HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870016 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_198708061-4- r DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comment concernYng an application Jor State Federal C !'AMA Ax, f" kq - A. PERMIT: This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed !/projet with the following conditions: ;the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: _ Certification is not required for this project. Certification is required for this project.- Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after The proposed project is.certified under General Certification A) No. 1179 issued on January 25, 1977, for sewer line construction B) No. 1272 issued on November 10, 1978, for bulkhead construction. D) E) C) No. 1273 issued on November 10, F) 1978, for discharges of liquid effluent from diked upland disposal areas. No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1980, for boat ramp construction. No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1983, for incidental bridge construction. -? WATER QUALITY SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . t MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 3, 1987 R E C E I V E C Bill Mills AUG 0 6 1987 Operations Branch WATER QUALITY SECTION David H. Cotton OPERATIO?VS SRANCIj Wilmington Regions Office A. Preston Howard, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Charles M. Barnes Carteret County The applicant is proposing to replace an existing pier and add a boat lift at the terminus of the pier. The project is located adjacent to Taylors Creek, classified SC and closed to shellfishing. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. DHC:kc cc: DCM - Charles Jones CF, WiRO OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAUt:MLNT 1,aL : J 4 414 b FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Long: 763936 1. Applicant's Name Charles M. Barnes 2. Location of project site 909 Front Street, Town of Beaufort, Taylor's Creek, Carteret County Phntn• 33-1204-T-9 3. 4. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill_ Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 3/16/s7 (B) Was applicant present yes CAMA x 5. Processing procedure: Application received 5/18/87 Office Morehead City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Town of Beaufort Land classification from LUP Developed/Conservation Development constraints identified in LUP None Identified (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estaurine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters x Estaurine waters X Other (C) Water dependent: Yes x No Other (D) Intended use: Public_ Private--X- Commercial_ (E) Type of waste water treatment: Planned None (F) Type of structures: Existing pier Planned Non -- (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N/A Source N/A 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated Wetlands Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Pier Replacement (Public Trust Area) 1 (D) Total area disturbed: i 796 sf 8. Project summary Applicant proposes to replace an existing pier and install a,boatlift at property lonnted nn TnV1nrS Creek at 909 Front Street, in the Town of Beaufort in CartnrPt Cniinfy Existing Town System •Uy d ?"?c O V I State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor David W Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Field Services Section Director P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 919 726-7021 June 10, 1987 Charles M. Barnes 909 Front Street Beaufort, NC 28516 Dear Mr. Barnes: The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for state approval for development of your property located next to Taylors Creek at 909 Front Street in the Town of Beaufort, Carteret County. It was received on May 28, 1987, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is August 11, 1987. An additional 75-day review period may be necessary and if so you will be advised of the extension and the new deadline. NCGS 113A-119 (b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your property , or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate state or federal agency. If you have any questions, contact me. C rdially yours, - Ne son Paul Field Consultant /t f P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 9. Narrative description Applicants property is a half acre tract located on Taylor's Creek at 909 Front Street in the Town of Beaufort in Carteret County. The property is divided by Front Street into waterfront and highground segments. The applicant's residence and associated structures are located on the