HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052093 Ver 2_Complete File_20060220Division of Water Quality Wetlands Restoration Program MEMO From: Date: To: plecf sC, Subject: M., / A / l 2 0 0 5 2 0 9 3 tva! ?al?/l Y ? clus? /?'?rJ c,, -M r T3 llll ?(o O?J n?.? ? SUfv7GV Gr.J7Lc-I /) NCDENR NorsTl CAR-- DerwRTrnEM OF ERViRORMeRi ARO NAnMAL R?souRees PO BOX 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-01. 1Co5 d 0? --/,? - (? ? ? - /? § -6 r3°, 535 / Phone 919 733-5208 D ???P ?s?? Office Use Only: L}p A D Form Version October 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. ®5 -3,0q 3 If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing TMP _ 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this prof e ® Section 404 Permit ?; 2005 2 "D F-1 Section 10 Permit ? 401 Water Quality Certification DENR - J1A1 ER QUALITY ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules WETLANDS N©s'URMWATERBRANCH 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 3 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: X Y 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program Mailing Address: 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Telephone Number: 919-715-1616 Fax Number: 919-715-2219 E-mail Address: wyatt.brown@,ncmail.net 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Fax Number: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Stream Restoration Maintenance and Repair for County Line Creek, Henderson County 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): - 4. Location County: Henderson Nearest Town: Fletcher Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): NC 191 South of Asheville @ High Vista Estates & Golf Course, north of McDowell Creek Road 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note- If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: The surrounding land use is subdivision and Golf Course. 7. Property size (acres): 3500 ft. of stream with -25' buffer on each side equals 4.0 acres.(see plans). 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): County Line Creek, French Broad 9. River Basin: French Broad (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at hllp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/adTnin/mW-/-.) Page 6 of 12 Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Stream Restoration Repair/Maintenance to improve water quality and habitat. Required due to bank slumping, erosion and needed structure repairs from 2004 hurricanes and riparian vegetation failures related to late frost and ice damage. IV. V. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Track Hoes, bobcats, small loaders 10. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: The surrounding land use is a golf course and subdivision. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Permits for the original restoration were obtained, but have since expired resulting in this application: Agency Action or Permit # USACE 199920922 NCDWQ 000722 Future Project Plans Expiration Attached? April 02, 2004 Y April 02, 2004 Y Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: None VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 7of12 1. Wetland Impacts - N/A Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online athqp://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: 0.0 acres Total area of wetland impact proposed: 0.0 acres 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams: See application item VII below as well as the Maintenance Plan Sheets for activities and locations and attached disturbance table (Table I of Sediment and Erosion Control Plan) for disturbance totals. Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Irn act Perennial or Intermittent? ( leasespecify) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.uses..wv. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapgc uest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: See application item VII below as well as the Maintenance Plan Sheets for activities and locations and attached disturbance table (Table I of Sediment and Erosion Control Plan) for disturbance totals. 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. N/A Open Water Impact Type of Impact* Area of Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Site Number Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, Page 8 of 12 (indicate on ma) (acres) bay, ocean, etc.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation (N/A) If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Although the original project as well as this proposed maintenance involves work within and adjacent to the stream channel, the goals of restoration or any needed follow-up maintenance are water quality improvement and improvement to in-stream and riparian habitats. The objectives are improvement related and not impact related VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors Page 9 of 12 including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Please see the attached maintenance plan sheets and plan documents. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at hM2:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/=/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No ? Page 10 of 12 If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify N/A )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 0 3 0 2 0 1.5 0 Total 0 * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. Page 11 of 12 XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Site and general area are rural and comprised of forest land. As part of the original Land Quality and DWQ permitting, the project received an NPDES general (NCG010000) stormwater discharge permit (expiration 913012006). New Land Quality permits are being sought as part of this stream maintenance. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Not applicable to this project site XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). _( ?=DC Applicant/Agint's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200230234 county Buncombe and Henderson GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program Attn: Jason Guidry Address: 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1619 Telephone No.: (919)733-5208 Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): County Line Creek flowing through High Vista Falls Subdivision off of Highway 191 near Fletcher at the Buncombe/Henderson County line. Description of Activity: to restore a 3,500-foot reach of County Lune Creek. The project is to improve water quality and aquatic habitat by utilizing bioengineering restoration techniques (rock cross vanes, root wads, log vanes) accompanied by the establishment of a natural vegetated buffer. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.1344). (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 27 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans, and those conditions outlined in the attached April 2, 2002 NC Wildlife Resources Commission letter. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date 4/2/02 Corps Regulatory Official David Baker Expiration Date of Verification 4/2/04 Telephone No. (828) 271-7980, extension 6 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995 Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality 410 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 r F 2 2 X05 y / 1 Y 11 U€?{ v?, 1 RpNC pp ;qD February 15, 2006 Re: Courtesy PCN for Stream Restoration Maintenance/Repair on County Line Creek, Henderson County Dear Cyndi: The attached includes a completed PCN and supporting documentation related to needed maintenance and repair on an NCEEP stream restoration project. Since we are applying under Nationwide 3 this PCN is sent as a courtesy copy. A Land Quality Permit will be sought for this project before construction begins. Thank you for your continued support and assistance. Sincerely re , Ads Wyatt Brown, CPESC. LSS NCEEP lei INIZENR North arol rm " r ? enhancement Program, 1 Mail ar ia':?31 er, Raleigh, N 27699-1611 919-715-0476 www.nceep.net 2005 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR n _?q3 REVISED AUGUST 2005 C OUNTY LINE CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT HIGH VISTA ESTATES AND GOLF COURSE HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EEP CONTACT: MAC HAUPT 919-715-1070" ` 1(C?' ` !Q5 Dt a, ? N.C. ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM NCDENR - Q Ln In ar N 00 N 0 0 N N of 0 u a m % N 41 7 .9 N LD i O O In 0) 0 2 a INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 2 GENERAL NOTES 3 TYPICAL SECTIONS HENDERSON COUNTY 4 STREAM DETAILS 5-5A EROSION CONTROL DETAILS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 6 VEGETATION NOTES 7 VEGETATION DETAILS 8-11 SITE AND VEGETATION PLAN AS BUILT SURVEY PREPARED BY, AttLP Q AA2TCAR P1S DAtW 0.24-2 T MWM IM NLIBR LJ647 19 WK 231 IM "'W` K DICKSON m"z"m LOCATION MAP FILE' H:\PN\(n1795OW\DWC\A$-BULM,4B-COYM.DWr PREPARED IN 7NE OMCE OF.- WENT: PROJECT: NCDENR °? cAeo -1 09 Kimle -Horn ,b -' ill Y EEP '`" "'S COUNTY LINE CREEK ? ; (''+.. M HENDERSON COUNTY and Associates Inc. W ` 0'"4 riw NU d. tm.rotf aM Oalpie peemlN Av<k m an bewmmt Ie nlnded Wr tv Ue fp.dfe aM ellmt to x kW it m prRa?Wion.. „ ui. LC'WIqhR dN mox..et «uat -ttw and dwt.em iml.f-Hd Au ,t- I? > ar d. «uat H.YStt. .xd P.O. BOX 93068RALHGI{ HORiH CAROLINA 270.18-3088 COVER SHEET WA t WMWrHV V and A, iat6 H, 2001 - - - PH OfE: (90) 877-2000 FAX- (9W) 877-2050 .?" WIN 071195010 1 11 a O V N ul) In O O N N C)1 o. Z CL GENERAL NOTES: ALL BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NAD'83 GRID BEARINGS. ALL DISTANCES AND COORDINATES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL (GROUND) VALUES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ONLY CONDUCT BANK AND STREAM BED WORK, INCLUDING ALL IN-STREAM, GRADING, BANK STABILIZATION AND SEEDING AND MULCHING WORK ON A SECTION OF STREAM THAT!yy/'1/??CC `AA.N? NBB'fE ENTIR//ELLY COMPLETED WITHIN A SINGLE DAY. ale u4 t1''?Yl v!LL{A? ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED URS. 6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PUMP AROUND THE WORK AREA, PER THE PUMP AROUND DETAIL, WHEN WORKING IN OR NEAR THE LIVE STREAM. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE TAKEN TO MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE IN THE STREAM CHANNEL AND IN GAINING ACCESS TO/FROM THE WORK AREA ROCK FILTER DAMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED DOWNSTREAM OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA TO REDUCE SEDIMENT ENTERING THE STREAM. ERECTION OF SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROLS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE EROSION CONTROL REGULATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL SURROUNDING PUBLIC ROADWAYS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FREE FROM DIRT, MUD, AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY ITEMS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING FAIRWAYS, CART PATHS, IRRIGATION, UTILITIES, ROADS, ETC. ALL EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SERVICED PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING EACH MORNING. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT FUEL, OIL AND LUBRICANT SPILLS IN THE VICINITY OF THE STREAM. SUBSURFACE: NO SUBSURFACE DATA IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THIS PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HIS OWN SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AS THEY RELATE TO THIS PROJECT. UTILITIES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD LOCATE ALL UTILITIES INSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR INCLUDING IRRIGATION WATER LINES. ANY RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES SHALL BE COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE HIGH VISTA FALLS COUNTRY CLUB DIRECTLY. SITE/EASEMENTACCESS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROADS, FAIRWAYS, AND CART PATHS. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES (PER DETAIL SHEETI SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL ACCESS LOCATIONS PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD TAKE CARE TO MINIMIZE THE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING RIPARIAN VEGETATION WHEN MAKING REPAIRS. HIGH VISTA FALLS HAS GRANTED ACCESS IN AREAS ADJACENT TO THE EASEMENT THAT ARE CURRENTLY MAINTAINED AS ROUGH. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO REPLANT/ REPAIR DAMAGE TO THOSE AREAS. IF THE CONTRACTOR NEEDS ACCESS TO AREAS THAT ARE CURRENTLY FAIRWAY, THEY MUST USE PLYWOOD OR OTHER MEANS TO PROTECT THE FAIRWAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A STAGING AND ACCESS PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO THE ENGINEER AND OWNER PRIOR TO INITIATING CONSTRUCTION. THE PLAN SHOULD DETAIL ACCESS, STAGING, AND SCHEDULE. THIS PLAN SHOULD BE COORDINATED WITH THE COUNTRY CLUB/GOLF COURSE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTON PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING, SILT FENCING, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. ADDITIONAL TREE PROTECTION FENCING, SILT FENCING MAY BE NEEDED TO PROTECT ADDITIONAL SENSITIVE AREAS, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DURING CONSTRUC17ON DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, BUT NECESSARY TO CONTROL EXCESS SEDIMENT, IF DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WATERTIGHT TANKS OR BARRELS SEALED WITH PLASTIC SHEETS TO BE USED TO DISPOSE OF CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS, SUCH AS LUBRICATING AND TRANSMISSION OILS, GREASE, SOAPS, ASPHALT ETC. PRODUCED AS A BYPRODUCT OF CONSTRUCTION. AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, THE FACILITIES SHALL BE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT CAUSING POLLUTION. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED FROM THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL BANK. NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE IN THE LIVE STREAM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PUMP AROUND THE WORK AREA PER THE PUMP AROUND DETAIL WHEN WORKING IN OR AROUND THE LIVE STREAM. VEGETATION PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING IF CONSTRUCTION IS PERFORMED DURING THE SEASONS SPECIFIED IN THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IF NOT, PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE PERFORMED DURING SPECIFIED PLANTING SEASONS. ALL AREAS INSIDE THE CONSERVATION AREAS THAT ARE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLANTED PER SHEET 6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE PLANTED WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING. COMSTRUC77ON EQUIPMENT . THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO REQUIRED TO INSTALL IN-STREAM STRUCTURES(ROOT WADS, LOG VANES, AND ROCK CROSS VANES) USING A BACK HOE OR TRACK HOE WITH HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO MOVE ROCKS AND TREES AS SIZED IN THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. LOW PRESSURE GROUND EQUIPMENT IS RECOMMENDED TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT TO THE GOLF COURSE. STAGING AND STOCKPILED AREAS NO SPECIFIED AREAS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED AS A STAGING AND STOCKPILED AREA. THEREFORE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH STAGING AND STOCKPILE AREAS ALONG THE PROJECT; AS NECESSARY, TO CARRY OUT THE WORK SILT FENCE PROTECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED IN AREAS WHERE LOOSE SOIL HAS BEEN PLACING THE STAGING AND STOCKPILED AREAS. THESE AREAS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITION UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK. me N:\^\011795006\Dns\drtm,Iu\h-ob-mte DWG PWAM N ME OfACE OR CUEN Kimley-Horn REVISED PER SffE WALK ON 7/27/04 7/30/04 JIN a -.1. arv IE and Associates, Inc, Nu d-mt, t".45m mild M. <m,mte eM dsir. mmmtee Amin. u m b,tremnt ot,m,iu b MI,dd my W d. V,dr, e'npm, and dim( M e ld, it b, pr,pm.d A— N and Imp,mIr dim- m b,b da .t MtHCut e,(ltm atAmlwlbe and oMptotl by I{MI,t HO and A„mhbq pia. hW ha dUat Nbilty N gwc,,Hw and Aemdela. Ine. P.G. BOX 33M - NALEICK NGHII'I CAROLINA 276M-3M CoMght HYNey Hm m,d A,mdotde, Me, 200 PHONE (BIS) 6772000 FAX: (81B) 677-2050 EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY 1. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL. 2. A NCGS CONTROL MONUMENT WAS FOUND WITHIN 2000 FEET. 3. BROKEN LINES INDICATE LINES NOT SURVEYED. 4. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. 5. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAYS AND RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY AFFECT SAID SUBJECT TRACT. 77 (f V t;RBRANCO NCDENR EEP NOTES E?,;; , NITS COUNTY LINE CREEK ti, ,, AEU ?: ' '"'' ?' NITS JK HENDERSON COUNTY II Et;', W ° ? •' ?? Ww ,uo ? WW A? AVanad ,evmm„em,nd„ -_1 awa 0117950M ' 2 / N- POOL \ RIFFLE RiF1E RIiRE `? POOL RIFFLE ' TYPICAL PLAN VIEW SCHBAATIC NR ,OTTER QUALITY ;.... -J'T0WWATER 6RANf-:l a co ri ?r .-i LO 0 0 N N C11 3 v Hri V •a t A i -1 a-1 7 N i O, O Ln Cn n ri rq CD Z CL ------ 7.5' ----- e uIN +r \ i xt A' WN 1Y AIL, RIFFLE SECTION STA. 0+00 -23+90 A\ ) S' MN. ? r \\ I s ` BB' 7. 7?' BENCH 68' ABOVE NORMAL WATER POOL SECTION (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) STA 0+00 - 23+90 --------- i" 6B' 2a' 4 RIFFLE SECTION STA 23+90 - 37+70 -------------- ---------- - ------ ?N'.? I?"I BENCH 1.B ABOVE LOW FLOW POOL SECTION (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) STA 23+90 - 37+70 RESTORED BANK RILL CHANNEL TYPICAL SECTIONS N.T.S. ?' A p 14 2006 NOTES: TYPICAL SECTIONS ARE PROYOEO TO GIVE THE GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF THE CHANNEL. FINAL GRADING WILL GIVE THE CHANNEL A MORE 'NATURAL' APPEARANCE AND MIMIC UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM STABLE SECTIONS OF RIPARIAN AREAS. k.?d C N \prH\mnPSOaBWWOks-BUErsµB-x-HmcusoWc SEE MATTING DETAILS SHEET 5 PREPAReD N THE OFM[ OF; CUENT: NCDENA 2-10-03 MOXCT: III Kimley-Horn .-• NTS EEP °ti?COUNTY LINE CREEK REVISE PER SITE WAEX ON 7/27/04 7,70 04 ,nN WW SELL NTS n '? .-O . d „' .t -I t .Mtt "-"'. - - MtltZ10»t- and Associates, Inc, JK y- ,??-w ui. a-- .-..t ?uwt .nxM ain-ixau- ma mim eE Nx,nrN-. ma A.w°Nt- n- nW b b, Nth. j ixwq m q.1.rN- and A..W-H- km P0, BOX 33M - a, ,.,,-.t 8.,.. , NoRTt•I caRattaa rn3e-?oee TYPICAL SECTIONS WEE HENDERSON COUNTY Cgynot KW.,-N-, -.e A...° t- t-, 2001 PHONE- (90) 877-2000 FAX (are) 87 7-2050 WW 9nnsooe 3 fl 1?ft Q n 00 In O O N N SO' YIN. BOULDERS FILL SCOUR HOLE WITH B' OF SEDIYENTAnON CONTROL STONE ON TOP OF TYPE X FILTER FABRIC SOLDERS AND FOOTER 00' MIN. REMOVE EXISTING d.?? ? - + FAILED SIRUCTURE rlpr-AL B' MN. OF SEDIMENT ,/',r .. `, ?? ?i I ? . CONTROL STONE u., ` . an a75 SECTIONA•A STREAM FLOW as i aMIN. N1115 . TYPE IF . _31 WILL, I FABRIC NNE , ., ErnAE smucnrRE) PROFILE .. rIT?. ?--+A CONSTRICT PER CCSIAUCT PEAJ RDIN VANE DETAIL ROC( VANE DETAE STEP POOL STRUCTURE NTS PLAN BACKFILL W/ 3'.15' DEED GRADATION OF CLASS 4 MUSS B RP RAP. AND NATURAL COBBLE MATEPo/L N(NNOKN CEOTEXRLE TD BE USED BETWEEN BOULDERS AND BAIXFlLL NONWOVEN 7AR RE TOP LAYER B' EXCAVATED COBBLE AND GRAVEL ' L= 8-12 OF CLASS B RP-RAP FLOW FEB 2 L; O B W BOULDERS MN - - COVER UPSTREAM FACE 5 MIN NTH FILTER FABRIC ANKwLL -5. . ROFILE ??oo DENR • "TA r n?pp?e + BACK FlIl NW/C`NI'PllY6 f -F CRDAn OF A`N « B RP-RAP. NONWOVEN .. ?._,?.?.-.----- 15-20 CLAM X ' QTEEN B TO BE USED EN,TRg17 CImExs AND BAOLFxI. FOOTER ROCK 1 yy, ,?, 30' BOULDERS 20'-30 DEEP S t (^'') >Y, BANKFULL WIDTH . '1' (IRXRI1/AR5) A Al s'-20' SECTION B B B . 30' BWLDERs STREAM flDW 5-5' (MAIN CHANNEL) ! .. V (SEE TYRCALS) - - 5 WIN. MIN. NONWOVEN -?T GEDiCffAE J ? f I BANNFULL ..; FOOID 3, BOULDERS BANIOTNL f? STREAM ROW eANKFULLMDnN (SEETYPICAS) STREAM FLOW - B A 2/3 L BAWFULL PLAN I '- -' 55- _ r \ PLAN N I 2/31 (SEE PLAN MEW ABOVE) ?J . .... ...... -?- -% . _-........._.? '-- TOP OF ROC(. TOP unR B' EXCAVARD COBBLE PLAN STREAM NOW (FLOW Roa) SECTION &B NONWOVEN ? DDI /l AND GRAVEL O Y /- TOP OFF 3' MIN 4 / ROCK STEW ROW bra ?? ? 2.5* MIN L-•"?? ,. FRnsNm smEw /? NONWOVEN RO S r-12* OF SECTION CLASS IF fUis O PoP RM RP-RM 1.5 OFEP . Flw91ED SBN'AL MR. WADE QOiEX111E BACNaLL YM OAPs I Y B NENYOKN OmTk71TRF sWUa BACNFILL E?•-?l ' F. RP- RAP q Lg SCOUR MOTE DEEP FOOTER PREWC T.B • l PAD. R PRO. PAEIRN: I.O DEEP (iPoBJTARlES) SNCAD BE SO DEEP (MAIN CMANAEI) BELOW BANNM.L FIEVAnON ONSTRUCTED RIFFLE ROOf/WLA511 PAD. ROCK SHOULD lE PLACED TO PREVENT P ROCK FROM TOP SuDXTC FORWARD Nt.s PUCm lE PREVENT SECTION A•A TSOUPD FORWARD SECTION A•A NOTE- EXCAVATED CFW#JEL MAERALS (COBBLES AND GRAVELS) SFIOULD BE USED TO COVER CONSTRUCTED RF•T:tE ROCK CROSS VANE NOTE CASs B FOP RAP SNAIL BE NANO PLACED TO R. A-VANE WIGS BETWEEN LARGER BODU"S NTS RT.S PREPARED M THE OFFICE OP: CLIENT: PROJECT: NCDENR . 