HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3180401_Geotechnical/Soils Report_20180925ESP -30 ESP Associates, P.A. 1986 -2016 REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REA ROAD TOWNHOMES MARVIN, NORTH CAROLINA ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Prepared For: Pulte Homes 1 1 121 Carmel Commons Boulevard Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28226 Prepared By: ESP Associates, P.A. P. 0. Box 7030 Charlotte, North Carolina 28241 August 3, 2016 ESP -30 FSP Associates, P.A. 1986 2016 August 3, 2016 Pulte Homes 11121 Carmel Commons Boulevard Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28226 Attention: Mr. Cisco Garcia Reference: REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, North Carolina ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Dear Mr. Garcia: ESP Associates, P.A. (ESP) has completed the subsurface exploration for the Rea Road Townhomes site located in Marvin, North Carolina. This exploration was performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. E4B-16608, dated June 30, 2016. Authorization to proceed with this study was provided via email authorization by you. The purpose of the exploration was to evaluate the general subsurface conditions within the proposed building and pavement areas with regard to the design and construction of the foundation and pavement systems. This report presents our findings, conclusions and recommendations for foundation design, as well as construction considerations for the proposed foundations and pavement areas. P.O. Box 7030 Charlotte, NC 28241 1.800.960.7317 NC: 704.583.4949, fax 704.583.4950 SC: 803.802.2440, fax 803.802.2515 www.espassociates.com Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes ESP Project No. E4 -ER -2.300 August 3, 2016 ESP appreciates the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you should have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, ESP Associates, P.A. Justin K. Gilbert. EI Project Manager .,,�11c 4w D. CIi She E ' N.C.Jeg*tstration No. 28.0 i; i� 4014e���•P�� 7KG/DC� r/j I 140" Copies Submitted: (3) LICENSE NO. 0-0587 1) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION....................................................................... 1 1.2 PURPOSE OF SERVICES........................................................................................... 1 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES..................................................................................... 2 2.1 FIELD............................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 LABORATORY............................................................................................................2 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.......................................................................................... 3 3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND AREA GEOLOGY............................................................. 3 3.2 SUBSURFACE............................................................................................................. 4 3.3 SUBSURFACE WATER.............................................................................................. 5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................ 5 4.1 GENERAL.....................................................................................................................5 4.2 SITE DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................ 6 4.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT.......................................................................................... 6 4.4 FLOOR SLABS............................................................................................................. 7 4.5 PAVEMENT AREAS................................................................................................... 8 4.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES............................................................................................ 8 4.7 DRAINAGE.................................................................................................................. 9 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................... 9 5.1 SITE PREPARATION.................................................................................................. 9 5.2 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY........................................................... 10 5.3 DIFFICULT EXCAVATION..................................................................................... 11 5.4 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT.................................................................... 13 5.5 STRUCTURAL FILL OVER 10 FEET IN HEIGHT ................................................ 13 6.0 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT.......................................................................................... 14 APPENDIX FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES LABORATORY PROCEDURES BORING LOCATION PLAN WITH SITE VICINITY MAP, FIGURE 1 LEGEND TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS TEST BORING RECORDS (B-01 THROUGH B-14) MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP (S-1) Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed site is located off Rea Road in Marvin, North Carolina (reference "Site Vicinity Map" insert Figure 1). The site is bordered to the north by Sixmile Creek, to the west by McBride Branch, to the east by Rea Road and to the south by vacant property. The site generally consist of moderately wooded areas with a cleared area in the central portion of the site. Fencing is present surrounding the cleared area within the central portion of the site and an abandoned well is located in the northeast corner of the fenced area. Relief on the site appears to be on the order of 15 to 20 feet sloping downward from east to west. We understand that plans are to develop 8 multi -family structures containing approximately 25 units with associated infrastructure and pavement areas at the site. We