HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181296 Ver 1_SW Impact Analysis_20180924Stormwater Impact Analysis SCM Report For the proposed North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center Raleigh, North Carolina Prepared for The State of North Carolina Prepared By Stewart Inc. STEWART September 21, 2018 Stormwater Impact Analysis for North Carolina Agricultural Science Center Raleigh, North Carolina Prepared for: The State of North Carolina Prepared by: Stewart Inc. Firm License No. 1051 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 919.380.8750 �H'GARO��i��. SEAL _ 03:377PP Zc��� itj FOR REVIEW ONLY Stewart Project No. C16123 September 21, 2018 Table of Contents 1. Narrative 2. Site Information a. Aerial Map b. QUAD Map c. FEMA Map d. Soils Map e. Rainfall Data 3. Stormwater Calculations a. Bioretention Sizing b. Peak Flow Analysis -Storm and Sanitary Analysis c. Riprap Dissipater Pad Sizing d. Nitrogen Calculations 4. Stormwater Drawings a. SW1.0- Pre -Development Land Use b. SW2.0- Post -Development Land Use c. SW3.0- Pre -Development Drainage Area d. SW4.0- Post -Development Drainage Area 5. Erosion Control Calculations a. Diversion Ditch Calculations b. Skimmer Sedimentation Basin Sizing c. Slope Drain Sizing Calculations d. Rip Rap Dissipater Sizing 6. HGLs a. Stormwater 10 -year HGLs b. Stormwater 25 -year HGLs 7. Seasonally High Water Table Report STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Stormwater Impact Analysis has been prepared specifically to address the requirements of the State of North Carolina's Stormwater Design Manual to quantify the impact of the proposed development's effect upon nutrient levels on downstream systems. Specifically, the Neuse River Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B.0233) requires that diffuse flow be provided into Zone 2 of the buffer associated with the stream adjacent to the proposed development. The stream is a tributary of Macon Pond which flows into Richland Creek. The stream is subject to the Neuse River Buffer Rules because it is depicted on the latest 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and the soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Per the State of North Carolina's Stormwater Design Manual, as a Low -Density development, the post -development 10 -year, 24-hour storm event must be safely conveyed in a vegetated channel in such a way that it does not cause erosion. The Total Nitrogen Export for the site must also be held to 3.6 lbs/ac/yr. The Total Nitrogen Export (TNE) from the site was calculated using the apportioning method to calculate the nutrient impacts on the site. Using this method, the "area of new development" is 38.70 ac (7.076 ac of additional impervious and 31.63 ac of apportioned open space). The THE for the "area of new development" is 4.86 Ib/ac/yr. This export was reduced to 3.41 Ib/ac/yr (meeting the export threshold of 3.6 Ib/ac/yr) by treatment of a 7.117 ac of impervious area at 35% removal rate. As is detailed below, there are three points of analysis for this site. The peak flow rate in the post -development condition is 62.69 cfs, 6.50 cfs, and 15.34 cfs, at the north, east, and south outlets respectively for the 10 -year, 24-hour event. All analysis points are proposed to be fitting with oversized riprap dissipation pads to provide further velocity reduction. Site Information The proposed North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Building will be located in Raleigh, Northeast of downtown toward William B. Umstead State Park. Currently the site consists of 1074 acres which contain forest, pasture lands, and minimal impervious. Numerous State-owned buildings dot the property, including Prairie Ridge Ecostation and motor fleet management. Only a fraction of the parcel will be used for the proposed development, which will sit on 40.12 acres at the corner of Edwards Mill and Reedy Creek Rd. This area of 40.12 acres is considered the NNproject area" for low-density development calculations. Figure 1.0 - Vicinity Map for the Proposed Agricultural Sciences Center This analysis is for the proposed improvements to the site, which will include bioswales in multiple locations to treat stormwater runoff. Additionally, a bioretention cell located in the northeastern quadrant of the site will treat an 8.93 - acre drainage area with 62.8% of the area being impervious surfaces. A stepped bioswale in the southeastern quadrant will be used to treat 2.49 -acres, 60.3% of the area being impervious surfaces. In the predevelopment condition there are 11,250 sf (0.25 ac) of impervious area, resulting in 0.644% impervious in the 40.12 acre project area. In the proposed condition there are 319,615 sf (7.34 ac) of impervious area, resulting in 18.29% impervious in the 40.12 acre project area. This is within the allowed 24% impervious for low-density development. The site is within the Neuse River Basin and drains to the Richland Creek watershed. The property is not within a noted FEMA Floodplain. The Wake County Soil Survey Map indicates the soils on site consist mainly of sandy loams, which are classified as Hydrologic Soil Group B. Proposed Improvements The proposed improvements associated with this project include a 220,000 SF science building which will include labs and offices for five State agencies within the Department of Agriculture. Additionally, there will be parking lots for the building, and a loop road which will provide connectivity between the proposed parking lots and Reedy Creek Rd. The runoff from two-thirds of the roof and parking lots, as well as much of the road, will be directed to the proposed bioretention area. Some runoff from the parking lots located north of the building will first be directed to bioswale to be located between parking aisles before being directed to the bioretention area via a series of stormwater pipes. Stormwater runoff from the remaining third of the building and parking lots will be directed to the proposed stepped bioswale facing Reedy Creek Rd. Overall Results / Summary Peak Flow Analysis The table below includes the pre- and post -development peak flow for the 1" - water quality storm, 2 -year, 5 -year, 10 -year, and 25 -year, 24-hour storms and the associated percent increases. The peak flow in the proposed condition is increased for all storms at the northern and southern analysis points. See Appendix 3 for detailed calculations. Table 1.0 - Pre and Post Peak Flow Rates: Peak Flow Summary Table (cf/ sec) PRE POST STORM EVENT DRAINAGE AREA w/o detention w/ detention DIFF NORTH 0.01 4.65 0.01 0% 1" - WQ EAST 0.00 0.00 - SOUTH 0.50 1.08 0.54 8% NORTH 12.51 35.46 32.58 160% 2 -YR EAST 5.50 3.00 - -45% SOUTH 8.06 15.27 8.10 0% NORTH 23.79 50.95 49.34 107% 5 -YR EAST 9.69 4.87 - -50% SOUTH 12.85 21.31 12.19 -5% NORTH 34.17 64.88 62.69 83% 10 -YR EAST 10.70 6.50 - -39% SOUTH 17.03 22.52 15.34 -10% NORTH 45.27 75.22 70.98 57% 25 -YR EAST 10.70 8.14 - -24% SOUTH 20.49 23.73 18.99 -7% Table 2.0 - Pre and Post Peak Velocity: Engineer's Conclusion Because of the increase in the peak flows from the new development, a bioretention device will be used in the northern portion of the site to provide peak flow attenuation and meet diffuse flow requirements into zone 2 of the stream. The peak flow in the southern part of the property is proposed to be mitigated by a stepped bioswale and, as is shown in table 1.0. Each drainage area has been designed to utilize vegetated conveyance to not produce erosive velocities. All peak flow calculations have been included within this report. Submitted 21st day of September 2018 by STEWART Joseph Puckett, PE Velocity Summary Table (ft/sec) PRE POST STORM EVENT DRAINAGE AREA w/o detention w/ detention % DIFF NORTH 0 2.57 0 1" - WQ EAST 0 0 SOUTH 3.99 5.35 4.53 14% NORTH 3.61 4.54 4.45 23% 2 -YR EAST 4.28 3.82 -11 SOUTH 8.56 10.82 9.4 10% NORTH 4.36 4.98 4.94 13% 5 -YR EAST 5.11 4.46 -13 SOUTH 9.52 11.54 10.3 8% NORTH 4.84 5.3 5.25 8% 10 -YR EAST 5.27 4.87 -8% SOUTH 10.09 11.66 10.82 7% NORTH 5.23 5.49 5.41 3% 25 -YR EAST 5.27 5.22 -1 SOUTH 10.47 11.76 11.31 8% Engineer's Conclusion Because of the increase in the peak flows from the new development, a bioretention device will be used in the northern portion of the site to provide peak flow attenuation and meet diffuse flow requirements into zone 2 of the stream. The peak flow in the southern part of the property is proposed to be mitigated by a stepped bioswale and, as is shown in table 1.0. Each drainage area has been designed to utilize vegetated conveyance to not produce erosive velocities. All peak flow calculations have been included within this report. Submitted 21st day of September 2018 by STEWART Joseph Puckett, PE Appendix 2 Site Information a. Aerial Map b. QUAD Map c. FEMA Map d. Soils Map e. Rainfall Data -5 -usGs science for a changing world U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Produced by the United States Geological Survey North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WG S84). Projection and 1 DOD -meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zane 17S 10 ODO-foot ticks: North Carolina Coordinate System of 1983 Imagery ...................................................NAI P, May 2012 Roads..............................................®2006-2012 TomTom Names..........................................................GNIS, 2013 Hydrography ....................National Hydrography Dataset, 2012 Contours............................National Elevation Dataset, 2008 Boundaries ....................Census, IBWC, IBC, USGS, 1972 - 2012 H A lr QUADRANGLE LOCATION Southeast Bayleat. Wake tlurbam Forest Raleigh Raleigh Cary West Fast Apex Garner Whheeeler ADJOINING 7.5' QUADRANGLES 9° 4' 'f 161 MILS op 1° 21' 24 MILS UTM GRID AND 2013 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET U.S. National Grid 140,000-m Square ID QV Grid Zone Desigmtim 17S This map was produced to conform with the National Goes pati al. Program US Top Product Standard, 2011. A metadata fila associated with this product is draft version 0.6.11 SCALE 1:24 000 3567 N6V 3965 The National Map US Top 1 705 '0 RALEIGH WEST QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA -WAKE CO. 7.5 -MINUTE SERIES 42'30" 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 1 0.5 0 1 MILES 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEFT CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 ROAD CLASSIFICATION Expressway Local Connector Secondary Hwy Local Road Ramp 4WD 10 Interstate Route C3 US Route 0 State Route RALEIGH WEST, NC 2013 / �rV WAKE COUNTY. CITY. OF RALEIGH W 4 GRID NORTH MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 : 6,000) 250 0 500 1000 FEET IIII!,I.F�Il1�PN PANEL 078511 FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 0785 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX RALEIGH, CITY OF 370243 0785 J WAKE COUNTY 370388 0785 J Notice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders: the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER MAY 2, 2006 3720078500) v CO. 4AGNp sdoJ� State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F-MITOn-Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www.msc.fema.gov 3 Hydrologic Soil Group—Wake County, North Carolina 3 M (Co-Located Labs) 705200 706300 706400 706500 706600 706700 706800 706900 707000 350 49'17'N 350 49'17'N { Now- • 1 " CZD a ° D �1=t� ° D vv- 5 , ° MeA U- g Ctoq =.Ch8 'lA •' m C: A C2 M k it r} .� 35o 48' 39" N i 350 48' 37N 705100 706300 706400 706500 706600 706700 706800 700000 707000 3 3 a Map Scale: 1:5,830 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet Meters N 0 50 100 200 300 Feet 0 250 500 1000 1500 Map projection: Web Mercator Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 US�D4 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2016 �m Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Wake County, North Carolina (Co -Located Labs) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons 0 A 0 A/D 0 B 0 B/D C 0 C/D 0 D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines r r A r r A/D r B B/D r r C 0 C/D r r D r r Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points 0 A 0 A/D ■ B ■ B/D MAP INFORMATION p C The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,800. 0 C/D 0 D Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. p Not rated or not available Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil Water Features line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Streams and Canals contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Transportation §_§_+ Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map #%-0 Interstate Highways measurements. US Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Background projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the ® Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Wake County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 15, Sep 19, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 27, 2014—May 6, 2014 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. UUP Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2016 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group -Wake County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Co -Located Labs Hydrologic Soil Group- Summary by Map Unit - Wake County, North Carolina (NC183) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AgC2 Appling gravelly sandy B 0.1 0.1% loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded ApB Appling sandy loam, 2 to B 10.2 10.1% 6 percent slopes ApC Appling sandy loam, 6 to B 7.2 7.1% 10 percent slopes ApC2 Appling sandy loam, 6 to B 1.6 1.5% 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded ApD Appling sandy loam, 10 B 8.4 8.3% to 15 percent slopes CeD Cecil sandy loam, 10 to A 17.2 17.0% 15 percent slopes CgB2 Cecil gravelly sandy B 24.0 23.7% loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded CgC2 Cecil gravelly sandy B 18.2 17.9% loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, moderately eroded CmA Chewacla sandy loam, 0 B/D 0.5 0.5% to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded CnA Colfax sandy loam, 0 to C/D 0.0 0.0% 3 percent slopes MeA Mantachie sandy loam, B/D 4.9 4.8% 0 to 2 percent slopes, rarely flooded PaF Pacolet sandy loam, 15 B 1.5 1.5% to 45 percent slopes W Water 2.6 2.6% WmE Wedowee sandy loam, B 1.4 1.4% 15 to 25 percent slopes WyA Worsham sandy loam, 0 D 3.6 3.5% to 3 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 101.5 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2016 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Wake County, North Carolina Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff. None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Co -Located Labs usDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2016 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 (loins sheet 38) WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET NUMBER 48 _ WmE CF,i1 MdE2 %��C 4�- -CgC7 - - ---N sC2 a M� rr M�McRcca az wk C s� _ _ Cx �_ C CeD CeG2 J fAop . C r: ❑ � PCS _ GF Cet3 CgC v G° C M 1,32 Cn .- � EC, ,� AnG2 - -x82 - -;fie GlFi� M1iar GeH2 $ Ck_'. ( C C B7 A�0 e A 82 APC r• l:gts2 CgC2 C,rC� 0 AgCY - fir: f CeC Ce v , TQ RgC '�.c k Cgf l Cm CsF CnC7 Cse2 1' h a ❑ Apl7 •CgC2 •' ' q:� ',,'r J �. 'Y - LL CeC2 Gg82 � ce8ef482 - Ce92G� C C2 g_ ti CcY. CeC2 wy e C cgu 7A c 0 e Cgl3 `moi CgC 81' Co&. CgC2 t.na j ory II 1_\1H { CPI CRC2 ' -_ Me A+��': I. - - - --- — `-- - I _ _ _ - _ - - = r� ~.. _ -_ _ - -- �!. 1 - - ..s:m I.�:d•. AH82 z; CgC2 CkC? {.;e CC +; CgC2 AxC2 Y y'► �•� + FrklTu , CA C - n - GtF CeC2 CeH CeD_ CgC2 AAC J ofl APD CE!Hi -- APB '. caea 1 Wkf 1 � - r CgB2 A0 A f? CB C ` CeA �' IN7 WmE r� CeC2 Cn' > CO2 3 7 U" LeC CeC2 i L f . CeC2 i Ceb / f,�Ac+C APB I• r, CgC2 y � Mem Me 1 O ApQ Cef7 r T Ce82 �� Ao \ Cn CaC r S Cei2 G.C2 Ce RSB APC1 J MF CFb CCUMe l CeC2 1n r' 4p17 ❑ CeR7 h . k F Ag9� MaAp�i7 M�l Ari+.? - G Cad- 'm : CeC2 Cr, { CeC +'I CCC2 ' - o C r L'� r CraU - ._ CeB2 M� f c p °❑. CeG7 �C=C2 - ! GaBZ�AgC CIE, Coo Ceh; -s'A' nm Cr>L q 2 ' .hid ewoad 2 CeB2 I3 Y o is GF 4eC2 C4CZ kkrAp 71 7 f CgB2U' ' s LEIGf t. CgG2 _'Cel AkC2 r.z Tt. L:eF37 rte+ ` a •- Ma A982 CxR2 CIES � 1 - 1r ❑ + - �� B CeC2 - CfH3 �� � � '�I� .. CV$3 C A CeC? F3 , L n 1 I EC - CgC2 CE�F? CI£3 CIC3 'i. CgC2 ` 402 !BC R Ceb? {l u e f f A[tC 2 CeC2 3 �g CeB. 1 r "L. CV83 � 1 '� ��L, ��j• Q ` �- � m � CeCI. - aa�? C982� _ r Ma CSC- t AC$ CIC3 Ma _ - CeB2 AnC? CeC2 C6E1:C; eC2 CeeG CIC3 f a CRCI. , Ce82 CeC2 1 I t+7S`� 1 �c y C CeC2 STATE FAIRG�:OVMn.`y�,y Ag8 C; --,- � 'S. - - q£? _ _ .y ern.[ , ' •. i �� � � _'1 {�C�� } 2 - 'xy CfG'l. APD CIC3 ', �. Y ��.� ,_ w�" 4 / { r;ec2 o n �yr ApC{2 rola ApF3C CD A002 r • !'. - ll CgB2 +,+� „ Y J• CgCF Vdy Ce52 CRC? l - CgBP CeC2 nna �, r, CBHZ Cr -8? L 9�r . t a' it r� Ap8[ r r • C Apn` r��M� - � _ - _Cn� a Cell icv z �- -S aioH7 Rs�2 Ma.' ry CeC?.. Ce e87 - J SS f _ 1A 2 . (Joins sheet 58) 52 N �0 1 of m 1_�F m ;�z F Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, volume 2, version 3 ' Location name: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 35.8168°, Longitude: -78.7163° recurrence interval (years) Elevation: 431.31 ft** source: ESRI Maps '0 " source: USGS 25 POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAH, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration�2 � 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 0.399 0.467 0.537 0.596 0.657 0.701 0.741 -IF -0--7-7-4-T-0--8-11 0.840 5 -min 1(0.367-0.435)1(0.429-0.510)1(0.494-0.586)1(0.547-0.649 (0.600-0.715) (0.637-0.763) (0.669-0.805) (0.696-0.843) (0.723-0.883) (0.742-0.916) 0.638 0.747 0.861 0.953 IF 1.05 1.12 1.18 1.23 1.28 1.32 10 -min 1(0.585-0.695)1(0.686-0.815)1(0.791-0.938)1(0.874-1.04) (0.956-1.14) 1 (1.01-1.21) 1 (1.06-1.28) 1 (1.10-1.34) 1 (1.14-1.40) 1 (1.17-1.44) 0.797 0.939 1.09 1.21 1.33 1.41 1.49 1.55 1.61 1.66 15 -min 1(0.732-0.869)1(0.862-1.02) 1 (1.00-1.19) 1 (1.11-1.31) 1 (1.21-1.44) 1 (1.29-1.54) 1 (1.34-1.62) 1 (1.39-1.69) 1 (1.44-1.76) 1 (1.47-1.81) 1.09 1.30 1.55 1.75 1.97 2.13 2.28 2.41 2.57 2.69 30 -min (1.00-1.19) 1 (1.19-1.42) 1 (1.42-1.69) 1 (1.60-1.90) 1 (1.80-2.14) 1 (1.94-2.32) 1 (2.06-2.48) 1 (2.17-2.63) 1 (2.29-2.80) 1 (2.38-2.93) 1.36 1.63 1.98 2.28 2.62 2.89 3.14 3.38 3.69 3.92 60 -min (1.25-1.49) 1 (1.49-1.78) 1 (1.82-2.16) (2.09-2.48) (2.39-2.85) (2.62-3.14) (2.84-3.41) 1 (3.04-3.68) 1 (3.29-4.01) (3.47-4.28) 1.59 1.90 2.34 2.70 3.15 3.51 3.86 4.20 4.65 5.00 2 -hr (1.45-1.74) (1.73-2.08) (2.13-2.56) (2.45-2.96) (2.84-3.44) (3.16-3.83) (3.44-4.21) (3.73-4.59) (4.09-5.07) (4.37-5.47) 3 -hr (1. 46884) (1.8402.21 2.274973 2. 3$817) (3. 843.72) (3. 5$4.19 3.804.65) (4.167012 4.625.75) 4. 976.29 2.02 2.43 3.00 3.49 4.13 4.67 5.21 5.76 6.51 7.13 6 -hr (1.86-2.21) 1 (2.23-2.66) 1 (2.75-3.28) 1 (3.19-3.81) 1 (3.75-4.50) 1 (4.22-5.07) 1 (4.66-5.65) 1 (5.10-6.25) (5.69-7.05) (6.17-7.74) 2.39 2.87 3.56 4.17 4.97 5.65 6.34 7.07 8.07 8.92 12 -hr (2.20-2.61) (2.64-3.13) (3.27-3.88) (3.81-4.55) (4.51-5.40) (5.09-6.11) (5.65-6.86) 1 (6.23-7.63) (7.00-8.70) (7.62-9.62) 2.86 3.45 4.32 5.01 5.94 6.68 7.43 8.20 9.26 10.1 24 -hr (2.6 6-3.07) (3.22-3.71) (4.03-4.65) (4.66-5.38) (5.51-6.38) (6.18-7.17) (6.86-7.99) (7.56-8.83) (8.49-9.98) (9.22-10.9) 9. 2 -day 3.072354 3. 094.27 4. 095.31 5. 966.11 6. 277.21 6. 458.07 7. 838.95 8. 279.86 9.4 213.1 1027 2.1 3 -day (3. 64375) (3.927 4.50) (4.847 5.57) (5. 696.40) (6. 307.54) (7. 968.44) (8.0579.36) (8.836 0.3) (9.88-181.6) (10.77 2.6) 3.69 4.42 5.45 6.26 7.36 8.23 9.12 10.0 11.3 12.2 4 -day (3.45-3.95) 1 (4.13-4.73) 1 (5.09-5.83) 1 (5.84-6.70) 1 (6.84-7.88) 1 (7.64-8.81) 1 (8.43-9.77) 1 (9.25-10.8) 1 (10.3-12.1) 1 (11.2-13.2) 7 -day 4.28 (4.01-4.56) 5.10 1 (4.78-5.44) 6.21 1 (5.82-6.62) 7.09 (6.63-7.55) 8.28 (7.73-8.83) 9.23 (8.59-9.84) 10.2 (9.46-10.9) 11.2 1 (10.3-12.0) 12.6 (11.5-13.4) 13.6 (12.5-14.6) -----]F-----]F--6.96. 7.88 9.11 10.1 11.1 12.1 13.4 14.4 10 -day 4.58-5.20 5.44-6.18 6.53-7.42 7.38-8.39 8.52-9.71 9.40-10.7 10.3-11.8 11.2-12.9 12.4-14.3 13.3-15.5 20 6.52 7.70 9.09 10.2 11.7 12.9 14.0 15.2 16.9 18.1 -day (6.14-6.95) (7.24-8.20) (8.54-9.69) (9.57-10.9) (10.9-12.5) (12.0-13.7) (13.1-15.0) (14.2-16.3) (15.6-18.0) (16.7-19.4) 8.09 9.52 11.1 12.3 13.9 15.1 16.3 17.5 19.1 20.3 30 -day (7.63-8.60) (8.97-10.1) (10.4-11.8) (11.5-13.0) (13.0-14.7) (14.1-16.0) (15.2-17.3) (16.3-18.6) (17.7-20.4) (18.8-21.7) 45 -10-.3--]F-12.1F--13-.8-]F-15.2F--16-.9---IF--18-.3-]F-19.6 20.8 22.5 23.8 -day (9.81-10.9) (11.5-12.8) 1 (13.1-14.6) 1 (14.4-16.0) 1 (16.0-17.9) 11 (17.3-19.3) (18.4-20.7) (19.6-22.0) 1 (21.1-23.9) 1 (22.2-25.2) 12.4 14.5 16.3 17.8 19.7 21.1 22.4 23.7 25.4 26.7 60 -day (118-13.0) (13.7-15.2)(15.5-17.2) (16.9-18.7) J (18.6-20.7) J (19.9-22.2) (21.1-23.7) (22.3-25.1) (23.9-26.9) (25.0-28.3) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server PF graphical POS -based depth -duration -frequency (PDF) curves Latitude: 35.81681. Longitude: -78.7163° 25 _G L 20 30 25 C L 20 CL v a 15 CL Lp 10 R CL 5 - 0 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, version 3 Created (6MTY Tue Mar 20 18:43:13 2018 Back to Top Page 2 of 4 Average recurrence interval (years) — 1 2 - 5 — 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duration — 5 -min — 2 -day — 10-rnn — 3 -day 15 -mm — 4 -day — 30-rnin — 7 -day — 60 -min — 70 -day — 2 -hr E E E E rC — 12 -hr 50 -day — 24 -hr ry M1rl ry N rh 4 �n 9 4 o4 In ff� e-0 N R I Duration 30 25 C L 20 CL v a 15 CL Lp 10 R CL 5 - 0 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, version 3 Created (6MTY Tue Mar 20 18:43:13 2018 Back to Top Page 2 of 4 Average recurrence interval (years) — 1 2 - 5 — 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duration — 5 -min — 2 -day — 10-rnn — 3 -day 15 -mm — 4 -day — 30-rnin — 7 -day — 60 -min — 70 -day — 2 -hr — 20 -day — "r — 30 -Cay — 6-rsr — 45 -nay — 12 -hr 50 -day — 24 -hr https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Cary Large scale terrain Nor =n -Salem 0 • . Uurham Rocky Mount Greensboro �kWei h • a` 9 LTH CAROLINA I `Greenville�� `Charlotte + Fayetteville,, _ 100km Ja[ksonvi e 1 � • 60mi Large scale map hunt :�reenville acksonville N. Page 3 of 4 https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 4 of 4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions(a)noaa.gov Disclaimer https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, volume 2, version 3 ' Location name: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 35.8168°, Longitude: -78.7163° recurrence interval (years) Elevation: 431.31 ft** source: ESRI Maps '0 " source: USGS 25 POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAH, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration��� 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 4.79 5.60 6.44 7.15 7.88 8.41 8.89 -]F -9 -.2 -9 -]F -9 -.7 -3 -IF -1-0--'--I 5 -min (4.40-5.22) (5.15-6.12) (5.93-7.03) (6.56-7.79) (7.20-8.58) (7.64-9.16) (8.03-9.66) (8.35-10.1) (8.68-10.6) (8.90-11.0) 10 -min (3.51$4.17) (4.1244.89) (4. 515.63) (5.46.23) (5.46.84) (6. 9770.28) (6. 807.68) (6.6238.02) (6.68.38) (7.0198.65) 3.19 3.76 4.36 4.82 5.31 5.66 5.95 6.19 6.46 6.64 15 -min (2.93-3.48) 1 (3.45-4.10) (4.00-4.75) (4.42-5.25) (4.85-5.78) 1 (5.14-6.15) 1 (5.38-6.47) (5.57-6.74) 1 (5.76-7.03) (5.87-7.24) 2.19 2.59 3.09 3.49 3.93 4.26 4.56 4.82 5.14 5.38 30 -min (2.01-2.38) 1 (2.38-2.83) 1 (2.84-3.37) 1 (3.20-3.80) 1 (3.59-4.28) 1 (3.87-4.63) 1 (4.12-4.95) 1 (4.33-5.25) 1 (4.58-5.59) 1 (4.75-5.86) 1.36 1.63 1.98 2.28 2.62 2.89 3.14 3.38 3.69 3.92 60 -min (1.25-1.49) 1 (1.49-1.78) 1 (1.82-2.16) 1 (2.09-2.48) 1 (2.39-2.85) 1 (2.62-3.14) 1 (2.84-3.41) 1 (3.04-3.68) (3.29-4.01) (3.47-4.28) 0.792 0.948 1.17 1.35 1.57 1.75 1.93 2.10 2.32 2.50 2 -hr 1(0.722-0.870)1(0.867-1.04) 1 (1.07-1.28) 1 (1.23-1.48) 1 (1.42-1.72) 1 (1.58-1.92) 1 (1.72-2.11) 1 (1.86-2.29) (2.04-2.54) (2.18-2.73) 01(0.511-50.613)1(0.613-0.9 1.7 1.2 3 -hr 0.51150613 0.611 -0.735)1(0.7506-0.908)1(0.877-1.06)964 35) (0.756 0908 0.8796406) (1.0311424) (1.15318.40 1.2741255) (1.39516.71)(1.54-1.92)6 1.54716.92) 0.338 0.405 0.501 0.583 0.690 0.780 0.869 0.962 1.09 1.19 6 -hr 1(0.311-0.370)1(0.372-0.443)1(0.459-0.547)1(0.533-0.636 1(0.627-0.751)1(0.704-0.847)1(0.778-0.943)1(0.852-1.04) (0.951-1.18) 1 (1.03-1.29) 0.199 0.238 0.295 0.346 0.413 0.469 0.526 0.587 0.669 0.740 12 -hr 1(0.183-0.217)1(0.219-0.260)1(0.271-0.322)1(0.316-0.377 (0.374-0.448) (0.422-0.507) (0.469-0.569) (0.517-0.633) (0.581-0.722) (0.632-0.799) 0.119 0.144 0.180 0.209 0.247 IF 0.278 0.310 0.342 0.386 0.420 24 -hr 1(0.111-0.128)1(0.134-0.155)1(0.168-0.194)1(0.194-0.224 (0.230-0.266) (0.258-0.299) (0.286-0.333) (0.315-0.368) (0.354-0.416) (0.384-0.454) 4 00 83 30 33 1 2 -day .140 1(0.064-0.074)1(0.077-0.089)1(0.096-0.111)1(0.110-0.127 9 0..150 0.12 1(0.129-0.150)1(0.145-0.168)1(0.160-0.1873)1(0.1750-, 0.1457 0..168 0.160-0.3187 0.17057 0.2051)1(0.196-0.231)1(0.21O2-0.251) 5 -72 -83 3 -day (0.04 0 052) (0.054 0 063) (0.0670-0 077) (0.07070-0 089 (0.09150.8105) (0.1017 0.117) (0.11021 01130) (0.1237 0.3143) (0.137-0..161) (0.149 0.3175) 0.038 0.046 0.057 0.065 0.077 0.086 0.095 0.104 0.117 0.128 4 -day (0.036-0.041) (0.043-0.049) (0.053-0.061) (0.061-0.070 (0.071-0.082) (0.080-0.092) (0.088-0.102) (0.096-0.112) (0.108-0.126) (0.117-0.137) 0.025 0.030 0.037 0.042 0.049 0.055 0.061 0.067 0.075 0.081 7 -day (0.024-0.027) (0.028-0.032) (0.035-0.039) (0.039-0.045 (0.046-0.053) (0.051-0.059) (0.056-0.065) (0.062-0.071) (0.069-0.080) (0.074-0.087) 09 24 33 IF 0.046 0.060 10 -day 23 .029 01(0.035 3 .038 .042 3 .056 0.01 0 022 0.0.020 0 3 0 026 0.027-0 031 0.010 035 - -0.040)1(0.039-0.045)1(0.043-0.049)1(0.047-0.054)1(0.050 0.00 040 0.0 9-0 045 0.04 -0 049 0.0470-0 054 0.052-0.060)1(0.055-0.064) 0.014 0.016 0.019 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.032 0.035 0.038 20 -day 1(0.013-0.014)1(0.015-0.017)1(0.018-0.020)1(0.020-0.023 (0.023-0.026) (0.025-0.029) (0.027-0.031) (0.029-0.034) (0.032-0.038) (0.035-0.040) 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.024 0.026 0.028 30 -day 1(0.011-0.012)1(0.012-0.014)1(0.014-0.016)1(0.016-0.018 (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.023-0.026) (0.025-0.028) (0.026-0.030) 0.010 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.022 45 -day (0.009-0.010) (0.011-0.012) (0.012-0.014) (0.013-0.015 (0.015-0.017) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.023) 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.018 0.019 60 -day (0.008-0009) (0.010-0.011) (0.011-0.012) (0.012-0.013 (0.013-0.014) (0.014-0.015) (0.015-0.016) (0.016-0.017) (0.017-0.019) (0.017-0.020) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server 100.000 10.000 L C 1.000 a G ° 0.100 0 a V a CL 0.010 PF graphical PDS -based intensity -duration -frequency (IDF) curves Latitude: 35.81681. Longitude: -78.7163° 0.001' — 5 -min — 2 -day — 10-rnn — 3 -day 15-m,n — 4 -day — 30 -min — 7 -day — 60 -min , „ j c_ — "r — 30 -Cay — 6-rsr — 45 -nay — 12 -hr 50 -day — 24 -hr a, E �c_+tel,! E E E v'1 C � N h N N V rh 4 4 �oo ,�p 14 rrn rl N f�'I 4 Duration WILWAVOILVA C Z 0.100 V a 0.010 0.001, r , , , , , 1 r 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMT): Tue Mar 20 18:43:05 2018 Back to Top Page 2 of 4 Average recurrence interval (years) — 1 2 — s — 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duration — 5 -min — 2 -day — 10-rnn — 3 -day 15-m,n — 4 -day — 30 -min — 7 -day — 60 -min — 10 -day — 2 -hr — 20 -day — "r — 30 -Cay — 6-rsr — 45 -nay — 12 -hr 50 -day — 24 -hr https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Cary Large scale terrain Nor =n -Salem 0 • . Uurham Rocky Mount Greensboro �kWei h • a` 9 LTH CAROLINA I `Greenville�� `Charlotte + Fayetteville,, _ 100km Ja[ksonvi e 1 � • 60mi Large scale map hunt :�reenville acksonville N. Page 3 of 4 https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 4 of 4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions(a)noaa.gov Disclaimer https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.8168&lon=-78.7163 &dat... 3/20/2018 Appendix 3 Stormwater Calculations a. Bioretention Sizing Calculations b. Peak Flow Analysis -Storm and Sanitary Analysis c. Riprap Dissipater Pad Sizing d. Nitrogen Calculations STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 North Drainage Area to Bioretention Input values in red Drainage Area Total Drainage Area (sf) 389,155 On-site Drainage Area (sf) 389,155 Off-site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Impervious Surface On-site Buildings/Lots (sf) Area 73,728 On-site Streets (sf) 51,422 On-site Parking (sf) 86,904 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 27,510 Other On-site (sf) 4,976 Future (sf) 0 Off-site (sf) 0 Existing BUA* (sf) 0 Total Impervious Areas 244,540 Drainage Area 8.93 ac Impervious Area 5.61 ac Percent Impervious 62.84 % Design Rainfall 1 1.0 in Date: "Simple Method" Formula Rv = 0.05+0.009(1) Rv= where 9.20.2018 Revision: - NBC Pervious Surface Area Managed Pervious Area (sf) 144,615 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) (sf) 0 Forest (sf) 0 Total Pervious Area (sf) 144,615 * = Report only amount of existing BUA that will reamain after develoipment. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA Rv = Runoff Coefficient = stormwater runoff (inches) / stormwater rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = drainage area (acres) / impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) 0.62 in/in Controlled Volume Calculation Volume = (Design Rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) <----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) This volume of runoff must be stored in the pond above the normal pool elevation and be released in a draw down period of 2 to 5 days. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Design Volume - Simple STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 North Drainage Area to Bioretention Input values in red Drainage Area Total Drainage Area (sf) 389,155 On-site Drainage Area (sf) 389,155 Off-site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Impervious Surface On-site Buildings/Lots (sf) Area 73,728 On-site Streets (sf) 51,422 On-site Parking (sf) 86,904 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 27,510 Other On-site sf 4,976 Future (sf) 0 Off-site (sf) 0 Existing BUA* (sf) 0 Total Impervious Area (sf) 1 244,540 Drainage Area 8.93 ac Impervious Area 5.61 ac Percent Impervious 62.84 % Design Rainfall 1 1.0 in "NRCS" Formula S= Q*= where Date: 9.20.2018 Revision: - NBC Pervious Surface Area Managed Pervious Area (sf) 144,615 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) (sf) 0 Forest (sf) 0 Total Pervious Area (sf) 144,615 Curve Number by Landuse Impervious area 98 Managed Pervious Area, good condition ** 61 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) 61 Forest 58 * = Report only amount of existing BUA that will reamain after develoipment. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA ** = if CN of non -directly -connected drainage area is less than 64, MDC allows assumption for zero runoff from this area. Therefore SCM water quality volume only accounts for contributing runoff from impervious area. S=(1000/CN)-10 IQ* _ [(P - 0.25) ^2] / (P + 0.85) P = Design rainfall (inches) Q* = Runoff Depth (inches) 0.204 0.79 in/in Controlled Volume Calculation Volume = (Design Rainfall) (Q*) (Drainage Area) <----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) This volume of runoff must be stored in the bioretention area and be released in a draw down period of 12 to 72 hours. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Design Volume - NRCS A STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 Input values in red Required Surface Area Date: 9.20.2018 Bv: NBC Revision: - <----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) IPoncling Depth 1 1.00 ft Surface Area Calculation Surface Area = Volume /(Ponding Depth Bio Retenion Area Volume Provided Stage Cumulat ive Elevati Area olum Storage Stage Level on (ft) (ft2) (ft3) (ft3) Drawdown Time Facility Volume 20550 cf Facility Surface Area 22788 sf Media Infiltration Rate 1.00 in/hr DK Drain Time T = Volume / Infiltration Rate / Surface Area 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Provided Volume STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Date: 9.20.2018 Project No: C16123 By: NBC • Retention Input values in red Water Draw Through Rate: Darcy's Equation: Q = .0000232 *K*A* HIL where K = media infiltration rate A = Area H = Total Head L = Flow path length Provided Bio Retetion Area Values K = 1.00 in/hr A = 22788 SF H = 4.67 ft L= 3.92 ft Q = 0.6294 cfs Safety Factor 10 Adjusted Q = 6.2939 cfs Minimum underdrain diameter Sizing 3/8 Use Manning's Equation: Q * n D=16 S o.s ) - Q = 6.2939 cfs Slope = 0.005 ft/ft n 0.011 unitless D= 15.87 in 16 lines of • 7 lines of CALCULATION TABLE Equivalent Pipe Diameters at 0.5% slope If D is less than No. of 4" diam 4 2 5.657 3 6.928 4 8.000 5 8.944 6 9.798 7 10.583 8 11.314 9 12.000 10 12.649 11 13.253 12 If D is less than No of 6" diam 6 2 8.485 3 10.392 4 12.000 5 13.416 6 14.697 7 15.875 8 16.971 9 18.000 10 18.974 11 19.900 12 Revision: - 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Underdrains STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 South Drainage Area to Stepped Bioretention Input values in red Drainage Area Total Drainage Area (sf) 108,517 On-site Drainage Area (sf) 108,517 Off-site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Impervious Surface On-site Buildings/Lots (sf) Area 11,087 On-site Streets (sf) 603 On-site Parking (sf) 39,242 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 14,656 Other On-site (sf) 0 Future (sf) 0 Off-site (sf) 0 Existing BUA* (sf) 0 Total Impervious Areas 65,588 Drainage Area 2.49 ac Impervious Area 1.51 ac Percent Impervious 60.44 % Design Rainfall 1 1.0 in Date: "Simple Method" Formula Rv = 0.05+0.009(1) Rv= where 9.19.2018 Revision: - NBC Pervious Surface Area Managed Pervious Area (sf) 42,929 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) (sf) 0 Forest (sf) 0 Total Pervious Area (sf) 42,929 * = Report only amount of existing BUA that will reamain after develoipment. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA Rv = Runoff Coefficient = stormwater runoff (inches) / stormwater rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = drainage area (acres) / impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) 0.59 in/in Controlled Volume Calculation Volume = (Design Rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) <----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) This volume of runoff must be stored in the pond above the normal pool elevation and be released in a draw down period of 2 to 5 days. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Design Volume - Simple STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 South Drainage Area to Stepped Bioretention Input values in red Drainage Area Total Drainage Area (sf) 108,517 On-site Drainage Area (sf) 108,517 Off-site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Impervious Surface On-site Buildings/Lots (sf) Area 11,087 On-site Streets (sf) 603 On-site Parking (sf) 39,242 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 14,656 Other On-site sf 0 Future (sf) 0 Off-site (sf) 0 Existing BUA* (sf) 0 Total Impervious Area (sf) 1 65,588 Drainage Area 2.49 ac Impervious Area 1.51 ac Percent Impervious 60.44 % Design Rainfall 1 1.0 in "NRCS" Formula S= Q*= where Date: 9.19.2018 Revision: - NBC Pervious Surface Area Managed Pervious Area (sf) 42,929 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) (sf) 0 Forest (sf) 0 Total Pervious Area (sf) 42,929 Curve Number by Landuse Impervious area 98 Managed Pervious Area, good condition ** 61 Unmanged Pervious Area (pasture) 61 Forest 58 * = Report only amount of existing BUA that will reamain after develoipment. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA ** = if CN of non -directly -connected drainage area is less than 64, MDC allows assumption for zero runoff from this area. Therefore SCM water duality volume nnly arrnunts for contrihutino runnff from imnervious area. S = (1000/CN) - 10 IQ* _ [(P - 0.25) ^2] / (P + 0.85) P = Design rainfall (inches) Q* = Runoff Depth (inches) 0.204 0.79 in/in Controlled Volume Calculation Volume = 0.10 ac -ft 1 MM Volume = (Design Rainfall (Q*) ((Drainage Area I<----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) This volume of runoff must be stored in the bioretention area and be released in a draw down period of 12 to 72 hours. 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Design Volume - NRCS A STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Project No: C16123 Input values in red Required Surface Area Date: 9.19.2018 Bv: NBC Revision: - <----- Total Volume Required to be Controlled (Storage) IPoncling Depth 1 1.00 ft Surface Area Calculation Surface Area = Volume /(Ponding Depth Bio Retenion Area Volume Provided JrM[-- . Stage Cumulat ive Elevati Area olum Storage Stage Level on (ft) (ft2) (ft3) (ft3) Drawdown Time Facility Volume 7258 cf Facility Surface Area 9071 sf Media Infiltration Rate 1.00 in/hr DK Drain Time T = Volume / Infiltration Rate / Surface Area 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Provided Volume .1 STEWART Project: NCDA&CS Date: 9.19.2018 Project No: C16123 By: NBC • Retention Area• - • Input values in red Water Draw Through Rate: Darcy's Equation: Q _ ,0000232 *K*A* HIL where K = media infiltration rate A = Area H = Total Head L = Flow path length Provided Bio Retetion Area Values K = 1.00 in/hr A = 9071 SF H = 4.67 ft L= 3.92 ft Q = 0.251 cfs Safety Factor 10 Adjusted Q = 2.5053 cfs Minimum underdrain diameter Sizing 3/8 Use Manning's Equation: Q * n D=16 So.s Q = 2.5053 cfs Slope = 0.005 ft/ft n 0.011 unitless D= 11.24 in 8 lines of • 4 lines of CALCULATION TABLE Equivalent Pipe Diameters at 0.5% slope If D is less than No. of 4" diam 4 2 5.651 3 6.921 4 7.992 5 8.935 6 9.788 7 10.572 8 11.302 9 11.988 10 12.636 11 13.253 12 If D is less than No of 6" diam 6 2 8.485 3 10.392 4 12.000 5 13.416 6 14.697 7 15.875 8 16.971 9 18.000 10 18.974 11 19.900 12 Revision: - 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919. 380 8752 www.stewartinc.com Underdrains PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART PEAK FLOW SUMMARY (CFS) Return Period Analysis Point PRE POST (no detention) POST with detention CHANGE 0.0000 NORTH 12.51 35.46 32.58 160.40% 2 YR EAST 5.50 3.00 0.0000 -45.37% SOUTH 8.06 15.27 8.10 0.42% NORTH 34.17 64.88 62.69 83.48% 10 YR EAST 10.70 6.50 -39.25% SOUTH 17.03 22.52 15.34 -9.93% 30 2S V 20 0 15 TIME 0.0833 0.1667 0.2500 0.3333 0.4167 0.5000 0.5833 0.6667 0.7500 PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I NORTH OUTFALL - 2YR 24HR DESIGN STORM 11.0 11.5 12,0 12.5 13,0 TIME HRS ----2YR PRE -2YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION -2YR POST WITH DETENTION 2YR PRE 2YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2YR POST WITH DETENTION 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page I I PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 0.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.3333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6667 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.9167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.3333 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 2.4167 0.0000 0.0125 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 0.0263 0.0000 2.5833 0.0000 0.0332 0.0000 2.6667 0.0000 0.0377 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 0.0426 0.0000 2.8333 0.0000 0.0462 0.0000 2.9167 0.0000 0.0493 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0521 0.0000 3.0833 0.0000 0.0547 0.0000 3.1667 0.0000 0.0568 0.0000 3.2500 0.0000 0.0596 0.0000 3.3333 0.0000 0.0620 0.0000 3.4167 0.0000 0.0647 0.0000 3.5000 0.0000 0.0673 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.0700 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.0730 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.0763 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.0790 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.0810 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0835 0.0000 4.0833 0.0000 0.0861 0.0000 4.1667 0.0000 0.0878 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 0.0910 0.0000 STEWART Page 12 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 4.3333 0.0000 0.0944 0.0000 4.4167 0.0000 0.0973 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.1003 0.0000 4.5833 0.0000 0.1034 0.0000 4.6667 0.0000 0.1076 0.0000 4.7500 0.0000 0.1126 0.0000 4.8333 0.0000 0.1170 0.0000 4.9167 0.0000 0.1202 0.0000 5.0000 0.0000 0.1228 0.0000 5.0833 0.0000 0.1277 0.0000 5.1667 0.0000 0.1311 0.0000 5.2500 0.0000 0.1341 0.0000 5.3333 0.0000 0.1373 0.0000 5.4167 0.0000 0.1410 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 0.1448 0.0000 5.5833 0.0000 0.1484 0.0000 5.6667 0.0000 0.1510 0.0000 5.7500 0.0000 0.1547 0.0000 5.8333 0.0000 0.1586 0.0000 5.9167 0.0000 0.1616 0.0000 6.0000 0.0000 0.1644 0.0000 6.0833 0.0000 0.1693 0.0000 6.1667 0.0000 0.1721 0.0000 6.2500 0.0000 0.1769 0.0000 6.3333 0.0000 0.1810 0.0000 6.4167 0.0000 0.1841 0.0000 6.5000 0.0000 0.1879 0.0000 6.5833 0.0000 0.1910 0.0000 6.6667 0.0000 0.1943 0.0000 6.7500 0.0000 0.1975 0.0000 6.8333 0.0000 0.2015 0.0000 6.9167 0.0000 0.2047 0.0000 7.0000 0.0000 0.2093 0.0000 7.0833 0.0000 0.2153 0.0000 7.1667 0.0000 0.2242 0.0000 7.2500 0.0000 0.2317 0.0000 7.3333 0.0000 0.2377 0.0000 7.4167 0.0000 0.2419 0.0000 7.5000 0.0000 0.2478 0.0000 7.5833 0.0000 0.2527 0.0000 7.6667 0.0000 0.2581 0.0000 7.7500 0.0000 0.2650 0.0000 STEWART Page 13 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 7.8333 0.0000 0.2700 0.0000 7.9167 0.0000 0.2748 0.0000 8.0000 0.0000 0.2803 0.0000 8.0833 0.0000 0.2841 0.0000 8.1667 0.0000 0.2894 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 0.2975 0.0000 8.3333 0.0000 0.3102 0.0000 8.4167 0.0000 0.3247 0.0000 8.5000 0.0000 0.3385 0.0000 8.5833 0.0000 0.3527 0.0000 8.6667 0.0000 0.3686 0.0000 8.7500 0.0000 0.3854 0.0000 8.8333 0.0000 0.4019 0.0000 8.9167 0.0000 0.4170 0.0000 9.0000 0.0000 0.4319 0.0000 9.0833 0.0000 0.4502 0.0000 9.1667 0.0000 0.4667 0.0000 9.2500 0.0000 0.4787 0.0000 9.3333 0.0000 0.4877 0.0000 9.4167 0.0000 0.4916 0.0000 9.5000 0.0000 0.4952 0.0000 9.5833 0.0000 0.5012 0.0000 9.6667 0.0000 0.5089 0.0000 9.7500 0.0000 0.5228 0.0000 9.8333 0.0000 0.5451 0.0000 9.9167 0.0000 0.5708 0.0000 10.0000 0.0001 0.5981 0.0002 10.0833 0.0005 0.6268 0.0002 10.1667 0.0020 0.6581 0.0005 10.2500 0.0045 0.6993 0.0017 10.3333 0.0081 0.7441 0.0047 10.4167 0.0123 0.7874 0.0093 10.5000 0.0171 0.8311 0.0146 10.5833 0.0225 0.8828 0.0201 10.6667 0.0283 0.9396 0.0260 10.7500 0.0349 1.0053 0.0323 10.8333 0.0424 1.0801 0.0395 10.9167 0.0505 1.1532 0.0474 11.0000 0.0595 1.2312 0.0564 11.0833 0.0697 1.3192 0.0664 11.1667 0.0819 1.4291 0.0777 11.2500 0.0978 1.5780 0.0924 STEWART Page 14 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 11.3333 0.1170 1.7556 0.1112 11.4167 0.1391 1.9425 0.1329 11.5000 0.1648 2.1448 0.1574 11.5833 0.1940 2.3717 0.1863 11.6667 0.3251 3.5153 0.2773 11.7500 0.7162 6.9624 0.9532 11.8333 1.5032 12.2778 3.5518 11.9167 3.5153 20.1691 8.7908 12.0000 9.1269 34.4253 22.1125 12.0833 12.5112 35.4613 32.5791 12.1667 9.7916 20.1431 26.6719 12.2500 5.6066 9.5837 15.9269 12.3333 3.6485 6.4804 10.1427 12.4167 2.8866 5.6023 7.5850 12.5000 2.4637 4.9305 6.3763 12.5833 2.1196 4.2231 5.4592 12.6667 1.8345 3.6026 4.6715 12.7500 1.6439 3.2223 4.0433 12.8333 1.5326 3.0174 3.5663 12.9167 1.4543 2.8612 3.1991 13.0000 1.3819 2.7102 2.9029 13.0833 1.3087 2.5450 2.6498 13.1667 1.2396 2.3878 2.4295 13.2500 1.1830 2.2669 2.2435 13.3333 1.1381 2.1752 2.0902 13.4167 1.0982 2.0969 1.9534 13.5000 1.0585 2.0138 1.8351 13.5833 1.0168 1.9241 1.7260 13.6667 0.9766 1.8354 1.6238 13.7500 0.9413 1.7607 1.5311 13.8333 0.9101 1.6968 1.4476 13.9167 0.8799 1.6401 1.3720 14.0000 0.8493 1.5824 1.3010 14.0833 0.8175 1.5181 1.2321 14.1667 0.7900 1.4604 1.1677 14.2500 0.7689 1.4177 1.1112 14.3333 0.7546 1.3920 1.0627 14.4167 0.7443 1.3709 1.0212 14.5000 0.7340 1.3510 0.9844 14.5833 0.7242 1.3288 0.9511 14.6667 0.7140 1.3040 0.9197 14.7500 0.7037 1.2810 0.8904 STEWART Page 15 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 14.8333 0.6938 1.2603 0.8637 14.9167 0.6840 1.2398 0.8385 15.0000 0.6741 1.2205 0.8146 15.0833 0.6630 1.2000 0.7916 15.1667 0.6520 1.1746 0.7676 15.2500 0.6415 1.1516 0.7446 15.3333 0.6304 1.1295 0.7223 15.4167 0.6203 1.1133 0.7013 15.5000 0.6095 1.0931 0.6803 15.5833 0.5977 1.0699 0.6592 15.6667 0.5858 1.0464 0.6380 15.7500 0.5746 1.0224 0.6162 15.8333 0.5635 1.0026 0.5955 15.9167 0.5520 0.9817 0.5752 16.0000 0.5407 0.9628 0.5551 16.0833 0.5286 0.9417 0.5349 16.1667 0.5177 0.9165 0.5145 16.2500 0.5097 0.9008 0.4956 16.3333 0.5046 0.8919 0.4798 16.4167 0.5006 0.8836 0.4656 16.5000 0.4961 0.8762 0.4517 16.5833 0.4923 0.8689 0.4394 16.6667 0.4886 0.8627 0.4280 16.7500 0.4853 0.8549 0.4177 16.8333 0.4813 0.8449 0.4071 16.9167 0.4771 0.8379 0.3975 17.0000 0.4735 0.8294 0.3889 17.0833 0.4697 0.8217 0.3797 17.1667 0.4655 0.8141 0.3710 17.2500 0.4616 0.8036 0.3617 17.3333 0.4577 0.7966 0.3535 17.4167 0.4537 0.7900 0.3452 17.5000 0.4503 0.7817 0.3375 17.5833 0.4461 0.7740 0.3293 17.6667 0.4417 0.7670 0.3214 17.7500 0.4377 0.7592 0.3138 17.8333 0.4338 0.7528 0.3068 17.9167 0.4295 0.7453 0.2992 18.0000 0.4251 0.7356 0.2917 18.0833 0.4212 0.7283 0.2844 18.1667 0.4168 0.7195 0.2773 18.2500 0.4127 0.7119 0.2694 STEWART Page 16 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 18.3333 0.4087 0.7038 0.2626 18.4167 0.4048 0.6954 0.2555 18.5000 0.4002 0.6875 0.2486 18.5833 0.3958 0.6774 0.2409 18.6667 0.3918 0.6720 0.2340 18.7500 0.3873 0.6645 0.2269 18.8333 0.3828 0.6550 0.2201 18.9167 0.3785 0.6491 0.2134 19.0000 0.3743 0.6422 0.2075 19.0833 0.3697 0.6335 0.2010 19.1667 0.3650 0.6251 0.1947 19.2500 0.3605 0.6173 0.1883 19.3333 0.3560 0.6077 0.1822 19.4167 0.3519 0.6013 0.1764 19.5000 0.3479 0.5954 0.1714 19.5833 0.3429 0.5877 0.1662 19.6667 0.3380 0.5770 0.1607 19.7500 0.3339 0.5670 0.1568 19.8333 0.3295 0.5598 0.1535 19.9167 0.3247 0.5505 0.1508 20.0000 0.3204 0.5431 0.1486 20.0833 0.3156 0.5367 0.1468 20.1667 0.3115 0.5277 0.1443 20.2500 0.3085 0.5233 0.1426 20.3333 0.3066 0.5196 0.1421 20.4167 0.3061 0.5189 0.1419 20.5000 0.3049 0.5180 0.1416 20.5833 0.3041 0.5147 0.1408 20.6667 0.3036 0.5139 0.1405 20.7500 0.3031 0.5138 0.1404 20.8333 0.3022 0.5122 0.1401 20.9167 0.3013 0.5090 0.1394 21.0000 0.3004 0.5056 0.1392 21.0833 0.3000 0.5043 0.1386 21.1667 0.2989 0.5038 0.1380 21.2500 0.2981 0.5027 0.1373 21.3333 0.2974 0.5020 0.1371 21.4167 0.2970 0.5013 0.1371 21.5000 0.2959 0.4995 0.1369 21.5833 0.2951 0.4972 0.1362 21.6667 0.2944 0.4958 0.1361 21.7500 0.2940 0.4942 0.1360 STEWART Page 17 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 21.8333 0.2940 0.4939 0.1360 21.9167 0.2929 0.4931 0.1357 22.0000 0.2915 0.4908 0.1350 22.0833 0.2911 0.4891 0.1340 22.1667 0.2904 0.4852 0.1335 22.2500 0.2896 0.4836 0.1332 22.3333 0.2885 0.4813 0.1325 22.4167 0.2881 0.4802 0.1323 22.5000 0.2869 0.4797 0.1320 22.5833 0.2861 0.4781 0.1314 22.6667 0.2854 0.4775 0.1312 22.7500 0.2845 0.4766 0.1311 22.8333 0.2841 0.4753 0.1311 22.9167 0.2829 0.4741 0.1303 23.0000 0.2821 0.4727 0.1293 23.0833 0.2814 0.4721 0.1291 23.1667 0.2810 0.4710 0.1290 23.2500 0.2799 0.4692 0.1289 23.3333 0.2791 0.4659 0.1282 23.4167 0.2784 0.4641 0.1280 23.5000 0.2770 0.4626 0.1278 23.5833 0.2761 0.4604 0.1272 23.6667 0.2755 0.4595 0.1270 23.7500 0.2751 0.4587 0.1269 23.8333 0.2750 0.4570 0.1262 23.9167 0.2737 0.4553 0.1255 24.0000 0.2724 0.4525 0.1247 STEWART Page 18 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 80 70 60 50 u V 40 O 30 20 10 STEWART PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I NORTH OUTFALL - 10YR 24HR DESIGN STORM 0 ---- 10, 5 11.0 11.5 12, 0 12.5 13.0 13, 5 14.0 TIME HRS ----- 10YR PRE 10YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION - 10YR POST WITH DETENTION TIME 0.0833 0.1667 0.2500 0.3333 0.4167 0.5000 0.5833 0.6667 0.7500 0.8333 0.9167 1.0000 1.0833 1.1667 1.2500 1.3333 1.4167 1.5000 10YR PRE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10YR POST WITH DETENTION 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 19 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 1.5833 0.0000 0.0038 0.0000 1.6667 0.0000 0.0056 0.0000 1.7500 0.0000 0.0331 0.0000 1.8333 0.0000 0.0493 0.0000 1.9167 0.0000 0.0579 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0655 0.0000 2.0833 0.0000 0.0730 0.0000 2.1667 0.0000 0.0795 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.0851 0.0000 2.3333 0.0000 0.0895 0.0000 2.4167 0.0000 0.0942 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 0.1003 0.0000 2.5833 0.0000 0.1051 0.0000 2.6667 0.0000 0.1105 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 0.1154 0.0000 2.8333 0.0000 0.1205 0.0000 2.9167 0.0000 0.1252 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.1304 0.0000 3.0833 0.0000 0.1350 0.0000 3.1667 0.0000 0.1399 0.0000 3.2500 0.0000 0.1468 0.0000 3.3333 0.0000 0.1517 0.0000 3.4167 0.0000 0.1559 0.0000 3.5000 0.0000 0.1621 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.1665 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.1709 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.1749 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.1788 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.1828 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.1870 0.0000 4.0833 0.0000 0.1925 0.0000 4.1667 0.0000 0.1966 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 0.2014 0.0000 4.3333 0.0000 0.2067 0.0000 4.4167 0.0000 0.2111 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.2179 0.0000 4.5833 0.0000 0.2245 0.0000 4.6667 0.0000 0.2308 0.0000 4.7500 0.0000 0.2368 0.0000 4.8333 0.0000 0.2417 0.0000 4.9167 0.0000 0.2481 0.0000 5.0000 0.0000 0.2528 0.0000 Page 110 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 5.0833 0.0000 0.2586 0.0000 5.1667 0.0000 0.2650 0.0000 5.2500 0.0000 0.2804 0.0000 5.3333 0.0000 0.2925 0.0000 5.4167 0.0000 0.2991 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 0.3061 0.0000 5.5833 0.0000 0.3143 0.0000 5.6667 0.0000 0.3220 0.0000 5.7500 0.0000 0.3276 0.0000 5.8333 0.0000 0.3357 0.0000 5.9167 0.0000 0.3449 0.0000 6.0000 0.0000 0.3525 0.0000 6.0833 0.0000 0.3605 0.0000 6.1667 0.0000 0.3699 0.0000 6.2500 0.0000 0.3780 0.0000 6.3333 0.0000 0.3853 0.0000 6.4167 0.0000 0.3930 0.0000 6.5000 0.0000 0.4020 0.0000 6.5833 0.0000 0.4104 0.0000 6.6667 0.0000 0.4192 0.0000 6.7500 0.0000 0.4266 0.0000 6.8333 0.0000 0.4327 0.0000 6.9167 0.0000 0.4430 0.0000 7.0000 0.0000 0.4514 0.0000 7.0833 0.0000 0.4584 0.0000 7.1667 0.0000 0.4667 0.0000 7.2500 0.0000 0.4762 0.0000 7.3333 0.0000 0.4841 0.0000 7.4167 0.0000 0.4931 0.0000 7.5000 0.0000 0.4995 0.0000 7.5833 0.0000 0.5089 0.0000 7.6667 0.0000 0.5188 0.0000 7.7500 0.0000 0.5273 0.0000 7.8333 0.0001 0.5375 0.0003 7.9167 0.0004 0.5469 0.0002 8.0000 0.0012 0.5565 0.0003 8.0833 0.0026 0.5667 0.0009 8.1667 0.0046 0.5816 0.0023 8.2500 0.0070 0.6014 0.0048 8.3333 0.0099 0.6267 0.0077 8.4167 0.0128 0.6549 0.0108 8.5000 0.0159 0.6840 0.0142 Page I 1 1 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 8.5833 0.0193 0.7147 0.0177 8.6667 0.0229 0.7477 0.0212 8.7500 0.0268 0.7838 0.0250 8.8333 0.0309 0.8181 0.0291 8.9167 0.0351 0.8491 0.0333 9.0000 0.0393 0.8818 0.0376 9.0833 0.0438 0.9157 0.0421 9.1667 0.0485 0.9518 0.0469 9.2500 0.0529 0.9764 0.0515 9.3333 0.0569 0.9919 0.0557 9.4167 0.0607 1.0029 0.0597 9.5000 0.0643 1.0132 0.0632 9.5833 0.0678 1.0212 0.0664 9.6667 0.0718 1.0374 0.0702 9.7500 0.0770 1.0721 0.0748 9.8333 0.0832 1.1194 0.0809 9.9167 0.0901 1.1694 0.0874 10.0000 0.0974 1.2229 0.0951 10.0833 0.1054 1.2819 0.1031 10.1667 0.1146 1.3492 0.1120 10.2500 0.1251 1.4238 0.1220 10.3333 0.1361 1.5059 0.1327 10.4167 0.1476 1.5881 0.1446 10.5000 0.1600 1.6741 0.1569 10.5833 0.1739 1.7691 0.1703 10.6667 0.1901 1.8785 0.2128 10.7500 0.2090 2.0080 0.3869 10.8333 0.2292 2.1484 0.6067 10.9167 0.2508 2.2924 0.8417 11.0000 0.2833 2.4426 1.0784 11.0833 0.3343 2.6110 1.3193 11.1667 0.4069 2.8359 1.5659 11.2500 0.5020 3.1437 1.8382 11.3333 0.6171 3.4966 2.1411 11.4167 0.7531 3.8629 2.4753 11.5000 0.9133 4.2603 2.8391 11.5833 1.0989 4.7043 3.2414 11.6667 1.8263 7.2557 4.2175 11.7500 3.7772 14.2449 7.1241 11.8333 7.5102 24.5706 14.5656 11.9167 14.1462 39.1160 28.4584 12.0000 28.1565 63.0647 50.5489 Page 112 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 12.0833 34.1662 64.8757 62.6867 12.1667 25.4309 34.9948 46.9083 12.2500 13.7420 16.7090 26.3895 12.3333 8.6304 11.5822 16.4789 12.4167 6.6765 10.0650 12.3340 12.5000 5.6092 8.8405 10.1524 12.5833 4.7795 7.5599 8.6135 12.6667 4.1280 6.4606 7.4834 12.7500 3.6819 5.7917 6.6764 12.8333 3.4158 5.4104 6.0378 12.9167 3.2262 5.1183 5.5289 13.0000 3.0540 4.8279 5.1019 13.0833 2.8814 4.5208 4.7204 13.1667 2.7224 4.2338 4.3789 13.2500 2.5924 4.0132 4.0872 13.3333 2.4887 3.8442 3.8398 13.4167 2.3948 3.6943 3.6263 13.5000 2.3009 3.5439 3.4345 13.5833 2.2054 3.3808 3.2530 13.6667 2.1144 3.2228 3.0821 13.7500 2.0335 3.0888 2.9261 13.8333 1.9626 2.9769 2.7870 13.9167 1.8952 2.8740 2.6599 14.0000 1.8268 2.7683 2.5399 14.0833 1.7561 2.6524 2.4208 14.1667 1.6930 2.5474 2.3147 14.2500 1.6464 2.4753 2.2134 14.3333 1.6139 2.4257 2.1323 14.4167 1.5903 2.3904 2.0647 14.5000 1.5666 2.3519 2.0049 14.5833 1.5429 2.3117 1.9503 14.6667 1.5198 2.2707 1.9002 14.7500 1.4958 2.2290 1.8528 14.8333 1.4734 2.1935 1.8081 14.9167 1.4494 2.1572 1.7668 15.0000 1.4268 2.1197 1.7267 15.0833 1.4027 2.0822 1.6863 15.1667 1.3777 2.0385 1.6465 15.2500 1.3537 1.9989 1.6070 15.3333 1.3292 1.9631 1.5683 15.4167 1.3060 1.9270 1.5318 15.5000 1.2810 1.8909 1.4941 Page 113 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 15.5833 1.2562 1.8508 1.4567 15.6667 1.2309 1.8104 1.4182 15.7500 1.2058 1.7702 1.3804 15.8333 1.1816 1.7336 1.3432 15.9167 1.1564 1.6981 1.3067 16.0000 1.1320 1.6638 1.2714 16.0833 1.1056 1.6227 1.2342 16.1667 1.0818 1.5844 1.1973 16.2500 1.0644 1.5586 1.1656 16.3333 1.0524 1.5417 1.1379 16.4167 1.0436 1.5292 1.1136 16.5000 1.0349 1.5146 1.0915 16.5833 1.0259 1.5008 1.0712 16.6667 1.0171 1.4852 1.0522 16.7500 1.0082 1.4723 1.0342 16.8333 1.0004 1.4599 1.0179 16.9167 0.9921 1.4464 1.0026 17.0000 0.9832 1.4339 0.9877 17.0833 0.9745 1.4205 0.9723 17.1667 0.9655 1.4042 0.9575 17.2500 0.9569 1.3893 0.9431 17.3333 0.9477 1.3741 0.9284 17.4167 0.9397 1.3614 0.9144 17.5000 0.9310 1.3492 0.9009 17.5833 0.9219 1.3354 0.8872 17.6667 0.9130 1.3210 0.8727 17.7500 0.9040 1.3081 0.8592 17.8333 0.8948 1.2928 0.8457 17.9167 0.8854 1.2774 0.8321 18.0000 0.8768 1.2663 0.8186 18.0833 0.8677 1.2544 0.8056 18.1667 0.8585 1.2394 0.7923 18.2500 0.8492 1.2253 0.7791 18.3333 0.8399 1.2120 0.7651 18.4167 0.8310 1.1982 0.7521 18.5000 0.8221 1.1859 0.7392 18.5833 0.8124 1.1716 0.7261 18.6667 0.8037 1.1578 0.7127 18.7500 0.7939 1.1432 0.6994 18.8333 0.7849 1.1292 0.6858 18.9167 0.7757 1.1157 0.6728 19.0000 0.7666 1.1050 0.6601 Page 114 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 19.0833 0.7571 1.0904 0.6476 19.1667 0.7472 1.0715 0.6337 19.2500 0.7378 1.0569 0.6191 19.3333 0.7288 1.0433 0.6056 19.4167 0.7200 1.0301 0.5924 19.5000 0.7099 1.0165 0.5791 19.5833 0.7003 1.0035 0.5659 19.6667 0.6908 0.9912 0.5523 19.7500 0.6815 0.9758 0.5387 19.8333 0.6721 0.9618 0.5256 19.9167 0.6620 0.9473 0.5129 20.0000 0.6526 0.9328 0.5001 20.0833 0.6432 0.9202 0.4864 20.1667 0.6339 0.9072 0.4739 20.2500 0.6279 0.9001 0.4624 20.3333 0.6241 0.8936 0.4531 20.4167 0.6224 0.8907 0.4454 20.5000 0.6206 0.8872 0.4375 20.5833 0.6186 0.8837 0.4305 20.6667 0.6168 0.8814 0.4246 20.7500 0.6154 0.8780 0.4189 20.8333 0.6139 0.8745 0.4138 20.9167 0.6118 0.8706 0.4080 21.0000 0.6104 0.8689 0.4037 21.0833 0.6088 0.8672 0.3998 21.1667 0.6074 0.8633 0.3958 21.2500 0.6058 0.8620 0.3923 21.3333 0.6037 0.8593 0.3880 21.4167 0.6026 0.8566 0.3847 21.5000 0.6008 0.8543 0.3815 21.5833 0.5994 0.8504 0.3786 21.6667 0.5973 0.8476 0.3746 21.7500 0.5949 0.8461 0.3714 21.8333 0.5934 0.8454 0.3688 21.9167 0.5911 0.8435 0.3665 22.0000 0.5894 0.8386 0.3639 22.0833 0.5878 0.8350 0.3607 22.1667 0.5864 0.8307 0.3577 22.2500 0.5848 0.8293 0.3551 22.3333 0.5827 0.8257 0.3523 22.4167 0.5814 0.8236 0.3499 22.5000 0.5797 0.8202 0.3467 Page 115 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 22.5833 0.5777 0.8166 0.3435 22.6667 0.5759 0.8150 0.3410 22.7500 0.5744 0.8107 0.3383 22.8333 0.5728 0.8096 0.3358 22.9167 0.5707 0.8065 0.3325 23.0000 0.5694 0.8052 0.3302 23.0833 0.5674 0.8036 0.3281 23.1667 0.5656 0.7996 0.3256 23.2500 0.5638 0.7957 0.3225 23.3333 0.5617 0.7919 0.3195 23.4167 0.5605 0.7891 0.3170 23.5000 0.5582 0.7869 0.3140 23.5833 0.5564 0.7840 0.3114 23.6667 0.5542 0.7811 0.3084 23.7500 0.5524 0.7778 0.3056 23.8333 0.5514 0.7758 0.3036 23.9167 0.5492 0.7743 0.3013 24.0000 0.5474 0.7717 0.2987 Page 116 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 6 5 4 0 PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I EAST OUTFALL- 2YR 24HR DESIGN STORM STEWART 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 TIME HRS -- 2YR PRE 2YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION TIME 2YR PRE 2YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.3333 0.0000 0.0000 0.4167 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5833 0.0000 0.0000 0.6667 0.0000 0.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.9167 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0833 0.0000 0.0000 1.1667 0.0000 0.0000 1.2500 0.0000 0.0000 1.3333 0.0000 0.0000 1.4167 0.0000 0.0000 1.5000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 117 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 1.5833 0.0000 0.0000 1.6667 0.0000 0.0000 1.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.8333 0.0000 0.0000 1.9167 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0833 0.0000 0.0000 2.1667 0.0000 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.0000 2.3333 0.0000 0.0000 2.4167 0.0000 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 0.0000 2.5833 0.0000 0.0000 2.6667 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 0.0000 2.8333 0.0000 0.0000 2.9167 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.0833 0.0000 0.0000 3.1667 0.0000 0.0000 3.2500 0.0000 0.0000 3.3333 0.0000 0.0000 3.4167 0.0000 0.0000 3.5000 0.0000 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.0833 0.0000 0.0000 4.1667 0.0000 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 0.0000 4.3333 0.0000 0.0000 4.4167 0.0000 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.0000 4.5833 0.0000 0.0000 4.6667 0.0000 0.0000 4.7500 0.0000 0.0000 4.8333 0.0000 0.0000 4.9167 0.0000 0.0000 5.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 118 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 5.0833 0.0000 0.0000 5.1667 0.0000 0.0000 5.2500 0.0000 0.0000 5.3333 0.0000 0.0000 5.4167 0.0000 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 0.0000 5.5833 0.0000 0.0000 5.6667 0.0000 0.0000 5.7500 0.0000 0.0000 5.8333 0.0000 0.0000 5.9167 0.0000 0.0000 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.0833 0.0000 0.0000 6.1667 0.0000 0.0000 6.2500 0.0000 0.0000 6.3333 0.0000 0.0000 6.4167 0.0000 0.0000 6.5000 0.0000 0.0000 6.5833 0.0000 0.0000 6.6667 0.0000 0.0000 6.7500 0.0000 0.0000 6.8333 0.0000 0.0000 6.9167 0.0000 0.0000 7.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.0833 0.0000 0.0000 7.1667 0.0000 0.0000 7.2500 0.0000 0.0000 7.3333 0.0000 0.0000 7.4167 0.0000 0.0000 7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 7.5833 0.0000 0.0000 7.6667 0.0000 0.0000 7.7500 0.0000 0.0000 7.8333 0.0000 0.0000 7.9167 0.0000 0.0000 8.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8.0833 0.0000 0.0000 8.1667 0.0000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 0.0000 8.3333 0.0000 0.0000 8.4167 0.0000 0.0000 8.5000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 119 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 8.5833 0.0000 0.0000 8.6667 0.0000 0.0000 8.7500 0.0000 0.0000 8.8333 0.0000 0.0000 8.9167 0.0000 0.0000 9.