landward side of Front Street and the property on which this project is proposed is on the water side of Front Street. The water side property is composed of a sand beach area which has accumulated and extended waterward over time since the bulkhead protecting Front Street was built prior to permit requirements. The soils are characteristically sandy and mostly barren with fringe marshes running along Taylor's Creek. These marshes are composed of smooth cordgrass and is in some places irregularly flooded salt- grass, salt meadow grass, and black needlerush occur on the higher low use elevation. The applicant presently has a pier located at this property which was permitted by a LAMA minor development permit back in 1981. This pier is approximately 157 feet long and is roughly centered within the adjacent riparian property lines. Tie pilings exist on both sides to which the applicant springs off his small private vessels. The applicant is proposing to remove this existing structure along with the tie pilings. This pier will be replaced by a new 6 foot wide structure which will extend the same distance offshore as the previous pier, however, it will be shifted to the east to just outside of 15 feet from the adjacent riparian property line. At the end of the pier a boat lift is proposed on the west side of the pier which will set up to the neighbors 15 foot setback on the applicant's western property line. 10. Anticipated impacts Conducting this project as proposed will involve the disturbance normally associated with jetting pilings into the bottom. Adjacent waters are classified as SC according to the Division of Environmental Management and are currently closed to shellfishing according to the Division of Health Services. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. urr t%.L yr %.V1%.) AAA. neu1n.Lr1r.0A / d-- - I ??? L Z! ' FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: 1. • ^ I yo..1. ?L o79 Applicant's name (for-?P?S ?• aL-,?&' Location of pro ect site Cl0^t?rv.a?' ` ?o?,J o? gp..a..or`C" T t o c-s ? Gi-¢? a o - t - T- Inver igation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA y . Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 3 ?(• 4s``1 (B) Was applicant present q Processing procedure: Application received 8? . Office Mv r-e,&"J C. .Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan I o.?Ja v'X>rZt- Land classification from LUP o? SQa-.1a •o.?l Development constraints identified in IJUP o a- (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters )I- -Estuarine waters k Other (C) Water dependent: Yes k No Other (D) Intended use: Public Private Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing e?J nJ J61 %. Planned JJ 0 rj4 (F) Type of structures: -Existing ?>; ex- Planned 0N a- (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion Source Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: CL (C) Other: (D) Total area disturbed: Prioject summary got I:v r..i- o oSe,S `?e t- ?a?? c?yJ (?--c :si: {?•j..i l o ti o,-s q 09 .- ti • ArrLtLnt fun Y^^s ?. FO • PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OIL FILL'. ATF.R OUALITY.CEKTIfICATION EASEMENT IN'LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOILMAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration . State of North Carollna Department of the Army (GS 146.12) Department or Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, ltilminxton District (GS 113.229, 143.215.3(x)(1), 143.215.3(c). 113A•118 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and till in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information A.. Name BARNES CHARLES. MILTON Last First Middle. ' • B. Address 909 FRONT :STREET Street, P. 0. Box or Route •BEAUFORT N.C. 28516 726-1600(W)-728-4022(H) City or Town State Zip Code • Plione 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County CARTERET B. 1. City, town, community or landmark BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP 2. 1s proposed work within city limits? • Yes X No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body,of water to project TAYLOR"S CREEK Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project- • ' 2. New work X B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel NA Ivnbth.width -,;depth 2. Boat basin NA length width depth 3. Fill area NA length width' depth 4. Othcr DOCK & BOAT`LIFT length 157-' width 6' depth C. C' Bulkhead length '•NA Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Typc of bulkhead construction (material) NA D.. Excavated material (total for project) `' ? O 19B7 `? 