HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190397_Site Visit on August 22 2018-_20180928Wanucha, Dave From: Cox, Marissa R Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 12:32 PM To: Chambers, Marla J; Zerman, William S; Adima, Nathan N; Steve Kichefski; Wanucha, Dave; Buncick, Marella; 'militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov'; Beaver, Brian T; Dagnino, Carla S; Paschal, Keith; Bob May; David Petty; Cochran, Cameron; Lipscomb, Brian S; Dilday, Jason L; Lee, Craig J; Beaver, G Trent; Slaughter, Johnathan H; zrichard@tgsengineers.com; Lee, Amber M; Patterson, Robert D; cellwanger@fws.gov; johnjaimison@ncdot.gov; Moore, Brenda L; Staley, Mark K; Gray, Jared S Cc: Robinson, Beverly G; Whittington, Kevin K Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge Replacement , Division 11; County: Watauga - Site Visit on August 22, 2018- Everyone, I recently sent this same information to everyone regarding B-5388 so this is a repeat of information for some of ya'll to some extent... Per the Hellbender discussion, here is what we know/are waiting for/working on: • Based on the Peer Review Plan, the "estimated dissemination date of SSA Report" is September 2018 • Based on the "Stipulated Settlement Agreement" between the Center for Biological Diversity and the USDOI/USFWS, USFWS will submit a listing decision to the Federal Register by September 30, 2018 • We have reached out to Barbara Hosler at USFWS (listed as contact for the Peer Review Plan for the Eastern Hellbender Species Status Assessment Report) as well as some USFWS staff regarding the status but we will all know on the 30t" if we don't hear anything from them. (I haven't called Marella but I am trying to let her stay focused on another project O) • In anticipation of it being warranted for listing, we have performed surveys recently as you know. BSG & RKK staff found 25 hellbenders upstream, downstream, and right at the bridge. Jared is working with RKK to develop a map showing the project and GPS locations of the hellbenders. • We have reached out to Lori Williams (WRC) to discuss the bridge project, location of hellbenders per Sept survey, and see what suggestions she has related to species/conservation measures. • If it is warranted for listing in a few days, we will get RK&K under contract to begin work on a BA so that we can obtain a conference opinion before the species is listed as either threatened or endangered in the fall of 2019 Thankfully, we have more time on this one than B-5388 since we recently had a 4A meeting but keep in mind that if it is proposed in a few days, we will need to start looking at avoidance & minimization during design and construction as it relates to the hellbender. Let me know if you have any questions. Marissa Marissa Rodman Cox Biological Surveys Group Supervisor Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6153 office 919 818 5901 mobile irrr�� ir�a ���c �i� irn �a a� �� d:. �� ��� 1020 Birch Ridge Drive 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 a������ �������,��:s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ����:����,�,� �,� ,�������� �� ��`�� �V����� �°��������� ��.����� ��������,� ��W�r ����:� a���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �s�����,�. Il:d��a�^Ikn����µc II �udd:�^ir "���u.u.11 uulkn�^ .... .... .... .... ..... From: Chambers, Marla J Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 9:01 AM To: Zerman, William S<bzerman@ncdot.gov>; Adima, Nathan N<nadima@ncdot.gov>; Steve Kichefski <Steven.l.kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>; Buncick, Marella <marella_buncick@fws.gov>; 'militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov' <militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov>; Beaver, Brian T <btbeaver@ncdot.gov>; Dagnino, Carla