anticipate that the proposed structures will be lightly to moderately loaded with shallow foundations and slab - on -grade floor systems. No other detailed information has been provided at this time. 1.2 PURPOSE OF SERVICES The purpose of the exploration was to evaluate the general subsurface conditions within the proposed building and pavement areas with regard to the design and construction of the foundation and pavement systems. This report presents our findings, conclusions and recommendations for foundation design, as well as construction considerations for the proposed development. This report also contains a brief description of the field testing procedures performed for this study and a discussion of the soil conditions encountered at the site. 1 Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 2.1 FIELD ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 August 3, 2016 Fourteen (14) soil test borings (Borings B-01 through B-14) were performed at the approximate locations shown on the attached "Boring Location Plan," Figure 1. The borings were located in the field by a project manager using a hand held global positioning system (GPS). The soil test borings were extended to depths ranging between 5.4 and 15 feet below the existing ground surface using a CME 550X drill rig mounted on an ATV carrier. Hollow -stem, continuous flight augers were used to advance the borings into the ground. Standard Penetration Tests were performed at designated intervals in the soil test borings in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 in order to obtain data for estimating soil strength and consistency. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split -spoon soil samples were recovered for soil classification and potential laboratory testing. Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling and at one day following the termination of drilling. A brief description of the field testing procedures is included in the Appendix. While in the field, a representative of the geotechnical engineer visually examined each split spoon sample to evaluate the type of soil encountered, soil plasticity, moisture condition, organic content, presence of lenses and seams, colors and apparent geological origin. The results of the visual soil classifications for the borings, as well as field test results, are presented on the individual "Test Boring Records" included in the Appendix. Similar soils were grouped into strata on the records. The strata lines represent approximate boundaries between the soil types; however, the actual transition between soil types in the field may be gradual in both the horizontal and vertical directions. 2.2 LABORATORY Select samples of the on-site soils obtained during the field testing program were tested in the laboratory. Testing performed included a Standard Proctor compaction test. The limited testing Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 program was designed to determine selected engineering properties of the on-site soils relative to their use for the project. The results of the soil tests performed for this study, along with a brief description of the laboratory procedures used, are presented in the Appendix. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND AREA GEOLOGY The referenced property is located in Marvin, North Carolina which is in the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Piedmont Province generally consists of hills and ridges which are intertwined with an established system of draws and streams. The Piedmont Province is predominately underlain by igneous rock (formed from molten material) and metamorphic rock (formed by heat, pressure and/or chemical action), which were initially formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras. The virgin soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in-place chemical weathering of rock which was similar to the rock presently underlying the site. In areas not altered by erosion or disturbed by the activities of man, the typical residual soil profile consists of clayey soils near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone termed "partially weathered rock" is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with Standard Penetration Resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot (bpf). Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints and by the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is common to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. 3 Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes 3.2 SUBSURFACE ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 August 3, 2016 Subsurface conditions as indicated by the borings generally consist of topsoil underlain by residual soils. The residual soils have formed from the weathering of the parent bedrock. The residual soils generally transition with depth into partially weathered rock. The generalized subsurface conditions at the site are described below. For more detailed soil descriptions and stratifications at a particular boring location, the respective "Test Boring Record" should be reviewed. The Test Boring Records are included in the Appendix. Surface: A topsoil layer approximately 2 to 4 inches thick was encountered in each boring. The thickness of topsoil encountered during site grading activities may vary from those encountered in the relatively widely spaced borings. Residuum: Below the topsoil in each boring with the exception of B-01 and B-05, residual soils were encountered. The residuum generally consists of firm to hard silty clay and sandy silt and medium dense to very dense silty sand. N -values in the residuum varied between 7 and 86 bpf. The residuum extends to depths ranging between 1 and 15 feet below the existing ground surface. Soil Test Borings B-06, B-11 and B-12 were terminated in the residual soils at a depth of approximately 15 feet below the existing ground surface. Boring B-04 resulted in auger refusal within the residuum at a depth of approximately 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Partially Weathered Rock: Underlying the topsoil in Boring B-01 and B-05, beneath the