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9.0833 0.0000 0.0000 9.1667 0.0000 0.0000 9.2500 0.0000 0.0000 9.3333 0.0000 0.0000 9.4167 0.0000 0.0000 9.5000 0.0000 0.0000 9.5833 0.0000 0.0000 9.6667 0.0000 0.0000 9.7500 0.0000 0.0000 9.8333 0.0000 0.0000 9.9167 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10.0833 0.0000 0.0000 10.1667 0.0000 0.0000 10.2500 0.0000 0.0000 10.3333 0.0000 0.0000 10.4167 0.0000 0.0000 10.5000 0.0000 0.0000 10.5833 0.0000 0.0000 10.6667 0.0000 0.0000 10.7500 0.0000 0.0000 10.8333 0.0000 0.0014 10.9167 0.0000 0.0057 11.0000 0.0000 0.0107 11.0833 0.0000 0.0162 11.1667 0.0000 0.0225 11.2500 0.0000 0.0298 11.3333 0.0000 0.0390 11.4167 0.0000 0.0502 11.5000 0.0001 0.0632 11.5833 0.0060 0.0787 11.6667 0.0566 0.1335 11.7500 0.2364 0.2912 11.8333 0.7161 0.6181 11.9167 1.8645 1.2758 12.0000 4.5095 2.6851 Page 120 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 12.0833 5.4978 3.0034 12.1667 3.6402 1.9358 12.2500 1.7998 0.9588 12.3333 1.2029 0.6233 12.4167 1.0155 0.5187 12.5000 0.8921 0.4528 12.5833 0.7674 0.3890 12.6667 0.6686 0.3375 12.7500 0.6058 0.3042 12.8333 0.5713 0.2859 12.9167 0.5437 0.2716 13.0000 0.5152 0.2573 13.0833 0.4868 0.2424 13.1667 0.4613 0.2294 13.2500 0.4413 0.2188 13.3333 0.4258 0.2105 13.4167 0.4105 0.2031 13.5000 0.3946 0.1947 13.5833 0.3783 0.1864 13.6667 0.3635 0.1790 13.7500 0.3507 0.1727 13.8333 0.3391 0.1668 13.9167 0.3280 0.1609 14.0000 0.3161 0.1549 14.0833 0.3036 0.1490 14.1667 0.2937 0.1437 14.2500 0.2865 0.1400 14.3333 0.2820 0.1377 14.4167 0.2784 0.1357 14.5000 0.2742 0.1337 14.5833 0.2705 0.1317 14.6667 0.2665 0.1297 14.7500 0.2629 0.1277 14.8333 0.2591 0.1257 14.9167 0.2551 0.1237 15.0000 0.2511 0.1217 15.0833 0.2464 0.1197 15.1667 0.2424 0.1177 15.2500 0.2384 0.1157 15.3333 0.2342 0.1137 15.4167 0.2305 0.1117 15.5000 0.2263 0.1097 Page 121 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 15.5833 0.2221 0.1076 15.6667 0.2174 0.1050 15.7500 0.2132 0.1027 15.8333 0.2092 0.1008 15.9167 0.2045 0.0988 16.0000 0.2002 0.0968 16.0833 0.1955 0.0941 16.1667 0.1919 0.0924 16.2500 0.1891 0.0914 16.3333 0.1874 0.0904 16.4167 0.1862 0.0894 16.5000 0.1846 0.0884 16.5833 0.1833 0.0880 16.6667 0.1816 0.0874 16.7500 0.1803 0.0864 16.8333 0.1786 0.0857 16.9167 0.1773 0.0852 17.0000 0.1756 0.0844 17.0833 0.1743 0.0834 17.1667 0.1726 0.0825 17.2500 0.1713 0.0820 17.3333 0.1696 0.0814 17.4167 0.1683 0.0804 17.5000 0.1666 0.0794 17.5833 0.1653 0.0790 17.6667 0.1636 0.0784 17.7500 0.1623 0.0774 17.8333 0.1606 0.0768 17.9167 0.1593 0.0763 18.0000 0.1577 0.0754 18.0833 0.1557 0.0744 18.1667 0.1543 0.0734 18.2500 0.1527 0.0730 18.3333 0.1513 0.0724 18.4167 0.1497 0.0714 18.5000 0.1477 0.0704 18.5833 0.1463 0.0694 18.6667 0.1447 0.0690 18.7500 0.1429 0.0684 18.8333 0.1415 0.0674 18.9167 0.1397 0.0664 19.0000 0.1383 0.0654 Page 122 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 19.0833 0.1367 0.0650 19.1667 0.1347 0.0644 19.2500 0.1329 0.0634 19.3333 0.1315 0.0624 19.4167 0.1297 0.0614 19.5000 0.1280 0.0610 19.5833 0.1265 0.0604 19.6667 0.1247 0.0594 19.7500 0.1227 0.0584 19.8333 0.1214 0.0574 19.9167 0.1197 0.0565 20.0000 0.1177 0.0560 20.0833 0.1160 0.0554 20.1667 0.1145 0.0545 20.2500 0.1139 0.0540 20.3333 0.1133 0.0540 20.4167 0.1130 0.0540 20.5000 0.1124 0.0534 20.5833 0.1120 0.0530 20.6667 0.1120 0.0530 20.7500 0.1120 0.0530 20.8333 0.1120 0.0530 20.9167 0.1114 0.0530 21.0000 0.1110 0.0530 21.0833 0.1110 0.0524 21.1667 0.1104 0.0520 21.2500 0.1100 0.0520 21.3333 0.1100 0.0520 21.4167 0.1100 0.0520 21.5000 0.1094 0.0520 21.5833 0.1090 0.0514 21.6667 0.1090 0.0510 21.7500 0.1084 0.0510 21.8333 0.1080 0.0510 21.9167 0.1080 0.0510 22.0000 0.1080 0.0510 22.0833 0.1074 0.0510 22.1667 0.1070 0.0505 22.2500 0.1070 0.0500 22.3333 0.1064 0.0500 22.4167 0.1060 0.0500 22.5000 0.1060 0.0500 Page 123 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 22.5833 0.1060 0.0500 22.6667 0.1054 0.0500 22.7500 0.1050 0.0495 22.8333 0.1050 0.0490 22.9167 0.1044 0.0490 23.0000 0.1040 0.0490 23.0833 0.1040 0.0490 23.1667 0.1034 0.0490 23.2500 0.1030 0.0485 23.3333 0.1030 0.0480 23.4167 0.1030 0.0480 23.5000 0.1024 0.0480 23.5833 0.1020 0.0480 23.6667 0.1014 0.0480 23.7500 0.1010 0.0480 23.8333 0.1010 0.0475 23.9167 0.1004 0.0470 24.0000 0.1000 0.0470 8 V 6 0 4 2 STEWART PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I EAST OUTFALL - 10YR 24H DESIGN STORM 0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12, 0 12, 5 13.0 13.5 14.0 ----- 10YR PRE TIME HRS 10YR POSE WITHOUT DETENTION Page 124 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER TIME 10YR PRE 10YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.3333 0.0000 0.0000 0.4167 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5833 0.0000 0.0000 0.6667 0.0000 0.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.9167 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0833 0.0000 0.0000 1.1667 0.0000 0.0000 1.2500 0.0000 0.0000 1.3333 0.0000 0.0000 1.4167 0.0000 0.0000 1.5000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5833 0.0000 0.0000 1.6667 0.0000 0.0000 1.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.8333 0.0000 0.0000 1.9167 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0833 0.0000 0.0000 2.1667 0.0000 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.0000 2.3333 0.0000 0.0000 2.4167 0.0000 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 0.0000 2.5833 0.0000 0.0000 2.6667 0.0000 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 0.0000 2.8333 0.0000 0.0000 2.9167 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.0833 0.0000 0.0000 3.1667 0.0000 0.0000 3.2500 0.0000 0.0000 3.3333 0.0000 0.0000 3.4167 0.0000 0.0000 STEWART Page 125 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 3.5000 0.0000 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.0833 0.0000 0.0000 4.1667 0.0000 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 0.0000 4.3333 0.0000 0.0000 4.4167 0.0000 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.0000 4.5833 0.0000 0.0000 4.6667 0.0000 0.0000 4.7500 0.0000 0.0000 4.8333 0.0000 0.0000 4.9167 0.0000 0.0000 5.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.0833 0.0000 0.0000 5.1667 0.0000 0.0000 5.2500 0.0000 0.0000 5.3333 0.0000 0.0000 5.4167 0.0000 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 0.0000 5.5833 0.0000 0.0000 5.6667 0.0000 0.0000 5.7500 0.0000 0.0000 5.8333 0.0000 0.0000 5.9167 0.0000 0.0000 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.0833 0.0000 0.0000 6.1667 0.0000 0.0000 6.2500 0.0000 0.0000 6.3333 0.0000 0.0000 6.4167 0.0000 0.0000 6.5000 0.0000 0.0000 6.5833 0.0000 0.0000 6.6667 0.0000 0.0000 6.7500 0.0000 0.0000 6.8333 0.0000 0.0000 6.9167 0.0000 0.0000 Page 126 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 7.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.0833 0.0000 0.0000 7.1667 0.0000 0.0000 7.2500 0.0000 0.0000 7.3333 0.0000 0.0000 7.4167 0.0000 0.0000 7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 7.5833 0.0000 0.0000 7.6667 0.0000 0.0000 7.7500 0.0000 0.0000 7.8333 0.0000 0.0000 7.9167 0.0000 0.0000 8.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8.0833 0.0000 0.0000 8.1667 0.0000 0.0000 8.2500 0.0000 0.0000 8.3333 0.0000 0.0000 8.4167 0.0000 0.0000 8.5000 0.0000 0.0000 8.5833 0.0000 0.0000 8.6667 0.0000 0.0000 8.7500 0.0000 0.0005 8.8333 0.0000 0.0006 8.9167 0.0000 0.0026 9.0000 0.0000 0.0054 9.0833 0.0000 0.0079 9.1667 0.0000 0.0105 9.2500 0.0000 0.0133 9.3333 0.0000 0.0158 9.4167 0.0000 0.0184 9.5000 0.0000 0.0207 9.5833 0.0000 0.0227 9.6667 0.0000 0.0252 9.7500 0.0000 0.0282 9.8333 0.0000 0.0313 9.9167 0.0046 0.0348 10.0000 0.0004 0.0390 10.0833 0.0050 0.0436 10.1667 0.0141 0.0484 10.2500 0.0236 0.0536 10.3333 0.0332 0.0596 10.4167 0.0435 0.0661 Page 127 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 10.5000 0.0554 0.0731 10.5833 0.0683 0.0808 10.6667 0.0827 0.0893 10.7500 0.0988 0.0991 10.8333 0.1178 0.1101 10.9167 0.1391 0.1230 11.0000 0.1629 0.1364 11.0833 0.1894 0.1512 11.1667 0.2210 0.1697 11.2500 0.2624 0.1927 11.3333 0.3124 0.2210 11.4167 0.3700 0.2537 11.5000 0.4386 0.2908 11.5833 0.5146 0.3315 11.6667 0.8579 0.5267 11.7500 1.7560 1.0293 11.8333 3.3995 1.8993 11.9167 6.5275 3.3236 12.0000 10.7018 6.2910 12.0833 10.7024 6.5018 12.1667 8.0954 3.9793 12.2500 4.0528 1.8901 12.3333 2.6311 1.2408 12.4167 2.2083 1.0282 12.5000 1.9236 0.8935 12.5833 1.6433 0.7647 12.6667 1.4275 0.6608 12.7500 1.2916 0.5961 12.8333 1.2151 0.5589 12.9167 1.1531 0.5296 13.0000 1.0886 0.5004 13.0833 1.0247 0.4702 13.1667 0.9704 0.4442 13.2500 0.9260 0.4234 13.3333 0.8916 0.4072 13.4167 0.8573 0.3920 13.5000 0.8227 0.3751 13.5833 0.7877 0.3587 13.6667 0.7545 0.3440 13.7500 0.7267 0.3312 13.8333 0.7024 0.3197 13.9167 0.6774 0.3084 Page 128 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 14.0000 0.6522 0.2964 14.0833 0.6256 0.2842 14.1667 0.6047 0.2744 14.2500 0.5900 0.2676 14.3333 0.5796 0.2624 14.4167 0.5720 0.2588 14.5000 0.5630 0.2547 14.5833 0.5545 0.2509 14.6667 0.5456 0.2468 14.7500 0.5369 0.2426 14.8333 0.5295 0.2390 14.9167 0.5202 0.2350 15.0000 0.5118 0.2311 15.0833 0.5023 0.2265 15.1667 0.4934 0.2229 15.2500 0.4852 0.2188 15.3333 0.4762 0.2145 15.4167 0.4679 0.2108 15.5000 0.4583 0.2064 15.5833 0.4491 0.2022 15.6667 0.4399 0.1982 15.7500 0.4308 0.1940 15.8333 0.4221 0.1901 15.9167 0.4130 0.1856 16.0000 0.4041 0.1819 16.0833 0.3938 0.1775 16.1667 0.3858 0.1734 16.2500 0.3806 0.1707 16.3333 0.3769 0.1693 16.4167 0.3745 0.1679 16.5000 0.3710 0.1664 16.5833 0.3677 0.1650 16.6667 0.3647 0.1635 16.7500 0.3616 0.1623 16.8333 0.3587 0.1606 16.9167 0.3551 0.1593 17.0000 0.3525 0.1576 17.0833 0.3490 0.1563 17.1667 0.3458 0.1546 17.2500 0.3428 0.1533 17.3333 0.3393 0.1516 17.4167 0.3366 0.1503 Page 129 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 17.5000 0.3330 0.1487 17.5833 0.3298 0.1473 17.6667 0.3263 0.1457 17.7500 0.3229 0.1443 17.8333 0.3198 0.1433 17.9167 0.3164 0.1417 18.0000 0.3137 0.1403 18.0833 0.3101 0.1387 18.1667 0.3068 0.1367 18.2500 0.3038 0.1353 18.3333 0.3001 0.1339 18.4167 0.2968 0.1324 18.5000 0.2933 0.1307 18.5833 0.2899 0.1293 18.6667 0.2868 0.1277 18.7500 0.2834 0.1263 18.8333 0.2800 0.1251 18.9167 0.2767 0.1235 19.0000 0.2735 0.1217 19.0833 0.2700 0.1203 19.1667 0.2668 0.1187 19.2500 0.2631 0.1174 19.3333 0.2598 0.1157 19.4167 0.2568 0.1144 19.5000 0.2528 0.1127 19.5833 0.2492 0.1111 19.6667 0.2459 0.1096 19.7500 0.2426 0.1077 19.8333 0.2393 0.1064 19.9167 0.2360 0.1047 20.0000 0.2322 0.1034 20.0833 0.2286 0.1017 20.1667 0.2258 0.1004 20.2500 0.2242 0.0994 20.3333 0.2233 0.0990 20.4167 0.2230 0.0990 20.5000 0.2216 0.0984 20.5833 0.2210 0.0980 20.6667 0.2203 0.0980 20.7500 0.2200 0.0980 20.8333 0.2193 0.0974 20.9167 0.2183 0.0970 Page 130 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 21.0000 0.2180 0.0970 21.0833 0.2173 0.0964 21.1667 0.2170 0.0960 21.2500 0.2163 0.0960 21.3333 0.2153 0.0960 21.4167 0.2150 0.0954 21.5000 0.2143 0.0950 21.5833 0.2140 0.0950 21.6667 0.2133 0.0944 21.7500 0.2123 0.0940 21.8333 0.2120 0.0940 21.9167 0.2113 0.0934 22.0000 0.2110 0.0930 22.0833 0.2103 0.0930 22.1667 0.2093 0.0930 22.2500 0.2087 0.0924 22.3333 0.2082 0.0920 22.4167 0.2080 0.0920 22.5000 0.2066 0.0914 22.5833 0.2060 0.0910 22.6667 0.2053 0.0910 22.7500 0.2050 0.0910 22.8333 0.2043 0.0904 22.9167 0.2033 0.0900 23.0000 0.2030 0.0900 23.0833 0.2023 0.0894 23.1667 0.2013 0.0890 23.2500 0.2010 0.0890 23.3333 0.2003 0.0884 23.4167 0.2000 0.0880 23.5000 0.1993 0.0880 23.5833 0.1983 0.0880 23.6667 0.1973 0.0874 23.7500 0.1970 0.0870 23.8333 0.1967 0.0870 23.9167 0.1955 0.0864 24.0000 0.1950 0.0860 Page 131 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 19 16 14 12 n 10 u u 0 J LL g 6 4 2 STEWART PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I SOUTH OUTFALL - 2YR 24HR DESIGN STORM 0 ----- 10.5 11,0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14,0 TIME HRS ----- 2YR PRE 2YR POST W ITHOUT DETENTION 2YR POST WITH RETE NTION TIME 2YR PRE 2YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0833 0.0000 0.0002 0.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.3333 0.0000 0.0000 0.4167 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5833 0.0000 0.0000 0.6667 0.0000 0.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.9167 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0833 0.0000 0.0000 1.1667 0.0000 0.0000 1.2500 0.0000 0.0000 1.3333 0.0000 0.0000 1.4167 0.0000 0.0000 1.5000 0.0000 0.0000 2YR POST WITH DETENTION 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 132 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 1.5833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6667 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.8333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.9167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.1667 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.3333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.4167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 0.0014 0.0000 2.5833 0.0000 0.0036 0.0000 2.6667 0.0000 0.0046 0.0000 2.7500 0.0000 0.0049 0.0000 2.8333 0.0000 0.0049 0.0000 2.9167 0.0000 0.0049 0.0000 3.0000 0.0000 0.0052 0.0000 3.0833 0.0000 0.0057 0.0000 3.1667 0.0000 0.0059 0.0000 3.2500 0.0000 0.0059 0.0000 3.3333 0.0000 0.0063 0.0000 3.4167 0.0000 0.0068 0.0000 3.5000 0.0000 0.0069 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.0069 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.0070 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.0074 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.0078 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.0079 0.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0079 0.0000 4.0833 0.0000 0.0079 0.0000 4.1667 0.0000 0.0080 0.0000 4.2500 0.0000 0.0084 0.0000 4.3333 0.0000 0.0089 0.0000 4.4167 0.0000 0.0089 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.0090 0.0000 4.5833 0.0000 0.0095 0.0000 4.6667 0.0000 0.0099 0.0000 4.7500 0.0000 0.0099 0.0000 4.8333 0.0000 0.0099 0.0000 4.9167 0.0000 0.0100 0.0000 5.0000 0.0000 0.0105 0.0000 STEWART Page 133 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 5.0833 0.0000 0.0109 0.0000 5.1667 0.0000 0.0109 0.0000 5.2500 0.0000 0.0110 0.0000 5.3333 0.0000 0.0115 0.0000 5.4167 0.0000 0.0120 0.0000 5.5000 0.0000 0.0129 0.0004 5.5833 0.0005 0.0140 0.0016 5.6667 0.0003 0.0148 0.0025 5.7500 0.0016 0.0165 0.0035 5.8333 0.0024 0.0177 0.0046 5.9167 0.0030 0.0181 0.0051 6.0000 0.0039 0.0188 0.0058 6.0833 0.0047 0.0198 0.0067 6.1667 0.0052 0.0209 0.0072 6.2500 0.0061 0.0220 0.0080 6.3333 0.0072 0.0231 0.0090 6.4167 0.0078 0.0241 0.0101 6.5000 0.0083 0.0251 0.0109 6.5833 0.0091 0.0268 0.0112 6.6667 0.0101 0.0282 0.0122 6.7500 0.0110 0.0292 0.0132 6.8333 0.0116 0.0304 0.0143 6.9167 0.0123 0.0317 0.0150 7.0000 0.0133 0.0325 0.0153 7.0833 0.0144 0.0342 0.0163 7.1667 0.0154 0.0353 0.0173 7.2500 0.0160 0.0364 0.0183 7.3333 0.0165 0.0381 0.0193 7.4167 0.0174 0.0393 0.0203 7.5000 0.0183 0.0403 0.0213 7.5833 0.0193 0.0410 0.0220 7.6667 0.0203 0.0415 0.0225 7.7500 0.0213 0.0431 0.0233 7.8333 0.0223 0.0443 0.0243 7.9167 0.0229 0.0453 0.0253 8.0000 0.0234 0.0465 0.0263 8.0833 0.0244 0.0482 0.0273 8.1667 0.0259 0.0527 0.0283 8.2500 0.0274 0.0557 0.0297 8.3333 0.0289 0.0590 0.0317 8.4167 0.0309 0.0620 0.0337 8.5000 0.0329 0.0654 0.0358 STEWART Page l34 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 8.5833 0.0350 0.0695 0.0378 8.6667 0.0370 0.0745 0.0403 8.7500 0.0390 0.0781 0.0429 8.8333 0.0416 0.0814 0.0449 8.9167 0.0440 0.0873 0.0473 9.0000 0.0460 0.0937 0.0498 9.0833 0.0486 0.1003 0.0524 9.1667 0.0511 0.1049 0.0549 9.2500 0.0525 0.1092 0.0565 9.3333 0.0541 0.1132 0.0580 9.4167 0.0555 0.1165 0.0595 9.5000 0.0566 0.1197 0.0605 9.5833 0.0576 0.1235 0.0615 9.6667 0.0598 0.1275 0.0635 9.7500 0.0628 0.1344 0.0665 9.8333 0.0660 0.1428 0.0699 9.9167 0.0695 0.1513 0.0740 10.0000 0.0733 0.1603 0.0780 10.0833 0.0773 0.1708 0.0821 10.1667 0.0825 0.1825 0.0873 10.2500 0.0880 0.1953 0.0929 10.3333 0.0937 0.2089 0.0984 10.4167 0.0997 0.2235 0.1047 10.5000 0.1058 0.2406 0.1131 10.5833 0.1126 0.2591 0.1216 10.6667 0.1210 0.2799 0.1315 10.7500 0.1304 0.3047 0.1432 10.8333 0.1404 0.3324 0.1560 10.9167 0.1510 0.3631 0.1719 11.0000 0.1617 0.3959 0.1882 11.0833 0.1739 0.4318 0.2060 11.1667 0.1911 0.4802 0.2303 11.2500 0.2136 0.5436 0.2613 11.3333 0.2374 0.6148 0.2966 11.4167 0.2627 0.6892 0.3348 11.5000 0.2906 0.7732 0.3778 11.5833 0.3221 0.8690 0.4268 11.6667 0.5840 1.5163 0.7536 11.7500 1.2365 3.0592 1.5313 11.8333 2.3288 5.3548 2.6932 11.9167 4.1733 8.8004 4.4992 12.0000 8.0611 15.2704 8.0951 STEWART Page 135 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 12.0833 7.3677 14.3774 7.4705 12.1667 3.2712 6.7940 3.7357 12.2500 1.6353 3.2329 2.0566 12.3333 1.2937 2.4265 1.6619 12.4167 1.1569 2.1523 1.5222 12.5000 1.0150 1.8899 1.3818 12.5833 0.8556 1.5959 1.2186 12.6667 0.7403 1.3743 1.0895 12.7500 0.6836 1.2555 1.0122 12.8333 0.6505 1.1884 0.9595 12.9167 0.6198 1.1327 0.9128 13.0000 0.5875 1.0731 0.8628 13.0833 0.5505 1.0041 0.8105 13.1667 0.5188 0.9449 0.7625 13.2500 0.4973 0.9022 0.7236 13.3333 0.4802 0.8692 0.6907 13.4167 0.4639 0.8374 0.6584 13.5000 0.4453 0.8038 0.6254 13.5833 0.4252 0.7678 0.5928 13.6667 0.4063 0.7328 0.5615 13.7500 0.3913 0.7041 0.5326 13.8333 0.3790 0.6811 0.5085 13.9167 0.3670 0.6578 0.4847 14.0000 0.3534 0.6327 0.4604 14.0833 0.3387 0.6054 0.4358 14.1667 0.3276 0.5851 0.4153 14.2500 0.3203 0.5715 0.3987 14.3333 0.3157 0.5619 0.3846 14.4167 0.3117 0.5545 0.3722 14.5000 0.3070 0.5470 0.3605 14.5833 0.3027 0.5380 0.3487 14.6667 0.2971 0.5280 0.3370 14.7500 0.2927 0.5201 0.3265 14.8333 0.2886 0.5123 0.3167 14.9167 0.2834 0.5027 0.3068 15.0000 0.2792 0.4939 0.2975 15.0833 0.2735 0.4856 0.2884 15.1667 0.2688 0.4764 0.2799 15.2500 0.2639 0.4674 0.2707 15.3333 0.2588 0.4588 0.2625 15.4167 0.2549 0.4507 0.2553 15.5000 0.2501 0.4412 0.2478 STEWART Page 136 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 15.5833 0.2448 0.4327 0.2407 15.6667 0.2392 0.4234 0.2337 15.7500 0.2347 0.4138 0.2266 15.8333 0.2301 0.4059 0.2203 15.9167 0.2249 0.3970 0.2140 16.0000 0.2208 0.3888 0.2082 16.0833 0.2152 0.3783 0.2019 16.1667 0.2108 0.3703 0.1967 16.2500 0.2084 0.3665 0.1934 16.3333 0.2064 0.3629 0.1910 16.4167 0.2044 0.3595 0.1891 16.5000 0.2024 0.3565 0.1868 16.5833 0.2014 0.3534 0.1850 16.6667 0.1994 0.3513 0.1835 16.7500 0.1980 0.3470 0.1809 16.8333 0.1964 0.3431 0.1794 16.9167 0.1944 0.3411 0.1790 17.0000 0.1934 0.3373 0.1769 17.0833 0.1909 0.3345 0.1754 17.1667 0.1894 0.3308 0.1729 17.2500 0.1874 0.3275 0.1714 17.3333 0.1854 0.3253 0.1704 17.4167 0.1841 0.3212 0.1679 17.5000 0.1824 0.3185 0.1664 17.5833 0.1804 0.3150 0.1649 17.6667 0.1784 0.3108 0.1626 17.7500 0.1764 0.3094 0.1621 17.8333 0.1752 0.3066 0.1605 17.9167 0.1734 0.3025 0.1585 18.0000 0.1721 0.2992 0.1569 18.0833 0.1701 0.2953 0.1545 18.1667 0.1682 0.2913 0.1529 18.2500 0.1664 0.2893 0.1514 18.3333 0.1645 0.2865 0.1497 18.4167 0.1625 0.2839 0.1486 18.5000 0.1605 0.2803 0.1465 18.5833 0.1585 0.2763 0.1449 18.6667 0.1565 0.2735 0.1434 18.7500 0.1545 0.2700 0.1415 18.8333 0.1528 0.2674 0.1399 18.9167 0.1513 0.2633 0.1375 19.0000 0.1504 0.2594 0.1359 Page 137 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 19.0833 0.1475 0.2565 0.1345 19.1667 0.1454 0.2524 0.1319 19.2500 0.1434 0.2494 0.1306 19.3333 0.1414 0.2458 0.1292 19.4167 0.1404 0.2437 0.1279 19.5000 0.1390 0.2415 0.1265 19.5833 0.1374 0.2374 0.1239 19.6667 0.1345 0.2343 0.1225 19.7500 0.1329 0.2295 0.1200 19.8333 0.1314 0.2265 0.1185 19.9167 0.1294 0.2239 0.1177 20.0000 0.1275 0.2198 0.1158 20.0833 0.1245 0.2175 0.1145 20.1667 0.1240 0.2150 0.1129 20.2500 0.1229 0.2115 0.1111 20.3333 0.1220 0.2104 0.1105 20.4167 0.1220 0.2099 0.1100 20.5000 0.1220 0.2099 0.1100 20.5833 0.1220 0.2099 0.1100 20.6667 0.1214 0.2099 0.1100 20.7500 0.1210 0.2099 0.1100 20.8333 0.1201 0.2085 0.1095 20.9167 0.1200 0.2074 0.1090 21.0000 0.1200 0.2069 0.1090 21.0833 0.1200 0.2063 0.1084 21.1667 0.1194 0.2059 0.1080 21.2500 0.1190 0.2059 0.1080 21.3333 0.1181 0.2046 0.1075 21.4167 0.1180 0.2039 0.1070 21.5000 0.1180 0.2030 0.1061 21.5833 0.1180 0.2029 0.1060 21.6667 0.1174 0.2029 0.1060 21.7500 0.1170 0.2029 0.1060 21.8333 0.1165 0.2016 0.1055 21.9167 0.1160 0.2004 0.1050 22.0000 0.1160 0.2005 0.1050 22.0833 0.1154 0.2001 0.1050 22.1667 0.1150 0.1984 0.1044 22.2500 0.1150 0.1974 0.1035 22.3333 0.1141 0.1961 0.1030 22.4167 0.1140 0.1959 0.1030 22.5000 0.1134 0.1950 0.1021 STEWART Page 138 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER STEWART 22.5833 0.1136 0.1958 0.1029 22.6667 0.1134 0.1950 0.1021 22.7500 0.1130 0.1944 0.1015 22.8333 0.1121 0.1931 0.1010 22.9167 0.1120 0.1929 0.1010 23.0000 0.1120 0.1924 0.1010 23.0833 0.1114 0.1919 0.1010 23.1667 0.1110 0.1919 0.1010 23.2500 0.1103 0.1908 0.0999 23.3333 0.1100 0.1891 0.0990 23.4167 0.1100 0.1889 0.0990 23.5000 0.1094 0.1889 0.0990 23.5833 0.1090 0.1889 0.0990 23.6667 0.1089 0.1874 0.0976 23.7500 0.1090 0.1869 0.0970 23.8333 0.1081 0.1857 0.0970 23.9167 0.1074 0.1844 0.0970 24.0000 0.1076 0.1845 0.0970 20 PRE/POST PEAK RUNOFF ANALYSIS I SOUTH OUTFALL - 10YR 24HR DESIGN STORM 10 5 0 ----- 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 125 13,0 13.5 14,0 TIME HRS ----- 10YR PRE - 10YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION - 10YR POST WITH DETENTION Page 139 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER TIME 0.0833 0.1667 0.2500 0.3333 0.4167 0.5000 0.5833 0.6667 0.7500 0.8333 0.9167 1.0000 1.0833 1.1667 1.2500 1.3333 1.4167 1.5000 1.5833 1.6667 1.7500 1.8333 1.9167 2.0000 2.0833 2.1667 2.2500 2.3333 2.4167 2.5000 2.5833 2.6667 2.7500 2.8333 2.9167 3.0000 3.0833 3.1667 3.2500 3.3333 3.4167 10YR PRE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10YR POST WITHOUT DETENTION 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0054 0.0068 0.0074 0.0078 0.0080 0.0084 0.0089 0.0095 0.0099 0.0100 0.0105 0.0109 0.0114 0.0118 0.0119 0.0120 0.0126 0.0129 0.0130 0.0136 STEWART 10YR POST WITH DETENTION 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 140 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 3.5000 0.0000 0.0139 0.0000 3.5833 0.0000 0.0139 0.0000 3.6667 0.0000 0.0140 0.0000 3.7500 0.0000 0.0147 0.0000 3.8333 0.0000 0.0151 0.0000 3.9167 0.0000 0.0161 0.0005 4.0000 0.0001 0.0178 0.0021 4.0833 0.0011 0.0196 0.0035 4.1667 0.0025 0.0209 0.0047 4.2500 0.0038 0.0222 0.0059 4.3333 0.0049 0.0246 0.0076 4.4167 0.0061 0.0260 0.0090 4.5000 0.0071 0.0273 0.0101 4.5833 0.0084 0.0291 0.0111 4.6667 0.0100 0.0313 0.0124 4.7500 0.0112 0.0331 0.0141 4.8333 0.0123 0.0346 0.0153 4.9167 0.0133 0.0370 0.0163 5.0000 0.0148 0.0386 0.0176 5.0833 0.0164 0.0403 0.0192 5.1667 0.0174 0.0421 0.0203 5.2500 0.0185 0.0436 0.0216 5.3333 0.0200 0.0454 0.0232 5.4167 0.0213 0.0471 0.0243 5.5000 0.0224 0.0487 0.0256 5.5833 0.0239 0.0506 0.0273 5.6667 0.0253 0.0535 0.0287 5.7500 0.0269 0.0553 0.0303 5.8333 0.0284 0.0563 0.0314 5.9167 0.0294 0.0579 0.0328 6.0000 0.0310 0.0632 0.0344 6.0833 0.0324 0.0662 0.0358 6.1667 0.0340 0.0691 0.0374 6.2500 0.0354 0.0726 0.0388 6.3333 0.0370 0.0748 0.0404 6.4167 0.0385 0.0770 0.0419 6.5000 0.0400 0.0797 0.0434 6.5833 0.0415 0.0823 0.0449 6.6667 0.0431 0.0851 0.0464 6.7500 0.0445 0.0887 0.0479 6.8333 0.0461 0.0942 0.0494 6.9167 0.0475 0.0976 0.0509 STEWART Page 141 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 7.0000 0.0491 0.1011 0.0527 7.0833 0.0505 0.1053 0.0542 7.1667 0.0521 0.1094 0.0559 7.2500 0.0535 0.1127 0.0575 7.3333 0.0551 0.1168 0.0590 7.4167 0.0568 0.1211 0.0605 7.5000 0.0583 0.1250 0.0620 7.5833 0.0602 0.1295 0.0640 7.6667 0.0616 0.1337 0.0655 7.7500 0.0632 0.1373 0.0670 7.8333 0.0648 0.1412 0.0689 7.9167 0.0664 0.1461 0.0704 8.0000 0.0682 0.1507 0.0720 8.0833 0.0695 0.1541 0.0738 8.1667 0.0718 0.1592 0.0758 8.2500 0.0752 0.1674 0.0791 8.3333 0.0790 0.1769 0.0831 8.4167 0.0826 0.1861 0.0875 8.5000 0.0865 0.1979 0.0933 8.5833 0.0911 0.2108 0.0991 8.6667 0.0961 0.2230 0.1049 8.7500 0.1005 0.2346 0.1105 8.8333 0.1049 0.2468 0.1163 8.9167 0.1094 0.2592 0.1218 9.0000 0.1142 0.2746 0.1298 9.0833 0.1193 0.2896 0.1375 9.1667 0.1235 0.3030 0.1439 9.2500 0.1263 0.3126 0.1493 9.3333 0.1283 0.3206 0.1543 9.4167 0.1297 0.3288 0.1587 9.5000 0.1313 0.3359 0.1621 9.5833 0.1328 0.3431 0.1658 9.6667 0.1364 0.3539 0.1716 9.7500 0.1420 0.3721 0.1808 9.8333 0.1485 0.3927 0.1912 9.9167 0.1555 0.4151 0.2026 10.0000 0.1634 0.4390 0.2142 10.0833 0.1714 0.4643 0.2269 10.1667 0.1818 0.4944 0.2425 10.2500 0.1967 0.5271 0.2594 10.3333 0.2131 0.5608 0.2762 10.4167 0.2299 0.5962 0.2941 STEWART Page 142 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 10.5000 0.2476 0.6339 0.3131 10.5833 0.2679 0.6754 0.3349 10.6667 0.2919 0.7235 0.3602 10.7500 0.3195 0.7800 0.3889 10.8333 0.3489 0.8421 0.4205 10.9167 0.3798 0.9043 0.4522 11.0000 0.4133 0.9706 0.4863 11.0833 0.4506 1.0459 0.5251 11.1667 0.5030 1.1484 0.5779 11.2500 0.5708 1.2847 0.6481 11.3333 0.6440 1.4321 0.7229 11.4167 0.7225 1.5863 0.8019 11.5000 0.8125 1.7576 0.8903 11.5833 0.9140 1.9502 0.9899 11.6667 1.6821 3.4399 1.7557 11.7500 3.3144 6.5865 3.4171 11.8333 5.7113 10.9656 5.7401 11.9167 9.7426 16.9836 9.3389 12.0000 17.0260 22.5172 15.3356 12.0833 14.4559 22.2859 15.0068 12.1667 6.3412 17.4502 7.7942 12.2500 3.1129 6.0602 4.8286 12.3333 2.4877 4.2732 4.1072 12.4167 2.2232 3.7863 3.7841 12.5000 1.9419 3.3122 3.4564 12.5833 1.6308 2.7893 3.0917 12.6667 1.4104 2.3977 2.7908 12.7500 1.3005 2.1945 2.5896 12.8333 1.2358 2.0777 2.4365 12.9167 1.1770 1.9767 2.2982 13.0000 1.1125 1.8673 2.1597 13.0833 1.0404 1.7456 2.0189 13.1667 0.9803 1.6424 1.8929 13.2500 0.9386 1.5688 1.7873 13.3333 0.9118 1.5095 1.6937 13.4167 0.8726 1.4549 1.6063 13.5000 0.8375 1.3946 1.5199 13.5833 0.7977 1.3287 1.4338 13.6667 0.7625 1.2689 1.3540 13.7500 0.7347 1.2197 1.2835 13.8333 0.7098 1.1784 1.2194 13.9167 0.6871 1.1380 1.1588 STEWART Page 143 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 14.0000 0.6609 1.0949 1.0993 14.0833 0.6319 1.0478 1.0394 14.1667 0.6108 1.0100 0.9869 14.2500 0.5976 0.9873 0.9446 14.3333 0.5888 0.9719 0.9079 14.4167 0.5817 0.9583 0.8743 14.5000 0.5723 0.9431 0.8420 14.5833 0.5633 0.9279 0.8110 14.6667 0.5526 0.9109 0.7810 14.7500 0.5436 0.8953 0.7528 14.8333 0.5354 0.8802 0.7267 14.9167 0.5273 0.8658 0.7019 15.0000 0.5183 0.8530 0.6785 15.0833 0.5076 0.8347 0.6530 15.1667 0.4988 0.8181 0.6301 15.2500 0.4886 0.8024 0.6086 15.3333 0.4803 0.7876 0.5881 15.4167 0.4723 0.7739 0.5690 15.5000 0.4624 0.7605 0.5507 15.5833 0.4534 0.7438 0.5310 15.6667 0.4419 0.7263 0.5118 15.7500 0.4325 0.7097 0.4936 15.8333 0.4245 0.6951 0.4770 15.9167 0.4154 0.6805 0.4608 16.0000 0.4064 0.6654 0.4452 16.0833 0.3948 0.6470 0.4284 16.1667 0.3885 0.6342 0.4140 16.2500 0.3834 0.6255 0.4030 16.3333 0.3800 0.6202 0.3943 16.4167 0.3774 0.6158 0.3863 16.5000 0.3738 0.6103 0.3775 16.5833 0.3704 0.6045 0.3692 16.6667 0.3667 0.5986 0.3618 16.7500 0.3634 0.5932 0.3542 16.8333 0.3608 0.5882 0.3482 16.9167 0.3577 0.5826 0.3416 17.0000 0.3544 0.5771 0.3350 17.0833 0.3507 0.5702 0.3282 17.1667 0.3474 0.5654 0.3226 17.2500 0.3440 0.5605 0.3175 17.3333 0.3405 0.5547 0.3117 17.4167 0.3378 0.5498 0.3064 STEWART Page 144 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 17.5000 0.3337 0.5452 0.3023 17.5833 0.3304 0.5384 0.2972 17.6667 0.3267 0.5319 0.2920 17.7500 0.3236 0.5253 0.2866 17.8333 0.3214 0.5214 0.2831 17.9167 0.3177 0.5158 0.2795 18.0000 0.3144 0.5108 0.2755 18.0833 0.3107 0.5046 0.2709 18.1667 0.3074 0.4985 0.2670 18.2500 0.3037 0.4917 0.2634 18.3333 0.3004 0.4872 0.2598 18.4167 0.2974 0.4815 0.2560 18.5000 0.2937 0.4766 0.2535 18.5833 0.2904 0.4710 0.2503 18.6667 0.2867 0.4659 0.2470 18.7500 0.2834 0.4593 0.2433 18.8333 0.2798 0.4534 0.2405 18.9167 0.2764 0.4476 0.2374 19.0000 0.2734 0.4426 0.2346 19.0833 0.2698 0.4357 0.2312 19.1667 0.2664 0.4300 0.2278 19.2500 0.2626 0.4252 0.2252 19.3333 0.2594 0.4184 0.2218 19.4167 0.2563 0.4143 0.2194 19.5000 0.2527 0.4077 0.2162 19.5833 0.2495 0.4022 0.2138 19.6667 0.2449 0.3957 0.2102 19.7500 0.2411 0.3908 0.2068 19.8333 0.2385 0.3850 0.2036 19.9167 0.2355 0.3801 0.2016 20.0000 0.2318 0.3750 0.1989 20.0833 0.2275 0.3689 0.1953 20.1667 0.2254 0.3639 0.1934 20.2500 0.2234 0.3605 0.1915 20.3333 0.2230 0.3593 0.1904 20.4167 0.2230 0.3589 0.1900 20.5000 0.2214 0.3581 0.1900 20.5833 0.2210 0.3579 0.1900 20.6667 0.2201 0.3560 0.1888 20.7500 0.2200 0.3531 0.1871 20.8333 0.2194 0.3529 0.1870 20.9167 0.2181 0.3523 0.1864 STEWART Page 145 PEAK FLOW ANALYSIS - NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 21.0000 0.2180 0.3519 0.1860 21.0833 0.2174 0.3508 0.1860 21.1667 0.2161 0.3500 0.1860 21.2500 0.2160 0.3480 0.1848 21.3333 0.2160 0.3451 0.1831 21.4167 0.2144 0.3449 0.1830 21.5000 0.2140 0.3443 0.1824 21.5833 0.2140 0.3439 0.1820 21.6667 0.2124 0.3431 0.1820 21.7500 0.2120 0.3429 0.1820 21.8333 0.2111 0.3410 0.1808 21.9167 0.2104 0.3381 0.1791 22.0000 0.2104 0.3379 0.1790 22.0833 0.2093 0.3373 0.1784 22.1667 0.2090 0.3361 0.1780 22.2500 0.2074 0.3359 0.1780 22.3333 0.2070 0.3344 0.1768 22.4167 0.2070 0.3323 0.1760 22.5000 0.2054 0.3301 0.1751 22.5833 0.2050 0.3299 0.1750 22.6667 0.2041 0.3285 0.1744 22.7500 0.2040 0.3279 0.1740 22.8333 0.2036 0.3275 0.1740 22.9167 0.2022 0.3257 0.1728 23.0000 0.2020 0.3243 0.1720 23.0833 0.2020 0.3221 0.1711 23.1667 0.2004 0.3219 0.1710 23.2500 0.2000 0.3205 0.1704 23.3333 0.1991 0.3199 0.1700 23.4167 0.1990 0.3199 0.1700 23.5000 0.1984 0.3179 0.1688 23.5833 0.1980 0.3163 0.1680 23.6667 0.1964 0.3147 0.1671 23.7500 0.1960 0.3139 0.1670 23.8333 0.1951 0.3125 0.1664 23.9167 0.1950 0.3119 0.1654 24.0000 0.1950 0.3114 0.1656 STEWART Page 146 STEWART Project: Project No: State County Return Period Rainfall Depth Distribution NC Agricultural Science Center Date: 9.20.2018 C16123 By: NBC North Carolina Wake 10 5.7 SCS Type 1124 -hr Revision - 19 STEWART Project: Project No: PIPE NETWORK NC Agricultural Science Center C16123 SUMMARY 10 YEAR EVENT Date: By: 9.20.2018 NBC Revision: - Start Structure End Structure Length (ft) Inlet Invert Outlet Invert Slope (%) Diameter (in) Max Flow Depth (ft) Flow Capacity (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) 02 -JB 01 -HW 112.42 423.18 422.03 1.02 24.00 0.89 22.88 12.44 11 -JB 10 -HW 124.12 410.40 407.70 2.18 30.00 2.01 60.50 47.22 12 -RI 11 -JB 105.98 413.50 410.60 2.74 30.00 2.18 67.85 47.25 21 -AD BACKBIO 123.10 416.73 415.50 1.00 30.00 1.92 41.00 28.93 43 -CB 42 -CB 58.22 421.21 419.85 2.34 15.00 0.36 9.87 0.97 22 -AD 21 -AD 104.59 417.75 416.93 0.78 30.00 1.80 36.32 24.98 23 -AD 22 -AD 192.17 421.00 418.00 1.56 18.00 0.97 13.12 2.55 24 -AD 22 -AD 104.85 418.75 417.95 0.76 24.00 1.85 19.76 18.58 25 -AD 24 -AD 115.42 421.08 418.95 1.85 24.00 1.37 30.73 12.47 26 -CB 25 -AD 64.61 423.00 421.28 2.66 24.00 0.88 36.91 12.31 27 -JB 26 -CB 72.25 423.82 423.10 1.00 15.00 0.67 6.45 1.76 28 -AD 26 -CB 86.66 425.30 424.20 1.27 24.00 0.92 25.49 9.83 30 -CB 28 -AD 19.63 425.80 425.50 1.53 24.00 0.77 27.97 3.87 32 -CB 30 -CB 133.46 433.40 426.50 5.17 15.00 0.31 14.90 2.00 33 -CB 32 -CB 24.63 434.00 433.60 1.62 15.00 0.32 8.23 0.89 45-C132 41 -JB 81.58 417.13 416.30 1.02 30.00 1.53 41.37 16.17 46 -CB 45-CB2 98.70 418.53 417.53 1.01 18.00 1.11 10.57 8.24 47 -CB 46 -CB 39.59 419.33 418.93 1.01 15.00 1.17 6.49 7.63 50 -AD 45-C132 179.23 423.50 418.00 3.07 15.00 0.57 11.32 4.55 45 -CB 50 -AD 35.78 424.67 423.60 2.99 15.00 0.50 11.17 2.79 52 -CB 45 -CB 23.99 425.01 424.77 1.00 15.00 0.54 6.46 2.08 03 -AD 02 -JB 43.58 423.71 423.28 0.99 15.00 1.05 6.42 0.96 63 -JB 62 -CB 58.28 441.56 441.21 0.60 15.00 0.68 5.01 1.90 62 -CB 61 -AD 63.86 441.11 440.73 0.60 15.00 0.93 4.98 2.61 61 -AD FRONTBIO 104.67 440.63 440.00 0.60 18.00 1.04 8.15 6.34 31 -CB 30 -CB 23.97 426.50 426.20 1.25 18.00 0.41 11.75 1.60 35 -JB 34 -HW 14.00 440.16 440.02 1.00 15.00 1.10 5.60 5.53 36 -AD 35 -JB 69.47 441.05 440.36 0.99 15.00 0.91 5.58 2.58 37 -CB 36 -AD 21.70 441.50 441.25 1.15 15.00 0.58 6.01 2.28 38 -CB 37 -CB 131.55 443.01 441.70 1.00 15.00 0.48 5.59 1.69 48 -CB 47 -CB 77.18 423.87 420.70 4.11 15.00 0.49 13.09 3.61 STEWART Project: Project No: Start Structure 44 -CB 71 -RI 72 -JB 70 -RI 41 -JB 42 -CB Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet post_exst_jb offsite -02 73 -AD 74 -CB -EX post_west_offsite inlet Pre -NE -Inlet Pre_southJB NC Agricultural Science Center C16123 End Structure 41 -JB 70 -RI 71 -RI Post -South Outfa BACKBIO 41 -JB Pre_southJB Post -ext -NE -FES offsite 01 72 -JB 72 -JB 02 -JB Pre_N E_h W Pre -south -outfall Date: 9.20.2018 By: NBC Length (ft) Inlet Invert Outlet Invert Slope (%) Diameter (in) 64.71 421.00 420.00 1.55 15.00 63.18 434.02 433.39 1.00 18.00 89.00 436.70 435.22 1.66 18.00 107.19 433.29 429.62 3.42 24.00 31.73 416.30 416.00 0.95 30.00 92.99 419.85 418.71 1.23 18.00 159.00 437.77 436.90 0.55 15.00 108.