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Pine Hill Ledgers - 10/1/18
Sale/Release Date Purchaser Name or % of Credit Release Project Name 14-digit HUC of Project Local Gov't Requiring Generated Nitrogen (lbs) Delivered Nitrogen (lbs) Generated Nitrogen (lbs) Delivered Nitrogen (lbs) Generated Nitrogen (lbs) Delivered Nitrogen (lbs) 9/26/2018 Tasks 1&7 Release (25%)03030002050050 1,029.080 730.650 1,029.080 730.650 NCDWR 12/18/2018 DWR Approved Transfer to Pine Hill Buffer Restoration Ledger 1,029.080 730.650 - - NCDWR 4/9/2019 Task 2 Release (20%)03030002050050 823.270 584.520 823.270 584.520 NCDWR 6/26/2019 Task 3 Release (10%)03030002050050 411.630 292.257 1,234.900 876.777 NCDWR 1/9/2020 Task 4 Release (10%)03030002050050 411.630 292.260 1,646.530 1,169.037 NCDWR 2/23/2021 Task 5 Release (10%)03030002050050 411.630 292.260 2,058.160 1,461.297 NCDWR 3/11/2022 Task 6 Release (10%)03030002050050 411.630 292.260 2,469.790 1,753.557 NCDWR 2/23/2023 Task 8 Release (5%)03030002050050 205.817 146.130 2,675.607 1,899.687 NCDWR 11/9/2023 Task 9 Release (10%)03030002050050 411.630 292.260 3,087.237 2,191.947 NCDWR Total Balances 4,116.317 2,922.597 1,029.08 730.65 3,087.237 2,191.947 *Credits shown below are only for mitigation credits approved by the UMBI, BPDP, and As-Built. Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Nutrient Credit Balance Cane Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI): UT to Pine Hill Branch Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Bank Cape Fear (HUC 03030002) - Haw River Subwatershed Nitrogen Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 2-3-25 DWR Bank Parcel Project #: 2017-0886v2 As-Built Credit Total: N/A Delivery Factor: 71% N Sale/Release Date Purchaser Name or % of Credit Release Project Name 14-digit HUC of Project Local Gov't Requiring Generated Phosphorus (lbs) Delivered Phosphorus (lbs) Generated Phosphorus (lbs) Delivered Phosphorus (lbs) Generated Phosphorus (lbs) Delivered Phosphorus (lbs) 9/26/2018 Tasks 1&7 Release (25%)03030002050050 65.790 44.080 65.790 44.080 NCDWR 12/18/2018 DWR Approved Transfer to Pine Hill Buffer Restoration Ledger 65.790 44.080 - - NCDWR 4/9/2019 Task 2 Release (20%)03030002050050 52.630 35.270 52.630 35.270 NCDWR 6/26/2019 Task 3 Release (10%)03030002050050 26.320 17.630 78.950 52.900 NCDWR 1/9/2020 Task 4 Release (10%)03030002050050 26.320 17.630 105.270 70.530 NCDWR 2/23/2021 Task 5 Release (10%)03030002050050 26.320 17.630 131.590 88.160 NCDWR 3/11/2022 Task 6 Release (10%)03030002050050 26.320 17.630 157.910 105.790 NCDWR 2/23/2023 Task 8 Release (5%)03030002050050 13.159 8.817 171.069 114.607 NCDWR 11/9/2023 Task 9 Release (10%03030002050050 26.320 17.630 197.389 132.237 NCDWR Total Balances 263.179 176.317 65.790 44.080 197.389 132.237 *Credits shown below are only for mitigation credits approved by the UMBI, BPDP, and As-Built. Credits Released/Available to Bank Nutrient Credit BalanceCredits Debited/Sold From Bank Cane Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI): UT to Pine Hill Branch Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Bank Cape Fear (HUC 03030002) - Haw River Subwatershed Phosphorus Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 2-3-25 DWR Bank Parcel Project #: 2017-0886v2 As-Built Credit Total: N/A Delivery Factor: 67% P Sale/Release Date Purchaser Name or % of Credit Release Project Name Project w/ 14 Digit HUC Local Gov't Requiring Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres 9/26/2018 Tasks 1&7 Release (25%)03030002050050 68,171.400 1.565 68,171.400 1.565 NCDWR 12/18/2018 20,037.600 0.460 88,209.000 2.025 NCDWR 4/9/2019 Task 2 Release (20%)03030002050050 54,537.120 1.252 142,746.120 3.277 NCDWR 6/26/2019 Task 3 Release (10%)03030002050050 26,477.000 0.608 169,223.120 3.885 NCDWR 9/5/2019 Piedmont Natural Gas PNG Gas Line Project (Pleasant Garden Road Looping Project)03030002050050 