10- 2- 03 -Horn Kimse . Id Is o AT2 T NTS COUNTY LINE CREEK y EEP . 'e ?t ` 0 ? ; = REVISED PER SITE WALK ON 7/27/04 7 30 04 JIVE N'M L 22 "' A1'•BOM: wm wwFC acamu and Associates Inc TITLE-. ':li H-?V' 4r K HENDERSON COUNTY IN. daumNnl, IageNW dE th tanapla and OWAna praanld Ardt, as m XaWmnl of MNaA la 'ntrrrish ahF iv qt spWBa Pryow on/ U4n1 Nr . AM B wa pap aad R«e. . I , :? '., ITEE:' • ? ? Fn Cd and 4nFrryar rdbrsa a IM dmxnml MIFwI wills alhaltatbn and adaplalla by KMry-Nan and Mviola; Mc fid b, nNOVI IbbillT to KXibrNon end AvefbW. Xa -xam C^PWHht KYnI. k 1 1 P.Q. BOX 33M - RAL?y NORTH CAROLINA 276.)' 8- M STREAM DETAILS ? <4 a ° W •, ww daF? rrPaac w a NIY N? 11 T aM Aua Xi ,.. 2001 PrarF (M) 877-2000 FAX: teal 677-20W I Ww ol ) nsa015 4 a L Q cr% N 01 00 Ln 0 O N r%j ;ar Q? 1 U N L L 3 I N C)il O Ln rl 0 / Z a / PIPE MAY BE LEFT OUT IF CROSBNG O TO BE USED AS A CHECK DAM av b1ATTNQ TYPE AND LOCATION QUDE NTS IMTTINO TO BE 66TALLM OI ALL OAKS N4ICN NR ORADW. EMPOfTP1FE, 171FIL:M A+FTHl78R` VF0M NTS R 3 `i sl? DEE i WIMP l NOffi .. pSoP. , 1. A STABILIZED ENTRANCE PAD Of 05 MD DE E RNT RAID BALLAST SHALL S LOCATED TAWS TRAFFIC WILL ENTER IRA WK DE CONSTRUCTION 9T7E GiN A PUBLIC SORT. THE CONSTRUCTION H FLYER FABRIC OR COMPACTED CRUSHER RAN STONE SHALL BE USED AS A BASE FORM 0OSIRICIION E14MAHM - 1 M ENTRANCE SHALL DE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WIDE YELL PREVENT WAGING OR FUGW D a SCOME T _ ONTO PUBLIC STREETS a DOSING PAVEYENE THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TAP OREESINC WIN ADDI7HNAL I I I SHOD AS CONDITIONS WARRANT AND REPAIR OR CLE.WWT OF ANY YEAWRES USED To GAP SEDIMENT. 4. ANY SENYENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED. Olt TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MIST BE RODIED WMEDIATRr. H WHEN APPROPRIATE. WWTLS MUST BE CLEWED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTDRNC A PUBLIC STREET. WHEN . WASHING K RLQURED, IT SHALL BE DONE IN AN AREA STABILIZED WIN CRUSHED STONE WARN DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASH SAE SD. NO. 30.1111. . R MAINTENANCE REpRNEYENTS PER SECTION 6.00 OF NCDgKS EROS(W AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PIANNIIC AND DESIGN MANUAL FRG DIIEr EERII WKMW '"w ? ? ?'?A:•..SMM..?t.+gw--r - ? ?? ?"n' A 11MlIUig1 K1WIC? WpGI P Y91D lIGK j - o y m ' R TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE COTS NOTE _USE CLASS B STONE FOR STRUCTURAL STONE USE NO. 5 OR NO. 57 STONE FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL CONSTRUCT DAM A / MAXIMUM OF 1 Fr. ABOVE - TEN OF BANK- NORMAL FLAW DEPTH. 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFOK INSTALLING B ANKETSA INCLUDING ANY NECEBSAW APPLICATION OF UYE FEBRRER, NIB SEED. NOR: WHEN USING C101-0-SEED DO Na SEED PREPARED AREA. CEEL-O-SEED MUST BE INSTALLED NM PAPER ALOE DOWN 2 BEGIN ATM TOP OF THE CHANNEL BY ANCHORNC THE BLANKET IN A B' (15.1) DEEP N S' (I Sem) WIDE TRENCH KYOND UP-SLOPE PORTION BLANKET WITH A Row a An TRENCH. WITH APPWITAINTELT 12' SDPUY%srN(s /PPAOIXLL18mr 1 O(q) APART IN M A0T101 oMPE11K 1REACIL BMUACRIBArt AND COMPACT M TRENCH MEW sGPUNG. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOH AND FOLD REMAINING '2('O0-) PORIpM OMPACT OAaPA WRIT S (7AND CM ICA04LM SWIDTH ECURE BL NKE d Wf ACTED 504. WITH A ROW F STAPLES/SUHES A PUCE CONYMNE BLANKETS ENO OVER ENO (ARNGE MW WITH A /•-B• (10--15.n) 0AB1P. USE A DOUBLE ROW Of STARES STAGGERED 4• (loan) APART ARID C (loan) ON CENTER TO SECURE BLANKETS. 4. ADACEW BLAND= MUST BE OION:PPFD APPRODMAEY 2•-S• (S -12.5an) (DEPENDING ON BLANKET JJ?TppEE)) AND STAPLED. To ENSURE PROPER SEW AIGNMENL PLACE M FDCE OF THE 01FAUPRNG BLANKET (BLANKET BONG NSWLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH M COLORED SEAT BRILN"ON M BA wrr BEND oAALPPEO. S. IN HON FLOW CWMM APPJGTgNS, A STAPLE CHECK SLOE B RECOMMENDED AT OO TO W FOOT (9m-12m) w ALS. USE A DOUBLE ROW OF STAPU9 STAGGERED 4• (10-) APART AND 4• (TO-) ON CENTER OWL. ENTIRE WIDTH OF M OINREA H THE A B?(15 ) DEEP THE- (IS- BERENCH ANCHORED µo COMP CTAMRS/ STAKES EN MNRDOSTAPUC r 12• (30-) APART A B C CRITIO•L POINTS HORDOMTAL STAPLE SPICING SIDED BE ALTERED A. OVERLAPS AND BEANS P NECESSARY TO ALLOW STARES TO SECURE M 9. PROJECTED WATER UNE CWIIC•1 POINTS ALOHA' M CHANNEL SIRACE A C SLOPE EVVERTIDOCECESY/SEE • N LOOSE SOH CONDITIONS. AN USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 5 R 15 and YET SE NED C ESSARYIAf TO 70 PROPERLY ANCHOR BLANKETS. INSTALLATION CURE FOR MO" CONTROL MATTNQ COTS B MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BYLINE ENGINEER MN. 10 G LINE CORES < I r) u 7i ,I •`• .. Y R, CSC, V a't? x N E; II w To ,':ti V FRONT VIEW TOP OF BANK f 111 2 ) 1r r;, -0• MN. 1A. 2 -'I Fes- ??'(L'1?;c* BPff: IF'. • A, ?^FL.- Y MAX -USE AT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA 'NX ORS NOT EXCEED I/4 ACRE AND NEVO A SEGMENT STAE,W BED AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW CONTROL STRUCTURAL STONE 1'-0' W. STONE NN »-f/i GA WOEDME MES GRADE STEEL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC SILT FENCE FABRIC 4 5 I FlLL ROPE '. i , • FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, USE - 9 Na 37 WASHED STONE. ?? ' P•.•• F ANCHOR ANCHOR MIEN EN SILT „ EN ' GRADE FENCE N PRO7(CTNC CATCH BASM. , 0' MIN. COVER i OVER SOWT A+04OR SKWT AS C. BY EIONRR SID VIE W ROCK SILT SCREEN STANDARD TEMPORARY SLT FENCE Nrs COTS HAVPMD117R5006ADWGVS•EC?DETIDYI,S I --T PREPARED IN M OFFICE OF-. CLIENT: PROJECT: KimleyHorn NCDENR G"."o Wyi;-.. 2-10-0J !°•'ot;*. NA COUNTY LINE CREEK EEP ??` p4PP NAwR «PaO IAN and Associates) Inc. dK HENDERSON COUNTY ThW daun•I, IgINM MN N an.pN ak IN,ANP aunltl Mk, w m WPlrvmnl PN PMNPA I• NI•dN DENT la MP p•tlk pwpeM a1 dlnl Ix Mlwi N wP pryad AAV» •'•.?IIt,+'A(b kp p. NkNP • IN, N L WU,.t w tt. NlnaolLM W,p1PHAn M, HInAgHI' and APO K1A MP Irl I4 Yth•1 I"Ally XW TI- A, ;lt a, Iz F'.Q BOX 03M - RAL80F( NORTH CAAO(U" 27636-MM EROSION CONTROL DETAILS w^" GPPIRNL N'mIP)`XP'n a,e AN to N<, 2001 PFK)Fe (90) 677-2000 FAX (910) 677-2040 A. %%? ww 0„795000 5 w n I? L CL rl_ Ln i6 N N Ln 0 0 N N m 3 c c 0 m a E CL N 3 rn i L9 O i to o' Ln rn .n r.E 0 Z LZ A4 L 4x0 -?I ,I i A PUMP O ... AR NO CLASS 8 NOSE RR RAP ON 0 PLAN 4 SY TITER FABRC -? SECTION A-A ENERGY DISSIPATOR FOR PUMP AROUND HOSE CIF CLEAN WATER) NTS SPECIAL STMdIG BASIN (SEE PROECT SPECIAL PROWmvS) T UTILIZE A STABAITED OUTLET INSTEAD OF A SPECIAL STILLING BASIN F PUMPING CLEAN WATER IMPERVIOUS CIKE - (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROWSONS) IMPERVIOUS DIKE - (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PRONAGNS) TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN (SIX PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) OEWAIOMIC PUMP EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL FLOW - IMPERVIOUS ONE (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) STALING BASIN SPECIAL SnWNG BASIN WITH ROCK PAD NIS NOTE: PROWOE STABILIZED OUTLET TO STREAMBANt PUMP-AA0.W0 EXAMPLE OF PUMP-AROUND OPERATION SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TYPICAL WORK AREA 1. INSTALL SPECIAL STILLING BASIN(S).. 