HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013808_Final Permit_19980225Mate of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 16TT Division of Water Quality 4 , �0 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ` �T Wayne McDevitt, Secretary D E N R A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 25, 1998 Mr. Bill Kotis Kotis Properties, Inc. Post Office Box 9296 Greensboro, NC 27408 Dear Mr. Kotis: Subject: Permit No. WQ0013808 Kotis Properties, Inc. Summerfield Constructed Wetland Wastewater Drip Irrigation Guilford County In accordance with your application received April 29, 1997, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0013808, dated February 25, 1998, to Kotis Properties, Inc. for the construction and operation of the subject wastewater treatment and drip irrigation facilities. Please note Condition VII.5 which requires all necessary approvals be received for this permit to be considered valid. If the appropriate approvals are not received, this permit will be considered null and void. In addition, please note Condition II.2 which states that should the system not operate satisfactorily or protect water quality, any and all steps will be taken to protect water quality including the possibility of closure of the wastewater source until the system has returned to proper operation. The Division will not issue a discharge permit should this system fail to perform satisfactorily and Kotis Properties will be responsible for resolving any future failures should they occur. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 31, 2003 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This facility is located in the City of Greensboro's WS-III critical area watershed so several conditions have been included to ensure proper operation without adversely impacting the water quality of the watershed. Please pay particular attention to all of the requirements in this permit regarding construction, operation, maintenance, monitoring and emergency management. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance on the system and failure to provide required information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 _ Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% posh -consumer paper One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Randy Kepler at (919) 733-5083 extension 544. Sinc rely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Guilford County Health Department Chris Griffin, Griffin Environmental Services James Covington, Jr., Alley, Williams, Carmen & King, Inc. Jim Morrison, Guilford County Planning and Development Allen Williams, Dir. of Utilities, City of Greensboro Linda A. Miles, Deputy City Attorney, Greensboro Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office, Groundwater Section Bob Cheek, Groundwater Section, Central Office Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Kotis Properties, Inc. Guilford County FOR THE construction and operation of a 1,700 GPD drip irrigation treatment and disposal facility consisting of 85I linear feet of six inch gravity sewer, a 1,500 gallon grease trap, a 5,000 gallon septic tank, 641 linear feet of eight inch gravity sewer to the wetland system, an influent distribution box with a cleanout to split the flow evenly between the wetland cells, two wetland cells, each sized at 161 feet by 22 feet with a maximum water depth of two feet, a tablet chlorinator (with the option to change to a UV disinfection system), a 980 gallon baffled chlorine contact basin, a continuous flow meter/totalizer with chart, 150 linear feet of four inch gravity sewer to the pump station, a 9 foot diameter wet well with duplex 70 GPM pumps, on -site audible and visual high water alarms, an on site emergency generator located outside of the pump building with automatic transfer switch, 3 Arkal Disc Kleen filters in series, a Perk Rite Drip irrigation system with emitters designed at 0.1 GPD/sf (0.0067 inches per hour), two drip irrigation fields (Field A has 28,314 square feet and Field B has 17,424 square feet available) with a total of 45,738 square feet available for disposal, and soil moisture sensors in the drip fields with all necessary pipes, pumps, electrical fixtures, and appurtenances required for proper operation to serve Kotis Properties, Summerfield Constructed Wetland project for a 24 hour Food Lion grocery store, drugstore and video rental store, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received April 29, 1997, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date .of issuance until January 31, 2003 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Mail the Certification to the Non- Discharge Permitting Unit, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 2. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number 910-771-4600, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 3. Location of the permanent wet detention pond shall be located such that all buffers are being met to the Field A drip irrigation field. Failure to properly locate this pond will be considered a violation of this permit. 4. At no time shall heavy equipment be allowed on the drip irrigation fields during construction of the drip irrigation system. The drip irrigation fields shall remain -as a natural woodlands. All underbrush and small trees which need to be removed shall be cut and removed by hand prior to operation of the system. 5. Both drip irrigation fields (field A and B) shall be constructed with all the necessary equipment including the installation of the drip irrigation lines for proper operation prior to any wastewater being introduced to the system. The flows from this system during the wetter months of the year will require the application of effluent on Field B. 6. The drip irrigation fields shall also be marked with some farm of permanent markers and signs showing the location of drip irrigation areas and the need to keep equipment off the sites. These markers shall be installed prior to construction of any. of the other wastewater transport or treatment systems and shall remain for the life of the permit. 11. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Flow shall be limited to 1,700 GPD (flow is from a 24 hour Food Lion grocery store, a drugstore and a video rental store). No other flow shall be added to the system without prior approval from the Division of Water Quality. A three year evaluation period without additional flow will be required before a flow increase request can be submitted to the Division of Water Quality (Division). After three year's worth of flow data and monitoring data has been collected and no signs of problems have surfaced, a permit modification may be requested for an increase in flow with the three year's worth of data submitted to support the request. Division review will include determination of system adequacy to handle the additional flow. 2. The drip irrigation facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use, in the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the irrigation area to adequately assimilate the wastewater, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment and disposal facilities or closure of the wastewater source until the problems are corrected. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 4. The residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the Division. 5. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 6. The following buffers shall be maintained; a) 100 feet between wetted area and any residence or places of public assembly under separate ownership, b) 50 feet between wetted area and property lines, c) 100 feet between wetted area and wells, d) 50 feet between wetted area and drainageways or surface water bodies, e) 50 feet between wetted area and public right of ways, f) 100 feet between wastewater treatment units and wells, and g) 50 feet between wastewater treatment units and property lines. 7. A leakage test shall be performed on the septic tank and dosing tank to insure that any exfiltration occurs at a rate which does not exceed twenty (20) gallons per twenty-four (24) hours per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity. The engineer's certification will serve as proof of compliance with this condition. 8. The subject wastewater treatment and disposal facilities shall be connected to an operational publicly owned wastewater collection system within 180 days of its availability to the subject facilities, if the subject wastewater treatment or disposal facilities are in noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this non -discharge permit or the governing statutes or regulations. Prior to the initiation of these connection activities, appropriate approval must be received from this Division. III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classification of the facility by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and grade to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8A .0202. The- ORC of the facility must visit each Class I facility at least weekly and each Class II, III, and IV facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays, and must properly manage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility and must comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8A .0202. Once the facility is classified, the Permittee must submit a letter to the WPCSOCC which designates the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are 50% complete. 3. A suitable vegetative cover of natural woodland tree species shall be maintained. 4. The drip irrigation fields shall remain as a natural woodland. At no time shall any equipment be allowed on the drip fields. All underbrush and small trees which need to be removed shall be cut and removed by hand and shall be appropriately removed during the life of the permit. The drip irrigation fields shall be walked during a regular interval to inspect and replace as necessary the drip irrigation lines to insure proper operation. 5. Irrigation shall not be performed during inclement weather or when the ground is in a condition that will cause runoff. 6. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the drip field. 7. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. The application rate shall not exceed a cumulative loading of 34.75 inches over any twelve (12) month period at an instantaneous application rate not to exceed 0.3 inches per hour. 9. No type of wastewater other than that from the Kotis Properties, Summerfield Food Lion shopping complex as described above shall be treated and applied onto the drip irrigation area by this permitted system. 10. No traffic or equipment shall be allowed on the disposal area except while installation occurs or while normal maintenance is being performed. IL Public access to the land application sites shall be controlled during active site use. Such controls may include the posting of signs showing the activities being conducted at each site. 12. Freeboard in the constructed wetland cells shall not be less than two feet at any time. IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REOUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Adequate records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking the amount of wastewater disposed. Records shall be taken every time the effluent is applied. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. date of irrigation, b. volume of wastewater irrigated, c. field irrigated, d. length of time field is irrigated, e. continuous weekly, monthly, and year-to-date hydraulic (in/ac) loadings for each field, f weather conditions, and g. maintenance of cover crops. 3. The effluent from the subject facilities shall be monitored by the Permittee at the point prior to irrigation twice per month for the following parameters: BOD5 pH Nitrate -Nitrite Fecal Coliform NH3 as N Total Phosphorous TSS TKN Total Residual Chlorine 4. Three (3) copies of all operation and disposal records (as specified in condition IV 2) on Form NDAR-1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month. Three (3) copies of all effluent monitoring data (as specified in condition IV 3) on Form NDMR-1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month. All information submitted to the Division shall be kept on file at the site for a minimum of five years. All information shall be submitted to the following addresses with only one copy going to the Regional Office: NC Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 4 1Y NC Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 5. A representative annual soils analysis (Standard Soil Fertility conducted on each drip field and the results maintained on file by minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Analysis) shall be the Permittee for a include, but is not Acidity Manganese Potassium Calcium Percent Humic Matter Sodium Copper pH Zinc Magnesium Phosphorus Cation Exchange Capacity Base Saturation (by calculation) 6. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number 910-771-4600, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a sludge digester, the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility, or any other unusual circumstances; b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc.; c. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by- pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the.influent to such station or facility; or d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five (5) days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does'not recur. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. 2. The interior surfaces of the constructed wetlands shall be completely lined with a 40-mil thick liner. Following installation and inspection of the lagoon liner, and prior to waste disposal operations, certification of the liner's compliance with approved construction specifications and the liner's integrity must be provided to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, by the project engineer. 3. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary is for the disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediatiori action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143- 215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Camp iance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. VI. INSPECTIONS 1. Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the wastewater treatment and disposal facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division or other permitting authority. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the, purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VII. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities -to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 5. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 6. A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project roust be retained by the Permittee for the life of the project. 7. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4)- 8. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the twenty-fifth day of February, 1998 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Division of Water Quality—.= �••-v� By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0013808 Permit No. WQ0013808 February 25, 1998 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 1, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Project Name Location Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Date Registration No. A WRM N(VIOR01- R WAVJIIJ �Aol IN= 814,V42 713 ^� `J RATJNG SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: DT tS ?PCz s�5 ��>n inLr n +emu crtm W �5 Owner or Contact Person: lt�� Kc,-s-,5 Nailing Address: 91Z9(o ea-ec-�tj5- b J�C 2740 County: Telephone: giiD- 574-ZODO Present Classification: New Facility X Existing Facility NPIDES Per. No. NC00 Nondise. Per. NowWOOB08 Health Dept Per. N Rated by.- Telephone.919 -733-51>83 a 544 Date: 1`22-98 Reviewed by: Health Dept, Telephone: Regional Office Telephone: ntral Office Telephone: ORC: Grade: Telephone: _ Check Classification's): Subsurface _� Spray lrri anon LandApplication Waslewale.` Classification: (Circle One) 1 II 111 IV Total Points: SAY ='-RP . 1'w- '�- u5-5 AND R &ATE Q =R—U LQVPMEN7 VMICH ARE AN NTEGRAL PhRT OP Ike' ' S7R ' P IXTKY' HA �'cIDERE 1,S-E TREATMEN7 FOB THE PURPOSE OF 0 Aa51;7QAjjONEL6,ISTLNQ SLrSSURFACE CLASSIFrATtON (chec�. all units Thal apply) 1. septic tanks 2- primp tanks siphon or pump -dosing systems Sand filters g'ease trapinierceptor E ciawater separators 7- subsu"ace Irea'menl and disposal gravity vressure SPRAY IRR)GAT►ON CLASSIFICATION (check all units that apply) 1. preliminary treatment (definition no. 32 } 2. "' lagoonS�Cnn�fruui 3 seplfc tanks 4. pump tanks 5. pumps 6. sand filters 7- - grease trap/mterceplor 8. oillwater separators G. �-t disinfection 1 D. chemical addition for nutrient/algae control 11 --4 viz&y irrigation of wastewater 5 r �Ysr`�.rr7 FrelreEtmert of wastewater In excess of these'components shall be rated using the point rating systen; end will require an operetoi with an appropriate dust certification. Lti'.� APPLICF 0,141 i.ESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. _ Land appliczlion of bigSotldS, residuals or contarninaled soils on a desionaled si4e. EV,A7E TREATMEN'TFACILITY CLAS51FiCATION Tne fo':,owing systems shaft be assigned a Class I classification, nI the flow is of a significant quanlily or the technology is un_sually co np'.ex, to require considemlion by the Commission on a case -by -rase basis: (Check it Appropriate) Oiijv s'er Separator Systerns consisting only o1 physical separation, pumps and disposal: 2. Septic Tank/Sand Filler Systems consisting only of seplic tanks, dosing apparalus, pumps,sand fillers, disinfection and direcl discharge; i acocm Systems consisting only-o! preliminary treatment, lagoon;, pumps, disinfeclion, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loop Recycle Systems: 5 Groundwater Remedialion Systems consisting only of pumps, air-slripping, carbon adsorplion, disinfection and disYcsal; 6—Fish farms with discharge to surface wafers: V,'a;er Pianl sludge hand'iing and ba,Jk-wash water irealmenl; E Seaford processing consisling of screening and disposal, 5 Sing Ie4amily dischargioe systems wish the exception o! Aerobic Trea!ment Units, will be classified it permitted aSler J;1!) i, 1993 or il upon inspection by the Division, it Is found Thal Ihe'systerr. is rl�I being adequaely operated' or Such systems will be nolihed o.' the classitir..ation or redlassilicaPion by the Commission- in writing The fcllcwring scale is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities, (circle appropriate pc;nis) ITEM POINTS ( 1 } Industeal PretraalmeM Units or Industrial Prelreatmenl Program (sae definition No. 331......................... _................. ..... i (2) DE: €GN FLOW OF PLANT IN spd (not applicable to non -contaminated roofing water$, slud',a hen( ing laoitiies for water pu6licailon plant6, totally closed cycle cyslerrsstsee definition No. 11), and lacilrtie5 consisting only of Item (A)(d) or Items (4)(d) and (tt)(d)) >> o • 20,000..................... 20,001 - 50,000.......................................... ........................................................................._..................2 50,001 - 100,000........................................................................3 ............................................................. 100,001 - 250,000............................................. ................................ ................................. .....4 250,001 - 500.000.................................................. ............. .--- —--- ................... .......................... �...»..S 500,001 - 1.000.000................................. ................... .... .............................. 8 11000.001 - 2.000,000................ I ......................................................... .......... ­__-...........10 2.000.001 (and up) rate 1 point additional for each 200.000 gpd capacity up to a acemum or...........................................................-...........30 Design Flow (gpd) I �-'� MAXIMUM (3) PRELIMINARY UNITSrPAOCESSES (sie definition No,32) (a) Bar Screens ...................... _......................................... .................... ..................... _......................... ..... I or (b) Mechanical Screens, Sufic Screons or Comminuting Devices ............................................... ...—»..._.....2 (c) GritRemwal...................................................................................-......................................_.._...-.-.......I or (d) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal ........................................................................................................2 (s) Flow Moasurirp Device ....................................................... .................................. ___ ...... _....... ............ 1 or {f) Instrumented Flow Measurement................................................................................................................2 (g1 Preaeration...............................................................................................................................................2 (h) Influent Flow Equalization.............................................................................................._......................2 (I) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity ........... ........... ........ j:i�' Mechanical.......................................................................I...1.........3 Dissolved Air FI9lalion ........................................................----....................._..........................5 [i} Prechlorinatlon...........................................................................................................I.............................5 ([) PR-NARYTREATMEr:T LN;TSrPFKXESSES (a) Septic Tank (sae definition No. 43)............. .. .. (b) lmholl Tank..............................----............................................