S<cdagnino@ncdot.gov>; Paschal, Keith <kpaschal@ncdot.gov>; Bob May <BMay@wetherilleng.com>; David Petty <dpetty@tgsengineers.com>; Cochran, Cameron <acochran@ncdot.gov>; Lipscomb, Brian S<blipscomb@ncdot.gov>; Dilday, Jason L<jldilday@ncdot.gov>; Lee, Craig J<cjlee@ncdot.gov>; Cox, Marissa R <mrcox@ncdot.gov>; Beaver, G Trent <tbeaver@ncdot.gov>; Slaughter, Johnathan H<hslaughter@ncdot.gov>; zrichard@tgsengineers.com; Lee, Amber M<amlee@ncdot.gov>; Patterson, Robert D<robert.patterson@ncdenr.gov>; cellwanger@fws.gov; johnjaimison@ncdot.gov; Moore, Brenda L<blmoore@ncdot.gov>; Staley, Mark K<mstaley@ncdot.gov> Cc: Robinson, Beverly G<brobinson@ncdot.gov>; Whittington, Kevin K<kkwhittington@ncdot.gov>; Williams, Lori A <Lori.Williams@ncwildlife.org> Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge Replacement, Division 11; County: Watauga - Site Visit on August 22, 2018 The area of concern for the Longtail Salamander is not under the bridge, it's the rock outcrops along Old Tweetsie Road, above the roadway. Their habitat is at the end of Old Tweetsie Rd, where itjoins NC 105, and runs both directions— both along NC 105 and especially along Old Tweetsie Rd. for a distance. This entire hillside is to be removed as the road is shifted in that direction and the entrance to Old Tweetsie Road is moved. It's impacts to that hillside that we'd like to see minimized as much as possible. I was made aware of the specific location of this habitat at the field meeting by our biologist, Lori Williams. I do appreciate the efforts to look at shifting the roadway, but it doesn't appear to help with minimizing the removal of this hillside. Is there anything that can be done to significantly reduce that cut? Thanks, Marla IP'��urlll� �Ill�m�i�r�ll��ur� �� II'��III':'�t�..�.. ���ur�°�liiu�����ur II...W�Il�lid.�d. ��u���:u���d.li�u� Il:�ir��ir�u� II'�� liilll�°�Illlii�� III'����u�ur��� ��i�r�i�r�lii��lii�u�� ��� II��II::��.'ll.. ��Dc� �Il��u�d.�:ir �d.ir�:�:d. �Illl��:u��irll�:, II��u�ll� ��ir�llliu�� ����°� Il:�liir�;��q ���'u� �� Il...liu��� ��D�...��� ����D.� u tt��ll�li II�;: .��D�...���... � �D.��D IVl_�.irl�..�.Ih�m�b�ir�Ca�u��wildlif�.r�irq ncwildlife.orq j� ,�r��" From: Zerman, William S Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 5:23 PM To: Chambers, Marla J<rrr�a_rla.:_charrr�_�ers_(c�_n_�wi.l_dl.i�e_:cr_r�>; Adima, Nathan N<na_d.i_rrr�a(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Steve Kichefski <Steven.l.kichefski(c�_u_sa_ce.:a_rm�.y.._m�i.l>; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha(c�_n_cd_e_nr.:.�crv>; Buncick, Marella ....................................................................... .....�. _ . _ ...._.... ......................................................................,,,�. _ <rn�arella k�uncick�Fws...�ca.v>; 'militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov' <rn�.%I.itscher.chris�e.pa_rn�ai.l.:e.pa.:.�crv>; Beaver, Brian T ................................................................................ .........................................................._ <k�tk�eaver(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dagnino, Carla S«d_a.�n_i_ncr_(c�_n_cdca.t.:.�crv>; Paschal, Keith <k.pa_s�ha.l_(c�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Bob May ............................................_. <�31f�llay(e�_weth_e_rillen�:�cr_rn�>; David Petty <d.pett.��t�s_e_n.�i_n_eers..�ca.rn�>; Cochran, Cameron <accrchranC�_n_cdca.t.:.�ca.v>; Lipscomb, ...................... ................... .................................. ...,,,�. _ Brian S<�I_i.�s�ca.m��(e�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dilday, Jason L<jldilda�v(e�ncdcrt.�crv>; Lee, Craig J<ca.lee(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; Cox, Marissa R <m�rccrxC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Beaver, G Trent <tk�eaverC�_n�dcrt...