HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0030580_FP AttA_20100125H C ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary January 25, 2010 MR. M. SCOTT KELLER, PRESIDENT EARTHTEC OF NC, INC. PO Box 130 SANFORD, NC 27331 Subject: Attachment A Certification Permit No. WQ0030580 Earthtec of NC, Inc. Class A Residuals Management Program Wake County Dear Mr. Keller: In accordance with your permit modification application package received on June 29, 2009 as well as the additional information received on December 18, 2009; we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment A, certified January 25, 2010, to Earthtec of NC, Inc. for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to approve residuals from one additional residual source - generating facility for distribution and land application under this program as follows: Owner Facility Name Permit Number Residual Volume (Dry Tons City of High Point I Westside WWTP NC0024228 500 Please replace the existing Attachment A of Permit No. WQ0030580 that was previously certified on July 29, 2009, with this modified Attachment A. Note that only the maps for any new and modified residuals source -generating facilities are attached to this modified Attachment A. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment A and maps into Permit No. WQ0030580, issued on March 30, 2007, and making sure to retain any maps for any existing and unmodified residuals source -generating facilities. This modified Attachment A shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment A of Permit No. WQ0030580 that was previously (most recently) certified on July 29, 2009; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above -referenced permit. As always, remember to take the time to review this modified Attachment A thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been changed since the last certification. Note that this modified Attachment A is hereby incorporated by reference into Permit No. W00030580, issued on March 30, 2007. kC FER PROTECTIC. I;=CT.�Ii ie35 W Service Ccr', R-te:-�.. 1,0Yn Carolina 27696-16',, L-ca"o :2723 Cioirel U,iicaa i. Rale gn. Norio Gamma 27604 °I' Q ' 122' sl 919-715-0568:FAX 2:919.71560484 Customer Service: 1V7.623-6748 e-:e w nmaterouality oro NOPth Car011ria Mr. Keller January 25, 2010 Page 2 On August 5, 2009, Session Law 2009-406, entitled "An Act to Extend Certain Government Approvals Affecting the Development of Real Property Within the State," was enacted by the General Assembly and signed into law. The Act, known as the Permit Extension Act of 2009, extends the expiration date of certain government approvals and permits. The subject permit falls within the scope of this Act and is therefore being extended to February 28, 2015. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment A are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich by telephone at (919) 715-6162 or via e-mail at david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, r or 1 oleen H�Sullins cc: Wake County Health Department Raleigh Regional Office -Aquifer Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit APS Central Files LAU File ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Sources Permit Number: WQ0030580 Version: 1.3 EARTIITEC OF NC, INC.—EARTHTEC ENVIRONMENTAL BIORF.MEDIATION FACILITY Certification Date: January 25, 2010 L No residuals other than those generated by the following residuals source -generating facilities shall be approved for acceptance for storage or treatment at the Farthtec Environmental Bioremediation Facility in accordance with this permit Monitoring Permit Issued Is Maximum Monitoring Frequency for Approved Owner Facility Name County Number By 503. Dry Tons Frequency for Condition Ill. 4. Mineralization Per Year Condition III. 3. and Condition Rate III. 5. Durham County T'riangleWWTPT Durham NCO026051 DWQ 503 3,000 Annually - City of Raleigh Wrenn Road Spray Irrigation System Wake W00002708 DWQ 503 6,000 Once per permit City of High Point Westside W WT'P " Guilford NCO024228 DWQ 503 500 Annually Total 9,500 'Prior to [lie first acceptance of the residuals From this source following the issuance of this permit. analytical results required under Condition 111.3. ofthis permit shall be submitted to the Division for review and approval. Mail one copy of the resulWdata to the NCDF.NR-DWQ. Aquifer Protection Section, Raleigh Regional Office. 1628 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27699-1628. n II7eatment and distribution/land application of residuals generated from this facility is a onetime occurrence as part of a W W'fP decommissioning. 2. No Class A EQ residuals products other than those generated by the following residuals processing facility shall be approved for distribution/land application under the residuals distribution/land application program in accordance with this perrnit: Monitoring Permit Issued Is Maximum Monitoring Frequency for Approved Owner Facility Name County Number By 5039 Dry Tons Frequency for Condition 111. 4. Mineralization Per Year Condition Ill. 3. and Condition Rate 111.5. Farthtec of NC, Inc. Farthtec Environmental Bioremediation Facility Chatham W00030580 DWQ 30,000 Monthly a 0.10 Total 30,000 Records as required by Condition 111. 5. shall be maintained for each batch of residuals that is treated in order to meet the criteria stipulated in Condition 1. 6. 3. No compost -soil mixtures other than those generated by the following residuals processing facility shall be approved for land application under the residuals distribution/land application program in accordance with thispermit: Permit Issued Is Maximum Monitoring Monitoring Approved Owner Facility Name County Number By 50s Dry Tons Frequency for Frequency for Mineralization Per Year Condition Ill. 3. Condition Ill. 4. Rate EarthtecofNC,lnc. Farthtec Environmental Chatham W00030580 DWQ Monthly Bioreinediation Facility Total W00030580 Version 1.1 Shell Version 071105 Page I of I