residuum in Borings B-02, B-03, B-07 through B-10, B-13 and B-14, and within the residuum in Boring B-04, partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered. PWR is defined as residual soils exhibiting N -values in excess of 100 bpf. When sampled, the PWR generally breaks down into sandy silt and silty sand with rock fragments. A seam of PWR was encountered in Boring B-04, extending between a depth of approximately 3.5 to 8.5 feet. Borings B-02, B-03, B-05, B-07 through B-10, B-13 and B-14 were terminated in the PWR at depths ranging between 13.7 and 14.9 feet. Boring B-01 resulted in auger refusal at a depth of approximately 5.4 feet. Auger refusal is defined as material that could not be penetrated with the drill rig equipment used on the project. Auger refusal material may consist of large boulders, rock ledges, lenses, seams or the 2 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 top of parent bedrock. Core drilling techniques would be required to evaluate the character and continuity of the refusal material. 3.3 SUBSURFACE WATER Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling and at one day following the termination of drilling. Water was measured at one day following the termination of drilling at depths ranging between 5.5 and 12.1 feet below the existing ground surface in Borings B-03, B-05 through B-09, B-11 and B-12. Hole cave-in depths ranged between 4.3 and 12.8 feet below the existing ground surface in the remainder of the borings. Hole cave-in depths may provide an indication of the presence of water. Subsurface water levels tend to fluctuate with seasonal and climatic variations, as well as with some types of construction operations. Therefore, water may be encountered during construction at depths not indicated during this study. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the project information previously discussed and on the data obtained from the field and laboratory testing program. If the structural loading, geometry or proposed structure locations are changed or significantly differ from those discussed, or if conditions are encountered during construction that differ from those encountered by the borings, ESP requests the opportunity to review our recommendations based on the new information and make any necessary changes. 5 Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes 4.2 SITE DEVELOPMENT ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 August 3, 2016 The results of the field testing program and analyses indicate the property appears to be suitable for constructing lightly to moderately loaded structures, provided the following measures are considered. A) Difficult excavation should be anticipated, depending on final site grades and utility excavation depths. PWR was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 0.2 to 14.9 feet below existing ground surface in each of the borings with the exception of B- 06, B-11 and B-12. A seam of PWR was encountered in Boring B-04 at approximately 3.5 feet and extended to approximately 8.5 feet. Boring B-01 was terminated in the PWR upon auger refusal at a depth of approximately 5.4 feet. The surface of PWR can vary erratically in short horizontal and/or vertical distances in this region of North Carolina. In addition, Boring B-04 resulted in auger refusal within the residuum at a depth of approximately 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Partially weathered rock, bedrock, intermittent rock lenses, and/or boulders may be encountered during general grading and excavations for the installation of utilities and foundations. B) Water was observed in Borings B-03, B-05 through B-09, B-11 and B-12 at depths ranging between 5.5 and 12.1 feet below existing ground surface at one day following the termination of drilling. The depth to water should be considered when establishing final grades. If final structural grades (bottom of footing) are set within 3 feet of water then a permanent under drain will be required. 4.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT For satisfactory performance, the foundation for any structure must satisfy two independent design criteria. First, it must have an acceptable factor of safety against bearing failure of the foundation soils under the maximum design loads. Second, the settlement of the foundations due to consolidation of the underlying soils should be within tolerable limits for the structures. Con Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 The results of the soil test borings indicate that the proposed structures can be adequately supported on shallow foundations bearing on the low -plasticity residual soils or newly placed structural fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this report are implemented. A net allowable bearing pressure of up to 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) can be used for design of the foundations. Based on the general stratigraphy in the structural areas, past experience with similar projects and the anticipated magnitude of the structural loads, it is our opinion that the total and differential settlement potentials for the structures should be on the order of 1 inch and 1/2 inch, respectively. This conclusion is contingent upon compliance with the site preparation and fill placement recommendations outlined in this report. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 18 and 24 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, punching -type shear failure. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be designed to bear at least 18 inches below finished grade for frost protection. We recommend that the subgrade soils be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer prior to foundation installation. This is to assess their suitability for foundation support and confirm their consistency with the conditions upon which our recommendations are based. The subgrade materials can be sensitive to moisture variations; therefore, foundation excavations should be opened for a minimum amount of time, particularly during inclement weather. Soils exposed to moisture variations may become highly disturbed and require undercutting prior to placing foundations. 