR P, T, Uj we{�and hydrolagy must be present, _ S�ndy MuCky IU�iner�l (SiJ (LRR C3, 5) _ Delta Ochric (F1`T} (ML�7A 15'�) unless disturb�d ar problematic. � Sandy Gleyed �w1$trix (S4� _ Reduced Verkic (F18} (h�LftA 750A, 154Bj ` Sandy Redox (S5) _ I�edmant Flnodplain Soils {F19� (MLRA 149A) _ Stripped V�R2trix (S6) _ Anomalous Brighl Loarny Sails (F2Q} (MLRA 149A, 153C, �53D} Dark Surtaee (87} (LR�t P, S, T, U� IRestrictive Layer (if nbservet�): Type: � Dept�r (inches): _ Hydric 5eil Preserut7 Ye$ N� Ftemarks: �y��V�'•'�-- �-`"• � �_ ,"�^ "" y�(fCt r, '� w'4+i �-'C/ Hf�')�f ��j/ow*w� r�Cj!D,.�r �° f �"1 }�4'1 G -I � , Y �e �•t ✓ � � � � � � r,1'.i O 4, �CG« "`'r� r � � �age 7 of 1 D US Army Crarps uf En�ineers Attachment A -- 80 -- �,+IICHAEL BAKER PNTERNAT9�NA� AtPantic and Guli Coasta� Plain Regia� � lAersfan 2.6 TIP:I-5883 wJiwK 1Netfand: VW�_ IIVE'LLAND d�TERM�NATIQW [3�1�,�► FQRM — Atfant�c and Gulf Coastal Piain Region r. F'rajecll5ile: +":� �� ''_ CiSylCounty; �f�'�7�••'� � ��f��';C �f �` Sampling Date: ApplicanUdwner: f-�' `-U� � Slate: /%�- Sampling Point: �J Investigatcrr{sj: _�� �'� J� �^,��n��- Sectfon, Tawnship, Ra�ge: Landfarm (hillslape, tert'ace, BkG.): �k%"`'- �+r�ft :� •.�I _ Local relief (concave, corsvex, ranne)� .:' �_`�:�^ f', r�rr Sl�ape {9b): Subr�gion(�RRvrhALRAj: L��"(�P Lat:,'.v-'�A1cI'�2�- Long:–.�i0�`�"�?`f1 � �latum' .�;�!-`��: �oil Map Uni# Name: � � r•' �, r� f, �� � ^��;: c. e t NWI classification: � A�re cllmat�c P hycl�o�ogic corrditions on i}�e site typical far this Nraze of yea�? Yes � Mo {!f na, explain ir� Remar�cs.} Are Vegetation �, Sail , or hlydrtrlc>gy significantly dis#urbed? Are "Nnrmal CirCumstances" present? Yes ✓ Na Ar� Vegetation , Soil , or Hydraloyy naturally problematic? (I! nee�led, explain any answers in Remarks.} 54]'MMARM OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showira� sarrtipli�ng poir�t locatiarr�, iransects, impartant �eatu�es, etc. F'fydtophytic Vegetalian Preseni? Yes ,i �Ica Hydric SoiY Presenti? Yes �` No Wetl�nd Hydralogy'Present? Yes ✓ Na HI�DR(iLOCY Is the Sampled Area wlthin a WeYdand7 Yes •f Na Wetland FNydrology Indicaiors: Secr�ndarv End(cators fminimum oi twa r�eouired} Primarv lndicaiors (rr�inirPtum of one is reauired: che�k aIP thai a�ofvl � S�lrtace Soil Cracks {B6} i Surface Water (A1) �,4�quatic Fauna (B13) _ Sparsely Vegeta#ed Co�cave Surtace (B8} Fiigh Water Table (A2j _ NYar� Deposiis (Ba5) (LRR Uj � prainage Pattems (B10) ! Satura4ion {A3) _ Flydrpgen Sulfide C1dor {C1� , Moss Trim Lines (61�Sj WBIEf MBFkS (f31) ` O%idized Rt�izospheres along Living Roats (C3} _ Diy-5easan Water �able {C2) 5ediment O�epasils (B2) _ Presen� of Reduced Irory (C4J ._ Cra�sh Burrows (G8) _ Drift �epa�slts (B3) _ Receroi Iron R�ductian in Tilled Sails (C6} ,,, BaYuration Visibte an Ae�ial frnagery (C9) Alga! h+E'at or Crust (B4) _ Thin VNuek Surlace (C7) _ Geomorphic �os�tian (D2) � Iron �eposits �B5) _ Other (�scpl�iru i� �2emaxksy _ 5hallow Aquitard (D3) Inundation 11rsi61e an A�rial �magery (E37) _ FA,C-IVeutral Test (DS} Water-Staine� Leaves {69) _ Spiragnum moss (08j d�RR i, Uy �ield 06ser+ra6ons: SurFace Water Preserrt? Mes No �f - aepth {i�ches}: �� Water Yable F'resen9? Yes No � Depth {incC�es) S�luration Preseni7 Yes . �In depth (incfies): '� VlfeMand Hydralogy �Present? Yes � No in�udes �a illa frin e Descr'rb� Recarded Oaia (slream gauge, monitoring Well, aerial photos, prev'rous inspectfons), if available: Remarks: -- —. — – – ��, �,�,�, �. f^,Y ;, •�' � .