HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181291 Ver 1_Historic and Prehistoric_9/24/2018 10:46 AMDocuSign Envelope ID: 1F76692B-A80A-41F3-A651-93C69EF34DF0 Project No: WBS No. : Fe�l Aid No: Feder�rl Aroje� t Tracki�eg 11�'0. (LrtenrQi Usef 15-01-0002 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. B-4501 3$392.1.2 Yes PROJECT INFORMATI4N No County: Duplin Document PCE or CE Fundr�g: �� State U Federal Permit I Unknown at this time Pro�ecl Description : Replace Bridge No. 325 on SR 1004 (Ranes Chapel Road) over branch of Northeast Cape Fear River. Project Sength is approximately 2,000 feet. It is unknown if there will be an off-site detour ai this time. Bridge 325 is structurally deficient with a structural e�ahtation of 3 out of 9. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities. results, and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mapping, historic designations roster, and indexes was conducted on 1/20/15. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potentia! Effects (APE). Built in 1970, Bridge No. 325 is nat yet eligibla for listing to the National Register of Historic Places {NRHP} due to insufficient age. Duplin County G1S mapping and property records revealed no other properties over the age of fifly years old that could be considered potentially eligible for the NRHP. The APE lies in northern Duplin County outside of Mount Olive. lt corisists of mostly cleared farmlana, forested areas, and a couple of residences. Therefore, because there are no historic or potential historic properties within the project APE, a survey is not required fQr this project. Wlrv tl:e available rnformation nrovides a relrable basis for rerrsoncrblv nrerlictin.� that tirere are no unidenti�ed significant liistoric arcltitectural or lar�dscrrpe resources in t11e proiect Rre�: HPO quad maps, HPOweb GiS mapping, Google Street View, Google maps and Duplin County property records are considered valid tools for the purposes of detennining the likelihood of historic resources beii�g presenk. A survey is not required for this project. Huroric Arclriteclure and l.nn�Lscape.s NO.SUHl2Y RI•'QlllRfs'D form Jor h9b�or 1'rmispormrian Projec�s as Drrulifred tii !hc 2007 Yrogramnralic Agreement. Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F76692B-A80A-41F3-A651-93C69EF34DF0 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Infa. ❑Phatos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Flans FINDING BY NCDOT AR�HITECTURAL HISTORIAN Histoxic Architecture and Landscapes �� NO SURVEY REQUIRED �.� NCI�O'i Architectural Historian Date Historic,4rci�irectare mid Landsc'ppes NO SURYL7RF.{�lllRliU form for hlina• Transportarion Yrojects o.r Qucrfrfred !n rhe 1007 ProRramnraric Rgreemenf. Page 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F76692B-A80A-41F3-A651-93C69EF34DF0 Project Tracking No.: 15-01-0002 ��,' ' NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM �.,�' ., This farm only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES far this project. It is not [ si � � valid for Histaric Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �'� ` i Histaric Architecture and Landscapes Group. � �M1Yy�`"""+..' `�=�� PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No: F.A. No: B-4501 38392.1.2 N/A Federal Permit Required? County: Duplin Document: PCE OR CE Funding: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: undetermined Project Description: NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge No. 0325 on SR 1004 (Rones Chapel Road) over a branch of the Northeast Cape Fear River in Duplin County. The project was originally reviewed for archaeological compliance and level of effort in March, 2015. The project was then described as having a study area of approximately 2,000 ft. and a width of 250 ft. with greater emphasis to the north, about 11.5 acres. At that point, no alternatives have been forwarded, though the expanded study area on the north side allows for a possible on-site detour. The entire study area was considered the Area of Potential Effects for the project, allowing for multiple design options including a possible on-site detour on the north side of the existing bridge. An archaeological survey was recommended on an "Archaeological Survey Required Form" dated March 25, 2015. Since that time, however, designs have been proposed, resulting in a much reduced APE. The current plans, attached to this form, does not include an on site detour and is also very much shorter, reducing from 2000 feet to 800 feet. As a smaller replace-in-place project with an offsite detour, impacts are contained along the existing transportation facility and no further consideration or archaeological survey is required. The project is state funded, though USACE permitting will be required, therefore Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act applies. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Please reference the project's March 25, 2015 "Archaeological Survey Required Form" for a detailed analysis of soils, topography, and extent of modern disturbances that tend to favor poor archaeological integrity. The form discusses that the surrounding wetlands close to the bridge generally have low probability for containing archaeological resources but points out that there may be conditions favorable to finding archaeological sites, perhaps intact, on the higher ground to either end of the then 2000-ft project length. Since the current length and width of the project has been reduced by more than half, the project APE now contains a large portion of wetland soils and none of the higher, drained, level soils at the creek margins that has higher probability of intact, significant resources. There are no known archaeological sites within the APE. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: As a direct result of a refined, smaller preferred alternative with an offsite detour, the current APE no longer contains much high or moderate probability landforms for containing archaeological sites. Since this will be a replace in place bridge replacement and maintains the same alignment, the majority of the APE has already been disturbed by the existing transportation facility, leaving little likelihood of intact, significant resources. No archaeological survey is required for the preferred alternative. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED "form for the Amended Minor Transportarion Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F76692B-A80A-41F3-A651-93C69EF34DF0 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) � Previous Survey Info ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SUR VEY REQ UIRED ❑ Photos Other: Project Tracking No.: 15-01-0002 �Correspondence 12/14/2016 Date `7Jo ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED "form for the Amended Minor Transportarion Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of2