4.4 FLOOR SLABS Slab -on -grade floor systems can be adequately supported on the low -plasticity residual soils or newly compacted fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this 7 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 report are implemented. The floor slabs should be completely isolated from the structural components to allow independent movements of the slabs and foundations. Immediately prior to constructing the floor slabs, we recommend that the areas be proofrolled to detect unstable areas that may have been exposed to wet weather or construction traffic. Areas that are found to be unstable or indicate pumping action during the proofrolling should be undercut and replaced with adequately compacted structural fill. The proofrolling should be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. 4.5 PAVEMENT AREAS We recommend that special care be given to providing adequate drainage away from pavement areas to reduce infiltration of surface water to the base course and subgrade materials in these areas. If these materials are allowed to become saturated during the life of the pavement section, then there will be a strength reduction of the materials that could result in a reduced life of the pavement section. All water should be routed away from the pavement areas and adequate slopes provided to maintain drainage off site. Pavement areas should be proofrolled prior to placing structural fill and/or base course. Proofrolling procedures are outlined in subsequent sections of this report. 4.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES For landscaping and mowing concerns, final project slopes should be designed to be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Slopes can be designed as steep as 2 horizontal to 1 vertical; however, soil erosion, slope sloughing and slope maintenance should be expected. If designing slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical, a slope stability analysis should be performed to verify stability of the slope. The tops and bases of all slopes should be located a minimum of 5 feet from structural and pavement limits. The fill slopes should be adequately compacted as outlined below, and all slopes should be seeded and maintained after construction. N. Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 Retaining wall analysis was not part of our scope of services. However, any retaining walls should be designed using appropriate soil parameters based on the site and construction conditions. Also, any walls designed must be properly analyzed by the wall design engineer with respect to global stability analysis and other design parameters. 4.7 DRAINAGE Soil strength and settlement potential is highly dependent upon the moisture condition of the supportive soil. Soil characteristics can change dramatically when moisture conditions change. As such, building pads, roadways, structures and surrounding grades should be properly designed and constructed to properly control water (surface and subsurface). Building pads should be designed to shed surface water prior to building construction. Grades surrounding structures should be adequately sloped away from the structure to promote positive drainage and prevent water from ponding near or against the structure. Swales and/or storm drainage structures should be constructed to collect and remove all surface water run-off. All roof drain downspouts should be connected to drain leaders that are properly daylighted or connected to storm drainage structures such that water is removed from structural areas. Interior and/or exterior foundation drains should be installed to properly protect foundations from changing moisture conditions. All foundation drains should be properly daylighted or connected to storm drain structures to remove all water from foundation areas. Roof drain lines and foundation drain lines should always remain independent of each other. Any subsurface water that may rise near structural grades should be controlled by adequately constructed subsurface drainage mechanisms. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 SITE PREPARATION The entire buildings and pavement areas should be stripped of all topsoil, trash, debris and other organic materials to a minimum of 10 feet beyond the structural and pavement limits. Upon completion of the stripping operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic tired vehicle (minimum loaded I Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 weight of 20 tons) under the observation of a representative of the geotechnical engineer. The proofrolling procedures should consist of complete passes of the exposed areas, with half of the passes being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding ones. After excavation of the site has been completed, the exposed subgrade in cut areas should also be proofrolled as previously described. Any areas which deflect, rut or pump excessively during proofrolling or fail to improve sufficiently after successive passes should be undercut to suitable soils and replaced with structural fill. After the proofrolling operation has been completed and approved, final site grading should proceed immediately. If construction progresses during wet weather, the proofrolling operation should be repeated with at least one pass in each direction immediately prior to placing base course in the parking areas. If unstable conditions are exposed during this operation, then undercutting should be performed. 