_.........................._.............................._.....5' (c) Primary Clarifiers....................................................................:.................................................................._..5 (d} Settling Ponds or Se€tlirp Tanks ;or Il organlc Non -tonic Malerials (sludge handt,rq lacl€flies for water pudlicaiion plants, sand, gr1aval, stone, and other pining operations ezcepi racreational activities such as gem or gold mining) ...... ................................................ ............................ „.................... 2 SEC:Dt.DARY TREAT --Nr LN17&Pr ADCESSES (a) Carbonaceous Stage (i} Aeration -High Purity Oxygen Syslem....................................................._._-._.........._..».20 DiffusedAir System ............................. ......................... ......................... ...._................ 10 Mechanical Air System (lined, Bowing or rotor), ................. ............................... ....... ...8 Separate Sludge Raaeratien............................................................................................3 (n) Trickling Finer High Rate ................... .................... ........ .......................................................................7 .. StandardRats ..... ............ .................. ....... ....... ........... .................................................. S PackedTower .................................................. .......................»....-.............................._.5 (iii) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated BiologicalFider.............................................................................................................1 0 (iv) Aerated Lagoons....... ......................... LLL ........................ I .... ­1 ...................... I ................ 10 (v} Aolaling Biological Coniaciors........................................................ . ........... ,................. 1C (vi) Sand Filters -Intermittent biological ............................................ .......... ............... ............ 2 Recirculatingblologlcal.....................................................................................................3 (vii) Siabilization Lagoons.........................................................................................I.........1.5 (viii) Clarifier .......................... .................................................... ............................................. {ix) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous removal of BOD and nitrogenous removal by nitrification (see definition No. 12)(Poinis for this hem have to be in addition to Items (5)(a)(i) through utiliting the extended aeration process (see definiion No.3a)..................................... ..... 2 utilizing other than the extended asraftri process ......... ................ ............ I ................ ......$ (x) Nutrient additions to enhance SOD removal,,....................................................................6 Ili) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs')addition...:........................................................_.........5 (b) Nitrogenous Stage (i) Aeration - High Purily Oxygen System ................. ................. __................ _........... ........... 20 Diltused Air Syslem..................................................... ....................................... „.......... 10 Mechanical Air System (fixed. floating or rotor) ..................... .......».................... ..._._^........111 Separate Sludge Reaeration...............................................................................I............3 (ii) Trickling Filler -High Rate...................................................................................................7 51AndardRate................................................................................................................5 Packed'fower............................................. ............._......................................................5 (iii) Biological Aerated Filler or Aerated Biological Finer.............................................................1 o (TV) Rolatrng Biological Conlactors......................................................................................10 (v) Sand Filer- into rmitiant biological....................................................I.............................2 Recirculatingbioiogical............................................................................I........................3 (vi) Cla'd*r................................................................................,.......................................... (6) TERTA:iYORADvr,;;CE07RFATPENT LNrS,1PRJCESSE5 (a} ACtrvated Carbon Bads - wohouicarbon regeneraiion............................. .......... ......... ....................... I............................5 w4;h carbon rogeneralion.............................................................. ........................................ is (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Food- w.thout carbon regeneration., ............... ...... ­­ ............ .... ........ I ............... L ........ wish carbon regenoiation........ .............................. I ........ ................................ I ................ . -As c) sir 51n^? rig ........................ ......... .............. ................................ ... ....'-............. ........... ............ r,•,ra..on Process.........................................................I..................... ... .......... .................... 1 C (a) Elscirodialysfa.............................................I.............................................................................................5 (f) Foam Separation ...................... _..................................... ........... ........... .................................... .......... ...... 5 (g) Ion Exchange..............................................................................................................-.-........................5 (h) Land Application of Treated Elfluant (sea darinhian No. 22b) (nol applicable for sand. gravel, stone and other slmllar mining operalions) by high rate Inliliration.................................... ................. A (I} uicroscreens................................... ........................................... ....................... ........................................ .s (j) Phosphorous Removal by Biological Pmaseas (Sae definhion No. 26)........................................................20 {k) Polishing Ponds - withcut aerallon............................................................................................................2 With aerallm...... .......... ...... ..................................... .................... ........... 5 (i) Post Aeration - ca►cada..................................................... ..................................................... ................. A daft used or machtriral........... .............. _................................_........................... 2 (m) Reverse Osmosis .................................... .................................................................................................... A ( n) Sand or Mixed -Media Firers - low rau._.,........._..,.»..............._........._............................._........