HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003442_Final Permit_19950303State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 3, 1995 Mr. Keith N. Maddox Nantahala Gorge Ruby Mine, Inc. Post Office Box 159 Almond, North Carolina 28702 Dear Mr. Maddox: �EHNFl Subject: Permit No. WQ0003442 Wesser Ruby Mine Tourist Gem Mine Wastewater Recycle System Swain County In accordance with your application received September 22, 1994, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0003442 dated March 3, 1995, to the Wesser Ruby Mine for the continued operation of the subject wastewater recycle system. Please note this permit does not allow any discharges to surface waters of the State. Any repair work shall be done in such a way as to avoid encroaching on the stream or wetland areas, if present. Fill material shall be suitable for providing an impervious barrier and a stable berm for the settling basins. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2000, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Issuance of this permit hereby voids Permit No. WQ0003442 issued June 18, 1990. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. John Seymour at (919) 733-5083. cc: Swain County Health Department Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Training and Certification Unit Facilities Assessment Unit R.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely1/n�, 0 LI,— Telephone OCX A. Presto coward, Jr., P.E. Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH RECYCLE SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Wesser Ruby Mine Swain County 1fl7AId"im continued operation of a 47,000 GPD wastewater recycle system consisting of an 80 foot sluice for washing soil, three setting basins in series and recirculation facilities to serve the Wesser Ruby Mine with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received September 22, 1994, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2000, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 4. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of the request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those actions that may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement treatment or disposal facilities. 1) M IN I A)tf1%(?-4#,4t4 67og6c RvRy PIA(67, U16? 0 0 _Af 4/ 'sal' 11V K�W &R-_ 9 77- WeS561T cp&�K RitRy *A;� W4c)oc)34xif7' r"' : n _Afm Fi,��/.l.+,�- -- . f rPfPI XC'gV,977-1 RATING S -'ALE FOR CLASSIF CATION 0i. C:ON rr,Gt_ QR����,���� e of i:.cl;ly: - .ass-. Owner or t=.)ntact Person: 1�LIX ----__-- �ailing Access: , P_O.Ly ISI �A I mo -i d N, L County:.. S w io _ Telephone: Present C'assificalion: _—New l=acilily _ Existing Facility NPDES Pe-. No. NCOO Nondisc. Per. Health Dep'. Per. NQ Rated by: Telephone: 7 so+_ Dale: Z = ?s, Reviewed Healih Dept. Telephone: Regional Office Telephone: Central Office Telephone: ORC: Grade: Telephone: Check Cia_sificationis): Subsurface Spray irrigation _andApp)icalion Wastewater classification: (Circle One) 1 II 111 IV Total Points: VEMCM, law= • � ,!•!. � .ill i !,. 1 ani 1■ '� 4't! � � l► 9 S L13SURFACE G-kSa FICATr-N (check all units ',at apply) i. sepl:c tanks 2. pump 'anis 3. sipha- or pump -dosing systems d. sand ''leers 5. grecs. Uapinlerceplor a. oillwE'ar separators 7. subsLr ace treatment and disposal: oravily ressure SPRAY IRRIGAMN CLA.SSIFr---[Qt4 (check all units [hat apply) 1. preliminary treatme-1 (definition no. 32 ) 2. lagoons 3. seplic tanks d. pump tanks 5, pumps 6. sand fillers 7, grease Irapfinterc__•tor 8. oil/vraler separators 9. disinfection 1D. chemical addition I::- nutrient/algae cor,'-_I 11, spray irrigation of -,tastewater Pretreatment ;f wastewater In excess of :these components shall be rated using the aoinl rating system and -rill require an operator with an appropriate dual certification. LAND APPLICA T 7-WRESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. Land ap;.',calion cl biosolids, residuals or contaminaled soils on a designated site. :YASTEWATER T; EATMENT FACIUTY ClA55EFICATION The following sys'=.ms shalt be assigned a Class I classification,n� less the How is of a signilicanl ouanlily or the lechnolYgy is unusually complex. to require consideration by the Commission on a case-by-case basis: (Ghee; fl Appropriate', 00/via— Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disp;sal: Seplic -an lSand Filler Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, --umps,sand fillers, disinfeclion and e • ::l discharge: _Lzgcc Systems consisting only of preliminary irealmen(, lagoons, pumps, disinlectiz,, necessary chemical Irealm:-I for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; Closes. pop Recycle Systems; 5 Groua_-.ater Remedialion Systems consisting only of pumps, air -stripping, carbon acsorption, disinfection and disposa E Fish fa, -,s %vilh discharge to surface waters: r Watee = ant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment; SealofJ-wocessmq consisling of screening and disposal. 5 _ Smole -nily discharging systems vriih the exception of Aerobic Treatment Units, w be classified if permitted alter July 1, ')93 or it upon inspection by the Division, it is found that the system is not be:ng.adequalely, operated or mainla.