�ca.v>; Slaughter, Johnathan H<hs.la_u.�_hter(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; ..............................._. ......................................_. z_ri�ha_rd_�t�s_e_n.�i_n_eers..�ca.rn�; Lee, Amber M<a_rn�_I_ee(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; Patterson, Robert D<rca.�ert,�atte_rscrn_(e�_n�den_r.:.�ca.v>; _... . . _ �e.l.l_wa_n.�er(c�_�ws..�ca.v; icahnllaim�iscrn('�ncdcrt.�crv; Moore, Brenda L<�I_m�ca.ca.re(c�_n�d_crt.:.�ca.v>; Staley, Mark K<m�stal_e.y(c�_n�d_crt:.�crv> Cc: Robinson, Beverly G<�rca.�i_n_scr_n_(c�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Whittington, Kevin K<k_kwh_itti_n.�tca.n(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge Replacement, Division 11; County: Watauga - Site Visit on August 22, 2018 �� Conc�rning wildlif� passag�, our d�sign�rs will striv� to �qual or �xc��d th� op�n ar�a that curr�ntly �xists und�r th� �xisting Watauga Riv�r bridg�. .� � #F � . � . .� : . ��� �.� . � �.� .� �� , �.� �� . '��� . +� . �� . . R�alizing that your primary conc�rn is �xcavation in ar�as with salamand�r habitat, w� r�visit�d sit� photos of th� ar�a. It app�ars that �xcavation n��d�d for construction of th� north�rn �nd b�nt may not b� in a habitat ar�a. Sinc� our Hydro consultant, David P�tty, has a b�tt�r knowl�dg� of th� NE quadrant than I, I ask�d David to w�igh in on his opinion as to our propos�d �nd b�nt location (un-shift�d bridg� alignm�nt) and vvhat may b� salamand�r habitat ar�as. David°s comm�nt; "The first photo is on NC 105 looking down Old Tweetsie rd.The second is taken from SE quad looking at NE quad streambank. The big rocks at water edge are in the lower left part of the red oval you show below. Here those rocks may extend 1/3 to 1/2 way up the slope. There may be a few rocks at waters edge in the upper left portion of red oval and under existing bridge but as best 1 recall and can see in pics, the remaining portion of slope throughout is grassed and as best 1 understand, would not be typical longtail salamander habitat." Whil� th� plan vi�w b�low has th� bridg� shift�d 56° w�st, th� original bridg� alignm�nt would also not app�ar to hav� its north�rn �nd b�nt in a habitat ar�a. Th� third attach�d photo (144645) is looking dir�ctly at th� NE quadrant und�r th� �xisting bridg�. It should b� not�d that vv� ar� still �nt�rtaining a 2 span bridg� option as vvas discuss�d during our fi�ld m��ting. Tr�nt; vvith you knovvl�dg� of th� sit� can you pl�as� confirm that any pot�ntial �xcavation n��d�d for construction of th� north�rn �nd b�nt should not impact habitat ar�as? 3 � en�al Exrava2d � � 4aks? 4ot ` in inder i � __ � �-� �,-- - R� u ���� Yx ���� - _. �" a . . , ..� - ��a.., �i� �. •_ �'' ' � From: Chambers, Marla J Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 12:28 PM To: Adima, Nathan N<na_d.i_rrr�a(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Steve Kichefski <�teven..:.l.:_k%�h_e�s_ki_(c�_u_sa�e.._a_rrrr�.y.:_rrr�i.l>; Wanucha, Dave <dave_:wa_n_u�ha_(c�_n_cd_e_nr.:.�crv>; Buncick, Marella <rrr�a_re.l.l_a......_k�_u_n�i_ck(c�_�ws...�ca.v>;'militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov' <m�ilitscher.chris�e.pa_m�ai.l.:e.pa.:.�crv>; Beaver, Brian T<k�tk�eaverC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dagnino, Carla S«d_a.�ni_ncr_..C,�_n_cdca.t.:.�crv>; Paschal, ..........................................................................� ............................................,�. _ _ Keith <k.pa_s�ha.l_(e�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Bob May <I�INlla.y(e�_weth_e_ri.l_I_e_n�:�cr_m�>; David Petty <d.pett.��t�s_e_n.�i_n_eers..�ca.m�>; Cochran, Cameron <a�ca.�hra_n_..C,�_n_cdca.t.:.�crv>; Lipscomb, Brian S<�I_i.�s�ca.rn��(e�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dilday, Jason L<jldilda�v(e�ncdcrt.