_..............2 dghtale ......................................................................5 (0) Troalman; processes for removal of inelalorcyanide................. -............ .-........ ................ ...... .................. 1 5 (P) rraalmsnl processes for removal al toxic matariais other than metal or Cyanide .......... ..------------- I s (7) DUMETREATMENIT (a) Sludge DigestionTink-Heated.... ..................... .................................................................................... 10 Aerobic 5 - Unheated 3 (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal)..... ............................................... ..............................................5 (c) Sludge Dfying Bads - Gtavhy......................................................................................................................2 Vacuum Assisted......................................................................................................................................5 (d) Siudgm Eluiriation.................... .................................................. ................... ............................. .......... 6 (a) Sludge Condhlorter (chemical or Iharmal)..._...........................................................................................5 (f] Sludge Thickener (gravity)....................................................................................................................._.6 (g) dissolved Air Flotation Uni, (not applicable to a unit rated as(3)(i]].............................................................8 (h) Sludge Gas Utlllzaliors (including gas slorags)....... ................................. ............................. ......... ......... 2 (I) Sludge Holding Tank • Aerated...................................................................................................................5 Non-ae raasd.............................................................................................................................................2 {j) Sludge incinerator (not Including activaied carbon rapanaralion)................................................................1 0 (K] Vatuurn Filter, Centriluge, or Fihsr Press or other similar dewatering devices .. ...................... ............. _,.....-10 (a) RESIDUALS UTILIZATION/DISPOSAL (vactuding Incinerated ash) (e) lagoons..................................................................................................................................................2 (b) land Application (surlacs and subsurface) (see definhion 22a) by contracting to Si land applicalion operator or landfill oporatar who holds the land aPp])Ution permit or landlill Permit ...............................................................................................................2 (c) Dedicated Landfiis(buiial) by the permhits of the wastewater trawmeni facility ................................ ............. r� (b) Dechlorinafion.................................................................................................. (c) Ozone............................................................................ 5 ................................................................. (d) Radiation.................................................................................................................................................5 (' d) CHEWCAL ADDITION SYSTEMS) ( see delin:iiion W. 9) [not applicable to chamir:,l additions rated a Item (5)(j), (5)(a)(z1), (6)(2), (6)0* (7)(b), (7)(e), (90), (B)(b) oy (9)(c) 5 points each: Lim......................................................................................................................... .............5 ............................................................................................................................. . S ......................................................................................................................... .... .......................................................................................... ........................................ ( :) M:SCEU11v'ECus UNIS+PFROCESSES (a) lioid,ng Ponds, Hold;-,; 7anks or Ssniing Ponds for Qrganic or Toxic Maler"sals including wzsles from mining operations torAaining nitrogen or phosphorus compounds in arrlounis tig:aificarrLy greater than Is common for domestic wastewater.........................................................................................4 (r) Enuen; Flow Equalization (not applicable lo slorage basins which are Inherent in farad application systems) .......... ............ ... ...... I ............... I .............. ...2 (c) Stage Discharge (no! applicable to storage basins inherers in land application systems)..................................5 (d) Pumps .............................. ............ .._..;............................................ ..................................................... _ (e) Stand -By Power Supply- ...................................................3 [!) Thermal Pollution Control Device ................................................................................................................2 TOTAL. POINTS.......................................................................... re7g_*Tj_072ie�:l Class I .............................................. -............................................... ............ 5.25 Points Classll.........................................................................................................26.50 Points Ctasslii........................................................................................................51.65 Prints classIV .............................. ................................... ................. .....................66•up Poins FaC,i.:des hay:r; a racing o! one through four points. Inclusive, do not require a candied oporalor. FaCi flies having an =ivz;ed sludge process wit be assigned a minimum clzssilicalion cf Class II. Facfl::ies havirc I'aatmerAProcesses for the removal of metal or cyanide wi11 be assigned a niloirtiurwclaasilicaiion of Class-11. Faci -des having Irra:rnen: processes for the biological removal o! phosphorus will be assigned a minimvc, Nassilicalion of Class 111. oy>C DEFiw:'naug Tni Iv;lv..-nc d4t,nt"5 slut apP:y rlroughoul rill Stbchapret. (t) ACa.a;Pd Bros A physicatrcham,Cs- rnacvd for f,ri ing tei,ao4 aganiC malaria: is m wasleratat elA,rr•.: The column -type beds user In trs'msesod will haw a 4ra Is viiryn, lion: t.rc to eight garlons pa: n;nulo par s7usrs too: ono may bi mitts, up'V+ of do.nhvw eArbon teas. Carbon may a rn6y Rot be eiVane,aled ant" .111Pw41.: heat-Q., Plant site: P; Aaia!64 Lsgoms A basin in M1ith ari W,sis arm main'sinad in suspens.an art by Mich Aelogicel osidabon a eepan'ic rnarta, Is redtxmd Ihrtsrph anihciallr accermrsted Usnsrsr o' osygs^. an a basis: (1; A@ sS :; - A po:ess of hrmgns abotr. inbmsts contact barween a,l n hV) pvntr orypn'art a ligaid by etprarin; aplatiorY or d.husion%31) eiundad Aertaon An a:c.