-�.d Such systems will be notified of the classification or reclassification by :he Commission, in writing. Facilities having a rating of one Through lour points. Inclusive, do not require a cerliiied operator. Facilities having an activaled sludge process will be assigned.a mrnimgraclassification of Class Il, Facilities having Ireasmeni processes for the removal of metal or cyanide wit! be ass�gned a minimum Classilicatlon of Class 11, Facilities having lrealm9nt processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a mintmum classiiicalion of Class 111. .000-t OSFINITIOHS - - aha Idlo,.ring dolin ions shalt apply throughout this SsbchaplW. ' (1) Activated Carbon Bads. A physicauchemical rrsedvd for reducing sailbl* organic material Prom wsstowAor olM1vonl:'the colurrrt-typo bads used in *hill method will have a Ila" rale varying [torn I O to eight gallons par minute pat sgrare foot and may be either upaaw a dtaw As carbon bads, Carbon may or may not be f0ginotatad on the Nastawster lnalrnanl plant silo, _ (2) Aoraled Lagoon$, t, basin in which all solids art mlirdained in suspension and by wSch biological oxidation or organic matter I3 ledueed [srwgh anificially aeesleraled , - transrer of oxygen on a Ilraw•Ilwough basis; 17) AtIrslion. A pfocass or bringing about Inamals contact between air or Ngh purity oxygen in a liquid by spraying, aglation or dinusionxla) E:Ended Aeration.not " activated slvdgo process utilising a mrrrrtim hyd•auic delention time at IS hexer:. (a) Agrieunurally managod site. My Lite vn which a crop is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes prasses, grains, tress, etc.): (S) Air Stripping, A process by which the ammonium ton is first cornened to dissolved ammonia (pH agusemani) +rich the arrmorra then feleasad to 6'w aenosphere by' physical mans; or ocsar simlar prrxesses which reimora perdevn 'ptadxts such as bentona. Ienuene, and sytane: . - - 15) Carbon Regeneration- the eagmeratian of exhausted carbon by M unit at a Ivnacs to prvridi aslrernery hgh tarperafufe+which vrfrFise and oxidize "a absorbed, irnpsaities: a..r. (1) Gsrbon acoous 5u9e. A sage of wastewater eeafrtgn; designed to schiave •secondary' afku*ml Smile• (a) Canriluga. A mechanical device in whfch conirilugal farce is used to separate solids om fquds or ICIitsiaai Iiglids at oirtoront densfias;`- (9) Chemical Addlion Syttarns- The ad6l;cn of chemic AI(s) to wasivwatof at an applicant point tet plapases of impfWing solids rvmovar, pH sdi;,s torte nt,- a:k atinilycconrrol, . _ etr : the capability Io upon—wni will. dilrernnt chen*cals and 011efant application Points to AcNwi a apoCilic" 10tull will be considwild one sye:ra!:.thd cipalality to add , (0) EEIoctrodialysIs.............................................................. ..............................................................................5 (i) Foam Soparztlon...............................................................................................................5 (0) Ion Exchange ................................................ .......... ..,.................... ............................................. (h) Land Appficalion of T:aato l EliludM (coo doleliflon No. 22b) (rxst sppllcablo for sand, gravol, done and othor simper mining operations) by high rata Infiltration......................................................4 (I) Mlcroscreens ....................................... ............... . (�) Phospharous Removal by Biologir t Processes (Soo doiinition No, 26).........................................................20 ' [k) PDllshing Ponds without aura€Ion............................................................................................................2.. withaeratbn.............................................. ............ .......................... I ........ ....5 (I) _ Post Aeration --cascado.......................................................:..:...:................................................:........:._..A--- — dilfused or machanIcal................. (m) Reverse Osmosis ............. ...... ...............................................5 (n) Sand or Mixed-Madia Filters • low rale..............................................................................._........................2 highrate .............................. .............................. .......... 5 " (o) Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanlde...................................................................................1 5 (p) treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide..............................................15 (7) SLUDGE TREATMENT (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated......................................................................................................:.........1 0 Aerobic 5 Unheated 7 (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal).....................................................................:,.........,.................,.5 (c) Sludge Drying Beds • Gravity.......................................................................................:..............................2 ­* ........ Vacuum Assisted............ ............................................................................................5 (d) Sludge Elutffation..................................... .................................................................... . (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal)..............................................._....................................,................5 (I) Sludge .Thickener (gravlty)..............................................................._....................................................5 (g) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit [not applicable to a unit rated as(3)(i))............:.........................................:......8 (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas cforage).......:.....:.....................................................................,......,,.2 (1) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated...........................................................:........................................................5 Nonaerated..................................................................... . .,.....................................................................2 (J) Sludge Incinerator (not Including activated carbon regeneralion)................................................................10 (k) Vacuum Fiber, Centrifuge, or Fiber Press or other similar dewalering devices...................................................10 (B) AESIOUALS UTILIZATIOWDISPOSAL (including Inctneraled ash) (a) Lagoons_.. ................................................ ...2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (see def)nil)on 22a) by contracting to a land application operator or landlill operator who holds the (and application permit or landfill permit,,, ... —, ­­ ... 11.11 ........................ ­ .... .................................................. 2 (c) Dedicated Landlill(burial) by the permittee of the wastewater treatment facility...............................................5 (9) CiSrF��'T1OV (a) y Chlorination..........................,..............................,................................................5 (b) Dechlorination.......................................................................5 {c) Ozone..................................-..-................................... ........ ......... . (d) Radiation..............................................................................................................:..................................5 (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEMS) ( see definition W. 9) (not applicable to chemical additions rated as Nem (3)(j), (5)(a)(xi), (6)(2), (6)(b), (7)(b), (7)(e), (9a), (4)(b) or (4)(c) 5 points each: List.....................................................................................................................................5 ................. ..................... ................... ........ .................... ........ I ............ ...........5 .................................................................I..........,...,....................................5 ..........................................................................................................................5 [ i f } MISCELLANECUS UNIT&PROCESSES (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Pords for Organic or Toxic Materials Including wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds in amounts significantly greater than Is common for domestic waslawaler..............................................................:.........................A (b) Eliluenl Flow Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which are Inherent in land applicatlon systems) .......................... ................... ........... ,.............................. ........................................................... 2 (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins inherent in land application systems)..................................5 (d) Pumps ................. ........................................................................4j) e Sland-By Power Supply ........................................................3 (r) Thermal Pollution Control Device .......................... ............. ...................................... .......... ............. .............. 3 TOTALPOINTS ........................................................................ _ CLASS IFY-AT)CN CfassI ......................................................... ..................... ............................ 5.25 Points Class11.........................................................................................................26.50 Points Ctassitl........................................................................................................51-65 Paints ClassN......................................... ......................... ...................................... 66•Up Points Facilities having a rating of one Through lour points. Inclusive, do not require a cerliiied operator. Facilities having an activaled sludge process will be assigned.a mrnimgraclassification of Class Il, Facilities having Ireasmeni processes for the removal of metal or cyanide wit! be ass�gned a minimum Classilicatlon of Class 11, Facilities having lrealm9nt processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a mintmum classiiicalion of Class 111. .000-t OSFINITIOHS - - aha Idlo,.ring dolin ions shalt apply throughout this SsbchaplW. ' (1) Activated Carbon Bads. A physicauchemical rrsedvd for reducing sailbl* organic material Prom wsstowAor olM1vonl:'the colurrrt-typo bads used in *hill method will have a Ila" rale varying [torn I O to eight gallons par minute pat sgrare foot and may be either upaaw a dtaw As carbon bads, Carbon may or may not be f0ginotatad on the Nastawster lnalrnanl plant silo, _ (2) Aoraled Lagoon$, t, basin in which all solids art mlirdained in suspension and by wSch biological oxidation or organic