� 4 _ 4., , � �,i�-i . _ � a. �� _' ��`"�� ��<'r=_ _ �_ r` Page 5 at 1� MtCHAEI BRKER IMTERRfATI�NAL U5 Arrriy Carps of Engirteers Atlar�tic and Gulf Goas4ai Plair� F�egimr� – Versian 2.0 Attachment A -- 81 -- TIP:I-5883 VE+GE�ATN��I (Five Strata� — Use scientsf2c names of �lants. Absalute �}ominant IndEcator Tree Stratum (Plot slze: � �T ) �ver � �tatus �, } ft'riJ`-t✓l � F_ ��n.M"'I-�'P -''..� I ,i`jls (' -'.l' '�''-'.i`' 2. � 3. - — a. 5 5. 509� of total cmvet: Sapfing Sir�tum (Plc�t size: �� � i ) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 50% of Cotal caver: S�r�ub Stralura (Plot size: �'- � p 1 �. i � -,,1.:,.�AW ��_ r .�t.1_MG�. 2. .' �. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wetland: ► w� Sampling Point: Dorninanee Test worksh�el: iJumher 4f f3aminant Species ihat Are OBL, FACW, or FAC� � _(A) Total NumbeR caf Dominant Species Across All Straia: (S) Percent of �?ominan4 Species That Are QBL, �ACW, or ��AC: %' �.� �? % {NBj = Total Couer �'reva4ence Index warksheet: 2096 oftotal covae; —�I °�Q ��"�r of: Multialv bv: OBL species x 4 = FACW species x 2 = FAC &pecles x 3 = FACU speciss x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Colurnn Totals: (A) dB} = Total Cover 2f�96 af kotal csav�r: Jt� , i :/ f : �_ = iotal �aver sa�i� ot tatal cover. 2D9b of tolal ct�ver: F,�gfb Stratum (Plal size: ! �"" ) �. � 'r�1•.�lI.1'�, '�"�t�i6"_�� =` • 2. i�l� �_I^ r i�r .i : C R�. .'r 3. �'i, � � ^� '���' �,Y;,• � • t [ . �'`1 - - -T� ti 4. 5. B. 7. 8. 8. 10. 11. Prevalenr� Index = �IA = Hydraphytic 1/egetation Indieato�rs: 1- Rapid 7est far h#ydrophytic VegeTation _ 2 - Dominance T�st is >50°k � 3- Prevalencz Index Vs s3.€7' _ Prohlematic Hydrophytic Vegetaticsrti' (�xplain} 'Indicators o# hydric soil and weUand hydrplogy must he p�resent, unless d'+sturbed or problematic Definit3ons of'Fiye Vogetation Strata: iree - Wondy plants, �xcluding woody vines. approximateiy 20 ft{E my or mpre in height and 3 rn. {7:6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (��H}, � Sapling - tNoady planis, exctuding wr�ody vines, �f'j�— li appraxin7ately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and less It� i i th2n 3 in. {7 6 cm) pBFi = Total Couer 5D36 pf tatal cor+er 2t�°,6 af total caver: Woodv V�ne Stra�um {I�144 size� ": a¢` ) 1. 2 3- 4. 5. US Army Car[rs c� �ngineer� = Tatal Cover 5�96 of total cover: 2d°,� of tota! caver: o morphotogical adaptations below). Attachment A -- 82 -- Shru� a Woody p6anCs. �xclud+rig woody vines. appr�ximalely 3 to 20 !t (1 io 6 m) iru heigh4. Me�b - A'U herhaceous qnon-woody) plants, incGuding herl�aceous uin�es, regardless of size, and waotiy plants, except woady vines, less ihan apprpximately 3 ft(1 mj in height. Woady vine - All woody vines, tegardless of heighE Hydrophytic Vegetatian �Pre�ent? Yes PJo Ailantic and Gulf Caasfal Pfain Regi�n - Version 2.0 TIP:I-5883 SOII. wJ / wx W�tland; 'U�J � Samplarrg Poinc �rvfi�e DescrAption: (DescrBbe to ttre �ieptM needed to dacument the indicator or confirm the a6senc� of iradicators.