-aIPC s�odge p•ocess Uvrs,ng a M6nwm hydrauiC detention tore of It hove. (C, Agrese:vai,r ma aped $.;a Any a:Ee M xhiCh a crop is Produced. manaped, and haivesite (C,ap includes 9,aaaes, g,tins, 7eea, ate.). (5, A' Stnppng A p-bra Ss by which ne amrroryi,m ion is rrs: ewworti4 to 6sP4-ed ■m. d is (pH aCS,ustnwx) —in M srrnma Elan rataas#e to rte atmospMwv by P`gLCA' rr%411. a Cris, s,n:ar p•wvssss which rsmore Peroly rn poallltti iuch as bcnl*n . ldwnr. and xyient, it, Ca:bor, Aspnllm4sv. The regene,mson or -exhausted Carron by ale use a: a lithrte to pewida erlleme+y hgr le^.tparatvas M1:eh vclabitxm mra7 ortdiaa eta mba lamtd I�r'J rr,F S; (7 cs :y,arvou• Sago A s:aor or _asl*waie: bealman! dac%9n4e Is; schwa 'ssconda-y' siGvonl horns whCh eal:nrUSril rate is USGe IC spy-os r:o I,wcs o' I* si;a,ate toud1 at 4;tlo'4n1 Oenaitfs. IS' C-:^sra rv^.d:.� Srue-•d ThF aodr al o' cikn,Lal;s; to W;It4 aloe r a-. a,N•cc-on N%.,: Iv wpales Cl .r-. a.,ng soles remora'. PH sdaraan:. agal,nde control. t': irk C.:ill 7.^. O'DoP "l'. w.r. C-':6,4^. ttWintait 4n4 D:ri'in; e,•sP'l[i!:' r1C•nis to AVIP.e a ipv.,r,r —:' bo considwito Cane lyres^, 114 rapa'J{r`y to and chrricalrs) be dual uri:t will be eaied at one system: capability to add a drefrita! at a dilrnl application point& far ditlranl purposat w-W natjl In the Srclems losing - riled lot separatt tyilorts: (IC) ChareuS Sludge Cod+toning. The addiim or a ehorrical compound such as lima, ferric chloride, or a polymer eo wet sludge to eealaata In* mess prior to Its appiiC}Iipn to a dewstring davits; (1:) Closed Cydo Syslors, Use of holding ponds or holding tanks tot eraakvttont of waslewalw consairing htorgoric, non•taile lrialsorW& kom send, gravo!, crushed slrr,s or olhw sitnitbr aprationt- S,xh systems ksall carry a marin•um of two pcirns regardless of pumping Jtcihbos or any Who, apprrisnarres: (12) Combined Rpmye of Carboracoous SOD and 9117nerrous Fkmoval by Hitrifitaliorr A single stage system ragdrod to schwa portrait efrluoni heats on BOD and emmxia rituvgon wirin the tame biologics. reactor; (13i ❑wchiorirw:+or., The partai or corVill►;0duction or rosJassf diorirs In a tigstd by any chonical or physical process; (Ii) Deritikcalion Procact, The corwar&;Ciu n or nitrate-RIrOQM to rogon gas; - - (15) Eleclrodalyras. P.tteu fur rernvvinglanlzod 94114 from welr 9t'argh he via of ionsol►eiva ion►axchsnge membranes; (ie" FYtive Press. A process opraled rntchiricsrly for partially dewalenng 1Ju69t: (171 Faim Separate.. The plam&d tolNng of waaNwalor or wastewalr smuent as a mess of rsrnoving excessive amoursts of dotrgorr, materials through the tncoWciicn of si! In the lam of has bubbles; also catlod foam tractiorutioh; (it) Grit Removal. The process of ramvvlrig gril and other heavy rained mtrw kom wsstowslor; (14) lair l Tank. A deep two story wsslawalsr Lank consisting of an tgpef stdirnontation ehambot and a lower slvdg► diga&icn chaambot. (20) Instrumemed,pow kbeastzemanL A device w,tsich indcaltt and records rote of how; (21) Ion Etchangt. A chomicsf procsss In which Iona It= two dlfrnl aroleetlss era exdhangad; (22) Larid .appiicalion: (a) Sludge Disposal. A Anal sludge disposal method by which wet aludgis may be applied to land either by spraying on the scsisca or by wbsvilace irtection (i.e., [tiger plow); jWI apprcabis for types of sludge doleribtd In (11) of his Fiat): (b) Treated (;RrwnL This process or spaying, treated waatewalr onto a land area or other rrohods of appiie"on of waslowalar onto a lend area as a meere of final disposal Cr II661mom: . (23) tdicto6c an. A low &peed, contnuously back�w&"d, relating dr&rn filter oprating under gravity conditions as a perishing method for removing suspended solidt from olnunt' (24) Ktrification Process. The biochernicil conversion of unaxicized riliopon (amnsonla and organc nihogen) to oaidizad rikogen (usually nitrate); (251 iliirogenous Slags. A separate [tags of wastawalr treatment dedgnsad for Use specific purpose of cGnvsrtr9 smmdria rirogsn to nivala nitcgr,; (26) Phosphate Romovsl, Biological. The rarrloval of phosphorus from wattew&ur by an oxiclanoxic process designed to enhance luxury uptake of p icspThorvs by the mio•oorponlsms; (27) PdWing Pond. A holding pond follow ;.N secondary troal"m with sulhciom dalanion time to allow settling of hswly suaperdod solids; (28) Poll karajW,. Ao,&lcn foftow:ng corrrnianal secondary traetrrrenl units to IRCraate 41MU l R.D. or for any Dear purpose; (25) Pest Mraecn, (Czsceds) A pd'&Kng method by wStieh dissolved oxygen Is added to the arav" by a rid nYrs etharica!, gravity means ear pot.+. ng erc—n a series of slops or wsus; The tow oeehrring acrott she slaps or ws•irs mows In a laity pin layer and the operation of the cascade Mpiiv$ no opralo- advsrnanl; rhos, zero pain:& are assigned even rhbugh ihf't Is in otsnbal step to motahg the lime of the discharge pormil: (M) Powder" to Granule! Activated Carbon Fasd. A Nophyslcal carbon process that utilizas biological activity and organic absorption by using powdered or g•arulai accval►d carbon; Virgin at rsganerared carbon is food comroitad Into he aytitm; (31) Praserasion. A Lark consrunite to provide aeralian prior to primary vsttiTwni; _ (32) Fteiimina v Un!s. Unit operations in Law trbalmenl process, such as serertinp and corn mirsrtion, put prepare the liquor for subsequent ms)or operatiOrls: (33) Indvscisl Ffs!•ea:mer.;. (a) Pro-trsarne't Uric, &ndvsria' The condtioring of a waste at its source baloro diicharga, to romays or to retstralixe aubsiantas Injuiput so saweet and tra Hmenl processes or to enlac; a part::! reduciion In load on the Ireaknertt process which It oporaled by pre same gvvrring body is hs wastewater trsatrneni plsril being rased; b) Pro-raatrrnnt Pro7a-,, Industr,al - must be & Stale or EPA rogtifod program to nceiva points on the rating shot; (34) Primary Girilws. The hers; sori"n Is-*& through wtich wastewater Is patsed in a troatrnerd works lot the purpose of removing satdoabfa anp suspended solids and BOO wh:tth Is associated win ne sohds: ' (35) Purips, N: lnf.jW, arGwnl and Inpiary, psrrlps; (36) Rgdaton Diin:scao❑ p: sis!i1 zai:pn process uNzing devicos emitting ufrayidel or Qafhm$ fay$; (37, Revsrso Ds"$it. A Pbarnen: process in which a heavy contarrinatoC rigid is presstx)zed prargh A matnbeane lormirg nearly plre liquid Prof Irom suspendod solids; (3F) Reubr,g Sicto;iu'. Cen:iactats. A Eased biological grenrn process In which wastewater hews lhiough tanks in which a series of partially tubtrwged efretle, sufaces art fo:alfd; (35j Sand Flla:$: (a) inwrri6rr Rsolog.ca:. Finfafon of snluenl following septic tanks, tagoans, or soma other treatment ppotass in wtich Itrna. biodwcamposition is expomW to produce dat_rs: e uo-s; hlyd.;Uic loading rates on these tines one cornpl,od In gpdrac and have ■ F*Wling tow gpnrvt.l (cast than one): b) Reciretlitns Griogics! . the sarns type of sand hllr as dofirod in Srbptiagraph pt;) (a) of nit RLis win pia added capstsifily to recycle effluent back trough the sand hitr; (40) $and or I.tized•Uedia Fiinrs. A polish:ng process by which afhutnl writs we achieved through a krhov reducicn of suspended solids; (a) low raft -• q'ay.:y, hydav:raby loarke Ithw with, fosang rates ir. ship on& to Ciroa gpWsl tango; (b) Nor: rats •• a pressure, hydravlicaliy loaded Istier wah roaring tales In no five gprn+s! range: A! any (stet. the foadng rate well exceed these gpmrsl; (41) SKendary Gt,il.er&. A hark which lalows Ins biCiogica; unit of lrealmMt plant and w iah has pie purpose of removing sludget associated win Coo biological braatmenl vneir, I it - (Q) Separate Siud;e Rsaaraton A pv^I of no contact slahb2ation process whirs Lhe acavplod sludge is transferred to a tank aced aerated Wort tsturning is to the toner basin; (43) Soptic Tani-.. A siagt sac-)' ss'ilrr tank In which %tried sludge Is in conLao with the waslewzlor flowing through the lank; shalt not be app6cablo for septic lank systems serving single larsily rosiomces having capacity of 2.000 gallons or less which discharge to a nilrification hold; (H1 Slu_ga 6igesGon. The ptecoss by wtich oganc or volatile mottr and nudge is gaslhe'd• ligrsbod, mineralized or convened Into more &UW organic matter prough tis scivity oa I;rny o ga isrr:s, w li;eh includes avaled holding tanks; (45) Sludge Dry;.nc Elide her sfsz co —prising natural or anihclal layers of pocow malarials upon which digested sewage sfudgs is dried by drainage and svapwalion; (SS) Vudgr Efv:'u: r,, A. protest. Cl &ladle cor6for,ng in which certain Constituents ors removed by successivs washings wins inch wale or pram eKlwnl; (47) Sit" Gas Ut2a:;m The pocess of vsinrg sewage gas lot pro purpost of healing buildings, driving engines. alc,; (<a) Sludge HC4.