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 166.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 52.74 437.73 437.20 1.00 18.00 59.20 437.77 437.52 0.42 15.00 146.00 429.12 423.18 4.07 24.00 107.00 436.89 435.98 0.85 15.00 110.00 433.29 429.62 3.34 24.00 Revision: - Max Flow Depth (ft) Flow Capacity (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) 0.38 6.96 1.32 1.40 10.49 12.76 1.35 11.74 12.06 0.92 41.86 16.24 1.55 39.88 19.16 0.45 10.08 1.83 1.19 4.14 8.49 0.78 8.33 6.63 0.72 45.60 12.07 1.25 9.13 3.85 1.20 3.64 8.58 1.07 39.55 12.04 0.81 5.16 10.70 1.06 35.81 17.17 N STEWART Project: NC Agricultural Science Center Date: 9.20.2018 Project No: C16123 By: NBC SUBBASIN SUMMARY 10 YEAR EVENT Sub -Basin Area (ac) Outlet Structure Weighted Curve Total Runnoff (in) Peak Runnoff Number (cfs) {Site 1}.DA-23 0.34 23 -AD 96.98 5.34 2.57 {Site 1}.DA-26 0.11 26 -CB 96.92 5.33 0.81 {Site 1}.DA-30 0.04 30 -CB 97.89 5.44 0.29 {Site 1}.DA-31 0.47 31 -CB 65.68 2.19 1.63 {Site 1}.DA-33 0.25 33 -CB 66.96 2.3 0.9 {Site 1}.DA-43 0.14 43 -CB 94.23 5.02 0.98 {Site 1}.DA-46 0.09 46 -CB 98 5.46 0.62 {Site 1}.DA-52 0.28 52 -CB 96.21 5.25 2.08 {Site 1}.DA-62 0.12 62 -CB 89.54 4.5 0.78 {Site 1}.DA-63 0.25 63 -JB 98 5.46 1.91 DA -03 0.94 03 -AD 58.33 1.6 2.23 DA -12 0.8 BACKBIO 98 5.46 5.98 DA -21 0.66 MEDIAN4 86.58 4.19 4.25 DA -22 0.66 MEDIAN3 86.94 4.22 4.28 DA -24 1 MEDIAN2 86.58 4.19 6.48 DA -25 0.07 25 -AD 61 1.81 0.21 DA -27 0.26 27 -JB 88.83 4.43 1.76 DA -28 0.18 28 -AD 61.08 1.81 0.51 DA -32 0.2 32 -CB 79.42 3.45 1.12 DA -36 0.08 36 -AD 66.99 2.3 0.3 DA -37 0.11 37 -CB 79.5 3.46 0.6 DA -38 0.31 38 -CB 79.72 3.48 1.73 DA -42 0.2 42 -CB 93.4 4.93 1.43 DA -44 0.19 44 -CB 93.06 4.89 1.33 DA -45 0.5 45-CB2 91.77 4.75 3.52 DA -47 0.55 47 -CB 96.81 5.32 4.14 DA -48 0.48 48 -CB 97.69 5.43 3.58 DA -50 0.45 50 -AD 69.07 2.49 1.76 DA -51 0.09 45 -CB 97.76 5.43 0.72 DA -61 0.65 MEDIANI 84.21 3.94 4.01 DA -70 0.84 70 -RI 71.79 2.73 3.64 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 0 00:05:00 Revision: - DA -74 1.26 74 -CB -EX 89.46 4.5 8.57 0 00:05:00 DA -80 0.41 35 -JB 98 5.46 3.06 0 00:05:00 North_bypass 1.7 Channel -convergence 61 1.81 4.7 0 00:05:00 post_east_offsite DA 1.66 post_exst ib 72.62 2.81 6.98 0 00:07:00 Post_west_offsite 2.45 post_west_offsite inlet 75.91 3.11 12.13 0 00:05:00 Pre -North -Offsite 2.45 offsite -02 75.93 3.12 12.14 0 00:05:00 Pre -North -onsite 9.86 offsite 01 61.51 1.85 24.68 0 00:10:00 Pre -Soil -Parking 1.26 Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet 88.9 4.43 8.49 0 00:05:00 Pre -East -DA 4.13 Pre -NE -Inlet 67.19 2.32 14.17 0 00:07:00 Pre -South -onsite 2.53 Pre south JB 65.93 2.21 8.78 0 00:05:00 southbio 1.47 FRONTBIO 79.98 3.51 8.16 0 00:05:00 Sub -73 0.84 73 -AD 74.27 2.96 3.95 0 00:05:00 STEWART Project: NC Agricultural Science Center Date: Project No: C16123 By: Inlet Structure Invert Rim Clogging Factor Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) Bypassed ( % ) (ft/ft) 03 -AD 423.71 427.96 0 N/A 21 -AD 416.73 420.33 0 N/A 22 -AD 417.75 420.39 0 N/A 23 -AD 421 425.72 0 N/A 24 -AD 418.75 421.33 0 N/A 25 -AD 421.08 426 0 N/A 26 -CB 422.99 427.2 0 N/A 27-J B 423.82 428.09 0 N/A 28 -AD 425.3 429 0 N/A 30 -CB 425.8 431.51 0 N/A 31 -CB 426.5 431.5 0 N/A 32 -CB 433.599 437.83 0 N/A 33 -CB 434 437.83 0 N/A 36 -AD 441.05 445 0 N/A 37 -CB 441.5 445.25 0 N/A 38 -CB 443.01 445.45 0 N/A 42 -CB 419.85 423.33 0 N/A 43 -CB 421.21 426.41 0 N/A 44 -CB 421 424.68 0 N/A 45 -CB 424.67 429.8 0 N/A 45-CB2 417.13 424 0 N/A 46 -CB 418.53 424.12 0 N/A 47 -CB 419.33 424.13 0 N/A 48 -CB 423.87 427.94 0 N/A 50 -AD 423.5 427 0 N/A 52 -CB 425.01 429.88 0 N/A 61 -AD 440.63 442.83 0 N/A 62 -CB 441.11 445.11 0 N/A 70 -RI 433.29 439 0 N/A 9.20.2018 Revision: - NBC Roadway Cross Slope Max Spread Flow Intercepted Flow Peak Flow (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) Bypassed (cfs) 0.02 11.07 N/A N/A 2.17 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 12.49 N/A N/A 2.57 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 1.28 N/A N/A 0.21 0.02 4.42 N/A N/A 0.81 0.02 8.41 N/A N/A 1.76 0.02 3.12 N/A N/A 0.5 0.02 1.57 N/A N/A 0.29 0.02 7.8 N/A N/A 1.6 0.02 5.91 N/A N/A 1.12 0.02 4.89 N/A N/A 0.9 0.02 1.84 N/A N/A 0.3 0.02 3.25 N/A N/A 0.59 0.02 8.24 N/A N/A 1.72 0.02 8 N/A N/A 1.43 0.02 5.33 N/A N/A 0.98 0.02 6.73 N/A N/A 1.33 0.02 3.91 N/A N/A 0.72 0.02 14.04 N/A N/A 3.51 0.02 3.4 N/A N/A 0.62 0.02 15.8 N/A N/A 4.14 0.02 14.24 N/A N/A 3.58 0.02 9.38 N/A N/A 1.75 0.02 9.59 N/A N/A 2.08 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 4.28 N/A N/A 0.78 0.02 15.99 N/A N/A 3.61 71 -RI 434.02 439 0 N/A 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 73 -AD 437.73 440 20 N/A 0.02 16.24 N/A N/A 3.93 74 -CB -EX 437.77 442.72 0 N/A 0.02 27.77 N/A N/A 8.56 offsite -02 429.12 435 0 N/A 0.02 56.17 N/A N/A 12.08 post_exst ib 436.89 445 0 N/A 0.02 15.07 N/A N/A 6.63 post_west_offsite inlet 429.12 435 0 N/A 0.02 56.17 N/A N/A 12.08 Pre -NE -Inlet 436.89 445 0 N/A 0.02 70.03 N/A N/A 13.46 Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet 437.77 443 0 N/A 0.02 27.19 N/A N/A 8.48 Revision: - STEWART Project: NC Agricultural Science Center Date: 9.20.2018 Project No: C16123 By: NBC SCM Name Initial Water Peak Inflow Peak Outflow Maximum Stage Maximum Depth Elevvation (Cf S) (Cf S) BACKBIO 415.5 53.33 47.25 417.43 1.93 FRONTBIO 439 14.19 1.91 440.82 1.82 MEDIAN 1 442 4 3.78 442.6 0.6 MEDIAN2 421 6.47 6.17 421.7 0.7 MEDIAN3 420 4.28 4.03 420.67 0.67 MEDIAN4 420 4.25 4.17 420.62 0.62 MEDIAN5 423 2.02 1.94 423.5 0.5 Revision: - r�A STEWART Project: Prosect No: State County Return Period Rainfall Depth Distribution NC Agricultural Science Center Date: 9.20.2018 C16123 By: NBC North Carolina Wake 25 6.6 SCS Type 11 24 -hr Revision - STEWART Project: Project No: NC Agricultural Science Center C16123 Date: 9.20.2018 By: NBC Sub -Basin Area (ac) Outlet Structure Weighted Curve Total Runnoff (in) Peak Runnoff Time of Number (cfs) Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) {Site 1).DA-23 0.34 23 -AD 96.98 6.24 2.98 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-26 0.11 26 -CB 96.92 6.23 0.94 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-30 0.04 30 -CB 97.89 6.34 0.33 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-31 0.47 31 -CB 65.68 2.86 2.15 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-33 0.25 33 -CB 66.96 2.99 1.18 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-43 0.14 43 -CB 94.23 5.92 1.14 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-46 0.09 46 -CB 98 6.36 0.72 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-52 0.28 52 -CB 96.21 6.15 2.42 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-62 0.12 62 -CB 89.54 5.38 0.93 0 00:05:00 {Site 1).DA-63 0.25 63 -JB 98 6.36 2.22 0 00:05:00 DA -03 0.94 03 -AD 58.33 2.17 3.12 0 00:05:00 DA -12 0.8 BACKBIO 98 6.36 6.94 0 00:05:00 DA -21 0.66 MEDIAN4 86.58 5.05 5.07 0 00:05:00 DA -22 0.66 MEDIAN3 86.94 5.09 5.1 0 00:05:00 DA -24 1 MEDIAN2 86.58 5.05 7.73 0 00:05:00 DA -25 0.07 25 -AD 61 2.42 0.29 0 00:05:00 DA -27 0.26 27 -JB 88.83 5.3 2.09 0 00:05:00 DA -28 0.18 28 -AD 61.08 2.42 0.7 0 00:05:00 DA -32 0.2 32 -CB 79.42 4.26 1.37 0 00:05:00 DA -36 0.08 36 -AD 66.99 2.99 0.39 0 00:05:00 DA -37 0.11 37 -CB 79.5 4.27 0.73 0 00:05:00 DA -38 0.31 38 -CB 79.72 4.3 2.12 0 00:05:00 DA -42 0.2 42 -CB 93.4 5.82 1.67 0 00:05:00 DA -44 0.19 44 -CB 93.06 5.78 1.56 0 00:05:00 DA -45 0.5 45-CB2 91.77 5.63 4.13 0 00:05:00 DA -47 0.55 47 -CB 96.81 6.22 4.8 0 00:05:00 DA -48 0.48 48 -CB 97.69 6.32 4.16 0 00:05:00 DA -50 0.45 50 -AD 69.07 3.2 2.27 0 00:05:00 DA -51 0.09 45 -CB 97.76 6.33 0.83 0 00:05:00 DA -61 0.65 MEDIANI 84.21 4.78 4.82 0 00:05:00 DA -70 0.84 70 -RI 71.79 3.47 4.63 0 00:05:00 Revision: - DA -74 1.26 74 -CB -EX 89.46 5.37 10.13 0 00:05:00 DA -80 0.41 35 -JB 98 6.36 3.55 0 00:05:00 North_bypass 1.7 Channel -convergence 61 2.42 6.41 0 00:05:00 post_east_offsiteDA 1.66 post_exst ib 72.62 3.55 8.85 0 00:07:00 Post -west -offsite 2.45 post_west_offsite inlet 75.91 3.89 15.12 0 00:05:00 Pre -North -Offsite 2.45 offsite -02 75.93 3.9 15.13 0 00:05:00 Pre -North -onsite 9.86 offsite 01 61.51 2.47 33.32 0 00:10:00 Pre -Soil -Parking 1.26 Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet 88.9 5.31 10.06 0 00:05:00 Pre -East -DA 4.13 Pre -NE -Inlet 67.19 3.01 18.51 0 00:07:00 Pre -South -onsite 2.53 Pre south JB 65.93 2.89 11.55 0 00:05:00 southbio 1.47 FRONTBIO 79.98 4.33 10 0 00:05:00 Sub -73 0.84 73 -AD 74.27 3.72 4.96 0 00:05:00 STEWART Project: NC Agricultural Science Center Date: Project No: C16123 By: Inlet Structure Invert Rim Clogging Factor Longitudinal Slope (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) Bypassed ( % ) (ft/ft) 03 -AD 423.71 427.96 0 N/A 21 -AD 416.73 420.33 0 N/A 22 -AD 417.75 420.39 0 N/A 23 -AD 421 425.72 0 N/A 24 -AD 418.75 421.33 0 N/A 25 -AD 421.08 426 0 N/A 26 -CB 422.99 427.2 0 N/A 27 -JB 423.82 428.09 0 N/A 28 -AD 425.3 429 0 N/A 30 -CB 425.8 431.51 0 N/A 31 -CB 426.5 431.5 0 N/A 32 -CB 433.599 437.83 0 N/A 33 -CB 434 437.83 0 N/A 36 -AD 441.05 445 0 N/A 37 -CB 441.5 445.25 0 N/A 38 -CB 443.01 445.45 0 N/A 42 -CB 419.85 423.33 0 N/A 43 -CB 421.21 426.41 0 N/A 44 -CB 421 424.68 0 N/A 45 -CB 424.67 429.8 0 N/A 45-C132 417.13 424 0 N/A 46 -CB 418.53 424.12 0 N/A 47 -CB 419.33 424.13 0 N/A 48 -CB 423.87 427.94 0 N/A 50 -AD 423.5 427 0 N/A 52 -CB 425.01 429.88 0 N/A 61 -AD 440.63 442.83 0 N/A 62 -CB 441.11 445.11 0 N/A 70 -RI 433.29 439 0 N/A 9.20.2018 Revision: - NBC Roadway Cross Slope Max Spread Flow Intercepted Flow Peak Flow (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) Bypassed (cfs) 0.02 14.21 N/A N/A 3.05 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 13.97 N/A N/A 2.98 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 1.76 N/A N/A 0.28 0.02 5.13 N/A N/A 0.94 0.02 9.61 N/A N/A 2.09 0.02 4.27 N/A N/A 0.69 0.02 1.82 N/A N/A 0.33 0.02 9.72 N/A N/A 2.13 0.02 6.89 N/A N/A 1.37 0.02 6.13 N/A N/A 1.17 0.02 2.42 N/A N/A 0.39 0.02 3.98 N/A N/A 0.73 0.02 9.68 N/A N/A 2.11 0.02 9.03 N/A N/A 1.67 0.02 6 N/A N/A 1.14 0.02 7.6 N/A N/A 1.56 0.02 4.54 N/A N/A 0.83 0.02 15.78 N/A N/A 4.13 0.02 3.94 N/A N/A 0.72 0.02 17.57 N/A N/A 4.8 0.02 15.86 N/A N/A 4.16 0.02 11.38 N/A N/A 2.26 0.02 10.68 N/A N/A 2.42 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 0.02 5.06 N/A N/A 0.93 0.02 19.02 N/A N/A 4.61 71 -RI 434.02 439 0 N/A 0.02 0 N/A N/A 0 73 -AD 437.73 440 20 N/A 0.02 8.17 N/A N/A 4.94 74 -CB -EX 437.77 442.72 0 N/A 0.02 39.16 N/A N/A 10.13 offsite -02 429.12 435 0 N/A 0.02 88.28 N/A N/A 15.09 post_exst ib 436.89 445 0 N/A 0.02 26.91 N/A N/A 8.44 post_west_offsite inlet 429.12 435 0 N/A 0.02 88.21 N/A N/A 15.09 Pre -NE -Inlet 436.89 445 0 N/A 0.02 118.16 N/A N/A 17.43 Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet 437.77 443 0 N/A 0.02 38.52 N/A N/A 10.05 F" Iq STEWART Project: Project No: PIPE NETWORK NC Agricultural Science Center C16123 SUMMARY 25 YEAR EVENT Date: By: 9.20.2018 NBC Revision: - Start Structure End Structure Length (ft) Inlet Invert Outlet Invert Slope (%) Diameter (in) Max Flow Depth (ft) Flow Capacity (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) 02 -JB 01 -HW 112.42 423.18 422.03 1.02 24.00 1.04 22.88 15.69 11 -JB 10 -HW 124.12 410.40 407.70 2.18 30.00 2.13 60.50 51.20 12 -RI 11 -JB 105.98 413.50 410.60 2.74 30.00 2.50 67.85 51.20 21 -AD BACKBIO 123.10 416.73 415.50 1.00 30.00 2.16 41.00 31.71 43 -CB 42 -CB 58.22 421.21 419.85 2.34 15.00 0.39 9.87 1.14 22 -AD 21 -AD 104.59 417.75 416.93 0.78 30.00 2.13 36.32 26.82 23 -AD 22 -AD 192.17 421.00 418.00 1.56 18.00 0.99 13.12 2.96 24 -AD 22 -AD 104.85 418.75 417.95 0.76 24.00 2.00 19.76 19.66 25 -AD 24 -AD 115.42 421.08 418.95 1.85 24.00 1.60 30.73 15.28 26 -CB 25 -AD 64.61 423.00 421.28 2.66 24.00 1.06 36.91 15.00 27 -JB 26 -CB 72.25 423.82 423.10 1.00 15.00 0.76 6.45 2.08 28 -AD 26 -CB 86.66 425.30 424.20 1.27 24.00 1.05 25.49 12.08 30 -CB 28 -AD 19.63 425.80 425.50 1.53 24.00 0.92 27.97 4.96 32 -CB 30 -CB 133.46 433.40 426.50 5.17 15.00 0.35 14.90 2.53 33 -CB 32 -CB 24.63 434.00 433.60 1.62 15.00 0.37 8.23 1.17 45-C132 41 -JB 81.58 417.13 416.30 1.02 30.00 1.74 41.37 18.93 46 -CB 45-C132 98.70 418.53 417.53 1.01 18.00 1.34 10.57 9.51 47 -CB 46 -CB 39.59 419.33 418.93 1.01 15.00 1.20 6.49 8.82 50 -AD 45-C132 179.23 423.50 418.00 3.07 15.00 0.70 11.32 5.51 45 -CB 50 -AD 35.78 424.67 423.60 2.99 15.00 0.55 11.17 3.24 52 -CB 45 -CB 23.99 425.01 424.77 1.00 15.00 0.59 6.46 2.41 03 -AD 02 -JB 43.58 423.71 423.28 0.99 15.00 1.18 6.42 1.89 63 -JB 62 -CB 58.28 441.56 441.21 0.60 15.00 0.83 5.01 2.17 62 -CB 61 -AD 63.86 441.11 440.73 0.60 15.00 1.13 4.98 2.98 61 -AD FRONTBIO 104.67 440.63 440.00 0.60 18.00 1.17 8.15 7.49 31 -CB 30 -CB 23.97 426.50 426.20 1.25 18.00 0.51 11.75 2.12 35 -JB 34 -HW 14.00 440.16 440.02 1.00 15.00 1.13 5.60 6.55 36 -AD 35 -JB 69.47 441.05 440.36 0.99 15.00 1.09 5.58 3.17 37 -CB 36 -AD 21.70 441.50 441.25 1.15 15.00 0.75 6.01 2.77 38 -CB 37 -CB 131.55 443.01 441.70 1.00 15.00 0.57 5.59 2.11 48 -CB 47 -CB 77.18 423.87 420.70 4.11 15.00 0.70 13.09 4.16 STEWART Project: Project No: Start Structure 44 -CB 71 -RI 72 -JB 70 -RI 41 -JB 42 -CB Pre -Soil -Park -Inlet post_exst_jb offsite -02 73 -AD 74 -CB -EX post_west_offsite inlet Pre -NE -Inlet Pre_southJB NC Agricultural Science Center C16123 End Structure 41 -JB 70 -RI 71 -RI Post -South Outfa BACKBIO 41 -JB Pre_southJB Post -ext -NE -FES offsite 01 72 -JB 72 -JB 02 -JB Pre_NE_hW Pre -south -outfall Date: 9.20.2018 By: NBC Length (ft) Inlet Invert Outlet Invert Slope (%) 64.71 421.00 420.00 1.55 63.18 434.02 433.39 1.00 89.00 436.70 435.22 1.66 107.19 433.29 429.62 3.42 31.73 416.30 416.00 0.95 92.99 419.85 418.71 1.23 159.00 437.77 436.90 0.55 108.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 166.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.74 437.73 437.20 1.00 59.20 437.77 437.52 0.42 146.00 429.12 423.18 4.07 107.00 436.89 435.98 0.85 110.00 433.29 429.62 3.34 Revision: - Diameter (in) Max Flow Depth (ft) Flow Capacity (cfs) Peak Flow (cfs) 15.00 0.42 6.96 1.54 18.00 1.44 10.49 14.75 18.00 1.50 11.74 13.67 24.00 1.05 41.86 19.05 30.00 1.74 39.88 22.46 18.00 0.50 10.08 2.37 15.00 1.20 4.14 9.12 18.00 0.94 8.33 8.45 24.00 0.82 45.60 15.08 18.00 1.50 9.13 4.44 15.00 1.25 3.64 9.90 24.00 1.25 39.55 15.09 15.00 0.81 5.16 10.70 24.00 1.19 35.81 20.59 L STEWART Project: NC Agricultural Science Center Date: 9.20.2018 Project No: C16123 By: NBC SCM SUMMARY 25 YEAR 0 SCM Name Initial Water Peak Inflow Peak Outflow Maximum Stage Maximum Depth Elevvation (Cf S) (cfs) BACKBIO 415.5 60.84 51.2 417.61 2.11 FRONTBIO 439 17.11 2.84 441.04 2.04 MEDIANI 442 4.82 4.57 442.64 0.64 MEDIAN2 421 7.73 7.38 421.74 0.74 MEDIAN3 420 5.1 4.82 420.71 0.71 MEDIAN4 420 5.07 4.99 420.65 0.65 MEDIANS 423 2.02 1.94 423.5 0.5 Revision: - i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -01 Outlet flowrate 12.44 cfs Pipe diameter 24 inches Outlet pipe slope 1.02 percent Full flow velocity 9.0 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone c 10 d 5 Zan I Zone0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 24 in. Length = 12.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 12.4 cfs Width = 6.0 ft. Outlet velocity 9.0 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -10 Outlet flowrate 47.22 cfs Pipe diameter 30 inches Outlet pipe slope 1.13 percent Full flow velocity 11.2 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w u e � 10 d 5 Zan, I Zone 70 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 3 Outlet pipe diameter 30 in. Length = 20.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 47.2 cfs Width = 7.5 ft. Outlet velocity 11.2 ft/sec Stone diameter = 13 in. Material = Class I Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -20 Outlet flowrate 28.93 cfs Pipe diameter 30 inches Outlet pipe slope 1 percent Full flow velocity 7.0 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone c 10 d 5 — Zone0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 30 in. Length = 15.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 28.9 cfs Width = 7.5 ft. Outlet velocity 7.0 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -40 Outlet flowrate 19.16 cfs Pipe diameter 30 inches Outlet pipe slope 0.95 percent Full flow velocity 6.3 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 30 in. Length = 15.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 19.2 cfs Width = 7.5 ft. Outlet velocity 6.3 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -60 Outlet flowrate 6.34 cfs Pipe diameter 18 inches Outlet pipe slope 0.6 percent Full flow velocity 4.7 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 1 Outlet pipe diameter 18 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 6.3 cfs Width = 4.5 ft. Outlet velocity 4.7 ft/sec Stone diameter = 3 in. Material = Class A Thickness = 9 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID HW -34 Outlet flowrate 5.53 cfs Pipe diameter 15 inches Outlet pipe slope 1 percent Full flow velocity 4.8 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 15 in. Length = 7.5 ft. Outlet flowrate 5.5 cfs Width = 3.8 ft. Outlet velocity 4.8 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.09.20 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID Existing South Outlet Length = Outlet flowrate 16.24 cfs Pipe diameter 24 inches EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Outlet pipe slope 3.42 percent Full flow velocity 11.0 ft/sec 22 in. Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w u41 mone d 10 5 Zan, I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 24 in. Length = 12.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 16.2 cfs Width = 6.0 ft. Outlet velocity 11.0 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com Aw P-: -- ;h6j STEWART Site Data Analysis - Nitrogen Calculations (Based upon total Parcel Area + ROW) Existing Conditions Protected Open 25.16 ac Managed Open 14.70 ac Impervious 0.26 ac Total Project Area 40.12 ac Proposed Conditions Protected Open 25.16 ac Managed Open 7.62 ac Impervious 7.34 ac Total Project Area 40.12 ac STEWART Total Nitrogen Export (Using Apportioning Method) Project: North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center Number: C16123 Date: 12 -Sep -18 Total Parcel Area = Existing Imperious Area = Existing Open Space = Additional Proposed Impervious Area = Total Proposed Impervious Area = Remaining Open Space = 40.12 ac 0.26 ac 39.86 ac 7.079 ac 7.34 ac 32.78 ac "area" of new development = 38.7078 ac (Add. Prop imp + apprortioned open space) Apportioned open space = 31.6287 ac (ex. imp/prop. Imp*remaining open space) Proposed Nitrogen Load = 188.031 Ib/yr [(Add. prop imp*21.2)+(app. open space*1.2)] "area" of new development Total Proposed Nitrogen Export = 4.86 Ib/ac/yr (Prop. Nitrogen Load/"area" of new develop.) for "area" of new development Total Prop. Nitrogen Export for "area" of new development with Treatment Removal by BMP Drainage area to BMP 11.420 ac Effective removal rate 35% Proposed Nitroaen Exuort with Treatment Total Area = 32.954 123.652 Proposed Nitrogen Load = 188.031 Ib/yr Total Nitrogen removed by BMP = 56.138 Ib/yr Prop. Nitrogen Load with treatment = 131.894 Ib/yr Total Proposed Nitrogen Export = 3.41 Ib/ac/yr for "area" of new development with treatment Buydown Payment Calculation Nitrogen Limit = 3.6 lbs/ac/yr Total Parcel Area = 38.71 ac Total Nitrogen Export = 3.41 lbs/ac/yr Payment = $850.50 ac/lbs Payment = $0.00 Min. Nitrogen to be removed from site = 48.68 Ib/yr to meet 3.6 Ib/ac/yr for new "area" Minimum area of imp. to sand filter = 6.561 ac Min. Nitrogen to be removed from site = -199.05 Ib/yr to meet 10 Ib/ac/yr for new "area" Minimum area of imp. to sand filter = -26.826 ac (Tot. Prop. Export- 3.6)*"area" of new develop.) (TN to be removed/0.35/21.2) (Tot. Prop. Export-3.6)*"area" of new develop.) (TN to be removed/0.35/21.2) Total TN Export Treatment TN Export Area Amount Reduced (ac) (lbs/yr) lbs/yr (lbs/yr) To BMP 11.420 160.393 56.138 104.256 Remaining Site 21.534 19.397 0.000 19.397 Total Area = 32.954 123.652 Proposed Nitrogen Load = 188.031 Ib/yr Total Nitrogen removed by BMP = 56.138 Ib/yr Prop. Nitrogen Load with treatment = 131.894 Ib/yr Total Proposed Nitrogen Export = 3.41 Ib/ac/yr for "area" of new development with treatment Buydown Payment Calculation Nitrogen Limit = 3.6 lbs/ac/yr Total Parcel Area = 38.71 ac Total Nitrogen Export = 3.41 lbs/ac/yr Payment = $850.50 ac/lbs Payment = $0.00 Min. Nitrogen to be removed from site = 48.68 Ib/yr to meet 3.6 Ib/ac/yr for new "area" Minimum area of imp. to sand filter = 6.561 ac Min. Nitrogen to be removed from site = -199.05 Ib/yr to meet 10 Ib/ac/yr for new "area" Minimum area of imp. to sand filter = -26.826 ac (Tot. Prop. Export- 3.6)*"area" of new develop.) (TN to be removed/0.35/21.2) (Tot. Prop. Export-3.6)*"area" of new develop.) (TN to be removed/0.35/21.2) STEWART Existing Nitrogen Runoff Calculations Total Parcel Step 1: Determine area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). Step 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export Coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5: Determine the export coefficient for site by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Areas TN export coefficient TN export from use (acres) (lbs/ac/yr) (lbs/yr) Permanently protected 25.164 0.60 15.099 undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected 14.697 1.2 17.637 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces 0.258 21.2 5.475 (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 40.120 --- 38.211 Total Nitrogen Export = 0.95 Ib/ac/yr STEWART Proposed Nitrogen Runoff Calculations Total Parcel - BEFORE TREATMENT Step 1: Determine area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). Step 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export Coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5: Determine the export coefficient for site by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Areas TN export coefficient TN export from use (acres) (lbs/ac/yr) (lbs/yr) Permanently protected 25.164 0.60 15.099 undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected 7.616 1.2 9.139 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces 7.337 21.2 155.552 (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 40.118 --- 179.790 Total Nitrogen Export = 4.48 Ib/ac/yr STEWART Proposed Nitrogen Runoff Calculations To BMP Step 1: Determine area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). Step 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export Coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5: Determine the export coefficient for site by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Areas TN export coefficient TN export from use (acres) (lbs/ac/yr) (lbs/yr) Permanently protected 7.163 0.60 4.298 undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected 4.300 1.2 5.161 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces 7.120 21.2 150.935 (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 11.420 --- 160.393 Total Nitrogen Export = 14.04 Ib/ac/yr STEWART Proposed Nitrogen Runoff Calculations Remaining portion of parcel with NO TREATMENT Step 1: Determine area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2). Step 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export Coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5: Determine the export coefficient for site by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the area at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Areas TN export coefficient TN export from use (acres) (lbs/ac/yr) (lbs/yr) Permanently protected 18.001 0.60 10.801 undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected 3.316 1.2 3.979 open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious surfaces 0.218 21.2 4.617 (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 21.534 --- 19.397 Total Nitrogen Export = 0.90 Ib/ac/yr Appendix 4 Stormwater Drawings a. SW1.0- Pre -Development Land Use b. SW2.0- Post -Development Land Use c. SW3.0- Pre -Development Drainage Area d. SW4.0- Post -Development Drainage Area 0 5 SCALE 200 1"=100' NORTH 3.12' 3.12' 2.72' TOC -408.90' OUT=404.70' TOC=434.52' OUT=429. OUT=429.12' c TOC=397.93' / k,S—IN(15")= RAT RQ'A IN(24")=392'P� ` �RIM�391.78'OUT=392.63'/ 6' TOC=398.47'�'\ OUT=394.17' 398.48' \ \ 94. TOC=399.70' IN(15")=394.10' IN(18")=394.2(9' TOC=400.42' OUT=395.82' b I I I / O/TREE A_ � NI =391384.93' ' \ .93 \ ` ` T=383.07' WOODED AREA NICE !✓ 1 1 1 \ ` �i \ \ \ WOODED AREA 06QA r \ pYv \ yo° ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2 BUFFER BASED ON V 8QA goo 1 ESTIMATED NORTHEAST AR I TOP OF BANK M BFFFR Y TRE ` _ FENIc J REE L WOODED .PREP 5\1 OF ER AREA 33 oo Z7011- SjR�PM =ENCE \\ 111.q \ \\���� \ \ \ SOUTHWEST TOP OF I / R \E \ \� \ I \ BANK PROVIDED BY STEWART SURVEY COMPLETED ON \ \\ ED \\\ 1 I 03.23.2017 WOODED 1 4'V,'IR AREA 1 1 FENCc\ \ 1` Q OOH �U 'CA I � 4' WIRE �' \• FENCE ✓J^/rv(/ \1 \ \. \ Gi� 1-X2014' 4' WIRE / FEN\ I I \ \ \\ \\ \ a 1 \\\ \ \\ \ FENCE 420 /-4 ' i,N FEN�.E a RIP FEEDER RAP PAD WOODED \ SFENCE AREA -425' --- A \ \\\ \ CONTROL PGINT \ \ A \ \ \ \ *,F 1$�� A \ �FF IV:751803.84' /�:20 5432.411' \ V A \ EL 28.28' 4' Ifs\ \\ \ _ FEEDER x \ \ \ F- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA \, \,(� PIN 0785-31-6741 \ / � � � \ \ ` V�' ED \ ' `SPIGOT DEEDED ACREAGE \ 1,074.81 BM 1985-01399 �� \ I / � —� WOO A- \ \\ \\\ \ \ \\\\\\ A IRE` -- �R�p \ \ \ FENCE —� _— 435 2 �\`��FENCPE E '_ �\\\ 4 WI \ \\ / \ \\\ \\\ \ \ F kL \\ 1 OQ y0 VM / —440— \\ 16QR. 2QR FENCE 4' WIRE QR \\\ \ FENCE -\/ \ \ \ \ / 2QR _ �� / EXISTING \ \ ��� 445— TOC=444.89' AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT 41.29' AGRONOMICS BUILDING \\� \ \ \\ 1N(1T X437. Oa / RIM=444.83' �4QR\ \ OUT=436.80 IN(4")=439.43' G IN(8")=440.15' 2A A OUT=437.7393 PROJECT BOUNDARY 40.03 ACRES PROJECT AREA = 40.03 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS WITHIN PROJECT AREA= 11,250 SF (0.258 AC) EXISTING PROJECT AREA = 0.645% IMPERVIOUS SURVEY LEGEND: o n N O V = 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT � Q = O EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ULu_ J ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT � 0 O ♦ COMPUTED POINT X o QD STORM DRAIN MANHOLE V ) O � ® STORM DRAIN CURB INLET Z_ CIR (s) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE � H O HYDRANT WVD U '� V J WATER VALVE DU M W 17 WATER METER o ® WATER MANHOLE z Q D WATER VAULT GV U Lu m GAS VALVE GM J Q GAS METER U_ QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE V TPED O TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © TV MANHOLE LL CATV D 0 U El TV PEDESTAL z z FOWP W O FIBER OPTIC WITNESS POST 2W ® FIBER OPTIC BOX � L.1. EE) ELECTRIC MANHOLE wo 0 EMIll ELECTRIC METER <0 Q EB ELECTRIC BOX Z � �i UTILITY POLE J 0 w -0 GUY POLE Q Lu GUY WIRE U U m N 0 LIGHT POLE `} Q © MANHOLE 0 w w rs TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX Z 0� l'p TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST OR BORING LOCATION • BOLLARD v SIGN FF=267.18' FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH X WIRE FENCE — O — CHAIN LINK FENCE T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE W— UNDERGROUND WATER LINE SS— SANITARY SEWER LINE - - STORM DRAIN LINE —OHW— OVERHEAD WIRES U UNIDENTIFIED LINE UNKNOWN DESTINATION CONCRETE SURFACE ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEY TREE LEGEND: DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE Io AMERICAN HOLLY .1v EASTERN RED CEDAR PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE LI CREPE MYRTLE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE MG SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE Po EASTERN SYCAMORE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE PT LOBLOLLY PINE CB CATCH BASIN QR RED OAK EXAMPLE: 10QR = 10" RED OAK g in N O O Q� N r LA O ry" STEWART 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 RALEIGH, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com T 919.380.8750 PROJECT #: 16123 o n N O V = U Z � Q = 2 L W 2 W ULu_ J U LL �I � 0 O LU Lu X o y Z LL o V ) O � In N O I— Z_ CIR 2 � H O M N co in N O O Q� N r LA O ry" STEWART 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 RALEIGH, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com T 919.380.8750 PROJECT #: 16123 FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET EXISTING LAND USE U) W ULu_ Lu W V ) I— z Lu Lu U '� V J U)z DU W U o Z z Q Lu_ U Lu U J Q U_ V I— J LL D 0 U U z z W (D 2W Q � L.1. z wo 0 J 0 <0 Q � Z � Q J 0 w U Q Lu = U U m N 0 `} Q o oo M T O 0 w w o z Z 0� r� FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET EXISTING LAND USE 0 50 100 200 SCALE: 1"=100' NORTH TOC=397.93' SRCA IN(24")=392. Ri 3aiaee' OUT=392.6.',v� ou - .4s' TOC=398.47' V IN=394.37' \\\� Xs \ OUT=394.17' d v' '-398.48' \ \9� TOC=399.70' \ �\� RIM=391.93' I N (15")=394.10' 384.93' \ T=383.07' )=394.2 OUT= a- OUT393.9 TOC=400.42' N \ OUT --395.82'\ r � .