�crv>; Lee, Craig J <ca.lee(�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; Cox, Marissa R<m�rccrxC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Beaver, G Trent <tk�eaverC�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Slaughter, Johnathan H .... ..............................._. .......................................� _ . <hslau�_hter(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; z_richard�t�s_e_n.�i_neers..�ca.rn�; Lee, Amber M<arn�leeC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Patterson, Robert D ......................... ..........................., _ . . ... ..............................._. <rcrk�ert.�atte_rscrnC�_n�d_e_n_r:.�crv>; �e.l.l.wan�er(e��Fws..�ca.v; icahnllaim�iscrn('�ncdcrt.�crv; Moore, Brenda L <k�lm�crcrre(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; ................................. . ......_. _ ...._...._...._... .......................................... Staley, Mark K <m�stal_e.y(�_n�d_crt:.�crv> Cc: Zerman, William S<k�z_e_r_rn�an(�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Robinson, Beverly G<�rca.�i_n_scr_n_(�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Whittington, Kevin K <kkwh itti n�tca.n (c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> ............................................ Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge Replacement, Division 11; County: Watauga - Site Visit on August 22, 2018 I thought I'd share my comments on the FONSI for this project (attached), in particular the part regarding making the bridge readily passible by wildlife. I recall from our field meeting a mention of a riprapped slope under the bridge that sounded like it went all the way to the water. That would prevent deer from crossing, as they don't do well with riprap. I'm wanting to make sure the bridge is being designed for passage underneath, as this is the only crossing on the project that can pass large animals. I don't know if there will be any minutes from that field meeting, but as much as I wanted that meeting onsite, it was difficult to hear and understand the various conversations that occurred. It was hard to hear at the road level due to traffic noise and hard to hear under the bridge due to the roar of the river that day. I wanted to make sure the team is aware of NCWRC's concern about widening this bridge to the east, which will decimate the habitat of the Longtail Salamander at and near the end of Old Tweetsie Road that has been well studied and documented over the years by us, ASU, and others. This State-listed species is not easily moved, but we are planning to attempt to move as many as we can before the mountainside is removed there. The remaining habitat will be fragmented and it's unknown what this will do to the population. I'd really like to see, not in great detail, but what impacts would occur if the bridge were widened to the west, like the project roadway adjacent and to the south will be. I've heard it MAY impact Laurel Fork, but don't know if it could be avoided or what type, how much of impact would occur. The eastern widening was selected by designers prior to knowledge about this salamander (not to be confused with the aquatic salamander, hellbender, which is also a concern for this project.). I just want to make sure we are truly designing the least environmentally damaging practicable option for this portion of the project. Marla IP'��urlll� �Ill�m�i�r�ll��ur� �� II'��III':'�t�..�.. ���ur�°�liiu�����ur II...W�Il�lid.�d. ��u���:u���d.li�u� Il:�ir��ir�u� II'�� liilll�°�Illlii�� III'����u�ur��� ��i�r�i�r�lii��lii�u�� ��� II��II::��.'ll.. ��Dc� �Il��u�d.�:ir �d.ir�:�:d. �Illl��:u��irll�:, II��u�ll� ��ir�llliu�� ����°� Il:�liir�;��q ���'u� �� Il...liu��� ��D�...��� ����D.� u tt��ll�li II�;: .��D�...���... � �D.��D IVl_�.irl�..