HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181064 Ver 1_More Info Recieved_20181005October 1, 2018 Andy/Stephanie, Please see.our comments to address the additional information request and to facilitate, permitting of the proposed water'quality project. Let us know if you have any. questions. Thank you. The. Pre -construction notification (PCN) for the proposed Novozymes Treatment Systems (SAW -2015-02074), received on August 2, 2018 is.incomplete. The Nationwide Permit (NWP) condition 23 (a) and (b) states: The district engineer will consider the following factors when determining appropriate and practicable mitigation necessary to ensure that the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal: (a), The' activity must be designed'arid constructed, to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and. permanent; to waters of the United States to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on site)., (b) Mitigation in all its forms (avoiding,, minimizing, rectifying, reducing, or compensating for.resource losses) will be required to the extent necessary to ensure that the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal. In order for use to continue evaluating the proposed project, please provide the following information: 1. Please indicate if the proposed impacts are permanent or temporary. Response: The intent of the proposed water quality improvement project is to address historic, groundwater nitrate nitrogen entering surface waters on Novozymes property in two watersheds and.two distinct unnamed tributaries (UT).' The groundwater entering these waters reveals nitrate nitrogen concentrations >10.0 mg/L, exceeding NCAC 15A 2L .0200 standards as well as stream standard violations per DEQ rule. Although the two UTs with surface water exceedances originate on Novozymes property and are addressed collectively in the approved Corrective Action Plan per DEQ,.they are not interdependent of each other for function or through construction, maintenance, and monitoring. The proposed structures placed in the stream to impound water serve' several functions, one to provide a means to capture, treat, and discharge water that enters the structure ,with >10b mg/L nitrate nitrogen, as Well as serving to improve adjacent wetlands and :riparian buffers now degraded, or devoid from past watershed influences including. .-pond..const.ruction,.diminishing abutting riparian wetlands,'and increased peak discharges from agricultural fields. Stream SA - Historic Pond 4 - Watershed 1 - Farm 2 occurs below two small tributaries to Buffalo Creek, a WS IV class stream with a surface water nitrate nitrogen standard of 10.0 mg/L. An historic pond that was breached from a storm in 1998 resulted in increased sediment deposition in the stream and riparian wetland loss over time. The riparian buffer has not been reestablished due to the dynamic state of the stream and abutting historic pond bottom trying to reach equilibrium. Installing the proposed stream structure at a lower elevation than the dam would effectively create a grade control in the stream, halting some sediment transport, and reestablishing a floodplain bench, riparian wetlands, and restoring riparian buffer vegetation. For these reasons, we propose to at least keep the structure in place for the period needed to attenuate the nitrate nitrogen entering surface waters. At that time, the structure may be replaced with a natural channel design grade control such as a rock cross vein, or removed and allowed to equilibrate with the existing grade control as installed at the outlet of the treatment structure depending on accumulated sediment at that time and at the discretion of USACE/DEQ (See Cross Vein Cross Section - Figure A) . Stream SE - Watershed 2 - Farm 1: Historic Sediment accumulations of >4 ft have occurred in Watershed 2 - Farm 1 resulting in a severely incised stream channel and greatly increased sediment transport during rainfall events. Adjacent agriculture fields continue to shed water quickly with increased peak discharges during rainfall events in this tributary. This UT also discharges directly to Buffalo Creek, a WS IV class stream with a surface water nitrate nitrogen standard of 10.0 mg/L. Installing the proposed stream structure would effectively create a grade control in the stream, halting some sediment transport, and reestablishing a floodplain bench and riparian wetlands. During construction the riparian buffer vegetation would be enhanced through additional understory plantings. For these reasons, we propose to at least keep the structure in place for the period needed to attenuate the nitrate nitrogen entering surface waters. At that time, the structure may be replaced with a natural channel design grade control such as a rock cross vein, or removed and allowed to equilibrate with the existing grade control as installed at the outlet of the treatment structure depending on accumulated sediment at that time and at the discretion of USACE/DEQ (See Cross Vein Cross Section - Figure A) . 