5.2 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY Since the excavations will extend below final grades, shoring and bracing or flattening (laying back) of the slopes will be required to obtain a safe working environment. In this regard, we anticipate that the residual soils and compacted structural fill will remain stable on an approximately 1(H) to 1(V) slope for the short period that they should remain open. However, this should be verified in the field at the time of construction. A flatter slope may be required. All excavations should be conducted in a safe manner and comply with all local, state and federal guidelines and codes. We recommend that all excavated soils be placed away from the edges of the excavation, at a distance equaling or exceeding the depth of the excavation. Excavations greater than four feet in depth should be sloped or shored in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations, including OSHA "Construction Standard for Excavations" (29 CFR Part 1926.650-652). The contractor is usually solely responsible for site safety. This information is provided only as a service and under no circumstances should ESP be assumed to be responsible for construction site safety. 10 Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes 5.3 DIFFICULT EXCAVATION ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 August 3, 2016 Based on the results of the soil test borings, it appears that portions of the general excavation will be in residual soil. We anticipate that the residual soil can be excavated using pans, scrapers, backhoes and front end loaders. PWR was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 0.2 to 14.9 feet below existing ground surface in each of the borings with the exception of B-06, B-11 and B-12. Boring B-01 was terminated in the PWR upon auger refusal at a depth of approximately 5.4 feet. In addition, Boring B-04 resulted in auger refusal within the residuum at a depth of approximately 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Therefore, we anticipate that partially weathered rock, intermittent rock lenses, bedrock and/or boulders may be encountered during general site grading and excavation for the installation of foundations and utilities. The depth to, and thickness of, PWR and rock lenses or seams, can vary dramatically in short distances and between boring locations; therefore, PWR or bedrock may be encountered during construction at locations or depths between boring locations, not encountered during this exploration. It has been our past experience in this geologic area that materials having Standard Penetration Resistances of less than 50 blows per 0.4 foot can generally be excavated using pans and scrapers by first loosening with a ripper attached to a suitable sized dozer such as a Caterpillar D-8 or D-9. On earthwork projects requiring ripping, questions sometimes develop as to whether the materials can be removed by ripping or whether blasting is required. It should be noted that ripping is dependent upon finding the right combination of equipment and techniques used, as well as the operator's skill and experience. The success of the ripping operation is dependent on finding the proper combinations for the conditions encountered. Excavation of the weathered rock is typically much more difficult in confined excavations. Jackhammering or blasting is anticipated to be required for materials having Standard Penetration Resistances in excess of 50 blows per 0.2 foot. 11 Report of Subsurface Exploration Rea Road Townhomes ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 August 3, 2016 We recommend that materials requiring blasting or hammering to remove be well defined in the project specifications and/or construction contract documents. Below are recommended definitions for "rock." Mass Rock: Material that cannot be dislodged by a Caterpillar D-8 Bulldozer, or equivalent, equipped with a single tooth ripper. Trench Rock: Material that cannot be dislodged by a Caterpillar 320 hydraulic backhoe, or equivalent, equipped with a rock bucket. Boulders: Masses of rock exceeding 1 cubic yard in volume for mass excavations and 1/2 cubic yard in volume for trench excavations shall also be considered mass or trench rock, respectively, during excavation. These classifications are for information purposes only and are not considered contractual definitions unless referenced as such by the project plans and/or contract documents. The classifications do not include materials such as loose rock, concrete, or other materials that can be removed by means other than impact hammering, but which for any reason, such as economic reasons, the contractor chooses to remove by impact hammering. We also recommend that quantification guidelines for payment purposes be established prior to removal of materials defined above. These guidelines should include the following measurements to be used during quantity calculations: • The depth below proposed subgrade for mass rock • The depth below proposed utility design depth for trench rock • The width on each side of the utility for trench rock. These guidelines should establish a base line for payment and should be completely independent of the means and methods of the contractor. 12 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 We would like to point out that our experience indicates rock in a weathered, boulder and massive form varies erratically in location and depth in the Piedmont Geologic Province, which contains Marvin, North Carolina. Therefore, there is always a potential that these materials could be encountered at shallow depths between the boring locations. 5.4 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT All fill used for site grading operations should consist of a clean (free of organics and debris), low plasticity soil (Plasticity Index less than 30). The proposed fill should have a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test, ASTM D 698. All fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its Standard Proctor maximum dry density, with at least 100 percent achieved in the upper 12 inches. We recommend that field density tests, including one -point Proctor verification tests, be performed on the fill as it is being placed at a frequency determined by an experienced geotechnical engineer to verify the compaction criteria. Any fills that may be constructed greater than 15 feet in height should be evaluated with regard to long term settlement, consolidation and slope stability. These analysis should be requested of the geotechnical engineer once grading plans are complete and available. Based on the results of the soil test borings performed at the site and our past experience with similar type materials, the low plasticity residual soils can be used as structural fill; however, moisture conditioning should be anticipated. 