� C]ep4h PNatrlx Ftedox Fealures �n� Calor imois!] °k, Co}arlmoistl o,� Tvn� _Lc�c� 7exture Ftemar�Cs �'^� _ � r ' W I r.Tr+ t 4 r, � i �_ �v � l��- I i ��. � � i + b ,� t' r�''� �f'^" ,.1T . � �. .. � _ , � . � � ' �r . ', i �,� - f t , �,� f .'`,; 7rti r r9..�_ ���as..t� . �' � 'T e� �C=Concentratian, p-Re lelioro, RM=Redueed Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. 'LacalFnn: R�aPare Li�iro , M�Malrix. Hydric Soil I�tiicatars: (Applicable to al� LRRs, unless otherwise rroted.) Indicatars for Rro6lematic Mydric Soils': Histosal (A1 } � Palyvslue Below 5urtacs (S8} (LRR 5, T, U) _ 1 Cm Muek {A9) (LRR Q} Hiskic Epipedon (A2j _ ihin Dark Surtsce (S9) (LRFt S, T, Uj _ 2 cm Muck (A1[Y) (LRR 5j � Black Histic (A3} � 4,oamy AAucky Min�ral (F1) (LRR �} _ Reduced Vertie (F18j (outside MLRA 15UA,B} _ Hyd�agen �uAffde (�v4) Loamy Gleyed IMatrix (F�� _ Piedmont �IaadpRain Soits (F99j (LRR P, S, Tj StratEfied Layers (�45} �Depleted Matrix (F3) _ Anomaious Brigh9 Loamy Soils (F20� _ Qrganic E3odies (ABj (�RR Ip, T, Uj � Redox Ciark 5urtace (Ffi} (MLRA 153�3j 5 cm Mucky �u0ineral �A7) {I.RR P, T, Uj ! DepieYed Dark Suuface (F7} � f�ed P�ren1 Material {TF2) _ Muck Rrese�ce (A8J (LRR U� _ Redox p�pr�ss+ons {F8) _ Very �hallow dark Surtace ('FF�12) _ 1 cm 4Nuck (A9} (LRR P, T) _ M�rl {F1f�) 4LRR U} _ C3ther (�cp{ain in Rerra�rksj Depleted Belt�w Dartc Surtace (A41) _ Depleted Qchric (�91) {ML�A i51j _ Thiek Dark 5urface (A1�J „ Iran-Maryganese Masses �F�2) (LRR �, P, Z} 'Indicators ot hydr4phytic vegetatlort anc� Caas1 �rairie Redvx (A16y �MLR.{I 150A) _ Umbric Surface (F13} �L�RR F, T. UA wetland hydrology mus4 be pres�nt, � 5andy Mucky Mine�al (S�y (LRR 0, Sp _ Q+elta t�chric (F17y (MILRA t51) unles� disturbed or problematic. _ SanQy Gl�y�d Mah'ix (S4) ` Re�duced VeRic RF18) jfWLFtA 150A, 7508} Sandy Redcax (S5) , Pied�moe�T Fioodplain Soils (F19) (�+ILRA 149Aa � Stripped Nlatrix (S�} :, Art�orcislous Bright Loamy Scrils (F2Q) (NtI�RA 149A, T53C, 153Db Oark Surtace {5i) (LRR P, S, T, Uj Restrictive Layer (if abservedj: Type: DepSh (incties}: �lydric Soil Present� Yes ✓ Ma I �temarks: - — - _ _ Page l af �0 �1S Army Cvrps nf Engir��ers Attachment A -- 83 -- MICHA�L BAKER INT�RNATIO�SAL Atlantic and G�If Caastal Plain �egion - Version 2.f7 TIP:I-5883 NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 5.0 Wetland Site Name WJ/WK Wetland Type Headwater Forest Date of Assessment 6/8/2016 Assessor Name/Organization T Burhans Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub-function Rating Sum Function Hydrology Sub-function Metrics Surface Storage and Retention Condition Sub-surface Storage and NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Ratinc HIGH Retention Condition HIGH Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NO Particulate Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Physical Change Condition HIGH ConditionlOpportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence (Y/N) YES Habitat Condition HIGH Overall Wetland Rating HIGH Attachment A -- 84 --