matter I3 ledueed [srwgh anificially aeesleraled , - transrer of oxygen on a Ilraw•Ilwough basis; 17) AtIrslion. A pfocass or bringing about Inamals contact between air or Ngh purity oxygen in a liquid by spraying, aglation or dinusionxla) E:Ended Aeration.not " activated slvdgo process utilising a mrrrrtim hyd•auic delention time at IS hexer:. (a) Agrieunurally managod site. My Lite vn which a crop is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes prasses, grains, tress, etc.): (S) Air Stripping, A process by which the ammonium ton is first cornened to dissolved ammonia (pH agusemani) +rich the arrmorra then feleasad to 6'w aenosphere by' physical mans; or ocsar simlar prrxesses which reimora perdevn 'ptadxts such as bentona. Ienuene, and sytane: . - - 15) Carbon Regeneration- the eagmeratian of exhausted carbon by M unit at a Ivnacs to prvridi aslrernery hgh tarperafufe+which vrfrFise and oxidize "a absorbed, irnpsaities: a..r. (1) Gsrbon acoous 5u9e. A sage of wastewater eeafrtgn; designed to schiave •secondary' afku*ml Smile• (a) Canriluga. A mechanical device in whfch conirilugal farce is used to separate solids om fquds or ICIitsiaai Iiglids at oirtoront densfias;`- (9) Chemical Addlion Syttarns- The ad6l;cn of chemic AI(s) to wasivwatof at an applicant point tet plapases of impfWing solids rvmovar, pH sdi;,s torte nt,- a:k atinilycconrrol, . _ etr : the capability Io upon—wni will. dilrernnt chen*cals and 011efant application Points to AcNwi a apoCilic" 10tull will be considwild one sye:ra!:.thd cipalality to add , IT E tit POINTS (1) Industrial Pretreatment Units or Industrial Prelrealmonl Program (see dellnhlon No. 33)...... .............................................4 (2) OF-: 4N FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd (not applicable to n)n-conlamInaled cooling waters, Sludge handling facililies lot wale puriGoallon plants, totally closed cycle sysierrss(sea do finliton No. 11), and lacilnies consisting only of item (4)(d) or Items (4)(d) and (11)(d)) ` 0 - 20.000................................................................................................................................................i 20,001 50,000......................................................................................................................................2 50,001 --100.000........................................................................................................................_......_.._..3 100.001 - 250.000.................................................................................................................................... 4 250.001 - 500.D00 ................. ............................................. ............................................................ .......- 5 500,001 1.000,000 ............ ....................... ........... ..... .............................. ............ .......................... ......... T,000.001 2, 000, ooO...........................................................................................................................1 0 2,000,001 (and up) rate 1 point additional for each 200,000 gpd capacity c:p to a maximumcl........................................................................30 Design Flow (gpd) - " - (3) PRELIMINARY UNITSrPROCESSES(see definition W.32) (a) Bar Scr>aers.................................................._..............----....................._.._..........._.......i or (b) MactianIcai Screens, Static Screens or Comminuting Devices..........................................................................2 (c) Grit Removal..............................:...............................................................................................................1 (d) Mechanical OF Aerated Grit Removal.............................................................................................................2 (e) FbwWasuringDevice ................................................................................................................................1 or (f) Instrumented Flow Measurement ......... .......................................................... .............................................. 2 (g) Preaerallon................................................................._........_...........................................2 (h) influent Flow Equalizalien............. __.............................. ....................... ................................................... 2 tGrease or Oil Separators Gravity,... .............................................................................................................2 Mechanical.................................................................................................................................................3 OfssofvedAir Flotation ... .._.................................. ............ ................. ................ ........................................ a (j} Prechlorination..........................................................................................................................................5 (4) PRVMRYTREATMENTLNITS9FOCESSES (a) Septic Tank (sea definition No. 43)..............................................................,.....,.......................................2 (b) Imholf Tank ................................ ._._............_......................._......................................................5 (c) Primary Clarifiers .............................................................. ................................ ......................... ........ ........... 5 (d) Settling Ponds or Seining Tanks for Inorganic Non-toxic Materials (sludge hand"nrg facilities for water purification plants, sand, gravel, stone, and other mining operations except recreational activities such as gam or gold mining)............................................................ ,......... ___ ...................... ......2 (5) SEODNOAFfYTREATMEr4TfMSOPFkDCESSES (a) Carbonaceous Stage (i) Aeration -High Purity Oxygen System...............................................................................20 OilfusedAir System.......................................................................................................10 Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating on rotor)..................................................................8 Separate Sludge Reaeration ...... ............................................... ...................................... .3 (Ii) Trickling Filter HighRate...................................................--.................................--.........._.......-----........7 StandardRale ...... ............................................................. .............................................. 5 PackedTower....................................._.............._..........................................._.5 (ili) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated BiologicalFilter ...................................................................................................._.........t e (iv) Aerated lagoons............................................_........._...................................................t0 (v) Rotating Biological Contactors......................................................................................10 (vi) Sand Fillers-intermillem biological..................................................................................2 Reclrculafingbiological.....................................................................................................3 (vii} Stabilization Lagoons ...... ............................................................................................... 5 .. (VIII) Wier .............. .......................................................................-........-.5 •carbonaceous (ix) Single stage system for combined removal of BOD and nitrogenous removal by nitrification (see datinition No. 12)(Poinis for this r.rm have to be In addition to Items (5)(a)(i) through (5);a)(viii), utilizing the extended aeration process (see delinition No.3a)............................. ............. 2 utilizing other than the extended aeration process............................................................8 (x) Nuiriam additions to enhance BOO removal..._..................................................................5 ixi) Biological Culture ("Super Bugs')addilion....................... ................................................5 (b) t,iuogenous Stage Aeration - High Pvrity Oxygen Syslem..................:..._..........__.._.....................I...........-_...20 OillusodAir System ..................... :...... ................................ .............. ............................ 10 Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating or rotor)................................................................8 Separate Sludge Re:eration.............................................................................................3 Trickling Filler -High Rale ................ ...................................... ......................................_...7 Standard Rale..............................................................................................:.............5 ... PackedTower.................................................................................................................5 Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Filter ........... __ ..............................................10 (N) Rowing Biological Coniaclors ......................................................................................10 {v) Sand Filter • Interminer-t biological...................................................................................2 Recirculaling biological .....................................................................................................3 lvi) CLd'ar ....................................................................................................................5 (6) TERTLARYORADvANCEOTREATMDFTt, 41TSrPROCESSES (a) Anivalod Carbon Beds - without carbon regeneration ............. .......................... ........................................ with carbon regoneralion........... ............................................... :...:................ ....... ........... ......t5 (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Food - Without carbon regoneration ..................... - '...with carbon raganoralion..................................... ........................,....,.............................._...15 (c) . Air suipping................... ....... :......................... ....... ........... ...:.................... ........ .........._..............................5 fd)' Oeniuilicalion Piocoss.............. ............................................................ .......................:.. .........__..10