-ri 7a r. (Aerated and Nonaaratad), A tank ulilixed for smar wastswaior ttoalrewril plants no: containing a dgeslr in which sludge may be kopt bosh, and wpvrau.n! rr.thq-aw^7 pr.or is a hying rn'ved (i.e. sludge drying beds): iris may be bona by adding a small arnounl of sit simpy to kill; ps ,Judge Irosh, b1.A not nacositniy an*Irtiz ,: ha' . cijd bo rtq_ired Ic 10ievo slati.lizaftm of organic many. A nonaerbled bane, world simply be usse to Mtant "go prior le dowiltring and would rut site.+ Sons pe';ads (sove:a: days 01 cielenbon) vithoui nesuittin2 odor problems; (cs; S'udgo bn:Sraf %*!$ A 1✓nac; des:gn&d to bum sJWpo and to removo all moisture and combuStibre msloiiais prier raduca pre sludge W a slorii■ ash; (5c) SlvdSs Suy'.ta:on (Cnorritaf or Thomnal). A process to make trt:lad sludge fass o6wous and putreaciblo, and to roduct one pathogn;c wgarism content: This may tars done by phi ad,us:nent, cNcnna doting. roc by heal roalment: (5l) Sludge Trickener, A Typo of srd++nwanlsCon unk In which the sludge is pwrittad to soul♦ onti thiickon trvoucjh agintien and gravity: W5 S1aDiushor. Ltgoon A by pa o: osidafion lagoon in wtich biotogictl osidalion cl Organic matter is ollstted by naarat tronsJor of oxygen to the water horn sir (nob a p�Gstiing Phi. . (S3' Sian, -By Fowe, Supply. On grio Or ponabfo erochiCal gonrating egtipmsnt; (5:) Siacc Saaens. A sla;,wary scisan doslgnod Ic rornove sa!ids, includng non-biodsgradablo panictlzte (foals do solids, syspondod colds and BOD reductirn) loom nhutiripsl and incvstial was4Pxaill Uf Ftmenl sy&lths. (S5; is'asfy Tloar..vh:. A stage o: ksaimont ldlo,ring secondary wheh is ptimerily la the pvpose of oflluom Wisl4rg; A selding lagoon or ssnd of teat AU,, might tr•a arf:oyed ro, [tit pwpofa: (56) Trw:mal Palutrn Cawrol Dovlco A device poridlng for the transits of hial horn a Raid (lowing in tubes to anodhse AUd outside IN lubos. car vice versa- or other n'Nans of ooghiainq Lq.+id lompetawrrs: (571 Thermal Sluogr Conestionor. A concstimirig romrsss by which heV is odds: for a prolnctod period of tints to irnp ovo she dawaiorxbil:ry of sludge by pre sr-ubllizirlg and hyo'ayiiiing a' in{- smahot aric mwe h'gky hyd:atsd sludg■ panicles; (5t; Tssic ma laitals Those writes or Corrbrtaeons of wastes Inelttd+ng diseaso•causinQ aganu which after Cschargo and upon orpowra, ingestion- inhalation or atsini"60,;, into my vgonsm, eilhrr dascty tar, no orwieormon: or indrscey by ingssl,brl pvavgh load chains. will uusc death, dsesse, behavior$! abnorriuWtes, [smolt. gono:ic rn r.;.ons, prtystoogcV maltuntlidns (including malfunctions in r►prddW--eon) or physical deionr+aet*ns. In such organisms a Choir ollspeing: Totic materials inch4o. by way a,' vv,aron and not hnitas,c.r•:lead, Cadrtium. Chromium, mercury, vartt*um. arsenC, lint, errse rivo•clifwobonsoru (ONCE), polychlorinated hiphonyl& (?C>s} ana drhlocdalxnvl Irchiorovetana (DOT I. and any orior FVisiriats tha: have Cr may heiaahor be dater ritnd to havo loci[ proporoos, (59) Tnc ,I+ng F,.lt•+ h L•ofGgiC2i Ire a:�+;.n! ur.l Conclseng Cf ft tnalerial Such :t t�os.an smIng or rock Oyer which w,'aslowilow is dstriba,lod; /. hgfl :c:o lriCiding f.18! is Ora tti Ch e?rralot a: 6C1wFen It ant :: ms pry Uor, F. low ratio OCMIN+ lillst it Pnr, v✓tiCh, is 605ighod IC onaralr At ono 10 lour m,d par aC{e, ([0) Trid.1: C I'+:•.r• (9aci.ec To•••r•; r ;•us r.ow' ;jpc al t;.Gbl;cwn in V.i{h vrastaws!or w-'s do-^ ero,_gh succo�s:vo loyols of otrds o, Menlo maloriai: Ggar,t male -:at is rpl:yYod ce:Y•r.:,:;; t;y- 1pti' aC='•& biNn'ree: L,r: Crow:'' in each sVccdssty& isyor, Inc maintoo me.,- p'odu;t 'secondary' quab:y aftur0111, r may be teap'rr to prod.gr• h rttacr t'•lor.:h:. ( :) Max —ti F . Cv'=7+!.+­3, t: lolls nit':sr:s Dr- co$ yr^ieh aq, ou srg"•rC ; ,wz'.o:s ohean; outs; Irom oilti.- agrrs&od a urh,•Lgaslad shldgas paper to csse_sal w r�' a,an trrap,a RATING SCALE -FOR CLASSIFICATION OF FACILITIES ITEM H (2) Name of Owner o Mailing r Plant: Ka�_irS f`rJ� 1 7 1 J .7 r Contact Person: Ili ) i Address: p,C - 6s�G- _ 9,Z 96 _ NPDES Permit No. NCO Nondisc, Per. Issue Date: Expiration Date: Existing Facility New Facility Rated By: ' f �; ,_j v, / /� Date: / c Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Reg. Office Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Central Office ORC_Grade Plant Class: (circle one) I II III POINTS Industrial Pretreatment Units and/or Industrial Pretreatment Program (see definition No. 33) 4 DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD (not applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters, sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, totally closed cycte systems (def. No. 11), and facilities consisting onlyof Itom (4) (d) or Items (4) (d) and (11) (dQ n20,000 20.GO1 -- 50.000.......................... 2 50,001 -- 100,000 ....................... . .. 3 100,001 -- 25OX0 .......................... 4 250,001 500,000.......................... 5 500,001--1,000,000............... I.......... 8 1,000,001 -- 2,000.000 ........................ 10 2,000,00.1 (and up) - rate 1 point additional for each 200,000 god capacity up to a maximum of 30 Design Flow (gpd) : (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS (see definition no. 32) (a) liar Screens ................................ or (b) Mechanical Screens, Static Screens or Comminuting Devices .. ............. (c) Grit Removal ............................... or (d) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal ........... (e) Flow pleasuring Device ................. . .... . or (1) Instrumented Flow Measurement .............. (g) Preaeration ................ . .............. . (h) Influent Flow•Equafzation ................... (i) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity .......... Mechanical .......... Dissolved Air Flotation (j} Prechtorination .............................. (4) PRIMARY TREATMENT UNITS (a) Septic Tank (see definition no. 43) .............. (b)Imhoff Tank .................................. (c) Primary Clarifiers ........................... . (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Non -toxic Materials {sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, sand, grave;. stone, and other mining operations except recreational activities such as gem or gold mining) ...................................... 0 V 2 1 C� 2 2 2 3 8 5 C2 5 5 +N S k,'o-s') f No. (N0 C G ( e- IV Total Paints V '2— (5) SECONDARY TREATMENT UNITS (a) Carbonaceous Stage (i)Aerafion - High Purify Oxygen System ... - . 