1 V •• V. Cubic yards NA 2. Type of material 14 • E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also V1. A) r 1. Cubic yards NA 2. -Type of material (V. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: . • A. Dees the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wettand? Yes No X B.- Dues the dispo%al area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Ycs No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location NA i 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? NA D:. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in NA E Iiuw will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? NA l . 1;• 'yltc of cyuipnicrit to be used WATER JET IN NEW PILINGS jlVill marshland be crossed in transporting cyuipment to project site? If yes, explain NO DSF•31 Qtr 1n/7R ..' 1. Private DOCK & BOAT LIFT FOR PERSONAL BOAT 2. Commercial NA 3. Housing Development or Industrial NA 4. Other NA B. 1. Lot size(s) 50'X67' 2. Elevation of lot(%) above mean high water 51X7' 3. Soil type and texture SANDY 4. Type of building facilities or structures DOCK WITH BOAT LIFT 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing NA Planned NA 8. Describe NA 6. 'Land Classification'(circle one) EVELOPED\ COMMUNITY -RURAL CONSERVAT OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes No X B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes-No X 2. Type of discharge NA 3. Location of discharge NA VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): NOT KNOWN VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: NA IX. Length of time required to complete project: TWO WEEKS X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the decd (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claimi title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8'l: X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served MAY 15 1987 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. BEULAH HANCOCK 911 FRONT ST BEAUFORT,N.C. 28516 t- JOSEPH WAGNER 905 FRONT ST BEAUFORT,N.C. 28516 ------------ X1, Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, in, luding construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. 1TE MAY 15 , 91 87 • •i r . &F• 2 Applicant's Signature SEE NFVCI"':C S!DE FOR At.•.MINI !NST':'JCTI0N5; ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form al- lows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) that he objects to the project or,. (2) that he does not-object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent ri- parian.landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. .I, , BEULAH HANCOCK am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application submitted by CHARLES BARNES dated MAY 15 1987 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in GS 113-229. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. A ?, ????? Date f Signature of Adjacent Riparian Landowner Forward comments to: Office of Coastal Management PO Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 { j97 1 ^E1 ?'? i i ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form al- lows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) that he objects to the project or.. (2) that he does not. object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent ri- parian.landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. Is JOSEPH WAGNER , am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application submitted by CHARLES BARNES dated MAY 15 1987 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in GS 113-229. _ I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. ? Date I Signa ureJ of Adjacent i arian ndowner i Forward comments to: Office of Coastal Management PO Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 r r 10?'r -------------------- f CHANNEL -rAYL r, 1 O ODD p I E-R To BE K 71e-M1 ov?i deuiak, NahLoc-k W Q '?' lc oy-1^-f- 54+bac ?C Dv- ?ir-w??TS e?. i ? FO vv? y I oo/. ?0.1''?U ! ? to vA??p?^ fir' S' N4 t-1? Ex ':5tin? Pier 13'7' x 4-' -{- 2 0' on F n d co.illlel.ety l' Igvl 9 X-I + ,5 i f) c- vv A oz FRcNr sT-- WORK P L A-r' *j r? HousE 9oq p -t^ -- f Yopo5zJ EX 1trSjon ;ILt , lot L o f 2 c• ?A I2' MD W ?V H vv 3-0`;eY?. 11 I6 Amer MAY 1 g j98? N T'/4y ? o>z's rt ! ccc? EIS--? 13o6T LI w ftt-kw"V i w ipE FLooD<Z ebb 12 rnGvi of Wt M VV LRND FI.EytITioN -t-S?M`w -MA Y 198? 51'DP-w Al- . ?J 4? k P??T _ --- - _ = F RoNT -- 5;d4e.wa ?(oc?Se -?Oq Lo?-f8 -I-o7c.`?(ocl`?2 PrRNES MAf II--18 N prj ?.,?.'? i ?? \ ?_ ? err '\1 w••\ V? /( .1?.' !' ?\ - '. rV , ? 1 '? ? ii e ? t' •\• rig 1 ? ? , ' / I "„ ?` +' • ! ?? - 1. •'1 , ` ? . x• ma J?N 71 it r°t •'. 'r:.:; ,. cp ,!f Q V -lu ?.???? 1 •.IL• /=-? wy •?^ M"o t, I? t _i V7 $ek-f-t GJN1T.ftCI, •' • ?