2. INSTALL UPSTREAM PUMP AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE. 3. PLACE UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN PUMPING OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION. 4. PUCE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND PUMPING APPARATUS. DEWATER ENTRAPPED AREA. AREA TO BE DEWATERED SHALL BE EQUAL TO ONE DAYS WORK. 5. PERFORM STREAM RESTORATION WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUNS. 6. EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT AND OEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF IMPERVIOUS DIKES. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES. PUMPS. AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE. (DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKES FIRST). 7. ALL GRADING AND STABIUZATION MUST BE COMPLETED IN ONE DAY WITHIN THE PUMP AROUND AREAS BETWEEN THE IMPERVIOUS DIKES. PUMP AROUND AREA TO BE STABIUZED WITH MATTING AT THE ENO OF EACH WORK DAY. DURING THE PUMP AROUND OPERATION WATER MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO FLOW SACK INTO THE CHANNEL UNTIL THE CHANNEL IS PROPERLY MATTED. THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ONLY SHOW THE UPPER AND LOWER EXTENT OF WORK FOR EACH STREAM SEGMENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE(S) FOR EACH DAYS WORK. 8. REMOVE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN(S) AND BACKFILL STABILIZE DISTURBED AREA WITH SEED AND MULCH. NOTES: 1) ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ONLY DRY OR ISOLATED SECTIONS OF. CHANNEL 2) IMPERVIOUS DIKES ARE TO BE USED TO ISOLATE WORK FROM STREAM FLOW WHEN NECESSARY. 3) ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS. 4) MAINTENANCE OF STREAM FLOW OPERATIONS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE WORK. THIS INCLUDES POLYETHYLENE SHEETING. DIVERSION PIPES. PUMPS AND HOSES. 5)- PUMPS AND HOSES SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SZE TO OEWATER THE WORK AREA. RLEM roll, FEB 2 4 2006 DENR • WATER QUALITY WETI-ANDS AND STORMW:ATER BRANCH PREPARED IN THE OF7 Of.. : CULJ4 1: 2-10-03 rrtus?T W R0 NCDENR COUNTY LINE CREEK Kimley-Horn JEEP 4?Sd .,. N,5 'm "'S HENDERSON COUNTY An x.: claN, am a.. e. aAwm en TIl?. ',! .Ci•A"YR JK and Associates, Inc. `11?' tt IAN d--L tO,HS MIN Nt --U and da Y W NIC P'ADw. and wnl b .Ald It .Rd wWNte. AwW yIe aemlw nwdn as m H1IrtmanL PI eaMq M Man4d W b BN A,ypp mttm b s MAew pY - cl..d knp, S ,Man,, m IN, 4-wt MNwt xNLtw wNalxelNN and od"WtlW NY KMq-HV and Aw,Wt- I - Al an. MUwi MMItY L. NMde>•H,x and AttaMt... In<. P.a. BOX x1066 -11ALI3r t NORTH carBOLru ?,«,6-?DBB PUMP AROUND DETAIL :. ,+?...." , COWgNd X-gy-NMe and A -Wt- Ma 2005 - RigE (CID) 677-2000 FAX (910) 671-2050 Vy?i Wyy 011795006 5A w 12 G ?1IQ V si N 66 Lr) 0 0 N ON N DT 7 In d.+ V1 / rU C) 0 Ln n Z CL Z VEGETATION PLANTINGS, Unrestricted Riparian 6,Mr. (Areas outside of tune play.) Little or no maintenance excpt far ho7ad radunion as disnsad c, dying silo and shrubs. These areas should be replanted to match the spacing requirtmenl below. Renricted Riparian Buffer - Ares within course play will be managed bared on the maintenance guidelines established in the mitigation plan. Theaew that are disturbed for suenm repairs or access should be replanted per the plans and specifications, BARE ROOTICONTAINERIZED VEGETATION: I.Geneul: In order to reestablish vegetation in restaaimn areas, such as bankfull bench., and slopes, baamot vegetation will be planted ns shown on the plane tee required in the Special Conditions. ?,bfalenah'. a) Initial vegetation material will be provided by the contractor. The contractor is responsible for cmrcelly inualbral and maintaining vegetation material. b) Vegetation mateml will consist of bare tut vas and/m shrub., Vegeutinn to be insulted in area shown on the Vegetation Plan labeled "Unrestricted Riparian Buller" is listed in the "Unrestricted Riparian Butler Vegetation Usl". Vegetation to be.,called in areas shown in the Vegetation Plan labeled"Rntreled Riparian Buller" is listed in the "Restricted Riparian Vegetation List". 3.P,cparati.n. a) Planting shall take place to winter. Immediately following delivery to the project site all plants with bare rants, if net promptly planted, shall be healcbin in constantly moist soil or sawdust in m acceptable manna corresponding to generally accepted horticultural practices bj While plants with bare roar are being transported to and from heeling-in bed,, or arc being distributed in planting beds, or ac awaiting planting after distribution, the contractor shall protect the.planm fmm drying out by means of wet canvas, burlap, or afrmv, or by other means acceptable to Enginea/ProjectManager and appropriate to weather conditions and the length of time the routs will remain outof the ground. Costa lalim: a) Soil in the.. afih,.b and ace planting., shall be lomentl dept, fat least 5 inches. This is necessary only on romp.l.d sail. b) Bare rent vegetation may be planted in hole made by a mattock shovel, or otter n. approved by Engm-prnject Manager. Roouwrk shall be planed in e vesical position with the rent collar approximately h inch below the it surface. The planting trench or hale shall be deep and wide enough to permit the mots to wand out and down without Iroati g. Thee plant stern dull remain upright. cl Suilshulibeseplocd around the pl.-cl egestmnond tamped around the shrub ter Ueefimdy to eliminate air pucker. S.Spacing TLe following spacing guidelinet ofaooed shrubs and uaa are provided in the fallowing cable. f -- - -li-alnuog . New pins A,94 Tall Pa I,P70sgA. Per LW sgit Shmb. sou t rood Atit 19 as 15 151025 6. Aatutwn All newly panted shmbsad trees shall be potecld with a" diaroaer (30" min. beight) va prakaor w6a with hambaoor woodsuku fa support- LIVE STAKES Live stakes are to be insulted only on apesedor regaled sawn banks (areas maned are remaded) to bonkfWl elevatia of the designed steam. Thee sakes are to be imtdld st . dmaily of2 to 4 live stakes per square vard The rpecia to be wed for live suking are listed in the following Species List The Supervising Engineer reserve the right ercjecthny%tekef'out do dwtmecttheabovemcntionedefikM. The Contractor shall replace rejected work ate additional eat to the.