2. Please consider and discuss methods/treatment systems that can be placed in upland areas that will avoid/minimize impacts to jurisdictional waters. If upland treatment can be accomplished, please let us know. If not, please provide a detailed discussion of factors that would preclude the use of an upland treatment system. Based on current guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency (Region 4), the Clean Water Act prohibits the designated use of jurisdictional waters from being used as pollution treatment systems except in the most extreme situations. Response: During the pilot study phase of the surface water treatment project and as currently permitted by USACE/DEQ, several treatment options and treatment media were considered for nitrate nitrogen_removal. The selection of areas for treatment resulted from extensive monthly water quality monitoring data that revealed strategic areas for effective, optimal treatment. The location of the proposed inline structures are such that treatment is maximized an'd adjacent impacts to buffers and wetlands are minimized or avoided entirely. ,Offline options were considered for pumping Water from each UT, treating, and discharging back to the stream; however, any offline option would require'impounding water due to the base flow discharges for each OT. similar to any inline treatment option. Ave`rag'e'flows in Watershed 2 -,.Farm 1 are 2 gpm and flows in Watershed 1 - Farm 2 are 101gpm. Both UTs are shallow;;sand-bed type streams with impacted dimension, pattern, and profile from historic and, ongoing 'sediment deposition and transport, thus making it irr''possible to collect and treat'the water offline without an impounding structure in the'stream and intake/pump;to deliver water to treatment systems. Therefore, in order to minimize impacts to riparian areas,to host the treatment systems, manage discharges through riparian areas, costs to install additional pump/conveyance infrastructure, power for pump's, and maintenance of inlets and discharge areas following storm events, the inline treatment is preferred: The inline treatment also allows for enhanced stream an8. riparian function as described previously in the short and potentially long-term for th'e. watershed. It should be noted stormwater would be diverted and allowed to flow downstream, bypassing any treatment mechanism. Treatment of water is designed for the base -flow condition and resulting'groundwater influences on the stream flow. 3. Based on the description in the PCN, 100 linear feet of channel on Stream S1 (SE) and 136 linear feet of channel on Stream S2 (SA) will be inundated. The Wilmington District Regional Condition 3.2 (Mitigation for Loss of Stream Bed) states that for any NWP that results in a loss of more than 150 linear feet of stream, the permittee shall provide a mitigation proposal to compensate for more than minimal' individual and cumulative adverse impacts to the aquatic environment. Based on the current information, a compensatory mitigation proposa'I should accompany the PCN. Please provide a 'mitigation proposal and/or any additional information that.you believe would be helpful regarding -the need for compensatory mitigation. '';!,!.,Response: I Although the two UTs with surface water exceedances originate on Novozymes property and are addressed collectively in the approved Corrective. Action Plan per DEQ, they are not interdependent of each other for, function or through construction.' The inline treatment also allows for enhanced stream and riparian function as described previously in the short and potentially long-term for the watershed. Along Stream S2 (SA), approximately 5,000 ft2 of riparian buffer will be restored as well as approximately 3,000-6,000 ft2 of riparian wetlands consistently inundated by impounded water. Additional riparian areas within and outside the 50 ft buffer of each UT (S1 (SE) and S2 (SA)) will be enhanced with understory and overstory plantings. For the historic Pond 4 (Watershed 1- Farm 2), stream S2 (SA), a bankfull bench will be established allowing water to access a flood plain, thus restoring a component of the stream absent with the current hydrogeomorphology and from past impacts due to sedimentation and pond dam construction. Therefore, we propose no additional mitigation is necessary for the proposed project due to the improved water quality benefits and functions of the project including surface water treatment, long-term stream stability, wetland creation and enhancement, and riparian buffer restoration and enhancement from construction activities. 4. If after considering #2 and #3 above, you still plan to apply for these impacts, please provide a plan view drawing that superimposes the collection boxes superimposed on the stream segments. The drawings should distinguish the collection boxes from the remainder of the stream segment that will also be inundated by the proposed project. Response: Please see Figures F2-1, F2-2, F2-3 and Figures F1-1, F1-2 showing the location of the collection boxes superimposed on the stream segments proposed for water quality improvement. 