HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012840_Final Permit_19970903State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources IT 0 Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor i �1 Wayne McDevitt, Secretary ID C A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director RECEIVED September 3, 1997 WATER QUAUTYSECTION MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Shiver, Regional Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office FROM: Robert Farmer Facilities Assessment Unit Compliance Group SUBJECT: Termination of Permit CP&L BESP Visitor's Center WQ0012840 Brunswick County SAP 5 1997 Non -Discharge PevmifOnn Upon the recommendation of the Wilmington Regional Office, this permit is being allowed to expire, effective February 27, 1997, State Permit No. WQ0012840 is no longer required and will be removed from our computer tracking systems, effective immediately By copy of this memo, I am requesting the Budget Office to clear all pending billings ID from the billing file for the subject facility. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919/733-5083, ext. 531. cc: Brunswick County Health Department Wilmington Regional Office - w/attachments Permits & Engineering Unit - Kim Colson - w/attachments Fran McPherson, DWQ Budget Office Operator Training and Certification Facilities Assessment Unit - Robert Farmer - w/attachments Facilities Assessment - Non Discharge Unit - Lou Polletta - w/attachments Central Files - w/attachments P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper E,R.;TjCr[AS BpmCH - WQ Fax.'919-715-6048 Rug 6 �97 14:53 P. 021035 U 44 j:z_wk eS,,. C suo Is, �Z W 'ern, ypi� 41. e 7L ell k,- N. 4 Jim ry 7 d j R �4 - compliartre Group 0 Re &E Unit Llion aj Office 0 P q-�e e U' 0 Siggned Axw u a -I Fee Invoice 0 Lettcr C) Offier... ;1 6 ria e y, Plea se'..Efieck 1212ro 10 Site Visit Performed :7 '10 Groundwater Concerns Addressed TAT atcr "e NI 6 n i t orz i b g, is F of I S S:I'() n -'C e ii ced' - Ye i� n I t- f Re sc- L .7 F Approved ElDenied d­f� _AL v,e &:etL `tram the.- q j�qrjiait tr.c f s -kC Aftd, Aii I:L 15,U lffig�, sys t6m, au i U1 (Ev s�kt� 0 cessary md�HV.,J6& oii �fir �4 P fetet f 4. -P 0 Re.;ciaded lnurtecLiately ow to Ex 0 Never Constructed C) Other_.. 0 Abandoned, Iz (D Connected to City Sewer Afe- 4ti a Q 0 12- 8 YV T. C-2 M 4.., 4W L Return Completed Form to the Fgcllify Assessment Unit I'R Fomi (2/97) NON NPDES FACILITY AND PERMIT DATA 08/29/97 12:11:50 UPDATE OPTION TRXID 50' KEY !W0001,'8 iO PERSONAL DATA FACILITY APPLYING FOR PERMIT RPP/PERMIT FEE-$ .130.00. REGION FACILITY NAME> CP&L-DS_ L"�NT VISITOR CENTER7 COUNTY) CD.iS_JICK 08 '',DDRESS: MAILING (REQUIRED) ENGINEER: STREET: PO B�3X 10429 STREET, CITY: SO:�THPORT ST .iC ZIP 23r? 1 CITY: ST ZIP 0 TELEPHONE 9:D 45T 2212 TELEPHONE: STATE CONTACT) F1L!KINSi 8 FACILITY CONTACT PICHFIRD P- LOPRIOPE TYPE OF PROJECT> PULP HAUi- LRT: LONG: DATE RPP RCVD 08/23/9'-) N=NEW,M=MODIFICATION,R=REISSUE> N DATE ACKNOWLEDGED 083;26/9C DATE REVIEWED 08/26t98 RETURN DATE / REG COMM REQS 0,A 26/9DATE DENIED / / NPDES #- REG COMM RCVD i / DATE RETURNED / ! TRI8 Q 0000 MGD ADD INFO REQS / OT AS COM REQS / TRIB DATE- / ADD INFO RCVD i OT RG COM RCVD / i END STAT HPP P 11/21/96 DATE ISSUED 08/2El98 DATE EXPIRE'I'2/27/97 FEE CODE( 4)1=(>7MGD),2=(>IOKGD),3=(>1KGD),4=(<1KGD+SF),5=(S>300A),6=(S<=300A), 7=(SEN➢EL),B=£SEDEL),9=(CLREC),0=(,10 FEE) DISC CODES 02 ASN/CHG PRMT ENS CERT DATE i LRST.NOV DATE CONBIL-L( ] COMMENTS: MESSAGE: - ENTER DATA FOR UPDATE �«*