-ter. Live stake are to be dormant (cut fall or winter). and either gathered locally or purchased from a comnaeirl supplier. gallalkNPremrnuan • Stakes must be freshly cut with side branches removed but with bark in tars (aware that the bank is rant stopped during the cutting prepamim, or install.ton of the stake). • Comings are to be collecedailing . saw no, a. T). One end must be cut at an gl fa' inscrtion into thmoil. and the other must be cu squire for to Ping. • Cuuingsm at be kept fresh and moral prior,. iaulimion. • Cursing, ..at be prepared from 0.5 to 2-inch diamda awak andapp-,nmtely 2 as 3 feel in length. Imtalhton damn stake the vane day they are prep.rd. • Start the installation nearest to the suet and work up the bank/flodplbn. • Cuttings must be installed right side up with the buds pointing upward, • Cuttings should be umpd into the ground at right angles to the slope and angld duwn.aream • They era to be tampd Deco oche grpud for approximately 415 of their lenghh. • Catalogs that split a become"mushroomd"must be epecd. Stakes xa. be spaced at such that there m 2 sea mite per sgasreyard. Sutra should be installed in a random coNigurtion to prevent gullies and promote a more nawmI eMct in the revegeaed.,ran, (See NOTE) U-muictdbi elan Buda Dve Slake Percent C.ceriAtiun Comas amoer-fi ilk,d-.-d) 25 Pa Iur oWOda cotmnw.od) 0-25 Sidi roc black will.wl 50 wood) 1 0J5 RmrgN.d RI u ten Rube, Use Stake Percent Cumowitnon Comas oamosam(sdky dogwad) _ 75 Smduevsmmaknna(dd., b U) ?5 FILE: N:\PN\o117R500p\OaC\Ab-9AA\IB-SEFrOR.ONG PFR66AN9M' SEEDING SPECIFIC.NTIONR Fur disturbed areas imde the cmrtnxii.. uwanai Seedbed On aimswhere equipment ten be operated safe] y, thc,ecdbed dull be ,kqudely leaeemd. Diskirry mull be m.,kd in areas where soil is computed Swap banks shall require roughening, either by hand scanfyrnet a by equipment, depending on silt conditioner ErylineenProjecl Manager will determine condition needs onside. If seeding is done imneMatdy folowng cuwtuction, seedbed plepmnaliun may not be required except an eomparad, polirhtd or Ihrhly ewarcas, Upermamnt seeding is performed in coni'nction with temporary seading,nxdbed pepaution mdy mart to be e5eumdmme. Pe- mt Seed,og A riparian seed tun st Useale mf'a He per I,OWU q ft or 10 lb, per ace rhell be wed (at selling. The fallowing table lint herb(mw, permmentse.l mixture labeled "rip.rlan seed mu" (Cdlmmnn Nana' - : .Sd'fngnrWme. x Rice Cu Om.t _ Lwraia-d, 5 Soft Rush J.- ,- 10 - Daemon w Pon NUmdmdesnrem 20? Switch to Pure-, viraaum 50 Lonwead V.-oea avebo-mans 5 Swam SuNlnwer Helimrlms ten n.lina 5 lee Pve Wecd Euatmiumfiuafwum 5 Nods pwmmart ground tore Mel be established m tP disturbed wean 11Nb 30 a"ng day. or 120 eoleda day. (ankh-eves h ahatr) ldloahg emmplatlen of canalna.llc . Trout' (Ban root) COmOpalBm; No mat in- 251 or any ant .packs Bataan niga (river bash) Orwpsro. rgIlma (pnbunm) Fmmue pesmylwnica (gown aal) H.I.M. ecrdblma (avreel) Ny.w ylaelde (bl.d,qum) plants a, occdentall. (.y clim-) Shcx ndgra (block Nlaa) Shrub.' (Ban root) Class-action , No morer than 201 of my we so Armlo arbutmok (rd chaxbrry) A.Ynlaa Wotan (comma ".Pa.) Cdxmtha, aarKU. (..col-show) , Carew amanum (.Iky do0aood) Caylus ornwlcao (hand-nut) Namamali. rkiinew (.Nch-ha•al) SSmplaos Uncles. (ravel leaf) Vbumam a resdddes (yAtlr.-rd) X-ther,a .1npllciesimn'(yelln.-rout) Shmtel (Ban root) Cyppmaglpp; No tor. then 301 of may ant yrle. Anus trMato (lag alder) Coma. nwmum (day daq.oad) %entharhim Implid- (y.11-rat) 1. Reommwdd NaUw Rant Swdw for Stream Restoration in North Card'ns. Karen Hall, NC Steam Rwlaalle, Institute NCSU January. 2001 Starting mutter. Spee.. Rate (b/ovQ Rya (Surd. -ale) 5O1 120 Brownlee, Millet (Pmkum romowm) 70% 5.4 ammdmenla Foil., rseammandetime of .d test. or apply 2000 Ib/acre grand' ngrkulturcl lanwlane and 750 b/acs. 10-10-10 lat,lar, gulch Apply 4,000 iii straw. Mena atroa by taAkg alb esphelt n.tlFg, mulch ancharng tad. A di aith bodes met n.mly e"ighi can be wad a a mulch mmoMg led. uadten-el R.f.Mlae II growth is not fully adeeude. Rested, nhdiiz, and mulch 6 ddatety Waning woekn or other damage. Not. Wand tour areal be ertabllmed an exposed lapse althk, 30 .comp days fall-irl eandrlan ill any ph... of qr.di.q. 4ge:p¢f ?gCrA? C - Bi'' q d ? g ..aa ( q { 'A I {4. FEB 2, o ?ow DENR-r`ile!E ROn;tvjI i tNE iI A(?I)?A? p 3TiJK;?WARR RFAP!cH PREPAM In THE OMCE CF: CUENT: "„ C.O„s -2-10-0] PIeO F.GI: NCDENR Kimley-Horn EEP 111`1 j%?:?: "? COUNTY LINE CREEK e :• SELL -1 = NTS HENDERSON COUNTY ET.nd-nmat w.mna, and Associates Inc. Q tognhw rlth tla euween andig,. merld nwm, an Wtmmnl dweek Ir Ftndd dy fa Ina VerMt pampa. and char roc aNkh a w. rested Rwu GASpn? ) a We do mans, .lthwl nllran MhwNeolkn ad complellm by XYnlrrN" and antedates, Me than be .Waal Robwy la XMHy-Nom and Aeeo6stes, Me. la0BOX.3.? ' , ALay N CffrH ( AROLM V r"•m VEGETATION NOTES lmlty-Hen and A sed.tn Ina, 2001 PFpNE (BSD) 677-2000 FAX, (9A) 6/!'2050 qhy 01179500A 6 or tl VEGETATION PLANTINGS U.... tricted Riparian B.IT- (Ares cansida of course play) LiWe o, no trams-a ce accept for h-rd reduction to diseased or riving treat and shmbs. These areas should be replanted to march the spacing requirement below. Restricted Ripiartao Buffer - Area within course play will be managed based ten the maintenance guidelines established in the mitigation plan. The ueachm are disturbed for suenm repairs or access should be replanted pet the plea and specifications. WIRE ROOTICUNTAINERIZED VEGETATION: I.Gmeral;. In order to reestablish vegetation in restoration areas, such as bankfull scathe, and glop., barefoot vegetation will be planted rya shown on the plans or required in the Special Conditions. ?.Materials: a} Initial vegetation material will be provided by the contractor. The contractor is responsible for correctly installing and maintaining vegetation material. b) Vegetation material will consist of bare root trees anllor shrubs. V'egeutionmbe insulted in areas shown on the Vegetation Plan labeled "Unre trkbd Riparian Buffer" is listed in the "Unrestricted Riparian Buffer Vegetation last". Vegetation to be installed in areas shown in the Vegebtiaa Plan labeled "Restricted Riparian BuBa" is listed in the "Restricted Riparian Vegetation List". 3.1imparstion: a) Planting shall take place mwinur Immediately fallowing delivery to the project site, all plants with bare mna, iftmt promptly planted, shall be heclcd.in in onstwity moist soil or sawdust in an acceptable manna corresponding to generally accepted horticultural practices b) While plants with bare routs tee being transported to and from hecling-in beds, or are being distributed in planting beds, or arc awaiting planting after distribution, the contractor shall protect the plant, from drying out by means of won cmva, burlap, or straw, or by other means acceptable to EngincerlProject Manager and appropriate to weather conditions and the length of time the roots will remain out of the ground. 