5.5 STRUCTURAL FILL OVER 10 FEET IN HEIGHT Any structural fills that may be constructed greater than 10 feet in height should be monitored prior to constructing the foundations and slab -on -grade. Settlement monitoring points should be embedded at the proposed subgrade level and monitored regularly by a licensed surveyor. Once the magnitude and rate of settlement are within acceptable levels, then foundation and slab -on - grade construction may begin. Based on our previous experience and soil types at the site, we 13 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-ER22.300 Rea Road Townhomes August 3, 2016 anticipate the time required to reduce settlements to an acceptable level may be on the order of 30 to 60 days. We recommend that the settlement monitoring data be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer to determine when foundation and slab -on -grade construction may proceed. Failure to allow adequate time for the settlement to occur may result in excessive settlement of the buildings and subsequent damage to the structures. Therefore, the owner is taking a risk if construction is allowed to proceed prematurely. 6.0 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice with regard to the specific conditions and requirements of this site. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report were based on the applicable standards of our practice in this geographic area at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The analysis and recommendations submitted herein are based, in part, upon the data obtained from the subsurface exploration. The nature and extent of variations between the borings will not be known until construction is underway. If variations appear evident, then we request the opportunity to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the structures are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions modified or verified in writing by ESP. In order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented, we recommend that ESP be provided the opportunity to review the final plans and specifications. Any concerns observed will be brought to our client's attention in writing. 14 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Soil Test Boring: Fourteen (14) soil test borings were drilled at the approximate locations shown on the attached Boring Location Plan, Figure 1. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586. The borings were advanced with hollow -stem augers and, at standard intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4 -inch I.D., 2 -inch O.D., split -tube sampler. The sampler was first seated six (6) inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140 -pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows is designated the "Standard Penetration Resistance." When properly evaluated, the Standard Penetration Resistances provide an index to soil strength, relative density, and ability to support foundations. Select portions of each soil sample were placed in sealed containers and taken to our office. The samples were examined by a representative of the geotechnical engineer for classification. Test Boring Records are attached showing the soil descriptions and Standard Penetration Resistances. LABORATORY PROCEDURES Standard Proctor Compaction Test: Select samples of the on-site soils were obtained from auger cuttings to determine their suitability as fill material. Standard Proctor Compaction Tests (ASTM D 698) were performed on these soils to determine their compaction characteristics including maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The test results are presented on the attached Moisture -Density Relationship Sheets included in the Appendix. Open Space (typ.)�v 4t jM`'` • ,� + l\ VIN SITE SITE VICINITY MAP Od 00 N\1CX \ •. - NN 4 Ni 19 AD f 365 Townhames , ,��' f j- 25 Unit Vr 240' Stream Buffer •� �.,..,; A i \ "`- r 1, _ r. FEMA Floodplain (per GIS) =,,;fie`' � a ; \ tential Y \ .�aalit Potential Stub Street ,V \ I Stream- (pert l5) LEGEND TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS SOIL TYPES (Shown in Graphic Log) ® Asphalt I Concrete Organic 11fl Sandy Silt i Topsoil Sandy " � ; Clayey Silt 771 Gravel U Silty Sandy Clay Sand % Clayey Silty Clay Silt f t`?`I Silty Sand Partially Weathered Rock r r771 Clay %f Clayey Sand Cared Rock Silty Gravel I lIy CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Clayey Gravel STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE CONSISTENCY BLOWS I FOOT SAMPLER TYPES Very Soft 0 to 2 (Shown in Samples Column) Soft 3 to 4 Firm 5 to 8 Shelby Tube SBR 9 to 15 Split Spoon Very Stiff 16 to 30 Hard 31 to 50 Q Rock Core Very Hard Over 50 No Recovery CONSISTENCY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS WATER LEVELS STD. PENETRATION (Shown in Water Level Column) RESISTANCE CONSISTENCY BLOWS I FOOT V = Water Level at Termination of Boring Very Loose 0 to 4 Loose 5 to 10 V = Water Level at 1 Day Medium Dense 11 to 30 q = Lass of Drilling Water Dense 31 to 50 Very Dense Over 50 He = Hole Cave TERMS Standard - The Number of Blows of a 140 lb. Hammer Falling 30 in. Dynamic Cone - The Number of Blows of a 15 Ib. Penetration Required to Drive a 1.4 in I.D. Split Spoon Sampler 1 Fool Penetrometer Hammer Falling 20 in. Required Resistance (N -Value) As Specified in ASTM D-1586. Test Data to Drive a Cone Point 1 314 in. When Properly Evaluated, it can REC - Total Length of Rack Recovered in the Core Barrel Divided be compared to the Standard by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100 (expressed Penetration Resistance. as a percentage). ROD - Total Length of Sound Rock Segments Recovered that are Longer Than or Equal to 4" (mechanical breaks included) 3 Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100 (expressed as a percentage). " ,.:.s r PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: Dillon Nance 5.4 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day TEST BORING RECORD B-01 DRILLING COMPANY: Ameridrill NOTES: When Sampled Becomes Gray to Black Silty Fine SAND HC 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Auger refusal encountered at 5.4 feet. Boring was terminated at 5.4 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 4.3 feet. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S ut- P:�. U w = = a O SOIL DESCRIPTION w j a a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o~ W J � J Q wo " (Blows/ft) m CD (0 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: 0/0.5 When Sampled Becomes Gray to Black Silty Fine SAND HC 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Auger refusal encountered at 5.4 feet. Boring was terminated at 5.4 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 4.3 feet. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S ut- P:�. PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOC ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: Dillon Nance 14.4 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day = U_ Lu 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION 86 c9 5 TOPSOIL RESIDUUM: Dense to Very Dense Tannish Brown to Brownish Gray Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Tannish Brown to Brownish Gray Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 10 0/0.5 15 Boring was terminated at 14.4 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 12.8 feet. 20 25 30 35 TEST BORING RECORD B-02 DRILLING COMPANY: Ameridrill NOTES: w Lu < J w 0- Q = a w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m 42 86 5 0/0.5 x 10 HC 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S ut- P:�. PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC TEST BORING RECORD B-03 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Dillon Nance 13.7 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB 11.5 feet @ 1 Day ~ o U = 0-0 < J CD SOIL DESCRIPTION w j < w w a Q (0 = a ww " STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m TOPSOIL 28 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Tan to Gray Fine Sandy SILT � 27 5 5 0/0.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes White to Black Silty Fine SAND 0/0.4 10 10 HC ®0/0.2 Boring was terminated at 13.7 feet. Hole cave-in was 15 observed at 12 feet. 15- 20— 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOC ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: Dillon Nance 11.5 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day = I— U_ 0-O SOIL DESCRIPTION 0/0.4 c9 5 TOPSOIL RESIDUUM: Dense Brown to Grayish Black Silty Fine to Coarse SAND, (moist) PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Brown to Grayish Black Silty 5 Fine to Coarse SAND, (moist) RESIDUUM: Very Dense Brown to Grayish Black Silty Fine to Coarse SAND, (moist) 10 15 20 25 30 35 Auger refusal encountered at 11.5 feet. Boring was terminated at 11.5 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 6.9 feet. TEST BORING RECORD B-04 DRILLING COMPANY: Ameridrill NOTES: Driller accidentally augered through 6' sample w < J w a Q = a L 0 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m 34 0/0.4 5 HC 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S ut- P:�. 55 PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes TEST BORING RECORD B-05 Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Dillon Nance 13.8 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB 7.8 feet @ 1 Day I— U = 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w j w 0- = a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o < J < w Q ww " (Blows/ft) m CD (0 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Brown to Grayish Black Silty 0/0.5 Fine to Coarse SAND, slightly micaceous, (dry) 0/0.5 5 5 0/0.5 0/0.4 10 10 HC ® 0/0.3 Boring was terminated at 13.8 feet. Hole cave-in was 15—observed at 12.6 feet. 15- 20— 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes TEST BORING RECORD B-06 Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Dillon Nance 15 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB 12.1 feet @ 1 Day ~ U = 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w j w a = a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o < J < w Q ww " (Blows/ft) m CD (0 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL RESIDUUM: Very Stiff to Hard Tan to Gray Fine Sandy SILT 17 � 24 5 5 38 RESIDUUM: Dense to Very Dense White to Black Silty 34 10 Fine to Coarse SAND 10 HC 64 15 15 Boring was terminated at 15 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 12.8 feet. 20 20- 25— 25- 30— 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC TEST BORING RECORD B-07 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Dillon Nance 13.9 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/13/16 Dry@ TOB 8.0 feet @ 1 Day ~ o U = 0-0 < J CD SOIL DESCRIPTION w j < w w 0- Q (0 = a ww " STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m TOPSOIL 26 RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Brown to Gray Silty Fine SAND 14 5 RESIDUUM: Very Dense Tannish Brown to Grayish Black Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 5 69 He 0/0.4 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Tannish Brown to Grayish 10 Black Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 10- 0/0.4 Boring was terminated at 13.9 feet. Hole cave-in was 15 observed at 9 feet. 15- 20— 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC TEST BORING RECORD B-08 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 13.9 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB 5.5 feet @ 1 Day ~ o U = 0-0 < J CD SOIL DESCRIPTION w j < w w 0- Q (0 = a ww " STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT 7 RESIDUUM: Firm Grayish Brown Fine Sandy Silty CLAY RESIDUUM: Dense Tan Grayish Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND 32 5 5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: 0/0.4 When Sampled Becomes Grayish Brown Silty Fine to Coarse SAND ® 0/0.3 He 10 10- 0/0.4 Boring was terminated at 13.9 feet. Hole cave-in was 15 observed at 9.5 feet. 15- 20 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes TEST BORING RECORD B-09 Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 13.8 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB 8.2 feet @ 1 Day ~ U = 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w j w 0- = a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o < J < w Q ww " (Blows/ft) m CD 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Grayish Tan to Clayey Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 16 RESIDUUM: Dense Grayish Brown Silty Fine to Coarse SAND Nl��5 x 49 5 0/0.3 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Grayish Brown to Brownish Gray Silty Fine to Coarse SAND He z 0/0.4 10 10 ® 0/0.3 Boring was terminated at 13.8 feet. Hole cave-in was 15—observed at 9.2 feet. 