_!? ?4 i•a`.• _?' \r 'I '? {:? N RS?? u ? ? i O] x•„71, ? . _, 1- _ '. /__ 4y re Bulkhead (-0 a CL,a fo. ? a_ r, 0 ?dC: ?ai ? y / a ? ? •I: % \ ? ? ? 1L? - ?r? - ???? ?• is -!; rr( I ? ?• ?:? i ,fir ? ??.i' ? ?C;?tr `alb. ? X11 ! ??a 7 \ F7 °. . t r 1 l i l) x r s #715 (10,000# ACE VERTI-LIFT) ?h 12, ' ?I _ y r 0-- M VsI I FrF? d 6" D?xp NoT4. ??- C.4 rr c? - S ;??= •=rRn Cl ,of 7 ows s 1 Bef?m 1. :Gta: c mat+?.d to t 73e.s.ri . d S /? a ue o•? %2 p.p•e. S? SeA ?%' MAY [Nlrk#DVCINC ACE VrRTIAwLIFT OF TO 1o.000 tb. CNIAeIry 0 The Verti-Lift is ideal where shallow water is a problem as it can be installed as far out as necessary to reach deeper water. All weight rests on the four pilings with none on the dock strpcture. The low profile of the Verti-Lift makes a better looking dock area. Easy access to your boat from the dock is a plus feature. Just pull your boat over the submerged cradle and flip the switch. The time proven Ace Power Hoists will lift your boat to the dock level and you can step out with very little effort. The Verti-Lift is excellent for lifting Sail Boats and Pontoon Boats as the cradle can be made to lift most any hull. Three flexible whips position your boat over the cradle. The complete unit is shipped knocked down and pre-drilled for easy installation. Prices do not in- clude piling. M_ f? r r r nn n --------------- --- 3 i Skee+ 7 -P 7 ca•r •- ?O N O • d+ N rr r M M N . I ar ?w v t I u7AGNER - v )- 7 d.? •. 3 j? t W ' J Y•tis• S. toG'21' 07E• " 0 ? 7ae• > ? 172.3!; rO -1346 S.E. RM OF LIYE OAK ST t p- 5 51oEIJ.11. Y h . N V 4 v YAW OC K DEED DOOK 3ci2 PAG E 177 t'?AY g 1vL? r OW S`'y DbED HOOK 3"75 'o PAGE 175- My 1» ? v. APPROA, t•11G11 µ ?L•iqe0' N• SU2VEY FOR 1JAtER UN& `-.. qq.2`?" CH; L65 M. BARME5 JP, A PORTION OF L-015 15116. NEWIOWN 59AU;Del TNP• CARS Re f Ca . N , c. Oc,105F-e 3, 116& SCALE !'=5d 5kc??- 6 of R .L l--1531 Sl1RV1rY?a BY PCAWELL SURVEYING COO PA MY `. P. Q, SAX 6t6 5EAL'FORT NC. 2'651.6. .....n.....nr+...«•.,•,...•e?.rs.+.a•r••-w -.-- ..Y........a?. .....;.r.n. _ ,?n,.n....aaN.ti../.?eiov.??r....---mow.-..•y...?r.. Permit Class r New STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Natural Reso" -s;And_Community Development A-1 Ct, Coasta?,Re§014rcesion s fob ; Fv1 X Major,,plopm ntin, 'tom . onmental EJ r"-fi to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Charles M. Barnes, 909 Front Street, Beaufort, NC 28516 Permit Number 1 dst_u7 authorizing development in Carteret County at Taylors Creek, Front Street as requested in the permittee's application dated 5/15/87 including attached plats, 3, sheets 2, 3 and 7 of 7 dated 5/15/87. This permit, issued on 7/3D?g 7 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine. imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. (1) The pier will be constructed in strict accordance with the measurements given on the attached application and plats. (2) No marsh grass will be excavated and/or filled. (3) No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. (4) The permittee will maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. NOTE: Permanent reflectors should be attached to the structure so as to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or 'project modification not covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 1990 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. David W. Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee ?' STA7? o f State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary June 26, 1987 Mr. John Sutherland, Chief FAST TRACK Water Planning Section Division of Water Resources Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Sutherland: The attached copy of an application submitted by: David W. Owens Director Charles M. Barnes Applicant's Name Town of Beaufort Taylor's Creek Carteret Location of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... X for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than 7/17/27 Sincerely, Toh R. Parker, Jr., hief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Ecual Opporniniry Affirmative Action Fmplovei 2. 3. 