�� \ \ \� WOODED �EA \0. \\ \ \\ WOODED AREA �/— O R AI WOODED \ I AREA I , L / I I TRE TREEQA \ \ \ \ ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2 \ �0 BUFFER BASED ON \ A \ 0 \ ESTIMATED NORTHEAST \ TOP OF BANK \ M6uFF� R l\ \ l WOODED \ 1 Sig P M BoFF \\\ 32010 7011- SOUTHWEST 01 SOUTHWEST TOP OF BANK PROVIDED BY 1STEWART SURVEY MPLETED ON 1 03.2 017 \ \ /-----,---PROJECT BOUNDARY \ 40.12 ACRES A\ I \ I I I \ — I WOODE\ AREA \ \ 4'IRE \ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ !r FEfJCE- � \� i^ \ \\ \ , \ \ )ED \ \ \\ \ \\ A�EDA ���FFFF ,A- 12QR EXISTING �\ \ AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT \\ AGRONOMICS BUILDING P^ RIM=444.83' \ I N (4")=439.43' IN(8")=440.15' IN(15")=437.93' O OUT=437.73' ROAD SIDEWALK/ WALLS PROJECT AREA = 40.12 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS WITHIN PROJECT AREA= 3197615 SF (7.34 AC) PROPOSED PROJECT AREA = 18.29% IMPERVIOUS SURVEY LEGEND: 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT O EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT ♦ COMPUTED POINT QD STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ® STORM DRAIN CURB INLET (s) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE HYDRANT Lu mV WATER VALVE M O WATER METER ® WATER MANHOLE D WATER VAULT GV m GAS VALVE GM GAS METER QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE TPED 0 TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © TV MANHOLE CATV W El TV PEDESTAL FOWP U O FIBER OPTIC WITNESS POST ® FIBER OPTIC BOX Q ELECTRIC MANHOLE EMIll ELECTRIC METER EB ELECTRIC BOX �i UTILITY POLE —0 GUY POLE GUY WIRE LIGHT POLE © MANHOLE rs TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX l'p TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST BOR BORING LOCATION • BOLLARD v SIGN FF=267.18' I— FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DECIDUOUS TREE LL EVERGREEN TREE BUSH X WIRE FENCE — O — CHAIN LINK FENCE T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE W— UNDERGROUND WATER LINE SS— SANITARY SEWER LINE - - STORM DRAIN LINE —OHW— OVERHEAD WIRES U UNIDENTIFIED LINE UNKNOWN DESTINATION QO CONCRETE SURFACE ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEY TREE LEGEND DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB CATCH BASIN Io AMERICAN HOLLY .1v EASTERN RED CEDAR LI CREPE MYRTLE MG SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA Po EASTERN SYCAMORE PT LOBLOLLY PINE QR RED OAK EXAMPLE: 10QR = 10" RED OAK 2 �2 ria o O n V N = U � Z Q 2 = L = W W J V LL LL O W Lu X LL z o O m � N O Z_ CR Q � 2 H M m N O co in N O O Q� N r LA O STEWART U) 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 RALEIGH, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com T 919.380.8750 PROJECT #: 16123 FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET PROPOSED LAND USE SW2,0 U) W ULu_ Lu W V ) I— z W W U ''� v J C\ v/ Z DU W U o Z z Q W U W U J Q _j U_ V I— J LL 0 U U z z W r=n Q ~ W Q � L.1. z Wo J 0 QO Q � Z � Q 0W U Q Lu = U U m o _ Q o 00 M T 0 O W W O z z 0/ L U cn FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET PROPOSED LAND USE SW2,0 OFF-SITE DRAINAGE .• \AREA\ \ 1 I \ \ \ \\ EXISTING VEGETATED CONVEYANCE\ \ 1 \ WOODED AREA 4'INIR� I \ 4' WIRE 111 \ 1 F N%E � ao I I FENCE TOC 408.12' f \ 3 QRI 1 =403.12' \ S'� I 3PY AFYEAD I \ I T \ AFY T=402.72' \�Cp \\ \ 1 I I I I 8 R 3 LS� Py TOC=408.90' \ \ I ' / I I 8TREE PTT -\ / OUT=404.70 ��-- oryoy� / / / \ \ \ NO TH ANALYSIS POINT\ TREE \ 36� \ 5PY I / -� _ \ O� ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2 5P \\ �° BUFFER BASED ON I F 4 4�A < god° \ l ESTIMATED NORTHEAST 3AR I TOP OF BANK R Q / �_ �\ 7TRE \ 1 - FENC WOODED \ s�R- 0 BgvFFER \F\ AREA \ ONS PM / A _ �� \ - 42 3 ZON a�I\\ \ \ � \ qT �\\ SOUTHWEST TOP OF I °"' I BANK PROVIDED BY _ STEWART SURVEY " I / �"� / \\\ \� ``\ _ 7T 6T \ \ COMPLETED ON T p \\ \ \ \ 03.23.2017 WOODED \ 4' WIAREA R \ _ R \ \IF J \ TOC=434.52' // / IN=429.32 OUT=429.12 I cy / - \\� \ F N E / \ / 420 J / \ ( ���✓� / I I I ` ` \� \ \ II I I III / \ \ F DER \ I I I I \ SPA R WO DED I \ I I \ \ \ \ WIREARLkIF E 1. . 2 C' NTR L P INT 'I I t20PP43214' \4' dVIR \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ -FE E - EAST ANALYSIS POINT H C OLI \ IN 0 5-31-67 - \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ O A D \ \I \\\ GOT ED R Al- \ \ P \ O \ \\ � B 985 1 9-- D \IEIE R \ t 4 NC o \\ \ \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ E \ \ \ \\\ \\ \N, \ \\\\ \ \F \\ \ TIME OF CONCENTRATION T \ \ \ \ \ aoQA \ \ \ FLOW PATH - - - \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ A4 \ \ \ \ \ �\ .. • . • CRF T v \ ____ \ } - \ \ \ \\ � \\\ \ \\\ � \\ TOC=446 OUT=441.31' �o \ o� • a° ' S,Q - TIME OF CONCENTRATION 1 QR 2QR \\ \\ \ \\ \\ ID >>j FLOW PATH \\ \\ \ \ '� \- \ C �, 4' W RE I I 9 IF A \EXISTING \\\ \\ \ \\\ \AGRICULTl7.RE DEPARTMENT \ \ IN 4" 44 .2 ' 14 AGRONOMII' BUILDING \\} 1 ' - 7. a, _ F;IM==444.8�\ \ Q ' IN(4")==439.41 \ \ \ , R \ 1 \ IAI/5211\--�1 F w w 8 \� �� ii��-mo. IJ 11411, 437.93' 1 \ \ 8 TIME OF ASPH'��1. \ A CONCENTRATIONA „�G�����`.��r►�r�� .SIG IN FLOW PATH � � � J %��•�� o ' \ ' \ OUT= 43 \ 9 -_- 438.88' 15"RCP f �� r �,,v - - GATE / /� f /V-\-ASP1ALT '\`x J - \ -` 'QP SOUTH ANALYSIS POINT \ \ / \ A " 14eR 0 30 60 120 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=60' NORTH DRAINAGE AREA 12.315 AC EAST DRAINAGE AREA 4.130 AC SOUTH DRAINAGE AREA 3.786 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA SURVEY LEGEND: 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT O EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT A COMPUTED POINT Q STORM DRAIN MANHOLE of STORM DRAIN CURB INLET (3) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE HYDRANT NV WATER VALVE O M WATER METER QW WATER MANHOLE D WATER VAULT GV N GAS VALVE GM a GAS METER QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE TPEDEl TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © TV MANHOLE CATV El TV PEDESTAL FOWP 0 FIBER OPTIC WITNESS POST ® FIBER OPTIC BOX QE ELECTRIC MANHOLE EM a ELECTRIC METER EB ELECTRIC BOX UTILITY POLE -0 GUY POLE GUY WIRE >Yt LIGHT POLE © MANHOLE TS TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX >� TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST OR BORING LOCATION • BOLLARD v SIGN FF=267.18' FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 BUSH X WIRE FENCE O CHAIN LINK FENCE T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE W UNDERGROUND WATER LINE SS SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE -OHW- OVERHEAD WIRES U UNIDENTIFIED LINE UNKNOWN DESTINATION CONCRETE SURFACE ABBREVIATIONS: DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB CATCH BASIN SURVEY TREE LEGEND: 10 AMERICAN HOLLY Peak Flow Summary Table (cf/ sec) EASTERN RED CEDAR LI CREPE MYRTLE MG PRE POST EASTERN SYCAMORE STORM EVENT DRAINAGE AREA w/o detention w/ detention % DIFF NORTH 0.01 4.65 0.01 0% 1" - WQ EAST 0.00 0.00 - °° a SOUTH 0.50 1.08 0.54 8% DATE ISSUED NORTH 12.51 35.46 32.58 160% 2 -YR EAST 5.50 3.00- DU -45% DRAINAGE AREA SOUTH 8.06 15.27 8.10 0% o NORTH 23.79 50.95 49.34 107% 5 -YR EAST 9.69 4.87- -50% W SOUTH 12.85 21.31 12.19 -5% NORTH 34.17 64.88 62.69 83% 10 -YR EAST 10.70 6.50- U -39% SOUTH 17.03 22.52 15.34 -10% Q NORTH 45.27 75.22 70.98 57% 25 -YR EAST 10.70 8.14- -24% z SOUTH 20.49 23.73 18.99 -7% NORTH DRAINAGE AREA 12.315 AC EAST DRAINAGE AREA 4.130 AC SOUTH DRAINAGE AREA 3.786 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA SURVEY LEGEND: 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT O EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT A COMPUTED POINT Q STORM DRAIN MANHOLE of STORM DRAIN CURB INLET (3) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE HYDRANT NV WATER VALVE O M WATER METER QW WATER MANHOLE D WATER VAULT GV N GAS VALVE GM a GAS METER QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE TPEDEl TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © TV MANHOLE CATV El TV PEDESTAL FOWP 0 FIBER OPTIC WITNESS POST ® FIBER OPTIC BOX QE ELECTRIC MANHOLE EM a ELECTRIC METER EB ELECTRIC BOX UTILITY POLE -0 GUY POLE GUY WIRE >Yt LIGHT POLE © MANHOLE TS TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX >� TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST OR BORING LOCATION • BOLLARD v SIGN FF=267.18' FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE 0 BUSH X WIRE FENCE O CHAIN LINK FENCE T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE W UNDERGROUND WATER LINE SS SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE -OHW- OVERHEAD WIRES U UNIDENTIFIED LINE UNKNOWN DESTINATION CONCRETE SURFACE ABBREVIATIONS: DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB CATCH BASIN SURVEY TREE LEGEND: 10 AMERICAN HOLLY iv EASTERN RED CEDAR LI CREPE MYRTLE MG SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA PO EASTERN SYCAMORE PT LOBLOLLY PINE OR RED OAK EXAMPLE: 10QR = 10" RED OAK ria STEWART 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 RALEIGH, NC 27603 T 919.380.8750 o N � 0 Z Q = n LJ� 2 � W _ J W U LL o W W �( N Z L 0 M N ao 0 z °° a = JOB NUMBER z :) N 00 DATE ISSUED (O O N IIR O i U ria STEWART 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 RALEIGH, NC 27603 T 919.380.8750 FIRM LICENSE M C-1051 www.stewartinc.com PROJECT M 16123 iE a o NO. REVISION DATE U W UILIJ_ 3 a 0 W a JOB NUMBER z W DATE ISSUED W � PROJECT STATUS U NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET c/)z DU DRAINAGE AREA W U o z z W Q U W U Q U � Q J LL 0 U U z z W f= V (D Q C � W Q �Jy z Li- Wo J Q 0 7 0 Z L.1_ Q 0 W U � = Q U U m N 0 NM 0cb o 0 I..L 0 0 W o z z �WN/ L.L N �O °oFEssi0%o�'Ly SEAL < 033779 e _ �� °. rF,oy �G ` F� � P I IJII I II," FOR REVIEW ONLY z Q iE a o NO. REVISION DATE U 3 a 0 E a JOB NUMBER 2 C16123 DATE ISSUED 3 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA OFF-SITE DRAINAGE TOC=446.46' OUT=441.31' o 5 EXISTING VEGETATED CONVEYANCE SOUTH ANALYSIS POINT \ \ \ ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2 BUFFER BASED ON o�p \ ESTIMATED NORTHEAST I TOP OF BANK I WCODED AREA ` 1 S�R�PMM OFFER 42 �� 2p gip, ZQN t SOUTHWEST TOP OF BANK PROVIDED BY \\ STEWART SURVEY \\ 1i \ i ol III I � WOODED I l \ \ \ \ AREA 4' dVIRE \ \ FEN \ EAST ANALYSIS POINT \ d \ VvARFA \ \\� \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \� \ 4' IRE J• \ \ \\ \ \\\ \\\ \ \ FE \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\\\\� \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ RICULTURE DEPARTMENT \ AGRONOMICS BUILDING NORTH DRAINAGE AREA A14.035 AC EAST DRAINAGE AREA 1.664 AC 101, �jf*wf*wf*wj SOUTH DRAINAGE AREA SMENg fowfowfowfowli 5.425 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA SURVEY LEGEND: 0 Peak Flow Summary Table (cf/ sec) 0 EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT PRE POST QD STORM DRAIN MANHOLE STORM EVENT DRAINAGE AREA w/o detention w/ detention % DIFF NORTH 0.01 4.65 0.01 0% 1" - WQ EAST 0.00 0.00 - ® WATER MANHOLE D SOUTH 0.50 1.08 0.54 8% GM NORTH 12.51 35.46 32.58 160% 2 -YR EAST 5.50 3.00- CATV -45% El SOUTH 8.06 15.27 8.10 0% ® NORTH 23.79 50.95 49.34 107% 5 -YR EAST 9.69 4.87- -0 -50% SOUTH 12.85 21.31 12.19 -5% rs NORTH 34.17 64.88 62.69 83% 10 -YR EAST 10.70 6.50- FF=267.18' -39% Q SOUTH 17.03 22.52 15.34 -10% NORTH 45.27 75.22 70.98 57% 25 -YR EAST 10.70 8.14- G -24% E SOUTH 20.49 23.73 18.99 -7% NORTH DRAINAGE AREA A14.035 AC EAST DRAINAGE AREA 1.664 AC 101, �jf*wf*wf*wj SOUTH DRAINAGE AREA SMENg fowfowfowfowli 5.425 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA SURVEY LEGEND: 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT 0 EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE ❑ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT ♦ COMPUTED POINT QD STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ® STORM DRAIN CURB INLET (s) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE HYDRANT Lu m� WATER VALVE M O WATER METER ® WATER MANHOLE D WATER VAULT GV m GAS VALVE GM GAS METER QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE TPED O TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © TV MANHOLE CATV Lu El TV PEDESTAL FOWP U O FIBER OPTIC WITNESS POST ® FIBER OPTIC BOX EE) ELECTRIC MANHOLE EM 0 ELECTRIC METER EB ELECTRIC BOX 0 UTILITY POLE -0 GUY POLE GUY WIRE 0 LIGHT POLE Q MANHOLE rs TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX l'p TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST OR BORING LOCATION • BOLLARD v SIGN FF=267.18' � Q FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DECIDUOUS TREE LL EVERGREEN TREE BUSH X WIRE FENCE - O - CHAIN LINK FENCE T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE W- UNDERGROUND WATER LINE SS- SANITARY SEWER LINE - - STORM DRAIN LINE -OHW- OVERHEAD WIRES U UNIDENTIFIED LINE UNKNOWN DESTINATION < CONCRETE SURFACE ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEY TREE LEGEND DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB CATCH BASIN io AMERICAN HOLLY .1v EASTERN RED CEDAR LI CREPE MYRTLE MG SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA Po EASTERN SYCAMORE PT LOBLOLLY PINE QR RED OAK EXAMPLE: 10QR = 10" RED OAK 2 �2 ria 0 0 n U N = U L) Z Q W W J U �LL �0 Lu Lu X �LL Z O O N H 00 Z IN CR Q� H M N 0 co fn N O O Q� N r Lo a) STEWART 223 S. WEST ST, SUITE 1100 FIRM LICENSE #: C-1051 RALEIGH, NC 27603 www.stewartinc.com T 919.380.8750 PROJECT #: 16123 CAR OB " Q�oFEss/oti9% SEAL _ 033779 o F,oy W FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA SW4,0 w U_ Lu Lu z w Lu Ucb� U)z Lu ° U o Z z Q Lu U w U Q U � Q J LL 0 U U z z Lu = LU Q 0- L.1. z w oQ o J O < 0 � Z � Q 0 w U Qm Lu = U U N 0 N o o M T O 0 w w o z Z 0� Lul) CAR OB " Q�oFEss/oti9% SEAL _ 033779 o F,oy W FOR REVIEW ONLY NO. REVISION DATE JOB NUMBER C16123 DATE ISSUED 09.21.2018 PROJECT STATUS NCDEQ STORMWATER REVIEW SHEET PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA SW4,0 Appendix 5 Erosion Control Calculations a. Diversion Ditch Calculations b. Skimmer Sedimentation Basin Sizing C. Slope Drain Sizing Calculations D. Rip Rap Dissipater Sizing 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -01 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 2.03 (Ac.) 0.55 5.60 (in/hr) 6.26 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.4 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.045 (ft/ft) R 0.37 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.045 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.71 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.19 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.06 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.51 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r6.26 (cfs) 2.31 = 2.31 Ox 6.26 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.4 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.31 (sq/ft) WP = 6.22 (ft) R = 0.37 Z ACTUAL= 1.19 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.19 V = 2.71 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.4 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -02a PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = 4.13 (Ac.) C = 0.50 Maximum Allowable Tractive Force INTENSITY = 5.60 (in/hr) FLOW = 11.56 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.0 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.017 (ft/ft) R 0.59 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.017 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 2.00 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.28 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 3.55 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 8.36 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.89 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r11.56 (cfs) 5.07 = 5.07 Ox F-71-56-1 11.56 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.0 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 5.07 (sq/ft) WP = 8.65 (ft) R = 0.59 Z ACTUAL= 3.55 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 3.55 V = 2.28 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.0 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 15 ft 2 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -02b PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 1.28 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 3.59 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.4 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.068 (ft/ft) R 0.26 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.068 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.66 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.55 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.02 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.34 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r3.59 (cfs) 1.35 = 1.35 Ox 3.59 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.4 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.35 (sq/ft) WP = 5.13 (ft) R = 0.26 Z ACTUAL= 0.55 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.55 V = 2.66 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.4 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -03 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.28 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 0.77 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.7 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.078 (ft/ft) R 0.12 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.078 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.68 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.11 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 3.81 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.14 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r0.77 (cfs) 0.46 = 0.46 Ox 0.77 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.7 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 0.46 (sq/ft) WP = 3.86 (ft) R = 0.12 Z ACTUAL= 0.11 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.11 V = 1.68 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.7 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -04a PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.11 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 0.32 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.1 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.016 (ft/ft) R 0.11 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.016 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 0.74 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.10 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 3.77 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.13 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r0.32 (cfs) 0.43 = 0.43 Ox 0.32 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.1 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 0.43 (sq/ft) WP = 3.81 (ft) R = 0.11 Z ACTUAL= 0.10 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.10 V = 0.74 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.1 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -04b PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.55 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 1.54 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.3 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.016 (ft/ft) R 0.25 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.016 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.24 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.49 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 4.89 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.31 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r1.54 (cfs) 1.24 = 1.24 Ox 1.54 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.3 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.24 (sq/ft) WP = 4.99 (ft) R = 0.25 Z ACTUAL= 0.49 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.49 V = 1.24 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.3 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -05 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 1.43 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 3.99 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.8 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.026 (ft/ft) R 0.34 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.026 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.97 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.99 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.77 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.46 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r3.99 (cfs) 2.03 = 2.03 Ox 3.99 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.8 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.03 (sq/ft) WP = 5.92 (ft) R = 0.34 Z ACTUAL= 0.99 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.99 V = 1.97 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.8 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -06 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 3.35 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 9.37 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.0 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.020 (ft/ft) R 0.52 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.020 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.29 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 2.64 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 7.62 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.77 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r9.37 (cfs) 4.08 = 4.08 Ox 9.37 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.0 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 4.08 (sq/ft) WP = 7.87 (ft) R = 0.52 Z ACTUAL= 2.64 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 2.64 V = 2.29 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.0 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -07 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 3.26 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 9.12 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.5 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.036 (ft/ft) R 0.46 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.036 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.80 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.93 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.93 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.66 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r9.12 (cfs) 3.25 = 3.25 Ox 9.12 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.5 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 3.25 (sq/ft) WP = 7.14 (ft) R = 0.46 Z ACTUAL= 1.92 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.93 V = 2.80 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.5 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -08 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 2.16 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 6.04 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.2 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.038 (ft/ft) R 0.38 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.038 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.54 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.24 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.13 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.52 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r6.04 (cfs) 2.38 = 2.38 Ox 6.04 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.2 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.38 (sq/ft) WP = 6.30 (ft) R = 0.38 Z ACTUAL= 1.24 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.24 V = 2.54 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.2 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -09a PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 2.85 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 7.97 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.5 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.039 (ft/ft) R 0.42 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.039 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.77 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.62 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.60 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.60 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r7.97 (cfs) 2.88 = 2.88 Ox 7.97 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.5 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.88 (sq/ft) WP = 6.79 (ft) R = 0.42 Z ACTUAL= 1.62 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.62 V = 2.77 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.5 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -09b PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.71 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 2.00 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.8 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.047 (ft/ft) R 0.22 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.047 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.95 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.37 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 4.62 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.27 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r2.00 (cfs) 1.03 = 1.03 OK 2.00 OK TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.8 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.03 (sq/ft) WP = 4.70 (ft) R = 0.22 Z ACTUAL= 0.37 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.37 V = 1.95 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.8 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -10 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.28 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 0.77 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.5 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.049 (ft/ft) R 0.13 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.049 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.45 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.14 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 3.93 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.15 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r0.77 (cfs) 0.53 = 0.53 Ox 0.77 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.5 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 0.53 (sq/ft) WP = 3.98 (ft) R = 0.13 Z ACTUAL= 0.14 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.14 V = 1.45 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.5 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -11 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 1.59 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 4.47 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.1 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.002 (ft/ft) R 0.61 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.002 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 0.82 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 3.94 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 8.64 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.94 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r4.47 (cfs) 5.46 = 5.46 ox 4.47 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.1 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 5.46 (sq/ft) WP = 8.94 (ft) R = 0.61 Z ACTUAL= 3.93 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 3.94 V = 0.82 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.1 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -12 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.66 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 1.85 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.1 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.005 (ft/ft) R 0.35 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.005 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 0.86 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.07 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.89 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.48 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r1.85 (cfs) 2.14 = 2.14 Ox 1.85 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.1 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.14 (sq/ft) WP = 6.05 (ft) R = 0.35 Z ACTUAL= 1.07 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.07 V = 0.86 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.1 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -13 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.57 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 1.60 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.2 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.011 (ft/ft) R 0.28 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.011 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.10 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.61 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.14 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.36 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r1.60 (cfs) 1.45 = 1.45 Ox F-7-6-0-1 1.60 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.2 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.45 (sq/ft) WP = 5.25 (ft) R = 0.28 Z ACTUAL= 0.61 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.61 V = 1.10 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.2 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -14 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.80 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 2.23 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.3 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.013 (ft/ft) R 0.31 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.013 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.31 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.78 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.43 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.40 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r2.23 (cfs) 1.71 = 1.71 Ox 2.23 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.3 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.71 (sq/ft) WP = 5.56 (ft) R = 0.31 Z ACTUAL= 0.78 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.78 V = 1.31 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.3 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -15 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.98 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 2.73 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.1 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.003 (ft/ft) R 0.46 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.003 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 0.84 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.93 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.93 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.66 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r2.73 (cfs) 3.25 = 3.25 Ox 2.73 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.1 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 3.25 (sq/ft) WP = 7.14 (ft) R = 0.46 Z ACTUAL= 1.93 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.93 V = 0.84 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.1 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -16 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.87 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 2.45 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.5 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.019 (ft/ft) R 0.29 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.019 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.53 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.71 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.31 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.39 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r2.45 (cfs) 1.60 = 1.60 ox F--2-45-1 2.45 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.5 