�.Ih�m�b�ir�Ca�u��wildlif�.r�irq ncwildlife.orq j� ,�r��" From: Adima, Nathan N Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 4:40 PM To: Steve Kichefski <�teven..:.l.:_k%�h_e�s_ki_(c�_u_sa_ce.._a_rrn�.y.:_rn�i.l>; Wanucha, Dave <dave_:wa_n_u�ha_(c�_n_cd_e_n_r.:.�crv>; Chambers, Marla J <rrr�a_rla.:_charrr�_�ers_(c�_n_�wi.l_dl_i�e_:cr_r�>; Buncick, Marella <rrr�a_re.11_a....._�un�ic_k�Fws...�ca.v>;'militscher.chris@epamail.epa.gov' <m�ilitscher.chris�e.pa_m�ai.l.:e.pa.:.�crv>; Beaver, Brian T<k�tk�eaverC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dagnino, Carla S«d_a.�ni_ncr_..C,�_n_cdca.t.:.�crv>; Paschal, ..........................................................................� ............................................,�. _ _ _ Keith <k.pa_s�ha.l_(e�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Bob May <I�INlla.y(e�_weth_e_ri.l_I_e_n�:�cr_m�>; David Petty <d.pett.��t�s_e_n.�i_n_eers..�ca.m�>; Cochran, Cameron <a�ca.�hra_n_..C,�_n_cdca.t.:.�crv>; Lipscomb, Brian S<�I_i.�s�ca.rn��(e�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Dilday, Jason L<jldilda�v(e�ncdcrt.�crv>; Lee, Craig J <ca.lee(�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; Cox, Marissa R<m�rccrxC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Beaver, G Trent <tk�eaverC�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Slaughter, Johnathan H .... ..............................._. .......................................� _ . <hslau�_hter(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; z_richard�t�s_e_n.�i_neers..�ca.rn�; Lee, Amber M<arn�leeC�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Patterson, Robert D ......................... ..........................., _ . . ... ..............................._. <rcrk�ert.�atte_rscrnC�_n�d_e_n_r:.�crv>; �e.l.l.wan�er(e��Fws..�ca.v; icahnllaim�iscrn('�ncdcrt.�crv; Moore, Brenda L <k�lm�crcrre(e�_n�d_crt:.�crv>; ................................. . ......_. _ ...._...._...._... .......................................... Staley, Mark K <m�stal_e.y(�_n�d_crt:.�crv> Cc: Zerman, William S<k�z_e_r_rn�an(�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Robinson, Beverly G<�rca.�i_n_scr_n_(�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Whittington, Kevin K <kkwh itti n�tca.n (c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> ............................................ Subject: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge Replacement, Division 11; County: Watauga - Site Visit on August 22, 2018 AI I, Following our m��ting of August 8, 2018 on th� r�vi�w of r�dlin� plans, constructability and impact issu�s of proj�ct R-2566�A, a sit� m��ting has b��n sch�dul�d for � n�s ay, �a �ast 22, 2 1� at 9:3 a n�ar th� int�rs�cti�n �f � 1 5 an r�a st�n� �a , Vilas, � 2�692. If th�r� is n��d for Van Pool, a 15-s�at�r van has b��n r�s�rv�d at th� County Maint�nanc� Yard locat�d at 1865 NC-194 North, �oon�, NC 28607, vvhich is about 15 minut�s from th� sit� (Contact at th� County Maint�nanc� Yard is K�vin Whittington —(828) 268-6044). I hop� s�� you at th� sit� at 9e30am. Thanks. Nathan N. Adima, PE Project Manager Project Management Unit — Divisions 11-14 North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6210 office 919 707 6200 main u�_� d. i_m� �_� u� � d r� t.� 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 1582 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 2699-1582 a������ �������,��:s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ����:����,�,� �,� ,�������� �� ��`�� �V����� �°��������� ��.����� ��������,� ��W�r ����:� a���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �s�����,�. I!Irr�7ail �;urre,�l�ui�dc,i��:e, C�u ai�d ��ruir7 U•ii� �ci�dcr i� �ul����;�E� �C�u U•ic, I"J,�, I ul�li�; I'�Ee,�;ur;� I...aw ai�d rr�7ay I�c rll��:lu�crl �C�u �C�h•ih�rl I�artle,�,