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC TEST BORING RECORD B-10 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 14.9 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day ~ o U = 0-0 < J CD SOIL DESCRIPTION w j < w w a Q (0 = a ww " STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT 0/0.4 RESIDUUM: Grayish Brown Clayey Silty Fine to Coarse SAND PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Grayish Brown Silty Fine to Coarse SAND LEI 4060/0.4 5 5 0/0.4 HC 0/0.5 10 10 0/0.4 15 15 Boring was terminated at 14.9 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 9.2 feet. 20 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes TEST BORING RECORD B-11 Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 15 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB 7.2 feet @ 1 Day ~ U = 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w j w 0- = a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o < J < w Q ww " (Blows/ft) m CD (0 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT RESIDUUM: Stiff Grayish Brown Fine Sandy Silty CLAY 12 RESIDUUM: Medium Dense to Dense Grayish Tan to Whitish Gray Silty Fine SAND 43 5 5- 20 22 10 HC 10 RESIDUUM: Dense Brownish Gray Silty Fine to Coarse SAND, with rock fragments 36 15 15 Boring was terminated at 15 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 9.8 feet. 20 20- 25 25- 30— 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes TEST BORING RECORD B-12 Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 15 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB 7.8 feet @ 1 Day ~ U = 0-0 SOIL DESCRIPTION w j w 0- = a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a o < J < w Q ww " (Blows/ft) m CD (0 10 30 50 7090 TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT 29 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Grayish Brown Fine Sandy SILT RESIDUUM: Dense Grayish Brown to Tannish Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND 37 5 5- 31 HC 44 10 10 RESIDUUM: Very Dense White Purplish Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND 75 15 15 Boring was terminated at 15 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 9.3 feet. 20 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: Jeff Black 14 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day = U_ Lu 0_ O SOIL DESCRIPTION c9 TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT 28 RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Grayish Brown to Silty Fine SAND RESIDUUM: Very Dense Brownish Gray Silty Fine to 5 Medium SAND 5 10 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Brownish Gray Silty Fine to 15 Medium SAND 10 63 He Boring was terminated at 14 feet. Hole cave-in was observed at 9 feet. 20 25 30 35 TEST BORING RECORD B-13 DRILLING COMPANY: Ameridrill NOTES: 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S mt- P:�. W = w 0-a STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a Q w (Blows/ft) m J 10 30 50 7090 28 62 5 10 63 He 57 10- 15 20 25 30 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PAC,F• 1 of 1 6,P A.S mt- P:�. PROJECT: Rea Road Townhomes Marvin, NC TEST BORING RECORD B-14 PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLING COMPANY: ER22.300 Existing Ground Surface Hollow Stem Auger Ameridrill LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: NOTES: Jeff Black 14 Feet CME550X (ATV) DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 07/14/16 Dry@ TOB Dry @ 1 Day ~ o U = 0-0 < J CD SOIL DESCRIPTION w j < w w a Q (0 = a ww " STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) 10 30 50 7090 a m TOPSOIL/ROOTMAT 0/0.3 RESIDUUM: Brownish Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Brownish Gray to Grayish Brown Silty Fine to Coarse SAND 0/0.2 5 5— >< 0/0.3 HC ® 0/0.2 10 10- 0/0.5 Boring was terminated at 14 feet. Hole cave-in was 15 observed at 8.4 feet. 15- 20— 20- 25— 25- 30 30- 35 35 DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE #)ESP SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT THE BORING LOCATIONS. A"` ut P DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. WTICel=it.9il 150 145 140 135 U Q C/) 130 w 0 0 125 120 115 110 0 I Brown Slightly Clayey tedium SAND W - Procedure A --SULTS ,y Density 142.8 PCF �r Content 9.2 oda 5 10 15 20 WATER CONTENT, % Zero Air Voids Curves For Gs = 2.8 - 3.0 MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 3475 Lakemont Blvd Project: Rea Road Townhomes ESP Fort Mill, SC Telephone: 803-802-2440 FSP A.-miat-. r.A. Fax: 803-802-2515 Location: Marvin, NC Number: ER22.300 Raleigh 5121 Kingdom Way Suite 208 Raleigh, NC 27607 919.678.1070 Columbia 2711 Alpine Rd. Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29223 803.705.2229 E S P30 ESP Associates, P.A. 1 9 8 6- 2 01 6 ESP Corporate Office 3475 Lakemont Boulevard Fort Mill, South Carolina 29708 803.802.2440 Mailing PO Box 7030 Charlotte, North Carolina 28241 Greensboro 7011 Albert Pick Rd. Suite E Greensboro, NC 27409 336.334.7724 Wilmington 211 Racine Drive Suite 101 Wilmington, NC 28403 910.313.6648 Tampa 5455 W. Waters Avenue Suite 210 Tampa, FL 33634 813.314.2662 Concord 7144 Weddington Rd., NW Suite 110 Concord, NC 28027 704.793.9855 Indianapolis 8673 Bash Street Indianapolis, IN 46256 317.5376979 Nashville 500 Wilson Pike Circle Suite 310 Brentwood, TN 37027 615.760.8300 800.960.7317 www.espassociates.com Lake Norman 20484 Chartwell Center Dr. Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 704.649.2863 Pittsburgh One Williamsburg Place Suite G-5, Box 13 Warrendale, PA 15086 724.462.6606