4.LWllatim: a) Sail in the area ofshrub and treept,,ungs shall be loaenedto a depth ofat kact5 inches. This is nemsary only on eompamed soil. b) Bare most vegetation may be planted in hole made by a mattock, shovel. or other m approved by EngincarProjal Manager. Roobamic shall be planted in s vMieal position with the mot calla; approu-taly th inch Mow the soil surface. The planting trench or hale shell be deep and wide enough to permit the mote to spread out and do- without J.muting. Thoplant star shall remain upright. c) Soil shall be replaael around the planted vegetation and lamped a round the shrub or tree firmly b eliminate air pockets. S.gpacing The following spacing gadelin.ofmcaad shrub and teees arse provided in the fallowing table 'l.pf i5pa)Ingrya*Plan. Aag.w, Total+- per 1,000 rgit - Per I,- "ft ?Sn. tea ur<s ?uem rouq aB a.15 15,025 6. Protection Aft newly planted shrubs and trees shall be protected with 4" diamcter (30" min, height) tree protector tuba with bembon or wood stakes fa suppaL ' LIVE STAKES Live stakes are to be initiated only on expected or regarded streambanks (area maned tic emmed) to ba dUall elevatia of the d.ignedstmam. Tho smka arato be inerallcdat a dmdty of . too live stakes per sq..'cyard The species to be used for live eking are listed in the Q (allowing Specie Liss The Supervising Engineer reserves the right to reject any%takci' that do = twt-L the orenlionsd aittriw The Contractor shall replace rejected work at an additional east to the owner. Live stake are to be dormant (sus fall a winter), and either gathered locally or purchased from a N conmereial supplies, Collealon/Prepa-lion (A Stakes most be freshly cut with side branches removed. bon with bark in tae O (eaare chat the bark is trot stripped during the rutting, prepoalitn, or iatallacion of the Co aka) N • Cuttings arcbbe collected uingasaw (not an ax). Once end out he cal at an angle fa imeN oninto the soil, and the other must 01 be cut sgwre fa tampon \ Cowing. moat be kept fresh and moist prior to installation. Crdings most be prepared from 0.5 to 2-inch diameter stock and approximately 2 to 3 fa. in length. Q] Installation • install sokcs the same day they we prepared. • Stan the installation nearest to the scam and work up the bakrpodplain. ? Cuttings most be installed right side up with the buds pointing upward , Carlinp should be camped into the pound at right angles to the slop, and angled downstream 01 They tee to be rampal ins she goad fw apprainwtely 415 of their length. • Coning. rind split ce b......tIncensed" must be mplacd s Stakes ere m be spaced at such that there we 2 to 4 xtakes per squara yard. Stakes should he installed in a rand- conirguruim to pr-t gullies and promote . mom rn asaal effect in the ro-veg.amd area. (See NOTE) Unrestricted Ri a ten Buller Uve SUkn Per cent Compositim Camua raw bitk dogwood) 25 dala cdtanwad M 0.25 at black wigowl t, _ 50 vib-cm, .MaNpm arrow weal 0.25 Restricted Ri urgun Ruffs fiat Stake Paanl Cumwsition Camasuwtas.. Odky ci 75 Sumba- maaknsis(eidee berry) 25 FA(: H:1PN%011795006\pwG%AS-&JkTS\AB-1,CG-0[gMIC PFRAfANFNfT SF-EBING SPECIFICATIONS For Jismsbcd area inside the eumuuctim casomens Seedbed Pmnamti m On aim, where equipmenl can be operated sickly, thescalbod shall be adilqualilly:caencd Dieking shall be needed in arm where al is comysuad Stecp batiks shall require mughtang, either by hand anatfyhg or by equipmank depending on site eunditiua, EngineonFeojael .kfaager will detamlina condition neadv entire. If scaling is done immdialoly following maw"iob, scedhd preparation may, al be required except on uampsaad, polished or fntbly ca areas. Bpeaomml seeding is performed in cogiMxlion with temporary adadlng naedbed preparation only aeda to be executed once. Permanent Salta A riparian aecd mw at the tab of!4lb per I.OW sq ft or 10 lb per .,to hull be cited fa ceding, The following lablo lira habncmus, pemonawsnd anisette labeled "riparian sad mu' rCdmraan amt '. .Sdan80eNaWe b'-'. "- RiceCar0- Leenia-ciea ] Soft Rush Jan.,, user 10 Da.amn u, Paacum sJmwesdnam ]0 Switch ses Paaner theta. SO bonwced Varoraa noaAwaamts ] Swat SunEnwer Helimdlmsm fi liua ] la Pvc Wad Eumrarn-Anvlaum ] Nola Permanent grand cover shol be "latlinb m all dptwbed ora ra within 30 sofkk g days a 120 calendar day (which-tar Is shorter) following comisatim of construction. Tr"e1 (saw amt) Gpmpahllm; Nat maw than 251 of my we p"Ma Salute nigra (river bkdt) Waspy" vIrgMlan. (prsahwnan) FmAae p...,I-kg (gran oath) Haeslo ewolnlera (0-bell) Nysea ayadca (bl'sk9um) plant- aecn"tala (Swann-) Sala ntgra (black saes) Shrub., (laws rat) Ge,9paltagn- No we than 201 of any anal peclea Arms emulualo (red tlrakebmy) Asknne naoba (aommm pcp..) C"ycmlha naidus (w.at-Ow b) , ' Canter ananum (sly dg.-d) C=zarianc (hazel-nut) NamamNn Nrtjnlena (wlteh-head) Symplaen Unclad. (neat Isar) Nkamum wa"n"d" ("e"Zcd) xmthwlza la plici"Ino'(ydla.-amt) Stmbst (Ban tent) CombyIBfG Me more than 301 of my me coda Moe srrulato (lag alder) Camur -am (say d".-d) Xmthamizo 0,01ciseme (yMlas-rest) 1. Recommended Nat'" Plant Span" for Stream R"taraum in North Carolina. Koren Noll, NC Stream Ratadtbh Institute NCSO J-uwy, 201 PREPARED 11NC 0MCC M -4 Kimle -Horn O; y Z Q co and Associates Inc ? mml logcn« with the nempl, and daslq,s pry,red n«rn, " m "Mks Ie Nlnab my far the pe"A, wac la w and dint hich p ap ab Aa" , . N Bwl wlliw "Ihode"bra and rdaplatkn by N knley- kNr ap« rNVnm TIM daamrrl wl and aabm", nor ucY be wideat ItaMty l xk"eyNmn and A"aciatq k. a P.0.. BOX 33M RALHOK NO" CARCLM 27636-3M t xlmey-Hem cod. Awotlala Ina, 2001 PHONE (M) 677-2000 FAX (V1 Un-20M NCDENR EEP VEGETATION NOTES Sang mnturw Spai" Rata (lo/oar) Rys (Sc"e Grade) 301 120 Srountap MIllst (Pmlam mm.-) 701 Sol ammdmnb Fait. rsanandallmr of fog tats a apply 2000 Ib/wry ground agrleaft.m, l;. am, and 750 b/care 10-10-10 ie,111- Mulch Apply 4.000 n/are steal. Mena otras by fodthg with mph"L ntttng. mulch mrnang toot. A di .0 Mode "t nerdy str.*t an be I, I cad o. a mulch anmoeng tool. tbnrwmnce I'-etut if growth 11 not Fully do Raab, refertilize and match hxnbratNy IdloNng rabn or color t dwnoq. Note: Gerund cover she be established an eepotad slopas within 30 waning days fdlasng cmap.tim of my pha" of grading. a-+ k a FEB 2 0 2006. e C7ENR - WATER QUALITY ETlANCSANDSTCRM'WATER 6RAACH ottiip:..he NTS COUNTY LINE CREEK °yAaQ`'a" 3FAl y': i NA .-` JK HENDERSON COUNTY CL 00 M in N Ln 0 0 N i r14 ,ri T., O, Z CL i 2 h i b? ?A Y? 5/8" REsAR 0114TRGL POINT LOCATED AT BLUE TEE NAD 23 N - 6755,441.51180' OF 12TH HOLE NAG 83 E = 932.4183.2+092' REPAIR BY HAND NG4D 29 ELEVAAON = 2305.59' P9 [ADD CLASS I RIP RAP BEHIND FLOW ROCK] 6P 0 +00 REMOVE ROCK VANE INSTALL STEP POOL STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL) REPAIR ROCK VANE STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL) 9 U a 1. 1. a r Xus Mu rowsv - CAROLINA quirt NgiM CAAIX.WA z .. }00 2 2 ? q- 2+00 4+00 / CART a ?. 3+Dp E ( - m C 221 2 S ------------------ --------- 0 69 ?` . 225 \ \ xa 77 O? P ?o 6 X "I« ,,.°255 Xaa O ?E ,•tY t d? 3 f r 3. 5/3' RERAR f 1 s, \-5/8" REBA;t CONTROL POINT 7 s a 1« NAD 83 4 = 533 2.1,27789 a P n ' ?' ?V f j tid ?b % NAD 8, E = 932907./9324' BUNCOMBE COUNTY x bf E NGft) 29 ELEVATION = 2293.81' 1•g g T "; '.Q ° IT x \ ° FEB 0 ?- ?? f ??