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.60 (sq/ft) WP = 5.44 (ft) R = 0.29 Z ACTUAL= 0.71 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.71 V = 1.53 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.5 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -17 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.66 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 1.84 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.5 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.029 (ft/ft) R 0.23 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.029 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.61 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.43 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 4.76 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.29 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r1.84 (cfs) 1.14 = 1.14 ox 1.84 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.5 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.14 (sq/ft) WP = 4.86 (ft) R = 0.23 Z ACTUAL= 0.43 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.43 V = 1.61 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 0.5 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -18 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.30 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 0.83 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.4 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.033 (ft/ft) R 0.15 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.033 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.29 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.18 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 4.09 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.18 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r0.83 (cfs) 0.64 = 0.64 Ox F----0831 0.83 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.4 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 0.64 (sq/ft) WP = 4.14 (ft) R = 0.15 Z ACTUAL= 0.18 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.18 V = 1.29 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.4 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -19 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 0.35 (Ac.) 0.50 5.60 (in/hr) 0.97 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 0.4 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.036 (ft/ft) R 0.16 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.036 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 1.40 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.21 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 4.16 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.19 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r0.97 (cfs) 0.69 = 0.69 ox 0.97 ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 0.4 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 0.69 (sq/ft) WP = 4.22 (ft) R = 0.16 Z ACTUAL= 0.21 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.21 V = 1.40 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: JUTE NET 0.45 #/sq ft > 0.4 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -20 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 2.06 (Ac.) 0.75 5.60 (in/hr) 8.65 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.7 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.047 (ft/ft) R 0.42 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.047 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 3.02 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 1.61 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 6.59 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.60 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r8.65 (cfs) 2.86 = 2.86 Ox 8.65 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.7 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 2.86 (sq/ft) WP = 6.78 (ft) R = 0.42 Z ACTUAL= 1.61 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 1.61 V = 3.02 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: TURF REINF MATTING 3.20 #/sq ft > 1.7 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -21 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = 4.05 (Ac.) C = 0.75 Maximum Allowable Tractive Force INTENSITY = 5.60 (in/hr) FLOW = 17.03 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 3.0 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.062 (ft/ft) R 0.53 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.062 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 4.05 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 2.75 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 7.71 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.79 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r17.03 (cfs) 4.21 = 4.21 Ox F-77-03-1 17.03 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 3.0 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 4.21 (sq/ft) WP = 7.97 (ft) R = 0.53 Z ACTUAL= 2.75 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 2.75 V = 4.05 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: TURF REINF MATTING 3.20 #/sq ft > 3.0 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com 7 STEWART CHANNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DD -22 PROJECT: NC Agricultural Sciences Center PROJECT # C16123 DATE: 13 -Sep -18 REVISED: 2 YEAR CHANNEL FLOW DATA AREA = C = INTENSITY = FLOW = 1.06 (Ac.) 0.75 5.60 (in/hr) 4.43 (cfs) DESIGN CRITERIA 1.4 (#/sq ft) CHANNEL DIMENSIONS Maximum Allowable Tractive Force N = 0.060 (Mannings 'n') VELOCITY (#/sq ft) SLOPE= 0.054 (ft/ft) R 0.31 M = 3 :1 (sideslope) s 0.054 (ft/ft) DEPTH = 1.50 (ft) n 0.060 (Mannings 'n') WIDTH = 3 (ft) Bottom Width V 2.62 (ft/s) Z REQUID= 0.77 R^(2/3) 7.50 (#/sq ft) Wetted Dimensions TW 5.41 (ft) BW 3.00 (ft) h 0.40 (ft) Conservation of Mass Check Q=VA r4.43 (cfs) 1.69 = 1.69 Ox F--4-43-1 4.43 Ox TRACTIVE FORCE T =Y*D*S Tractive Force (#/sq ft) Y =WEIGHT OF WATER (62.4 #/cf) D = DEPTH OF FLOW IN CHANNEL (ft) S = SLOPE OF CHANNEL (ft/ft) T = 1.4 (#/sq ft) Maximum Allowable Tractive Force L JUTE NET 0.45 (#/sq ft) I CURLED MAT 1.55 (#/sq ft) N TURF REINF. MATTING 3.20 (#/sq ft) I CLASS B RIPRAP 3.50 (#/sq ft) N CLASS I RIPRAP 5.00 (#/sq ft) G CLASS II RIPRAP 7.50 (#/sq ft) Z ACTUAL AREA = 1.69 (sq/ft) WP = 5.54 (ft) R = 0.31 Z ACTUAL= 0.77 MUST BE > THAN Z REQ'D. = 0.77 V = 2.62 (ft/sec) CHANNEL DESIGN SECTION LINING: CURLED MAT 1.55 #/sq ft > 1.4 #/sq ft (TOPW I DTH ) 12 ft 1.5 ft \ / (DEPTH) \ / 3 ft (BOTTOM WIDTH) 223 S. West Street, Suite 1100, Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewartinc.com ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: CoLab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 1A Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 5.33 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 5.33 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 935 ft High Point = 448 ft Low Point = 426 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 6.42 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 19.05 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 9,592.77 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 8287.75 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) = N/A Surface Length (ft) = N/A Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 2 :1 (2:1 minimum) ft ft (try to be 2X width) N/A ft N/A ft = 4867 sf = 10,587.00 sf 8288 OK 15,454.00 cf > 9592.77 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 19.05 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 15 ft min = 12ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 17.29 cfs NG Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 15,454 cf Skimmer Size = 3 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.35 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 1A Bottom Area = 4867 sf Bottom Length = N/A ft Surface Area = 11647 sf Surface Length = N/A ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 15 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 2 :1 Skimmer Size = 3 in Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Co located Lab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 1B Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 4.02 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 4.02 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 500 ft High Point = 442 ft Low Point = 410 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 14.36 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 7,232.23 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 6248.3466 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 60 ft 120 ft (try to be 2X width) = 48 ft = 108 ft = 5184 sf = 6,717.00 sf 6248 OK 11,901.00 cf > 7232.23 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 14.36 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 16 ft min = 12ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 18.38 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 11,901 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.64 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 1B Bottom Width = 48 ft Bottom Length = 108 ft Surface Width = 60 ft Surface Length = 120 ft Top Width = 69 ft Top Length = 129 ft Stone Outlet Width = 16 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 1C Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 1.20 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 1.20 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 430 ft High Point = 441 ft Low Point = 423 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 4.28 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 2,155.62 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 1862.3657 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 23 ft 100 ft (try to be 2X width) 11 ft = 88 ft = 968 sf = 2,300.00 sf 1862 OK = 3,268.00 cf > 2155.62 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 4.28 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 6ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 3,268 cf Skimmer Size = 3 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 1.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 2.83 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 1C Bottom Width = 11 ft Bottom Length = 88 ft Surface Width = 23 ft Surface Length = 100 ft Top Width = 32 ft Top Length = 109 ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 3 in Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 1.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: CoLab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 2A Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 5.21 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 5.21 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 935 ft High Point = 448 ft Low Point = 426 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 6.42 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 18.61 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 9,370.50 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 8095.72 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) = N/A Surface Length (ft) = N/A Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 2 :1 (2:1 minimum) ft ft (try to be 2X width) N/A ft N/A ft = 4867 sf = 8,923.00 sf 8096 OK 13,790.00 cf > 9370.5 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 18.61 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 15 ft min = 12ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 17.29 cfs NG Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 13,790 cf Skimmer Size = 3 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 2.98 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 2A Bottom Area = 4867 sf Bottom Length = N/A ft Surface Area = 8,923.00 sf Surface Length = N/A ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 15 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 2 :1 Skimmer Size = 3 in Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 2B Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 0.57 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 0.57 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 450 ft High Point = 442 ft Low Point = 423 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 2.03 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 1,022.77 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 883.62945 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 24 ft 48 ft (try to be 2X width) 12 ft = 36 ft = 432 sf = 1,087.00 sf 884 OK 1,519.00 cf > 1022.77 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 2.03 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 4ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 1,519 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 0.75 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.31 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 2B Bottom Area = 432 sf Bottom Length = 36 ft Surface Area = 1,087.00 sf Surface Length = 48 ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 0.75 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 2G Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 1.49 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.17 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 1.66 @ c= 0.47 Flow Length = 320 ft High Point = 443 ft Low Point = 429 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 5.62 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 2,983.02 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 2443.5919 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 20 ft 40 ft (try to be 2X width) = 8 ft = 28 ft 1492 sf = 2,566.00 sf 2444 OK = 4,058.00 cf > 2983.02 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 5.62 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 6ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 4,058 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.18 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 2G Bottom Width = 8 ft Bottom Length = 28 ft Surface Width = 20 ft Surface Length = 40 ft Top Width = 29 ft Top Length = 49 ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 23 Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 1.72 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 1.72 @ c= 0.50 Flow Length = 398 ft High Point = 444 ft Low Point = 439 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 6.15 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 3,095.54 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 2674.4152 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 20 ft 40 ft (try to be 2X width) 70 ft = 100 ft = 4143 sf = 5,227.00 sf 2674 OK = 9,370.00 cf > 3095.54 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 6.15 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 6ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 9,370 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 2.87 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 23 Bottom Area = 4143 sf Bottom Length = 100 ft Surface Area = 5,227.00 sf Surface Length = 40 ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: CoLab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 3A Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 2.21 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 2.21 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 4.42 @ c= 0.40 Flow Length = 1169 ft High Point = 448 ft Low Point = 426 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 8.30 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 12.63 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 7,948.22 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 5493.55 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) = N/A Surface Length (ft) = N/A Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 2 :1 (2:1 minimum) ft ft (try to be 2X width) N/A ft N/A ft = 4867 sf = 11,444.00 sf 5494 OK 16,311.00 cf > 7948.22 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 12.63 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 40 ft min = 12ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 44.60 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 16,311 cf Skimmer Size = 3 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.53 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 3A Bottom Area = 4867 sf Bottom Length = N/A ft Surface Area = 11,444.00 sf Surface Length = N/A ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 40 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 2 :1 Skimmer Size = 3 in Head on Skimmer = 0.250 ft Orifice Size = 2.00 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 3B Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 0.42 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.42 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 0.84 @ c= 0.73 Flow Length = 450 ft High Point = 442 ft Low Point = 423 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 4.35 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 11510.50 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 1892.258 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 24 ft 48 ft (try to be 2X width) = NA ft = Na ft = 1656 sf = 2,499.00 sf 1892 OK = 4,155.00 cf > 1510.5 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 4.35 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 4ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 4,155 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.26 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 3B Bottom Area = 1656 sf Bottom Length = NA ft Surface Area = 2,499.00 sf Surface Length = NA ft Top Width = N/A ft Top Length = N/A ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. ,"�A STEWART Skimmer Sediment Basin Sizing North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual Project Name: Colab Project #: C16123 Sediment Basin ID: BASIN 3G Trap Location: Flow: Disturbed earth = 0.78 @ c= 0.50 Undist., wooded areas = 0.17 @ c= 0.25 Undist., grassy areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.30 Other areas = 0.00 @ c= 0.95 Total Area (ac) = 0.95 @ c= 0.45 Flow Length = 320 ft High Point = 443 ft Low Point = 429 ft Calculated Time of Concentration "Tc" 25 -year Intensity = 10 -year Intensity = Flow "Q10 = CIA" = 5.00 min (Kirpich Formula) 7.88 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) 7.15 in/hr (from local i -d -f curve/table) =1 3.08 cfs Trap Volume: Minimum Required Volume = 1800 cf/acre drainage area per year Volume Required (cf) = 1,706.24 cf Minimum Required Surface Area = 435 sf per cfs in 10 year storm Surface Area Required (sf) = 1340.5099 sf Shape is assumed to be trapezoidal - excavation may be required Depth of Basin (ft) _ Sideslopes (h:1) _ Surface Width (ft) _ Surface Length (ft) _ Bottom Width (ft) Bottom Length (ft) Bottom Area (sf) Surface Area (sf) Volume Provided (cf) 2 ft (from surface - 3.5 ft maximum) 3 :1 (2:1 minimum) 20 ft 40 ft (try to be 2X width) = 8 ft = 28 ft 1492 sf = 2,566.00 sf 1341 OK = 4,058.00 cf > 1706.24 OK Stone Required Capacity = Peak Flow from a 25 yr storm event. Required Capacity (cfs) = 3.08 cfs Sideslopes (h:1) = 2 :1 Bottom Width (ft) = 6 ft min = 4ft Depth of flow (ft) = 0.50 ft (max. 0.5 ft) Provided Capacity = 2.56*M*h^2.5+3.09*B*h^1.5 (Trapezoidal Weir) Spillway Capacity (cfs) = 7.46 cfs OK Design riser skimmer (Assuming Faircloth Skimmer): Storage Volume = 4,058 cf Skimmer Size = 2 in (use 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, or 8 -inch) Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in (1/4 inch increments) Dewatering Time = 3.18 days (2-5 days, target 3 days) Sediment Basin Summary: Basin ID = BASIN 3G Bottom Width = 8 ft Bottom Length = 28 ft Surface Width = 20 ft Surface Length = 40 ft Top Width = 29 ft Top Length = 49 ft Stone Outlet Width = 6 ft Outlet Sideslopes = 2 :1 Storage Depth = 2 ft Dam Height = 3.5 ft Sideslopes = 3 :1 Skimmer Size = 2 in Head on Skimmer = 0.125 ft Orifice Size = 1.25 in Note: All Calculations are based on a 10 year return rainfall and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Planning and Design Manual. i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.17 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -03 Outlet flowrate 1 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 7.8 percent Full flow velocity 1.3 ft/sec EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 Zan, I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 1.0 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 1.3 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -04 Outlet flowrate Pipe diameter Outlet pipe slope Full flow velocity 1.99 cfs 12 inches 1.6 percent 2.5 ft/sec EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w u e d 10 5 Zone0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 2.0 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 2.5 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -05 Outlet flowrate 5.15 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 33 percent Full flow velocity 6.6 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 e 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 5.2 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 6.6 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -06 Outlet flowrate 12.08 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 33 percent Full flow velocity 15.4 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone c 10 d 5 Zan, I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 3 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 8.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 12.1 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 15.4 ft/sec Stone diameter = 13 in. Material = Class I Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -07 Outlet flowrate Pipe diameter Outlet pipe slope Full flow velocity 11.75 cfs 12 inches 3.6 percent 15.0 ft/sec EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w u e d 10 5 Zan, I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 3 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 8.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 11.8 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 15.0 ft/sec Stone diameter = 13 in. Material = Class I Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -09b Outlet flowrate 2.58 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 4.7 percent Full flow velocity 3.3 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 Zan, I Zone0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 2.6 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 3.3 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -13 Outlet flowrate 2.92 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 1.3 percent Full flow velocity 3.7 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 u 15 w umone d 10 5 Zan se Zone 7 0 - A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 2.9 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 3.7 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com i STEWART RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET Project NC Agricultural Science Center Date 2018.05.08 Project No. C16123 Designer NBC Outlet ID DD -19 Outlet flowrate 1.24 cfs Pipe diameter 12 inches Outlet pipe slope 3.3 percent Full flow velocity 1.6 ft/sec Material = EQUIVALENT PIPE AREA Figure 8.06.b.1 25 20 v 15 w .v 6110 10 d - 1 5 se 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Outlet pipe diameter 12 in. Length = 6.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 1.2 cfs Width = 3.0 ft. Outlet velocity 1.6 ft/sec Stone diameter = 6 in. Material = Class B Thickness = 22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel 919.380.8750 Fax 919.380.8752 www.stewart-eng.com Page 1 of 1 RATIONAL METHOD/PIPE SIZING TABLE SLOPE DRAIN SIZING STEWART-- Project:North Carolina Agricultural Science Center DATE: May 8, 2018 n = 0.012 Project No.: C16123 BY: NBC 9 = 195 h = 22 10 YEAR STORM A tc I WEIGHTED WEIGHTED Q INLET TOTAL INLET PIPE TIME OF INTENSTY Cc Cc FLOW SLOPE Dtheo SIZE TO AREA AREA TIME TIME CONC. INLET TOTAL AREA AREA ac ac min min min in/hr) (cfs) (ft/ft in in SD 01 0.009 0.009 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 0.03 0.3300 1.0 12 SD 02 0.012 0.012 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 0.04 0.3300 1.2 12 SD 03 0.010 0.010 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 0.03 0.3300 1.1 12 SD 05 1.430 1.430 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 5.16 0.3300 6.9 12 SD 06 3.350 3.350 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 12.10 0.3300 9.6 12 SD 10* 0.014 0.014 5 0.00 5.00 7.22 0.50 0.50 0.05 0.3300 1.2 12 Page 1 of 1 Appendix 6 Stormwater 10 -year HGLs Stormwater 25 -year HGLs 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T i m L420 ------ _------- _______i____________�______-------- I ------ .______:------- .______ ______ ______ w 418 ____.y; o v ______ Oink ID channel_norfh 0 ------ _______ 414 ____ Dia 214 00 in 4 0 412 ____z �______ _______f '' ."f _____--------------- _--------------- _--------------- r______ ___--------------- _------ _______ _______________ i �o � Slope O-ki289 itift�______ ______� _ ��____ _� ______� __;________1______3_______f______�__________ " . :Up lnverj 46650 fF '� 8 ----- N 410 n nve 468____________________________,_______.______�_______.______, ---- -------------- ______________ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ------- ___o4406 ----- 404 64 _____ ______;_____________;_____________;_______------ ;------- _______;______{_______;______;_______ ______ _______ ______ ______________ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ------- 402 ------ _------- ------- _---------------- _---------------------- _------------------------ ----------------------- .--------------- .------ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ------- 466 _______------- ------- .------ ._______.------ ._______ L ------ .-------- .--------------- --------------- _______------ ___ 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+40 4+60 4+80 5+00 5+20 5+40 5+60 5+80 6+00 6+20 6+40 6+60 6+80 7+00 7+20 7+40 Station [ft] Node ID: Rim [It]: Invert [It]: Min Pipe Cover (it): Max HGL (it): Link ID. Length (it): Dia (in): Slope [R/R]: Up Invert [R]: Din Invert [R]: Max 4 (cfs): Max Vel [ft/s) Max Depth (ft): ost-North-C utfall Channel_ convergence 01-H W 02J D 10 -year HGL 410.00 428.03 Nodh Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center 435.00 403.00 w 444 ------ _------- ------- .------- ------- .------- -------------- .------- -------- ------- -------- -------------- .------- ------- .------ . ------- ------- .------- _______._____ ____ __ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ 442 _.------- ------- _------ _________------ ________,.------ .,-------- .--------------- _______;______,_______ L ______ _______ L ______ I _______ L ______ I ------- ---------------- _______ ______ _______,______,_______ ______ _______ ______ _______�, 403.82 407.35 422.43 w 440 _ __ _______i______--- ____________ -_ ________________--------------- _-------------- _--------------- ________________------ _______--- _____________ --- _______--------------- _--------------- _------ _______________________________ -di 436 - -------- '------'-------'--------- -- -------�------ : ------ ------- T ------------- ---- --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - - -- r ------ -------- - - - - -- T -------------- r ------ ------- r - - - - - - -------r Uni,ID past We -cII --------------p'-- _ _ 436 ________ ______________ ______ _____ _ ------------ Lehgfh 146A0 ft ______ _ T47.0]: ______ ______________ is in _ _ " 434 _____ - ------- .------ _____________--_______, ------------------------ 24.00 ' Slope 0.6467 Rift. ------ 0.0285 0.0639 0.0102 P Up Ihvert 42S 12 ft 406.50 432 _ ______________________�______ ,_______�______,______ ,_______,______ _______,______�_______,______ _______ ______;.� ;;_______�______ ,, C &_C ,____L ,o „ - - PD__ ,�{StaPrp Pf6pj09 PI ____� C ___�_______�___Dl11jLvt 42 __ ------- ------- ____ Link ID p1-chann(l 'z a ngf '11242 w 12.39 436 -- - '--------'------•-------•------•-------�'--------•------'-------'-------;--CenW243-pjj{f------',------- ------;--- --'------ ------------------Dia 14-66 in -- --- - -------- -- - ------ ---- --- --- - - -- -- - -- -- ---- 428 I ---1)n24 _____------- _______ _____________._ .00 in; ; _ _ _______________________________ _______�______._ .______�_______.______, _______�______ -----'-------- -acre ; ; ; Slope ____ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ ------- I I I I Slope p.0639 ftRft ; Up Inver? 423.18 H I I 426 _____ _____', _ I_IJP-Invest9229H__ ___ _ ______ �_______f______ �_______�______ �______________________�_______________ _ ____________________ _ _________ ___________ 22 ____________ IDn lnvEti4 916 ____ _ _ _________________ �_______________ Dn Invert 406.50tt a424 ------ _------- ------- _------ ________------ 4-______- ------ ,-------- ------- ,-------- --------------- - 422 ------ _------- ------- _------ _________------ _------ ------ _------- _-------------- _-------- ------ _------- _------- ____________ __ _________ ______________ ______ _______ L ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______�_______ _______ i m L420 ------ _------- _______i____________�______-------- I ------ .______:------- .______ ______ ______ w 418 ____.y; o v ______ Oink ID channel_norfh 0 ------ _______ 414 ____ Dia 214 00 in 4 0 412 ____z �______ _______f '' ."f _____--------------- _--------------- _--------------- r______ ___--------------- _------ _______ _______________ i �o � Slope O-ki289 itift�______ ______� _ ��____ _� ______� __;________1______3_______f______�__________ " . :Up lnverj 46650 fF '� 8 ----- N 410 n nve 468____________________________,_______.______�_______.______, ---- -------------- ______________ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ------- ___o4406 ----- 404 64 _____ ______;_____________;_____________;_______------ ;------- _______;______{_______;______;_______ ______ _______ ______ ______________ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ------- 402 ------ _------- ------- _---------------- _---------------------- _------------------------ ----------------------- .--------------- .------ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ------- 466 _______------- ------- .------ ._______.------ ._______ L ------ .-------- .--------------- --------------- _______------ ___ 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+40 4+60 4+80 5+00 5+20 5+40 5+60 5+80 6+00 6+20 6+40 6+60 6+80 7+00 7+20 7+40 Station [ft] Node ID: Rim [It]: Invert [It]: Min Pipe Cover (it): Max HGL (it): Link ID. Length (it): Dia (in): Slope [R/R]: Up Invert [R]: Din Invert [R]: Max 4 (cfs): Max Vel [ft/s) Max Depth (ft): ost-North-C utfall Channel_ convergence 01-H W 02J D 410.00 428.03 428.01 435.00 403.00 406.50 422.03 423.18 429.12 1.50 4.00 2.83 403.82 407.35 422.43 424.59 429.87 channel north 01 -channel {Storm Prop) 02 -PIPE post_west offsite 123.00 243.00 112.42 146.