HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0011401_Expiration_19960425State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 25, 1996 MEMORANDUM ffl�.,�TA 1'4 Ad EDI EHNR TO: Rex Gleason, Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office- FROM: ffice FROM: Robert Farmer i(�� Facilities Assessment Compliance Group SUBJECT: Expiration of Permit 1 Stroupe, Richard M - Oliver's Landing P & H WQ0011 401 i Alexander County Upon the recommendation of the Mooresville Regional Office, this permit is being' --i allowed to expire, effective December 31, 1995. Staff of the Mooresville Regional Office have determined that this facility has been issued another permit, WQ0011819, to cover their Pump & Haul activities. This Pump & Haul permit is no longer needed. The permit will be removed from our computer tracking systems, effective immediately. By copy of this memo, I am requesting the Budget Office to clear all pending billings from the billing file for the subject facility. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919/733•-5053, ext. 531. cc: Alexander County Health Department Mooresville Regional Office - w/attachments Permits & Engineering Unit - Carolyn McCaskill Y Fran McPherson, DEM Budget Office Operator Training and Certification Facilities Assessment Unit - Robert Farmer - w/attachments Facilities Assessment - Non Discharge Unit - Lou Polletta - w/attachments Central Files - w/attachments P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper DEHNR F'ax:9199753716 Apr 11 '96 9:20 P.02/07 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WA,TER QUALITY SVOTION 14 August 1995 Mr. Bill Clark, Fre�i.dent Bill Clark Coxkstruction company 200 E. Arlington Blvd. Greenville, North Carolina 27858 Subject: Peranit NO.wQ0011.402 Bill Clark Construction Co. Pump and Haul Permit Pitt County DQox Mr. Clark: In accordance with your application received 08 August 1995, we axe forwarding herewith Permit I+o-WQ0011402, dated 14 August 1995, for the pump and haul, activities at 142 Dube Roam is the Windsor Subdivision of Greenville NC. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until 01. October 1995, and shall be subject to the conditions and lair itations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to: the moni.tori.ng requirements an this permit. rall.ure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required vporati,onal .information will result in future c�ompl.i.anoe prbblems . If any parts, requirements, or 1ir�tations contained in this pc�''mit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an a.d�udi.catory hearing upon writtton request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request mgat be in the farm of a written petition, confo ming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina Geixeral Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Ne4rings, P.O. 5OX 11666, Kaleigh., NC 2760.4. Unlegg such demands ars: made, this permit shall bo final and binding, DEHNR Fax:9199753716 Apr 11 '96 9:20 P.03/07 It you need additional infornation concerning this matter, please contaot Mr. Al Hodge in the Waohington Regional Office at (919) 945-6481. sincerely, Jim Mulligan Regional supervisor Washington ,Regional Office oc� Pitt County Health Department Washington Regional, Office DEHNR Fax:9199753716 Apr 11 '96 9:20 P.04/07 NORTR CAROLINA ENVlRONNENTAL NMAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMNTI HEALTH AND NATURAL RESO RACE$ RALEICH PUMP AND HAUL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of ?article 21 of Chapter 143, ae�eral Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable L,aOs, RUIes, and ROgUl,ations PBR.MISSION IS H EBY GRANTED TO Sill Clark Construction Company Pitt County FOR THE Op�4ration of a Pump and Haul system to serve Lot 263, Windsor Subdivision with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, puxtsuant to the application received 08 August 1995 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data sub5equcnt1y filed and approved by the Department of;Environment, Health and Natural. Resources and considered a pant of;this permit. ThiS permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until 01!october 1995, and shall be subjeot to the following specified coAditions and limitations. 1. This perMi't shall J�ecome voidable unlesa the subjeot pump and haul activities are carried out it a Manner which has been approved by this Division, 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application axrd Cather supporting data. 3.I Tho facilities shall be properly maintaired and operated at all times. DEHNR Fax:9199753716 Apr 11 '96 9:21 P.05/07 4, This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request mint be submitted to the bivisioxi of Environmental Manageront accompanied by an application fob+, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The appra'va.l of this request will be considered on i.ts merits and may or may not be approved. 5. No type of wastewater other than that front the single family dwelling located on lot 263, Windsor subdivision shall be included in the pump and haul activities. C.The permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between Hill. Clark Construction Co., JimOs Liquid Waste Mauling and Greenville Utilities for the oellection, transportation, and UltilRate disposal of the wastewater is in full force and effect. 7. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease operation of all pump and haul activities and take such immediate corrective action, as may be required by this Division. 8. The sewage and wastewater collected by this syntexn shall be treated in the City of Greenvil.le's WasteCaater Treatment Plant prior to being discharged into the receiving stream. 9. The Washington Regional office, telephone no. ( 91.9 ) 946-6481 shall be notifiea at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the punp and haul activit.i os so that an i.n- pl.aoe inspoation can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours ,from 8:00 a.m, until 5:OQ p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 104 The,Permittee is liable for any damages caused by a spill or failure of the pump and haul operations. 11r, Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Perrittee to ensure proper operation of the subject facilities. . 12f The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the collection facilities to prevent malfuncti.onr. and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. DEHNR Fa:., : 9199753716 Apr 11 '95 9:21 P. 06/07 'T°he Pernittee shall beep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and tame of inspection, observations inade, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log Of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for az long as the pump and haul activities are being conducted and shall, be made available upon reQuest to the Division Of Environmental Ha.n4geznent or other permitting authority. 13.. Any duly authorized officer, empl.oYee, or representative of the Division of rznvironmental manag';!ment may, upon presentation of cred-entials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the wastewater collection facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this pernit F may ixispect or gopy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples. s 14 An accurate record of the pump and haul activities gust be maintained by the Permittee, indicating: a) date wastewater is removed from the facility, b) name of facility from Which wastewater is removed, c) name of facility receiving wastewater, and d) volume of wastewater removed. These records shal1 be made available upon request to the Div'leian of Environmental Martaigement or Cather permitting authority. 15, Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an onEorcement action by the Division -of Environmental Management In accQrdanco with North Carolina General. Statute 143-21.5.6. 16u The issuance of this permit does not precl uae the Permittee f pm complying with any and all statut�:s, rules, r"ulationo, or ordinances which may be imposed by othor government agencies (local, state, and federal.) which have jurisdiction. 17 ` A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall }ae maintained on file by the Permittee for the life of trio project, Ncfx =32pliance Notification 'The Permittee Shall report by telaphane to the washl ngt,= Regional office, at telephone no. (919) 946-6481, ag soap as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours oT on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: DEHNR Fax:9199753716 Apr 11 '96 9:22 P.07/07 a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc, b. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, etc., resulting in a bypass directly to receiving waters or land surtace without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persone reporting suoh occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter fare within 15 days following first Knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 19.; This permit shall expire on 01 October 1995. Permit issued this the 14th day of August, 1995 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Jim Mulligan, Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Washington Regional Office Parmit No_ W00011402 01 August 1995