\ DENR - WATEf rn A f ADSANDS?Q % LEGEND ?. ?" • 8 a W f?, N1i 1R4L X W a = 0 IRON MARKER FOUND PROPOSED ROCK CROSS VANE \ f 9k00 w 0 IRON MARKER SET W V) -- ® STONE FOUND EXISTING ROCK CROSS VANE f? ?X - E 0 [] PK NAIL FOUND \ ® POINT + 0 EXISTING LOG VANE l 4D PK NAIL SET © CONCRETE NAIL SET ?. EXISTING ROOT WAD Q X O MAG NAIL SET CONC. MONUMENT FOUND -E- NCEEP EASEMENT \ f A also Q ¦ CONC. MONUMENT SET - - - AS-BUILT CENTERLINE ? CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE r-? __1= E _ `. L Z LLJ RESTRICTED BUFFER BANK REPAIR TO BE REPLANTED IF DISTURBED J ® UNRESTRICTED BUFFER U TO BE REPLANTED PER F- _- VEGETATION NOTES, DETAILS Q AND SPECIFICATIONS < TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PREPARED BY WK DICKSON PREPARED IN THE OMEF OF: CUENL NCDENR 2_1a03 PROJECT., Kimle Horn - COUNTY LINE CREEK y_ EEP °''e•°`"`'ti'' ° 1 30 and Associates, Inc. TITLE: - Z& SEs HENDERSON COUNTY al wd iop. rdbn., m Mb d.a,mmt'"Xxwt wllln wb,ei[alim and .d.plollu 1, I(4M.r-xam er,d Amtla?.,, Nt Mtl b- -wt 1b 4 to XW- -- and A-WIl; IM P,O. BOX 330QB - RPIEOFI NORTH CAROLNA 27R16-1088 ,, .. N- d? 1w WcA X .m a?a. 2004 MAINTENANCE PLAN ?A,: ??; .? c.uriT? XMd,?Xw, .,d Am t- i°a mm PHONE 3 877-2000 FAX.- (M) 877-2050 Do I- LEJ LiJ U) LJ W U) r z 0 Q I-- V) W Z J Z U Q 5/8" REBAN - :"ON iROI POINT f y 1 ?+ OO N AD 33 N = 532 3.5 5'5722' NAD 83 = = 933753 E221' 2212 19' -0^J = . N VL 29 CLEVA 11+00 f' _ 13+00 14+00 15 .00 ` PO Q E y 1 _120 12TH GREEN LEGEND 0 IRON MARKER FOUND • IRON MARKER SET B STONE FOUND PK NAIL FOUND ® POINT PK NAIL SET © CONCRETE NAIL SET QQ MAG NAIL SET Q CONC. MONUMENT FOUND ¦ CONC. MONUMENT SET ® BANK REPAIR (GRADE TO TYPICAL) -E- REPAIR WITH CLASS B BACKFlLL PER ROCK CROSS VANE DETAIL. PROPOSED ROCK CROSS VANE EXISTING ROCK CROSS VANE EXISTING LOG VANE EXISTING ROOT WAD NCEEP EASEMENT AS-BUILT CENTERLINE RESTRICTED BUFFER TO BE REPLANTED IF DISTURBED UNRESTRICTED BUFFER TO BE REPLANTED PER VEGETATION NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS J 3 J Q REPAIR ROCK VANE PER DETAIL WITH CLASS B BACKFlLL Q . REPAIRS TO BE < F_ DONE BY HAND w1 . LO1 93 xm,N rsnnwa 0 LOT 90 a a/ a\ / /a R , a s CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GRADE PT. BAR TO DETAIL) TO 7:1 SLOPE I r (SEE POOL TYPICAL) GN?SP^N 1-6..0 1?kQ? Z?oomp,Q? ?gk0d ?r 41z 1 SURVEY PREPARED BY WK DICKSON wv?w+.emwoH-..tumor.-ne.c IAh Coammt. IogAnr dP No cm<rOb ok dmbn, 9-tW nvda .. on In,lrunml d wN x al anp ?ww Motu. w Wo 4-t •Itnwt Nttw wtIhaxalba ad ad,pk,tI- by XW. H. tarim? plml-r_N oep A* 1-21 m?., 21001 PWAROO IN ME CFPCE OF; CLIEN 7/30/04 .9K Kimley-Horn - -.1 .-L r and Associates, Inc. R e pwpau aM diw: for •hl It n,Wv- Rwot s. A,,mt Ibmlip ,, R4n,F-Nem -1 .,,o<bu., .? P.O. BOX 33068 - RA MGK NORTH CAROLINA 27836-9088 PHONE-: (9p) 677-2000 FAX (919) Gn-2050 z Z/' IV L0? ? ?P FEB 2 Q ?006 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STO MWATER BRANCH NCDENR EEP COUNTY LINE CREEK caa yp? yr°; NTS HENDERSON COUNTY 2004 MAINTENANCE PLAN ?1. M.?- C1 O x ? o ADD CLASS B & A RIP RAP TO RAISE GRADE APPROXIMATELY 1 o \ C1 X 0.8', BETWEEN LOG AND ROCK CROSS VANE O ? REBUILD ROCK CROSS r f : VANE (SEE DETAIL) k/ t r ??? y ? 11 ) E O/ 9 LOG GRADE CONTROL h/ (ADD BOULDERS ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE AS A SPLASH PAD) 12 /r ADD BOULDERS TO `E?rt FORM ARMS AS SHOWN IN ROCK h ?N \,? ,.,ter ?ig0 r VANE DETAIL `-GRADE STREAM BANK TO TYPICAL, ADD 4' 35 BANK FULL BENCHES / r lz ? 'M1 0. REBUILD ROCK CROSS VANE (SEE DETAIL) WW R M7-n NORM CAROUNA LEGEND 0 IRON MARKER FOUND • IRON MARKER SET B STONE FOUND Q PK NAIL FOUND ® POINT PK NAIL SET © CONCRETE NAIL SET MAG NAIL SET CD CONC. MONUMENT FOUND ¦ CONC. MONUMENT SET Ilk CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE ® BANK REPAIR C ? g -E- ADD 5' BENCH AS DIRECTED 11 REMOVE & DISPOSE OF ROOT WADS RESHAPE BANK AND ADD BOULDER TOE PROTECTION AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER F 2' ?? y DENR WETIA,NDSAv- PROPOSED ROCK A-VANE PROPOSED ROCK CROSS VANE EXISTING ROCK CROSS VANE EXISTING LOG VANE EXISTING ROOT WAD NCEEP EASEMENT AS-BUILT CENTERLINE RESTRICTED BUFFER TO BE REPLANTED IF DISTURBED UNRESTRICTED BUFFER TO BE REPLANTED PER VEGETATION NOTES, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SURVEY PREPARED BY WK DICKSON PRUAM IN ME anCE OF: CLIENT: ~i-10-03 PRO.ECT: NCDENR OAR Kimsey-Horn EEP >*..m '?= '° COUNTY LINE CREEK RENSEO PER SIZE WALK ON 7/27/04 7/30/04 dX Ww SEAL , °' N,s TITLE ax h. ,xvau: e.m m.eh ee wam hr. ? f. , ' ?': ? < J K and Associates IncTITLE HENDERSON COUNTY ` Ihb doam,nt legelhr .Ith INe wne9tt eM d'" W'wtk hseh et w hewmenl of t. It ht-a e l fw Ne tpe lk Wrpate wd 01en1 Id MIU n vm Grywred Rute ) 0 w4 Mprwtr'01- a thl. „<? ?t Ithwt ittm wNO -lb, -1 ld"I.tl by N . N.? ,.4 ?'t„ 14 I?It, t, -1.r-H" P.O. N abt„ I? BOX B - RALaGK NCRni CAROLINA 27838 2004 MAINTENANCE PLAN CwW10t NRhey-H. o-,4 Awchta 11, 2001 _ PHONE (90) 877-4000 FAX: (910) 877-2050 . p 0109611IDd MM _ ,/rj>,M '? ' 090L-LLQ (dE) a%Vd 000z-(L9 (56) ?310Wd kooz'-i'n,q? vw -MN ?wM ,?? .onw uvy yan yvu n?sr awwr +' .t a? _UJIMM Ntlld ??NdN31Nit/W ti00Z 9900-9D9LZ VNrX)WO H11:1014 }fJH1Vd - 99=X08'0 'd w••r ww WN1 WN "P wa>n ,waw w ww +w +•,w •a -x w.M,c w, vw w,wbnM r»N",row,• 1----P ya w „wir• .m ew vw,. MM ',;^??, qN ?J ':)? l nroN wnm:e .o. N Ww a r vw woam >di»a .a +w +w vvw,w .? +w?. it ,au.u,w w w •wnu wiwwm .wvw vw .,mow wy ar •w•Na )-.-p yv ,UNn0O NosUDaNBH r , > to 31LD oUl salplaossy pug SIN ° s,1 tnt wa`++ MM M' 10/0[/L ro LM To xtyx.33L6 iiu 035N3N )193x0 BNn uNnoo SLN UJOH-AaIWIN Ll 112 TO -01.-z °j ra a dNBOON Y03'0lld :1K31jJ .p lttlp 3Nl M U3M'Utld sin-MYyw•Vr?Lwmu,C,Ni NOSNOIO W J,8 03db'd3dd ),3Adf1S y ti SNOLVOId103dS ONV S11tl130 'S31ON NOLLY1303A 83d 03LNtl1d38 38 01 / (n 83ddns 0310181S38Nn 81Vd38 XNV8 0388nLSIO d1 03LNV1d38 38 01 ?0S??0N3N ?? a3dine 0310181S38 3Lidl8 a3L0naLSNOO 3NI183LN30 nn8-Stl - - - ?1 r i 13S 1N3WnNOW 'ON00 ? I / ?O 0Nn03 1NYmNOW 'ONOO k 1N3Yt3Stl3 d330N 13S 11VN 9tlY1 0n '1V01dA1 01 3dVHS38 d 5? '. lS HLSON S 3NI1831N30 ONdS aVM 1008 ONLLSIX3 13S 11VN 31380N03 Snow '13NNVHO 3oV8038 13S IItlN Nd (110130 33S) 3NVA-V 01 3NVA 901 9NI1SIX3 3NVA SS080 183ANOD / i vl'4 1NIOd ® a ?3 0Nn03 11VN )4d 0 11V130 83d N33ti0 ?£t /'? ?? l ' Q / •/ Ox? a1313 NI 3NVA SS083 )4008 0NIISIX3 ONnOd 3NO1S 9 3NVA X008 81Vd38 3XV1S 11VA 833NION3 n N8311Vd NOIS30 J 01 13NNVHO N81`1138 13S a38VY4 N081 3NVA SSO8O 8008 (13SOd08d ONf103 83)48VY3 NOaI 0 x OC) wla GN3031 \ t6wvlz - n313 0 `1 1 w 5??\\s 13 6Z SON 'x S ??? tla4lZ £SS'S£6As N £e OVN 0 S4'L4lZ . .55? 3?/ _ t 4VV)'b°`? ?u' 4 ?99?L'45Z\£9 8V03ti 9?S 00 SS 5 z 0i11Np0 3 a 3 11y130 83d rr s 9f LNOd Ss -- 3NVA SS080 L Ss,:' 81Vd3 OX 3001681003 SS// Qd\9 \?SS 3 3 > 1`3008818V0 .SS--// } 3 1 313 WI, / 99 04+9c V1S i 00 J 1 Nn?? 3 eLZq s0N3133ro8d s VNnONV:) MM1N Itm n u?i _ wsw•ai mm srM w [ N I . N ., t yy0 d• Y. y 0 J°: 4 z d0°0,•?p0• I00 S? N 9( \, n 0 4 \ \z o r. 00+9 NI/ GNON .i D = a0l0d3V^3 3 7, ptlN 95LL8640'tiS\Z '.N95£6 " 3 t9 0VN z C) * dpH518.9 N3WnNOWN01a0 O N ?0 I 90 (11V130 33S) 38nL0n81S 100d d31S 11V1SNI 3NruonaLS 3NVA X008 3401038 i i 1 1 1