4. Vrr1VL _Vr 'LVMa1nL ral1L?AVGI?L?i - Vow! Ji7L=V FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Long: 763936 Applicant's Name Charles M. Barnes Location of project site 909 Front Street, Town of Beaufort, Taylor's Creek, Carteret County Phntn- 33-1204-T-9 Investigation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA x Investigative procedure:- - (A) Dates of site visit 3/16/87 (B) Was applicant present yes 5. Processing procedure: Application received 5/18/87 Office Morehead City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Town of Beaufort Land classification from LUP Developed/ Conservation Development constraints identified in LUP None Identified (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estaurine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters x Estaurine waters X Other (C) Water dependent: Yes x No Other (D) Intended use: Public_ P_ri-va-te_ x Commercial . (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing Town System Planned None (F) Type of structures: Existing Pier Planned Ton (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N/A Source N/A 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated Wetlands Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Pier Replacement 79ti Gf r i 8. Project summary Applicant proposes to replace an existing pier and install a- boatlift at property 1 ncai-Pd on Tavl me Creek at 909 Front Street, in the Town of Beaufort in CartPi-Pt rmintyj _T (Public Trust Area) (D) Total area disturbed: .y t •V 14 01 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor David W. Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Field Services Section Director P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 919 726-7021 June 10, 1987 Charles M. Barnes 909 Front Street Beaufort, NC 28516 Dear Mr. Barnes: The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for state approval for development of your property located next to Taylors Creek at 909 Front Street in the Town of Beaufort, Carteret County. It was received on May 28, 1987, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is August 11, 1987. An additional 75-day review period may be necessary and if so you will be advised of the extension and the new deadline. NCGS 113A-119 (b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be.: nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your property , or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate state or federal agency. If you have any questions, contact me. C rdially yours Ne son Paul Field Consultant /t f P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer y- 9. Narrative description Applicants property is a half acre tract located on Taylor's Creek at 909 Front Street in the Town of Beaufort in Carteret County. The property is divided by Front Street into waterfront and highground segments. The applicant's residence and associated structures are located on the landward side of Front Street and the property on which this project is proposed is on the water side of Front Street. The water side property is composed of a sand beach area which has accumulated and extended waterward over time since the bulkhead protecting Front Street was built prior to permit requirements. The soils are characteristically sandy and mostly barren with fringe marshes running along Taylor's Creek. These marshes are composed of smooth cordgrass and is in some places irregularly flooded salt- grass, salt meadow grass, and black needlerush occur on the higher low use elevation. The applicant presently has a pier located at this property which was permitted by a CAMA minor development permit back in 1981. This pier is approximately 157 feet long and is roughly centered within the adjacent riparian property lines. Tie pilings exist on both sides to which the applicant springs off his small private vessels. The applicant is proposing to remove this existing structure along with the tie pilings. This pier will be replaced by a new 6 foot wide structure which will extend the same distance offshore as the previous pier, however, it will be shifted to the east to just outside of 15 feet from the adjacent riparian property line. At the end of the pier a boat lift is proposed on the west side of the pier which will set up to the neighbors 15 foot setback on the applicant's western property line. 10. Anticipated impacts Conducting this project as proposed will involve the disturbance normally associated with jetting:pilings into the bottom. Adjacent waters are classified as SC according to the Division of Environmental Management and are currently closed to shellfishing according to the Division of Health Services. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name 2. '*Location of pro ect site ?.J o `T l o t-?5 Ca r-a? n o - ! - T- 3. Inver igation type: Dredge b Fill CAMA 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit (B). Was applicant present 5. Processing procedure: Application received ;s- 'gam • Office MOre'La.od) C. 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan ?o•.•-? a v?ot' Land classification from LUP ?.1 o Sea-.?a '? Development constraints identified in P o a- ; ?rJ (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters )c Estuarine waters -)K Other (C) Water dependent: Yes k No Other (D) Intended use: Public Private Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing pe?J IJ STa.?n Planned 0,orja, (F) Type of structures: • Existing l>; e r-- Planned 1J ,.)N G- (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion 7. Habitat description: (A) Vegetated wetlands: I-J J A Source rJ / 4__" AREA Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: CL 8. (C) "Other: (D`) Total area disturbed: --- Pr''oject summary ?:?.c..,? v oSt-S `?d c+GP, e*VJ -7cK, S Fr' SIC ?SC.N COQ ?? T^O uJ y O? ? Qua .,??a?' : ? (..,n+'-?d,J-'ar? (1a•u•?,1?"( s FO /V T a`" . PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL' ATER OUALITY.CERTtFICATION Ir EASEMENT IN'LANDS COVERED BY WATER . ?CAMA PERMIT FOILMAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration . state or North Carotlna. Department of the Army (GS 146.12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development corps or Engineers, 11•ilminxion District (GS 113-229,143-215.3(a)(1), 143-215.3(c), 113A4111 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing NJA.in blank. 1. Applicant Information A.. Name. BARNES CHARLES. MILTON Last First Middle. • B. Address 909 FRONT :STREET Street, P. O. Box or Route BEAUFORT N.C. 28516 726-1600(W) :728-4022(H) City or Town State Zip Code Phone ll. Location of Proposed Project: A. County CARTERET B. 1. City, town, community or landmark BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP 2. Is proposed work within city limits? < Yes X No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body,of water to project TAYLOR'r S CREEK Ill. Description of Project . A. 1. Maintenance of existing project- - 2. New work X . S. Purpose; of excavation or till 1. Acccss channel NA lenbth.width'_, _._.depth 2. Boat basin NA length ' width - depth 3. Fill area NA length` width' depth 4. 'Othcr DOCK & BOAT`LIFT length 157-' -width ' depth C. 1. Qulkhead length - NA Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Typc of bulkhead construction (material) . NA D..Excavated material (total for project) V a 19B7 _ V. Cubic yards NA 2. Type of material 1 E. Fill material to be placed below MH1V (sec also VI. A)' 1. Cubic yards NA 2. -Type of material - " aV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: • A. Dacs the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X_. C. Disposal Area ` 1. Location NA i 2• Do you claim title to disposal area? NA D;. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in NA E flow will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? NA F . ype of equipment to he used WATER JET IN NEW PILINGS Will marshland be crossed in tramporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain NO +I ?I - i D & F-ell • Dew InOR Private UVI+A of - Dvni Lll l rv&% i i L%vwini" uva.a - 7. Commercial NA 3. Housing Development or Industrial NA -- x 4. Other NA - B. 1. Lot size(s) 5n I YA7 i 2. Elevation of lot(%) above mean high water 51X7' 3. Soil type and texture SANDY DOCK WITH BOAT LIFT 4. Type of building facilities or structures S. Sewage disposal and/or wastewater treatment A. Existing NA Planned NA B. Describe NA 6. 'Land Classification'(circle one) EVELOPED COMMUNITY -RURAL CONSERVAT OTHER (SeeCAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) Vl. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes No X B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes-No X 2. Type of discharge NA 3. Location of discharge NA VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): NOT KNOWN Vlll. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable- NA IX. Length of time required to complete project: TWO WEEKS X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8'h X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served MAY 15 1987 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. BEULAH HANCOCK 911 FRONT ST BEAUFORT,N.C. 28516 JOSEPH WAGNER 905 FRONT ST BEAUFORT,N.C. 28516 XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. • r SATE mAy 15,1987 Applicant's Signature D&F-82 SEE REVERSE S!Dc rOR N1,1.IL1?:G !NST::'JCT.IONS Rev. 10178 ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT ti General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/br fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form al- lows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) that he objects to the project or;. (2) that he does not-object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the.adjacent ri- parian-landowner need not sign this•form at all if he so chooses. •I, BEULAH HANCOCK , am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application submitted by CHARLES BARNES dated MAY 15 1987 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right. of objection as provided in GS 113-229. _ I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. D ate Signature of Adjacent Riparian Landowner 7i Forward comments to: Office of Coastal Management PO Box 27687 _-- Raleigh, N. C. 276111AY t i i • iJ ?y - , U(IL:1 1r-I A ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/br fil•l project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form al- lows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) that he objects to the projector*. (2) that he does not. object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent ri- parian-landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. 'I, JOSEPH WAGNER , am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application submitted by CHARLgS BARNES dated MAY 15 19 87 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right.of objection as provided in GS 113-229. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. Date Sign ur of Ad a cent i arian ndowner Forward comments to: Office of Coastal Management PO Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 r }"01 _.?. --V--t' ----------------- 1.54 -T-AY4ow Ci',dEK !; . ? S0 _ v o`c K5 4 o 4t?t? ?i`t r- kt?d L? n? Z -' f YDpoS?%? EX ?eriSion =-= z oSx ?+ L ocz ?ebJ -- o ,? is ,?/ // r /-Z %i p I E_!? To ?E D W 1 ? Y" V?Itt'? s ?c??d . 1 1 BC'. is I o? k i ? O ?'- E x F r1 ? 1 0 `"d Harec.0Gk wQ?k ?r2ow? IDL 191 # o il i"s?? ??? ?i?-r Ex 13'1' X 4' -?- 20' OA E n d Go?,,oev l I1TI 3_0?,e? I \tjAvler" MAY 198? __ } s j DC- w L _ _Fc K, fMl- r S:tD) t-k NWO PK L` HOUSE - 9fl9 ~??+ -? . ; PLAT' !? -racx K So cca1? : 1''= io' }tiAN NFL rt"?} c? ?. oT?'s C RErr K.. JE33 - h. Fi-c)O . F?L W F 20 N? ? I2 W Iti.Ic w'A a. W tpE rnuvi of MMw LRND >:1.E?19TioN -1-5?MLw 1+1 NAY 18 198? 5 I'DEw Al.?: ;de.wca: 3 W ORk ? oc?Se - Roq ftRNFS mgr * If -I$ So' - r N- cr.r...'.a ? ?• ? 1 p P 0b Y/ 4 ,, j j ? \• ? ? ? ? ?i ' ri • e ur 0 ?. Ij/? rI??1'••?tY 7^ r,? r/ , •?, .is?•.. , •il• W O? _ •• ?1'° 11 '?: ?h'? % 8,4 L?t \.\;? / 1 ' l ;fir, \"• ?^ _ •r:. ?_ , 40 r`k.`./ I' 1 r <V Beaufort ChYgLCIr • i? ?•• f m'?. ? y_._ ..•'? 1.' \"'I : Ir ?? i. ,.!'?;? • I'N'C.=--aid? y ') r ? ---'^ --' RY P= let Z \ ? 3' Bulkhead o {??? 1 i i•f /? _. _./?'. ?Y \ :.. 1 / O -LL wolt a±?::CL oJol I. 14 j; iI•El I l?l 1{ ' y { ' C•N? A t tlry ? ?• eG, J \ ' 1i e11 ?.1/1\yx 1 v / \ a *R Of ` , ? • •,?.?? +.I ? v '?' a !?"? C? " ????' u.??? \?I • ? I. iV, Ell ^j b ,'l. .. 1€ ,? • t9 i :f? y r•i`'?? rb «t ?ab? ?!' .?.j.•t\ !,' _a? • ,/ ? r'O ? { ? _,j? i y?• • !N•F++ (/` ` (\N?•'kT\ .`t??5 ?:: W? i?? ? _ ' '? r ` +_ ..-__ #7.15 (10,000! ACE VERTI-LIFT) ;3?A _ y 3 ?.. i r P ? ? :cf/Z i ? mat+e_ to J is 91Z /J 'S oge Fi N? i? dap+?,? Ie 2 Ue Or.) cross C 6 L? z $ea i,F T F, 5 r t .4 aF 7 vurw", ca a0; 1-1? -- ? I tF 81987 k a ?wa? a.aa N fROAUC/NG ACE VrRTIwLIFIO yr so ?o,ooo u. rereurr The low profile of the Verti-Lift makes a better looking dock area. Easy access to your boat from the dock is a plus -? feature. Just pull your boat over the / - ?; - submerged cradle and flip the switch. The time proven Ace Power Hoists will ., lift your boat to the dock level and you can step out with very little effort. The Verti-Lift is ideal where shallow water is a problem as it can be installed as far out as necessary to reach deeper water. All weight rests on the four pilings with none on the dock structure. The Verti-Lift is excellent for lifting '"- Sail Boats and Pontoon Boats as the cradle can be made to lift most any hull. Three flexible whips position your boat over the cradle. The complete unit is shipped knocked down and pre-drilled for easy installation. Prices do not in- clude piling. MrPr-n-)cr nn nr MAY i tI )U ce Toat '?oL0sts ---------------------- AQ.'S-Ai 11 1. VFNICF. FLORIDA33595 3 "3 S i ? -d v) .a s i. 17 ea:r .U,AGNER a J i? s M M N fast V ti c* S. VANC OC K r a d z x?+?3 DEED DDOK 39Z PAc,E 177 z '?'`F L.E.= q•?O. L.ti J S.(PVZI'.o7E• 172.36-Tc, 'fNE 1 r W a: E'd LIYE OAK 5- M , p O ?. z C' . ?IIAY 8 5 51 PFp/ALK _ 5•? ? DrC-D 800K .3-75 PAGE 175- $+ M,3 Zn V (!1 APPP-0X, HI4N `_ ?_ u,cz°i9'oo 'r?• SURVEY Poe 1JATfR LINt; ?. ?.Z`• CHA?LH M. BAMS R A PORTION OF LOIS 15116, NEWIOWN 5SAU;021 TWP. CAR-f6 RLl Co:. nt . c. OU(OB6Q 3, 148(0 5CAIX 1'=56 Skcef 6 - o f. h a (.ARt), "I, . r Q-- SZJRVEY?a 8Y .p-AVELL SURVEYtnG COMPAW 60X Gi,6 BEAl1FORT Ne- www.wawsrXyq*terrc w*wT?e-.swr?'~w+r.?.+?u???ww*+n-•w?<+uNrta_{itrn.ws•.ww•?R•a.?.n+r,w-z+sa. ?tcsrt«ms±r•.»crf3.rajecr•rw....?,ax+.±w?rarc