20 Diffused Air System ........... 1 0 Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating or rotor) .............. 8 Separate Sludge Reaeration ..... (H) Trickling Filter High Rale .............. . .... 7 Standard Rate ............... 5 Packed Tower ............... 5 (i i i) Biological Aerated Filler or Aerated °ioloeical Filter ...................... 10 (iv) Aerated Lagoons ..................... . 10 (v) Potating Biological Contactors .......... 10 (vi) Sand Filters - intermittent biological ..... 2 recirculating biological ..... 3 (vii) Stabilization Lagoons ................... 5 (viif)Cfarifier 5 (ix) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous removal of SOD and CL �t A A nitrogern)us removal by nitrilication (see def. No. 12) (Points for this item �—�— have to be in addition to items (5) (a) (i) through (5) (a) (viii) ................. (x) Nutrient additions to enhance SOD femoval ............................... (xi) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs') addition to enhance organic compound removal .... . (b) Nitrogenous Stage (i) Aeration - High Purily Oxygen System .... . Diffused Air System ........... Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating, or rotor) ...... ...... Separate Sludge Reaeration ... , . (i i) Trickling Filler - H-sgh Rate .............. Standard Rate ........... . Packed Tower............ (iii) Biological Aerated Filler or Aerated Biological Filter ........................ . (iv) Rotating Biological Contactors ........... . (v) Sand Filter - intermittent biological ....... . recirculating biological ....... . (vi) Clarifier ................................ C1 I 20 10 8 3 7 5 5 10 10 2 3 5 {6) TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNIT {a) Activated Carbons Beds - without carbon regeneration .................. 5 with carbon regeneration .............. . ..... is powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed - without carbon regeneration ................. 5 with carbon regeneration .................... is (c) Ai: Stripping ...... _ _ ...................... 5 (d) Denitrification Process (separate process) . _ .. . 10 (e) Electro dialysis .............................. 5 (f) Foam Separation ............................. 5 (g) Ion Exchange ................:............... 5 (h) Land Application of Treated Effluent (see definition no. 22b) (not applicable for sand, gravel, stone and other similar mining operations) (i) on agrivrllurally managed sites (See del. No. 4) ................................... 010 (N) by high rate infiltration an non -agriculturally managed sites (includes rotary distributors and similar fixed nozzle systems) ........... 4 (iii) by subsurface disposal (includes tow pressure pipe systems and gravity systems except at plants consisting of septic tank and nitrifica- tion fines only) ................. . ......... . . 4 (i) Microscreens.................................. 5 {j) Phosphorus Rer„oral by Biological Processes (See def. No_ 26) ................... . ........ 20 (k) Polishing Ponds - without aeration ....... 2 with aeration .......... 5 (I) Post Aeration • cascade . . . ........... 0 diffused or mechanical ... 5 (m) Reverse Osmosis ............................... 5 (n) Sand or Mixed Fillers -low vale ........... 2 /1 high rate .......... 5 (� Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanide.... ................................ 1 5 (p) Treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide , ........ 15 (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM (S) {See definition No. 8) (not applicable to chemical additions rated as ilem (3) (j). (5) (a) (xi), (6) (a), (6) (b), (7) (b), (7) (e), (9) (a), (9) (b), or.(9) (c) 5 points each: List: 5 (11) MISCELLANEOUS UNITS (a) ]-folding Ponds, Holdirig Tanks or Settling Ponds for Organic or Toxic Materials including wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen and/or phosphorous compounds in amounts significantly greater than is common for domestic wasiewater .......... 4 (b) Effluent Flow Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which are inherent in land application systems). 2 (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins inherent in land application systems.....................................g (d) Pumps ............................... ............................................. ................. � e Stand-B Power Su I Conlrol Device...--•-•.................................... TOTAL POINTS 412- CLASSIFICATION Class_l�...... _................................................. 5 - 25 Points Clas...................................................... 26- 50 Points [ass III ....................................................... 51- 65 Points Class IV .................................................. 66- Up Points Facilities having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, do not require a certified operator. Classification of all other facilities requires a comparable grade operator in responsible charge. Facilities having an activated sludge process will be assigned a minimum classificalion of Class II. SLUDGE TREATMENT Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated............... 10 or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of.Cia Aerobic ............... 5 ss It. Unheated ...... ....... 3 Facilities having treatment processes for the biological removal (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal) .... ... 5 of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class (c) Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity ................. 2 III. Vacuum Assisted ....... 5 (d) Sludge Elutrialion ............................. 5 In -plant processes and related control equipment which are an (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal) ........ 5 integral part of industrial production shall not be considered waste (1) Sludge Thickener (gravity) ...................... 5 treatment. Likewise, dischr.rges of wastewater from residences (g) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit having a design flow of 1,000 gpd or less, shall not be subject to (not applicable to a unit rates as (3) (i) .... _ .... 8 rating. (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage) .... 2 (i) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated .......... . ..... 5 ADDITIONAL QQMMENTS: Non -aerated ............ 2 (j) Sludge Incinerator - (not including activated -� •� �� ,� c 1 wc� C` T ��' C`'' " carbon regeneration) ..... 10 �r (k) Vacuum Filler, Centrifuge or Filter Press or other -t— c� '1 . -z � similar dewalering devices .................... 10 N (g) SLUDGE; DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) ff (a) Lagoons ........................................ 2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) [ (see definition 22a) -where the facility holds the land app. permit ... 10 -by contracting to a land applicalion operator who --, holds the land application permit ............... -land application of sludge by a contractor who does not hold the permit for the waslewater treatment facility where the sludge is generated ..... _ ... 10 (c) Landfilfed (burial) ......................... . . . . . 5 (9) D)SINFECTION (a) Chlorination ........................ ..... Z (b) Dechtorination ... ............ . ..... . .. 5 (c) Ozone ............ _ ............... S (d) Radiation . ................. . . ...... L: