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OF WAr�9QG 0*411::� -, MICHAEL P. STRICKLAND CLEMENT PAPPAS NC, INC. 10 NORTH PARSONAGE ROAD SEABROOK, NJ 08302-0550 Dear Mr. Strickland: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Ir., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality July 23, 2002 Subject: Permit No. WQ0004797 Correction Clement Pappas Mountain Home Facility Wastewater Spray Irrigation Henderson County In accordance with a telephone request received on July 23, 2002, we are forwarding herewith a corrected Page 1 of Permit No. WQ0004797 issued July 3, 2002, for the subject facility. The following corrections have been made to the permit: 1. The permitted system description has been modified to exclude the linear footage and sizes of piping used on the spray irrigation fields. Please replace Page 1 with the corrected Page 1 into Permit No. WQ0004797 issued July 3, 2002. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact Nathaniel Thornburg at (919) 733-5083, extension 533. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincere ,,/-Alan W. Klimek, P.E. CC' Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Groundwater Section, Central Office Groundwater Section, Asheville Regional Office Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit P.ermit`I,Spplicat�oii`File � W Q0004797 Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Internet http://h2o_enr,state.nc.us/ndpu Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/] 0% post -consumer paper A NICER 1 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Clement Pappas NC, Inc. Henderson County FOR THE the continued operation of a 83,000 -GPD spray irrigation treatment and disposal facility consisting of a septic tank, a 100 -GPM pump station, approximately 2,200 linear feet of 6 -inch force main, a 2.5 -MG aerated lagoon, a 475 -GPM spray irrigation pump and a 48.4 -acre spray irrigation field and all associated piping, valves, controls, spray heads and appurtenances to serve the Clement Pappas Mountain Home Facility, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received March 28, 2002, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until June 30, 2007, shall void Permit No. WQ0004797 issued October 23, 2001, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The spray irrigation facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the irrigation area to adequately assimilate the wastewater, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. 2. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 3. The residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the Division. 4. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. NORTHCAROLINA" qiq —gjij - f)p4� ISNYIRONMENTAL MANAGEM13NT 00MMM10`d DBPARTMENT OF E_WIRL7A'JNENT AND NATURAL lEtl✓.SOURCES RALEIGH' SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERMIT ba accordance with the prcMsknis of Article 21 of Chapter 1z3, Gcnoral Statrkes of \ o& Carolina as a=oded, and other a livable Laws, Rules, and Regulations FERMISSIDN IS HEMBY GR kNTED TO Clement Pappas NC, Zne. Henderson County - the contWied operat.icn of a$ 5,`gU0_CWD spray iniggation treatment and disposal facility L�=Shting of a septic lank, a JDG�GPM pump station, approxiwatdy 2,200 fia= feet of 6 loch fa= main, a 2 -5 -MG aerated lagoan, a 475.OPM spray inigafzoo pump, and a A$.4 -acre ;pray imgaLian field and aU as�ocia`ed piping, valves, controls, spray heads mrd appurtenances to serve tbo Cls=ut Pappas Mmmiti t Houle Facility, with no dischargo of wastes to the aarl'uce waWc,.pursmnt to the application received Mat* 2$, 2042, and -in cortforrnhy with the project plao, sp�oei5cations, and cd= suppoV ing data >ubsacuently Filed and approved by the Depar'tument off vironmem and Natural Reacurcea ardcausidercd a part of this permit: This pmmit shall ,be effw:tive frvtrt &c date of issuance until Jum 3D, 20117, sLaill void Permit No. WQDN M797 issued October 23, ZDC-17 and Shall bee s -ab cc( to the following tpecified cuW idox and limiuticma: 1 PI'. "RMANCL STANDARDS L Ux spray hrgatim facilities sball be offerdwly maintained aid eF•eratzl at al) times so that flute is no dischArge. to the surf&ca waters, arr any �mtauiiasticn of ground Wa" which willrender tFem nn,atisfa:;torp'fof noznNd use. La the event that the facilities fwd to perfoxut satisractmAy, including t1_c creation of nuisance conditions or fsu7uu_- of tfre irrigation area to adequately as;huildte the wastiawater, the Pi-anittec shall take irrmediate occrective actions including th= acticns That may be requited by the Division of Water Qua[ity'(Diiision), such 2& Itie ccrostruedi2n of additicmaf or replacement wiutevrater treatriznt and dispersal facTtlim 2. no issuance of this permit shall not T-elie;ves the Permittee of the rmpchsibility for damages to surface or grounilwateis restO iAg from tine cperatioa of this %ility. 3. Tte msiduals generated From these. trealrtent facilities must be disposed in accordance Nvfth General Statute 143-215.1 aml in a r omen appruved by the Division. 4. Diver•siott or bypassing of the untteatedwastfft*ater from the treatment facilities is prob"ted. tic for foci€sties in which wastewater is treated in systems li e oxidation ditches or by extended aeration. Sewa sl dges generated in these processes are already s - sta tially reduced in volatile solids content by their I ng Yp sure to oxidizing conditions in the process. if se age ,iud removed from these processes is further tr ated by anaerobic or aerobic digestion to meet VAR r quire- ments,�t is unlikely that the 38% reduction required o meet Option N can be met. In these cases, use of Optyans 2,3, or 4 is mere appropriate. The en Dint where volatile solids are meas 'red to cal- culate vola �le solids losses can be at any poi in the pro- cess. Becau e volatile solids continue to degr de through- out sewage'sludge treatment, it isrecorgmended that samples be taken at the end point of treatment. Volatile solids\rE balance around tl� (Fisher, 1984)_ G vided in Appendix is digestion process. The regulation states that the tes n be used for a previously anaerobically digested se - a sludge. One possible application is for sewage slu e tha. is to be removed from a wastewater lagoon. ch se%ige sludge may have been stored in such a [ago n for many\yyears, during which time it has undergone a aero- bic digestion and lost most of its volatile solids. I is only recogni2ed by the regulations as a sewage sludgg,y� when it is removgd from the lagoon. If it were to be further pro- cessed by Anaerobic digestion, the likelihood of achieving 38% volatild solids reduction is very low. TY( additional anaerobic digestion test which requires a Png period of batch digestion at temperatures betwee 30 and 37°C would seem to'be an appropriate test to d ermine whether such a sewage sludge has the potential, o attract vectors. duction is calculated b/a volatile solids 8.4 Option 3: Additional Digestion of e digester or by the V n Kleeck formula Aerobically,Digested SP age Sludge idance on methods Ocalculation is pro- [503.33(b)(3A / Volatile solids reduction is typically/achieved by anaero- bic or aerobic diges4on. These processes degrade most of the biodegradable rnaterial to lover activity forms. Any biodegradable materia that remaifis characteristically de- grades so slowly that v c tors are not drawn to it. 8.3 Option 2: Addi Anaerobically [503.33(b)(2)] Under this option, an ar�a Age is considered tro edo hays t attraction reduction if it los s les tile solids when it is an erobica laboratory in a bench -s ale unit 99°F) for an additiona 40 days. are presented in App dix D. As material balance me od for Calc solids reduction wil likely show the Van Kleeck me od. estion of Sewage Sludge bically digested sewage sieved satisfactory vector than 17% additional vola- lly batch -digested in the gat 30°C to 37°C (86°F to Procedures for this test m4ed in Appendix D, the ulating additional volatile are�ater reductions than Under this option, an`aerobically, igested sewage sludge with 2% or less solids is,conside ed to have achieved sat- isfactory vector attraction 'redugon if it loses less than 150/0 additional volatile solids �vhef it is aerobically batch -di- gested in the laboratory in a b nch-scale unit at 20°C (68°F) for an additional 30 days. Pficedures for this test and the method for calculating additi©nal volatile solids destruc- tion are presented in Apphndi'D. The test can be run on sewage sludges up to /o SO)FIs and does not require a temperature correction or sewa` sludges not initially di- gested at 20°C (68°F . Liquid slu ges with greater than 2% solids can be di] ted to 2% solids with unchlorinated effluent, and the test/can then be run�on the diluted sludge. This option should of be used for non -)'q uid sewage sludge such as dewatero cake or compost. This option c appropriate for aerobically digested sew- age sludges Tat cannot meet the 38% volatile solids re- duction req#ed by Option 1. These includi ,,sewage slud- ges from ex)ended aeration and oxidation dit4� processes, where the ominal residence time of sewage €udge leav- ing the w�tewater treatment processes sectio generally Frequently, rets n activated sludges h ve been recycled exceeds/2 0 days_ In these cases, the sewage s dge may through the blolpgical wastewater treat ent section of a already have been substantially reduced in 8' logical treatment works' or have resided for longp riods of time in degradability prior to aerobic digestion. the wastewater collection system. Duri4this time they undergo subOlantial biological degradation. � they are sub- A was suggested for the additional anaerobic dig tion sequently trdated by anaerobic digestion fd� a period of to , the additional aerobic digestion test may have a pli- time, they are adequately reduced in vector attraction, but c ion to sewage sludges that have been aerobically tread because they entered the digester with volati solids al- y other means than classical aerobic digestion. ready pai ially reduced, the volatile solids red tion after treatme is f rrequently less than 38%. The ad 'tional di- 8.5 Option 4: Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate gestion est is used to demonstrate that these sewage slud- (SOUR) for Aerobically Digested ges ar indeed satisfactorily reduced in vector att\anaer Sewage Sludge [503.33(b)(4)] It i not necessary to demonstrate that Option 1t For an aerobicallydigested sewage sludge with a total be et before using Option 2 or 3 to comply wsolidsntent equal to or less than 2% which has been re irements. processedat a temperature between 1 — , re uc- tion in vector attraction can also be demonstrated using his additional anaerobic digestion test may hathe SOUR test. The SOUR of the sewage sludge to be >yond use for sewage sludge from the classical - used or disposed must be less than or equal to 1.5 mg of