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.0285 0.0639 0.0102 0.0407 406.50 422.03 423.18 429.12 403.00 406.50 422.03 423.18 62.76 12.39 12.44 12.04 5.25 3.55 9.00 7.00 0.83 0.61 0.89 1.07 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 10 -year HGL Neill- Carolina Agricullural Sciences Center STEWART 426 ------ _-------- _------- _------- ______ ,--------,_______--_______,------- ._______,_______._______--_______--______,------- ,---------------- _;------ .---------------- ._______ _______ ______________ _______ I _______ __w.---- _______ I ------- 425 ------ _------- �------- ;------- ------- -------- ------- _______; ;______________ _______ ------- ------- ------- ------- _______ _______ _______ _______ ------ ___ _______ m a;w � 424 � -� � � 4 __�'____ _______ _ _____ i_______ _______ _______ ______________ 423 - - - - - �__________________---- _--------- _______________________________________�_------ _------- _----- _ I ° I I 422______ _______ _______ _ ----------------- _______ _______ ______________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____ Dia;42 00 in 421 -----------------i-------`------i-------i-------i--------------i-------i-------`----------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- _ ; ; � _ _ _ _ � ; ; ; ; ; ; ; U Jneer3A1&50�tt � a --- Dn n 6.50;ft 420 ______; ;_______;________________________________ _______ _______ - _______ _______ _______ ______________ _______ _______ _______ ______ ___ Link 419 ------ _-------- i ------- i------- I ------- -------- ---------------- ---------------- _______i------------ ------------------ ______________ _______ _______ ___ ___ opj._ _______ _______ _______ ______ Length 10.98 ft 418 ______________________________' ______ ;_______;_______,_______;_______J_______j_______', _________ ____; ______ ;______________;_______;_ __;_______;_______ _______ ____ 3u Rm Os _ _______ _______ _______ ______ ___ --Sktpe 0.027.4 Riff n '_ 417 -------------- `_______'--------------- __ "'___ �_______-_ _____________'_______•_____ ----------------------- ------- _______'_______'_ __•_______•_______'_____----L¢ilnv - ____ ___ ___ ____ - vul;u o Dq Invert 41 P.60 ft °"^ 0 416 ____ m ______, _____________________________ jSto'L -Prop4 O=P_____--______ ;_ ____ _______ _______ ____ ____ _____ _______ v" Length 124.12 ft ----- ____5._______ aN "___ -_______�_____________ _______ ___ A218 h _______--- ______,___._______._______.______________�______ -_______� _____ ------- ________ w 415 _ o ._______i_____________- - Pe 4 OO u> _______i ______ '_______�I So 414 ----- '_______-_______` _______________ _______________________ I' N ______a -a _5___ ----- Inert 410-00; k______________ �� D rt 407 70.h v. H � 413 _____ u_n____________________ ------------------_ ._______. --------------- _______ _______ _______ _ ______ _______ _______ ' I ; ______., ; ; ______, ;_______ ________ Link ID 1P-riprap; ; ; ; ; 412 - o �° ____ _______ _______ _______ ________ ---v �-o----`_Leng[h $P.QQ ft -F ---------'-------'-------1-------'-------'-------F-------`------- L a o a Dia 24.00 in ' 411 ____ � o_u___451ope �_____ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ vert:407.60 ftI 410 ---- ° -'� ---.,Do Jnveriv10C50ftt_____ 409 ' 408 ____________'------- '_______'_______`_______`_______`_____________'_______'_______•_______•_______'_______`_______`_____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ 407 _____ --- I-------- ---_______ _______ _______ _______,_______ _______ _______ _______ ______________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 406_____________________________________,_______,_______,_______._______._______._______._______, _______, ______ �_______,______ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___------- ----------------___ ____ 405 ______ _______--------------- s-------------------------------- _______________ ____________________________________----------------------- _______ -------- -------- _-------- _--------------- _ _ 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 3+50 3+60 3+70 3+80 3+90 4+00 Station (ft) Node ID: Rim (It): Invert (It): Min Pipe Cover (it): Max HGL (it): Link ID. Length (it): Dia (in): Slope (Itllt): Up Invert [It]: Dn Invert [It]: Max 4 (cfs): Max Vel [ft/s) Max Depth (R). 10 -HW 11 JB 12RI BACKBIO 410.00 412.00 421.95 421.00 419.00 406.50 407.50 410.40 413.50 415.50 1.50 1.80 8.85 0.00 407.35 408.49 412.77 415.71 417.40 10-riprap (Storm Pmp).10-P {Storm-Prop).11 P RIM 40.00 124.12 105.98 24.00 30.00 30.00 42.00 0.0250 0.0218 0.0274 407.50 410.40 413.50 416.50 406.50 407.70 410.60 416.50 47.28 47.28 47.30 34.15 6.24 11.23 10.57 0.00 0.92 2.02 1 2.19 0.00 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 4285 428 4275 427 4265 426 4255 425 424.5 424 423.5 423 422.5 422 421.5 L 421 420.5 420 419.5 419 418.5 418 417.5 417 416.5 416 415.5 415 414.5 Node ID: Pim (fl): In 0 (fl): Min Pipe Cover III): Mae HGL III): Link ID: Length �fi): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl): Up Inver) III): Dn Invert III): Max 4 (cfs): Mae Vel (fVs): Max Depth III). 10 -year HGL North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center S T E W A R T q1N --------- __________ __________ __________ p a° a ------------------ __________ __________ __________�__________ __________ __________�__________�_________ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ Link ID 15t5rm-Plop _________ _____ __ Lengt� 192.17 ft _______W__, ________mj 1890 RS ___ _______ _ __________ _________ ____ - " " Up Invert �. 0 f w - r m --------+'------ N m .� -------- - -- ---- o o Link lD SYorm-Pro 23-P H 1-- - - - - - p N y p}. _____________________ �, � iengtH 1-04,59ft v v _ a ° Dia 30.00 in 'e a P _______________ V. 8_D ____�__________�______ o r. _q__;__________;__ a 1pope O.00YBft__- ------ H ._______,_ ________, ,� imrett 47 75ft_____,__ __ __________ _ _________i__________ LeDie °y0001in�___� Din Invert 41 93k _____ Slope LY.0100 ftnt nve - - 59-f1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+40 4+60 4+80 5+00 5+20 Station (ft) DACK010 21 -AD 22 AD 23 -AD 419.00 420.33 420.39 425.72 415.50 416.73 417.75 421.00 417.40 418.64 419.65 421.45 (Storm-Prop}.20-P {Storm-Prop}.23-P {Storm-Prop).24 P 123.10 104.59 192.17 30.00 30.00 18.00 0.0100 0.0078 0.0156 416.73 417.75 421.00 415.50 416.93 418.00 28.96 25.00 2.55 7.09 6.07 2.87 1.90 1.80 0.97 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 11 HG North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center 0+90 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 3+50 3+60 3+70 3+80 3+90 4+00 4+10 4+20 4+30 4+40 4+50 4+60 Station (Its Node ID: Pim (ft]: Invert (ft]: Min Pipe Cover (ft): Mae Hi (ft): Link ID: Length eft]: Dia (in): Slope (fVFl]: Up Invert (ft]: Dn Invert (ft]: Max 4 (cfs]: Mae Vel JUV Max Depth (ft]: 22 -AD 24 -AD 25 -AD 26 -CD 27 -JD 420.39 421.33 426.00 427.20 6 430.5- ------ _______------ _------ ------ ______I_____.______I_____,______, ____________ ------ ------ .------ ______ _____ ______ _____,______ _____ ______ _____ _____ - ______ _____ ------ , _____._______ 430 421.99 423.99 ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Storm-Prop}.25-P (Storm-Prop}.26-P _ _ ___________________________________a vt 429.5 64.61 72.25 24.00 __ w _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _ _ � _____ ______ _____ ______, _____,_________ � °d v" o d S 429 ______ ____________ ____________ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ L L ______ _____ ____________ _________________________ ____ ,_ W ---------- ------ ._____.______-_____, w M_ _____ ______ _____ ______------ .________� 417.95 428.5 �__ �__ `_ ` �__ �__ �__ ---------------------x- __ __ 12.50 o C 428 ;- -- -------------- 1.37 ______ _____ ______ _____ z a w_____ ______ _____ ------ ------ __ ___ ---- 427.5 '______•___________•___________'_____'______`_____'______`_____'______`_____'_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -- --- - __ __ _ -- -- --------__ - __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ 427 '______�_____ �______�_____ �______�_____ -______�_____-___________-________________________________________________________________ T_________________ _ _ _______ C Lir 1k ID jWrm Prokjt 27 P _ Lini {Storm Prop},28 P ________________ ______________ _________ ____ Length 64. Length .25 fl 426.5 ;______;_____ ;______;_____;______;_____;______;_____;___________________ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ____________ _________________________ _____ ______ ___ __ .00 m;______�____ _ _____ ______,_pia9S.BBin '�______;_____ ;___ ____ 426 '------ '_____ '______'_____'______`_____'______`_____'______`_____'______`_____.'____ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _StoRa0P255-Hdl____`___ ____ Up InvaN 423.Ob N ___ _ 5-oi D 0100 n�----- .------ ___ ____ ft InvM 423 821 ____ 425.5 ;___________------ ------- ------ �_____�______�_____�_______ ___ _____ ______ ____ n __ _ ____ _____ _ �b fnv�ri 421 .�� ft ____ i ________ �n LZ3T0'Yt ____ 425 r____ __r �_ , ___� ;_____ ,____ - ---- Link ID {Storm Prop} 26 P _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ _ _ ___ ____ 1------ a424.5 '______•_____'______•_____'______•_____'______•_____'______•_____•______'___ __-- ----------------- - __ __ __ Q __ __ _ __------ _ o 424______,___ w__; _____i __ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____r" _____ _____ -------------------------- a m Slope ______ _____; slope 018s_----- __________.____________ ____ IUp lnvdrt . 8ft ____ _____ ______ 1 ____ 423.5 __ -__i _____ _____i _____' ,Nm ___ ra _____ _____ -� ______ ____ _____ _____;____ , ____ _� _____*____________ 423_____�.___.__�_____________�____ 422.5 ---------- °`_'______'_____'______`_Lengl$X104,8tl----'------`-----'______S______ Lirik-ID-�YBrm=Prdli}ZS-P-;___________________ __ v _ _____ _____ ______ __ --------------------------- _ ____________ ___ ______ ----------------- ______� _____ ______�______.____________ ____ _ _____ ______------ _____ ---_____ _____f____________ 422 H� ;______ a �__ _________ �______;_ Die 24.00 in; ___ ______ __ -' __ ______ ___ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______------ 5 sloped 0076 r ,____________ 421.5 '____ z a � a- �______;_____ -______fUpanvert4l-8.7O_ft It ------------------------------ __ _____ _____ __ ____ __-----------______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______'______•____________ 421______ _____ -______,_____ -______. lnv 'Dn _____U______ft4179`H ___________________ __ __ __ __ __------ 420.5 420.5 ;______ -------- ,_____ _____�_____ ;__________ __________------------- _------------ ______--- ____________-------------------- ____________ _____ TT_________________ 420 I_____ ___,_____ ;______;_____;______;_____;------ ------ ------ '______ ------ ------ T ------ ------ 419.5 �_____ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 419,______;______, _____;------------- ;------------- {_______________________________,____________________________________ _____,_________________ 418.5 ;_____ _____I __ _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ------ ------ ------------ 418_____ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ---__ __ 417.5 ;-------------------------------------- ;_________________________________________________� _______________________________TT_______________________________ ________________________________- ________________________ _____ TT_________________ 417 �______;_____ ;______;_____;______;_____;______;_____;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________�_____,______�_____,______,______,______,____ 0+90 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 3+50 3+60 3+70 3+80 3+90 4+00 4+10 4+20 4+30 4+40 4+50 4+60 Station (Its Node ID: Pim (ft]: Invert (ft]: Min Pipe Cover (ft): Mae Hi (ft): Link ID: Length eft]: Dia (in): Slope (fVFl]: Up Invert (ft]: Dn Invert (ft]: Max 4 (cfs]: Mae Vel JUV Max Depth (ft]: 22 -AD 24 -AD 25 -AD 26 -CD 27 -JD 420.39 421.33 426.00 427.20 428.09 417.75 418.75 421.08 422.99 423.82 419.65 420.78 421.99 423.99 424.26 (Storm-Prop}.25-P (Storm-Prop}.26-P {Storm-Prop}.27-P (Storm-Prop}.2&P 104.85 115.42 64.61 72.25 24.00 24.00 24.00 15.00 0.0076 0.0185 0.2266 0.0100 418.75 421.08 423.00 423.82 417.95 418.95 421.28 423.10 18.60 12.50 12.33 1.76 5.99 5.31 8.92 2.63 1.85 1.37 0.88 0.67 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 10 -year HGL Nodh Carolina Agrieullural Sciences Center Node ID: Rim (fl]: Inved (fl]: Min Pipe Cover Ili): Mae HGL Ili): Link ID. Length Ili): Dia [in]: Slope (ft/fl]: Up Inved Ili): Dn Inved Ili): Max 4 [ofsj: M ae Vel JUt j: Max Depth (fl): 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 Station (It) 26 -CB ______________ ________ ________.________.________; -------- .------------------ ________________._____--- .-------- .-------- .-------- .----------------- ;---------- w________.________._______.______�. 427.20 433.5 ------ '-------- ,`________`________`_ _____•________ ________ ________ ________________ _ _ __ ________ ________________ ______ 433 ------ .-------- _--------- _--------- _-------- ________-------- --------- -------- .-------- .________.________________ ________ ________ ________--------- ________ ________ ________________ q _ __ ________ ________ ________ ______ A m u 432.5 _______________________i________--_______________--________--________-------- .________i-------- _______ i2 -------- .-------- .________i_______v' 24.00 24.00 18.00 0.0127 a H Zia w 432 _______________ --------- L --------- I -------- ________j________j -------- ,________________ 424.20 425.50 426.20 9.85 3.87 1.60 6.69 3.54 4.02 0.93 0.78 0.41 431 ---------------- ,.--------- .------------------ ________________,________ ________ _ _ ________, __________ ____ ____,________ ________ ________ _______ ---- 4305 ------ __________--------- _--------- '-------- ________�________�-------- ,________ - ________ ________-------- _ _ ________ _ __________ ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ ---- 430 430 ______.__a, ____f________i________�_______ �________�________ ________ ________ ________ ________i _______ �________ ________ ________ ________.________ _ _ _______ ________________ ° ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ ____ m� m - z x H - ;Link ID 31 ;� 429.5 _________________i________ ____�,w_m____�________�________�_______ �________�________�________� �________°_______ �________j________-------- _-------- _-------- �__ _____� E. (5'fnrwPeop}30A ____� ____�_ _______ _____ _______ length 739 it f ____ 429 m,o ______ _______3________ �,____LWclb_ oem,P_n 29-P__ __________h19.63 ____��� {_q _________________________________________}_______ ----------- Lengt k; ________ pd�;________; ____I,______-Uib°nyrto42 Die 18.00: in ____ a,n ;- kength 86.Q6ft Slop. 0 8153 ftA ____ ____________ __________ ________ ______ ________'___ ___________________ _-________-__________ ________;425 ________ ___________ Oft____;_______ Dm Invert 426`,.28 ft ____ ° S`lope 8. Dp lrnlert Yt_______ Za 428 ____ .y°_ _ _________,________ ;____ _ n erl-4E3.30_ft ____________ ;________ ;________ ;_________________-,_________ _____________________ ___ _ _ _____ p _________, _____________, __425.50 _____,______________________________ w 427.5 _ -------------- Dh Invert 424.28 ft _______��________-______ ------------- -, 427 _____ ------ ', _______-y_______-,_______- --_______-________ ________S________________________'_________s --------- ______ `426.5 426.5 _____ ______,_______ -____ 426 _____ ___________________________________r______ 425.5 ----- 425 _____________ _________________________________________________________________________________*________�________�______ 424.5 _____ 424 _____ _______________________-------- -------- ;________________;________;________;________, 423.5 _____ ________________-------- -------- _________ 423 _____ _______________________-------- -------- ;-------- ;-------- ;-------- ;________;-------- ,-------- �-------- -------- ________ ________ ________,________ ________ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ------ 422.5 ------ _------------------------- -------- ,-------- ,-------- ,-------- ,-------- ----------------- ,-------- ,-------- ,-------- ,-------- ,-------- ,______ Node ID: Rim (fl]: Inved (fl]: Min Pipe Cover Ili): Mae HGL Ili): Link ID. Length Ili): Dia [in]: Slope (ft/fl]: Up Inved Ili): Dn Inved Ili): Max 4 [ofsj: M ae Vel JUt j: Max Depth (fl): 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 Station (It) 26 -CB 20 AD 30 CB 31 -CB 427.20 429.00 431.51 431.50 422.99 425.30 425.80 426.50 423.99 426.31 426.54 426.95 {Storm-Prop}.29-P {Storm ProP}.30-P 31-P 86.66 19.63 23.91 24.00 24.00 18.00 0.0127 0.0153 0.0125 425.30 425.80 426.50 424.20 425.50 426.20 9.85 3.87 1.60 6.69 3.54 4.02 0.93 0.78 0.41 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 441 440.5 440 439.5 439 438.5 438 437.5 437 436.5 436 435.5 435 434.5 434 a 433.5 E 433 'm 432.5 u 432 431.5 431 430.5 430 429.5 429 428.5 428 427.5 427 426.5 426 425.5 425 Node ID: Pim (ft]: Invert (ft]: Min Pipe Cover (fi): Mae Hi (fi): Link ID. Length (fi): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (ft]: Dn Invert (ft]: Max 4 (cfsj: Mae Vel [RIs]: Max Depth (R): 11 HG North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center S T E W A R T �� _____________�------- `_____------- `______'______'_______`_____,______ _______`_____,____ - _______ ______ ______ ______--- ___ __ n orm- rop __--__ __--__ 'ink IDf orm-1.32-P ________'______'______'_______'______'______-_______'_____ ___ 1.24 63 k; __- _1__ - '------------ 1___ __ __ ____ __ __ _ __ _ __ __- - __ __ - ___ -----Ii 4 ------ _______�------- ',�------ ;------ ;------- ______ _______ __Length 133 4C ff_____ _____ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ___ _______-gl pei1.011662-fil#P------ U6 ____;is 15.00 i1 ------*------ _ �_______________ ------- %______I------- -- S .Ob57 fm Ui, love 434 1t_________ _____�______ ______ ____________ ______ _______� ______ ______ ______�_______ ______ ___ _______�Dn lnveR 433.0 {Jp kr�rf 433-0p R_ _ _ _ _'r J .,,,W_� ______ ,------- _______f ------ _______ -_______F______,______-_______-_4nlnvert 421 R_ ______ ______ ______________ ______ ______ -_______ ______ ______ _______ ______ c _______'_ __'______------- ______________'_______'______,______'_ ______________ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______________ I 2 a_K_ 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 2+35 2+40 2+45 2+50 2+55 2+60 Station (Its 30 -CB 32 -CD 33 -CB 431.51 437.83 437.83 425.80 433.60 434.00 426.54 433.92 434.33 (Storm-Prop}.32-P (Storm Prop) 33-P 133.46 24.63 15.00 15.00 0.0517 0.0162 433.40 434.00 426.50 433.60 2.00 0.89 8.18 3.53 0.31 0.32 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 447 446.8 446.6 4464 446.2 446 445.8 445.6 445.4 445.2 445 4448 444.6 444.4 4442 444 443.8 443 6 443.4 443.2 443 u 442.8 442.6 442.4 442.2 442 441.8 441.6 441 4 441.2 441 4408 440.6 440.4 4402 440 439.8 439.6 Node ID: Rim (fl]: I nverl (fl]: Min Pipe Cover (fl): Mae HGL (fl): Link ID. Length (fl): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (fl]: Dn Invert (fl]: Max 4 (cfs]: Mae Vel JUV Max Depth (fl]: 16 -year HGL North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center S T E W A R T _________.________:_ 1111___ _________ _________-------- ------------------- _________ _________ _ ________ ______________________.---------- I -------- ,_-4, ______ _________ __------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- ------------------- --------- -------- ----------- _________ _________ ________ _________ _ ----------------- __�+___ __________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ _ __ _A _q ,_________------------------------------------ _________ _________ _________ ________ _________ --------- ------------ ,_________ �_________,_aen �__ N c� n c �_________ �_________i________ �_________i__� °'_u-�_________ _________ _________ --------- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 1111 H -- o a 1111__ _________ _________--------- _________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _ar �'_m__ ________---- __� _________ _________ -------------------- ---------_________ ------------------------------ _________ _________ _________ ___ a 1111__ ______•_________`________ --------- '_________•------- _________`-------- '_________'_v C__ _________ 1111 _____________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _________ _________ ________ _________------------------ - - - -- - - - 5 A _H ' ._________-------- I-_________ _________�_________________�_________._________.________ �_________,_____ _ 1111 _________ ____ �_________._ � � � � � � ____Lengfh;43T.� k__._______ 1111__ L _________ I1111 1111 _--------- ___________------ -------------- ________________Diat5._________-I____ 1111 _________ _________ _________ 1111 1111 j-_________._________,.---------- --------- �_______ ____,.____---- ------------- ._________.---------- __________________ ___Slope D.01001LrEt-_._________--________ j _________ _________ L _________ ---- 1111 ______-----------------------------_____---------------_ 11:11 11:11 _ ;__ --------- --- _H _::11 11: Dn Invert 441 .70 ft _ --------- _--------------- _------- ____ 1111__ -_________-_ L ____________ ------ --------------------:I ---- ------------ ------------- ------------------- --------- ---------- ------- - ---------I--------'_________.__________________-________________________ --pink ID 37-p _ 1111___ _ ________ _ _ _ 1111___ Llngfh 21 .70 7 ------------------------------------------------L _______________________ ;_________ ;_________; ___Linkl0.'___ _____,_________ ;_________;_ _______15. --- --------- ---------------------________:__________________ 1111 N Dia 15.00 in •______w__'_________"_________'___ -P______'________'_________•_ ____•___--15 ft ------------------------I----------------- --------- -------- 1111 _Leo �A7_@________________________'_ Slope 0.0115 knt ______._ W _____ 1-_m�________________________ 1y`., UpliiG&I 44T _fl_ ------ _--- _ ___ 1111 1111___ '___________ __ i__' w RveH-44T.75fl- ___ ,___ 1111 b_c._ -___________ 10.35: �� a___________i_ ____._pInvert 1 ryf -I Dn l_______' __________ �> P Dn Invert 441 05 ft -- 40.36 k 1111 q,ga�14�� k_. _. ________ ,_________I_________ -------- _--------- __ 1111__ ________ ____________ _________•_________•_________`_-________`__ YS.00�tin�_________•_ •_________`________ - , H 1111 % 46T6� 1111 ,__ ________ 1111__ ------------ ---------- ___________ ____,R {r�"pert 44¢AS ___ � ______ ____________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _________ ________ 1111__ aJ-rt 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 Station (It) 34 HW 35JB 36 AD 37 -CB 38 -CB 6.00 6.00 445.00 445.25 445.45 440.00 440.16 441.05 441.50 443.01 0.00 0.00 440.30 441.55 441.69 442.14 443.50 35-p 36-p 37 p 38-p 14.00 69.47 21.70 131.55 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0100 0.0099 0.0115 0.0100 440.16 441.05 441.50 443.01 440.02 440.36 441.25 441.70 5.53 2.58 2.28 1.69 4.83 2.91 3.99 3.85 1.10 0.91 0.58 0.48 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 11 HG North Carolina Agricullural Sciences Center 427 ------ :----------- : :___________: . _____________-----------------------. .-___________-__� 426.5 ____________ ; ___________ Saar 426 ------------------- _----------- _----------- _____________----------- ____________ __________ ___________ .----------- ___________ L ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ------------------------ 425.5 425.5 �' _____________________________________________________________________________________w___.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________.___________�__ i i i i i _________ 425 _________� ' h __________ ___________ __ ______ 424.5 _________________________________________________________________________________m_ ____ 424 ________________________________________________________________________________ A __________.___________, ___________ ___________ ___________ ____Link lD 44-p _______ ___________,___________ ___________, 417.40 Length 64;71 H ______i___________i______________________i___________.___________i___________�_ o ___ .___________.___________.___________' __________________________ _ _ ____ _________________ Link -08 -_ Slope ti 423 _______________________________________________________________________________ ___,___________,___________ _ _____,___________,___ ,___________k___________ ________:_up e0i155.00 g______________________________ ___________ 422.5 ------f-----------f-----------i----------------------i----------------------'- ----------------------- Olnvert_ 0 n------r-----------------------------------r------------------------- ---- 30.00 a421.6 -:w_O _____•___________•__ _____•___________•_ - 0.0095 ¢ o 0.0155 ° 421 _______; 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Length (fl): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (fl): Dn Invert (fl): Max 4 (cfsj: Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth (II): DACKDID 41 JB 44 -CB 419.00 422.30 424.68 415.50 416.30 421.00 1.05 417.40 418.00 421.40 Link -08 44-p 31.73 64.71 30.00 15.00 0.0095 0.0155 416.30 421.00 416.00 420.00 19.29 1.32 6.41 4.13 1.52 8.38 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 11 HG North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center w 429 ______________------ }------- ;------- ------ }------- ;------- _______;_______,______ ______;_______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______ _ 428.5______•_______•______'_______•_______•______� ______• ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ --- --- ----------- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- - ________ �_______�__ _______ __ __ __ __ - - __ __ __ __ - - __ __ _ _- - --N - 428 -------- --------------- _______-------------- ______ ------- --------------- _------- _-------------- _------- _------------------------ _-------------------------------- _------- _------------------------ _--------------- _------- ________ 427.5_______ _______ ______________ _______ ______ 1° r a 427 ______________ ______ ______________________------- _------- ------- _------- _------- ------- _-------- _------ ------- .----------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ L 426.5 '" - - w a 426 _______________ ________________________ ------- .------- _ ------- w _____ ______________ _______ ------- ---------------- ___________ __ __ ______ ir 425.5 ______,__W ---- -I ------ ________------- ______,------- .------- ,_ _______------- ------- ,-------- .------ ,------- .-------- -I------ ,_______--__c_ m_ri-------------- ,_______ _______ ______________ _______ ___ ________ _______ ______ wu o A m 425 ---__ _____�______}_______________�_� ______;______ ;_______;_____________ ;_____ _______ ______________ _______ ______ 4245 ____ n_�_________________------- ------ ------- _------- ------- _------- _------- ------- _------- _------ ------- _------- �------ .-------------------- o g c ______._______I_______._______' {$'tormFrolu}22B__.______ -_______ _______ ______ I z a" w Lth500 r1ry 424 ____� ____ _______ _____ __ _______ ______________ ______ d_u___�______�_______�_______ ______________ M �______�_______�_______� _______________________�______ __�_______,_______ 1 i 423.5 ____ o s- C __________________________________,_______.______ �_______.,___tink (D fink 6'�_______._______.______,_______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ___ __ __ ___ ______________ _______ ___dopa 9-4234 t4t----- .------- -------- ------- .______- �. 423 ____ z a H ____ ___ ______ _______ ____ _______ _ _______ _______ __ _______ ______________ _______ __ Dn Invert 419 31 ft ____ ______________ _______ ______ e�z sn iUp -- --- nye $ 0 422.5 ______ _______�___--- ---- _------- ------ Sla e'Q 0123 ft -------------------- -------------------- -- _______-------------- _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______ 422 ----- _------ _------- _------- _------ _------- _-------- _________D�Invt:eL4t98atl_____._______.______._______._______.______J_______._______.__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ______________ _____________________ fl __ __ ____ __ 421.5 ----- -----_-_______I_------�'r _______er1 418.T1'I--___-_______--------I___------------i ___--- --- ////���� Dn Inv 421 -----0 _______________________________ _______.______ ____ _______ _______ 420.5 _____ ____ _______ ______ 420 _____ ____, ______;______________ ;_______;_______;______;_______;_______r______�_______;_ 419.5 _____ _- ------- 419 ___ 419 _____ --- r ---------------- ______r ------- -------- - _____________- _______;_______I_______ --- ______;______________--- _____________--- _____________________--- _____________________--- _____________________--- ________ 418.5 _____----- _------ _------- _------- ______________________ ;_______; 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Length (fi): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (ft]: Dn Invert (ft]: Max 4 (cfsj: Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth (fl): 41 J B 42 CB 43 -CB 422.30 423.33 426.41 416.30 419.85 421.21 1.05 418.00 420.31 421.48 Link 09 {Storm-Prop}.22.P 92.99 58.22 18.00 15.00 0.0123 0.0234 419.85 421.21 418.71 419.85 1.83 0.97 4.12 3.32 0.45 0.36 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 431 430.5 430 429.5 429 4285 428 427.5 427 426.5 426 425.5 425 424.5 424 0 4235 423 w 422.5 422 421.5 421 420.5 420 419.5 419 4185 418 4175 417 416.5 416 415.5 Node ID: Pim (fl]: Invert (fl]: Min Pipe Cover (fl): Mae Hi (fl): Link ID. Length (fl): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (fl): Dn Invert (fl): Max 4 (cfsj: Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth (II): S T E W A R T 11 HG Neill- Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center w ______ _______ _______ I _______ _______ _______ i _______ L _______ ______ _______ _______ 1 _______ L ------- ---------------- _______ _______ ______________ _______ 1 _______ L ______________ _______ _______ L _______ L --- L __ ----------- d h ------- _-------- -------- _-------- _-------------- aH _______�____________________ ____________________________________________ .------- ______,_______ _______ ______________ ______ p _ ___________ 424.00 ______ - , ______ 424.12 424.13 ,_______------- w f , ______ ______ ____ _______L_______I______ -_______ 423.87 ______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ m'az N___',_______--______ ,_____�,w m ___:------- '.