78,171.000 1.795 91,052.120 2.090 Guilford County 1/9/2020 Task 4 Release (10%)03030002050050 27,124.640 0.623 118,176.760 2.713 NCDWR 3/16/2020 Chatham Park Investors LLC Chatham Park Section 5.1 - Wendover Parkway (CD-2018-09)03030002050050 92,330.000 2.120 25,846.760 0.593 Town of Pittsboro 3/30/2020 Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Piedmont Triad International Airport Rental Car Facilities Relocation (DWR #20191081 V2) PARTIAL 03030002050050 24,208.250 0.556 1,638.510 0.038 NCDWR 2/23/2021 Task 5 Release (10%)03030002050050 27,124.640 0.623 28,763.150 0.660 NCDWR 3/11/2022 Task 6 Release (10%)03030002050050 27,124.640 0.623 55,887.790 1.283 NCDWR 2/23/2023 Task 8 Release (5%)03030002050050 13,562.320 0.311 69,450.110 1.594 NCDWR 11/9/2023 Task 9 Release (10%)03030002050050 27,124.640 0.623 96,574.750 2.217 NCDWR 12/8/2023 Greensboro Land Development Partners OZ II, LLC Youngs Mill Industrial Center 03030002040020 3,486.000 0.080 93,088.750 2.137 City of Greensboro 12/22/2023 LeoTerra Development, Inc.Gantwood at Stoney Creek 03030002040020 5,583.000 0.128 87,505.750 2.009 Guilford County 2/6/2024 LeoTerra Development, Inc.Corinth Village - Phase 9 03030002040020 3,486.000 0.080 84,019.750 1.929 City of Greensboro 6/28/2024 Greenbriar Investors, LLC Food Lion 3501 North Elm Street (TRC Plan #2023-4380) 03030002040020 10,617.000 0.244 73,402.750 1.685 City of Greensboro 11/1/2024 Leoterra Development, Inc.Lacy Farm Subdivision Phase 2 and Phase 3 03030002040020 10,884.000 0.250 62,518.750 1.435 City of Graham Total Balances 291,284.000 228,765.250 62,518.750 1.435 DWR Approved Transfer from Pine Hill Nutrient Offset Ledgers *Credits shown below are only for mitigation credits approved by the UMBI, BPDP, and As-Built. Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Buffer Credit Balance Cane Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI): UT to Pine Hill Branch Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Bank Cape Fear (HUC 03030002) - Haw River Subwatershed Restoration Buffer Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 2-3-25 DWR Bank Parcel Project #: 2017-0886v2 Total Credits Released To Date: 291,284.00 sq. ft. Sale/Release Date Purchaser Name or % of Credit Release Project Name Project w/ 14 Digit HUC Local Gov't Requiring Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres 9/26/2018 Tasks 1&7 Release (25%)03030002050050 55,539.00 1.28 55,539.00 1.28 NCDWR 4/9/2019 Task 2 Release (20%)03030002050050 44,431.20 1.02 99,970.20 2.30 NCDWR 6/26/2019 Task 3 Release (10%)03030002050050 22,618.09 0.52 122,588.29 2.81 NCDWR 10/21/2019 Publix Publix 03030002050050 122,588.29 2.81 - - Guilford County/EMC 1/9/2020 Task 4 Release (10%)03030002050050 22,288.78 0.51 22,288.78 0.51 NCDWR 3/30/2020 Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Piedmont Triad International Airport Rental Car Facilities Relocation (DWR #20191081 V2) PARTIAL 03030002050050 22,288.78 0.51 - - NCDWR 2/23/2021 Task 5 Release (10%)03030002050050 22,288.78 0.51 22,288.78 0.51 NCDWR 3/11/2022 Task 6 Release (10%)03030002050050 22,288.78 0.51 44,577.56 1.02 NCDWR 2/23/2023 Task 8 Release (5%)03030002050050 11,144.39 0.26 55,721.95 1.28 NCDWR 11/10/2023 Task 9 Release (10%)03030002050050 22,288.78 0.51 78,010.73 1.79 NCDWR Total Balances 222,887.80 144,877.07 78,010.73 1.79 *Credits shown below are only for mitigation credits approved by the UMBI, BPDP, and As-Built. Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Buffer Credit Balance Cane Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI): UT to Pine Hill Branch Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Bank Cape Fear (HUC 03030002) - Haw River Subwatershed Buffer Enhancement (Cattle Exclusion) & Preservation Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 2-3-25 DWR Bank Parcel Project #: 2017-0886v2 Total Credits Released To Date: 222,887.80 sq. ft.