5. In Section 4g, the applicant states, "Water exiting the system will be controlled using natural channel design structure to protect the stream and structure during peak flow events". Please indicate if any additional stream segment below the proposed collection boxes will be impacted to complete the natural channel design. If so, please provide impact amounts and the appropriate plans/drawings. Response: Please see Figure A showing a typical cross vane for grade control and scour hole creation. The cross vane is proposed within the footprint of the old dam, thus improving and stabilizing this reach from further degradation, dam wall sloughing, and downstream migration of sediment. Bankfull benches will be established as well as a natural rock cross vane grade control, thus eliminating impacts in this reach, and restoring stream function. The rock vane structure will be located at the outlet of the treatment box, occupying approximately < 41f of stream channel. Below -grade footer rocks will be placed at the outlet to protect the rock vane structure from migration as well as foster rocks anchored to the banks. Water will be allowed to enter the stream from the treatment structure and rock vane outlet with no additional bed material in the scour hole. 6. Please confirm if the location of the proposed collection boxes are in the same locations as previously permitted or if they are located -at different points on those stream channels. Response: The proposed collection box for S2 (SA) Farm 2 Historic Pond 4 is located in a similar .,location as permitted under NWP18..The proposed collection box for S1 (SE) Farm.1 is located in a new, location downstream of the pilot study impoundment (Figures F1-1, Fl - The original structure placed under NWP18 in this UT remains in place in the event additional treatment is required at the origin of the UT relating to documented nitrate nitrogen inputs into the stream from groundwater. Upon completion of the required Corrective.Action'Plan and attenuation of nitrate nitrogen, this structure will be , removed and at the discretion of USACE/DWQ. Included and attached are updated location maps for'Streams S1 (SE), Farm 1 and 'S2 (SA) Farm 2 (Figures F2-1 and F1-1). Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. =Scott Figure F2-2 , TOP OF MONITORING WELL TBM=329.28' X}x ff1w NO J� i Inny�ny�a %tfoyx at Q4e lon�✓ I 1 u Key SURVEY - GRAPHIC SCALE 0 115 L' a0 < IN FEET > Collection Box Detail ----� o -a11 r, � 4.0' <'ulla�ion Wa I. �.. __�t��ll' "-"I Collcc�ion Inlet ---8,0'—I --- 1 4,0' -- 4,0' L I 0 0 1 24.0'— --1 j Control Elevations 0 Storm Bypass Elev. 311.25'+/- Maximum Normal Pool Elev. 310.50' (can modify by changing standpipe height) Existing Channel Elev. 308.75' ----- 102'------ Existing Grade - ]'contours — — — 100'— — — Existing Grade - 5' contours Finished Grade P contours — — 100'— — Finished Grade 5' contours Inundated Area rACross Vane Structure Preliminary Drawing Not For Construction Use Novozymes North America, Inc. Details - Pond 4 Construction cnwm Wpvkg Ima Comoltlog, ee Sr 1119 Purfoy Road 7 Fuquay Vwina, NC 27526 Tdophonc:(919) 552-8775 owwwn'n a www_ford-gi—.g— NZNA_P4.dxg Figure F2-3 TOP OF MONITORING WELL TBM=329.28' i'r'e / / / / / / , , /i' /i % /' s--_ •� �` `v�'i�� (/rye�/4i'r \: � � �� `� -71 of /V �/ 1 i Existing Grade /1 i / I / Key TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - GRAPHIC SCALE 'L' 0 tte 96 90 ( IN FEET ) TOP OF MONITORING WELL TBM=329.28' F1 I 1 qv loop / / /, j ii /i // •+ate � / i )`\ ���` Final Grade ;/;' %;/i ;/;' ; �; // ;';/ I at Completion / i / ----- 102'----- Existing Grade -1' contours — — — 100'— — — Existing Grade - 5' contours Finished Grade 1' contours — — 100'— — Finished Grade 5' contours Preliminary Drawing Not For Construction Use Novozymes North America, Inc. Constructed Wetland Project - Pond 4 culord WON* Ed PABSW* N 1119 Purroy Road Fuquay Va<iuq NC 27526 T6.pho..:(919)552-8775 NZNA_P4.dW9 Figure i-1-1 - GRAPHIC SCALE 70 0 37.6 lS lea110 ( IN FEET ) Key Proposed Innundated Area Proposed Water Treatment Structure Proposed Cross Vane Structure Aerial Image from Google Earth May 2018 Image Lat: 36° 06'21.50" N Lon: 78° 24'29.74" W Approx. Head of Drainage Channel Preliminary Drawing Not For Construction Use Novozymes North America, Inc. Treatment Structure Locations - Farm 1 CnvW honk ni Camd ft 11 1119 Purfoy Road FuquayVarine, NC 27526 Telephone: (919) 552-8775 Figure. F1-2 _ `� � ` �J300.00 1 •1 .–J t l l ,II 1 1 1 (Gross Vane 1 I 1 ` Treatment Pool Area k I vF �l I v(J I I A 7 I I 1 � I 3, Max. Innundation at Overflow Ik , t 1 Al It ` `\� 3tz.7s it 1, n SURVEY - GRAPHIC SCALE 95 a 19.5 7e 5D t < IN FEET ) Farm 1 Collection Box Detail Outlet Pipe Collection Inlet 4.0/ Collection Inle[ Outlet Pipe = Collection Inlet Outlet Pipe ' 4.0' Farm 1 Control Elevations Storm Bypass Elev. 300'+/ - Normal Pool 0 Elev. 299.33' Existing Channel Elev. 299' " Keyway Cut Elev. 296' 1 Key ----102'----- Existing Grade - 1' contours — — 100'– — – Existing Grade - T contours — — — — — — Top of Channel — — — — — — Centerline - Chamtel Collection Structure =,^ Inundated Area riCross Vane Structure 1r ;0 le Preliminary Drawing Not For Construction Use Novozymes North America, Inc. Details - Farm 1 Structure Construction Cnw[W b&m* Ind 111Wk �! 1119 Purfoy Road Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 Tclephone:(919) 552-8775 U FigurE7 Typical Cross Vane Construction Details Bankfull Stage ll,�ga FlowFlow Flow u Flow -► Section A -A' Scour Hab Bankfull Stage Flow I I BankN1156pe BenkNll Slag¢ Plan View Section B -B' Construction Notes: 1, Rocks placed in the Cross vane should be placed with no gaps. 2. Rock diameter should be as large as poosible, with a typical diameter of no less than 2'. 3. Cross Vane placement should act to keep thalweg as nearly as possible to the center of channel. 4. Bankfull bench should be protected and re -vegetated after construction Preliminary Drawing Not For Construction Use Novozymes North America, Inc. Stream Flow Control - Construction Details Cn lord Cli�eaiq and Ccoslilfiog, 1119 Purfoy Road Fwuay Varma, NC 27526 Telephone:(919) 552-8775 www.cmwfurden¢ineerin¢._ N2NA_St.dwg