------- _17ak 1D "P____,_______,___ __ _ __ ----- ___ ____ __Liak1D SEarmJLo 40.P_ __ - { pd m w _____�_ ____ __ __ __ __ _ _Len 88-K1 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2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 3+50 3+60 3+70 3+80 3+90 4+00 Station (Its 41 JB 45-CB2 46 CB 47 -CB 48 -CB 422.30 424.00 424.12 424.13 427.94 416.30 417.13 418.53 419.33 423.87 1.05 418.00 418.56 419.72 421.19 424.37 (Storm-Prop}.40 P (Storm-Prop}.41.P (Storm-Prop).42-P 43-P 81.58 98.70 39.59 77.18 30.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 0.0102 0.0101 0.0101 0.0411 417.13 418.53 419.33 423.87 416.30 417.53 418.93 420.70 16.16 8.25 7.63 3.61 5.01 5.79 6.38 8.28 1.53 1.11 1.17 0.49 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 10 -year HGL Nodh Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center w w 4335 433 ----------------------------------- 7 --------- I --------;_________;__________________;_________;_________;____________________________;__________________________________________________________________ ____________ L ---- _---------- ______- N __ 432.5 ______ _________ ________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ __________________ 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Length (fi): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (ft): Dn Invert (ft): Max 4 (cfs): Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth (ft): 45 C132 50 -AD 45 -CB 52 -CB 424.00 427.00 429.80 429.88 417.13 423.50 424.67 425.01 418.56 424.08 1 425.18 425.61 {Storm Prop).43-P Ni--Prop)-44 P {Storm-Prop).45-P 179.23 35.78 23.99 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0307 0.0299 0.0100 423.50 424.67 425.01 418.00 423.60 424.77 4.55 2.79 2.08 8.19 6.08 4.04 0.57 0.50 0.54 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 11 HG North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center 4465 ______•______ ------- ______;_______ 11______ r______ �_______ 11______x_______ 11______ r______ �_______,_____________ ______ ______________ ______ _______ ______ ------- ------- ,------ _______ ______ ---- h_y� r____;______ ;_______ 11______;_______x______;_ 446 ______•_-----•_______•------ •-------`-_____'-------------•______------------------------ ------- `-----_.______ ------ ------------- --------------------•------------- ______ _____ - - ___-------------- ---- n m m 445.5 ------ --------------- -I ------ .-------- ______ __ ______________ ______ ______ ______ __ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _ 445 ------ _______________------ _-------- -L ------ ,______:-------- .------ I -------- -L------ -_____ ______ _______ ______ ------- ------- .------ _______ ______ ___ 'D ye', J;___ ______________ L ______ _______ ______ _ 444.5 -------------- ------ ------------------------ -------- ------------------------------- ------- ______ _______ ______ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ _____c ,g C -------------------- .------ ._______,___+a_._ o a 444 � I i - I I -____________ --- __________ I i T "__________________________________________ __ _____________________ �_______.__ w __�_______.______,______ ___ 443.5 ______L_ ______�_______._ _______L______._ _______ 443 ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______________ ______ _______ ______ _______:1 _____.______�' ______ ______________ ______ ______ _--_____ ______ _______ ______ ______________�� N __ _______ ______ ______________,______ _______ ______ ______ 442.5 _ _______ _______ _____ _______ ______ _______------- _______ _______ ____ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ 442 ______;______________; 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Length III): Dia [in]: Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert III): Dn Invert III): Max 4 [cfsj: Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth (II): ort South_G ulfall 70 RI 71 -RI 72 -JD 73 -AD 439.00 439.00 442.90 440.00 429.62 433.29 434.02 436.70 437.73 4.13 430.49 434.30 436.26 438.83 438.78 EXP 70-P 72-P PIPE 73 107.19 63.18 89.00 52.74 24.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.0342 0.0100 0.0166 0.0100 433.29 434.02 436.70 437.73 429.62 433.39 435.22 437.20 16.24 12.76 12.06 3.85 10.98 7.37 7.00 4.07 0.92 1.40 1.35 1.25 10 YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 10 -year HGL North Carolina Agricullural Sciences Center Node ID: Pim (fl): Invert (fl): Min Pipe Cover (fl): Mae HGL (fl): Link ID: Length fl): Dia (in): Slope (fVfl]: Up Invert (fl): Dn Invert (fl): Max 4 (cfs): Mae Vel JUVj Max Depth III): FRONT010 _--------- _--------- 62 -CO n 446.5 ------ _________________________________________________�__________, _________�_________ _________-------------------------------- ______,n _ __________ _________ _________ _________ ___ 441.11 441.56 __________ _ __________ _________ 440.82 445.5 � � 442.19 _________ _________ ________ I __________ _________ _________ _________ 104.67 445 ---------------- ;-------------------- }_________;_________;_ -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 18.00 _________________________________ _ ___________________ ______________________ 0.0060 _____ ------- 444.5 444.5 ------ _--------- _--------- _-------------------- _--------- ___________--------- ___________,----------- .---------- .__� a m ; 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Length [It]' Dia ]in] Slope (itlltp Up Invert In Invert Max 4 [ds]: Max Vel [ftls7: Max Depth [fl]: 021 21 -AD 22 AD 23 AD 419.00 420.33 420.39 425.72 415.50 416.73 417.75 421.00 417.58 418.94 419.98 421.48 {Storm Prop}, 20-P {Storm-Prop7.23-P {Storm-Prop7.24 P 123.10 104.59 192.17 30.00 30.00 18.00 0.0100 0.0078 0.0156 416.73 417.75 421.00 415.50 416.93 418.00 31.73 26.84 2.96 7.28 6.10 2.69 2.14 2.12 0.99 2S YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER S T E W A R T 25 year HGL N orth Carolina Ag,-1t,,ral Sciences Center 431 �. 430.5- ------1----- - ------ ------ -...... ............--......------------------------- .------ ------.----- - ------ .------ . .....-......------- ------- ------------- ------ ------ ------... . 430 . .... �. ...�......�......�...... �................. ...... ....................................... ...... ...... ................ --- w �................ ...... ................ ... 429.5 :............ �.............. .. ...... ,. ... ..... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... ...... ............ ..... ... .. .... +. .... ... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... .... .--------------- v d�? 429 ------ 1 ----- ------ 1 ------ ----- ---- ------ L ----- ------ --- I ------ L -----I ------ L -----I ------ L ----- 1 ------ ---------- ------------------ ---- "T -.... .... ... .......... - ..... ...... ... .... ....... ..... �..� m . . .r.....�- .. ;......�.....H......�.....�......L--------------------------------------------------------------- rr----- .................................................. r....... 6c ............_._ ....._._._ . .4285 .._._._ 428 ------ ------------ ----;------'-----;------'--_---'--_--;------'-----;----------- ------ ------ z --- __ _____--------- _ - 208 4275------' 4275 ------ ------ ------ `-----J-- '------`----------- ------ ------------------ 2.67 - ----- ----- ---- --- - --------- --- 427 ------ s----- ------------ - - - -----`'------ ------s-----------------------�------------------------------------ � kIjS6rmro[7P --- --- ---- -- -- --- eG4 -..--.-..-.-. nkID{Stcr�n PropR28- -- -- - ---- ------;.-. --0-Ya-1b.BB-in -�------ Lenth'2.3 2...........�... --- . 4265 ......................... - - -------4- .DDm .----- 4...... 426 ............ ................................................................................... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.9Z8fiHttt........... .. .. --Slope 0,0100 kfft....... . L. L. L Up InveH 423 Oh k Vn Inve% 423.82;k 425.5 ------ .------ ------ ------ - .... - --- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ -------------------------- ---- ---- ---- un -- .... ..... ..... .....MVM 27 It.... ......... ---- .. --- 425-. 425 ;......4..... ;....... Link ID {S1prm Prop }.26 P ; ......��..... �......8.....� .....8 ..... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... ...... ......... .... r Leng[IS 115.4-- .... .... .... ... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... .... ....... ... .. --- 4= 4245 ----------- ------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------------------'----- ------'-----'------'----- --- ore24A0irr ------" --- -- -- -- -- -------- ---- - 424 424---------- - ;up 'm 4235 lnvdrt '------��-----,------�`----,�----------1------� N------p-----1------�- �______,_____ _____ ___________ N ' ;Drr rr4 89�k r 423 '____`•___•__'______:_ �- Lu{klD CSB ---Pro - _•______•______'_____ ____________ - _____ ______ _________ ------ ______ 422.5 � L- ______'_____•______'__ '______._____ .�_ _____8 _____,__ `___ N'-- ;- -----I m-- Len 104 k----'� __ _____ ______ _____ 8 ______------------ ------ 1 8 r � �`_____,______8a �`_____,_____'----__,_____'____ N Dia 2 z a w � 422 v ..-..... ..... �......8.. .. 4......- ... r.....' Slope x.0076 ff � ... 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Length [It]' Dia (" Slope (ft, up Invert [It]: In Invert [IQ: Max 4 fds7: Max Vel (ft? Max Depth (IQ: 22 AD 24 -AD 25 AD 26 CD 27J D 420.39 421.33 426.00 427.20 428.09 417.75 418.75 421.08 422.99 423.82 419.98 421.33 422.27 424.12 424.31 {Storm Prop}, 25-P {Storm Prop}, 26-P {Storm Prop7.27-P (Storm Prop}.28 P 104.85 115.42 64.61 72.25 24.00 24.00 24.00 15.00 0.0076 0.0185 0.0266 0.0100 418.75 421.08 423.00 423.82 417.95 418.95 421.28 423.10 1967. 1528 15.00 208 6.27 5.58 9.03 2.67 2.00 1.60 1.06 0.76 2S YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 25 year HGL North Carolina Ag,,cW rat Sciences Center S T E W A R T 434 ------•--------`- •--------`----------------'- ----------------- •--------•- •- ---------•--------,--------•--------•--------•--------`---------------- ----------------- ----- -------------- ------- 427.20 4335 4335 ______•________--- ____________________________ 422.99 ______ - 433 ------•--------•- •--------•---------------•- - - •- •--------•- •-------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------- ------ 427.04 - 432.5 ------ --------- •-------- •--------- `-------- -------- '--------'�-------- '� ,-------- -------- -------- -------- '-------- '--------,--------,----------------------- ----------------' s -c--'-------- ------ -------- -------0 24.00 a C - 0.0127 ,x° 425.30 425.80 426.50 424.20 432 ------•--------•--------•--------•-------'--------'- -------- --------•--------•--------`--------- '�----------------- --------- •-------- •-----u -•---"---- -------- -------- -- - -----"--------------------- -------- 3.56 4.17 ----- 431 5 ------ ---------'`--------- `-------- -------- '------------------ `--------'-------------- - - --------------- ------- ----431 431 ---------------•--------`--------`---------------- ,-------- --------'-------- '-------- '--------,-------- ,-------- - --------------- ------ -----"----- -------------------- - --- 4305 ------ '----- _______---- �`________`_______'________'_ _____ ________ ________ ________ - - ________ ---- __-------- ____ ________ ________ -------- 430 ------�`----------------------- '-------- `--------� --------- '--------,--------------- a -------J________i________1________#________: A -C -•------- -------- -------- ----------- --------------------- --- --- 429.5 ----��"'_°'_____________`_______________________i________,--------,--------+--------�________:--------�L------- z r a____ ID #5{orwPeop k30R----' _--_--_----_ Link ID 319P t _____ _______ ___ 429 ----LM lb {St em-PnnP)Z4P-------_ - -------------- ---- ------------ '------DSA Len h 19.63 k 24330 irr --- o D ji ------ --- N u kenglh 86¢6ft op a 0.0153 tIA dope-6IN2$HRt .. 428.5 --- m - - - --------� ------------ -------------------------------- ------ -� Dia24 f10 -in-------------------"--- ----------------------------------- - - -------U --------- invert 425:50. ------"-- __DSS lnyer142650 k------------ Dm Invert 426`, 20 k --- o 428 Pe Innve---42 n 425.50 Yt ---- ---------`----------------------------- ---- - ---------'--- - P 3 - ---------------`--------`---- - --- --Inde-- -- - ------------------------------------------------ --- w 427 5 ------------------- ---------------------- Dh Invert 424 20 it ---- ---------d- ------- --------- -------- - ---- -------- ---"--- -------�'--------d- -! --- 426 5 _______-_------;------------42fi ____----------------------'--------4255---------------------------------------------------------425 1-4 ____ ______'_________________'_______---_--------------------- ---------------- _------- --------4245 ---- -------------------------------- --------------- ------ -------- --------424 ---------------------------'--------'--------'--------'--------,-------- F--------'----------------,-------'--------'--------`--------'--------'---------------- --------------------------"----- ------ --------------4235 -------------------------------------'--------' ------------------------------ "------------------------"-----"----- ------ --------------423 ----'-----------------------''--------'--------,-------- ------------------ F--------'-----------------------'--------'--------`--------'--------'---------------- --------------------"-----"----- -------------------- ----- 422.5 ------•--------•--------•--------•-------'-----------------------------------•--------•--------•------------------------,--------,--------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------- ------ ----- 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 Station [ft] Node ID Rim [IQ Min Pipe Cover [It]. Max HGL [It]. Link ID: Length [It]' Dia ]in] Slope pVIQ Up Invert [It]: Dn Invert [It]: Max 4 [ds7: MaxVel [ft? ]: Max Depth [It]: 26 -CD 20 AD 30 CD 31 -CD 427.20 429.00 431.51 431.50 422.99 425.30 425.80 426.50 424.12 426.46 426.68 427.04 {Strom Prop}.29 P {Storm P,op}.30-P 31 P 86.66 19.63 23.97 24.00 24.00 18.00 0.0127 0.0153 0.0125 425.30 425.80 426.50 424.20 425.50 426.20 1208 4.96 2.12 6.99 3.56 4.17 1.05 0.92 0.51 2S YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 441 4405 440 4395 439 438.5 438 437.5 437 4365 436 4355 435 434.5 434 433.5 433 'm 4325 432 431 5 431 430.5 430 429.5 429 4285 428 4275 427 426.5 426 425.5 425 Node ID Rim [IQ Min Pipe Cover [It]. Max HGL [It]. Link ID: Length [It]' Dia ]in] Slope pVIQ Up Invert [It]: Dn Invert [It]: Max 4 [ds7: MaxVel [ft? ]: Max Depth [It]: 25 year HGL North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center S T E W A R T 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 2+35 2+40 2+45 2+50 2+55 2+60 Station [ft] 30 -CD _------- ------ ----------- ------ ------ I --------- 431.51 - - _ _____'______'_______r ---- __'______s______ - r------`------'--------r------'__________________________'_____________________________________________________________-------------_--------- --------------------- ______------ _-------------- `v�L -- - -----,-------`-------------------- ------ •------ ---------------------- ------------- ------ ------------- ------ --- - ------ ------ ----------------- 433.96 -- -- np '--Length {Storm-Prop) ----- ----- ----- -� ---- - ---- --------'� ------ -------------'-------�- ---- ------ -------•Ink ID-- - m-Pro•-32-P--� -------------------------- ---------"---'- ''-i 4 j5t�` el --"--- --"--- ------ ------ ----- -- ----- 24 63 ft.---------- 15.00 -- -----•------ •-------�•------ •------ •------ ------•------'- - ---- - ---- ------------- -- - ------ ----- ----- -------------------- ------------------ - -- - - -' - Leng[h 133 4C ft ---- -- ------------ ------ -- � � � �- ------ --- ----------- 434.00 -- - - - Dia 1500 ins ______'____ � - - -� ----------------------------------------------------J---------- ------ ----- ----------%------i_----------------- ------ ------ ------------- ------ --- :Slope-00lfit Rfh- ------- - ---------- ; -- r -------------------------i-------- --s 'obsl-r'm----- ------ ------------------ ------ ------ ------ tt ------ ------ ------------- ------ --- ---------------- -- _ ___ {4PlmMrf433413ft----- C. lnveN 43360tH ------ -------0_Drr lrtviA 4265h R- a v s_ta_ ,------- _ _ ----' 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 1+35 1+40 1+45 1+50 1+55 1+60 1+65 1+70 1+75 1+80 1+85 1+90 1+95 2+00 2+05 2+10 2+15 2+20 2+25 2+30 2+35 2+40 2+45 2+50 2+55 2+60 Station [ft] 30 -CD 32 CD 33 -CD 431.51 437.83 437.83 425.80 433.60 434.00 426.69 433.96 434.39 IStorm-Pmp).32 P {Storm-Prop) .33-P 133.46 24.63 15.00 15.00 0.0517 0.0162 433.40 434.00 426.50 433.60 253 1.17 970 3.79 0.35 0.37 2S YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 447 446.8 446.6 4464 446.2 44fi 445.8 445.6 4454 445.2 445 4448 444.6 4444 444.2 444 443.8 443.6 4434 443.2 'm 443 442 8 442.6 442 4 442.2 442 441.8 441.6 441 4 441.2 441 4408 440.6 440 4 440.2 440 439.8 439.6 Node ID Rim [IQ Min Pipe Cover [It]. Max HGL [It]. Link ID: Length [It]' Dia ]iny 'In "t'IQ Up Invert [It]: Dn Invert [It]: Max 4 [ds7: MaxVel [ft? ]: Max Depth [It]: 25 year HGL North Carolina Agric It -I Sciences Center S T E W A R T .............. ................. ......... ......... ......... ................ ........... .. ------------- ------ ---------- ......... ........ .................. ............ b �'S. 5 - z a" rCi -- - __ - - -- - - x a -----'---------r--------'---------'---------'---------`---------`----------- ----- ---- - - -- .. L-en9fh;M134.5'rk............�........ ... -----'---------'--------'---------'---------'---------'---------`--------'------- -'- ---- - -- --'- ------------------------------ --- -------------- ------------------------------- ------------------- ---- --- _------- ----�Slope40100ItiR- . ---------- - --------- --------- - --------- ,...UnJoveet.44397 -fl ..--------- ,-------- ........ - ----- ----- Dn InveA 441.70 R ' .....{.........: ........ {.........;.........; ......... Link ID 37 p., .. ............... ... _____•_________•________"_________'_________•_________• ___ - _------ -'--------- --------- ----- ----- - - - -- Length 2l 70 (____ __ __ _______ I- _____•____•---Linkl0. -p ______'________•_________•_------------------- ----- Slo 1B00115ftft_ ......... --------- ------ -�--m-;---------'---------'--Leo 6azR-----'---------'---------'- Pe ---- ------ ------------- I .a7 ,09in---------------- Up Ip4eW 44T 75 -ft. . Slo a 0.0099 Rift -Dn IEvek-44TZSR- �N IJP Invert 4+11.05 R ... y..w .p >, ... Dn Invert 4b 0.36 R -------------------- ---- .......... ..... 8535: � �..�........... .......... ..... _________ - --------------- --- _________ _________ _________ __ e H . ......... ......... ......... L ........ . .. --- v s`nt . ----p-- -----4---------1---------'--------- -------------- ---x 1r'gea4aq.+---------- - -'- - ------'---------'---------`---------`--------'---------'---------'---------`----------- -It ft '------------ -- - - ----- - - -.-- ----------........... 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 3+40 Station [ft] 34.HW 351JB 36 AD 37{B 38 -CB 6.00 6.00 445.00 445.25 445.45 440.00 440.16 441.05 441.50 443.01 000 000 440.33 441.77 441.98 442.28 443.57 35-p 36 p 37 p 38 p 14.00 69.47 21.70 131.55 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0100 0.0099 0.0115 0.0100 440.16 441.05 441.50 443.01 440.02 440.36 441.25 441.70 6.55 3.17 2.77 2.11 5.58 2.96 4.05 3.93 1.13 1.09 0.75 0.57 2S YR HGL STUDY - NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES CENTER 427 426.5 426 425.5 425 424.5 424 423.5 423 422.5 422 = 421 5 421 w 4205. 420 419.5 419 4185 418 417.5 417 416.5 416 4155 415 Node lD Rim [IQ Min Pipe Cover [II]: Max HGL [II]: Link ID. Length [It]' Dia ]in] Slope (itlltp Op Invert Dn Invert [II]: Max 4 fds7: Max Vel [ftls7: Max Depth [fl]: 25 year HGL North Carolina Agricultural Sciences Center S T E W A R T -----, r , , , r , , , r r r r r r r r r r r -p I +00 -yr--- -----'----------- i i- - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - -- 419.00 422.30 - - T T 415.50 416.30 C -----------------------------*-----------*-----------------------------------*--a- : '---------------------'-----------; - q ---------- L-----------'-----------'-----------'----- -----"---�---------�-----"---'� : L - D nk - 41 p -- Length 64:71 tt -------------- ----------- -- -------------------- - --- --- -----•-----------'- •----------- •-----------•-----------'- v d 9 421.43 ---------------------------------------------- Link 0044-P --- 2 Slope 0 0155 ft Yt 64.71 ----------- : .--- - ----------- -----. -lpTweri-7-PP if ------; 0.0095 0.0155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---'-----------,-----------`-----------`-----------`-----------`-31n Neeri 41.00 n------`-----------`-----------`--------- 421.00 ------- ------- - --- ~' ----------------�----------- u o :w--------•-----------•-----------•-----------'---------•-----------•-------•-----------•-----------'� ------------------- --- r ,+Lin ink -08 6.57 --- --------`--------- en�F 31 73g --------------- -- ---"---- --------- - ------------------------------- --- o d ? 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'I Dn Invert 440:7311......:.........,...... --- ... `- 4416 441 ----- -----'--- ---'--------------- - `---------i------------- 4405 aao------------------------------------------+------------------a---------'•-------------------------------------;--------------------I--------- ----- ----- --------' -------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------- --------- ------ -T--------- --- --- ----- 439.5 439 4385 .....------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 1----- .--------- .---------- L --------- L --------- .--------- I --------- ---------- _--- 1_________1__________I__________L -------- -------------------------------------------------- _________________--------- _------ ____--- _----- -------------------- --- ----- ----- - ------------------------------------ _------ ____--- _----- -------- ------ ------ -------------------- _----------------- ----- ----- ----- --------- --------- --------- ____--- _----- ------ __-------- ------ --- .... _ .....____ I 1+00 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 Station [ft] 2+30 2+40 2+50 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 3+10 3+20 3+30 Node ID Rim [IQ Min Pipe Cover [It]. Max HGL [It]. Link ID: Length [It]' Dia in Slope pVIQ Up Invert [It]: Dir Invert [It]: Max 4 [ds7: Max Vel [ftls7: Max Depth [It]: FRONTBIO 61 AD 62 CD GRD442.00 442.83 445.11 444.84 439.00 440.63 441.11 441.56 2.03 441.04 441.95 442.14 442.34 {Storm Prop7.62-F {Storm Prop}.61-P {Storm-Prop7.60 F 104.67 63.86 58.28 18.00 15.00 15.00 0.0060 0.0060 0.0060 440.63 441.11 441.56 440.00 440.73 441.21 749 298 217 4.84 2.64 2.86 1.17 1.13 0.83 Appendix 7 Seasonally High Water Table Report dECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING July 4, 2017 Ms. Jennifer Wagner, PLA, ASLA, LEEP AP Stewart, Inc. 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27601 Re: Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation NC Agricultural Center Raleigh, Wake County, NC Ms. Wagner: 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101 Cary, North Carolina 27518 (919) 557-0929 www.ecologicaleng.com Ecological Engineering, LLP (Ecological Engineering) appreciates the opportunity to provide this Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) evaluation with regard to the proposed BMPs at the abovementioned site. The project site is situated near at the intersection of Edwards Mill Rd. and Reedy Creek Rd. in Raleigh (Figure 1). Ecological Engineering utilized information provided by Stewart, to locate the soil borings for the SHWT determination. Two areas were hand-augered to review and determine the SHWT. Assessments were conducted by Heather Smith, LSS, on July 4, 2017. The following information summarizes the results of our evaluation. Existing Conditions and Area of Evaluation The current landuse surrounding Hole # 1 is a maintained lawn with clover and fescue and Hole # 2 is an active cattle pasture. The holes were dug within the footprints of the proposed BMPs (Figure 2). According to the Soil Survey of Wake County, NC (Cawthorn, 1970) and current data on the USDA Web Soil Survey, the underlying soil at Hole #1 is Appling sandy loam with 2 to 6 percent slopes and the soil at Hole # 2 is Cecil gravelly sandy loam with 6 to 10 percent slopes. These soils are well drained with a subsoil of clay with moderate permeability. Appling and Cecil soils have moderate to rapid runoff. These soil series occur on ridges and side slopes in uplands within the Piedmont of North Carolina. Results The following information describes the soils encountered at the boring location. Our assessments followed and were consistent with Rule 1942 (NCAC.2004) which states "a soil wetness condition shall be determined by the indication of colors of chroma 2 or less (Munsell Color Charts) at > 2% of soil volume or a soil wetness condition shall also be determined by periodic direct observation or indication of saturated soils or a perched water table, or lateral water movement flowing into a bore hole monitoring well, or open excavation above a less permeable horizon or horizon subdivision that may occur without the presence of colors of chroma 2 or less". Please be advised the auger method for visual field assessment by soil color can be an inaccurate assessment of the actual SHWT. The percentage of SHWT indicators is difficult to determine. The use of a pit provides a greater degree of accuracy. Ecological Engineering, LLP Project No. 10502-197 Page 1 of 2 Le novo BMP Seasonal High Water Table determination February 2017 Soil Boring #I Soil Boring # 1 was taken approximately 120 feet to the southwest of the paved parking lot (Figure 2). The soil profile did not exhibit signs of disturbance and appeared to be in a natural condition. Please see attached Soil Profile Description 1 for detailed soil color information. The soil did not exhibit any layers with > 2% low chroma to a depth of 6'. The hole was terminated at 6' due to a restrictive layer. Based on the lack of low chroma within the soil profile the SHWT is greater than 6` for this hole. In conclusion, the SHWT within the evaluated portion of the site is greater than 6'. Soil Boring #2 Soil Boring # 2 was taken approximately at latitude 35.816161 and longitude -78.711897 (Figure 2). The soil profile did not exhibit signs of disturbance and appeared to be in a natural condition. Please see attached Soil Profile Description 2 for detailed soil color information. The soil did not exhibit any layers with > 2% low chroma. Based on the lack of low chroma within the soil profile the SHWT is greater than 10' for this hole. In conclusion, the SHWT within the evaluated portion of the site is greater than 10'. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone at (919) 557-0929 or via email at hsmith P ecol❑ icalen .com. Sincerely, ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, LLP 11 — Heather Smith, LSS Project Scientist cc: File 10502-197 References Cited; 15A NCAC 18A.1942 (2004). Cawthorn, Joel, W. 1970. Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina. USDA Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with the NC Agricultural Experiment Station. US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2017. Web Soil Survey. Available at: www.websoilsur-vey.nres.usda.gov/app. Ecological fngineering, LLP Project No. 10502-197 Page 2 of 2 ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Client Project Name County Location Mapped Soil Series Soil Classification Actual WT Vegetation Soil Profile Description Stewa rt Date 7/4/2017 Texture EE 0-5 NC Ag Center Project # 10502-197 Wake State NC Reedy Creek Rd./Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh, NC Boring ID Hole # 1 Appling sandy loam 5YR 6/8 Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults gravel 30-35 >6' SH WT >6' Slope 2-6% Clover/Lawn Drainage Well Drained Latitude 35.814056 Boring Depth 61 Restrictive Reason Layer Longitude -78.712249 Depth (in) Matrix Color Mottles Texture Notes 0-5 7.5YR 4/4 sandy loam 5-15 2.5YR 4/8 clay 15-30 5YR 6/8 loamy clay gravel 30-35 SYR 5/3 loamy clay SYR 6/6 SYR 5/8 35-40 2.5Y 5/3 10YR 6/8 (20%) clay loam Didn't meet chroma 2 requirement for a call for SHWT 40-48 1 10YR 5/8 clay 48-54 10YR 5/8 2.5YR 4/8 {10%) clay 54-72 2.5YR 4/8 clay 10YR 5/8 Comments: The soil didn't meet the requirement for a chroma 2 in the upper 40" of the soil. During the site visit the soil was dry to touch and the last rain was 7/3/17, approximately 0.05". This area may have increased soil moisture during the winter and spring months. Hit a restrictive layer at 6', possibly bedrock. Appling soils have bedrock at a depth ranging from 6' to 10'. �,�•..� LSS Seal and Signature: Date: 7 —� — f ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Client Project Name County Location Mapped Soil Series Soil Classification Actual WT Vegetation Boring Depth Soil Profile Description 5tewa rt Date 7/4/2017 Texture EE 0-6 NC Ag Center Project # 10502-197 Wake State NC Reedy Creek Rd./Edwards Mill Rd., Raleigh, NC Boring I❑ Hole # 2 Cecil, gravelly sandy loam 2.5YR 4/8 Fine, kaoIinitic, thermic Typic KanhapIuduIts 45-60 510' SHWT X10' Slope 6-10% Pasture Drainage Well Drained Latitude 35.816161 10' Reason Auger Length Longitude -78.711897 Depth (in) Matrix Color Mottles Texture Notes 0-6 10YR 4/3 sandy loam 6-10 5YR 5/8 sandy clay 10-45 2.5YR 4/8 clay 45-60 2.5YR 4/8 5YR 5/8 (5%) clay Mica present 60-80 2.5YR 4/8 loam saprolite Mica present 2.5Y 7/4 7.5YR 5/6 80-120 10114/3 loam saprolite Mica present 2.5YR 6/8 5YR 7/8 Comments: The soil didn't exhibit characteristics of a SHWT within 10' of the soil surface. LSS Seal and Signature: SOIL ❑IL 5C1 Date: f ��R C. s� V� '� y��';�R,S1ArtUJ 4 ►" "� r riff _ -{ IPA 1336 Q �� 1VO RTH �A ner-iage a RK DR 4q ,f C RUQ �4q COTTOWULLDR �ti4 - SDI1V1� I 1 � �e a o�—nnACOH poyo Project Location look �t QiiVetJ I —Cem �a �x" o x u a w M7 e DIS T1?1IC DR 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet Prepared By: Prepared For: ~ ECGLGGICAL ENGINEERING STEWART N INAgpE Ar V DR. __ HA RDEAV RD. Figure 1 Seasonal High Water Table Determination Vicinty Map NC Agricultural Center Wake County, NC July 2017 2013 USGS Quadrangle Raleigh West H - � M Legend,. Q Proposed BMP % py •,a, • � A. 1 Hole # 2 ` � - •9 1.11--1 17 ,77W _ €d 1p � . Hole # 1 �:�•. ''��. �' _ s " r ,.� r , Ir► ';. DRQ~ � �. � •��� _ �� ,�' ff ;'� reek •>� ,�� �� n N, � �1'��r �= j- �. . r 5 •� . - ri.s • j. , ..,u. 0 150 300 600 Feet " �` ='' � #.r Prepared By: Prepared For: Figure 2 Seasonal High Water Table Determination N Boring Locations r-Aj NC Agricultural Center ECOLOGICAL Wake County, NC ENGINEERING STEWARTI July 2017 2013 NC Onemap Aerials